Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, September 29, 1864, Image 1

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US DAILY TIII.I43IRAPII is ,to ibers in the
city at 12 canto per week. served
Yearly subscr subsc i r bers *Mho
c harged $0 00 in advance/ Those persons who neglectto
pay in advance will be charged $ 00.
Tits TILNOMPE is also pnlitehed weekly, and Is furnisbed
subscribers at the following cash rates
Single collies, weekly.. .....
Three copies to one Post Office
Ten copies to one Poet Office
When will Wonders Cease l;
WILL cure any ache or pain in froth one
to slaty minutes!
It acts like magic upon the absorbent and glandular
systems, reducing swellings and regulating tho secrAtionl
and excretions. It is of a diffusive, penetrating :' , .ture,
exerts its influence from .tho .periphery to the centre of
the nervous organism thence by reflex action its power
is felt throughout' the; entire system, restoring the droll;
lazing fluids and checking disease with invincible strength;
No matter what , the pain, apply the medicine and you
will find instant relief. .1t is an internal and external
Cures almost instantaneously, Headache, Earache, Neu.
ralgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Colds, Bronchial Affections;
Asthma, Dyspesia, Diarrhica, Dysentery or Broedy-Flux,
Liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder
and Genital Organs, Cramp, Chellc and all- spitSMOdie
pains, Fever and Ague, BOrns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains and
wounds of every description. It preves itself the mastery,
as tha testimony of thousands prove its meritorious worth.
Sold, wholesale and retail, by
S. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Sole Agents,
118 Market street, Harrisburg.
The following letter from a soldier, -in reference to the
efficacy and powerful restorative quantities of 14 /tic-
BRIDE'S KING OF PAIN, speaks for itself:
Sept. 14, 1864. I .
Messrs. S. A. Kunkel & Bra., druggists, Harrisburg, Pa . :
Gusts :—I would inform you that I received the bottles
of Mcßride's Great Pain Killer, and enclosed please find
five dollars more for which send me five battles 'Addition
al to-morrow. I leave for camp to-morrow. Let me
know whether you can supply me with it in the army. I
am in Company H, 202 d uegimont P. T. I have been in
very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the
sec-dollar bottles have cured me completely, and have
made me feel like a man. Besides, I have cured a num
ber of my comrades of various diseases incident to camp
life, and can recommend it to be the best medicine tho
soldier can provide for himself.
Yours respoctfully, JOS. E. WHITE.
raw All orders from a distance promptly attended to by
The following certificate is from a well-known citizen of
Remussuitu, Aug. 30,1864.
To THE PUBLIC gives me groat pleaaure to recom
mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR. J. J.
KoBRIDE, which he calls the " KING OF PAIN." I was
induced to use it as en external remedy fora bruise, which
it relieved Immediately, and pubsemtently cured entirely.
Its success Induced me to use it internally for Diairlicea,
with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for .nearly
eighteen months, and to such an extent that my kidneys
were serloasly deranged. Tho medicine has .cured me,
and certainly that is saying a great deal in its favor, when I
reflect how many ether remedies I tried without expbri
encing anything but temporary relief. For my pert, I
shall always keep a supply of it in my house, believing as
i do that it le a most invaluable family medicine.
The unexampled sale of this medicine proves; it to be
the most wonderful discovery of the age in the medicid
The undersigned are tho solo agents for the State, and
will supply it wholesale and retail. •
8. p, KITNREI- t SRO rteasgA.A o ,
118 Market street - , Marnaburg
. .
"16 years established in N. Y. Qty."
"Only infallible remedies known."
"Free 'from Folsom." .
"Not dangerous idthe Haman Family."
"Ritts come oat of their holes to die."
ilgrSold by all Druggilds evenywhere,:
trap-1 i I BZW.LitE I I I of sill:milldam Imitations.
Jae' Costar's Depot, No. 482 BreadwaX N: Y.
ffirSold by D. W. , GROSS
Wholesale and retail agents,
And by all Druggists in Harrisburg, Pa. fjelo-daw3m
Look Haven, Jersey shore, Willianisport, Hu
ey, Uniontown, Watoontowk_:ffilton,
Lewisburg, Nortlunnberlarplaut.
bury, .Treverton, 'Georgetown,
Halifax, Dauphin, 7.
The Philadelphia Dirnit, g l MIAMI' yr located, the
drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor ,goes
through with each train to•attend to , the , sare delivery of
all goods Intrusted to the line. CR:awde deliVered at the de-
DM of WILLIAM 'E. 8112 Market street
Philadelphia, by o'clock r. be delivered in Ma
Maxim the next morning: • '
praiiht Almilairn„ets(ifoyir tailty Any Other
108. MONTGOMERY it CO.,'
Philadelphia,and- Wading Depot
wsl2l-tf Foot of Market iqeet,' HarOebnrg.
NEW 1.19,00 R ISTOUS,
. , .
MIEHB.—The undersigned - offera at wheessie, to trade, a choice lot of the beerliquori ever brought to
Harrisburg, viz: French Brandies, Holland Glint, Scolds,
frisk .Bourbon, Wheat and Oid Bye Whitey; Catawba, .0141 Dow* wines, such as akat , Pagna, Claret, actifwbat
de. All liquors 'warranted, as represented. Landlorda
and others will end it to their advantage to call and ex
amine the osaortment at the store, on SOUtb )400D111
greet, two doors below Chestnut. y 1
111M-dem GEORGE WI=EF.II,-,
TION. setrOES ?fall the celebrated manufacturer&
0 /J lr .4 - .9/_ l ' B ,
• • • M 47 4 111)8 1.
0 every. thiseriptim
Also saowg STOUT, FINE .TEAS, COFFEE, strati
and SYRUP of all guides and tiriCes, and the best selected
Neck outside of Pinladeighta - , •
Au goods guaranteed as repreiseated; •
Particular attention paiderderlifrom a diatom: ,
.ott Ooedii curefally taiOiked !yid delivered dt to all parts bf tha
y hie dame, ' 4 13.11181,E
rari flume/Bon to W, Dotgc,l=o,
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Administration Ne'
$1 60
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• ' • KED.
DY B PoPsto ho:o the following SYmAliii ,
Ist. A constant pain or uneasiness at the
pit of the stomach. • r
2d. Flatulence and Acidity.
Bd. 'Costiveness and Loss of Appetite.
4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits.
Diarrhcea, with griping.
6th.. Pain in all parts of the System.
7th. Consumptive Symptoms-: and Palpita-,
tion of the Heart.
Bth. Cough, with Phlegmin the. Throat 41
9th. Nervous Affection, and 'Want of Sleep,
at night. • „,
10th. LosS Appetite and:Vomiting.
11th. Dizziness; Dimness of Vision, and
Loss of sight.
12th. Headache and Staggering in walking,
with great wesknesa.. •
Out of the thouSanils Of, cases of Dyspepsia
that have used Dr. Vishait's Great American
Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has' failed
of a perfectecure: We warrant a cure in every
case, no platter .if of twenty years' , standing.
Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at ' Dr.
Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second street,
Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and con
sultstions free of , :ellarge. Send for a circa
kr. Price Srp4rbox. Sent by mail, free of
charge, on receipt of money.
mr.Tzreirer Baewsori, of
Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del.;,do 064.14
that, for;one year and, a half I 'Suffered every
thing but death from that awkildiseade called
Dyspepsia. Hy whole system was prostrated
with weaknesh and 'nervous debihtz; I could
not digest my food; if I ste Vireii,aioracker:Or
the smallest amount of foocl,,itiwoulatrettu.n
just sal swallowed it; I became .So ,66'stive m
my bolVels that I would not have a paw* in
less than from four and often eight days; an:.
der this immense suffering, my mind seemed
entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror
and evil forebodings. I thought everybody
hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not
bear my husband nor my own children, every
thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me;
I had no ambition, to do anything; I lost all
my love of fairdly and home; I would. ramble
and wander from place to place,, but conk! not
be contented; I felt that I wait - doomed to
hell i and that there was no heaven for me,
and was often tempted to commit suicide,
so near was my whole nervous system de
stroyed,' and also my Mind from that awful
complaint,Oppepsia, that myfriends thought
best to have me placed in Dr. Kirkbride's
hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained
there nine weeks, and thought I was a little
but in a few days my dreadful com
plaintwas raging as bad as ever. Hearing of
Va. woewan.f yorrtyrinera.
hart's erreat American Dyspepsia Pills and
his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband
called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to
him. He said he had no doubt he could Cure
me. So in three days after I called and placed
myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in
two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt
that my disease was fast giving way, arid I
continued to recover for about three months,
and at the present time I enjoy . perfect health
of body and mind, and I most sincerely return
my thanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wis
hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia
Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that akte(l hie
from an Insane Asylum and preinaturetrave.
All persons suffering with Dyspepsia , are at.
liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing
to do all the good I can for suffering hu
Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Gliester,
Detaware county, Pa.
Da. Wramtar's Mice No. 10 North second
street, Philadelphia.
Da.-Watsastr--I have been a constant slifferer with
Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during which time
cannot say...l ever.enjoyed a perfectly well day.' 'There •
were times when the symptoms were more aggravated
than at othem 4 and then %seemed It would be a great re
lief to die. I had at all times an unpleasant feeling in my
head, hatletterlY iny aufferings so much' increased that
I became almost emitter business of any kind; my mind
was continually filled with gloomy -thoughts end fore
bodings, and if I change their current by
reading, at once a sensation eficy ooldnessin connection
with a dead weight, as it were, rested uponmy :brain;
also, feeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, and
great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the
continual fear of losing my reason. I also experienced
great lassitude, debility and nervousness, which -made it .
Mama to walk by day or sleep at night... , . I .became
averse to society, and disposed only to seclusion, -and.
having tried , he skill of anumber of eminent physicians
of varlousnchools, hardly Caine to the conclusion that, rcik
this disease at my, present age (45years) there Mato mare
In existence. But, through the interference of - Dtvlite
Providence; to / devoutly offer Iny thannigt *st
found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia and
Tar Cordial, which seen to have elfectualiy:removedal
most the last trace of my long , list of ailments and bad
feelings, and in their place health, pleasure. and content
meat are - my everyday companions.
JAMES IL seuxutis,,
• • No. 418 North Second street, Philadelphia,
Formerly of Woodbury, N.J.
Dr Wishart , s Office No. 10 North. Second street, Phila
No. 1028 OLIVE ST KB .' I
Philadelphia,: January 224;1803. j
_Da- Waaeßr—Sir:--it is w4th much pleasure that I
am now able to inform yon that, by the use ofyour great
American Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of
that most distressing complaint, DysPepsha I bad been
grieviouely emitted for the last twenty-eight years, and
for ten years of that time have not been free from its
path one week at a time. I have had It snits worst form
and have dragged on a mostiniserable existence-in pain
day and night. Every kind of food that I ate tilled me
with wind'and pain; it mattered not how light, or how
small the quantity. . ,A ,continued belching' was, sure to
follow. I had no appetite for any kinds of matte what-
ever and my distrent WAS so great for several months be
fore I heard of, your . Pills, that I, frequently wiehed for
death. I had taken everything that I had heartlX for
Dyspepsia, wjthout receiving any benefit; bitt, of ,your
Pills being r&omtnended to me by one who lutd 'been
cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial, although
ttiad HI4 faith in,them. To ply Words/anent, I fointd
thytolf getting better before I had taken Mie-fonrth of a
box, and after taginthaltilthlOz, I am a mai man, and
can eat anything I mei, , 1 04onloy a hearty meal three
two a day, withoat thoonroiiihnea boom anything I eat
o r drink If you think proper you are atliberty to make
Mix pnbila twist to Ma - ,twill cheaufelly give all do
striaejailermatkon to KV 9* who may Callon me
lrepnv, ntopectibliy, ‘,TORN B. BABCOCK.
For sale at Dr. •
...,....,. d otrA ,r h, ll_ Jr.
.p Pa. Price One Dollar ;per.
1 7,7 gait P . ' • , F Chergei 04 receipt of price.
,re, yi - T - meta' J , . c
. . .
I, Samuel D. Haven, hare been a great sullbrer with
Chronic DiaPeneia and Indamniation of the Kidneys for
three years. I employed three or four of the most eml
nent phyaloians of Philadelpbiaolso et Burlitadan comity
N. L. they did - all for ma they could, but all to no per.
'Pose , was constantly filled . With awfal pain and dis
tress, and with constant belching of wind and emir acid.
My tongue was ~cover4,with a white coating of mamas
until cracked. M. riugefarrows, and ,wim dreadfully
sore] Ohl lOntillieliVllned for death to Me of
my tat r:inai lout alb mpale War hame
=deli k1'4 1 414* we; 161514 w MS he
would direct me e e a t
WO(114 Mink win SO to met au !denim:mit et
A cure Waii•ititied.
Dr. Wiehar's the'PhilladelPlda • iolget. of I fiat: dine
made upon llr. John Babcooki at 104&011ve street, Vida
delPhle, :4Y:the plat Aniertinat %weal& . FT's. weak
to the Doctor's office. and placed myself ander b treat*
men; and told him if he failed'tb mire met itwonld bathe
last effort I would make. It has been Sii.yreelts since I
commenced the use of his medicine, and I am no* a well
num, free from all pain and dburges, and can eat three
hearty meals .a day with, comfort, and feel perfectly well.
Dr. Wishart, I want you to publiatt trey Ilage, as I want
every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, toeall on me, and
I; ill tell, them of the great, enrol have received from
yonr !rivalliable medicine. sopfpu t D. HAVEN.
Corner 'Penang° arid Lanibert air* neat 'Richmond
street, formerly from liKrightatown,llirrilrigtoo county,
N .J .
. • The above are a few among the tholiaan 4a which this
great remedy has mired froman Aitiftvutly knive. ,
We his:e thbuinuids,Of latent. feud, Physicians and
gists who have prescribed aihd nOlll l tleTar Cordial, Saying
that they have ariver.astatenabld S; medical which gate
such ciiir.eraal satisfactipnA . ;• ;
" prepared only by the p.reprietor
' • • • • • WISNART,
No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa: •
Sold by Dniggists eveme,here,....,.,...SmjylB-eod-d&w
, , .
MERI GAL D;B1 ) A.,11.1';11:11.N
, . .
MEDICINE :in the tlewastarr or ,htlitl7,4l , lDwin nom
mence on ArONDA Y; the ink of °caber; 1884; and end,"
the Ist: of March .1865. I • ' " r .
A Traz, &mica' or Leorthats lehtt, , or emit/ • f 1 ,
- • mina= ad. romowe J, . •
. .
On Surgery-By Prot N,.M.Stalth. • . .
• On ' 4FheM4S:trli • and . PhaftlifteyHEly prof., Wet, E,
Atr." - - • •
On Obstetrics and Needsei of, TratnEti and. Critfidran:-Byl
Prot G. W. Miltenberger,
On Principles and Practika. g r‘Medic,ine, Clinico.i
Medicine and ffygleneL-4y Prtif. Hichtird.MeStterig..,
On• Anatom y ; and Phviiigpirx-By - Prot Oh thltOlilieli
Johnston. ',; • , • • . • •f • ,
On Nateria Medicaand Therapeutiq.l—By.Errol; Sami. C
Tractlega Butler
M: D., Eremorlstrator ill
' - 7
During .the zontinitince•ot the - war ~.Military aurriery
and Military Hygiene will be introduced as a.regnlar part ,
of the coarse.
Hatrieulates of this School have accent it all tlmes ,t 6
the wards of the Baltimere Infirm:RW*ll6re they can
witness the performance of all the, prixteiPtilePettations
Surgery, &lAA= tie Serve ziumatellsientieef., _disease.
under treatment. The Innrmary is a spacious . nospiu6
attached to the Medicabgeliool,•and it is open to the SW
donts daily throughout the entire year without any addc-
Donal charge. -
The fees for the fall COuree or Lecture's are $9O; for
Matriculation, $5 .1 ; . and for Practieid-AnatoinyislO
NOTVE.--.-Tbe .undersigned, auditor i ,
pointed by the Orpheus' Court of Dauphin county
to distribute the balance in the bands of the executor of
Charlotte HeGiaughlin, deceased, hereby gives notiaethat.
he will attend for that purpose atlas eke Harrisbur ,
on SATURpAY;. the 15therdyyrklobernext, nt'lOb'cloc
A. m: Atirrateeinterested are iniiteirto attend" and e
Whit their cIaiaw 4 . 4,EIZENG, Auditor.
Harrisburg', Sept: 21, 186 - 4:—lsepTl-daw3t • I
Iik,TOTICE.—The auditor appointed by the
orptuiag Count pf the county, of, Dauphin, to make
aistribuPon of tho filial' In the handy of , - Taira Strickler,
guardian d'Amelia Mumma,lex:444d. Inindr
ipwriemp; Ile
imTlllllllllWhabby gives 'notice that he Will meet the parlies
interested, at his office Haitisburg, on FalwAY, the
14tti day of October next, at 10 O'clock A.
D. PLEhllNG,4l.nditor.
Harriebuig, Sept. 21, 1864. —[eaw-at ' ,
, , !
i t.
Whereas letters of administration have this day be
vented to the ketiseilbstq on theestato of :Cornelius .
Shell,,date ofHarrienurgi Bauphin qounty, rennayli i rri ,
deceased, all persona - 1;1410ft themaelyeaindebrd, redki
estate will please nuikelnitnediato payment, an 'Ott 1
having claims againstsaid estate, will please preseitthe
for sotthrment without delay, to
sep23-deaw6t] JAP olt a BOAS, Administrator.;
• Whereas logn e 0014.rainistrat.ion have .this day be.
granted toahashhwaiber on, the,,,estate of Autry
/ate of the oily of: XfairigAirg,.Daup#Moothay,
deeeWied, 'all pawn*, knowmg timgmeives indebted!.
301;eacate will please make immediate paymeol,o
all those having claims against said estate will .ple.
present them for settlement without delay, to
Administratiit of said oterf,,
§n attorab. -
ah,ctiqoux ep; y
the 4ununou leas Dauphin Clonn
Joseph Welker and Susanna Walker, h
his .wife, , naw Tor use .of No. 17: _
• . • •-• }. }...tugusiTeratilB,ol.
golomonLoudetudager. ...• _
Theundersigned, auditor, appointed by the Court `of
Common Pleas or Dauphin county,, to ,distribute the.
money made by the Sherif on the above stated suit, will'
attenct to the duties of hie appointment at his ofticti i in
Harriatiurg, on Friday, thip;• 14th October next,, at
10 o'clock, a. st., when and where , all parties , tnteresied
are notified to appeal:. ueizuisa.oLAT,
tegio-pavarwl , . . • :.ioattor
Suritic*T'DAJOUktikS-ItivP.kolik - -1
PTO!' 1 4.thAPpilrethit 41
014; bnAby lien or 7 oth
an of
, the, - 4!IgT 9tiOlifioassessed.lks damage*ik qn9-03! oPeOng
.city of • Harrisburg, 4r having adVerse
03 = 61 4 1 .4e Of9porty;ittitued, snake tke seriselrnewst by otherwise to the Court efillunrter. Sessionn ton
or ,before the Aria day o rinit;;taanWai whiehAfrpe the
xdoneir, when the assegament:ht otherwise legal, %qui be
awarded to the parties **A 1A the report, as own* rsi of
'the prepeivr, ale4thatA. iriceptiouSterlreport
Of the viewers be pt by 4n2:
her nest, Byoniek of the co,qat
seP2-otivr-4WI yOU,Nti' r
Brown's Baby,: Tender.
1 4
easity - plEvaLled_Aktp. - P t
c B __A_ ABI IMEY IB , lir 141( f 41 "
# l5 Va44 - -litOliSTE I ;
The wholeltaigned to .rebeve MO*rs„ cage!! and emcee
children, obviate the evil" of rot-king ttenn i ana mag the
expense Viz Nin•se 'Xs, motion is perfeotO healthy ind
charming. Prigs $ 2O t 0 SS& Send for illuetrated cited
lar. Blt pN , $ CO., 453 Breeelw,ah N. Y. • •
W An enterprising Agent wanted for gatriaburg.
In the matter of the settlement of John Lantz,
ministrater, &c., ofJohlt, Arun; Sr., fide of Upper P , ton
township, Dauphin mutt", deceased, the .Orphans' C uft
of said county has appptpted the,, subscriber Audito to
make distribution of the estate of said deceaded to '
among his heirs and ertilitors ; and. the Auditor has en:
pointed .MCW!).4,4 4 Ofit meiday Octolign lia,4*,* his
office in'Harristnus t at ten o check in the forenoon of aid
day, for the iperposent Making Said .dfstribulion, N% en
and where.alt persons interested are untitled to, ke
known their claims. JNO. ROBERTS,Undit
, September 7 11364 .-,-(sepB-doawd.w
the Matter of the, settlement of Peter Reed, Jr. 4Ad
ministiator, &e., of Peter Reed; Senior, late, or Bustue
henna township, Dauphin aunty, deoitatied,thOOrPofflo'
Court of said county has appointed* the subscriber datdit,
or, to make dlittribbtion of 'the eitete 0r.40d. deceasee. to
and`among hie heirs and creditors; and this Auditor has
appointed MONDAY, Cu IMli day of October nest, at his
Mike in. Harrisburg, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of Said
day, for: the pmpone. of? making said distributiON When
and where all persons interested are notified to make
known their claims. ' TNO. ROBERTS, Auditor.
September I, 1864.—{eep8.doawew
of John Allen, dec'd, late of Sumitudiannetewnehip,
Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, /MAW seas gran ted to
the undersigned , notice thereof is herebigirOlt.',i 4 1 3 ef:
sons haying chums of demands against the estate o the
Said, decedent' are requested to *Ake known the Same,
without and'tbose who are indabted to acid late
are requested to make Immediste_paymeet: ~ • ••.,
suSadowillt , LEFT lTAlpotAminigarstor
03oldierer,ts0111101419 - f
MBE torangements far the
isainlernmee of ttic•nentitute„, Orphansof the Scddim
of n t w hep u t t a ri r t , e ;ir
e rlil l a e st relating toe r e ' tk e tt
derAMeitto rectiVe appliolitiens, notice Is hereby. giVei
that blank forms of application, wan the necewy, .inf•
etrons,. neon deposited with inelbil9wing.gentlC 7
men, frbm w'hom the relatfreEi or friends: b ,the &pining
cansibtain them. , •
application. and itatimumn in .leach CCM shall
belik9PerlY filled PildlePPORI 464 4 1 4X14 4 1114.1 1 5 4 thP Board
of Cotrunen School Directorkof the Alattift,n4 Pn ,
orphan resides, it bb rettirdedtri - The gentleman from
- Wholn it was reCelVed, . 1 4) sumo other member of the
county superintending committee, by.^whena will be
forvrirded twthe i umleraignedi , ; •, ,
lq a short tuna aflei 'Ma r eceipt of 'the 'application' by
B it' be in 'dde form, and the orphan be
entitled telthe . benellistorlthe act, artordtrfor the admin.
Floret° thehpibpbrAebiebb will be ,Sent:l3l/plaii to -the
mother, or, othgr appl,,VlnA relative or, friend, wftli ileeee r
nary lestlitictionS. _
- lets expifeieif 7 thrit tkitonClioels selected for these or
-plusonwlllbertadryiforthtilrrreception during thenemitOf
October. Their friends will therefore take the n
stepa.and have them ready ibr admission bythe Ist'b T
'November at the West - „
The State will provide clothin g, inuaraing, wash**,
mending,. hastapetion Ixmksi Are:, 4 .fer the Ortibatin wkile in
the, tchools provided for thenaeltut the relatives or ends
are expected to send' Cibah taalthet, with:o3lV dost to the
State and ids° to send' Withthem; del aka , (Sider as
possible, such clothing. s - theyanaptilteitilimilettehnlwoni
till others can be.provided for .theMl
Tha f°4 °O i tgir g e ; n t le4 ! eu i t 5'4 1 9 n2 1 143 09 ,-
Cone ban be la
Adams county , George hteCielliord; Oettittlierg
Allegheny i 4 c FR Brimek, IlUebegs , , cd
) Armstrong . 44 Xitigu - ming . •
Beaver "" Michael Areyand; Beaver
Bedford "• J i *Ongenfeltler; Bedford • • • •
Berke 44 " eloi-Vna al Roister, Reading
Blair fi Hon S Blair, Hollidaysburg
Bradford " LB Russel,
Bucks • -44 J DNendenhall, Doylestown
Butler ' 91r 76th bjegley, @4 ier, t, •. 1
Cambria " Edward Shoemaker, Ebensburg
Carbon 44 . 101 6 2:11 atnic;k, Blaunch.Chunk
Centre " _Hon Sam'Llinn, Bellefonte
4 rAxta r iwzt,ttbrt
James} R-Grahim, Clearfield
9 L4liackey, Lock Haven
Robert F Clark, Rohrsburg
4 ' Repiold4,
_Thomas Faxton,Rarfiald: .1
Clearfield "
Colnaibia Clinton,,
Cumbeiland. ‘!"
Dauphin • • ,Dr !George Bailey,,Darrisburzi
" •
Delaware .
./Saliolialdrfrintn,,Cheirter •
Elk. 'Henrie r Sdither,-Rid&ity
Erie • '• j" q JonarMenelsoni Erie
Fayette • ' VOhn H-Ewing, ;Uniontown
Forest '," George W Rose, Marionville
Franklin ~ " Hon James Blaek,Dliatbbetakirg
Fulton'' Edgar , King, McgonneEdMg
-.Greene • Prot , M B Garrison; Waynesburg
MWMAgtetrili; • WWI B Drhison, Huntington
Indiana RoberfC • Ta4pr,,,lngrunt „
Jefferson'. - Isaac G Ckmiorißrookvilie •
Juniata" " Edwin Butters, MdaDisterville
Lancaster " Heitshethadtgtter....l'
Doi:ranee . ~ 1) Morril New i . • ostler ..,-
Lebanon George ikink, Mahon "
Ll,eehigh" E Saeger, - ' I
=erne Stewart Pearce,: Williesbarre:
LycOming . Abraham , U.plJelraglYrillittraaPP.rt
McKean Hon Byron D Hanilin, SinetbPorti
Mercer ". ‘ fohn, Benno, Mercer '
"'AndrdwHeM, , LoWistovm
-Monroe " , Wm_DaviEt,Stroxtdsburg, -
11contgonmars • _ Norristown
liontour Liwx,ounocrp, - rnixttur..-- • "
Northampton '"'• lebti Vanderveer, Easton
NorthumberPd -" 'Wmatthasenough, Sunbury
Perry Hon..D.E Ifiakin, Bloomfield •
Pike 4 Biliday, Milford.,
Potter _ John M Hamilton, Coudersport
gamy-win o , - kfien E Orarry, Pettavide , . • .
Snyder - ' '''i ' ' telt Wm Flitagensellet,iiielinsgrole
-Sullivan ," • - Walker, Spencer, Lapion , l, ;• ,'
SuSitquehamia " L F it c h, Hontrose
flogs " Thomas Allen, Wollaboro'
-Union " ; ? Copt John Owens.-Lewiabnr -, 3 i
Yenango ' EE; Lytle;Franklin f
Warren" ;
, lin*Lewis Arnett
Washington - ' ' " ', meioAdlitlkill, Wasilbigtoit
Westmoreland " John Armstrong
,Jr, Greensburg 1
Wyoming . ' - " P M'Osterhout, Tunkhanuoek -
York ' " 'Henry L Fisher, York'
Philadelphia " Henry Hallowell, Secretary Could ;
of Controllers; Atheneum buildings.
Superintendent of Soldiers' Orphans.
Lai:mast:ell Hepti. 16,•1864.--[sep2o-dBror6t * •-- - , ,
. '- • 444trxr0.1tEN.N14:. , - -.-
1/ 413311 U
ENNET' yieliiis Idifit. ii2.ilic" 'ile
mast lu s cious of at deeerta for tne• table; the light
eat and most grateful diet foi , laivalidig , and•Childrei.
alilk 'Contains wai y. element of the 4hodilyt - • oOluittatirot ;
when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy 1.
digestion. tusdnupwrta the system with thelieurt possott e
'exeitemeht ' 'iche'silli greater attil4kiirOiWer isdetered .
tream *id limbo. Lay ba.added.l t' of convert
a quart et milk into a arm card ...Prepared
• p.. •••. .
—.and .01
wholesaleaeft,ketaii.hy',•• ' .•, A.XIINSEL, 1'
-, Johs-tr " 111$1tarkattreet.
- . it . :C.* , 6 0 ,;# 1 5
teacher of the Piano, Melodeon, Triotin
No 15, IlwaLp IMBEEt, 4iNLAN D4B 4T
SePaIAM., L. • r -
Steal's • Weeklyto .1440 1 614001.! •
rittOiipTol4l4o.lNSTOM, ; _ i ftlidik.
L hot) known Steamers' iset&Attaiii;ob4;
New York and Plfiladelphin itteamehlw tordpal/35'ard in
tended to sail as follows:
City of Manchester, Saiurday,-September 2d; oitytof
Landon, EaturdayeActille Sator,
Otlolnr 8; and - evog suailadlng — sitiarday, at NoOn j
from Fier 44i.?lekthritlatr.
wasapr, :ou •
'to,thndon. „% - .1 Web titloridort' 34 100
de to Thdis. 96 be ) :do to Parts: 40'00
to . I Wireherit,,a , :9 o .1 do 4 0g5x 0 :14 1 4.-- . 00 ,
R a2B OR.P.i" lieu Lu Ilavte;,lylmeli *tier
WA - AptweS; at& tit, oltAtitlimiAst9F. - '
trim% gve m e QueeMordt
so#; s - 44116 ,lhooo who wish to mild pr
friends oitzt buy M4P4 I- r he ff l l Pllhese rates
Or.furtilefinforpnikinAPOWatihe CePPSY ' i w eal
AM 0 MIA - Mei% 1 6 Bilnithray, /4-"" 0. 0
-271IntERNAN, Bartialtaft % ...adaout
our fine and extensive etook of'Thoto-.
'" graph , Aibtime and Photograph 1 0ard hotares,!we
haveadded a BEAUTIFUL ENV'ALM for the reception
of cad Oman* Invu/the spen aw_l i will be admired.
• lg7l4Y3t9Vattera,3Fol.led :at the veil towed whole
inte)rtee, inert eir nod Prink:ol4mi them for $l.
thoorandi 1 / 2 vholeaiki arid retall'at: • • .
• zotygd i ..... , „MUMMA% BOOK . TORN
. F Loult Fine 1)1411y : Flour -"
• loo•baricit or• letif•liiiid'ofi:tichir :Irt , this tyLi
barreUxatirented , cfr . tzuntey retninetti'md deity od
tf) ft AP Pl" city freeo 9hapge. •F9r ,at ,
) apl6 , . Sgalft.Rfc - It
• .• • •
90S. S 0 D • ZEREA. GRllslD
ffi'ONES,for sale, • K. YARNESTOOIt.
1 000 LBS. Hi ' " Iv
9 broiled Geftb cf, •rece 611
and br Bale by '` ll - MgakitiBl:FRAZER, ;
Yell • muccessera tparrar7bock:ir.'
_ —,dri)
110Ri , MY ; • ' !
By the barrel, half barrel, Jii Cti:diciiiin; tit '
, , IPTICII4I totanilt I!,
NIE_ , 4
W ' . 80 0
i shiiips.' . ' ',.,:"'' I . LI i 0; . , Aga, .V . r.. , t "..0 ' L , .
I 1.'..,. ulk; °pile's or SHODDY';.I4 reoedired al. gen] SCREFFER'S BOORSTORX •
... .
S.l° SAGO CHEESE—MuesIi but fresh, Jut
' choice SAP, SAGO CHEESE just received 111'45
me ' uß
1111 for .sqle otk .O ,"Lis %lard and
%road stroppi. ;simplits 1 4[194( 0 : 746FADDIN
reoeivoi to-clay - at
• " BOYER & BP t'B-.r
:I"TCI..SBERGY,Iim rat
g r Er t: " l li e ttliaT . /MI
4nurimm Doe, jr ,
PRICE ?PEE lONTs'n:,.,
1 1 - , b
4..r0 ,Ajtipe
riplaxis . t yKipoing,
.• , i Wi_l 4 ,..._y - - fir t l) .. B `f :?n4 l -,-,:,
:.'ble,t, ~,ukt; 0. it _ - ...„040eyed4 -- itinf
tie u d i .Ple; intai*iii' ffiheY, ' eilSti t aa k e ~'
'36rsey'peOplei and ,- New Enghtinti:People
are a : frugal, indualrirtas .people,,,...but, : they
cant. says!. says!. gloom, iilLe , the . Gerinane.,:. . All
Gdithe,l4' is a great savings bank. :ltikl#6
that their workitig men are not so rich; 'on 'ati
average, as our - votkiNg -men, because they
don't get gni:ll , 434Jan ~4t he; one- :quarter -Of the
NEW* 0 4 .01 1zTen-. 8.9 1 . fit_ q!lrFtt. 4l,l 4 l T - Save
morie,y, and,hri'knoWs when it . 4.5 safe. Now
these - shrewd, thrifty' Clatilaffi 'Wane rinr
TAM& 0 thilytmult; them • by millions-; • TlieY
turitasideuntOm. thq_great beggars of the..wOnid
44.)EfigIWT# Pplik° i° ° s lleßubV°F4 ,, X l 4§ 7
.treat the noted' Pli 4 and
Illaxidillian ' with indifference, tut' Wait : to
diactitnit iltilie:Amefrican notes they•ban get.
_The Londou,„VilneS saga, this is all. wrong—that
;the Republicans in ilinetica, are all banitrupt,
and the Gerniens ninitt be; '034 to slight
British and French beggars; and go begging
in America. , . Ate they, crazy ? •We asked:
,Poor . Kurd i what he • • thought a bout, L it. '
~!, ,i Vhy," said he, " how can - they be crazy, ,
When they 'ate - dOing inst *hat' I did a little
mitre thiteri year ' 'age, ... when • I put •my • little
Savings into. Government eix per cents? _,No w
see what 1“4,,,J:),,y,:tt ;I just count up: I have;
re,cei,ved s#.or ni oe.nt..nigOld, which averaged
100 - per 'centWoutten:ey, making 12 per tent ; 1
• - the'dinii: r'Notii - &filly; nit bondinsaleable * I I
• thelien . Yorktnakket at 10 per dent. .premium.
~ : o"ROPA4 9 f., 468,0/el7,t to-day 22
per_ cent: fokr one., year 's use of 411,emoneyt l i
What do ythi Think of that? Yeti 'knew; hal
well as I do,
that there are thousands; f peo-1
pie who did this, and-to-day they have 22 pen 1
cent..xintheininvestmanisai, ;Van Isawalisi
.Jokes, our school,mam,go,te the l hank nn
buy_ a'oos Want' . Now fie got the' money
, • dbri't , kiieWrgit these' cl'ankes3 l - achdolinist
' .
tresses. :atei.Orstrate•-• hands, at taking;care o
- the*F.,elve4. , Well, new, count , uvr; •rtf; WP.!
bins sells her bends today she gets `be
$5OO . back' safe, and she gets her $llO den
:gain. Can you isharife ll ows down them.
• Williant street do any.bettot ? You htnnW
told.; Mr :Smith,. the hatike TY j4efui.:o9 l a
"that,'ancifhe'liOught 45;000 six per cent. bonds
and' YOU ate le' goftl,lo6 tor a - yee,i'iutten
Ms moneY: „Inlet:hire-the other day, _and:h
SAULIPPQr A r iciltigdiy.9. l i are right; ,I hag*
think*343.22eFicuilSan of itse
and tia' toe: . For m y :• I ineen'te'brty soie
Of the'MOir.. "The' OP -interest is •hig
nnteigh;"and in three:yearn they will turn int o
six Ter cent. bonds again,' . hies, Mr ., Smith
it right out the money sil.c: but, if, is 77i4ft
on the conntry7.i 'Side; too. - 7
"He,in Tour dean:dry, or ' it cant help yeti,
Now, 1: say we Yclermans. are . .,o*,-zonly inghti
but, they would be right . if they got ruby, ra.
interest. They cannot_inaka a ; quarter .of
at hoine." So thought Poor Aictiiirit, and' i
thbik ..we: '. When we think 'Of : the' •Griut '
- opinion-tf : our situation and :our '•finane'
strength, we must xeoierober that they are,
I ,better, judges of our condition thiig we aie,, o
4 i
our enemies are:, They titelookers 'on, st
great- distance.' They have none' of our-on,
mities or prejudices. They can. examine th 4
facts disinterestedly. They do; and the re
suit is a verdict that the American Governj
ment is stable—its 'ability and integrity in meet ing its financial engageinieeti Aniquestianable,
This verdict, too, is pn.p.ded, ,on Et . 130063.iq1 .
facts. n
tf .i,i'i,thiph are ... . .!,pesphOle, and well
known to in l' i 'gent' Atno riehn. ' Take
two or three' of the itioetlinitiOrtant . :' 1. Thh
- . United States doubles. its p opulation -each
twenty-live. years . The .I:pl)unit:rent-of,. this'
country,, which in 1850 was' twenty 7 three mil-`
lione; will' in 1875 'bo forty-six; miliPms. It
the rebellion! .says Inane one:. -: : : •;.
flow Mitch has the rebellicintidimininhe
the strength of the United States ? t ,• Wakethis
astonishing fact;that if all the .l States
had-been sunk -in the Pii6ls:6 ° o'..liii.',' - the .
Unitedlitatestivbulttlii 1875 hattivit:popidation
equal .•'to . : tha loh Me' :whole halB6o:rT:ln other
, workfi„Nenyeg.t.-will supply the total.. loss
1 of the : eleven origitia Nebel Statetti' Imo
canimPedei' .. thii pirigreniieitichit i odinittyl
-2. 1 -Theinioelthriof the ocantty'ineteined 127
per vent: : in ten years!; ..New. let -it inerer4e -
but 80 from 1860 to 1870, and it will amoutit
to ten times 'ell theloane of the 'Gi3vernnientt.
The'llerinan knows . ; what 'heti about..' . Ili e
will get the largest income from loans: in the
world, on the No such oppo l u•
turllty has occurred,. before for the investment.
Of 'money, and' in all inebability ifig never Op
ern' again. If the American does not know
land take advantage ot:this, the German and
.Frenchman, willk- -- -E(P- . • ••; • .' • ,d4w
Voice ,of the Seldilera c.
ft:glowing letters wills i onytot,§txt.ja.fx
the manner in which the soldifr4Vl vote:at
'the coming election; - - •
Riainnierrox, 11 S. A. CauiniLllOspit4, i
- °Si/Tx-P i:Fru AND VINE &S., PitruiviePA., i
Sept. 26, ,4161. , I
MY DEAD EDr4O4.--;-, gaVIIIV. been in my ear-;
her. years a resident of your county, and feel
ing an interest iii i the ÜbtiiiinidiriendtrofTs
, Dit
Union- in:. old tiphik as ivellciii tlic4eto
iryatlarge, I conldnotresid addressing.
a ;
few, /Ines upon the grertt queel;ioß now at,ii . aii e.
Our Hospital was -canvassed' the Other.d.ty
and a vote taken for the eandidites: fcii-"t,ae
Presidency now before the people . n this cain-.
paign. 0 The men are.those who have been 4n
many a tried battle—men who lave been {in
the Western armies and army of the rotom
all of which have been-under the commandof
ll'Clel.tantt Ame limp, and although they re
now wo,npfl.e.d, ,spl:hsming become- invalids
' here t : they ire dialYtrue exp . onents of the nen
tinients 'of thine who remain-with their regt.
merits npan the field. :) ' )-.1 ' , ln , • (-- 1- • •
The vote leas been as follows ;lir - . - fl , ,
Lincoln',• • • •• • • • • • •••'.0,0 ‘. 41: ' •
IrClellati 0 . i
'-`-' Freinonti, ' • • .0 ,
11 '.1 2 -. 1
1,. : ' . C., e t , r; ~ di •••1441) . P) %".:Sq I
I . .. - f.". ~ i 1 , P.l. 264Paiork;
: ,-Ihe Haddiegton Hoag itel lajmnleritilia int,
mediate charge of Egrig.g.-W dl ; r alk § Ar r . ,
a worthy officer , an 'one who .• 9 lan e alati
enviable reputation. lam • •'.. • • toldia ibitt
the men here are doing wa ll ciftillcapre jfibilant
PM the recent eIPIeIBIMI OfinnriedKannil flit
ld'Clellan stock is rapidly depr,esiettee• IL
have thus given you the politieSl - ree Of'
our solders' f4Oiltmf Of - military hospi ' '
of this city Initheprestintlcenteak.andlit " at
Your 9PEMtien ;t9i-gtXe Ir.ff-i4141:4 I V_
1111 4
yort rnaldliertiprom l n atel in
.. . u .,
ritif, , iitiVir".6*thalYi tilt
terVank M. B. A .') '4l
AI Anti burg. tr. ii. At
__—ion Notices
HarrisCo Notices '
Auditor's Notices
Funeral Notices, each insertion_
,yßusiness notim inserted in the iaeol Cdomws, or
before Marriages end Dfttlitc'Ettarr Cann' tea Lars for
each neediest.
SeptAtabei 26, 1864.
Mn. BESGITZE :--As the public is desirous of
knowing how the soldiers stand on , the Presi
dential question I submit the following. All
those who voted are- actual xoteys,, of the
proper age and otberwiso Tit
. 1410 :-, ,
For Lincoln and Johnson 264'
For McClellan and Pendleton 34
. t
Majority for Lincoln-and J0hn50n....230
W. W. CAliFs.,.
. Chaplain 195th PetknlVOL
The soldiers in the wrcheo. Hospital voted
a day or tir l o shice,'as ' •
At the Chesnut Hill Hospital, of 424 men
just arrived from the field, -899, vot.e.drfiMisfr
Uncoln and 25 for General
vote of the
teem, on the - Presid:ential,question, resulted
as follows
From Missouri. -"-
IHONTOH HXFtri..V.IO7-GEHHHF:L 3110yirFausioutig
LOUIS, Sept. 27.'—Official information
still puts Price's rebel mainfdrcestftedetick
town, with his advance at
main body is estimated at from 10,000 to 1,2.,0p0
principally cavalry. The advance, abOnt4,oo6
strong, are mounted. Light attaiikrY . *ern
made on Pilot Snob and Ironton yesterday,
which were easily repulsed. It now appears
that Pilot Snob is not ev,acuated, as, previous
reported. "
. Price's plans are as yet undevelOped, but'he
seems to be* massing his forces: inrArcedia
Valley. Gen. Mower, who left Prownsvill9,
Arkansas, two weeks ago, with it sfrong - force
'of cavalry and artillery, is still moving north
ward in Price's rear, and will be heard frdin
inn good time.:.Considerable bodies of troops
are arriving here, both cavalry and i4p.ntry't
and are being assigned to their proper ix:ist
The militia are responding pros aptly to the
call of the' commanding general. The Ottizens
generally manifest a strong disposit* to
ganize for local defence.
The rope walk of Gold 4k ifigby, the
southern part of the city,' was burhat teat
night. The very extensive quarters in prwess
of erection by the Grovenunerit, for refugees
and contrabands from the ~- . kit.ll; Nat& was
nearly finished; was also etiiistrtnett The
arnient of loss is not ascertained. , •
ti.r. Lotus, ept.,27,.--Hall a bki'ek'dbilai
iiesS houses at BoOneville, 316:;iieielbritri.ifd
on Sunday. The load is *400;000. , r , , , Abarh:
F a
A slight demonstration was i nia4.. 1)y R e
rebels on Pilot Knob to-day r but Olt e
no regular attack. The plact rectifenci dby
earthworks; mounting heavy" gunk can
resist any ordinary assault. Geosral:Ewing
is in command, . . '", ~ -
Decline in the Price' Or 641.
Nov Yoas, ept!j2S:
The monthly auction sale of genitaliaooM
tonlcplace to-day, and there was .a gre.O. de
cline, as showz! py,t,he following stfpni,94of
prices :
... $lO 00 MI , 443.10 a
10 50 : -, :q4;50
... 10. 62 8 50
10-e -'• '"Tia 50
Sickse' •.AO 87 • 3.;• - •...1.76
Chestnut ;IQ, , • 100
, , _ From igorope. , 03 , ,
Fsursaa. Pots;
ri`loi steamship Nova Sdotiatt,
pool on the 15th and Londonderry on thlal4ll,
has passfd this POW'. '44er advicAM one
day later.
The news is not' at ninon
The crown princeM Plmssitt,' hodnibren
birth to a son. " 2 ,•:1$
The SPenieh udi4sk4fo,94{4-Pcint.M4
• Maine Veetion.
Gamma, SePL - lii.
The official returns- from 475' ithnisraties
and plantations, Or nearly' thelvidtole , vote of
the State, foots up aa follows,: • OPlkeiti. RSPolk-
Mean, 62,389 ; Fpward,
,Democrat, 46,476;,tha
jority for Cone*, '15,913: e fa,st year the
vote in the same towns stood : Conei, 13,e-
Publican, 67,793 ;axadimy, Democrat, 50,233;
majority for Coney,ll 66.
Arrtyol of Fort 1111tmgan-Prikon
' ers at New IL'otki
Ni*YONA , .22g.
• Wl*
The steamer Cassandra, from Ne•Kieriatum
on the 18th, with 300 pritiollPrs .# 43 4 Ig°rt.
Morgan, has arrived.
The Gold Market: • •
Nitro Yolk 103p1:)28.
Gold rose this morning td 1 208, 4 / a t:since
the stook board hasialleo to Ifia. •
Marb,eta by Te4grapla.. •
_ Pfra,Apripsai, $0pt..28.
There is a' littlelriner feeling in lwciduce
in consequenc'e• of the advance in goldand
sterling exchange.; but trade is".very dull.
Flour not enquired after; we quote. aupagine
at $10(10 25; extra at $lO 50@10.7 and
extra family at sll®l2. The reciipth con
tinue ettremely light. Eye flont -) nbifeital at
$lO 25, and corn meal at $7, 25;:,wheatr
and nominal at $2.25012 35 for red and $2 55
@2 65 for white; small sales of rye at $1 Bp@
1 83; corn scarce rindlteady 08 ;
Sifts ant betterAertipa4loloaatiNewitepro
risippi/ gkti,,Ax99finAl'lCAltrvAinfki% fix
'o o tag k er t s, ; cotton nommuif ay 2 30 ;
petroleum' dnlll(l l .bit t icwiggolieg;i n
bond vat :65®138afJasid , CreeoBigB44losky
.11.41 s P l C9f4 ittntif4,B2t,ll,:oitaa .uovi9 lav
Agfid u
.or at
`s B 40 @firaki 254 c f
lriF f imaS:ftherzt
Or -10 111 kt -Wheat 3oggenliighid;eliags of
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