Ettegrap4 KARRIKBUEG. PA FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 7, 18;i, HEAR A LOYAL DEMOCRAT, IN SUPPORT OF LINCOLN AND JOHNSON, ONEMORE RALLY FOR THE 'UNION ! DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ESQ., OF ritn.ammmtnt, One of the ablest, eloquent, and most consist ent Democrats in the Union—who has:never swerved from the advocacy of sound Delo cratic principles, and who opposed the eltio lion of M r. Lincoln in 1860, will address the citizens of Harrisburg and the adjoining townships, on FRIDAY EVENING OCT. 704 IN THE COURT HOUSE All who are in favor of establishing peace on the vindicated and enforced authority of the Government—all who are in favor of the re-election of Abraham Lincoln—all who are opposed to treason, in the north as well as in the south, are invited to be present and avow their allegiance to the Government., the Union and the Constitution. Rally, freemen! in support of the war to crush treason, and the effort to maintain the power of the law. The ladies of Harrisburg, as well as those from Dauphin county, are respectfully invited to be present. Arrangements will be made for their accommodation with seats within the bar. J. J. SHOEMAKER, Chairman County Committee J. M. WIESTLING, Secretary. OWN AND CO(;NT P. V.. A Grand Torch-light Procession at Lykens. The citizens of Lykens township will have a grand torch-light procession on MONDAY EVENING next. Hon. DAVID FLEMING and other promi nent speakers will address the meeting. A new Masonic Hall at York was dedicated on Thursday. THE tobacco crop of York county this year, it is stated, will be one-third short. Down IT GOES. —The Pottsville Ledger an nounces a. fall of over two dollars per tou in the price of coal, at that place. THE large porch in front of Herr's Hotel has been removed. When the improvements are completed, the Thompsonian House (that is to be) will bear but little resemblance to the old building. I==i No PERFORMANCE AT BRANT'S HALL TO-NIGHT. —The Theatre will be closed this evening, in consequence of a death in the family of the proprietor, Mr. Rouse. To-morrow evening the hall will be re-opened, when a grand bill will be presented. =I UNION MEN of Harrisburg, turn out, this evening, and hear Dan Dougherty, the elo quent expounder of the truth—who will ad dress our citizens at the court house. Let us have another grand rally for the Union. Invite your neighbors to 'go along. ~Let the court house be crowded. A. MINISTER AND HIS SON CONSUMED IN THE CARS AT THOMPSONTOWN.—The Reading Times of yesterday says: Among those who perished in the burning railroad train at-Thompsontoivn, about 38 miles above Harrisburg, we are sorry to learn was Rev. Mr. Rroetel, who formerly preached in this city. His oldest son also perished in the flames. There were more burned in that disaster than the public have •any knowledge of. THE festival gotten up by the ladies of.: the Free Baptist Church resulted in a handsome profit. The proceeds of the two evenings amounted to $260.18—a Sum that will be nearly sufficient to furnish the new edifice. Great credit is due those having the festival in charge, for their efforts to render it attrac tive and profitable. The church is nearly completed, and promises to be one of the most beautiful temples in the city. • VERY IMPORTANT TO ALLEN OOLDIERS.—The 31st section of the act of Congress, passed July 17th, 1862, provides that an alien of the age of twenty-one years, or upwards, enlisted in either the regular or volunteer forces, and who shall be honorably discharged, may upon petition to the courts, become a citizen of the United States, without a previous declaration of intention, and further that he shall not be required to prove more than one year's resi dence within the United States previous to his application to become a citizen. LIMON UNION MEETN46 n SWATANA TOWN SHIP. —A large and enthusiastic meeting of the friends of Lincoln and Johnson was held at f Locust Grove, last evening.. The meeting or= ganhed by electing as President John Con rad; Vice President, David Roop;, Secretary, George Boyer. J. M. Wiestling and W. T. Bishop, Esqrs., ably and forcibly addressed the meeting, and were enthusiastically ap plauded. The meeting adjourned with loud cheers for the Union and its candidates. TEE loyal people of 1240:Lin j. qounty are alive to the importance of wor k ing for the cause of their country, and-will :giver good account of themselves neit'TuesdaY. - 7 1'11e meetings held have heen largely • attended, and the enthusiasm exceeds that of any for mer occasion. How different are the death throes of the expiring copperhead party. There is no en thusiasm in the ranks, and those who attend their meetings do so after the most earnest drumming of the slave-drivers, who, like their friends in the South, are giving their lost kick "to keep up appearances.! OLD Dual- Anousno--Large - Meeting and Pole Raising in Hummelstown. --The loyal citi zens of Hummelstown united in raising a fine. pole and flag on Tuesday, in front of Mr. Christian Nialey's store. The pole does honor to the patriotism of those who raised it there, dedicated as it is to constitutional Vilion and Freedom, and whilst the old flag was, un furled to the breeze, wild shouts of applause; rang through the air. In the evening a grand" Union meeting was held, the largest and most enthusiastic held in Hummelstown for many years. - Mr. Richard Fox was chosen Presi dent, and the usual vice presidents and secreta ries were selected. Martial music enlivened the meeting, and immense applause Wag given to the patriotic speeches delivered. Able and paitilotio addresses were made by H. C. Alle- Wiestling, J. IV. Simonton, Esqra.,' Alle n Rem . . A. Welting, creating much enthuSi asm. At the close of •the meeting the ladies sang several patriotic odes, and the streets re sounded with the martial and vocal music, and cheer after cheer rent the air. A. large majority will be given by faithful old Derry for the whole laden ticket, Hon Begs Anzunort.—A stated meeting of the Hope Fire Company will be held thid (Friday) evening at seven o'clock. Businesi of, importance will be transacted. NATIONAL UNION CLl3l3.—An organization with this title was formed on last Thursday evening, at Union Hall, Middletown, and the following permanent officers elected : Pres, ident, Dr. B. J. Wiestling ;Nice President, E. J. Ramsey ; Secretary, W. H. Kendig. The Club has rented the Hall for the Campaign. • F#4, -::bp,' Niatutz:—A coxespoxideut ;who "saw that of which he speaks," writes us as follows: "Mr. David Garver, of Macon counts', Illinois, has a cane, the head of which is a correct likeness of Abraham Lincoln. It was found by one of his neighbors by the name of Pricer. It grew out of the bark of a tree, and when,he.saw it he commenced to strip off the bark, when 10, and behold!' there was the correct picture of Abraham Lincoln's head, a little smaller than a man's flat. This is per. fectly natural, which is shown by the grains of the wood taking such courses as to form perfect eyes, nose, mouth, and also wrinkles where the ears should be. Brit what is per haps more singular is a perfect 2 on the back of the head, and an A and an L on his fore head. Mr. Garver's intention was to take it to the President. Whether he has done so or not we do not know. The 2is doubtless in tended to show that Abraham Lineoln will be the second liberator of America." I==l From the 201st Regiment. Amnalaionp., VA., OCt. 4,- 1864. Editor Ttlegraph—Companies A, B, C, D, I and 1., the entire strength of our regiment, at present, are • still lying here at Alexandria; awaiting orders to go to our destination; which I have every reason to believe will not be far from this point—probably to guard along the line of the Orange and Alexandria railroad, while the construction corps put this line once more in order to push supplies forward to Sheridan in the valley—so, at least, I have been informed by one of the "knowing ones." The boys are constantly accosting me with, "Corp oral, where is the TELEGRAPH? Why don't she come along ?—would go without my din ner to get a sight of one, to-day!" hold on, lads! The tg winter of our discontent,' Shall presently be "Made glorious sumnier, by"-- a copy of our staunch Harrisburg Union daily the TRrYGBArn! To drive away an hour or two of monotony, I walked out to the wharf—saw and heard the following: Fifty, or more, soldiers sitting on the different wharves looking out for biles ! Observed, lying around ' , loose," piles of white perch, catties and sun-fish. Fine specimens of rock-fish are caught by throwing a line, a few hundred feet in length, baited with live-bait, (minnow or smelt,) out into the river, where the water is probably thirty-five or forty feet deep, at high tide. The tide here flows and ebbs twice in twenty four hours—five hours flow and seven hours ebb in the morning, and the same at mid night. I managed to get aboard of .the hospital steamer, fitting out with all dispatch here, for a floating hospital, and found that she is the same magnificent "Ben Deford," formerly plying between Baltimore, New York and Boston, taking an occasional trip to Trinidad de Cuba. She is two hundred and twenty-five feet long, and has accommodations complete for about three, hundred and fifty sick and wounded. Her engine is of nearly five hun dred librse-poNier capacity, eleven feet stroke, and. fifty-six inch cylinder. She is a side wheel steamer, driven by a pair of wheels each ninety feet in circumference. She was built five years ago, at a cost of. $175,000, but would now cost $300,000. The vessel is pla ted to the second deck, with half-inch , iron, and draws eleven.feet of water .when loaded down. - She has been in GovernMent service for the last three years. The "Deford" is to be ready for service in a day or two to hasten down the river, in anticipation of the 114- pending battle„ between Grant and Lee, in front of Richmond. The health of the men, at .this writing, is pretty good—a few cases of, diarrhoea, from imprudent causes, are the only complaints I heard mentioned. I think if our mail matter don't soon come to hand some of the boys will grow desperate. On all sides your ears are assailed with the words- 4 .91mi1e ! home ! —why don't we hear from home ?" I am under the impression that letters di rected to "201st Reg't. (at or near) Alexail dria, Va.," would coma to hand: Try it, Mr. Editor, by forwarding a few copies of the TELEGRAPH, containing " our correspondence under difficulties." More anon, From the Alleman Feneibles. HEADVARTERS ALrEnzsx FENOIBLES, CAPT. DETWILER'S INDEPENDENT CO. VOLS., CAMP CADWALADER, PHIL'S, Oct. 5. EDITOR HARELSHITRG TELZGRAPH—Dear Sir: —Believing a communication from us would not be uninteresting to your many readers, concluded to drop you a few lines. After our arrival in the city of Brotherly Love, we were marched , dowu to Washington street, to the Volunteers' Refreshment Saloons, where we partook.of a good and substantial • breakfast. From thence we proceeded to camp, where We are pretty comfortably quartered in tents. Our rations are very good pork,bread, and coffee for breakfast; excellent bean 'soup' and fresh bread for dinner; and I tell you. yotir humble servant proved a full grown hand at the business. Bread, beef and good coffee for supper. For the benefit of our -Harrisburg friends, who may feel disposed to pay ,us a visit, I would state that Camps' Cadwalader is" pleas antly located about one mile and a, half from Ninth and Arch streets, where they - can take the city passenger cars out Ridge Avenue to within the width of a small field from camp. Rumors were rife this morning that we would be armed immediately and sent down to City Point, but atter some enquiry on the subject, I could not have the yarn confirmed, and, doubtless was gotten up by some of the smart' ones in camp for the purpose of a big skeer and, having the laugh 'on us; but I can assure yoP the boys would be ready and willing at a mo ment's notice to march. , I I will alio say that we have 'quite a sprinkle: of Christians in our ranks, and having two' preachers with us prayer meetings are held in the evening. Aresoludon was also unanimous ly adopted by the company, that before break fast we should be called into ranks, and prayer offered,by one , of the religious Versons the' company. Mile marching to the cook house for our ( grab, a member of one of the other 6 0 3npanies,pmaiked in our hearing there was .044e$ cif us :being cheated out of our, rations, were:Called and known as the praying companyrNAirei have as members of the com pany twe hotel keepers, Messrs. MeClii' goat and ItohOta . ,r,ohiLfildernian, let Lieut. Cole; two policemeg, , ,Messrs. Raclabaugh and Davis. . The men conduct themselves in a genteel and soldierly manner under the tuition of Captain Detweiler and Lieute.Cole and Wingard, and can -assure, you we - gaininand the, respect !Old esteem''' Of,, deaf of officers of the camp. A , good deaf ; disappointment exists among some mot. - g ait* ontofhfel ) to stroll lirow*; town, And' see the. elepilAnh No passes mutant! camp are issued for biti present, .inft all will be right in a few de AlAgAld M9IMILIZAM•JitacI, thenilrd fi SCR* have a chance to go to town and take a swei glass lager use Schweitzer case. As near as I can judge there are about two thousand men here and some six hundred rejected ones pro= pounced unfit for military duty—except going Dixieward and guarding the cattle. I will now furnish you with a list of our company officers as fully organized: Captain—J. Detwiler. First Lientenant--Geo. B. Cole. Second Lieutenant—Jesse Wingard. Company Clerk—Henry Radabaugh. Orderly Sergeant—James D. Saltsman. Second Sergeant—Geo. W. Chase. Third " —lsaac W. Hoover. Fourth " —Enos Bernage. Fifth " —Joseph Davis. Company Commissary—Samuel W. Roberts. No Corporals appointed yot. Five o'clock, p. kr.—l have just been credibly informed that we are under marching orders; where to I know not. More anon. .H. P. S. Nine o'clock, P. M. —We have just re ceived our arms and will march to-morrow to the front, unless the order is countermanded. (How are you, Independents ?) Union Meeting in Lower Paxton IirtiGLESTOWN, OCL 7. Mn. Enrrou:—The true and loyal citizens of Lower Paxten held a meeting in this place last evening to counsel together for their country's welfare. It was one of the largest and most enthusiastic meetings ever held here. On motion of Clement B Care, the meeting was organized by electing Aihn Focht, Esq., Chairman, with the usual number of Vice Presidents and - Secretaries. The Presi dent, ba taking the chair, briefly and clearly recited the objects of the meeting. and the im portant issues of the present campaign. 'Ad- dresses were then made by Ralph L..Maclay, A. C. Smith and L. N. Ott, Esqrs., Which were listened to with the strictest attention, the only interruptions being the bursts of ap plause greeting the sentiments of patriotism, and the words of encouragement for the vin dication of our national honor, which fell from the lips, of the speakers. My word for it, Mr. Editor, there will be but few votes polled among us for the Union on the white-feather, ignominous peace platform. Yours, &c., LOWER PAXTON. Jusr RECEMED, a Bite lot of potatoes, and for sale cheap, by JohnVallower, at the P. P. R. depot. oc6d3t . Mown EvroaNcr..—The merchants in the surfrounding towns find Dr. M'Bride's KING OF PA.rm the most popular dud saleable medicine ever placed upon their shelves. Orders for it by the dozen are accumulating daily—some from places where it has already been sold and its virtues.throughly tested; others from where it has received a _reputation front the cures it has performed. There is no mistake at all about it—it is the great medicine of the day. Sold \ wholesale and retail by S. A. Kunkel & Bro., No. 118 Market street, Harrisburg, sole agents for Pennsylvania. octul-2t PRUDENCE VS. FOLLY. —Prudence and Folly one day a shopping went Do not understand us that they }here in company, though, each in the main had the same object in view, viz: the purchase off4dry goods. Prudence, with a memorandum of wants carefully noted, and with a determination to supply those wants where they could be supplied for the smallest amount of money, started on a tour of exaln ination. After carefully looking through the different dry goods stores; she made her pur chases at C. L. Bowman's, No. 1 corner of Front and Market streets. Folly, puffed up and wrapped in a large garment of self-suffi ciency, with presumption that said in every movement and gesture, I know more about dry goods than even those who have served many years in the school. Suffice it to say, Folly made her purchases at the first store she entered and• said,-" It must be so, for, Miss Vanity, just think, I bought silks for a dollar `a yard lesq than they first asked me for them:" Can the reader see it ? Cloaks and Furs . !' Cloaks and -.Furs! We will open next week the cheapest and largest assortment of Cloaks and Furs in Har risburg, all bought at greatly reduced prices. Beautiful muffs at 450 and 5 dollars. Splen did cloaks as low as 9 and 10 dollars. Black cloth for cloaks as low as $2 50. White all wool flannels as low as 65 to 70 cents, worth 90 cents; 4.. by 4 bleached muslin 55 cents, worth 75 cents. French merinos, black al paccas, black bombazine% all at reduced prices. 500 doz of woolen and cotton stockings, children's wools stockings as low as 15 cents. Cassimereforboy'swear. The greatest barging in black silks. We have now in store a very large:stock of goods, and will sell at less than Wholesale prices • in order to reduce our stock. Bargains in Irish.linen bought at auction. Callan(' judge for ,yourself. S. LEWY. A. EL B..** LATEST ARRIVAL. —The undersigned takes the pleasure to inform the ladies of this city and vicinity, that she has received this day a large quantity of CLOAKS and CIRCU LARS, ranging in price from $6 to $25. This stock comprises the very latest styles and beit qualities, all of which have been purchased since the decline in gold, and are offered at lower rates than they can be sold for by any other establishment in the city. MRS. M.• MAYER, : Roger's Old Stand, No. 13. Market street. sept2B-tf Dn. larßamm's King-of Pain should be.kept in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhceo, Bloody• Flux, pain iri the Back and Side,Liflard mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. sept2o-tf - .FIREPIA4 , NOTWES. . --- - . A .OARD TU TtliK, ituFFERJArtg• Swallow two 'or thiee hogsheads or 4 Bucht3)'wkaiiic *meter "Sarsilitsoo "Nervous Antidotes, tsaii' i ke., 100,, and afteijmnitre. , satiated with. the •reaulk gierAry quMbos or OLUDOCTOR 'BUCHAN'S ENGLIREkSP.EOI.- •- ria-PlLVS—Euyilifi restored to ;health mid :rigor in less And thirty days, , ,They are parity vegetable,pleasant to take, .promptatitt salutary In their effects on the tiroken. d OWllnnd shatteredebristitution. Old and young can take them with advitntage.. Imported and sold in the United States only_by • • JAR. S. BUTLER, No. 427 Broadway, New York. AgrAgent for the United States. ,:rzS.—A Box of tho Pal, securely packed, will be mailed to any address on receipt of price, which is ONE POLLAN, postipaid= . anoney refunded by the Agent if entire satisfaction is not given. jyls-dikwain • SOLDIERS. TAKE IT WITH you The greatest trouble to persons in tlie Army, especially in this season, is Dysentery, which (by death 'or by disa bility) weakens the service more than the Rebels do. Vary many have found, upon trial, the DYSENTERY DROPS are among the very bestpreventetivei 'and cures that are to be had. Every officer and every , soldier should carry it with . , him, and thereby reasonably insure himself against a great danger. I 6 is prepared in Harris burg by MRS. 'L. BALL, at 27 Pine street, between Second and Front. Take a phial with you. Price 25 cents.. PIJRZ VgGETABLE TUNIC. EE most healthy...persons feel more. r lem T weak this extreme'warm weather, and lose their ail. petite. They need a good strong Tonic-0110 that Wl4 •strengtiiewthe nervous system and stomach:. Thff. they eaatetrit Needs/per , bottle, at Mrs. L. HaBN-N0.c.27, South Pine streak; Harrisburg. Orders from dliheMoe PPM* 1 agm , M 4ll ! 4 " - If ;7: BUSINESS ITEMS.' ==l Kromer's 'Cupialles) Hair Dye 50 CENTS A BOX. Boxes larger than Dyes that sell for Si. NATURAL, DURABLE, BEAUTIFUL.' WARRANTED to please. This article has been thoroughly tested by DB Ca:mrox of New York, and Professors Booth and Garrett of Philadelphia, who pronounce it free from all poisonous ingredients, anal the material com posing it will not injure the most delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and 45211.7 Goods dealers everywhere. JNO. J. KROMER, Sole Proprietor, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Druikenue,Wg Cured. The inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempting cup. Dr.. Zane's antidote for strong (kink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong drink, and can be administered without the knowledge of the 'patient. Descriptive-circulars sent to any address. For sale by all respectable druggists in the United States and Canadas. Price $1 per box, or packages of Six boxes for $5. JNO. T. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Rand' jperitle. The oldest and rso3t, reliable medicine for the cure of Spermsorhoea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Power, &c. This medicine has stood the test of over thirty years, and has always proved a success. Dr. RAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form of pills, made up entirely of substances that have a specific effect upon the generative organs. Most persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills. The Spxonrro of Dr. Rand is not intended as an evacuating medicine. Its medicinal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organb. The' pills are not unpleasant to. the trate, and many persons masticate them with .impunity before swallowing them ; which plan 'we ' would al ways recommend; as affording the speediest Way to get the effect of the .remedy. Priee $1 per box,or six boxes for $5. Sold by druggists everywhere. JNO. J. KROMV, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. aug2s-dly DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED: DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS cure, in less then BO days, the worst cases of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insan ity, and all Urinary Sexual and Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-paid. by mail, on receipt of an order. One Box will perfect the cure in most cases. Address - JAMES 8. BUTLER, jyls-datwlli General Agent, 429 Broadway, 'N. Y. Baunvart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation 'calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only bv 0. A. Bannvart 00., Harrisburg,. Pa-, to whom all orders shoidd be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: Hinsisetuo, Feb. Bth, 1864. O. A. BANNTART--Pear Sir: :I have used Bro,wn's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerf ully' commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. - Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. I agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Baanvart's Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of O. 8. Preabyterian.Church. Heanisstata, Jen., 1864. To C.A. Babmvaax.---De4r Sir: J i the habit of speaking very., frequently, mid in places where the vocal organs are very much. taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expeoto rant,, and that want has bean supplied in yotir excellent Troohes. I• consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing ‘th effectiveness of the delivery of public a. - dresses. lours, Lc. JNO. 'VALIUM JACKSON, Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Much , To O. A. HeintvAler---.Dea.r Sir: Having usec. your 'Troche* I am free to say they are the beet I have ever tried and take great pleasure.inlfecommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours.- Zce., G. G." HAKESTRAW, Pavt4n 'Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OYEIOE, HARRISBURG, Feb. 29, 1864 To O. A. RonmaT—Dear Sir : I . have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bens. fit to all public speakers.. A. J. HERR DIED. On the 7th inst.; of membranous croup, tat the. Stale -Capitol Hotel,) Piteames ELIZABETH, daughter of William A. and Frances Eleanor Rouse, aged 2 years, 2 months arid 1 day. . The funeral will take place from No. 11.15 Ridge Ave nue, Philadelphia, to-morrow (Saturday,) at 2 o'clock, [another innocent has been . removed to the realms of bliss, to mingle, with the hosts of little angels who were too pure to remain on earth. Peath has taken the love" liest of the little household, and parental hearts bleed on account of the loss of their loved one: 'trances was beau tiful and good—and He who said "suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not," has removed her ere she was surrounded by the cares and troubles of this life, to a happier clime. The parents have the sympa thies of oar, community In their bereavement.] On the 6th inst., Sagan M. HOOTER. wife of John J Hoover, -aged 22 years, 2 months and 19 days. The friends of the , family are invited to attend the fu neral, on' Sunday afternoon, at three o'clock, from her 'residence on the corner of Chestnut and Third streets. * • NEU ADVERTISEMENTS. LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE!! Campaign Badges. CAMPAIGN BADGES, of all styles, for sale wholes/de and retail at Behest's Bookstore, Harris burg, Pa. Country.dellers are rEspectridly invited to call a*(l ex amine prices and styles. oct7 lINIONBADGES AND PINS, • •OP BOTH PARTIES, ' For sale, wholesale and retail, at SOBLKFFEWS BOOKSTORE, Hairisliurg, Pe 101I0KLES ! PICKLES 1 By the barrel, half barrel, jar or dozen., at . no2&] . BOYER & KOERPER. VLOUR! FLOUR! Fine. Family Flour!— VA barrels of the best brand of VW in this city. Beery barrel warranted or money returned, and delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. For sale at SIMMER do FRAZF.R'S. ArIB6BEEF and ]sue ROBE. —A ohm* article of Item Beer and York at. 18:18LBR-is FRAZER ' ' ',(seo ' @➢lerB to Warlock, jr.. & Co.) ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, AFurnished room for a gentleman, without Board. Address, stating terms and location, "Room," care of this office. oetEl-at 11QOARD wanted permanently by a gentle ."' man and wife without children.- - Will - fernish their own room If desirable. Address • • oe1:5-3t* BOARD, Box 197 Po. WANTED, - _ A _ GOOD COOK and General Housekeeper for a small family. Good wages paid. Apply at oets-tf THIS OFFICE. . NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS !!. TN SCHOOL AND 013 T, or the Conquest of Richard Grant Torn Somers, or the Soldier:Roy. - • Watch and Walt, or the Young. Fugitives - • • Learning how. to Talk, Read and Speak, by Fowler & Enoch . Arden, New Poem, by Tennyson.• For sale at SCHEFFER'S' . BOORST()RF 0ct6.1 Harrisburg, Pa, • Public Sale A • . wILL .13E SOLD AT PUBLIC S A L E S, ON SATURDAY, the Sth day of October, instant, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at the office of Alderman Parer; in Third street, a LIBRARY of law books and miscellaneous book; cooking stove, small coal stove, chiirs, office desk, matting, shot gun, Dauphin county map, Penn Sylvania map, saddle and bridle, with a num ber of other articles. J. D. BOAS, Administrator of the estate of C. B. Shell dec'd. octdtd $2O Reward ! LOST on Friday evening; on the Express train from Pittsburg. to Philadelphia, between Greensburg and Harrisburg,a pair or heavy old style Gold Spectacles (In case) with name of IPAllisterstamped on one corner of them. On being returned to WALLIS TER & BRO., 728 Chestnut street,- Philadelphia, the above reward will beipaid and no questions asked. ' octs-3t* To Builders. ESECUTIVE DEPARTRUNT, HARRISBURG, Cot. 5,1864. I SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock of Tuesday, 18th inst., for the erection of the proposed extension of the Capitol building. Security to ope-fourth of the amount of work will be required, and each bidder must accompany his proposal with the names of his securities. Plans of the extension can be seen at this office. where specifications can also be had on application. Bids must be addressed, "Proposals for extension of CapitoL" A. G. CURTIN, Governor. • JAS. P. BARR, Sur. Gen. octs-dtd HENRY D. MOORE, Elate Treas. . . MILLINERY AND VARIETY . GOODS. MRS. J. lIIBBS, No. 8 Market 'Square, Next Door to a Confectionrep HAS just received a new and carefully se llll supply of Millinery Goods, such as Straw and Felt Hats, Bonnets, Velvets, Feathers, Flowers, Rib bons, Ruches, &c. all of which are of the latest style. Also, a variety of ? Zephyr Hoods, Nubies, Dlovei, Stock ings, Collars, Lamm, Arc., with a full assortment of Dress Trimmings and Dress Patterns, which she will sell at prices that cannot be competed with. Ikess and Cloak making will be promptly attended to under her own direct supervision. oct3-d3m. GRAND OPENING. NEW FALL STOCK Mrs. Al. Mayer, No. 13 Market Street, Will have her grand opening of the latest *QV Bonnets, and all articles in the Millinery Line, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, OCTOBER 6th, 7th and 8 tit The entire stock is composed of the very hest in the mar ket, and having been purchased since the decline in gold every article will be sold at greatly reduced rata. The ladies of Harrisburg are invited to call and examine the new stock of goods. • octs-3t • - HEADQUARTIRS PE cif ~ MILITLL, QIIARTHRMASTRR G.RDIRRA.L'S OFFICE, HARRISBURG, PA, Oct. 8, 18t4 WILL be sold . at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, (in accordance with act of Assem bly, approved August 22d,1864, section 9,) at the State Arsenal, Harrisburg, on Tuesday, the 18th day of October, commencing at 10 A. at., the folloWing unserviceable ord nanee and - materials, the property of the State of Penn syls'an ia : . . Ten 5 pdrs Brass Cannon, (casting French,) ' dates 1766 to 1794. Weight about ... 6340 lbs Eight 6 pdrs Cast Iron cannon, ousting of 1836 . and 1837. Weight about ‘66 ' 00 do Ono 24 pdr Cast Iron Cannon. Weight about ' , 1500 do 784 Gun Barrels (01d,)... ...... ' '.. 3508 do 4 Gun Carriage Axles 466 do do TiTC3 . 1180 do d o Hub Rings 203 do do Strap Iron 211 do Scrap Iron ' 3032 do The above will be sold in lots for cash. Payments to he made in National or State currency of solvent banks, and the articles purchased must be removed with butilttle de lay, and will be at buyer's risk until removed ' . JAMES L. REY.NCILDS, oct4-tu-th-fri2w ffaartermaster General of Penn's. F . OR SALE—Four two-story Brick Houses, attics finlshed, with one story brick..., Mick build ings, situated on Seventh street, above P. R R. 'Round Rouse. Lot 60 feet front by about 215 feet deep, running to a2O feet alley. There is an excellent well of soft wa ter on the premises. Fire insurance polteies transferred. The property wid be sold separately or as a whole. • Terms m sy. Apply to A. REEL, • Bailey's Rolling' 11111, foot of Second street, oCBdst or State street, 4 doors below Filbert. AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES Quzzvzszusvzz OmniLi.t.'s Ovviou, • • Irtier D/VISION, • WAsmonazoic C/TY, OctQbCT 1;1864. WILL be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the time and places named be low, viz: t . MIFFLIN, PENNSYLVANIA, TATTESDAY, October 13, 1864., WILMINGTON, DELAWAII,t,ITEURSDA.Y October 20, 1864 -- YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY October 2:7,1864, ' TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES at each place. . These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the Army. • - For road and farming. purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses sold singly. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock . . ,TFMMS: "GASH in United S • . BY order of the Quartermaster General' JAMES A. 03-t026 Colonel In charge First Division, Q. M. G. 0. OFIICE SurZBINTENDENT VOL. REORMTD/G SERVICE, WESTERN DIVISION or'PEN7SYLTANIA, 7 5 HARRISBURG, Pe., Oct. 5th,1861. • • CIRCULAR No. f - • Recruiting Lieutenants mustered in for the purpose of raising companies for new organizations, and who have failed in organizing said companies, are hereby notified that they are no longer recognized as oflicers, and they are forbidden to enlist men after this date. All men enlisted who have not been mastered, will be sent to Camp Curtin immediately for muster and assign ment to companies. Persons deeiring to enlist in the Western Division of Pennsylvania, will go to a Distriet Provost Marshal or Vol unteer recruiting officer from old rug laicals regularly de , tailed. - - Provost Marshals are required to arrest allex-rocruiting Lieutenants, who persist in recruiting after this notice. By order of CAPT. R. L DODGE, Bth U. S. Infantry, Superintendent. • J. IL LILTTKR, Ist Lt. U.S. Yet. R. C, AWL Vol. R. S. oetd-dlw CYCY - SMAJCAZEICO CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, plateau:it, healthy bei , erage.. Very convenient and refreshing for invallde having fever or great thirst. • • . Its portability recommends it to travelers. . Its convenience at pionica.will be apreciated. No sugar required; one tablewpoonfal aimply.dissolved In a glue of cold water and It is done. /FILLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOODSTORS, Jet? No. 91 Market street. TIMED Flitr4 .Of kindS Itfq 4 l•• • ROLM & gOSBPEE i BRANT'S HALL. BROT'S`HALL Owing to the death in the family of the proprietor, ibe theatre will be closed to-niglit„ — lr wiii re-open £o-morrow evening SANFORD'S HALL. TFiTS company consists of the best star Po. - former% consisting of SINGERS, DANCERS, , . ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, &C. ' The managers takes pleasure In annotmeing thattlae7 intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS & CO. , Proprie‘i Bray Poarsa, Business Agent. a SALES OF REAL ESTATE: PUBL IC SALE. WILL be sold on the prenuseg,' on THURSDAY, the 20th of October, 1864;at 2 o'clock P. bt., that well-known business...rand, the Updegrove Lock Property, situated five miles above Harrisburg, in Susquehanna township, Dauphin county, Pannsylyania, fronting east on the Pennsylvania canal and railroad, west on the Turpike, and Eusquehanna river, corOstaik of A CANAL GROCERY; " The best on the line of canal, as all boats from the branches must pass the place. A HOTEL That can at all times be filled with boarders ; alsoa STORE attached, with dry-goods counter, shelving and fixtures. It is decidedly the best situation in the neighborhood for a store. The stabling cannot bo equalled on the line of canal. It is new, and so arranged that each team can have a separate lockup; about 30 horses can Sind room. Also sheds, large and commodious, Hay Ilouses,Varrigge house, Wagon-shed, Warehouses, Carpenter shop, Stone Ice house and cellar, Stone vault for vegetables, together with Wood-house, Smoke-house, and all in good order ; summer kitchen, two pumps never-failing soft gravel water, one pump in the kitchen. The underpinnings are all stone to the buildings. Ray Scales.' A constant stream of water running through the hog-yard, and conveniehices for butchering. The above premises - are within stone throw of the Rockville passenger railroad depot, where stop the cars of the Pottsville, Northern Central and Penn sylvania Central railroads. Persons are requested to call and view the premises. The title is good and is sold on account of ill health of the proprietor. Attendance given and terms made known by - sep2l-wts:dtukfr] W. P. [Lancaster Examiner and Lebanon Courier ine4rt till sale, and send bills at once to this office.] Real Estate Sale. ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 1841: WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALB,,C/N the premises, late the Real Estate of Game &bower, deceased, situated in West Pennsbero township, Cumberland county, about two miles southeastef New vale, near the Cumberland Valley Railroad, and about three-fourths of a mile north of the turnpike, adjoining lands of Brim J. Sterret, Geo. Rea, Samuel Heffiebower, John Myers,George G. Davidson, and lands of the heirs of said decedent, a tract of Good Limestone Land, containing 103 acres, 131 perches-88 acres of which are cleared, and in a good state of cultivation ; the remain der is covered with excellent timber. There IS erected on'the premises a NEW BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, a new and large BANK BARN, with all the necessary Out buildings to make a comfortable home. Also a YOUNG APPLE ORCHARD, with a variety of other choice fruit trees on the premises. Any person wishing to view the property before the day of sale, will be shown the same by calling on Samuel Ileffiebower, residing thereon. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, on said dayi when 'terms will be made known by SAMUEL REFFLEBOWER, ADAM FISBBURN, Agents for the heirs of said deceased. Hats, MEM VALUABLE REAL- ESTATE FOR, SALE. MBE THREE STORY BRICK HOU 1B on the Southeast corner Second and Statestzftio b oc cupied by W. Garrett, lot 66 feet on Second street-and 200 on State street, is offered for sale. Also, the lot on the Northeast corner Second and State streets, and Frame House and Stable and lot adjoin ing. The two lots are 86 feet on Second street, 90 feet on State, and 96 feet on the alley. Also, two 3 story' (and Basement) Fruit Houses on the North aide of East State street, near Filbert, rot '23 by 873x'. _ _ Also, a; one story Frame House adjoining loM.tleet by 87% feet. For prices and terms, enquire of H. WILLSON, N. E. corner of State and Second streets,' or S. E. corner Chestnut and Third street; Philadelphia. ocst-2w T. H. WILLSON. riIHE.BEST CHANCE to get Cheap IHomes 1 NOW OFFEREDIN THE CITY.—The subscriber offers for sale 72 Building Lots, situate In the Sixth Ward, between Reilly and Colder streets, fronting. on Susque hanna, Two-and-a half and Second streets. Most of them have valuable pear and apple trees on them, bearing tho choicest fruits, selected by CoL John Roberts thirty years ago, the fruit of which will pay for the ground in a short time. There is also on a portion of the ground a tang bank, above the grade of the streets, containing sand of the best quality, which will more than pay for the ground. The 'lodation is such that co drainage is re quired ; the cellars will aiwziys be perfectly. dry, These lots will be sold below-the current price ground is now bringing in this city, and in fact so low as to afford an opportunity for any person to secure a home. A plan of the ground can be seen at the office of the subscriber, No. 24, North SEC , ND street. DAVID MUMMA ELLER:IBM:FRG, September 29, 1864 Valuable Building Lot For SITUATED ON TITIRT) STRRET • REAR North, 21 feet front, and. 181 feet deep, runnibg to a 20 foot alley. The lot will be sold cheap, and,Amt easy terms. Inquire at T 1319 OFFICE. • HOUSES FOR SALLE,. TIREE NEW FRAME HOU SE S, SITU TE on Foster street, above North. Enquire of JACOB WALTERS, Corner or . Third and North streets. se2Eidtf VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. subscriber offers at private sale his T l valuable property situated on Walnut street,opposite the State Capitol Hotel, containing 28 feet tour inches front, and ono hundred and five feet depth; on: which. are erected two distinct buildings, each suitable for dwel ling or office, and one having a two-story brick 'back building attached. To be sold in whole, or sepa rately, to suit purchasers. Title indisputable. Apply to J. H. WIESTLING, Attorney at Law oc6d2t TUBE BEST BOOK BY WIOOII TO LEARN Piano-forte Playing as Richardson's New Method. The best Book for Young Paulls of Piano Music - Is Richardson's New Method. The Book by which to Learn Easily and Thoroughly- Is Richardson's New Method. The Book that makes Piano Studies Attractive Is Richardson s New Method. The best Book of Exercises Mr Piano p ractice , Is Richardson's New Method. . The Book that is given to Pupils by Teachers. - , Is Richardson's New Method. ' - • The Book that contains no Dry and Tedious temobs - is Richardson's New Netkod. The Book that Interests both Yoyng and Old Is Richardson's New Method. • • The Book of which 10,000 are sold annuary is Richardson's New Method. Richardson's New Method for the Ptapo. Price $8 76. OLIVER DITSOIs7.B CO.; Pablishericis ton. Sent by mail, post-paid. For sale by Philadelphia. Re29;telij Almanacs 1 almanacs 13 A_ 30 • English and German Lainsmder Ahnanaes, I ,o { for the year 1 8 6 5- _ For sale, by the gross, Dozen, or single, At Scheffer's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg; Plc se29 FI3IT JARS, of the West Patent filyit axes Test Patent,) just received abd Por,sale o y jylB ItOYIERIc DIZ4. CRANtERRIES. Just ) received, a very flue lot of Crapberri4 oct3 2.1V.515,,,R.11113 BIBLES, yer Bdoks, Hyltii B. all denominations, in different ; s , ..yles qati. eL prams, SCHEFFCWS Books. 24 28 21 South . Second clzeet; HarrieSint - MEW MACIN 7 RTIFIL,' KERING Mk/ +'3 Mils r VOTER tic Kowa AIWIISKRF , i'iTt3. SPECLtL NOTICE. Valuable Property AT BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. EOM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers