Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, November 05, 1864, Image 1
TILE TELEGRAPH EIIIMISRZEI MORNITG AND EFIDTING, 3 Y . GEORGE BERGNER. OPTION WIRD AT. triArt wALNor. TERMS OF SUBSCLRIPTION. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. las Deny TILIORAPH is served to subscribers in the city at 12% cents: per week. Yearly subscribers will be co:aged 56 00 in advance. Those persons who neglect ta pay In advance will be charged $7 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, Ins inlellarnlis also published weekly, and is furnished sebacribers at the following cash rates • Single copies, weekly.... ......... . .... $1 50 Three :oplea to one Post .. 4 00 tea cotip , a to one Peat Otlice 10 00 NE IN ADVERTISEMENTS When will Wonders Cease THE GREAT REMEDY OF "THE WORLD IIcBREDE'S KING OF PAIN WILL cure any ache or. pain in from one to sixty minutes I It acts like magic upon the absorbant and glandular systems, reducing swellingstuad regulating the secretions and excretlona It is of a diffusive, penetrating nature, exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre of the nervous organism, thence by reflex action its power Is felt throughout the entire system, restoring the circu lating fluids and checking disease with invincible strength. THE KING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE! No matter what the pain, apply the medicine and you will find instant relief. It Is an internal and external cure. TEE KING OF PAIN Cures almost instantaneously, Headache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Colds, Bronchial Affections, Asthma, Drapes* Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Bloody Flux, liver complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Genital Organs, Cramp, Chalic and all spasmodic pains, Fever,and Ague; Burns, Bruises, Cute, Sprains and wounds of every description. It proves itself the mastery, as the testimony of thonsandsprove its meritorious worth. Sold, wholesale and retail, by S. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Solo Agents, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. SOLDIERS READ! The following letter from a soldier, in reference to the efficacy and powerful restorative qualitities of DR. Me- BRIDR'S KING OF PAIN, speaks for itself : NF.WITILLE, CUNIIaRLAND COUNTY, I Sept_ 14, 1864. f Messrs. S. A. Kunkel of Bro., druggists, Harrisburg, Pa.: Galas :—I would inform you Mud I received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pain Killer, and enclosed please find live dollars more for which send me five bottles addition al to-1/10170W. I leave for camp to-morrow. Let me know whether you can supply me wittLit in tho army. I ma In Company H, BOW regiment P.T. I havd-beon In very bad health for upwards of four years, and two'of the ace-dollar bottles have cured me completely, and haie made me feel like a man. Besides, I have cured a num ber of my comrades of various diseases incident to camp life, and can recommend it to be the Nett. Medicine the soldier can provide for himself. Yours respectfully, JOS. H. - Warrn. ,tom' All orders from a distance promptly attended to by S. A. MINKEL & BRO. A HOME' CERTIFICATE. The following certificate isfrom a well-known citizen of Harrisburg HARRISBURG, Aug. 80,1884.. To THE Persmo :—lt gives me great pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared by qR. J. J. MeBRIDE, which he calls the ".KING,OF PAIN." / WaS induced to use it as an external remedy fora bruise, which it relieved Immediately, and subsequently cured entirely, Ile success induced me to use it internally for Diarrhecia i with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for nearly eighteen months, and to such an extent that my kidneys were seriously deranged. The medicine has cured me, and certainly that is saying a great deal in its favor, when I redact how many other remedies I tried without experi encing anything but temporary relief. For my part, I shall always keep a supply of it in my house,.believing as Idu that it is a most invaluable Family medicine. ' DANIEL E. WILT. The unexampled sale of this meditine proves it to be the most wonderful discovery of the age in the medical art. The undersigned are the Sole agents for the State, and will supply it wholesale and retail. • - S. d. ZUNKETL & BRO., Druggists, 118 Market Street, aarttsburg. G=l PEILPHER'S DAILY LINE BRIFWERITif hock Haven, JerserShore, Williamsport, Han ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax Dauphin, AND lI:ARRISRURG. • The Philadelphia Depot being centrally loeated, , the drayage at the lowest rates. The vOndector goes through with each train to attend to the. 'EA delivery of ALL- goods Intrusted to the line. Goode delivered at the de- Pot—of —WILLIAM .R. BRMK, 812 Market street,' Philadelphia, 12y 6 o'clock s. *ffi be delivered In Ear rlibmg the ail morning. Arsl4glat Always as Low as by Any Other Liu,. JOS. MONTGOMERY & CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. MEM NEAV L1Q,171313. STORE. IMPORTANT TO LANDLORDS • AND OTHERS Rho undersigned offers at setelesa/e, to Ulu trade, a choice lot of the ben liquors ever brought to Harrisburg, via: Freud. Brandies, Holland Gins, Beata, irish, Bourbon, Wheat and Old Bye, Whisky;' foriegn and Domestic Wines, each as Oluusimffne,. Criard L gatawl" dee. 41h liquors warranted, as represented. Landlords and others will Sad it to their adVantage to call and ox afnine the assortment at the - store, On South Second streets two doors below Chestnut. my27-dem • GEORGE WINTERS IsciANNED EMITS OF EMIT DESOttP- TrON. SAUCES. of all the 9eleb inamulactiirers. HMIS, • OLIVE OILS, at URTAIIDS, every deeeriptiou. • • Also, BROWN STOUT, PINE MS, 0014 PEE, SUOAI3 and SYRUP of all pules and prices, and Cho - bust solezted stock outside of Philadelphia. - All goods guaranteed as represented. • Particular attention paid to all orders•fraina distance. Goods carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. SIiISI.ER & FRAZER, iny6 aunnesson to W. Dock, Jr... & Go. MITRE ROMANO SHERRY, imported 41,: MIL Warranted the Finest Sherry Wino in !We ecKihtyy. • for sale at SHISLER dr, FRAZER, nom fauw.rnn bl Wni. ;IF•ek. )T h tn.) VIESS SHAD and FINE NEW trIAAK. EREL; Jug & recolvott; at IY/8 . ROYER & KOERPER. WinSW FISH.—New No. 1 and 2 Mackerel barrels, half barrels and kilts, andky the pound, at (angel SHISLERA FRAZER. EXTRA FAII;ILY , PLOUR and COI: N MEAL always on hand, of the best quality, at , BOYER .1i KOERPER. • .A.LAION. —Fine kat - Salmon, at 1. ogpp SHISLER &FR A ZN.II T_TucasTimis• BASKETS. —Fshisler Fre zor, successors to W. Dock, jr., & Co., have on hand 86 dozen hickory baskete. Price $6 50 per dozen, jet) CAMPAIGN TORCHES, Manufactured and for sale by J. HALL ROHRMAN, 606 Cherry street, Philadelphia. se2B-fit IDOW SASH FOR SALSALE.— 168 lights, VV 1: 9 14 114, seasoned. Inquire et' G. S. BENDER, At Ziegler's Liquor store. Market et..; te29-81* ,A NEW SUPPLY of FRESH . SMOKF.I RAMS, Net received Ude morning, at SHIBLEH. & FRAM- Summon to W. Dock, Jr., & Cn lEM :NEW MACKEREHL, ERRING AND SAL wom pons-t. 130VPit k KOERNIN .10HENCH CHALK AND PENCILS, j: Suitable for Banks, Moe; &0., Schaffer's BoOkstoro, Harriabore Pa. "UNGLUE( BREAKFAST l'EA. =+dust ter' jeo ostred, a tine chefof ... F . l4_llBh Breakfast Tea l it a ninER SFRAZER ' . (...emsaers in Wes. i . rj A rig*24l Xtohener'a Celebrated %tit: Dried /reef, at DOVER ,rs Rositrita • OOR° • • !S = ' SHAD.—We received a E Rash I,t this morning, at sopl6 BUYER & REAPER'S .• . ' . .... ...e ....,.... '-. :. ; ~ ..: . . • •• .. . .--: ..0ix(rP 1 1,,, , ,-4,.. -- - - • . .• . . • ~ • .• • , _ ..; \\ yap / 7- ~_ • . ... , . . . . 1 ..,,/,.. ............,........... ~......, __,,.,.,..".•.• r. ~ le% 'l 2 -7, •t 7- .. .----- . :- 'i ; 7. ,• • • ..„, ~. .., f • •• • .).:":, '\: ;.. : • ... - . • ••,.. 1 7 , „,,i,....44.,,,_........„.....„ - 4 _ : _ z ___ , ) ~.e. •. „. .. • , t 1 . ,-.-- - ,‘..iir t e:';' 441. 1 11. ;, \ , ' '''- 7: . :r '''' 1,- -.. - - '' ' ';'''. .--.''' . :', .....• • .4 „. . . . ,- - :le. : -.. ,...P _- ."'j , ...:1. .. • : 1 6 ., 7 - : • ' / t . .., . • • .....,...?_:- , 1• .- ..- 4 . ''-`'-'---,-, Is•- -, -,. - '7 -,---- f -- ' . • • - , ... . , - .._. .. . ... . _ , ~.../ . -. . , .. ... . . . . • . -BY GEORGE BERGNEft. MEDICAL DYSPEPSIA. A Cuii , e Warranted. Dyspepsia has the following Symptoms: let. A constant pain or nneasmoss at the pit of_the stomach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhoea, with griping. Gth. Pain in all parts of the System. " 7th. Consumptive Symptoms. -and dal pita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of file.ep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. Out of the thousands of cases of ,Dyspotpsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great Antatican Dyspepsia Pills, not one . of them has • failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a,cure in every case, no matter if of twenty yearifAandirag. Sold by all druggists everywherei and'at jr.e Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second - Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 'All exalt:kb:l.4l°i* `an 1 con saltation free of charge. Send . for a circa,- lar. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA,. DYSPEPSIA; : Brazdiarrs Ba 010.14„ . Sog • Brandywine' DeL, formerly of old.Cheater,DeL, do certify that, for one year and a 'halt I suffered everyi thing but deathfrora that awful disease called. Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate liven a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I cotditnot beat my husband nor my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; I had no ambition to do anything; I lost all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could: not be contented; I felt that I was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for - Ins, and was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de stroyed, and also my mind from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that myfriends thought best to have me placed in Dr. Icirkbetile?ki hospital, West Philadelphia; d reinaintid -theremine weeks, and thought I was a little - better, but in a few days my dreadful coin plaint was raging as-bad as ever. Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wik hart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to him. He said he had no doubt he could cure me. So in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that;my disease was fast giving way, and. I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of - body and mind, and I most sincerely return my thanks to, a merciful God, and Dr. Wis hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia -Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write; as Lem willing to do all the good I can toi"aUffering hu manity: ELIZABETH BRANSON, , Blandywine, DeL, formerly of Old Oheater, Delaware county, Pa. _ DB. WISILLIIT'S 'Office, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! Da..Wisnanu---I have been a . ansiapt murex* Iwith Dyspepsia for the.* eighteen yeava, during whfehthice I cannot say, r ever.enjoyed aperfieffy well day. There ,were times when the symptoms were more aggravated than at others, and then it seemed it would be a great re lief tattle. I had at all times= unplaarantfeelingin my head, but latterly my sufferings so much incre ased that I became almost unfit for business orally' kind i my mind was continually filled with gloomy lhoughts and fore bodings, and if I attempted to change their - current by reading, at once a sensation of icy coldness in connection with a dead weight, as it were, rested upon my brain; also a feeling of sickneas would occuralthe stomach, and great pain to my eyes, accompanied' with wl?lchlwiitt the continual fear of -losing my reason. "I ihm s exparibMed great lassitude, debilit and nervouinessiithieh - made it ditilcult to walk by a y •or sleep at nigliC ' . theertine averse to society,*a disposed' _oft ....togidliisihn.; and having tried the shill f a numbe r of °ming* physicians #fif~sidloOlti; P1ar10 7 04 ,1 0 0 44 1 i 6 4d01l that, for thlOdiSeisii at my present age (4/ years) there was no cure inexistence. But, through the Interference of Divine Providence, to whom I devoutlY offer 'my thanks, I at last found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pllll and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed al mosi the last trace of my long list of ailments and bad feelings, and in their place health, pleasure and content meat arthmy everyday companions. • JAMES M. SAUNDERS, No. 453 North Second street, Philadelphia, FormerlY of Woodbury, N. J. Dr. Wietiert's Office No. 10 North Second street, Phila delphia. A POSITIVE CURE TOR DYSPEPSIA, immtVniv nu; roast H. AM:WOOLLY& - No. 1028 Guys Philadelphia, Tindery 9 4 "71471. 186 ' S. WiSHMT—Sin—lt is with much pleasure that I am now able to inform you that, by the use of your great . American Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of that most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia, I had been grievionsly affhoted for the last twenty-eight years, and for ten years of that time have hot been free from Its path one week at a time. Thaw), had it Wits worst form and have dragged on a mostmlserable existenc e -in pain day Midnight: Every kind of food that I ate illicit me . with wind and,pain, it mattered not how light, or how small the quantity. A continued belching , was sure to follow. I had no appetite for any kinds of meats what ever and my distrait was so great for several:months .I*- f are I he a rd of yew Pills, that I 'frequently whaled Or death. I had taken everything that I had beard of for `Dyspepsia, withhat receiving. any benefit; but oa=your Pills being recommended to me by one who had bsen" cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial, although I had no faith in them. To my astonialnsaficj found Myself getting better before I had taken one.ib of a box, and after taking half a box, I am a weif sutra mut :eint eat anything / with, and enjoy a hearty meal three - times a day, without inconvenience from anything I eat Or drink. If you think proper, you are &liberty to make - this public and refer to Inc. cheerfully give all de. 'sirable infers:adieu to any ouettho may cell oa me ybetea, respecttally, • ' JOHN H. BABCOCK. For sale at Dr. Wialtart.a Neellcal• Depot, - Na 10 .North s eG ondStruyhl7 ... elphlpraPr4aOie 7th 'rp°r , . c.s3i4b / . ocharie,xe r pt o,p eca. • - - Dyettrak I DYSPEPSIA. . , . _ . I. Samuel D..'llaven, have been a - greet , sufferer with Chronic and Inflettunation of thiflrittaeya for 'three 7 . etaPlityedirti*or four e f the: met eml neap . clamor Philidelphie, oboe of . Burling toneounty _fr isvit ~ 1"-- !raid all brne:they could,. kit a11 , t6- no, pup ' _ ~ 4-imil.hitnetantly filled with awful Radii, and oje. AVM content belching of Wind anew* acid.: 1 - yytougde was covered.wltb a white coOlig. f mucus until; csleked" in large IVirOwe, alstlittaa . sore l: OW . X 9.,ftgmes ,wish diaa-toitAollotehoo or mrsufferliZlor, I had 1 61031 Itpittiof overate/rig well again. / e it a subject of prayer to God that he would direct me to some physician or medicine that would gin as. I was told to read an odvorioomoool of "THE UNION—LOW AND FOREVER."—'Webster .HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5, 1864 MEDICAL. Dr. Wishar's in the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great.cure made upon Mr. John Babcock, of 1028'Olive street, Phiia delphia, by the great American Dyspepsia Pills. I went to the Doctor's Office. and placed myself under b treat ment, and told him if he failed to cure me, it would be the last effort 1 weutd make. It has been Six weeks since I commenced the use of his Medicine, and I am now a well man, free from all pain and distraint, and can eat three hearty meals a day with - comfort, and feel perfectly well. Dr. Wishart, I want you to publish my base, as I want every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, tocall on me, and I will tell them of the great cure I have received from your invaluable medicine. SAMUEL D. RAVEN. Corner Penang° and Lambert streets near Richmond street, formerly from Wrightatown, Burlington county, J. The above area few among the thousands which this great remedy, has saved from an untimely gptve. We have thousands of letters from physicians and drug gists who have prescribed and Sold the Tar Cordial, Saying that they have never used or. sold a medical which gave such universal satisfaction. Prepitre*only by the proprietor, - DR. L. Q. C. WISHAAT, N. 1.0 North Second greet, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Dregailds everywhere BmiylB-end.d&w NEW OPENING FOR Fall and Winter Trade! SHA.WLS BALNIMRALS AND SCARFS! VUMLS: The Largest and beat selected stock In this city 1 at the New Cloak` Wore, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, HABRISBILTRG, PL esp 2 tf . . , .EURRISBUAG BANK, ' October 12,1864.} . Ameeting Of the Stockholders of this BM* 'beheldnt the banking hone on Monday, the da _will Of . November - next, at 10 o'clock a. it., for the purpose of taking into consideration, and deciding on the question whether or not the said bank shall become an Association foruari7ing on the business of Banking under the Laws of the United States, and of 'exercising the powers conferred by the Ant of the General .Asseenbly ;Pr this Commonwealth, entitled "An act enabling the Banks .of this Commonwealtn to become associations for the purpose 'of banking under the laws of the UnitedState6': :approved the 22d day of f . August, DPW By order of e 4Nard ufDixectOrui d 'fir...3'irlMic Cashier, 89LE ..AGENCY . yOlt THIS CITY 11Ald hippy to offer ,to the pi,lalip a large ..i. oanii aplendld. assortment' of , SUPERIOR ,GOLD. ENS; II manufactured by_ , • . , , LF,ROY W. FAIRCHILD. - These Pens are well finished, elastic,' and will give Pa• tire satisfaction. __, PLRA g IE TRY TREK. • • EIOREFEER'S Boos STORE, Second sine:, opposite•Preabyterlan Church, Harriaburg 023 • NEW FHILOIELFELI • C Co - A. '3I.WV 0 11, , IN D: W: anotiIr'NEWTILOOK, :Market Str,,eeti narrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES oa malcommla CLOAKS AND GI 110IILARS, AND. FINE •SVEINGAg&WIS. witi °pan off theist. of April, VaarlL-414 Almanacs: AlmanacS ! ' • :English 'laid German Lancaster Almanacs, ti for the year . ' 1 8 6.5 ~ .For sale, by the gross, Dozeis, or single, at Schetrer's Bo oketore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg,,Pa. 1029 . 4DINTINTEEL' NB Vii EATING AND DRINKING SALOON Walnut street, between Third anciFourth. WV,nes, Beer and , the beat quality , - of hqiinnr constantly on ha nd. A share of the public patronage la respectfully ted. • roadem) 4OHN DONITEA . . . . • very Convenient. JACOB' TA.IISIG, - , J/OAKES pleasure to inform his friends and . Customers, and' the public in geneml, that he has op( med a wholesale ana retail Variety, No and ~r ew eir y Store, 11r0.105,ti Market street, above Bby ce Ifsa4el'a Be lading, Harrisburg, Liz. . It would occupy a great amount of fipco to enumerate th .e articles composing, my Stobk.,,llsopurchaser, will find,.it sough risYnaperlence a odium:yews inthlahusineeS; ii sat I can sell goods equally:the:jobbers in the Eastern c hies • ---1 , -,-,--0;... 4„..-- --. , sept26-(l6d* . —TREES 1 - IMES ! f TREES !! ! TRF' 'UNDERSIGNED' :will commence planting Shade and. Ornamental Trees, Vines, ,and. such Fruit trees as ale ftt to plant in the FalL J. ML9EL IL—Persons who -were furnished with trees last Ei:>ring - that were warranted, to grow can have the same plaewt that missed. . [odd] t. iktBlL VERY FINE, INDEED! 11 (1p ott p fiz A:m an s )l an e d at p e tt ns o live p o h td i tc it ,l t P ure h s o, we ht ‘ve added a BEAUTIFUL ENvELoils ror thq reception of card pictures. They must be Beenand ivlllbe admired fr it -Photographers supplied at the very lowest whole ea le price, and their card printed upon themfor Si tb ousand, wholesale and retail, at may . /.4 SOMME'S BOOR TORR. lIEENS and GLASSWARE, a well :se7 41i looted assortment, put reeelyeil, of the latest styles fists BOYSIS & 11.0E:RPER. SAP SAGO; English Dairy, Fine Apple, Nut meg and New York State Cheese, Just received at smarm.* FRAZER,: mys ' . successors to W Dock, Jr., ac. tm. • ALPHABET BLOCKS ! A ND HOUSE BUILDING BLOCKS, VOR .1.11- sale at scuinesrpms BOOKSTORE, estl 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. NEW 800 KR -THE_ SHOULDER STRAPS . ' DAY/3 OF SHODDY just received sa SOBEFFEWS BOOKSTORE, !'HIDER VIAEGAR' .—Pure • Cider Vinegar ILir ea. beefs by the barrel or amen ere= at jrAIB ER. „ • aux;sn • masa &MAZER, IN sae - ouiontotio?",rtitckA-co.) -l-'llloStrr L li Pll xi. id Males, , Giorkich, Wools & who lesale ind tt retail by SHIBLE nt shoomens to W. Duch. KNOWN• AS "11E1.311.80LD 9 5 99 GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ: CLOAKS, Circulars,. CLOAKS !I 1 1 • ANDIMMIVW FURS!! DIEDICAL. THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES," RELMBOLD NXTBACT “BUCHU," HELMBOLD ZYTRACT SARSAPARILLA, SEMIBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" 00.MPOVND FLUID, EXTRACT BUCKET, A POSITIVEL16:911,01F10 REMEDY or 11131 BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWEMZNGS. qllll9 Medicine increases the powet of gestlon, autliefetkes the ABSORBENTS into healthy action, by *Menlo WATERY 'or :CALCEROLP3 deposi tions, and 'aIIqIINNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are re duced, as well as psin and inflammation, and is good foF MEN, WONIVT - iWOHILDREN. ' - _ HELMBOLD'S- EXTRACT BUCHIf: FOR WEAKNESSES Arisingfrom Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or abuse, ATTENDED WITH TUE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS. Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the Skin, Voss of Memory, Loss of Power, Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of Disease, . Trembling, .. Dimness of. islon, Wansfulness, Universal^ Lassitude of the Pain in the' Muscular Muscular Systom,' i Flushing of the Body, Hot Hands, . Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countetutoe, These symptOtno, if allowed to go on, which this '„medi clue invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FAT UITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "direful themes," INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION Many. ere aware of the cause of their eutleringe, but. none will miaow. The records of the insane asylums ah.d . the melenetioltdesthir by`Colulumption.; bear ample tilt-, uess to the truth . of the assertion., TEE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, . . Regattas the.aid of medicine to,strerigthen and invigorate the syetem, which Helmbold'S Extract Buehu invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEATALES . L.--FEBIALES-nvAINS, OL OR- YOITNG SAIMAA MARRIED, OR COWPER : • PIATING MARRIAGE • . In many affectikik peculiar to females the Extract Bu au is uneg uil i allt e t l y any other remedy, as in Oblorosis or Retention, . 'ty, Painfulness, or suppression of the Customary mai " Ulcerated or ilchlrrous state of the Uterus, Leucorrhei'or Sterility, and for all com plaints tficidbiit to the emir, whether arising from Indiscre tion, Habits of Dissipation or in the DECLINE OR , CHANGE OF LIFE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Balsam, M ger erc o n or 174Tema Medicine for Map! Talcs no RELNEBOLIYR EXTRACT BUCRII, Cures Secret Camases in all their stages; atlitlle expense; little or no change in diet; no itmonvenlince'ind no expo sure. -it causes frequent dent* land ghte strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictures of the.llretbra„ allaying pain anti . Milani mation, so frequent higis Chum ;cams andexPelling Poisonous, ;Illseasedi d . Worntine• Mitten ;Thousands upon thousands who hainimen.the viettmeof quacks, end who haVe Paid been' feed te! . .lgreureditt a short Wee, have foundthey were deceived, and that the "Paden." has by the utbef "petverful .astdngents," been dried up in. the Byte* to break opt Min aggravated form, and, pelhaps after marriage..: • ' • UseRELMSOLDIS 'EXTRACT BUtadtr for'all. Affections and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Mlle or Female, fromwhatever cause origiakelek, and no matted of hoW long standing. Diseases of - Atte:o Organs' require the aid of a Diuretic.. IlEigutmu% .Rs' CT BUCRU is the Dlure ttil and it is deitiaigio have the desired died. in all 4NscPes fur, *hien •11...:tit recom mended. . ' ' ' ' - Blood—Blood—Blood; fielmtaildht HighlyVormentra." , ted Compoimd FLUID ErfRAGT R4RA lii LIS. This is an affection of the* visoa 'Lund attitelt _re the Sexual Organs , Linings of the Nose, Ears;.Throat,'Wind pipe and other Mucus Surfaces, *Won tte . appea r rance in the form of Ulcers.; Efelmbold's ExtraotSersapardis pu. rifles the Blood; and removes all Scaly. Eruptions of the Skin giving io,the Complexions Clear and Healthy Wier. It being . preparol expresely for thin blase of complaints, its Blood-Purifyinglen era Ptenervid*l . .g,greeter extent than any other freParehohOrlinSiParilt:' COLD'S ROSE W'ASH. An excellent Lotion for diseases of a Sy_Thilitic Nature, and as an injection:. us disdains. of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of diesipation,s need is connection with the Extractiltuchn and , Sarsaparilla, in such diseases as recommended. Evidence of the most responsible and re liable character will accompany the Medicines. CERTIFI CATES OF CURES from eight to twenty years deriding, with names known- to Science and Fame. For Medical Properties o r s n ots, see Dispensary of the United States. See Professor DEWEE'S,veltabbr works oh We - Practice of Physic See remarks" Steeds bY 'the late' Itelellated Dr. PRYSICR, Philadelphia See remarks Made by. Dr. EPHRAIDI MoDOWELL, a celebrated Phyablenandmem. bet of the Royal College of Surgeons, and publlshedin the Transactions of the Ring's and queen's JoUrnal. See Redico-Chirnrgical Reiiew,pubilshed by BENI' T R AVERS, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. The most of the late standard works on Medicine. Extract of Buchu, $1 00 per bottle, or works bottles for $5 00. Extract , of SarseparWs, $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 CO. Im proved Rose Wash, 50 cents per bottle, or six for 's2 50, or MC a dozen each for $l2 00, which will be sufficient to cure the most.obctiaste cases, If directions are adhered to. Delivered to any address, securely packed from eb rerration. Describe symptoms in all commualcations. Curse guszanteed. Advice grails. AFFIDAVIT. ' Peramuilly, appeared before me an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. lielinbeld;Whe, being" duly swop, doth my; bla promotions contain no naraitio, ne mer , miry, or other injorteisAruipi, and Nora la p ita Sworn andlabooribs he4bai"l W hin SSC des , of lifti.; somber Haan Earn Aldartaati,Tilath ab. Lc • •";Addriiii letters - fOrtalinatialt , If.T. ILELNBOLD, Chemist, pldid Depot 104 South leWi street, below_ Mesta Philadel• 11131164. PRICE TEREE CENTS.. EVENING EDITION. From the 241st Regiment. PICKET PosT, NEAlt:Genusavrtror, VA., t Tuesfty, Nov. lst, 1864. Enron Tsr.sasArn:—""Last evening "was "Hallow," or "Holyeen,and we, down here in Dixie,-had not a single ear. of corn or cab. bags stein. to ',bane: the she-basg dPeis 9ur neighboring . , commemoration of the time r honored custom so popular with theboYs and "children of larger growth," in our dear told State of Pennsylvania! To be sure, farmer Mayhew, our nearest neighbor, had some fine 7 looking cabbage in his patch, (abOut a mile distant,) but we could not think of "hooking" that, for the simple reason that Pap M— is a good, obliging neighbor—i. e.; when there area° "chinae-pin whackers" about! When the thieves "come around" he "goes in" for Dixie. to save his bacon and everything stealable; He acknowledges this fact, and we respect him for the candor he evinces when placed under "pe-• culiar difficulties." This is the policy of nearly every Virginian you meet with. Well, instead of making children of ourselves, we staid at home in our snug cabins, arguing politics.-- Subject—Lincoln, Johnson ~:our Country and our Flag; verstut--Copperherldism and 2reasont "Only this md nothjngmoxe." We have some stubborn customers to eon.. tend with,. and it is sheer folly to:), attempt to convince them, by facts or arguments—for they areas determined and 'unreasonable as men may safely be, with inipunity,lin a coun try where ; here is law, if enforced, sufficient to punish even treason Of this class of.sot= torttmately, there gi_e 'are, few in our `midst: - Among this naMber; itoivever, is an individual who remarked- 7 "ff M'Olellanmill be elected,. they will gal, up,a fancy transpa rency in Harrisburg, and place thereon the carricature of a negress, and"—(vulgar in point, of course; the design of this "magificent af fair" would provei and I will omit the remain der.) "If," replied. Hill, a bully "Union boy, "your if's do not amount to anything. You count liirClellan votes - upon the same princi ple which Grab-all, the railroad contractor, paid off Paddy °Tooke, one of his workmen." "How," exclaimed all hands." Simply in this way," replied our friend William: "D'ye mind, Pat,—here is one h pair of boots you got—price four dollars!" "Yes, sir." -• • "And here is a pair you didn't get—that makes two pair !" "All right, six." "And still another pair Pon didn't get--3 pair altogether, at $4 a pairbrings you. $l2 in my debt!" • • "I don't see" (scratching his pate) how that. is, but seedif it you're the boss, it must be right,” concluded the son of Erin. So they oount M'Clelian votes in the army-ens they get---and bee) - `3l3.ey don't get !" . • ;Ayolit or two ago a Lieutenant of Cavalry paiSed,ut.i.tlie read - towards' Gainesville. He Stood ore the platform of the rear ear, dressed up in "Sunday soldier" style. He hail a nod .and a smile for all soldiers he chanced to_ get his optics on. In his hands be lied a bundle of pamphlets, (octet*, fcirm;) which he flung out along the road at the average rate of three or four to each &Hat. On: pieki4 g them up, one of Old Abe's disciples read—,"A Brief Sketch of the Life and History , of Gen. 111'- Clellan.". "Aus ,a spielt !" remarked the im pudent fellow, "we had the other sketch of Young Napoleon, edited and printed by the Congressional Committee, three weeks ago. That's the genuine one to - distribute in this latitude. But I digress. I lave 'another idea to jot down, in regard to the transparency butiiness • An artist in our company, loyal 1 and patriotic in every respect, remarked-that he would furnish a design for a transparency, on the re-election of "Uncle Abraham," which would be alike suitable and- very<appropriate. ' It should becseriptural--not with.the inscrip tion, however,laken from the Holy Book— the same that was paradedthrough the streets of Harrisburg, on the occasion of a certain M'Clelhin torch-light procession, one wet Sep tember evening, not long since---" Thou shalt not commit murder!"(What a cool request to Make of Union soldier, who is standing by his country, and, at the risk of life, is de fending her flag!) Our artist sayS his scene will be based upon facts taken from the Vth chapter of St. Mark, from the Ist to the 13th verses.. It sliouldfonly be altered in one re spect. • The sea should appear in all its sub limity--(not the sea of Gallilee, but the sea of perdition,)—the evil spirit, with his pruning hook, should drive the herd--and instead. of the fleeing swine, he would substitute a legion of snakes. all'rushinglowards the (political) sea.of oblivion, •so that our- beloved country filtpuld: be forever rid of-them! Brave artist! proceed-La genuine subject to work, upon! Posterity Will honor youbr the skill and labor spent upon this very aPpropriate 'theme. , There is a /ergo force of men at present engaged on the Manassas railroad, removing the rails, as the. Government" intends to "aban don the use of it for the presentlt l likely, therefore, that we will be obliged to move elsewhere in a few weeks' time, .and if 'we learn the whereabouts of our destination, your readers,shall be informed Of it in due time . Yesterday, I am pleased Of-it inform you; the regiment was musteeed infer pay,, by Col. Awl, in person. When. the tin makes its appear ance we will remberaber our "loved ones at home;" but, "a bird in the hand," they say, "is worth two irr the bush," and upon this principle we will promise our friends and fam ilies at the north a remittance of green-backs, We have Spent much` timetime and laborin build ing comfortable winter quarters, and it is a source of annoyance to many of us to give-up our "Continentals," "Jones Houses, "La Pierres," and "Hotel de Waxes." But sick is the life of a soldier. rranst not forget to give yon an extract Of a letter from a gentleman of Goldsborongh, to his friend, a member of Compiny L ;He states : . . . "I received a letter from brother John,] (at the front) to-day, in which he says the fps are coming over in squads, •and they say if Lincoln is xe-elected, they will come in• coin and regiments—that there Will be no use in fighting any longer; for they cannot hold out four years more. • I pray that it may b 6 so. We hays uoyir 44sfly mini from 4iesaixdria, instead of three,times a week— al l a dmirable arrangement for which 4 We are obliged to col 'ALIO, - also to dhaplain Rakestraw, and : our obliging young friend; litr.'es:rlielei the Mail agent. • • 8r- l * t iotin g avizn adakowsrapli,,A , ov'swalv: . 81414 southward, eis?nig'i ,. a t4-- Yit ts v -=-1814" and our facetious friend H-- 14313pm:bled "yes, go and tell your rebel friends in Dixie STill PRINTIIG 01111111" „ latitimenSS( RATER—trAnar Th e tellowieg O r e the rates tbr edvaliehAin the MIM MM.— Mae hang Ittlterthaditeglo lJn&tt con - ;verdant for reference 6)bistitate •one.itait eqUare Four' lines erielli Eight Ikea, or more than f. Oondilute a square. 1 , 54141:625a !guava. Cie,Alp ' - • 60 Two fair& . • . / 00 Three days _ 1 25 One week 225 Ons month 6 00 Two months 9 00 Three months 11 00 Six mo 00 One' ytani,4..t.A..:. 25 00 2 75 1011 A MAIM 80.6114. One day S 80 Two days 50 Three days 75 One week ..... 1 25 One month . 8 00 Two months. 4 50 Three months 5 50 .Six months .. 8 00 One year 16 09 Administration Notices Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices Funeral Notice% each - 11mM sai- Business notices lose before Marriages and - each insertion. there are more ,"Yanks" than they would like to meet with, where we came from'!" I am tired—just got home frOin an exciting bear chase—captured the animal‘—some at the steak now rying. "supper corporal," "Aye—aye, sir! "Good bye. Adore anon. A. H. B. Arrival of the Officers and Crews of Destroyed Vessels. 'Rim Yowl, Nov. 1. The bark Albion Lincoln, of Harpsweli, Capt. Bibber, from Portland for Cuba, put into this port this 'morning with the Captains and crews of the ship Shooting Ste:n-Imm New York for Panama, and the barks: Mark L. Potter, from Bangor for Montevideo, and Emma L. Ball, from Cardenas for New 'York, all of which vessels were burned by the pirate Chickamauga, Lieut. Wilkinson, which left Wilmington, N. C., on October 27th. • The Mark L. Patter was burned on Oct. 30th, and the ship Shooting Star and the bark Em ma Hall on the 31st, in latitude 39 deg. 20 min., lungitude 70. The bark Albion Lin coln was captured bythe pirate Chicktunauga, and bonded for $lB,OOO, and Coperson, in cluding the captains of the. barks Emma L. Hall and Mark L. Potter,and ship Shooting Star. Captain Drinkwater reports. the new pirate as a screw - steamer, painted: green fore and aft, schooner rigged, masts short, and no top-masts and two smoke stacks. She carries three guns and wcrew of 150 men. She ran out Of Wilmington, N. C., on the.night of the 27th ult., with the other steamers. The Tallahassee not at Dela ware Breakwater.. MITIaDEMPHIA., Nov ; 4.. The report that the pirate Tallahassee was at the breakwater cannot be traced tO any au thentic source, and is generally believed to be a canard. • Markets by Telegraph. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. .4 The wet weather and irregular rates of Gold and Exchange have brought matters to a stand. Flour is held firmly, but Item, little inquiry; small sales of superfine at slo®lo 25, extra at $lO 50®11, and extra family at $ll5O @l2 50. RyeOlour scarce, and commands S9®9 25. In corn meal no change. Wheat dull; we quote red at $2 55®2 65, white at $2 75®2 80. Bye commands $1 70®1 72. Corn comes in slowly. Yellow commands $1 70. Oats in fair request at 88c. In.gro caries and provisions but little doing. retro leum unsettled; sales crude at 42®43c, re fined in bond at 68®700, and free at 83®85c. Whisky steady; 300 barrels Ohio at $1 77® $1 78. Flour haw declined 10o: sales 9.0( 30 4 . 1,1 ' • yob $9 50010 25 for State. $lO 85012. 25 for Ohio, and $lO 80015 for Southern. Wheat declined 1®20; sales unimportant. Corn firxri;, sales 14,500 bus at $1 '66. „Beef firm. - Pork heavy; sales 1,400 bbhi 'at $41'25®41 50 for mess. Lard steady. Whisky dull , BALTmroe.E, Nov. 4. Flour quiet but firm; weetent•extralll 65. Wheatactive; sales 15,000 haattels at.s3et 3 08; red $2 25. Corn dull it 4 ll 50@1 55 for new white. Coffee dull and nominal at 43®44. Whisky dull at $1 78®1 New York Stock 11larkoct8., , I. Stocks irregular; Chicago and R.. I. 100; Cumberland Preferred 514; Illinois Central 126 Do. Do. Bonds 120; Michigan Southern 73; Newyork Centrall22; peading 1344; Hud 'son River 121; Erie 100; Gold • 233; 1 year Certificates 954;10.40's 944; 5-20 Coupons,lol; Coupon G's 1064. ritttantpiki.... stock Diafkp , - . I, l lu4DErzan, NO. Stocks dull; Pennsvinnia s's 935; Read ing Railroad 661 ; Morris Canal 95; Long Island 48; Pennsylvania Railroad GSA-. Gold 232; exchange on New York par: • •-• • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . . lL4ampe'ss He r b Salve, AS proved the. most effective . cure of .11. RHEUMATIC GOUT, hee.proved the hest remedy Of Animating and Alreaseestiag the nerves al Ladies of ter Confs.nevyni, Raiptered the best mire fir DRAWIIVo RAD RATTER 41% 4 D MALI-NG fl UNZ.S. Price $1 per bottle. Six bottles for Sb • Dr Lampe's Universal herb Elixir,\ An infallible remedy , against Cramp in the Stomach, Indigestion, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Giddiness, Vomiting, Headache, Palpitation of the fleart, - Fpilepsy, Asthma, riles, Cold Fever, &c., Price $1 per bottle. Six bottles for $5. D. FR. LAMPE, Goslar, Kingdom Hanover, Is • the in ventor of the most wonderful cure ever. known.. Be commenced his practice twenty years ago by Only recetr. ing such patients as had been considered.ipooreble by their physicians. After taking his medicines, and sub jecting themselves to his treatment, they regained thei former vigor and good health, and THOUSANDS OP LIVES HAVE. BEEN'arAst) at HIS MEDICINE. ..The name of Dr. Fr. I,anipe soon beanie (lie most re. nowned of European- dcetors. HunctrettsYotthatutands of sufferers have availed themselves or his wonderful medicine and got relieved. Imported by Dr. =FR 4 . CO. 4813 Broadway, N. Y For sate In Harrisburg by b. W:GROSS & CO., T. 11. BOKOARDNER, and LOUIS WYSTH. [eel;doawly] T. 0 THE PRESIDENT, DIRECTORS AND STOCKHOLDERS. OF THE "BANK GE MIDDLE TOWN :" Was xts , The undersigned has been duly appointed, by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, au Auditor,.under the sth section of the act of Assembly approved the 22d day of August, A. D. 1864. .'hilto ascer tain and determine the fair market value " of each share of stock of the said "Bank of Middletown," as, provided in saidseotion; therefore, : 1 Notice is hereby given to the President, Directors and Stoakholderwor the said Bank that he will meat at the Banking House of said Bank, inMiddletowm orr , Poesday, the 15th day of November, at 10 o'clock A., M. for the purpose or performing the duties of his said • appoiut ment as provided by the aforesaid act of Assembly. oct2sdeod2w JOHN H. BRIGGS, AUditor. AUDITOR'S 'NOTICE. THE AUDITOR appointed by the Orphans' Court of Dauphin county, to dietribite iunong thois entitled, the balance remaining in the himis of, Samuel Glassbrenner, Admmistrator of- William Aloud ~hite of Lower . Paxton township, deed, wilt iblett d tbb parties interested at his office, in the city .of likeyrishqrg, on WedneshtY, the sixteenth day_ of November next, at It/ o'clock, A. as., of which - they are - bereitylottned. • IL M:-GReNDONFAuditor MeadaY, Oct. 24; 186t-deaw"IFIA4 1110 Y BOOKS, Toy -BookiiqiiirEiiitdll9tB riet9, l o • : 89/ O PfER', , ' • rg POCKET BOOKS, Wallets and buses for sate cheap at SCHIFFER'S Bookstore i6O is "the Licai MOM, or EMT Owns LxE for NEW YORE, N0v..18. NEW