TEE TELEGRAPH FUMIEWED AIORAING AND BVICATINg, _ _ fi y GEORGE BERGNEIt. OFFICE rigen 1Y AR WAZethit TERMS OFSUBSORIPTION SINGLE SIIESCRIPTION. . • idr Luny Timaiterik 'Served to subscribers in .the ny 11.1 12 cents per week; 4 e arly subseriber" will be , ,:barged $6 00 in advpsteu,. 2 , these personswho negleotte ,ay in advance will be clturited , : l s7 00. WEEKLY. TELEGRAPH. Tee TELlo:llArEEllllloopUblytted weekly,and is furntened subscribers It the tellO**,:eentt rates togle copies, weekly . . Three copies to one 1 5 610 1 °Mee Ten copies to one ioet-gllce.. NEW ADVDRTISEMENTS. .. When will Wonders Cev.lol THE GREAT REMEDY OF TliE WORLD ! DR. McBRIDE'S KING OF PAIN • WILL cure any ache or pain in from one . to sixty minutes I It acts like magic upon the absorbent and glandular systems, reducing swellings teed reguLeting the' soqdtiOxiS rod excretions. It igof .a. diffthrive, penetrating •thithric exerts its influence frem She periphery to the centre or the nervous organism, thence . by reflex action its peter; is felt throughout the .cnilte gystem, restoring the cirert . bating fluids and eife6lrltiketlYetise with Invincible strength': THE KING , EPS: IS INFALtfrer4l So matter what the .painitOply the medicine and. putt rill dad instant. relief. . ts:an internal nod external cure. . . THE KING. OF PAIN earn almost. instih4useously, Headache, Earache,..Hen ndgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Cold% Bronchial : Affections, asthma, Dyspesia, Dlivilicea, Dysentery or Mandy Flux,. liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of thififiailder and Genital Organs, Cramp,:Clielic and all aciasiriddie pains, Fever and Agen t . .Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Spntins 'and sounds of every description. It proves itself thehanstefy, es the testimony oflthousaikts prove its meritorious worth. gold, wholesale aritEretail; by . S. A. KUNKM druggists, Sole Agents,. - 111 f 118 ' Market street, Harrisburg... SOLDIERS READ! The following letter from a soldier, in reference to tho efficacy and powerful restorative qualitities of DR. No- BRIDE'S KING OF PAIN, speaks for itself : NEWTILLN, CIIMBERLAND . COEINTY, Sept. 14, 1864.: . Macro. S. 4. Kunkel vE Ihro., druggists, Harrisburg,: Pa : GILITS would Inform yon that I receivedthe bottles' of hicßride's Greityain Killer, and enclosed please find Ore dollars more Los whichaend me nye bottles addition:i al to-morrow. leave Tor camp to-morrow. Let pie know whether you can supply li e with It in the army,. : I am In Company H, 202 d regim ent P. V. I have been. in, rosy bad bealtn for upwards orfour years, and two of the one-dollar bottles have 'cared .me completely, and have made me feel like a man.. Besides, I have cured a num: tier of my comrades of various diseases incident to camp life, and can recommend it to be the best medicine the :either can provide for himself. . _ . Yours respectfully, JOS. E. WHITE. sar AU orders from a distance promptly attended to by 9, A. KUNKE[. & BRO. A HOME CERTIFICATE. , • The following certificate iafront a well-known citizen of Harrisburg : Haruussuact, Aug. 300.84. - To Tat Ponta: It gives me great pleasure Utrecom mend to the public the medicine prepared by,DIL. J.. T. MoBRIDE, which he calls the "KING OF PAIN.!'! Laws Induced to use it as an external remedy fora bruise,.whleir it relieved immediately, and subsequently cured entirely., Its success induced.ene.to use it internally for Diarrheea; with which I was afflicted in a chronic form rev:nearly, eighteen months, and teauch an extent that my kidneys were seriously deranged. Tile medicine has cureil and certainly that is saying a great deal in its favor, .widen j, reflect how many other remedies I tried without expert, aiming anything but temporary relief. For mrpart, shall always keep a supply of it in my house, believing as. do that it is a most inclinable family meoicine._ The unexampled 240 of this medicine proves itto be the most wonderful discovery of the age in the ._iiicOoal tate, .01. 8 • a The undersigned are the sole agents for the• ; will supply It wholesale and retail. S. A. KUNKEL fc BRO., Druggists, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. ME PEIPIIEIL'S DAILY LINE BreITAVE.EIti PnILADELFII.IA, Look haven, .Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Run ty, Uniontown, Watsontown, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Troverton, Georgetown, ' Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin, A_ND HARRISBURG. • The PlilladelPhti Depot being centrally the drayage will be at the lowed rates. The Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the eafe delivery of all goods intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at, the de-, pot of WILLIAM. E. BORK, 812 Marketit:reet, Philadelphia, by i o'clock P. x., will be delivered in Ellie rieburg the next morning. rreight Airways as Low as by Any Other Line. • JOS. MONTGOMERY Jr CO., • Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Foot of Market 'area; Harritirg. 00t214f ti E Tni LIRVIUR STORE. • • TMPORTANT TO LANTILORDS AND_ 11 undersigned-otters M seladesale, - to: the trade, a choice lot of the best tiqvars ever brought to Harritani4, viz: French Brandies, Holland Gins, .Scotch;, Irish,-- Wheat and Old Rye Whisky; Pomp; atd,Dentable wines, such as•Cnampagne, Giazel,_Gaganba,' dte. All liquors warranted, as represented. Landlords and others will fled it to their advantage to call and ex amine the assortment at the store, on South Second street, twO doors below Chestnut. • tur47-ddm . GEORGE WINTERS CIANNED FRUITS OF EM ORTDEIP " ' N. SAIICE4 of all the celebrated ;oikintfacen s ori, BARDINW, OLIVE 011.0, every tieseription. Also, ISROWN STOUT, FLNE TEAS E 00FREE, SUGAR and sntup of all grades and prices, and the best selected stock outside of Philadelphia,. Alt goods guaranteed as represented. Partimilarattention paid to all orders horn a distance. Goodecorerolly packed and delivered to all parts of the' city Me of charge. SIMMER Is ' isty6 uncommon to W. Dock, Jt. Ss 1:10; VENNI APIYANO . 81:1 EttnY4 •ixavortvd J.: : Wiarsuited • the Ilheirt.l Sherry ilreie id thig pountry POP Vale et SILISLER & FRAZER, ..r IUrIKIECEIMWS excelifor hanisolfthili veer ion's oaring. Jug reootied and for pege•by. • • SHISLEg fis FAAAER, Isooroaems toWm. Dock, Co , deeli CAIIgAIGN TORQHEB,' • . manuraotureaandr(iivakibi a.ku. tottliagX. 606 chekry etree a, Philadelphia. se2B.6t, TAOSS HEAP .. ana XF.W MACK A. AlitlL, pat. received, at iCIR 'MEW FISH.New No. 1 and . 2 Mackerel In barrels, half barrels ondlitts, and by the pound, et (anal . . EjIISLER.At FRAZER. PXTRA. FAMILY FLOUR and COI N JUI REALt always on htyld, pfthceirestAgality, at: - L 8 -B4STER-6 %GERM:R. QALMON. --Fine malt Salmon at i. 3 Imo aamtielt ALFRORRi 101 1 - lICKSTERS' BASKETS.--ShisleiA Fm itl7 auccesaorate W. Dock, & C 0.., have,qn hand 3d dozen hickory baakcts. ?rice $5 60 per dozen. je9 BANBERRIES. ' • • ' CJust received, a very fine kit of CranbereeLc at oci3 SHISLER & FRAZER. 19 it , t k 3 S f n o r D A BK9EA, ESTOC GRIAETD.. aug24-41w _ wystioW SASH FOR SALE,-=-168 lights, 9d4Lreitsoasoued. Inereditr ry... ANEW4UPPLY of Flellgv Agogh "4 * mking4 " g: -& Jet . _. _114,...mt. ..P., ~ 4GI • m om v alounEHL, mlat tf 0a6.4, ftaiVa r MBR „,_ _ ..., _ . .. . . . . . - -1-- - - - - - -1 r 1 . . . • . . ! . . , . .. . . . . , .- . • . •.• - • 4' ' ' •-• P” !r' ' ' , , , . ' ' . i . . . . . •... . . • ............ . ~.... • . - . . _ * 111. . .. . ..... "N --,.. , ....„ ; •,, z ,„5\;,0 I[l./// / v /i ,f7,0. ..-,...-, - ..,.. -..., •• - ~:- . .. .. . , ...,. , ..... _ . . . . _ . -..... . . . . , ~. . . .. . - .„,.. --:•„;..--).,; 1,, P . /.:"., v? ... ...-.- . _ __. _ • ' = _,.'7 - _, , , ,- -- ' s- - - . - ...,- .=- .4dlit •--- . . .. _ I. . !,(... . a. E - . . • ' '''') • ' • -.. ' . \• '' ' .:' :..,-' 1, : . . . .. . __- . $1 60 400 10 00 BY : -..0xy10-m4PIRL: ..MEDicAti r DYSPEPSIA. A -4Cure Warranted: Dyspepric' hei`the foticitsincf *ptoms: Ist. A constant pans or uneasmees at the pit of the stomach. ' 2d. Flatulence anclAcidity. • 3d. •pos,tiveness and Loss of Appetite, 4th.;Crloem and Depression.of Spirits., ,sth. Diarrhoea, with griping. • fith. Pain in all parts of the System.- •-, ,7th, Consumptive Symptoms andfralpita tion of the Heart. ,Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. •9th. Nervous Affection, and want of 'Bleep at night. • 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness; Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. . 12th. Headache and.Stag,gering In walking; with great weakness. • ' • ' Ont of the thdruginidtrototiSeiff of Dyspepsia that have used Dr.`-‘filsbaitia (treat American Dyspepsia Pills; not-one of• them has - failed, Id a perfect care. Wp warrant a enrO in every :Case, no matter if of twpdaty years' standing... Sold by all druggists everywhere,' and at Dre. Wishart's office, No. , 10 N. Second street; ?hiladelphis, Rgt. All•enininatiOna tind'cOne silltations free - of chine. Send' 'ffiYjiLCiron :PiiCe 1.1 Per Vox. Sent by mail, free of ol;LargerOn-lermipt ofon:tiny.' DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. ;.ELIZABETH Biussos, of Brandywine, Del., forMerlyof Old Cheater, DeL, do certify that, for one year and a.halt I suffered every thing but death - froth that Awful disease called Dyspepsia. - MywhOle system was prostrated With weakeess'and her v' debility; I could not digebt.my 'O4; ate:even a cracker or the smallest amount of We'd, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became .eo costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirelY to. give way. I had'a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my own children,every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to . me; I had no ambition to do anything; I lost all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I felt that I was' 'doomed to hell; and that there was no heaVen 'for me,, and' was often tempted . to commit suicide, -So near:lkltS my whole nervous system de; stroyed o and also my mind from that awful pl int cere a , Dmepsisythat my friends thought best to have: me placed in Dr. •Rirkbride's hosp:i West Philadelphia; I remained_' b.tter, b few drWargirt plaint was raging as badias ever. Hearingof the wonderful cures Performed by Dr. Wis "hart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his, treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband milled on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to him. He said he had no doubt he could cure Me. So in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in - tiro weeks I began to digest my food, and felt ' my disease was fast giving way, and I ,cOntinued to recover for slang three months, and at the'preSentlime renjoy perfectlealth 'of body'and mind, and Iniott sincerely return My thanks to a merciful - God . and Dr. Wis :host, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Ter Cordial that saved me 'f 'man Insane• Asylum and premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to gall on me or write, as I am Willing to do all the good I can for suffering hu .inanity. ELIZABETH BRANSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. 'Da. Wannuree Office, No. 10 North Second .• - Street, Philadelphia. DANIEL E. SPILT ' Da..Wistrairr—l have been a constant iiiiiiiier: kith - 1 .DXspepaia for the last eighteen years, during,,whiciktithe I cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly urelrday, • There ware tlines , whenthe' sympteiria :were taco aggrexiite.;t: than at olttererand then it seemed it wouldhen great re. ; lief to did.; -' , Phed et all timft an. inipleanuit feeling In my "head; but latterly myerifferingir se - pinch - Increased that I became alminit milt for binaness•of any landtniy..inind was continually tiled with gloomy tho ughts ' - stitt. fore,. boding; and _ if U attempted to change 'their 'current 'by : reading, at once a sensation of Icy coldness In connection, with a dead weight, as it were, rested upon my" brain; also, a feeling of sickness would occur at ths stomach, and great pain to my eyels, accompanied With which was the continual fear of losing. my reason. I also experienced great lassitude, debility and .nervousness which , made it -.difficult to VOk'lljr_ .dify or ileep at night. I hope r g nverse to soniettrandrilytioso only, to seiellisieni , Wiring triedthertiral. of a nitinber of eminent : Ph • °fixations schisolcilistillyniOni to the eOncluifut t , -t,-(on: this disease at riry,Witentate 06 years) 14 . 1* wpm owsj Inexistence. Bac ' ttiroroth_the hateiferetassA ANytne. PrOvidenoe, towthem.ldevOUDkoller myttiankiVntAlliiti found a soverelgn,renSeol2l... your Dyspepsia ' 'ills, and; Tar Cordial , whist' seem tr'lutse effectua ll y rOnexinkal-- most the last trace of 'my long list of allmenta. Hind; bin( feeling's, and In their place' health, pleasure . 'and content., • ' meat are my everyday companions. _ L. _ ,_. .._• . . • JAN XS M. SAPINDERS,I — North Second street, Philadelphia, .. •-. ..!. ' '. Formerly of "Woodbury, N. J. Dr Wishart's Mike No"101Ilorth Second' street, Phila. 'delphia. -.-.. . ~ . . iWi3TAIWS. A POSITIVE OMM. POP DYSPEPSIA. . . DR. Wisx.tar-=Sll:—lt is with much pleasure that I am now able to inform you that, by the use of your great American Dyspepsia Pill 2, I have been entirely cured of most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia. r had been grievlously afflicted for the last twenty-eight years, and for ten years Of. Altai dine :bayenot been free from its path one week at ettine...l. have had it in its werstrorm 'goblin have drained iMemostraiserable existence-an pain day and night gierikindX:food that I ate filled me. With wind and pitin,'it;nietitered not how light, orhew. small the quantity . , f.i snuthmed belching was Mimeo ' follow. I had no appetbetar any kinds' or meats: whit.. ever and my disti*awas` iiq great for several months be- • fore I heard of yopr, tiasell frequently:: wishedlor death. I hail taken pysythipg that I bad heard - Ad for Dyspepsia, tlitheat4conyTrogiany benefit; but on your Pills being recommended-do : me by one who- bad been. cured by thero.,l colaudigggive them a trial , although: I bad no faith le;thiati.:: Vo -.my astonialtmant, I found . Myself getting bettlithadio I had taken cone•rourth of a box, and after tekinkhalf ni boix„ I ass a weN man, and cart eat anythie“ souk' and' enjoy a hearty meal three times a day' without from anything eat or drink. If you dank: proper,.you are atliberty - to make. this public ` m* reri*le Me n _ Dia cheartlthy, give MIA* girable infointatleit icianyene who * may reline Ins .' Yours, r 4 4011 1 Y,.... : JOHN N v ltelt(loot . For sale at Dr,l'ilah_artlit Medical Depot, No.:10 North Second street, MILO . . Vida;,Yro. Price One Dollar par box. Sent by mai; tree on receipt of price. . . . DYSPEPSIA!. DYSPEPSIA! .... ~ been I, g ame ' D e galas; h ave . • great serene tittle. .Chronic Drepepaiktibet,Whie*tieet of the 4 1 draYs far .three ears. teurogiteyel. ~ . pr coon of the pest end ant of Plidi N. J. et am all ' 7 " mod, hut - 4. 4 :RG-PlAr pykdass poSe. was comtly - en . . :,;:telth awful pain Rowel, tress, and with . ;epef,, .r , ..tag of wind ana-aottr,ao4 4 *lily tongue seat imeteckienti'llente ousting of Macaw until It ceiminit l ik,lani. ilinn -- f, and waa :41,1insUudy Me I 041 I ati ll l o44 o nit death to raller! Ms% my suNethilk 'lrOiLtia: tau tE hope of ever lainjvaridt.., Nada. Ima -it a iligkdetylp rc raz IQ AO QM It e '. vftg direst'.sac lt0'10 1 4 11 ,:_p or 1100040440 _ *laid ears Nei 9 1. i11 41 .;: e4 C Irelig 1 0 1 11 4 ,11 r409 10, 4' . . .. ... , ROYER & KOERPER DYSPEPSIA.: DISPEI'SLA.: HEAR am i xfir . .4. 8 BABootor. P.t:dlaitehiiiia, January 22d, 1.883. -THE UNION---NOir AND FORETBR." HARRISBURG, PA.. N:NDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 17, 1..R6A MEDICAL. • j Dr. Wisher's in the Philadelphia Ledger, of a at cure made upon Mr. John Babcock, of 1028 Olive strip, Phila delphia, by the great American Dyspepsia PIUS I went to the Doctor's Office, and placed myself under I treat ment, and told him if he failed to cure me, it weld be the last *Wort I weutd make. It has been six W eel since' I . commenced the use of his medicine, and I am ntr a weir man, free from all pain and distress, and can 4 three 1 hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel pert* v welt Dr. 'Wisher", I want you to publish my case, want every poor dyspeptic shffering as I was , call on e, and I will tell them of the 'great cube I have recei 'from your invaluable medicine. - , SAMUEL D. H EN. Corner Venango and Lambert streets near 11: mond. street, formerly from Wrightsdown,,Hurlington unty, N ,The above are a lbw among , cite., thousands whit". this greet remedy has saved fteman-untfittely grave. . ' He have thousands of lettivafftpfg physicians ad drug gists who have prescribedand - seld the*Thr Cordialpaying that they have never used or sold a medical whit gave such universal satisfaction. 1 Prepared. only by the proprietor, . ~, • • S HAIC No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphif ra. I Sold by Druggists everywhere SmjylB-etkitkw NEW ADVERTISEMENIS. U. S. 7- , 30 LOAN. .. - MEM Secretary of the-Treasury gives Qotioe that subscriptions will-be received f COtt. pon Treasury Notes, payable three yea him l e August 15th, 1864, with-semi-annual i - rest at the rate of seven and threemtenthe peicent. per annum—principal and. interest both to be paid in lawful money. ' ' ,-, 1> . ' These notes will be convertible at the iption o/.° the holder at maturitrinto six percent. gpld bearing bonds, payable not less this filie nor more than twenty years from their date, As the government may elect. They 411 be isSned in denominations of •$50;$100;'$500, $l,OOO and $5,000, and all stibicriptionsmust be for fifty dollars or some multiple ol fifty dolla.,s. The , notes will be transmitted to the ovOers free of transportation- charges as soots after the receipt of the original Certificatestf De posit as they can be prepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons undd.ng depcisits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to, date ordeposit., . . . Parties depositing tiventy-five' tltousand dol lars and upwardit for these notes at any one time will be allowed 'a _cie*iqsion of one quarter of one pe'r . emit. • . • • . Special AdVantages of: hiA Loan. T IS A Nasnosom, &lavas BANX, offering higher rate of interest than any L other and the best security. Any,savings bank which pays its depoSitorten U. S. Notes, considers: that it is paying in tlie best Circulating medium of the country, and is cannot pay in anything better • for its own assets are. either, in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in gov-. permanent investment: notes can - ways be sold for within a fraction of their faee and accumulated interest, and are the best security with banks as collaterals for Convertible into a 6 per Cent. WO Gold Bond. In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three' years, this privilege of ,conversion is now worth about three per cent. pax annum, for the current rate for 5-20 Bonds' is not less than nine per den& premium, and be fore the war the premium on six per cent. U. S. stooks was over twentrper" cent. It will be seen that the actual profit , on this loan, at the present market rate, is , not less than ten per cent. per annum. s Exemption from State or Municipal Taxation. But aside from all the Advantages we have enumerated, a special act of Congress exentpt9- cal bonds and. Treasury notes from Wal toaAtion. On'the average, this•exemption is worth shunt two per cent.. -13 q mumts, according to 'the rate of taxation..m.iratirmsparts'of the c ountry: t is , believed. no - securities' offer so great inducements liiiders as those issued by the GOVernmenti.' l ln ;nil other • forma of indebtedness, the- faith " e l / 2 4 ability 'of private parties, or stock comp - Maids; or 'separate com munities, only, is pledged fol. payment.; while the whole property of the country is held to secure the discharge of' all, tie obligations of the United States. ' • While theovern o era th e most • t ; ff liberatternis int its Wins, it believes that the very strop At 'appeai will be to loyalty and patri." , •fiTm of the people. Up to the 2 , tth of September, the ePbeeriP tions to this amounted to over $4OOOO 000 I 9 • Suwon:mom - wris BE , =mania) by the ' Ti easurer of the United States, at Washing- On, the several . Assistant'. Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by, the IFIRST NATIONAL BANE OF a ALL RESPECTABLE BAbiKWARD' 2 RANKERS 'throughout the comity ttiiirlN - slather in formatiOn ' —• • • ' AFFORD EVERY FACILITY. TO: SVESCRIBERS. r. pe2B-ditartoetl9) SOLE AGENCY li CITY T AM happy: boi , dtroirtio :theAinhlia a large ..ind aplondid astartnient : ! • • 1 . : SUPERIOIt? GOLD PENS,' manufactured by • - MO3l W.. PArOI I EM. • These Peet are well edified; elastic, and will give em tire satisfaction.. PLEME,TRY SCUIEFFER3 BOOK MORE 'nand street, oppbeite PrEmbperlazi Church, Harrill') ap2B NEW PRMA9)ELPHLfi. C LOA.#STORE IN D. W. GROW. NEW BLOCK, Market Street v aarrisburg. 1,000 To - WM/MT :STYLES INA-cri c,, cAK c 'Cr L A R 8 , ' ' FOTerStintiel , BRAWLS. Wilt open en the bit 'OCArnici H. C. ORTII,_. leacher of the Piano, .ifelodeon, Violin and • . 15, Ilcon snow, BFLowlieasraT. sep3-demo ' , • SAP SAGO, EnglishDairy,..Fine Apple; nal meg and New YorklitatetOtmeee Jan received et 1 SHUILER a FRAZIE4 myO aueoeseets to W Dock, Jr., & Co. LL kinds of hauling with wagons or carts ja. will be promptly4bbe by - * bag on _ • _•- • • JACOB aorner of somievirt 6 •Dd .I:I3DII32IEP= Books, an denominabobei to Atimoronc_etylee and as WO 'po4oe, en _ SCIEETTa• 11.800betpre, • • , •• 11 91S Sala SboomaratPit. anidebung, renual A trIT JARS, of the latest ratent-( FNi Test Pateertj rewired od ref wde low 1011111 a NORRPIR EVEMNG EDITION. From the i 201st Regiment'. CAS NEAR. GAINBVILLY, VA., I Vtrddnesday; .OeL 13, 1864. TLdttor Te/egraph :—.-Since I wrote. to you yesterday, ',have been informed from relia ble sources, that company A, voted at Mat:uus- Sas Janction, ou,Taiw,day last, with the fol lowing result: All !republicans, with the ex ception of six votes (the highest number poll ed) and four . votes - (the loWegi--Idui.enongh in all conscience!) for the opposition pinty! f So Mr. Pow; a member' of '.coMptirtY infOrMs me. He is a reliable Man, 'and a Chiistian besides, and voted Ittitt have Eiomething bettei--to tell you. 'Sfirgeon %on gener, a gentleman of veracity and higliineral character, informed meethat an officer attach -ed to the Sixth artillery _regiment, -stationed near Mantissas Junctieti,' communicated to hiin the gratifying news kat out of the regi ment to which said officer, was attached (num-, boring over 1,400 men,) nine hundred j and' ft "teen voted the Republican-ticket on Tuesday last. One company,. howeyor, gave a hank some majority for the oPposition. as you will perceive by the following note, handed to me for insertion , in; TEL.EGB.4H:. Sixth Artillery,Company E, 78 votes lie- publican. Sixth. Artillery, Company E, 4 votes Oppo- I sition„. NEM How are you; "Yduhg Napoleon," and, where will you be. when the Ides of NoVember . bring around the election day, once , more? Company d l . owing to the requisition Made' for men. ICY immediate guard day on the mOrning tif -, eledtion only polled , forty-seven vdtes here; at: Gainesville. Some Voted -at Manassas jOhetion, antlii•of course; h'eltied to swell tip the vote thole. - Out of the &it'' , seven -votes • polled here, however, ive claini thirty-three,—keventeen being' 'the highest number for Dauphin coutk—seven for Frank- , lin, and from one to: two-and three votes-for outside districts—allkepubliiiiin. The oppo sition polled, by •"hard'leintehing"— . eleven votes in Dauphin countytheir entire strength, I may: safelyassert, corapany, and three•votes , outside oft'ithe district. One "eop"? from Franklin =«punty _tmdertook to vote on ftge',•tind , cattle foiiifaid for that pnr -pose). but otierof the clerks. of Ow election board, (Mr. Wolf) who • bY-the-by, was one of the 'enrolling 'officers of said county—said to him—" S—, how is it that your father in, formed me you Were not twenty years °Cage; when I took down your 'name •setticidy a 'year ago?" Cop "didn't know,," •btit, concluded not to swear 'to his age,: and well it was that he didn't, forthere*ere 'idlest° than three section , thirty-sevenof the Electiori - litiivs rel ative to soldiers voting! Oa Awl's headquarters are now at Gaines ville. The entire command moved down from Manatees yesterdaY; •• I took a trip down to headqua#lfra yester day ;--stopped into the hospital (an old log building) , and: shdok hands 'with my 'friends Drs. Wagonseller and Hendersbn, and had some convbisatiOn with the sick—numbering, from eight to ten altOgether. Out of company I there art) three or four. Twines Campbell, of Harrisburg, foot injused—will be ont in a few days: John Schwenk, of 'WicattiScb township, Dauphin county, pain in'tlie breast,—conva lescent—will be fit for duty: in adew, days. John Bonigardner, of East Hanover town ship, chills and fever, imploving—will be out m a very sheit..time. - ; ' • • Elias Trostle, Fn4l . in county, sore throat, and general debility—seriously indisposed. The remaining few cases are all under the skillful, treatment ofour humane Surgeon and hill attentive. assistants. • Taa,akinnishabotitfa-init6 down the road . _throughliammoi Yeaterday,Vthe cap; tured two - prisbnersrcitizensi Who Were caught in the act of learbig up the track,. immediately 'preceding the: approach of the train bringing 'up to Gainesville from•ManasSaS, theliemain der of our regiment. On&of these men pro ' leased to be very friendly4torus, requesting us tb trade whatever articles :we had to spare, for butter; ibliateo, &c. The old scamp ! Why, he looked decent, and respectable and fatherly enough to ,be. engaged in a better cause! Caught at bat, villian—though soma - of our "ltnciwhig" boys , would have it,. you were an " old Republican cuss!" "How WEirrY like a whale?' eh, ,Handet ! In haste, Truly Yours. .. , More anon. . A. H. H.. .1), B.'--If our letters are directed as fol lowa, they will come to hared immediately: 6 4aiiiesville, Va., tc3 be. kryiLitpled from Wash ingte4, D. C." The Canadian Convention. Qtriuszo, , ,Oet. 15 Nothing authentic has been learned con cerning the action 'of 'the convention yester day to form a union ixt the British Provinces. The Executive Council entertained the dele gate with a splendid ball and dinner last night, and to-rdglit' the board' of trade will 'give a dinner to the' delegates. Prominent' English newspapers represent that much interest is 'felt in' England in the progress of the nego - • " dation; From Washington. , • .. WesanroToN, Oct 15 Secreiary..Fessenden to-day awarded the new loan accepting all bids of .and above thirty one-hundredths preminm and so much of lthe thirtyrkundredths premium, or about sixty per cent. of the amount bid at that fig ure as will make, the forty millions asked for by:the Goverrtment. Burning of . a doitton Mill. .Priovroi,Noz, Oot: 15. A cotton mill in Olityville, owned 'by M. C; Mathews, and inn. by .Landry Jordan, was dburned last night. It .:irtts irtsare in this city for $17,500. New York Diarkiets. Flour Eidvatotia.3oo4ll6; ; sales of B,ooolrbls. State $8 25(i).915: Ohio 101111 . 50. South ern $lO 15(414 00. MONO - 5o higher; .ealee uninipOrtant. Corn :Brit.; eates 'mall Beef dulL Pork firm; awl. of /COO bbls at $ 43 lOWA 00., Lard flrstiat 20®82e. Whisky Aria, holders deminidll -75, knit buyers offer' only $1 73.; - Gold Msrk.t. Nzw Toax, Oet. 15. %turn closed tine evaping et the Stook Zx ehipage at 2171; •'• —Webster. 3ijTeCegrapi Fromi Escape of Capt. Cox, silh Pennsylvania Regi men', :From Charleston. The ,Ypilow ~Fever Raging In ,j ,I•Taw, Oct. 10. The stsaiaship . Fulton from Port Royal, S. C. arrived last night. " Capt. Coi of the 55th-Penna. Ina escaped' frOm Oharleihm prison, and says tiutt twentit deaths from yellow fever are daily , occurring in!Clierleaten. The Union prisoners have all beert tient out of the city, 'ltnd about 4,000 rebel 'troops are in and about Charleston. • Gen. Foster has recently made a tour of in spection of our fertifications in Florida. cot Noble latery captured a camp of militia at Enterprise, Florida, and it is reported that a rebel battalion under Major-01mA were made prisoners at Tallahassee. A. large size wheel blockade runner was Suiik by our, fleetp.and another. steamer was driven back while endeavoring to run out.. Terrible Railroad Accident. 4: Hospital Train Off the Track. A railroad accident,, with tearful results, occurred on the Shore Line railroad about 11 o'elock this morning. The train oninsst etl of six passenger cars,: containing 275 sick .1001 wounded soldiers,- who were being transferred from the :United States. Knight 'hospital, in. this city, to Sea& ville;Alass. 1 , The train,. whiqh was an extra one, left this city at 8 o!cleick, Whenabout fon? miles of the , COnnecticut river; and while passing through a deep roek.cut, .known as. Hooky Ledge,.a • biokeri rail threw the entire train from the track and•dashed the cars into the solid rock ledge, on either' side One car in the middle of the train , was up and, across the track, forming a completaarph, some 20 feat high. , The balance of the train was 'piled in all ections and three of the ears' were smashed sw Oisaxidafre , - , at timar tat was in the train except by counting the wheels. Nine of the unfortunate soldiers were taken from the ruins dead. It is impossible at this hour to learn their. names. Two of the brakesmen; named 101240 Bebts, and Edgar Penang ' , were instantly. ' and another named 'Samnel E Ohittenden was. it, badly injured fhat he can hardly recofer., --• Ton or twelve soldiers were seriously, and some twenty more slightly injured. The deed acid wounded were conveyed back to New Haven, and returned to the Government hos pital The more fortunate Were . forwarded to their destination. One of the killed was found jammed between a car'and the rock, in such a manner that it was night before the body could be extracted. The train being a perfect wreck,.the super intendent has ordered the broken oars to be burned, and the road Will he doubtless be clear by to-morrow. =The disaster is thought was caused by a broken rail, and one which no human foresight could have prevented: From New- Orleans. . . Success of General DanO, s : Expedition I.A.OOJEtt Etto'Jat The steamera Yazoo and Creole have arrived from bleW OileMm,, the lattet bringing advices 'of the 9th Met» • The repoit of Gen Asboth's expedition to Marianna,' Florida, are con firmed. Oar loss in killed and'wounded was thirty-two, including Capt. M. M. Young, 7th Xeimont and Lt. Edward!-lA•Yre, 2d Maine cavalry killed, and Gen. isboth left cheek bone broken, and left _ arm, fractured in two places. • • • • An expedition sent 'by- Gen. Dana from constetiing of colored cav alry and infantry, reachecUgyette on the 2d inst., capturing six hmidred head of cattle, a large number of .horses, tinkinnles ,and era prisoners. -r I>:a_ C • Another expedition sent by •.-Genefel' bana attacked the rebels at WOOdville - „,iiit the 6th inst., capturing 3 guns, 2 car t ers, and . s4 Men, and killing 40 others: Our loss was none.. • . A cavalry expedition under General ,Lee captured Clinton, La., on the 6th inst., with 30 prisoners, including Lieutenant Colonel Pinckuey, the. Rebel Provostrldarshal General of the district, and considemble,ateres. and ammunition. At the last account:Lee was 10 miles east. of Clinton. < A reconnoissance sent out from Margansia, under Zol. Guppy of the 2d Wisemmin• with thiee regiments of infantry and one of coy= aliy, returned previous to. the 6th, after a severe skirmish with 1,000 rebel cavalry.— Our loss was 2 killed and 3 or 4 wounded. r,flie_enemrs loss is supposed to be consider able. Tluitien prisOners were taken. , Alone; under Dyey, of the 20th :low a, openPled Simonspool and Morgans ferry, on 04 Atchafalaya. The rebels havobeen down beyond Yellow Bayou. ••, _ • . The steamer ,Emily ]E}.., gender, .from ..New . York, had arrived at New . , Qrleans. Advises from Matamomkgive a rumor of the capture a.thestegiriie • Iliet