THE TELEGRAPH DI PIIDLIMILD MOMIN9 AND EVE2021 7 :6, Y GEORGE - B ItG INT E R 0177011 MED 8E; NEAR WALE 777. rieIRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 4 MIGLE aUBS'ORTTION Tee I)Aiir TZIXOPAPH in served to subscribers in the city at 1254 centa per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged g 0 00 in advance. Those persons who negleetto pay in advance will be charged $ 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. rg2 TILIGRAPH hi also published weekly, and 'shirt:tithed StlbSeriberlS at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly Tree copies to one Post Office Ten conies to one Poet:01110e NEW ADVDRTISEMENTS. When will Wonders Cease 1 THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD DR. MoBRIDR'S RING OF PAIN WILL cure any ache or pain in from one to sixty minutea It acts like magic upon the absorbent and glandular kvstema, reduci, g swellings and regulating the secretions and excretions. It is of a diffusive, penetrating nature, exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre of the ferrous organism, thence' by reflex action its power felt throughout the entire system, restoring the circu lating fluids and checking disease with invincible strength. THE KING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE! No matter what the pain, apply the medicine and Lou will dad instant relief. It is an internal and extorted' care. THE KING OF PAIN Cures almost instantaneously, Beadache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Dearness, Sore Throat, ,Colds, Bronchial directions, Asthma, Dyspesia, Diarrhoea, Dyseotery or Bloody. Flux, Liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Genital Organs, Cramp, Chelic and all sittiamodic pains, Fever and Ague, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Gprains and wounds of every description. It proves itself the mastery, as th ten imony of thousands prove its meritorioUS worth. Sold, wholesale and retail, by S. A. KUNKEL druggists, Solo Agents, 118 Markel, street, Harrisburg. SOLDIERS READ! The following letter from a soldier, in reference to the efficacy and powerful restorative quantities of DR.' Mo- BRIDE'S KING OF PAIN, speaks for Itself: NrwVILLE, CC3I33IOII,AND Comm; 1 Sept. 14, 1804. j Messrs. S. d. Kunkel 4 Bro., druggists, Efarrisburg„Pa. : GX.NTS :-I would inform you that I received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pain Killer, and enclosed please find five dollars more, for which send me five bottles addition al to-morrow. t leave for camp to-morrow. Let me know whether you can supply me with it in the army. I am in Company H, 202 d eegiment P. V. I have been in very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the one-dollar bottles have cured me completely, and have made me feel like a man. Besides, I have cored a num ber of my comrades of various diseases incident to camp life, and can recommend it to be the beat medicine the soldier can proide for himself. " Yours respectfully, JOS. E. WHITE.- jar All orders from .a distance promptly attended to by S. A. KUNKEL. & BRO. A HOME CERTIFICATE. The following certificate is from a well-known citizen of Harrisburg ILmousetrun Aug. 80, 1864. To Tax Palma :—lt gives me great pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR. J. J. 14oBRIDE, which he mills the "KING OF PAIN.:" I was induced to use it as an external remedy for a bruise, which it relieved Immediately, and subsequently cured entirely. Its success induced me to use it internally for Diarrhost, with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for nearly eighteen months, into to turban extent that Amy kidneys were seriously deranged. The medicine has cured me, and certainly that is saying a great deal in its favor, when I reflect how maul other remedies I tried without experi encing anything but temporary relief. For my part, I shall always keep a supply of it in my house, believing as I do that it is a most invaluable family memcine. Tho imoxampled solo of this medicine proves it to be the most wonderful discovery or the age in .the medical art. The undersigned are the solo agents for the State, and will supply it wholesale and retail. S. .a. KUNKEL & BRO., Druggists, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. sepl6] PEIPHEIt'S DAILY LINE hock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, lilun ey, Uniontown, Watsotitown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin, AND lIAIRRISBUAG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the irate delivery of all goods Intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the de pot of WILLIAM E. BURK, 812 Market street, Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock r. tr., will be delivered in Har risburg the next morning. , - I.reight Always as Low as by Any Other Line. MONTGOMERY .& CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, oet2l-tf Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. W LIQUOR STORE. RTA_NT TO LANDLORDS= AND. OTHERST I .-T*l undersigned offers atUhloiesede, to the trade, a choice lot of the bat liquors ever'brOught to Harrisbarg, viz: French Brandies, Holland Grssta, Scotch, Irish, Bourbon, Wheat and Old Eye Why' kg; and Commix. Wines, such as Champagne, Claret, Catawba, da all liquors warranted, as represented; Landlords and others will bad it to their advantage to call and ex amine the assortment at the store, on South Second street, two doors below Chestnut. myS7-dbm - NEORHE 'WINTERS g D ANNED FRUITS OF EVERY IiESORIS TIO E N. SAUCES of ail the celebriied nianafacturers, S IN, OLIVE OILS, . _ every description. Also, BROWN STOUT, FINE TEAS, COFFEE, SIIGA.B. and SYRUP of all grades and prices, and, the best selected stock outside ofPhiladelphia. , All goods guaranteed as represented. . Particular attention paid to all orders froma distance. Goods carefully packed and deliv6red to 'all parts of the. city free of charge. SHISIAR'& FRAZER,- tn.Y6 successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co.. 'LUNE .110.11t1A.NO SiLEERY, inaported j.: 1848. Warranted the Finest... Sherry Wino in tidy country. For ode al SEMLER* FRAZER, is woe nook. Jr dr Mt 1 WOHENER'S excelsior hams; of this sea. ion's curing. Just receieedand bar vale by SHISLER & FRAZER, tonemommor to Wm Duck. fr.Ar Co I=l3 CAMPAIGN TORCHES, Manufactured and for We by - J. H t•OHRIIAN,, 606 Cherry streetahiladelphda. ae2B•6t ArESS SHAD and FINE NEW MACK lei EREL, just received, at NEW FISH.—New No. 1 and 2 Mackerel In barrels, half barrels and kale, and by the pound, at WWI SEMLER & 'RA , EXTRA .FAMILY F1.41:111 and CO V N MEAL always on hand, of the beat quality, at BOYE4t& KOERPER. QALNION.—Fine salt Salmon, at • 1.3 knee SHIRLER & 'FRAZER. HUCKSTERS' BASKETS.--Shisler 4t Fra aer saoeasors to W. Cook, Jr, & Co., have on hand 35 do hickory baskets. Price $5 60.9er dozen. Jag CRANBERRIES. Just reoeivcd, a very fine lot of Cranberries, :it oCtE HEISLER & FRAZER. 190 AS S O f ß or D A BEREA GRIND . STONESBaIaP ausittAlw INDOW SASH FOR SALE.-168 lights, W 9x14, weu moomed. Inquire of G. P. BENDER, At Zieglerlo Liquor atom Market.* se2o-Sts ANEW SUPPLY of ,FRESH;, ShIONEX Homo, boat reiteprod tttli s izta, at pinta --- & izt, • Enamors to W. NEW MAOILEBEEEL4 BASING AND SAL MN at pny4l SOYIER k ROMER - - . • . . - .•- -r: - •• • - i f .r. J..! . - f. ,-- ' :::= , ••• ~. . _• . .:.. . -. ~r iii r ai l T ir „,,„,.,.,,-\\ ~,.. __,.: ~. • _ - ' • .. .- . . ... . .. • . -; - ,1.,- „. ' • ''. 4`.4-• . =', .01 6 iD ..,,, , . .. , . - .• *.::,: l Y,1 1 ), /4 4 -?- --:-.. , -.. . 1'2.: -' . -4.- , •-• '' ..- , ,••:= ' .t for refoionee: r.j. n. ..,... . ..,..'” r 1.. ~./In- ' ' .. --,...4.,:aLL 1 '' 0* - • l. - - - - .-,:-.,,...„,,,.. 1, .'„,\ -.....- .. ... , 4., : s .. 1 . . l i ~ ante Sol3 . A? Ef e11i11.7 . 1 .._ e day !LAP... Of ek l e l P * . . zit. • 5 - .; f T wc , A% .. 7 60 :12Mtla air ri ' • . • --1 :-.1 •- I - „_,-_-__ . ...„ ......_ -- . , .., . .. . ............„,0„,..,...,,,,,..,..... / ______..., ..i.t:,_ ri,...7)._ tit ,1 0. _ _ . ask : . . Thr00teyi.......:L.: : ~' ~, • - ~. "• - :;-. `7...'. t .. . -4...• ) -...... ..._ . ..._ month 9 - 14171 , " .. 1 . . - • - • - . Two months -'4 60 TWO DV •4 4 ' .. _ .... , - ... .•:•• __-,.:!, -,..„-..,.-_,.--..t.,, . . • ~ . , . :... - .... . •. _ Throe months 560 Three i Six months .. 8 00 Six mc - - - . One year......*.......15 00 One yr , .• ..!.• I :' • • Administration }lol.ii 4, - . ~..._...__.. $1 50 4,00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. Dyspepsia has the . foilotsing Symptoms: let. A constant painor uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. • 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Deptes4ion of Spirits. sth. Diarrhcea, with;griping. 6th. Pain in all parts of the Syilism. - 7th. Consumptive Syhrptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Thro'at 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and. Vondting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. . , . 12th. -H - eaciaehe and Stagg e rin g-in walking, with great wealmess. - - Out of the thousands of cases-of-Dyspepsia that hkve used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one or thein has filled of a perfect cure. We 'warrant a cure in'every case, no matter if of twenty-years' Standing. Sold by all druggists eirerywhero, and at Dr. Wishares office, No. 10 , X: &octal—street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and con:. sultations free of charge. Send for a circu lar. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. I, ELIZABETH BRANSON, of Brandywine Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and ahalf suffered every thing but death froth that awful disease called Dyspepsia.. lily whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; T could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would. return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have passage in' less than from four and often eight days; tm, der this immense auffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had,a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-atricken to; me; : I had no ambition to do anything;: I lost all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not ' be contented; I felt that I was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for Me, and was often tempted to commit suicide, so, near was my whole nervous system de stroyed, and also my mind from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that myfrieffds ilgiught best to have me placed in Dr. Okhride's: hospital, West Philadelphia; reniainecl there nine weeks, and thought I was, a little better, but in a few days my dreadful com plaint was raging as bad as ever. Rearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Vila harti.Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband ; on Di. Wishart and stated my caq.o -- him. lie sum me nag nu num.. nel coin me. !lo in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt , that .my disease was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, andlmost sincerely return my thanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wis hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tax Cordial that saved. Inc from an Insane Asylum and premature wave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing to do all the good I can for. suffering hu manity. 1 1 1TJZABETR 'BRANSON Brandywine, Del.; formerly of Old Choi' ter, Delaware county, Pa. DR. WEntsses Office, No. 10 North Seoond street, Philadelphia. DANIEL E. WILT DlLlVAsnawr—l bay held a constant.atdrelev with Dyspepsia for.the last eighteen years, during widch:titne I cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfecUrwell' day: There were times when the symptoms 'mere more aggravated than at others, and then it seemed it would be :a great re lief to die. I had at alltimes an unpleasant feeling in my head, but latterly. my sufferings so much increased that I became almost wilt for business of any kindt. my Mind was continually Shed .with-gloomy.thoughts and fore. •bodinge f and if I attempted tcietuutge their .curreitt by reading, at once asenaataon eticy coldness InAionneotion with a dead weight, as it were, rested upon my brain,• also, a leeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, and great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the continual fear of losing my reason. ~I alio experienced great lassitude, debility and nervousness; which node it difficult to • wk .day 'or sleep'- at :eight, became averse to society, and disposed only to seclustion,and having tried the will of a number of eminent; phydotom of various schools, finally came to theconMusion May for this disease at my present age (*years) there was no Mire In existence. But; through , the interference of Divine Protiid ence, to whom I devoutly offer_my:thankell at last found a sovereign remedy In ..your • Dyspepsia Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to have ciireptday .matoied al menthe last trace of my long list, of ailments and bad feelings, and M their place health; pleasure arid .content. ment are my everyday companions. - • JAKE'S IL SAUNDERS, ' No. 458 North Seeder street a ytilladelphia, , Formerly of Woodbury; N. Y. - Dr Wistiarth Office No. le North Sec:Mei street, Alla delphia. 1 ;, . 4IISTARDS, A POSITIVJ CUBE FOB .Dnl6 No. 1028 Otiva Philadelphia, iinintry 22i1, 1883. f Da. Wisater-.-sir:—lt is with much pleasure that I am now able toinfonn ymt. that, by the use Of your great /Matinee Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entire ~- tinred of that most distrealingnomplaint, Dynpepilit ' ' fled been grferloutd,Y afflicted for the 'lest' twepty-eight 'Yalta, and for ten years of that 41:138 'have' not -heen free from its pith One - week:et a tlme.,: i have lhail it firits worst form and Wye' dragged on a Moat Miserable ersiiisence—ln pain day mici.night. Every kind of ' food 'that I ate filled, me with wind and paw' .mattered not how light, or how small the quantity . Continued belching was sure to follow. I had no Apietite r for any kinds of meats what ever and 'w distrear was no great for several months be fore I heard of gine , Phil, that I frequently wished for death. .1 had taken everything that, I bad heard of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit; but on your Pills being recommended to me by one who had been cured by themil concluded to give them a trial, although I had no faith In them: To my astonishment, I found myself getting better before had taken onetourth of a box, and after taking half a box, I am a wea man, arid can eat anythiag I with, and enjoy a hearty meal throe : times a day, without inconvenience from anytnieg I est or drink. it' you think proper, yortereakllberty to makir thm public and refer to me. - I will chnerhilty give all de• suable infoneation to any one who may call on me Yours, respectfully, PUN II: BABCOCK. • ' For sale at"Dr; Wialeirt's Medical Depot, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa: Price One Dollar per box. Bed bYfree Of. charge ,, on receipt of price. DYSPEPSIA!. DYSPEPaLt.! BOYER k KOERPER I, Samuel D. IkeieduLeit, PM I great Wang with ,Ohnolic Dyspepsia aid legemueetion Of the Kelierjator2 threexe r X empipriskf=oe. Aver of the mat end pent dame d !Wilda 440?Orbuthittonounty ils Aid ail fee 40,3 t erildvb4 l 44.oo me Pim erek.eee-, .l eg*. and di . . .treek 110144911040 beloqUeffllll l lo44lQlor avid; ' My soap. vffits-Wered *di, a Oita 46 1 1PSIC mecu. WA it :stelekekja *go {wows., mid avril,drimidrany • bra °VI *Ames %imbed rot Me te rellive-se of my Auktiet.-/eei ei4 hopitvf looft well Made lOWA Prgitir .steei; be would direct to Ilemepboama - or th a t w oman ow I war told to raid as MEDICAL DYSPEPSIA. A Cure 'Warranted. DYSPEPSIA r DYSPEPSIA ! CAB WILLS XL JOHN IL BABOOgir)IEIII. "THE UNION- , --NQW AND FORE-VER." HARRISBURG, PA.. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER. - 24, 1864 MEDICAL. Dr. wiahaea in the Philadelphia Lidgee, of a great cure. recite upong reat Mr. John Babcock, of 102$ p OUT-entreaty Pk"' delhia, b the American Dyspeai. I went to the Doc t or's Mem. and planed myself u n derb treat ment, B,nd told him if he fidled,to cure mei It would bathe lint effdrt I Nonni. make. It tow been six iirtip since I commenced the nee of his medicine, and I am new a well mac, free Trim all 'pain and dietress, and can eat throe hearty meals'a day with corafort,.anit feel perfectly well. Dr. Wisbart,l want yonto publish my ease, .as I want, every poor dyspeptic suffering . m I was, to call on me, and I will' ell them of the great cure I have received from your invaluable medicine. • SAMUEL; D. RAVEN. .Corner Venangoiand lambert streets near Richmond. street, formerly from Wrightstown, Burlington county, J . The above are a few among the thoesiitais which this great remedy has saved from aiVuntitn4 . Fly .grave. We have thousands of letters fromOhltsielans and drag nets who have pniecribed l in d sold. the Tar Cordial, saying that they, have never used or'gold'a ii 'adieu! which gave Stich nniverfad eatiefaction. • Prepared.only brthe prophet*, • • N0.1:9 tortk Secend street, Pbgedelphbe, Sold by Drigsists'eTerttchere • kajAlf-eod-d&w NEW ovirociNGr rail and Winter Trade BAtPAORALS AND 'SCARFS'! The auctr s Vis:xts g .t, and bent selected stctelt in this chi at the Ne:vv - Cloak ; Sore, IN D: W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, HARRISBURG, PA. rsp2-tr Grand Social Ball, AT THE 1-10PE:ENG-1N1113 , 1-19U0V., • ON THIDISDAY EVE, OCTOBER 20th f 1864. For the benefit of Disabled liiremeit. Sullivan S. Child, Friendship; George' 'W. - Osler, _Citi zen; Wm. Verbeke; GoixliWill; Kepner, Hope; J. B. Boyd, Washington; Hailed; At. Vernon; Alex. Koser r raxton. FLOOR li.orAdsn-Lnamtel HARRISBURG Ilext, October l. • this; A meeting of the Stockholders ofßank will be held at the banking house on Mondli;i the 14th darer troyemberMesl, at.lo O'OIOCAF the queellatailhilrefirflaThrtralnainfiiiiiail become an Association for carrying en the business of Banking under the Laws of the United States, eed 'of emotions* the powers confeired by the Act of the General Assembly of thin Commonwealth, entitled'!An act enabling the Banks of this Ocrnanonwealha to become associations for. the . purpose of banking under the laws of the United statiws approved the 22d day of August, 18%. By order of the Semi of Directors. .. 1 W. WEIR, Cashier. octl2-td SOLE. AGENCY FOR THIS CITY AM offer. to the. Public 'a large . aid ispiendid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, numeral:toyed by - . . LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. ' These Pens ere well finished, elastic, end will give en tire satisfaction. . • . PIXABIE TRY TIOZM. L . • • EIdREFJPER'S BOOK STORE, • WOW istreet;!Opposito Presbyterian Churehi . Thqrb3barg • ..141. • it? •• • 503 lOW EIELADELPHIA , C Pi. A.—.l3E„ sts i 0 it V, , IN D. W. _GNAW NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. " - DIFFERENT 13Titia* TABIIIONABLE CLOAKS A N D '0 IIiOUL ARS, AND FINE SPRIN'G SHAWLS. Will open ort the lei of April. tnw2l-4/1 - 130NN - M - 11,'S NEW EATING AMY DRINKING: sALOth. Walnut street; between Third and Fourth. Wines, Beer and the best quality of liquors wrists ly on hind. A share of' the public is resueour ly solicited. (ocadfimj JOHN DONNE : Very . Convenient:: P! . JACOB TAUSIG, • rI fas_grio .friends d GughquuB4ititVthe Puhliu_.... .Pittelti; Out Li " opened a.artiollasile Sinn remit' 1:6107;' NO•ibtl and 'dry Markel' , abova•kby te-S Httihtior, Harrisburg, C 4. .. - • • • Itis,unid. occupy. a./real amount of,xpa t ea ro,enante e the iiiriele4 - cmiapiii,d !ay nook pirrChaser illti ttiroigh iiiy , eapertence•of thirteen ytara in the basin that l can'aell goods equal to the iubhuuttu the cities' sept2B4l6m 'TREES! TREES I ! TREES! ! ! • UNDERSIGNED will *inane , planting Shadeand Ornamental Titled,' pines, snob Fruit trees as are At to plant in tho Fall. • J. 1119 ;, P. EL—Persona who were furnished with tr es Spring that we. e warranted to. grow, otet have the replaced that alias [ooLS] J. MLS I VICRY FINE: INDEED! TO our fine and.extensiirel otoOk of Pho graph 'Albania and l'hidoprajdi cai Plciucesi, have added a 132.11311$111rICHIESLOPE ferrite reoepti of card pictures. That ojtattextexiond W l R be admi sirPhoto&Pheriattkafed at , the Veit !await who Bala price, and their tiara printed upon thenifar $1 itionsand, wholeaiktaadretail. at maY24 . }wog, Ton. ÜBLIO NOTICE is herebrgiven, that P perineum* of the act of ansembty of Penneylvan palmed ihe Ant day. alone, 1839, theatockholders of t Franklin kak i of Wiethington, Penna., will apply to, t next aralifin.of the Legislature for A renewal , of its ter, with an Increase of int capital from $lBO,OOO $200,000. ' 11. RBED, President WABVINGT(I6„ P./..,JUOS X4,.1884 geld 4 - C • OIL H leacher of ,the Paso, Melodtion, radii and .- • • Ni. 7.6, 7isss PR/212. 7420 W Itaxams. .met and lbw Yorlrlatital mowed a a IMAM. •'' • - siocemos fa iluDealtiir.; *Oa A Li, wag of bowing so ? ti t la ,v4go g is or tA4t , willAßPmo4"Pte DY 1721 canoe of Seeendlitnel oad iniaow • .STWGTEOPATING THE ElAtitp.. PURELY A VEGETABLE . PreparatiOn . , I S distilled from, herbs Ina r agrani flowers from the 0,„„i4 of p ras e ° , coneadlid,i.e.'be the ,most delicately per fumed and'dairable hilt preparation ever eared to -the Anteriam,publio. 'lt will restore hilt hair. It.will prevent G freillifalling oat. , It' will' restore:gray and faded hair to Its original color. Its continueftuso.willmaterially thicken tbe hair. Bald plakes will .grzthiall7T cover themselves, and in a abort time the hair'Will grow dark, soft, glassy and luzaninn. Price - $1 GO per box. Sold by • . P - KUNKEL & BRO., ae3o - otheoaries Harrisburg . .6 - 11 1 10E-PiAgEINGTON;- " ."' 29. CM OF MiNORESTAB, Novemberb. And every suomedlng Saturdayk at noon, from per, 44, North Inver. • BATES7-01f ,patf-747.40N: . Payable. in Golstar iie Esinvalent is Ourratoy. . , 17.13.8 r CABIN, Soo 001 smimaig, ;80 ,00 do to London, 8b .eo to:London, 34 'do to Pals, - • 9fi 00 1 - do to Paris, 40 00 00 do •- to 14mM:or, -90 001 do to Hamburg; 37 10 Fassengers,slsO forwarded to „Barre, Br men, Rater darn, Antwerp, on, at ovally low rates. Fares from Debit* Or :Queenstown: let Cabin, $72, $B5, SM. - Steerage s3o.' Mose who Wall to send for 'heir frienria.mui f uy zieleenS here at these:rate& For Fore, farther infomtation, apply at the. Company's Ofileesi JOHN G"DALT" Akeht • - acid CLOAKS, Cfrcuiars, CLOAKS;! 1111001 HE AND 31017MNa SHAWLS ! nclUtd PATENT CLIPS! And Bill Holders, lioneY• A SMALL but superior lot of - HONEY, just 4 41191,, received, at SHISLER & FRAZER'S. dais• 4 • : • •' . DOZEN 'J'ARS ENGLISH PICKLES 50 oomprildfig Pkiding, Ohoiv Chow; Cauliflower Mti=itd Pinkies, Gerkinni-Widnnth and .09101/11. For sale wholenale and reydl by 131CIALER 3 / 4 FROER, succeldßll. l4 . CC Lbnik; Jr.. & Co . CEEEPSE---Ohoice - heir mop Obsess,. just reosives at SMEAR & FRAZER, 6 97 Slonoooomo to W nook. J. At Clo LOTS for elide CFA the mpriei of Third 'and L./Broad streets. Enquire of WM. a IterADET.?/ marl ettf - TUST"niciiiied,Ahie morni . Michener & el Co., Fresh Smoked Rams, Beef and Tongues :at 146 13.1113LER k FRAZER. T EA do PRIENTLWOIKTESTER SAIiCES, 1.1 the most popular indrthe purees ever offered to Ow Jun reoeived iird for !de b • • • ' .FRAZER, (phi • faucet:morn to Wa.'Dock, & CO. MA . 8. A. KIMPCF.I.;: takepiess Wein stating that your 4 9: 0 1.aliftHCRA MIXTURE" exceeds anything of the kind that I ever imagined. I was very much troubled with cliarrhom, and could And nothing to help me in the least, until I took yobs ,; I give You Ws eartillin4.boidng t, if yonsoe proper to um it, it mar be - the speaMi of ex tending a knowledge Of the nuttchlice value of your medicine. • Very respectfully yours, IL B. JEITIUTtS. Fallen Timber, Cembria Co., Aug. 27, 1864.—fau35e4t.f B ABICE 1441‘4Thi441:- e ri ty at "..klateessors to W. Hoak Jr.. &c Co. ciußENto 9IIQ ouLss mac. a Wall 80- 1 1140 Lead sisortaiiiiipt, Jost uucetved, of the latest styles - .17/ 1 . acrlella 41E0E1111a. Pun siviarrommt . zeoeived le-idity at SOUR & SKIM'S NET* ADVIaRTISEpiIgATTS._ ., LUBINI;HAIR.:DRESSINU.FLORILINE FOR BRAUTIFFING -AND PRESERVING AND OTEAM WEEKL TO -- I* .IX9BRPOOL, tot:wh o' ink at gurosrows , (4E 1 WARicio- The weU known steamers theldearpool,' New. York and Phila delphia Steamship Company, . (Inman Line), carrying,. the u. S. Sails,.arehttssided mdl atifollows _. • • ;DIM:WM.II . . .... :Saturday October 22.; "C .) - XLVWJVA.LOLZE:I) . CONCENTRATED - t.ENVON A ITE :Iskplea*int, heig6Y.birt.S*o. -Veri oolivenidni apd retie for invalid's 'taring tever , or treat thirst: .;I Da portability recorenomdeltzloirevelers. _ _ De convenience it ple;nicaaill beaprecaated..., Igo eilinuFaquirefi; one 'tabli c ..apiknatil sipply,..lDsColved in ignite of sibidcatater and it la done.' • z .ICEDLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, .iePt .7. . • ?kin. ID: Market street: . Almanacs i - Almanacs ! . m. - LA A P 4 • Englifils. and Uremia's Lancaster r Almanacs, forthe year 8.,6 '5. . For sale, by theirross; Dozeu, or.!..aingle, at Saneffer's Bookstore, 21 Soutb Second:street, Harrisburg, Pi. scat. HENRY REGANIS Steam . Engine and Machine Shop, ,511TIf St, BETWEZT WALIsiIn"AND AfARKILT.. V. V. lifolts's 014 iZland.) Tirunderaiatied. having taken the above op, respeCtfully solicits a share of the public :pa- Particular -attention will be paid to repairing of Stettin Engines, and all kinds of mac hinery. All work will re colon my personal attention, and setiathetion gnaranteed seplo dly • UOUSEit ffi. '1 1 4V14 - Alg . ARNO nal :l6l l6drt§4 l:l , • • JACOB WALTER:4% se2Bdtf 'Conte; of Third and North streeth. -• ~ ' • : Satdiersv PactioA4ox. . , A LARGE assortment at BEtiGNER'S tWIMLF.A.P% ' BOOKSTORE„ • - to,RS Sold nt Illrbolemile at Mall lit lota pricer. LOOK HERE!. LOOK HERE Campaign Badges. CinAMPAIdN BADGES, of an styles, fqr sale wholesale and retail al Schefferls Bookstore, Harris burg, Pa. Country dealers are respectfully insqted to call and ex amino prices and styles. ' _ . t 7 NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS TN SCHOOL AND OUT, o Ai:Coinqueist of 1 Richard, Grant.' Tom Somers, or theSbitlieiroy. : Watch and Wait, or the Yotatig Fugitives. . Learning how to,Talk.,,Read Speak" by Fowler & PloOkitrd9l6. 4ew POterktrTeettyson. oror ifidekt - - SORKFFER , S BOOKSTORE, oat 6 Banishing, Pa. OCKET. • BODES, ltups.,skw, PUSSES , PORTEMONNAIEIg, Vtonersili variety of F.A. 11188 '2l9°M. 1124"V a t Ir - iNER , S BOOR 'TORE CROSSE do BIACIEWELL'S ENGLIS n PICKLES, s raze article for table use, Jest received and for sale by SHISLER & FRAZEE' , !aka ...boideelleore to Wm. p001r,..Jr., keen.) SiTGABS; ButuPs, Dr. - ; , I3OFFEE, all gradea . .aid.priaaa, at =S ER & FRIOXR, • -Bu on to W. Dock, Jr., & CO, - )017 ,Kiealera In Fine Family Groceriea • •••`, • : PHOTOGRAPHS. A • • LABOgliasortikiidat of - Photograpip o Z• Genendaand fancy pictured Ornate CHEAP, at $l per dozen, at Lfi9HEFFEWS BOOK STOHE, .mr2o Harrisburg, ;Ps For gale at gcheirer's Booketore, Harrisburg, Pa. se2B --- Webster EVENING EDITION, They Vote as , they totght ) ,and 'the - .EWA Nobly; Alf honor to.theiscildiers in -the trenches— endless, h ollora , Arizeasing- xespeet to the brave rank and file that hug Riclunond in their death-grip ! They vote as thef • fight, like gods ! This is October,-and; dria...rains of autumb. have fdledtkg rifie r pits, Thc alternate use of the tin cup to pail water and hold coffee, has abated tlie'lliaidinth'e - house or the: sol dier on picket:and ME the trendies. Bid the mud remains withlam; and he , atimds and he gilt,,b,4 it, and he leans, "mit, and he knelt in it t "Anew creation ,of man oat,of slay- -Ihis" Soldier is mud froni - his 'boota to. hitt *4i hie' fang is mud, Its hands OW; niitd,' all buthismuskettif aud<^all lave YinuS ket, and.therheart, and,brain of him. ~ 'Tia col in the riffe-pits, and iit,ffie freuelx es, and in: the' shelter tents.' - The'rearth is wet, the wilid is in the north, the skyis gr a y --and the imprevidence -imposedby forced marches in a summer campaign _ in a hot cli mate, hae, left upon the bloody, trail Of our. conquered advante -into Virginia;: the Ovek coats and flatuieVdrzwers and shirts of. Mi.* 111131 Y. The third - foe, beta; iittaCks' taff'deaf brother in front' of Richmond; .but dOes not abate his port, does not bend his spirit.' .He scrapes the .niud off him with a, stick ! front a Saxon' Mid_ soldierly instinct, takes fur tiveltinto I'4 bosom, as an nnlawfrif 'nest ling, the- paSsing . thought• of the fireside at home, and wife, mother, children, and wdr shipful sisters, sighs as be. diemiesep. #, and locks his jaws with the elenah ofdulji'," and' faces towards Riohniond, with a face Cat okit of determined bronze. , • ' • m:44167,7ei. You idealists who rummage the' 'llediterra neon lumber-rooms:of art for the btist,of Hannibal as thertypos of the soldier; go-to the Ain* of the Potomac and , :see , ono , - hundred thousand-greater than he, Ksery oneof thegi is a volunteer: They sleep in the mud, they eat in the mud,it'her watch in.-tike mod, they fight in the mud, nOtfrOrit theinceessitywhich rakes into the ranks the armies ofEarope, but from the divirteimpuble whieh'devotes man to duty. They shiver in this northernituturnial wind, -counting the days to the comingtof trhe paymaster' 'and !measuring their ,separatlini from better and warmer clothing, but never counting the cost of their service of their country, and never measuring; their distance 'from death.' They contraeted, three years ago, two years ago, one year ago, to die for freedom, and they stand in front of Richmond, ready to fulfil the demi-godlike alinement, of their own free wills, and without dpress. And all along behind them to the Rapidan is a fine of mounds covering men just like them, who fought through a "ginntlet of death that would hays ; licked up,the armies of Napoleon as *at as he Could hate raised them, and would have prevented - Higtelirte the nongtagrore anti the -..... r xerod of Waterloo. Demigod-like, indeed, they are—these diem in-the ranks of our armies. They fight, and they, vote. They handle the bullet with the right hand—with the left the ballot. They make war; in• the same moment they teak° government. They fire into the breasts of a solc4my employed to. destroy ...their country; before biting the cartridges, for the next load ing of their pieties, they, with sovereign pow er which is theirs, turn and appoint a civil ad- • ministration for the United States 'if America for l a period of fonr . years. Oh! how in meas ure and compare with one of those muddy, clay-smutehed, water-soaked men, smelting of powder, and leaning on his musket, and declaring with imperial tone to the Commis sioner of Eleation,, as he draws his ballot out of his cartridge-bes, "I vote for Abraham Lincoln and the continuance 'of this war ! how, itumeasure with him; do the.Prederieke the. Great beepme grederieks the • Little, and the great Napoleons diminish to, small Napo loons! The cousdrirevered the army for its fight. ing. It , will worship it for its voting. There is het in the Idatory of politics Rich fidelity to principlelts the soldiers. of ren . nsylvania; In diana and. Ohio, shoyn in , weir , State elections inlhe Then' foither Comman der-in-chief; popalai througotit 'the armies, was selected by the Democrats as a candidate sure to "catch. the soldier's vote:" ;Re was made !the representative of a: policy which should stop the war, and enable the soldier to return, to his home, and .svas made sponsor of a lie that was designed to corrupt the idea of the struggle we are engaged 414: :.iliiit:the r wa was fought not for the nation - but for the negro. They selected . a: soldiel , for a ‘ candinlate, and placed him on a platform of peaCe, and ap pealed to the mothers, pad' the fathers, and the writes, and the sisters, and- , thelonging children, of the soldiers in the field, to . get the soldiers' vote .. , Stout Soils in the farm houses at home! They' opened - fire on the Chicago platforitt and its candidate; They shouted to their loved ones -in the ranks:— "Death before .dishonpri Fight, forever!" And the loved ones in the ranks, in the inter vals °libelling oueriiththeir coin-Cups their' rifle-pits and tresehea,-read-the•Chicaßo plat-. form, resolutionAorresolution—and as they read their minds _hardened to - a conclusion that the party i which laid. it &Fa . was con .. federate witkthe whom they were' fighting—that the'Preeidentiid' eleCtion. the . McClellan leaderri- were engineering was the civil form of Awtrayirig andrubling a country, and they rejected-the false soldier candidate, rejected the fi4ie peace, rejected the allure ments of home, rejected the sophistries gen of beastly hatred of race; and swore sa credly in their rifle-pits and trenches, "This war shall go on, till_the last armed rebel.dies 1" And the angels who make record of the oaths -of brave men haire registered the Union bal lote of the Armles of the Potomac, the James' and the Cumberland,: in books consecrated to those mortals who love their race and die for their country. Capture. of the Ramielce _by • Pirates THE VESI3EIi BURNT AT SEA. Oct. 22 ,_ _- The following is iititemisit of thii cap tu re of the steszoihip , goaii6ko, oiind fromlia mks to Neiy York, by-Arida hila Mal:* 'ides, as gleamed by Capt:Pel.s4_the =tine Nathilde from Dept; Titew Or,theeap-:' _ tared steamm, - - The, lEtkuoks)Alraiill/a f blew- York on her regidaidiii; and jaiiiiiZed on her cruise PRICE TREE CENTS. [Frew the New York 7r.ii;m16.1 BM • seo 100 25 GO ttlOllthQ r 100 o mouths • 11 00 tenths 15 00 loisr 00 _ _ 440 275 Marriagp Notices ..... . " Aiditor a ' • - 1 50 Pommel Notices, each insertion 50 sr Busittem notices biSetted In the Local Column, or before Marriage and DCaUIB,'BIGHT GEna PBlt Lnar, for each neertios...--Li until evening in the usual manner without anything remarkable occurring. Capt. Drew retired to his cabin about ten o'clock at night. At that tinieli numb of paisertgers were as sembled aft and singing. Suddenly several men armed with revolvers entered the. Cap tain's cabin, and'in - a - moment kti self handcuffed. Others of the Party, mean while adopted similimmessares in other parts of the ship, and in :a few zninutsa,she _ was completely in the possessionpf thipaigiors. Only two shots were fired. Ona.tec*effect on the Roanoke. Thecarpenter of 4113Loaniike, who in offering ; resistance, was shotcolfsad. The captors - having gained Togssagion shaped the course. of the vessel fg,perriuda Oh arriving off the island they ;00..n0t attempt to enter the harbor; .but wajted fora passing vessel, by which they,Copild get rid of the crew and prisoners: There yore fifty of the former . and thirty of Ilitrlatfer, mostly Spaniards.. The Roanoke had-brit.little freight, but she had fictm forty to SAY_ tFairsi.od dollars aboard, partly . in specie and partly in paper. She also had but little coal on hand at the time The tralisfer took place; After the lda thilde-reached Bermuda with lag; passen&ers, a party 'fro& the Roanoke arrived _there in boats, the latter vessel having lieen set ontre and burned. l ,l .0 • J 34 Teregtapfj. SHEItIDA:N. The -Rebels Pursued to Mount ,JalMon, OrOkillzed Rebel RekOaent to be Found. 2,000 REBELS RAN THROUGH THE M OUN T A IN. - 4 PIECES OF .CAPTURED ARTILI ! di.. AT • HEADQUARTERS.: -; 800 Wagons and Ambulances Captured. Battle Flagg Sent, to. the War Department, WAMENGTON, OCE 22. Major General Dix, N. -' • - The following official dispatch has been re ceived from Cenral Sheridan: •. CEDAR OMER. Virgil. 4 P. AL, Oct. 23. Lieutenant General Grant, City Point: pursued the - routed force of the eremy nearly to Ildvant Jackson, which point be reach,- ed during the night of the 19th and 2Cith, with out an.organiged regiment of his army. , From the accounts of our prisoners who have escaped and.eitizens, the route was-com plete. - - . • • . , About 2,000 of the enemy broke and Made their way ,down through the mountable, on the left, for ten miles. On the line of retreat the road and country werecovered with small arms, thrown away by the flying rebels, aid other debris. . I think thatnot less than. 300 "Wagons and ambulances were either captured or destrbyed. The aceident of •the inoraiing turned• to our advantage, as much as thou , d2 the whole movement had been planned..., The pub' re gret that I have to the capture; lit the' early morning, of =from 800 t0 , 1,000.0f our-inen. I am now sending to the War .DepmfiKent ten battle flags. The loss of artillrry in the morning was seven guns from Croogeleven from Emery, and six from Wright. - F-rtim all that I can learn think that Early's:reinforce ments could not be less than. 16,000 pp men, P. H. SHEMIN, Major GenerarCoinxithaVding. ' ' E. IC STANTON, .;Secretary of War- ►HERMAN+ THE REBELS RAPIDLY. RETRE°ATING• Gen. Shermatee Army in, Hut, -,Pursuit CitaTrAmpooa.,-•Oct. 21. No engagement is yet lbelieved•to have oc curred between the opposing armies in North ern Georgia. , The Mid General Hood is reported' to be rapidly moving down'the BtoomistOn Valley to Jacksonville and Talladega, where he strikes the railroad to Montgomery,,Mabama. General Sherman's' army sttippedtir every pound of superfluous baggage; is in hbt pur suit. The enemy has so muclirof a start, and flies so fearfully thathis (septum is not assured, A train came up to Tilton from Atlantito-day. A small party of rebel catalry attempted to tear up the track below Ackworth yesterday, but were driven off by the train guard, other wise all is quiet along the Athmta.niadr THE .REBELS IN MISSOURI. TROOPS GOING FORWARD. THE -NOTORIOUS `REBEL- TOO AILLED. .I.inAvmsiyroimm Oct. 21. General Blunt hrp.been stubb . ornly resisting the advance yf,Price - all day. Blunt is falling back sloady,-conieeting every of ground. Price's force:is estimated at 28,000: General Curtis is concentrating his force on the . Little Blue river. Governor Whey has telegraphed that the danger is very great, and to' Send every available roan to-tbe front. Troops are going forward•very rapidly, Leavaimoars, October 22.--14avy fighting has been going on all the afternoon.. The 'rebels attempted to` pass ariraintand envelope our left, but during this operation- Curtis dealt them a blow.' Their loss ,is heavy, cer tainly much heavier,than, ours., Among the rebels killed to-dafr was fhe...notorlotts Tod, of Missouri. Lik No detailS oP U.:LO-4*es IstUls IP! , • Ven re ceived.. General ,Plessontou 4 1 . , ,,frping the c ii.. Wit i %llrA4Lclii* kettle ;I metvecee:7: oo B 2 /Er., livi aratotowix Alitt4 I MIT * s - 1 1 saitiblei A% Bobelapep BoOlixtoro, ftcrigina, segso GI 'An:4 : 2113 4 711 11 11 oar. IMEI2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers