'plegt-* 4 NOT ICE TO ADVEUELTISEMS.-4.llAtiv cr. t,emcnis, BIII9iIICES Notices, Marriages, ,:eaths, Am.. to secure insertion in the vE LF,GRAPiI, lailltd b tvvaarlably be Se.oolll - with tide (:ASH. Advertisements ordered in the rrtzulai Ndition. ary inserted in the Morn. t og vAition without ,:xtra, charge. ARIt I It t: feG. PA EI'EINO. NOVEMBER 11, 1844, •%V ANb C NTRY th, clown, is tilling an ear i_iesn,ut at Canterbury Music Hall, in this Jty. I= WOREMEN Dave been engageLt at repairing Lbe sewer on Chestnut street, for several clays ast. Tor. valuable real estate of Daniel Hain, Add, located in Middle Paxton township, be sold at public sale, on Friday next, filth inst. I=Cl=l DISPATCH received from Horace Greely, 1 2 - one of our citizens, last evening, says that yew York State gives Lincoln about five thou ,ual majority. 111 Cr of our citizens are engaged in pul ling up an extensive' supply of saner kraut, Icr winter use. Cabbage is abundant, and of tile best quality. "Kraut and speck" will not ue a rarity. inE Adams Sentinel, published at Gettys burg, has just entered upon.its sixty-fifth vol .-ate—during forty-eight• years of which time :t has been published by its present proprie tor, Robert G. Harper, Esq. ATTENTION, I.a . VINC/BLES!—A meeting of the Ilepublican Invincibles will be held at their Hall, this evening. Every member is request ed to attend without fail, to hear the report the committee appointed at a former meet jag, and take action thereon. By order. =MEE ANOTHER Nr.w PL r.—The celebrated Revo lationary drama, entitled TEE KEMER or NEW fEESET, or Tar Paismi HULK, will be perform ed at Rouse's Theatre to-night. This play has never been produced on the boards in this city, and it will no doubt draw a great crowd. Go and see it. JICLELLAN FORSAKEN BY His FRIENDS.—In :mother column will be found the returns of the election in Company B, 201st, P. V., re ently commanded by Captain J. Wesley Awl. :lore than three-fourths of the voters cast ;heir ballots for Honest Old Abe ! Surely, the soldiers are all for M'Clellan "—in a !torn ! I=l THE ClaAzar. CM. —Strangers are " taken iu "in the " City of Brotherly Love." Mr. A. McCoy, of Indiana county, went to one of the Philadelphia houses of amusement, the other night, and in company with two ladies and a gentleman, occupied a private loot He afterward discovered that he was minus a pocket-book containing 5230. Au individual from Chambersburg went into a house in Lombard street, and mile not with $lOO less than lie had taken there. =cc= Two /SAWS Bur.ar.—On last Friday evening the barns of J. W. .Killinger and Jacob Back man, situate in South Annville township, Lebanon county, were set on are, and totally consumed, with their contents. Mr. Fas 'nicht, the tenant on Mr. Killinger's place, lost thirty tons of hay, a large quantity of oats, three horses and twelve head of horned tattle. Mr. Bachman lost twenty head of :Lamed cattle, three horses and a considerable quantity of hay and grab". „, E.A11.110/D ACCEDEVT.-0.11 illeSday, while Sir. Samuel Bowers, of Port Royal, was cros sing the railroad near Mr. Riche's where the election was held, be was struck by the noon passenger train, and thrown upon the cow catcher, with such force as to brake his skull and smash one side of his face. He survived the injury catty three hours. The deceased was a member of the "National Union Giub;” of this place, and quite a handsome sum was subscribed by the club for the use of the af flicted family.--31iddletown Journal. I=C=l COMMERCLU. COLLEGE TO BE LOCATED IN iltivarszuao. —Yesterday we were favored with a call from Prof. Bannister, one of the princi pals of Bryant, Stratton & Bannister's cele brated Commercial College, in - Philadelphia. Prof. B. inforths us that the firm intend lo cating a college in Harrisburg, to be added to the great chain of institutions established by them in all the principal cities of the Union. They already number twenty-five, and the one to be located here will increase the list to twen ty-six. The need of a Commercial College has :vett seriously felt in our city, and we are pleased to learn that one is about to be.placed here. Every facility will be afforded to pupils io receive thorough instruction in all the vari ms branches usually taught iii colleges of this description. A building will be fitted up with all the modern improvements, affording ample means for imparting instruction. ELDERSHIP APPORiTurnms. ,-The following is a complete list of the appointmentsmade` by East Pennsylvania Eldership, of the Church of God, for next year. The Eldership versed .at Newburg, Cumberland county, on. the 26th tilt. Its officers were: Rev. D. A. L. Laverty, Moderator; T. Hatleigh and C. H. Forney, Clerks. ,lancaster—H. L. Soule. 51t. Joy and Maytown—E. B. Thomas. Elizabethtown and Bainbridge —A Swartz. Llfiddletown—J. S. Stamm. Harrisburg—D. A. L. Laverty. Camp Hill and Wormleysburg—J. B. Soule. Shiremanstown—S. S. Richmond. Mechanicsburg—G. Sigler. Claurehtown and Kingston—J. C. Sea brook. Carlisle--B. F. Beck. Newville and Green Spring—C. Price. Newburg and Orrstown—J. Keller. Shippensburg--J. C. Owens. Chambersburg--O. H. Forney. Landisburg—W. O. Owen. Wooster, (Ohio)—A. H. Long. axacirrrri. Lancaster-John Hunter. Dauphin—J. Haifleigh. York, (East)—J. Charlton. York, (West)—J. Ross. Lebanon—G. A. Brickley. Juniata—H. Crone. Flainfield—P. K. Shoemaker. Fayetteville and Adams—C. Away. Washington County, (Add.)—s. V. Sterner. U n i on t own , (Md.)—L. H. Selby. Fort Littleton—P. D. Collins. Morrison's Cove and Stonerstown—S. Flee 81e. %vita Foritiag.-‘l'. Still. =lsms. hatootia,-J. Etiokernell. lrederick County, (D111)—S. Spurrier. venneatown-4. Dud:long. Chaplain of Larteaste; eritlou_and Mow- Tinker. IT is said that a number of little girls, upon observing that - the Copperhead State Commit tee Rooms were closed, one evening since the election, inquired what had become -of . the Snakes, since the "show" had closed? SEATING NOTICE.—At a meeting of the Har risburg Skating Club it was Resolved, That an assessment of two dol lars and fifty cents be levied upon each mem ber for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the season of 1864-65. And all persons failing to pay said assess. inent to the Treasurer or to member of the Executive Committee, on or before let day of December, 1864, shall no longer be considered members of the club. HENRY THOMAS, President. ,Joan A. BIGLER, Secretary and Treasurer. Executive Committee—John H Brant, Dr George Bailey, Henry M'Cormick, James D Daugherty; Alexander Hamilton, F Trace, 1) J Unger, Charles Roumfort, J Russell King, George W Buehler, Samuel Matlack, Samuel T Jones. novll-2t Dauphin County—Official. Below we give the official returns of Dau phin county, exclusive of the soldiers'. vote.— The majority for Lincoln, Johnson and the Union. is 1,139. All honot to the loyal pee ple of Dauphin, who have thus nobly sustained the cause of Freedom and the Right! t 4 ,-"- DisTßlci'vr).7- ---- • --- Harrisburg—First Ward ti Second Ward .. Third Ward. Fourth Ward .... Fifth Ward • Sixth Ward Middletown—North Ward....... South Ward Middle Ward.... Susquithanna Swatara Lower Swatara West Londonderry. Londonderry Conewago Derry.. South Hanover East Hanover West Hanover Lower Paxton...". . Middle Paxton -"" Rush Millersburg Jackson. Jefferson Halifax Reed Upper Paxton Mifflin Washington Lykens . Gratz Wiconisco Uniontown Borough TOTAL LINCOI;N'S MAJORITY AGGREGATE LABOR or• MANEIND.--Along with the compasSion that is excited by listening to a tale of want, there is apt to arise, at that time, a feeling of astonishment that such a thing should be in a land like this. Perhaps, however, the true wonder is that want is not universal. One-half of the race die before they have contributed an iota to the world's sustenance or there own. One-half •of those who survive the period of childhood are women, who do not, as a general thing, con tribute directly to the production of wealth. Of the men, many are sick, many are old, many are lazy, many are idle, many are wasteful, many are parasites. Those who do work, and live to the age of three-score years and 'ten spend one third of their lives in bed, one-twentieth at the table, one-sixth in re creation. Much of their time is wasted in mistakes. Much of what they succeed in producing is swept away by fire and flood. During half of the year nature sleeps. One harvest in five produces a failure. Only a fraction of the earth's surface is capable of cultivation. A large part of the general labor is absorbed in the production of luxtuies, in • repairing the damages of war, in preftring for future conflicts, in the transportation of pro duce,• and in journeys. Probably not more than one tenth of the whole amount of human force is expended in earning the world's daily bread. The standing marvel, therefore, of society is, not that any should suffer want, but that there should b any who do not. DEATH OF SIX MINERS, AND INJURY OF SEVE RAL OTERBI3.—A terrible accident happened on Friday of last week at the Red Ash colliery of George H. Potts &-: Co., near Mineraville, which resulted in the death of six miners and injury of several, others who attempted to res cue them. It seems that on Wednesday after noon the miners made a blast in one of the breasts, to cause a fall of coal. The fire by some means communicated to the combustible matter in the mine, driving the miners out of the mine. On Friday six miners named Thos. Richards and David Williams, Welshmen; Jos. Bearman, a German, andßobert Duffy,Michael Finney and Michael Scully, Irishmen, went into the mine to clear, away the rubbish. Their prolonged bsence created alarm and fear that some ' had happened to them, and other miners sen nto see what was the matter, were prostrated by the noxious gas that filled the place, and were with difficulty dragged alike from the mine. Finally, on Saturday morning, the dead bodies of the six men named above, were found and taken from the mine. The Coroner held an inquest on Sunday last, and a verdict was rendered that the deceased came to their deaths from suffocation. AU of the unfortunate men were steady, industrious miners, and some of them leave. families. Scully was the father of twenty-one children by one wife.—Pottsville Miner's troornai. FRENCH COMPOSITION FOR RE:gonna Iwcaus- TATIONS.—M. Dulrue, of France, has brought forward some compositions for preventing and removing incrustations. These compositions consist entirely of vegetable matters, and are prepared by dissolving or infusing in hot water the bark of the oak and pine, as well as the leaves of ;the sumao-tree ground and reduced to the state of a coarse powder. This infusion is concentrated to a density of about ten degrees Beaume, and to it is added a quantity, say from fifteen to thirty per cent., of cream of tartar and spirits of -turpentine. In em ploying this liquid to prevent incrustation in steam boilers, a quantity of it is introduced from time to time, the quantity required vary ing according to the capacity of the boiler. Three pints of the liquid are generally suffi cient for every thousand pints of water in the. boilers for each_ten days. A sox twelve years of age was arrested in Chicago last week for pocket picketing. Ho was caught in the act. A aquas weighing one hundred and fifty onore k. pounds is on exhibition its Auburn, New Y Ix the southeastern part of Massachusetts, there are 12,900 women employed in bonnet factories. TIEs Smith family, in England, numbers 260,000 souls, and an equal number of bodies. Tile love , of all is but a small thing to the love of QM" A ri=r, so:mg=Trzs dx Tat Court' ROME TInS EVENING.—Dr. A. Crane; of 7!Si3w York city, the celebrated Physician ft , r Con sumption and all (braille diseases, will give a Free introduetory Lestnre, this evening at the Court House in oar eity, commeneing at o'clock, on the Laws of Health, the nature and treatment of diseases, dc. The Dr. it well known throughout our country and Eu rope, and has a high reputation for Wei:dile attainments and skill in treating Consumption and all chronic diseases. He was the first to introduce into the United States the Brompkm treatment for Scrofula, Throat and Lung di seases, and has the highest testimonials of of his ability and success. Go oat ladies sad gentlemen to hear him this evening. We notice that several examinations of persons selected from the audience will be made by the Dr. From the numerous testimony of the press in Europe and America we have no doubt but what all will be highly interested. The Dr. has taken rooms at the Jones House, where he can be consulted for a few days by all persons suffering with Consumption and every form ot . chronie disease. Jun , received, a fine lot of „Potatoes, for sale at one dollar per bushel, delivered at any place in the city. JOHN WALLOWER. noll-4t* TEE CAMELS AIM Comm, NOMA 1-A num ber of camels from the oasis of Biska, in the great African Desert, have Just arrived in New York. It may not be generally known that they are intended as a pioneer line for toting out dry goods from the cheap store of C. L. Bowman, No 1, corner of Front and Market streets. MRS. X. MILLER. TS prepared to.do all widths of French tint ing and Goffering, at No. 54 Market street, opposite klerr's Hotel. no 3 3w 239 111 132 53 751 LATEST ARRIVAL. —The ntuiersigned takes the pleasure to inform the ladies of this city and vicinity, that she has received this day a large quantity of. CLOIKS and 01:11C/U -LABS, ranging in price from $6 to $26. This stock comprises the very latest styles and best qualities, all of which have been purchtied since the decline in gold, and are offered at lower rates than they can be sold by any other establishment in the city. MRS. M. MAYER, Boger's Old Stand, No. 13 Market street. Sept2B-ti THE cheapest and most select fashionable ladies' bonnets, hats, cloaks and circulars are to be found at Mrs. M. Mayer's, No. 13 Mar ket street, between River alley and Front street, (Boger :s old stand.) ootl7-tf Dn. M'llaton's King of Pain should be kept in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhceo, Bloody Flux, pain in the Back and Side, Inflam mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole ageet for the State, S. A. KUNKEL & BBC., 118 Market street, Harrisbuxg. Allorders from a distance promptly attended to. sept2o-tf 3893 5032 3893 FEVER Ail> AGUE can be cured. • Do not tbinks because you have tried everything you could read or hear of, that you cannot get anything to cure you, for you have not taken the pure vegetable that is curing every one that takes it.. It does not stop your shaking for a week or two, but it is a perfect care. A trial of this will convince you and your neigh bors. It can be had only at No. 27, South Pine street, by Mrs. L. Ball. 0ct1.7-tf IBM SPECIAL NOTICES. Fairs and Chiaks, Furs and Cloaks. A large assortment from Now York nuclide. 100 Muffs at $4 00, $4 60, $6 00 an udpwards. Squirrel Muffs at all in Wee. Real Sable Muffs and Colhns, large lot. Beal Pitch Muffs and Gaper cheap. We have now a dock of Furs which cannot be ,iascelled n assortment and price. Cloaks we have a large aSsortment. Cloaks at $lO, $ll, $l2 and all prices. Been Ifni plain Poplins Dom auction. Plain Mown, gra?, purplePiapllns. All kinds of Dress Goo to at all prices. Splendid a.sortment of vidiona. New York Mills, Wamsntra Bleached Muslims. Yellow, rod, white and Opera Flannels. Woolen and Cotton Stockings for everybody. Stockings for laoiet, gentleman and children. Black Bombazine, Black Ale Black Paramatta, Black Persian cloth. Black Silks, Black Silks, Black. Silks. Bark Saks at all pnces. 100 Balmoral Skirts at $4 00, $4 50, $5 00. All on want or Dry Goods, are Invited to our large ett nog • S. LEVI_ Bannvart 9 s - Troches. For the , cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended U. ministers, singers and persois whose vocation calls them to speak, in public. Manufactured only .by C. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisbtun, Pa., to whom all larders should be addressed. Sold by druggists everywhere. Read the following testimonials from souse of our eminent clergymen: HAREISEI7BO, Feb. Bth, 1864. - - C.A. BANNv.kam-Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges, and other preparations for hoarseness and. throat trouble% and, in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable .Specific for public speakers and singera,- in cases of hoarsenes!, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time at need, most 'effectually. Yours truly, T. IL BOBINSQN, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. Mr' I agree with Mr. Itobinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troches. W. 0. OATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. To C. A. Rintivesz—.Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expec torant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public addres ses. Yours, dc., JNO. WALKER JACKSON, Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. Bouiv.utr—Dear Sir : Raving used your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried, and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huakinessof voice, arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, &c., G. G. Tt TIRSTRA.W, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT Apronburr's 011 7 /a 4 Rentasetran, Feb, 29, 18E4.1 To C. A. Basuvenr—Dear Sir: I have found your Troches to be invaluable in relieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They Unpart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great benefit to all public speakers. A. J. MCRIEt. DRIED PEACHES, Apples, Blackberries, Currants, - °harries, &a. at dams& & MAZER'S, not aneessoni to R. Rock Jr., & co. BUSINESS ITEMS. I=l =CM Hmlluentrno, Jan., 1864. NEW -ADVERTISEMENTS. I HARRISBURG,. PA., POST OFFICE. I DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL OF THE MAILS. On and oiler Monday, Nov. 14., DM, the mails win close at this office as follows: NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. NORTH—WAY MA3:4—For all places between Harris burg and Lock Haven, Pa„ and Elmira, N. "i„ at WAY NIA I7 —For ail jilsoes between North- timberland and Scran ton, on the Lacktiwau na and Bloomiburg railroad 8 L For Lock Haven, Wil- Liamsport, Lewisburg Sunbury and Erie, at 9 P. 11, SOUTH.—War MATT Forall places between Harris- burg and Gettysburg, Pa., Baltimore, Md., and Washington,D.C., at ..... 12.15 P. af For Washington,D.C., Baltimore, Md., and York, Pa., at 9 P. ni LEBANON.VALLEY RAILROAD, LAST, —Wsy Mart.--For all places between Harris- burg and Reading, Pottsville, Easton and Philadelphia, at .6.15 A, 2tl. For Beading and Pottsville.... 12.30 P, At. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD, WILT M.A.17,---FOT all places between Harris burg and Philadelphia at 7 For Philadelphia and • Lancaster at 12.15 p. u. For New York, Phila- delphia,Lancaster, Co lumbia.Marietta,Baiu- bridge and Middletown at For New York, Phila delphia and Lancaster E S . —Way Min—For all places between Harris burg and Altoona, at.. For Johnstown, Pitts burg, Pa., Cineinnati and Cleveland, 0., at. For Pittsburg, Holli daysburg, Altoona, Phillipsburg, Tyrone, Huntingdon and Lew- istowit, at CUMBERLAND 'VM,LRY RAILROAD For Chambdrsburg,. Shippensburg, New- ville;Car lisle - and Me chanicsburg, at... .. WAY Mew—For ail places between Harris burg, Pa., and Hagers town, Md., at 12.30 P. y. SCHUYLAILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD FOr Ellendale Forges, Pinegrove, Ellwood, Summit Station and Auburn, at 12.30 P. M. STAGE ROUTES For Progress, Lingles town, Maitada Hill, West Hanover, East Hanover, Ono and Jonestown, on Mon day, Wednesday and Friday, at For Lisburn and Lew isberry, on Saturday, at • • . 12.20 P. M. ARRIVAL OF TEE MAILS. The principal mails arise at and are ready for delivery at this office at the following hours: From the North, South, East and 6A. M. Wed, at 8 P. M • From CusaberlanclNalley Railroad 12 At 4.30 P.M New York, Philadelphia, Lancaster . _ and Middletown, at POSTAGE on all Mail matter must be fully prepaid by sta*ps, before being deposited for MONEY ORDERS will be issued on all the money. order offices in the United States, from AO office ; orders, and information in regard-Io .the system, canbe had on applica tion at the Postqffice... - 01 1 1 1 10 E OPEN DAILY from 6 a. N., to P. sz., exakiptirig Staidays, when it will be open 'from 7$ to 1-e.B al., and from 3 to 4 P. ar. noll GEORGE BERGNER, P. M. New Manual of Thorough Bass AND Text Book of Musical Theory, BY EDWARD B. OLIVER, Principal of the Meudelssohn Musical natant°, Boston. fnHls volume embodies the principal ideas 11 and instructions contained in the elaborate and vo luminous works of distinguished German, French and Italian Masters disencumbered of the great mass of words in which they have been usually obscured, stated in sim plelanguage, and made plain to the understanding of all who desire to know something of the theory sod science of music. This Manual Is the result of more than twen ty years' experiesee In the labor or teaching. It will be found to be the best book that can be placed in the hands of beginners, and for advanced scholars an invaluable handbook of referents. Hine, in cloth, 67 cts.; boards 50 6/1 receipt of width •it will be sent prepaid.. OLIVER DIMON & CO,, robllshers, 277 Washington street; Boston, 0c2,81.ctl AGENCY FOE THE SALE •OF U. S. BONDS AND TREASURY NOTES.—Deposits receiv ed in small sums to be applied to investment in these $5O, $lOO or $5OO securities. Weact as agentain this city, in correspondence with Gov ernment agents, for procuring these securities; especially by receiving deposits of small sums, to be so applied. Interest of 4or 5 per cent. will be allowed on deposits exceeding $2O, Funds above the amount of all such deposifs will be kept in the Harrisburg Bank, and a de posit can be withdrawn at any time by the owner. The business will be solely of this nature, and conducted on a plain, lalr,open and explainable to all, as set out, with the ruicessary information as Mamba seourities,in our circulars . These R. Bonds and Treasury Notes are the safest and most convenient for Investment, bring the highest rate of interest, and can be sold at any time for the amount on their face, together with the accumulated interest, or at a premium. Very moderate commissions wil , be asked. M. MILO - NET & Co., Office Raspberry Alley,. Near the Court House Harrisburg; Oct. 21, 1864.—dtt MILLINERY AND VARIETY GOODS. HRS. .7. 11711115, tb. B:Market fleitirore, Mart Door to Felit's Cortfectionrey HAB just received a new and carefully se. lected supply of Millinery Goods, such as Straw and Felt Hate, Bonnets, Velvets, Feat:em Flowers, Bib bons, Bitches, &a, all of which are 'of the latest style. Also, a variety of Zephyr Hoods, Nobles, Gloves, Stock ings, Collars, Laces. &c., with s full assortment of Dress Trimmings and Dress Patterns, which she will sell at prices that cannot be competed with. Dross and Cloak'making will be promptly attended to under her own direct supervision. octB-d3m. E. C. QOBIN, • ATTORNEY AT LAW Orrica fait T.anto MUT, AZOTS Kamer. sir &auttlea, Penalona and lack Pay collected at legal rate% seesaw.* HAVE VOII HEARD THE NEWS A UGUSTINI LOOHMAN has removed his Ihy Goods store to No. 12 Market Square, nest door to Henry FttlutS, aarriaburg, Pa. noldlm TWAT ko'rl4 'on LU L L - ON BRIGGS STREET. Inquire of JOHN B. BRIM EsN 9 ee9l44f Of BENJ. L. FOBTlik. NEW ADVERTLSEINEENTS. Renoir!) mull Emporium TOWN LOTS FOR ki.A.LiEI T EE PITYPIDELPHIA AND Ett:o3 LAND onpAlrir, chartered by an act of the Legirdature of Penneylvarala otters for sale choice lots for dwellings and imelaces purposes In the 'above new towns on the line of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. RENOVO has been selected as the isle for the exten sive shops for building and repairing the rolling stock of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, of which the Penna. Railroad Company are now lessees. It Is 92 Lanes west of Sunbury, and 198 miles east of Erie. The town is bees. tifully situated on the margin of the west brunch of the Susquehanna river, in the county of Ciinton, and. Is sur rounded by romantic and attractive scenery. The Rail road Company are erecting an immense Locomotive Bound House, Repair Shope for Cars and Engines, Car Mllding shop Iron and Brass Farnaces, and Dwellings fgr the Superintendent and. other Meese. A splendid Hotel, with which are connected arrangements for feeding ers on the most extensive scale, has been com mended All these buildings are of the most permanent and substantial character, of brick and iron, and are in accordance with the immense business anticipated on the completion of this great Railroad, so long anxiously looked for, and now an accomplished fact—the last' rail connecting the Susquehanna river with Lake Erie having been laid on Saturday, July 2d, 1864. A Company has been chartered by the Legislature for supplying the town with gas and water, and the water works are nearly completed. Churclps will be erected immediately. The situation of RENOVO is entirely healthy, and as the dimensions of the town are limited by nature, the value of the lots must appreciate greatly in the course of a few years. -EMPORIUM will certainly be the most important com mercial point between Lock Haven and Warren, a dis tance of 153 mites. It is near the eentro of toe railroad, 47 miles west of Renovo; 139 miles from Sunbury and 149 miles from Erie. It is menthe Junction of the Drift wood Branch of the Sinnemahoning, with West Creek, Portage Creek and North Creek, the Valleys of which streams make it the most accessible point on the Phila delphia and Erie railroad to a very extensive district of country. The moment the projected railroad connecting it with the city of Rochester, N. Y shall be completed, few interior towns in the State will surpass it in b tidiness capabilities. An excellent graded road now connects it with Coudersport, the seat of Justice of Potter county. It Wills° connected with Smethport, the seat of Justice of McKean rounty._, Emporium is the County Seat, of Cam eron county; it ham a handsome Court Hoare, and the Land Companv have just completed a large and commo alone Hotel, which will immediately be opened to the public. The Railroad Company are about to erect a hand some and eat Passsenger Station ate central point near the otel and Court house. The place is healthy, and excellent water is abundant. It is in the midst of one or the lineal White Pine regions in Pennsylvania. As a manufacturing town it has great advantages; coal, lumber, stone, bark for tanneries are abundant, and lie railroad communications with the great lakes and all points of imp ,rtance in the seaboard are unsurpassed. This pare was selected thirty years ago ass point of im portance, and a town laid out with the prophetic name of EHPOKUIS, but the difficulty of access has prevented Its development so entirely that it is mainly known for the excel.enco of hunting and trout fishing in the vicinity. The completion of the Philade phis and Erie railroad must soon make it apiece of great importance as a distri buting point for goods of all_ kinds , and it offers great advantages for persons of rilldemte 'capital who desire 'to identify themselves with the early history of a thriv ing town. 3 F. hr 9 P. AI 12..15 P. M Lithographic Maps of bath towns are new ready, and Mr. GIDEON .1. BALL, General Superintendent, will furnish all necessary Information on the premises, or by letter. Mr He may be addressed to the care of H. P. BUTTER, Secretary and Treasurer, Philadelphia and Erie Land Com pany, No. 20534 Walnut street Philadelphia, or at Renovo, Clinton county, Pennsylvania. W. G. MOORHEAD, Pree't, Phila. and Erie Land Co. H.,P. Reams, Secretary and Treasurer.. oct2l-dSm 9 P. IV FEE Golden Bitters, A PUERLY VEGETABLE TONIC INVIGORATING AND STRMITIIRKING Fortifies the system against the evil effects of unwole some water. Will cure dyspepsia Will cure weakness. Will cure general debility. Will cure heartburn. Will Gore headache. Will cure liver complaint. Will excite and create a healthy appetite. Will invigorate the organs of digestion, and moderately increase the temperature of the body and the force of the circulation, acting in fact as a general corroborant of the system, containing no poisonous drugs, and is The BEST TUNIC BITTERS in the WORLD. A fair trial 1a earnesily isolionted. 7 A. NT GEO. C. RIIBBEL & CO. PROPRIETORS, HUDSON, N. Y. Gentral Depot American Building, be 111TDSOR ST., YORE. For sale by Drageeta Grocers, D. W. U 88 L - CO. Harrisburg, Wholethde Agent. and for side by H. LUTZ, C. Kact dr arc max ye-lows and S. A. KUNKEL. actl4-d/ovt 1117ILDING LOTS FOR SALE. iIIgBEET CHANCE to get Cheap Homes sr OFFERED IN THR CITY. —The anbscriter offers for sate 72 Building Lots,' situate in the Sixth Ward, between Reilly and Colder streets, .fronting on Susque hanna, Two-and-a half and Second streets. Most of them have valuable pear and apple trees on them, bearing the choicest fruits, selected by CoL John Roberts thirty yearn ago, the fruit or which will pay for the ground In a short time. There is also on a portion of the ground a sand bank, above the grade of the streets, containing sand of the beet quality, which will mere than pay for the ground. The location is such that. no drainage is re glared •, the cellars will always be perfectly dry. These lots will be sold below the current price ground is now bringing in this' city, and In fact so 101CIS td afford an opportunity for any person to secure a home. NOW READY FOR SALE AT FROM $12510 $225 A LOT. A plan of the ground can be seen at the °Mee of the subscriber, No. 24, North SEC...ND street. DAVID MUMMA. adraIaSURCF, Felatember 29; [tf ..4.30 P. M CONTRACTORS AND BUI' DERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. triI!UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs public that he has located himself at Hummels town, Paupbin county, PL, where he has the best facil ities for miming lime of the drst quality of stone, of the best quality for mason and plaster works, and is prepared to furnish, in any quantities, lime or lime stone, at the Lebanon Valley railroad depot. Builders, dealers and contractors supplied wit° lime or stone at the shortest notice. Haring ample sidlings and trestle work from the quarries and kilns to the depot, he is always prepared to fill orders, shipping either by rail road or by Union canal, Address , MELIA; 0c214:12m* Itummelstown, Dauphin. County, Pa. AT PRIVATE SALE. —That valuable pro perty of Mtn Mary s. G. Seiler, known as the "Musgrave tr; Griffith . Farm,? , in East Peuxu3borough township, Cumbertand county, on the public road be. tween Bridgeport and Fairview, containing Feventy•six Remand twenty-seven peaches, lately tittered at public sale, not having been sold, Is sow offered at private sale, for a limited time. An accurate draft or the premises can be seen, and full information obtained, by - calling at the office of or addressing ROnERT SNODGRASS, Attorney-at-Law. MEMEMMEZI SHIRT MANUFACTORI GENTLEMEN would do well to call at the subscriber's place of business and be measured for pertect fitting SHIRT& We alto keep on hand a large assortment of ready-made shirts, very cheap. Wainut street, opposite the Exchange. K. RIME. oc3l-11u* Neutral Sulphite °flame, FOR PRESERVING CIDER. 2 ' WARE selling the very best article of ho kind, prepared according to directions of E. II: Hereford, Professor of Chemistry, Howard Univer sity. It is perfectly reliable and free from impurities. Directions accompany each package. KELLER'S Drug and Fancy GOOll3 Store, No. 91 Mar ket street, Harrisourp,. 0c26 A GREEABLY to the act incorponding the .i 1 West Harrisburg Market •House Company, public notice IS hereby given that an Election for nine Directors, to conduct the affairs of the West Harrisburg Market House Company, will be held at the office of the compa ny, in the Market House building, on Thursday afterhoon November 17, 1864. W. K. VEREEKE, no3-d2w Pros't pro tem. TIIST received, this morning, Miohener it U Ca, Fresh Smoked Hams, Beef and To es, at auS6 swrsurs, tc neIinIELBIJIM BAN; Oct. 17;1364. HE annual election for thirteen diavetqrs ITof this Bank will be held at the Banking Rouse, on =day, the 21st day of November next, betweee the hears of 10 a. It and P. N. oetl7-to J. W. WEIR, Cashier. GRAPES! GRAPES! SHIBLER, as FRAZER, have just received 100 boxes fine DUSELLA. GRAM, 6 ponds in a boa, fur $l, OO par WS. Please call and examine. ont2e NEW HOMINY at .11 Enolj SHISLIER & FRAZREVEL FINE GliOCßll.ll7ol of all klads, at Minced pri*. at =SUM ailltaMtli lramy wtoosßY opposite tlai Court WPM IiIIBBELZ NOTICE. AM USNAINNTAI, BRANT'S ITAT,L. BRANT'S HALL FIGHTT,SEVENT - 11 NIGHT OF 'FBZ,FitsszprtrAso- Reuses Star Combination Company, base's Stu Combination. Company, ROOM'S Star Combination-Company, THIS FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 11, 1884. Will be performed 1, - ;r the Ira time In Bartisbcriir : celebrated American Itecolntionary Drezda,' entitled the Miller 01 New Jersey, i 1t i P R•I:~O 1i U L ii To conclude wall THE TWO GREGORIES liertos—On and after this evening, the curtain :Till ris• at hair past 7 o'clock. Da-For farther partionlamme programme . aug9-dtt T. CANTERBURY HALL, WALNUT ST., BETWEEN 2d and 3d Sta. PROPRIETORS BUSINESS AGENT STAGE MANAGER. Open EVERY EVENING, with a first-elaes conapany of Male am! Female artists, Each performer a star. Entire Change of Programme to-night ' GREATEST BILL OF 2/11g SEASON t Third Week ofthe CANTERBURY MiNST.SELA lAiret Night of the Great Comic Act, RUNNING TEE BLOCKADE. Erg Night of the . CURBSTONE WARBLES 3 Kret Night of HANDY ANDY. The Whole Concluding with the Roaring Farce of az HUNDRED DAY MEN'S EFARVEFr Third Week of the Queen, of Sang, MRS. FLORENCE EDHOYDS, Third Week of the Champion Jig Dansueze of America, MRS MILLDIDA KEENE, Third Wreh of the Charming Cantatrice, MISS CLARA WILLIAMS, Together with Jim Flake, Dan Howard, J. C. K. , earie, Ed Haven and Joe Making in allthe Largest and Best company in the city Thursday, November the 10th, first appearance of SAM WELeER, the Great American Clown, Comic Vocal• ist and Pantominest, Admission Seats in Private Boacs 50 cents Doors open at 7 olclock. To commence at, o'clock °all S AN FORD'Sot,HALL MEM company consists of the best Bearpai -1 formers, consisting of SINGERS, DA.NCEnS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, 'GYMNASTS, &O. The managers takes pleasure in announcing that they Intend making this THE Convert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS 8s CO., Proprietor BILLY Pommy., Business Agent. (Treat Attraction ! NO. 13 AHE A DI! MRS. M. MAYER 3 NO. 13 MARKET STREET, Has just opened her new FdLL MIKA. 01. BONNETS, LADIES' AND MISSES' BATS, FEATFERRS AND PLOWERS Also, TEE LATEST STYLES CLOAKS AND And a fun assortment of WOOLEN HOODS; NOBLIS, Gx TRIMMINGS Constantly on hand, besides everything usually bud in the largest furnishing establishments in the country. sep2o J. R. BOYD. P. K. BOYD. i',Al3iNgt iUk.NiTUEE. HAVING COMPLETED OUR NEW AND COMMODIOUS WARE-ROOMS, We offer to the public the largest and BEST ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE To be found outside of Philadelphia, at VERY MODE RATE PRICES. JANUS R. BOYD & SON; no4d3tn] New Ware-rooms, 29 South Second se. CALIFORNIA BRANDY AND WINES FOR. MEDICAL USE. WEDESIRE to call especial attention to the Pow WINE as being superior to any of the kind in market for Invalids. KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. oct2B Valuable Property, at Private Sale. /ME Valuable Property,, corner of Front 1.. and Walnut streets, late the estate of Henry Stew art, deceased, Laoffered at private sale. For further par healers inquire of William J. Steal, on the premises. JAMES STEWART, HENRY STEWART, Executors. no3thl LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE- ; Campaign Efadgen. CAMPLIGN BADGES, of all styles, for kale wholesale and retail at Scheirer's Bookstore, Hirrls• burg, Pa. Country dealers are respectfully invited to call and es amine prices and styles. ocrl GRAPES. AFiNE LOT or CATAWBA AND. ISABELLA GRAPES are for sale at Wiseis trait and coarse tionery store, Third street, near Walnut. Mr. Wise will keep a supply on hand during the sessnn. • estp2l4lF,' BIBLES, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, 0 all denominations, in diffe re nt styles midst, different P rices - at SCHEFEWS - Bookstore,. sea 26 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penna • UNION BADGES AliD PINS, .OP BOTH PARTIES, Ihr sale, wholesale and retail, at SOW WEB'S BOOKSTORE, act? KarrishinE,YlC. EXTRA WHITE WHEAT FLOUR;—"Sei. , lamed White Wheat Family Flour, jag akietie and for rale at Satt3LER & FAA AM' `•"• 7YB Sucoeseoriki IR:Dook, Jr., lid , CO B ASSETS, BASKETS, in great variety. at & FRAZ=„I-1, ._• jeti7 .Bticeosoors to W. Dock. Jr.. &Oak= 1. CROSSE BLACIIMEILL'S. ENGLD3a - PICKLES, rare article fortable me, not readiMk and for sale by 11113BLZR - 4. t.. febl Mammon to Wm. Dock. Jr.. h CIBE et St , t o ir 107 goorwvono• to w. Tkiek, ji - , M [Hoff SWEET OrDp lio 'raj LIN* OYSTER it KEENE JOE 3114.E.R. rum ..25 cents CIROULLII,SI EZ3