pitit g S teirgrao' .HA,BRIFBURG, ''pA. FRlliii EVENIN G NOVEIBER 4, 18ti4 ATIONAL USION FOR PIIMPENT• Abraham' Lincoln, OP =MOTEL FO VICE.PRESIDENT. Andrew Johnson) .7111N1UM1136 '' - kr',E.p6AA:T., TICKET. sgmer6a.m... .401_dON M'MICHAEL, Philadelphia :CIJNNINGHAII, Beaver county. REPRESENTATIVE. 1-Robert P King, 13-Elias W Hale • 2. Alorrisbn - Coates,l4-Charles H Shriner, 3-Henry Buram,. ± , 15-John Wister, win it Kern, 16-David ll'Ornaughy, '5-Bartm. H Jenks, l7-David W Woods, .6-Chailes M Runk, 18-Isaac Benson, "7 -Robert Parke, 19-John Patton, • 8-William Taylor, 20-Samuel B Dick, 9-John A Hiestand, 21-Everard Bierer, .19-Rlchard H.Coryell, 22-John P Penney, 11-Edward Haliday, 23-Ebenez'rM'Junkin, 12-Charles F Read, .24-John W Blanchard How They Argue and How They Act. It has been fashionable with the Democratic leaders,lor years, to assert that if the slave States were left to themselves, that is if the ppeple thereof were left •to decide the matter at will, slavery would be steadily abolished; Now mark the consistency of the action of these men, *hen the people of the South de cide to rid themselves of a nuisance. When Western Virginia raised the banner of free dom, and the people of that section declared their deteithination to organize a State gov ernment in: order to rid themselves of that part of the State:which: had left the Union and which was= under the control of a mad insurrection, as wbll as to abolish slavery by the action of the majority, the only-opposi tion which the people of Western Virginia had to contend with outside of rebel influ ence, came directly from the Democratic party. Again, when the people of . Maryland were Preparing to abolish slavery by legal Constitutionals means, the project was most bitterly opposed i by, the:Democratic leaders, and the iesnlnit the ballot -box in Maryland is denounced by the Copperhead organs of the North, as "an usurpation of the Lincoln dynasty." We refer to these historical facts merely to show that the Democratic leaders are in favor of slavery because it is the back. , bbne of treason, and they, oppose its abolition because it is the only source of their political strength. These facts, when well pondered, exhibit, fairly, the position of the Democratic leaders. They are for slaVery, because the in stitution is synonymous with treason, and contributes the main foie() that animates the P* ocratic piety., ~Without slavery, there Would be n 6 modern. Democracy, and with modern Demooracy extinct, treason becomes futile for a lack of upholders, and peace eter nal, because there will be no influence then leftin our of free government to dis-: tuib its hartnonionsoperation. Don't OPeiS.the Proxy Votes. At the October election many votes: were lost, bylhe inadvertente of those 'who held proxieS in opening` them' before they were placed in the hands of, they ejection officers. All proxy votes Elitist be handed to the election officers sealed as they 'left the hands of the, soldiers in the army: The outside of the en velopes containing such votes, is or 'Must be marked "Soldier's Vote." Hence there is no necessity of opening the same until it reaches the hands of the election officers, who are the persons designated in the law to remove such ballots from the envelopes. The import ance of : precaution. in this matter virill at once be understood when it is clearly•sknown.• that all "envelopes containing proxy votes,•if opened before they reach the election .officers, will be rejected. Bionura, you havea Brother in the army. He is brave and good and pure and patriotic. Hie young blood boils at the wrongs of his country, and he boldly stands np to face the enemieswho would desti'oY his Govern: went and its. equalities, to reOuce him to 04 level of their negro slaves: Will you stab, that brother in the back by voting for the representatives of a party which says that the war is a failure, and that ten white men of the north are not equal to One slave-holder in the south. Remember that this election is to settle the,grea.t question, of equalities, as well as that of the,iierpptifitY of the Government. If George B. MOClella,n succeeds at the polls, the fact will he accepted as the recognition of the master race of the south—the right of the aristocrat to enslave labor. Tits laniumex who votes for George B. Me- Clellan,literally invites England;the oppressor. of the land of his birth, to inaugurate the the, tyranny in America which has blasted Ire land, because McClellan is the candidate of men who confessed to Lord Lyons that if the DeniocraliC party was in power, its leaders would call for the intervention of the British Government in the affairs , of America, Irish men beware hoW ycsi,invo)ie,the hand of your dread enemy against the..land of your adop tion! i T • FATEigli, you have a son in the army. He suffers and fights fOr the d , glo,!end peace of his 'country. -Ti you vote for George 8.-Mc- Clellan, you virtually JitifolitiCe ',that, son a coward and record forever , owthe page pf his; torY, the incapacity of, a free :peaplelto main- , t a i n f r eedointagOinst the conspiracies or tile slave-holders. . . , Mew has &conclude thathis duty is done when lig i4it'OaloYtincolii and John son. ltiir*A then; aii,fAitt neighlizi haip all :Notea;..and , cniliathen the foils have closed; And will the - duty of loyol men 814' .` RETURNS OF TIIE - UST ELECTRIC The - Union. Majority Over 15 1 000. 19 Ntembeia of Congress Le gally Elected. 20 Members of the Senate—A Grain. of 6. 63 Members iii the House--- Gain of Copperhead Judges Attempt Ao Defraud the Soldier. , ---•-- Complete List of the Mem bers Elected. Copperhead Falsehood Exposed. RESULT I' THE STATE Thefollowing table shows the official vote of the - last election as returned to the Secre tary's office. It will be observed that the Union majority will eAceed 15,000. As,, soon as the complete returns are received we -shall 0;1-publish the table: 00IINTLES. Adams Allegheny. Armstrong Beaver Bedford .. Barks' Blair Bradford'.. Bucks:'. . .. . . ...... . . Butler..: . .. . ... . .. Cambria ' Caineron Carbon:...... .. . . . Centre .'.. . . ........ Chester Clarion Clearfield . ... . .. Clinton ' Columbia Cra.wferd _ Cumberland:— . . ...... Dauphin ' • Delaware Elk... ... ... .... , . Erie ' . ' Fayette. Franklin Fulton • Forest Greene • Huntingdon. - Indiana Jefferson Juniata. Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon Lehigh Lycoming ....... . . . ; Mercer .. . ..:.r:. . .„. ... • Monroe,. Montgomery . Montour Northampton Northumberland Perry • Phi?adelphia. .... . . • Potter . Schuylkill, SOmerset Snyder 'Sullivan 'Susquehanna. Tioga.. . Venting° .1 ..,. , Wasldngtori • ... . .. :Wayne 'Westmoreland Wyoming ,York . . .... . .. TOTAL magmasmace; or cosoassa =menu . 2d District—Charles O'Neil.. 34 " ,Leonard Myers. 4.th: " • •Wm. D. Kelley. • sth " ...kb:Russel Thayer. 7th ",'John•BL Broomall. • 9th " Maddens Stevens. 13th " Ulyssus Mercer. • 14th " Cteo. F. Miller. I . • 16th " Wm. B. Koontz. : 17th " Abraham A. Barker. 18th , f ' Stephen F. Wilson. 19th " • Glenni W.,Scofield. ! 20th " G. V. Culver. 22d. " James K. Morehead. , • 23d. " Thomas Williams. 24th " George V. Lawrence. Here are 16 members of Congress elected by the Union party, who will obtain their cer tificates under the broad seal of the Governor. , MEMBERS ELECTED BY Tilt aOLDriEBB' VOTE; BOY , DEFRAUDED BY . OOPPIB I BBILD 3UDGES OF BY:AC ' TION. ' • ", • • • • • 12th District—W. W. Ketcham. 21st District—Smith Fuller. UNION MEMBER ELEcTio BUT cacslM:) . QM OF BIS SEAT, • Tenth District—Howell Fisher. ,(Meyer Strouse,. - the present copperhead member, has been' returned as elected, but fraudulent votes have already been discovered, cast •in Schuylkill county, sufficient to give Mr. Fisher his seat, .and the 'Union• members in the next Congress will: do full justice in the matter.) , . COPPEEHEADS ELECTED. Ist pistxtot 7 —Somuelj. Randall 6th., ".,, B. M. Boyer. Bt h " t• Awona. 11th " Philip Johnson. . 16 th " A. J. Glossbrenner. f . • RECAPITULATION. Legally elected Union men, tt " CoppetlfeW` In die ',repent Conjp* the digati4is equally ; divilled. A'' gain of' NINE Union members. ,; SENATE. IThe fol/psminfg is a eonii4e liet:of-tge 1 1)ers in the neat"Senate, l viz : 31 'Firet—Jeremiah SecOnd— acOb Ridgway, Union. Third—C. M. Donovan, Deraocat, (re elected. ' Fourth—George Connell, Union: ; Fifth—Horace abyer, UnionMiltner I thington, aSixtl2-0. P. James, Democrat. , -i, • ' . .fievOnth—Gc(ge P. Schell, Demobrat.. liEightilx — lließter Rymer, Democrat, - inth elOcted.l 4.• Randall, Dethoes4s. 'z Tenth—H. R. Reardslee, Demoeitit.:r• Eleventh—William J. Terrell, Twelfth—J. B. Stark, Democrat. • :-Thirteeoth-iStephen F.. Wilson; Union.' ' Fourteenth—Charles H. Shriner,* Uniou )\Fifteenth--DaVid Montgomery, Democrat, Sixteenth--David Fleming, Union. — BevenTemith—Benj. ; Johnl,l4.pinilaz Won. T , 1 Eighteenth—George H. 'ffucher, Demdcrat. - Nineteenth-r---WillintiM'Sherry, Democrat. . I .T,wnntiet4 7 - i georgeWilbuseholder,Union. TP*PatefirstiOls W. Hall; Union I"wentl-second-Thomas StClair, Union. Twenty-third—W. A. Waller, Democrat. Twenty-fOiiith'=john Latte; Democrat. Twenty-fifth-4. L. Graham, Union; Thos. J. Bigham„Union.- Twenty-Mxtn--William Hopkins,Democrat. Twenty-seventh--C. C. MiCandless, Union. Twenty-eighth—Thomas Doge, Union. Twenty-ninth--Morrow B. Lowry, Union, (re-elected.) - •• Union Smiators, 20; Democratic, 13; Union majority, 7; gain, 6. . • * The copperhAd , judges of , rimming county have thrown Che soldiers' vote out, in order to defeat .Mr. Shrhier; but the , Union Senate will give. the regally _elected Mettiber his seat ' , , . PHISAIRIPHIA-DISTRICTS. First—William Foster,, ' Second—William .11,Hriddiman, Union. Third—Samnet Josephs, Democrat Fourth—W.- W.- Watt, Union.' Fifth—Joseph T. Thomas, Union. Sixth—James'Ernebern, Union. Seventh—Thomas Cochran,'• Union. Eighth—James N. Kerns, Union. Ninth—George A., Quigley, Democrat; Tenth—SamterB : , - ,,Pauneast; union, : Eleventh—Franklin D. Sterner, firri.ictn. • ' Twelfth—Luke T.. 8001114 sr., uniqii. `': Thirteenth--Charles Donnelly, Deinocrat. Fourteenth—Fnixicis Hood, Union. • Fifteenth—George De Haven, Union: Sixteenth--William F. Smith,•Union. Seventeenth—Edward 0, Lee; Union. Eighteenth—James Miller, Union. Delaware—LEdward Tyson, Union. I UNION 9,769 2,782 17,177 3,010 12,076 5,971 5,795 OE 2,G50 2,952 Cheater—Nathan Pennypaeker, Union; Wit Liam B. Waddell; Union; Nathan 3. 4harpless 15 1,414 2,454 1,926 3,141 Montgomery—Dr. A. D. Markley; ,Edwin L. Satterthwait, Democrat. Bucks--Luther Calglu, Fran* ,W. Elea man, Democrat. . , . Lehigh—Nelson Weiser, James F.'Rlina, Democrat. , Northampton Q. Rice, Samuel Skinner, Democrat. , ". • - 2,42 . 6 2,476 1,462 1,202 - 2:eii BM 3,808 3,750 3,404 4,65 Carbon and MonrOe--PeterGitbert; Demo crat. g Wayne' and Pil e-Wm. . Nelson, Demo 3,054 3,680 3.80'7 5,575 2;971 3,508 535 Luzerne —Harry Hakes, Anthony Grady; Daniel Seybert, Democrat. Susquehanna and Wyoming—George H. Wells, Peter M. Osterhout, Union. Bradford and Sullivan- 7 lnseph. Marsh, Lo renzo Grinnell, Union. Lycoming, Union and Snyder—Samuel H. Orwig, Samuel Alleman, G. B.Manley, Union Columbia and . Montour—Wijr:' 'rkson j . ft coby, Democrat. 1,352 1 3,8331 3,745 1 1,514 2,7,66 2,144 1,840 1,621 11,804 2,994 3,408 7,344 1,211 2,512 Northumberland—Trataan•H. Purdy, Dem ocrat. 0 • • , Tioga and Potter—A. G. lmstead, jolku, W. Guernsey, Union: Clinton, eto.A.„o.•Noyes; Dem. , Centre—Cyrus I'. Alexander, Dem. 1 Huntingdon, Mifflin and '3uniata—SolM A. ;Swope, John Balsbachi riiion. Schuylkilljdiehael•Weaver, Soshira Boyer John Dormer, Dem: - ` • , Berks—John Missimer, Frederick, Harmer, Henry B. Rhoadli,'D,ena. ' • Lancaster—Elias •Billingtelt, R. W. Shenk, Day Wood, Charles Demmos, Union. : Lebanon—lsaaa Hollar, Union. . , , Dauphin'—H. C. Apeman , Daniel Raisr, Union. • , • York—Sohn F. , Spangler, James Caeron, Dem. 6,484 2,843 8,020 3, 690 1,567 2,063 3,749 1,610 413 6,316 2,826 2,446 5,651 3,257 40,151 48,995 8642 1,592 IL. <1,225 7,271 2,512 1,457 Cumberland—Alui D. Bowman, Dem. • Perry and Franklin—A. B. ld'Clure, Union; T. I.Ol'D Sharp, Dem. , -; Adams—James Marshall, Dem. Somerset„ Bedford and Fulton Moses A. Boat, Davf9T Armatrong, Union. Blair Joseph G. Adbmi i ,l".ls4on;„ .4:17; Cairibria—cyrus'L. Peinhirkw.Dem../..4 Clearfield, - ete.-=T. Jefferson Boyer, Dom.) Clarion and Jefferson,—W. W.Barr; Dem. ISM 2,553 1,255. 2,691 1,816 3,015 Armstrongrohn Union Indiana dnd We4morelarid-- : George E. Smith,,Jaiks, - .11. - M'Airee, Jas. ll'Efroy, Fayette—Thomai B. Segight,. rknic!. ' Greene— Pose,, Dem • • peed, and Beairei—M. S,Limay, peed, &ones R..KelliY, , .• Alleghenyohn P.•Glass,,,Eobert A. Col-' via;Alfttd Slack, Samuel Chadwick, ,Geo Age., X;111C46, Hans B. Baryon, Xpion. • .• Mercer,., and Butler—Charles' Koonce, Siyuriel M'Kixtley,,John H. Negley,. Wm.'llaslet,t; Union. Venting° And Warren—Wm. H. .Burgwin - , and W. 13. Brown, Union. • , Crawford—John D. Sturdivant, _George H. Bemus, Union. Erie--John R. Coahran, MotiesHill,' Union. um‘PrruLarrorr. . .1:.: • National Union membera, 64; Deniocratp; 16; Union majority, 28.• • The Copperhead judges in . Lycoining hay° also east the soldi4ra 3 vote aside for the .pnv. pose of electing :their re pre s entative a ‘ in tlfit diatriot, liit'the Union: men will take Weft' seats as legilly:elebted niembe7s: ;Is .n.pcsivroLavolz. - Union; Gota: " 1;2370 q,432 1,162 4,930, Senate House ..; _ . 84 4 ; Last year the.compleslprairihs Legislatiire ass as follows;: .:' Senate.... . lur ' this Yea '''. Union majority list year. :Vi ..-.. • .... . r: 7 A gain of 28 members of the Legislature? This is the correct reiridtof the eleetibir : held on the .seeond Tuesday are Detober;llatt; arid yet the Copperheads - are ' induittriousif engaged iikcirenlating the report that their pitrty had gaixtedihe.eleetiorr.. •-•-• ' .• ntaiii'litiL-Th - 4-Cigie Cod ; (mss) Adver-• tier. says thebitylte,e:t i hatiilone quite *lief, oiletshil business uririg the.seaspn, and:. the stoke Beet hits dr 43011: Brit the former ‘ lauded their 216 44;i4Aforeib'4'Pqrt.q, instead `of 'bringing tbebt . bcitne - „whea ,pri ediwere , ilicid, and tbe:afirutt of ,10na - p .twetttyant tborieenf'bolli b1iN1}9,A 038 .4.** 2 47.341 1 ( eguseka,Vid'in;AhrtiMitOti ti 'w4rk iirkwitbei z a p bi-; geld , 84 1 1 thcitftiettleir state of the , :markj3A,haerre§tbedlthigirteisib lovithitt tli, ?Okla APAlN.A44ossibtat EgeOlatsiO!feirt6Teit Pete the fliuirmem , ni, =, . • .v..rma r 1 , • J 4.-,--- Pi: Ai I, .::) - - _I.:: , • - :ci al!: A 'l9 5 REOAPITTLLTION. HOUSE OE.BEPRIMNTATIVES ESE f f innther Raid From Canada. OoDENsnuac, November 3-5 p. A large number of armed men are on the islands above and below this place. Many strangers have been in town all day, and a raid on the town is feared. Business has been suspended, and everybody arming. Hikang has been rsent to reconnoitre. - `:.Thies; lien haVe 'arOsted for &rine : the: 3tenpndartila have been sent lor.V ' DIePATCH.] - 15Oriansstrao, 8 P. M.—A propeller arrived today, and reported that an organized rebel 4orcePWlts - occupyitit`Walls and . Mafel 'Leaf- Islands, eighteen miles above this place. She also reported a number of armed nem on the islands below.. A large . number. _of strangers "!rave been in town all day, most of whom dis aflpeared'at dusk in the direction of the is lands. Five men were arrested who refus,ell, to - give alit- itarrt. bu' orthbiiiiehrgti"thfiy were all armed :with -revolvers. A tug-boat passed down this afternoon, hugging the Ame,rioan shora,mith , about forty'^.meit On board. , A force lies beertSent out, to: reCon rtoitreAt direc i tion 'isethe TpLesitil6.34o .a.re:forthing.corepanies, which are'stationed at the railroad depots, &c. Flour. , gritin, etc., are being sent away; and prePaßttitkias are going on for an. attack. s George,:Fritneis Train in the Oil , -Regions. • (AG 'Cm Pa. Nor. 3 . _ . Mr. Train, in his speech at this place to night, said•"you , cook} as well make an oil barrel out of a bung' as' Make a Union of the Chicago Platforni;" that ?the defunct oil.wells along the creek looked like the ghosts of Dem ocratic politicians, while the files of steam engines ready for action represented the spirit of the Union, Pennsylvania will vote 50,000 against free trade, State rights, separation and vampires. There are two candidates, the American and-the'English. All here in favor of the American will say yea; those for the English. candidate will say nay." The yeas were unanimous. - A Pirtaq at the .Dejaiarare Break " _ Watex. - Psalutzgualna, Nov. 4. Twojpflots who a_rriveWittrthie_pert ..yester day afternoon, from New;9astro, report .that the news was brought thimithat a pirefe•TOEl sel, Atprfbsed to be the Titiill4th*ee, mune, into the Delaware Breakwater liiittiirday roorinthg an 4 destroyed several veliseant anchorthere, among them the pilot'pi'at Conner and a buoying:schooner. It was also said-that the pirate landed and robbed; the citizens of Lew istown of Onch property:. The four o'elock train from Cape May brought no confirmation of the affair. There is no telegraphic com munication:With Ldwistown or with Cape May at present. Tan following, from the Nashville Daily Press,,gives an account of an affair in which Capt.Ammons, a Harrisburger, figured con spicuously : • '1 GMORRELLAS AGAIN AT WORN ON THE NORTH WESTERN RA.tr4AGATo . .--On. Friday morning last, the passenger train No. 5, section No. 1, left this.city on time, in charge of the conductor, Charles W. White. Onsection thirty-six, the conductor discovered some one at work on• the 'track, and, upon,stdpping the train, found them ,to ,•be guerrillas. They immediately, however, left the place, when the guard tru:n ed out under Capt. Simmons, the military conductor, who, pursued them about ,a mile. theomeantime the track was repaired, and !the 'train went on, when the guerrillas again returned, and destroyed a large quantity of wood and over a hundred yards of the track. On thereturn a the train, the track was found to be destroyed on section thirty-eight, which occasioned another delay, and while repaing were going on,. a scout was, sent on towards White's Bluff with a dispatch. In a short time they returned, with information that the 'track and morelwocid had been destroyed on !sections thirtysevan and thirty-six, and the; !fire raging to such: anextent as to prevent the re-layxng of the track. The conductor then orderailthe train. hack to Sineedsville, on sec- Itionforty-two, and after waiting twenty-four ihours, the constrnbtion train arrived, and !reported the road all right, Mr Cheney;: dlister of Transportation, had charge of.thecepair gang, and worked through 'with great expedition. •, How THE LAT E FRAUD was DISCOVERED.— The late New York election fraud was de tected by accident. The Baltimore American 'ells how in the following paragraph: "A delay,- ocourr*gjta the receipt of these prox ies of votes in some of these counties of New York, an agent' of the Union Central Com- Ehittee- of. Clinton ;Amity watfdispatohed to is city to look zsafter the matter, and dis 'bete tickets among the soldiers in camp and hospital. The i .gentleman Whbm we will ball Jonesior the tipie, found that something, was: wrong in the voting, and that- the btlier things, the oath necessary to the power bf attorney' was not being adminiStered. He , flioceeded to the Office of Governer Seymour's Commissioner, M. J. Ferry, No. 85 West Fay ette street, asserting his views, and represent ing himself as a New Yorker, told him that he lhonght ;th e. Democrats were not doing anoughart; thel(ivay of securing votes. Mr. Ferry repliedjhet,they were doing a great deal more the.% lae (tines) was: aware of, and desired to know At. he tad a,commission from froverndr:S"eyinami.„ Zones replied that, he had not, ;hut that he had been appointed as ;agent on - .the; part of the county. He was then informed that, if he had a list of the sat _ diera 464 his county it was unnecessary jrP bin to ~ proceed any further on his miss; _ en , as the ! - Vote could all be made out in this city. jones responded that this would 'be ac companied ' with' ;considerable troub: lo , an d was met with the replf;that the ar,ency had a: "nigoer who signed all the per w ere of a t. , . + 1 t 1 " qint"o4igent contraband. 'laboring earn '4,ily o r the cause of McOlellar a and SeyMour, ll l ,allaxidigbiam and Ben Wood , was seen sea t e d rat a desk, busily, engaged S'.gningvotes in the interest, of the peace - at,-any -terms party.— Blx. ,T4es' attention we' called from the 'nig.' get, i 6 ii,:aarge • blank. ;br*, with the remark Aliat ~ t hat record boe'Ate contains 2,06 names; omen. who'have keen in. the; hospital once; where they lire f'"..ow; or whether dead or alive, I do not , know. Ibitt they are all good for a Dem ocratic vote. .0 Mr. Jones was, about, to'-deit vart from tie offiCile was urgentlyrequeSted. to 'help b . the work by the Commissioner, and being follY impressed with the rottenness and fraud 'of, the entire arrangemeilt o he consented. , Majr,r General Wallace. - Was apprised of the .fak,is of the' castei:(4o. With his usual prompt ness_at once set towrktgririg matters to a conclusion. Mi; Vbrigig! . . assigned by the agent of Goieinliii Seyiribirr,to the work of 811 7 jug up blank: - ioteS,rgml was excused from 74poterieg up' his own county on the plea that, .hi r y T titiagmi g ht be known; by sa me of the' , supervisors of the election returns, when they wore opened." EN "Union: Clops -''47 16 Tax,etatistilial returns now being received by, the ilie Agalealturpl, Department from all ,Sc4tiodefir-thiPcOniitiy show that . the crops All turn out much better than lies - been 4,1 pitted. There 'will be a fall' average' 6i3i) of all i li and of potatoes the yield is -i tfitrahrMhirilYliare• -1114 % pa t cgittlf)l B 9all2l l llusslitteri:More 1„ gror.,extento coriqiinofv - foLgy: . , . • donipky,thedt4iyezt - : i• a NER ADVERTISEMENTS. RECRUITS WANTED 'FOCAL BOUNTY will be pia fii 4 e, few recruits for one year, if applicatronle elide imme diately to the undersign ed. no4d.l.o. MAGUIRE di-CM4T T HAN. LOST, ON TUESDAY last, an orange and. white colored POINTER DOO, very thin. The tinder will be liberally'reiarded by returning hint to JOHN WWII, Third street, above North. nold2t OWEN AVGAIIE. -HOUSE, Corner of Walnnt and Canal streets. CAPTAIN M. FOLLY,-Proprietor, RESPECTFI3III4Y infqrms.the public that he has taken the above hobse ' and will be pleased to see his old friends.. His bar is stocked with the best • :liquors, and fits tableSupplidd. with ill the delicacies of the season. Give him a call. [no493t ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa mentary to the estate of Jacob Earley, late of East Hanover township, Dauphin county, Pa., deceased, have been gratited to the undersigned. AU persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present than, duly aUthenticated, for settlement. . JOHN'EARLEY, JACOB EARLEY, Administrators. no 4dlta•6t* Opening. To-day, A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF FRESH FURS, CHEAP FOR CASH. Also, a case of NEW STYLE AMERICAN PRINTS, (Handsomest and beatgoods made) BELOW THE MARKET IN PRICE, FOR CASH. • Also ; a general told hAnd2orne stock of; WINTEK COATS, CLOAK. SHAWLS, And new goods ge - oerally, CHEAP FOR CASH, at JO.NpS , SPORE. ilarristAtrg, NoveiTiber 4,18&[ —St ,public Sale. IaTILL BE. BOLD at the late store room of yy, Houser & Lockman, on MONDAY, November 7, at 1 o'clock P. X , the remaining ate& of Hardware, con- Mating, in part, of mill and circular saws, locks, hinges and screws, millwright and framing chisels, plane bats of various lands, bevels and sgaares,-patent sad irons, blind fixtures, — Iron pots and pans, glass 10114 and 24136, spikes, fireproof paint, carriage bands and saddlery, oil cans stove aad :stove pipe., one clock, b;es:rtas a - Variety of hardware. Bee positive. - JACOB HOUBBR., no4d2t* Ane:tion OP C 8 P. T, 1J it E .13 'STOCK. PRE ITADEHSIGHED will sell at public auction on Turs.p4)-, AToverramr 15, 1864, • , At Harrisburg, Pa., SIX 'HENDEE D (600) HELD OF CAP- TintED CATTLE,, more or less, oonsisting hulls, yearlings, and calves.'. Sale to commence aF, 9 o'clock on said day, and con tinue from day-to day until all are sold. Jar Terms cash in United States Currency. By order of H. A. Risley, Supervising Specials Agent Treasury Department. E. 0. PAREHMT,- not Assistant Special . Agent WANTED,A Girl to do General House work. good wages will be pat& Apply at 108 Market street. !.. no 4 4t* 3E :XECUTOWS NOTICE • IVOTICEvis heieby gi*en that letters testa- Bunten r to . the estate of Sarah A. McConnell, late of Halifax, 1J auphia county, Pa , deceasek have been granted to thil; undersigned. AU persons indehted to the said estate are requested, to make immediate payment, and thosehli ring .61a1m3 or demands against the Same will present . them, duly authenticated, for settlement, sltd.l,tw6V .§AMUEL JAHDIS. Executor. 'VEN ' NOVELS, for IVA:real, literary excelienee and adaptation to the wants i of 'the times, are forehead of' , their numerous com patiNins: As a consequence, their circulation, surpasses glutei* . of the kind:ever',presented to the public. The pablishise fS hive jealously excluded everything qiat Cou'd offend. mostAunolouloWmoritliet. This, combined with the irtiterary merit,• makes them welcome' to overt family. follewingls a list of their names: • • , DOI 'The Rl:lnters; 2 Tbe Trapper'ti Retreat;.. 3 The Patine& Highwayman; 4 The Ranted Unionist; 5 The Trask t. Fire; The Man-Detets; 7 Charlotte Temple; 8 Jeath-Faec L. 9 The hadjan-Slayer; 10 The Turtle Catch° r;11_ The • Etinter'S Triumph; 12 The Ocean Re. 'rem ; 7 18 - The - 7b _Outwitted . ;" 14 Zeke Sternum, the Llon4nearted ScottY; 15 The Scourge of the Seas; 118 The CoPthcelJaideri; Lons4egged Joe; or the 'Demon of the NI Tooda; 18 The Wild ,tcoux of..the lioutiteitup' 19 The Porest Lodge; "20 the,Dollicking Rangers; 21 Rat tlesnake Dick; or hite Plower of the Wigwam; 22 'Rickety Tom, the Rover; Sa The Imps of the Prairie; 24 The Robber's Terror; 25 Joe, the "Sarpint." For sale y ball News .Bgents, arksent,.peshpald, on reckfof price, P ) cents each. -t rr EURe.E l lattit CO., - • Eck= 187 William street,iNew York . 1 - 4e!)ation Valley BrigAch PIRLADELTIAA &READNG.I R 44r) - • - WlDllikulanuaviraz 1. ~ •AL Winter \ arratteinent 'of Passsenger ,Traius from Itarriebi irg, NOVEMBER 7, 1861. tTHRF.':E DAIL Y TRAINS Fali lirEW YORK.. No 1 EXPRESS at. 3::00 am, Arr. at N. York at 10:00 aar No 8 FAST, at J: 15 Am, • 2:45 P No T idAIL , 1:45 Pny " " 9:20 r m Tae above con em I closelywith similar iihins on the P'emmsylvamis Saftrimd from Pittsburg and the West. FOR I MEGIDELPifii, AND EOTTSVILLE. The 3:00 Aar .13press connects at Reading with tile Reading,Acconi an:dation: Train, arriving at Philadelphia at 9:25 A. 44. N oqraund7 connect wt Reading for. Potts ville, Tamaqua, Allentown, Philadelphia, tic., arriving at the latter point, at 1:10.and.7:05 r la, and at Pottsville at 12:35 fOO4 %a& 7:4511.41j . • ' ' , WAY TILLLiR FOR 'LOCAL pcsvEL. . . Nuinber 5 Mall at t. 25 s x, stopping at all points, and Making same. connections at Reading as number 8. Number 9,, Ilimisbulg Accommodation, at 4:40 r m, Mopping at WI :points,. arriving at Reading at 7:10 P x. EFLOLNING TEAMS LAMM AS FOLLOWS . New Yikile•-••Number - 2 - FAST at 9:00 AX; number 4 Expgaggs. avv : 00 742,, and number 6 MAIL at 12:00 'Pulled hla-4: 00 Ait and 3:30 PN. . • Pottsville..4A° A and 2:25 P ' • Boadin I—.Number4IEICPREBS, 12.00 midnight ; 'num b'er 10 4.OIIOIIMODATION - 7:85"A at; number 8 MAIL 10:45 AOll , ittithbeil FAST 1:38 rx; number 1:1 • Passenger:a foi'Espinton. Valley Railroad Way Stations will take tra ins Mtn* 6, and 10, as the other trains stop only - at Lebanon'nd principal stations, ' - Baggage el •teek r ett through. • 'For tickets 'Or other, in formation ap ply to - J. J. ciNckg; . * I no 4. ReneralAgent, Harrisburg. ! • *- Lon", ' • • . , ~ between the_ tell.gate ti efePi •11.onntain „ Meta nors; a .POCKET-BOOK containing about $24 113 fogey besideirrailroad passim and other paper], of valueto theoe suer:.: reward will be paid for it if 'left at : [no3-2t) . Tins OFFICE. . Furs.. Fresh ft *oni the Bands of the 14149mfgteturers. LAI 'MEW 1..13RW0F EVERY DESCRIPTION. MIF SEE. , do do do CIL ELDREN- !do- do • -do:, NO Inf, a tic T P - U.IWILASP. OF 'MESE , GOODS. , . C°*4o.l.ifitOl4..,tojJaßD ea& Ar• ram VERY LoingST , r) I I . • - . ,•• ~,,•••aeIAtt...PRWEIVr..4 t , ~. i V 14410 4 0 e , AVlgi t ,-tp - the in .'; - - • 441.2 w • - 1 • • glu t V st POO ig -. , , litiall4l3l6 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. _ _ IMMENSE REDUCTION IN THE FRIC€S DRY GOO - DS: No Goods Purchased before the Pre sent Heavy Decline. Goods of all Kinds Forty per cent. lower than Cost Pri ces Three Weeks ago. FULL ASSORTMENT NOW OPENING, FROM • The Large Autliou Sales Of the Importer • IN NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA CATHCART a; BROTHER, No. 14 Market Square, next door to the Harrisburg Bank oe2s-2 WANTED, AGIRL to do general housework in a small family. Must bring good recommendations. A country girt preferred. Inquire at this OFFICE. CALIFORNIA BRANDY ; AND WINES FOE MEDICAL USE. [ATE DESIRE to call especial attention to NV the PORT MINE as being superior to any of the kind in market for invalids. KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street, trigs MRS. X. MILLER TS prepared to do all widths of French Fint i. ing and Goffering, at NO, 54 Market street, opposite Herr's Hotel. no 3 Valuable Property at Private Sale. HE Valuable Property, corner of Front and Wanautstreets, late the estate- or Henry Stew art, deceased, is offered at private sale. For further par ticulars inquire of William T. Steea, on the premises. no3dtt E. C. GOSIN, ATTORIsr•EY AT LAW OFFICE THIRD STREET, AHuVW MARE.ET mar Bountitv, Pensions and Ifactr. Pay r oleeted at legal rates. ,esd3m. 1864. 164 . Philadelphia. and Erie Rail- Road. T ' great line traverses the Northern and Northwest, counties of Pennnylvanta to the city ei Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PtissnyLveald RAILROAD Cak• P./Prf, and is operated by them. Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight business October 17th, 1884. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT ELARRISBURO. Leave Eastward, Mall Train Elmira Etspress Train Williamsport accommodation Leave Westwaid. Mall 'Train Elmira Express Train r • 30 A. M. Williamsport Accommodation L 45 P. K. Passenger cars run, through On nail- trlir, without change both ways between Philtuielpfia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. Elegant Sleeping cars dit,,Elmira Express tralua both ways between W Vlliamsport and Baltimore. ' For information respecting Passenger bualseen apply at the corner 30th and Market street; Phi!adelphia. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr. , corner l3th and Market streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. .7. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore H. H. HOUSTON, General Pre4hl Agerd, pupa, IL W. GWINNER, General Ticket Atterat PUN". JOS. D. POTTS, Citmerat Manager., Williamsport oct2o-dly] HAVE YOU BEARD THE NEWS: , AIIGUSTIIS LOOHMAN has:. removed his Dry - Goods store to N 0.12 Market Square, next door to Henry Felix's, HatrisbOrg, Pa. noldlta AA T PRIVATE SA L E.—That valuable —.pro perty of Mrs. Mary. A. G. Seiler, imown as the " Musgrave cf. Griffith Farm," in Fast' l'ennsborough township, Cumberland county, on the public road be tween Bridgeport and Fairview, containing seventy-six acres and twenty-seven perches, lately .offered at public sale, not having been sold, is now offered at private sale. for a limited time. An accurate draft of the premises can be seen, and full information obtained, by calling at the office of or addressing ' ROBERT SNODGRASS, Attorneyat-Law. North 3d street aboin Markei,lfsrrisburg, Fe. oct3ldtf SHIRT DIANUFACTORY. aENTLEMEN would do well to e3ll at the ILA subscriber's-place of business and be meaured for perfect. fitting SHIRTS. We also keep ou hand a large assortment of ready-made shirts, very cheap. Walnut street, opposite the Exchange. KK. RUINER_ oc3l-Im* FOR SALE ICE OF EVANS &WATSON'S SALAMAN DER SAFES—outside measure 36 inches high, 35 inches wide, and 25 inches deep. `Ahm,one of Howe's PLATFORM SCALES, on wheels —new—to weigh COO pounds. Inquire at THIS OFFICE'. oc3o(ll.w* Neutral Sulphite of Lime, FOR PRESERVING CIDER. WE ARE - selling the, very best article of the kind, prepared according to directions of E. M. ttorsford, Professor of Chemistry, Howard Univer sity. It is perfectly reliable did free from impurities Directions accompany each package. Egfr ER'S Drug and Fancy Goole Store; No. 91 Mar ket street, Harrisburg. 0c26 Pittsburg, 'Ft. Wayne & Chicago Railway Co OFFICE OF TEE CHIEF Exansaaa, Tinsman, Pa., October 211,,1t64. NOTICE FOR PROPOSALS FOR TWO stretches of an Iron Bridge over the Allegheny river, at Pittsburg, Pa. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 4 o'clock, P. 31., of the 15th day: of November neat, for an Iron Bridge, or for two spans, each about 155 feet in length, over a part of the Allegheny river at Pittsburg, Pa. The plans and specifications for the same will .be ready for examination at this office on and after the sth day of November next. . JOHN B. JERVIS, oc27d2w Chief !Fateineer- NOTICE: AGREEABLY to the act incorporating the West Harrisburg • Market House Company, public notice is hereby given that an Election for mee irectors, to conduct the affairs of the West Harrisburg Market House Company, wHltie held at the office of the compa ny, in the Market House building, on Thursday afternoon ;November 17, 1861. W. N. rIERBEKS, no3-d2w Preal pro tem. LUBIN'S HAIR DRESSING FLORILINE. FOR BEAUTIFYING AND PRESERVING AND STRENGTHENING THE HAIR, TS PURELY A VEGETABLE Preparation, distilled from . herbs and fragrant flowers from the south of France, conceded to _be the most delicately PeT fumed and desirable hair preparation ever offered to the American public. It will restore lost hair. It will prevent hair from falling out. It will restore gray and faded hairso its original color. , Its continued use will materially thicken the hair. Bald places will gradually cover Siemer.* and in a short time the: hair will grow dark, soft, glossy and luxuriant. Price-SI CO perbox. Sold bt KUNKEL & BRO., Apothicaries .Harrisburg. sea° A. RARE CHANCE TO IILAIEF. nozirsT., 150 ACTIVE, ENEKGETIC BUSINESS MEM wanted Immediately, to engage in the sale of Dr, Mcßride's' KING OF pew. Very favorable terms offered. The present sales of thismedicine are im mense- and still increasing. This most remarkable rem edy offers unparalleled Inducements to persons wishing to...enpge in a pleasant business that wilt pay them from $50.10:100 a week. -The RING OF Pia will Pea' Oval' cage Headache or Toothache in three SE cicada. For further particulars -apply either peon#l/ letter to.-- -- - 3fidairactorers raidesoPristors, • or to • Dr.:. F. 11.10MEDYi State agent, HartismnEa„ Bpn ll flny ' de l3 r U co TTER- anty reoei — e Frei ed , a h . tiiter. verY "i Mr at (MA • BOM & KOMI& no2tf oct23dtr JAMES STEWART, HENRY STEWART, Executors. 11.45 P. .2.50 A. .1.30 P. H. 12.35.. x.