THE TELEGRAPH PUBLISWED 12317. LNG VENLYG, BY GEORGE BERGNER. OS7I - 07ff Immo sr., smut wAr.sl7r. •!7E - RaltS OF-SUBSCRIPTION IINGL ,SCiIk3CRIPTION tna GATur Titlol,l7S IS Served to subSorlbera in the . Ity at 12 wilts per week. Yearly subseribers will be : barged $0 00 in advance. Those parsons who paglecttc iwy in advance will be charged $7 00. kaulLY TEILEGRAPEL fin TILIORLYK also published weekly, and La forrilahad sernribers at tho following cash rater • , „ %tee copies to one Post Tea sopim to one Pont Wino., NEW A DVDRTISEMENTS, When will Wonders Cease ? THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD ! McBRIDE'S KING OF PAIN WILL cure any ache or pain in from one to sixty minutes It acts like magic upon the absorbent and glandular nyatemd, reduci• g swellings and regulaiiog the secretions and excretions. It is of a diffusive, penetrating nature, exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre of the nervous organism, thence by reflex action its power is felt throughout the entire system, restoring the Wen iatiug fluids and checking disease with Invincible strength. THE KING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE! go matter what the pain, apply the medicine and you sill find instant relief. It is an internal oil external curs. THE KING OF PAIN Cures almost instantaneously, headache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Colds, Bronchial Affections, Asthma, Dyspesla, Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Bloody Flux, liver Clomplalnt, Kidney Disase, Diseases of the Bladder and peaasl urgana, Cramp, Cholic and all spasmodic pains,Fever and Ague, Burns Bruises, Cuts, Sprains and 'simle of every description. It proves itself the mastery, as di rev iffri,oy of thousands prove its meritorious worth. sold, wholesale andeta, by S. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Sole Agents, 115 Market street, Harrisburg, SOLDIERS READ! the following letter from a Foldier, iu reference to the nlioacy and powerful restorative qualitlUes or DR. MO SNIDE 'S KIN,. Oh' ?MN, speaks lur NEWVILLR, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Spi 14, 1864 . j Messrs 8 A. Kunkel, ck Bro., druggists, Harrisburg, Pa.: GesTs :—I would inform you tram I r CelVed alo , Dut Ice of Slcilrkle's Great Pain Killer, and enclosed pease flnd sire (tubers more, for watch send me live botles a-Jetties :ll to.morrow. I leave fur camp to-morrow. Let me know whether yon can supply me with it in the army. I am In COMpaby If, 20:d . egitneut P. V. .1 have been in very had arable for upwards of fuuryears, and two of the one-collar bottles have cured me completely, and have made me ree.l like a man. B. sides, I have cured a num ber of my comrades of various diseases incident to camp. life, and on recommend It to bo tbe bast medicine the ;eater can pro. Me for himself. YOl/18 lespectfully, JOS F. WIIITE. Apr All orders from a distanro protOpUy attended to by S A. RUNKEI. & /SRO. A HOME CERTIFICATE. The following cerdltuate a: front a well-known citizon of Flarrishurg : Hammon - sot, Aug. 30, 1804. To THIS PUBLIC giver me greet pletinure to recom mend to the pubis) the medicine mattered by OR. J. J. SickiktlDE, which tie calls the' JU..G OF PAIN. ". was tudtmed to use it as an exP•rnal remedy fora bruise, which relle.ed immediately. and cubsequeutiy eurod entirely. its suwess induced we to Use it internally for Diarrheas, with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for neatly eighteen Menthe, ens to anon an extent that my kidse)s were seriously deranged The medicine has cured m; and certainly that is toying a great, heal in its favor, when I reflect ter* many other roosedies I tried without experi encing 'enythini, but temporary relief. For my part, I shall always keep a supply of it in my hose, believing as I do that it is a moot luvelnalne family reciaicine.. Tho unexampled solo of this ruedieine proves it to be the mO4 tvMlUmful cliaCovm - of tho ago in the mouton). art. Tiro undersigned aro tho sole agents fbr 4. • nuu Will atipply R trhoiCeilla 411,W ret, S. A. KITS'KEL%t 8R0.,' Druggists, ns maxkot meet, tiarnEbtirg. seplb] PEIPHER 9 S DA3LY BETWHIFIN IVIRILADELPFOIL, Loth Haven, Jersey Short, Williamsport, Mau IT, Uniontown, Watsontown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sim bury, Treverton, Georgetown. Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin, AND lIA_RRISBURG The Philadelphia Depot being centrally ((waled, the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor get* through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of ell goods intruded to the Una. Goods delivered at the ra di pot of WILLIAII E. MIRE, Market st Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock r. a., will be delivered in Alborg the neat morning. "'refight Always as . 144147 as by Any Other Lin., JOS. MONTGOMERY &CO. Philadelphia and Reading Depa;t, Foot, of lapaketettiiet, Harrisburg. oct2l4t RIFAV LIQ,CO4 STO.(tE IMPORTANI"IO LhisIDLORDS'' D 1 OTHERS —The undersigned offers at wholud,l4, to the trade, e choice lot 'of" the best liquors cyst brougtti to Rarra tr burg, viz: Flinch Brandiet, Holianaim, 8 eh, /riah, Bourbon , Wheat and ON 'Rye Whisky; F pi and Damestie Wines, such 'as Champagne, Claret, C ' nibp, 4c. Ali liquors warranted, as represented. I, ' brds and others will and It to their advantage to call e,Ad ex amine the assortment at the store, on South „Second street, two doors below Chestnut , ... my27.dern GEORGE WIM'AR,S. CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DESCMIP SAUCHIS of all the celebrated traanufactatora. B,L.ItDMS, OLIVE OILS, every description. Also BROWN STOUT, FINE TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR and SYRUP of all grades and prices, and the best selected stock outilide or Philadelphia. All goods guaranteed as represented, Particular attention paid to all orders from a di,stance. Goods carefully packed and delivered to all parta of the city free or charge. SRISLER St FRAZER, my 6 successors to W. flock , Jr. , &Co LWMANO SI4FRUY, ituparteil A: IEI4B Warranted the Finest Sherry Wine in .this -•untry For woe at lIIS.L.E.F.* FRAZER, •- 19th T,sek AUCHENER'S exccaaita ham.% 'oi this' sea , sows oaring. Just roceived and for &ale by SHISLER Aro FRAERS, (rmsrskanrs ro Wm Donk. ir.. k eo. I=l3 04..rdPAIGN TORORES, .„ Manufaccuredand for sale by J. HALL t.OIIPMAN, 606 'Cherry street, Ploladelphia. so2B 6t i krEKS SHAD and FINE NEW 'L.;.C.K. Ott rec6ll7od, at XrEW FISR.--Now No. '1 and 2 111Ackorol in tierrelN half t , Ar . reix and kitl . 4.. and by tb , ! , pound, 44. [amen SIIISLER Si FRAZER. EXTRA FAIIILY FLOUR and CO! HEAL always ou band, of filcher.% quality, at BOY PIR & KOERPER. CJALINION. --Fine salt Balnlon, at ".64 VMAZICR. fIUOKSTLRIzi' BASKET6.—Shister & Fria ll ! $6 uoam x r ic cceksozv. co p L7eouikoryza per,em band C .• RANBERREES. Jun received, a very fine tat of Cranberrie , at °ad 61USLER dz FR 12 Li 190 ASSORTED BEREA GRIND STONES for 93.10. - A. K.. FAHNEL 4 TOCK. 1'11;4441w IXTINDOW SASH FOR SALE. —l6B lights, v 9x14 waltseasoned. Imitate or Q. BINDER, s At Negletts Liquor state, btxrket A 114 SUPPLY of ost tila FRESH at Shlo.lila Jail atimm & FRAM. fluogassors ui W. pack, h., Sr. 0, R 1 MACKEREHL, MING AND SAL 11 " 14 0110 38118 KOERPIR ._ . ''‘‘, - . . - • , . - ... '• - i t . • qr . -, . 4._ . __. , ... . . • l' '.. r'l ) • • ''' ir,;_ ~ . . 1 t • ' • ,e 4 A1111,,C f t ' i"-• ~••• ' ) 0S • ..,, : t 1 -•"' \ ' ..i. ' . • C .. :,..--.` . 7:, ',. 11 \ ' ,: , : ) I ';' .. -:,, ~• " r ~ •S• 4 -,--v.....-,,-- 0z.4....- ~. . . ~, , r4 4 .., ,, ,., ,----„ , s: _..,e , - • : • .:.., , - ~, i .r '' '... ' ..'-: i - -r. Jit.. - .' . . fa 450 . 400 ...10 00 A Cure Warranted. Dyspepsia has the following Symptoms: Ist. A constant pain or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach'. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhoea, with griping. 6th. Pain in all parts of the System. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. * . Sth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. Out of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great. American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of theta has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at. Dr. Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and don imitations free of charge. Send for a circu lar. Pride $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. Emrassrit BRANSON, of Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and a halt I suffered every thing but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering; iny mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horior and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my own children, every thing appeared to be ..horror.stricken to me; 1 had no ambition to` do, anything ; I lost all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from pleas to place, but couldnet be contented; I felt that I was doomed tb hell, and that there was no heaven for use, and'. was often tempted to commit Emioide, so near was my whole nervous systent, de- , stroyed, and also my mind from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me placed in Dr. Kirkbride's hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained fliers ninct traeacater l 4 l 3,7 3 —f o y UMW), IJU. v A-g...eadful plaint was raging as bad as over. Hearinkof the wonderful cures performed by Dr. wis hart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to him. fie said he had no doubt he could cure me. So in three days after I called and placid myself under the Doctor's treatment; and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, and I most sincerely return .my ,thanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wis hart, and to his great American Dyspepaia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature gnive. All persons suffering with D yspepsia aria; t liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing to do all the good I can for suffering hu manity. ELIZABETH BRANSON,: Brandywine, DeL, formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. - Da. Wismurr's Office, No. 10 Worth Second street, Philadelphia. DANIEL E. WILT DR. Wismixr—l have been' a constant sufferer With Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during which time I cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly.well day: There were times when the symptoms were more aggravated than at others, and then it seemed it would be a great ;re lief to die. I had at all times an unpleasant feeling in my head, but latterly my sufferings so much increased that I became almost antic for business of any kind; my mind was continually filled with gloomy thoughts and fore bodings, and if I attempted to change their current by reading, at once a sensation of icy coldness in connection with a dead weight, as it were, rested , upon .tny. brain ; also, a ieeling of sickness would occur at the Reproach, end great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which 'yeas the continual fear of losing my reason. I also experienced great lassitude, debility and nervousness, which made it difficult to walk by day or sleep at night, -Lbscame averse to society, and disposed only' err sechUiltitt, and haiing.tried the skill of a number of eminent phYialciaes of various schools, finally came to• theconolusion that,: for this disease aVray, ,present age libyearS) there was no cure in existence. But; -through the interference of Divine Providence, to whoto.,l devoutly offer my thanks,.l at last • found a sovereign remedy la your - ,•DYstilinia 111111 and Tar Cordial, which seem to haft 'effectually renroVed al most the last trace of my long list or tibrients and bad • feelings, and in their place health, pleasure and *intent• meet are my everyday companions" - ' JAMES l& SAIINDFII.4, No. 458 North-Second etremiThiladelphia, - Formerly of Woodbury; , N. J. Dr Itilhirt's Wee lie. 10 North Second street, MURiAIIDS, A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPEPSU. No. 1028 OLIVB STUNT, Philadelphia, January 22d, 1888. be. Wiseter--Sir:--It is with much pleasure that. I am now able to inform you that, by the use of your great American Dyltpepela Pills, I have been entirely cured of that most distressing complaint, DysPepsia. had been grirviously allheted for the last twenty-eight years, and for ten ;cam of that thou have not been free from ita path ono week at a time. I have bad it in floweret form' and have dragged on a-moat miserable existence--in pain day and night. Every.kind of 'flied that I ate: filled me with wren and pain, it mattered not how light; tot how siu tit the quantity . A continued belching was :Sure to fellow. I bad no appetite Mr aoY:iciu4 of meats what ever and my distrers was so great' fOr several months be fore I heard of your Pills, that I fieq surly wished , for death. I had taken everything that I bad heard of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit; but cm tour Pills being recommended to me by one who hail been cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial, although [had no -faith iu Chem To my astonishment, I found myself getting better before I had taken one fourth of a box, and after taking half a boa ! I an a well aeon, and ca n eel oniythiey 1 ietalt, and enjoy a hearty meal Area ch af e a day, without inconvenience from anything I eat driulr... If you think proper, you are at liberty to make thiiyoblic and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all de sirable information to any one who may call on me Youra,tespectfully, JOHN H. BABCOCK. For sale at Dr. Wisharta Medical Depot, No, 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. .Price 0129' Dollar per box. Sent by mail, free of clsuge„ on receipt °twice. DYSPEPSIA! Dltt,PArOlik: • • I, Samuel D. Hama, halm loom a -treat mom; w ith Chronic Dyspepsia and billanutudlOn. ot Me . 11.1doopt ter three team I employed threitor tout of She mast esti neat ohr/ids= oi Philadelphia, alm otihirlingtoo colony N.J. nay did all for goo they oouid,-bet airtn"no may. pose: war constantly with awful pattPard times and with constant belching of wind aria emir odd. , ify tongue was catered with a white :Matter at:Meow until it crachad' l 2:Dage iarrom, sad - web aditilannY /Orel 0/11 IWitham.wished fir &m,h4a _Nair. me of my for 1 had lost ail hops of - wee titan well again. I odds itar'enblect °I . - prayer. be Ged:lhat he would direct me to some physician or. esedirdos that . • maid Imre mtO I trio tad to load on adsertmtmelit I= BY GEORGE BERGNER. DIEDICA.L DYSPEPSIA. DYSPIEr:=IA : HEAR WHAT X5B. JOHN H. BABCOCK ELM "THE UNION--NOW AND FOREVER "I Webster . HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 20, IS :1 MEDICAL.. Dr. Wiehar'e in the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great cute made upon Mr. John Babcock, of 1023 Olive street, Mita delPhik,by the. great Amerlean.Dytipepida rwent to the Doctor's Office, and placed myself under b treat. meet, and told him if he-failed to cure me, it would be the last effort I weutd make. It has been six weeks since I commenced the use of his medicine, and I am new a welt man, free from all pain and distress, and can eat three hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly well. Dr. V P:l atter', I want- you to publish. Illy 'case, as I want every poor dyspeptic suffering as lisair to call on me, and will tell them of the great cure I have received from your invaluable medicine. SAMUEL D. HAVEN. Coiner Venango and Lambert ['Meets near Richmond street, formerly *din Wrightatown, Burlington *aunty, N.l, The shove are a far among the thousands which this great vemedy has saved fnam untiniefy-grave.. We have thousands of letters from physicians and dritg gists who have presCribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a medical which gave such universal eatinictien: Prepared only - by the proprietor, DR. L. Q. C. WLSHART, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists everywhere apj,y,lo-eodAdcw, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Great Attraction ! NB. 13' A. El4l ADI MM. M. MAYER, NO. 13 MARKET STREET ofrided-her no. ...—_ BONNETS, LADIES' AND KISSES" HATS, FEATATERS-AND FLOWERS. • Atm, i'Rl LATE-ST STYLES of , 0140 . A IS` 4: 1 .241) - -h - OR 13IIL ABS! • - Ada toaii iiiiortnient of WOOLEN fI9ODS, NUBL9.B, ; , . . • Ath unlit .or Constantly on hand, besides everything usually found the largest furnishing eatablLshments in the,country. eep• NEW opmrnmo- FOR Fall and. Winter Trade ! .41A#WLS BALMORALS AND SCARFS! • • • • -.- . FUR)S.: FITIt The Largest and .boat4alectad ;leek to this city t thtf • ' ' New Vl4:lottU: Store, IN D. W. GRostr NEW BLOOK, , HARRISBURG, PA. Sep2-tf .11 II LITT,: 1119SENDALE, 29 Practical and Scientific o rc x , No. 29 NOlttlEf , rCAN II LMEE'r , pi . NEAR WALNUT, Particular attention is called to.the, oelehnttedeonettve-; *naves Crystal Sfiectaclery,,.; !Mat. are, nartanted; hi strengthen and preserve the 'eyes' Of the nearer, and to last fromlo to 12 yea's' without: change. 1 List or prcceteent free to any direction. Concave and bowies lenses, set in steel frame, $2. CODCAVO and - convex eryetal lenses, Int. In best steel • Concave and convex . crystal lenses, sot !Slaver frames, 15 6 . Concave and eonvex crystal lenses,set in platnut frame's, • Concave and convex crystal legman set ist gold fnunes, 2,15 to 225. • long In ordering*iecticits itatilton n glasses Are used.. any , pale of ineaspasoltherhere or eent, to or der? can b!`el"7o•loP4MAtied to. gto nye; ' Always+en4 I, wortinept of Aeromatic crss)coperi,'re etterstg , ;and IV'ietd s Glsaaes,Therinona• - eteA, Barotabteris(CMplaiesi . Drawing Instrumento, and piestorrOpen,Lar.ita.the latest visas W S 4 l l.! i ff i . l l l ß( f r a ca slope Pwoo4o4Pews, ul-dftwtf . . . - SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY T All happy to offer to the public a large , and splendid gisaortmens of SUPERIOR -GOLD' PENS, manufactured by LEROY W. FM:RCM:M. These Pens are well finishes!, °lenges, and will tile ea tire satisfaction. MUSE TRT THEIL BOIIEFFSKB BOOK ROHS, Second etreet, opposite Presbyterian Merck, Harrisburg Pa ap2B NEW .P.BILAIDELPHIeI AD A. ME AS "r 0 It , tkr D. WI eißoar NEW BIWA blarket Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES 07 FASHIONABLE orAoAKs AND OIROULAIII4'. FINE SPRING SHAWLS. will open on tbe lstof April. ' leacher o'Piaae, AfeWean, ? riot end ' • ' alogino, No. No, fait, orisoo, miaow bias ftr.. }4 new •Oa ;aeb 6 ,lowomolo 4oW Slootpityli Co. kinds ki, llllllll l y wagons earta _ t 7.7 i n ' t r n /FAA roam or Soma sametimr=l&, EMI CLOAKS.; - "Circulars, CLOAKS :, B Rocks AND MOURIONG 29 Ir=l=l MEDICAL, TnE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," 'ZIVOWN t 45 , " 11E,IIMBO IID 9 S" GENUINE PREP t.I.:ATIONS, VIZ HELMBOLD EX.TBACT "BUCHTI'," FIELMIVLD ETTR.stOT SARSAPARILLA, FIELMBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASH LIELIVIBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS: HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHILI, A POSITIVE AND SPEOITIO REMEDY FOR DL MA OR IUE BLADDER', KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SNMIJINGS. THIS Medicine increases the power 'of -Di geetion, and excites the ABSORBENTS Into healthy action, by which the WATERY or. CALCEROUS deem donee, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are re iiticed; as well as pain and inflammation, and is good for KEN, WOKEN or CHILDREN. REMOLD'S EXTRACT NCO, FOR WEARITE.9BES Artabig from Excaiaeo, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or Abuse, 4~7~12~~1:A ~ll'/Y y: i'Y:~sf Yi) ~ 1~1~ ynUl3~~~.4~`r\~G! Luelopogiticm to Exertion, Dryness of the, Losa of Memory, Loan of Power, , Weak Nerves, Di Welty of Breathing. j Horror of Disease, Trembling, Dinineits of Vision, Wakefulness, Universal Longitude of the Pain in the Back, Muscular System, • Blushing of the Body, Rot Honda, . .Eraptiona on the Face, Pallid .Countensee, . These fitymptroms, ,allovi,e4. to go oni width thlo ' od.l 0140 inTaziabVremorgo, soon taltov • jn IMPOTENOY; 1, EPILE 17110 pus, . IN - SANITY AND CONSVMPTION. *bur* a . 1 1,43.9am of !tbsir Altering% INA *pie , records pi' ti 6 thEine asylums kid tbe-inelineboly des by Consumption, bear =pie *it isessto the 'truth of the assertion. • • , THE CONETITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED WLTH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ' . Requires Who aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate Use system,. widen gelmboid , s Extract Buckle .invarisMy 44;A ttislwili coitirttioo this most shepticaL FEMALES-FEVAT,Es-FEMALES • • OL OR YOUNG, SMOLri s IiL%=.ED, OR CON EM. PLATING MARRIAGE , In many affections peculiar to females the Extract Bu chu is unequalled by any other remedy, as In Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness,. or suppression of the customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrous state of the Uterus, Leucorrhea or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaints Incident to the se; whether arising from lediOre tioe,•Habitalif reesipation or. in the ' ! - . DECLINE OR. CHANGE OF LIFE. NO FAMILY , SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no' Bakeun; Newbury, or Uripleasant Jfeditinb for Unpleasant. and .Dangerens.Disases- . HELMBIAM'S A.X411.9.0T Cues Secret Diseases in all their stages; at little expense; little or nooluinge in diet; no inconvenience and no oise tura It uses frequent desire; anegives' streng th to IJithate, theireby , removing obstrattionsi preventing pnd tiering Strictures of the Orettint,• allaying Pain and. Whim mation, so frequent in this class of diseases,.and expelling 'Poisonous, Diseased, and Womout 'getter. IThenhands `upon thothandie who have been the , iictiros of unlinks, and cwho have paid heavy. fees label:mind in &short thrie,,have nand they, were tieceiVed t ivid that the !Topton'l. c haa' by the use of "POwerfdl Astringents," been dried. .up 'in th e .eystetn to break Out in an aggravated form, " and 'perhaps Use DELMBOLD , S• EXTRACT MERU for , all .Afteetions and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Fetnale, frokawlititever cause oikshildlnd, and no matter of . hoti long standing. Diseases'. of these Organs require the aid. of a Diuretic. DriIIftiOLD'S.„EXTRiCT SUCHU is the Drool Dhentio, and it is certain to haye the desired enact hi all 'Diseasea for which it is re6m mended. - • . agiglay Concentra, ted CompoUnd'FlAßD ErfitaCTSaitS&PAltllits:SYlol: • Lil 3. This is an-neeetion •of the ?Mod, encl . :attacks the Sexual Organs .'aMga or ' NOR% tare,,Thret,'Whid pipe and otherlC:itsant'Surfaces,thalting, its appe'arance in the form of ; gelmbOWs Bitted SaraaParillavu rifiesahe Blood; and hePio4O4 Sca_ l 7 ,E , ruPtiolis of the Skin giving In the Complexion a•Plear and Healthy It being prepifild expressly fdr this class of complaints, its Blood-PurifyingProperties are Preserved- 'to a greater extent than any other preparation of Sarsaparila.. HELKBOLD'S ROBE WA13,11, An excellent Lotion for dimwit of a Elyphiritic Native, and as an injection in diseases of the pinery , Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Buchu and Sarsaparilla, ill. such" diseases as reoommeaded. Evidence of the most *responsible and re liable character will accompany the medicines. CERTOI. ca.= OF CURES &Cm eight to twenty years standing, names known to Science and 'Fame. For Medical Properties of Ruche, see Dispensary of the United States. flee processor DEW 'S valuable works on the Practice of Ph_a„n See reinar ß s Made by the late celebrated Dr. Pw i rsi4 Philadelphia. Sex ' remarks made by Dr. EP MaDOWELL, a 'celebrated Phinician and mem ber 011 e Royal Collate atfi3urgeona, and published in the Trahrestions of the King's and Queen's. Journal. See IfedicoChirurgical Review,putAished by BENJ. TRAVERS, ' Fellow of the Royal College of Sargeons. The most of the late Standard works on Medletrie. Extract of Bucbu, $1 00 psr bottle, or six bottles for $5 00. Extract of Rampant', $l. 00. per bottle, or Mx for $S 00. Im , prove:ire Wash. grilroantriver lxittlit, or Mx for $2 50, OT h alf dozen each fin slf will be B " fli cti to core o most obstinate cant, If directions are adhered to.. Delonarelto any . srldresa, medurely packed from eb. servatiet. Describe .symptoms in all tionimmdcatkine, Oarse'gtlarsniesd,. Advice gratin. AFFIDAVIT. mewed before oo Memo of th e ,dty of P hu**lphil, /3., T. Bettabold; wba, bang ;doll man, , Pr_ bore metals ark esasette, ea mer cluT. eruwri . M ll , 41121 A awl V . Mtable. , • ne. this Sarrday swab*, " WIL. P.SWARD , Aldstrass, Math street, ell. Race, map- Mae. ham, for Information in oorkildenoe. • , H. T. KEL31:80140, Cheat*. Dettooo4 &alai 101 a street, lidOw Medan; Philedol. 0111131 Y. PRICE THREE CENTS. EVENING EDITION. Death*of Major General, Birney. . We recently .. itru , munced` that Major General Darla B. 'Birney, commanding the 10th Corps in the Army of the Potoraao; had arrived in this city, suffering from disease contracted whße in service before Petersburg. We have now to atatis the melancholyfact that he died last evening, et his residence on , Race street. He was about forty-five years. of age, and had been in the, service ever since the opehing of the.war." He commanded the• 23d Pennsyl vania Volunteers, and from that pOsition lie was called to the wielding of a brigade: In May: last he was elected to command the 3d Division of Hancock's (the .2d) Corps. .On the 23d ef quly he was 'chosen by General Grant to lead the 10th amps, haiing brilliant /y distinguished himself during the whole hf s . ciene.ral Orant'a, splendid campaign from the Rapidan, to, thk south side of the James river. 'His emitr is now cut' short before' the grand object of that campaign is attained, but his record is a noble , one, in which' every Philadelphian takes honorable pride. General Birney was born in Alabama. His father, James B. Birney, was a planterin that State, whomanumitted his slaves and 'came to the North, and afterwards was the abolition candidate for the Presidency. General Bir ney was engaged in mercantile pursuits in this city up to the opening of the war, and only relinquished active civic business at the stern call of, patriotism. his memory will be forever honored in, connection with the rest of the noble host who have laid down their liveslor freedom and the Union.-1-•hilaclei- . 1 phia Bullitin of lasi Evening. Iseult Jusrmis.—Many years ago, when a gentleman from the central part of New IlamP shire was in the Pequaket country, attending to his property near the village of Fryeburg, a company of Indians from the Petiobscott tribe•came there for a temporary abode, and pitched their tents on an elevation near the tdiaeo river. In. passing to his lands he noticed a squaw kneeling to pick strawberries, and creeping to,different parts of the patch that furnished the fruit. Mier attitude struck him as singular; but he concluded she took that posture as most convenient for the purpose. On his return she had disappeared, and he supposed she had gone to sell berries. Bat, as he approached the settlement, he observed the unusual sight of an Indian carrying a sqnawon his back. A nearer view showed him the:person whom he saw in the. straw berry geld. •After having witnessed the oc currence several times, on inquiry of the In iens as to the cause of this action, one of 2.4131./. • (devil) get in him.. Then he put squaw!a feet in Ilre. They burn off." As he looked ho aw they were crippled. and useless.. The tribe r'e'sented the bilielty, and its council were aboit to decide on his inn:fleabite eiecution. But one•of the elder and wiser of the number interposed his opnion,-. and gave this advice "No shoot; make him live long as squaw live; make him'carry squaw when she want walk; when squaw die, then shoot." The decision was in accordance .with this counsel, and thus , secured to the- injured wo man perpetual kind tre4tment from her hus band. The fact of his own 'dgith as soon as she died, made him. careful "tio:pteserve her health and life; and the pnnishrtalnt of bettr ing:her as his constant burden, as well as the compelled attention to her welfare, formed a striking example' of the retributive shrewd ness of "Indian Justice." Es Tams of Dzonessn SOLDEMS. —The ef fects of officers, and soldiers who may die or be killed on the battle-field, or die in kospi tals, may be recovered by ; their friends by making application to Captain James M. Moore, A. Q. M., who has particular ohargo of that matter at Nashington. As a rule all such effects, where4r:found, are labelled and forwarded to his office. 'When the original Owner's address is on the baggage, it is enter ed on the booksin the office. If no inscrip tion be found the package is opened and ex amined, and such marks as may lead to its identification are noted. The goods are then passed to their proper places. The buildings laic: as storehouses for these articles are necessarily very capacious, for over cis. umdred regiments , and. batteries are rciiresented here; and each State has its distinctive apartment--not only so, but every regiment has its'appropriate place, , and all ar ticles are alphabetically arranged, so that in two minutes after the address on the package is male known the 'article 'sought for is found. All-applications for -the recovery of such ef feets.must be accompanied by sufficient evi dence _to prove the applicant ,entitled to re ceive, the same., - - • 330 Eciegrag. Micoseby's Black Flag—His Late Raid. BALTnanz, Oct. 19. Lieut. Wm. M. Ituzikle, formerly a Phila delphia reporter, informs me that Moseby is concentrating his forces south' of Leesburg. White is between Leesburg and the Potomac. It was his forces that nude the late depreda tions in MarylaticL Lieut.-Runkle has in his possession the celebrated black flag, the one the rebels swore to give no quarter under.— It was captured by one of General Tyler's • scouts. _ It has a single star in u black' ground, with the word '"Winchester" inscribed thereon, and in lead pencil there is w itten, "No quarter." General. Tyler intends presenting the flag to the city of Philadelphia, and Lieutenent Run kle will deliver ft to Mayor Henry this even ing. The town of Poolesville was not destroyed as reported. The _ rebels committed' Many outrages, such as spiting fire to . canal boats and robbing the people. They-robbed the post office at Adamstown and Licksville; and scattered the letters they stole along the high way.. . • - Movements ot Blockade RuziA. nen. • ILLWAY., Oat. 19. Tlia steamer Beady, fron BerEattda. reports the bloaitallO,PuMarit • F*lcony, Owl, Hope and 'li6l oA o Wjiglinbpri; 10a4led and wait- Shean oppotkinity. to run out. atm - tatoorta -the arrival at Beturada, frataVihainigton, ottbeltaanier Lady Stan ley and PitakelliP• - • STEAL Pllllll4 MU . _ ADMITIONE 116±101—DAUX . The.nalUtre o ferate t, 4 4 1$ 4p W th it ton - - ;Vane reorteneer.'• `-•'-, ' -'' ' . 4'7 ' ' ) Pour'-.Dom or lees Onittfirt• anr , Agf Kure _Eight lines, orrnore.than finu r oasisinsre. -...- TOE 6 1133.111(MiEff. -- IPA cres mum One day 'S . XBO Oa Of" ' $ $ 5 Two days .. 60 Two dam . .... ..... 100 Three days 76 Throe days 196 One wee k . • 125 One week..... -..a: g 26 One month . 300 One month 6 INe Two months 4 50 Two months s Oe Three months 660 Three m0nth5....... 11 GO Six months 8 00 Six menthe 16 00 One year....... ..... 15 00 One year 26 4‘l Administration Notice; Marriage lioticqa . 115 Auditor's Notice% Funeral :tintless, each Insert 11131 - Business notices In • before Marriages and De • each nsertion. On The Rebel Invasion of Missouri. Glasgow, in Howard county, was captured on Saturday by a large rebel force under General Clark. The place was held by six companies of the 43d Missouri (twelve months' men,) under Colonel Harding, who fought bravely for live hours, but finally were overpowered by superior numbers'and surrendered. _ The enemy had four pieces of - artillery. The steamer Westward, which was lying at the wharf, was sunk, and the City Hall and several other buildings burned. • The town of Ridgeiy, in Platte.county; - was plundered by guerrillas on Sunday-night-and Smithyille, in Clay county, was burned on Monday. Thornton and Thrailkill, notorious guerril las, entered Platte county with a large force of rebels, on Friday, and business was sirs pendeditt St, Joseph and Kansas City. Leavenworth is being fortified, ' From Louisville LoursvEr,rx r •oot. IR The New Albany, Ind.,!Ledger; of thia eve ning gives a report, which it deems reliable, thet from ten to twelve hundred guerrillas under Hinds have concentrated iit the neigh borhood of Bradenburg, Ky., and a portion of them had entered the tewn and robbed the citizens of large amounts of goods and other valuable property. The same paper says the steamer J. L 9. Ir win, while lying at Eddyville, at the tow head of the Cumberland river. exploded her boilers. making a wreck of the boat and killing a large number of persons, including Capt. J. D, Smith, John D. Elliot and Mr. Harrison, the pilots; Mr. Graves, the mate; Mr. Ferguson, a passenger, and two deck hands. Five pas sengers and a soldier are missing. From New York. Naar Foal, Oct. 19 The Brooklyn city mills, owned by Smith & Jewell, situated near the Fulton Ferry, were destroyed this morning by fire. The loss is 150,000. The French steam transport Alice arrived here to-day, with 1,000 French troops for Bresf . , Franco. A passenger by the Columbia says- that there was an organized plot for the capture of the steamer Roanoke, and it was publioly talked of in Havana. After Bemiring the Ro anoke, the Colutnbia and the new steamer Moore Castle sere to be captured. From Baltimore. Rix:stemma, Oct. Ig.—The nomination - of Hon. Thomas Swann, for Governor, meets alt,tihea . „&vproval from the people. He la benefit the *tercet' a of flus*s I 1 Maryland' asks to be nunibered anainget the free States. issh Markets by: Telegralphi PIarADEL44!w October 11 Tmde is dull to-day f _infll,tei cell by., the movement in gold and exclitMgc : - 'there is no demand for cotton, and it is- hording at $1 25. Cloverseed 'sells' at $9 . -75, at $5 82, and Fhtxsped at, $3 ) 50. Thalia is but little export demand for Flour, and, only 1,600 bbls sold at $1:0®10 25 for Extra, $llO 11 50 for Extra family, and $12(412 25 for fancy. In Rye flour and Corn { meal no thing doing. Wheat is not -So- strong. and buyers are holding off; bushels red at $2 20, and white at $2 , 55®260. Rye commands $1 63. Corn dill andletwer, yellow being offered at 51 63. Oats aro steady at 84c. In' groceries and pro' iiiionis but little doing. Whisky dull at $1 76(a1 75.• 4:Petro leum is unsettled; we quote crude at,35036c, refined in bond at 600630, and :free AVM®, 81c. .- f :. 'N - xw icons, . Oat. 19. Fleur iias advanced 15®,80c; safes 10,000 bblelt $8.50(9 20 for State, $9 90an 60 for Ohio and- $lO 60®14 fcir SOthinxi. Wheat advanced 2c; sales unimportant: Corn firm, with small sales. Reef dull. ' Pork firm; 1,000 bbls at $42 80 for mess. Lard dull at 20@y22c. Whisky dull. Rsvratorts, Oct. 19. Flour is heavy, with a declining tendency. Ohio extra sells at $lO 75, Howard street an perthae $lO 37i.: Coffee steady; 50 ; bags Rio Sugar at s3BcSugar steady, owing , to the de cline of gold. Whisky dull, and quotations nominal at $l7B, a decline of 2 cents. New York Stock Markets. NEw - Yous ; Opt. 19 Stocks better. Chicago, and R. 1., ; Cumberland preferred, 534'; Illinois Central, 117 ; Michigan Southern, 648 ; New' 'fork Central, 1174 ; Reading, 120 - ; Hudson River, 1201 ; Canton Company, 33Missouri 6's, 62 ; Erie, 971 ; One Year dertiflcates, 95 ; Ten Forties, 94 ; Treasury's, 104 ; Coupon 6's, 1058 ; Registered do, 1064 ; Gold, 209 f. - VERY FINE, INDEED! MO our fine and extensive stook of Photto- 1 graph Atbome and Photograph Card Pictures, we hare added a BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPE for the reception of card pictures. They mast be seen and will be admired ioN-Photographers supplied at the•very iowest *hate sale price, and their card printed IMAM theca tor Si thousand, wholesale and retail. at „. may 24 SCEIEFFEIUS BOOK Tow', VIIIIIBLIC NOTICE is hereby given,:that in pursuance of the au of assembly of. Pennsylvania, pawed the first day of June, - 18S8, thestookholders of the Franklin Bank, of Washington, Penna., will apply to the nest ecisaion of the Legislature for alepeWal of fte char ter, with an Increase of lie capital from '5150,000 ,o 1400,860. C. H.RAM, President P.A...Tuntt 24, ie27 NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS !I• TN SCHOOL AND OUT, or the Cowl/col rd Richard Grant Tom El . mere, or the Folder Bay. Watch and Wait, or the Young Fugitives Learning bow to Talk, Bead and . Speak, by realer k Wee. Enoch Arden, Kew Poem. by Tennyson. fur tale at BCELEFFERS 1300ESPORE, oct6 PLarrbborn, Pa Ma- 8. A. Ktranuu irw:-.4 take pleasure Instating that yinar J , DIARREI OSA MIXTURE" exceeds anything of kheckiind , tbat-1, ever Imagined. I was vary much troubled Wills, aiarrhcea, and could said nothing to help me in .theleast,funtil I took your "MIXTURE." I give yen thin oertliMto, hoping the ifyousierpropm to we It, It may. be the meium Al ot Jimmies* of the maddest value of your mazoiDa. Very rovecerfOlY pea 3 Tanga limber, Cambria UAL Lag X: -1864,94aug1e-411 BAGS! 1T&GS 11 RAG,F, I . F r u ? ceafa per lb: cash mired egg, fft Smith aeixoretreet,Frisoft. o a OEULLE A N D -P E NC4II. El; 8e table for Bank; OCHow, Al Schaffer's Bookstore, }Wind, 1® 60 In the Local Colima, or EIGHT CENTS PIM LISA for ST. Lours, Oct. 19
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers