Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, September 28, 1864, Image 3

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    pa* Erlegrapt
.BU.SitteSid 1.11 ;Agee,
like:, to secure insertion in the
TELEGRAPH, mnst inliariably be s‘ rcom
purled with the CASH.
Advertisements ordered iii rite regular
Evening Edition tire iati Crted iii the Dram."
in* Editipn 'iVitlient, extra enar,ge.
TOWN AND 'cor-Nl4-itx.
one More Rally for the Vhfon!
GENERAL S. F. CARY, of Ohio, --
will address the people of Harrisburg, on the
great issues involved in the struggle to put
down the Slave-holder's rebellion;
on Thursday Evening, Sept. 2.9;
It is expected that every man who regarild
the safety of the Government as the present
and only object of the • campaign, political will
be present. )•
By order of the Union County Committee.
J. J. SHOEMAKER, Chairman.
J.IM. lirxxsrm.zo, Secretary.
REMEMBH.B. the sale of condemned horses at
Lebanon, fo-morrow.
A nErTnii from the 201ef regiment will lie
found on our first page. Read it.
RAIN commenced to fall early this morning t
and continued during the greater portion,o
the day.
A. LIST of Commissioners appointed-t 0414
ceed to the army for the purpose of holding
the elections, will be found in our columns - ,
I:Niox meetings will be held at Berrysbnrg
and Lykens, to-morrow evening ; at I,orat*
town and in Washington township on -Friday
evening ;.and at Speese's Hotel, in Dauphin,
on Saturday- evening.
TwF,Nrr-iuv.h, horses and eight hundred
grain sacks; Which have been condiimited . . as
unfit for Government use, will be 'sold at the
corral, :near. Hammelstowp, on Thursday the
sixth of October, at ten o'clock. '
Tem time for receiving proposals for sup
plying the camp of the State Guards, near
Carlisle, with three hundred cords of wood,
will close at noon to-morrow, at. tl - ,eotllbe
Quartermaster General Reynolds.
PROPOSALS Win be received by'the quartet
master general of the State, until Saturday
nett at . three o'clock, for furnishing, statiOn
eryr for the Department. Full particulars can
be seen in the advertisement. "
THEIIE will be another Union rally at the
Court House, to-morrow evening, when Gen.
S. F. Carey, one of the most eloquent speakers
of the West, will address our citizens. Let
there be a full attendance by the friends of
the Union.
Nov OPENING. —Free Lunch .--Mr. Johu
Donner will open his new eating and drinking
saloon, on Walnut street, betweekThird and
Fourth, tomorrow morning---on.wbich occa
sion a free lunch will be served up. -Give him
e call. .
Lem evening the colored people of, ttus city
held a 'meeting to elect delegates to the Na
tional Convention, which' meets in Syracuse,
N. Y., on the 4th of October. The following
persons were chosen ,delegates, viz; Thomas
Chester, 0: O. Hughes, and Rev. J. A. Nelson.
THE decline in gold has caused prices to fall
to some extent. Some of our merchants offer
the best calicoes at 25 cents per yard, with a
corresponding deerease in other Cottongoods.
At market, this morning, butter was freely.
offered 'at 35 cents, eggs at 20 to 25c., Sr.c.
Fine apples were sold at 80c. per bushel.
CANCFra". 7I I STAItEI3.—The Deputy Connhis
sioner in the Internal Revenue Department,
at Washington, says, in answer to an inquiry,
stamps which may have been cancelled by
mistake or otherwise, without having been
used, gan be exchanged by sending them ;to
the office of Internal Revenue. But, if datbd
and cancelled for one instrument, they can
not be removed and affixed to another instru
ment, although the former instrument may
net have been used. .
Phil9.delphia papers announce the ar
rival there of the 187th• Pennsylvania regi
ment, which has been in service on the line
;of the Weldon. Railroad. The 187th has seen
hard service, and will doubtless be placed Prk,
provost duty, for which-service it was re
. cruited. The regiment has been ordered ,to
Camp Cadwalader. The Bulletin sayeithst as
the regiment passqd Eleventh and Chestnut
streets,. the men caught sight:of tbej)emo
' eratie Committee Headquarters, and shouted
" played out! played out!" after which they
have cheer on cheer for Lincoln and 'John-
• ,
OB,TY Savrar-TronTrs STiBSOBI:I3BD.'
subscriptions to this popular loan are
now over forty millions.dollars, and they con.
time to come in at the rate of about a million
a day. The :public are satisfiedthet there are
no other •investraents so irefitable as 'l[7. B.
seenrities. While nearly all the hundiedso of
iniseellan'eous stocks sold in the NeW York
Market have been declining for several weeks,
(in: many instances twenty-five per cent , )Gov
ernment stocks have remained firm; ancbgliil9,
renders loalivery sft aringly, and at high gatps,
on the best mercantile paper, they havepenty,
of money to lend on Government paper, at as
low rates as, ever. While the Government
needs the people's money, and pays ibr it lib
erally, it offers the highest possible considera
tion besides, and that"is, safety. • - ;
Times was tbiotherlarge audience at rant s
Hall last evening,' When. the great drama,
PEEP 0' Der, was repeated.- To say that all
were delighted would !but faintly convey an
idea of the satisfaction rendered.' Eveiy-part
was truly rendered, and the Aceitery,postrnes
-and original music—all tended to adtrtit
interest of the occasion. To-night the same
play will be repeated for the third 'and ,last
time. We would advise all who have net been
present this week, to go this evening. I...l"ro
,ettre tickets for reserVed :s t 8 Saiarivart's
Store before night, jg order that you .
they avoid the rush.
We have the pleasure of announcing tha
'•the manager has effected engagements with a'
itgß s her of popular stars who will appF,utifrOra
4p ft e to4line during the season.
,' ,
:The beautiful play entitled ',age Baieodt,"
je in preparation, and will shortly he'pro
duced.-• . „, •
This is . is the last walk of, the engagement of
Nis' s Bella Golden, who.itt pronounced the best
actress that, ever • appeased in Harrisburg;_;
Those who' /Lave not witnessed her perform
ances should go to Itonse's theatre thistweek.
The grand Star Combination Company ap.,
-lans each week. -
BE Asszsmo.—Friday, September 30, is the
lagt dAY.9 II X. I #9h Tou can be.4PALMsasf!ed.,
Therefore; go-to - the airsessorit-onee
that he puts your name tpon his book, and,
see to it, also; that your friends -and neigh-`
bore are assessed. Give one day, at least, to•
thirt =itter, and do your work thoroughly.
The draft has given an impetus to the broker
age business and already seem:nits of the most
nefarious.frogds have been communicated to
us.. !ThestbStithtelbroker . S in this city have.
entered into certain fraudulent contracts with:
men who are willing to go into the army, and
whom these sharks hope to run up on citizens',
warOnt.e suttititutes. If this; buskaessiwas.
'fair. :tat lrgitiniate, if the'substitntia 'thus,
held, as it were, for barter and sale, received;
even the half of the money paid for his sub-1
stitution, we would not write or print a word'
of complaint. Vie facts , of the ease, however,
are so utterly diSgraceful; and the robberies
committed in this connection so boldly crimi-.
nal, that we aro compelled, in justice tolthe
intereetilorthe poor Awn, and the cause of
the country, to expose and denounce this
whole business. The men who stand between
those desiring to go as substitutes for those
drafted, are, in se'Ven, cases•out of ten, receiv
ing the largest share of the money involved
in such transactions. These fellows, as we
have already written, have made agreements
with substitutes whom they hope to rob,
while they also hope to impose villainously
upon drafted men.
We are not aware that the commandant of
this'pest has any power to interpose in this
business, but we desire, as far as we can, to
protect the men who want to go as substitutes.
All such. Ae*.not go very far to find those
who desire their services for themselves, and them in full instead of dividing
theraincinnt . if •money, involved in such sub
nihii • who , terils his' life dei
serves all the money paid for such a tratsßie;
tion. Let those, then, who want substitutes;
go into the market with the money in their
hands, and. let those wh0,... ..desire to offer fok
' . ".keep itheiriveiei open td the
frauds of the brokers, and the business of
these sharks will soon ; .be;: broken ,up. In
the meantime, however, we do hopethat some
steps will be .taken to; prevent:. Harrisburg
from being disgraced by this substitute brol
kerage business 111 the future as it was in the
THE DEAFT.—The drawing for Dauphin
county was completed yesterday afternoon;
followed by a portion of Juniata county. Bia ,
low will be found a correct list of the lucky
individuals who drew prize tickets:
..,..'. • . -, , JACKS 9 LT9WNSHIP.
Philip Porner, Amos Grim, 1
John fl. Lyter, *-: D an'l Fisher
Daniel Boyer,, Dr Thos Maguire,
Isaac Hoke; '- " ' - 'Anthony Shopp,
GeoF Keiter, Henry Wilbert,
Nicholas Snyder, Adam Wert,
Josiah E Rutter, John 0 Enders,
Nathaniel Grim, Geo W Enders,
Wm Longabaugh, Amos Zimmerman,
Jacob Keiter, Jacob .E Snyder,
Edward Shopp, Semi V Enders,
John Rettinger, Balthaser Miller,
Joseph Bowman, Rev Moses Fussier,
Josiah Bowman, Jno R Miller. .
Jno Bowerman, G W Zimmerman,
Hiram Lenker, • Geo Bo'Werman,
Geo Sivergert, _ Jonas Buffington, •
Geo Bowerman, Fred'k Fawber,
Andre* - Bckverman, Benj Bade],
Simon Smith, JosialiDimpsey,
Moses Buffington, Dan'l Kinsinger,
N Zimmerrdart, 'Peter-Enders,
Jno.A.N.Callara, „Peter Corsnitz,
Joseph Buffington Jonathan Enterlive,
Jrick•Pard, , , Wm A 'Mahan,
Isaac Shirley,. J Wesley Cogley.
Leonard Jones, Jacob F Arnold,. -
Jacques Rouch, Geo W Carpenter,
Geo Falkmier, Ira Miller,
Wiley Erne, Jas Rakestraw,
John 'Shirlock;A - .... 4, Y'. •Fred'k Hubensmith,
Robert .A ileynoldh Ephraim R Allen,
Henry V Sayoe; - ' - 'George Brilinger, Samuel M'Clure,
Francis Fuller, John Woodward,
Wm Els`rter,'- -Win
Thos S Laird, Geo L Notestine,
Ales Woodward. Henry Harrison,
NealAt'doi, " George 'E Tones,
Francis P Kirk, Jacob Hostetter, I
Reuben Siders, Wm. J Faullrender,
Henry Bowselnian, John Strong,
James Wilson, c'd Melancthon. Boon,
Harrison Reed, Benj Shellenber.
Michael Hommon, Adani Smith, •
Win Miller, . Samuel A Shearer,
Henry Grinter, Thomas If,s t nghan,
Zeb Mach,. ' &Oita ,
Nathan strpud, . Joseph Ferguson,
jOhntoi,' Trairison Minninne,
•Eduraxd M Hibbs, • James M'Oape,
Isaac Detrick, Elias W Herrold,
Dalid Jas M Sniith,
Joseph J! Castel, Thomas Cox,
Derions M'Daniel, Henry F. Ziters.
Matthew. Kirk ,, „ G Leedy,
John Roth,
,Toltm:Berry, Wily OW,.
Samuel Allison, - Wm. Campbell,
Samuel Shearer, John K Little,
Aaron ilalentine ;'' - :Ativan - HDeavirmey,
James Murphy, Robert Pollock,,
Geo W Cross M D Miller, • •
Jaws John Harris,, . „
JosePh Thatcher,' Thos Murphy,
I P • Absalom
Joseph M. Tiougherty,Robt Robinson, jr
Vaughan,-. • David M'Williams,
Wm Leopards, 0 P Barton,
Alex Orr, Joseph •S Harrold;
. Joseph Zimmerman,'
aritiNßOE TOwN9HIP."
-John Brubaker, .. Lucius Grapes,.
Solomon Lauver, Lewis Benford, •
. John S'Shelly, : John Dressler,.
Henry Markley, John M'Connell,
John M'Laughlin, Sol. Shellenberger,
Thomas Tressler, Benaville Reitz,
Jacob J Stroup, Simon,
Christian S Graybill, Peter Womer, •
SiMon'Hay, • . David Katiffman,..
Bend Tressler, • Alfred Miller,
Reuben Martz, Joseph Maye,
Wm Stimling, 2 A. P. Miller, , .
JaniCs'C North, . Peter W Swartz
Solomon Laitivr; - Lewis - Nen:l6nd, '
'Joseph George,
..George Dents,
David Swartz, • 1 - -G,NT,ri ney ,
• .i.rtgLiet.AMen .
Sohn W Swartz, . , Joseph Sellers.
gs.Q,xnut4a4m..vms.rax.., .„. .
Johnllr giclak
.3116h.4.111.. ai)Okn ntriieht,
Conrad Ciidegrovei.
gluapti.,n, .Kn0n59,,..... John Graham, - •
Sainnel Warner,
John Wider,: ; Daniel -Knoniz
WOrOliato Philip Pietideti
Jtfiinhn` R' se, David - it Weiser,. .
.a• pi.textiopo,...; Korgteitik;
Afigatoolinci,L,: Ahizielomßarner,.
Aaron )14 John Cupp, s
1. 1 : 71 7ed WQ.UleYda
litolanp. : Job Glaraberi
:-:••=_L- •
says that the long talked of draft resistuu9.9
was inaugurated on Tuesday"last -in
evening las
Whitely township, Greene county,. The em-'
ployees of the Government went to that town
ship-and served some notices on Thursday
and put up for the night at Mr. Lisbon Stag
gers'. During the night some cowardly
troons and miscreants stole their horses from
the stable, cut their saddles and bridles into
shreds and mutilated the horses in a most bat:-
barons and shocking manner, shaving their
main, and cutting their ears and tails off. This,
then, is the kind of warfare for which they
have made such great preparations and of
which they have boasted so much—a warfare
on dumb brutes--the work of cowards and das
tards, too base and niggardly to be called van
dalism. The assassin,. the cut-throat and the
land-pirate are gentlemen to theSe miserable
wretches. Rebels in arms spurn to stoop to such
mean, contemptible outrages. It is left for the
copperhead sneaks to be guilty of perpetrating
this crowning deed of infamy. And yet they
are good McClellan men! Loyal peace shriek
ers ! " Constitutional" Democrats !
IN A BAD Fix.-I):nder this head the Read
ing Journal, gives the following account of a
scene that transpired.= the railroad between
Reading and Harrisburg
In the passenger train coming down from
Harrisburg the other day, two men got into
the ears at one of the stations. One of them
was for McClellan—the other for Lincoln. In
the course of an argument, Mac's man abus
ed President Lincoln, and said he was a worse
traitor that Jeff. Davis. There happened to
be a--squad of Union soldiers aboard, who
fired up at once. One of them, acting as
spokesmen for the rest, approached the Cop.
and said, "Sir, you must leave, this car. We
won't travel with such a traitor." They were
for putting him out instanter, but the Conduc
tor coming along said, "this man :has. paid
his fare to a station or two larthei on, . and
although I hold him in the same contempt that
you do, I requestthat you will let him. proceed
to his destination." The soldiers perceiving
the justice of the appeal, consented on condi
tion that the Cop. should hold his tongue for
the' balance of the trip. This he did, and he
left the, cars a wiser, if not a more patriotic
man than when he entered them.
THE llbuorr.—A meeting of the citizens of the
Sixth ward will be held at We public house of
Edward Birmingham, corner of Third and
Colder streets in said ward, this Wednesday
evening at 7i o'clock. All good Union loving
men are especially invited to attend. Good
speakers will be present to address you,
Come one, come all. .
By order of the Ward Executive Committee,
H. RADABAUGH, Chairman.
G. B. Coif, Secretary.
Aniarnow, AnrirmAN Forcisras.---All per
sons who have signed enlistment papers as
members of the Alleman Fencibles, will re
port at Camp Curtin on Thursday, at twelve
o'clock, or they will be arrested as deserters
and dealt with accordingly.
J. DETWILER, Captain.
LATEST ABILIVAL, —The' undersigned takes
the pleasure to inform the ladies of this city
and vicinity, that she has' received this day a
large quantity . of CLOAKS arid
LARS, ranging in price from $6 t 0 .05. This
stock comprises the very latest styles and best
qualities, all of which have been purchased
since the decline in gold, and are offered at
lower rates than they can be sold for by any
other establishment in the city. •
Boger's Old Stand, No. 'l3 Market street.
Luars's HeraDaessnio Fr.ourralin, for _Beau
tifying and Preserving. and strengthening the
Bair, is purely a vegetable preparation ' dis
tilled from herbs and fragrant flowers from
the south of France, conceded to be the most
delicately perfumed and`desirable hair prepa
ration ever offered to the American public. It
will restore lost hair.. It will prevent hair
from falling out. It will res'tore grey and,
faded hair to its original: olor. Its continued
use will materially thicken the hair. Bald
places villvadually cover theanselves, and in
a short time ::the lair will grow darks soft,
glossy and luxuriant. Pries $l.OO per boX;
'Sold by ' ,KUNREL & BRO., '' I
Apothecaries, Harrisburgi I
31cl:hurts's K.ING or. PAIN has received Bair
Ares of voluntary testimonials from gratentl
me ik who by'the use of his medicine have re
ceivZd that most inestimable of all blessings,
health. "..To publish ell of them would require
an extended volume, so he merely selects the
following as evidence of the virtues possessed
by the King of Pain :
We, the undersigned.citizens of Harrisburg,
having seen the magic influence of pr,
M'Bride's " King of Pain," can cheerfully re
commend it to strangers or citizens in the
city, as we think it ,No num:MG, and worthy
the patronage of all afflicted persons who axe
diseased or in pain. Kunkel & Brother sole
agents for said medicine:
Jacob Zarger, J. F. Shaffer, -
John Weaver, It B. Painter, •
John. Rice, John Hamer,. ,
D. E. Wilt, J. B. Stewart,, : •
P. it Dougherty, Joseph Lawrence, 1 ,
Luther „Reese; O. B. Franklin, •
B. 0. Whitcomb, R. L. Breyer,
W. T. Jones, • • ' - " 1
Remember, Kunkel & Bro, sole agents; 118
Market street, Harrisburg.
SunwrrruTEs.--Peraons desiring to go its
Substitutes will do well to call upon Sullivan
S r Child, Telegraph Piinting Office Harrii
burt .7'.
, ,
FENGER AND AGUE cured. in one to three da3 , e,
(never fails,) by using-Dr. Rogers' sure cu*.
It is purely vegetable. Call . and get a bOx
this week at White Hill Tcl,cktel. Circulars
free. . sep26-Iw* .
114ELLTNO OFF AT COST.—PerSOIIB in want )f
Dry Goods will find it to their advantage . to
call on Mr. Augustus Lochmary who is selling
off his stock at greatly reduced price's, 'See
advertisement in another colturm, sepgfAt
TO vu Lerires.---Elety lady'shoild 12ava a
package of the Worklttl.'B6voreign Balm, for the
teeth: . No toilet table is complete withOlif it.
Twill remain this week at the White Hall Ho
tel, where you ;tan •send: for it. (Circulars
free) — DB. S. BOGEN& t
sep26-411w •
The Otreatest Invention of. tile
Is,the Pearl cementAg, e,
manufactured by, b.
Rogers, 608 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
It *truly wonderful. Mr. Rogers is rioW, oiir
city, and will remain a few days at the ; Whif.e.
Trial Hotel.. Our citizens 'should avail tilrem
selves of this oportunity to call on bim ,s4d
procure a supply of it., (Clre*rs fre e ')
BFBlimes King of Pain should'be kept
in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth
ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhosio,
Bloody Flux, pain in the Back and Bide, Inikup
mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaiiit
and Palpitation 'of the Heart. sole agent ft'ar
the state, & A. KUNKEL at EEO:,
, 118 Market street, Harrisburg.
Allardora Emma diatalacts promptly attended
to. soFit2o44
Cloaks and Furs ! Cloaks and
We irillliielrhaewaek the- cheaPest - ahtt
largest assortments clocks and Furs in Har
risburg, all bought at greatly reduced prices.
Beautiful muffs at 4 50 and 5 dollars. Splen
did-cloaks as low as 9 and 10 dollars. Black
cloth for cloaks as low as $2 50. White all
wool flannels as low as 65 to 70 cents, worth
90 cents. 4 by 4 bleached muslin. 55 cents,
worth 75 cents. French merinos, black al
PaCcas, black botabazines,' all at reduced
500 doz of woolen and •cottonfstockings,
children's wools stockings as lbw as 15 cents.
Cassimere for boy's wear. Mae greatest bargins
in black silks. We have now a very
large stock of goods, 'find at less than
wholesale prices, in order to reduce of stock.
Bargains in Irish linen' bought at auction.
Call and judge for yourself. S. LENVY.
The greatest trouble to personsin the Army, especially
in this season, is Dysenterh.which (by death or by disa
bility) weakens. the serviCe more than the'
Very many !have found, upon trial, the DYSENTERY
DROPS are among the very best preventatives and cures
that are to'be had. -Every Mater and every soldier
should carry it with him, and thereby reasonably insure
himself against& great danger. It is prepared* in *Barris
burg by L. BALL,.at 27-Pine street, bet Ween Secand
and Front. Take a phial with yr• , . , Price 25 cents:
A CARD TO Tukl suF.FiqraNa.
Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Etitchu, ,, "Tonic
Bitters; 7, “Sarsaparilln," "Nervous Antidotes," &0., &C.,
&e., and after you.are .satislled with the result, then try
FIC PlLLS—and be restored' to health and vigor In less
than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to
take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken
down and shattered ormstitntion. .01d and young , nan take
them with adfintab. Imported 'and sold in the United
,States only by , . JAS. S. BUTLER,
• j No. 417. Broadway New York.
Agent for the United States.
P. S.:--A box of thd .1111 s, fgetea,-, _will be
mailed to any address on receipt of price, which isSiNR
DOLLAR, post-paid—money refunded by the .Agent if
entire satisfaction is not given. jy1.541&w3u2
IHL most healthy. persons • feel more or less
.1_ weak Min extreme warm weather., and Imo their ap
petite, Therneed: good.stroug Tonio-one that Will
strengthen tbe.nervous system and stomach.- This : they
ca t yget a rggoerite per pope, at litrat..L. Ball!ty No. 2;
South Pinestreet, Harnesurg, Orders from .5 distance
promptly attended. .to.. augl
To Consumptives.
Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable prescrip
tion for the - cure Of CiSmumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,
and all throat, and. Lung affections,;(free of charge,) by
sending Their addreet to
Rev. EDWARD A. Ni7LSON, WillfamstAirg, Rings
courtly, Nis , York. ' - ' [seplb-Mtwbm
"A Slight C01i1. 7 7 Cough's.
Few areuware of the importance of. checking a Cough
or "shrrirr corm" , in its , fit* stage;.that which in the be
ginning would yield to a mild.aemedy, if neglected, scion
attacks , the lunge . .."Brown's Bronchia2 Troches give
sure and almost immediate relief. Military Officers and
Soldiers should have them, as they can be carried in the
pocket** taken aiieseasion.requires... . . ruglo-d4Wlin
• • Etritchelier's Celebrated Hati Dye
The only Harmless, ferns and Reliable Dye Known.
This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty
or Gray Hair instantly to a Mossy Black or Natural Brown
without injuring the Hair' or staining the Skin, leaving the
Hair soft and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently
restoring its.ptistine color, aud. rectitlea tke ilLetTects of
bed'Eles ''''gefittirre is Signed *IMAM 'A. BATCH
ELOR. All others are mere imitations, and shouldtre
avoided. Sold hy i all. Druggists, &o Factory—Si BAR
g Link - wove , nor vaimyr. - i g Litt net DP M 104) HAIL
Militwil:A4f 3 4 3 ,e4•, .t_tt4! , Sied. To
Bounty , Pensioni.Bapic Subsistence and. Military
Claiim, generally, made,ent and'collected. Military ' Ter
mini re!ddink at'a distance' an have- their.'bialuese teans
acted.brniall; 1; , ) , addreselng: • . - , ,
eri r dly Thirirstred), Harrlabeff... Pa
This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal
mand, isMuide from the'ehaleest inatoriaLs, is mild
and emallielatMits maws, brag /41.141 y scented,
and extremely, beaedeial in its action , upon tin skin.
For sale by ell:Dniggiats rind Fancy 063ds Dealers
Balinvart's Troditcs•
For the curer of Hoarseness,. Throat Dis
easee, Au.; are specially recommended to
nab:ate:vs, singers and persons whose vocation
calls them to speak in„public.,. Manufacturqd
only by O. A. Baimvaxt do C 0.,,, Harrisburg,
Pa-, to_whom allorders,sliould addresse d. Sold by diuggist'evary where,
Read the following tab:non:Ws. frkaft eotar
of our eminent plergymen:
Hanrussuno, Feb. Bth, 1864.
O. , 41.mr74.41 , --Dear sir: . ..I haver used
BraWn's. Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Loitinges
and oilier preParatiens `Tor hoarseness and
throat troubles, and in compenhion with theia
all, can cheerfully Commend yortr own 'as a
most admirable spee4o for priblie speakers
and 'singers, - hi 'cases' of - hoarseness, coughs
and colds. I have found them serving in
time of need, most:effectually.
Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON,
Pastor-of ,N. t 3. Presbyterian Ohureh.
.PlPlagree ;with Mr. Robinson as to the
Value'of Bannvart's Troches.
• 'W.ll' OAT TELL,
Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church.
TCRT9iriBG, Jan., 1864.
To O.A. BANtilriariDear air: In the habit
of speaking very, ftequently, and in places
where the vocal *Organs are very much taxed,
I have found the need of some gentle expecte
rant, ,and that Want hao, been supplied in your
epellent Troches. , .
I consider them very far superior . to any
LozeUges that I have ever napkin removing
speedily that huskirtesi of, the voice arising
from its too, frequent uses and impairing th
effectiveness of the •delivery piblic a. -
drepaes, Yam dzo. -."
Pastor oft 6.U - Ic - riot ig..littithodist Church.
',r9 0. Aii' i lliiirrvkam--.7Year Sir: Having flaw.,
your TiogliCs, am free to say they axe
.the best I have ever tried aad take great
pleasure in recommending them to all persons
afflicted `with sore throat or, huskiness of
voice arising frompublio speaUng or singing.
Yours,Zoo G. G. RA.R'nsITBAW,
Pastor'of Bulge Ayenue Methodist Church.
Dun= krromEr's 01 1 710 E,
Henanurono, Feb. 29, 1864. 1
Tot/. A. &forms—Dear Sir: I have
found - pint TrochiiS to beinv'altiable in re
lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the
muscles of the throat. !They impart clearness
to the 'Voice; and'are certainly of great bens
.flt to all public speaker? L ITERR
licksmiths )
PERS,i t
Main's Axe Fa'eforp,'neltr Le`*istown. Blacksmiths
can realize from $2 50 to ta 00, and helpers froin $2 00
to s2'so per , d.w day. ' • ' se24-*
. „
„ •
AA LARGE assortplent of Photographs of
. denim's:and - sale okOLAP, at $1
par dozen, at ' • • • SiaIMFFER'S BOOK STORE,
my2o • - • Harrisburg, Pa
p .
onual , BoC i II3 , '2BUCKSICEN" PURSES
, , .
- V ,
ORTEMONNAIES, and - a genaitil vatiety of LEA.
MB GOODS, jast • Teeeived at
'EDIT of all kinds at
K r al HOZAlah/COZTARVit
Valuable Real Estate
THE undersigned, executors of General
John Forster, deceased, will offer at public gale at
tbo Court House, In the city of Harrisburg, on TUBSDAY,
the 18th day of October, A. P. 1864, at 10 cock* A. A. of
said day, a portion of the real (state of said deceskieff,.
follews, Viz
No. I—A three-story brick house and lot of ground
situated on Front street, in the city aforesaiknow occu
pied by Mrs. S. E. Doll.
Said property is 23 feet 4.14 inches front and running
back towards River alley 123 feet, with the privilege of
using an alley between said house and the former resi
dence of said deceased. The form and size of said pro
perty are fully exhibited by a survey and draft of the name
in the possession of the executors.
No. 2—A certain tract or piece of land, containing One
acre and 153 perches, with a Very Valuable two-story
brick house thereon erected, situated in Susquehanna
township, Dauphin county, on the Vab road leading
from •Harrisbarg to the mountain,•and bounded bylands
of M'Kee, Isaac Nisley, HermatLAhicks, Bed.,and others.
ThiS property is considered a very desirable country resi
dence, not only on account ,of iteheautiful location, bqt
from the fact of its being convenient to thecity of Stmts
, NO. 3—Certain lots.of.ground situated iin,Said city of
Harrisburg, fronting on Briggs street and nutubered re-'
spectively from one to seventeen, inclusive. .
Lots No to 5, inclusive, are each 20 feet wide in,
front on said street and extend back 100 feet.o Babb's:
alley. -
Lots No. 10 to 17, inclusive, are each 20 feet wide in
front on said street, and extend back 106 feet. St inches to
Oliver alley, With Myrtle alley between them, as shown
°nibs draft of Mid lots.. • '
Lot No. 1 is 22 feet 4 inches wide on Brigga street and
100 feet deep, fronting on said street, and extending back
to Dubbs' alley aforesaid.
Lot No. 9 is 106 feet 9 inches deep and 18 feet front on
said street, and extending back to Oliver alley. •
A plot or draft of said lots is in possession of the under
signed, which clearly exhibits the size, relative sitnattbn
and boundaries of each of them, which can be examined
by any person at any time before the day of sale.
The terms or conditions of sale will be: One-third the
Purchase money to be paid in cash; when deectie made to
'the purchaser and possession of the property delivered;
one-third part thereof payable at the termination of five
years, and the remaining third part at the end of ten years
from the delivery of the deed and possession, with legal
interest on the deferred payments, payable semi-anschttly.•
The payment of deferred inataiments and the interest
thereon to be secured,' by the bonds of purchasers and
mortgagee on the premises -sold: Provided, however, if
purchasers should desire to pay the whole, or any larger
proportion than one-third of the price in hand, the terms
may be varied in that rmpect by the stindersigeod, and as
they may think proper.
Any information desired in relation to the aboiti de
scribed properties, or either of them, can be had by ap:
plying to John IL Briggs or Benjamin L. Forster Harris ,
Executors of General John Forster, deceased.
Harrisburg, Sept. 21, 1864—[sep23-d3tawts
Valuable Real Estate
On Wednesday, October 19, 1864,
WILL be sold at public vendne, or outcry,
at the public house of Raymond & Kendig's'Ead;
road Hotel, Middletown, Darphin county, PennsylVania,
the following property, late the estate of George Fisher,
Esq., deceased, viz :
In said borough of Middletown, containing 120 acres and
83 perches, neat measure, bounded by the Bwatara river,
and Lancaster, Elizabethtown, and. Middletown Turnpike
road, and Fry's Mill road, and out lots of the said borough
of Middletown,
, .
The Pennsylvania railroad depot is within a few yards
of the farm, and the Union canal pines through it. Along
the banks of said canal, for about half a mile, there are
landings laid out and rented for board and coal yards. -
The farm land is of the finest quality, has recently been
limed, is in a good state of cultivation, and has a sufficient
quantity of timber growing thereon for the uses of the
lam' The farm will be sold in lots, it desired bypurehas
ALSO, a iece of land called Portsmouth Continued
originally laid out in 1828, in lots, by George Fisher, Esq. ,
The Union canal and basin having been subsoquently con
structed upon said property, the part now offered for sale
are lots and portions of lots marked 6,7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13,
14 and 18, and which were not used by the said canal coin-.
pany, and aro now tenanted by Siplo Cormany & Co. Eger
piling lumber, and are adjoining their saw mill property.
ALSO, the bellowing lots in the general plan of thetown
of Portsmouth, marked with the Nos. 12, 13, 22, 63,
64, 72, 143, 242, 243, and 244.
The three latter lots are on the PannsybrAnia ;canal and
basin and were recently occupied by Jas. Young , Esq., se
a latidlng . for coal and Jumbos*,
Terms of sale will be mado.known by
Satliving trustee of theiwidow and heirs of George Fisher,
Req., deceased.. . • fsep22-d2.a wts :w3t
_Real state Sale.
THDItSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 186.1. '
the premises, tato the Real Estate of George Het
&bower, deceased, situated In West Pennsboro township,
Cumberland county, about two miles southeast of Now
rine, near the Cumberland Valley Railroad, and about
three-fourths of a mile north of the turnpike, adjoining
lands of Brice J. Sterret, Geo. Rea, Samuel HeflieDower,
John Myers,- George G. Davidson, and lands of the heirs
of said decedent, a tract of
• Good Limestone Ltind,
containing 103 acre; In perches-88 acres of which are
cleared, and in a good state of cultivation ; the remain
deeis covered with excellent timber. There is erected
on the premises a
new and IargeRAMHBARN, with all the necesiary
buildings to make.a comfortable home. a -IfOUNG
- APPLE ORCHARD; with a variety or other - adiee fruit
trees on the premises. Any person wishing to view the
property before the day of sale, will be shown the same
by calling on Samuel Heillebower, residing-thereon, when
termsto commence at 12 o'clock, m.; onAtird dap,when
terms w:11 be made known by •
se2.4ts Agents for the heirs of said deceased.
Public Sale.
On Saturdag, October 1, 1864, •
T ' subscriber offers for sale on the prem
ises, a VALUABLE TRACI OF LAND containing six
acres, more or less, bounded by lands of L. Koenig, J.
Wenrich, A. Ninenger, and others, situated in Susquehan
na township, Dauphin county, Pennsylvitnia, one half
mile from the city line.
The improvements consist of a . • •
Frame barn; a large Carpenter-shop, Carriage-house, and
other necessary out buildings. The buildings are all
nearly new, having been built within a few years ; also,:a
well of excellent never-failing water at the door, and !a
stream otrunning water through the place . The land is un
der good cultryation and good fencing. All kinds of cho4e
fruit—apples,. peaches, pears, plums, grapes and rasp
Persons desiring to view the property previous to the
sale will please call on the undersigned, reSiding , on the
premises . '
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock - P:111., when terms of sale
will be made known by JOSEPH SHEESLEY.
Steam Engine and Nadine. Shop,
. .
(I.C;Oltz's Old Stand)
MEM undersigned having- taken the. above
Shop, respectfully solicits a share of the public pa
Particular attention will be paid to repairing of Steam
Engines, and all 'kinds of machinery. All work will re
wire my personal attention, and satisfaction guaranteed
E. C. 0013 IN,
OFFICE IN THIRD Man aßovs Kumar.
tar- Bounties, PCIIISRMIE an d Pay collected at leo
rates. [sep3-dSin*.
THE Directors of the Poor of. Dauphin
county will offer at public letting, on the ,Prondses,
the MILL belonging to said county, on TUESDAY, ;the
4th of October next, for the term of one Year") to commence
on the first day of April, 1865, said letting to commence
at 1 o'clock r. ia. on said day, when attendance wilt be
given and terms made known by
• ' WILLIAM ENDER) . .. -' •
DANIEL SHERSLY, • Directors.
Attest—Amos FLSLIER, Clerk. • - -•
Sept . lfith, 1864.--isep22-dkivtd.
_ .
In this city, Is offered at private rile on adoommodattag
terms. Apply to 41. W. BUEHLER,
aep2l-ditwlm] Ilarrisbarg, Pa:
SALMON,-41zie malt Salmon - at • -
mas" main:
Rouse's Star Combination' Vongany,,.
.Rouse's Star Combination OoMpasyp
Rouse's Star CombiaatictaXempulyi
IZe-evgagemeut of
4 1 :
Third night of the great sensation &anis; In"
PEEP.. 0' DA . t
Mr,Foffiarthet•phrtio•olan/ see prtgrageine.. r • 4 ,1•
New National Theatre !
New National Theatre!
Sole Lessee and Manager, - .E.MARBLI;
Stage: Manager, - :-f M.d..4IKY tlitiLßEß'r
A Great Bill !
Three GreAt friee4s!
PRICES OF ADIIISSION.—Parvette, 50 cents; Ora
lery, 25 cents; Orchestra Chairs, $1 00; Private SUMO%
$5 and $lO. . . :
Doors open at 7%. Curtain rises at 8 o'clock.
Box Office open from 10 tiltl2e,m.; and from 2 till 4
P.M., when seats can, be reservedrwitltout extra charge
and kept until end of first act.
SANFORD'S:. ILf!di--,
rrTScompany consists of th!lr 1304:0ar poi -
formers, consisting of ' •, .
• The managers takes pleasure in announcing thattbey
intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city.
• HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor
BILLY Pottrza. Business Agent. - ankiki
U. 8. 7-30 •LOAN:
TE Secretary of the Treasury-gives notice
that subscriptions will be received for Cou
pon Treasury. Notes, payable three. ears from
August 15th; 1864, with semi-annuaf interest
at the rate of seven and three-tenths pet.
per annum—principal and interest bottitel a be
paid in lawful money.
These notes will be convertible a 4 the oktron
of the holder at maturity into six per„cent.
gold bearing bonds, payable not loss.-thattive
nor more than twenty years from - their date,
as the Government may elect.
issued in denominations of $5O, .$100,4500,
$l,OOO and $5,000,,and all subscriptions must
be for fifty dollars or some multiple *of litty
dollars. '
The notes will be transmitted to the owners
free of transportation charges' as` oor - after
the receipt of the originali Certificates of De
posit as they can be prepared. -
As the notes draw interest fram f Auguat 16,
persons making deposits sribsequent tott
date must pay the interest accrued to
of note to date of deposit. . .
Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dol
lent and 'upwards for these notes g-vo , one
time will be allowed a commitision, of ono
quarter of one per cent.
_ _ .
Special it vantages of this .111 . .
higher rats of interest than;anYothele;tilna e
best security. Any'savhigs bank which pays its
depositorsin U. S. Notes, considers that.itLis
paying in the best circulating. echim of the
country, and itvconnot pay in u yt3t l L -- hatter,
for its own assets are either in -government
securities et ittitotes or bonds pay,ablellov
It is equally convenient .as, a'iei'polor
permanent investment. The' notha.tain al
ways be sold for within a fraction (5f their
face and accumulated inferestoand are the
best security with bank.stas collateraludtrits
Convertible:into a 6 peppiat.„6-10 • d Bad.
In addition to the very literal, interest .on
the notes for three yearsv this privilege of
conversion is now worth about three per cent.
per annum, for the current rate for 5-20 Bonds
is not less than ningper, preiniuth;:and 'be
fore the war the premium ou aix._ per cent. U.
S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will
be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at
the present market rate, is, not lest," than ten
per cent. per annum. •
Its Exemption from State or Dittnicipat
But aside from all the advantages We, have
enumerated, a special act of - COngresk4ipts
all bonds and Treasury notes from tow/taxation,
On the average, this exemption is Wai n Ab*rit
two per cent. per annum, according the
rate of taxation in varlets parts of the cprepty.
It is believed that no .securities
great inducements to lenders as those issued
by'the Government. In all other ftof
indebtedness, the faith oa ability of pa% te
parties, or stock companies, or separate com
munities, only, is pledged for payment, *bile
the whole property. of the country is held to
secure the discharge of -all the obligations of
the 'United States. • . ..„......• •
While the Government offers .the most
liberal terms for its loans, it believes that-the
very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty
and patriotism of the people.
Up, to the 24th of September, the subscrip
tions to this loan aihotusted V) over
S4OP 000 000. 2 . , ,
Treasurer of the United States, at k ,,ltas 0_
ton. the several Assistant Treaduterw4Cd
designated Depositaries, and bp - the
throughout the country will• -'give further in.
formation and :
ASMALL but superior lot of HONEY; just
received, at WEILSLEIt k F.043.7aRr.
141BLES, Prayer Books, Hymn atioksi of
-1.1 all denominations, in daffejout styles-and ae&tbileat
prices, at FREIWER , S ftookspe;
sept 26 21 South Second street
OOKEB BOOKS, Wallets, and_ltifitA . for
sate cheap at BORE?? .at
TOY BOOKS, Toy BOoks etralew-fa
rlety, at EMELEFFER'S liocksiore.
:..... ~....
A now invoice of fine Salt . skinioo . . 14t , ved
for sale by SEMLER 1 V •
.BePt 26 - (onixowr tow. Walk. o.)
ICAL . id w ir is on hand, Or the best quagly, ha
ttt = '' e BOYER .110Z14161.
Dr BUTTER.,---Frastr, roltter
from • Boyar county recdiedrery Z 0
_ ei (we, BOMB &Keg
Hari BEEP AND . TONffl= i rsh
• t 4 volts at -Dal) MIMI*