a reconnoissance in the direction of the South Side Railroad, but the result of the trip has not yet been ascertained. Rebel scouting parties have been capturing safe guards left at houses in Prince George county, during the last few days. One of these came in to-day to get his pay, and while on his way back to his post, was seized and robbed of his money and other valuables, his arms and part of his clothing, and was then released. Another was coming in, and being ordered to halt and surrender, drew his revolver and shot one of the enemy, after which he made good his escape, although he was pursued several miles. The rebels have been moving back and forth to-day in every direction—at one time marching off toward our left, and again re turning to Petersburg, as if going to Rich mond, then appearing at some other point, and finally going out of sight altogether. Some deserters came in to-day, who say the defeat of Early in the valley has caused a great depression throughout their ranks, and thou sands were ready to desert on the first oppor tunity, having lost all faith in final success. Captain De Pitts, of the 19th colored regi ment, was killed yesterday on the picket line, and two or three of his men were wounded. LATER, Firing Among the Pickets. Rumors 'of the Evacuation of Petersburg. HEADQUARTERS /ARMY POTOMAC, 1 . Sept. 30- 7 6 a:. M. Brisk firing was kept up along the centre of the line all night, between the pickets, but this morning the utmost quiet prevails. Reports that the rebels are evacuating Pe tersburg are again in circulation here. GENERAL ORD AT BALTIMORE. Re is Confident of Success. • BALTIMORE, OCt. Major General Ord, wounded in the reegnt movement of the army on the north side of James river, arrived here this morning from the front. He is now at Barnum's Hotel.— He has a flesh wound of the right leg, but is doing well. He is full of hope of glorious results of our present movement—and ex pects to be up and at it again in a few weeks. 121 Bales of (fottou Picked up in the Gulf of Mexico. WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 Lieut. Commander Gillis ' commanding the gunboat Scotia, reports to the Navy Depart ment that on the 10th inst., in the Gulf of Mexico, he picked up eighty-three bales of cotton, and the gunboat Aroostook secured thirty-eight bales. p.aib l 'Ette4rapi j HAREI.';BURG, PA SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER I, 1861 IOWN AND COUNTRY., Cines—rNuTs—The first of the season—were sold in market this morning. I=l SyNoo tAing in session at Lebanon, there will be no preaching in either of the Lutheran churches of this city to-morrow. Cow) weather is upon us. Fires and heavy clothing are necessary to comfort. The nights are uncomfortably cool. CHANGE OF MANKET HOLUM —This morning the usual fall change was made in the time of opening market. Hereafter the bell will be rung at five o'clock, instead of half-past four. A.TrramoN is invited to the advertisement of the barbers of this city. They have adopted a new scale of prices, which are considerably higher than the old rates. Particular atten tion is called to the fact that after to-morrow the barber shops will be closed on Sunday. ARREST OF DESKIITEIIB.—Two bounty jump ers were arrested at Newville on. Wednesday, and taken to Carlisle. They proved to be Charles P. M.'Avoy and John Rutherford, who had received, respectively, $9OO and $l,lOO bounty in New York. They are now under guard at Carlisle barracks. Wzr.nonce!—Manager Rouse has effected an engagement with Miss Kate Denin and Mr. Sam Ryan, both of whom will appear at Brant's Hall on Monday evening. These stars are favorites with our people, and will com mand a liberal patronage. In the great char acter of East Lynne, Miss D. is unsurpassed. Look out for grand bills during the week. • Tana Dliitonian says: On Friday last, Rev. J. Walker Jackson, of Harrisburg,' made a most telling and excellent speech in Lawson's Hall. The Hall was crowded, and large num bers from the country could not obtain either sitting or standing room. The speech was one of the best vindications of the Union cause we have yet listened to in the present campaign. Tim Env. A. J. BARROW will commence a (se ries of Sunday evening diiicourses on inter esting Bible narratives, at St. Paul's Episcopal church, corner of Ridge Road and reservoir. The fast, to-morrow evening, will be the "Dedication of Solomon's Temple," in which the ancient Jewish Tabernacle_ and the gran deur of the Temple will be explained. Ser vice to commence at half-past six o'clock: . TEE copperheads of this city have been in dustriously circulating a report, within the past two days, that Grant's army had suffered a terrible reverse. It is scarcely necessary to state' that the whole report is a copperhead ism, made up for political effect. Look out for all sorts of stories between now and elee-, tion day, but do not believe in any reverses to our armies until so informed by telegraphic dispatches. Grant is successfully moving on. I= UNION taxanNos will be held in this county next week, as follows : - . Conewago, Foltz' store, Monday evening October 3. Derry, Hunamelstown, Tuesday evening, Ootober 4. Union Deposit, Tuesday, evening, October - 4.. Linglestown, Ammon's tavern, Thuritiay, evening, October 6. - Susquehanna township, Progress, Friday evening October 7. Itillersbnrg, mass meeting gabarday after nowt, October 8, at 3 o'cleels."; evening o'clock. Able spates well be prog - erit at atibrififAe places named, to address the people .on the great questions of the day. ' ; B 3 mem*, Sept. 30, 1864 A citizen wishes .to .suggest the names of INLAND Harm, Or CENTRAL HOTEL, Or INLAND HOUSE, or CENTRAL HOUSE, as suitable names from which to select for Herr's Hotel. ORGANIZED. —The Alleman Fencibles have organized by electing the following officers: Captain—J. Detwiler. • Ist Lient.— : George B. Cole. 2cl Lient.—jesso Wingert. The Company is composed of able bodied men, who will make good soldiers, and they have made an admirable selection of officers. Peisnrz Porsorinn. —The family of Mr. James Porter, residing in Perry-township, Fayette county, Pa., was poisoned on Monday last by eating mushrooms.. The vegetables were gath ered and cooked for dinner, the whole family eating of them. In half an hour afterwards they were all taken sick, and before night the oldest son died from the effect of the poison. Antidotes were administered to the others, who are likely to recover.. Poi RAISING aT DAIIPHIN. —The Union men of Dauphin borough have secured a verylarge pole, which was hauled to that place by Peter Hetrick, teamster for Jacob Conrad. The pole will be raised at Capt. Speese's Hotel at five o'clock this afternoon, and the stars an 4, stripes will be flung to the breeze. lu thA evening there will be a Union meeting at the same place, when a number of able speakers will be present to address the people. Let there be a grand rally at Dauphin. I=== LAST AFPFARASCE OF BELLA. GOLDEN.-To night Miss Bella Golden will make her fare well appearance at Rouse's Theatre, when the dramatization of the great Ledger story, Trim Guraumm or Moscow, will be performed, with the full strength of the Combination Company; to be followed by the FRES= SPY. This is a grand bill, and will attract an im mense crowd. We would advise those who contemplate attending, to go to Bannvart's Drug Store and secure reserved seats during the day. SHEET MUSIC—MTISICAL INSTIMIENTS, &c., &C.—W. Knoche, 93 Market street, has cer tainly the largest and most extensive estab lishment of this kind that can be found out side the Eastern cities. His stock of sheet music is indeed unsur passed, comprising selections from the cata logues of Ditson & Co., as well as of all other publishers, (the latest publications included.) The department for Melodeons has a - well se lected stock, comprising instruments of four different manufacturers, including the cele brated Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs.— Pianos from the manufactories of Chickering & Sons,G. Steck, Albrecht, Reikes & Schmidt, and others, can be had at this establishment. The above manufacturers have gained such high reputations that nothing in their praise need be said. Another feature of the busi ness is the well selected stock of Engravings and Lithographs, also oval and square picture frames, etc., etc. In a few words—we can recommend this Establishment as ft model one. AT Harrisburg they have an odd little thea tre, located in the second story of a hotel. Major Pauline Cushman has finished an en gagement there, and Miss Bella Golden has been playing there, though she had an amusing quarrel with her manager, and published the funniest kinds of indignant "cards" about him. In the stock company is Mr. Billings, au ambitious and promising young actor of New York, who lately belonged to the com panies at Niblo's and the Broadway. The above is from the Philadelphia Tele graph, which knows nothing about "theatri cals" in Harrisburg. Miss Golden had no quarrel with the manager with whom she has filled a successful engagement, neither has Maj. Cushman been playing at the "little theatre in the second story of a hotel," which is no doubt intended to mean Brant's Hall—a place of amusement that, is not very small. Our Philadelphia cotemporary should become 'posted" before he notices affairs of which ho knows nothing. Jamas FzsmvALs—To-day is the first day or beginning of the Jewish new year, be ing the first day of the month Tishri. Its observances as a holy day is found in Num bers, xxix, 1, and is considered among all Is raelites as a very serious time, and is strictly observed in every quarter of the globe. On the 10th day of .the same month occurs the great "Day of Atonement." This day is char acterized by total abstinence from all food, and from worldly occupations and physical enjoyments on the one hand, and on the other increased devotional exercises and profoundl • fervent prayer. On the fifteenth day of the same month happens the festival of "Taber nacles." This day is celebrated in remem brance of the miraculous preservation of the Israelites, during the forty years of their wan derings and privations in the Wilderness. In the time of Moses and his successors, this "Feast of Tabernacles" was one of gratitude and rejoicing, not only for the great historical" and national blessings, that saved and pro tected their forefathers during their long pi!-, grimage to the new home of promise, but also for the gifts of God's beneficence vouchsafed in such rich abundance, to all his children during spring, summer and autumn. The fes-: tival was observed from the _fifteenth day of the month of Tishri, ere the season changed for winter ; and in joyful acknowledgment of the treasures reaped at the close of the agri cultural year, when the labors of the husband men were concluded, when the orchards and vineyards, as well as the corn-fields, had given up their produce to persevering exertions, and when those who had tilled the ground were both rewarded for their work and relieved of its fatigues. Every seventh year, when the land also was allowed to rest, the law was read publicly in the Assembly of the people, and the paramount duty thus inculcated was thankfulness. DEATH OF SUBOEON J. B. COOVES —While . Surgeon General Phillips, of Pennsylvania, was on a mission in the Valley of the Shen nandoah to look after the wounded in Penn sylvania regiments, he was accompanied on his return from Winchester to Harper's Ferry a number of volunteer surgeons, and when about three miles from the latter place the party were attacked by guerrillas. Surgeon Coover, of the 6th regiment Pa. cavalry, re ceived a ball through the hip, inflicting a seri ous wound. At the time Surgeon Coover was wounded, it required the . utmost endeavors to escape from the guerrillas, who surprised Sur geon General Phillips and party in overwhelm ing number. After Surgeon Coover arrived at Harper's Ferry his wound was dressed, when it was discovered to be of a dangerous character, and resulted finally in his death on the 27th inst. Surgeon Coover was originally attached to the 46th regiment P. V., (Col. Knipe,) as; an Assistant Surgeon, and. after wards appointed Surgeon of, the 6th Penna. cavalry. • ' Professionally he was regarded as one of the ablest'Otnig ,physicians in the locality where he Was - eddeated. In the army he was just rising to that position which is above all rank in the confidence and respect of good : men and brave soldiers. The men of the 6th cavalry Will mourn his untimely end with a. deep and sincere. regret, while his brother officers cannot fail to miss him as a friend, counsellor and companion. The body of Surgeon Coover reached this city. yesterday, And was taken hence to Me chanicsburg, the residence of his father, where it will Abe interred on Monday. PATRIOTIC AND Paorzwm.—Under this head the Carlisle Herald gives the following notice of a remarkable family : " Last week,Elic R. Reese brought his two sons, Georg-Jeremiah, tcCol. Hen derson's office, to b mustered into the Urd ted States service. These t*o young men are the last of twelve brothers who have enlisted in the army during this war. Four of these have been killed in the service and eight of them are yet in the army. The most re markable feature is yet to come, and we con fess our credulity was somewhat staggered when we heard the statement; but the re spectable character of the father, with the as sertions of his neighbors, leave no room for doubt that. Mr. Reese, after having sent twelve sons to serve his country has yet thir teen sons at home, all of whom are nude r itary age. This remarkable family reside in Warren township, Franklin county, of this State. The father is 78 years old, and is enjoying vig orous health ; these boys are the children of three mothers. On taking his leave of George and Jeremiah, the old man exhorted them to be good boys and good soldiers, warning them to guard well the reputation of their ten brothers who had gone to the field as well as the thirteen youths left at home. Daujihin County AroUsed! The first of the county meetings of the friends of Lincoln, Johnson and the Union was held at the house of John Byrod, in Hal ifax, on Wednesday evening last. Col. James Freeland presided. The meeting was quite large, and was ably addressed by Ralph Maclay, Esq., Hon. David Fleming and J. C. Young, Esq. Our friends in Halifax are wide awake, and though the opposition will do their worst, we feel confident that we shall receive a good account from there at the next election. A meeting of the friends of the Union was hold at the . house • of Jacob P. Hoffman, at Lykens, on Thursday evening last, and was addressed by Robert Snodgrass, Ralph Maclay, J. M. Wiestling, A. C. Smith and S. S. Bowman, Esqr's. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, there was a very large turn out—in fact one of the largest meetings held there for a long time. The speakers were listened to with attention. A number of returned volunteers were present, all enthusiastic for Honest OLD AI3E and Andy Johnson. The meeting ended with three times three for Lincoln, Johnson and the whole county ticket. From the 201st Regiinent. C&mnEN STATION, BALTIMORE, I . Saturday evening, Oct. 1, 1864. Editor Telegraph :—The 101st and 102 d regi ments are both lying here awaiting transpor tation to Washington. We slept on the soft side of brick pavements and paved streets last night. We get our boarding at the Union Relief Rooms, were thousands upon thou sands are fed daily, with bread, fresh beef, salt pork anti hot coffee three times a day. It requires a small regiment of contrabands to attend to the tables, and every soldier gets as much as he can eat, at any time. A bounty jumper was shot dead bore at Camden Station, while trying to escape the guard. He was shot in three places--through the back, in the head, and through the abdo men, and instantly expired. I heard three re ports, almost simultaneously, but did not go over to the depot to see the unfortunate man. He hailed from Trenton, N. J., and this was not his first attempt to get away. The boys are all in good spirits, and appear to be indifferent as to our destination from here. In haste, truly yours, A. H. B,“. BUSINESS ITEMS. Fox Sexm.—Two good draught horses will be sold,for want of use, on easy terms. Apply at Alcorn's Bakery, in the sixth ward. ocl-3t Sussmur.cs.—Persons desiring to go as Substitutes will do well to call upon Sullivan S. Child, Telegraph Printing Office, Harris burg. sep27-dlw The Greatest Invention of the Age, Is the Pearl Cement, manufactured by S. Rogers, 608 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.— It is truly wonderful. Mr. Rogers is now in our city, and will remain a few days at the White Hall Hotel. Our citizens should avail them selves of this oportunity to call on him and procure a supply of it. (Circulars free.) sepP6-Iwo Dn. M'Bitrox's King of Pain should be kept in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earaehe in three minutes. Diarrhceo, Bloody Flux, pain in the Back and Side, Inflam mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. All orders from a distance promptly attended sept2o-tf I=l LATEST. ABRIVAL. —The undersigned takes the pleasure to inform the ladies of this city and vicinity, that she has received this day a large quantity of CLOAKS and CIRCU LARS, ranging in price from $6 to $25. This stock comprises the very latest styles and best qualities, all of which have been purchased since the decline in gold, and are offered at lower rates than they can be sold for by any other establishment in the city. MRS. M. MAYER, Boger's Old Stand, No. 13 Market street. sept2B-tf FEVER AIID AGUE cured in one to three days, (never fails,) by using Dr. Rogers' sure cure. It is purely vegetable. Call and get a box this week at White Hall Hotel. Circulars free. sep26-Iw* Or Periodical Headache—so com mon in uncleared and marshy countries, Neu- • ralgia, that most painful affection of the nerves, are often only attacks of ague in dis guise—proceeding from the same noxious in fluence. Jaundice, Dyspepsia and Diarrhcea, are frequently but disguised forms of Inter mittent Fever. Even Rheumatism and Epi lepsy, often result from the same miasmal cause. For such, OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOL AGOGUE is an unfailing remedy.' By strik ing at the root of these affections ,' it applies with equal certainty, as for the cure of Fever and Ague in its simple forms. Sold by all druggists and medicine dealers. =a= Cloaks and Furs Cloaks and Furs! We will open next week the cheapest and largest assortment of Cloaks and Furs in Har risburg, all bought at greatly reduced prices. Beautiful muffs at 4 50 and 5 dollars. Splen did cloaks as low as 9 and 10 dollars. Black cloth for cloaks as low as $2 50. White all wool flannels as low as 65 to 70 cents, worth 90 cents. 4 by 4 bleached muslin 55 cents, worth 75 cents. French merinos, black al• paccas, black bombazines, all at reduced prices. 500 doz of woolen and cotton stockings, ohildren's wools stockings aslow as 15 cents. Cassimerefor. boy'swear. The greatest bargins in black silks. We have now in store a very large stock of goods, and will sell at less than wholesale prises, in order to redube our stock. Bargains in Irish linen bought at auction. Call and judge for yourself. S. LEWY. COLGATE'S RONEY' SOAP. Tilde celebrated Toilet Soap, in-such universal do inand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient in its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial In Its action upon the skin, For sale by all Druggiete and Fancy Goods Dealers lan2s•dawly. DO YOU WISH. TO BE CUBEDI DR. BUOILAN'S ENOLISFI SPECIFIC PILLS cure in less than 30 days, the worst eases of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insan ity, and all Urinary Sexual and Nervous Affections, no matter fromwhat cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-paid, by mail, on receipt of an order. One Box will perfect the care in most cases. Address TABES S. BUTLER, jyls-d&w3m Cenlaral Agent. 429 BroadwaF. N. V. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -LosTI • ON THE OTHER SIDE OP THE RIVER, when the 201st Regiment was there, a BUNCH OP ANTS, belonging to George Bashore. The finder will oblige the owner by leaving them at this office, ocatilt* GEORGE BASHORE. FOR. RENT. ATWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, on Front street, below Vine. For particulars inquire of JOHN A. S. TRULLINGER, octld3t* • • On the Premises. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF CAMPAIGN MEDALS, . _ and BADGES, At .T. Iless'„q Variety and Military Trim ming Store, Third street, between Market and Walnut sts. Call and see my new styles, just received this day. Orders from country dealers solicited. octl-3t* THE. HAIR DRESSERS OF HARRIS BURG, in meeting, have resolved on and after MON DAY Oct. 3, in consideration of the high price of living, and the advance of wages, on the following rates: Shavingls cents. . Hair Cutting 25 " Shampooing 25 " Mustache Dyeing 35 ' Baths 50 " ' Honing Razors 50 Shaving twice a week by the month $1 00 do three times a week by the month 150 do four do do 2 00 which rates are invariably to be paid in advance. Also, after October 2d, all saloons will be closed on Sundays. octld4t . CAMPAIGN BADGES, EMBLEMS, MED ALS, PINS, itro., AT LOWEST RATES. A GREAT ASSORTMENT. All the best patterns and new styles CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. wm. 'TILLER, No. 32 South Fourth street t octld4t Philadelphia.® ALPHABET BLOCKS ! AND HOUSE BUILDING BLOCKS, FOR sale at SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, octl 21 South Second street Harrisburg, Pa. DISSECTED ALPHABET BLOCKS, for sale at Sebefrer's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. esti TRANSPARENT SLATES! ALARGE ASSORTMENT OF TRANSPA RENT SLATES, of all sizes and prices, for sale at Scheffer's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penna. oetl. NEW GAME FOR CITELDREN. CIAME OF SOLITAIRE, together with au 1A assortment of other GaMes, at Scheffer's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. octl LUBIN'S HAIR DRESSING fLORILINE FOR "BEAUTIFYING AND P,REURVIKG AND STRENGTHENIHO THE HAIR, IS PURELY A VEGETABLE Preparation, distilled from herbs and fragrant flowers from the south of Franco, conceded to be the most delicately per. fumed and desirable haii preparation ever offered to the American public. It will restorelost hair. It will prevent hair from falling out. It will restore gray and faded hair to its original color. Its continued use will materially thicken the hair. Bald places will gradually cover themselves, and in a short time the hair will- grow dark, soft, glossy and luxuriant. Price $l.OO per box. Sold by KUNKEL & BRO., Apothecaries, Harrisburg. Drug Store. TIE CITIZENS of the upper part of the city are hereby informed that the undersigned has purchased the DRUG STORE formerly 'Occupied by Dr. Egle, and respectfully solicits their patronage. All goods per taining to the business will be sold as low as at any of thu down town stores, and prescriptions compounded with great care at any hour of the day or night. se3odlw JAS. ill.' BUM.GARDNE.R. AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HOR SES. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, FIRST DIVISION, WASHINGTON CITY, September 26, 1864. Will be sold at public auction, to the highest blchidcr, at Giesboro, D. C., on • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 ' 1864, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY CAVALRY HORSES. These Horses have been condemned as unlit for the cav alry service of the army. For road and farming purposes many good bargains may be had.. Iforaes sold singly.. Terms cash, in United States currency, Sale to com mence at 10 a.m. By order of the Quartermaster General. JAMES A. Colonel in charge of First Division Q. M. G. Dep. [ee2Btoc6] Valuable Building Lot For Sale, QITUATED ON THIRD STREET, NEAR 1,7 North,, 21 feet front, and 131 feet deep, running to a 20 foot alley. The lot will be sold cheap, and on easy terms. Inquire at THIS OFFICE. se3Odtf BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. THE BEST CHANCE to get Cheap Houses 1 NOW OFFERED IN THE CITY.—The subscriber offers for sale 72 Building Lots; Situate in the Sixth Ward, between Reilly and Colder streets, fronting on Susque hanna, Two-and-a half and Second streets. Most of them have valuable pear and applolrees on them, bearing the choicest fruits, selected by Col, John Roberts thirty years ago, the fruit of whicn will pay for the ground in a short lime. There is also .on a portion of the ground a sand bank, above the grade of the streets, containing sand of the best quality, which wilt mare than pay for the ground. The location 'is such that no drainage is re quired ; the cellars will always be perfectly dry. These lots wilt be sold below the current price ground is now bringing in this city, and in fact so low as to afford an opportunity for any person to secure a home. A plan of the ground can be seen at the office, of the subscriber, No. 24, North SEWED street. DAVID MUMMA. LLsitusintita, September 29, 1864. [if I CRYSTALIZED CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, I ts a pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing for invalids having fever or great thirst. Its portability, recommends It lo travelers. Its convenience at pic-nics will be apreciated. No sugar required; one table-spoonful simply dissolved in a glass of cold water and it is done. KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, jel7 No. 91, Market street PIIBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed the first day of Jane, up, the stockholders of the Franklin:Bank, of Washington,'Penna, will apply to the next session of the Legislature for a renewal of its char ter, with an increase of its capital from $150,000 to $200,000. O. 01. RPM, President W. , yorisraros, PA, June 24, 18641 p ATENT CLIPS ! And Bill Holders, For sale at Scheirer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. se2S SAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Api,!. :Si at old York_State Cheese just received at amnia • MAZER, raYS successors to W. Dock, Sr., & Co, VRESEE OYSTERS • 1. In can, just received and for sale by SHISLE.P..k FRAZER, sept 26 • (successor to W. Dock di Co.) EXTR& WHITE WHEAT FLOE.-Se lected White Wheat Family Flour, just receive and for sale at SHISLER & FRAZER jr 8 Successors to W. Hock. Cou ri 1 4 FRUIT of all kinds at -LA Day4.l 11096 R & ROERPEIt FISH! FISH!. NOS. 1 ANt 2 MAOKER kL, la all size packagea, PO received and for sale at z UM= & FUZFAVS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sale of Condemned Government Property, OFFICE ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER, U. S. A., HARRISBURG, PA., Sept. 26, 1264: BE SOLD AT PUBLIC, AUOTI N, IN T a r i LL Government Corral, near Hunm e i stown , ton lino of Lebanon Valley Railroad,) on THURSDAY, OCTO BER 6th, 1661, at 10 o'clock A. M. : (25) TWENTY-FIVE HORSES, (800) EIGHT HUNDRED GRAIN SACKS This property has been condemned as unfit for Govern ment service, but for private use good bargains are to be hail. Horses to be sold singly ; sale to continue until all are sold. TERMS : Cash in Government funds. K C. REICHENBACH, sept27-dtoc6 Captain and Assistant Quartermaster Window Shades and Blinds. . . - A SPLENDID assortment of Linen strides atd Paper Blinds, at SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, sep26 21 South Second streetliarrieburg, Penns._ Selling Off! Sel ling Off:: AS I intend to remove about the middle of October, I sin desirous of closing out my Stock of Dry Goods at greatly reduced prices. GUST. LOWMAN, sept 26 d2w* Next door to Kelker's Hardware Store. • Wall Paper! Wall Paper!! ALarge and splendid stock of Wall Paper of all styles and prices, for sale cheap at SCHEFFER , S Bookstore, scp26 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penna. P CAMPAIGN MEDALS, _IL of Lincoln & Johnson and McClellan& Pendleton. Single Medal - - 25 cents Trade orders solicited and promptly filled at a liberal discount. Address S. FL. Z ARM., Manufacturer, sr2Bd6t Box 131 P. 0., Lancaster, Pa. SALT SALIION. A new Invoice of fine salt salmon, just received and for sale by SRISLER a FRAZER, sept 26 (successor to W. Dock & Co.) TO THE LADLES YOUR attention is called to the splendid assortment of Extra Note Paper, Envelopes, and fine Stationery at SCHEFFER'S Bookslore, sept 26 21 South Second street, Hirrisburg, Penn. NO. 1 and 2 Mackerel, in kitts, just re calved this morning, and for sale low at SHISLER & FRAZER'S, successors to W. Dock, Jr., Si Co ) THE BEST BOOK BY WHICH TO LEARN Piano-forte Playing Is Richardson's New Method. The best Book for Young Pupils of Piano Stasis . Is Richardson's New Method. The Book by which to Learn Easily and Thoroughly Is Richardson's New Method. The Book that makes Piano Studies Attractive - Is Richardson's New Method. The best Book of Exercises far Piano Practice Is Richardson's New Method. The Book that is given to Pupils by Teachers Is Richardson's New Method. The Book that contains no Dry and Tedious Lessons Is Richardson's New Method. The Book that Interests both Young and Old Is Richardson's New Method. The Book of which 10,000 aro sold annually Is Richardson's New Method. Richardson's New Method for the Piano. Price $3 73. OLIVER DITSON" & CO., Publishers, Bos ton. Sent by mail, post-paid. For sale by J. B. GOULD, Philadelphia. [se29-tch] SPECIAL NOTICE. TO THE SHOE -BUYING PUBLIC. SELLING OFF !, SELLING OFF ! THE subscriber, intending to make a change in his business will close out his immense stock of rt BOOTS AND SHOES, Pa Of every description now on hand at much less than market prices. Persons in want of Boots and Shoes will do well to call, as I am determined to close out at reduced prices. Give us a call. J. C. KIMBALL, :Al.: Market Street, next to McCalla's jewelry store, Harrisburg, Pa. sep2B. Almanacs Almanacs 1 SAE S English and German Lancaster Almanacs, for the year 186 5 . For sale, by the gross, Dozen, or single, at Schetter's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. 5029 E IGHTEEN PIECES OF 2.1 - 1381 C GIVEN AWAY, As Specimens of the Contents of The Harp of Judah. Sent free of Postage. Send your address to OLIVER DIMON & CO., Publishers, Boston. For sale by [se29-tchi J, E. GOULD, Philadelphia. Executors' Sale WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, ON THURSDAY, October 20th, at two o'clock r. it., at the Court House, in the city of Harrisburg, that prop erty situated on the corner of Front and Walnut street; late the estate of Henry Stewart, deceased. The above property fronts on Front street 110 feet, and on Walnut 70 met, more or less. For further information call on W. J. Stec; at the premises. J. C. STEWART, HENRY STEWART, [se2B-dts] Executors. SOMETHING NEW! MYER PHINEAS' PATENT AIL TI(41-19C STADLD. For Bale a 6 Scheffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. se2B HOUSES FOR, SALE. fiIThREE NEW FRAME HOUSES, SITU 11 ATE on Foster street, above North. Enquire of JACOB WALTERS, se2Bdtf Corner of Third and North streets. RAGS ! RAGS ! ! RAGS! ! ! VINT, cents per lb. cash paid for good mixed Rags. SCHEFFEB'S Bookstore, septa 21. South Second street, Harrisburg, Penns. WINDOW SASH FOR SALE. —l6B 'lights, 9x14, well seasoned. Inquire of G. BENDER, • se29-3t* At Ziegler's Liquor store, Itarket at. VINEGAR FACTORY FOR SALE, LOCATED IN THE SIXTH WARD.- The house will be leased for a number of years. In quire of SAMUEL ROBERTS, Ise29-I.wal or J. B. ZIMMERMAN. ALL kinds of hauling with wagons or carts will be promptlydone by calling on - JACOB BBENNkM, corner or Second street and Meadow Lane. NEW STORY BOOK FOR • CHILDREN; BY FANNY FERN. For sale at Scheffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. Se2B FOR RENT, tirPSTORE ROOM AND THIRD FLOOR the building adjoining J. M. LUTZ'S Drug Store. Inquire on the premises sep27-tf GRAPES. AFINE Lox or CATAWBA AND ISABF.LLA. GRAPES are for sale at Wise's fruit and confee• tionery store, Third street, near Walroit. Mr. \Vigo will keep a supply on hand during the season. sep27-tt Draft Draft!! DRAFTED MEN entitled to exeraptidn can bare their papers properly prepared by • E. C. GOWN, attorney at Law, Late of the Provost Marshal's Office. Office in Third street, four doors abcp Market, Harrisburg, Pa. sep274 50 DOZEN JABS ENGLIEHTICELES comprising Picalilly, Chow Chow, Cauliflower Mixed Pickles, Gerkins, Walnuts and Onions. For sale wholesale and retail by SEISM & F my& successors to W. Dock. I IM I A o CIDER VINEGAR.-Pure Cider Vinegar can be bought by the barred or mall quantity at iyl.9 BOYER & ItOERPER. EAGLLSH BREAKFAST TEAL—Jut re. eelved, a fine sheet of English Breakfast Toe, at • :lIBLEIt & FRAZER'S - (eueoeteere Wm. Del*, Jr.) - AMUSEMENTS. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL FORTIETH NIGHT OF buses Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Last appearance in Harrisburg of the Cele brated Actress, Miss Bella Golden ! Who will appear in the greatest sensation of any story ever published, entitled THE GU MAKER OF MOSCOW! AND IN THE FRENCH SPY. THIS SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1, 1311. D:7 - For further particulars see programme augs•atf New National Theatre ! New National Theatre COR. OF NORTH SECOND AND SOUTH STS. Sole Lessee and Manager, - E. IIIEAILELI4:, Stage Manager, - - fLIJIRY GILBE,II.I. GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT HARRY GILI3ERT. LOOK AT THE VOLUNTEERS.' J. SI. WARD, Edwin Marble, Mrs. W. L. Ayling, P. C. Byrne, Miss Lucy Cutter, J. J. Collins, Miss Eftlie Warren, J. C. Raster, miss Mina Burritt, Chas. Freeman, Miss Agnes Sutherland, MISS VICTORIA HOWARD, Hugh Morton, Billy Porter, Billy Ward, Lonis Gninbert, MISS MARY FLORENCE, MISS JULIA MARSH AND SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1, 18.31, Three Splendid Pieces ! Singing; and Dancing ! PRICES OF ADMlSSlON.—Parquette, 50 cent 9; c; lery, 25 cents; Orchestra Chairs, $1 00; Private $5 and $lO. Doors open at 734. Curl ain rises at S o'cicch. Box Office open from 10 till 12 A. at., and from t' 4 p. se, when seats can be reserved without ergs charge and kept until end of Unit act. au29-Iw* SANFORD'S HALL rPcompany consists of the host :tat poz - ormers, consisting, of SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN CoMEDIANs, The managers takes pleasure in announcing ticit they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. BARRY WELLS & CO., Proprieto, Barr Poirrart, Business Agent. DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. MEDICAL The FIFTY-SEVENTH SESSION OF THE SCHOOL. Ob lIEDIOINE in the OstvEasily of KutyLeto will coal menee on MONDAY, th.l ith of October, 1864, and end the Ist of March, 11)61. d FULL COURSE OF LECTURES WILL 00 GIVEN I=l On Surgery—By Prof. N. R. Smith. On Chemistry and Pharmacy—By Prof. Wm. F..:1 On Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children—By Prof. G. W. Miltenberger. On Principles and Practice of lfedicine, and Clinical Medicine anti Hygiene—By Prof. Richard Mc cherry. On Anatomy and Physiology—By Prof. Cbristoph Johnston. On Nateria Italica and Therapeutics—By Prof. San.:l. C. Chew. .I'ractical Anatomy will be taught by Tames H. Butler, M. D., Demonstrator. During the continuance of the war, Military Surgery and Military Hygiene will be introduced as a regular of the course. Matriculates of th's School have access at all times to the wards of the Baltimore Infirmary, where they cau witness the performance of all the principal operations in Surgery, and can observe the numerous forms of disease under treatment. The Infirmary is a sracious attached to the Medical School, and it is open to the Stu dents daily throughout the entire year, without any a idi flout! charge. The fees for the full Course of Lectures are s9l; for Matriculation, $5 ; and for Practical Anatou*, Stu. GEORGE IV. MILT.iNSERGEB, N D. sep9-doawß ATOTICE. - The auditor appointed the Orphaub' of the county Dauphin, to make distribution of the funds in the hands of Julia Strickl , r, guardian of Amelia and Annie Mumma, deceased, rumor children of Martin Mumma, late of Swatara township, de ceased, hereby gives notice that he wid meet the paries interested, at his office in Harrisburg, on FRIDAY, tics 14th day of October next, at 10 o'clock A. M. D. FLEMING, Aud:v.r. Harrisburg, Sept. 21, 1864. --',oaw-3t AD~ZTNISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letters of administration have t*::: IS rap Mee granted to the subscriber on the euts:o of Cornelius 11 Shell, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to sem estate will please 9:take immediate payment, and all lb., having claims against said estate, will please prcEent them for settlement without delay, to sep23-doswell JACOB D. DOA Administrate. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Whereas letters of administration ir.t e this di., Leen granted to the subscriber on the estate of licnry Bee:, late of the city of Harrisburg, Dauphin county. Penes., deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted said estate will please make 'lamella:a payment, anu all those haring claims against said cstatc. plea,c present them for settlement without t stay, to PHOEBE HANNAH. REEL, Administranx. of Said deCtlf Or to Eugene Snyder, Esq., her attorney. Harriiburg, Pa., Sept. 19, 1864. [senlS-fdlac.i I N the 00111113.011 Bea of Dauphin Count 3 Joseph Welker and Susanna Welker. 1 his wife, now for use of Daniel I No. 17 . Keiser. }August Term, 186.1. vs. I Van. Ea. - Solomon Louden.%lager. The undersigned, auditor, appointel by the C,,urt of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, to distribute the money made by the Sheriff on the above stated suit, attend to the duties of his appointment at his OiLce iii Harrisburg, on Friday, the 14th day of October tte:.t, at 10 o'clock, A. a., when and where alt parties interested are notified to appear. RALPH L 11ACLAY, fepl9-3taw2w) Auditor. Brown% Baby Tender. AVERTICALAND NOISELESS SPRING CRADLE—easily converted into a BABY-JUMPER, BABY-HORSE, BABY-IYALKAW, OTTOMAN OR rwarma HOBBY-HORSE .F The whole designed to relieve Mothers, comfort and amuse children, obviate the evils of rocking them, and save the expense of a Nurse. Its motion is pertecry healthy and. charming. Price $2O to $35. Send fur illustrated circu lar. BROWN k. CO., 482 Breadway, N. Y. An enterprising Agent wanted for Marrisburg. sepS-lmeoil Very Convenient, JACOB TAUSIG, rrtAKES pleasure to inform his triends and J. Customers, and the public in general, that he has opened a wholesale elm retail Variety, No•ion and Jew elry Store, N0.105X Market street, abate Eby d• Kunkd's Building, Harrisburg, Ea, It would occupy a great amount of space to enumerate the articles composing my stock. The purchaser will find, thrOugh my experience of thirteen years in the business, that 1 can sell goods equal to the jobbers in the Eal Lem. cities. sept2.6-dern* FCRAOKEREL—Boston Wine Eis- A: mite, Oyster Beaton M crackers, Bostonilk Biscuits, Boston Butter Ms cults Batten Pic-113C Crackers, Trenton Dotter preteen, just received at BOYER & EARRPER Honey. ' ASMALL but supeTior lot of HONEY, just received, at SRISLER Zz FRAZER'S. ARglB JOE MILLER