BUSINESS CARDS. RALPH L. 111A.CLAY 5. ATTORNEr-AT-LAW. -- Patriot and Union wilding, Harrisburg. .13triot attention • paid to all legal autumn Military claim collected. . . 10-46m-eod Thomas C. MacDowell, • A.ttor*e_y.-at OFFICE= T.' 1 )13T., BELOW PThIE. HARRISBURG; PA. A LL manner of Military Claims • promptly 11 attended to, and Claims collected against the General or State Governments, either in Congress, tho Court of Ohnizin at Washington city, or at liarrisburg, without un and on moderate terms. a .20-dfint A. C. SMITH, ATTORNEY - LAW, HAS removed his Mee from Third toWal nntatreet, n . ext to 'the grimon. All businesa imam pi "will ;Metre prarept • and careful attention. . NEW - 'GROCERY AND- PROVISION STORE. • BOYER & KOERPER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL; DEALERS a.r t •OROCERIES 9 Queen's and Glass Ware ) _ AND ALL KINDS OF COUNT.R-Y, -PRODUCE, L[AVE just opened a large and well selected stock of goods at-their stand ; No. 3 Market Square, risburg, Pa., to which they invite tho attention of the, JONES. HOUSE, Oorner Of Market street and Market Square, HAERISIIrf JoG PENICL CHAS. H. MANN, Proinietor: -- ...„ 04thr • STATE • CAPITAL HOTEI4 CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STRIiIRTS, PENN'A. inundersigned having purehasedAbie n!wn house has enlarged and thoroughlprenovated it. The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the entire estallshment elegantly re-furnished- Being plea+ gently and eligibly located, and provided with every con! lenience, it offers to the public all the comforts and lnkui ries of a first class hc!tel. Trusty' and oliliging servants &limps in attendance. • A bar well stocked with choice liquors Is attached to the establishment. • .... W. G. THOMPSON-, Proprietor. TES UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURO, PA. c_ H. HIITCHISON, PrOprbitor. ; well known Hotel is now in- condi4 tin to accommodate the traveling public; affording e most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the per permanent boarder. VHS ED STATES EOM hen been entirely - refit ted throughout, and new bas accommodations equal in antent, comfort and 'Truly to any hotel 4180 , Ft:en Tbildiel- AA and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depot; Etna Is dose proximity to all the public dikes-and business lo of the city.' It has now di the conveniences of ;• A 71.1i8.2' CLASS HO.TEL, and the Proprietor is determined to mare neither ex. pulse, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guesti The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully solo died. jell-dtf • MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES,- MELODEONS, SHEET NUSId, 'I - TIMMS, FLUTES, GITITARS, SANTOS, 'v '•:orturros, DRUMS FIFES, and all kinds of MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE,. PICTURE FRAMES, LOOKING . GLASS E:Si PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALBUML AMBEC TYPE GEM, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, &4214,&C. „ ,• Remember', thelan; SILAS WARD,- Nn."l2' Thd treat, the l argest Music Store this side of Wekreitt, janSB-dtt MELODEONS AND OABINET-:ORGANS, TWUTY-SDE FIRST TWELVE SILVER MEALS, AND THN OWLT GOLD MEDAL (ever won by Inatrnments of this pa* find been awarded to ' • • MASON HAM LUTS DISTEIMIENTS. Atha assortment of these Instruments always on ha= W. .11.1M1OlIE , S, Sale Agent, 98 Market street. joilaawly] NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED 1 BERGNER'S Hook - and Stationery store,. Bcobraoing every SLOW poll improved etre of POtIIZET BOOKS ) !WHO oußiumicrr HOLDERS; •'• CALF SKIN -POCKET. BOOKS, • _BITOSSIEIN PURSES,__ • PCORTMONNAIES, &o. at prices to suit all ationinstancea POCKET CUILERY. 00Waiting of a flue asaorint eta of Westenholm's Sop° Pooket.K.nivea :(TOLD PENS, ; From NewtMee celebrated m anufactory . _ Erimy Pen PORT TOLKlt uril G CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS; PAPETERIES, dro Together with every article usually found in a first peel; and Stationery establishment, at • • .. j " BERGNER. - -51 Market street' DANIEL A. MUENC.H AGENT t - y , the,Old Wallqwer Line • eotrully in -. ' forms the' patine thatlids old b niv atty Transpertatidn ,city, only Wallower Line : now in existence in this' • OW, is is succeisful operation and prepared to -entry. frisk t as low as any other individual line betweenPhilit dsrOble, Harrisburg; Sunbury, Lewbiburg, WilliantSport,' Jersey Shore; Look Haven and all other points on the _Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamsport eatt Elmira Itailroads. - _ 1:: ;DANIEL A. MallakTCH, Agent. • ... . • Harrisburg; Penn'a. • - Hoods sent to the Warehouse of Meilen': . PeatioCk, Zell II Hindman, Nos. 808 and 810 Harlot I treet, abbvellth, g. [apB Philadelphia, by 4 o , clock, P. - li., rip arrive at Harris ' berg, ready for delivery, nextmornin' ' 0-rilmyt , , . .. - PIANOS. ALBRICNT_L*IIfagg'S EXOELSIOR"PIANOS: SOLN!,A9,IfX . 41D . IV ;KNOCHE'S, S 3 Market street, Earrishulg. FOR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to MYSELF I have taken theageney of the above most almaitent PianOlL Theritina.o I4VitOto come and yek amine for themselves A few Sehomacker & Co , s Pianos on'hand yet will' he dad low. . . mar 26-0. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS . BY : ;Philadelphia and Reading 4aaroad . TN accordance with the .provisions of the Rew Internal Revenue Law, alipaoda delivered at tbe e railroad for shipment must have a TwO Copt amp affixed to. the receipt demanded therefor, said Marap.te be at the expense of the shipper For di receipts taken by Alm anove COM.PEMY, raid stamps will be furnialitat and paid for by the Company.' ailielo-dtiPPSO JOHN ,J cLYris _anent EINE FAMILY FLOUR. --SHISLER: ' & /FRAZER have made arrangements with one or the t,milla In the country to supply the families of Harris burg with choice' FLOM; Avon'', bairel'ichifittnts t V,tatiq depwwnwi to any p u t 0 . the '4ltyl'ree of charge. .31/1.9L&1t &FRAZER, Males In line' Mutiny. Groceries, opposite the Cowl. PIOED OISTERS.—Extin fate l3altinSoie • , Iced, Just recelvld at , , • ' • BOYEZ & KDERPV.R. . TUST RECEIVED-44 gallonalottregrifrai ‘ lt V wine, from a Lancaster county' Vanier; Iltisi. ept mails domestip *Ur to this city. Price $8 00 per on. ~.,im me. s s. ... • •• . 813191.,ER & .- , j ..118. ..• illeocessors to Wm. Dock, jr., Xr .', , . . SIMMEMME,fiL nßzialtNixtelkijote oysters, spina% aid faitiale_hy the - gesikajA jad 1114.411'11111 quantity, , sms-LEft ai I' - -- • - litoccecForg.taW. -Dock,-Jr,,, 16c.' _ ...... . _ - - IFAX I / 3 1—A fresh inipp/7 of li;a91 1 ? szcabior EMS sit Dried Beer ea, . - -BOYER-4 d.ORRPiII ' 'I.AD YOU id* $OO4l. to NW Emblem, Ink, p e ittliktaity 6 d , yd„ MI? else in the NOW oNIOO7III=KSToRz, Nairlabeist RAILROADS. Peauisyll.vanla Rail Road • Era .13! SPRING matte. TABLE. livki TRAINS DAITLY TO AND. FOUR FROM FIOLADEDELPHIA. ox exn eras MONDAY, May 16th, 1864, MHE passenger Trains , of the Pennsylvania IParpad Company will deprt from and arrive at liar rlebtitg as followa: EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAM leaves Harrisburg daily 'at 2.45 a. w. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.56 A. If. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg 'daily (except Monday) at 11,00 and arrives at West. Philadelphia at 10.10 A. is. Passengers take breakfast, atlenr.aster. MOUNT JON' ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harrisburg *at 7.20 A. IL, connects at Lancaster with Lancaster accom modation traln i .and and itrrives. at West Philadelphia at 22.25 P. 41. , , COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION. TRAIN, leaves Harris -Wm at -12.20 P. st. ; Columbia 1.55 P. M., and arrives at Lancaster -2.30 P. N.; connecting with Fast Mail east. at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Philadel phia at 5:30 P.X. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 P. M. ; Lancaster at. 2.47 P. rs., and arrives at Wast Philadelphia at 5.80 HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION.TRAIN, via Colum bia leaves Harrisburg at 5.26 P . N., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 P. • • • ' ' .WESTWARD. ' BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAM lefties Marrisimrg daily (except Monday) at 2.10 A. it. ; Altoona, 7.30 A .. 14, take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.80 Y. x. , PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAM leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.10 A.m.; Altoona at 8.20 A. it., take , breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 100 MAII TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.30 at 7.16 P. as., take supper, and arrives at Pi*burgat 12.30 FAST Ma °leaves ITarrisburg at 3.50 F. it Altoona at 8.85 F. take auprier t and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 110131M401r ACCOMMODATION Ipav,e4 Laztagster M L arrives at tarri.sburg at 11.10 a. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAM leaves .West .Philadelphia: at, e 2.45 r. r. , and' ar#4 . B pt Itariiaburg,,o &}.O P. M. .- ;MOUNT JOY_ .AccommonAnow wo. 2, letiTeiLan ter at 8.20 - r. tt., connecting therewith Harrisburg Aeons! Jug:station West, 'leaves Mount Joy. at 7.00 H . ii.naud arrives -pit Harrisburg at 8.201 SAMUEL D rOVING . • Hug.. Muidk Dta Penn'a R B Harrisburg, May 73, 71887.7t1tf Northern ~ C . . . .a•atitaiiiii ItllhAti rm I 111E\ , imamsaaszaaa....i SUMMER TIJIE TABLE. THREE TRAINS . DAILY TO -AND PROM :It A "AV I - IF/ 0 RZ WASHINGTON CITY: Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and fironiPittaburgand the West. THREE TRAINS DAILY to.and from the North-and :West Branch Buscittehanna, Elndrainnd all of Northern New York. . ON and after MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864, . the "Paasenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway' will arrlve let and depart from Harrisburg and Balthnotens rollows, viz: MAIL TRAIN ieives Sunbury daily (except . _ i : • Sunday) 10.25.Ai: S. II leaves Harrisburg 1.20 P.I Y. 66 arrives at Baltimore 6..10.P. X .12PRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 11:45 P. X “ leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) • . 2.611.6. X. . ,-. 66 .. arrives at;—Baltimore daily , . . . , except Monday) . 7.00 A. X. r l HARRISSUBG ACC O MMODATION leaves Har-t .. . .. . , • • iburg..:..;...... ..,. . , ...... ... 7.00 AoS. SHMlliliti ACCOMMODATION,Ieaves San- . ,. • • , bury . daily -( except , , • day) at tau NORTHWARD.. NAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (eldept • I .1“ x. leaves Harrisburg..... 85 P. N. 44 arrives at Sunbury. :. . 4.05 P. lk. EXPRESS TRAlNleaves Baltimore daily 9.30 P. it. '4‘ wives at Hairisbreg.... - ... 1.50 A. X leaves Harrisburg daily (ex- - °apt Monday ), - - 8.15 A. 4' • aril - teat Sunbury. ......... 5.53 A. it. HARRISBURG ACCUMMODA'rION leaves Bal .. , timore,, (except sun. ` • , day). ' r. a. arrives at Harrisburg. . . .. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves HUMS- burg d ally (except Sunday) • at • 4 00 r. For further Information apply at the Office; in PennsYl• rants Railroad Depot. - J. N. DuBAItRY, Harrisburg, Mayl6, 1864.-dtf . 2 • Gee'. Supt. CUMBERLAND - VALLEY FRANKE I N I Ca"E1101:1:13,S. on and after Moil ° day, .Atirll 7 4th, 1864; Passenger trains will run daily . its follows, (Buildup excepted:) POR ' CFIA.MBERSBUNG AND HARM MUM: • • LL P. ati Leave Hagereetown 7.00 2.45 " Greencastle 7.87 345 Arrive at 8.17 4.20 Chamberebturg, --. Leave at • 8.80 465 LeaVo.Shippenanarg • . . : 9.00 :: 1.28 A' Newville ............ 1.? ' . 9.32'i.2.00 ".-.Oarlisle 1 0 .4.i...0..6.65 10.10 . 2.42 Mechanicsburg ..... 10-42 3.12 Arrive at Harrisburg A. 06 11.15 3.40 P 0,4 .(I.I4,VIIPSZWEG AMP'.17.49111070WN: Leave Harrisbtug .8.05 132 420 " Mechanicsburg . ....... .....,.. .8.47 .il5 4.54 " , Carlisle ... ' 9.27.• . 2.55 6.29 ' '5 „Newville • 10.22 8 .2 9 —.7--.-- " " ' Shippeesburg... .. . .... ......... .10.33 4.00 ye at , ll.OO 4.30 Chambersbnrg, {Leave at - ' 11.10 4.40 Leave Greeeastle .1155 5.39 Arrive at Hagerstown . _ 12.35 8.10 .. . sgelfaking close connections at Harrisburg With trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg; and; with rains for all points West. The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4.20 P. M. runs only.aa far as Carlisle. .- 0. N. LULL, Stipt. B. R. Office, Chambersburg, Aprll4 l 1884-ly . AEIiV .IL-1401pTE. .. „ . • - .„ r" Ptrer TUREELIMAINS DAILY .toirmw vow*. • • PHILADELPHIA. , • (N' A ND AFTWI. MONDAY, SoPiembia. vr,,,igtti,2*, the Passenger Tzslus will leave the Phlla delpriii. and' Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz : EItS•TW ARD. EXPRESS lan loaves Harrisburg at 3.00 A. m., on ar rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the, West, arriving in New York at 19.00 A. aL A sleeping mar is attached to the train .thistMo'ltent . lttsburg withont .ohange. ' MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 7.30 A. is., arriving in New York at 4.40 P. as, anciPlailadtdphin at 12.50 P. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1,4.5 P. M., arriving in Nam York at 0.00 P ri , and Philadelphia at 7.00 P. M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN to Reading leavai at 6.30 P. M. - :SUNDAY TRAIN for New York and Philadelpliia leaves Rarrisburg at 6.30 1. m.. ' • , . . WESTNAIiD. PAST Lin leaves Hew: Xerk at 9.00 A. st, arriVingiat Harrisburg at 3.20:r ix. : -,:; • MAIL TRAIN leaver- Nei !York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at 8.80 p. it., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.80 P. N. . EXPREBE3 TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 P. IL riving at Harrisburg at2.oo:a. it. • ; and connecting with. the Pennsylvanta ExPrese Ttalaibe Pittsburg. A sleeping ear Is also attaelled to thistraln: MAIL TRAIN leaves Phiipdelphia at 8.00 A.. and ar riving at Ranisbuit at 12.40 PL.-x. isifienneetiona are made at Harrisburg .with , . trains.= the ponnylvania Northern Central and Uuniberlsuid rolvadjk and at Newlin for Philadelphia,' L POtteville, -Wilkeebanor ' . JiibierAted! 'Pan between. NeWolfork ' ; between Harreibunpand nibarel. phia, o. I earn, and $3 In No. 2. Jim tickets or other Information apply to J. J. CLYDE, nalatt General Agent, liarriabarg, RAILROADS. 1864. Philadelphia and Erie Rail= Road. great line traverses the Northern or d 1 Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PEnNs. mums. RAELROAD PANT, and under their auspices is being rapidly openad throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to St Mary's (216 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles) on tue Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG Leave Eastward. Mail Train • 1.20 F. M. Express Train 2.50 A. Y. Leave Northward. Mail Train... Express Train . Can run through wirtrouT 4:111ANG1 both ways on these. train between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Havens Elegant Sleeping cars on Express trains both ways be tween Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport end Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. Corner 11th and Market 'streets. And for Freight Wawa of the Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr. , corner lath and Market streoin, Philadelphia: S. W. Reynolds, Erie J. Y. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore, H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, P/aTa. LEWIS L HOUPT, General Ticket Agent JOS. D. POTTS, . rny2o-dly] General lifamper, Williennspert. READING RAILROAD. S U BIKER ARRANGEMENT. GREAV TIIIINK 11 II1T E FROM TILE NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York; Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, &a ho: Trains leave Harrisburg far Philadelphia, New Ycrir, Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate station, at u,OO A. x., and 200 P. m. New York -ftpress leavea Harrisburg at 0.80 a. rt., arriving at New York at 1.46 the same day. • A ;special Accommodation Passenger train loaves Read ng at 7.16 A. x., and returns from Harrisburg at 6 E. tr. Fares froin Harrisburg: To New York, $5 16; to dolphin $8.85 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Retorning, leave New Yoripat .8 a. ~12 noon, and r. x., (Pittsburg Koreas arriving at Harrisburg atB A. NJ Leave Philadelphia at 8.16 A. N., and 8.80 r. x. Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains through to and from Pittsburg withoutmhange. Passengers by thelJatawisas Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.60 A. at., anti 2.10 r. it., fir Philadelphia, Now York, . and all way points. . ' Trains leave Pottsville at 0.161. and 2.80 F. it., for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York.. • . An Accommodation Paasertger train Interne Reading at B.ooe. x., and returns from Philadelphia at 6.00 r, x. sir All the above trains run daily, Sunday excepted. ' A Sunday train leaver! Pottsville at 7.80 A. 11., and Phil. adelplaist at 8.16 P. X • . ' Commutation, Mileage, Season and Excursion tickets et reduced rates to and from allpoints. 80 pounds baggage allowed to each person... _ . tricou.s U , •nersi Superintendent MEDICAL. GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE THE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, AND CHEROKEE INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, DARKS AND LEAVES. OHEROKEXE REMEDY, thegreat Indian Diuretic, cures all diseases of the urinary organs, such as InamS, Nance of the Urine, inftammatiers of the Bladder, Inflam mation of as Kidneys, Skme in the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel,. Gket, Gonswrhea, and is especially recommend e d in those cases of Fluor Albin (or Whites in furtiles) where all the oidnauseous medicines have failed. Wr It is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times per day. , /yr It is diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying and cleansing the blood, causing It to.ilow •in all ' of its original purity and vigor; thus removing froxn the system all pernicious causes which have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or assiat ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjunction with that medicine in 'acmes of Gonorrhea, Meet, Fulor 4Thin or Whites. Its effects are healing, soothing and delnalCent ; removing all acolding, heat; chordee and pain, instead of the burning and almost un endurable pain that is experienced with nearly all' the cheap quack infection. nap. By the use Of the CHEROKEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicinesat thb same time—all Improper dischaizes are rentoVed, and the weak ened •organs are speedily restored to full vigor and strength. : agrFor fall particulars, get our pamphlet from any ruestore in the country, or write us, and we will mail free, to any address, a fail treatise. la. Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $6. ~Prioe CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. .Sent by express to any address on receipt pf price. gia..Sold by all druggists everywhere. . DR. W. R. KERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors, inarlo-eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York cHERcirRY, CUBE. THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE. COXPOI7NDKD FRO* ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. An ant - aging care - for 40s!imsaterrhsa, Seminal Weak nets, Nocturnal I'7mM:ions, and all diseases caused by self pollution; nu* as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude Pains in the Back, Dimness of Piston, Pranature Old Age Weak Nerves, Day of Brewing, Trembling, Wakeful ness, Eruptions on the Face, Pale Oeutstersance Insemity, Consumption, and all the Direful comptaints caused by de partismfront the path of nation. si-This medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and one n which all can rely, as it has been said in our practice for many years, and with thousands treated, it has not failed in a single instance. Its curative powers have heed sufficient to gain victory over the most stubborn case, sygrTo those who have trifled with their constitution, until they think themselves beyond the ; reach of medical id, we would say, Despair not I thefts:imam Cuss will restore you to health and vigor, and after all.. quack .doc tors have failed t ,For full particular's, get s Cimular from any •Drfig Rare in the r,ountry; br .. ..prlte' the Proprietor, 'who will free to any one ding the same, a 'fell treatise in pamphlet fenn: . • //a-prices 12per both or . ; three bottiei g,g, forwarded by express to - parts of the world. a-Sold by all respectable druggists everywhere. R. W. R. KERWIN & CO., &MA Tomorrow% . . . merle-map No. 69 Libertfetreet.. New 'fork • SELLING OUT LOW! • OUR • 'OF • LIQUORS ITTE intend to discontinue the sale pf V V gems and offer gilt atock at a very small adlsrier from cost price e have purchased all our Liquors be fore the last iiso allltlinS a aargeistock unhand for thred or four years, which are guaranteed • cannot be purchased now at any price Our stock consists @f • of all gradeu t Hie We have parts of three barrels, pure AXE: , not colored, and 10 degrees above proof, 23g years.aid.. WINES of all'Gradon,; Domestic and Imported. 33 IL rer , 13 I - E. 04. •'! • We have part of 3‘ . cask HENNESSEY "BRANDY,. to whiclivrthiVite the particular attention of families for medicinal purposes. The Brandy cannot be bought to-day, front importem. less than $l5 per gallon. :We will Dell it for $l2 pes MIL SCOTCH AND ENGLISH "ALES, • • CHAMPAGNE WINES uc AjljatEnt Ws•invitQh of Hotel Kbaiiiire andklitenor Merchants generally, as we intend to sell, without re.. serve, all our Liquerl, and this will be a good opportu nity for bargains, • jeslo BNitusA FRAZER. BIEDACAL. 401-IN SON 1864 • IR Trill - .LO'CK HOSPITAL IMAS discovered the most certain, 'Tear .11.41. and effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OF DiIEPRIIDENOE lIFILIkr IN SIX TO 'IWNLVE MEM& NO SEBBOUBY OBNOXIOUS DRUGS: A Ore Warrantoi, or. No Charge, in from One ....1.35 P. IL ....3.15 A. X. Weakness of the Bock, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General De bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of 'ldeas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity Tremblings, Dimness of Sight hr Cliddhases, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, •Affections of the Liver • Lungs, Stomach or Howelsthose terrible .disorders arising front the Solitary Habits of 'Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible. EsPecialy; who have become the victims'of Solittuy' Vice, that dreadful-and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands 'of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening &nab:smith the thun ders of el.. . enceor Waked to ectasy the living lyre, ray call with ti confidence. • . Married peisons, or Yonne den marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, defor mities, he, speedily eared. Re who, Rlades hii*ielf ender the.iire of Dr. may 143 llgionsly =Ode in ilia honor as' a gentlemaii, and coaA dentist. rely upon hisskill nen Phytelan. WEAKNESS • - -- - - -- - . mmediately Cited, and full vigor restored. This distressing affection—which rendert' life miserable and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the vid i tiros of improper indulgence, Young persons are too ap to commit excesses from - not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may' ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend,.to deny that the power a procreation. is lost sooner by those ; falling into Improper habits than the prudent. Betides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring; the most serious and de structive symptoms to • Loth' body and mind :arise The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental 'hinctions weakened, loss procreative power, nervous irritabilitk; dysi6epda; Ihdpitatien of the heart, indigestioll, ootatltatimial debility, a wasting of the frame, cough; cow moripthro, decay and death. Damon 80. T, sDorn Paxton= Smtassr„ Left Maui aide going from Baltimore street, a few 'doom from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number) Letters must be paid and contain a stamp.. The Dodoes Diplomas hang in Me office. • -- DR. JOHNSON, . 1 Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London grad uate from one of the most eminent colleges in the Uniteil States, and the.groater part of whelk; life hail Peeil sPedt In the hospitals of London; .Partri, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some. of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the bead and ears when' asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at 'sadden 'sounds, bashinhteis, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICITLAR NOTICE. • • These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro ducedby early habits'of youth , viz : wealimess of the back and limbs, pains! in the head, dimness of sight., loss of muscular power, palpitatiott or the heart, dyspepsia, ner vOuS irritability, symptoms of consumption, &a fearitil effects on the mind are much tube dreaded—loss of Memory • COilfekioll of ideas, de. pression of 'spirits, evil fora aversion to scciety, self distrust, love of solitude,. y, aka, are some Of the evils reduced. - . • -YOUNG MEN ' wno have injured themselves by a u.ertalu practice itt dulged in when - alone,' a' habit' frequently learned front evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if t not cured .rendeis marriage mpos siblo and destroys both mind and body, shouldapplyi mmediately. Whets nc . t hat a young man, the hope of his ouNultrY, the dariln& of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the ' consequence of deviating from: the path of. naturnand Indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persors sem before context plating , , • . _,, Renee ithat a sound mind end body are the roost necesaary requisites to promote Connutialliappiness. Indeed,with ont these, the Journey through lire bowmen a wady-pil grims:go the prospect hourly darkesi .to the view ; the mind becomes ehadoied. with despair medalled ivith the Melancholy reflectieb. that the. 'happiness or'another be comes bliglited.with our Oria. ,' ' ... .-DTREAR,P. OF INI:PRUDENOE. • L, whoutho mleguidisiand imprideht votary Of ;Amnia hada he has imbibed the seeds of this painful dams!" too often, happens, that an illtimed sense of shaine r oittie dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who fromeducation and respectability, can alone befriend him, He falls into the hands ofiguorant and designing . pretend ers, who, incapable of owing, filch his pscumary sub stance, keep him trifling- month after month, or aslong; the Manes' fee can behbtained,andiin despair with ridnedisialth , to sigh overhisgolling disappointment, or, by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, haten the constitutionalsymptiAnsofthtetetriblediseaSe,eneh,asaffec Mons of the ilead,-! treat, Nest-Skin, eta, progrekaing with , ftightthl . rapidity till death , puts a period .to hie dreadfhl sufferings by, sending hint to that andiamarea Cobnhy from whence no traveler retaiaL - , nTrioßsrmaNT OF THE PRESS. The many thounande oured at this; institution yeaitifter year, and the numerous *matfett stugical. eperatiohs performed by Dr. ,Johnson, , witnessed. by the reporterg pf the Sun, Clipper; and many other papers, notices of which have. appeared again and againhcfore the ' public 6 betides hi. lanolin as a 'gentlemen of. character and nxtomia. Nifty, is a sufficient guanntee to the afflicted. 7 . r . 2, SKIN.; Ofilce 111:4 1 F - FaCttle Frederick sp26-03 ,7, "' • "THESE:It34IC SUCH WOlO. /I,S-4/Ain/. ' - - TMMEt"S 00111'01:MD EXTRAOTAM eIJBEB'S AIU) This preparation is particularly recommended to the MEDICAL PROFESSICIPInd the PUBLIC for theiprompt and certain cure of DISEAREB OF THE BLADDER, NETS, URINARY opnAllovEtm . It msy-be waled on sefite held mode for the ii4h4ipitta- Goa Of these rendedhie ht the large class of diseasenof th sates; to which they are applicable. It never intbtferes with the digestion, and by its concentration, the Sosei is much eedaced. , _ - B.—Rim:till/003m advised to !akBe for. TMINANY'S IiONEOUND EX:111,461 . 013111039. :AND COPAIBA, and take nothingAise r as: imitations and Worthlese ; prepa rations,' under similar names, ire in the sitarket.' Price $1 00.:.18ent by express on receipt of price. Matittfac tured only by TARRANT 1 CO., No. 278 Greenwich street, corner of Warren street, New York, and for saki Druggists general.* . • oct22-dlz For. tiitAX &IA A ulizific ARO., aid by , Drsigists g el f.J.•,..r ~.; .1.-- • _ . Grays Patent Molded Collars Are not simply flat pieces of paper otit.nt J4o,formi of a collar, butare Molded and Alanyed toll the seek hag a) perfect fitas aisles Orbreskii, whiaik' ob tained by our patented proem, which also secures another adiatifsfiefestassect brae Alker edUar,—vit : *see fbrVie Aimed in the rTans-down style, the mama oi*sigii re ix, -*FiesSar 1310:4A1‘63, Pan 19103 PBOHNEtai .... "Ida 4olar, foi ease, neatness, and durablllty,'.9lil 1 Yin* are inadii in Tarn-down styli: in,al*.eilti*j,i to '17 , ," mil, In Gaiiiiitte Li fYclin.l.3ii.# hia4bh, and pitUhiiin neat One boxes of 100 esah ;' eleo,liceinati‘Finiie Of iio eikliL=the latter a very handy package for travoleire, army 80 navy !Meg* ,::.. .. . ;, , L .... .. ~ 1. ;ifirkTERT 0 9_ 1 4 0 . tBi44amroll/ail4 "" • ' _ 111.14dcd V011.11x0? , . .Tetial Allen/ In Affau!a - .Fanimpingetioila 214:1E540 ..:. a. I vAapirisi*t - sorc' . af . • r • : . 1.1 ;; ;-, .9 St.., fp/SiCIABBSYSPEOEDIOY: 4 OTERS, just ie -I..c.44stekst oft.aleibßalSLEß , hr Sucamors to W. Dock, Jr., ; HAMSI HAMS l! —Miohener's Huelidor. Just cured. Received and for sale at EAR= 7.1=1"4: taurll Nocamin ir W. Dock, Jr., iforr,‘ to Two Days. YOUNG MIIN MARRIAGE. MARRIAGE . . - . P.; D. W. GIROSS & CO., Nr/lOUSAU RtXML DRUGGISTS, NO. 19- ' .'• m4':ik.-Iki':iji-ll_v:,';1, HALAIIII3B(fIi6, DitugGlST4 PHYSICIANS, STOREL • KEEPERS AND COSPOUMERS. ' We are daily adding to Oui assortmentof Articles as are dealrable,•and wxsad y gall ygsze the largest Said best Wet:tad Mock in ibis _ dieh.". ol. • - - • DRUGS, CI EMICALS AND,PaNTSi 01la, Varnishes and:Glues, • . Dye.f.tballa, azul Patty, Ailig% Mal and Tools, Biwiftlig Enid and eluuhol~ Len!, Spans and Pine 9:11s, IMO, " V:lo4sAnsi Lamp Giobes, • • thißtlie Soap, Sponges Joel Corky, S:1 am. am. *4., 4 4, am, WWI a general variety of PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTIOLR!! , 103 1 eCted from the oast numufacturere sad .Perfumers Europe 'iuldi*emory. Being very Sealers in PAINTS, warns MAD, L1A7441D OIL, VAILIaVIN inarDow grass, Amara ARNB2 O B,,M'I} - sing,9 Ur ALL TEXIR VARIETIES,. • • 1 040E8 AIM saairba MEE We 'reeiestfully inviter call, rear* eonlblent that. we can supidy tlit, wants of all on tamale their. *Warm- TEE'III ! TEETH ! ! JONA" Alm wmrals PORCELAIN wars, P4riirr mmixgrartzr, 410 ' '• ' • EGUII-iIf4TORAITUfiS, or. iiiip;moo . ,coroot from tho proprai. SgiAItITER AND CONCENTRATED Luc. i Wholeititle Agents ftwklaponitter,arbisli we sell at low as it can be purchased lu the cities. ItiAtif!'# . MEDICAL FLUID KKTRALGTIL =I 0:4*.0i,i, °ARNDT- am! . . Being lug° pntlohesarp la these - 0112 is call offer ducementa.te dose buyers. Coal Oil Letups, GI the host Improved .Petterns,.frepy cheap. 411 kinds, or Leripi changed te. burnOoel Oil. FALVIEIIgAND GRAZIEBB. . There dt*il Alai bite not even our HOME p.") TLE relln - trialXnow not titiodr impeetcniViintglibn 1 _i adTalt*PiklYtare:l l o4CePhig Wane mud 00 40 1 , 1 47 and Sn a 60'4 nowiltkin. Thousands= testify to the profit their, have thieved Prom the i of °iv Cattle Pewdersk by the bldreeekel qtfein- ty milk, besides improvieig the. lecirsi lies4b.,,e,d.eprenissee of their cattle. ileeighaile the bizehette glvai iu the alma, • - tags ocallioro' egh knoiledge of the teete, aid no:r sr- rangemeals In thi3 tithe art such that' vie iso; to: mlory . , short Wok eaP)4 l .k.v4Ything aPPeliabollP .117. : on thelnat Ocala TinoW for,: tie, liberal patronage banal/4d on Our norm -, finappo by co, attention to buntnan, a ounnot selection'oft, I .61 if DR o'9 at fair pri gad pro dance to plena alOo merita can. tinnankaptiayor of a discrimina4lo4ol4. . . ;310TR SAVONIVIT POWDER; PESFIT INII*OI.II7nrq X9 l 2r TPB ,NPY4 z 4,-a, 06140 Pt 9;4 a; • Die iin gnction amoDirpr A w°°l= a , lPPA.oi~tgloginmer, Belntakilipet; Mutable ) 4=ti t ielpe- Przpibut,_ with tplastargd The Wl4gi. &Mina condos be . . spa- Preppiredandmobb at • IThig 1 4 1 4"Y - 0 06 de Store, No. 91, g • • • FitaG'T4ALA;I9KLS.—gt, table tr*Flportationii for ' Ind reisaeir•-` 1- BELIBLZWir my& , te 01 4 oholoiClik '2lltot itogi .-AmmegrotOug, raceiviseill9;94 le 4 Summon to W. _7 (70: .1,1121110 g RIO AND LAO I 7 QOPPIIi lais MY 41 DOURi MIMI& MYFA.DDEWS MARBLE YARD. Gomm or pamarr AND runs mu m% Harriabarg, Pa. MME undersigned having opened s Marble Yard in this city, bee leave to Inform thelr Moeda and the pablic in general, that they are prepared to tar nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I= Monuments._ wombs. Head &env, Kantlea. And House Work in Marble andßrovn Stone r Give us a call andwe will guarantee Balaban= WFADDBLe at CO. N. B.—Lettering neatly none In Bogle& or Gamma mar29-dly AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 .STYLE S or POCKET BOOKS, FUSES PORTIVIONNAI FOR. LADIES AND GIERTLEMEN, . AT KELLER'S . Drug and Fancy Goods .Store, . - • No. 91 Market great. The best Morocco TRAVELING SATt-R ELS, And a general variety of NANCY GOODS, suitable far Presents, now on band at SELLER'S Drag Store, mar/04f No. 91 Market etreeL ME PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS: ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT OP „ Photo graph Albums. BOUND in FINE- MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt wept _ ALBUMS WITH SO Picturea for . $3 80 40 64 64 • 3 60 60 66 66 4-00 together with vrrioue other styles of binding, aims and prime, which will be eoldcheap. Soldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and reaper album anywhere. Cal land see at SOKEl7lBBiti rnsbm„ Rmlietere it. marig-dtf • I Pure Ground Spleen, TILE FARYOKR BOY, and how halxaNne Command : ar-133.-Ohief, $1 ISE ?lONE= BOY ) and how he beciithe Preside* St 2 TEE FERRY ROY, and the Financier, THE ITINTER BOY, or how Ben. - Franklin made hie mark, ' 111 26 TiIt.FARMER BOY, and how he' became Lleuten antGinetaL In press A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, from Fort Sumter to Roanoke ;• elegantly illustrated. SI 26 At BERGNER% BOOK STORE. . . INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTHAMERICA, No 23S Walnut Street, South Side,„East of Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF ASSETS $1,668,663 60 n INODPRORATED 1794, eooopoo • MART.= rizarszirez. Marine, Fire and Inland Icanaportation • In -80114.11 Ce. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Preadent 420411113 PLAIT, Secretary. : WILLIAM Central Agent for Panarylvanta. Mee Waling St., near Seem!, Earrisktte Pa m 1 OOLORS PAM AND OF ILL. KIND& V.IST RECEIVED, . . THIS moRyiNG, A YJIRSE,r DIVOICR OF ICHENER & CELEBRAIIT,O ' SUGAR CURED IMAMS AND 13EIEV, -my9l QTUMBLING BLOCKS, by Gail Kam )4 atone Price - $1 5 zt HAUNTED HEARTS, by the author 6t th e Lamp lighter. , . 42 Qo DARKNESS AND DAYLIGEE, 4y:lf* Ho . l*i- Si 60 BARBARA'S HISTORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwardo Q. THE SMALL ROOM; OF ALL.II4 &WI!, irozko s pe. 26 SEVEN STORIES, by DE Ifarirel, author of .“Bovertea of a Bachelor." . $1 60 SPERM'S JOU - ANAL of the Diecotritry of tile SOIIICeS of the Nile. - - - • $3 60 TEC WOMAN :IN BUGS, ,py saGoar,. of “Man la Gray." . • • . $l. be NOTESOPRONPILII.IIIrE, Nov.'Bl to Ang.'63,. 00 STORDIE OF ME SEA, for ficom. _Cooper g MI"P. 41 00 IVORIES OF THE WOOD, for .boyas• from Odeper's All new book! me:eyed !LB awn as piibUehail'ikt - 7 BERGNER'S BOOK STOMA 62 Karkeuanet. UA T.,TAIT) CHAP A TY.R POLTSR FUENFITEE does hot affect the .varrdsh;lint,restarer NRIV the originalluirtri. Moos mt . -0161hr. 'lt will restore t with verylittleliabor;every flnishedstrefaod, either metal or.wood. All. manufacturers and dealers in, furniture Should use it for cleaning furniture that had been mad- Int" covered with dint. A touch and iab here and there will'make it-bright and fresh, For sale by 5... A KUNKEL h.8R0., Ult Market stre4#arriabarg. , ju.4.dtf rium3„. INVALUABLE SYRUP, whicl - ia ML- A, tirely vegetable' In Its composition, has :been em ployedirlth wenderfeltsucieee for many years is theme at disowns for the.ADITA,SSAHM and LUNGS. - For any form of the disease, sash as COUGH, TICKLING or the THROAT,_SPITTING OF ELOOD,DITTICULT BREATHING, .110 ; LOSS OF VOICE and HECTIC MIMS, its iwit will be attended with the happiest results, his one of the beet and safest medians for all forms of *RON. CMS and CONSUMPTION. IVO faudentaii its prepare• fan qf Opium in owy Wipe {n/his syrup. • . PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. - For indent ENEGNEWS Cheap pot& Store. ' GIIM PECTORALS are useful to. soothe a mei, allay Tickling in the Throat, to relieve H oarsen Sore .liore Throat, &c. They &ntake coltdoot, Horehound, Ipecaceitaba, Senega and squill, (the rum reliable expectorant" knows,) are the chief as *re constituents, no blended with. Gum Arabic and Sugar, WA each lozenge materna a mild and very pleasant does. lissiefactizedsolety by - 'S. A' KUNKEL & jinn Apettussiiitar, 1111 Market Ares* Harrtstaur. . IaHILADKLPHIA. COLLEGIATE lON YOB lowa, Laws& -N A L 1530 Arch street. 80v.0114.17.128.A. .Itll.ollll. 04.31N(12 1"A A- It., Principals. :5 _.5 • Year. Three departakebto Yrtheary, Academie, hue fkineelata Fall oolleifehourie is allajair /lath e ' =Um higher Bor.lbili and ..Natural flciapAgt for post gladuate. ModeraLeuguagek Musks ridalPg and &locution by the beat ri .For coirealeliblauf the heeitute, or Wren 801.2611 P. U, • PhiradelPhi* . . . - apr-ern* G. WEDDING, II ON 1 714 1.. HO= wan —By a ofictieWiliforoont .with One of beet engrave= mO4 voiniCeramtds 4 .atiVirsorlptlow will be executed the, high an UEr alontkirowble with the Whet *P t ._ Promptly, it lower Pram than ara ' WMVW Yorh or PrilholePWA.Aß ingroil.Ericor Mai" NEW invoice of Molten& a celebrated gHamm Just received thismo ' at WA fitammore • irrto MISCELLIMDOUL ETCH AB BIOGRAPHY FOR. BOYS. SBIBL & FititZt.%l3. THE NEW • BOOKS. lIITLINTOCIPA PECTOILAII, sum LIM
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