Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, October 15, 1864, Image 3

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    OA iiiitigra4
- -
luvincibles, Attend!
The Harrisburg itepublican Invincibles will
li ocsE. Locust street, THIS EVENING at
Qvcii o'cloek, to perfect their organization. --
young men of the city wishing to join the
elnb, are requested to be present. The club
Rill be organized on the same principles as .
the Inrineibles of Philadelphia are formed.
TIIEBE WaS a very heavy frost iR this vicin
ity this morning.
TUE next term of Cumberland County
Court will commence on Thursday, Novem
ber 11th,
limy 111113 ER, of Lancaster city, fell dead
on the road on Thursday.evening. He was
returning from, the country.
Tar time for receiving proposals for the
erection of the extension of the Capitol, will
close at noon ou Tuesday next.
, r irE light of au extensive fire was seen
tram here last night. It is supposed that
there was a conflagration in the neighborhood
WE have had several. days of good weather.
The mud on the streets has dried up and
2iven place to dust. The sprinkler is again
on fluty.
MRs, C.11:11, of Lancaster, had her pocket
niekeJ at market, this morning. Her loss
; Dionnted to $23, in greenbacks. Mrs. C. was
visiting in this city, and went to market to
-see the sights."
TEE house-cleaning season is at hand.
Housekeepers have commenced overhauling
their furniture, and applying the whitewash
brush. The supply of lime is said to be un
seat to the demand.
coy employed in the Patriot and Union
office bad one of his hands crushed, yesterday.
while feeding the press. We are informed
that a number of the fingers were broken, and
the centre of the hand badly cut and torn.
GM BONES is now lying at his residence
in Philadelphia, suffering from malarious
kver. His physicians prohibit any one from
seeing him. It is said that nothing but per
fect tranquility can restore him.
Vous° MEN, AROUSE !—We commend the
motive of the Invincible Club. The young
men of the city of Philadelphia contributed
great deal to the large majority given in
Philadelphia, and by active exertion they can
do the same in this county.
N. 0. R. R.—On Monday next an additional
train will be placed on the Northbrn Central
Railroad. It is named the Erie Express. It
will pass Harrisburg about midnight, leaving
here for the North at 12:35 A. as. Going
South it will pass here about the same hour.
See change in time table. •
PERSONS wanting shade and ornamental
trees, vines, &e., are informed that Mr. Mish,
of the Keystone Nursery, is prepared to sup
ply all orders, and is ready to commence
planting. The assortment is extensive and
varied, and comprises the most beautiful, as
well as the best.
CANTERBURY Music HALL.--The Canterbury
will be re-opened on Monday evening, with
an entire new company of first class male and
female performers. The managers intend
giving a succession of attractive entertain
ments which shall be worthy of the patronage
of our citizens.
MARKET.—This institution presented the
usual animated appearance this morning.—
The assortment of articles offered for sale was
varied and extensive. A slight advance was
perceptible in the prices of produce, gener
ally. There was an abundant supply of late
vegetables, fruits, nuts, &c.
Fritz —On Friday the barn of Wm. Seiders
two miles from this city, near the Jonestown
road, was entirely destroyed by fire. All the
contents of the building—hay, grain, farming
implements, etc., were consumed. A valua
ble stallion perished in the flames. Mr. Sei
ders' loss is very heavy. We have not learned
bow the fire originated.
ANOTHER POCKET CUT.—At two o'clock this
morning, Robert Simpson, of Carlisle, who
arrived here on one of the night trains, had
his wallet stolen by some one of the pocket
ripping fraternity. We were unable to ascer
tain the precise amount of Mr. Simpson's
loss, but learn that it was considerable. A
burglar-proof pocket would be a valuable in
tention just now.
Tuosn members of Capt. H. W. Miles' Mi
litia Company who have muskets, are hereby
notified to return them immediately to Miles'
Grocery Store, on Ridge Avenue, or they will
be called upon to pay for the same. The
drum must also be returned immediately. By
order H. W. MILES,
2t Late Capt. Militia Company.
ICAGIOrICENT bill is presented to the pa
trons of the theatre for to-night's entertain
ment—consisting of .Tecx SnEppenn rx FiteNen,
and A Glance at Philadelphia. Neither of
these pieces was ever performed in this city.
Playgoers anticipate a grand performance,
and there will be a full house. Go to the
Theatre if you want to pass a pleasant even
James Martin, of Sprucehill township, Juni
ata county, was arrested yesterday, for at
tempting to enlist Thomas Young, of Lack
township, same county. It appears that Mar
tin persuaded Young to come down here and
enlist, to secure a bounty, but after he had
been examined and was ready to be sworn in,
it was ascertained that he had been. drafted
in June last, but failed to report. 'He was
therefore held as a drafted man, and he en
tered the service in a cheerful mood. After
wards Young made an affidavit that he had
been persuaded to enlist by Thomas Martin,
and upon this information he hasbeen arrest
ed and placed in the guard house.
Martin, it appears, has made a habit of en
listing drafted men, and thus deprive the
Government of their services and fill his own
Pockets. Whilst he was busily engaged in
this nefarious business he was abusing the
Government constantly, and casting odium
upon the Administration. We have our eyes
on several others of the same gentry, some
of whom have been dishonorably discharded
from the service, who are now robbing the
men that are willing to defend their country.
These men must be banished from the city
tor the good of the country.
Ax OVATION TO Vicronr.—Rev John Walker
Jackson at the Court _House last night--A Bril
liant Audience and a Powerful Oration. —The
meeting in the Court House, last evening, for
the purpose of 'listening to an oration from
Rev. John Walker Jackson, was one of the
most respectable and enthusiastic assem
blages convened during the campaign. The
meeting a week ago, to hear Mr. Dougherty
speak, was considered large, but it is gener
ally conceded that it was exceeded by the
gathering last night, if not in respectability,
brilliancy and enthusiasm, at least in num
bers. The Court-room was crowded in all its
parts. Every stall was packed; the aisles and
entry literally overflowed, the windows were
filled, while the bar, and many of the stalls
contiguous, were filled with the matronly and
youthful beauty of the city. Indeed, Stand
ing at the door leading from the rear entry
into the Court-room, we had a favorable posi
tion to.observe the audience, and from that
point its splendor seemed to our gaze real
ly incomparable. The ladies, rich in the first
attire of the fall fashions—the dense crowds
of men, with the military, invalids and heroes,
scattered through the audience, imparted to
the scene that gorgeousness and dazzling
beauty which are not soon forgotten when
once observe&
On motion of George Bergner, George M.
Wieatling, Esq., was called to the chair.
Col. 11. C. Alleman movedithe appointment
of a committee to wait on Mr. Jackson and
conduct him to the Court House.
H. C. Allman, George Bergner, and George
W. Harris, were appointed said committee,
and after a short absence, presented the ora
tor to the audience.
Rev. Jackson took the stand amid great
enthusiasm. After order had been restored,
the speaker asked the indulgence of the audi
ence, while he explained the singularity of
the position he occupied before the people.
He was a minister of the Gospel. He had
chosen that calling when a mere boy—he de
sired none other while he lived. To preach
the gospel was the main object of his life—
but, while in the discharge of that great duty,
he felt that he had time, nay that he was com
manded to speak a word in defence of his
country. In the days of the Revolutionary
war, when the colonies were engaged in a
noble struggle to establish a free Government,
the then ministry of the land did not deem
it derogatory to their holy calling to engage
with their compatriots in the work of wresting
a young nation from the grasp of an old
despotism. The deeds and the sacrifices of
the ministry loyal to the colonies during the
Revolutionary struggle for Independence, now
constitute a portion of the most sacred his
tory of that glorious epoch. Why, then, re
membering that the men of God assisted in
creating this nation, in giving form to its in
stitutions, shape to its Government, and
potency to its freedom, have not the honest
followers of the same calling, a right to step
forward and enroll themselves among those
who are engaged in a struggle to preserve the
nation in its greatness and its glory—its-free
dom and its prosperity ? He was certain of
the performance of his duty while engaged'
in the service of his country. He was confi
dent that he was doing his duty while he was
employed in the defence of his government,
and therefore he was before the people of
Harrisburg ; believing, too, that the time had
come when no man could hesitate to speak
out boldly for freedom. He did not seek au
diences from his fellow citizens merely to in
dulge in a political harangue. He appeared
before the people to speak alone for his
country—to point out to his countrymen the
dangers by which they were surrounded, and
then, if possible, direct them in the proper
path of escape. To do this it might be ne
cessary for him to offer his audience a word
of advice—advice which, he trusted, would
be as seriously received as it would be given.
Rev. Jackson then read that resolution of
the Chicago Convention which proclaimed a
determination to put an end to the war for
the purpose of calling a convention of all the
States, to secure reconstruction "on the basis
of the Federal Union." There was lurking in
that resolution the cause and the argument
which should control every man in casting his
vote at the coming November election. It
did not seek to reconstruct the Union on the
basis of the Federal Constitution—it did not
propose to restore the land to peace by firmly
insisting on the power of the national author
ity and tightening the bonds of the Federal
Union. It simply offered to reconstruct on
the basis of the Federal Union. What kind
of a basis was that ? It was first completely
to destroy the old Union--to leave out such
States as were offensive to the men armed in
rebellion--to thrust aside the New England
States—to put them in the cold--and make
the basis of the Federal Union, the illus
tration of the power of shivery, the viudica
tiou of all that is asked for by the shiveholcleis
in rebellion. Mr. Jackson's argument of these
points, was alike adroit and lucid, abounding
with that logic and reason which are irresisti
We must not attempt further to sketch this
magnificent effort. fits appeals to the judg
ment of those present—its clear statements of
the facts involved in the struggle for the Pres
idency—its graphic description of the results
which would inevitably follow the re-election
or defeat of Mr. Lincoln, did not fail, we are
confident, of having a most powerful effect
upon all who were present.
The meeting adjourned with three cheers
for the Union, the Government and the army
defending both.
Bishop E. R. Ames will preach in the Locust
Street M. E. Church, to-morrow morning at
10 o'clock.
JUST RECIAAZD, a lot of prime potatoes,
for sale at .$1,25 per bushel, delivered in any
part of the city. Enquire of J. Wallower, P.
& R. R. R. Depot. 0ct15.3t
prr• Twenty-four years havd
now elapsed.since the introdution of OS
States. During this period it has saved the
lives and restored the health of thousands,
who had become the victims of bilious dis
ease. Have you a sallow complexion, loss of
appetite, depression of spirits? Are you a
sufferer from Jaundice? Has your liver be
come inactive and your system deranged by
residence in a sickly climate, or traveling
through infected localities? Lose no time in
procuring the Cholagogue. Its faithful use
will remove the burden and restore you to
Sold by all druggists and medicine dealers
DRY Goons have fallen as a natural conse
quence of the fall of gold, but at the same
time, did it not affect domestic goods as much
as imported goods? For the rise of domestic
goods was caused by scarcity,of raw material,
as well as stock on hand, while foreign goods
rose on account of exchange, and yet, domestic
goods have fallen some 25 per cent. To con
vince you that goods have come down, call at
Brownold's cheap corner, Second street,oppo
site Jones', who laid in a beautiful stock of
goods at last week's decline, and is therefore
able to sell goods 25 to 50 per cent. less than
any one in this town. All wool French meri
nos at $125, worth $2 25; all wool plaids
$1 15, worth $1 . 75; poplins 50 cents. per yard
less than formerly; cloaks and circulars made
to order; calicos 20 and 30 cents; very best
40 cents; Allen's 200 yard spools, 3 for 25
cents; woolen hose, half hose, and a full line
of men's wear. Call soon and convince your
self, oct4-2weod.
From the "Round House') Boys-
HEA_DUA:RTERS CO. E, 201sT Bzo'T P. V.,
SCRANTON, Pa., Oct. 13, 1864.
Editors of Telegraph:-1. had contemplated
writing to you whilst atCanlp Couch, Chambers
burg, giving you a description of our encamp
ment, sending you a muster roll of our com
pany, &c., but was unavoidably prevented from
doing so, whilst there, but will attend to it now,
hoping it may yet receive a place in your col
unms, although at this late hour. Our com
pany (E) left the regiment at Camp Couch
on Monday morning, Spt. 19th, for this place,
arriving here on the following day (Tuesday)
about 2.o'cliock, P. It. We went into camp
immediately outside of town, but removed
next day (Wednesday) into the military bar
racks, in town, on Lackawanna Avenm, risen
we are at present very comfortably locati.d.
The military force, now stationed here, con
sists of one company of 100 days' men, (Capt.
Johnson commanding,) a squad numbering
40 odd of invalids, in command of Limit.
Alfred Cowgill,9th Illinois Infantry, a small de
tachment of Capt. Stroud's railroad troop, (cav
alry,) of Philadelphia, and our own company
E, (the "E" company of the 201st reg't P.
V.) Our captain, M. McNally, is in command
of the barracks. The command of our com
pany consequently devolves, for the present,
upon our Ist Lieut., James B. Wells. Our
company is doing provost duty here. Quite a
number of recruits, deserters, conscripts, &c.,
are almost daily sent from here to general
rendezvous, at Philadelphia. A portion of our
company have already been to the city on this
mission. I would state here, for the informa
tion of our friends at Harrisburg and vicinity,
hat our company, with few exceptions, is
enjoying excellent health, and the boys, gen
erally speaking, in fine spirits, Scranton is
a very pretty place; in fact we were all disap
pointed with its appearance. There is a great
deal of business transacted here. The coal and
iron interests alone give employment to vast
numbers of men..
The following is a correct muster-roll of our
company, up to this writing :
Captain M. McNally,
- ).st Lieutenant James B Wells,
2nd do John Freidenstein,
Ist Sergeant—William M Kinzer,
2nd do William Weber,
3d do George W Moore,
4th do Thomas W Peebles, Com
pany Commissary,
sth do John W Neiman, -
Ist Corporal—Fierson Miller,
2nd do Samuel M Ebersol,
3d do Charles C Rumpf,
4th do Ephraim N Jones,
sth do David Croft,
6th do John Bernheisel,
7th do. John W Gray,
Bth do Peter V Gardner,
Company Clerk.--James M Irwin,
Musician (drummer)—Theodore Woller
Privates—Samuel R Abbott, Andrew Aldin
ger, Charles E Barge, George Bower, Samuel
Briggins, George H Bender, R F Buffington,
William C Boyd, Levi Byrom, William Car
man, William Crull, Jonathan Collom, John
M Doran, Jasper N Deeter, John F Dace,
Daniel H Eckert, John J Evens, Peter P
Emery, William H Eberly, Thomas J Evans,
Richard Furgason, Benjaman F Free, Levi H
Funk, John A Funk,' John Garberich, Samuel
M Gray, James S Hamin, Jacob C Holbert,
Edwin J Hamill, Samuel Hepiord, Frederick
Hiney, Hiram Hellerman, John G Hoffman,
William Jay, Samuel H Kautz, Solomon
Kreider, Charles H Kitzelman, William C
Kuntz, John Kinter, George Kreider, August
Kuhlwend, RoberilLoughrey, William A Leon
ard, James P Lowe, John H Leaman, John
Meredith, John B Moore, Jacob R Miller,
Henry Manger, Isaac Moyer, Alem A Moore,
J P McAllister, H R McAllister, Win McMul
lin, John O'Donnell, Thomas Bowers, Isaac
Reese, John Rhoads, Wm D Reese, Dabiel
Rohrer, John Rees, Samuel Rauch, Michael
Stortz, Wm D Smith, Lawrence Small, Alfred
W Stitch, Wlll D Sellers, George Simmers,
Frank B Scott, John Schlegel, Win Skeen,
Jesse Windsor, John A Troup, John D Wee
ber, Benjamin Williams, Charles Wollerton,
Win Walters, Charles A Wilhelm, George
Weigle, Francis Wenrich, John J Zimmerman.
The following men have been detached from
the company, and detailed for special duty :
Private Jasper N Deeter, detailed at Camp
Curtin, as clerk at headquarters there,
(August 28, 1864,) and appointed Commis
sary Sergeant of the regiment, ranking as
a non-commissioned staff officer. Private,
Matthew B Black, detached from company
at Camp Couch, and placed in the hospital, as
hospital attendant, by order of Colonel F A
Awl. Promising to let you hear from us
again, I will close by asking you to please
give this communication a place in your col
umns, and by so doing much oblige
Yours, very respectfully,
Orderly Sergeant, Co. E 20Ist Regt.
From the 201st Regiment.
Monday, Oct. 10, 1864.
Editor Telegraph:—Since I wrote you, on
Friday last, we have heard no canonading in
the direction of the Shenandoah Valley, and
from the number of trains going in that di
rection, laden with cavalry horses, troops, &c.,
supply and construction trains, every day
since, there remains no doubt that Moseby's
rapscallions were driven off. From six to
eight trains pass here daily, and return to
wards Manassas and Alexandria the same
evening. We have not been disturbed here,
neither do we anticipate any danger; although
we are obliged to keep a sharp look-out all
night, with loaded guns near us, and our
"blue-pill" boxes close at hand.
, Company I pickets the distance of a mile,
and is divided into nine squads of from eight
to twelve men in each squad--the squads are
all within hailing distance of each other; com
panies D and X are posted still further on, in
the direction of Salem, joining our right wing,
or the first platoon, tinder Capt. Miles.
Second platoon is in charge of Lieut. 0. S.
M'Curdy, a cool, gentlemanly officer, who has
seen service in Virginia before, and your cor
respondent has the honor to be "corporal of
the guard" for th's squad.
The men of company I were as might natu
rally be supposed, rather timid, and a trifle
"scarev," the first night we were placed on
duty, and many a stray shot grazed the back
of some inoffensive wild porker, strolling
coon, or hungry opossum, in search of sub
sistance. Ludicrous in the extreme, (but,
nevertheless, true,) are some of the yarns told
about the manner in which some of the men
behaved, the first night we passed in this par
John M'G—n the snake-man roused up
his corporal with "Hist corporal, what in the
d—l is that?—a man craping up the bank !
shall I fire ?" "Yes, py G—d, I see him too!"
said "Blue Head" his companion, and bang !
bang! rang out two musket reports in the
night air—and away scampered a wild hog
into the thicket, frightened out of her wits, or
at least a'year's growth of bristles ! John and
Blue Head got an extra lecture, from Danny
M—n, the sergeant, for alarming the line,
and neither has since raised a false alarm.
John S—k, a coal miner from the Wico
nisco coal district, in Dauphin county, is a
most exemplary, steady man, and a good,
faithful soldier. Whatever he is told to do, he
executes promptly. The other night Corpo
ral P—n told him; "S—k, keep your
eyes open to-night--let nothing pass your
post unchallenged--do you hear ?" "All
right,eorporal—l'll plow the defile out of every
pay (14 bass my post." About midnight, friend
S---.lrMoved.up and down his beat nervous
ly, peering from one aide of the road to
the other ; and espying an ignis faluus, or
trifling phosphorescent light; he blazed away
—rousing everybody out of their shebangs,
with the inquiry : "What's the matter?—
What's up? Any one shot ?" " Hello, S—k,
what in the d---l's name were you shooting
at?" S—k replied, from a mud-puddle at the
foot of an embankment, (where he had tum
bled from the concussion of his musket, or
from sheer fright,) "Vy corp'ral, some berson
he going to light a match to shake- -and I
chute him first I Don't like to lot a man cum
up to me mit his coat off, and may pe cut
me mit a swort !" "Ent where is the dead
roan, S ?" k Wus none, corp'ral
pl ack hog--he jump into do bushes, clere!"
Poor. inoffensive S- —k will never hear the
last about ''treeing a hog !"
Another windy individual declared he espied
two cavalrymen in the pine thicket opposite
to his post, and sure enough he "blazed away,"
requesting his comrade to do so also! On
running across the road, the men discovered
an old blind horse that somebody turned away
as useless, no doubt--but not a hair was
harmed on dobbin's back ; and he gave a few
snorts, strolling away with head and tail erect,
still further into the " Sure enough
H--," shouted Corporal C y; "there
is a horse without the rider !" "Where is the
man, corporal," asked H—y, "did I kill
him ?" " You I—why, H--y, you would
miss the gable-end of a barn, I judge—for
you did not even touch a hair of this old
hose !"—Git mat !—set doim your gun, and
try some smaller game !" H has not
heard the last of that cavalryman shooting,
since—and he never will. There are, never
theless, many " plucky," cool-headed men in
our company, and they enjoy themselves as
much, and appear as unconcerned and self
possessed down here in Dixie, as they would
at home.
The other day, while away on a foraging
tramp a mile to the north of this post, we
passed over a spot of ground that was for
merly occupied by a rebel cavalry force. On
_around for trophies I came across a
box (which I have since converted into a
writing-desk) with this label upon it—" Lieut.
Col. Manning, Orange C. H.-20 3-inch rifle
shell, with charges-23 fusees,—August,
1862." The box is of rebel make, sure enough,
for it looks as if a botch-carpenter had put it
We feast daily, on ripe persimmons and
grapes, of the finest quality. The crop of
persimmons is large, the fruit ripe and sweet,
maturing much earlier than in Pennsylvania.
It has been cold and windy for the past two
days ; but the weather has moderated this
evening. More anon. A. H. B.
P. S.—Tell our friends to direct their let
ters to Co. I, 201st Regt. P. Vols., Washing
ton, D. C.
Banztva,rtls Troches.
For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis
eases, (Vc., are specially recommended to
ministers, singers and persons whose vocation
calls them to speak in public. Manufactured
only bv C. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg,
Pa-. tc whom all orders should be addressed.
hold by druggist every where.
Read the following testimonials from some
of our eminent clergymen:
Themarsurrao, Feb. Bth, 1884.
0. A. liammucr---Dear Sir: I have used
Brown's Bronchial Troches, 'Motor's Lozenges
and other preparations for hoarseness and
throat troubles, and in comparison with them
all, can cheerfully commend your own as a
most admirable specific for public speakers
and singers, in cases of hoorsen„ess, coughs
and colds. I have found the serving in
time of need. most effectually.
Fours truly- T. H. ROBINSON,
Pastor of N. t 3. Presbyterian Church.
.013-1...1411,....:: with Mr. Baibiusou as to the
value of Pall a'rookies.
W. C. CATT.ifiL,
Late Paster of 0. t. Presbyterian Church.
th3tra2BURCI, Jan., 1864
To C.A. BlssV.ll3l2—Dear Sir: In the habit
of speaking very frequently, and in places
where the vocal organs are very much taxed,
I have found the need of some gentle sxpecto
rant, and that want has been supplied in your
excellent Troches.
I consider thew very far superior to any
Lozenges that I have over used, in removing
speedily that huskiness of the voice arising
from its too frequent use, and impairing the
effectiveness of the delivery of public se.-
drosses. Yours, &c.,
Pastor of the St. Methodist Church.
To 0. A. BAravAm---Dear 8Z;r: liaNingusec
youf Troches, I am fre3 to s.?.y they are
the beet I have awl- tried and take great
pleasure in recommenairs , them to all persons
afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of
voice arising from public speaking or singing.
Yours, &e., G. G. BANESTRAW,
Pastor e Avenue Methodist ()hutch.
DISTRIM Ar.erroins - Kr's OFT:WA t
kl.kßareßusci, Feb. 29, 1864. j
To 0. A. 13.inirvART—Dear Sir : I have
found yonr Troches to be invaluable in re
lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the
muscles of the throat. They impart clearness
to the voice, and are certainly of great bene
fit to all public aposkerg. A. J. 1110.1?,
Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Buchu," "Tonic
Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Antidotes," &0., &c„,
&u, and aft& you are satisfied with the result, then try
FIC PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor in less
than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to
take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken
down and shattered constitution. Old and young can take
them with advantage. Imported and sold in the United
States only by JAS. S. BUTLER,
No. 427 Broadway, New York:
A ir -Agent for the United States.
P. S.—A Box of the Ms, securely packed, will be
mailed to any address on receipt of price, which is ONE
DOLLAR, post-paid—money refunded by the Agent if
entire satisfaction is not given. jyls--d&w3m
having become eminently successful In curing this ter
rible malady, invites all similarly elided to call or send
for circulars of references and testimonials of numerous
cases cured of from one to twenty-four years' standing.
He devotes his attention especially to diseases of the Cer
ebra-Spinal Axis, or Nervous System, and solicits an in
vestigation of his claim to public confidence..
He may be consulted at his private residence, No. 141
West 42d street, daily, from 10 A. M. until 4 P. IN„ except
Saturday, and Sunday, Address all letters to
DR. V. B. LOCKROW, New York.
Caro of P. 0. 80x5116. ocBd&w3m
Dear Sir:—With your permission I wish to say to the
readers of your paper that I will send, by return moil, to
all who wish it (free,) a Recipe, with full directions for
making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef
fectually remove in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan,
Freckle; and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving tl same
soft, clear, smooth and beautiful.
I will alz. , mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare
Faces, simple directions and information that will enable
them to start a fall growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers,
or a Moustache, in lees than thirty days.
AR applications answered by return mail without
charge. Respectfully yours,
THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
fyls-d&w3m 831 Broadway, New York.
less than SO days, the worst cases of NERVOUSNESS,
Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insan
ity, and all Urinary Sexual and Nervous Affections, no
matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per
box. Sent, poet-paid, by. mail, on receipt of an order.
One Box will perfect the cure in most cases. Address
816-diewBsa General Agent, 429 Broadway, N. Y.
Proposals for Loan.
5-20 BONDS
• TREASURY Dnreirram.vr,
WAsimormv, Oct. 1, 1864.
W n EALED offers will be received at this
partment, tinder the act of Congress, ap
proved June - 30, 1864, until the noon of Fri
day, the 14th inst., for bonds of the United
States, to the amount of forty millions of dol
lars. The bonds offered will bear an interest
of six per centum, payable semi-annually, in
coin, on the first days of May and November,
and will be redeemable at the pleasure of the
Government, after five years, and priyablein
twenty years from Nov. 1, 1864.
Each offer must be for fifty or some multi
ple of fifty dollars, and must state the sum
including premium offered for each hundred
dollars, or for fifty when the offer is for no
more than fifty. Two per cent. of the princi
pal (excluding premium) of the whole amount
bid for, b 4 each bidder, must be deposited, as
a guaranty for the payment of subscriptions if
accepted, with the Treasurer of the United
States at Washington, or with the Assistant
Treasurer at New York, Boston, Philadelphia
or St. Louis, or with the designated Deposi
tary at Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincinnati,
Louisville, Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo, or
with any National Deposit Bank which may
consent to transact the business without
charge, for which deposits, duplicate certifi ,
cafes will be issued to the depositors by the
officer or bank receiving them—the originals
of 'Which must be forwarded, with the offers,
to this Department. All deposits should be
made in time for the certificates with the offers
to reach Washington, not later than the morn
ing of October 14, as aforesaid. No offer, not
accompanied by its proper certificate of de
posit will be considered.
The Coupon and Registered Bonds issued
under this proposal, will be of the denomina
tions of $5O, $lOO, $5OO and $l,OOO. Regis
tered Bonds of $5,000 and $lO,OOO will be is
sued if required.
All offers received will be opened on Friday,
October 14th. The awards will be made by
the Secretary to the highest offerers, and
notice of acceptance or declination will be im
mediately given to the respective offerers. In
cases of acceptance, bonds of the description
and denomination preferred will be sent to
the subscribers, at the cost of The Department,
on final payment of installments. The deposit
of two per cent. will bo reckoned in the last
installments paid by successful offerers, and
will be immediately returned to those whose
offers may not be accepted.
The amount of accepted offers must be de
posited with the Treasurer, officer or bank au
thorized to act under this notice, on advice of
the acceptance of offers, as follows: One half
on the 20th October, and the balance, (in
cluding the premium and original two per
cent. deposit,) on the 31st October.
The bonds will bear interest from Novem
ber Ist. Interest on deposits, from their date
to Nov. 1, will be paid by the Government in
One-half of the first installment, or twenty
five per cent. of accepted offers, may be paid,
with accrued interest to Oct. 14, in United
States "Certificates of Indebtedness," but such
certificates will be received in part payment
of the first installment only.
Offers under this notice should be endorsed
"Offer for Loan," and addressed to the Secre
tary- of the Treasury. The right to decline all
offers not considered advantageous, to the
Goverment, is reserved by the Secretary.
oc4-tillocl4 Secretary of tie Treasury.
FIRST ➢tvtatox,
WASHINGTON City, October 1, 1881,1
Horses suitable for Cavalry and Artillery service will be
purchased at Gieaboro Depot, in open market, till Novem
ber 1, 1864.
Horses will be delivered to Captain L Lowry Moore, A
Q. M., and be subjected to the usual Government twee,
'ion before being accepted.
Price of Cavalry Horses, $175 each.
Price of Artillery H.orsee s $lBO each.
Payment will be made for six (6) and more.
Colonel First Diviaion,
o3tilloc3l Quartermaster General's Oftlee.
distilled from herbs and fragrant Cowers from the
south of France, conceded to be the most delicately per
tained and desirable hair preparation ever offered to the
American public. It will restore lost hair. It will prevent
hair from falling out. It will restore gray and faded hair to
its original color. Its continued use will materially thicken
the hair. Bald places will gradtfally cover themselves,
and in a short time the hair will grow dark, soft, glossy ,
and lusuriavl. Price $1 00 per box. Sold by
Apothecaries, Harrisburg.
Li ing at QUEENSTOWN, (Cosa HARBOR.) The well
known steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Phila
delphia Steamship Company, (Inman Line), carrying the
U. S. Mails, are intended to sail as follows :
EDINBURGH Saturday, Cctober 22.
and every succeeding Saturday, at noon, from Pier 44,
North River.
Payable in God or its Equivalent in Currency
do to London, 85 00 do to London, 34 00
do to Paris, 95 00 I do to Paris, 40 00
do to Hamburg, 90 00 I do to Hamburg, 37 CO
Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Br men, Rotter
dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates.
Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $75,
$B5, $lO5. Steerage $3O. Those whowish to send for
their friends can buy tickets here at these rates.
For further information apply at the Company's
Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent,
ocl4 ' - • 15, Broadway, N. Y.
Steam Engine and Machine Shop,
(J. C. Moltz's Oh! Stand.)
TB'undersigned having taken the above
Shop, respectfully solicits a share of the public pa
Particular attention will be paid to repairing of Steam
Engines, and all kinds of machinery. All work will re
ceive my personal attention, and satisfaction guaranteed
seplo dly
For sale at Scheer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. se2B
Valuable Building , Lot For Sale,
North, 21 feet front, and 131 feet deep, running to a
20 foot alley. The lot will be cold cheap, and on easy
terms. Inquire at THIS OFFICE , . se3Odif
YOUR attention is called to the splendid
assortment of Extra Note Paper, Envelopes, and fine
Stationery at SCHEFFER'S Bookstore,
sept 26 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penn.
Soldiers' Portfolios.
LARGE assortawt at
male Sold at Wholesale or retail at-low imam
Flcllizes a rare article for table use, just received
and for sale by MISLED & FRAZMI'
febl (sursessors to Wm. Dock, jr., &-Ca.l
DUKE LARD.—Fifty firkins fine kettle
X rendered LARD, for We by the firkin or poond, jut
eoeived at tiylS) • • & EDERpM.
DRTIm FRUIT of all kinds st
[my4] HOUR do KORBPIX.
PIO 1 Uzi 301100 4:14
Rouse's Star Combination Company,
Rouse's Star Combination Company,
Rouse's Star Combination Company,
Last night of the present engagement of
The great sensation actress, and,
The versatile Irish Comedian, who will 'appear in their
most attractive plays,
A Glance at Philadelphia.
Will be marled for the first time in this city, the thril'ing
Romantic Drama in three acts, entitled
or, The Felon's Last Dream.
To conclude with the local Barletta
Nonce—On and after this evening, the curtain will rise
at half-past 7 o'clock.
- For farther particulars see programme.
THIS company consists of the best star pet
formers, consisting of
The managers takes pleasure in announcing that they
intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city.
HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor
BILLY PORTER, Business Agent, an29d
Wasmucrox Crry, October 1, 1804.
Wbe sold at public auction, to tho
l ELL itighest bidder, at the time and places named be
low, viz;
October 13, 1864,
October 20, 1864, •
October 27, 1864,
at each place.
These Hoes have been condemned as unfit for the
Cavalry service of the Army.
For road and farming purposes many good bargains
may be had.
Horses sold singly. Sale to commenc. at 10 o'clock
A. M.
TERMS: CASH in United States Currency.
By order of the Quartermaster Genera/
03-to2B Colonclin charge First Division, Q. LI .G. 0.
No. 8 Market square, Next Door to Fe2ix's COVeotionrey
- AS just received a new and carefully Be
-lected. supply of Millinery Goods, such as Straw
and Felt Hats, Bonnets, Velvets, Feathers, Flowers, Rib
bons, Ruches, sc, all of which are of the latest style,
Also, a variety of Zephyr Hoods, Nobles, Gloves, Stock
ings, Collars, Laces, &c., with a foil assortment of Dress
Trimmings and Dress Patterns, which sho willsea at prices
that cannot be competed witlL
Dress and Cloak making will be promptly attended to
under her own direct supervision. oct3.dgm.
To Builders.
HARRISBURG, Oct. 5, 1861. f
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at
this office until 12 o'clock of Tuesday, 18th inst., for
the erection of the proposed extension of the Capitol
building. Security to one-fourth of the amount of work
will be required, and each bidder must accompany his
proposal with the names of his securities.
Plans of the extension can be seen at this office. where
specifications can also be had on application. Bid; must
be addressed, 'Proposals for extension of Capitol."
A. G. CURTIN, Governor.
JAS. P. BARR, Sur. Gen.
HENRY D. MOORE State Treas.
I s a pleasant, healthy bevbrage.
Very convenient and ittrestoug, .or
fever or great thirst.
its Portability recommends
it.: vie ! le. o ;:i 1 . 1:1,
ouo L.4ble • Lline.. , 4ll,td
in a glass of cold water and it is done.
jel7 No. 91, Market street.
Almanacs 1 Almanacs !
Et A_ Jun , S
English and German Lancaster
for the year •
IS6 5 .
For sale, by the gross, Dozen, or single, at Schelfer's
Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. se29
T ' subscriber, intending to make a change
in his business will close out his immense stock' of
Of every description now on hand at much lass than
market prices. Persons in want of Boots and Shoes will
do well to call, as I am determined to close out at reduced
prices. Hive us a call. J. C. KIMBALL,
MX Market street, next to McCalla'e jewelry store,
Harrisburg, Pa. sep2B.
Walnut street, between Third and Fourth.
Wines, Beer and the best quality or ligriois constantly
on hand. A share of the public patronage is respectfully
solicited. [ocadain] JOHN DONNER
DISSECTED ALPHABET BLOCKS, for sale at Scheffer's Bookstore,. 2t South Bee - lid
street, Harrisburg, Pa. aCtl
GAME OF SOLITAIRE, together with an
assortment of other Gaines, at Schelfer's Bookstore,
21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. esti
1000 LB
brL CI SP George bra n d of the
Astrec e l le
for sato by SHISLER & FRAZER,
font (obooestiors to Win. Dock, jr. k Co. )
FLOUR! FLOUlti Fine Family Flour!—
100 barrels of the best brand of flour in this city.
y barrel warranted or money returned, and delivered
to all parts of the city free of charge. For sale at
Draft! Draft!!
DaARTED MEN entitled to exemption can
have their papers properly prepared by
E. C. CUMIN, Attorney at Law,
Late of the Provost Marshal's Office. Olfleo in Third
street, four doors above Market, Harrisburg, Pa. sep2i-u
. C. GOBIN, ,
°FMCS A TUIRD areas; ABOVZ Mantua,
lir BOWMAN; Pankow and Back Pay collected at ?agar
rates. [sepa-data*
PORTSISONVAINS, and a general variety of LEA,
THEE GOODS, jut received at
BERGNRWR. 1 - 4001 , C ATORL
YO - If wish a good Gold Pen? If so.
Ai all at SINEWS '$ Bookstore. lianiaban.