Patin. (Ede/ill:apt NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Rarer feculent's, Business Notices, Marriages. oceans: etc°, to Secure insertion in the •rELEGRAPII, most invariably be at ecm ,.nr*ed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the teuetiar I.:vening Edition are inserted in the Mot n tag Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 19, 1864. i'OWN .AND COUNTRY. AN empty sound—that of a railway whistle when you are just too late for the train. ONE of our exchanges speaks of a "finished scamp." We wish they were all finished. —o— Wilma requires the most courage. to look down a cliff, or into an empty pocket-book? ONE of onr Western exchanges heads the election news, "Ems- are yon, Little Mack erels?" Serroms.—We learn that the public schools of this county are nearly all in operation, with a fair attendance of scholars. =l= CROWDED. —The trains on the various rail roads are crowded to excess. An immense passenger trade is being carried on. AN AGED FEMALE.-WITS. Maria Meek died in Reading, a few days ago, at the advanced age of 103 years, 2 months and 8 days! lEEE A Yourro lady being asked by a laboring politician which party she was in favor of, re plied that she preferred a wedding party. Nontrso worthy of note occurred at mar ket, this morning. There was the usual at. tendance, and no apparent change in prices. TEE copperheads of Blifb.'intown got on a big drunk, on election night, by way of re joicing over victories that were not achieved. Naw PosT OFFICE. —A post office has been established at Akron, Lancaster county, on the line of the Reading mid Columbia railroad. Busnmss on the canal is becoming dull. We have seen but few boats within the past week or two. Boating, just now, is rather cool for comfort. AGUE. —We are informed that there are fewer cases of ague in this city, this season, than we have ever had at the same time in the year. The general health of our cithiens is excellent. ANOTHER POCKET PICKED. —John R. Watson, of Fulton county, was robbed, yesterday, while in the crowd that arrived by the Cum berland Valley train. He lost about $25 in money, and•notes amounting to over $4OO. RAILIWAD ACCIDENT.-A man named Harry Gilbert was knocked off the cars on Tuesday night, at Hyde's bridge, on the N. C. R. R., and instantly killed. Deceased was on his way to Hanover Junction, where he was going with election returns. ATTENTION, INTINCIBLES —A meeting of the Glee Club will be held at their hall this even• ing. The roll of members will also be open. The friends of the cause are respectfully in vited to visit the club room, in Locust street (Mount Vernon Truck House,) which is open every evening. THE COPPERHEAD STiTE CENTRAL COLIMM TEE has opened rooms in this city, on the corner of Second and Walnut streets. The business of the Central Committee is for the present in charge of a Vigilance Committee, consisting of our quandam friends John W. Brown, Attorney at Law, and Joshua Royal, Esq. A strong team, this. WE published a notice a day or two ago, stating that a negro who was arrested in Phila delphia, confessed that he committed the rob bery at Epply it Co's store, in this city. The prisoner was to have a hearing this morning, and Mr. Epply has gone to Philadelphia to identify his goods, if possible. I=l=l RAILROADER KlLLED.—Yesterday, as the fast stock train on the Pennsylvania railroad was near Lancaster, a brakesman named George R. Harrrison. was found dead on top of one of the cars. It is supposed that he was killed when the train passed through Parksburg bridge, by the timbers striking him. GOING WEST. —Each morning train on the Cumberland Valley Railroad brings a large number of passengers en route for the West. They are principally from Maryland, and the Southern counties of this State—parties who have lost heavily at the hands of the rebels. Many of them owned fine farms, which they have disposed of at a sacrifice, in order to avoid further depredations at the hands of the rebel fiends. BRANT'S HALL was crowded last night to witness the Ticket-of-Leave Man. It was ad mirably performed, and gave entire satisfac tion, Rouse's Bob Brierly was grand. This evening we are to have the beautiful play en titled THE LADY OF LYONS, or, Lov e and p r id e , with Miss Rate Denin as Pauline, and Mr. Meeker in his great character of Claude 310- notte. Success continues to attend Mr. Rouse's efforts to please, and the most fashionable audiences nightly fill the hail. I=l FATAL Accrossr.—The York True .Democrot says that on Saturday last a young man by the name of Lentz, residing at Freystown, met his death by the accidental discharge of his gun, while gunning in the neighborhood of Louok's Mill. It appears he was sitting on a fence, against which the gun was placed, and while in the act of lifting it, the gun being cocked, it was discharged and the contents received in bis right side. Assistance* was summoned and the young man conveyed to his home, but in a few minutes afterwards the vital spark took its flight. The deceased was recently married. . . THE UNION MEN CYF ATJEDDLETOWN AWAKE ANT) AT WOEE. -A. splendid meeting was held at Middletown last evening. It was decidedly the largest and most enthusiastic gathering held in that borough for several years, and may be accepted as the evidence that the peo ple in that portion of the county are deter mined to do good service at the coming No vember election. Dr. Benjamin Wiestling presided, and Col. A. J. Herr, of this city, addressed the meet ing. CoL Herr spoke fur more than an hour, rehearsing the causes • which led to the open defiance of the Southern people for the laws of the land—their armed efforts to subvert the Government—their long preparation to change our system of free institutions, and introduoe slavery as the true condition of la bor—and the straggles of the great free masses of the loyal States to resist treason and main tain the national authority. The speech was a master effort. It had the true ring in all its utterances, and produced effects which will show themselves at the ballot-box in.Novern ber next. Lutheran College COUVentiOrr. A convention, composed of both ministers and laymen of the Evangelical Lutheran. Church, was held yesterday, October 18th, in the church of Rev. Dr. Hay, of this city. There was an encouraging number in attend ance, and the utmost good feeling prevailed. The convention was organized by the appoint ment of A. F. Ockerhansen, Esq., of the city of New York, as President, and Rev. E. W. Rut ter, of Philadelphia, as Secretary. Prayer hav ing been offered by Rev. H. L. Baugher,.D. D., the Rev. Dr. Hay stated the objectef the con vention, viz: to effect the better endowment of Pennsylvania College, located at Gettys burg, Pa. Letters were read from Hon. Moses M'Lean, Professors F. H. Mnhlenberg, Jr., and M. Jacobs, communicating their ina bility to be present, but expressing the liveli est. sympathy in tie laudable object of the convention. By request, Prof. H. L. Baugher D. D., President of the college, addressed the con vention, stating its prospects, deficiencies, and wants. Numerous other addresses were delivered, when, on motion of Rev. J. A. Brown,. D. D., by a rising vote, it was unani mously Resolved, That one hundred thousand dol lars be raised, as soon as possible, for the better endowment of Pennsylvania College The convention proceeded at once to, the taking of subscriptions to this object, with the following most gratifying results : Rev. J. E. Graeff, of Philadelphia, by the munificent subscription of $20,000, himself endows the Professorship of English lLttn gunge and Literature, reserving to him iself the privilege of nominating the incumber It. A. F. Ockerhausen, Esq., of NeW York city, for himself and his brother George P., snb scribed $20,000. Rev. V. Conrad, of New York, $lO,OOO. Rev. T. L. Benedict, of Bedford, (Pa •,) $5;000. Charles A. Morris, Esq. , of York, (Pa. $5, 000. Prat. Baugher stated that the citizens .of Gettysburg would endeavor to raise an adtdn tional $6,000. The Convention adjourned to meet again. 4 7 o'clock in the evening. EVENING SESSION An able and eloquent address was delve: red by Rev. F. W. Conrad, D. D., after which the following additional subscriptions were re ceived, viz: From Martin Buehler, Esq., of St. Mat thew's church, Philadelphia, $l,OOO. From Bev. F. W. Conrad, $l,OOO. From Dr, H. H. Muttlenburg, (Reading,) $5OO. Au Executive Committee of five was ap pointed to continue the further prosecution of this effort, with power to appoint an Ageelt, and adopt whatever other means they rnay deem calculated to attain the desired end. The committee consists of Rev. F. W. Conrad, D. D., Rev. C. A. Hay, D. D., Rev. A. C. Wed ekind, Rev. J. E. Gmeff, Rev. Victor L. Con rad. Rev. J. E. Graeff kindly offered, if the Chairman of the above committee shall tfind it expedient to serve in the capacity of a trav eling agent, to defray his expenses. The two professorships, already fully en dowed, were named after the benevolent, donors respectively, viz : the "Graeff" andaie "Oa ershansen ' professorships, A communication was handed in from Atm S. K. Brobst, Rev. William Rath, and Jona than Reichard, Esq., of Allentown, Lehigh county, Pa., raising the inquiry whether it would not comport with the interests of Penn sylvania College to change its location from Gettysburg to EaStern .Pennsylvania, and; if so, whether the Convention would not; re commend Allentown, provided suitable build ings were offered. On leave given, Rev. Btobst made additional statements. The Convention resolved that it had heard these statements with pleasure, but as the bodyiwas convened for a specific purpose, viz: the en dowment of Pennsylvania College, it deemed the 'agitation of the question of its renieval foreign to its purpose% and hence inexpedi ent. Adjourned to meet to-morrow mornin.4, at o'clock. CLOSE OF SESSION The Convention re-assembled at 9 o'clock, Wednesday morning, Oct. 19, and opened its session with prayer by Prof. M. L. Stoever. Rev M. Baum, of York, subscribed $5OO. Rev's. A. C. Wedekind, William M. Baum, and J. W. Conrad, D. D., were appoint(ld committee to solicit contributions from the citizens of Harrisburg: The Convention considered the act peniting before the Pennsylvania Legislature, to pro vide for the acceptance of the grant of public lands by the United States to the several States for the, emlus.v:nz..:.l et Agricultnr:{l Col - leges. It was finally Resolved, That for various reasons, Peom sylvania College at Gettysburg is eminently entitled to a portion of said grant. Row. E. W. Rutter, J. Fry and J. B. Bittinger were appointed a committee to co-operate with .the one appointed by the Trustees of Pennsyllva nia College, to exercise a proper gaardiannip over the bill, pending its passage through : the Legislature. A very interesting address was delivered by Professor 111. - L. StooVer:astating the immemse amount of p3ood that has already been done, even in its imperfeCt state, by the Pennsylva nia College, and commenting 'upon • the aus picious prospect which is now opened up to it in the future. The third professorship, on motion of Rev. Benedict, was called the " Conrad professor ship." The expediency of reconvening the Con vention, and the time and place of assembling, were left to the Executive Committee. Resolutions of sympathy on account of the •death of Dr. Kitsmiller, and expressive of condolence with the Church and family, were adopted, standing and in silence. A vote of thanks was passed to the con gregation of Rev. Dr.. Hay for their' kini i en tertainments of the Convention. Adjourned with prayer, by'Rev. C. A. Bay, D. D. SALE or' CANNON, &c.—By an act of Assent. bly the Quartermaster General of PenrisylVania was authorized to dispose of, at puha., sale,,A number of brass and iron cannon and other implements of warfare belonging to the Steele: which had accumulated in the arsenal hese, and which the rusty hand of age had rendemsd unfit for further service. Some of the bras.s pieces were of French manufacture, and dated during the reign of Louis XVL They formed a portion of the purchases from That govern ment by our colonial fathers, and for aught we know, ma ave followed the Perainylva nia Line into ore than one bloody 'battle field of the Revolution. The iron pieces were cast in this country, and doubtlecs were among the very first productions of art that fol lowed the discovery of those ineshartatf ble beds of iron ore which still distinguish our /Nate. The French,pieces are highly finished, b tier ing upon their polished - surfaces evidences: of very superior workmanship; and form a sia ing contrast in this respect to the iron piec see, which are of rode patterns, but withal, o a solidity and size,sholimithat they werce me ant for active service, and not to add, like tl ieir polished compeers, to the pomp and pane ply Of royalty. ' _ The rattiindaxice wasnot very largq, riots, gl- - stmielingadverthsements of the sale were IM, ,serted' - - Wthe - „paßers. of , this city, Phila. del phia, NS_ York an4.-Pittahrrw 'Ad ~W_liragi , Oau'ort-ietetitirci by • Fortes S' Wan, of Philadelphia; the iron pieces by A. Hitchcock, of New York, and O. Hickock, of this oity, the former taking 8 of them. The brass pieces brought an aver age price of 44.23 cents, per pound, and the iron 2 cents per pound. Beside the sale of cannon there were a num ber of other articles disposed of. James Henry & Bon, of Northampton county, pur chased 875 gun barrel§ at 62.56 per cwt., and various other parties lots of scrap brass, iron scraps and iron castings. THE BIDS FOR ERECTING THE EXTENSION TO TEE CAPT/OL.—lsToon yesterday was the time fixed for opening the proposals • for erecting the extension to the State capi -01, authorized by an act of the last Leg islature. The commissioners to superin tend the matter consist of tha Gover nor of the Commonwealth, State Treasurer, Surveyor General and Auditor General, but owing to the continued indisposition of the latter, tlie three first named officers only were present. But two or three bids were pre sented, and these were from builders in Har risburg and Philadelphia. Owing to some deficiency in the details of the lowest bid, no definite allotment was made, and the matter, for the present, is had under advisement. We flatter ourselves with the hope that this delay will be of brief duration, and that the contract, will be away led at as early a day as possible. Owing to the lateness of the sea son, it is not expected that much of the pro posed work can be accomplished this year, but the allotment will show that the Commis sioners, at all events, have performed their duty, and by doing this preclude any future legislative interference in the matter. The want of more room for legislative purposes has been sadly experienced for some years, yet it was not until last winter that this defi ciency interfered to any great extent with a proper performance of the public business. If we mistake not, this want of room was one of the principal arguments made for the re moval of the Capitol to Philadelphia,and while we never for a moment entertained a belief that the friends of that measure would be suc cessful then, or at any subsequent time, yet we must confess that we should like to see this cause for complaint removed as quick as possible, and not again made the hobby of capital-removal agitators, as it most undoubt edly will be if this matter of finally awarding the contract is not done before the meeting of the next Legislature. . lIITETTNG FUNDS TO CONDIXT THE COPPER HEAD CANTAiox.—Our Copperhead opponents have been put to many strange straits to raise funds to pay their expenses while conducting a crusade against the country—one of the most disgraceful of which may be related as follows: Two well-known Copperheads, one a bla tant orator in the pay of that party, and the other a milllionare, who has made thousands of dollars out of the proceeds of that free labor which he affects to despise—were out this morning, with a subscription paper, 'purport ing to be for money to build a church at Tre verton, while to some it was represented as being an effort to raise money for the relief of a soldier's widow. We heard of two Repub licans who were approached by this commit tee, one of whom contributed a small sum, believing that hewas giving to charitable purposes, but the other was too sharp, and could not be caught. He discovered the cheat, and almost compelled the committee to confess that they were seeking money for political purposes, and assist in plunging the con ntry into still further trouble. Surely our political opponents are all honorable men. This' is the only comment we have for this trans fiction. A. OtitlßT KLUTIAL is now in session iu this city, i'or the trial of the Columbia county in surgeirts, who organized to resist the enroll ment :in that region, and who are charged With very grave offences against the laws and the peace of the Commonwealth. While one of the vrituesses was on the stand yesterday, he plainly testified that leading and well known Democrats had visited his neigh borhood, to, urge thepeople to resist the Federal officers, giving as a reason that Illinois had left the Union—that Ohio, New York and New dereey Were ready to range themselves with the Confederate Gov ernment, and that the time had come for Pennsylvania to follow in the same track by casting off the Lincoln misrule. The man who was charged with uttering these words of encouragement to, rebellion in Pennsylvania is one of the lawyers in attendance on this court martial ems the dttorney for the prisoners. This fact has n volume of meaning in it. It needs no com ment to exhibit its criminality. It is but the corroboration of what has been so often charged on the Democratic leaders, that they, and not their blind followers, are the secret alders and abettors of treason. Goirrarsinuric Music HALL has been entirely re-fitted, re-painted, and rejuvenated,. and presents a very inviting appearance. With the fine Company that has been engaged, we have no doubt the new managers will do a profitable business. To-night the hall, will be re-,opened, and a splendid ex4rtainment given. SHOIILD 31E REPAIRED. —There is a hole in the bridge Liver the creek, near the furnace on state street, which will afford a very fine op portunity for 3 pedestrian to break a limb, on, some dark night. No doubt it will be promptly repairod, ere somebody claims dam nes. SALK of VALVABNI PROPERTY. —The Upde grove Lock Properly, in Susquehanna town ship, will be sold at 2 o'clock to-morrow.— 'The improvements are valuable, and will re turn a handsome profit, being on the line of both railroad and canal.. The property be longs to the estate of W. P. Henry, dec'd. BUSINESS ITEMS. MILITARY 'RELIEF Foxe.—The regular monthly payment to families of Soldiers will be made on Friday afternoon,2lst inst., at the Sheriff's office in the Court House,. between titeluiurs of-three and six o'clock. . , GEORGE BERGNER, President. 0 LI VE.E EnwasDis, Seoretazy.' • -PROMJCIE Tra Equdir,, IF lOU CAN!--The Ooull .try is tilled with patent medicines, sovereign remedies for all the ills ,that flesh is heir to, from a bald head to a bunion on 'the toe; but we challenge them all to produce a medi cine that will so speedily, radically and thor oughly perform all claimed for it as Dr. M'Bride's KING or Pers. To show that we have unlimited confidence in it, and are in zeal earnest, we agree to refund the money in all cases where it fails to effect a cure, if taken according to directions. No other medicine is sold on these terms. Remember that we do not recommend it except in cases in which it has been successfully used. Sold by S. A. Bunke' A - , Bro., No. 118, Market street, Har risburg. octl9-2t Lamar Aamver,.—The undersigned takes the pleasure to inform the ladies of this city and vicinity, that she has received this day a large quantity of CLOAKS and &RAU LAREry. ranging in price, from $6 to $25. This stock.oomprises the very latest styles and best itualities, all of which have been purchased since the.decline in gold, and are offered at lower rates than.they can be sold for by any other establishment din the city. ' ?IL MAYER, Ifog'er's Old Stand,,..#o. 13 Market street. sept2B4 SPECIAL NOTICES: Bazinvart's Troches. For .the cure or Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, are specially recommended to ministers, singert and persons vtilose vocation calls them speak in public. M.anniactured only by o.:l:.Bannvart tt 00., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. sold by druggist' every where. Bud the following te.stimoniais tree, s o wa of our eminent clergyiner.: H.Larassune, Feb. stn, 1864, 0. A. Belmvaar---Derxr 1 . 5 i r: 1 wave used Brown's Bronchi rd Troches, Wi star's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them .11, can cipsertully commend your own as a uicst admirable s5 - ,ccille for public: speakers and singers, in eiVjUP. 01 hoarseness, coughs and eolds. I have found them serving in 4 need, most effectually. Yours truly. TS B. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. Pre9byteribua Olpareh /WI k„.ree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bautivairs Troohea. W. 0. O.&ll‘.t.LL, Late Paster of 0. S. Presbyterian Churoh. jfol., 1864 To U.A. BANKVAST—Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I mid the need of some gentle expect* rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public ac - dresses. Yciurs, &0., JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To O. A. &Rom:a—Dear Sir: Having uses_ your Troches, I are free to say they are the beat I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sere throat or huskiness of voicer arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, U., G. G. RARESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, } Heninsatrao, Feb. 29, 1864. To 0. A. Bainvveirr—Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the ninseles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit, to all public sp.ef.teri. it , J. HERB SW" EPILEPTIC FITS cast as Omuta 1 I—Dr. Lodkrost having become eminently successful in caring this ter rible malady, invites all similarlyaffilicted to call or send for circulars of references and testimonials of numerous eases cured of from one to twenty-four years' standing. He devotes his attention especially to diseases of the Cer ebro-Spinal Axis, or Nervous System, and solicits an in vestigation of his claim to public confidence. He may be consulted at his private residence, No. 141 West 42d street, daily, from 10 1. as until 4 r. st,, except Saturday and Beadily, . Address all letters to DR. V. B. LOCBROW, New York. Care of P. O. Box 5116. ocßdikw3tin VULGATE'S HONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal do• wand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and entoilientin Its nature, fragrantly seented, and extremely beneficial m its action upon the skim For see by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. jau2541.6w1y MATRIMONIAL! --.tidies aud' Gentlemen , if you wish to marry, address the undersigned, who will send you, without money and without price, valuable information that will enable you to marry happy and- speedily, irrespective of ' age, wealth or beauty. This information Will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confidential. The desired Information sent by return mail, and no questions asked. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT, octEld&w2in Greenpoint; King's county, N. Y. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Bache," "Tonic Bitters," "Sarsaparilla;" "Nervous Antidotes,' Stc., &a, and are satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECI FIC PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor in lees_ than thirty days. They are pprely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken down and shattgred constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Imported and sold in the United States only by J „ AS. S. BUTLER, No. 427 Broadway, New York. .Agent for the United States. P. S.—A Box of the Pills, securely packed, will be mailed to any address on receipt of price, which Is ONE DOLLAR, post-paid—money refunded by the Agent if entire satisfacrion is not given. iyls-d&want Aar A PitvstoLootam..Vizw or MAtutooEi—Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Organs in a state of health and disease; with a treatise on early errors, its deplorable consequences upon the mind and body, with the author's plan of treatment—the only rational and successful Mode of sure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical Condi tion. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents In stamps or postal currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his boor treats, either personally or by mail s and medicines sent to any part of the world. oeSdacw3m PURE VEGETABLE, TONIC THE most healthy persons feel more oriless weak this extreme warm weather, and lose their ap petite. They need a good strong Tonic—one that will strengthen the nervous system and stomach. This they can get at 50 cents per bottle, at Mrs. L. Ball'; No. 27, South Pine street, Harrisburg. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. augt DO YOU WISU TO BE CURED! DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS cure, in less than 30 days, the worst cases of NERVOUSNESS, impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insan ity, and all Urinary Sexual and Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-paid, by mail, on receipt of an order. One Box will perfect the cure in most cases. Address JAMES S. BUTLER, lyl6-Lkw3ta General Agent, 429 Broadway, N. Y. ELME OF TRLSORAIII . . Dear Sir:—With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all who wish it (free) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef fectually remove in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty days. All applications answered by return mall without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, Jyls-dAiwSni 831 Broadway, New York To Consumptives. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable prescript Lion for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, sad all throat and Lung affections, (free of charge,) by sending their addrees to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings county, New York: [sepl9-d&wSm Military Business attended To Beatty Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and Military and War ellaisca, generally, made out and collected. Per sons residing at a distance can have their business trans aeted by mail;by addressing EUGMICESMYD.MR, Attorney.nt•Law, ell.dly Third street, Harrishar2. Pa ENGLTI4 BREAKFAST TEA.—Just re. (mind, stoe chest of English Breakfast Tea, at - S'ESLER & TRAUB'S, (Smmessmm to Wm. Dock. Jr.) BASKETS, BABKETS, ingreat variety at SHISLER & FRAZSR, -w." Successors toy. Dock, Jr.. & Go. QIIEENEL and GLASSWARE, a well se boated 'amigo*, jest received, of thdleteet styles irle . FOYER & KOEMPER ram SWEET CIDER received at , • BOYER & KERPER'S . TIO YOU wioli a good Gold Pen ? . 1 ,11 go, 1.4. sea at soinkricirsßooMoi Sot bazE, [ad. SALES-OP REAL ESTATE. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. MBE BERT, CHANCE to get Cheap Homes I. NOW OFFERED IN TEE CITY.-‘.The subscriber offers for sale 72 Balding Lots, situate in the Sixth Ward, between Reilly and 'Colder streets, fronting on Susque hanna, Two-and-a half and Second greets. Most of them have valuable pear and apple trees on them, bearing the choicest fruits, selected by CoL John Robertsthirty years ago, the fruit. of which will pay for the ground in a short time. There is also on a portion of the ground a sand bank, above the grade Of the streets, containing sand of the best quality, which will more than pay for the ground. The location is such that no drainage is re quired ; the cellars will always be perfectly dry. These lots will be sold below the current price ground is now bringing in this city, and in fact so low as to affbrd an opportunity for any person to secure a home. A plan of the ground can be seen at the office of the subscriber, No. 24, North SEC :ND street. DAVID 11.113/114. EiARRISBRRO, September 29, 1884. [if ] Executors' Sale. IA7IIL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, ON 4fORSDAY October 20th, at two o'clock P. K. at the Court House, In the city of Harrisburg, that prop erty situated on the corner of Front and Walnut streets, late the estate of Henry Stewart, deceased. The above property fiontg en Front street 110 feet, and on Walnut 70 feet, more or less. For further information call on W. J. Stees, at the premises. J. C. STEWART, HENRY STEWART, [se2S-dts] Execut rs. Valuable Property AT PUBLIC SALE WILL be sold on the premises, on PHORSDAY, the 28th of Odther, 1864, at 2 o'clock P. -St., that well-known business-Stand, the tlpdegrove Lock Property, situated five miles above Harrisburg, In Susquehanna township, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, fronting east on the Pennsylvania Canal and railroad, west on the Turpike, and Susquehanna river, consisting of • A CANAL GROCERY, The beat on the line of canal, as all boats from the branches must pass the place. A HOTEL That can at all times be tiled with boarders ; also a STORE attached, with dry-goods counter, shelving and fixtures. It is decidedly the best sitnation in the neighborhood for a store. The stabling cannot be equalled on the lime of canal. It is new, and so arranged that each team can have a separate lockup; about zo horses can find room. Also sheds, large and commodious, Hay Houses, Carriage house, Wagon-shed, Warehouses, Carpenter shop, Stone Ice house and cellar, Stone vault for vegetables, together with Wood-house, Smoke-house, and all in good order summer kitchen, two pumps never-failing soft gravel water, one pump in the kitcheti The underpinnings are all stone to the buildings. Hay Scales. A constant stream of water running through the hog-yard, and conveniences for butchering. The above premises are within stone throw of the Rockville passenger railroad depot, where stop the cars of the Pottsville, Northern Central and Penn sylvania Central railroads. Persons are requested to call and view the premises. The title is good and is sold on account of iil health of the proprietor. Attendance given and terms made known by sep2l-wts:dtu&fr] W. P. HENRY. [Lancaster Examiner and Lebanon Courier insert till sale, and send bilis at once to this office.] PUBLIC SALE• WILL BE SOLD at Public Sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, October 32, 1854. a tract of land containing forty acres, situated In Fast Pennthoro township, Cumberland county, live miles above the Harrisburg bridge, along the river. Thereon is erected a good two-story house, a new bank barn, and a well of excellent water at the door. Also, a tract of mountain land, well t'mbered, contain ing 120 acres more or less, adjoining the above property. Sale to commence at one o'clock on said day, when conditions will be made known by octlsll'w* Wlif. MILLER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LUBIN'S HAIR DRESSING FLORILINE. FOB BEAUTIFYING AND PREEERTING AND STRENGTHENING THE HAIR, IS PURELY A VEGETABLE Preparation, distilled from herbs and fragrant flowers from the south of France, conceded to be the most delicately per fumed and desirable hairpreparatton ever offered to the American public. It will restore lost hair. It will prevent hair from falling out. It will restore gray and faded hair to Its original color. Its continued use will materially thicken the hair. Bald places will gradually cover themselves, and M a short time the hair will grow dark. soft, glossy and luxuriant. Prior $1 00 per box. Sold by KUNKEL & BRO., se3o Apothecaries, Harrisburg. • EIIBBEL'S Golden Bitters. A PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC INNIGOB.LITSG AND STIMOITCMCDIG Fortifies the system against the evil erects of unwole. some water. Will cure dyspepsia. Will cure weakness. Will cure general debility. Will cure heartburn. Will care headache. Will cure liver complaint. Will excite and create a healthy apoEtite. Will invigorate the organs of digestion, and moderately increase the temperature 01 the body and the force of the circulation, acting in fact as a general corroboram of the system, containing no poisonous drugs, and is . • • --- _ The BEST TONIC BITTERS iu the WORLD A fair trial is earnestly solic.ted. . GEO. C. HUBBEL & CO., Paorgarroits, Hunsox; N. Y. Gentral Depot American E xpressßuilding, 55 HUDSON . . . . ST., NEW YOBS. Afar For sate by Druggists, Grocers, &c D. W GROSS & CO., Harrisburg; Wholesale Agent., and for sale by J. M. LUTZ, C. K. KELLER, GEO. WINTERS and S. A. KUNKEL. octl4-d&w HENRY REGAN'S 4 b Steam Engine and Machine Shop, sum sT., BET . WV.M4 wail.= AND MAAR= (J. C. lioltes Old stand.) TlEundersigned having taken the above p, respectfully solicits a share of the public pa tronage. Particular attention will be repairing of Steam Engines, and all kinds of machinery. All work will re mire my personal attention, and satisfaction guaranteed seplo dly HOUSES FOR. SALE. TREE NEW FRAME ROUSES, SITU ATE on Foster street, above North. Enquire of JACOB WALTERS, se2Bdtf Corner of Third and North sweets. Soldiers' .Portfolios. A LARGE asspi•tinent at • BSRGNE,R'S OHEAP BOOKSTORE, nroie7B 801.1 at Wholesale or retail at low pricer. OCKET BOOKS, BUOKSILUT PURSES PORTEMONNAM, and a general vanoty of MA- T it GOODS, just received at BERGNER'S BOOK $ C "Sb 'E .it BLAOKWELT4'S ENGLISH plorr.wq, a rare article for V.ble use, jest received and for sale by - SHLSLER & FRAZM,e febl (successors to Wm. Dock, in. k-r-. 0.1 SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, o all grades and price; at SEMLER k FRAZER, Successors to W. Deck Jr., ,k Go. ,lel7 Dealers In Fine Family Groceries PHOTOGRAPHS. ALARGE assortment of Photographs of Generals and fancy pictures for sale CHEAP, at $1 per dozen, at SCBEFFER'S BOOK STORE. my2O Harriaborg, Pa PATENT CLIPS! And Bill -Bidders, For sale at, Selleffer'eßookatere t Harrisburg, Pa. e -e• Roney. AMALT, but Papedor lot of HON just received, at, , SHLSIZR FILAZEurs. anglB 50 DOZEN JABS ENGLISH PICKLES comprising Manly, Chow Chow, Cauliflower Mixed Pickles, Corking, Walnuts and Onions. For sale wholesale and retail by SHIMER & my* successors to W. Dock. Jr.. CHEESE -Choice new crop Cheese, just received st SIISSLER & FRADER i Ramemene• to IV. nock sr.. Jig 00 J MS for sale on the corner of Third end Broad Week& Enquire of WIL 0. 111bFADDXN marsAti- • • - PAST raxdved; thin morning, Wohenei LP Co., Fresh tkmokeii Hama, Beef dud tonnes; et - an. SEMLER FRAZER AMIISP!kI.ENTS. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL wrrramani Nieurr OF Rouse's Star Combination Company, Rouses Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star 'Combination Company, Fifteenth night of the great urination *rasa MISS , KATE, DENIN Also of the Popular Irish Comedian, SAM- RYA N. THIS WEDNESDAY EVENING, °MOSER 111, 11104, Will be performed the first time this season, the Waal fat Play called the LADY OF LYONS, OR LOVE AND PRIDE. - The Evening's Entertainment will conclude with the IRISH LION. Norres•—•On and after this evening, We curtain will riso • at half past 7 o'clock. Krror ftirther particulars see progtanrma aug9-dtf CANTERBURY HALL, WALNUT STREET, BELOW 2d and 3d Sta PROPRIETOR BESINISS AGENT Will open on WEDNESDAY NIGHT, with a first cilia company of Male and Female artists. The manager takes pleasure In announcing lo thii ani se= and strangers of Harrisburg that they will spans no pains in endeavoring to comfort and please theta, The following talent appears every night. The Cihd Ethiopian Comedian, • MR. JAMES FLAKE, .MR JAMES FLAKE, ME JAMES FLASK The Charming Chmlatrice, MISS FLORENCE EDMONDS, MISS FLORENCE EDMONDS, MISS FLORENCF. ED.VONDS, The Versatile Performer, Ifft. J. C. KEEN', MR. J. C. KEEN The Champion Jig, MRS. /AMANDA REPS, MRS. MALINDA KEEN, • MKS MALINDA KENN. The Young Comedian, MASTER BOEBETS, ROEBILTS MASTER ROEBETS The Pleasing Tocanst, MISS CLARA WILLIAMP, MISS CLARA 'WILLIAMS, MISS CLARA Wit/lA.IIB ric Great sang and Dana! Man, JOE MILLER, JOE MILLER, Admission 25 cents. Box Seats, 50 cents Doorsopea at 7. Commences at 7% o'clock. -oat? SANFORD'S HALL TIIEIS company consists of the beet star pel J. formers, consisting of SINGERS, DANCERS, ETBIOPIAN-COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, AC. The managers takes pleasure in announcing that they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. • HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor BILLY Possum Business Agent. _in29d STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, touch tug at QUEENSTOWN (Cow. Hamm.) The well known steamers o f the Liverpool, New York and Phila delphia Steamship Company, (Inman Line), earryleg the U. S. Mails, are intended to sail as follows : EDINBURGH CITY OF WASHINGTON, " -" 29. CITY OF HANCHESTAR, " November S. and every succeeding Saturday, at noon, from Pier 44, North Myer. ' ' RATES OP PARaGY — Payable in Gold or its Equioalent in Currency FIRST CABIN, $BO 00 I STEERAGE, WI 00 do to London, 86 00 do to London, 34 00 do to Paris, 95 001 do to Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg , 90 00 do IA Hantiong,, " t ; ST 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Br. niece, Rotter dam, Antwerp, am., at equally low rates. - Fares from-Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Onbta, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage $3O. Those who wish to send Tor their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Company's Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, ocl4 15, Broadway, N. Y. MILLINERY AND VARIETY GOODS. DIRS. J. lIIBBS, N. 8 Market ki'quare, 2rmi Door to "crier anfectioarei HAS just. received a new Mail carefully se lected supply , or miti.nory Goods, earth ,as Straw and FP c Hats. Velvets, feautet . s, F/OWOII3. hit - bons, neither', 'Sic , ail of which are of the latest style. Also, a variety of Zephyr Hoods, Nobles, Gloves, stook ings, Coasts, laces Ac., with a . full assortment of. Dress Trimmings and Drees Patterns, which She will sell at prises that cannot be oompeted with. Dress and Cloak making will be promptly attended to under her own direct supervision. octn-dam. CRIZ - STAJLIZIEII3 CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, I s a pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing ror invalids having fever or great thirst. Its portability recommends it 10 travelers. Its convenience at pimnice will be apredated. No sugar required; one table-spoonlW simply dissolved In a glass of cold water and it is done. SELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, Jeri No. 91, Market street. Almanacs ! Almanacs II A. V. 'S " 4 English and German Lancaster Almanacs, . for the year 186 5 . For sale, by the gross, Dozen, or single, at Scheller'a Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, - sun SPECIAL NOTICE. TO THE SHOE BUYING PUBLIC. SELLING OFF ! SELLING OFF 1 ! rpEE subscriber, intending to make a change i his business will close oat his immiasse stc4l - . or Pia BOOTS AND SBOES. Tqa Of every description now on hand at much leas than market prices Persons in want of Boots and Shoes will do well to call, as I am determined to close out at reduced prices. Give us a call. J. C. KIMBALL, 8831 Market street, next to McCalla's jewelry More. Harrisburg, Pa. SOMETHING NEW! MYER PHINEAH PATENT INKS TAN D - - .--- .. For eale at Seheffees Bookstore, Harriabarg, Pa:. se:l Valuable Building. pot - Poir:Surle , , ITUATED ON MEM STIVE.ET, I NEL North, 21 feet front, and 131 Peet deep, running to 20 foot alley. The lot will be sold cheap, and en sae terms. Luepke at TEED 3 OFFICE. - se3odtf TO THE LADEN. YOUR attention is called to the splendid 11 agoortment of /Wm Note, Enotiopot, dad Sae Stationery at M'S Bookotom sept 26 21 South Second street, Hurisburg, Penn EA & PEBINE'S WORCESTER SADD AM, Lthe most popubx andthe purest even elleridio thp Fibilq hum reMved and for ale n t uat {secossmanto:Wm. pocarrMo ALPHABET 'BLOCKS itlito ROUSE BUILDING BLOCK FOR /3 sale at SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. °en 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa S. R. OYSTER & Co. . JOE MILLER. Mr. J. C. KUM JOE MILL= Saturday, October.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers