pa 4 flegt lIA'RRISBI7RG, PA MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 17, 1861. A WN AND COUNTRY. iNVINCIBLES, ATTENTION !—An adjourned meeting or the Republican Invincibles, of gsrrieburg, will be held at the Mount Vernon Track HOES% at half-past seven men'oclock this klonday) evening. Any young wishing to )oin the company would do well to call early, the number is limited to one hundred, and is filling rapidly. CHARLES H. SMALL, Secretary pro tern. A GROD uORSE Flint will be held at Read ing, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of his week. 41/LL Ontmcn," is the name of a new Post Otos recently established in Pike township, Becks county. WE are again favored with delightful weather _clear and pleasant. The present is the most delightful season of the year. CAPITEBUBY Music HALL will be re-opened this evening, with an entire new company.of, fist-class performers. See advertisement. ,i, Oss of our exchanges says the Presidential election is safe, as the weather will be too cold for the copperheads to bite at the' No vember election Pas General Synod of the German Reform ed Church, in the United States, will assem ble in Lancaster, on Wednesday of this week, to hold its annual meeting. Sitss os I:lc:atm.—Two hundred condemn ed cavalry horses will be sold at Wilmington,: Del., on Thursday next. On Friday one hundred will be sold at Gies bore', D. 0. THE cheapest and most select fashionable ladies' bonnets, hats, cloaks and circulars are to be found at Mrs. M. Mayer's, No. 13 Mar ket street, between River alley and Front street, (Boger's old stand.) octl7-tf THOSEI who love to "tip the light fantastic toe" will have a fine opportunity to do so on Thursday evening, when a social ball will be given at the Hope Engine House, for the ben.: eilt of disabled firemen. A manager has been selected from each fire company in the city. Ten convention of the friends of Pennsyl vania College, having in view the permanent endowment, of that institution, will be held in this city, commencing to-morrow afternoon= meeting for consultation will be held :at three o'clock, and public exercises will be held in the evening, at which time a number of addresses may be expected. The public are invited to attend the evening meeting. The convention will be held in the First Lu theran Church, on Fourth streot. OUR citizens will be gratified to learn that Mr. Rouse has effected a re-engagement of six nights, of Miss Kate Denin and Mr. 'San Ryan. To-night they will appear in the thril ling and romantic three-act drama entitled ZELINA, OR, THE GREEK'S REBELLION, Miss lEste"Denin will appear as the Heroine of the Cross. The whole Combination Company will take part in the piece. The entertain l. ment will conclude with the prize drama of, The Mountain Outlow. Look out for a grand entertainment. Con. A. J. HERE !a MIDDLETOWN. —The N'ational Union Club of Middletown have ap pointed a meeting in that borough, for to morrow evening, which will be addressed by Col. A. J. Herr. Of course it is not neces sary for us to urge our neighbors of that beautiful borough to turn out to hear Col. Herr, as he is regarded there, as he is wher ever he is known, as one of the most eloquent and fearless defenders of the right in this Commonwealth. No doubt many of our readers from this city will also be present at Middletown. GEOGRAPHICAL HAND 1300 E.—We have seen a book with the above title, which is now be ing Shown to our people, and which seems a valuable work for students, teachers and the public in generaL It has the endorsement of the State Superintendent of Common Schools, Mr. Coburn, of this city, who recommends, it in the strongest language, and says : should be in the hands of every student, and supplies a.want that has long been felt. It is enaorsed by many of the most eminent literary men of our State. We commend the book as one exceedingly useful. * A Croxiraurn OFFENDER.--The Daily News of to-day says: On Saturday Nathan .Fried inan was committed by Alderman Beitler for receiving stolen goods from John W. Schultz. Shultz is an old offender. He is now in pris on fora series of larcenies. He commenced operations by pilfering a tailor at Eleventh and Lombard. This succeeded so well that he went into the country and tried his hand: He robbed the store of D. Eppley Sr Co., in 'Har risburg, of $3,000 worth of goods. Many of these goods were disposed of to Friedman.-- Wl4eriSchultz was arrested he informed on Friedman, and that worthy was secured. .A: number of articles And large quantities of goods stolen by Schultz was found in the cus tody of his pal. ..--...---.. CHESTNUTS.—DeaIers in this speCies ofintts ask from 25 to 30 cents per quart,, here, stating that the crop is unusually small., Whether Chore is any truth in the assertion we leave the reader to judge. The Johnstown Tribune, speaking on the subject, says : "Never, with in the recollection of the oldest inhabitant,' has the crop of chestnuts been so heavy in this part of the State as it is this season. In the southern part of Cambria county and in. Somerset county, farmers actually gather them by the wagon load. During the present week We have seen, at the- same moment, out of orir Mike window, a four-horse wagon and a. three•horse wagon loaded With bags of chest nuts. Owing to the immense supply, of these nuts, the price obtained for them from dealers here has been reduced to two clothes; *ll bushel. It may fall still lower. TBA:24BXICE op VALUABLE REAL ESTATF--- 7 7Wik have just heard of the transfer of, a - Vtd nable private residence , by sale, this morning, Mr. harry Thomas purchased the magnificent blue stone mansion just erected on the c"orner, of state and Front streets, by Pr. Bally, for £lo,oo9 cash--the check for the money pas's ing forthe title papers of the property. "Wo knowO no manin.he country whom we would rather see enjoy the comtorts and the splen dor of such a residence, 'than our friend Thomas; simply because he has the interests Sod . the reputation of Harrisburg sinderely at heart. In proof of this, we need only state ?let. Mr. Thomas has now invested *Teal estate, 'Within the limits of th e city, at least $160,00k to 'say'nothhig or his investments in the younty, .-And from whative , ean learn, he is determined top on in his efforts to add to the beauty and' the 'business importance' of 4arrifbtlFg. We hope he may be successful n gds, oui4 pitlipeTKlS 111 his'own affairs. . WEAT SNAIL' BN Dotos?-1-Dming the past 'Week or two we have chronicled quite a num ber of pesos of pooket-pinking, and to-day anted tan ettensive one) added to the list. What shall be done to prevent the people from being robbed at our railroad depots? The reputation of our city is at stake, and travelers' pocket-books are not safe in their ovniertpAckets. laft-,can suggest a remedy for the evil? Annenem Limo= ITOBITYPE.—We have just exanii#etl # beautifully executed bust por trait #l' . .,'Alt i l a iati Liner ivOrytype,.7hich is now on - ihitioh a - Knoche's, as a sped.: - men for subscribers. Knoche is the agent in this city, and will sell the portrait, frame in cluded, for $l5. As. . a work of art, we have never seen anything to ear-this in its line, and as a portrait it is faithfully true to life. We cheerfully recommend it to our readers. FEFTY DOLLARS Itzweao.—Hon. Henry D. Moore, State Treasurer, had his pocket picked by some of the gentkmanly robbers, who op erate in this city, andon the railroads leading from here to Philadelphia. The amount of money stolen was small, but a number of val liable papers were taken, including a note of A. Clark, for $2,500. Mr. Moore offers $5O reward for the return of the pocket-book and papers. See advertisement. A Ras= have before us a copy of the Richmond Enquirer of Thursday last. It is a half-sheet, miserably printed, on smoked paper. The : Enquirer is published daily, at $5O per year'; semi-weekly, at $4O ; weekly, A tAgo., Among ,the,adver . tisements we notice one , eff "3110Xemsles .Vanted7-pay from $5 to $7 per day. • $2;500 and board are offered for a male teacher for a family. A theatre is open, with the plays of "The French Spy," "Daughter of the Regiment," etc. There is no news of importance in the paper. [From the Boston Union.] TRINI ARMY TO LITTLE. MAC. die--"Xtobin }loggia." 0, what are you going to do, Little Mac ? If you get to the. White House next year ? Be honest and true, !. • And say what you will do, For we don't see your way very clear, Little Mac ! For we don't see your way very clear :. You surely can't go for a peace, Little Mac ! If you get to the White Souse next year! For. your blue soldier coat Will cry shame on the vote Thatwould open afire 'aim rear, Little Mac! That would open a fire in the rear. And they won't let you go for the war, Little Mac! If Seymour and Wood have your ear ; With trainers like these, You may talk as you please, But you'll show the white feather, next year Little Mae ! Yes, you'll show the white feather next year. We've our eye on a much better man, Little Mae ! Whose name and whose record are clear ; He is honest and true, And it's he and not you That will stay in the White House next year, Little Mac! That will . stity in . the White House next year. , There's a place very distant from this, Little Mac ! And it looks as if you would go there ; We guess you will shiver • ,On thebanks of Salt River, Instead of the White House, next year, Little ' Instead of the White House next year. . Ilrotie"lpt the Allemau Fencibles. HRADQVARTERS ALLEMAN FENCIRLES, FORT SRDOWICK Va, Oct. EDITOR Lac ix A pi — D ea r you find the result of the election to-day by our company: FOR CONGRESS. George F. Mi11er,,...:...... 31 William H. Miller 8 UnimUeolifitg:voltuiteers voting with us for Congressm ,• • YOB ASSEMBLY EL C. /Woman Daniel gaiser J. Wesley Awl Charles H. Zeigler FOR FROTRONOTARY J. C. Young Henry Teehtmoyer FOP. REOLSIER George M. Mark George L. Mytinger.... =I Henry Hartman— ..... Abram Bowman FOR MIDITOE •A. Slentz B. Stiles Duncan . After espec ial enquiry, I found the bold Bo ger boys all right tor Lincoln and Johnson, with here and there an exception. The Johnny Reba gave us" about an hour's shelling this afternoon; and 8 o'clock, P. M., as I write, they, brought the big guns at their command against us; and I-can assure you that unless we had been secured partly under ground and covered by heavy timbers, we. would have suffered severely. The, men, .however, stood up to the work like veterans. We are at a great loss for the wantuf drilling, and so far we have not had time. The men request me to say that our friends shall use all means in their power to have us detached, or sent to some more safe garters for drilling purposes. 'elf Col. Allgagn to be up and doing in our behalf. If things are not too hbt, I, will forward you in a day or two another communication of matters and things since our departure from Camp Cadwalader. 11. R. From the 200th Regiment. *Tort of the vote for Congressa of the .200th Regiment P. V., at an election held Oc .tober 11, 1804: • For Joseph Bally, U A. J. Glosshrenner, 0 G. F. Miller, U... ...1.... 42 ' • E. Wm. H. Miller,.o 11. ~ " Wright, C Fisher, U.., " Straus, p • Spattering . • .... ..216 t c, RUSINESSJTEW. ;Sunscemenes• to the hininty fund• of the !riiita ,l iriird;:ffr this City. will meet at the on MONDAY Evening, the ilth of Octobar,w4en the several committees will make their final reports. w • -•-•••• WM. W. (TENN - MOE, ol.3deoataiPtee't Third WardAseciciationi • holed be kept 111.0014-idiarrbeee eVe.7:'familY : 4 -,WtbielThindtield Sid% Tn4l4 .anal Wu, Wit4346 p s m .431 ' Back -1? complutn %Ad- Imser or Bloody ate Sole agent f EllidbV • n of the:& 880, and Pallitt#lß the Stake , ificticereiztet a la 4,6liitone*Spr9TOP l4 l o ,,.-- t t All Orders frqg • , • to< Tuna AND AGUE can be cured. Du uoi, think because you have tried everything you could read or hear of, that you cannot get anything to cure you, for you have not taken the pure vegetable that is curing every one that takes it. It does not stop your shaking for a week or two, but it is a perfect cure. A trial of this will convince you and your neigh bors. - It can be had only at No. 27, South Pine street, by Mrs. L. Ball. octl7-tf Am:film—Auctions are not of modern in troduction, but can be traced through history from time immemorial. The auction marts of ancient times did not, so far as we are in formed, differ from the general auction busi ness of the present day ; but we wish to impress upon the mind of the reader, that there is a great difference in the character of auction sales, and at no time in the history of our country, so far as our experience goes, has this difference been so great. Auction houses which purchase goods to provide for ' their own sales, are not the resort of mer ohants who understand their business. The high price that speculation and other causes have run goods up to, and the uncertainty of the future development of things, has in duced some merchants and speculators in our seaboard cities, who have been carrying a large amount of goods on hand, to reduce their stock, and through this disposition a number of sales called positive auction sales have occurred. These are the character of auctions at which goods can be obtained cheap. These goods are sold by the package and piece, and of course would not suit those who purshase for their own consumption. C. L. Bowman has just returned from Phila delphia and New York, with a large assort mentof dry goods, bought at these auctions, which he will open for public inspection to day and to-morrow; (Monday and Tuesday, October 17th and 18th.) They comprise, in 19 18 7 6 UNION. COP -276 NES 385 169 10 ladies' dress goods, poplins, French merino, wool plaids, silks, shawls, cloakings, &c , The best quality of mouse de laines at 40 cents per yard ; Lowell calico at 25 cents per yard ; Merrimac calico at 37 cents per yard. In the gentlemen's department, a fall line of choice cloths, cassimeres, vestings, shawls, merino shirts, drawers, &c., &c. The low price of these goods will bale competition, which is the study of the proprietor of the cheap dry goods mart, No. 1, corner of Front .and Market streets, 'Harrisburg, Pa. Jun RECEIVED, a lot of prime potatoes, for sale at $1,25 per bushel, delivered in any part of the city. Enquire of J. Wallower, P. & R. R. R. Depot. octls•3t Cloaks and Furs ! Cloaks and Furs! We will open next week the cheapest and largest assortment of Cloaks and Furs in Har risburg, all bought at greatly reduced prices. Beautiful muffs at 4 50 and 5 dollars. Splen did cloaks as low as 9 and 10 dollars. Black cloth for cloaks as low as $2 50. White all wool flannels as low as 65 to 70 cents, worth 90 cents. 4 by 4 bleached muslin 55 cents, worth 75 cents. French merinos, black al paccas, black bombazines, all at reduced prices. 500 dos of woolen and cotton stockings, children's wools stockings as low as 15 cents. Cassimereforboy'sWear. The greatest barging in black silks. We have now in store a very large stock of goods, and will sell at less than wholesale prices, in order to reduce our stock. Bargains in Irish linen bought at auction. Call and judge for yourself. S. LEWY. =CZ LATEST A.Buivem.---The undersigned takes the pleasure to inform the ladies of this city and vicinity, that she has received this day a large quantity of CLOAKS and CEECII LARS, ranging in price from $6 to $25. This stock comprises the very latest styles and best qualities, all of which have been purchased since the decline in gold, and are offered at lower rates than they . can be sold for by any other establishment in the city. MRS. M. MAYER, Boger's Old Stand, No. 13 Market street sept2B-tf SPECIAL NOTICES. Ita,nnvart 7 s Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Threat Dis eases, &0., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation Galls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by O. A. B:aruivart t Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. Siild by druggist every where. Bead the following testimonials from some of °lir eminent clergymen: HARRISBURG, Feb. Btn, 1864, O. A. BaratveßT—Dear Bin I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most adinirable specific for public speakers and singers, in oases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. fiSIP-1 agree with Mx. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troches. W. O. OATTBLL, • Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. autatestrack, 411,n., 1884. To O.A. Barnivairr—Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking, very frequently, lind in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of soinegentle expeoto. rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public ac - dresses. Yours, &o, JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To O. A. Basun/gr.—Dear Sir: Having user,. your Troahes, . I am free to say they_ are the beat .1. hake ever tried and take great pleasure;ln recommending them to all persons s-Olioted with sore throat or huskiness of yob* . arising from publio ssppeecaflg or singing. Tam, ato., G. G. BAKES W, Pastor of Bidge Avenue Methodist Marsh. tuna= Arrosames Chrmaz, Hamusauao, Feb. 29,.1864. To Cl. A. BAbuivanT—Dear Sir: I have found your Troches tc) be invaluable in re. lieving hoarseness and 'ln strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bens* it to all public speakers, A. J. HERB DO you WISH TO BE CURED I DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS mire, is lege than 80 days, the worst cane of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weinman', limn ity, and all ITritiary Sexual and Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent . , post-paid , by mall, on receipt of an order; One Box will perfect the cure in mast cases. Address t. 42W IYl6.ditiwam 40010 , waY, N. X. MOLDIER% TAKE IT WITH YOU The greatest trouble to persona la the Army, especial/7 in thlaseason, la Dysentery, which (by death or by 'disa bility) weakens the service more than the Rebels de. Very many have found, upon triad, the I),YSENTER4 DROPS are among the'vev. - priveittatitur and' uies that are to ha 104. -11:rt6tf :6111oer 'Anil every soldier should carry it with , him, and thereby reasonably insure tibia& against a great danger. It is prepared In Harris burg by MRS. L. BALL, at 21 Plnestreet, between Second and Front. Take a phial with you. Price 26 cents. C.AiLD THE. OiroEsnra. 'Swalkivr two or three hogsheads of "Diehl'," "Tonle Bitters," "Sarsaparilla,. "Nervous Antidotes,. Sro., &0., and after you are OR with the result, then try one box of OW Dottoß BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECI FIC PlLLS—and be restored to health and.vigor In less. than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken down and shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Imported. and sold in - the United States only by JAS. S. BUTLER,, 427 gm - York. New Agent for the United States. P. S.—A Boa of the Pills, seeu.rely packed, will be mailed to any address on receipt of price, which is ONE DOLLAR, poet-paid—money refunded by the Agent if entire satisfaction is not given. keimieric Pas CAN nE Cutlet)!'--Dr. Lockrow baying become eminently successful in curing this ter rible malady, invites all similarly afflicted to call or send for circulars of references and testimonials of numerous oases cured of from one to twenty-four years' standing. He devotes his attention especially to diseases of the Cer ebro-Spinal axle, or Nervous System, and solicits an in vestigation of hi 3 claim to public confidence. He may be consulted at his private residence, No. 14.1 Wert 420 strset, daily, from 10 A. sr until 4 P, N„ except : a cr Y f P. 0. Roselle. octlderwam and Sunday, Address all letters to DR. V. B. LOCKROW, New York. Sacttalr: EDITOR OF biLZOßini: Dear air:—With your permission L wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all who wish It (free,) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple. Vegetable Balm, that will ef fectually remove in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of Co,: Skim, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautil,d. I will also mail free to hoss having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions And information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in loss than thirty days. All applications- answered by return mail without charge. Hesliee—tfully yours, " THCkil. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, 831 Broadway, New York. ylfi-dkwam MATRIMONIAL I —Ladies and Gentlemen, If you wish to marry, address the undersigned, who will send you,-without money and without price, valuable information that will enable you to marry happy and speedily, irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This information will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confidential .The Alesirod information sent by return mail, and no Mutations milted. Address SARAH B. LAMBBRT, Greenpoint, BM& county; Ni Y. oatBdkw2m To. Consumptives; Consumptive sufferers will receite a valuable prescrip tion for the cure of Consumption, Asthma,.Bronchitls, and all throat and Lung affections, (free of charge,) by sending their address to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Mugs county, New York. [seple-d&w3m PHICE VEGETABLE TONIC. TEE most healthy persons feel more or less weak thia extreme warm weather, and lose their ap petite They need a good atroag Tonie—one that will strengthen the nervous system and stomach. This they MR get at Secants per bottle, at Mrs. L. Pall's, No. 2T, South Pine street, Harrisburg. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. • anal Military Business attended To Bounty, Peuiou, Back Pay, Sub Astoria) and Military sud War-Claims, generally, made out and collected. Per sons residing at a distance can have their business trans acted by mail, by addressing SLIGENESNYDrat, Attorney-ut-Law, Third Areal, Harriebard Pa MO COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal de• mend, is made from the choicest materials, Is mild and emollient in its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and Flumy Goods Dealers. Jade-dawly A DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Whereas letters of administration have this day been granted to the subscriber on the estate of Henry Reel, late of the city of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Penna.. deceased, all persons knowing themselves said estate .will please make immediate payment, and those having claims against raid estate. will please raiment them for settlement without delay, to PHOEBE HANNAH REEL, Administratix of stud deceased, Or to Eugene scyder, Esq her attorney. Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 19, 1884.. (eepl9•Btlawd ExEcermx NOTICE. NOTIOE is hereby given that letters testa military on the estate of Anne Finney, late of the city of Harrisburg, deceased, have been granted to tee subscriber, residing in said city. All persons indebted to the answer° requested to maim immediate payment., and those having claims againit the same will present them for settlement. SUSAN E. ENGLE, 'se29oawdlit* Executrix. A DMINL9TRATOR'S NOTICE. heTeas letters of administration have this .day been granted to the subscriber on the estate of Cornelius M. Shell, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin county Pennsylvania, deceased, all persons knowing themselvesindebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and all those having claims against said estate, will please present them for settlement without delaY, to --- sep23-doawdti JACOB D. BOAS, Administrator. IVOTICE..--LThe undersigned, auditor, ap .Lii pointed by the Orphans' Court of Dauphin county to distribute the balance in the hands of the executor of Charlotte McGlone!lin, .deceased, hereby gives notice that he will attend for that purpose !t his Wilco in Harrisburg, on SATURDAY, the 15thday of Oda& next; still o'clock , All parties interested ate to attend and ex, hibit their Claims.. D. FLMIHNG,, Auditor. 'Harrisburg; Sept. 21,1861 .--Esep2l-oawat ASSIGNEE ACCOUNT NOTICE is given that the account of Amos Early, Assignee of Jonathan Strohm, of East E 311; over township, has been tiled in the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, and NOE be puuttrzued on the 24th day of November next, unless cause to shown to the contrary. 3. C. YOUNG, oc7doaw2w-tvit Prothonotary. NEW STORY BOOK FOR CRIL/311 , -V. ; BY FANNY FERN. For stalest Scheffer's Bookstore, Hanisburg, Pa. se2d N OQ. K S.-TtLN SHOULDER • DAYS Or SHODDY Just received at. Wag SCIMFYIa.'S BOOKSTORE. 50 DOZEN JARS ENGLISH PICKLES comprising Picalilly, Chow Chow, Cauliflower Mixed Pieklea r Gerklaa Walnuts and Onions. For sale wholesale and retail by SHISLER & FRAZER, myb successors to W. Dock. Jr.. & Co ALPHABET BLOCKS ! NO HOUSE BUILDING BLOCKS, FOB ~tx 'tee at SOREFFER'S BOOKSTORE, octl , 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. CI VINECFAR—Pure Cider Vinegar can be bought by. the barrel or small quantity, at ". iYIB BOXER Et KOERPER. PHOTOGRAPHS, ALARGE assortment of PhotOgratons' . Of Generals sad Nosy pictures for sale OMAP, at $1 per doses, at 1130=FFKR'S BOOKSTORE, my2O Harrisburg, Pa PATENT CLIPS! And Bin Holders, For sale at Sc ieffeeteßookotora, Harrisburg, Pa. .se2B Honey. A SMALL but superior lot of HONEY, just /-3,. received, at SHISLER & FRA.ZER'S. auglit aIIGASS, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, 0, gradea.and ISHISLYR & FRAZER, Staxiamors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. ;POT Dealers in Fine Family Groceriea. J.OM for sale on the corner of 'and and 4 Broad street& Enquire of WIC O. IieIrADDEN eisr‘dtr J UST reoaiw.3, this morning, MR:hurler & Co., duaoked Hann, Seer and Tongues, at aage EINISLIpt kTRAZR.R. C HEES receiv y—O ttat h0_143f3 new au t stuß rop • Cheese, just Fincomem . to W. Cook, Jr.; & Co !-FIS : I NO& 1 AND 2 MACKER EL, in 1 4. 1 4* packages, just reoelvad and for sale ac 811181.1 CR & FRAY.RIM , QtritENEl arid GLASSWAPR, a well 0- lected assortment; just received, or the latest. styles .iYIB 81 KOMPFBF : Cgrigata--Ohoios •-tiew crop Cheese, just Isoelvai e 4 UM] BoYU & MURK, `• X SALES 4:11x =REAL ESTATE; VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. THE THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE ei the Southeast corner Second and State streets, oc cupied by W. Garrett, lot 68 feet on Second street and 200 on State street, is offered for sale. Also, the lotion the Northeast corner Second and State streets, and Frame Rowse and Stable and lot adjoin ing. The two lots are 86 feet on"Secondatreet, 90 feet on State, and 96 feet on the alley. - Alan, two 3 story (and Basement) Fratne.Houses on the North side of East State street, near Filbert, lot 23 by 61;4. . Also, a one story Frame liciuse adjolning,Mt2s feet by STM feet. For prices and terms, enquire of H. WILLSON, N. E. corner of State and Second streets, or address me at Fa .E. corner Chestnut and Third streets, Philadelphia. ocst-2w . T , EL WILLSON, BUILDING LOTS FOIL.AIAjLa. THE BEST CHANCE to get Cheap Home9"l NOW OFFERED IN THE CITY. —Theenbscriber offers for sale 72 Building Lots, situate in the Sixth- Ward, between Reilly and Colder streets, fronting on SusqueL henna, Twaunda half sat Secondstreetu Moot ortlioßt: have valuable pear and apple trees on them, beatingillef' choicest fruits, selected by Col. John Roberts thirty- years ago, the fruit of which will pay for the ground-in a short time. There is also on a portion of the ground a sand bank, above the gradeof the streets, containing sand of the best quality, which- will mere than pay for the ground. The location is 'such. that no drainage is re quired ; the cellars will always be -perfectly dry. These lots will be sold below the current price ground is now bringing in this city, and in fact, so low as to afford an opportunity for any person to seenren home . A plan of the ground can be Seen at the office ! 'of the subscriber, No. 24, North SECOND. street. DAVID MUMMA_ I,tf 3' ' HARRISBURG, September 29,1864 Execittore'..Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, OR THURSDAY October 20th, at two o'clock P. at. at the Ceurt House, in the city of Harrisbarg, that prop erty situated on the corner of Front and Walnut streets,', late the estate of Henry Stewart, deceased. The above property fronts on Front street 110 feet, and on Walnut 70 feet, more or less,.' For further Information call on W. J. Steel, at tile , premises. J. C. STEWART, HENRY STEWART, Execut re. [se2B-411.81 PUBLIC BALI WILL BE SOLD at Public Sale, on the promises, on SATURDAY, October 22, 1244. a tract of land containing forty acres ; 'situated, in East Peamboro township, Cumberland' county, five miles above the Harrisburg bridge, aldng the river. Thereon is erected a good two-story house, a new bank barn and a well of excellent water at the door. ' • Also, a tract of mountain land} well. Vimbered,,c,ollain, ing 120 acres more or leas t adjoining the above property. Sale to commence at one Webs* oncaidl::day; when conditions will be made known by octlsdlw* • *IL MILLER NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HUHBEL'S Golden Bitters. A PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC nmanneva AND STRENGTRIVING Fortifies the system against the evil effects of unwole• some water. Will cure dyspepsia. Will cure weakness. Will cure general debility.. • Will cure heartburn. Will cure headache. Will cure liver complaint. Will excite and create a healthy appetite. Will invigorate the organs of digestion, and moderately increase the temperature of the body and the force of the circulation, acting in fact as a general corroborant: of the system, containing no poisonous drugs, and is The BEST TONIC BITTERS in the WORLD. A fair trial is earnestly solicited. GEO. C. HAMEL & CO., Paonimress, Hinman, N. Y. Gentral Depot American Express Building, 66 RUDSON ST., NEW YORK. For sale by Druggists, Grocers, An. D. W. GROSS & CO., Harrisburg, Wholesale Agent, and for sale by J. 1.1. LUTZ, C. K. BELLER, GE©. WINTERS and S. A. KUNKEL. octl4-d&w QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF. FICE, • FIR= DIVIHION, WASHINGTON City, October 1, 1864. f HORSES! HORSES! HORSES! Hones suitable for Cavalry and Artillery service will be purchased at Gleaboro Depot, in open market, tilt Novem ber 1, 1861. • Horses will be delivered to Captain L. J,owry Moore, A M., , and be subjected to the usual GOsTrument lnepec don before being accepted:, . • • Price of Cavalry Horses , SIT 6 each. Price of Artillery Horses, $lBO each. Payment will be made for six (6) and more. • .TAIINS A. FAIN, Colonel First Division, Quarterinaster General's Office.... I=M LUBIN'S HAIR DRESSING FLORILINE. • FOR BEAUTIFYING AND FREBEE YANG AND STRENGTHENING THE HAIR, TS PURELY A "VEGETABLE- Preparation, .L. distilled from herbs and fragrant flowers from the south of France, conceded to be the most delicately ffeaiper fumed and desirable hair preparation evey o 11. te . the American public. It will restore lost hair. u tr„" . precept hair from falling out. It will reams grOM4 Marto Its - original color. Its continuedusewillmaterililltliticken the hair. Bald-plaited wlll graduallrcover-thenielves, and in a short time the hair will grow dark, soft, glossy and luxuriant. Price $1 00 per box. Sold by ' HINKEL & BRO., Apothecaries, Harrisburg. QM STEADS WEERE . Y TO ii touch ing at QUEENSTOWN, (Coax Haanoa.) The well known steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Phila delphia Steamship Company, (Inman Line), carrying the U. S. Hails, are intended to mil , as follows EDINBURGH • Saturday, October 22. CITY GYWASHINGTON, • " " 28. • CITY . cr y ItfANCHESTA.P.,.. "' ''Noierober 5. and every succeeding saturiay,- at min., from Pier 44, North Miver. RATES Pp ..- Payabie ip Golder its.Zquinalent in Curreno FIRST CABIN, $BO 00i STEERAGE, • . $3O CO do to_London, 85 00 I do to L0nd0..,, s "81 00 do to Paris, 95 00do to Paris, . 40 00 I do •to Hamburf, 90 00 do to Hamburg, 87 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Br men , Rotter. dam, Antwerp, .ke, at equally low rates. , Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown : Ist -eabill., $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage $3O. Those who Wish. i 9; send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates,- For further information apply at the •Company's Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, ecl4 15, Broadway, N. Y. HENRY REGAN'S Steam Engine and Machine Shop, SIXTH ST., BETWEEN WALEITP AND MARKET. (J. C. Molta'a Old Staii4.) • • - THE undersigned having taken - - theabove Shop, respectfully solicits a share' or the public pa tronage. Particular attention will be paid to repairing of Steam Engines, and all kinds of machinery. All work will re calve my personal attention, and eatiefaetionsnaranteed . seple dly SOMETHING NEW ! MYER PHINEAS' PATENT AMR TIGHT INK S T ANP For sale at.Scheffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, se2S Valuable Bundinc.76ol.rimiegik...._ OTUATED T Errlizzow, North, 21 feet front, and 131 feet deep, running to a 20 foot alley. The lot will be sold cheap, and on easy terms. Inquire at THIS OFFICE.. se3Odtf TO THE . LADIES. YOUR attention is called to the splendid assortment of Extra Ne r aker, Envelopay anti - line Stationery et YEWS Bookstore;., sept 26 St South Second street, Harrisburg, Nun,. Soldiers , Por • . A LARGE amayortment at -• • • RERGhTER'S CHEAP BOIHMEIE, emit Sold at Wholesale or retail at 'erotica.. DIOOKET BOOW3, BUCKSKIN PURISM posmablOINADA mi a general variety of TREE GOODS, but received at • intatorems now 8 .gossp_A BLACK ELL ' S ENGLISH , pioraak , - a rare article fir as taba ß opitaaivot for sale by fob/ (atumetoon to Wm. Doci, - 1 - 17, o.) BRANT'S .HALf t , hALL - nrritzßeor NIGNr I 77, -- - Rouse's Star Conibinatieinstontjutuy, Rouse's Star CourbVitiutt COMPRI, Rouse's Star CombleGulfimpany, Tha Management take plelisure fh tinnolinolpg.ttuttbsil4 effected a re engagement for k A TE sk: %.4 tho -Favorite /risk+ Carnediten A. R A , - • -(_- ,The rersahle Irish ComPdlan , who w 111 appear most attractlveNlayS. THIS MONDAY EVENING, ocroszii-N, 1.884, - Will be presented the Thrilling. Romintie ISTILMFI, iLI three acts, entitled ZELINA OR Tgy. GREEKS It FO?:;y, L N ! To conclude with the prize praizLa or lIIE mouNTAirt • Nolsua--tin and after this evening, the cart.sin will rise at lialtpast 7 o'clock, • jrrFor farther particulars see programme. augg-dtf CANTERBURY HALL, WALNUT STREET, BELOW 2d and 3d Sts TtROPRIETOR..... RITSINESS AGENT Will open on MONDAY MONT, wish , -s first class company of Kale and Female artists. - .. The manager takes pleasure in announcing to the citi zens and strangers of HarrLsbarg that they willspare•ne pains in endeavoring to comfort and please them. The following talent appears every night The Great Ethiopian Comedian, MR. JAMES FLAKE, MR. JAMBE FLAKE, MR JAMES FLAKE. The Charming Can'atrice, - MISS FLORENCE EDMONDS, MISS FLORENCE EDMONDS, MISS FLORENCE ELMORDS, The. Versatile Performer, MR. J. C. klEgli, Mit. J. C. IiEEN The. Champion Jig Lkalitiese, MES. STALIN DA KEEN, MRS. MALINDA KEEN, MRS MALINDA The Young Comedian, MASTER ROEISETS, MASTER ROEBET.S, The Pleasing Vowll,ll, MISS CI.ARA WILLIAMS MISS CLARA WILLIAMS, , miss CLARA. WILLIAMS 17/.. Great Sang and Dania Nan, JOE MILLER, - JOE 'MILLER, 3c Admission :23 cents. Dos Seats, i) cents Doirs open at 7. Commences at 734 o'clock. ' oetl7 SANFORD'S. HALL. 11ElS company consists of the bast star pea finmers, consisting of. - • • SINGERS, DANCERS, • • ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, AC. The managers takes pleasure - in - announcing that they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS & CO.; Proptietor BILLY Penna, Business Agent. - male AUCTION SALE TONDEMNED HULSE:B eoteite,V 'Wawa, t Fnis G i InfraMl WARWLINGTON Cyr; 04itobegii, 18g43. WILL be sold at public anotittn,.-to. too highest bidder at the time end places, tamed be , a: , MIFFLIN, PENNSYLVANIA, TitIIIISDAY, October, 13, 1864, EMI WILMINGTON, DELLWA.R4 TROItSDAT, October - 26, 1864,- YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, October 27, 186 i, TWO RUNDRED OAVkLRY t3O kijra, at each plac.. These Berms have been.condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the Army. For road and .farming purposes mauy geed hatpins may be had. „ . Horses sold singly. Safe to cottinvineent 10 c'cloeic TERNS: CASH in United S tatee mfiTdirey By order of the Quartermaster Getietrat • • JAME 3 A. ERIN, OS-t46 Colonel In . charge . 'rat Division, Q. M. G. O. MILLINERY AND ' VRtETY GOODS HRS. J. HIBBS. No. 8 Market Square, Nat Boor to lift' Cosi - eV/am HAS just received anew and oaiefUlly se lected supply of Millinery Goods, such as Straw and Felt Hats, Bonnets, Velvets, Feathers, Flowers, Rib bons, Ruches, 80 , all of• which:are of the latest style. Also, a variety of Zephyr Hoods, Nobles, Gloves, Stock ings, Collars, Laces, &c,, with a foil assortment of Dress Trimmings and Dress Patterns ; which she.willsell at prices that cannot be competed with , . Dress and Cloak making will be, promptly attended to under her own direct supervision. - ott3 d3m. To Builders. EXECtrtIVR - DEPAIMMICIT, t RANIUSECIINI, lses. SEALED PROPOSALS will ,be received et this office until 12 o'clock of .Tuesday, 18th inst., for the erection of the proposed extension, of the Capitol building. Security to one-fourth of the amount of wort will be required, and each bidder must accompany Ins proposal with the names of his securities. Plans of the extension can be seen at this °Mee, where specifications can also be had on application. Bids slum be address's), 'Proposals for extension of CapitoL" A. G. CURTIN, Governor. JAS P. BARB, Sur. Gen. HENRY D. MOORE, litatcTreas.± octs-dtd crrorsrrALix. CONCENTRATED. Itilof4ADE I S a pleasant, healthy beverag9. Very convenient and refreshing for invalids having aver or great thirst. Its portability recommends it io travelers_ - Its convenience at plemics will be apreciated No sugar Modred; one table-spoonful simply disal4.l in a glass of cold water and it is done. KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOODSTORR, ion ' No. 91, Market street. AlmanaCs • 'Almanacs English. and -Verinaii 4aisesikie3r Alinanats, • forthe year. - -• • 1865.. Linn eale, by the grew, Dozen ; or eri;,gle, at tiohednes Bookstore: 2l South Second stroet, HarriebUrg, Pa. . falf SPECIAL TO THE SHOE BUYING-TOMO SELLING OFF ! SELLINGOFFA • . . .. , _ Tlsubscriber..inteta a.chaugis--... .% busibeali 304 doer!! r ent Ida immense stS42fl l _; . c - -- __R.O . : Pa BOOTS IND SIIOESi,. ;-.,,. .. ._.. Of every d . ' Iket 4tiyi on ,beed ak ?rick, -- 1 market prim • ng b m inaa ot:Aroolwaad .sMia 0t . 4 “, do well to call, q I sur deten:a.taed,teklos.e out at red d . Prim. Glue 'i t call 3. C. xxisau, 4,, sag..__.dieet, nest to McCal's jewelry store : , Harrisburg, Fa. see2B. Fc OYSTER:26SS i" . JOE ttruss, KRNN MASTER ROEBETS 1111111 R I'HURSDAY,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers