9a/il k (Litititiapl) NOTICE TO A LIVEHT/SEILS.—AII Adver . isentents, ilusinet.s Notices. Marriages, iSe., to secure insertion in dhe TEL.EGRAPII, must insuriably be accost. on ',led with the CASH. Advertisements ordered In the regular r:vening Edition are inserted in the Horn ing Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA. SATURDAY EVENING, OGTOBER 29, 1864, ANOTHER RALLY FOR THE UNION! GENFFIiAL KIERNANN, AND HON. GAL USD. A. A. GROW: WILL SPEAK AT THE C 0 1U - 11, 1 r HOUSE , On Tuesday EVg, .Nov.l, '64. (111'7v AND COl 7 NTR Y. Tom Timm and family' sailed for Europe, to-day. TEE crowded state of our columns compels as to abridge our local matter. Comma- EforirE.—The Hundred Days' men, hiving served their term, will soon be among as again. SECOND LUTHERAN GILUECH. —There will be divine service in the Second Lutheran Church, as usual, to-morrow morning and evening. Merton.—There , notumg new to report in connection with this institution. Next Tuesday the West Harisburgers will have a market in their end of town. I= AN important notice relative to the breaking of lamps is published to-day. The Mayor oilers a reward for the detection of any irtdi idual who engages in this nefarious business. GERINIAN REFORMED CHURCH. —Divine ser vice as usual, to-morrow morning and evening, at the usual hours. Preaching by Rev. Wm. Gring, of Bedford county, Pa. LUNCH. —A saner kraut lunch will be given on Monday next, from 9 A. m. until 7 r. u., at the saloon of Henry Meyer, Second street, be low Chestnut. Frank's celebrated Lager Beer always on tap. = RUN-OFF.—Yesterday afternoon a 'pair of horses came dashing down Third street, having a portion of the gearing of a hack attached to them. They rau off from the vicinity of the new market house. One of them was very seriously injured. 11203= TRAIN Is Cour...N . G.—George Francis Train, a delegate to the late Chicago Convention, will speak at the Court House on the Monday even ing preceding the election, Novembet 7. The house will doubtless be crowded. TEIEATIIE—Great Sensation.--The SEA OF ICE will be performed, for the last time, this eve ning. All who have not seen the magnificent scenery connected with the play, should 'go tonight, as another opportunity will not be afforded to witness it. THE Rev. A. J. Barrow will deliver the fifth of his discourses on Bible Narratives to-mor row evening, at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, corner of Ridge road and reservoir. Subject --.‘'Solomon's Glory and FalL" Service com mences at C:3O o'clock. All are invited. =I THE MEETING AT MIDDLETOWN TO-NIGHT.- Gen. Cameron, rho was expehted to address the Union Club, of Middletown, this evening, will, we regret to learn, be unable to do so, on account of having contracted a very severe cold. Mr. George S, Barr, of Lancaster, will de liver an address, on the great questions of the campaign. THE WEST HABEISBUSG is invited to the advertisement of the new Market House Company. Markets will be held on Tuesday and Friday mornings, be tween the hours of 5 and 10, and on Saturday, afternoons, between the hours of 3 and S. The sale of stalls took place this morning. Over one hundred were rented for the next five months, at an average of about fifteen dollars per stall. The bidding was quite spir ited. The new house will pay a handsome profit. ANOTHER POCKET PlCKED.—Yesterday Mr. James C. Bridges, of Dickinson township, Cumberland county, was robbed, either at the depot, or on Market street, in this city. His pocket book contained upwards of $9O in bank bills and currency, besides $2OO in Five-Twen ty bonds of the 11. S. The pocket-book was taken out of the inside pocket of his coat. Of course he will never hear of the missing money. M.usicAL.—We wish to draw the particular attention of our citizens to the advertisement of a newly-arrived and eminent Professor of Music in our city—Mr. R. G. Paige, a well known, first class tenor singer, pianist and organist from New York, a highly successful and experienced cultivator of the voice, and teacher of the piano forte. We augur much good for the advancement and elevation 'of the standard of taste, in the delightful art of music, in Harrisburg, by having so thorough, ly qualified a teacher in our midst. I=l A PRINTER'S FUNERAL.—The funeral of Mr• George W. Price will take place from the re sidence of his mother, on Mulberry street, between Front and Second, to-morrow (Sun day) afternoon at three o'clock. The propri etors of the various printing offices, their em ployees, together with all other persons con netted with the printing business, either resi dents or non-residents of the city,. are cor dially invited to attend. We learn that the Typographical Union ef this city has purchased a lot in our beautiful cemetery, and in it the • remains of Mr. Price will be interred. The members of the Union will meet in their hall in the Friendship en gine house, to-morrow afternoon at two o'clock. TRANESOIVLNG Dar AND t eHE SOLDIERS llosPrrazs --,We believe thaf it is only neces sary to remind the ladies of Harrisburg, that, in preparing the usual amount of good things for the proper enjoyment of Thanksgiving Day, there are a large number of sick and wounded soldiers in Camp Curtin, who will, be entirely dependant on the patriotism, of the people ik this city, for whatever feast they may have on that occasion. With this tact before them, the ladies will of course see that the brave defenders of the Govern ment are not forgotten when the country re joices over the fruits of victories whioh their valor won. In this connection we wouletsug gest to our clerical friends that they bring this matter before their respeotiv.e congrega tions, urging that the ladies thereof take ac tive measures for the preparation of a grand dinner to be given to the soldiers in the Hos pitals ma Thanksgiving Day. For that mat ter, it would do no harm to — see that every soldier at this post be provided with a suita ble diIIZIR oa Th a nk s giving Dar ARRESTED asp Rolm Ovga.—Yesterday officer D. F. Hoffman arrested seven boys, who are oharged with having participated in the assault upon the Republican Invincibles, and by which Mr. John Fisher narrowly es caped being killed, on Wednesday night. The following• are the names of the party arrested: Frank Young, Charles Jack, Patrick Maloney, Samuel Fuger, Harry Meek, John Morgan and Frank Boyer. They were taken before Alderman Peffer, who held them in bail to ap pear at ten o'clock on Monday next, when they will have a hearing. Other arrests will doubt less be made, and by the time the case , is dis posed of, parents may learn that it would be well to teachtheir boys how to conduct them selves upon the streets, and not to commit murderous assaults upon peaceable citizens. TRANSMISSION OF MONEY EY MAIL.—The postal money-order system is to be put into operation in this city, and at other designated points throtighout the country, on the Ist of November. It is intended to promote public convenience by affording a cheap, immediate, and safe agency for the transmission through the mails of small sums of money for which bank drafts cannot readily be procured. The mode by which safety is secured consists in leaving out of the order the name of the payee or party for whom the money is intended.— In this respect a money order differs from an ordinary bank draft or check. When a mo ney order is applied for, the postmaster will furnish the applicant with a printed form of application, in which the latter will enter all. the particulars of amount, name, address, &e., required to be stated in the money order and advice. From the items contained in such application the, postmaster will MI up the mo ney order and also the corresponding form of advice. The order, when completed, is handed to the applicant, upon payment of the sum ex eressed therein and of the fee. chargeable thereon, which fee must invariably be paid. in money—postage stamps not being receiva ble therefor. By the mail immediately fol lowing the issue of a money-order, the post master transmits the corresponding advice to the postmaster at the office upon which it is drawn. The latter is thus furnished before the order itself can be presented, with all the neesssary information to detect fraud, if any should be' attempted. Any office ma draw upon any other office in the list of money-order offices for a start, upon one order, from one dollar to thirty dol lars. But when a larger sura than the latter is required, additional orde:ts to make it up must be obtained. Rates of commission charged for money orders : On orders not exceeding $lO 10 cents. Over $lO and not exceeding $20....1$ cents. Over $2O and up to $3O 20 cents. No money will be received for orders ex, cept coin,.United States notes, or notes of the National banks, and orders cannot be paid in any other currency. A money order is ren dered invalid unless it is presented to the' postmaster on whom it is: drawn within ninety days from its date ; but the Postmaster Gen eral can issue a new order on the application of the payee upon the payment oF, a second fee. The same course is to 'be pursued in case tho order is lost. In. this case, the payee is to furnish a statement, under oath, that the c.rder has been lost or destroyed, acconipatied by the certificate of the postmaster that it has not been paid, and will not be paid if tb,ereafter presented. The payee may transfer his order to another per son by endorsing it upon the back. Persons, therefore, residing at places other than those designated in the list of money-order offibes can avail themselves of the advantages of this system ; but an order cannot be endorsed twice. In commencing the operation of the system, it has been deemed expedient to be- . ' gin with the larger post offices only. A. lid of money-order offices will be found at the post office in this city. The total number in' the United States is one hundred and thirty nine. Should circumstances warrant, the number will speedily be increased. BUSINESS ITEMS. Has. X. Itlfrtriou is prepared to do all width's of French Fluting and Goffering, at No. '54 Market street, opposite Herr's Hotel. oe2o-1w WANTED IMILEDLLTELY—TIVO SllleSMall ac quainted with the dry goods business. Apply in person to CATHCART & BROTELER, No. 14, Market Square, next door , to the Har risburg Bank. oct2s(ll* THE cheapest and most select fashionable ladies' bonnets, hats. cloaks and. circulars are to be found at fib. si..m.,yees, No. 13 Afar ket street, between River alleu and Front street, (Boger's old stand.) octl7-tf LABS! come and see the new Dress Goods, Ladies' Dress Goats, Circulars Shawls and Fars of every description, at No. 10 Market Square, formerly M. G. Einstein 'e old stand. ootSfl-Ilw Da. M'liama's Ring of Pain should be kept in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhmo, Bloody Flux, pain in the Back and Side, Inflam mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. All orders from a distance promptlyattended to. sept2o-tf FEVER AND Aours can be eared.. Do not think because you have tried everything you could read or hear of, that you cannot get anything to cure you, for you have not taken the pure vegetable that is curing every one that takes it. It does not stop your shaking for a week or two, bat it is a perfect cure. A trial of this will convince you and your neigh bors. It can be had only at No. 27, South Pine street, by Mrs. L. Ball. octl7-tf LATEST ABETVAL.—The undersigned takes the pleasure to inform the ladies of this city and vicinity, that she has received this day a large quantity of CLOAKS and CIROII LARS, ranging in price from $6 to $25. This stock comprises---the Tiny latest styles and best qualities, all of which have been purchased since the decline in gold, and are offered at lower rates than they can be sold for by any other establishment in the city. MRS. M. MAYER, Boger's Old Stand, No. 13 Market street. • sept2B-tf Cloaks and Pure Cloaks and Furs! We will open next week the cheapest and largest assortment of Cloaks and l'urs lu Har risbuzg, all bought at greatly reduced price& Beautiful muffs at 4 50 and,s dollars. Splen did cloaks as low as 9 and 10 dollars. Black cloth for cloaks as low as $2 50. White all wool flannels as low as 65 to 70 cents, .wortk 90 cents. 4 by 4 bleached muslin 65 cents, worth 75 cents: French merino 4,, black al= pawas, black boinbazinea, all at reduced prices. 600 doz of woolen and aotton stockings, children's wools stockings as low as /6 cents. Casaimereforboy's wear. The greatest bazghal in blitok silks. ..We have now in store. a veyy large stock of .goods, and will sell at leas than wholesale prices, in order to reduce our stook. Bargains in Lisle linen bought at auction: Call and judge for.pauselt . :Puri, Fints.—The undersigned-,t; P.; ;he liberty of informing the lathes of tai ci y and vicinity, that she has received a splendid assortment of Ladies' Furs of all descriptions, which will be sold at greatly reduced prices. MRS. M. MAYER, oct26-cl4t No. 13 Market Street. SPECIAL, NOTI.C.ES. Military' Business' attended To 'loamy, Neaten, Back Pay, Subsistence and Military and War Claim, generally, made out and collected. Per sons residing at a dintance can have their business trans 'Wed by mail, by _ EUGENE I - DER, Attorney-at-Lar, .41.41 ) . . altlrd street. liarrisbull P. Akir EPILEPTM FITS OAR Be CURED! I—Dr:' Lockrow l i having become flatulently successful in curing this ter rible malady invitee all similarly afflicted to call or' send for circulars of reference's and testimonials of numerous cases cured of from one to twenty-four years' staudin.t. He devotes his attention issmecially'to diseases of the Cer ebroSpinal Axis, or Nervous System, and soliCits an in vestigation of his claim to public confidence.. He may be consulted at Ills private residence, No 141 West 42d street, daily, from 10 A. 11. until 4 P. u;; except Saturday and Sunday, Address all hitters to DR. V B. LOOKROW, New York. Care of P. a 80x.5118. • ,• ocildkOrn • To Consumptives. Coustzmptive sufferers will receive a valuable prescrip- Cow for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all , _throat. and Lung offentions, ((Yee of charge,) by sending their address to - Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, , Williamsburg, Kings County, New Yarn..reepin-d&wam • Bannvartls Troches. For the.cure of Hoarseness, Throat Di seases 4 te„, ake epecdally recommended to zrdnifiters, Singers and, perions whose vocation calls them to spoalr, in public. Manufactured only by O. A. Bannvart & .Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should , bo sAidisessed. Sold by druggist every wherc. Read the following teailmonials from dome of cur eminent , clergymen:* • .02.atiffoutto, Feb. Bth, 1 8514.: O. A. 8a...t , 4 - .474..wz—Dicsr, I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar'sLozengea and other preparations for hoarseness ',and throat . trouble's, end in comporis' all, can chi:Jeri - all:, commend your" ow - . cS a most admirablu 'specific for public apeakers and singerh. itt'.la:c.es of hoarseness, coughs and s?o!dTs. i htve. found them, serving in time u-; rite:eh ifaCP•it erree.ituaLy. Yonra trut3. , T. ROBINSON,' Pastr.r ri. Presbyterian Church.. , , . ./A.2 7- ' I figv-x :)1.r.. Robinson as to; the value of "8..nr0r.r.:%v Troches. W. 0. OAT'PELL, Late Pastor a ;A. Presbyterian Church. fiArearatuao, jam., 1864. TO C.A. Biativam---Dessr Sir: In the habit of speaking very freuently, and inplaces *here the vocal organs are very ranch tatced; I have found the need of somegentleeipeeto rant, and that want has been supplied in Sol. excellent Troches. ' . L consider: there very, far. superior to 'any tozeng,es that I have ever used, removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising .Tro,ni its too frequent use, *4 impairing th. e ffeetheness 0f,.. the delivery , of public. a.. - &vases, Y 0131%- ate. rYNO: WATarini JAMISON. Pastor of the'losaufid St. Methodist Church. To- O. A. BAstrvlax—Dear Sir: Having um. your TroOhes; I am free to say they; are the best I have ever tried and take ghat pleast7e in.reoommending them to all persons afilicte,l with sore throat or huskinesd of voice aiming trom public speabang or singing. Yours, .fko., G. G. TtAIi'VgTI3,AW, , NAM` of 2..idge-Avenue Methodist Church. _ , , .1.318TR.101 AT6BNET 4,IFFIOE, Tisannrtute, Feb. 28,. 1864 ro tj. A. Banrivernu—Dear Sip: = a ave sound'yonr:Trochea' - 'o l * **Amble in re hoargenees and strengthening Ithe consoles of the throat. They impart clearness to the vo ce arni ttre certainly of great bebie. lit to all pnblic appaltera., ,A. 41. - BZ,RR , • N AD VE RT IS E N T S NOTICE. THE citizens- of Harrisburg are herebv'4_ formed that the NEW MARKET HOUSE, 'at Harrisburg, wiilbe open for the -sale of Diego Butter, Eggs and Vegetable!, commencing on neat TUESDAY 'morning, Ist of November. The market days .and hours will be as follows until further notice, viz: - On TUESDAY and FRIDAY morninp, between 6 i and 10 o'clock A. lc, and. on SATURDAY afternoon and eVeri lag between-3 and 8 o'clock r. x, : Your patronage is respectfully solicited. Heionneurta;Octeber 30, 1.80351..-2t* NOTECJEcv LETTER& OF ADMINISTTIATION having this day been &anted by the Wester of Dauphin county, to . the::sol„)serlfieF,. on the:"estate of Abraham Henry, late Of twaship, Daaphin comity; all per tons knotting theinseTios,litdebted to said:estate tge notil fled to. Make ifrimediate payment, and persons having clai m s will please present:them for settlement to . • TORN HORY, • • a SAMUEL HENRY, • . . tie129.41161.1it • Administrators. Neutral Sulipthite •of Lime, FOB FRESERVING CIDER. NILTE ARE selling thO: , iery best article: of v,s , the kind, prepared according to directions of E. bf..liorsford, Professor of Chemistay, Howard 1/piter city.. It is perfectly reliable and free •fropt Directions accompany each package. • • - • KELLER'S Drug and Fancy pools Store, No. 91.!lifar ket stree4, 4 aarrisburg, 7 oc2fs' Pittsburg; IV. Wayne & Chicago Railway 'CO , .011F.ICE Oy v Carer ENGINSIM, t • PrrTssoito, Pa., October 28, 1e64.1 VOTIOE FOR PROPOSALS FOR TWO -LI stretches of an Iron Bridge over the Allegheny river, at Pittsburg, Pa. • Sealed. propose:lS *a 'be received at this office until 4 6 , clock t .r. nr., of. the 15th day, of November next, for an Iron Bridge r or for two spans, each about 155 feet in l e ngth, over a part : of tlae Allegheny river at Pittsburg, P . The plane an el.speciflcations for the ague.will:be ready for examlnatiorr at this ofEde on and' itftertke sth day of November next,. • J0HN8..713,M15, oc27d2w ..Chief Engineer. TOWN LOTS VOA SALE, ' ON BTITGG .STREET. lnquire of . - • 'JOHN H. BRIOW, er.144.; oc2aßt' '.or BENJ L FOSTER. COAL OIL - ITST RECEIVED, a lage invoice . of Coal 4uP Oil, which will be sold cheap either by the quart or barrel, by , B. A;RUNKBL & BRO., oc2sdet . 118 Market Oreet; Harrisburg, Pa. 100,000 .SHINGLES, TTERY BEST QUALITY White Pine, '26 V inches long, aro, offorei Sor sole. Inquire of C,,TI TUAS, 0ct25(1.1w - Walnut street, near Caiakl, ' , HOUSE WAITED. A NY: perikai ha;ring a HOUSE to rent tunny POO Of tPe eity,.cin bear of a disirable tenant by addreesiim 'Box 282, Pest Office, Unexceptionable reference given, and rent paid in ad vmce if xequirefLL • 1 oet24-4w FOR SAL* • AGOOD TWO-HORSE HACK, one Spring Wagon anal a good Cart,""For particulars enquire of • • ' ,!.. MRS. 'JOHN ALCORN; oct24-dlw N.; ' Rroad Street, West Rarn'alyarg. Prayer Books, Hymn Books, of all denominations, in different styles and at different Prices, at . ISCHEFFER'S gasket:ea, sept 28 21 Bon lliSecond drain, Harrisburg, Penns • UNION BADGES AND PINS, Oh' BOTH P4RT15.1, For sale, wholosido and retail, !kt, Bon runs , odt,f • - - 116risbing;TEil. - psErmar, LAREt.—Fifty firkins fine kettle A., rendered LAW), tor sale by the. firkin or ponn i ttild eceived at rptltlV ^ RP • BOYER k IWE ~M/~ATSIMONiALi- Dies -atid Gentlemen, if you wish to marry, address the undersigned, who will send you, without money and esithout price, valuable information that will enable you to marry happy and speedily, Weeps - live of age, wealth or ; beauty , This information will cost: you nothing, and if you* wish 'to marry, / will cheerintly assist you. All lettererstrictly contidentiaL The desired information sent by return mall, and no questit:ns asked. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT, octSd&w2m Greeupoint, King's county, N. Y. Pennsylvania Rail Ka ! WINTER. TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAIRY. TO AND PROM PHILADEDELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. MONDAI. October 81, 1864, . • THE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from Hartrisburg, and arrive at Philadelphia and Pittsburg as follows: EASTWARD. TAROO3II BliPlit§M TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 e. M. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.65 M. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 8.00 al• 1., and arrivesnt West Philadelphia at 12.40 P. Passengers take breakfast at Harrisburg. • MAIL:TRAIN leaven Harrisburg daily • (except Sundays) at 130 r. sr., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.25 r. PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS' leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 1L 65 and arrives at West Philadelphia at 4.20 a. 21: , ' HARRISBURGi ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Har risburg daily (except Siindays) at 4.00 r. n., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.30 P. M. This train has no connection from, the West. ' • OOLThRiaIA AOCOMMODATIONTRAIN; leaves Harris burg daily (except Sundays) at 7, A. ht.; and , arrives at Lancaster at 9.15 A. M. connecting (except on Mendays) with the Fast Line east. WESTWARD:.,: PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves 'Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 1/35 A. It., Alteoita b:69 take breakfiast, and aerive at Pittsburg at 12.40 pr.' BALTIMORE. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrliburg daily (except Monday) at 2.25 I. M. ; Altoona, 8.15 A. take breakfast, andfarrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 e. THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg dellyitt &25 Altoona at 3.15 A, s., take breakfast and arriVe.s at Pittsburg at :2.40 P. M FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg. daily. (except Sitedays) , al-4,C0 M. ; Altoona at 9.10 P. M., take' Stipten and arrives at .rritzsburg 2.004. = ' ; ' HAIL TRAIN leaves Harriebtug daily •.(esseept Sutidayo at L4O r 4 x ; Altoonant 7.55 P. tr:, talcePatipperiAnd''ar- . rives at Pittsbutigatl.2o•Pitt. • ' =- MONT JOT ACCOMMODATION wee . tlesios Lancaster at 11.20 A. 11 .; 'connecting therewith the Mailweet; leaves Mount Joy nail .51 A. M , and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.00 Y. N SPECIAL NOTIOL - - - - THE' HARRISBURG A.COMEICODAT/ON TRAIN . &dna Pittsburg, which arrives atAfgrriaburg at 6 . 30 P, a., 'stops there, paseetagera far East, of Harrisburg _lay over until! 11,35 e. ' . • SAMUEL M:YOUNG . . Stop t. AfirtMe bit,. pewees. A.! kiirrtsburg dd. si 1864.-dtf • ' CUMBER I,A..ND VAIAL E 31. F•RAKKIL RAIL ROADS. OHANGE OF HOITRS.--On and after /blan k) day, October 31, 18#4, Paipengei trait* will ran daily, as forlowt,"(Sundaygg excepted* .70X 01IdiffiERX1317114 41W HARILLSBUROzi, Leave Hagereslawn .. . :....., ...... . '..'.. ' 7.00 i/ 46 Greencastle. •• . • .' - - 7:87 3.85: 1 Ajri r. at .': ' , i' ,' .... 8 .1 7 1 L 2O Ottamberablug, • ~ . ' • ' - • Leave st , : - ' '" 8.80 42,56 Leave ..9laippenavarg . . :.... 9 . 00 ) 2 : 28 " .Neswille' ' ' •' = 9:82 i 2.00 *. ~ " • • Carlisle ... 630 10.10 2.46 " Iteeninioal;urg • 1 00' 10 42 3.16 arrive at , Harrisburg '• • - 7 30 11116 i 3.45 ' role CIIAMB.E.BBIIO4O. AND JiAelig*el_FtrN:' . Leave Ibirrhiairg .. . 6.05 L4O 4:15 " .Afeidnuticabusg . . 8.47 .2.20 4.69 " Carlisle ~.. . . . 9.27 2.63 6.16 • 1 ` • Newville • .10.02 8.84 Shippensburi • • 10x88:.4.04 • Clbaifiberßiir g , • Arrive - 11.00..4.46 ...• 1, Leave at. .. .. .. 1 1.10 4.45 Leave Graevastii3 • • • 1105,;•6.35 Aril:Vent• 4.16 • Making , eigge connections iLarriaburg with4aing for Philadelpine; liow..York and :Pittsburg ; and !with titans' for ; all points • • .. • . • 83 - r The Train leaving..tiarrisbneg at 4.15 , P. N., RAM Aly as far • as Carlisle., N. LULL, Supt., 11; Chrunbersliurg,,Oct. 31, 1.864-1. y: :; SALE (:01' CONDEMNED HORSES . . . QUARTERILSSTIM aIitNERAVB Oria; Mast Dmems gradanDr arm: Crry, October UTILL be efald. .at public( anetiaa,. law 1.7 highest bidder„at Oriesboro D. ' G, • OLVI.'LLESDAY,'Notember let; 1864, • .100 - CAVA - 41 tr ELOB . SES. ,On,Fl3,lD4Y„ltaveraber 4th; 1864., • . 150 CAVALRY , IIO.RSESi t• These korona bare bei3ll Condemned ae imdt — for ) the Cavalry service of the Army ' • For road and farming 'purposes many 'good bargiona mar be bad. ' Horses sold Eingly. • Sale to ootnmNice at 10 o'clock 'TERMS: . .CASH in United S Sates Currency. - By order of the Quartermaster General JAMES A. MUM, COlonel in charge First Division, 9,. , 31;„ Q, Q. IXTANTED—An active, euterprisitg • told V energetic YOUNG MAN?: One that will scudylltis employers'' interests, and has etterience in 'the ge , , ery bnaicess. Inquire at 00128 SHISLSR A .IrßaZitft2'.• A, GIRL to da sk . o.iieral housework El; family. Must bring pod .ocoarinandatiort3.f country girl preferred. 4tebire at this OFFIM, . , • oot,2Bdtf" CALIFORNIA BRANDY AND Wilitgs•FOß • • MEDICAL USE. F DESIRE to call especial. attention Ito rho j or N'trlN as being superier„tb any: er: the, kind in market invalids KELLICR'S Drug and Sunny Goode Store, Nq 91• Marketstreet. oet2B • . .. . . FLOUR FRED AND GROCERY STOR E: . . M . .. . EM Subscriber respectfully informs h is f.riends thit •he has opened at Geety'S oldstand; in Locust street,opposite the Methodist church. All persons are invited to come sad examine- his stock or goods, such as flour, 40, butter; eggs;.cosl oii, vinegar, potatoes, Aried cherries, &c. obt2B4l ws . .. JojiN.Roi e tatt. . .. . Musical Ti ition.. • . R. PAiGE, (Recently of New York) TE4CIIER OF THE PIANO FORTE AEI) ORGAN,.ITALIAN AND ENGLISH SINGING, HAR MONY, AND COMPOSITION. Having become resident in Haralsbarg, purposes giving inetruction intheebOve men one4 branchee.of musical education.' Applications for Mr. Paige's services, left at the Music Stores of Mr. Knoche or Mr. Ward, will receive, mmediate attention. oct2Bd6f. SWEET CIDEIt just received at ocms . B.IIIBLERAIIiAILEWS. • . _ A P S,I GRJAPE.SI 4 BRISLEE,Sr. FRAZER, have just received•loo boxes Line ISABELLA GRAPES, B ponds in a box, for $l,OO per box. Please call and examine. .4"1er28 • R EDECTiON IN...PRICES. • SHISLER & FR.AZER, Have made anotlier.rednetion in Pries-on II e-.!ntapn g articles of groceries, L' • trz :LARGEST and best Selection of GrO • os In. the city k to ba had at • • ' T. • .cenoooB - %. SEMLER & YRAnws. WANTED, , .! $1,500 FOR Olive or fiveiviirs...ocioii interest paid arid goodaeatifitrgivaa. Adage, , R ig . ocinata... ' ‘. • icarriebarir;P.'9. . . . - , Avirpzitico FOR • 14EASE;', LOT:oA the Northwest corner ,c) Efiliizd 1 end Verliekestreets,,nnmedlntely opposite the near ' Market House, For terms, &c., Inquire of sec*llwe • - • CRARLEB A'. HAY. ; 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTg. Renolico and Einpm.dinn TOWN LOTS OI SALE MHE PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE LAND -1 00.14PAIVY, chartered by an act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, oilers for sale choice , lots tor dwellings and business purposes In the above new towns on the line of the Philadelphia and Erie Rallnaa... d. RENOVO has been selected as. the she for the exten sive shops for building and repairing the rolling stock of the Philadelphia and Erie ,Rellroad, of which the petusa. Railroad Company are now lessees.. It is 92 miles west of Sunbury, and 196 miles east of Erie. The town is beau , Orally situated on the eiargin of the ,west branch bf the Susquehanna river, In iho consitx.er Clinton, and is sur rounded by romantic, and attractive, scenery. The Rail road Company site. erecting, Ms Immense Locomotive Itound'House, Repair Shope for Cars and Engines, Car Building shop, Iron and 'Brais,..Rninaces, ;and Dwellings for the. Superintendent and ether officer& 'A, splendid Hotel, with which are 'connected arrangements for ; feeding passengers onihe most extensive ecafig, has, been com menced. All th'ese,buildinge are.ef the most, pernianent and substantial character, of brick and ..irbri, end .are in accordance with the immense business anticipated on the completion of this great Railroad, so rang anxiously looked for, and now an accomplished feet ,the.la.St connecting the Susimehanna, river . with Lake Erie having beentaid on Saturday, 'Tuly.2d, 1864. A Company has been cheftered iby.the LegislatUre for supplying 'the town With,gas 'and water, and the water works are nearly completed_ Churches will be erected immddiately. The situation REitOVO is entirely healthy, and as the dimensions 'of the town are 'limited by nature, the valise of the lots must 'appreciate greatly in the course of a fe* Years. EMPORIUM willcerteinly Sc' the most important com mercial point between Leek Etaten and 'Warren, a die tauce of 158 miles..' It is near the:eentke of the railroad, 47 miles' west of RenciVei 119 Miles ;m 'Stounbury and 149 miles from Erie _lt is near the June:Von of the Drift wood Branch of the Simiemahen log, with West, Creek, Portage Creek and North Creek, the Valleys of., which streams Make it the most Valleys,, eheereible point on e Phila delphia and Erie raiircitid te a .very extensive district of country. - The,reoment the projected railroad eounectiog M with the' city of Rochester, N. Y., Shall be completed, few interior towns in the State will surpass It in business capabilities. An excelleut graded road FLOW connects it with Coudersport, theseat Jestiee ot, Potter county. It is also connected with SmeihOrt, theseat of Juatiee of McKean' county. 'Etnporinnitethe County Seat of Cam. 'eron county; It has a handsome' Court House, and the Land Company have just completed, a large and cornmo diets Hotel, which will , legnetßately, be opened to the piitale.' The Railroad Comp:Say hre about to erect a hand smile and perinanent Passgenter,Statiou at a central point near the Hotel and Court Reese, The place is healthy, and excellent water licalniffitant., ' It . is in;:ihs midst of ' one' or the finest IVhtte Pine,, tegiedO,jte ircilai9v'thil • Aea manufacturing town it has groat 'adventages; coal, lturther, stone; bark tortanneries' are aleindeMt, add i:s ' railroad.cOmmtmications with' I.hO".oet . Takes and all points lotortance the seaboard s are ' - unsurpassed. 'Thid - plebin4ms - selected thirty years ,ago as apoint of im portagee, artira town laid out with. this.prophetid opine of nipoitiug, but the difficulty of access has prevented its development so entirely that it is mainly known for the excellence of hunting and trout fishing in the vicinity. The conspletlen of the ,Elliladelphie and Erie railroad must song rgake it apiece of groat importance as a distri buting poidt for goads of all kinds, and it Were :great advantages tel persons or moderate capital' Who desire to identify themselves with the early history of a thriv • lug town. Lithographic Maps of botl . towns are now r c a c iy, and , GIDEON BALL, Geneial, Sliporlntendemt,, will furnish all necessary information on the premises or by letter.. Ile may be addidsied to the care of H. p. RUTTER, Secretary and Treisumr, Philadelphia and Erie,l 4 and Com pany:Ro. 205; , 4 Walnut atieetPhiladelphia r tmaaßettoro, Ohm& county , Pohnsyltaiiia.. , W a.zijoititz.ko 'PreBl • „. Phdc.f. and, Frio/and Co. . P."Rurren, Sicretary amt Treasurer. oct2 tqc3m lIARTERMASTEk: .dENESAL ' '. . . Kw: Dim" , FrAsmicarox Gliq, October 1,4864. f HORSES ! . HORSES ! . HORSES'' Horses snitible for Caililry and Arilljery senriCe will be c rchasdd at Ciesboro Nobr, IF ‘ open market, till ls'ovein. Horses will be dellveNd to Captain Lotrry lifoore, A Q. M., and be entljecteinothe'lnewil Government ltispec. tion before being accented. '""" ' • Price of Cavalry' florses4lls'`eacti.,:' ' Price of Artillery Horse; $lBO each. ' Paytnent will be Wide for nti(o) and'lliOre; J •••' JAMES Eltm, • • • Colonel First Division, • olltillep9l- • Quartermaster General's Ofti;ce • • . ..110,138EL S • • . , • GA) d'e • ;-..ll—tit er s •iarr •• • • • - :1./(2'01%'/C" A P I T 2" riagigAgf._ , . tivmonamsG.Ami STMtionnstamas • Fortidesthe system agif* ificapall'eflects of unTrole • Will cure-dyspepsia. " . Will cure`weakness. - - - Wtll cure general debility: • • Will cure heartburn -* Will cure headache.- • • • : • Will cure liver complaiAt . • Will excite and create a healthy Wlll inviimatn-the organs - 6COlgestion, and moderately increase the temperature iliffhe body and tiietorce of the circulation, acting in fact as a.lenetal corrbtlorant of the systean, containing 10 poiseinens drugs, anew The BESTVONIC BITTERS in the;ORLD. • A fair trial is eitrneitlysolleited. • ', GEO: C. 'RUSSEL & CO., Psosantross, Halmos, N. Y. Gentral Depot American Express - Buildhag,.qa HUDSON . • ST., NEW 'YORK: • Asji— For sale by' Druggists, Grocers, &c. D. W. GROSS* 00.; Harrisburg, Whcilesale`Aigen. ,t and for sale by J. M. 1.017., C. K. KELLER, GEO,' WINTERS and S. A. KUNKEL cictl4-dtw B140)ING LOTS kAOli SALE. TIIBDE BEST. ()HANCE to get Cheap Homes 1 NOW OFFERED IN THE CITY.—The subscriber offers for sale 72 Building latei situate in the , Sixth Ward, between Reilly and Golder-,streets, fronting- on- Simple. henna, Two-and-a half , and Reseed streets. Most of them have valuable pear andtaipleetrees On them; bearing; the choicest-fruits, selected by .Colj John Roberts thirty years ago,- the . fruit of Which•vrtil (pay for. the ground- in a short time. There le also ion a portion of the ground a Banff bank, above the , gMde of the streets, containing sand of tho best , quality, wrtleti 1 will more than .pay for ,the ground. The location tie' such that no drainage Is , re wired ; the cellars will always be perfectly dry. , These lota will-be sold below thenurrent price ground ta • now hiMglog•in this city, and in , fact so-low as - to. afford' an opportunity for any person Se secure a home: ' . . _ _ . NOW READY. FOR SALRAT:FROM $125:905225'A LOT. A plan of .the Wand aut be. seen at the•b®ce of the . subscriber, No. 24, North SECJND. street,- • • • • .• •• • • DAVID:MUMMA. ki;eihrittnto% September.* 4103.1 RP' . . • ....- CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER,R-PLEASE • . • -TA . .KE NOTICE... rTIEDE UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs 1. the public that iodated himself at Briminels town, Dauphin.county, Pa., whore has •the best fault , itieertor burning: -*me of the- 'first quality of stone, of ' the best. quality for' mason and plaster works, and is , prepared .• to Amish, in any. 'quantities, lime or lime stone, at the Lebanon Valleyanfiroad 'depot. Builders,--dealers and nobtraotbre supplied . with limo or stone at the shortest notice. Having'ample sidling's and trestle work from the quarries and'kilns to the'-depot, he is always premed to fill.ordera.shipping either by rail road or by.llnion - pauttl, , , Address ~ D. 8 EARLY, cie2 . 2-d2rdt - , AllMfalilgtOWN.Dauphinl:Rounty, Pa, SpEcIAL agniquic. . , „ TO THE : SHOE BVIWG PUBLIC. SELLING logy! _SELLING OFF..! rriHE'subscribM, intending to make a change I. in his business; will close out his immense.:stock of Of every descrmtion now on Itand at much Lsat than market prices. Yemeni. in waii'of Boots and Shoes will do well to call,. as I am'deterniincd to close out at reduced prices. Give us a call. C. KIMBALL, Market Met, next to . McOalla's jewelry store, AND . VARIETY GOODS • .r. nxisns, • xo. 8 Werke/ Sirtrare . , re:o Dore tb - Felix!s GOVedionrey - Fr, AE, jymit received anew and ;carefully se leqted supply of Millinery liiCads,:itiokhati , Straw and - Felt, Huts, Bonnets, Velirets; lestlage;, Flowers,. Rib bona, Radios; &c., all of, which are of. the latest style. AlegVa variety ,of Zephyr He*, Nutdes,,Glovesi Stock ings, ColLeis,Laces,"&c., witha fall assortment of Dress Trimmings, nd Dress Patterns, which she at , priees that canner :be competed with. Drem(Mid'anak,..maltiAg . will promptly attended to under her ownliitect aupervidon,- ' 4 , oct3-d3m. H. C. ORTH, Teacher of the Piano, Melodeon,ll° ll n r AND SINGING. , ,i• N 0.15, eTlftsp eiramer, mow !Gant. ' rreceivedo =Draw Miebener ds oe. Fmk amok id at - ::11111g6 • • !, . SiTh3l.4lM AFEW DAYS A ( 0, in thia city, a gentle.' wait'aI3REASTPIN, with Amethyst in the centre s : Set around with diamonda.• A suitable reward will be, paid for ita return to THIS OFFICE, or to IL ROVdig, at 4 Brant'sHalL •,:421 AMIISEIVIENTS. BRANT'S HALL.: BRANT'sRAT,J, SEVENTY-PIM Z.IGETDof *LE trasExT SpaCN. Rouse's Star Combination CoMpanT, Rouse's Star Combination COmpauy, Rouse's Star Combination Company, . . • . . THIS SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER:20 4 :1884, Will be presented, for the last t he Drama, filled with effects of the most ticiiel and • s'artling nature, entitled .. THE SF # A. OF ICE !! - A Thirst for Go 14! Produced at a cost of nearly $1,000! Entirely New and Magnificent Seenery ! ! Novten—On and aftt lb's evening, tile eartain will rise at half-past 7 o'clock. inr For further particulars see progiaram , e.." . ,,, tiugg-dtf ..• CANTERBWRY . ITAIL, WALNUT ST., BETWEEN 2d and 8d Sts PROPRIETOBS....,, BUSINESS AGENT. S. R. OYSTRRA .... JOB EF E'R. Open EVERY EVENING, with a first-clags-MnPaDY of Male and Female artists. The managers takea pleasure in announcing to the citi zens and strangers of Harrisburg that they will spare no pains in endeavoring to comfort and please them. The following talent appears every night. The Charming Cantatrice, • . MISS FLORENCE EDMONDS, MISS FLORENCE EDMONDS, MISS FLORENCE EDMONDS, The Champion Jig Daemiest, MRS. iIALINDA KEENE, ' MRS. MALINDA KEENE, MRS ILA.LIND4 KEENE. The Pleasing Toctafeif MISS CLARA WILLIAMS, MISS , CLARA. WILLIAM - S t +. MISS CLARA WILLIAMS. The Great Ethiopian Comediait, MR. JAMES FLAKE, . MR. JAMES FLAKE, . _ _ I!IIMMME MR. J. C. KEENE, Pke Great Banjrist, ED. HAVES, ED. HAVEN, The Little Manithr, MASTER BLAKE, MASTER BLAKE, BUSTER BLAKE. The Great Sang and Dante arpi, JOE MILLER, JOE MILLER, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25,' First appearance of the great Banjo Bolo:St and Negro Delineator DAN HOWARD Admission 25 cents:" Box Seats, 50 cents Doors open at 7. Commences at 714 o'clock. SANFORD'S HALL fiIMS company consists of the besti3tar per• formers, consisting ct' ' • • • SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, &C. • The managers takes pleasure in atutcrancirig:that they intend making this THE Concert Hall albs city - . HARRY WELLS /4 OQ4 Proprietor BILLY PORTER, Business Agent. • au29d great Attraction .1 I 3 AHEAP,!"! NO 'n/{RS: mt.ini'mAluritT.str.kri Has just opened her new• FALLS stocior 4, BONNETS, LADIES,' AND`'', MISSES' HATS, FEATHERS AND FLOWEE.I.- 1 -• ' • ' Also, THE LATEST ST . of CL(I S . r U 4,4,Ti a! Lad a fine asb - o• stinent of . WOOLEN MODS; ,WUBIAS, tfo • ALL SANDS OP TRIMMLNGS Constantly on hand, besides everything viiiidly-tband the largest furnishing establishments in the country.: 8020 . HENRY REGAIVIS Steam Engine and Machine, ;Shop, SIXTH ST., BETWEEN WALNUT AND-MARKE7 (J. Q Moltz's Old Stand) THE undersidAecl having takeh . the above Shop, respectfully solicits a share afthe public pa tronage. Particeigiattention will be paid to repairing or Stesru Engines, and all kinds of machinery. .All work - will re calve my personal attention, and satisfaction guiiranteed sepl.o dly . WEST .HA.RICISBUROr MARKET. MOUSE COMPANY PARTICULARLY invite the' attention of the Butchers, Trucknien and Parmeisto the SALES OF STALLS in their new Market House on -.4.4TURDA blaming, October 29, at 8 oitleck. • Coricbrions made known on morning of sale. • The Market House will be open for business- on . TVF.S. DAY Morning, November, 1, 1864. Market hours and days will be arratigett , to'suit"the wishes of the majority of the gal holders •'• ocl9dtnovl* . ROUSES FOR. SALE. THREE NEW •FRAME . xtouots > , ATE on Foster street, above North; Bitnrispr. JACOB WA . Corner of Third and Norttial.reata.. se2Bdtf NEW BOOKS! NEWB_ OM ! - ,f.`". IN SCHOOL AND OUT, vr. the tbitquest of Richard GranE. Torn semen, or the Soldier Boy. • ; • Watch and Waicor the Yoting•Pagitives Learning how to Talk, Road and Speak, by Fow:eT, Wells. • • • Enoch Arden, Now Poem. by Tennyson. For axle at SCHEFFEWS BOOEEPOIT, oath. Harrisbarg, -Pa. LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE,. Campaign riadge*: CAMPAIGN BADGES, of an styles, ibialle 1 1,i wholesale and retail at Schefferhs Bookstore, nanils. burg, Pa. 6, ..• , Country dealers are respectfully invited,t9. call'and - ter amine prices and styles. ectq EURRIBBITRIa 5Aiik1403:3"4:*4...; 11" annual election for thitteetwil,ireetolll of this Rank will be at the.Baiikiaritause, ba Monday, the 21st day of Novemiber nextobetweera the hours of 10 a. U. and 3-r. • , ocil7-to W. WEIB., Magary F• GROGEMES of a ll Idnds, at-edued F Prim; SEMLER dr, FRAZEP.tS , , FAMILY GROCERY ••• , to the COUtt Mani T, gUIT aus,a iaiesti Patent 014- On'illet_Pategadjua receivad'and forage Ibveler' BOYIERAIOICITAPER,' 1110 Y1147 BOOKS, T Bto, , oy -M., 011 , -.4lltßia Bookstoraw . . . . . po± l amoßwEs;.waiet.... - Juid Rune.lor in show at SOREFFEWS gdokstore, jimmi FLAKE hir..1..0. KEENE ilavEt 7QE MILLER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers