Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, October 14, 1864, Image 3
I gla,plA NorriCE 11.13VEILTISER.S.—All Adver. :Business Notices, Marriages, to secure insertion in the fr,LEGILAPII, must intrariably hr mecum. fj.tti with the CA Sl'. A:lvertisements ordered in the regular 16T..ning Edition are inserted in the Morn ing tiltiition without extra charge. iiAItRISBURG, PA FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOIIER 14, 1864 God and our Country! COZZI AN OVATION - TO VICTORY! I= Lincoln, .Johnson and the Government. Ile is a Freeman whom the Truth ➢fakes Free! =I In compliance with a request made by w any prominent citizens of Harrisburg, in correspondence which has already been published, an oration discussing the leading issues involved in the great struggle now, } •Dino on in the Southern States, for the tri nuaph of Barbarism, Treason and Rebellion on the one side, and for Christianity, Civiliza tion, Law and Peace on the other, will be delivered by the Rev. J. WALKER JACKSON/ la the Court House, in the City of Harrifiburg, CSFBIDAY EVEIVINO, OCTOBER 14. All in favor of the freedom of speech—all opposed to the shacklinfi of the body or the _wind in the chains of slavery—all in favoi of the just rights of labor—all opposed to bar: tering in liftman flesh—nll in favor of the policy of the National Administration to put on end to the Slaveholders' war, are invited to be present and thus testify their , abhorrence tor the treason of the Southern Nabob, as well as their defiance for the sympathies of the British Aristocrat. The great object of this meeting is to cele brate with beComing respect and proper en thusiasm, the late signal and glorious triumph of Law and Order in Ohio, Indiana and Penn ! Seats will be reserved in the Bar of the Court Room for Ladies. By Order of the Union. County Committee JOHN J. SHOEMAKER, Chairman. .1, B. WIESTLING, See.y. ,1 7 74.':413 COUNTRY. A STATE LAW of Ohio entirely probibits.the sale of liquors on election day. .Would that we had a similar law in Pennsylvania. , DEATH CAUSED DY CHESTNIITg. man named Sykes, of White township, Indiana comny, died on Sunday last, from the effects of eating freely of chestnuts on Saturday. THE barracks occupied by the Invalid Corpsi and located near the Cotton Factory, have•ro. ceived a coat of paint, and present a neat and attractive exterior. A few additional build ings are being erected. These barraclis af ford excellent quarters for our brave veterans. =OEM THE sale of condemned ordnance and other materials belonging to the State of Pennsyl vania, will take place at the Arsenal, in this city, on Tuesday next, 18th inst., at 10 o'clock The stock consists of cannon, gun barrels, carriage axles, tires, hub rings, strap iron, &c. IMPROYEDIENTS. --New buildings are stil being erected in various portions of the city, for business places and residences. All who have the means should build a house, how ever small, and avoid the payment of high rents. "There is no place like tome"—even though it be of the most humble character. WEST HARRISBURG MARKET HOUSE.--This building is now tinder roof; and workmen are busily engaged in erecting and completing the stalls. When finished, the new market house will be far superior to those in Market Square, as it is larger, and the interior is be ing finished in the very best style. ina:=2 SOCIAL BALL.—A social ball, under the management of officers of all the fire compa nies in the city, will be given at the Hope Engine House, on Thursday evening nesit, for the benefit of disabled firemen. This is a most worthy object, and should receive the patronage of those who delight in dancing. 1=1:=1 Box KILLED.—On Monday a •boy named Cherry, aged nine yearsf was run over and in stantly killed, by a railroad car, at: Altoona He was standing on the bumper of a car,. (a practice indulged in by many Harrisburg boys,) and, jumping from the train when in motion, fell upon a pile of cinder, rolled back upon the track, and was killed. A GAME or FISTICTIFF. —A hand-to-hand tight took place between two colored "gem men," in the lower end of the City; last eve ning, which resulted in one of them sustain ing serious injury to his nasal appendage, and the other having his frontispiece considerably battered. A Dinah was the cause of the fracas. =cam GOD AND OUR COUNTRY !-A grand attraction is presented to our citizens for their enter tainment, this evening, on which occasion Rev. J. Walker Jackson will speak in the Court House. Rev. J. is one of the most elo quent orators in the country; ind:all who at tend will hear the best address of the cam paign. Turn out hear the truth. - IMPROVED .RAII.IIOAD atil.--fir. Edw. Burke; or Philadelphia, has invented an improve :tient in a railroad car, by which, in ease of accident, all the car doors will be thrown open by a self-acting arrangement, which works as soon as a collision occurs. The car doors, in this arrangement, are on the sides of the cars, ,Did a lever, running along the length of the cnt, opens each ear as soon as the collision occurs. The design of the improvement is to prevent persons being burned to death in the cars when a lire occurs from collision. 1==1:1 Mr. Ewixo has again been making himself conspicuous in the upper end of the county. He made a speech in Jefferson township on last Saturday, in which he took occasion to abuse and vilify Mr. Jonathan Enterline, one of the most respectable, intelligent and peitee able citizens of that neighborhood. It an, pears that Mr. Enterline has been the enroll ing and notifying officer of his township, and because he did his duty, he was made the subject of an outrageous abuse from a man who had neither patriotism or disposition to deal fairly and squarely with his fellow-men. It is those inflammatory speeches against the government, and government officials which is prolonging the war, and sacrificing has a the lives of our fellow citizens. Mr. Ewing perfect right to make Democratic speeches, but he has no right to abuse his government, vilify her officials in the honest discharge of their duties, or outrage the feelings of peace able and inoffensite citizens. THE return judges of this county mei, in the Court House, this Morning, to add tip the votes of the various townships, wards, bor oughs, &o. The figures will be found in the official table published elsewhere in our col umns. ll=l Sonsiarekns to the bounty fund of the Third ward, in this city, will meet at the Franklin House on MONDAY Evening, the • 17th of October; when the several committees will make their filial reports. • • WM. W. JENNINGS, ocl3deodtd) Pres't Third Ward Association. THE 2018 T .11,zunitutir.—A rumor has been ,cuffentio-day, that the six compariloti of the 201st regiment in Virginia, were capfured'on Monday last. We have no confirmation of the rumor, but have received a letter from Co. I, dated Monday evening. We trust the re port of the capture is without foundation.— The letter alluded to will be published to morrow. . OYSTP.ES. —Our friend Evy, at his well known stand on Second street near Mulberry, is now prepared to supply his old customers with fresh and prime oysters, direct from the markets of Philadelphia, New York and Balti more, at the old prices. He is determined to continue his trade for the accommodation of amities, and only asks for a fair share of pat ronage. We can recommend Evy, and we are confident the people will sustain him. He has a fine lot of oysters now on hand. SffAKSPDABE'S great tragedy oflib.csrria will be performed at the Theatre, this evening, the occasion of Miss Kate Denin's benefit. That lady will appear as Lady Macbeth. Mr. Meeker,„the , talented . tragedian, sustains his great cbstractet of Macbeth. Miss Fanny Den ham will sitig several songs, as Ilecate. Mac duty will be personated by Mr. Crossen, and Banquo by Mr. Alex. Fisher. Sam Ryan, Mr. Rouse and Mrs. Rainford will appesif as the Witches. Maxima has not been performed in Harriet:a:6g for a number of years, and we know it will draw immensely. To obtain a comfortable seat it will be necessary to go early. In order to give due effect to this great tragedy, no other will be performed to-night. In rehearsal—the great plays, SEA of lan; COLLEEN BAWN; POCAHONTAS, &c. Muds - Mum Warts, who was recently re leased by the rebels, reached his home in In diana, Pa., on Friday last The Register says, notwithstanding the many vicissitudes of his prison life, Major White loath tolerable well —a little thin in flesh—and is rapidly being invigorated 14 'the' healthful 'air of freedom, which he is once again permitted to breathe r ' Four different times, during his captivity, he. made „efforts to escape, but was foiled each time. Once he was at large some three weeks, eliding search, and had reached a point with in twenty-five miles of Knoxville, when he was again caught. The Richmond authorities constantly imposed harsh treatment upon liiu —subjecting him imposed, life in dungeons, and sickly places, without room for exercise, and without fire in winter. The Middletown Journal, a neutral paper, speaks as follows, of the address delivered in that place, on Monday evening last, by ova" patriotic townsman, Rev. John Walker Jack son: " TEE NATIONAL UNION atm was addressed on Monllay evening, by the Rev. J. Walker Jack - son, of Harrisburg. The hall was crowd ed to overflowing, and the meeting was one of the most enthusiastic ever convened in this place. The speaker seemed to excel himself, and for two hours he held the large and•:jitelligent audience completely spell bound. in short, it was one of the most logqal, able, interesting and truthful speeches ever delivered in Middletown. This is the expression of all who had the pleasure of kearing the great orator on Monday evening. Several pleasing, patriotic and very appropri ate songs were sung, with a happy effect, be fore and after the -address. CLNII.GEISEN ON TEM STllMP.—Sayaral clergy men-in. , this county, impelled by their honest convictions and by the very deep interest they feel in the welfare of the country, in this, the hour of its peril, hare taken the stump and made earnest as well as effective address es in behalf of the Union cause. They have not regarded this act as being partisan.— When the very life of the country is at stake, those who enrol themselves upon its side are not taking party ground. There can be but one party among honest men when the coun try is on one side and its enemies on the other. If it be partisan to stand for the coun try at such a time as this, what sort of a party must that be which is in opposition to it In the diyi of the Revolution, clergymen were not ashanded to lift up their voices on the side of Liberty and Humanity, nor did Washing ton and his co-patriots scorn their aid. They were not abused and vilified for being patri otic, nor did the sturdy, upright soldiers of that day, with their high-toned sense of duty, regard them as being out of place in speaking and writing for the patriotic cause. And why should they be so regarded now, any more than then? There cannot be any reason for it except that there are more Tories now than then. Liberty and Humanity are as much at stake to-day as then. The issues involved in the present contest are as grave, and the re sults that hang on them as grand as any that impended then. The men of the Revolution were fighting to establish' 'a 'country, we to maintain what they establi i shed; and except that our appeal in this home struggle is to ballots, while theirs was to bullets,. there is no difference in the broad, non-par tisan and purely patriotic character of its objects. But the clergyman does not lose his civil rights in becoming a clergyman. 'Ha is still a voter, and has all the rights as well as responsibilities - of a voter: ''Nay, more; having a weighty influence from his Position; as such, is he not bound as a Christian man, to wield that influence for the Bight, for Lib erty, for God and for Humanity, and make himself a. living example to those who natti rally look to him at such a time as this ? The abuse and vilification heaped upon these men the gross and brutal assaults made upon them, and the coarse, ruffianly epithets hurled at them, are meant but to deter them from pur suing the course they have begun. The lead ers of the copperheads are fully aware of the immense moral weight of .the influence .ot the clergy, and that their appearance , at the hustings at such a time is evidence that the moral sense of the community, is upon the side of the, Union. Hence they have nothing for it but to try and break down this immense weight by exhausting the' vo cabulary of Billingsgate in abusing and de nouncing those who use it. l'erhapa those of us who haVe been so long in the political ring as to become callous to abuse of all „kinds, have paid less attention to this filthy quit-pouring than it demanded..: know how hard, to sensitive men, it is to bear. .But after all, it is best to pay no attention to it. Men cannot fight with skunks. The only alternative is to avoid them. Their nasty, odor will offend the nostrils of all who come within smelling distance of , them; but we have neverheard any _remedy for it. It is a nuisance, but cannot be abated by any attack upon the filthy creatures ; themselves._ Every kiddy friloivethat'Alis .moral character of the Clergymen. 'referred to is above reproach.— There isnOt a stain upon their names, nor can any ; revectable man. be' .made believe aught against their reputations as high-mintl. ed, lionhable; upright men. BUSINESS ITF,IIV REPUBLIOAN Isvicreme.--All young inui de siring to join the Invinciblea will meet at the old Mount - Vernon Truck House, tomorrow (Saturday) evening at seven o'clock. 2t SOBEETIONG TO WEAR. —With the approach of cold weather, it is natural to provide cloth ing suitable for the season. The reduced prices, and large assortment of dry goods, comprising ladies' dress goods, cloaks, shawls, balmorals, S:c., including cloths, cassz meres, over coatings and gents' shawls, at Bowman's cheap store, offer to buyers more than ordinary inducements, No. 1, corner of Front and Market streets. Limn ARRIVAL. —The undersigned takes the pleasure to inform the ladies of this city and vicinity, that she has received this day a large quantity of CLOAKS and . CIRCU LARS, ranging in price from $6 to $25. This stock comprises the very latest styles and best qualities, all of which have been purchased since the decline in gold, and are offered at lower rates than they can be sold for by any other establishment, in the city.. MRS. M. •MAYER, Boger's Old Stand, No., 13 Market street. sept23-tf • Cloaks and Furs ! Cloaks and Furs! • We will open next week the cheapest and largest assortment of Cloaks and Pars in Har ris'orut, all bought at greatly reaced 'prices. Beautifril muffs at 4 50 and"ff dollars,- Splen did cloaks as low as 9 and 10 dollars. Black cloth for cloaks as low as $2 50. White all wool flannels as low as 65 to 70 cents, worth 90 cents. 4 by 4 bleached muslin 55 cents, worth 75 cents. French merinos, black al paccas, black bombazines, all at reduced prices. 500 doz of woolen and cotton, stockings, children's wools stockings as low as 15 cents. Cassiraere forboy'Swear. The greatest bargins in black silks. We have now in store a very large stock of goods, and will sell at less than wholesale prices, in order to reduce our stock. Bargains in Irish linen bought at auction. Call and judge for yourself. S. LBWY. Ds. lifßamfs King .of Pain should be kept in every family. Will sure Headache . , Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes: Diarrhceo, Bloody Flu; pain in the Back and Side, Indere motion of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. sept2o4l SPECIAL NOTICES. Kromer's (Uphalles) Hair Dye da CENTS A BOX. Boxes larger than Dyes that sell for $1 NATURAL, DURABLE, BEAUTIFUL. Wens/sawn to please... ; This article has been thoroughly tested by ,Dis Gramm of New York, and Professors Booth and Garrett of Philadelphia, who pronomace it free from all poisonous ingredients, and the material com posing it will not injure the most delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers everywhere. JNO. AIROMER, Sole Proprietor, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Drunkenness Cured. The inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempting cup. . Dr. Zane's antidote for strong drink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong•drink, and - can be administered without the knowledge of the patient. Descriptive circulars' Sent to any. addresi. For sale by all respectable druggists in the United States and Oanadas. Price $1 per box, or packages of six boxes for $5. JNO. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Rand's Specific. The oldest and most reliable Medicine for the cure of Spermaorhcea, SeminslWeakness, Loss of Power, Ztc. This medicine has stood the test of over, thirty years, and his always proved a success. ' Dr. BAWD'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form of pills, made up entirely of substitnces that have a specific effect upon the generative organs. Most -persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills. The Sexorrio of Dr. Rand is not intended as an evacuating medicine. Its medicinal virtues ere expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs. • The pills are not unpleasant - to the taste, and many persons masticate them with impunity before swallowing them ; which plan we would al ways recommend, as affording the 'speediest way to get the effect of the remedy. Price $1 per box, or six boxes for $5. Sold by druggists everywhere. JNO. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, 403 Ohestriut Si., Philadelphia, PAL aug2s-dly EDITOR OP TRLRORAPR . . Dear Sir:—With your permission I wish to say to th readers of your paper that I will send, by return mad, all who wish it (free,) a Recipe, with full directions fc7 making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will e fectually remove in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the some soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskerii, or a Moustache, in less thauthistydays. All applications answered -hy ' return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, • THOS: F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, / jylfi-d&w3m 881 Broadway, New York. • A CARD TO THE. SUFFERING. . swallow two or three hogsheads of "Ruche," "Tonic Bittern," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous . Antidotes," dm, &c., an 4 after you are satisfied with the result, then try one box of` 'OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPEC 4 PIO PILLS--and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They are purely Vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken down and shattered constitution. Old and ming can take theta:With advantage. Imported and sold in the United States only by JAS. S. BUTLER, No. 427 Broadway, New York. WAgent for the United States. P . a—A Box of the Pills, securely paelred;_will be mailed to guy addresit on receipaorprice, is ONE IX: I 4LAR, Post'Pgdd ;— lnoue the igent if entire satisfaction is not ' r. jyls-diliwitra To . donautnptit'e sufferers mill rechWe a.tidnahle p °scrip ticei l' ot Oimentagtiony.Aspigkai Bronchitis, and all throat and. Lung arectionn- (free of charge,i by sending their address to Rev. EDWARD. A. 'WILSON,. Williamsburg, Kinga county, New York. [sepl9-tidcw3m SOLDIERS, TAKE IT WITH you The greatest trouble to persons in the Army, especially In this season, is Dysentery, which (by death or by dies= bihty) weakens the service . more than the Rebels do, Very many have found, upon trial, the DYSENTERY., DROPS are among the very beet preventatives and cure; that are to be had . Every officer and every:aoldleA should carry it with him, and thereby reasonably .Ineure himself against a great danger. It is prepared in Harrisi burg by MRS. L. BALL; at 27 Pine street, between Secotalt and Front. Take a phial with you.. Price 25 cents. riGr Ermervic Fr= can nu Comm! I—Dr. Locitrow having become eminently successful in caring this ter: ribie malady, invites all similarly afflicted to call or send for circulars of references; and testimonials of numerous cases cured of from one to tweuty•foue years' standing: lie devotes his attention especially to diseases of the Car; ebro-Spinal Axis, or Nervous System, and soltelts an in ; vestlgation.of his claini to public oordidenos. He may be consulted at die 'private residence, No. 44i West 42d•street, daily;'from /0 A. it. until 4 r. it,, ex4Pt Saturday and Sunday, Address all letters to __ . . DR. V. B. LOCICROW, New 'York: Care of P. a BoxdllO. . Zannyart's Troches. . _ For ihe care, 0arrE.4u,..3, Throat Di& eases, sm., ere rehommended to ministers, singers and' personswhose vocation calls.them to speak in public. Manufactured only by O. A. I.P..annvart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-1 to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Bead the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: Fr4B:RwsmaG, Fej Bth, 1,864. 13. - A. Ban - razz—Dear Sir: d :71tave !need Brown's Bronchial TroCkei,;: , l l 7lstar's lxiaenges and other preparations - for lielraimem and throat troubles,- anti in ceroparisoi,,with then, all, can cheerfully commend your !own as a most admirable svecific for public speakers :ind singers, in cases of boattenesS,' coughs ‘u, I -ye found - th,Pl!.. ..rsving in co.* of aced. toot effectually, . yours tr u ly, . T. 13013LNSO.N, PAsiar et N. S. Presbyterian Church. OP-I agree with Mr.,Robinaou as to the .•, alas of Batinvaree Troehes. <• Late Pastor of 0. S. PicAytellan Ohilreh. • ihniranotd, Jam, 1864. To C.A. BarnivkaT---Diar" the habit of speaking very irequently, and in places where the vocal organs f.;:.• %try , much taxed, I have found the tteg.l,4l - sOme.ganleexpecto rant, _and that wark has Been supplied in your excellent Troche;;., I'consider tlient . very far superior to any Lozenges that ;1 have ever fried, in removing Speedily from its too frequent use, and, impairing th effectiveness' of • the delivery of public at.. drosses, Yours, ace.. , '3ISIO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Loottst St, Methodist Clhuroh. To a. A. litrittvtaT--Dear Sir: Having use t. your Tdelies, I any. free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persona of with sore thrciiit "or huskiness of voice arising from ppAliciiieakingorshigtng. Yours, &0.,G. •G, MAW, Pastor of, Rige Avenue Methodist Church. , . DiSTBICFr 0.17101, Iliaanamone, Feb. 29, 1864. j To 0. A. BAstwiriur---Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly - of great bene fit to all publio sneakers. HERR. • MATRIMONIAL!—Ladies auil Oen tlernen, if you wish to marry, address the 'undersigned, who will send you, wlthoutmoney and without pries, valuable information that will enable you to marry happy and speedily, irrespontve of age, Wealth or beauty. This information will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry,. I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confident's'. The desired information sent by return mail, Ind ntilliestforn. 'astrid. Address • - ' 5,4441. 11 B. LAMBERT, ociBd&w2m ' - Grbehpbbitc King's county, N. Y. 1 DO YOU wisa mo BE CUREDI DB. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS cure, 1p less than 30 days, the worst *see of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay,•Semlnal 'Weakness, Insan ity, and all Urinary . .sexual - and Nervous Affections, no matter from wh*ctiuse produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-pkid, by mail, on receipt of an order. One Box will *Peot the cure' tet •utost cases. Address • ,TA.1114 & BUTLER, • lylb-d&w3re General Ageiet, 429 Broadway, N. Y. syir A Pirrsiotmoulti.Vraw or MArtatidt!—Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and' engravings of the , Anatomy of , r.he Human Organs in a state of -Itcalth and disease,,with a treatise on early errors, its deplorable consequences anon the mind hod body, With the author's plan oftreatment—the only'rational and: succeasfal Intake of cure, as shown .by, the report. of - cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of - their physical condi tion. iient free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents in stamps or postal currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROL7, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted Upon anyot the diseases upon which his book treats, either-persOna/ly or by mail, and medicines sent to , any part of the world. ocBdBrw3rn fIiEDIVAL. GLAD'NOAVS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE I'ENLON4I.BOIIGHT-FOR DISOOVERED. AT LAST.:' Cherokee Remedy,' ANI) CHEROKEE INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FRO BOOTS,' BARS AND LEA.M. .i,. , ,'HEROKESS(BILVEDY, *great, Indian Div/read, cures*.disecise i t : : -.. gf l the . urinary organs, such as inconti. new hiti4e,fi* infIAPPI4.4 of the Birokk",4lV47*- =Non of Ms Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stride" Gravel, Meet, ansiorhea, .and Zy recommended in those cases of Fluor Album (oroW/ates in females) Ida; all the Old 914 US OtatfmadiONSes bask fatted /Or It kparedf 41y . oc,cohomitrated form, the dose only being frem-eneio two teaspoonfuls three Limn per day Kir ft.n ` i 4nrinin.Aq ' iiiti;rative . s . i4 ua action; 'purifying and cleansing Sehlinid,„nansing it to VA , is all of Re original purity thus removing from the system allAernicious ceases witleit have. induced disease. CHEROKEE. INJECTION is intended Mt' an ally or 'mist antic the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjniictiOn with that Methane Mall cases of Cionerrhea, Gleet, Ilwor Aq#(4or Whites. Its effects are heating, soolkingcisi removing ' " all Scalding, hest, chortles and pain, *Wed of the burning and MmOM enduiable pgsn Shat is experienced. with neirlyl4lthe cit'eap guack injecciens By the use , th.a . DEINIRORIE REMEDY and . CHEROKEE terii ;medicines at the game timeLall Mipmper• dirchsigen are removed, and the weak oiled organs „are speedily restored; to fall vigor', and strength. WFor fall particulars, get Ourliimpthei from gni rug store the country, or write usOind we will man free, to anyAddsyse, is full treatte . , ..016Pricei,GaRicssa maay, :$2 pOr bottle, or IMPrice CRERORICE iI4.LECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for 11%-Sent by .exprees , 1 ,Y.,444reas on ree'CiPt price. 1916.801 d by all dragtists eyerywhere, - • , DR. W. S. laßNStrhi . - . . Sole Poprietors, fluirlit-oodly N,o. 69 Liberty street, New York. •j: I A risplmOriaspli 0 THE GREAT MEDICINE. 00)1701711D1140 MOM ROOTS, RAMS AND LEAVES An unfailing cure, for S - perinatorrhea, Seminal Weak . . nem, Nocturnal RI/tinier'', and an diseases caused by self- P elkal° n; •itich':ns PM* , Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pains in the Back, .Diottiets of Vision l Premature ad Ape Weak Nerves, Plltictqty efareabting„ , IW7lkiing, Waketia, nets,ErtiPtions on the Face,', pale Cossatenassoe,— lissanity, Coraunspiim, and all the David complaisite caused by dr pareingfro". the Path of PAP rd. sip-This modielne is a simple vegetable extrac., n whiuli .111 nen relyi it it has been Used in our practice formate , yearn, mid with thousands treated, it has not failedln a single instance. Its curative, powers have been sufficient to gain victory over the moat stubborn case. • All rlothose wheihave trilled with their constitution, until they thin k igerneelveit beyond the reach of Medical id, we would say, Despair not t the Caseouns cuss will restore you to health amkvtger,.aad after ellquack 4 0 ° all : quack tors have failed . . , Sark . * rtdi particwian get ti Moiler from any Drug Sterols:the Country, or write the Proprietor, who will mail' .' t° say pamphlet form. . „ • • • one desiring the IMO, full treatise in sir Prices $2 pet tattle, or ' three bottletr Our. $6, and forwarded by express to all parts of thaworld. #1•Sold by all respectable is everywhere. DL C 0.,, 100 , 104001.1 • - No. OS Liberty street, Now York. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. P ropi3sals fok .5-20 BONDS TBSAMYRY DEFAILTIMMA WASEUNGTON, Oct. 1, 1864. figEALED offers will be received at this e- 1.., partment, under the act of Congress, ap proved June 30, 1864, until, the noon of Fri day, the 14th inst., for. blindk,of the United States, to the amount of fwty' Millions of dol lars. The bonds offered. - *ili bear an interest of six per centum, patible semi-annually, in coin, on the first days df May and November, and will be redeemable at the pleasure of the Government, after five years, and payable in twenty years from Nov. 1, 1864. Each offer must be for fifty or some multi ple of fifty dollars, and must state the sum including premium offered for each hundred dollars, or for fifty when the offer is for no more than fifty. Two per cent. of the princi pal (excluding premirira) of the wholo.arnormt bid for, by each bidder, must be deposited, as a guaranty for the payment of subscriptions if, accepted, with the' Treasurer of the United States at Washington', .O.r. with the Assistant Treasurer at New York, boston, Philadelphia or St. Louis, or with the designated Deposi tary-44, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago,- 'Detroit:: or Buffalo, or with any National Deposit Batik which may consent to transact the business without charge, for which deposits; duplicate certifi cates will be issued to the, depositors by the officer or` bank receiving them—the originals of which must be forwardedovith the offers, to this Department. All-deposits should be made in time for the certificates with the offers to reach Washington, not later than the morn ing of October 14, as aforesaid. No offer, not accompanied by its proper certificate of de posit will be considered. The Coupon and Registered Bonds issued under this proposal, will be of the denomina tioas of. $5O, $lOO, $5OO and $l,OOO. 'Regis tered Bonds of $5,000 and $lO,OOO will be is sued if required. All offers received will be opened on Friday, October 14th. The awards will be made by the Secretary to the highest offerers, and notice of acceptance or declination will be im mediately given to the respective offererS:'_ln eases of acceptance, bonds of the description and denomination preferred will be sent - to the subscribers, at the cost of the Department, on final payment of installments. The deposit of two per cent. will bo reckoned in the last installments paid- by successful offerers, and will be immediately returned to those whose offers may not be accepted. The amount of accepted offers must be de+ posited with the Treasurer, officer or bank au tb.orized to act under this notice, on advice of the acceptance of offers, as follows: One half on the 20th October, and the balance, (in eluding the premium and original two per cent. deposit,) on the 31st October. The• bonds will bear interest from Novem ber Ist. Interest on deposits, from their date to Nov, 1, will be paid by the Government in coin. One-half of the first installment, or twenty five per cent. of accepted offers, may be paid, with accrued interest 'to Oct. 14, in United States "Certificates of Indebtedness," but such certificates will be received in part payment of the first insist ment only. Offers under this notice should be endorsed "Offer for Loan," and addressed to the Secre tary of the Treasury. The right to decline all offers not C4snsidered advantageous to the Goverment, is reserved by the Secretary. • • W. P. FESSENDEN, oc4-tillocl4 • Segretary of the Treasury QIJARTERITASTER GENERAL'S OF FICE, Frain Drvisiott, . . Wesaiserrox City, OctobAr 1, 1864. HORSES! HORSES! HORSES! Horses suitable for Cavalry and Artillery service will be purchased at Giesboio Depot, in open market, till Novem ber 1, 1884. • Horses will bedelivpred•to Captain L. Lowry Moore, A and be suldectod to the 'usual Government inspect- Ikon beforetelag accepted. Price of Cavalry Horses, $175 each. Price of Artillery Horses, $lBO each. Payment will be made for six (61 and more. ,TAXES A. EN N, • Colonel Plitt Divißioll, o3tilloal• ' Quartermaster General's Office. OFRICE St , Piranmernavr Vol.. R. Ealmps, • WEwraas Drumm or Parma, RARRTEIBIJELG, Pa., October 1864. ) ifOLDERS OF CERTIFCATES OF PRE miunis for presenting recruits, are hereby notified to present such certificates to a United States Disbursing Officer for payment, on or before tho day of October, 1834, after which date no daft& of this kind will be paid. 7 RICEARD -I. DODGE, co3dtd rapt. Bth Infantry, Sup% Vol. rbec,.Ser. SiPECIAL rircrrlc4r. TO THE SHOE BUYING PUBLIG. SELLING. OFF ; !, SELLING OFF I ! riILIDE subscriber, intending to make a.cbange ' In his business will eioSe out' his immense stocl of Fii BOOTS. AND ` SHOES, 410, Of every description now on. band .at. much lass than market prices. Persons In want of Boots and Shoes will sib well to call, as I am determined to close out at reduced prices. Give us a call. J. C. KIMBALL; BS% - Market street, next to McCabe's jewelry store, '-Harrisburg, Pa. „ , sep2B. LUBIN'S• HAIR DRESSING FLORILINE. FOR BEAUTIFYING .AN:p PRESERVING AND STRENGTHENING.THE HAIR, I"ITRELY A. ITEOETABLE Preparatidn, distilled from berlat and fittgrant dowers( from the south of France; conceded to be the most delicately per fumed and desirable hair preparation ever offered to the American public. It will restore lost hair. It will prevent hair from falling out. It will restore gray end faded hair to its original color. Its continued use will materially thiCken the hair Bald places will gradually cover. themselves, and in a short time the hair will grow dark, soft, glossy and luxuriant. Price $1 00 per box. Sold by • KUNKEL & BRO., ApothebirieS,' Ilarrtsburg. FIECI E IGHTEEN PIECES - • -- GIVEN AWAY •. _ As Specimens of thou)ntents of • The . Harp of , Judah. Sentlree_of .Postage. Send your addresilo 'OLIVER InagON Tablishem„ Boston: For : isle ' [segill-teh] o_ol:lll4l;.Philedelphia. SONETE-rgq NANY.; MYER P.1:11.1,11415' TIGHT INK S T AND. . For sale atSeheffer'sHookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. se2B DONNE ' NEW EATING AND DRINKING SALOON Walnut street, between Third and /burgh Wines,. Beer and the beat quality ofdlquors constantly on hand. A share of the public patronage in respectfully solicited.. (ocndem) JOHN 'DONNER- TO THE LADIES.. YOUR attention is called to the splendid assortment of Nerd Note tpo ~ ..107rpelopea, and Sae Stationery at - - • SCHEME.% Bookstore sept2o 21 South Second liked,. HerriOing, Penn. Soldiers' Portfolios. . A . LARGE assortment at I . WA GNIKR'S BOOKSTon, marD Raid at Silboleeale or retail atilter orloec OROSSE BLAOIEWELL'S .:FiNGIJ: }I PIOKLIb3, a nirevirucle for tabldtlee i lost received and for ode by AIN (idicoesears to Wm Dock.-Jr.. DRUM LARD.--lifty fulcinsiiite , kettle rendered LARD. for sale by tile nriciA 0 1Mi c114 weird at DM ^ BOYER 45:1E0 AMUSEMENTS. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALT 14 FIFTIETH - NIG Er Rouse's Star Combirtatio mpany, Rouse's Star CoMbinatio wally, Rouse's Star Combination Company, 13 1 R.NEVIT, Being the last night but one . of the present engagement e r • KATE D-ENIN, On which OCCMIOII will be performed for the first time . fur many years, the sublime creation of M A.ClEf.E'r THIS FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER Will be presented, for the drat time in many years Shakapear's MACBETH. To..morro*; S4tumay, benefit of Mr. SAM RYAN Narics—On and after this evening, the curtain will rise at half past 7 o'clock. LtrForfurther particulars see programme. aug9-dtf SANFORD'S HALL . . 1111comikuay consists of the best star poi - 9 1 ters, consisting of - SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, &C. The managers takes pismire in announcing that they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor BILLY Pours'', Business Agent. au29d AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. QUARTMEILLsnia OmenaLL's Orates, FIRST DIYISION_, WASHINGTON CITY, October i n 1864. WILL be sold at public auction, to the Wheat bidder, at the time and places named be low, viz: MIFFLIN, PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY, October 13, 1864, ' WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, THURSDAY, October 20, 1804, YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY, October 27, 1864, TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES at each place. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the Army. For road and farming purposed rnany good bargaina mar be had. Horses sold singly. Sale to comment at 10 o'clock A. M. TERM: CASH in United States Currency. By order of the Quartermaster General. SAXES A. RHIN, _0.3.41326 Colonel In charge Firat Division, Q. DI. G. 0. THE BEST BOOK BY WHICH TO LEARN Piano-forte Playing • Is .Richardson's New Method. The best Book for Young Pupils of Piano Mosta Is Richardson's New Method. The Book by which to Learn Easily and Thoroughly Is Richardson's New Method. The Book that makes Piano Studies Attractive Is Richardson s New Method. The best Book of Exercises for Piano Practice - - Is Richardson's New Method. The Book that is given to Pupils by Teachers Is Richardson's New Method. The Book that contains no Dry and Tedious Leesons .Is Richardson's New Method. The Book that Interests both Young and Old Is Richardson's New Method. The Book of which 10,000 are sold annually Is Richardson's New Method. • Richardson's NA , Method for the Piano. Price $3 75. °LINTER DITSON a: CO., Pub Sabers, Bos ton. Sent by mail, post-paid. For sale by J. E. GOULD, Philadelphia. [se29.teh] MILLINERY AND :VARIETY GOODS MRS. J.. - RIBBS, No. S Market Square, Keit Door to Felix's Confection:el) TiAS just received a new and carefully se lected supply of Millinery Goods, such as Strpr stud Felt Hats, Bonnie ; -Feivets, Feathers, Flowers, rib bons, Ruches, .kc , all. of which aro of the latest style. Also, a variety of Zephyr Mamie., Nobles, Gloves, Stock ings, Collars, Laces, &c., with a full assortment of Dress Trimmings and Dress Patterns, which she will sell at prices that cannot be computed with: ' " • - Dress and Cloak making will be promptly.attanded to under her own direct supervision. ' oct3 d3m. To Builders. EXECIITITR DEPARTME,Nr, t HARRISBURG, Oct. b, 186 i SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock of Tuesday, 18th inst., for the erection of the proposed extension of the Capitol building. Security to one-fourth of the amount of work will be required, and each bidder must accompany his proposal with the names of his securities. Plans of the extension can be seen at this office. where specifications can also be had on application. Bids most be addressed, 'Proposals for extension of CapitoL" A. G. CURTIN, Governor. JAS. Y. BARR, Sur. Gen. HENRY D. MOORS, State Tress. outZ,Altd CrUYSTA_LIZED CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, Is a pleasant, healthy beverage. • Very convenient and refreshing for invalids having fever or great thirst. Its portability recommends it to traveler,.. Its convenience at pic-nice will be apreclated. No sugar required; one table-spoonful simply dissolved in a glass of cold water and it is done. • if 47. • No. 91, Market street Almanacs ! - Almanacs ! 13 A. S English and German Lancaster Almanacs, for the year IS6 5 . For sale, by the gross, Dozen, or single,. at Scbelfer's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. , se29 TAISSEOTED ALPHABET BLOCKS, 11 for sale at Scheffer's Bookstore, 21 South Scc - •nd street, Harrisburg, Pa. octl NEW GAME FOR CHILDREN. GAME OF SOLITAIRE, together with an assortment of other Games, at &toffees Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. octl ,000 L B b S. CODFISH, , of the *b- Just receiyeu and for sale by rated S 4 for SHI rg :LER az d' FRAZER febl (successors to Wm. Dock. jr. & C0:1 FLOUR! FLOUR Fine Family Flour!- 100 barrels of the best brand of flour In this city. Every barrel warranted or money returned, and delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. For sale at sepl6 SHISLER & FRAZER'S.. DRIED FRUIT of all kinds at Onv4l BOYAR. & /COSRPEr. Draft! Draft!! D - RAFTED MEN entitled to exemption can have their papers properly prepared by E. C. GOWN, Attorney at Law, Late of the Provost Marshal's 00lee. 01Hoe in Third street, four doors above Market, Harrisburg, Pa. sep27-t, E. 0. Gosix, ATTORNEY AT LAW. °Dram ts Tama nu" ABOVE BIARKET: - Bounties, pensions and Back IV , 00110otea rates. - feepa-113m* E RAN B 0 0 SSHOULDEIi .L l l ST DA113.01? SHODDY Jut received at rdelBl SORWFF.II 4 B Boogsvuty. N EW STORY BOOK FOR • c x "kit BY FANNY FERN. For ado at.SohetTer's Bookstore, Rarristourg, Pa. 14146 001KE 1 1: 'BO BUCKSKDryt tittlite.. PORTWI. ONNATEkand: a general' variety TREE GOOM just metved at .. • ..• • • • BERGNER'S BoOki STORE DO YOU idalta good _Gold Ten I# go, 4, ow at isauiVouria duoYwor,. itorrisbust Wag , .