THE TELEGRAPH 12 , 22031.1 1 ifORAUNG A.Y.D E "MING, riv - GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE TRIED ET,., JVZAR WAL.1.477.7. VERBIS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. Tut DAILY TZLICIRAMI is served to subscribers in the city at 12% canto per Week. Yearly subscribers will be ottarged $6 00 in advance. Those persons who ueglectto pay In advance WIDI be charged fa 00. WEEDILY TELEGRAPH, Tog TNLIORAPHIS also published weekly, and is furnished subscribes at the rollowitkg cash rates Sino . copies, weekly.. , ..... 20pial3 to one Post Office rev to one Post Office N E%i , ADVERTISEMENTS When will Wonders Cease THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD! DR. McBRIDE'S RING OF PAIN WILL cure any ache or pain in from one to sixty minutes I It acts like magic upon the absorbent and glandular systems, reducing swellings and regulating the secretions and excretions. It is of a dittbriive, penetrating nature, exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre, of the nervous organism, thence by reflex action its power is felt throughout the entire system, restoring the circu lating fluids and checking disease with lavineiblestrength. THE KING OE PAIN IS INFALLIBLE! No matter what the pain, apply the medicine and you will find instant relief, It is an internal and external cure. THE KING OF PAIN Cures almost instantaneously, Headache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Cold% Bronchial Affections, Asthma, Dyspesia, Diarrhma, Dysentery or Bloody Flux, Liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Genital Organs, Cramp, Cholic and all spasmodic pains, Fever and Agee, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains and wounds of every description. It proves itself the mastery, as the tesilmonz of thousands prove its ineritoriousworth, Sold, whole Allie and retail, by S. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Sole Agents, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. SOLDIERS READ! The following letter from a soldier, in reference to the efficacy and powerful restorative qualitities of DR. Mc- BRIDE'S KING OF PAIN, speaks for itself: NEWVILLS, CUMI3I.IILAND COUNTY, 1 Sept. 14, 1864. 5 Messrs. S. A. Kunkel & Bro., druggists, Harrisburg, Ph.: GMT:A :—I would inform you that I received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pain Killer, and enclosed please find Ore dollars more, for which send me five bottleS'addition al to-morrow. I leave for camp to-morrow. - Let me know whether you can supply me witUt in the army. I aut in Company H, 202 d Regiment P. T. I have been in very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the one-dollar bottles have cured me completely, and have made me feel like a man. Besides, I have cured a num ber of my comrades of various diseases incident to camp life, and can recommend it to be the best medicine the sAlier can provide for himself. Yours respectfully, JOS. E. WHITE. AU orders from a distance promptly attended to by S. A. KUNKEL it BRO. A HOME CERTIFICATE. The following certificate is from a well-known citizen of Harrisburg : Ranmsntrao, Aug. 30, 1864. To ram Paulo gives me great pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR. T. J. MoBRIDE, which he calls the "RING OF PAIN." I was induced to use it tie an external.remedy for a bruise, which it relieved immediately, and subsequently cured entirely. Its success induced me to use it internally for Diarrhcsa, with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for nearly eighteen months, and to such an extent that my kidneys were seriously deranged. The medicine has cured me, and certainly that is saying a great deal in Its favor, when I reflect how many other remedies I tried without experi encing anything but temporary relief. For my part, I shall always keep a supply of it in my house, believing as I do that It Is a most invaluable family medicine._ The un,rampled sale of this medicine proves it to be the moat wonderful discovery of the age in the medical art. The andersigned are the sole agents for the State, and wit supply it wholesale and retail. S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., Druggist; septt] 118 Market street, Harrisburg. I , I4.IIPHER , S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, ink Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Ran ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Mtn. bury, Treverton, DeOrgetown, Lykenstown, Hilleributg, Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, tho drayage will be at the lowest ratea. The Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the de pot of WILLIAM E. BURK, 812 Market • street, Philadelphia, Ity 6 o'clock P. 11, will be delivered in Mar rhiburg the mitt morning. /Freight Al ways as Low as by Any Other Line. JOS. MONTGOMERY & CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. twt2l-tt NEW Liquon STORE 1 JAPOETANT TO LANDLORDS AND OTHERS.—The undersigned offers at wholesale, to the trade, a choice lot of the berg /tears ever brought to Eletweburg, viz; French Brandies, Holland Gins, Scotch, Irish, Bourbon, Wheat and Old Rye Whisky; Foriegn au•J Domettio Wines, such as Champagne, Claret, Catawba, 'alt liquors warranted, as represented. Landlords sad others will find it to their advantage to call and ex: arniva the assortment at the store, on South Second sueut, two doors below Chestnut. tey27-dttm GEORGE WINTERS. (CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DESORIP .uort. SAUOES of all thecelebratocl manufacturers. SAIUMNRS, OLIVE 011 S, every description. Also, BROWN STOUT, FINE TEAS, 00bWEE, SUGAR and SYRUP of all grades and prices, and the beat selected etoek outside of Philadelphia, Ali goods guaranteed as represented. • Particular attentiou paid to all orders from a distance. Goods carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. SHISI,ER & FRAZER, mv6 successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. - VINE ROMANO SHERRY, imported 1848. Warranted the Finest Sherry Wine in Ude rountry for "le " SELIBLEat Az FRAZER, Nat* ion yndttenro to Wm. Rank. ir Jor On.) itArESS SHAD and FINE NEW MACK _M. EBEL, just, received, at 13,18 MEW FISH.—New No. 1 and 2 Mackerel .1.1 In barrels, half barrels and kitty, and by the pound, at [me] SHISLER & FRAZER. VXTRA FAMILY FLOUR and 001'N 1.11 MEAL always on hand, of the best quROE ality, at BOYER Ac RPERI • QA_LMON.—Fine salt Salmon; at k .101 AMSTAR & FRAZNR. IFIJOKSTER& BASKETS.ShisIer .1 ,- zer, auccezaorste W. Dock, jr. &Co, have on hand h dozen hickory baskets. -Price $5 50 per dozen. je9 CAMPAIGN TORCHES, Manefactured and for sale by J. HALL ROHRMAN, 606 Cherry street, Philadelphia. se2B 86 -N‘TIN DOW SASH FOR BALE.-168 lights, 9x14, well seasoned. Inquire of G. s. BENDER, A,t Ziegler's Liunor, store, Market st.. se29-Bt* i t NEW SUPPLY of FRESH SMOKED; A HA! S, lost received this mottling, at SEMLER & FRAZER. Jel7 , Successors to W. Dock, Jr. &Co NEW ELACKEREHL, ERRING AND SAL VOW al h'n7 l, 1107$R k KOF.IiMee FRENCH CHALK AND PENCir, Bal Banks, Offices, &c. At Scheirer's Bdokstore, Hiirrisburi, Pa. PRGLIt3H BREAKFAST TEL se -La calved, a tee chest of English Ereakfaet Tea, at SVLER-4 --- (Sueoessere to WIN Doak. A EREBH supp ly of Illiohener's Celebided Bu go Cured and Dried Reef, at meitt BAYER & ROMPER. freatoFPONOM MESS SHA.D.—We received - aot this monthig, at Nati BOYER & KERPER,B .. • _..... . . ~--..—__,--,.... • —... ____ 111 . . .. . _ . . • . .. _ .... - \ . , . ' . - ' • - ' ''' .....'- .' ( .‘l4t, fli , . . ' ' s',..;' •". *! ; . • • .. 1 1: ' • ' '.;,....% . - "k. , ... %,\. _ \ .„ 1 , 1 11. / .4‘,. <---- .......:>.. . . ... ~ * i• ~ ii , , . .. ..'. --... '''i, r ' -,. '- .- --:- 3: 5 :- • - • ik . I „ . . • ____. _ - • ---- '.i) ----------'_ ~ .. ' .‘• '-' '•,V-'. c z ,7 i—, -:•.•. , . , . , i , . .. . ~ ~ :A • . L L A- • --11 . : ~.._ --_ .!..• - . , : .. .. $1 00 4 00 10 00 A 'Cure Warranted. Dyspepsia has the following Symptoms: Ist. A constant pa i n or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach; 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhcea, with griping. 6th. Pain in all parts of the System. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with. Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. 'Nervous Affection, and want of 'Sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking with great weakness. Out, of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great'Americatk Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Wishart's office, No. 10. N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and con sultations free of charge. Send for a circu lar. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail; free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. I, ELIZABETH BRANSON, of Brandywine, Del, formerly of Old Chester, Del.; .do certify that, for one year and a halt I suffered every thing but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate,even a cracker or the smallest amount 'of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror, and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; I had no ambition to do anything; I lost all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from place to plactb, but could not be contented; I felt that I was doomed to hell, and that there was no• heaven for me, and was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de stroyed, and also my mind from that awful complaint; Dyspepsia, that myfriende thought best to have me placed in Dr. Kirkbride's hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, but in a few days my dreadful plaint Was raging as bad as ever. Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wis.: hart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to him. He said he had no doubt he could. Mire' me. So in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two weektllegan to digest my food, and felt that naY'diseass was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months," and at the Present time I enjoy perfect health of - body and mind, and I most sincerely return my thanlis,to, a merciful God and Dr. Wis. , hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I rim' willing to do all the good I can for suffering hu manity. ELIZABETH BRANSON, Brandywine, DeL, formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. Du. Wisnesx's Office, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, DANIEL E. WILT Da. Winusirr—l have been a constant sufferer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during which time I cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There were times when the symptoms were more aggravated than at others, and then It seemed it would be a great re lief to die. • I had at all times an unpleasant feeling in my head, butaatterly my sufferings so much increased that I became almost unfit for business of any kind; my mind PM continually filled with gloomy thoughts And fore bodings, and if I attempted to change their current by reading, at once a sensation of icy coldness in connection with a dead weight, as it were, rested upon my brain ,• also, a feeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, and great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the continual fear of losing my reason. I also experienced great lassitude, debility and nervousness, which made it difficult to walk by day or sleep at night.. I became avente to society, and disposed only to sechtsion, and having tried the Waller a numberof. eminent. physicians of various schools, finally came to the conclusionithitt;'fbr this disease at my presentage (*years) there wasno mire in existence. . But, through the interferencle; of Divine Providence, to whom I. devoutly offer my thanks, I at last' found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed al most the last trace of my long list of ailments and bad feelings, and in their place health, pleasure and content ment are my everydaycompaniona .IAIOI3 M. SAUNDERs, • No. 453 North Second street, Philadelphia, Formerly of Woodbury, N. J. Dr. Wishart's Office No. 10 North Second street, Phila delphia. I M USTARDS, BOYER & KOERPER A POSITIVE CUBE FOB DYSPEPSIA HUN WHIT HR, JOHN H. BANOOOK JUT& No. 1028 Chaim STREET, Philadelphia, January 22d, 1888. Ds. Visaawr—Sir:--It is with much pleasure that I am now able to inform you that, Sy the use of your great American Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of that most distreseing complaint, Dyspepsia. I had herrn grieviously afflicted for the last twenty-eight years, and for ten years of that time have not been free from its path one week at a time. I have had it Mite worst:form and have dragged on a moat miserable existence—in pain day and night. Every kind of food that I ate filled me • with wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or how small the qUantity A continued belching was sure to follow. I had no appetite for any kinds of meats what• ever and my distrers was so great for several moqths be fore I heard of your Pills, that I frequently wished for death. I bad taken, everything that I had heard of for Dyspepsia, witheut receiving any benefit; bat on your 'Pills being recommended to me by one who had been cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial,although :I had no faith in them. To my astonishment; I .found myself getting better before I had taken rineteurth.of a holy and after taking half a box, I ear a well mays,_ awl can eat; anything/ wish, and emu, a hearty, meal three times a day without inconveniene4 from anything I eat .or drink. If you think PrePer Yee are etkbertY , tornake 'this. public and refer to , me. I willAserfalli give de- Bitable information to any one who mak cull IMMO Yonss, caspectitilly, HNBABDOCH. For sale at Dr. Vlishart:B Medical Depot, N0..10 North Second street, l'hiladalPhlai Pries One Dollar 'per box. Sent by niail;:free of chatie i ea receipt of price. DYSPEISLi 1 DYSPEPSIA: , Sainuel D. Haven, brie been a great inetins Chronic) Dyspepsia and Inflammation of -tire . EitMeys of three years. I employed three or four of th e nt tent physicians of PhiMdelphin, also Of Plutielt N. J. Th ey did Miter me they could, but' to 'd 0 pose. I was constantly fi lled. with awful, pain adit '• trees, and =with constant belching of wind and so n g Nte4 . - My tongue Wan-Covered with a whits, coating of lidicisi• until It miffed:in - lirge tairows, and was, dreadful ly sore l I ofttiiina'wished for death - tip - , Maims me of my sufferings;lor I lied iota all hope of ever again. I=de - it ii,entdect , of prayer to God that he would direct me to - -aonn PhYliolan t=t-that would owe ine. I was told to read in ad gas itt BY. GEORGE. I3ERGNER. MEDICAL DYSPEPSIA. DYSPEPSIA DYSPEPSIA! "THE lINION—Naw AND FOREV,ER."—Webster. HARRISBURG; PA., THURSDAY EVENING, ,NOVEMBER 3, 1864. MEDICAL. Or. Wbiliarhi in the Philadelphia Lasko., of a great cure made upon Mr. John Babcock, of 1018 Olive street, Phila delphia, by the great American Tlyapepaia Pills. I went to the'Doctor's Office, and placed myself under b treat ment, and told him if he cure me, it would be the last effort I weutd 'make. It has been six weeks since I commenced the use of his medicine, and I am now 'a Well man, free from all pain and distress, and can eat three hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly well Dr. Wishart, I want you to publish my cams as I want every poor dyspeptic oaring as I was, to call on me, and I will tell them of the grest cure I have received from your Invaluable medicine. SAMUEL D. HAVEN. Corner Penang° and Lambert streets near Richmond street, formerly from Wrightstoivn, Burlinglon county, _J. The above are a few among the thousands which :this • great remedy has saved , from an untimely grava„„ , We have thousands of letters from Phyliciiinsamlo4-. gists who have prescribed and sold the ThiCOrdial, sayitig that they have never used or sold a medlinti:whbai'.gave such universal satisfactiOni, • . . Prepared only by the;prriprietor, 3 - 41 t; L. Q. C. WISELVT, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists everywhere lisijylB-eod-dorw NEW OPEN ING FOR Fall- and Winter Trade SHAWLS !. BALMORALS AND SCARFS The Largest slid best selected Edo& in this'elq• at the ' _New Cloak Stoke; IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, _ _ HARRISBURG, PA. sep2- f i3UCRIEISIIII.6 DAZE, October 12, 1464. 1 j A m eeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the banking house on 4,' ii., the 14th day of November next, at 10 o'clock ii.; . for. the purpose of taking into consideration, and deciding on the question whether or not'the said bank shall' 'meanie an! Association for.carrying on the business of Bank tatt Wider the, Laws, of 'tho United States, and, of ' exercising ther powers conferred by the Act of the 'Seidel' Assembly of this Commonwealth, entitled "An act enabling the Banks of this Commonwealth to become association' for the purpose of banking under the laws of the United States," approved the 22d day of August, 1064, By order of the Board of Directers J. W;;WElR,Cashier. 0ct.12-td . . 'SOLE AIIENCt FOR THAS : ' : VITY . _ to a AM happy to` offer t4e. publio Li. and splendicl i iiiapitaaent of • SUPEKIOR wisunfactured by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD.'" • '• tir T e h s 7 i s trsi Fx n a n re well finished, elastic, and will give en. PLEASE - TRY THEY. SOREPTER'S BOOK STORE, Second street, opposite Preebylerian Church, Harrisburg 0 8 Pa. . 1 NEW PHILADELPHIA C 1 0 A NE S "r' It ~ IN D. W. GROW HAW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES or FASHIONABLE • OLOAKS.AND OIRMULARSI AVID FINE SPRING SHAWLS .Win open,on tho,/ot of April . • . i'Almanacs . . Almatiaks..• English atniGerinin Litnastet .' • Ainsaitaeki ) • 1 for the .year ' • 1 6 5 . • For sale, by the gross, Dozen, or si le , at Scheffer's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Hau n t:burg ' , Pa - se29 DONNER'S , NEW EATING AND DRINKING SALOON Walnut street, between Third and Fourth. Wines, Beer and the best quality of liquors constantly on hand. A share of the public patronage is respectfully . solicited• [ocadlinn] JOHN DONNER; Very Convenient. JACOB TAUSIG, TIES pleasure to Worm his friends and C l Lnuers. and the public In general, that he has ;opened a wholesale - and retail Variety, Notion and Jew. elry Store, N 0.105% Market street, above Eby Irunlcel's !Mating, Harrtaburg, /U. , It would occupy a great amount of space to enumerate the articles composing my stock. The purchaser will find, through my experience of thirteen yaws In thebusipm, that I can sell goods equal to the Jobbers In the Eastern' cities. . ' sept26-deni* TIMES! TIUMS!! THE lINDERSEGNED will continence planting yhacte and. Ornamental Treea, Vines, and such Fruit trees as are tit to plant in the. 114 ' • • a. Num , P. S.—Persona who ere tarnished with trees: last Spring that were warrants(' to grow, can have the same replaced that missed. [ocl3] VERY -FINE, INDEED: • • MO our fine and extensive stook of'h ots 1 graph Albame and Photograph Card Picture; we have added a inraunrui. PIC for thereeePtibu of card pictures. They meat be !emend willbe admired. ,l-Photographers supplied at the very lowest `who/e' sale price, and their cam printed upon theinfor thousand, wholesale and retail, at may 24 8011.17 FEWS BOOK TORE. QUEENS and GLASSWARE, a well se lected assortment, just receivek of the latest styles iYAS ; BOXER St.KGERPF,.R. QAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pino App Wut meg and New York SiattiCheese,luitt retbived at 811181,11 R FRAZIER, mr s , aUCCOMOrt to W Doak, Jr., &Co. ALPHABET BLOCKS ! - A ND HOUSE BUH:DING, BLOCKS; FOR A aido at, SCREITER , S BOONSTO.I%,_ octl 21 South Second dusty Harrisbura.r& BOOK 8.--THE SHOULDIA 4.1 STRAPS " DAYS OF SHODDY Just received at rtterli SORF.FFSWS 11(Xt.%STORM n EDER VINEGAR. Yore Cider Vinegar ki can be bolightty the barrel or mall *wait'at • - IYIB BOYER &. .ER.; VBESH OYSTFJ3S • • In can, Justimptived and for.siede.tly • • • r• • • S.EPLER. •Fitigb ; seP l2B • • ONr # • k g i m DOZEN ILES ENGLISH • t tRIL, compritnd . Moony; Chi?s , Chow, Clullito** Mixed Pleir4ee, cegMok Wehods eni; Ooioad i n, aide wholeeatdend raid! by ' 8113211,11R'di nub etionoore to W. Doeil.h7.7C& CLOAKS, Circulars, CLOAKS BROOHE ter Com"moment, Res proved th(Obest salvo for DRAWING BAD MATTER AND HEALING WOUNDS Price sl'per bottle,' Six bottles for ;b. - AND MOURNING, An infallible remedy against Cramp in the Stomach,. Indigestion; - Criotere, Diarrliced, 'Giddiness, Vomiting, tHautSche, Palpitation! et; thelleart, Epilepsy; Asthma, • Pilea l Cold Fever, Sic., /em. D. FR...L.A.111% acebirPtingdom Hanover, is the ini !venter of the nmst wonderful cure ever known. He (commenced Elia inctice twenty Years ago by only reach. , lug such p&tient&as 1)40#1 imiSidered incurable b y . their physician& After, taking his medicines, and sub, jectinethernselvesiioblititieitment;tho 'regained thel former vigor mAgoo4Maltli, and THOUSANDS OF LIVES HAVE BEEN SAVED AY ; MS MEDICINE. The name of Dr. Fr. Lampe Scam became. the 'moist re m:Vinod of EuroptOrt .0900,M,Iitur,treda of thousands of sufferers hatm availed :themselves of his wonderful mediefno and got roliefedl. , - 7. Imported by, pr. KITSCH & do. n . • 486 Broadyray y ;,N t Y. D:Nr: Goias & M BOMGARDNER, and LOUISA/YET& [ocl3doawly] ,r.T.... „ .., Hi -, ntEClTOtig'A ' lo: l sTricgo4D I , 01 "BA NK eye mippi l lg. Iv " : t WHDREAS, The mai gned has been duly appointed, by the Court of. Common Pleas of Dauphin county, an lAuditoLunder the sth..section of the act of Assembly lapprovell the 22d,tter, of August, A. D. 3.sqs. ,%to arca- Italn`and determine the lair market value , ' of 'birch Shire )of stock of the said "Bank, of Middletown," as provided an said section, therefore, i Notice is hereby given tp,,the President, Diwtora and tockholders of; the sand Eank pi& he ' will , *0 wthb risirowletrisca Itatik, , lnmiseteifiweon TllMailiP, A iiitiD AY AiflNoVember4t 1.f9 oNilordr - A.. Y. NOV the urpolie of portemaprme3,estsimotopo t ists Istootat , out as provided by'llfesiforesakt actor Assembly. ftiaik in oct2sdeod3w JOHN H. BRIGGS, Auditor. IT: i I . vamTowis Nozmizi kt., ~ BE AUDITOR appointed by the Orphans' Court of Dauphin county, to distribute among those entitled, the balance remamlngin the hands of Samuel 'Ghisabremaer, Administrator of William Stoudt, late of lower Paxton* ;Id wnship, dedd, will meet the parties .nitirested at hiS office, ha the city of Harrisburg, on Wednesday, the sixteenth day. of November next, at 10 o'clock A. M, of which they are hereby notified. H. M. GRAYDON, Auditor. Mo N. nday, Oct. 24, 1.861-dbawSk&wlt A DMINISTRATNEWS NOTICE. I Whereas letters of adminitration have this day been Faited to the aubeeriber on the _estate of Henry Reel, t l ef the city ,of.Herrbiburg, Dauphin county, Penna.. amused, an pergola knowing themselves indebted to, Bald .estate ' will please make immediate payrdent, 'and all those having claims against =said • estate. will' please Inrwent them for settlement without delay, to ; PHOEBE HANNAH REEF.,. ; Admiattratix of said deceased, • Or to Eugene Snyder; Eetr,Ater attorney. Harrisburg, Pa j. Sept _l9; 1864. fsepl9-6tlawd [mar2i-dly jADMINISTAITOWS NOTICE. - • Wherea.a letters of administration . have thLs day:pahn granted to the subscriber - on the Mate of Cornelius M. ahell; late of Harrisburg, Dauphin county Pen*lvania, deemed, all persons knowingtheniselvea indebted*, gild state will . please make immediate payment, and's]] thbse havihg claims againstsaid estate, will picaSetKEksent theme . for settlement without delay; to . sep23-dottalt] JACOB - D. - BOA'S, Adiniulattator. . . ' - R,xructi4ll.l3c NiAxcic. ~ . , . -. that letters:4osta -I\TOTICIE is terelOy gMql4 - of the Anne ,Fhinsy i late ~ illi wawa , on the estr of he e wen , granted to to 'the pity of' /iiitisbqt;:;(!ilc.9-atli, , , v Ait omons . indebted to' subscriber ' residing ....' aa Y. t the same will.preseht 'them ihe estate are requested4o l sti' them ba"4 "18°1443 " '' SUSAN E. ENGLE., for settieniont::. ;!, L I , •• ; 1 :4... • Executrix. Sure immediate payaienc and se29oawdSts" - ' • . . WILL be paid at the Mayor's Office for any Information which will lead to the conviction Of any party or_parties who may be guilty of wlfally, hegligently•or ilitrelesrily breaking, injuring, 'defacing or tisturblng any of the gas posts • and- lanterns, or any •of he flanges thereof belonging to this city. • • • ocBo-3ttuditli . 4. L. RcipitE93l.9Maori FLOUR! FLOtal Fine Family Flour 100 barrels of the best traud'-of flour is thiS city. EVe7 lAproAlvairantod or honey returned, and delivered to all puts o,f , the , lty free of oharge. For sale at. . SeP 6 .. 1" • `3,IIISUR & FRAZER'S. QALT SALMON. - 1,3 A new, gosoice of tido. salt Killnon; Pat receiving and for sale by • SIELSLER t•ITAZ.F.R, sePt 26 "" ' Isiceitimit to lit. Dock 4erio moAP SACO CHEESE . -,--kmaall but fresh let rning oice Sa4., SAGO j4:141f418X, just received AMA at SHISMt & FRAZER'S. lia - El3BtHAD.—Fine bless Shad of the sea see,- heir berreb3 stunner, Just received at • • V.„ • BM 81',M•I' lc FRAZER, • Stteceesora to W. Dock, Jr., & TEN 04ES , SPIORIY OYSTERS, just re.. calved t • SHISLEIt ik.FRAZER„, JO ° • B,loo ePknAto W. Jr., k, Co. .t .1 • G B an A lat r it . V.Fß?Z . E lt ic A ' • 13 'tin teceivo4 100 bores tine ISAR GRAPES, 6 ponds " in a box, for $l,OO ver box. Please':' and oxi9nioe. oct2 8 REDIIO ON INTRIOES. . , SHISLER & HaVe.mid, another. red#.9tkon in'Yficcs on the lea' ling articles cor generics. . octi . 38 : 1. 11}3154 "4113111 Of the ~_si . brated , St r George brand, just teas Melt anartOi NW; • MUSLIM & FRAZFA . tab ] : Onusisessora to Wm. bock, jr. do-Go .1 111.4 . I :GEST and best Selection of Ga*- ± canoe be City, to be had*, 00t28 appiptatnezEirls. SWEET om j ! ",„b! f f i me i l i kk i "1:4243 ' -SEMLER & FRAZEWC BEEN tutiiii4iity ,firkirui. Sae kottole iL node Win, ter,,KOltkiirlikki or pootiCirt &Aired ski • - - • ;MICR k . gOERPEE. 1 7—choice 11OW orOpp . Cheese, jn reahedM Q,7181 130 TM # SOUP= . NEW ADVDETISEMENTS. PROCLAMATION. -vcri4PREIAS, the Honorable JOHN J. Pain s(); President of the. Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, consisting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauptdn, and the Honorable SAlnniirdi.P. lugs and Honorable Nowt R. YOUNG, Associate Judges in Can phin county, hating issucd , their precept, bearinidate the 28d day of August, 1864, to me directed, ter holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delitemy add . Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to commence= THE 3D Mono4r .ox. No vain= tar', being the '2lst 'day of November; "1884, and to continue two weette. , , . Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, JUStiCee of the Peace, Aldermen aud , Constables of the Wild county of Dauphin, that they . he then and,there in their proper Perions, at 10 o'Clock in the forenoon of said • day,'Witii their records, bequisitions, examinations, and their 'own remembrances, to do , those things which to their office appertains id be, doiie, and thoSe who are bound in recog- Idzatices to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall lie iitheJail 'ornaaPhrn county, he then and there to , prosecate,against, be jest. ~ Given under my band, at Harrisburg, the 21st day of Weber,' theyear of our Lord,lB6t,nnd in the eighty , ninth year of the independence of- the United States. . W. W. JENNINGS, Sheriff. SIIKRIFT'S 0.5710 E, Harrisburg, Oct. 21, 18t1. J 0c22-d&wid Dr. Lampe's' Herb Stave; lIAS proved the rUost, effective, cure of RHEUMATIC GOUTyhas proved the best remedy Of AnintatiefitmrStrendOtoristi the nerves of Ladie,s 'd.f• Dr tanipe's Universal Herb Elixir, r ric° pei.!;.cos ) ., f i Six boLtles for $5 TEN PRICE. THREE CENTS. EVENING EDITION. TID VOICE-OF A SOLDIER! Read How Oar Patriots Speak for their Country The following, taken from a private letter received by "one of oat citizens, will be read with interest by every lover of the Union : Cure Veartia ABM, VA., Oct. 23. Mr. -:--It, is with the greatest plea sure that I take this opportunity of writing a few lines to you respecting my Ophiion as, to how the soldiers will vote at the next Presidential election. If they are left alone and no cheating is allowed, Honest Abe and Andy •will -carry the day wherever the true soldier's sense ex ists. I hope no Man is'foolish enough to vote for a candidate who has been living, since the fall of '62, on the bounty of the U. S. (like a beggar) without resigning his 'commission, after all the failures he had in commanding the splendid Army of the Potomac. Any sensible General-Would resign after losing the fairest chance to .take Richmond, and killing about 50,000 men inthe swamps around Rich mond and letting Lee slip out of his fingers at Antietam. If such a man has any friends, I have nothing more to say. Do the people believe the war will come to a close if they put in "Mac" instead of "Abe ?" Never ! That is just the time it will commence, and What sort of a war? Pray to the Almighty to avert such a calamity. stand up for "Abe," citizens of the North, and you will have Union and peace in six moilthitinfter. The soldiers will vote by ivo'sjority - of two thirds. If it is not so' theremust be a great change before long. If any vote 'against him it will be the cowards and the traitors who are more anxious to see the South win than to have the laws of the Country obeyed. There is no p/dying with -the rebs 110 W. If we wanted to have Richmond alone, - we could have it---certainly not without much loss of human life, but we want the army more than the poor city. It wiatild not be agreeable to , run after Lee all ever the Southern States, - if we can get him here, with s little more time. All I hope is the prOp_heeies of an old sol dier will be true, as he made the, following verse: "Yankee doodle keep it • Yankee' doodle dandy; This is the Nay we soldiers vote, For Honest Abe and Andy." S. B. CASH-AST . JSSIFIED DIAVN. The Cleveland beggar of: Thursday says: There was it'. stra4ge spectacle at the Depot yeiterday- 2 4 man, of whom accounts were published, years agia,_ _}n `newspapers, in this country yrierucal 3tavnaisaw novena, Who has been WA state of almost ebiripliate os sifidation for thirty. 'paw: nanie is 'Val entine Perkins; he 3943:_hern. fifV.4wP.:Yearei sinoa inlienriettaaLonroe contitY, :New York, :but has been resident, for the last twelve !years, of Mantua, Pbrtagei county, Ohio. At= :the age of eleven years he was thrown from:a lhorse and his knee: was injured by the fall, ;From that .time ossification set in, and the ;process made advanceiaemerit, jOir;it - l4 joint, :for fifteen years, when it- had 'completed its :work. Ile is thoroughly and totally'ossified, ;with the exception .that he, can move two of his fingers,. and nrake. the slightest percepti ble Motion:With one or two of his toes. He :has not 'opened his jaws :for more than thirty years, but, still he can : talk with ease. Of course, he has to be fed—the food being placed within his lips and left under the quid-: anco of mother Nature, who mysteriously en sures its safe conduct into the stomach. • He lies upon his side upon a low bed or couch, which serves also as a litter, with his ',feet drawn up somewhat, and kip right hand caught up near his shoulder,-1110 thus all day long, shifting his position but once during the twenty-four hours, when he turned over on the. ;ether side. While he is thus completely ossi ified—a human block of limestone, as it were-- A ds skin retains its normal character and con dition, and discharges its functions perfectly; :being, perhaps, more sensitive,. however, to, she touch of any object , as that of a fly or a hair than is usually the case. Wheri the light .strikes the skin of his hen& or face, it looks }like marble of a yellowish tinge, brought up Ito the highest possible _state of polish. He lies there on hiS Couch like a recumbent „statue; • • Ris•health is goodhe •has an excellent ap petite, and lives, withal;. a happy life. One is naturally curious to know how his mind is loccupied through all the dreary hours. He cannot read, for he has been totally blind 'for thirty years. Cut off from that re- Source, he is necessarily cast back upon: his memory, and he has a most wonderful devel opment of this faculty. It is exceeding dy He remembers the most minute and apparently trifling incident or ,circumstance, has the entire .past—every Fact and event in his experience—before him, piled up like strata, and summons at will, or ps=occasion requires, occurrences which have faded from the minds of his friends. His re collection. of localities is wonderful., Places that he had visited years ago, before struck with blindness; he 'can now identify as he rides along-Lw vivid a recollection has he of the relative position of things, as bridges, 'rivers, &a, &e. • . He is possessed of, much more intelligence !than we would suppose it possible for one in his condition to have.' He is, very expert at' mathematical calcrdatiorts, and can with great readiness give, for example, the number of square inches in an area the,number of whose !square feet or rods is given him. Of course, it'must be a world of work , to take care of ;this helpless man, but his Mends have cheer ully borne the sad burden for more than' gbrty, years. He has now gone to Painesville• as a county charge. Sounrzair • REvocums.--Extract of a letter received-from an officeriu the Nang:, ` U. STELMZEL METACOMET, OFF Moms, Sept. 28,1864.—ra5t uighta boat was brought alongside this ship by'our picket boat contain :lug an old. man, seventy-eight years of age, with his wife and daughter, twelve years, and two sons, thirteen and fourteen years old.— !Xle was.flefeiag from. the merciless conscrip tion, his sans and himsidf lmviag been draftect The boat Aiiits am:datable': old scow, leaking, i 1 . 1 9( 1 . 1 9,140 NhiChy they brui, ; pulled for. fifteen 4 - 40. 3 1 3 ,, , a* the family, and. thingsWhatevei contain. The eldest boy - had ;been • drafted last-spring and , rent to Lee's while the father wasiin Mississippi, but the battle of the .Wilderness succeeded Ili making his escape from RiehMond iii turnco 1 home. STEM. PRINTING OFFICL ADVIMIBIN s —DALM TELEGIiePEL . The fallowing ire the rates for advertising in the Tars- GUM: Those having adverthilnitto do will Ind it coo rm:keit Mk *Terence: /fr Four- lines or - leas !Isitunitate • Onetelt Square. ' Eight Saes, Or more thiciTonr, toristitatei Seuere. TOR A EALP 131;11:1A* Mir, O 8 SWAM One' ay' S: 30 I One day I . 60 Two 'days .. 60 Two days.-- ..... 100 Three days 75 Three days 125 One week 1 25 One weer. .... ....., 425 One month . 300 One month 6 00 Two months 4 50 Two months 9 00 Three months 550 Three months .. 11 00 Six months 8 00 Six months 15 00 One year.— ... —.15 00 One year -25 00 Adminlstration•Notices 2 75 .Marriage Notices 75 Auditor's Notices Funeral Notices, each lase agr Business notices before Marciages and Des each Uncertain. Markets by Telegraph. PHIGADELPHIA, NOV. 2 There is an upward tendency in most de scriptions of merchandise owing to the rise in gold and exchange. Flour has advaned 25c per barrel; wheat sc; corn 2e; coffee ic; sugar About 4,000 bbls. of flour sold at $ll 00 for extra, and $l2 00g,12 50 for extra family, 'and 2,000 bbls, City Mille on terms kept secret. Rye flour firm at $9 25. In corn meal nothing doing. There is a good demand for wheat, with sales of 7,000 bus. amber at $2 65, now held higher; white at $2 80®2 85. Rye held at $1 70. Corn in good demand; 10,000 bushels yellow sold at 1 70, and some at $1 69@1 70. Oats lively at 87®88e. In provisions very little doing. Petroleum held firmly; sales of crude at 40c, refined in bond at 64@65c, and free at 80@,83. Whisky. at $1 77®1 Flour heavy; sales 15,000 barrels at $9 50 @AID 40 for State, $10@,12 25 for Ohio, and sll@ls for Southern. Wheat declined 2®30; sales unimportant. Corn dull at $1 67. Beef quiet. Pork heavy; sales 2,000 barrels at $4l 50@41 75 for mess. Lath quiet at 21@ 231. Whisky dulL Hum lima, Nov. 2. Flour bouyant; Howard street superfine $ll 37k; Western extra, $ll 75. Wheat quiet and firm. Corn dull; new white Si 35. Cof fee firm; Rio 42®43. Whisky dull at 81 78. New York Stock Markets. Stocks lower; Chicago and Rock Island 102; Cumberland preferred 511; Illinois Cen tral 128 f; Michigan Southern 7G; New York Central 1224; Penn'a Coal 100; Reading 134 f ; Erie R. R. 1011; One year Certificates 95k; Treasury 7 3-10's 108 t,; 5-20 Coupons 102 k; ditto Registered 100 i; Coupon 6's 1078; Re gistered 119 k. Gold opened at 245 at the board, and sold at 2424, and closed at one o'clock at 230. A- NEW DEVELOPMENT OF PEACE PRINCIPLES. —The notorious Vallandigham addressed a meeting of his sworn vessels at Sydney, Ohio, oh the 24th ult., in which, he urged them to support ld'Olellan, and gave this cogent, and to them convincing inducement. Speaking of President Lincoln, he said : "In the hands of a Democratic President, his head, and the heads of those arouniThim, would come to the block." We have here an undisguised declaration that in the event of election, the work of 'butchery is to begin. The President and his immediate advisers are to be the first victims, but every man who has been promi nent in his devotion to the - Union, may ex pect to find his name in the list of those doomed to the block. This is the language of men who talleof peace, and who denounce " kluazknical an aarliliistration tbAtoifers hmdrance-to the proclamation cif an ertior murder, in case the prospective butchers can succeed in the Presidential election. ONE of our exchanges makes an excellent comparison between General McClellan and Jack Bunsby. "Little Mae" declares for war and the Union, and then tells the - Chicago Peace party that he thinks they must have meant the same thing when they voted the war a failure, and swore to an armistice, Jack Bunsby's position is equally clear. "My name's Jack Bunsby. And what I says I stands to. Whereby, why not ? If so, what odds? Can any man say otherwise? No. Awast then. Do I believe :this here eon and hair's gone down, my lads ? M.ayhap. Do I say so ? Which? If a skipper Stands out by Sen' George's Channel, making for the Downs, what's right, ahead of him? The Goodwins. He isn't forced to run upon the Goodwins, but he may. The bearings of this here obserwation lays in the application on it. That ain't no part of my duty. Awast, then, keep a bright look-out.for'ard, and good hick to you." A NEW AND DANGEROUS Cotrarnamay.—A well executed and very dangerous counterfeit government greenback, of the denomination of, $5O, has recently been put afloat, and hand lers of money must keep a sharp look out, or they will be bitten by it. The general appear ance of the bill is precisely that of the genuine, and the signatures are perfect fee similes. A close examination, however; discloses that the printing not quite hs well done; while in the vignette of Hamilton the nose is less promi nent, and the lower part of the ear, which in the genuine is quite plain, is obscure. The words in script, "promise to pay the bearer," are somewhat coarser than in the genuine. The paper is unusually good for a counterfeit note. Tim Columbia (Ga.) Sun, in referring to the President's recent speech in Macon, the authenticity of which was doubted, says: "We have the assurance-Land had at the time of its publication—from two of the best men in Georgia, who were present and heard the ' speech ' as it fell from Mr. Davis' lips; that part of it to which objection is taken was correctly reported. There is little true great ness and elegance in that speech as the 'one delivered at Chattanooga in December, 1860. It is in singular contrast with his State papers, ;which are remarkable for their elegance of taste and diction. A young lady advertises in the Cleaveland Plaindealsr, for a young gentleman to act as an amanuensis. He must be able to write in cipher, and when not engaged he will be ex pected to read poetry - 'With feeling, Converse with ease, and be able to play cribbage and, backgammon. He must expect to be kissed when she is pleased, and cuffed when she is not; but as her temper is acknowledged to be good, there will be more kissing than cuffing. There's a good chalice for somebody. A Stniscnnam, of very coppery proclivities sends us a spunky letter, telling us inconti- t . mently to "send our black Republican paper to h—L" We will change the address Cheer fully, hoping that he will be better - prepared to estimate our sentiments in his new locality. —Bloomsburg Republican. Tim Ogle county (EL) Sanitary Fair, held recently, realized $3,000 in cash, besides sev eral hundred dollars' worth of vegetables, for the sick and wounded - soldiers. Momeinusis.—An association of Latter Day Saints has been organized in Monongahela. City, and arranged for regular services in the Cumberland PresbYteiian Church of that pity. , • Tim petrolemn trade in. Pemnfylirardi; lad" year, was larger by '55,000 than the iron and coal trade. - The sales of the former brought $56,000,000. Tau New York Daily. News continues,folu sist that General McClellan shall "assert pub licly, as he does privately, that he will favor an immediate cessation of hostilities." 1 60 60 in the Local Column, or Ike= ems PE Late for Nrw YORK. Nov. 2 NEW YoBE, N0v.12
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers