THE - TELEGRAPH us ruzusraw ArOBNING AND EVENING, - - BY GEORGE BEI4GINT49'R. OFFICE THIRD ST., REAR WALNUT. VERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION I'2II:DAILY TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the c ity at 12 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be Charged $6 00 in advance. Those persons who neglectto pay in advance will be charged $7,00. • : - -• . . WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. 'las Tiiusosars is oleo published weekly, and is furnished subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly Three copies to one Post 0111 cc Tee copies to one Post Mee NEW ADVDRTISEMENTS. When will Wonders Cease,l THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD ! DR. McBRIDE'S RING OF PAIN WILL cure any ache or pain in from one' to sixty minutes It acts like magic dpon the absorbent and glandular systems, reducing swellings and regulating tho secretions and excretions. It is of a diffusive, penetrating nature, exerts its influence front the periphery to the centre of the norm's organism,, thence by reflex action its powei is felt throughout the entire system restoring the circu lating fluids and checking disease wit ' h invincible strength. THE KING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE I • No matter what the pain, apply the medicine and you will find instant relief. - --lt is an internal and' external cure. THE KING OF PAIN Cures almost instantaneously, Headache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Colds, Bronchial Alfeciionx,. Asthma, Dyspesia, Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Bloedy Flux, liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Genital Organs, Cramp, Cholic and all spasrecidlc pains, Fever and Ague, Burns, Brulses,.Cuts, Sprains and wounds of every description. It proves itself the mastery, as tlrs testimony of thousands prove itsmeritoribus worth. Sold, wholesale and retail, by' S. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Sole Agents, • 118 Market street, Harrisburg. SOLDIERS READ! The following letter from a soldier, in reference to the efficacy and powerful restorative quantities of DR, IA:- BRIDE'S KING OF PAIN, speaks for itself : NEWTILLE: CUMBERLAND COMMIr, Sept. 14, 1864. Messrs. S. A. Kunkel & Ero., druggists, Harrisburg, Piz.: Gsurs :—I would inform yeti that I received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Fain Killer, and enclosed please find' five dollars more, for which send me live bottles addition al to-morrow. I leave for camp to-morrow. Let me know whether you can supply me with it in the army. I am in Company S, 202 d aegiment.P. V. Lhave been in' very bad health for upwards of four years, and.tivo Of the one-dollar bottles have cured me completely, and have made me feel like a man. Besides, I have cured a num ber of my comrades of various diseases incident to CarriP3. life, and can recommend It to be the best medicine the soldier can provide for himself. Yours respectfully, JOS. E. WRITE: Kir All orders from a distance promptly attended,to by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO. A ROMP , • CERTIFICATE., The following ceriincate is from a well-kyonMeitizeii of Harrisburg HAsiussußG, Aug. 30, 1864.. To TIM PUBLIC :—lt gives me great pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared hy DR.' J. J. McBRIDE, which he calls the "liiNG OF PAIN," :I was Induced to use it as an external remedy.for Orals°, which it relieved Immediately, and subsequently cured.entlrely.. Its success induced me to use it internally fonniarrlacea, with which I 'NILS afflicted in a chronic form for nearly eighteen months, and to such an :extant that My kidneys were seriously deranged. The medicine. :has. „cured me, and certainly that is saying a great deal in ita fayor,.when I reflect how many ether remedies -I tried witheut.experi encing anything but temporary relief. For nay Part, I shall always keep a supply of it in my houSe, belieVing as I do that it is a most invaluable family - medicine: • DAIIIE4 N. WILT. The unexampled sale of this medioino proves it to he the most wonderful discovery of the ago in the medical art The undersigned are the selo . agenti for 'the Btate, and will supply it wholesale and retail. S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., Druggists, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. sepls] COSTAR'S” VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERITMATMS. EXTSgATORS. 4 COSTAWS I) TE. ATMS. • EXTE SATOTW. "COSTR'S" , EXTERMINATORS. • EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" FAT.ERMINATORS . . . EXTERMINATORS: "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. i EXTERMINATORS, f• ; "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS' EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS: • EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. • - - - - EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS.. • • EXTERMINATORS: "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS'. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. • EXTERMINATOR& "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. . EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S"' EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS,: ' FOR RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS Egli-BUGS PLEAS, MOTHS IN FURS, WOOLENS; INSECTS ON PLANTS, FOWLS, ANIMALS, etc. "15 years established in N. Y. Qty. , " -• "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Itnman , ,Farrillyii" "Rats come out of their holes to , die.'" • ea-Sold by all Druggists everywhere. I I Brawn l I I of all worthless imitations. " Costar's Depot, No. 482 Broadway, N. Yi egg-Sold by • D. W. QBoSS & CO., , Wholesale and retail agents, And by all Druggists in Harrisburg, Pa: Apl.o.dawSm . . PEIPHER'.S DAI.LAFL , t4XF 4 BETWEEN PHILABELIPTINt i t ' 2 Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, - Williamsport, • ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Mikan; Lewisburg, Northumberland, bury, Treverton, Georgetown, • . liykenstown, Millersburg, ; • .Halifax, Dauphin, - AND LIARRISIIIIRG. - The Philadelphia Depot being . centrally located, the drayage will be atthe•lotvest rates The Conductor ,goes through with each train to attend to the . safe•Licilivery of all goods Intrusted to the line. Goods delivered lit the de pot of WILLIAM -E. BURS, 812 Market! street, - Philadelphia, by 6 o'clop,k, „will be delivered la Ear risburg the next !! Prelight Alww&y• as Low as by Any! Other Line. JOS. MONTGMBRY , &CO. ' Philadelphia, and •Headink Pepe; Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. IM3 NEW LIQCOR STOM3;. ; • • • IMPORTANT TO LANDLOB - pb AND. OTHERS.—The, undersigned offers at . whhlesalc, the trade, a choice lot of the best Upton ever brought to Harrisburg, viz: Frani:Ai Bhilrelies, ifonauff_ l 7 o 4ocotch , Irish, Bourbon, Wheat and',ol4.- Rye Whirhwi Forier. and Domenic Wines, such as Champagne, Caret, Catawba, do All liquors warranted; ari i represented; s f,andtorda and others will fled it to their advantage to 'call and Alz"-: amine the assortment at the store, on South Scoot* street, two doors below Chestnut . my27-d6nt : . GEORGE IVIRTERR riANNEIj PIIIIITS OP EVERY tiF.SCRIP -11.1 URN% ai;c9F4 opal the celebrated mintillicturem. SARDINNS, - - OLEVEL mutraupq, - , o every description. Baowa Rolm, FINE TEAS, COFFEE, and affair alai grades and.prices, and the beat soleeted nook outside of Fidledslplile: ' • ! All goods guaranteed as represented. . , , Particular aEen ALIA po All orders from a Mstakide - ( kegs { picked: and delivered to all parts of OM' .olty.lime of 01114..1" c` , ! • : imooesaors to jir.;moe_,.erl , Amu:Lt . , ~.. ~,A.:,...,.,....../A.ur•L -AntitrAt'at-,--r-MmulraimktrMMMAMYAVUo,-5/•/,"/"/T:,-t"-w••LA,A. AwAtet/..atiMmAl...s:-. -rn..-..1,,,,r0m....• -.4 ,444-. 4 . • , ~,/,.;- r/: . IMAAMUFVUL=IIOIMRIVAIMUMM. O : - A -. .. re...1./...,,./15.."-Ar/ - Ar, ,, ,-urrlmr:Are. /r...../v - .; - :: ... . ... :-. ....., -,, - . • . _ .... _ .. - , ‘ Nin,ll!l r ill" . . . ' I l'l' ' '''' - ' t ' -• / T •4 , - ,-. t,r.,_ • ..„.. t:,.• 4..,,vi, .:„.. 1,.•::: - ,.. , , -..-/-: . . ! ~_ _, , ~.••,. 1 ro : .. , F. 5 . ~i,..., ,::: ~,:-..,-:-.: ~, i , ; ; r r ii :• ::,.... - :..._. --: 1) . A,,,l ii/ r/..„dr, ~.. .•,...c.:- . •,...-..,, _ ~.- -.... •.- .- b , ~, ... ,.. . ,„.., _.., - ,: - ./11 -L.,' . , - .• - 6 .: ,.. e , O s'' . . ' - .-‘, - • ' •,, , it.,. '- '~.„- --: 7- ---', ' '-----. .'.. ._. .. . Alta i . . ' ‘_ .'; • . , . . . . . .... , - . , -•- .„ ; . .. 5 ....'--- r -; . _• 11 ' Z-• 11 : 0' 1.; 11 , - . -I " . T -t •G: -."- A. •A-, ' '''''', _.. • , . r - • , . .. M--5• 0 :,12.../;.___. - -, 7 . : - _ • - . -s ' , . 7 f' ".. $1 50 . 4 00 10 00 'PT: . - - ,.§.,Q,,1;04.0 4MNPi.;:.-7,'.i ' MEDICAL Siv't s A Cni.e',War.rant,ed. Dyspepsia • has -the following Symptoms; Ist. A constant pmn or uneasiness at the pit:of the stomach. • • • ' • 2d. Flatulence'and Acidity. • • 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhees, with griping. 6th. Pain in parts of the System. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the-Heart.- Bth. eough,.WithPhlegm in the Throat. 9thi Nernons Affection, and want of - :Sleep at night/. .J ' - ! 10th. Logi of. Appetite and Vomiting.: 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, < 'and Loss of sight. . • • • -12th. Headache walking, with great. weakness. . Out of the thousands •of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wisliart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of, them-has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere; atid'at 'Dr. Wishart'S office, No. 10 N. Second street, Philadelphia;. Pa.• All eYaminations and Con sultaticinsyfree of charge. < Send.. for a circu lar. Palen $1: per box. Sentby mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. • DYSPEPSIA; DYSPEPSIA, • DY-SPEPSLA. .F,r.r prigTH ' Beausox i of Brandywine; , Del:, formerly of Old Chester, Del., do - .certify . ' tifst,' for on. e. year andi:a I:suffered . iviery thing but death from that awful disease called • Dyspepsia. 'my Whole system was prostratSd, pith weal:Mess mill nervotierdebilityr could not digest my food,; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I beciime so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days;: un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadfal horror end evil forebOdings. • I- thettglit eVerylxidy, hated me, and I hated everybody; tecaild net bear my husband nor my own children, eVery- . thing appeared to be herrot-tititicken to me; I had no ambition t'o. do.anything; I lost all -thy hive Of family and-home; . IWould ramble and wander from place to'place, could not be centented;felf , that wae doomed • hell, and that there 'wee no heaven for me, and was often' terapted to commit suicide`,' so near was . my Whittle nervous system de stroyed; and also my mind from that- awful complaint,',DySpcipsia, that my friends tfiought best to have me placed in Dri 'hospital, Wei • Philadelphia;' , I- ;ternaitted there nine weeks, , and thought 'was a little Utter, but in a few days my. dreadful ilaifit wimeragirivis badas , e - Ver. • Hearing of` the wonderful curbs ~ pirfcirmed by Dr. Wis . hart's Great American Dyspepsia Ping. and; his treatment for Dyspepsia, my' huaband" called on Dr. Wishart and stated My - case to him. He said he had no doubt he could cure I me. 3o in three days after I called and:Placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in tWoweeks I began to•digestmy‘fuodi and felt. that my ditleage waw feet giving Way, and continued‘ recover for about three- months, and attlie'presenttime enjoy perfect health of body and mind, andlmostsmoerely return thy tlitnikvni , a , merciful God and I Dr. Wier. hart,itendFto:.fhie great American Dyspepsia and Pine:Tree Tar Cordial that saved me frOM-anlnsane Asylum and premature-grave. All persons: suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to Call on me or write, as I am-willing 16 do. all the good. I can .for suffering . hu -mardty: • ELIZABETH.. BRANSON,' Brandywine, Del., formerlY Of Old -Chester,, • Dela:ware county, Pa. - -Da; Wrsimanios Office; No:. 10 North Second. street; Philadelphia:: • • • DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIAI' . • ' DR. Wisnairr,-,I have been a constant.iullerer with Dystepsia for thelast eighteen years; during_ which time . I cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly well- day: There were times when-the symptom& euire more. aggraVated than at - others, and then It seemed iti r w:uld be a great re: lief tor die. had it all times arimi' patent:feeling in my head, but latterly tatimfferinge: so at Increased that I became alniost unfit forihuitinesser any kind; my mind was continually filled with gloomy thoughts and fore-' bodings, arid if I attaiepted to change their current by' „reading, at once a. sensation of icy coldness in connection, witli a dead weight; is ft were, Witted - upon my! brain- ; also, a feeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, and great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the continual fear of losing my reason. I • also 'experiettoed great lassitude, debility and nervousnese, which guide it difficult to matt by day or sleep at night, I became. averse to slaciety,, and disposed only .to ,seclasion;aid having trieethe skill of a number of minuet physicians of various schools, flintily came to the conolailen that, for this'disease at my present. ageplayaris)-therewas no cure to existence. Daly, through,,,the interference of Divine Irteviiience, Whorrii •SeiAltlfcireirmy thanks, lat last found a sovereign remedy-in- your -.Dyspepsia Pills and TariCordtak which- seem. So;butse effectually removed al nanstthelnat trace M. my. long/list of ailments and had feelings; and in their placrphealth, pleasure and content ment are my eve 4y cempaniorns. r . JAMES . :453 ilerth Seoand stree 'lllladelphia, or. Oodlitily, N. J. Dr. Wis(mit's OfficeNo.lo North second street, Phila . r.l CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. yea WRAT KR. JOHN .11'. :141.1,1501:11i : . , ././1)..1102S OLIVE STREET, • Philadelphia, Jillpary, 22d,../308. Dec. Wmitsar--Sir:—lt id‘with• =net pleasure that I am now able toinfortriyouithati by the-isteLffouif great SinerienaDyspepsia Pills, I - have be4n cut _ cured of that most distressing complainc, Dyspepsia.. :had been • grievioutly aillteted Par the last, twenty-eight. years,, and : for ten years of .that time have not been free from its :path one week at a time. I have .ad it, in Its worst form and.have dragged on a. mestndeerahle esistenpe--in pain day and night. Every kbadl4c./ ate, filled me with:wind and pain, it mattered • Apt , ROW light; of how swill the quantity; cost:mood belching was Buret° follow. Iliad no_ app_eilteformlY kinds of meats what everandMY-diEtrerta. _,Et) groat for several months be fore I heard of your rills; that I frequently_ wished for 114 . 14: 1 tid CASA': eVerytaling that I Chad. heßnl of for liyiteepsift,lWithout•freceitihg any benefit; but on your Pills being - recommended - to me by one who had been cured by thein, , l Concluded to give them a trial, althaugh I had no faith in them. To my astonishment, I found. myself' gettingtetter before I had *en' onefourth or a bO r t,Ana after tisking.half sibi:4, 'lran ta , welt man, and &sip, elat a/le/dna/. wish; . inisix ecutiopiehearty meal three • tient day Without inotinvehlence from anything 1 eat , or drin k . If you, think proper, you araatliberty to make this public and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all de sirable inforinationidaly one who may call on me rnroppvrovectfally,-.: JOHN H,BABCOCK. , - orsale apr., Wislaartir 3E11194 Depd_t y lNii 10 Nardi ,`Stremitt ref, re. Fri* Ode DOliat :per mail, tread' charge, on receipt' arrirjcie, i • . .. . , _, DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA! I, Samuel i -sllvBnt have been a great s or er ,. w ith Chronic Dyspepsia and'lntlatimatton of tho.ltidneye for thmaxvirs. . annoy ed three or four of the -most emi .nentAwhifliaUS of phOdelphikalso of AuChigton county *s ; ll ' • Th it 4 1 . 1 I t eth e therS'Addi butri-H 0 ao tier= PO: nit4FaikSP .4f tllled with; awful Ohl end els. c e di .40.1514.8.14 ta.. F t belching iif ii?lif - 'llll(t'sour acid. Aty, tat 'O,. .•4 " 1 with a iddie Wit* of macs ; 1 4 4,1r.,, .]. , . 3jOrgo i ftarrovric'add 'vriiii dreadfairy aeret: ?toed for death iti l 'ie ll eva me of my MO' - 1 '-lost allhope of oar bilug well again.- I- _a: :lkteot of "prayer to God that' he Avoel. d ' eo. P 11dr4. 4 " 3, 9c te PPZPIPiaII, i ,urt i te l i m a ss e:hat _Amod wok*. mils ,t 0.460.16446 ei? 0 6 • 6 . et T,HE 1N1,0N, T7 -NOW AND FOREVER." HARRISBURG, PA, MONDAY OCTOB E R 3, 1864 *EmLii Dr. Wishar'iir in the Philadelpl4 .{,edger, of a great cure rrithlikupon Hr. Jolarßabcoct, of 1028 Olive street, Phila delphia, by the great. American Dyspepsia Pills.: I went to the Doctor's Office. and placed myself under b treat ment, and told him if he failed to cure me t h would be the last ellbrt I woutd make.. It has been six weeks stripe I commenced the use of hisibeaDelrie, lindi am now a well man, - free from all pain anti distress, and can 'eat. three hearty meals a day with„comfort, and feel perfectly welL Dr. Wishart, I want• you to publish my case, as I want every poor dyspeptic sofferiug as I was, to call on me, and I will tell them of, the ; great -Cure I have received from your invaluable medicine. SAMUEL D. HAVEN. Corner Xenango and Lambert streets near Richmond street, formerly from Wrightstown, Burlington county, ,'The abOvo are a few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physidlans and drug• gists who have prescribed and sold,theTar Cordial, saying that they hate never used , or Sold aTteiedical Which gave such universal satisfaction. Prepared only by the proprietor, • • ,••••• • AB.. L. Q. C. IiqUIART, IGNotth Beednd street, `Philadelphia, Ps. Sold by Druggists everywhere BmjylB-eod-dBiw NEW AD V VitTISEMEATS. U. S: 1 3O LOAN. rin - FTE Secretary of the Treasury gives notice • _IL that subscriptions:Will be received fOr Cou pon Treasury Notes, payable three years from Aug,ust 15th, 1864, with semi-annual, interest at the rate'd seven and three-tenths percent. per annbm—prinbipal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option of :the holder at maturity into six per cent. gold learing bends, payable not less than five nor infirtrthan twenty yparilirom their date, as the Government may elect'. They will be issued in ,denominations of sso,' $lOO, $5OO, $1;000 and.'ss,ooo, and all subscriptions must. be:for-fifty dollars or ;some Multiple 'Of ,fifty dollars , The nete r s••will-bf3 transmitted to the owners trete of transportation charges as goon after the receipt ofthe original Certificates off De l posit as they, can be prepared. , , l As the notes 'draw interest front:August 15, persons making deposits -subsecinent to that date must pay the interest accrued' froth ;date of note to date of deposit: ' • Parties depositing twenty-five thou Sand &l- Lars and upwards for these notes at any one , 'firtie will be allowed 'a: conirnission of one 'qUarter of one: per cent.- ," • • Special a_dwantaweS of this Loan. Ix is . , rtg . A. NAmo., SAN/240a 'BARR, offering a higher rate of interest then any other and the .brst security, Any savingabank which pays its depositorsin U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium ,of the' country, and it cannotpay in anything better,' for its own assets-are either in governinent keetritleksor iii fletes.or bends payable iiigov ernment paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent' investment. The notes can al ways be sold for within a fraction of their face and accurmilatekinterest and are tho best security withbanks as collaterals for dis counts. Convertible into a. 6 per. Cent. 5-PA Gold Bond. In addition to 'the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now woNth,about three per tent per annum; for' the current rate .for 5-20 Bonds, is not Tess than nine per cent. premium, aid be fore the war the premium on six per cent. U. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual .profit on this loin; at 'the present market rate, is not less than-ten per cent. per annum. Its Exemption from State or Municipal' .Taxatton. But aside:froni.fill -the , advantages we; have enumerated,- 'a specialiet of Congress asentistt al! bonds an Trectsur;noteslfromloosa taxation. On the average; this eteniption is worth about .two per, cent. -per :annum, ,according to the rate of taxaficminverions pastel ofthe country. it is believed: that :no securities = offer so :great induceinenttitolenders ag thoile issued by the Government: In; all other ;Torras of indebtedness, the faith or ability-of private parties, or stock companies, or separate com munities, only,. is pledged for payment, while ,the whole.prtiperty Of the coruitry is held to ,secure the dificharge:Of all .the obligatons of the United States. While the GoVernment offers the most liberal terms forits , loans, it believes that the :very strongest aPpeiad will be'to the loyalty and patriotism of the people. , Up to the 24th of September, the:subscrip tions to , thisloan. amounted to over • 000 suispioup444 azorarED, .by; the -TT9ctfilurer of 41e:United :States, at. Weshing tan..,.the several :Assistant .Treasurers and (1 4 413 1 040 d Depositaries, and by the ( FIRST. NATIOPIAIiIIiNK OF DUISBURG. ALL RESPHOTAN,R , BANKS AHD BANKERS thrprigliout..the'.lenuntry will give farther in ,' ' • - • , fdiraation and AF) ORb EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. • ise2B- . cl& - w:tootl97 'AGCY' FOR TIES CITY T. Ala hoppy to, cap tut - the public a large 'A. add Splendid alliiortinent of ' ' • . SUPERIOR, - GOLD PENS 'Planiraskrkbi ct,r.. , LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will give cu. tire iiittbilhalelf. : • Pl.l l ' . 1 1.11 'PRY THEX SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE, Second street, oppoeite-Preabyterlan Church, Harrisburg NEtV MELLJbDELPHLi C.II s OA.II STORE, •ZN D. W. OROS,WIFEW•BLOCIE,' Market Street, Harrisburg. .:I;OOO,DIFFERENT STYLES 1 . 1 a orrusmusulas LO:A.E.S'A* D 0 OUL A RS; FINE, SPRING BRAWLS. WiU opon on the of Apra. [mar2l-lly :RENNET. _IQUID RENNET yields with pnilk. tho -..11-1 meat laSniops of ell deserts for the ,teble ; the light est .an moat , grateful diet for invalids and children. contains every element of the bodily' constitution; when ooaguiated with rennet ills always' light and easy of digestion, and supports the system With the least possible excitement. When still greater nutritive , power is desired cream and sugar may. be added. A.:teaspoonful convert' a quart of milk into a firm curd. Prepared andsold. wholesale and ketaireY ;. !,s, A. ICITNICEL I Jelf•-4s':. - • .:1113..Market •:U. 0. • 43 leader o the. Ptictzo,Melodeon ; Violin and Ati Trani army' limy NARK*. sep346Pil A:' SAGOIJELEESE—A small but fresh lot S choiedßAP SAGO filleltSlk Anst received this Mersa% at .-111i0140 rA11v.,047441112. , s. ,tl.l ; • EEO EVENING EDITION. LATEST is GENERAL GRANT, Heavy Firing on the North and South Side of ',Petersburg. NO DETAILS RECEIVED. VIOSION OF: A BOILER PN THEROSPITAL •P STEAMER MATT . DA. Providential Escape a the Soldiers. 01=21211 Oct. 2 A Fortress , Montroe letter 'of yesterday says the U. S. steamer George Lary arrived this (Saturday)afterrioonlioniDeep,Bottom, and re progress yesterday on the ninth: side of -James river; .and south of PeteriabOrg„whieh eontinuednatil .4 late hour at night-, impbrtant result has. yet been reported; butllie indications are: ivery favor able. •I . _ : , The hospital steamer Matilda; exploded her boiler at five o'clock last' evening; Just after she had.: landed 300' wounded soldiers for Hampton, Hospital. Ponjdentially the .sol diers all:esonped without :injury; , The engi neer, Thorikab Brdannari,.was' seriously .and dangerouely scalded, and the,second engineer :was slightly rojnred. Quartermaster William had armbrokeu. No other perions were injured. From 30 to 40 feet 9f; the Matilda'itupperstorks were..earried 03veY, in• oluding , the saloon;.:bnt the hull was not dam. aged:: ; , STILL 3E, A_ a , - E. . • Defail j 4.4.the I:lo6„tidns Fliday. , , _ . Desperate Charge of Our Fortes, Vie itbtiCh Drivela Back OPTOW.O;II)W . c:014",:fillgltitlIS .1. , ..:z:. ME A' Heavy sßatti6- l Exileeted Saturday Petersburg Expeetekto Fall During ,the Day F77r.17)-QuAnTzas Aims OF THE POTOM.AC; It haiing been determined by Gent, Meade, to' make in attack on the enemy's rigid flank southeast otzPetiksburk. • The troops sehmted for that purpose were massectnesethe'Wel don lisilkoh,d; this A. la. These consisted' of the let and 2nd divisions and the brigade of the 3d division of the sth oorps,-'with the grid krill 3d divisions of the 9th corps, while Genera Crawford held the works on• the flank. ' At 11 o'clock the line 'war; ordered to ad vance, and •the ereerity'a. pickets were driven itu On , reaching' the residence Of Mr. Pee bleti;ontheSiltdrrel Level road, 4 miles from Peterstnirg, - s) , strong line of works was die covered within , entrenched • :skirthish lines in front in , Moving oltitse to•the house. The 2d and: 3tl brigades-cif the Ist division took the advance, and charging, drove the. enetay into their Works. Three guns were opened• on our advancing column, but it pushed on and never halted untilthe rebels were from their' position with the loss of one gun and abotit• siktfeprisonerK: Our loss ttp to this time did not.ixdbed onihundred in killed and wounded: • - Colonel Welsh, of the 116th Michigan was killed while in the act of leading his men on the enemy's works. • ' • ihajor Partridge, Commanding the 33d Pennsylvania volunteem, - was badly wounded in the breast in this Charge. Col, Gwinmeoremanding the Third brigade; Second division of the Ninth corps had •a horse shot under 'hini, and falling, badly 'hruiSed the Colonel, bra ha kept the field nev: . ertheless. ' • • ' rCel. Efluiiihd; 38th Mass, was Atter referfhingl our , lines, another charge wasinade, , a±fd: the • enemY4as forced half a mile from the track, where they took a still stronger position aratmade a 'despeiate xesist ance'te our advance. The 9th corpsitaving the lead here, the en- Airly'sticeeededin throwing a force around Bap Pegram House on the left, and threatened to turn Onr.ilank, but Griffin's division being on hand Cheeked - the enemy.' The fighting was of the most deriperate eharaekergay.d continued until afterdark, our men'at . itiat tine holding all' the grOund they had taken from the enemy. • Unticflsam thelliattle will, amortAt k about 500, while that of the enemy is probaly not so large,ai they fought nearly all the tine, hind breastworks. Very little artillery was used on ourside, the woods being tea dense for ,that pemese. , • Qontrebands , who haie corpe In, say that thtenemy withdrewneerlY all of their troopP yesterday toward Richmond, butinought some back. with • them, including . all the home guards,:-. , • • • . A. kcavy,, hattle was expected to-Morrow Inenki ng„. and it is believed we shall take Pe tersburg during the day, such is the - confi dence Of our troops. • ; The prisoners taken belong to:the 7th Con federate cavalry dismounted; among them are a Major and six commissioned officers. < -1 LATEST. The Fight Not Itesumed on Saturda3 .Rebel t 'Atitempt to Rechpfure the Lost Grreuitd. ' They are 'Repulsed, With Heavy Loss. Ocromia-olet-Morning4---Gregg's cavalry merle sent .lottliquiter. , dlitance tdwards the left; . yan,d: b l ue oify:ciiraftal force of Hariip aigtoAllltywhich they drove across llOwasitz e'N-'345.•• 11li 4 7' 11 O. Portea ea twin 1-1 !& •,,.:',..5(.-fi ,-;„:,, ~:,,,. Webster PRICE THREE : "CtsiTS. crossed the Appornattor - yestentayrA. - m.— Fightingihas notlet eon:mem:Med tO=day. • Reports from Butler's deffirtMent'state that Hoke's division attaoked our troops yesterday for the purpose of .regaining the ground lost the day previous, but were repulsed every time with • heavy loss. .1 A _ • THE PRESIDENCY. Large Union Mettincrs at , Philadelphia. ' l'irruarmtme., 9 ' Oct. Special to the Daily Telegivph. Union League Hall was filled, last evening, on the occasion of Gen. John- Clochrane, of New York, .delivering addreas in favor of the election of Lincoln and Johnson. 'BM dis tinguished gentlenaanintroduced'hy•Gen. Cameron, chairman of the Union State. Ce ntral Committee, who gave a,.brief account of a successful tour that he had just made through several counties iu Northern Penna. Gen. Cochran spoke one hour and ten min rites, during which, he awakened the immense audience to °ree of enthusiasm not often experienced at a public meeting. He pre dicted the triumph of the Union arms in the field, and Union votes at hoine. • • • Daniel Dougherty, Esq., tlie:silter trunapet of Democracy; will address. the .people at Union League Hall to-morrow, Monday even ing. An immense Union demonStration was made at Beading, Barks county, last night. Twenty car loads of Unionists started from this city to attend it. The excursionists re turned to-day gratified with the reception they met with. Colonel Forney'and others spoke at West chester, Pennsylvania, yesterday; the thiong of the people. was _immense. The National Union League are hard at work. CHARLES C. WILSON. FROM IYIOIIILE. FORT -MORGAN BEING REPAIRED The Ginabouts not Near the City Berancosz, Oct.. 2. The dispatch steamer Zonnectidut arrived last evening with dispatches from Admiral Farragnt. Fert Morgan is being put in La condition for strong defence.' The enemy are endeavoring to place torpe does in the channel above Fort Morgan. The reports that our gunb&its , were near the city of Mobile are incorrect. From Baltimore To-Day. AN ORDER FROM GER. WAILTACE-SUSPENSION OF THE " EVENING DORT," ETC. - - . rallin!ozat October 1. General Wallace has 811pin:eased the Evening Post, and has tweed the following order about it: • lisancluswrzes . MIDDLE Dminrarsarr, STS AUT. Cones, September 30, 1864.—Editor of Evening Post:in—As the surest, means of preventing your office from being made the subject of violence, you !discontinue the publication of your paper, the.-Evening Poll. By order of Major General itracs. OLIVER MATHEWS, Captain and A. A. G, The Post had recently become rampant in favor of McClellan, 'and impertinent in sedi tious language against - die Government and Admin'stration. :It was a decided favorite with,all the Secessionists and sympatfiizers with the rebels. The loyid comniunity, and soldiers especially, were becoming much ex cited, and it was feared that they would create a mob and tear out the concern. :The im mediate cause of its suspension was "publish ing lies adverse to the Union cause." Army of the Potomac MOVEMENT ON THE LEFT COMPLETE SUCCESS THUS FAR STARTLING REPORT AT CA POINT Kautz Captures the Roeketts The Star says :—By the arrival of the mail steamer Morgan from City Point we have the following news from the front : _Early yesterday morning General Gregg's cavalry moved out in front of Warren's posi tion, and, captured the outwork.s of the enemy on their extreme right. • • General Gregg afterwards got 'heavily en gaged with the enemy at a point near the Tenley House; and captured between two and three hundred prisoners . • —General Warrenimmediately proceeded to letlkiw:np the advantages thus gabled, but at the time the itairsteamer left City Point at 10 o'clock, yesteiday:moiniug, nothing defi nite was known of, hislurther operations. Gen. Meade moved . yesterday morning in the direction of_POple,t Clairch; and achieved a decided success In' the way of important positions gained:;: There' There was a report at City Point that Gen eral Kautz, with a large body of cavalry, had cut his way through the Rebel fortifications, and had reached a point near the Rockets, a short' distance below Richmond, where he' took- up a strong position, and sent back for reinforce/11We. This report, though not confLvmed thus far; shows the " hopeful and confident feeling prevailing at the froth. LATER AND BETTER Our Cavalry Within a Mile of Riehion Wasnisoina, Oct - .. I.—Unofficial reports from the Army a the Potomac up to yester day morning represent the movement of Grant as progressing very favorably. Kautz's cavalry had madp a reconnoissance Within a mile and„ a half .of. Richmond, and fouiid the enemy' 'Very 'Weak. The for tiflcationa axe" utunertma, but feebly garri- It is evident that Lee has been entirely misled by. Wayien's recent, ,attack upon his. right eaten* Oki g intirdni lines very fast and repbrt tbst Lee'tiktmy, before War. MU PRINTING. MICE, - - ADVERTISING RATES—DAILY TELEGRAPH. The following are the rates for advertising in,the TELE GRAPH. Three haling advertisingto do will .titid it con venient for referenee: 7 ' -, /Or Four limis oi. lcSs . Constitute one- talf square. Eight lines, Or more than four, constitute a square. FOR A RALF SQUARE. FOR ONE 814tWaR. 017 e day. .$ 30 I Ono day $6O Two days 5O Two day 5........... lat Three days ...... ~ .. 76 Three days... ...... 125 One week I 1 25 One week.... 2 25 One month 300 Ono month 600 Two months. 4 50 Two months 9 09 Three months 6 50 .Three m0nth5....... 11 00 Six months 8 00 Six months 1•5 00 One year 15 00 One year 25 00 Administration Notices. 75 . .. Marriage Nqtices Auditor's Notices Funeral Notices, each roue sa- Business notices In: before Marriages and Dee each nsertion. ren's attack, was moving to and fro, large bodies going northward, and few returning. The evident design of Lee was, by this movement; to deceive Grant, and withdraw, without detection, his troops northward. The opinion' prevails among our officers that Lee intends to contract his lines, and get his army in position at Richmond, as soon as possible. lie will doubtless act entirely on the de fensive, and give his attention to the imme diate defence of the rebel capital. A battle cannot long be delayed ; in fact every moment may bring us the most exciting news. Trade continues very dull. Quercitron bark declined ate $45 00 per ton. Cotton nominal, at $1 25`@,1 30. Flour market dull; prices drooping. No demand for export, and sales are in small way for home consumption at $9 so@le for superfine; $lO 25@10 50 for extra; $lO 75@11 25 for extra family. Rye flour declined to $9 25. Prices of corn en tirely nominal. Wheat dull, small sales red at $2 20@35, and white at $2 55®65, rye comes in slowly and commands $1 80 683. Corn 'comes in slowly, sales of yellow at $1 69, and 2,000 bushels mixed western at $1 68. Oats are steady; and further sales of 2,000 bushels new were made at 90c. No change in barley or malt. In groceries trade at a stand. Petroleum dull at 38®39c for crude, 63@66c for refined in bond, sogBs for free. In pro visions firm feeling rules. Mess pork at $42 00®44. Hams at 21@22c, and 200 hogs heads sides at 23c. 200 barrels Ohio Whisky sold at $1 82. The Soldiers' Opinion of . the Tory Organ. CAMP OF COMPANY G, 201sT PA., VOL., BLOODY RUN, Oct. 1, 1864. Editor Telegraph—lt becomes necessary in the course of human events, to take up my pen on - an unpleasant subject—not that I en tertain expectations of the convearsion of the object- of my disclaimer, for the Zoologist tells us, ever flaying the animal' will • not.remove the stink. To-day our usually serene and merry tinted home was thrown into confusion confounded, and the lips of the gallant soldiers curled quickly in disgust at the loathsome appear • once in their midst of a—a skunk.? no! but dirtier and . filthier than that, a copy of the rebel organ in Harrisburg—a paper thievingly and hypocritically endeavoring to carry itself into respectability by displaying at its Christ less head. thes,e ,words =so hill of joy, liberty and sublimity—" Patriot and . :Union.' Reader—wherever you may be, pardon me for descending so low beneath honor, dignity and decency as to notice, the treasonable, lying dissertations of that scurrilous. editor. It is wisest to disregard, when the little cur snarls, but it affords considerable consolation to re buke the savage impudence of a grown dog. His issue of the 26th inst., containsen edi torial slandering and defaming a Union mass meeting held at the Court House on the 24th. It was with withering scorn and indignation deep, that we read his base denunciations, criminal derision, unscrupulous tassaults on private character, and vile mingling at- God' name with his hellish caricatures. • We. might challenge hell to produce a fiend capableot more meanness and receive no answer. HE was so utterly devoid of principle, that traducing the good characters of men of the world, was insufficient . to satisfy his -infernal passion for mendacity and de traction; so impelled by shametal ignorance, and a 'want of manhood and honesty, he atro ciously entered the sacred desk and brutishly poured his'debauched railings on the hallowed head of theniinister of Christ. Indeed con tempt groWs.dizzy looking down on his igno ble carcass. His prostrate principles would cause the culprit to cover his face in pity.— None but an abandoned, worthless scullion would have the mean effrontery to attack the fair character of Rev. John WalkerjacksoOn— a man who will be living and in a prospering condition when such unredeemed and mire deemable wretches as that editor will be con suming brimstone. Now editors of the P. & U., I - quit you because my pen refuses to continue on a subject so despicable, unprincipled, low birthed and execrable as your windy, brainless majesty. For heaven's sake keepyour damna ble, disreputable, disunion sheet away from our loyal camp. It is disgusting and des picable. We know you to some extent, and have no inclination to continue our acquain tance with one so well fitted by -his degreda tion for the highest glories in pandemonium. We conclude—may we never see youx ugly visage again. If we had any faith in brutal redemption you would have aninterest in our prayers. When you die, may your epitaph be "Here lies a traitor foul, forgot— Stuck in the ground, like a hog to rot. - Yours for the flag, . MEMBER OF CO. 'G.' (Capt. Ensminger's Company.) WM3HINgTON, Oct.-. 1 1 50 , IL 50 11 in the Local Colton, or BIGHT CHItTS PHB Long for Markets by Telegraph. FECLUDELPHIA, Oct. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Steam Weekly to .Liverpool. nrallCHEtiet at QIJEENSTOWN, ( Cork i. Har bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship zOtedpmay, are in tended to sail as follows: ' • - pity Of Baltimore Saturday, October S; Etna, Satur day, October 1.5; Edipgburg, riaturday,'October 21; and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon ; from Pier 44, North Hirer. RAM OF PASSAGE,. • re.2.l.lims Of OOID, 08. ITS BQIIIVAIIINT IN orrouNlol. e l FIRST CABIN $BO 00 STEERAGE - $3O 09 do to London - .85 00 do to London 34 0.) do to Paris • fis 00 do to Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg... 90 00 do to lam - bing... 37 00 Passengers also Hamburg.... to Havre, Bramen,Rotter dam, Antwerp t ho., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cabin, V.} $B5, 005. Steerage, $35. Those who wish to send' ) their friends can buy tickets here at three rates. . - For farther informatiOn apply at the Company's Milo_ JOAN O. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y. or C. ) ZIMMERMAN. Harrisburg. . .. 1123-dly VERY FINE, To our fine and extensive :stook of Photo. : graph Atbams and Photograph Card Pictures, we bare added a BEM" Isla.. ENVELOPE for the reception of card pictures.. They must be seen and wilibe admired ihr-Photographers supplied at. the-very lowest whole sale price, and their card prnatcu r pqa them f or $1 thousand, wholesale and retail. at maysSClOntivg BOOK Ton. FRESH OYSTEBS • hi can, jpat - nacelvedand for sale,by,- SHLSLER:kiRAZER, (suooase* to ye. & co.) isept2S VITRA. mill WHEAT FLOUR.--13e. A.% baud white Wheat, Family Flour; lam receive an for Bala at 3IIIBLE3*- FBaZF TIME(! FISH : !... NOS: LAND EL, in, alt givltigigkiwee, Just reeeiveiliamd fbr sale is, . - ROME lin.liZaß'S. , DEED!