BUSINESS •CARDS,-,,,, RALPH. L. •IVIACLAY A TTORNEY-AT-LAW.—Patriot_aq non building,'Harrisburg. Strict sttert O n %tottig ;4 fall legal business. ' Military claims collected. myle-oem.eod Thuawls C. Mac Powell, A.ttoru ey.a t ."14,4Nr. OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW MITE.; HARRISBURG, P. •' • ALL manner of' Military Claims promptly attended to, and claims collected against the General Or State Governments, either . in Congress, the Court of Claims at Washington city, or at ilarriaburg, without on nooessa • • and on moderate terms. e.29-dam A. C. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TIM removed Ms Officetnim Third to .WO - nut Mea t next to the Prison. all bush_iess . in trorto4 to kiln w4re,lyttproinpt,undcuspful'uttention. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS . A GROCERIES ! Queen's and Glass Ware, AND ALL HINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, J'AVE just opened a large and well selected stock of goods at their stand, No. 8 iilarketSquara, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the inbil • equally. • nolo.dly JONES HGUSE, Corner of Market street and Mara§cfalYtt; HAERIBBUEG PENNA CHAS. H. MANN, Proprietor. no6-dtt STATE CAPITAL HOTEL , CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS, HAJMI - LISHUILG, PENN'A. Mundersigned having purchased this well wn house has enlarged and thoroughly renovated It. The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the entire estalishmeut elegantly re-furnished. Being plea santly and eligibly located, and provided witli every con venience, it offers to the public all the comforts and luxu ries of a first class hotel. Trusty and obliging servants always in attendance. A bar well stocked with civilee liquors Is attached to the establishment de26.dly W. G. THOMPSON, Proprietor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG-, PA. D, H. HUTCHISON, Proprietor. THIS well known Hotel is now in a condi ton to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. , THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely tad throughout, and now has accommodations equld extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots; and is close proximity to all the public offices and business lo calities of the city. It has now all the conveniences of FIRST CLASS 116 and the Proprietor is determined to spare neither- ex pense, time or labor to ensure the comfort of thegnests. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully soli cited. jell-dtf MUSICAL. HBO FORTES, MELODEONS, SUET 'MUSIC, VIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, STRINGS DRUMS FIFE'S, and all kinds of MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE, PICTURE FRAMES, LOOKING GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALBUMS, AMER°, TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, &C.,. &C. Remember the place, SILA:S WARD, N0..12 ,TiiirT trues, the largest Music Store this side of the great cities. jan2B.dtf MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND TIM ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by histrnimmts of :WS class) has boon awarded to. • • - MASON & VIA MUTTS INSTRUAENTS.. A Dill assortment of these instruments always, on hand W. KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent; 93 Markel' Street jet-2tawly] NEW GOODS-JUST OPENEDI BERGNER'S . Book and Stationery Store Embracing every new and improVed stile of POCKET BOOKS, • MAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, • • GAUP SKIN POCKET BOOKS, BUCHSKIN PURSES, PORTMONN:AIES, ha. at prima to suit all circumstances. , . . . . . POCKET 4UUTLF,RY, COnahalng of a One assortment of Wesienholm's Spa Pocket Knives. GOLD PENS. From Newton's celebrated manufactory. Every Pen with a guarantee. PORT FOL/OS, WRITING CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS, PAYETERIES, Together with every article usually found in a dist Book and Stationery establishment, at myl2) BERGNER'S, 51 Market stioet DANIEL A', MUENCH AGENT OF the Old Wallower Line, respectfully *- forma the public that this Old Daily 'franaportation Line (the only Wallower Lino now in existence In this ofty,) is in successful operation arid prepared . to carry freight as low as any other individual line betWeenPhila delphls, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport; Jersey Shore, Lock Haven and all other points on .thn Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamsport and Matra Railroads, . • DANIEL A. MOENCH; Agent.. Harrisburg, l'enn'At. Goode sent to the Warehouse of Messrs; Preanock,Zell k illnchman, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, abtrie Bth; Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, r. M., will 'arrive-at Harris burg, ready for delivery, next morning. japBo-rdipSl PIANOS. • ALBRECHT, RIEKES &.SCJIMIDis • - EXCELSIOR PIANOS. • . SOLE AUNCY AT W. igNocifEw 93 Market street, HarriSburs. FOR REASONS perfectly satisfac,tory to MYSELF I have taken the agency of the above most excellent Pianos. The public lainviten to come and ex amine for themselves. A few Sehomaoker & Co's Pianos on band yet will. be dsol low. mar2s-tf. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS BY Philadelphia and Reading , Railroad. IN accordance with the 'provisions of the New Internal Revenue Law, allgoode delivered at the above railroad for shipment must have a Two Cent Stamp affixed to the receipt demanded therefor, said stamp Lobe at the expense of the shipper For all receipts taken by the above Company, said stamps will be furnished and paid-for by the COnailany: suglo•dtsepBo JOHN J. CLYDS Aomt. FINE FAMILY FLOUR.StEISLER & -- FRAZER have made armugementa with one . of the beat mills In the,country to supply "the familiea ofßarris burg with choice FLOUR Every barrel warranted,' and delivered to any part of the ckty free of charge., , •• SRLSLER & FRAZER; . Dealers In Fine Family Groceries, opposite ltio'Couit House. QPICED OYSTERS. 7 441X* )3Ratimore 1...3 Oysters, spiced, just Jls • BOTEIr& }WETTER, TIIBT RECEIVED-44 galkmi3 pixie cratant wine, from o Lancaster county ifarnieri the Bacs made domestic wine in this city.. .Frico $.1,00 ; per gallon. For sale at SHISLERA:FRAZKRiti leg Succeasors to WT.:PO.IIk, ACED CYSTERS. 7 —Extra ,Fine.3l3o4o:nom 0 Oysters, spiced, and for eare by the gallon, quart and pint, or law quantity. SEMLER & FRAZER, jyB Successors to W. Dock, Jr., *co. AM 81 HAMS I—A fresh -sap. ply-of-Mi eh eners'a Exceleior HamwatittriteillaWat ea:t r r JanSl BOYER & KogiTN,R MO LADIES.—If you ; w is h good 1;1 3 ‘,... Pena, or anything elan in the Ilas, wilkdo wall by oalling at O=F/M1 BOWEISTORE, .r -a-tz - -- ...... 'v.. f - I ,r . + ~,.3 ^ , ` Road . Pe Rail : 8 1864. 64P --,-;-....--ni—ww - Philadelphia and Erie .Rail- RI, ,r,,,, gum _ ,--,--, r, dwa gum ^,. .^. - ".. I Road. ', ', i A. -11. - mnianalLa r. " HIS great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the ci. , of Erie, on Lake Erie._ - ... It has been leased by the Parnisnverne ItarmioAl Cox_ PANT, and under their auspices is being rapidly op,oed throughout its entire length. It is new in use for, Passenger mid Freight business from Harrisburg to : St, . 'Mary's (218 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (11 mites) en the Western Division. TIME OP PASSENGER TRAINS AT- HARRISBURG. Leave Eastward. .Ml4o[dt.€l*l)9l.-- r 31PitIN.Gr TIME TABLE. FIVE ,TRAINS' DAILY TO .A 1411) FOUR . FROM 1131L4XEDELPEELL, . ox AND MONDAY, lay 16th, 1864, TEE Passengei 'l'rei,tis the l'eniisylvaida Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har taburg.and Philadelphia aa • , .• kktvrvirkß,D. , - TH:SOUGH•EXPREISS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 A. N. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 A. FAST LDNE leaves Harrisburg da A. (except Monday)l 6.00 N. and =lves at West Philadelphia at 10.10 . Passengers fake breakfast at Lancaster. MOUNT ,ICY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harrisburg at, 7.20 A. A.,conaedbeat Lancaster with, Lancaster accom modation'traiii ag. and arrives' at ( West Philadelphia at COLUNESIA ACCOMMODATION TRAlN,)eiVeir Ittirbi; burg at '12,20.P. I. Col:inane 1.55 1.. at. „and , Lrutastii2:6o, P. M., connecting :with Fait Mail east it' Lama/Ad for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Philidel; phis at 5.30 P.M. , MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 Lancaster at 2.47 P. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.80 P. ZE HARRISRURG,ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Cohan, bla leaves Harrisbdrg at 5.23,P. M., and arrive* west • Philadelphia at 10.50' P. N. WESTWARD. HALTDAORE'EXPRESS TRAIN leivea Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2,10 A x. ; Altoona, 1.35 A. yr., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.80 P. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Hirriabirgi daily at 3.10 ; Altoona at 8.20 A. IL .take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 r. sr • `MAIL TRAIN leaveillariisbuig:4l. 130 E. Me . ; Altocinti at 7.15 Eii take supper; and arrives atPittsbuigatl2.Bo 14 Br. FAST LINE tear& Harrisburg . at 8.60 ; Altoona .at 8.35 P. 111., take supper, and arrives" at Pittsburg' at 1.00 A. 14 MOUNT JOY , ACCOMMODATION leaves Lancaster nt 9.30 A.'44 , arrives at Harrisburg at IMO A Tr. ' HARRiSBIJRG ACCOMMODATIONVRAIN leaves West 245 P. is., and arrives at Harrisbitig MOUNT JOY , ACCOMMODATION No. 2, •leaves Lanham ter at 6 .25' P. AI. coonneeting there With Barrieberg 'Robot& laodation West, leaves Monnt'Tog at TiOo P. K. and arrival' lit Harrisburg at 8;20 ; , • : SAMUEL D. 'YOUNG; a Bupt. dfiddleßto. Pasn'a R. R. Harrisburg, May 13, 1864.-41tf Northern Central Railway I:~r.■■i■■. ‘1: is. A zak"AlrAit":ll%lK; SIIDIDERR TIME TA-Ettm• THREE TRAINS DAILY ' TO AND FECOSi IgAILATIX.ORE WASIIINGTON CITY. Connections made cath trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from :Pittsburg and the West. ' : THREE TRAINS DAILY. to nod from the North ,ainl West Branch Susquehanna, Elmha, and all of Northern New York. • • ON and after MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864, the Rassengei Traina of the NOrthern Central !Railway will•arrive sat , and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows; SOUTH.WARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except. Sunday) 10.25 A. leaveis. Hurristnnl L2O I'. IL . . arrives at ....... 6.40 P. X EXPRESS TRAPZ teiveiSpriOary daily . (except . 1.1.45 letivel..garrisburg (except . . ,*( 1 1414 . . 2.50 a,. X aivifee at . B4timore daily (except Monday) 7.00 HARRISBIRG ACCOMMODATION leaves Har- big SUNBURY ACCORRODATION leaves Sun. bury daily (except . Sun. day) at..... .ay) _- 15. 6 / I T , HWAR . D. IkAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday)... - . . 9.20 A. 111. leaves Harrisburg .: • . 1.35 r. „ . arrivesst Sunbury/ .... . 4.05 P. 44 ITPRESB TRAIN leaves Baltimore 9.80 P. N. arrives at Harrisburg.:.. 3.59 A; SI . leaves Harrisburg daily (es.: sot_ Mends y).. lb A. st, arrives at 5u nbury............'5.58 A. 11E. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves timore daily (except Sun- Ally) Z°9 r. 24 ". arrivea at Harrisburg P: SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris burg daily (exoept.Sairday): at 400r.x. For further information apply at the Office in Pennsyl vunia Railroad Depot. J. N. DU]ARRY,. I Harrisburg, May 16, 1864-dtf Gee. Supt. CU.M..EE*LAIY.D VALLEY F=R ..A. - - - .N: 7 ."K ! .., •Ei.• t 'S. RAIL ROADS'. CHANGCHANG E E OF HO URS.—On and after M on. clay, April 4th,' 1864, Passenger trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays, excepted* .FOR CH.AMBERSBUtEI AND HARRISBIJEIi: . . . Leave Hagereatown ' 7.00 2.45 " Greencastle ~ , 7.37 8.85 /Arrive at 8.17 4.20 Olouunbersburg, - , , --- Leave at, 8.80 12.55 Leave Walppensearg . 9.00 1.28 `` NeNville . 9.32 2.00 JL M. • .! Oariisle • 555 10.10 2.42 m Mechanicsburg 625 10 42 8.12 ;arrive at Harrisburg . . .......... .......6.56 _11.15 3.40 _ ___._ ,FOR CtLAMBERSBEIRG AND'IgAGERsrowx: . A. x.. P. 1 1. I'.x. - li?live H'sburg ... 8.05 1.82 - . - 4 20 " M anicsburg 8.47 2.15 1 - .4.64 '‘" Carlisle .9.27 2.55 , - 5.29 • .; :" Newville . ' • •••••••--- " Shippensburg . 10.83 . 4.00 diambersburg , Arrive at .. 11.00 4.30 * • { L eave at 11.10 ; 4.40 Leave Greecastle . ' .. .11,55 5.30 Arrive at Hagerstown 12.85 6.10 W Making slow connections at Harrisburg with trains fey • Philadelphia, New - York and Pittsburg ; and, With rains for altpoints west. 4H-The Train leaving, Harrisburg at 4.20, P. is., nine only as far as Carlisle. . aN. 1.131.1., Supt, ". R. R. Office, Chambersbnrg, April 4, 1861-ly NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. • _ T - J i TREF. TRAINS DAILY TO NEW ;YORK • PHILADELPHIA. • ON AND AFTE.II . MONDAY; t3efotember 16th, 1864, the PassengsrTrainosylli leave.the Phila delphia and Reading Itallread DePot, at : Harrisburg, for Newirork mat Philadelphlt% as fellow.% ; EASTWARD - - . REPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg it 5.0.0 on ar rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad . Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 10.00 A. xA sleeping car is attached to the tralte'lhvough' from Pittsburg without change )16.11•TICATIElekVerlItarrlsbutg `at 7.30 A. x. , , arriving in New York at 4.40 P. M., and Philadelphia at 12.50 P. x. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.45 P. pc, atviving in New York at 9.00 T: And Philadelphia at 1.00 P. V. . HARRISBUI G 4 j ACCoMMODATION TRAIN to Reading leaves at, 5.30 P, .n,_. .. • SUNDAY TRAIN for NeW York and Philadelphialeaves Harrisburg at 6.30 A. x. WESTWARD. . FAST LINE leaves New .York at 9.OCrA:' 'x, arriving at Harrisburg at 3:30 x tr.• • • " • HAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon,. and; Philadelphia at &30. P. rr. , arriving at Harrisburg at 5.20, EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New. York at 7.00 x., :tiring at Harrisburg at 2.00 A. x. and connecting With'the' 'Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A,sieeping car is also attached to thiis train: • • MAIL TRAIN leaves PhiladelpiAl at 8.00 ze., and ar riving at Harrisburg at 12.40 r ponnections aro made at Harrisburg with trains on Abe ylvapia, . Northtern Central and Cumberland Valley fat and at If - for Philadelpttia, 'Pottsville, lkeabarril;lllentown,. Easton, &c. gage checked-through,;are between New York isburg, $6 15 tietween Harrisburg and Ebiladelr p ai4ll Illtin4ro;roars, roid46-in 2 or octets or other informationVPlX AR 4. OLYDR, - 33 c. 3 !.t• . Quail Aisok amvion um • 3 ?I• 3 AND 7.00 A. it IWULROADEk.,,,, =1133 Mail Train Eicprera Train • Leave Northward. Mail Train • EnTeas Train 'Oara - nin through wrritour OIidNGII both ways on these *ins between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be. . Baltimore and Loa Haven. - - - . Elegant Sleeping o sum on Express trains both ways be t Wee n Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphiet For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. Corner 11th and Market streets. And for Freight diaiitess of the Company's Agents:. S. a Kingston, Jr. , corner 13th and Market streets, Philadelphia J. W. Re3mokla, Erie, J. M. Dri.l4 - Agent N. O. R. It, Baltimore. R. H. ROIJSTON,. • General /Freight Agent, PhiPe. LEWIS L HOOPT, General Tic' kat - Agent Mira. JOEL D. POTTS, I F 20- d/31 General Hammer, Williamsport, REIN RAILROAD. S U MMER ARRANGEMENT. GREA T TREWS LINE - FROM THE NORTH and Northwest ler Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentovin, Roston , , !Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New Vtitit, goading, Pottsville and intermediate stations, ac 1..00 4. x., and 2.00 P. N. , • I „ New York - Express leaves Harrisburg, „6.80 A. N., - arriving at ew York at 1,45 the same A special Accommodation Passenger train loaves Read • ng at 7.15 A: n.,- and returns:Nein Harrisburg at 6 P. IL Fares from Harrisburg: Telfew , York,'s6 16; to Phila. dolphin $8 85 pad $2 ,80. Baggage checked, through- Returning,leave New York at 6 A. is:l2' noon, and 7 (Pittsburg Express ' rriving at Harrisburg at 2 N., sr.) Leave Philadelphia at S 16A. x, and 8.30 r. N. Sleeping cars in the New York Sprees Traltin,through to and from Pittsburg without change. • • Passengers by the Citaisbisa Railroad Usti . ° TaruaCuo at 8:50 A. a., and 2.10 r. N., for Philadelphia, New York, Mid all way points. Trains_ leave Pottsville at 9.161A,2r; , and 2.80 r. a. , tor Philadelphia r Harrisburg. and . New York. -. ;An Accomoodation:Paisefiger train'l&ves Reading at N. end returns from Philadelphia at , , the above trains.rut daily, Sunday excepted. A Sunday !rain leaves Pottsville at •7.80 A„tk,„ and adelphia at 8.16 Y. . Commutation, Hilesge,'StiaMinend Excursion. thMeta ai rehired rates to and from ellpoints.. • 50 pounds baggage allowed to each person... , Si. A; NI COLL 3 , General 1 . 1 , 11 perlat.tiii u t - 11(4T7 / &i' i • I.IIED.I.CAL: • - GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE THE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISQOVERED AT LAST. Cheiokee Remedy, CHEROKEE INJECTION! d . OMPOURDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CHEROKEE& REMEDY, thereat Indian Diuretic, cares all diseases of the urinary organs,. such as inconti nence of the Urine, inflammation of the Bladder, inflam. ?nation of the Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, tipravel, Gleet, _ Gonnorhea, and is especially recommended in those cases of Fluor dibuslor Whites in females) where . 4 the oldnauseous Medicines have Taal, israir It is prepared In a highly conoentrated•form, the e only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times Iler day. ..• ; • ' • /air Ikisitiuretie and. alterative in its action; purifying itikd cleansing the blood, causing it •to low is all of its taiginal parity and vigor; thus removing from the system. all pendciona causes whieft baire induced &muse. CHEROKEE TR.TECIWN is intended as molly or assist apt to the CHEROKEE , REMEDY 'and should be used in apt with that medicine in all eases of Gosiorrhea, (Fled, Euler data or Wham Its Manna are healing, siothitig and damn/nerd ;: removing all scalding, heat, chordee and pain, instead Of the burning and almost un enduiable pain that is oFperienced alai 'nearly all the cheap Omsk injections. Sir By the use of the :CHEROKEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE iIIiECTK/N—the two medicines at the same :t me-all improper discharges are removed, and the weak 'Ted ergaue- are speedily restored- -to lull vigor and ger For flili palliculars, get our pairiphlet from any tug store in the country,. or write us, and we will mail free, to any address, I full,tratim 01S.. Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. ittl.Price . 43.llßßOKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or ; three bottles for t 5. vy:l...Sent by express to any agiirelp on receipt of . . .. . ' .3.. Sold by all druggists ekbrystiere. - - DR. W. R. KERWIN At 100.,'- , Sol e' Propriktors, ' marlo-eodly • -: Af), 59 Liberty,street, New , York. )CHEROKEE CURE. THE GREAT INDIAN MEDitaliEre oompo - utraw FROM I ROOTS, BARKS , AND -LEAVES ,An unfailing cure for Spermaeorrboa, Remittal Weak nfss, HoeturrmE IlMissionsi and all diseases ,caused by sett: pollution; such as Lose qf Memory , Universal Lassitude Asins in the Back, Dimness of' Vision, Premature Old Age W,eak Nerves, Difficulty of Bireathim -TremNiny, Wakeful , mit:viten: on Me Awe, pale Mmedermewei7emanity, OM% Saul all the Direfil SMpluinis. ;caused by de yiertiny from the path qf nature ti , • IsorThis medicine is slitipleVegetableestract, and one hiwhich all can rely, as it has been used In our practice far many years, and with thousands treated, it has not failed in a single instance. !, ate Must've powers have been sufficient to gain victory over the most stubborn case. Arlo those who have trifled with their constitution, Wit they think iheinselvei beyond the reach of medical fd, we would say, Despair not the Cussaass Cons will restore you to health and vigor, Rada:fps all quack .doe tots have failed 1 • . _ ' 'Mir" ' I For full particulare; get. a Circ from any Drug Store in the country, or Nertto - Agie- Proprietor, who will Mall free to any one eatalM*Vairke, a;!1111 treatise hi .4 7, ',.f. , .... pamphlet form. . • -.... 5 ` , 2•'.r.... ..i. 1 :;4,: ,F and 1,10,-Prices $2 piiir:lt4l2e,rer.-maree. .$5, foywardod by eirw*giVall.Partallle Air, , , : we-Sol dby allialtsgetiiblelrgi,l•W}t • - "ore. 14:110g.,,w1Cti °: -4S e y es ,fr ~ *•,: Z n , . ''''''' 1,it,.. lieW --'' ' • nsarlieodl.v = 't:Noti : ittet,Y. ....,- - 6 W York. . .. -.. , - -- i SELLING 01 M.:LOW ! OUR STOCK_ . OF,LI QUORS ftINTE intend toAlkdOittitutia thii. Ai& of .Li- , quors and °Wpm! atock - athoirery small advance' DIF. cost price. We have purchased all our Liquora lte 'for the last rise and have a large stook on .14aud for three or fouryears, which are guaranteed'co.inot, be, purchased new at any price from the importers. Our stock consists of ~ , . W . IX .i. K.l v. s-• . , onall grade r s. ' ' " irir We have paiti ..ef three barrels 'pure Icy.s; not colored, and 10 degrees above proof 23 years old. _ VMS of all Grades Domestic and Imported. cr 33 it .A.N . . e have pare of 36 cask: MENNMSBY :BRANDY, to which we invite the particular attention of families for maicinal purposes : - - The Brandy cannot be bong& to-doW :Min; importers, li n o than $l5. per . sell ttfer , l4-per: gaP ion. - - sooTOR 42.ipE1tikin .0011.11.Et&G:44E-WINES,.. •,C,MBETS.; And-S I &dr, PS invite the Inspection of Ef6i42.l : FeeOre ign& ~14strettants generally, as we Wend' to?. son, "nuttotat Active, all oar Liqoo*,lo4 WW l * . a good °POT"- 414 r for betroth& ' • 7 And , 1)11. j4:l BALTIMORE . LOCK - :-HOSPITAL, MrAS'dieeovered the most certain, . j,j„, and effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES. OF DEPEDDENOW RIP.T.TEW IN six TO TWELVE ROtIRa NO MOWRY OR NOZ/0118.DRIION 1.28 p. 150 A. N. ...... 1.86 P. N. ........8.16 A Ckire Warranted,,, or No Charge, ;dn• from One -t, i - i l ax Weakness of the , Hac ..4ifections or the Kidneys and Bladder,lnvoltintary D' 'ts, Impntency,_ . General De bility, Nervousseers, Dyste a, hatignor; LOw Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, rmiidity Tremblings, Dimness of Sight ereiddineer, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections _ of. the Liver Lungs, Stomach , - or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the Aolitary'llabits of Youth—those secret and *Mary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting ,theif, most brilliant hopehetr anticipations, renderihg marriage, arc,,, imposol2.ole. Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vico, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to anfintimely grave thousandunf :Young, Ken of the. most exalted: talents 'and brilliant intellect, Who might otherwise have entranced listening-Senates with the then dery of oloquence or waked ;1) eFikusiOe Hying Tyra; =AY call with Ali confidence. . • . MARRIAGE .• Married persons, L orToang Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physioid *eal.m.esti, organic debility, defor mities, &a t Weedily dared. • • He who places; himself under the care of Dr. J. may re ligiously confide lards . honor as a gentleman, and cull dently rely upon his skill as a Physician: ORGANIC WEAKNESS nunediately cared, and full vigor restored. • This &Amadei affection—whibh readers life miserable Mad marriage immeitibl&-is the lSenalty paid by the vic tim of improper indulgence. Young persona are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of , the dreadful cOnspqatmees that may ensue. Now, who that under- Mends:the Stibject will `pretend to deny'that the, peter • of procreatitmls lost sooner by those falling' into improper • habits than. by the,prndent: „Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and de stracti*. Omptems to both , body. and mind arise. The 'sYsiiii•mbecomes deranged, ' the - phioriesil and mental fenothins weakened loss of procreative power, nervour irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, a wastizig'of the frame, cough, con sumption, decity and ilea* . ' ' OrnicarNo."7, - Bonin i a n snroit : Vraalar, - Left band aide going from Baltimore street, a few dooriP from the cornea Fail not to - observe - name and number. Lett,ers muskbepaid and mmita l irp stamp. .The Becton!. M U Diplemas hang - . Ace: ' , ' DR.. JOII4SON Ifeniber of thelloyal College, of Surgeons, London, grad uate from one of them* emineot colleges Mahe United State; 4114 the greater part of whose life has been: Spent In the hospitals piLondon, Philadelphia and else where, ; lam ettedted some; of , the . , most astonishing curse that were ever ImOwn Many troubled with ringing (lithe head' and: ears when -aineep, , great'. netletmeas, bidni alarmed m at sudden uds,' bastifttlnesa t with frequent bloshing u attmidad somet h nes,with derangement of mind: were;curediMniediately. . • ' TARR PARTICULAR These bre some of the ilad'ind'inelanctioly effects prd' duced by early habits of youtkviz : weakness-of the back and liuttoty pains in the- heed.. dimness .of of sight, loss. of muscular power, paipitation of the heart,, dyspepsia, ner, tons irritability, symptodla Coturiunption, Atm Reirrati:r.:—Thereortil Mesons on the 'Mind are Mort to be dreaded—loss, e.memory; conflation Of- ideas; de.' pression of spirits, forebrelings ; aversion self distrmst,.love of Solittide., Mrt, are some' of the evils produced. ' . ' . YOUNG Who have injured themselves by a certain prae,tice in dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, tho effects of which are nightly felt, even When 'ealeop f andif-not cared renders marriage mpossible and destroys both mind and body, sheuldapplyi m diediately. . Wham.) a, 9 that eyoung man, the hope of his country the,darlingef his parents, should be snatched frOM prospects Led enjoyments of life, by the coneequence bt 'deviating *Can the path of. nature and indulging : inis, certain' secret habit. Such - persons Mote, before cetktem-„plating', . • ; •—• , 111ARTET&GB,. *ellen ithatare mad rednd and body are the rubitnecidseary requisites. topr.omotesonnubialhappinetut. Mdeed,,with cfut these, the journeY through life becomes a weary all grimage ; the prospdct hourly,darkeias to the view ; the mind bocomer shadowed withdespair and Meld with the Melancholy refleetion.that the,happiness of another he elomes blighted with eur own: , ~, DISEASE : OF ESITRUDENOE. • When the mier a tiand i ltapnident votary of pleasure_ finds he has imb Seeds of this pale ill &mum too often happens that an iStimed sense of shaine - or the dread of discovery deters him.'ftom applying to those Who from education 11114 ; vmpectability, can alone befriend:him. He falls into Afichands of immrant and designing 'Pretend oni, who, incept:ll6,lot Curing, filch his pecuniary, sub. stance, keep Wei trilling month after month, or as long as the smallestfee,ein be obtained, and in despair leave him with rained health. to sigh over hiegalling disappointment s or, by the use of:the:deadly poison, Mercury, beaten the constitutional symptizin Of this terrible disemeonchaiseffee Mons of the Heed, ihroat, Note, Skin, eta., progressing with frightful rapidity, till 'death puts a period to his =sufferixem by sending him to that undiaceitered from WhenCe no traveler returns, 1200/filEitiNT OP Taw PRESS: • The many thousands cured at this institution year after year; and the numerous important-surgical operations performed by Dr: Johnson, witnesse by the reporters of thdftwitoftlipper, and many other papers, notices of which have appeared agaiu and again before the public, besides lilt iitawilialas a .geatleman of character sad, rpgrno, " Wildcat Fuesntier to the aim , ed. SHIN DISEASES SPEZIA:IIY CUBED. • Offtes. No: 71kruitia .11FiefderIck. Stmt.' aP 1 07 4 :43' . . • : uTECENNIB NO Strbil WORD ' AB • • 11ABBANYS COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CUBEBS- AND COPAIBA. ; Thle•preparation -te particularly reoonintended to the YRDIOAL PROFESSION'and the PUBLIC for the pronipt and certain cure of DISEASES OF THE MADDER; NEYS, URINARY ORGANS, ETC. • - It may be relied on an the best mode for the adminietra-' ar,°' these ch.remedrer9tpe.pliafgebflass of e. thseases ver interferes Irtw rlith th e dig e st i on , and by no concentration, the 'dose to much reduced. / N. It.i- , Pnrchaiorioie edified to ink TARRILIOS 03011POVNIYIXFRAC I T OF ODDEDS AND , 00 47174 1 , aiad take else, as' tadtatlorui and worthless preps rations, under Similar harm" are in. the niarhet.'Price $l. 00. • Sent by express on race* 'of price, Manifsea tared only by,, TARRANT & CO., No:, 278 Greenwich. street,-COroor of Warren greet. Now Yt#, and for, sale:. . - Drundsts •ortirelly:- • •• - • , 0ct2241.1.1 . , For sale bq S. RUNRIX Ina,' *44'4- Druggists • •• . Gray's Patent Molded Collars . inn no simply nat pieces of papor`eat in the ft)Vnilir similar, but are Molded end 8/aped to fit ilia tieek, having .a istrreot curve frenjinn "iiitgri lor brozki, which is ob tained by outpatented process, whichslaosoOnreetanother odtconage possessed by no ofterfaiksr,—vin :- Bpsoelbr the' Ciaamel in the Tarn-down styW the Oros of *in* is n wria T L , _, 7 / 111 * k 4 l P3 i, m 2 O Ag4ll, 70 .Ise , Fikt t iii_illia collar, for ease, nanness, and disability, varequidhaLr EA.'s a They a re made:W/Nes-down Style ha efaes from 121 1 0 1, ,iidAn : ciurgto sktottAs to ir loitkett; Psolliiifieilk, n i bins bones or 100 each; also, la Malls* onela0110: each—the. letter , a very 'handy package roe tricielein' ariny and navy officers -•,"— -- tror-EVERT-OOLLAR itrotionped - l '' ' = :",Gray's Patent Molded collar." *ld by all retail 4ealers 1.,14 , 5 iNrikahtn i g9o4:4" . Tlietltyade appplieci by . ; • . • VAN DEEN • BONEfF lt, &TIT.; ljtathiusr y tat ,11114 WAN OASES Saari - tASTEES, oaiverLat l . 1 43M.ST.LER & Man c. e 2 - , 43Oile 7& mers to W. Doak, ) 10. Aga ; i. ,;z'• 1:-:•41tii;iieuer's Excelsior. ass* awed. 11410elvatmadifiii milt st, .• - • • q 1 , u.. • ; ' f I.• I , I•IIIOIMICRisn,A .m.... - • . .a in111111111111411F,14, hi t iiMl • , 7,•; , :, . - .4 ..: AM to Two. Liao. YOUNG MEN ._Dct:We-ORCML4I: , - i C. i' D. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL p.Ak - .![7 , :0.0,;5t5:T:T5 , : , .,. NO. 19 MARKET STREET, MEM HA,VRINBURCI, PA. DRUGGpTAs i , 1,44 - , slarANA • sTan.4 rREPARS 4141) CONSUMMi'S. We are daily aiding p oijur innaniment of goods all such , articles as are desirable, and would respectfhlly call yoni attention to the largest end best selected stock in this oily,- of DRUGS, CRUICALS AND PANTS, Varniahes and Glues, . Die Stuffs, Glass and Patty, Apt*l Colors and Toole, t. Pure Cironitaptier, Burning Fluid . midAlootiol, Led, Spiiin mid Pine Oita, !: • • :• = '!.:l3Ottles,.Vials and Lam1:01:11t&i, • • ~-Lf r!, :Adlle Soap, Spongy/Idd [knits, ato.,` azo., dm., &a., Willi a gone* varlet). or PERFUMERS TOILET ARTICILF43" , efdeeted from the beat manufacturers and Zerfmegra .td • • . Europe and thlereeuntiy. itt Being very largi dealers in, ZINSER!? 9.1 t,. VARNIS2TES, , . „ • ' WZAVNIW GLASS, ARTIST'S: 1E2132 0 8 BZUBHIN 4111. rzuzig rAzarms, • VOMATAB AND BBONZAB We resPeatratik in;rilk! a call, feeling coiiii.eui tluA we an supply thO 7 :wants. Of , all on terms to thedr:isaltletigki TigETIEt! TEETH !! IONE& ,or :WHITER PORCELAIN• mem , ,r4Pw 4 1 rEA 9 ian#A,sr(1 ) • HAIR litisrozaarryzv. Of all.tet,,direatia NAPONIFIXEt AND CONMNiftATED LYE . Wholaude..Atenta fbrllipiwidflee whlott wa sat air :ow ea It tan bepuraliaid ihe THATSVO Arzil i jAz , ; :FLUID If I rr IYPP V f OONL 0110 GIBBON OIL I Being large pnrehiserii In these Oils, we can otier Anoetneeta to olfieelinyeits. Coal Oil lows of the most ; Improved patteinit; very cheap. All kind' . of tau:l3o - 'chanted to born:Coal OU. FARIKEBB AND GRAZIE/18. Those of you wliohAve mot given on r 11011 S RAND CAT TLE POWIEERE,i trid Inuoyi not thet”eopeoo7o l 4l {ha R i dvantige thorAtehOgrvi l / 2 04#gepi #d";; . #1,11! healthy mad In a good-randitkin. Thousands can testify to the proth thy: have derived from Elie mesa our Cattle Powdoku by the taktei'd Own ty and quality of *ilk, bealdea improving the . iengria heath and apparinailof theireatee. Oer long espetlenoe•bt the Wetness glom vs the advin tage oi a thorough inowlodge of the trade, rid oar. rengementa to the cities ire s auch that . we can, to a very abort time:find& anyttatog ox,peifilifing to oar ifindinnio, on tkii4eoVik torn Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on one boos? .we hope by strict at tention to lmatnese, a careful iselectlen of ' • ' P:118..3 DR1708.. • •.•, at fair prices, and the der bete pledeeirdl, to merit On. tornance:oLtirofaver‘or t,iik , diseOnkinatingpirldie: aiplo:4lT-: . MOTH TOR 2RENVORT6i SN . AND PAXIINNTIN9 MOTH P IES RQW-P iir 31711 "Rffio/Load, of valuable "Mace 411 : 0_4,po rne ,u 0p , x ,cp mec t s ....opaributaml ralltnig Dr diaged tDO er pl*.Woorebo, Art.+ Pelced *war If* entopirifir; e !B :The Being aim ad ing. relekit link,L ; iimplabio portals* %Milk 11 C M t e dDtil lasUud dPTsalOc i PT!: , • WWI fabric e ict k InJ e An 'Rae. - PreParad arid lOW. 14EL • irancu.Gkxids Store, No.-OVNartet greet ,Tpanamkßake,OlLl3,4-4) bozo& aziele t idei , A- 9* €4 WhiroPortalkiror fotisale, wholesale old; DY -, •i , man= & nuzzic,_ :nips autcoosori W. .4 • - • . . /1 0 1KM:t ii - iftioiOe lot of Moho , 3.aft, 3 C.l Era /*dr.- T•41&_=2,1 wiIMLLANEOUS. MrFA DDE.N 7 S MARBLE YARD. • .timira or WALITUT:ANik 11 : 11 THSTREIN8, • • thuribtrg, Ps • IME PEE nnaeraignqd having opened a Eirbi e and In this city, beg leave to tam= their Glenda and the public in geterra, that they are prepared to ha, nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Mopmmentp, Tombs, Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stone. GtYe as a call and we will guarantee satisfaction. WFADDEN & CO, N B.—Lettering neatly none In English or Gonna reas2A-d1 y AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLES PACKET' • BOOKS 'PURSES P O 1 T -Dr ozzi - za :A I E FOE LADIES - AND . GEiTTLEMEN, AT • KEJILLIAEWS Drug 'And Piney Goodi Store, No. 91 Market' street. . The ileac Morocco ~TRAVELING SAILS ELs, And a general vaiIeryFANCYGOODS, suitable for Presents, now on hand at - KELLER'S Drug Bier; marle-tf No. 91 Market street. th • HOTOGRAPI-1 . - ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Photograph Albums. TIMED in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, _LP gilt and mounted with trim heavy gilt chive ALBUMS WITH 80 Pietarea for . $3 00 40 . ti . Ct • . 3to GO ; " " .... . . . 400 together with vrrious other styles of binding, ELM and pricks which will be sold cheap. - Stildier,a you cannot - buy a pithier, tame durable and cheaper album anywhere.. _ ' • Cal land see at SCI . LEFFEWS Bobkitore, inarl2-dtf. , ,Harrisburg, Par BIOGRAPHY V,'O*. BOYS. YRE.FARITER BOY, and howbe beckmeCommand PIONEER andhew he became President; $l. 26 PEE FERRY BOY; and the Financier, THE PRINTER 130 t or hoar Ben. Franklin made $1 25 THE TABIEFR, BOY, and how he Lecame Lieuten • ant General. In prata. YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, from ••• Fort Sumter to Roanoke• elegantly illustrated. $l, Zb i At . B'Ettt;OTER'S BOOK STORE. - INSURANCECOMPANTOF NORTH AMERICA, . . . . 2311 Wslirat • Street,Socalk Side, East ot Third !Ovid, imoomr or ASSETS...:.: :... ...... $1,558,663 50 JavcorkokyrsolM: CAPITAL... PERPEITIAL. • . Marine, Fire, and Inirind Transportation In- vor.oßs, perm 41W Central Agent , for Pennsylvanla. Office Walnut St.,'near Secand r ilarritburg, Pa my2l-9m • •• • , or AU 1113741. D's IrEIYE - .TVVD, , THIS HORNING, A 'FRESH. INVOICE OE' TIIBEBTING. Htipdxis,.l4 . Gail Hato:- 10 mon., Price. to. 5 HAUNTED HEARTS, tiy, the author or the Lam !lighter. $2 00 DARREESkAND DAYLIGHT, by Mrs. riolthea, $l.OO BARIWWS HISTQRY, S novel, by Atonlijt EOM*. • ' CI cents • ei author 'gavottes L ErTE N STOREbar ik Mary . $1 50 pea - Bach ST elor., SPICIEST JOTINNAL otthe Disoovet7 of.the Eames of the . ' $3 60 THE WOMAN IN BLACK, by- author of "Non 111 - ' - $l5O Xarrus 110SP11:41.LIYA gor.'6l te Ang. , 63, 11 00 'STORM OF THE SEA, for boys; , tiom Cooper t v ivritnigs• 11 00 ' STORIES OF THE WOOD, _for boys; from Cooper's writings. $l.OO All new boolarreceived as soon as pitbibilAint BERGRRIVS I:II:tOH.STORit,.' ; : • _ street' TI RIVALLED CHAF.AINAIVIADITTURE U 'POLISH does not affect the Mandell; .but restores the .originsl lustrm It does . not.discoloy. ' /ova restore, with very little labor every finished surfa ce ,„either metal er.Wood. All manufacturers and dealers furniture thould r me it for cleaning furniture that' liars' been stand ing, eoVerecf with &ask A touch and rub hereand there will twice it might sad fresh. For sale by S. A. ; KHHHEL & BRO., ju4-41if ' 118 Market street , Harrisburg ram — ours' PECTORAL SYRUP, ripHIS INVALUABLE SYRUP, which is on . 1„ likely vegetable la its composition, bps been es ployed with wonderful success for many years in theme of diseases for the 411 i X'SSRAGES - and LUNGS. For asy form of the disease inch as COUbli, TICKLING of the THROAT, SPITTIN G BLOOD,DIFFICULT BREATHING, BOAR-MESS, LABS OF VOICE and BEGIN FBVERS x its use wilibe attended with the happiest results. It-is 01a0 of the lint and eaten medicines fur all forms of ,BBON CBIOS and CONSIRSIPTION. Ire /aide:num or 'prepare tion qf Opium fa way shape ingis syrup. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNERIS Cheap Book Store (2.173( PECTORALS are useful tq soothe ti NJ' cough, allay Tickling in the ntroit,, to relieve Hoarseness, Catarrh, Sore Throat; "gM.' They. corder Coltsfoot, Horehound, Ipsinumarduis Senega and Solna, (the moat reliable expectorants litiown,) are the chief ac tive constitnenu3, so blended with Hum-birabic and Sugar, that each lozenge contains a mild and very pleasant dose Manufactured solelyßßO., janST Avathahaties, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. VIO LEILADELMIL4 COLLEG4ILTE Tea FOR - YOUNG LADLE 14,. 4580 Arch street. Hev.CR63I.IIHA. SMITH, D. D.;FL•CILAILV O E SMITH, A: 'H i ' Tilicipals. • . Ninth Yea •Throe departtnents: Primary, doodad; and Collegiate. /NIP , college nollnitt ,in Classics, iliono• malice, higher Ella Natured Science for those who graduate. "Music, Painting and Elocution by the hest , mate* For discolors apply et the 'affiliate, or widwlONDE : 2611 P. 0., Philadelphia ap2o-6ine • • VDRITNA , -WEDDING, INVItATIGN. A-I,_,Jiliko#RDS.—Ely a a peciallutangenrat ^'"" recZwe.Dal 14[00 in the 0151111t17, cards. of of d ioit will he txxecuted• in the highest le Ft; ededbeitalde •edth- the , latest lihaltion,- atippii.itd ProzaPilYtitOeltet: Woo thanAtoNlxg ed bY.t4e**ll - Ter* or Philadekplita., for AMles and e 6 6 ' NIEWPTEE.. 'S BouIEM • z.rL;7; 44W m* of bliofipucl'Et celebotted Aka ',SAW Pi t ' l44l.l 7 ° o 4• Li P n at liOrt xt It( • I=DIII3 Head stones, et-in-0. 1 et, 1= ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pretident. PLATT, Secretary. ; WILLIAM BUEBLER, MICHENER. & 001;/..'S CELEBRATED . , SUGAR CCERV.I) VEAMS 21:14D ISOJEV; & myill THE NEW BOOKS. likkfilLiLL HOUSE OF ALLINGTON; by Troller 13E EMI $500.00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers