THE TELEGRAPH ie runnanD MORNING AND .ETEATNG, BY GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SL.LTSCRII'TION ZaIDATLY is served to subscribers in the city at 12 souk; per week. Yearly subscribers wAI be charged $6 00 in advance. Those persons who - neglect to pay in advance will be charged $7 00. WEEiLY TELEGRAPH. THI TILIGIAPH is also published weekly ,an d Is furnished subscribers at the following cash rates • single copiei,.weekly 61. 60 Three copies to orie Post Office ...... ...... 400 Ten copies to one Post Moe 10 00 NEW ADVDRTIS WIEN TS. When will Wonders Cease THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD McBRIDE'S KING OF PAIN WiLL cure any ache or pain in from one th sixty minutes I , , It acts like magic upon the absorbent and glanddlar systems, reducieg swehingaand regale:log the, secretions and excretions. oh is of a diffusive, penetrating nature exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre Of the nervous organism, thence -by reflex action its power Is felt throughout the eniire system, restoring the circu lating fluids and checking disease with invincible strength. THE ZING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE! No matter what the pain, apply the medicine and you will find instant relief. It is an internal and external clue, THE KING OF PAIN Cures almost instantaneously, Headache, Earache, Neu ralgla,Deafness, Sore Throat, Cold; Bronchial A ffectiotui, Asthma, Dyspesia, Diarrbma , Dysentery or Bloody Flu; Liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Genital lirgans, Cramp, Cliche and all spasmodic pains, Fever and Ague, Burn; Bruises, Cuts, Sprains and wounds of every description. It proves itself the mastery, as as testimony of thousands prove its meritorious worth. Sold, wholesale and retail, by S. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Sole Agents, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. SOLDIERS READ! The following letter from a Foidier, in reference to the efficacy and powerful restorative gualitities of DR. No- BRIDE'S KING OF PAIN, speaks for itself : NEWTILLE, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Sept. 14,1864. j Messrs. S. A. Kunkel lire.,, druggists, Harrisburg, Pa . : GENTS :—I would inform you that I received the bottles of hießride's Great Pain Rilkr, and enclosed please find live dollars more, tor which Wind me five bottles addition al to-morrow. I leave for camp to-morrow. Let me know whether you can supply me with it In the army. I ant in Company H, 20VI oegiment F. V. I have been in very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the one-dollar bottles have cured me completely, and have made me feel like a man. Besides, I have cured a num ber of my comrades of various diseases incident to camp life, and can recommend it" to be the best medicine the soldier can provide for himself. Yours respectfully, JOS. E. WHITE. rgig- All orders from a distance promptly attended to by S. A. KUNKEL it BRO. A HOME CERTIFICATE. The following certificate is from a well-known citizen of ELarrlsburg HARRISBURG, Aug. 30, 1864. To Tug PUBLIC :—lt gives me great pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR. J. J. McBRIDE, which he calls the "KING OF PAIN." I was induced to use it as an external remedy fora bruise, which It relieved Immediately, and subsequently cured entirely. Its success induced mo to use it iniernally for Diarrhcea,• with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for nearly eighteen months, and to such an extent that my kidneys were seriously deranged. The medicine has cured me, and certainly that is sayings great dbal in its favor, when I reflect how many other remedies I tried without experi encing anything but temporary relief. For my part, I shall always keep a supply of it in my house, believing as Ido that it Is a most invaluable family meamine. - DANIEL E. WILT. The unexampled sale of this nildicine proves it to be the most wonderful discovery of the ago in the medical ext. The undersigned aro the sole agents tor the State, and it wholesale and retail. S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., Druggists, sepl63 118 Harlot street, Harrisburg. • COSTAR'S” VERMIN EXTERMINATORS.' .'COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMrNATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S': EXTERMTNATOR4 EXTERMINATORS. " , COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTER3ILNATORB; "COSTAR'S" EXTERAIIN.ATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS: "COSTAR'S" ) EXTERMINATOR:4 EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. “C.OSTAIVS” , EXTERMINATORS. EXTERNINATORS. FOR RATS, MICE ROACHES, .ANTS BED-BUGS I FLEAS, MOTHS N FURS, WOOLIGNS, INSECTS ON PLANTS, FOWLS, ANIMALS, etc. "15 years established in N. Y. City." "Ou,ly Infallible remedies known.". "Free from Poisons." . "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." -Sold by all Druggists everywhere - awl I I Bzweas t 1 I of all worthless imitations. " Costar's Depot, No. 482 Broadway, N. Y . AWSold by D. W. GltilSS & CO., Wholesale and retail agents, And by all Druggists in Harrisburg, Pa. Delo-osiv3m PEIPHEIL'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore ' Williamsport, Hu ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Trevertom.Uidigetm r Lykenstown; Nil Halifax, .Daupitinr, AND HARRISBURG. The Phlladelphia ,- Depot being (=tally Icslated, tho A , drayage will b 9 etthe low,eet rates. TIM Conduefor goes through with - each - .train to attend to - Hui oaf& delivery of all goods intrunted to the line. Goods deliabred at the de pot of WILLIAM' E. MURK; 812 > Market street; Philadelphia, by F OV,lOOk P. ltiv"Wiil li4 delivered teMar Tisburg the next morning. - - , Irralight AlwaymAikorrliomir as tty Any Other Jl3ll MONTGOMERY tt (JO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Foot of Markot-etreet, Harrisburg. act2l4f NEW LIQUOR, STOOD. IMPORTANT TO LANDLORDS AND .1. OTHERS.—The, undersigned offers at wholesale, to the trade, a choice lo of the beet ligurrne ever brought to Harrisburg, viz: French Brandin, Holland Gins, Scotch, /risk, itortrboN_ Wheat arid Old Rye Whisky; Foriegn and Domedie Wines, such as Champagne, Claret, Catawba, die. All liquors warranted, as represented. Landlords and others will find it to their advantage to call and ex =dna' the assortment at the store, on South Second great, two doom below Chestnut. atial-dent GEORGE; WINTERS CANNED FRUITS OF EITJARY , DESORIP . TION. 81.170 ES of all the celebrated manufacturers SARDINES, man Olia, , . o every description. Also, MOWN STOUT, MIL TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR and SYltlif oriel rides and prices, and the best selected stack outside of PhlUdelphia.' All goods guaranteed as represented. rarusal- ar attention paid to all orders horn a distance. Goods carefully packed aid delivefed to all parts of the City Tese Of charge, sHisurtla; num, maxwartio'W. Dookar., &Co. • 1 .f - ''.; :tf ' ; TT ; • , .. - 7 . ; 1 •Ti3711, '. ~ ‘ .._ ,.., ...... : . , ,.,.. i, ..„;;;; :, , , „, . ...,,,.......,,,,. t „. 2 ,.. ,T r.1.,A.: • • : 1 1 1 • . "•.,_.::..7: .: 7.:.:::.. cic•• '..., •;::, C. icrt,. l . • ' • -,,-: i 7.: ,::-.:: r• f . : -..-3 ...,_••, . . .. . „ . . . , r , ; ~, ~ _. • :...,:, 4 • , -- -,...10'„,„-„, 1 1111 , ~.,-_,-- t ~... - .... .? . .-1 .:. ... .. .:.- ' • -; . .•-•••._.; - /rs..\• _. . - ..-- 7 .. 1 ; -- ....., — "z - - - -„,__' -. : .-- - __:::!.•._.:. _...;_ . ....... :., . .?... .. • .".•'.' .•.: 'Or ,- '7 ,Ir . .TV: - 4, ••• - ; 1...-- .. , ;: ',-',4 '.. - '' .. e . ' . --;.--, Au ,-,.••,..4 1" g1;13 ' 2"):11' -:!it..--... •-- • • .. _ , .. . ... .... ' BY GEORGE BERGNER. DYSPEPSIA. A Cure Warranted. .Dyspepsia has the following Symptoms: , Ist. A constant pain or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. 2d. F,latulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhcea, with griping. 6th. Pain in all parts of the System. 7th. Consuraptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous Affection ', and want . of Sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. Out of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of:twenty years' standing, Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at.p.r: Wishart's office , No 'lO ' Second' street, Philadelphia, -Pa:" All examinations and con sultations free of charge. Send for a circu lar. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free ,of charge, on receipt of money. " DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA,' DYSPEPSIA. I, ELIZABETH Manor; of Brandywine ; Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and a halt I suffered every thing but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband raar my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; I had no ambition to do anything; I lost all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I felt that I was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaVen for -me and was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de stroyed, and also my mind trona that awful complaint,lDyspepsia, that myfriends thought best tohave me placed in Dr. Kirhbride's hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, but in,a, few days my dreadful Com: plaint was raging as bad as over. Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wis hart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my ease to him. He said he had no doubt he could cure Me. go in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and ,felt that my disease was fast giving way,' and I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, and I most sincerely return my thanks to a, merciful God and Dr. !Ms ' hart ' and to :hia great Atheriean Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I ma - Willing to do all the good I can for suffering hu manity.. ELIZABETH ,REANSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. Da. Wisumer's Office, No. 10 North Second Street, Philadelphia, DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! Da. Wmlusit•—l have been D.' constant sufferer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during which time I cannot say I ever onloyed.a perfectly well day. There were times when the symptoms wore more aggravated than at others, and then it seemed it would be a great re lief to die. I had at all times an unpleasant feeling in my head, but latterly my sufferings so much increased that I became almost unfitfor business of any kind; my mind was continually filled with gloomy thoughts and, fore bodings, and if I attempted to change their current by reading, at once a sensation of ic y coldness in connection with a dead weight, as It were, rested upon. my brain also, a reeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, and great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the continual fear of losing nay mason. I . also experienced great lassitude, debility and nervonsuess,,which made it difficult to walk by day or ,sleep at night. .I became averse to society, and disposed 'only' to - sedation,' and having tried the skill of a nuMbei of emineit.litiysicians of various'scbords, dually came lathe conclusion 4.tutt„;.for this disease at my present age (45yeenfi InFeottgyiltkow in existence. But, through the . interferenta6f Divine Providence, to wfiom I devoutly offer my Manta; I at kik found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia PSIS . end Tar Cordial, which•seem to have effectually reMoYed al mostthe last trace Of my long list of aihnenta end .bad feelings, and is their placwheahh, n)ressere and content ment are my everyday compamone • •••;''• • j • • . JAKES M. SaMelnEtt.S,. No. 453 North Second street, Philadelphts6, . • Formerly of Woodeury, N. Dr Wishart's Office No. 10 North Second, stAlet,Cl'filla delphia. A POSIIIV CUBE FOR IPISPErgLL HEAT. WHAT MX JOHN EL BABOOOK SAYS.' . No. 1028'Omvit Stamm' Philadelphia, January 22d, 1868. f Dn. Wisamrr—Sir :—lt is with much pleasure. Untel tun now able to inform you that, by the use of your gaMt Americati'Dyspopsia Pills, I bave been entirely mired of that most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia. I tad been grieviously afflicted for the last twenty-eight years, and. for ten years of that time have not been free: from its path one week at a Lime. I have had it lulls worst form and have dragged on,a most miserable existence-4n pain day and night. Every kind Of 'Mod-that I ate filled me with wiwl and pain; it - mattered 'MA liow light; or how smalldhe quantity A. continual ,belching mos o w e , t o /'hed: no appetite: or any MIMS of meats what ever and my :Metiers wasgreat fer Faye* Months be fore 1.. heard Of your Nis, that I frequently 'wished for dea.tM .. .yhad taken everything that I had heard of for Dyspepsia, without receiving. any benefit; but on - :your Pills being recommended' to me by bne who MO, been cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial, although I had no faith in them. To my astonishment, I forbid myself getting better before I had taken a box, and alter taking half a box, I ass a ad( Man,- and can ad anything I wish, and enjoy a hearty meal three times a day ' . without inconvenience from: anything I eat or drink. If yod think proper you are at liberty to make this public and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all de sirable informripon to any one ;who may cal on me - :Yorincirespectfully, . JOHN H. BABCOCK. For sale at Dr. : Mahan-a Medical Depot, No. lA - North g o o ot indreet, Philadelphia Pa; Price One Dollar per boa. Sent hy_mall,free of charge, on receipt'of prier); Dy - spEpS.Li!i-DYSPEPSL&; I, Samuel D . i!eres, .been a, great sufferer with Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflammation of the Kidneys for three years. I employed, three or four of the most eml nest phylicians of Philadelphia, also of Burlington county N. J. They did all for me they-could; but all to HO Pur pose. I was constantly fined with awful ,Paitt and dis tress, and with ,constant belching of Wind and sonr.actu. My tongue was - covered with a white &Ming lot them until it cracked :In large furrow; and was ; -dreadfully sore! Ohl I ofttimes wished for 'death to relieve -me of my aufecings, for I bad lost all herr of ever .locktg Well again. I made it a 'subject, of 'prayer:M God• Shalt,. -Ito would direct me to some physician L'or 'mediMiter, that AIM aro me, Ka to red e i~r:r : ; ~:=. MEDICAL "THE ,lINION—NOW AND FOREVER."---.Webster HARRISBURG, PA.., FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 7, 1864 MEDICAL: Dr. Wishar'S in the Philadelphia Ledger, of a •great cure made upon Mr. John Babcock, of 1028 Olive street, Phila delphia; by the great Ainerican Dyspepsia Pills. I went to the Doctor's Office. and placed myself under b treat ment, and told him if he failed to cure me; it would bathe last effort I would make. It has been six weeks since I commenced the use of his medicine, and I am now a well man, free from all pain and distre ss, and can eat throe hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly well. Dr. Wisbart, I want you to publish my case, as I want every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, to call on me, and I will tell them of the great cure I have received from your invaluable medicine. • SAMUEL D. HAVEN. Corier Venango and Lambert streets near Richmond street, formerly from Wrightstown, Burlington county, J. 'rho above are a few among the thourands which this great remedy has saved from an' ntiinelY grave. We have thousands of letters from phybichuse and drug gists who: have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a medical which gave such univensal satisfaction. Prepiked only by the proprietor, DR. L. Q. C. WISELART, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, rs.- Sold bY'Dray,sists everywhere iirrijyllit-ead-d&w NEW AD VERICISEMLENT6. U. S. 7-30 LOAA. THE Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that subscriptions will be received for Cou pon Treasury Notes, payable three years from Anust 15th, 1864, with semi-annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum—principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertiblttat the option Of the holder at maturity into six per cent. gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. They - will be issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000, and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will beiransmitted to the owhers free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of Dp 7 poSit as they 'ctin. be prepared. , As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date'of deposit: Parties depositing twerityftve thousand dol larsi aril upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed ) a commission of One quarter of 'one pet' 'ceut. • - Special Advantages of this Loan. IT IS 1, NATIQIIELL:SATINGS Bexs, .offering higher rate of interest than artypther and the best security. • Any Savings bank which - pais its depositprsin 11. S.. Notes, consider& that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the country, and it cannot pay in anything better; for its own assets are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in gov- ernment paper. • . It is equally convenient ea.& tempi:wary or permanent investment. The notes can al ways be sold for' within a fraction of their face and accumulated interest, and are the best security with banks as pollaterals for dis counts. Convertible into a 6 per Cent. MO Gold Bond. . In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent. per anunin, for the current rate for 5-20 Bonds is not loss than nineper cent. premium, and be fore the war the premium on six per cent. U. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not loss than ten per cent. per annum. • ' Its Exemption tram State or Illtutiripal Taxation. But aside from all the advantages we • have enumerated; a special act of Congress exempts all bonds and 2'reasury notes from load taxation, On the average, this exemption is worth about two per tent. per annum, atmording to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great inducements to lenders as those issued by the Governmerit. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith. or ability of private parties ; or stock companies, or separate coin ratmitiesi only; is pledged for payment while the whole property or-the'country is held to secure the discharge of all Lthe obligations of the United States. While_ the , Government:offers the - most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people. Up to the 24th of September, the subscrip tions to this loan amounted to over • *4 - • 0,000,000. ... ' sußsagnsmoNs,*nit BE LEOEIVED by the Treasurer of tlie.United States, at Washing ton. the several. Aisistant .Treasturerli Tand designated DepOsitaiies, and by the • ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF RARBLIBURG. ALL B.ESPECTA:BLE.BANKS AND 'BANKERS throughout the _ will_ give lartheiiii: i'itiWan and AFFORD EVER*4AOILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS SOLE AGENGT - FOR THIS 'GUY I AM happy to; offer to the ptiblio large and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR. GOLD PENS, • manufactured by LEROY NV: FAIRCHILD. These Pens are well iinfstied, elastic, and will give ea ttre satisfaction. l'l4ißt TRY THEM. SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE,' Second street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Haritsberg Pa. . 'ap23 NEW PHILADELPHIA CLOA STORE, IN D. W: GROth ATSW HLOCK, Market Stimt, ;Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES • ,Of c IfAidtIONAZLZ OLOAKNA:ND - OIRCULAES. FINE SPRING SHAWLS. '• Will open on t4e,lBt of Apr% A Mown -dip Liskuiris RENNET. LIQUID RENNET yields with milk the most luscious uf.all deserts for the table; the light est and most grate ful 4 diet for invalids and children. Milk contains eyed element of the bodily constitMiere,• when coagulated with,rennet it is always light *rot digestion, and Supports the system with the leastPoweble excitement. When still greater nutritive power Isdestrod: cream and sugar mayhe ,added.• , A teespooeil convert a quart of milk Into "I'fiirif — ciiid. Prepared and sold. whoo 2Bl . "fit% .M l4 AsbY' lik•kjarniti' jels4f f l B Market street. c• • leacher of the.Pialto, Violin and . . • , : Singing; . • o . 1 55; Tau ogssor, Bianir Newer.. ' sep3-41.6ner . " oosier BOOKS, BUOKSKIN-PUB SKSS POWKILGIMAIEN and a goner TA** OTIMie. mix GOODS, inifremived at szacizawdzobiarnisis:''' N ADVERTISEMENTS. MRS. M. MAYER, - NO. 13 MARKET STRENT, Has just opened her new FALL STOCK of ~..,4 1 1111k BONNETS; LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS, FEATHERS - AND :FLOWERS: ' • • •-•— • THE lo E.T YL.E. S. CLOAKS A:l4 D. • I ALL 11EINIX1 Of . T R JAI WING S Constantly on hand, Nikes everything . usually.found in the largest furnishing estsblishtnents in the country. sep2o NEW, 01 :1 MNIN6 FOR Fall and 'Winter Trade! 14QuWING AWLS ! BALMORALS ANT SCARFS ! 11°1 + IT ICS S e Lp f The Largest and bead 'selected stneknethilehdy I at the' ' p. New C7 1 01 1 4' 'Stor e,; W,. caps* wily BLOCK, lIARRISA3VEG, FL 29 N 9. 29 NORTE SECOND STREET, NEAR WALNUT • HARRISBURG,' PA.' Particular attention is cailed to the celebrated. concave. eoavex Orysitao Spectsielea, which, 'are Warranted to strengthen and proseve_tifo eyes of the wearer, and to last from 10 to 12 years without change. List of prices sent free to any direction. Concave and conyex lenses, set in steel frames, $2. Concave and convex crystal lenses, eel in best steel frames, : .• • • Concave awl con Vex crystal lenses, setinsilver. frames, $5. Concave and. Centex cryxtid lenses,sekinplatinafmmes i .Concave and:crievessisystallensta, tot in gold franies, S/ 6 .0 $25 , . . . In ordering spectacles stsi,e•how long glasses are used. Any pairnf glasses purctumed; either here Or sent to or der, cal:the - exchanged if fuit'suited to the eye. Always en bandit , large assortment:;of,4eromatic Mi croscopes, Telescopes, Openvend Field Glasses, Themoin clefs, Tarcinieters„ Compasses;Vrawing Instruments, and Stereo Scopes, with the latest views. L Mi- Send stamp foie catalogue containing prices, l-d&wtf dm., au • EuMN.Ry - 4.EvirA.Ns.s Steam Engine and Machine ShOp, . SIXTH ST., - BETWEEN' WALNUT AND ffiltHET. - ..... • . V. Molt F's Old Stand.) T tindersikned having taken the above .1. Shop, respectfully solicits a share of the public pa tronage. Particular attention will be paid to repairing of Steam Engines, and'all kin:ds * of . inachinery. All work will re belveinynoir:oil attention; and'estlafaction guaranteed • snati •• • - • - WEES pleasure to inform his friends and Customers. ; and - the public in general, that he has Opened a.wholenda ana.retail :Varisly, No:wn and jew elry Store, No.losi4Hatket street,. above'Sby gunkers Buading, Harrisburg, ra. • ' • • • It would, occupy a great amount of space to enumerate thearticlea.composieg my stock. , The And, torinigh my" experience of , thirteen years in the business, that 1 can sell goods equal to the jobbers in the graters cities. do septo-dBm* [se2BAlSm:bicO9] Stearn Weekly to Liverpool. TwOHEING at QUEENSTOWN; , (Ptak Hai ' 'bor.) The well known Steamers of the' 'Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to sail as follows: City. or. Baltimore, Saturday, October It; Etna, Satur day, October 15; Edingburg, eaturday, *amber 21; and every succeeding Saturdayoit -Noon , from Pier 44, North River. • RAP 07 PASSAGE, PAYABIR IN GOLD ON MO DIVALENT IN CURRENCY. FIRST CABIN $BO 00 az zoo 00 do to London 95 00 do to London.-- 34 00 do to Paris 95 00 do to Faris 40 00 do. to Rarabarg, ... 90 00' do to Hamburg.... 37 00 Passengess abut . forward to HMG, Bremen, .Rotter. Autwellit Li verpool at 0 0USIVOWJetett . Fares from uvula* tgasenatown: /et Cabin, $ 75 $/05. Steerage, s'3s. Those Who wish to send' a their friends oan buy tteketa here' t these rates. For further 'affirmation apply 'tithe Company's Offioe JOAN G. BALE, - Agent, Broadway, N. Y., or O. 2101KEREAN.' Raittabiirg. [123-dly 11101313L10 -NOTICE is herSby given; that in . pursuance of thnaetnusetembly of Pennsylvania, passed the ,first day of June ,1839 i theatockholders of the Franklin Bank., of Washidgtoi,Polllli., will apply to the nest esteion ot the Legislature for a renewal of its char ter with an Increase of na- cgpnar from 11.50,000 $260,000. .C Y.BEED, Preetdent !; WASHINGTON, PA., RUN 24, 1861. jar VERY .101:Eini INDEED: rro our fine do nikins - Oe' ate& of Phato 1. graph Atteime r "Pbeto h Card Pictures, we have added a 814 pz for the reception of eirdidetufeK Thei,tittiaabe ennead will be adinfiroil ftotognipheas auppUbd - the vert loWest role ,1111 e Price, lied Mob eimprisidd theniper $1 • tnousiutd, , unoleale sue tetaU. et, • • - m;y2.4, s , • „ „ nonEFIT*S.74: O 9IC WWI MIMI! WEB! - 2.:NOS. 1 AND 2 /KAMER JL: EL, mil alze imitate, s, just received AraulAtorl•agla F • UM= & MUM/ AftiaCtion't N 0 . 13 . AHEAD! ! And a tun assOT tment of WOOLEN • H00D.% cEd. iTtir INIALiMI-4 1 • .1 , 1 01E; 1 ," s • si 1ee11i.a14141. 1 •tire • -- t ;OAKS B R OCHE JULIUS .B,I)SENDALE, Practical and Scientific 0 ir N VOTi.,,Con vfniellt• eTliCuB TAuSIG, PRICE THREE CENTS. EVENING EDITION. EGGS IN A BASILICT We very often hear the remark, "I don't want too many eggs in one basket." This is made in response to our advice that the Gov ernment Securities' are the best to invest in. To which we simply answer— Whatever shape you keep your money in, when it comes out itis iii Governments. Your mortgages are paid in Governments; and if you have a County, City or State .Sond, do you even expect anything in payment but Govern ments? Therefore your remark about eggs is simply absurd. But is there no danger of repudiation`? When this c4uestion comes, we right in the face of our customer, and if he is idiotic, we merely say, No. If he is mentally sound, 'though he may be politically rotten, we wake a retort. in this vein.: Sir, the American - people have a national pride that was never excelled by the Romans in any - period of their glory. ' Every man who is an American by birth or adoption, will vote at least for the honor of the country, and-as long as we are knatien, our money obligations' ill be good. Before . tlie people will ever vote for repudiation, let me`tell you, sir, what they will do': they will vote to take a good per centage of the money bonds and property off the rieh, to wipe out the national debt. This war is'a thousand times more for the rich man than for the poor man ; then why should every' American for generations and centuries to come, feel 4 disgrace upon his name and his nation , because the rich men dislike to foot the bills, when 20 per cent. of their "pile" would wipe out our national debt. Ah, but that would be agrarian? Not a whit of it. Webster's definition of agrarian is, "One in'favor of an equal distri bution of property among the inhabitants of a country." We propose no distribution of property. We propose to adhere strictly to the equal and salutary principles of every common school district of the cotntry—assess the tax for the support of the institution School of the Government) on the property of the district or country. Of course a rich old bachelor mutters out "agrarian;" contrary to truth and the dictionary. . Taking the property of a country for the support of the institutions of the country, is in better conformity to equal justice than to done the price of the poor man's sugar, tea, Coffee, and even physic,.for ages and ages to come. Sir, you cannot bring your repudiation to take root in this soil of National Pride and Universal Suffrage, while ,both the interest and pride of ,nino 7 tenths of the-r_otgts, will be so mull better servea by voting to pay me country's debt out of the property of the country. You may as well let your eggs go into the. Government basket; they are as safe there as. anywhere. 29 For . the Telegraph. , - HABiusipmG ot. 5, 1864 MB. Eerroit—There Was . quite an impor tant feature of Monday evening's proceedings, which you have not noticed in. your paper. A loyal young lady armed with `rotten eggs, intended to applaud Hop. Wm. Miller by throwing them at him, but 'being unable to get close enough to him, stood on the side walk and • threw them at the speaker in front of the school house, •but unfortunately they fell in the crowd and caused quite a stampede among the followers:of the Hero of thg Chicka hominy. I am sorry you omitted •this, and regret that the person they were intended for did not get them at his worthless head. AN EYE WITNESS. A FATAL MISTAIOL—We heard of a sad mis take says the, Ragerstown,_Marylaud, .Hera ld, whiCh occurred about two weeks, ago, to a family .living near Clearspring, which proved fatal to one of the parties, and quite serious to the other. It appears that a gentleman by the name of Levi Bowers, was engaged in night fishing at the Con ococheague, when he caught what he supposed to be en eel. With out stopping to 'examine it he cut off the head and skinned it. Taking it. home with the fish he ..had caught, his wife cooked it for breakfist. After eatinghearld3rof their meal, Mr. B. and his wife becathe deathly sick, and could not account for it. Mrs. B. immedi ately went and ermined the remaining pieces of the supposed, eel, ,and found:that it looked very blue, unlike the color of an eet: A doctor was sent for, arid - he at once pronofinced the parties 'poisoned, and after 'an examination, found thfit' what was supposed to be an eel, was a snake. Mr. B. died, and his wife was quite ill for several dayk 339 irdertgraPO• From. Treikton, New' Jersey. TREiircrs, Oct. 6 _ The Democratic State Coniention met to day in this city to nominate' an•electoral tick et. Judge Naar was chosen, for temporary chairman, and committees._ on resolutions, permanent organizations, &e.,were appointed, after which the convention took' a recess till 2 P. M. TRENTON, Oct. 6.—The case of E. N. Fuller, editor of the Newark Jouinal, charged with publishing articles violating the enrollment act has been postponed to the Deeethber term of the United States Court. Markets,loy Telegraph. There is scarcely enough doing in any de partment to fix quotations. Flour excessively dull and the sales are only in a Small way at $9 50®9 75 for superfine; slo®lo 25 for extra; $lO 50@111 ibr extra family and fancy loipat higher rates. Rye flour nominal at saga 25. In corn meal nothing doing. Wheat unsettled and nominal at $2 05®2 10 for red and $2 30®2 40 for . white.; Small sale of rye at $1 75. .Corn very. quiet; sales of 2,000 buihels mixed western at $1 65; yellow at $1 68. Oats active and higher, 5,000 bush. Penn'a sold at 90®91c. In gro• ceries and provisions there is nothing doing. Petroleum nominal at wan for -refined in bond, - ;' 75(480 Air free mid $7 for audit. I)Vhis -14 nominal at .11.0 78@f 80. • Congressional. - Nontinsttiiim. Ivriders t . Oct. 6. The Democrats have nominated John A. Nicholson for Congress. ThEttaDr.r,rßlA, Oct. 6 STIAI Pllll1 1 111 G. ADvenusAge iteliT43--AdM riILEG . The are tfieirilteafeadvertleing in the tat °turn. Those 'bait% advertising to do erul" find it con venient tor reference: - - - • -- Zir - Foar lilies or lees constitute one-half - square. Eight lines, or more than foUr,„Oolisttinkt aineare. FOE A PULP SkIiARE . FOR ONE SQUARE. Ono day •3 30 One day $ so Two'days .. . 50 Tivo da ........ ys., ~, - 1 00 Three .... 124 On e : . 225 One month.,._ 6 00 Two mouthi 9 09 Three months.-- 11 00 Six months' 15 00 One Sear. 00 Three day5..........75 One week. . ... r One month . 3 VO Two months 4 50 Three m0nth5....... 5 50 Six months 8 00 One yeas ~I 5 oe Administration Notices Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices - Funeral Notices, each insertsl Business notices before Marriages and Deaths, each martian. in the Local COLMAN, or EIGHT EMITS PEE LOGI for Fire at Lpcin ) Mass. The city hall of Lynn,:lffiLss., was burned this morning. One man who was confmed in the basement was burned to death. Theitoss is $5,000. . _ Sailing of Gunboat s. . Bourox - Oct. 6. The gunboats lif.onadnoc,liasaasspit,Brook yn and Saco will sail hence to-morrow.: Philadelphia Stock . Piumtantr.zaci, Oak& Stocks irregular; Penna. ss, 95; Bs hg, 611; Morris canal, 98; Long Island not qtioted; Penna. railroad, 69k; Gold, 196; Exchange - on New York, par. Draft! Draft!! TAR AFTED MEN entitled to exemption can have their papers properly prepared by E. C. GOBLN, Attorney at Law O Late of the Provost Marshal's ffice. OttlOe, in•Tbtrd street, four doorsabove Market, Itamsbnrg, Pa: . 'aep27-tf E. C. GOBIN, ATTORNEY °PPM IN Tanta smuts, A. 13013 Messer. /0?- Bounties, Pensions and Bank Pay collected at legal rates. [sep343in* ALPHABET BLOCKS ! AND HOUSE BUILDII4G BLOCKS;FOR sale at SCE EFFER'S BOOKSTurtE, uctl 21 South Second street, llarrisburg, NEW STORY BOOK • FOR CITILDREN 133 r FANNY. FERN. For sale at Sobeffer's BOokslore, Ha Yo. - .42.3 VINEGAR , FACTORY .FOR. SALE, L , ()GATED IN . THE . !SIXTH WARII— The home will be leaned for a number of years. In quite of SAMUEL ROBERTS, tee29-Iwd] or J. B. ZIKKERAAN. TRANSPARENT SLATES! AL.LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TRANSPA RENT SLATES, of all sizes and prices, for sate sL Benefices Bookstore, 21 South Second areal, Marrishorg, Penna. octl FRESH OYSTERS In can, just reveced and for sate by SHISLER A.: FRAZER, (successor to Dock a Co.) sept 26 FOR RRN'I%; t.i • • THE STORE ROOM AND THIRD . FLOOR of the building adjoining J. M. LifiTZ'Sll9rug Store. Inquire on the premises . 5e,p2741 CIDLE Cider Vinegar can be bought by the barrel or small quidititi; at ' IylB TtOVF.R & NOR/tPl8lt• , P.II.OTOGRAI lIS, ALARGE assortment of. Photographs of. Generals and fancy pictures forsale,OHß AY, at ft Dei at _ nyso Harrisburg Pa PATENT CLIPS! And Bill Holders, For sale at Scheirer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. se2B Honey. • ASMALL but superior lot of HORSY, just received, at SILLSLEE &NEWER'S. 12E1 SIIGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, 0: all grades and prices, at SHISLER Fx'FRAXER, Success= to W. Dock, Sr., le . Pa. • jell Dealemin Fine Family Groceries. BUTTER, BUTTER— F resh vilVbtitter from Snyder county , received every 'am*. Also egd ,1 • rmy4l BOYER itc KOEO.PRK. FINE GROCERIES of all kinds, at reducoil prices, at SHISLER & FRAZER'S FAMILY GROCERY, opposite the Court Hattie. XTO. 1 and 2 Mackerel, in kitts, just -re cotvixt this morning, and for sale low at nELBLEIt FILA.ZER'S, successors to W. Dock, Sr., & Co-)-, SALT SALMON. A new invoice of Duo salt Salmon, just' received and for sale by . SHISLER.a FRAZR,R, sept 26 (successor to W. Dock k Do ) POCKIR BOOKS, Wallets and TqrseS 16r age cheap at SCHEFFER'S Itookitore, QIJEENB and GT, A SSW A RP4; a - so- - !acted assortment, just received, of the lateft styles brig BOY ERA . : oßtggtt. lriaiS, BEEP AND TONGILES--Wresh - ,- ace at [ital.], , gIITSLEtn k FAAZ.WS. TOY BOOKS, Toy. : Books in eraless - va riety, at SCIELEFFER'S Bookstore, 1114 REF TONGUES. —Fine large beef tozwum, air 'cured by J.H. Micjkaber & Co., aud fur sale by SEILSLER ..t,F Dock. RA2114.6: ~c ceasors to W. L0ck.,„..4.4_ad CLLE.Eb'E—Ohoice new crop litu3p4is, just received at • SHIRLidt & - FRAZER, Fql7 artromoaoro to W. mock: Jr.: dc ' FRENCH CHALK AN]) PENCILS, Suitable for Banks, Maces; /to at Schefrer's Bookstoi ilarrisburg,-Pa. - - AFRESH supply of Micktener'& Celebritted Sugar Cured 21s= and Dried Bee l; at - • uo2bl ROYER 4ti /WEEPER- SAP SAGO onIAIRSE—A small tint fresh Tot or choice SAY SAGO CHEESE, just received this morning, at • SHISLEtt & FRAZEE'S. S AP SAGO, English Dairy, -BinnApplei Naa meg and Mew York State =l=4 successors teoff my 6 WIRESH CRACIKERS.--13ostou Wine Bis• 1' cuita Boman Milk ,Bineolts,:"Bostc% 135ger..ffin mite, Boston OyStOr Crickfx itoston;pie-nioNrp4erE, Trenton Jlntier Crekera, Jest ricblvect at, • Boyrks* iCOERPE4t- FillEgbommio. svran-Pa,.inaPOrted-: 1848. Warranted the Finest Sherry Wine in ihol country. Tor We at • FildI9T.Wll k FRAZEA telseera MIOBENZRY3 excelazior , iif-thku , sea • lon's curing. Just received and for inle by.,.' . - -stusum & ' , MAZER, Nuccespqn! to Wm. Dook. ir.. 6s Ca. Eral CAKPA.IGN TORCHES, , • Manufactured and for sale ,by. L HALL tOHRMAN, 606 Cherry Mea l Phdadetilltie• sets -6c 11/rESS SHAD and EINE NEW MACK. JAL EBEL, just received, at . , 1918 Beivkix FISH.—New 'Rua , c crel _IA in barrels, halt barrels and kitte,' and by the'Poaid;- at ..gUISLEE EITRA. FAMILY PIOUS and: 43@tiN KRILL alwaye on Land, of the best , VW* , iB BOYSR k r, • • SALMON.—Pirte at& Saliatin, anal Rillnleft&-rikAZER. nrIICKET,NafT BASKETS.--Shislei & s -1111 W. Dcitiri.Je,. Ai 00 4lisnrig Ontalid. clozezchickory $5 baskets. • Priem 6O per dQfe ICBM_ pi= SWEET orDkR, `reoeivtiffEbalitif at BOXER & EWER'S 1 50 Bonox, Oct. 6
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers