TIM TELEGRAPH FtraraSEED MORNING AND EVEI47IVG, Y GEORGE ENRGNER. OFFICE THIRD RT., NEAR WALNUT fERAIS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE is,UP.,SCRIFTION TseU.utWTettatura is nerved to I oltsgriliors in the city at 12 canto per week. Yearly subsoil:fere will be Charged $6 00 In advance. nose persons who neglectto pay in advance will be charged $7 00. WEEKLY TELF_GIL.PII. TiLL1 , 3241711114.150 published weekly, and is filenishut übsOriberS at the following cosh rates Single copies, week1y..... .. . Three oopiee to one Post °aloe Ten copies to ono Post Office NEW ADVDRTISEMENTS. When will Wondeirs Cease '1 THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE' WORLD ! DR. McBRIDE'S KING OF PAIN WILL cure any ache or pain in from one to sixty minutes 1 It acts like magic upon the absorbent mid glandular systems, reducing swellings and regulating the secretions sad excretions, It is of a diffusive, penetrating nature, exerts its Inffuenhe from the periphery to the centre of' the nervous organism, thence by reflex action its power M felt throughout the entire system, restoring the circu- lating fluids and checking disease with invincible strength. THE SING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE! No matter what the pain, apply the medicine and you will and instant relief. 11 is an internal and external CUM. THE KING OF PAIN Cures almost instanlaneously, Headache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Colds, Bronchial Ailections, Asthma, Dyspesia, Diarrheas, Dysentery or Blood*Flux, Liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Genital Organs, Cramp, Ghetto and all spasModic pains, Fever and Ape, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains and wounds of every description. It proves itself the mastery, as the testimony of thousands prove its meritorious worth. Sold, wholesale and retail, by S. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Sole Agents, 118 Market Street, Harrisburg. SOLDIERS READ! The followMg letter from a soldier, in reference to the efficacy and powerful restorative quantities of DR. MC BRIDE'S KING OF PAIN, speaks for itself : NEWTILLR, CUZBERLAND COUXTY,} Sept. 14, 1804. Messrs. S. A. Kunkel d• Biro., druggists, Harrisburg, Pa. GENTS :—.I would inform you that received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pain Killer, and. enclosed .please find five dollars more, for which send ins five bottles addition al to-morrow. I leave for camp to-morrow. Let me know whether you can supply me with it in the army. I am in Company H, 202 d tiogiMent P. V. I have been in very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the one-dollar bottles have cured nib completely, and have made mo feel like a man. Besides, I have cured a num ber of my comrades of various diseases incident to camp fire, and can recommend it to be the best medicine the soldier can provide for himself. Yours respectfully, JOS. E. WAITE. Kir All orders from a distance promptly attended to by S. A. KUNKEL /ir BRO. A HOME CERTIFICATE: . The following certtflento is cr.ora a well-known eitizmi of Harrisburg : BAKRISIHTRG, Aug. 30, 1864. Pray To THE ° :—lt gives me. groat pleasure to recom 'Mend to the public the medicine prepared `lirl Ru J. J. MoBRIDE, which be calls the " HINGpFcPAT.N.P 1 *as induced to use it as an external remetly tor ahruise, which it ndieved Immediately, and subsecpoutitbe mired entirely. Its Buenas Induced me to use; it internhily fOr Filarihma, with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for nearly eighteen month; and to such an extent that' ny kidneys were seriously deranged. The medicine has cured nte, and certainly that is saying a great deal in its favbf, when I reflect how many oiler remedies I tried withodt *Lien arming anything but temporary relief. For my part; / shall always keep a supply of it in my house, believing as I do that it is a most invaluable amity medicine. The unoaampled sate or Wis medicine proves it 1? MY the most wonderful discovery of the age iu too medical act The undersigned are the solo agents fol the Static:and will supply it wholesale and retail., S. A. KUNKEL & Druggists, 118 Market street, Mainsbarg. sepl6] ‘ COSTAR'S') VERMIN EXTERMINATOR "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" 'EXTERMINATORS. • EXTERMINATORS. ."COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" 'EXTERMINATORS EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" LTEISTITORi • • EXTERMINATORS. "OiISTAR , 3 I, EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S' , EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS: -COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S , " EXTERMINATORS. . EXTERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. - EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S"' EXTERMINATORS. EXTERKINATORS. FOR RATS MICE, ROACHES: ,ANTS • BED-BUGS FLEAS, MOTHS IN FURS, WOOLENS; — INSECTS ON PLANTS, FOWLS, ANIMALS, etc. "15 years established in N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedies anesien," "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the SUM= Family." "Bats come out of their holes to die." by all` 3foßgistseverivitiore. - - I I Bs - trees I I 1 of "all.woithlesS imitations. aar'c Costar's Depot, No. 4112 Brototway, -N. Y fa-Sold by D. W. GROSS As - CO., Wholesale and retail agonla, And by all Druggists in Narrislierg, Ye. ' Ejol.o-crew3re PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PRIX...WET.FRIA, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Nun - ay, Uniontown, Walsontown, Lowisbarg, Ilottkamberland, bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Illigersburg, ;7. pr Dauphin AltiP• OARRISEURG- • The Phitadelphia' Depot , being centrallY:losaied, ths drayage will be at the lowest. Mat ',The 'apillitiolot"goes through with each train to attend to the 'olife deliVery-Wf all goods Intrusted to the line.' Goods delivered at the de pot of WILLIAM 11: JBURIC, 812 ''Market street, Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock Y. r., wilt be , 4elivered In Hat Yisburg the next morning. .. • - • Freight Always u.s Low. 14.1.17 Any; Othar Li/01.119 • • • JOS. MONTGOMEItY & CO. Philadelphia anci • Seading Depot, Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. ootTl-tf NEW uncron, STORE. IIitEPORTANT TO LANDLORDS ANp Jam-OTHERS.—The undersigned offers ati ;Who lesalS,lti the trade, a choice lot of the best liquors ever , broughtto Harrisburg, viz: French Brandies, Ho ßand bins, Scotch, frith. BOW*" Wheat . and Old Bye Whisky; Foriegn a f id ponssiie . Wines, such as Champagne, Chsrei,Vaiawba, ige. All liquors warranted, as represented. Landlords and others will lad it to their advantage td call and ex. amine the assortment at the store, on South Scond Street, two doors below Chestnut. uty27-d6m UECHGE'IkraITERS CANNED FRUITS cIF EVERY DESORIP MN. BAUM thicolebrated manufacturers aaDINE3, .PIAVAOILS, MUSTARDS, Ory deamip_tion, STOMFIR6 TEAS, WRITE, SeGAR Pof all snidest andprices, and the best selected stook outside of Ph lladoT goods guaranteed se repreriented,..„ Particabu z • , attention paid to all orders froet a diStant." • , 1 3oeds °irefully packed and delivered tu alrpsrts of the city free of - oharge. SHISLER ' u 196 aucceasors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. • ..• , . . . . , . . :. ,\:\ f . ,/ .7.: r.. ',,, .:, ,-;-., `.-• i . . .. . .. ; ' 47 , p t .i[r i t,„„ t /,; : _: , — e i ti o iliv s,. • ; ~ . _ • .. . , -.,_:-... /...,, . t • ~ ..„.,. -,..w.. v ole /4- ...-.J...:.• ' . . . ...• • , .. .., . ...,......_ ...., ~..:, , . -,-.- • _ . . 3 . . n I ~. • I• • ' • .. I I . • • ' .- - 1 . . . • . , . • . • • '.l* : _ . • , . . . • Air 1, . • 1 1 . . . , . • . . . . , . ' . . . .' ...., . . . . ‘... • 4 . . , . .- . . 4 4. 44 ~ . r • . „ . .. - • . :..7, , .. . .., . . . . .. -;" ---,- .1 ,- .:,:i 'M'' -- - L - 4 - - c , .- - . . . . . , • . _.• , .). _.. _ _ _ - • •• ... ~ • .. $1 60 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE RERGNER. A Clare Warri 6 anted. Dyspepsia has the following Symptoms: Ist. A constant. pain or uneasiness at the pit of the stoinach. ' ' 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d.. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhoea,with griping. Gth. Pain in al parts of the System. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat: 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, dud' Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with . great weakness. Out of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' standing. soia by all druggists everywhere, and at Di. Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second . street, Philadelphia, exaniinations and con sultations free of 'charge Send for a eireu lat. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of Charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. I, TITNZARETR BRANSON, of Branaywinp Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and a half I suffered every thing but death: frepi•that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a craokeT or the smallest amount of food, it would 'return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I wottld not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, my -mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful hortor and evil forebodings." I thought everybody hated me, and Mated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor'my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; I had no. ambition to do anything; I lost all my love of family and home; 'I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could riot be' contented; I;felt .thifti:E was doomed and'that for me; and was often tempted to commit suicide, so.neat ;was my whole nervous system de stroyed,. and also my mind from that iiwo.l doinplaint4Dyspepsia, that my friends flaiiight beat to have. melolaced in Dr. Hirkbride's hospital, West Philadelphia. I remained tinme nine weeks, .snd thought ' ''. waa.a Tittle bettei, -but in a few days my dreadful cern- Plaint was raging as bad as ever, Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wis harts Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to him. He said he had no doubt he could cure me. •So in three days after I called and.placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two,weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my:disease was fast giving way, and I daufinued to recover fot about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health 0f1304Y and mind, and I most sincerely return my'thanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wis hart, and to his great. American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I ani - willing to do all the good I can for suffering! hn-. manity. ELIZABETH BRANSON,. Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Che'ster, Delaware county, Pa.. D. WISES-Bea Office, No, 10 North Second street, Philadelphia. DANIEL E. WILT Dn Wiswawr--I have been a constant sufferer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during which time I cannot say I ever enjoyeddi perfectly well day. There were times when the symptoms were more aggrivated than at others, and then it seemed it would be a great re.. lief to die. I had at, all times an unpleasant feeling in my, head, but latterly my sufferings so Mufti Increased that I became almost, unfit for business of any kind; m mind was continually tilled with gloomy thoughts and fore bodings, and if I attempted to change their current by reading, at once a sensation of icy coldness in ethideption with a dead weight, as it were, rested ; tiponini a ;britirf; also, a feoling.of sickness would occur at the ago - Oh, and. great pain to my eyes, accompanied whf wras the continual fear Of Mang my Maori- also iiperienced great lassitude debility and nerFousnes4 . , Which made it difficult to walk by; gigy or, sleep ..4340it; averse to society , and disposed only to seeli n, and having tried the skill ,ef g•nunciher of emiheiit Acians, of various schools,.ffilldlY.Pagke to,,, , l ll, oo,.iiefilgort that, for ;this disease at my Present .1 9'6 0 t ivficaP/ I . l tereWas ito Mire ln existence. But, througli."-. e Interference of ; Divine Providence, to whom I deyoudy offer ,any thanks, I at last found a sovereign remed y in yolir'Dyspeptia Pills , and Tar Corctial,Thicn seem to have effectually remOved Mosttlie last trace of my long list' Of ailments' and bad feelings, and is their place health, pleasure and content ment are my everyday companions.' • ; JAMES IS SAUNDERS, . No. 453 North Second street., Philadelphia, .Formerly of Woodbury, N. J. Dr Wisbart's Office No. 10North Second Wein, Phila delphia. • •A POSITIVE CURE .FOILDYSPEPSIO6 _._ , . MILE tins; Kir..1.7//IDi it.10.411000S ii No. 100 OLIVZ STREIT, klfilmilphistiLlanuary 22d, /863. Ds. Wisaartr—Sir:ltis with much pleasure that I !age now able to infenn fon that, by the use of your great American Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of that most distressing complaint, Dyspeplla. I had been grievionsly atUicted for the last twenty-eight years, and for ten years of that time have not been free from its path - one week at a time.` T. had it-11143vorst form add haVe dragged, on a mosimiserableexistence—in pain day and night. kvery kind of food that Date• filled me: with wind and pairi, it - Mititeted. not how light, or how small the spientity . e f Olignyed botching was store to follow, Iliad no-appetite fee' any kinds of meats• what ever and my diktrerswas*.great for several fecinths be fore I heard of yet* PHA that; frequently - wikhed for, death: -:.I had taken everything that I bad 'maid of Tor Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit; but on Your Pills being recommended to me by one who had been cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial, although I had no faith in them. To my astonishment, I - .fauud myself getting better before I bad taken ore&fourth box, -and after taking half a box, lam a lON Mak , dad rao.aa , anytking Pwish, and enjoy a hearty meal :three rodeo a ;day _ without ineonyenionse from. anything I oat or 4riok,, g• you : think proper, youareAlibortr to make this public and refer to me. ' l i milltheerfullY give all tlet. airable InformatiOll to any one who May call on Me n,!. . Yoerit, respectfully, JOHN IL BASCO*: For sale at Dr. WiShart's Medical Depot, No. 10 North liteciont!eAttieti Adladetelial Fa• Price One Dollar per box.- Sent.hy, maKffee of cbarge, on receipt of price. •I; Samuel D. Haven, have .been a groat &falterer with Qhroulo Dyspepsia and - Inflammation of the Kidneys for thys e b,yeano. I employed.throe,or font Ofi the most outi nent physicians of, Philadelphia, also of Ditrlingttin comity N. d. ~They did all tor me they could, but All to no pur pose., .I.Wee. eobsbolllY filled with awful pair' t and Ms tregg, : and withcainittun belching of wind , and int sold. !WU:lnm was-covered with white coating of mucus un til it,_etacgcd&imiarge furrows, and was dreadfully sorel Ofttlinoii Flaked for death to relieve• me of any suaringn;firi had "bin all hope of • dyer being well ,nain. 'I Faiddyt' Filliect Or ,prayer. God that he 'would direct me to Physician•on medicine that woad sure me. Imu WA to read ea advertisement et MEDICAL DYSPEPSIA. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA : 1 DYSPENO. "THE UNION—NOW A.ND FORENER."—Webster. HARRISBURG , Pit., THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 6, lqij NIEDICAL • i Dr. Wishar's n the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great en re made aped. NW John Babcock, - of Ins Olive street, Phila delphia, by the gveat,American Dyspepsia Pills. ' I Went . to the Doctor's Office, and placed myself under 13 , treat- ; went, and. told him if he tilled to cure md, itwotild bethe . last effort I wont& make. It has been six .weeks since I. commenced the use of his medicine, and I titIVIIONir a well man, free from all pain and distress, and can eat .three hearty-meals a day with comfort, and feel.nerfectly. welt! Dr. Wishart, I want yon to publish my case, as I •trtuiti every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, to call on me, and: I will tell them• of the great cure I have received fret& your invaluable medicine. SAMUEL D. HAVEN. Corner Venango- and Lambert,streets near Richmond: street, formerly . from WrightstOwn, Burlington county, N' , . The above are a few among the thousanita which thiS great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. , We have thousands of letters from physicians and drugi gists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a, medical, which gave mach universal satisfaction. Prepared by the proprietor, DR. L. Q. C. WISHART-,,' No. 10 Nort.WSetand street, pitiladelphig, Sold by . Druggists everywhere BmjylBT.,pi-d&w, "NE .W AD VERTISE.KENTS. 4., a !7-7,30 JHE Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that solscriptions will be received for Con tort Treasnry Note.% payable three years from August 15th, 1861, with semi-annual interest at the rate of sevenand three-tenths per cent per annum—principal and interest both to'be paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option of' , the holder at maturity into six per cent. gold ;beating bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect.. They will be issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $569, $l,OOO and $5,000, and all subscription's muat , be for fifty dollars or some multiple of, fifty : The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation charges as soon after, the receipt of the original Certificates of De posit as they can be prepared. , As the notes draw interest from Angust.lls, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from dtite of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dol lars and upwards for, these notes at any one time' will be allowed a commission of on© quarter of one per , cent. t Special Advantages of this _Loa . IT IS A NAT I ONAL SAVINGS BANK, °florin a higher rate bf interest than any other and e best security. Any savings bank Whie,h pays its depositorsin ' U: S. •IsTotes, considers that ith paying in the teit ciiculating niediaiii °Piffle ' , country, and it eannotpay in anything better for Fits own assets are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in 'gov ernment paper., ' ' • ' ' It is equally vonvenient as a temporal-y or permanent investment: • The notes can [al ways be sold for within a fraction of their face and acdumulated interest, and. are the best security with banks as collaterals for dis- Convertible into a 6 per Cent. 5L20 Gold Bond. , In addition. to the - very liberal ;interest' on the notes fOr three years, this piiiilege of conversion is now worth abOut'three'Per cent. per annum, for the currentvate fOro-20 Bonds is not less than nineper cent. premiu m; and be fore the war the premium on six. per cent. 13. S. stocks ?pis over. twenty per'cent. ,i At !will be seen that the actual profit on this leltui,.ab the present market rate, is not less than] ten per cent. perlumum. : - ~ ' Its Bxemptiiin from Stitto or Klugoipal Taxation. . , .put aside from all the advantages we have enumerated, a special 'act of Congress exelapts all &onds and Treasury notes from local taxelion., CO, the avOege, this c4pinption isnorth'abont two per cent.per annum, according to the rate of taxation in various arts of the country;' ".. Dill b,elieve4l .Vilit'Ao ' sequiities 'Oirer 'se , . great inducements to lenders as those honed bythe. Government. In all other forma of indebtedheis, the faith -or ability of private parties,, er - seock companies, or separate com =unties, only, is pledged for payment; 'Wig; thOvhole property of the countity'W he to secure the discharge of all the _obligations of B } 2ll the United States. „ • While 'the Government offers the oat' liberal terms for its loane, it believe's th t the very strongest appeal will be to the loYalty, and patriotism of the:people. '- . .' '' Up to the 24th of September, the Subicripr, tions to this loan amounted to over' . 1 e'" . 9a. $4O l OOO 00 -. , . Sirnsonrerron's wrtz. BE moicaviro.• the Treasurer of 'the United States, at Mashing 'ton. the seiidral •Assistant "Treasurera and' dpsignated , Dopcisitarkinic and by the FIRST NiTIRIALAIAt'OF ii fIISBU G. ALL Arb'B AN a throughout thd'.countrY 7111. 'gliiifurther in feenlition and ' -• , AFFORD R.YRRY, „FA - CITIFY TO SIJI3SCRiB*RS. .(48".486W10.C1,19] SOLE AGE . FOR : THIS ' CITY y AM happy to' offer.' to: the public a l large I. and Viandid asanirtakent of , SUPERIOR OLD PEA, maimfactured`by LEROY 'W. 'FAIRCHILD. • These Pens are Wellfintehed, elastic, and. will give ea tare satisfaction. • • PTAY! , !. I SXIIRIE: THEM.• - • SCECEFFER!S BOOR STORE, Second street.-oppbeite Preebyteriati +lima; Itairieburg pos„1 ap2S. 1. " " NEW PHILADELPHIA ' gr„ C o K. ST D. , W. GROW' 1,i1:13W BLOCK, 1 Makket - Streo.4lEarlgblirg, 1,000 111 F STYLES ' • PesstroNams. OL,OAK.S . N•D‘O rit 011 L *BB, . . FINE SPRING SHAWLS. • Will openthe Ist, of April. • Imar2l-dIY ' LIQUID RENNET. I IigNNET "Yields with 1141 k the ' - meeehumimm of all'deserts for the table; the light est and ?nest grateful diet for, Invalids and children. Milk contains every, element of :the bodily Sonatitution; when efuLated 'with rennet i always light and easy or digestien, and supports the system with the least possible. excitement When dtillitetter nutritive,potrer Isdetrand, cream and sagest:gay be amide&paspopOilicouverti a quart of date a firm curd., Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail by S. A. KUNKEL, iels-tr • • 118 Market street.' H. C. 0 T the r raw aid leacher 1 1 , 0 0 1 , No. 16, Tam , . * tlg 8001 a,., laiumba. se d6m~ ip • • +ot .I.INAPA add ktilte j *idgl tEk THEE . lua i rseg i vo ky av ,,,: BERGNER'S BOOK TORS. EVENING' EDITION. From the aillist Regiment. SOLDIERS' REST, WiSillNCiioll, D. C., t • . Saturday, Oct. Ist. Editor Telegraph—We left Baltimore on Sat urday morning at 10 o'cloca, tumbled into a train of box ears, and left for Washington,. arriving at the U. S. Capital at about 2 o'clock, amid a steady shtower of rain. We were marched into a comfortable. barracks, then into the refreshment department of the sol diers' rest and partook of a hearty meal, all of excellent quality, excepting the coffee, which was on three occasions of the most miserable quality, tasting more like inferior swill than a cup of good coffee, which the soldier eb much needs to refresh him. ' After dinner we took an hour or two to our selves, and made for the capitol, which is truly the most magnificent building in the United States—or, (as some of our party ex pressed theinselves,) in the world. 'Washington city, as is well'knewn, Presents no' other attractions of consequence -than its public buildings; and to the capitol, there fore, we haStened, and spent an hour . or more examining the beautiful paintings by the best mestere of ,the age,-Eihd statuary that was wrought .bY the most prominent sculptors of Italy and our own country. Among the - finest paintings placed, in the rotunda we noticed-- "Surrender of Lord Cornwallis, Oct. 1781, at Yin'down, Va;" "Surrender of-Burgoyne, at Sitratoga, N. Y., Oct. 1777;" "The Deelaration of Independence; Philadelphia; Pa.;: -July 4th, 1776;" "The „Baptism ot Pocahontas, at jaraet town, Vi',', 1613;" (a superb , picture;) "The Discoveryf the Mississippi river, by De Soto, May 1541," (a fine production ;) "Washington resigning his. commission in Congress, at Anapolis, Md., Dee. 23, , 1783,:' (a life-like production ;) "Embarkation of the Pilgritins from Delft-Haven, in Holland, July 21st, '1620," by Sengstock, (a magnificent painting ;) and the "Landing of Columbus, 0ct..14:92," by J. 'VanderlM(aliftAike Paint- The statue of Adam Pcki Os lam inform ed,) the renowned American pioneer, in the act of reiktring a mother and child'from being toMahaVie'd a ruthless Savage, is the re sult df‘thelabors of a master hand, and occu- Pieda: ''''''''''''' Place in front of the portico. You might look upon this particular piece' of 1 4: 1 %*' W1:044r ikin hour. and find still icihe'fine totich'ethe ihet' lodger 3ou sought to gratify your eye. A "Roman Gla diator" is al!o worthy of note, pccupying a position near the one first mentioned. "The Death of Tecumseh"--a full length piece of statuary,77is mpst superb production, in the interior of the building. The statue of linen. Washington, "Ordered to be erected by the General Assembly of Virgins, 1788," occupies a promittent'pOidtiOn, arid is worthy of note; as are also the bUSts of "T: Kosaittsko," and 'a bust of "Ain.' Pied. P:'Stanton," by Hora tio Stone, sculptor. There are Many more featines of interest in 'this truly magnifie,ent building, which Will xepaY a visit to Washing ton city at any time. - Saturday night we -took a comfortable nap on the floor bf..the foldieral leak ,arid thanked our "stars' we' did notlit'y on the pairing stones in Conway street, Baltimore, (as we klid on the night prevides,) ?Air itrained fit drown us all !" I ? ) ,At IA, §UNDIX AP/Mt/ 100 N/ Oct. 2,' 1864; About 9 o'clook yesterday .the order to " - marehl"!Wan:given and we promenaded thrOttgli•thedelightfulluuddy streets of Wash •ingtoii to thel'otonnic, got aboard the steamer ' , Grey Eagle," and ran dowicto Akerandita half an hour's time;,distantaliout seven - idles by the riwr.l -The'aity)ofq7nruslangtan die- Ithictly seen frono hereA3artianlialy the utag: ilificent dome o fha Oapitoll;, -.We deft, two , Inetrbakingingito company in Ykrahhingto* , at the hospit4—privatesWeidle and Eimfth-1 the latter very-ilLwith-chills and fever. a ;We ;had a.ipliassant dinp the.river. And.d.,,Oded al Al'exalidria ahont 12'31. bn arriving at the Government wharf here, we were immediately put on terra firma, and 93scorted through the principal-elhree,tii to the soldiers' -rest, •where, after a thorough inspection by one of the U. S. Officials, we Were dismissed, and quarterell in a neat, eleaUtl3sirracks,; tVen taken; to. the Government Restaurant, where we.partook . iif qa Ilea* meal, of:insisting aline, white bread; pork and good coffee—the litter refrestxiertt , .rue needed ranch, and we drank plenty!of, it,, I - can assure • •We are All at:atous-i to get ;0114: and ritia around town to' find the "Marshall Howie," :where the gallant• Ellsworth met,. his untimely end at:the bends of Jackson. The 202 d went flown the river on a transport a few minutes since. The 199th, it is reported; also went down.:- , It is confidently, asserted; _here, this evening, that welarelo perforM guard dutY in the Vail. ley of tlni .Shenandoah. •In a• day or' two I ctui inform you of our whereabouts., We are not to go to, the front-at:this time, so the kuoating dims :say, at leap.. , ger thovreseut good ,bye., ; , More anon. P. 8.---We left Ike-te.bbard at Mr. Hmber ger'Ei Hotel, an Walnut street, , near the, canal, in Yotir city.: Conlibit "see"-the propriety of plagneing our : pet by carrying him along.' A. H. B. ALexaxxsak, VA., /tolinks Aprnforoox, Oct. 3, 186 4 Alexandria is rather an Old looking village, or rather eity--eofitaining about 8,000 inhab itants,:with clean; well-paved streets, and has some few elegant and stylish private resi dences--none to compare, however, with the `l 4 / 7 .ete residences along Front street, Harris . b u rg' Corporal and your correspond ent, strolled along King.street, this a. m., and found the fainotuflllarshall House," where Elmer Ellsworth met ins untimely end. It is an indifferent kicking, three storied buiblitig, with one .ehininerand a pair of dormer , wAu dows on the Toof--4 windows on. the .2d floor and 4 on the third—and the whole front brick work.painted drab color.. The kront (Int-mince to the bar-rocim is. a wide doeri,oegupy ‘ ing nearly the whole width of the building, and mn< mediately above the door is an ordineKv sign, is red and white letterst--:"Marshall House." From the to of Ltbs.roof the identical flag staff (frohl which' Ellsworth tore the hateful seeesh rog),still stands, arid looks as then* it had seen .ifs...best days, for, the golr - roPe.s 3 nearly rottedkom - I The steps leading to the roof (where_likentragady occurred) have' 'all been out :amyl= mementos, (obtained. for a consideration, of .aeiniss%):and are freptified with new material. The Roue was afterwards carried - cm* - 14: a, Philadelphian; who ~coined mow : by . th ‘ eancrease of husiness occasioned bypeople flocking hither from all parts of the Thiite'd ' States, to see the spot where "Ells- Worth,•the galiant - Zonave," breathed hisjeat. Fortherlyi there must have been considera ble, shippMg.donedat this• point—hut nowthe principal wai:ehohaes on private -account are closed, and United Stites Goverrunentwharves alone give activity and life to the"place. The Revenue cutter "Adolph Huger, No. 9" —mounting two twenty-foiir pi - waders,' and a mortar throwing a bombdrlivo hundred pounds weight, is stationed hire,. in: command of Captain L. Nicholson, U. S. N. The Huger took part in the capture of. New Orleans from the rebels, a few years ago', and has been stationed here ever since. The fine, large side-wheel steamer "Ben Deford," of Baltimore,, is lying here fitting out for a hospital boat. All crafts passing up or down the Yotomac are required to obtain paSses from . the proper authorities ere they are-allowed to pass the cutter lying off here, Alexandria is still under martial law, and not a single drop of liquor is allowed to flow here under any circumstances: The soldiers are strung along the docks this morning in groups, fishing, for rock. Some fine specimens were caught, with live bait, this morning, measuring . Trona 12 to 10 inches in length. Raw meat, refine oysters, and'eveii mackerel bait is used for the pur pose. .The boys pre all, well find in good spirits. We expect to do railroad duty in a few days and will locate somewhere near here, so that we will have mail communication once more. It is annoying, indeed, to be,without a mail from home. This, however, will be remedied in, a few dais. In making purchases of paper, envelopes, tb-day, we made the acqUaintance of Mr.. Charles .13rownold, an obliging and clever Israelite, and brother to Mr. S. Brbwn old, of our" native city. Many of out men made purchases at his Place of business, No. 53, King street. We also accidentally met Mr. J. L. Barringer, of Harrisburg, now doing business in. Alexandria. • • ' More anon. • A. H. B. . . . tirEN KRAL 4oH. HOOKER IN NEit,V General Hooker :46E; pinzient at the- great Union meeting, 4ast Nevening; in Brooklyn.— In responge to the Fe*, tj}o audience, he pamelorward and said; 1.4.01k5: AND Gramkniii-LI need not tell you' thitt l'am totally unprepared for this. I cannot - inid , do not take this demonstration, or any part. of to myself. lam not worthy of this reception. I am not more worthy than you. We are'all in the same boat. Yon' have been working in the cause in one place mid I 'have been working in another. Your victories here are s,s - dear to us in the front as those in the front are dear to you here. The victories of last fall--4 speak, from a full 'knowledge of the facts—were hailed with aw,Much joy and enthusiasm in. the army as though those vic tories had.been achieved by an `other army the n the army to which I belonged: " The Victory ot Ohio was , also hailed with joy, and I felt glad at the result. I hope I may feel many more; and I do not doubt that before next November we will taste of one, like which the rebellion has furnished no parallel: - `I need not :tell you that I am rejoiced to find 'stitch an assem blage. It shows: that it is all right With our cause and'orir country. brothing, , ;-no re verses, no misfortune, can Wail us whemour people are animated by the feeling evinced here to-night. lithe war litiebeexi prolonged it has. not been from wetikness i ' but rather from conscious strength. We have never put forth our resources nor,strength, although we have put forth such resources as,h4ve, amazed theworld. But it is true that the-, ,North has never yet made, one ! great effort fo Crush the rebellion. It can, ~ and will, do it, when it moves for that purpose. The people in these loyal States', and I,.am ..PrPfl shy it, have beim in, adviunie.pf the . ,authenlieS, during the whole of this rebellion. They so until we reaqh the end, and that i 4 is not remote. lam rejoiced to . Meet youth-night, and to 'meet you under such auspices. Tidings; glo •riouslitlings, reach us ,from all the armies. The work goes bravely on there. There are no copperheads M. the army. [Loud ap .BlVilea They will Aght Well, and they will vote . well also. Mere'loyalty, more devotion, never animateXtie - heart, - and the hands of Men more brave. ' I thank you most earnestly fdi thti kindness that you have received me -with this evening. It= unworthy of it. I have in a litimble .capacity served my country, ,and. have never failed to ao, my duty; and I 'trUSVI never will I bid You good night. • General Hooker then retired amid renewed and boisterous applause. _'•110* of xiii: *OA' up au§ 'l.l.prD.----The I t Wet& ' Transc r ipt - gf: 4urday last, says that a gentleman.of - that'e t i ,;Nitho li'a.d all his life been an unwaYerbgllD mociat, was much ex ercised in nnrid, - Wheri,:the' . Chicago' Plidform was announce 'and Oen!'llicClellan'a letter of acceptated approyet:U On the day before a friend Met' him in tire' . ll;treet arid 'Saying A . o him, "I suppose, of ootirse, you Will gofor the Chicago platform and-its nominee." gow can I?" was the replY, "Ity only . son, a i better man than myself: is fighting in the Federal army, and li3annot. Imb:fig' , myself to feel it right that . II takoillditettLy. O. home and vote against the oewiefpr, yorkoh. : he is suffpring.'l AS.B UM 330 Zefrorapo. There is no truth in the rumor. that 'Our army'had met with a reverse, and that Gen. Butler was ki lei. The report was doubtless manufactured by, the gold speculators. Front Washington. - WASHINGTON, Cid. 5. The following deaths of Peraisylvahia sol diers were reported yesterday: Lewis W. Kipp, company H, 48th Pennwylvania; Edwin AL &Inman, company K,. - 99th Pennsylvania; lohn 'Healy. company A, 99th Pennsylvania. Private George. G. Moore, Company I), West Virginia-volunteers, and John: Creed, Company D, 23d Illinois veteran - volunteers, ,were yester4ay.introArMed to, , Phe Seef4tar9 of War by amoral J. H. WillsOn, and` presented to him two battle flags capture'd by 4hem at , Fisher's Hill, -Virginia, Septa 22d; .'"llheivgallw lantry was duly aelmowlecl:by _th - "%pre tiny and the fortunate privates-y ondnot ed to the 'dais of General TO e ,where waid PRICE THREEeTWTS; YORK"ANi BROOKLYN Genk.'liimtler Not KiMed. NEW Yosx, m. .. , - _. Sliiiill PRINTING - 0 ( .111(11,, , L A.DVENNEW3 D Y - te. TlieTollowing areitinclre 7.l .!UtVi ik Drat,' mum , ThOsebiloink Mlle 'todO la Zlt'' cot ' cement for reference: "N Mr Four lines or less constitute one-half ,square. Eight lines; or more than rota; ormstitutoir square. Fos a HALF squitrajv . .: i ,Tog Qsrsll l 2liAßO 3 . One day $ 31.1 One day $ 60 Two days 5O Two days. 100 Three days i 5 !Three' aays..c •• '' " ' ' , I 25 One week .... ..... 1.25 One week —.....— 2 2 5 . One month `I 00 One month:::::::. 01:10 Two months. 450 Two m0nt1a5.........:' 909 Throe months 5 50 Three months ..: 11 00 Six months ~. 8.0 - six months 15 00 One year • ' •-n 00 One•year 25_00 Administration Notices 2 75 Marriage Notices ............ :...........• • 0....••••••• 4 16 Auditor's Notices 1. 50 Funeral Notices, each insert ~~ Air Business notices in before Marriages and. I each neertion. 4 -(6 • d - in the Local Column, or MEM CrJrra reit Linz for the flags were depositedand memoranda ta ken for the preparation of medals to be given them. Creed's capture Of the flag he pre sented was accomplished, in the absence of ammunition, by knocking thes.rebel flag bear er down with a stone. • •-• Lieutenant Robert M'llnight, - (if batteryr. H, Ist Pennsylvania Reserve Light Artillery, was the recipient of. a satire, with-belt and sash, from the non-commissioned officers and-'pri vates of the battery, on the first inst. lieut. Mlinight has been promote&frcini the ranks, as has every other officer of the battery. , It has been decided that all 'Pennsylvania soldiers stationedwithin one mile of thi3 Chain building on H street, can deposit their , icotes at the polls in said building, on the day of the coming election. All outside of said limits can vote' at the nearest polls. On Menday fifty rebel deserters were-fur nished with transportation to go where their fancy leads them north'of Mason and Dixon's line. Instructions to Rebel News papers. 4 WASHINIZMOii 1094 The following telegram, was found in the telegraph office at Harrisonburg, Va., after our troops entered the place. It isfsigned by General Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector Gen eral of the C.' S. A.: BR THLEGIIAPH, RICHMOND. July 11, 1864. --To the Edit r of the Rockingham Registe , It is observed that one of the columns-of your paper, of the Bth inst., is headed "News from Early's Army." Silence as to thetnimber of our troops at all points and by whom com manded, has become of the firskimpcMance. It is also desirable that the enemy should be mystified as to the whereabouts of Gen. Lee himself. Nor should it be stated that Gen. Ewell has been separated from his corps or 'where he is. Please bear • irPmind these sug gestions. (Signed.) S. COOPER. Adjutant and Inspector Gendral. New" York Stock bisirkets:*l :Stooks lower; Chicago and Atopek t . Isbyad, 87i; Cumlqerlaucl, Coal, 51i:.; Illinois, Central, 111; 711inois, Central bonds, 'Soullteru, 57; Neir York Central, 110Fltead int 11C; Hudson River, 1081; Oaritnli, Go., 251; Missouki•:6B, 60; Erie, 861; ..TrwittrY .7.3-10,,104;10-40, 96i; Five 7 twe.npy, eoupons, 10th. Coupon 10411; Itegiatereti, - 1061; 'Gold, 1891. • ' • - Great _ Attractionl • N 0 . 13 A H-t'iPL ! ArRS. M. MiiirEß, 111. xo. is MARIEET STREET,: BONNENS, L Ard S, 411 D MISSES" - EEk7S;" • • • -FEATHERS AND .FLATE.gB. Also, THE .L 1 - 7 J Y • - . CLOAKS - soct n ; t Iss A WOOLEN n: a Hdoi a i s S, /V b r iglit‘ atG ALL RINDS 'OF TRIM 11: - 1,. Cif, Constantly on hand, besides eveQ, thing u-uallo loan t in the largeSt fuinishing est,blishmentii ihd e;onntiT. sep.2o _ Steam Weekly. to -Liwarpool. riIOITCHINGatQURENSTOMPA. v(tiork Rat bor.) The well known Steamers pf-Alag: New York and Philadelphia Sho.sonahiP_COmpany, are in tended to sail as • City of Baltimore, Saturday October ; Etna, Satur day,'October 16; Edingbint Sittbnlay, 411M14r 21; and every succeeding Saturday, at, Noon,- from Pier. 44, North River. RATES OF :P.A.V3: . ; PAYAHLR rtt GOLD, OR 3T . XQVI74.IRN, i3I. OORREINGI. FIRST CABIN - $BO 00 $ 3O Du do- to London ••,85 00 do to L0hd0n4.... ••31 00 110 to ' Paris 95,00 dO rails. 40 00 do to luiaburg,.... 900 0 - de to .37 or, Passengers also forward ,to Hmrre,,Rxemen, Rotter dam, .4144 U -erg; '&O4 - at equahy lowrinea - -- - Pares &pin - Liverpool or Queenstdwri: tut Cabin, $B5, $lO5. Steerage, $36. Thoso who wish to send • their friends can buy tickets here at , theseraterk• For further information apply at the Oompady's 011tc JOAN G. DALE, Agent, lb Broadway, N. Y., or C. HIMIIERHAN, Harrisburg. • i ; if , legs.dly P.OI3LIC NOTICE is I.teieli r irgiven - ;'that in pursuance of the aatof Aseenibly of, Pennsylvania, passed the first day of June, 11339 ‘ thestockholders of the Franklin Bank, of Washington; - Penns.,-Will apply to the next session of the Legislature ,for-a.rentityal of ita char ter, with an increase of .ita capital 'froth, sl§o,ooo to $200,000. . .3F,11.88D, President .WASEINGTON, June 2*, -• Je2l VICKY PINE, 1ND314.1),t, -11. Ott.t font and extensive Steek Photo graph Abeam and Photograph._ Ctiritlletures, we have addeith BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPFasp i sreception of card picture& They mast be. seen atiewill bh admired *a -Photographers supplied at the terjaleskst whole sale price, and their card printed upon them am $T thousand, wholesale and retail at • SWEURFERW49.eRa• TOM Draft! Drafal TNR:AFTED MEN_ entitled-to exemption can J have their papers properirriteparedby R p.-GOBlN,rAttorney at Law, Late of the Provost marshal's offEce:"Office in Third street, four doors above Maiket, Hardentyg,sa. sep27-tf NEW STORY BOOR - `FOR C Br. 14 P BY FANNY FERN. For sakiltt &heifer's Bookstore, Harrigium; Pa. se2S VINEGAR PACTOILY - EGRAALE, LOCATED IN - THE SIMER " WARD. The house will be leased for:4l,hrupbhrof years. In quire of • SAMOA), ROBERTS, len29-Iw€ll • -"oil 7, NAINEERMAW. TRANSPARENT: •s - LITE ALARGE ASSORTEIME T 1 0E TRANSPA RENT KATES, of all aize.l and plioes; for sale at Sehenr's BooksyNe 4 21 South Second' ptleet i -arrisburg, Penna. ' L' -•". Ceti 1L RESEt OYSTFXS' In canjust, reoeivedithdlxesattr t : . §t it, am- Mr t ilizist 3 bß u k & co.) sept 26 VOR THE-STORKROOALANVIIMICEth FLOOR sit i4o : bulict*g adjoining; J,..; „I.RFS Drug Store. Inquire on the premises sep27-tf ER,' ef "Vinegar V - obi be bought by thebarktbr fl 4Aantity, gt 71$• :N.) ; "' jig 7. ARPgR.- 'OISH! FISIn :NOS;...I:JACKER- A.: EL, in all size packages, just rceive4 d far sale at RATRIZEtir 'NEW Yots..,:Ott. 5 = EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers