THE TELEGRAPH 1151 MUM= MORNING AM EVENING, BY GEORGE _BERGNER. OFFICE VITRO ST., .19UR WALNITE. ".'ERNS OF SUBSORIPTION, !ENGLE SUBSCEIPTION. Tim Pin , / TILIGRAFR 18 served iO . iiabscribers, in the etty at 12% cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be ,barged sti 00 in advance. Those person, Who neglectto ,;ay Is advance will be charged $7.00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, fax 1413)02.0HW also pUblished weekly, and Is furnished subscribers at the fbilowing cash rates Slagle copies, weekly, Three zopies to one Poet Office Tau copies to one Post Office MEDICAL DYSPEPSIA. A Cure Warranted. Dyspepia has the following Syfaigaais: Ist. .A constant pam or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity.. 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Mot= and Depression•or Spirits.' sth. Diarrhcea; with, griping. Cth. Pain in all parts of the System. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough,. with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. 10th. Less of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. walking, with Headache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. Out of the thousands (Teases of .Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them.bas Ailed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every ease, no matter if of twenty years' standing. sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second streeq Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and-con sultations free of charge. Send for 'a circu lar. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail;•free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA; I, Emzerikru BneksoN, of Brandywine, Del., formerly , of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and a half 'I suffered every thing but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker: or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became' so costive in my bowels that I would not have ct:passage less than from four and often eight un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not hear my husband nor my own children; every thing appeared to be horror-strickert to me,•• I had no ambition to do anything; lost'all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I felt that 'I was doomed to hell, and. that there was no heaven for me, and 'was often tempted to commit . euicidei so near was my whole nervous system de stroyed, and also my mind from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that myfriends thought best to have me placed in Dr. Kirkbride's hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was'a little better, but in a few days my dreadinlicton plaint was raging as bad as ever. Haathig4 the wonderful cures performed bY Di. Wis. hart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to him, He said he had no doubt he could cure me. tio in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digestmy fired, andlelt that my disease was fast giviug way, and I continffed to recover for about three , utonths, and at the present time I enjoy . perfect - health o(body and mind, and I mciatemoarely return my thanks to a merciful God 'and Dr.N.Wisr hart, and to his great American Dyspeps4 Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature gra% All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing to do all the good I can for suffering hu manity. ELIZABETH fiItANSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Cheater, Delaware county, Pa. Da. WISHABT'S Office, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia. ' •. • • DYSPEPSIA 1 DYSPEPSIA! WISRART—I have been a constant sufferer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during which time cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There were times when the symptoms were more aggravated than at others, and then it seemed it would be a great re lief to die. I had at all times an unpleasant feeling in my head, but latterly my sufferings so much increased that I became almost unfit for business of any kind; . my mind was continually tilled with gloomy thoughts and fore bodings, and if I attempted to change their current 'by reading, at once a sensation of icy coldness in connection with a dead weight, as it were, rested upon my, brain • also, a feeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, and great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the continual fear of losing my reason. I also experienced great lassitude, debility and - pervousness . ,.which monde it difficult to walk by day or sleep at night. I became averse to society, and disposed only to seclusion, and having tried the skill of a number of eminent physicianii of various schools, finally came to the conclusion that, frir this disease at my present.age (46years) there was no curie: In existence. Rut, through the interference of Ivltde Providence, to whore I devoutly offer my , thdriks, I at last' found a sovereign remedy is your Dyspepala Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to have. effectually removed al mostthe last trace of my long list of ailments and bad feelings, and In their place health, pleasure and .content meat are my everyday companions. , . „ JAWS Ebitl/WFad, z No. 4168.NOrth Second street; : • • Formerly of 'WoOd, ,bitry, N. J. Dr,,Wistutrt's Office No. 10 North Second street, Pinta delphis. • , A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA HUY WHAT KR. JIM H. BABOOOIt BAYS. No, i.1.02S .OLIVE STBKET, Philadelphia, January 22d, 1863. Do. yirisuptr—Sir:--It is with snuck pleasure that I in now able toinform yob :that, by the use of your great American Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of th a t, moat distressing corn' tit, Dyspepsia. I had been erioviously afflicted for , thel ast twenty-eight years, and u far ten years of that time ave not been free from Its path one week at a time. I have had it in its worst form and have dragged on a mostmiserable existence—in pain day and night, Every kind'Of. Pod that I ate filled me with wind and pain, it twittered not how light, or how small the quantity, A - behtlifued belching was sure to follow. I had no appetite for any-kinds of ' meats what ever and my distrers was so great for several months be fore I heard of your Pills, that I frequently wished for death. I had taken everything that I had heard of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit; but on your Pills being recommended to nao by one .who had'Aitee cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial, althougA I bad no faith in them. To my warellehment,' If:Oiler myself getting better before I had taken one-fourtVot t box, and after taking half a box I am a well man, ani can eel anything I wish, and enjoy a hearty meal three timer a day, without inconvenience from anything I eat' or drink. If you think proper, you are' t liberty. tit:Make this public and refer to inc. I will cheerfully give all de sirable information to any one who may call on me Yours, respectfully, JOHN H. BABCOCK. For *OA Dr. Wisharta Medical Depot, No. 10 North Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price' One Dollar per box:"Heathy mail, free of charge, On receipt of price: ' DYSPEPSIA I DYSPEPSIA 1 ' .: , ' . I, Samuel a Haven, have been a great sufferer With og ree i s peas, aid Inflammation of the Kidneys for three yes ii` I employed 11/Maur four of the meg etni tent ph,,mclans 01 Phlladelphitio* otfturlington soupy N. J. They di all Ibe me they-oeuld4 - bit ante 1,0 Vera lalsie.:.l,v es s co . •;__J tilled with awl* pain anti die- Lassa, end with eq .. • . nrrilD 4 wfid,led aoar- y{ My taupe wa s .. . • * O lll/ 9 * •• S'eentitig of - sawn until It smok e d i n iguier . ~ . -1 !!latur-ivas .dreadrully sorer Obil 1 °Mime! Wished for , ~.- th. 4 07 relieve me of mY sufferings, for I bad lost all hope of ever being well again. I made it a subjiid of: prfiyef to tbat he would, ill's,* rue to Soma pliyilknitn or .0i l W 8 I 4 an 111% 1 vas told to Tani au itt Ilt - . '1 , . ....$1 60 ..,. 4 00 ....10 00 BY GEORGE .BERGNER. JYLEIPICAL. . - - Dr Wishar's in the - Philtuiellohla Letitia., of a . peat' cure made upon. Mr. John . Babboe of 102810 live street, Phila delphia, by the great Ameriesur Dyspepsia :Pills. I went to the Doctor's Ogi . ce., and awed myself under b treat ment, and told him Who failed hi' cure me, It would bathe last s:4ll:kt I4eurd , terike. Ithanheen six weeks since I commenced the use of his isedielne, and lam now a Well Mal; free from all pain and distress and can eat three hearty meat's a day with comfort, feel perfectly well. Dr. Wishart, I want you to publish my* case; as I. every poor dyspeptic suffering as I. wasitricallois me, and . I will tell them of -the great cure I. havilreceiired.from your invaluable medicine. SAN= D: HAVEN. Corner 'Penang° and Lambert streets bearßichinond street, formerly from 'WrightstOWN - Iltrlington county, N _ IL L • • - The ruseve . arelt few among' the° imonsands wide!'" this, great remedy his:saved• from an Mitithely grave. We bars thousands of letters fromi l ysichiptand . drug- Sista who hive imes6ribed'and sold m e a.r.COrdial ; iiying thatthey have , never used-or sold a • edietewbleh 'gave, suctrinaiversed.satlafaction.. •.• t.. • • Trepezed orily,by the proprietor, • . . . SR L Q 0. WISIIART, No 10 Neill Second street, Pfiltadelp - nla:Ta. Sold by Drugglet4 bverywhere - BmjylS-nott,datw , , liAaimistatO BANK, to-- —October 12, 1864. Amoult of the §to,okholaers of this Bank '-"brill; 66 . held at the'booldiglociob on Monday, the 14th day of Novembeenekt, allO o'clock a. at., for the purpirse,of taking into consideration, and deciding on the .qUestion whether or not the said bank shall become an .Amticiatfon fbicarrytnron the busitiOsioflanking tinder the Laws of the United States, and :of ?exerolsing the powers conferred by the Act of, the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, 'entitled , qtrinet enabling the Banks of this Commonwealth to become associations for the purpose of banking under the laws of the United State', approved the 22d day of August, 1864.' By Order of Board of Directors. J. W. WEIR, Cashier. ! 0rt,12-4d _ . SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY lAM happy to offer to the public' a Jaw and splendid assortment or SUPERIOR 'GOLD PENS, manufactured by 0. • i LEROY W. FAIROH.T.LD. • " These Pens ire well finished; thistle, and will give es ; tire satisfaction. ' PLEASE TRY THEM.. • SCHEFFEW'S BOOK STORE, - Second street, opposite Presbyterian ohra, Harrisburg Pa NEW. PHILADELPHIA . 19 I ' GROBr Ell 2 NEW'RLOCK, '. Market Street, Harrisburg. : ; g LOP PI YARPTY .E.M.XLES rseaioseszic OLO-,9E'-H'B;AN'D -0 'LED 11 , L A R S; AND FINE SPRING SHAWLS Will open on the tof April Almanacs ! Almanacs 13 A. E ''S English and German Lancaster Almanacs,. for the year 186 5 . • For sale, by the gross, Dozen, or single,'st Selkehl Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Herrisbnm, Ps. -Se 13 CP INT DT 3E, 3EL S. • . NEW EATING AND DRINKING SALOON!. Walnut street, between Third and Fourth. • Winos, Beer and the beat quality or liquors constant" on hand. A share of the public patronage is respeictrillr solicited. [oo3d6rn] JOHN DONNERf . . Very Convenient. JACOB TAUSIG, S pleasure to inform his friendii - and ra l etomers. and the public -in general, ilita , lie , fian opened a wholesale ana retail Variety, Natussteitailfate• etry Store, .N 0.10536 Market street, above Eby 4--E - 40tyl's Building, Harrisburg, Pa, It would occupy a great amount of space to enumeapts the articles composing my stock. The pathos* willfind, through my experience of thirteen yearn in the,busiriess, that I can sell goods equal to the jobbers in the Eastern cities. sept26-dem* TREES U . TREES 1 ! TREES! ! ! THE UNDERSIGNED will oomxacnci3 planting Shade and Ornamental Trees, Vines, and such Fruit trees as are fitto plant in the Fall. J. MISR. i P. S.—Persons -who were famished • with trees last Spring that were.warranted to grow, can have the same replaced that missed. Locl3] J. MISR. ' VERN FINE ; INDEED! /PO our fine and extensive`stook of Photo,- A. graph Albania • and grriapii 'ODA Pictitree,'we have added a BEAUTIFUL .ENVELOPE for the reception of card pictures. They must bescumand willbe admired eorPhotogriplefiteuPPlied iaCthe eery lotreat whole fade priew, amktlisie Fara printed upon them for gl thcailial4 vklidTetele iOid•rdta . j • may:24* :I.IICIiME 'Penh, trktittida_dvikci . : se- Ng, lected 14;gcgtinpilt, lust, rireivAci,_ of the latest style! jylit '; ' • tit:Arta & KOERPEE. QA.l'l3AGQ l Aiglish Dail)+, Pine Apple, linfr la mei Out mict YorkStateCheeseus, Aptrr received • " • saus& i . 11100081101.8 to ' W; Dock. QTR.. ikUO. Ife tt .1 . , : 44R. , .., . T BLOQ : 11:-. • • - 1 -- ~- i A ND AQP . b . 7 . 4 - , =El.` ;-‘ .s' e ~*)E, .cm. silo it ' - - wEierms 16, • : ToSS, octi - -21 South Second street, Harrisbrug, Pa. N EW B B SHOULD/4 •• • ". DAYS OF SHODDY .Inat received at IdaISI SC/LEFT/EST BOOKSTORE. pm= lirlariEGA2,•,--Eurel Oidar Vine* y bePoyght taT•the . li Ilr 'Min% 971MBIBItt; • ,ir.:119.7 1T..i.3. 1. %,1`,'.f.ii.,..z.: I a 4 , .50 DO a- . .. i tauccilsvp i glai iire . .no Es Alfil ' . COW Ohcie H oar, tliii ir M ITZPIeIs;* 'Walnut!' and onions. To Wiz 6,lyd'rtall y MUSLIM as MO" w) , - ' '"liiicusuoveto W. Doak, Jr.,* Oo . Imam -; ,i -.-. . . ... . . " : , I -•S . k —N 0 W . ...., . ~,,.... .. D- :0 V - liic? —Welmter :.x HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY E NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: When will Wonders CO,Atse THE -GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD ! DR. McBRIDE'S : KING ;OF ~PAIN: WILL cure any ache .or. pain- ill , front One, ~ T to sixty t.,.•• .: .•- ' •,1 2 ,' ' It acts like, me& upon the , !absorbent &ad .gland 'systems, reduhlint ewellingsand tegulating the secretions and excretions. It is Of a diffusive, penetrating -natiire; exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre of the nervous organism, thence diD , Aptlexectictl, Its:Pm/It is felt 'throughout the entire systeno,rentoring the,clicu latingtluids and checking diseasewn!infineiblestrength. TILE KING OF FAIN; IS - INFALLIBLE ! No matter what the pain, apply the medicine: and you will.find instant., relief. It is an blternal =ldt:external • ' THE KING OF P ~, .. .; Cures almost instanteneously, Headache, .Eari ° _,....,„che - Neui raigia, Deafness, •Sore-Threat, Colds; Mionchlat AnLVICmi Astiuna, Dyineski,'Diarrhma,,Dysentexy,or Bloody Flux, Liver Complaint, Eldney Disease, Dlamsesof Mobllladder and genital. Organs,' OraMp, Cholla, kind..alf Oki ‘painaileve'r and - Ahne,llllllll,llinisesi; Cettle,',B ;a nd tz g z Wounds of every deicription. ' It proves itself , asthe testimony or thousands prnveitemeritorieuliwer I Sold, Wholesale and retail, by. , . II - , :L, l• ! S. A. 11.17,1 , 11 M, drugglatS, 'Sole Ueldei ' - ' - ' 118 Itaiketetreet,'Harrieburg. i • ' c SOLDIER& READ! - • ' The following letter front a soldier, reference to tha efficacy; powerful restorative , . qualitities of agt. XCL 13RIDE'S R ING OF PAIN, speaks for itself : : , t , „ ; I NEwvera, Croonsafrorcitwrf,l' . ' . •- -, ,' . , SePt. 14; 864. .. j , Messrs. S. ..4. ' Kunket &Ste., drepoirti,Hatrristairgj Fe. ,I Gloms :-I would infor,m yen that I recelvedthebtittles or Noßride's Great Pain Biller, and enclosed please find live dollars more for which send me five bottles Additiett al to-morrow. I leave--for-;camp to-morrow. Let me know whether.yett. pl y me with Wain the army. I am its , Critopartylf,V, entrPi V '.11." lihave been la very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the one-dollar bottles have cured me completely, and have made me feel like 8,M1L8,. ,: Besides, I have cinad.a n 'ber'of Iny contfades of faiths diseases Made& arca life, and can recommend it, to be the best medicine t soldier can provide for himself. Yours respectfully, JOS. E. WHITE. - rgir All orders from a distance promptly attended to b S. A..N.I3NXEL & BRO. . . • • ; ••, . , :.; , 2 i . ,A. ,11.03kE CERTIFICATE..,,. ,• , i Earri The sb f u oll rg ow : in g ce rtificate is from a well-knowia citizen o f . .. , ' ' ' ILtrutisisiairiArie Eii,..16d4. I To TEE PUBLIC I-rt, gives me great ideasavi tb recom mend to the public the medicine, propartnamt.J J. L MAME, which ho calls the , 1E.,1N0 OFF P !., ." I Writ inditced to nee ' t at'an'extenial remedy tbr a ''''''''' ;it relieved Immediately; And subsimiientlyourtita (marbly!. Its success induced me to use it internallY - Wtharrhies, . with.which I was, afflicted in a chronic, form NT r . nearlt eighteen titoritha, and to sitch an; eitelit lllat •liiiTiodney e were seibtlisir derdegee-The niediethe liter - eared ni and certainly thatls sayingairwitlfiatilinitst fairorf *heft reflect )tow many other remedies „Ijaied without ekperi =icing anything but temporary relief. For .py Patt., a / shall always keep a supply of it in m,y !;'lake; believing I do that it Jut :Most invalnablelataily Medicine. , . . . . DANIEL E. WIL T. . ' _ Thd unexampled sal.' • of. this-medicine toicnielf-kt :tir b Ate most .wontlerfal discovery . of , thelage In lhc. Med i The undersigned are the sole agents for the : S!,sito,9l will supply it wholesale and retail.. ;,,.• r . . . , ' .- .; S. A. maim liao., Dr • sepls] 113 Market street; Mar ug r i rreg: -._.• - PEIPIErjr.4 I , .' , DAIL , ~,. .A 0 1„ BwxwEINN PEEEkirtta . . „:1 - , 1 , Lock Hairk;',Tersey 'Short, WilliiiitipKlnim. . cY, 1 / 1 11 900W11, ~ IFat,saltoW4-1 9 1611 i LowliburgilAirttoberland, -qua: ,, ; . . . Viry; 'TreVirloni l litergitOri '' ' 1 . "_•-_,_ .. ,-.. . .1•.,. ...,...,. J • , 4koistinph l 4 l leolAirt u_i_46.10,.,..,,,,t, .. ~t. ! AND HA.KM&SBUILG:-u f.:i_ - ' The Philadelphia linnet beingl.piA . trelic, linsaleo4 "drayage will be at thilowest rates , , - The- Conductor. . igi? through-'pith each:train to attend'- te tkir safellelltr4 all goods intrastate the line,, - ;:'alluelbrdelifered.igt&Walle- Dot.• of WILTIO. , E. , BUMIIi - i.e3.2.Y.ltalkeitAirBOt 111110046(N bki , 0111 " k 1 !* *1 1 .?4,be, de#Yer,. 4 4 1 4)1 risburg the - next morning. , .. ~ , ~... ~' , ,r freight Always as Low as by MAY 0,310 ,i:: , ..: . : - ':.'Lin;.. •, . ... i• , . f i JOB. :MONTGOMERY dc CO., 1 Philadelphia and 'Beetling Pivot, i 1 0 421 - ti . _ root 'oF Market : Street , muTOPPIT. i imar2l-dly OANNED kIBUITS OYEVIDRYDESCI TON, SAUCES Of all theoelebratedminsfearaireri. BARD W, OLIVE OILS IfirstiaD '3 every description. • Also, BROWN STOUT, FINE TEO, COMMA SINAI and SYRI:II' qf all grades andprices and the 4.34,1140 etobk liuteiderofThiladelphit. ' k , Ali goo4 . im'guaranteed , ag . rerireselitiut _ ' -`• , Particular attention paid toad orders [roma distance. 1 Goals carefully packed and delivered, toll M iro city tree of charge. SMEAR. & , mpfi onoteosorz to W. Dock, ' • s NEW lacumit..)iereuz: . ... ' ITBIPORTAZTY, Tg. LORDS - AND OTHERS .-*-The Underifig*Loffere at whidarak, tb the trade, a ehoicelot of -the Watt lionert evert ht to Harrisburg, viz: Prench,;Brolediesi: ifoiland, Gins, , 0 , 1 /risk Bourbon, Whesd wad .Old "41yol Whisky ; .k• • and Domestic Wines, such as Chammuu, aiard4 7 4fa i fie. All liquors warranted, as - represented._ 'Ana) . and others will find it: to their : sdvantage to call and 0 - *Mine the assortment at .the ntorw, on South ••Second street, two doors below Chestnut, „ : ! my27,dem . GEORGE WINTE RS IMINE ROMANO .SHERRY, - imported Ju 1848. Warranted the Finest Sherry Wlneln thlp eon D try. For aide at 81118LIIR. FRAMER.E I . twee • iimiir•feese - te - Abet' Doak Iv k ; MESS .- SHAZi• and t , F6MACS. E NEW MAC EREL, just received, at jylB , . H9YER & BOERPBR. 11\TEW FISH.—New No o . 1 and 2 Haekerei 1.1 in barrels, half bartela and kit*, and by the pound, at Janne] A & FRAZER. IMXIMA. • FANCILY FLOUR, and CORN j 124 HEAL always on hanil, of the beet quality, at t 8 BOYER & KOZRPEIt. ALMON.-Fine salt Babnan, at - • S: was• • ,88I8LER & lERAZZIL C AMPAIGII ORpE and for sale by S ' TM! I HALL BOHRMAN, se2B-6t 606 Cherry street, Philadelphia INTINDOW BASH FOR SALE.-168. lights] 9x14, weliseasoned. Inquire of - G. S. BENDER, At Zieder's Liquor store. Market r .; t 5e294 * ANB"ySUPPLy.FRESH SAIrjgEL HAS, 1 , 01 ; ' to - Dorii ; •a c 0 6 • • " NEW kJ • ORE YON_. - FMcbfk 2 iT'LILK,4I.)..PENCIUS, Af i Soheffer e s Hookstiro ' :10..NGIA/SXI ZZEAKFAST TEL-Lib:eV* Vlup chest of Eighth Bieaktbsit Tot 4 SIEMER & WRAZIR {sags to ;tlfm Jr.')' . . . AFACE I / I .oUL i ply s Mie4eneestielebrfi susYq.. 4E4PriOd Deor t .atJ. - rt • .-Aanik - ag XON.- IWCONOMI-Xll3B taik.e , tw-tv Aa huh let tlittooning, at e7= IrP 4t t flopt6 , - 80, atjanifent E-uogsTERS' BABILETa4MO Alkw . JIM ur, suciagiotato li r dDbakai,:•&tikAlbrOlthit* 35 dozen hickory baskets. Prim $6 601:ser. - dostivr. t rl VIIMSE.--Ohrgoe nor, ma effle., Just Vilbalved as Dile) ilialllll`6lcogaPEß. I 749741000URPER ES The JrLiVstone :State SECURES' THE' ARCH OF 'FREEDOM! • .!; - T. • • renniyiiairia Greexiiig in , Favo of tie Unit) •.? _L:. • alo 30 000 aro By t 4 FOR LINCOLN A.Nb JOHNSON IMIM A i4e Atop,*- : 3 / 47 -‘' l top. press y1ia 7 . 73 .,ni. o_rn . l. in& we /axe no.tbne.44.oliter AnOn 'eXtendecl review of the election held yesterday. It - fs kagracienffor us to know and to announce tto our readers, that the re-election of Abrahat Lincoln is not merely a triumph—not merely an overthrow and defeat of a political oppq nent, but an overwhelming, brilliant, glen° ' and complete ' success; { 'Ey, which , treaso I and it's: liellish sympqtntens have ' be t forever defeibted.. In , thin grand success, Pe - .sylvania has done 'hei, full Ware. Her lo peoplelave increanik, :4 to so 4to r Aer it out orkikr4_ ~ :,*ticovagy, ,-: I coin on the resident and noldiers' - vote owl, bined, will not be lesk-thanihirty thousand! PHILADELI'IIIA. ' - ' 1 - Eleven wards show Union gain 924'; ,S4t4IF majority will be ten thousand. ;, Reported returns from. Net* York - cept one dtstrict, give Democratic - ma dri 33,707., • Teritli'ward, Union, 1,461; Union giall 256. Twelfth ward, Union, 107 ; 'Union gam 20. Foutteenth ward, Union, 1,155' ;Union gain 229. Fifteenth ward; Union;' - '10:14 ; ; 'Union gain 218. Union majorities--Second ward, 172 ; gain. 62. • Ninth; 257; gain 17. Thirteenth;, 826;* gain 146. Sixteenth, 25; gain 6. ' Demn-. cratic majorities—Third ward 236; Union 33. Fourth, 1341; Democratic gain Fifth, 135; Union gain 162. Sixth, ;it Union gain 79. Eleventh, 215; Upioh'_fo* 358. Seventeenth, 1114; Union 'gam - 20--' Reported returns from all but two wardk10:8::: Union majority of 10,200: Union nnijrl4l-' ties-First ward; 1929; gain 60. RigiiteVith, 1,375;.gain 269. Nineteenth, 151; gain 44;i- Twenty-sixth, 767; gain 123. Union majority in the Twentieth iviird'99sl; a gain of 203. Twenty-third ward Union mom , jority 400 ; a gain, of 11. This completerr4he nity, making the Union majority usp., DAUPHIN COUNTY. Harrisburg—First zmajok ity 68plastieleetion 81. L •.; q;. ;I • fl,;. Second ward—Lincoln 11 majority; Denm r , cratio majority last election 14. Third ward=-M'Clellan's majority ; lelst election 4C •" ' ' j • • I Fourth' iii4 7 d.' Y rejaliO'iikl k &i 'hist - • •‘ 1, fth-Wax•lL-Llildolnlajiii4.o,g4;hisichic -B§l3. 24," ' '' l, -E••• • •• dt , , _ Math waild-11. s nv4oity . s2; Lincoln , gain - 6.' ''''! , Susquehanna tOthis) ll l 3 7 majority 180;1ga - election 155. ' • •majOiltY 0 election 4,7 i, ' • • • , j , .• ‘• ..'J: Detliy= 'ineoln'ts Me .jotity Mr gam 01., Ettit'Lli4dOrideiTY - o: 4 iveCtigiton of T for ihR, "' •. ' :41 ' • 1 6 : 8 E 4 / I kb iiieW."Union gaifi , Millersburg gm! Union majorit,tl . of 22: • . 1 '• - " • • - ' • • •-•— trptl'eil l aitirV r iciwiiship giVes: 18 majtaility for M. Clellßi; gain 058; ' • ' c • Lower FrOatai.t,.gives a Union majority 1. 1 105; Union gai n of • Halif4 tgiviJe. atlNgslllian t! Majority of Union , gt i nti • • • PRANkfirt( COUNTY. • • chP:mbersburg 'giros a Union majority Okt. " . UNION COUNTY, • Glves a Union majority of about 460: At the last election the Union majority Vas 301. „Fia4343.opi t rzar i,.. l .. Gives Lincoln eight thourkind rnajlt ity; a gain 0f,.p,000. , „ _ 4ABIS - COMITY Gettysburg gives 80'inajorik for imaco4u. New Oxford gives Or'Majorit'y for arOicti tan. Gettyabiirg-- - -Oriticiiiiia.shows a Union wain of 23. r.APIIIO 'NA BK,c3AUNTY. •, . TPvi n caii 110 milliner gives - • 'ty for. Drelellairt. , woo) major]. • • Igr .‘"'" a -u on 'majority 110,, a ,•! Hanover borojio,Uni on gpiER comMl4Wo-. stetbows a of 60 .0 ; 2a• trnion ' over - ,15 i ibis • „500• • fain - over 400. is vouNTy. C l ita M hie:Majority; a kias-of. 20e.r.*: 77 ‘` ' likralka/iON ,Col:=.-.: IrlAi. tiwcwitrd; riebtua*lrrciuglL givet 98 m Lingalni a gain ThatftlYagevaßPenzaatafialEA9 ornwa vvOiszA.,Peio °ratio gain of 7. .' . .,.•,i..,...-t i c:. • i- ff.; , = Swatoint ioNrwt . I t iAtpg* 209 ma jprityo7,l4o,n gain. 42. dived abokit 1';027 Union 'inalforliti::' Union! 611, TlitilD3EilLAND - bolllsT i rt NiSzthttinberleaa , lioiongli ;gives 28 maierityi for - , Rion!. itoy4s . hip -gives 115 •()r the Unkrn.., Point 4 forlleCielhtn. SuritittlY girtes 138 for the trident: ` - ' I iVASTNIOItgIiAND COUNTY. ' The Denlocirailiel niajbriti estimated at 2,200...: , . .NOATHAMPTON • QOUNTY. FreerosuisbriN,gijegA'Clellip l 0 major {y, Demooroitic gun 7. ' • • • Three .wards-of Eavtiiicsho* a-Union wit of 37. , , • 13 r).IT- A Pn i g % Saxton .1434 aimeratic ma ioriV;3;449-1110i4icki , , 1 i.—,..1441 . 015We1t POUNTY. Seventeen iliotricts,,inelw.ling the city, giv jo;Jiiii r M gain of 544:' . The Majority in t, county isralli4 kgagtioni. -•- • - Lancaster city, Deinootatic majority .1 Democratict gain 541 Eight 'mil districts show over, 200 Union. gain; , large Union gains :thronkhout nit? 0AX11.11.14. COUNTY.: Frardrii/A township, Union piajoritys; Unica?. gl4 " l: ` U E;RW:COtliat. " Mriii-I;emifity gives 'Aneroid 284 majority; :Unioa.gaim 85' : Qt ,ei:A9wnships gi-Y0 "Union. gOlis• • 0:1.4491EF4TY-.o o lThinc. lITTEIIII/11414QV. kriegkoliY on - hoi)2o Nilte gibes LinbOl4 eight'to nine thin:wand- ifiajerity.' - • - The soldiers•will increase it to over elev. A9Ftsand• . • ~ 1 - ineolrestnajority,in the city will eceeeil ten,t4eneen4l,,ft , gai l lk of 0x9Y. 3, ..4 0 w46 3243 41 - • 1 , I.I , TIATA cpuNint... . ._ • arifflin bbrongli 6 maiority for 11`CleTteri Union gain - of' 10. Fermium& townsliiiall ittsjOlitYlotLirteOht ; Uniontgain of 11. De - , awaroloVMslaip 71 for Lixteillri ; T.lnic . n.F,gain qf 16 5 Walker. . to7 - mffiip .21 for Lmcciri; trpron, gain of 3 . IfTCOMING COUNTi". - " Willituivort gives OTT:lnion majority. 1 BRADFORD COMITY. 1 Troy gives 68 UmMi'majority. . . i S ix , e r BERK.,,S COUNT Y. ' - x **Oda in`lllea•llllggive - a`l:lMou gain if . One West Reading--Lincoila 117 'intriailty; Union gain 23. , - ~:, ' ' ,- soraThaarox,.,o6:lX# i 114°J , , .$l4/ 3 4.Ritts, • . 4 440 - bei- , • ~‘ - - ' • re%Tri: • °Yr. 1. - ljtii?? l '?121'51.1241 .L-J•,:CARBON COUITTIL • • cit;a:l7nidS ~-,1 )•, - - " _ The soldiers in. Camp: Curtin voted as fill , . iOWS, MU: BrOlellan -Majority for .. BY TRESUSQU tral'lNA - "rallE• ' I A Tiniorigain' of q boroughin'thborough of Will' liamslibY TJUicai &Ain' Ockbiling - Oft .13,54 • 350:' •, 'Unioqn 2 ' 514 Union. Brinbtry gives . "Upper Augusta bownsidP; Nottlitunbeiland '-county, : giveS"lrGlellair.:2o majorityv - Unibn Milton boionglr giiss e,Union gain 'of. 29; Union majority 112. • Liverpool borough' ;and. township, ;Petry boitrity, gives it Democratic': majority of $9; Deiriocratio gain.l9." 4 ' • i •ZAi th ori. County Will /give' about 600 Ernie"' libr Majbri. - -- • • - • ty umberland borough--Deraberatic iga .joriq 28; Democratic. lass 8. Point .gaiiiMaltip.,Korthioniberlarid connty— Democratic raajority 4; Deniocriitic 10; Union gain; Muncy borough 12. : ' Pittston; :Luzerne'courityt-Demooratic gain 29. West Pittstoit--Unioninajority 108 ; ' Union owl* . • ; ;;;.. Wilkesbarre—Union ,- :raajority 55; Union t. • - • ; -0 9 3 xtib - tu4? 9° 1 011: 61 PPWIt - Y --- Unien ricr* . . • ,Danville--vTon i rriaji,4ritY 62; Uniongai'usl. Wflkesliarro •tOwiiiihip, lamellae county-' 2 De critic majority 308; Dernocratie . gain 81. 13111ifolite'biirCw124" U - nion ' majOrity 40; prg, Vedini losa g. CentrieCo'imiZOlnibir majority 13 ; Union gains. rc, • ' rrie , towrifittOPEPirtg` 4341(ttr e-Zbintrkty* Dodgs, -11u,ston; Spring;wUniimi•-dhaid 'North; give a iiion-Majonity of -D3900 - tiorilain friooki ItaVeti tiorot4hi -33enistuutio!majority 21; Lock Haviiii,4l4m;.; 22 ; 'Union; gain.B7. ,Totiritownships,.Clinton couhtr 'Rnion gain. - 123. " ..:: • Troyboxough VniQn.o3".. majoxi . tir. .; , Eludra city and torpthiip' Kraioxi Inajoiify 205. Atlung borough *p, iD 9 mo c iatic :61; Vac* gain 12. f lirpntrose--Unionznitilei - 4).88; gain .24. : - boTpuglizr-14Mori. majority 92; Union:gain 17. . . Great Bend iownshiii-L-11nien"majority 84 Union gain 21.1' • • • • :guiigneharina borough—liniom. majority 8. NieholeonbOrbith--Diiraocnatie....majerity 88; Democratic gam ' Pelirusylvat * is generally conceded as hav ing given her vote for the Administration.' • , : rjrN - C?C'N-y-f ALL. 4 0 .1917 ,v,: Cincinnapi, bas sO - olteri by a, 'Jo •.of Over 5,006 for Lincoln. ", r Southern, Ohio shows Union gainkOierOe i tOber election. - 'Pen lib:) . ia has been beaten , by over 2,000 maid .' . - : -, !::: 1,- Stettbenvittsieity : . nion , maijolity , so& ; . Cleveland city oompfeto 934;133ei0n gain. of 149 cal the OilitioboLT9* )- 4 I,' „,.;. Sprirsfiela, Ohio gives Lingo*Cwi--Najor _IOUFFAIII,of 4 1 00,49ur, , P4-t* -*l : 6 o '. Z e l l T. here are thiion - gash iti a ll toNnisig# it , fro 02.• Ter1110111 v ' : ' towns 404 7 iXH), 6ifou orate, MIEffE NW L.:. " . ev: :A 14) !.,-; vuo -TroiwiariTsl . : „tit PHILADELPHIA CITY ESE 01 - 1/ PIN 88 0 . 11/C l l Ina , fit 2. : • • Tee !` to:db , • - 1!..td0- tradiad for refold& ce: " 661r-Your -Saes or bes dwiatitate -sae-halt square. F ir bl it Zar :4= fi Vroir==. One dayday day.. .. 60 Tip? s , bo. mirk -1. 00 Tkede days ...... 74 1 dirge aaytt, ' 26 One week .. , week - 225 (pv% . AD 4..N0uth... t , 000 '4 50 ' mcdithi • ' '9 00 .Titeett tiandhs.....::, 5.60 „Thregftqaths........ -a 00 Six mouths 90 Six months 15 00 Oa! year ': x'ls OP 'Oita year • 26 , 00 Admittistiatioe Not'tees. l . 2-75 Marrillge Notlcei ' ' II • • '76 ME • :..: •)1;:q Auditor's Natee5......... . .' —. .1 1.60 Funeral NoticeN each . , -.lrontion t 60 war Butnegszaticee• inebrted in the Local Colima, or befon3 Muria, ges and imaftxuijilr CF.47•8 nua Lunt for each inii9r.ti c) n. • ROLLS UP_ 80,000 MAJORITY The indications from the State make it cer tainihat the Lincoln electoral vote has a ma jOrity of about;3o,ooo. The M'Olellan majority in the city will not exceed 35,000 L. The city of New York gives nearly 35,000 majority. This is considered small. 'Saratoga give.s ..... ..221 for Lincoln Portland Mechanicsville. Amsterdam ii4nsterdam Albany Troy Littla Schenectady...— Mason =ill Herkmer 134 Lyons. - ' 94 Elmira gives 205 Union majority MASSACHUSETTS Endorses the Government by 70,000 Majority. • Returns froth this' State r initeitite that the majority fol. Honest lAbrahain 'Will reach 70,- 000. LATER FROM MA SRAORTISETTS MassaeittiaettaTruiou majority 75,000: gain of 35,000. All CongrennipaalPistiicts. . AGAIN TRUE• TO HERSELF ! The few retureb so'far received make it der tain that the Electoral Vote.of that State has been cast for ,fi.braham Lincoln. The major ity Will'aceed 30;0011 Gives the, Recreant SJdiers the Oo Shoulile;. . , . New Jersay-.Delaware t.ownship, Cambria county, 97,Union majority; Union pain 4.2, , Cape One " township, " Union 88 ma jority, 't . • Ll - The returns.froin this State are not com plete yet, "Ada la generally conceded that she has repudiated tqaittle Mac." Little .11lielatware CLOSES UP. THE REAR. • - t ' Privete-dliTathhes.nay-Velavnire , gives Lin coln her electoral v.otemL,r. , , ' _ Philadelphia Union el4be are parehEttg the streets; bernocratie he.iidgutirten darkened. 93i SPEAKS FOR-:OLD, ABE The city of Baltirnore &eat ti totijority • of over 10,000. :.This secures the State for:Abra. hare Lincoln. - THE LAND OF STEADY HAB- This mible- State, 'always' true M herself, has endorsed the Government by nearly 20,000 majority. , • Ormtar..AND; Nov. - 6 Lexington 612 majoritzrfor Lincoln. Covingtint 601 majOntY for Lincoln. Fahoorah 69 Lincoliismajority: Parisi gives '3l'ololl4n 63 , majority..' Cynthiana 126 ACCilallaa majority. aine ALL 'HONEST •& •TRITE I In Maine 2a towns gave .Lincoln 6,000 ma jority.. NEVER FALTERS. Returns nearly complete shoir 5,00 a Union majority. Ohio and Indiana. Scattering returns frpni Ohio and Indiana show Triian gams over the October election, and indicate that Lin Coln" his carried `dig two States by heavy majorities. New Hampshire The , "Granite -Stateon, . Hand! One bxaulred towns give 1,700, piktri ma, Flour quiet;. 8,000, blabls sp10; : States 6 65 (a,lO 45; %Jo Ailani soxern ow. 15. Whent quilt 1;100"bns ""sold ; - Weitern 38@2 4.l;lunber Miehitin $2 45: Corn this.advanced. I:dent; 750 , bushels sold at $1 69.Begl.firra. Pork steady ; mess $4 l 50 ® 4l 75,. Lard firm. Whisky dull %ransom Nov 8. The'markets are dull and there is 'very lit -tle defog. Ohio extra flour is quoted at $ll ,75. • Groceries , are firm with , an. upward tendency • Whisky tam at Si 79. New York Stook Naiketo Nay YORK, Nov. 8. Stocks steady; Chicago and. R. Aooi Cumberland Preferred 50,i; Illinois Central scrip 127/:; Bfichigan Southern. 732; - New York Central 126; Ileadihg 186; Geld 247-4 .- ; One Year Certificatea 1451 / .5-20 CAiupona 1001; Reglatere.44kkgati;.,Co ll Poß 6's mfr __"s AM En— en lifoador. He • ' C.44...eLliftjfare93s. ..';: • pia) ptrfiE SWEET dthER 1 411'6414 iisLtity at .-.:etmatiarkadirsiro New Tork State FOR THE' UNION !! • : NEw YoRK, Nov. 8 _lOOl :.139 . 139 2,300 for fil'Olellan 900 :226 229 217 ." INDILtITA. New Jersey PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 8 MARYLLND. COMIECTIGUT, .rr .. ALL , K. bE T J CKY. Rhode Island D., Ohio, Nov. 8 Markits by Prelegrarph. Nkw Yetz, Soy. El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers