1111 Pa 4 tirgra,A FIARBIIs I3II AG. PA FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER. 30, ISO 4, NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Ad-ser i Iselncots, Business Notices, Marriages, Dea ths, Sce., v .s,ecure insertion in the inariably be accoin- TELFIGRApIi .. O puttied with the Advertisements ontiered in the regular greasing Edition'are inserted in the Horn log Edition without extra charge. ... TOWN AND COUNTRY; Union Rally ,at West Fairview. A Union meeting will be held at We@t Fair view, THIS (Friday) EVENING. Able speak ers will be present. Let there be a grand rally for the Union Loyal men, turn out, and bring your neighbors along, that all may hear the truth. =CI as, JOSEPII SECEESLEY will sell his valuable property near this city, to-morrow (Saturday) as 2 o'clock. THE persons drafted on "Monday last have been ordered to report at the Provost Mar shal's office at 9 o'clock to-morrow. ; <<' I=l Bar KILLED.—James Delen, aged about 10 years, of litifflintown, fell from a Walnut tree, on Tuesday, and was instantly killed. His neck was broken. Fomm—The discharge papers of Warren Titus, Company F, 83d Pa. regiment. The owner can have them by applying at this office, and paying for this advertisement. • MA9.9 MEETING AT Canmsm—The loyal vo ters of Cumberland county will hold a Union Mass Meeting at Carlisle, on Thursday next. Eminent speakers will be in attendance. Let there be a grand rally. Than Tamis, Esq., has selected a new name for the building known as Herr's HoteL It will be hereafter known as the Thomsonian House, which is the title adopted. We con-. gratulate the new proprietor in his choice, and trust that the Thomsonian House may always be well filled with guests. =3:EI DROWNED IN A SPRING. —On Thursday a little boy aged two years, son of Mr. John P. Connors, residing near Slatelick, Armstrong county, fell into a spring near the house and was drowned. The little fellow had gone to the spring unobserved, and when discovered life was extinct. PERSONAL. —Among the military arrivala here we notice Capt; G Washington Fenn, of Co. C, 201st regiment. The Captain has been detailed to assist in holding the court martial at Chambersburg, for the trial of of fenders in the, Department of the Susque hanna. We had a call, last evening, from our corres pondent, A. H. 8., of company Isaac, 201st regiment. • He gives a good account of the regiment. GREAT SALE OF CHINA AND °THEE WARES.- To-morrow (Saturday) at 2 o'clock, W. Barr will sell, at the lower market house, a very extensive assortment of Royal WorceSter ;Por celain, Bohemian and China Parlor and Man= tle.Ornaments. of the finest qualities, to which the attention of our citizens is invited. There will also be a large lot of household furniture offered, at the same time and place. Also tines sewing machines. SEND TICKETS TO TICE SOLDIEMS.—We ' hope that every Union man will bear in mind that he must send the ticket of his locality tolhe soldier in the field. Don't depend upon some other person to do it—you that have a son, brother or father in the army, send him sev eral copies of your Congressional and local tickets. • Do this without an hour's delay—a paper bullet will do the' rebel sympathizers and their Richmond allies as much harm as a leaden one. Don't forget to send a loyal ticket to the soldier ; he wants it and he de pends upon you to furnish it; . AT AL Acamitir.—A. fatal accident occurred on Wednesday morning at the ore mines in Williams township, Northampton °entity, by the; caving in of the bank, by which a man named George' Miller was almost inetat,olJ killed, and another, Mr. George Lowry, seri ously injured, so much so that his life is de spaired of. Miller had heen at work at die bottom of the mine, at least 100 feet deep, when part of the embankment fell on him, partly covering and fastening him, when he called upon Lowry above for assistance, who immediately went down to relieve him, and. when so doing another 'part of the embank ment gave way and fell down the mine, com pletely covering up Mr. Miller and also partly Mr. Lowry, who extricated himself and was pulled up. , THE Carlisle American thus disposes of a false rumor that is being circulated by. the Copperheads in Cumberland county: A. Smut FABBICATIOIC—Some of the more infamous of, the Copperhead fraternity, have invented and are circulating a silly story, to: the effect that Hon. Frederick Watts, Col. R. N. Henderson, and CoL J. B. Parker, all three prominent Republichna, have dew put and taken open ground for Gunboat McClel lan for the next Presidency. The 'story is , simplY ridiculous, having not a shadow of foundation to rest upon, and in the desperate fortunes of tile. Copperhead candidate, was intended for effect among the "greer&s " in the country. Oar worthy candidate, Abraham Lincolni ; has no warmer, truer or more ardent support ers than the three , gentlemen named.- ANOTRZR GRAND RALLY VOR THIS UNION.-- The Council Fires .Burning on every Hilt and in every Tralley.—The Union men of Harrrisburg assembled again in the Court House, last evening, in immense numbers. Indeed we have never seen a more respectable or more enthusiastic assemblage. On motion of A. J. Herr, the following gen . . tleraen acted as officers: • - paasrmor, JAMES W. WIER. V r VICE PRESIDENTS, Dr.W.W. Rutherford, Capt. G.. Washington Henry Beader, Fenn, - , Jerome T. Barnitz, Wm. Mitchel, John Wallower, • Alex.,'Boser; Charles H. Mann, Wm, T. llhldrup ; W. G. Thompson, L. It Metzgar, George W. Wiestling, H e Gilbert, Lt. George B. Cole, Dian, , • SECRETARIES. Eugenti Snyder, Henry Shelleriberger; Dr. John P. Heller,. Amos W. Young, - Collin McCurdy, David Barnes. Gen. S. P. Carey, -of Ohio, was then intro.. duced. He was received with great enthusi asm, and proceeded to deliver one of the very ablest and most telling , speeches we have ever had the pleasure of hearing. • A large number of copperheads were present, who doubtless went home last might, better informed as to the falsity of the politics and:th'e injustice of thirpolitica than they,eVer Were'beforik.' Carerfi ePeeoli' increage4-I;Jnion stock larg* in this Oily, LITTLE BAREFOOT. —A grand complimentary benefit having been tendered Miss Bella Gol den, in:view of heideparthre, this evening had been set apart for that purpose. ' On this oc casion the beautiful play, entitled LITTLE BAREFOOT, will be performed, with the full strength of the Star Combination Company. The great character of Amri will, b.e sustained by Miss Golden. The entertainment will close with a local play, entitled Snounnzn STRAPS—Miss Golden in two characters. We trust that,there, will. be .a . full„attendance. to witrieseltholidnifrable iietiormances ofjiriits G.,•-wlro cohclidAsifer engagenient to-iiiorroW evening. She has won an enviable reputation since her advent here, and will be welcomed by our amusement-loving population, should she ever return to bur city.; -Go to Brant's Hall to-night. Secure your seats at Bann litres Drug Store. . CONTINIT ' ATION OF TIM DELIT.The follow ing persons have been drafted for Northum berland, Snyder and Union counties yester day afternoon, viz : . , NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. CHILLISQUAQE TOWNSHIP. • Benjamin Rhine, James Giffon, Michael Frankenfield, Joshua Cole, Joseph Cander, Fred Bumgardner, William E Fetzer, Leonard Wolsey, Thomas O'Hair, Charles L Fidler, Samuel G Frey, James E William J M'Dowell, Samuel Rive], Jacob H Ernst, Peter M Dressler, 'Thomas Dyer, .‘ Peter E'retier, "- Peter Dunkle, Peter Beard, Albert Shaffer; ; Jacob Lark, Jacob Bay, ' Emanuel B Heed,' James Hunt, fames Bogert, Joseph M Beaver, Henry C Showers, Joseph M Waters, Henry D Sortman, William Reinard, J 1) Dieffendorfer, SarenelKeyser, Jacob Annkst, James Seamen, Joseph Rishel, William Allen, • William A Reed, Isaiah Rickel, Seth 0- John Foust, Nicholas Ernst. LEWIS TOWNSHIP. Samuel Eshbach, John C Lewars, David M Hays, George Watt, Addison: shop. Jacob Keener, John Walize, Henry Shoemaker, Benj Troup, Solomon Dentler, Wm Raup, Wm H Karchner, Wm Weitman, Stephen ll,Glazei George Frankenfield, Isaac H Wartman, Theodore Reynolds, Percival Faust, Peter Burch, Andrew Snyder, Joseph aughes,', R 0-Rucluhan. SNYDER COUNTY. • ' sitosson TOWNSHIP. Bernard Kline, . Nathan Fetter, Daniel Benfer, Jacob Kline, Jacob Snyder, Frederick Leitzel, John Brouse. . Philip Mowerer, DaiTd Wetzel; -' Abraham Eyer, Charles Mowerer, John Klingle, Franklin Snyder, Jacob Beaver, John Fertig, 'Philip Harman, Pharis Harman, Israel Woodling, Joel Hallenbach, T Henry Wagner, Peter Bromic+, Solomon Wetzel, Abraham Heiser, Wm Wetzel, John Erdley, Isaac Benfet ?ram, Towitsinr. Daniel Smith, George Foltz, Mathias Sehner, Richard Sanders, Daniel Hentzelman, - Wm &diner, George Sheterly, Isaac Troup, Aaron J Roush, Frederick Burgert, Hesekiah Shrander, Napoleon Brosious, Wm G Heiges, ' Jonathan Krechbraum, James B Torrey, Ware Arbogast, Cyrus Rathvon, Michael West, Lehi - Wilson Rathvon, George Shaffer, Levi Reichert, JOseph.Meiser, David Garman, Daniel Stuck, • Henry Helvie, • Moses Troup, Bonneville Boyer, John Rathvon, Jonathan Brooker, Jacob J Roush, Philip Zendp, Franklin Erb, Wm Harding, Abner Honberger, Joseph Gelnett, Henry Mengle, ' John Durmor, Benjamin Partzline, Thomas Bidding, George Reickenbach, Wm Heine, Henry Sweigard, John Fisher, Charles Boyer, • Frederick Hine, Jonathan Boteiger, George R Martin, Wm H Peifer, James Mi.nium. UNION COUNTY. 11IIPTALO TOWNSHIP. Franklin Spots, Martin D Dunkle, John jones, .J Michael Boiler, ' Wm Hank, Bens Kertz, Calvin G Dressbach Levi Muller, - Elias Leitzel, John Edinger, Charles Hendricks, IsaV,oug, , 3 - ohli - Oldfield, • Thos Huntingdon, James H Taylor, Daniel Grouse, Solomon Ritter, , Henry A Boyer, Jonathan Specht, Wm Rider, Robert Neff, John Hoy, Win Martin, James Adams, James S M'Cright, Wm Lilley, Elias Frederick, Jacob Danberman, Isaac A Kline.., Peter S Handly, I Peter Straham, Abraham Wolfinger, joseph Burns, Jacob H Smith, George Bengler, John R Hursh, ' Job Turner, Wm Walker, Frederick Moyer,. , Wm XemerY, Gideon Hock, Wm L Shamp, Wm Baker, Henry Smith, John Young, James W Simonton, David Honiler; - - Richard'M Jordan. 'Ai ilome Airead. Henry Galmus, of the Seventh ward, Fitts- ; burg, committed suicide on Tuesday evening,. by swallowing arsenic. A monster Union mass- meeting was held at Pittsburg yesterday. Gen. Negley was chief !marshal. Rain fel during a portion of last night, and we are again favored with an abundance .of inn& Cambria county papers state that Mrs. Kee lan and her four children, of Johnstown, were Consumed in the flames at the time of the railroad accident near Thompsontown, last Bright--Old Abe's prospects for the Presi dency. Maj. Win. Sloan, one of the pioneer settlers of Bloomsburg, died in that place, a few days ago. If there were a 11/Lis Robinson Crusoe on a desolate island, with ao one to please but her Own reflection in the water, she would yet every day make and ;wear the newest fashions. James Johnson, of-Reecazi township, Clear field county, was killed on Sunday last, by a limb of a treelailing on-him' as he was going to church. 14138 - IN - 'ESS utt. , NoTrou , To raz Posuc.—l am instructed by - 0.44: 1 1nan, No. •1, corner of -viola and, Marketijitraeta,:ito;infonu the' pUblic that he ipiaa - ,,this day; 'Friday, September 30th,' 48 to sell out his entire stock of iirygdods at COSe. The stock is large- and' complisins the '113,45E1t digiiiioDatole styles of lar Oleo Aresie , gooda 'in the market, with a very desirable isiortmentl of , Moths, cassimeres, vesting and a general assortment of goods that:make up the stock of a , large retail dry goods store. The publio'shumble servant, . I. T. VANHORN, Qor.,sfif FrOrit and Market AS., Harrisburg, Po. : - ' AGA tared in olio Sthreedi4s PEVEItr AND . , ~„ 1 inever. fitirs,lby pinag-Dr. Rogers' sore cure. t-4 pull( r ytigt*blii— -Palk Fuld, getll-lox.. hitc-iriiek id' Vitt - Nall Hof& ' - ,-piytilit* fred: '-' ' a ' ' ' 8e1:46.1W* . . REDUCED RarcEs.—The unprecedented rush; at Bowman a cheap dry goods store, can only be accounted for from the fact, that he is sell ing goods cheaper than any other merchant in Harrisburg,• and was the Lfirst and only man, perhaps, that has reduced the price of goods under the limited decline. Theuricer thin condition of things, we think,•permits us to say, now is the time to purchase at No. 1, corner of Front and Market streets. LATEST ABEIVAL.—The undersigned takes the pleasure to inform the ladies of this city and vicinity, that she has received this day a liirge quantity of CLOAKS and. CIRCII LARS, ranging in price from $6 to $25. This stock comprises the very latest styles and best qualities, all of which have been purchased since the decline in gold, and are offered at lqwer rates than they can be sold for by any other establishment in the city. • MRS,: M. • MAR, . : Boger's Old St:4l, No, 12 Market street. sept2B-tf , .. • . MI To TEM LADIES. -Every lady' 31'16111d have a Package of the Worlds Sovereign Balm for the teeth. No toilet table is complete without it. liwill remain this week at the White Hall Ho tel, where you can send for it. (Circulars free.) DR.. S. ROGERS. sep26rdlw The Greate.at Invention of the ge, Is the Pearl. Cement, manufactured. by S. Rogers, 608 Chestnut street, Thiladelphia.— It is truly wonderful. Mr. Rogers is now in our, city, and will remain alfew days at . the White Hall Hotel. Our citizens should avail them delves of this oportunity to call on him and irocure a supply of it. (Circulars free.) • sep26-Iwo • DA. M'Bkron's King of Paid should be kept hi every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhceo, Bloody Flux, pain in the Back And Side, Inflam- Mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, S. A. KUNKEL k BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. All orders frcez a distance promptly attended to. sept2o-tf Stu3arrrirrss.—Persons desiring to go as Substitutemvill do well , to call upon Sullivan S. Child, Telegraph Printing Office, Harris burg. . sep27-dlw cloaks and Furs'! Cloaks and We will open next week the cheapest and largest assortment of Cloaks and Furs in Har- Bburg, all bought at greatly reduced prices. eautiful muffs at 450 and 5 dollars. Splen iia cloaks as low as 9 and 10 dollars. Black ()loth for cloaks as low as $2 50. White all Wool flannels as low as 65 to 70 cents, worth r cents. 4 by 4 bleached muslin 55 cents, worth 75 cents. French merinos, bleak al- Papeas, black bombazines, all at reduced Orices. . 500 doz of woolen' and cotton stockings, children% wool:4 stockings as low:as 15 cents. Cassimere for boy% weaL Vie. greatest bargins is blaCk silks. We have now in store a very large stock of goods, and will sell at less than Wholesale prices, in order to reduce our stock. Bargains in Irish linen bought at auction. Call and judge for yourself. S. LEWY. Miss BF..LLA. GOLDEN—Dear AfissC:—A few of Ite many of year admirers desirous of an ,op rtunity to maniferit their high. appreciation of your worth as a lady, and admiration of your talent and genius as an actress and vo calist, take occasion in this note to tender to You a Complimentary Benefit, to take place at such a time as shall be most agreeable to yourself, Most Respectfully, J L Hammer, John H Brant, W G Thompson, P J Nichols, tient W W Gibson, J G Coburn, S Hall, Charles Mercur, li Fertig, Wm Phillips, Jos D Baker, Wm Brady, J E Ford, .0 S A, A EZimmerman, James-M'Clay, Robert Vaughn, tient Thos ECWilkes, Slimier & l'razer, D Bensinger, Joseph Kahnweiler, J M Miller, D H Hutchinson, G W Ramsey,- W H Emminger, W H Brown, , Charles H Mann, 0 A Bannvaft, _ W. H H Sieg, . Win Knoche, Creo W Hoffman, R'Hite, . ' and 27 others. THEATRE, Sept. 28, 186 t. Messrs. J. L. Haminer, John H. "Brant, W. E, Thompson and others. GENTrzarsav—Your favor of this Late is just received. Allow me to thank you most sin.. cerely for your kind,offer of a complimentary benefit, and believe me, I shall ever-regard this as one of the greatest compliments of my. life. With the kind permission of the man ager, I appoint Fridily evening, Sept. 30th; for the occasion. With, high regard, I remain your obedient Eiferant, 2t 33ELLA GOLDEN. SPECIAL - NOTICES. COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. ; This celebrated Toilet Soap, in snob universal de mand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient inns nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and Taney Goods Dealers. an2s-daurly. 4DITOR OF TELEGRAPH: Dear Sir:—With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that. I will send, by return mail, to alrwhe wish it (free,) %Recipe, with full directions for *eking and using a sioiple Vegetable Bain that will ef fectually remoVe Ohl:bike, 'Pimples, Blotches, Freckles, and all Impurities of thiSkin, leaving the same sell; clear,nmooth and beautifuL • I will aldd mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and hiformation that will enable them to start atoll growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, cir a Moustache, in lees than thirty days. All applications answered by return mail wjthout charge. • Respectfully yours, ' T/LOS. CHAP, 881 Bteoftway Relt-Ircoitz , - Pruitt VEGETABLE TONIC. -, l 9 pag 'most healthy:WitOxis - ftiel more 0 - 143 A, weak this extreme mum *Sather, and lose their Sp: petite. 'They need a.g/iod ,str,ong Telile r :one that will eirengthen the nervous sYstem turd Seined]. Thlajthey. moiset at 50 cents per bottle t .ni)lMAL. ilalllkvNikr27i South Pine street, Harriaburg. • Orders from a distance promptly attended to. augl SOLDIEIIS, TAKE IT WITIVICOU.? The greatest trouble to persons in the Army, especially id this season, is Dysentery,,.which , (by death or by dim bility) weakens the service more than the Rebels do. Very matey have Mosul, upon trial, the DYSENTERY DROPS are. among .the very bestpreendoffives and cures that are to be had. Every officer and .every, soldier should tarry It with hiss, and thereby reasonably insure hinffitdragainstil ..greitlianger, 'lt is prepared in Harris bumby MRS. L. BALL, at 27 Pine street, between Second suid,ont. Take a phial with you. Price 26 cents. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Buchn," “Tonle Bitters," 'Sarsaparilla," “Nervous Antidotes,' Are., dm., &c., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try One box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECI FIC P end be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty dein They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary In their effects on the broken down and ehattered constitution. Old and young can take them with inivantage. Imported and sold in the United States only by . Zia, BUTLER. -- 1404. 427 Broadway, Now York. zsgrAgent for the United States .1. S.—A Box of the Prils, seeerely wired, will, be Mailed to any Margin ggiyerrelpt of price, which is ONE DOLLABotPerd-Peld'frilanflYll "ceded by the Agentift entire satiinoffeit is not even. Jyls-44wilm Furs: Correspondence• HARHISBURCii, Sept, 28, 1864. ' • al Consumptives. . coneumptivolufferers will receive a valuable Preaciip tion for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and Lung affections, (free of charge,) by sending their address to Rev. EDWARD A. WiLSON, Williamsburg, Kings county, New York. (sepl,n-diitwam “A Slight Cold.” Coughs. Few aro aware of the importance of chocking a Cough or "liILITHT corm" , he its first stage; that Wkieti in the'be ginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected,•soon attacks the lungs.' "Brown's Bronchial Trochee give sure and almost immediate relief. Military o.ffiCel:d and Soldiers should have that, as tkey can be carried in the. pocket and taken as occasion requires. angl.o-dhwim FiA Dirlgt • •FrAIN Batchelor's Celebrated Hair - IS THB REST 111 TAN WORLD. Tho only Darodees, True-and..Bisiiabis Dye .Knonni- Tate splendid Bair ilye le perfect—ohauges Red,illusty or Stay Hairiustantly- - to irGlossY /Auk or traitsiatHrottat` without injuring the Hair.orataMittg the Skin, leaving Elie' Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts torah Vitality, fre,duently restoring its pristine otter,- and- reetillenthe effects of - ead Pyeta. The genuine is. stigned , WILLLAX A. BATOR; ir-I.OR. All others are mere imitations, and shoitid be avoided. Sold hy all DrugpiiltiOho .' wry al' B Ait ST, N. Y. , , • : 11110HILWP eelir C 11111.01.401 shamus TEEM HSI*, Military .13usiriess.,atteptiqd, Tp Bounty . , Pension, Back Silbsittence! and Military and War Claims, ~generally, madnout and collected. Per sons residing at a distance ca Vivi their , buslness trans acted by Mait, by, addrosffing * MUGENEsr. YOKEL, Attorney,ut-Law. Third street, Harriskarti. Pa DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED! • DR. BUGRAN'S ENGLISH' SPEUITIC nits cure, in less than 80 days,,,the worstTcases of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, - Solihull Weakness, Tamil- By, and all Urinary Sexual—and Nervous Affections, no matter Prom what_cause4produced. Price;:One Dollar per box. Sent, post , paid, by mail, on receipt of an order. One. Box will perfect. the cure in most cases. Address • . JAMIE S. BUTLER, , . . fyl.s4lBax3m . General Agent„.42o BrOadWay, N. V. Bannvart% Troches.. For the care of Hoarseness, Throat Pb- eases, Ste., Fare specially reconamended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to spenk.in public. Manufactured only by C A. Bannvart ;Jr; Co., Harrieburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. - Bead the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: HAmusattne, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. Bererv f urr--De4rßir: I have used Browns Bronchial Trochea,,Witter's Lozenges and' other -preparations ..for hoarseness and throat troubles, and iwoompariOn with them all, can oheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs And colds. r have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. . Yours truly, - T..H., BOBDISON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian. Church. OiSPI agree with Mr. Bobinson as to the value-of Barnivart's Trochee; - W. C. tDATTELL, Late Pastor of O S. Presbyterian Church. Hiisisatato, JlOl., 1864. To C.A. Itpurvgim—Dear Sir: In the habit of spealring very liequentlY,..land in places where the vocal organs:are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expect° rant, and that want hakbeen Supplied inyour excellent Troches. ' I consider - them very far superior to any Lozewes that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery , of' public a( . dresses. Yours,. • • JNO. •NALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To O. A. Hunivarr--Dear Sr: Having user. your Troches, • L am free to , say they are the best I have , ever twied and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with. sore. throat .or huskiness, of voice arising from public, sipekkAng_:er Yours, 3 itc., • RAREOTRAW, • Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist church. • D.19T8/(I,T AOMNBIefi OFAIOE Ite.iinga - Jaci, Feb. 29; 1864... To C. A. IlAnit:valirL./iccii.' Sir I have found your Troches .to be invaluable . in re- Having hoarseness and in strengthening the mausolea of the throat • • Their 4131tI t t Clegnloo to the voice, and-are editainly of great ben& flt to all pnblio speakers: - HERB NEW , OPENING BALMORALS3 - 7AND-I,..SOARFS ! . Ftr - kitioit V1EJ13.13!! The Largest: and bestVeleeted stock in this city! at- the licel*, Cloak Store, IN IX W s . GEOS' NEW 'BLOCK, HARWBITRG, PA. sep2-tf • . Great Aftraction! NO 1.3 'A -11-g A TO! MRS. M. MAYER, NO. 13 MARKET STREET, Has just Opened her new FALL STOCK of BONNETS,. LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS, RATELKAS•AND FLOWERS,. . s• i Aiao, • • .j THE LATEST STYLES ,;• • CiLOARS AND 'of CIRCULARS And a fine assortment of WOOLEN ROODS, RTIEL4S,, =MI OF , , I ' T I 1.. N G.B qnstently on land,-bCsidee'ehrything usually found in the largest. funilsging eatttblisbments in the country. PUBLIC LETTING.. rIIBE Directors of the Poor' of Dauphin "Vasty will offer at public letting, on. the preinisee, thn MILL belonging to said county, on TUESDAY, the At of October nark foethiterinot oneyear, to commence on the first day of kerit, 1885, said letting to commence O'clock 7. said day, when attendance will be oyes L ard terms made known, _by • • • . ' V.J.LIA - 15. ENDERS,. . DANIEL RIER SREESL , Y, froireetoys, tito KA r .Atte-06.14id- ,; Sept. /901, 18(14.—isepti2rOnvtd PUBLIC THE undersigned, .executors of • General. John Forster, deceased, will offer at public sale at; the Court House, in the city of Harrisburg, on TUESDAY, the 18th day of October, A: D. 1864, at 10 o'clock A- X. of said day, a portion of the real estate of said dereaaed, as follows, viz : • No. I—A three-story brick house and lot of, ground 'situated on Front street, in the city aforesaid , now occu pied by Mrs. S. N. Dom . • • Said property is 23 feet 43" inches front and running back towards River alley 123 feet, with the privilege of :using an alley between said house and the,former red.- ..deuce of. said deceased.'. The form tuld.,'AlSe of ' mid 'pro, perty fully exhibited by a survertdidilpit,. of the same, the possession of the'execntork ' ' NO. 2—A certain tract or piece of land, containing one 'Ode and 153 perches, with a very. valuable :Otai-stiarY; brick house thereon erected, situated 'hi 'Silsithehannt tovisbip, Dauphin ,couiny, on the public rbad,feedtng - • from NarrlAburg to the mountain, and boiroded bYlands of M'Exe, Isaac Nisley, Herman,Alricks, Esq., and Ohm*, property is'cOnsidered a very desirable country - 04, dence, nokonly - on account of itSbeautifel location, Int l cxonx the fEedr-ef its being convenient to the city of Harris ' No. 3—Certain lots of ground situated in said city of Harrisburg fronting on Briggs street and numbered re spectiVely Roraima to seventeen, inclusive. Lots 'Me to 8, incrusiVe, are each 20' feet wide in front on said street and extend back 100 feet to Dubb's alley. Lots No. 10 to 17, tnelusivefare each 20 feet wide in fronto on said street, and extendbacklo6 feet; 9 Inches W. Oliver Alley, with Myrtle alley ; between:them, as shown on the draft of said '. , . • Lot No. 1 0322 feet 4.inoheavride on Briggt.street and 100 feet deep, fronting on said street, and extending back to Dabbs' alley aforesaid. - . ; - • 'Lot No. 915106 feet 9 inches deepand 18 feet front on said Week, and extending back to Oliveralley. • A plot or draft of said lots is in possession of the under signed, which clearly exhibits the size,frelative situation ,and boundaries of each of them, which can be examined by any person at any time before the day of sale. The terms or conditions of sale will be: One-third the Purchase money to he paid in cash, when deed is made to the purchaser ankpossession of the property delivered; one-third part thereof payable at the termination of five }dears, and the remaining third part at the end of ten years from the delivery of the deed and possession, with legal interest oh the deferred payments, payable semi-annually. The payment of deferred instalments and the interest thereon to be secured by the bonds of purchasers and mortgagea on the premises sold; Provided, however, if Purchasers should desire to pay the whole, tummy larger proportion than one-third of the price in end, the terms may be varied in that respect by the undersigned, and as they may think proper. Any information desired in relation to the above de scribed properties, or either of them, can be had by ap plying to John H. Briggs or Benjamin L. Forster, Harris burg. MARGARET 'S. - FORSTER, BENJAMIN L. FORSTER, • JOHN H. BRIGGS, Executors of General John Forster, deceased. Harrisburg, Sept. 21, 18134—isep23413tawts inter Trade CLO - 41iS, Orentat's, CLOAKS BROCHE iND MOURNING SHAWLS SALES OF REAL ESTATE. eValuable Real• Estat- Valuable Real Estate AT PUBLIC SALE. On Wednesday, October 19, 1.861, WILL be sold at public verldue, or outcry, at the public housed!' Raymond 81, Kendig's Rail road Hotel, Middletown, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, the following property, late the estate of George Fisher, Esq., deceased, viz : . A TRACT OF LAND, In said borough of Middletown, containing / 2 21 acres and 63 perches, neat measure, bounded by the Swatara river, and Lancaster, Elizabethtown, end Middletown Turnpike road, and Fry's Mill road, and out lots of the said borough of Middletown The Yerumylvania railroad depot is within few yards of the farm, and the Union canal passes through it, Along the banks of said canal, for about- half a mile, there are landings laid out and rented for board and coal yards. The farm lead is of the finest quality; has recently been limed, is in a good state of cultrtatlon, and has a sufficient quantity of timber growing thereon for the uses of the farm. say- The farm will be sold in lots, if desired by porches ern ALSO, a piece of land called Ports Mouth Continued, originally laid out in 1828, in lots; by George Fisher, Esq. The Union canal and basin having• been subsequently con structed upon said property, the part now offered for sale are lots and. portions of lots marked 6,7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 18, and which were not used by the said canal cam. parry, and are now tenanted. by Sepia, Ctirmany & Co., for piling lumber, and are adjoining tneir saw mill property. ALSO, the following lots in the general plan of the town of Portsmouth, marked with the Nos. 12, 13, 22, 63, 61, 72, 143, 242, 243, and 244. The three latter lots are on the Pennsylvania canal and basin and were recently occupied by Jas. Young, Esq., as a landing for coal and cumber. Terms of sale Will be made known by ROBERT FISHER, Surviving , trustee of the widow and heirs of George Fisher, Esq., deceased. [sep22-62awts:w3t Valuable Property AT PU'ELIC SALE WILL be - sold on the premises; on THURSDAY, the =leaf October, 1864, at 2 o'clock that well-known businesastand, the Updegrove Lock Property, situated five miles above Harrisburg, in Susquehanna township, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, fronting east on the Pennsylvania canal and railroad, west on the Tiirplko, and b'usquehannit river, consisting of A CANAL .GROC ERY.. ; '..•• • The best On the line ordinal, lid/di anchen must pass the place. A HOTEL • That can at all times befitted with hoarders a.STORE attached; with dry-goods counter, shelving and, fixtures. It is decidedly the best situation in the neighborhood for a store. The stabling cannot be equalled on the line of canal.. It is new, and so arranged that each team can have a separate lockup; about 30 horses can find room. Also sheds, large and commodious, Hay Houses, Carriage house, Wagon-shod, Warehouse; Carpenter shop, Stone Ice house and cellar, Stone vault for vegetable; together with Wood-house, Smoke-house, and alt' in good order ; summer kitchen, two pumps never-falling soft gravel water, one pump in the kitchen. The underpinnings are all stone to the buildings. Hay Scales. A constant stream of water running through the hog yard, and conveniences for butchering.. The above premises are 'within' stone throw of the:Rockvide passenger railroad depot, where stop the cars of thoTottsville, Northern Central and Penn sylvania Central railroads. , Personi are requeSted to call and view the premises. The title is good and is sold on coconut of iil health of the proprietor. ' ' Attendance given and terms made "known by sep2l-wtmdtuerfr) . W. P. HENRY. [Lancaster Alraiiiiker And 'Lebanon Courier insert till Este, and send bills at once to this office.]. Real Estate Sale. ON THURSDAY OCTOBER 13,1864. WILL SOLD . AT PUBLIC SALE, ON the premises, late the Real Estate of_George Hef &bower, deceased, situated in West Pennsbore township, (timberland county, about two miles southeast or New. vtlle, near the Cumberland Valley Railroad, and • about three-fourths of a mile north of the turnpike, adjoining lands of Brice J. Sterrett Geo. Rca; Samuel Relilebower, John Myers, Geotge G. Davidson, and lands of the heirs of said deceent, a tract of Lancer. G-cogcl Limestone containing 103 acre; 131 perches-88 sores of which are cleared, and in a good state of cultifatimr, — llie - ititiainz der is covered with excellent timber,. 'There is erected on the premises a • NEW BRICK DWELLING HOUSE 'new'and large BANS BARN, with all the necessary out buildings to make a comfortal:de home. Also a 'YOUNG APPLE ORCHARD, with a variety of other choice fruit trees on the premises. Any person wishing to view the property before the day of sale, will be shown the same by calling on Samuel Eleillebower, residing thereon. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, n., on said day, when terms .will be made klown by k g SAMUEL REPFLEBOWEIt, ADAM FISBBORN, Agents for the heirs of said deceased. MMI HENRY 'REGAN'S Steam Engine and Machine Shop, SIXTH ST., HETWIrs'N WALNUT AND MARKET, (J. C. Malta's Old Stand.) MEM ' undersigned having taken the .above Shop, respectfully solicits a share or the public pa tronage. • . Particular attention will be paid to repairing of liteam Engines, and all kinds of machinery. All work will re calve my personal attention, and satisfaction guaranteed sego dly •E. C. SOBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0/1108 tnr TMIRD M. A. 11098 ILLR‘r. Bounties, Pensions and Baok Pay collected at lege rates. • • fseP34/34,* TO HOTEL ILEEPERS. - THE HOTEL PROPERTY kuomaike the BUEHLER HOUSE, - - - In this city, - is-offered at private sale on arnomm&lating teems. Apply to Q. W. Btrzarrat, Hanisbarg, Pa. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S• HALL MMiM GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT THIS FRIDAY EyiNING, SEPTEMBER 1884. 'Will be performed, for the first time in. We city, the Y ally moral and Emotional Play, entitled . . _ • Little Barefoot To conclude, for the first time here, with the :Goat "piece de circonstance," written by Martin Gorden. en titled - SHOULDER S RAPS: n-For nuttier partlenlais see progiamilie. augg-iltf New National Theatre ! - New National Theatre 11. COR. OF NORTH SECOND AND SOUUTH ST& Sole Lessee and. Manager - E.MARBLIL Stage Manager, . - - HA7Rwr GILBERT. GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TENDERED TO • MR. J. M. WARD, • ' And Positively his Last Appearance, - On which occasion a host of volunteers will I . r.ppear, among them CAPTAIN BARNES, _ In his celebrated essence of OLD VIRGINNY, • RECITATIONS, SINGING AND DA.ITC:i.NG: A Great Bill ! Don't Forget Friday Night PRICES OF ADMISSIO.N.-Parquette, 50 cents; lery, 25 cents; Orchestra Chairs, $1 00; Private P.oz_ioa, $5 and $lO. Doors open at 7%. Curtain rises at 6 o'clock. Box Office open from 10 till 12 and from 2 fill-I-- P. M., when seats can Re reserved witlfiut, mare charge. and kept until end of tint act. au29-Iw* irrircompany consists ofhe best -tar poi - rmers, t consisting of 8/NORR4, •• DANCERS? ETELT.OPLAN GYMNASTS, &C. The managers takes pleasure in announcing that they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor BILLY Poems, Business Agent. au29d raßeeretary of the Treasury gives notiee t subscriptionswill be received for Con pon Treasury Notes, payable three years from August 15th, 1864, with semi-annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cunt. per annum—principal and interest both to lae. paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option of the bolder at maturity into sir per cent gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty years from their data, as the Government may elect. They will be issued in denominations of $5O, 8100, 8500: $l,OOO and $5,000, and all subscriptionsnaust be for fifty. dollars or some multiple ef--fulty - The dollars. : notes will be transmitted to'the ONtders free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of De- , posit as they can be prepared. • , As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued front date: of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dol lars and upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of ono quarter of one per cent. Special Advantages of this iLoati. IT IS A NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK, offering a higher rate of interest than any other anti tliti best securitly. Any .savings bank which pa:, s depositorsm V. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium. of the country, and it cannot pay in anythingbetter, for its own assets are either in govertmient securities or in notes or bonds payable in goy : ernment paper. • It is equally convenient as a temporary b.; „. permanent investment. The notes can-. 11.11. ways be sold for within a fraction of their. face and accumulated interest, and are the - best security with banks as collaterals for dia.= counts. Convertible into a 6 per Cent. 6-20 Goldload. In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three percent.- per annum, for the current rate for 4-20 Bonds is not less than nineper cent. premittitii andbo Ore the war the premium on six per cent. U. S. stooks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent, per annum. Its Exemption from State' or- Municipal Tatation. Bat aside from all the advantages we have enumerated, a special act of Congress exempts all, bonds and Treasury notEs from localtaiation., On the average, this exemption is worth about. two per cent. per annum, according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country. It is believed that no securities effei 'so great inducements to lenders as those issued .; by the GoVemment. In all other foxing or indebtedness, the faith or ability of -private • parties, or stock companies, or separate com munities, only, is pledged for payment, - -while, the whole property of the country.is held it,• secure the discharge of all the obligations ot the United States. • • While W the Goyim:al:mut offers the molt s liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people . 13p to the 24th of September, the subserip-, tions to this loan amounted to over • Suascatenolis WILL BE anonym:, by ills Treasurer of the United States, at Washing ton. the several Assistant Treasurers Alai designated Depositaries, and by the _ MIST NATIONAL BANK OF HARRISBURG.' ALL RESPECTABLE BANKS'AND BANKERS throughout the country will give further formation and AFFORD EVERE . FAULLSTY TO SUBSCRIBERS. [se2B-d&w:toctl9] VIRESII • CRACKERS. —Boston Witie "WV , mita, Boman Milk Biscuits, Boston Butter cults, Boston Oystor Crackers, Boston Pic-nic Cracker - Trenton Baum °rakers, just received at 41 1948 BOYFS at KoRRPERI.t Roney,. A slum but superior lot of HONEY, JIM J 1 received, at SHISLER & FRAZER'S. augla AMUSEMENTS. - - THIRTY-NINTH NIGTITI7I7 - -- Rouse's Star Combination CoAlldn.; , t . itonsoN Star Combination Annfri4ll; Rouse's Star Combination Coiniiny, -Miss Bella Golden:l SA.TIIEDAY EVENING, OCT. 1, 1864, MISS.BELLA. GOLDEN , Will appear for the last time. A Great Bill? Secure your Sats SANFORD'S,. HALL U. S. 7-30 LOAN. la
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers