TEE TELEGRAPH IR FIIIWM= MORNIIVG .AlO, ETTIONqi, 'V GEORGEII.IERCI-XEtA. ogrICS THIRD 177'., NEAR TirAbli7l72l ElinS.OrB-11BSORIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRLPTIOrd cue Akio' Inicntarn-le served to eubscribere in the Ay. et 12 ,cesas per week. : Yearly subscriber - a Will be charged $6 00 in advance. Those persona who oegiectto pay in advance Will be amazed $7 00. . , WEEKLY.TELEGRAPH. Tal Talsesa#lita4oftiblished weekly, and le fertile hed subecribera at tthefollowlnf, cash rates . dingle c YP iee, weekl * . ••.y. , :+ , ..:t • Three copiee to one 1 , :ost l ten tOpics to one Post MEDICAL DYSPEPSIA. A Cure' Warraniool_ Dyspepsia has the . follmaiitg Symptoms: Ist. A constant pain or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhoea,with griping. —. .- 6th. Pain is all parts of the Systerii. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting: 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. Out of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. 'cirishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed' al a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and con-s sultations free of charge. Send for a thou..; tar. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, frail...Of' charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. I, ELIZABETH BRANSON, of Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and a hall I suffered every thing but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I. ,could not digest my food.; if I ate even'a craelter_or the smallest, aznourit of food, it would return j ust as I swallOwed it; I became so costive-in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight 'days;rnn der this immense suffering, my mind- -seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my own children, every thing appeared to be horrgr-stricken to me; I had no ambition to do anything; Plost: my love of family and home; I Would . rainble and wander from place to place, but could - not be contented; I felt that I was doomed* hell, and that there was no heaven. fillur and was often tempted to commit, suicide, so near was my whole nervous system -de- . stroyed, and also my mind from,tla# complaint Dyspepsia, that m 3. friendillibujht best to have me placed in Dr. Eirkbrides .hospital, West Philadelphia. ' I reiliOned there nine weeks, and theughtl ' Was a: little better, but in a few days my dreadful com plaint was raging as bad as ever. Heating of the wonderful cures performed by Dr,, hart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to hull. He Said he had no doubt he could cure me. So in three days after I called.and,Placed myself under the Doctor's treatment; and,in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving Way, and I continued to recover for about thFee,months, and at the present time I enjoy per - feet bealth of body and mind, and I most Sincerely rePim . my thanks to a merciful God and: Dr. Wie-- hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum, and premature grave. All persons suffering with DYSPePsia are at liberty to call on me - or write, - as lam willing . to do all the good I can for suffering .hu nianfty. ELIZABETH 13RANSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. ". , Da. Wrs.ukur's Office, No. 10 Nort.WSOChnd street, philadelphia. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! Da.. Vfeurawr—l have been a constant sufferer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during which time I cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day ; There were times when the symptoms were more aggravatild than at others, and then it seemed it would be a great ye ! lief to die. I had at all times an unpleasant feeling in, ray head, but latterly my sufferings so much increased_nttod, I became almost unfit for business of any kind; inpinind_ was continually filled with gldomy thoughts and fore bodings, and if I attempted to change their current by reading, at once a sensation of icy cindaess in connection with a dead weight, as it were, rested upon my brain; also, a feeling of sickness would occurat the stomach, and groat pain to my eyes, accompanied' with which was the eoutinual fear of losing my reason.. I also experienced-, great lassitude, debility and nervousness; istifch Made difficult to walk by day or sleep at night. ' rbeearais averse to society, and disposed only to seelniirm,.oo having tried the Skill of a number 01' eminent'"phYsiciii* of various schools, finally came to ihectinchiSlOn'thfar,'for , this disease at my present age (45, : ears)ttieT6i t tiistoi'ciirf.; in existence. But, through. the Interferenhe' 6f- Divine: Providence, to whom I devoutly offer my tlitii4 I at last found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pala and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed al most the last trace of my long list of ailments and bad feelings, and in their place health, pleasure and content merit are my everyday companions. , . - JArdES X SAUNDERS, No. 453 NortirSecOnd street,Thiladelphia, Yermerly; of Woodbury,- N. J. Dr. Wistiart's Office No. 10,North Second street, Mat delphia. •.. : • : A POSAVE CURE FOR Earae WHAT mit. Jolts a nancocif asTa. , No. 1028 Philadelphia, January: 22d..1.8011. ' J ii WtsEsnv—Sir:—lt is with much pie:laurel thif t am now able to inform you that, by the use of your great American Dyspepsia Pills, I havebitt.ii entirely cured of, Mat most distressing complaint, DYsgetina: ' 1 had been' gri:viously afflicted for the last tweuty-eightyeare, and fur t,n years of that time have not been free Prom its path one week at a time. I have had it in its wort -form ant have dragged on a most miseratdeibsistcp?a—, pgioli day a " Every kind of fetid - Chat rate" filled ate: wiad and pain, it mattered not how light, or how small the quantity A continued belching was sure to .1 , 410 w. I had no appetite for any kinds of meats what cver and my distrers was so great, for several mouths be I heard of your rills, that; I ffequently, ,wislacd for death. 1 had taken everything &Intl .had‘hartf 6f'/di Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit; tilt on- your Villa being recommended to me by one whiti , fffs.ff liegn cured by them, I concluded to give them a tilat tdfffoligh I had no faith in -them. To my astonishment, I found myself getting better before I had taken onelouith. Of- A box, and after taking half a box y I ant a weld man, and can eat anything I wish, and enjoy. a hearty meal three times a day, without inconvenience from anything I t u r drug, I't you think proper, you are at liberty to ma this public and•refer to me I will cheerfdlly give all d iirable information to any one who may call'attme Yours, losPectfullY, JOHN 11. BABCOCK. For tale at Dr: Wishart's Medical Depot, No. 10 Nerth Second street, Philadelphia, Ps. Price Ote',llollar por box, Sent by mail, free of charge, ou receipt hf ptice. , • DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! samual D,Haven, have been Agereat2stifforte- with- Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflammatiop.of the, aid ney three yean. "I employed three or Mr .ttie 'Meet emt ti ueutphyslotapsof Philadelphia, also of Bailing -to n count , • N. J. They did all for me they could, but ail to no p 4. Pose.line COlLatillaky filled with awfurPain and diet urea, and With' conitant belching of wind and sour acid; My tonne was covered with a white coating of mucus until it gracked in large 'Airrowik and, wan dreadfully .tore I GU I ofttimeg wished feet 'death 'to vrelgve. melf. Lay sufferings, for I had lost all hope of ever thintivelP again. I made it a subject of prayer to God( alts li e would direct me to Nome physician iwuni Oare Q. I wan iedd t() PNIu 'l 7l °l. tiflVTrio di lin Ct In n e en t t h eat at • • L• -.; i.: :: 2rl ' 4 ''. - -r ' ' '. 4 ' . ' .91.. , 11qF 3 •;:.1: ,'; ,- • •-• ; • . a , ' • , •••,••••••.\;,`.•.• , /1 .1 1511111. - 1 7( - -;• I - • --... "..."12 t\-.„; \ .. i . A_ , c k , _ 4 C2' ;, t ' ' , ' . -.-- - ,' -• 4W ' ' . -'- - 's -'544.,''',.., 4. ,X.0:0,..1 -,s. .1: J •,..., - . ..., ' . . -',' 4 ' -• )\ L'er' '.-- -'• - ..._. il ' _ , ,y, • , , • vr :: ;;', - 1 3-, '. >. ..,-*r!' .J • .... :'. -4-:5"-'4..r -.;-;- , it, ,-.'• ..,. .. - - - , , . "... . . - - ....$1 BO 00 ..:.10'00 BY GEORGE 13ERGNER. 'MNDIOAI4. ' Dr:Nish:es in the •libriladeltiltia Ledger, of a great cure Made. upon hir,.4l4l4 ll l o lx l QlC , Of 1028 _Olive street, Phiia- I Mph% by the greatiAmenicanDyspepala Fills. I went to the octoOs Mice. 'and phibed myself under b treat ment, and told him if he failed to sure Ma, it would be the last effort IWentcl-niake. hatbeen weeks since I commenced the use of his medicine, and. I ainnow a well `Man, free frinii all pain and distress, and can eat three !hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly:welt' tDr: Wished; I want you to publish my case, as I' want every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, to call on me, 'and. will tell them of. the ,great pure I have received, from. your inialualnd Medicine . . " SAMIIFJ, D. HAVEN. :Cromer Venattgo and Lanibert streets near Richmond' street, formerly from Wrightstown, Burlington county,] The' above area few awing the tlicraWids. Which' tills great remedy' haSaaved.fring. an untiniely grave. - • 'We have thaustaitas - of letterifrom physicians and drug gists whohaye.pAscrlbed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a medical which gave such universal vatistaction. Prepared only by the proprietor; L L.-SQ. D. WISDART,, • No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists everywhere SmjylB-eod-dArw ,NEW AD VERTISEMENT U. S. 7-30 LOAN. riIHE Secketary of the Treasury gives notice 1. that subscriptions will be received for Cou pon Treasury Notes, ; payable three years from August 15th, 3.6 ! 4,, T oth, semi-annual. interest 'at the"rate qf t ieieu ( cto, three-tenths per cent. ,per aguitini z -T ri lncipal, and interest,beth to be paid 'in lawful money. Theie notes will.be conVertible,at,the: option of the holder at Maturity into six per cent. geld bearing bonds, payable not;less thanfive nor more thln tw,enty years from thaitdate, as the doveramel4,May Slept. , They will be issued in d.eno.minagons of $5O, - $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5;000; i . nx), all subscriptions must be fot fifty dollars-,.0r .sotne multiple of fifty. dollars.,' • The notei"will be transmitted to the owners free' : transportation charges •as soon after tho Yeaeitit ofth origin' al Certificates of,De posit as they can, be:prepared. Y AS the notes drawinterest.from August 15, iMiSOILS mating ,ne . posits subsequent to that date must 'pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dol lars ma 'upwardOor these notes at . any . one time will, be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to hythe officer with whoth the deposit was'made. No deductions for commissions must be made from the deposits. ' glieetai Advantages of this Loan. IT IS A NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK, offering a higher tate than any other, and best security. Any savings bank.whiCh pays its depositors in U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the country, and it cannot payinlanything better, for its owu assets are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in government- , ig l equally, convenient as a temporary or Pqgualjentr,investment. The notes can 'al•• wayN 1.a4914 for within a traction of their_ face saa94 , JaCesimulated interest, and are the 4eStrfieellrio 'MAX banks as collaterals for ais- Convertiblainto- a k -per Cent, 6-20 lifold 'Bond. Inailditioni'fo' the vet liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three percent. per-amitim,. forth. current rate for 5-20 Bonds not less than itineper .cerd. premium, and be-. 1 ifore the- warthe premium on six per cent. V.,., iS. - stocks wit* , Vter . twenty per cent It wi4.11 ;be;Eieen thatthe actual profit. Op `this loroi, !the present inarket rate is net IeSS than ten per cent. per annum. . Its Exemption front State or ilanitipal , But aside from all the advantages we -have' enumerated, a special act of Gong 'aueihjitS at/ boasts and Treasury notes from local tan:tip:lL , ,On the average, this exemption iSivortb abotit two per pent. per annum, according 'te rate oftaration in various parts of the coriuti7. Il is , believed that no securities offer so 'great inducpmeribi!to lend Ors as those issued by the.' Government. In all- other forms of ;indebtedness, the faith or ability of priiatd Iparties i or stock companies, -or separate_ com- Imunities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property.of.' the country is held to Iskire, the discharge of- all the obligations of !the - lJnited States. • I . While the Governixient- offers the- m l . . • pF,t liberal OrMS for its losins; it - believes-that .the VikrY OtrongeSt appeallviil) be to - the :16Ykafr' and odaiatiem :of thetipople. 1- , • ' ' ... , • ~Attoppipsexatffi, w ria..-atly, !...iitatittim' id. th 6 ,Tteggirer of the United: Stated, it Wishing iton. the several AssistanCTreasigers- and', designated Depositaries, and by all the Na= - tional banks which are depoultaries of public nieney v iquiallpppectable banks and bankiati' ffriitighout - the country will give . farther in formation and 'afford every facility to sub scribers. [aul9-d&w:2m Volunteer Notice 1 , .. 11 - ptaio of . .CoinpagOs , 'and .Conunandeis . of • . •'. Squall% • , E'B.ht e , eizpvted - 40pifiTared*EfeggrQfox, all till rtfeel ' ' TAe OctelL 'and Governnimt Bounties I . . -Committees can hredits for their tont-. phip or vomit)" quotas.. .L Enlistalo4 l APPrs. - zPß:tinPtlY 'made out„and.'tnen, attended to until muster in t ;clothed and equipped, penitsykania Recruging'Apw . & CO, . ; , ro O u t i ll t e l f, et Pa r ! e t:: 10:4 11, 41111iidt:streeb Prly, 9qVr34 Third arid ' 44' Two of ' thn.lirra..-haeommissions to .recruit. States in rebellion:" [aug23-ci&wlm i ' ' - CIELIE r WrA.I.JEZIF.7I) • C OACIN T R Ail. D L. E M• 041,11 D-E . , rf 0.13/easant, healthy beverage. FVery lioliVeniest and . rplreshiog for invaiids having evgft origreari Shins:: _. 12,,?n r t i g U " 7, X:ars PI; ft a v ptri La ad . . • No sugar reqed; oito'LlbleF§poohful. Ef imply dissolved e. isslaissloteoi wafer sod , li i§ dodo - - - - . 4 NIRJAMeIIaR I3II- AND IrallOr GOOD STORE, 43 . , ~ , ~.1 c, • No.. 91 , Mltrketnitreet. Wait :,, Engine I' L , and- , Machine Shop, .._ .._,, , ,-..r--- . - 'F*-§- 1 . 1 *O n 7 4 . sr4Birr AND MARIC.ET. . i -v: :' r(J. rc:.hiektsalkt,pland.) : - ~.: THE undersig*a - -....iiiiviAgifaken, ihe above A. Sqop,,lsispect.Vy Solicits a share of the public pa tronagi. • „ I pusie tr ui A ttention*W be path to repail:gig cif Stearn . 11, !, girlee, and'att Mt diretYinehloery. , Alt miorli* hill r 6: de my personal attentioti,MatpMisfactiob enfant:mil ..., i 'l . ti 5 IrNT aitt,i .w.rit , ;;;. lor; i. , ..c . fi i . -r INV AIkOICEBRUL, ERRING ANP SAL MON ea Imo BOYER k RONRPIa Taxation. '' T: . 11 Fi.",.;11 1 •bi.: 1 . 0 N—lst''(::)W.,,.,.;...4l',Z'!tiD::,,il.:Pijil:::ii.k;:**.:.-,,,l'Weiste? HARRISBURG. PA., , IMONDAY EVENING,: t §iiSTE*lllt . ; EVENING EDITION. FtTem the 2 . 010 Regimeitit C..m' COUCH, NEAR CH Amisistrna, Septemt.er 22d, 1864. Editor Telegraph: To-morrow morning, (Friday) rsi'd ihove again. Whither ?--I - catinot tell your readers. But the impression is, that we will shape our course up the: 'pike, 'westward, through Lou to some point in the motintains. - • ' The following Orders from HeadirharterS, read out to the 'regiment - *on dress parade, P. (which I managed_to report in full) will explain our movenients:- . "HEADQUARTEBE JJEt'ARTIDIENT'OE THE SUSQIIKEANNA, CIHAISSERSICUEG, Sept. 22;'1864, Special Ordem No. 223--/Krtract. Col. F. Asbury kwl, 201st regiment Penna. Volunteers, is hereby placed in . coin rnancl of all the U. S. troops' eneampeil near Back.Cteelc. "2.• CoL F. Asbury''2olst regiment Penna. •Volunteers, commanding IJ. S. toops near Back Creek, will march his entire C 0712- andnd in the morning , Of ther , 23d inst.,' fbr practice." • By command of 'Maj. Gen. Couoir. •• • : JOHN S. SHULT,Zt. -,; Assistant Adjutant Generfil. , The following orders, were also Preinul gated, and I repor,' , ed them'for the coluinns of the DAILY Tzt.ao "(UM, verbatim, 'think: Special Orders, No. 10. "1. In accordance .with special orders No. 2?3, Headquarters Dellartment of the SAsque hanna, dated Sept. 22e0., 1864, Cot, Ir. Asbury Awl, commanding 201st regiment Pennsylva nia volunteers, hereby aosumes cOnunand; of all the IT. S. troops encamped near ,Sack Creek." •"2: This regiment will be ready to, move promptly at• 8 o'clOck, on to-morrow, Sept. 23d, 1864; with two clefs Oooked, rations in haversacks, and 40 rounds of ammunition in • cartridge boxes." ' • "3. The strictest discipline will be observed on the march—officers to be with their Com panies. No straggling or depredations on private property will tte allowed. The men ;will not be allowed to leave the raidts except 'at the time of .resting the whole command. Camp-gaurds will be established before • the troops stack their. arms on arriving in camp. No officer will be permitted to leave camp, or Iheir commands,' without proper...authority !from the commanding officer of the - troops.' "4. Assistant Surgeon,., James Hendetson, will be left in command of the camp; and will lake charge of the sick." .. • By order ;of_ F. ASBURY,AIqr, 'Col. commanding . 2015 t ., regiment PBetingl vania vohmteers, and ~force:s near Back Creek." . • , „ The forces under Col. Awl's jurisdiction consist of the five remaining coinpanies of 't..1144 201st—A, C, D, I and K—company B, lst bat= 'talon one hundred days' men, Capt. Wiltion ; the Patapsco Guards, Capt, MeGewan ; com pany A, of one". handred days's men,Capt. -- , the Keyston(s Battery, Capt. astings commanding, together with the 202d' -rev' ment, Col. Albright, making, quite a formida ble battalion on our .anticipated march. . We feel very proud of the additional honors conferred upon our ...officers. May ,brighter laurels encircle the brow ~of our respect' d . officers, and• higher honors await them, is-the' Sincere wish of the-soldiers of this regiment,. Permit me, in this connection to say that George W. Reisinger, ilsq., Adjutant of the 202 st regiment is a most worthy man, an effi cient officer—prompt in the execution of, orders, unassuming in hiii manners, gentle. manly and courteous in hits deportment, and he is esteemed an respected by all who know him. The Adjutant is a citizen of Harrisburg, and well known at the Capital of the State. I A friend writing to me from company G, . i Capt. Ensminger, stationed at Bloody Run ( Bedford county, states that C9papany F,,Cript.- Maloney.is also encamped there,'and the men are enjoying themselves vastly in that lo- Cality. Of their march from here, he no : n 1 "We marched up the pike from Camp Conch towards Campbelstown, near our first camp ing ground'hf ten days ago, and in that vi i cinity made. a contra.et , :wffb:- a, fain:Ler Ito haul out knapsacks to 131(ind3r Run. We marched • On till we reached Loudon, where we stopped, to prepare .dinner., From thence ,we cont.: inenced to ascend dove Mountain, and reached Use top about sunset: - I suppose it is five ' miles from Loudon to the summit of thesnonn:: Min. From the top of Cove mountain a mag nificent view of the, surrounding country, 1,3 'obtained up and downi: splendid valhly, near the centre of which is located the flourishing town of M'Connelsburg." : : :': ) A smart. shower of fain fell:While we were on the moutain, and we commenced to de scend at a lively pacesagdr!fachedMcConnels hurg and camped there,for the night, having made eighteen 'miles 'Nib' first day of our de parture from Camp Conch. Next morning we resumed our march, crossing four more wain-. tains, named respoSetiVely, the Three Brothers and Ray's Hill," halting war a villages tyled Fairview, encamping.for .the night, in front of Senator Householder's residence. We started next morning (S'ipt. 20th) and marched till two o'clook, P. X,., encampiz in a field half-a- Mile distant frc,m Bloody Run—making the ,march in two - and a half days,. while we were allowed five days to do .it in. Was'nt that 'Wily for companies H and G ? • We can he ,ar.,the engines whistle on the Pennsylvanir;.. railroad: distine tly from here. -While haltin g l en : the. mumstains, •the. Men- Of: Iciur comp= y- (G). called •on hired. H-ght Am a speec h. Fred mounted a stump and said: , . '. • "Fellow -soldiers—l never went to school Much in in: y life, and have not enough in here (tapp 1 its head). to spout Shakespeare. [Hurrah fi n. It--glit. Go it Fred, cheered the whole company.] Fellows, you can all go to h----- a' hoisted Fred, if that is the way you riregoing to interrupt me. ' And that is the 'Way he go t out of' the scrape of making a speech to the crowd, and a donkey of himself. A cheerful spirit prevails among the men'in camp this evening, and. I have no doubt'they will all come to time at 8-o'clock A. mr, to-mor 7 . row, the starting hont From Camp Couch: I i.:ball keep your readers advised" of our move'cents. . • The' inquiry was mode this evening . What shall 'be done with Ike? Carry him idolig ye-' plied, all hands, if we are obliged td stow hum ioway in one of kaaysacks. Ala Ike will tv sth the crowd, thats settled. In. baste, AU MOW; A. H. 8.,.., Corporal company it • • . I. l t Froili Wasitingtou.,l ... „ . 1 3( YATS `atVll?' -11N-V4:11 Rebel Prisonets Yolit 'Lookout.' Early's ibeireat- . Civatis • a Panic; at Richmond. , ' ' Payinesteit - Left tor the _ to Pair the . :_Troops: My t tl,:g@GTON. Sept.. Cormacclore Perker,OfithePotont* conniumietites the folAdjufmg to .the..„Segrsol7i c4"11i4.114Yi the 16th One of the'boats of ,steamer ,Ourri-t tuck, while in sear,ch thliock4ler,runners at. the' Mouth of ..thhjYrc'pi'; river; was fired into from the ahte„.Vfla. Jigs, captain oil the Hold; was • instantly ; Wed, and George: McNeil, ? landsman,'Seyerely ~Nounded.i The, are ‘wfA , Rroll4PlitAettmledJ..from the' boa* and tile '9arritrAck . acting -,engineer, Welkin, who eOmmencled.ithe boats,' .reports: that a shell. exploded] in. midst of the! party on Awe., There are now about prisoners ,con fined at LoOkotit, - 1441; ;2 -.Twenty gees ercissedlhe river,ftPmr"the Xirginin &ore oclte.w ' s qt and suddeeded repted4,44 Home diem *) , re ' , trOnr 4,a9hmend; altdusaf the diofeAt,tiad refolded-, that city, arid .fused the ,greatest consternation and alarm. . The rebel officers, brought to, Washington to-day from Point.LOoknut, to•be.transferred to Northern EiF494 l :s, W 4 1.2 not .balieve, that Sher:Wm .- I aplineyed• yictories in the. She nandciak;figley, as h proclaimed -in the, official The payniseterftinida aleavp e,seortrstailed for Sheri(yin's army this morning, to,payoff tile troops of that command.: They take a large aniinint of money with.them, but have ample nuiitary Prokction.f: 'Warrants to complete ti4e;PftYlnellt [the raxmy 'and navy to date; ha've do -day been:signed by Secretary Fessen- The entire:armies- ofAlin..l3rnited States will therefore receive payment inifull,; SO Soon as the PaYmastere can arrange the details. There are, no suspen ded requisitions in. the Treasury other than those awaiting re-arrangement by order of the proper authorities. Serlong A.celdent.as the. Philadelphia and Erie RaiSid Depot'' A Numbq l l„gtitioll'eykily,q Injured: t - - ; •About-two o'clodk . urfayra, serious. cident took place':a s ' the rieti &pet . v of ,the Philadelphia aniP'Erie railiOad, on Aterltel, street liehAv'Sixteenth.', off the northern end ei l ' i t,h'e lot therei4 space 86 feet`-i. width,a4, . - ,,exPiticling along the , attifig Filbert - street t ftont; *Lich the wink-. wen 'were abWattO inuf - ovet. ' , , . This , roof Witiintianded. t 0 be auttperted by a serics'ofiron - raftUrs;'whiel3 eke deal e. to span thiilentire spfteso . 4ingh!zkOr k ,feetAnd to be- supported by is - Osten), fiE %rods au braces. ' • , 'f•Eight• of these ii#o4:iv i ek6 in" their placea and snina ofihe !,putlilifeCcir wilgen. joists upon _ winch the :root ' *AK Ost had boon lid upon the rafters ' f . Wouden liradek - iihiellhiii*rodithe iron raftars'wereiggifivea ui the we§§Fern wall: For some reiiciii; at present uttexoained, the rafters canted .tn ,the east, dr9viraithe braces out Enna placos, in, • the wall xind throwing the 'lpti4e • • • The Cat# iron 'wbrl'itita snapped* if itliad beery se battle as'gfass, and the Wriniglippn rodwandlielts'Were 4ifuitlber 'ofYriep: ,qttilnipfoY,' or Mr. Ilietinrtlift ilp2plo794bct.th above RppjuloPrf , o4 - the' inmit, and some r *epe:sepougy The hijnicidlierliory, were reaciied`na spegd #onitha:f#64, and immediate attentithisiiiiiiiiiesnt , t)Wikuirals: The niuniktotthistlfrerats are as folio s Wm.. Yon*, .terentnin, , for Mr. Alli Son; thoUght to ,bif Tak.a4 . the Pennsylinnute#ospitat - " John'Belahair, alsb i3erkipsijrll4c4 r . to the stintYliohilital.' r ‘• 11.• - ;01 Charlesltrighk•aghz(Kaify Johns Sep - " 10 r7 3on, Daniel' - limit, Balthazar. Amants,-,7m more or less, injereci,, -WheY, ,'were 'lake?' Latest . front `.North Carolina. , 'I; By the arrived of the sViieer Apaia7, - we lave reeeived'ilenith Carolina ittilfeo tb the '22d nit • : . . , The steamer Faivitsithibh Was in&iitlir Cap: tuied and burned by iihnOnemy;'cOntainedthe• liiiston mail of the Wind . 61,1 i inst., Asialhe New York Mall of the-sth and 6th - inst.' A large portion of the Mails have been. received. ee from the wrdOlcitind'bicit lit to Newherf4 ' A - flag oft tit iioleictine4 , nought , uto News bern a large 4 iluffibiir of ' ' s; many! of whom belong . to thl3 finitrini:dlies Of, the *its r ` Who are on:that iiii)r,r-iicirth; having istEit'.4r. confidence in-the Conti:46ra° cause 034 . 4,'111,13, fall of Atlanta - ' l' " ' ' ' ' - Among the:Anna:kris thi wife ofthil,,',Tehej General Martin.t The Wilmington and' Wel-. , don railroad las advertisedi dividend of teri per cent. -.! ' '' ~ ,t The Salesbury, N. C., Watchnial hal; the following : IWe protest against the ul.ll:iiirtin treatment extended to Yankee deserters who: are subjected to a course of' - treatmenff,'' which makes,life far more uncertain than tl ie battle field itself. A general pardon from . Lincoln would, doubtlege, relieve the Confedieracy of at least 50,006 of 'these miserable beings, proVided, theylave strength enough-to enable them to mate their escape North: ' i• . .. . - . Death of .ib WvillthyCith zell. i ,_ „-__-_- , - 24 . A wat _.qt!r. Pmf;*Psacliers. aft Fishing PtalaTo; olMn ni 1 4 1 1 -3:4) T. a..,i A f. - 11[,, , , , reiVin: SlOan eof the wealtid lest citi zens of this county died to-day after 4a severe illness. =EI Gen.Sherma,n 9 s THE GREAT EXQDUS ORDER: It 'Will Not Bo lritllidr-twn. IT WASfASSUED - FOR PEACE. HEADQUAIITERS MILITARY Drums or utk , • mistrissra*.i, IN THE FJF. ATLANTA, GA., Sep-i terab,er 12; 186.4.,—Jantepilt.Calhoun, Mayor E. B. ; ItaWeon, and S. representing City Connell of Atlantadentlemen jiavve your; ;fetter of the 11th in the nature of ,:a! petitien to revoke my orders removing.allthe inhabitants from Atlanta. ~I have reed• itj carefully, and give full credit .to your state-; ,raesits, o,f, the distress that will be occasioned. 'by alidi yet, shall, not, revoke my order,' simply because my Orders are not designed to, meet the lininamt(es of the. case, but to pre-' liare'for theTutilie struggles in whieh millioas, yea hundreds of millions of !good people out-, side of_AtlanM, have, a deco interest. We must have peape, not :only, at Atlanta, 'but in all America. To secure this we must' close the war that now desolates our once happy and favored conntry. To stop the war' we must defeat the rebel armies that are arrayed against the laws and Constitution, which all must respect , and obey. TO;defeat these armies .we must prepare the way to reach . them in their recesses, provided with arms and i ltuitrtunents which will enable us to; accOrripheli our purpose. HO; I know the vindictive nature of our enemy, and that we may have many years of military operations from this quarter, and therefore deem it wise and prudent to prepare in time. The use of Atlanta for warlike pur-., poses is inconsistent its character as a home for families. • There will be no man nfactures, comma:tierce, or agriculture here for the maintenance, of. families, and sooner or later want will compel the inhabitants to Why not gd now, when all the arrangements axe completed. for , the transfer, instead of waiting tillthe plunging shot of contending armies will renew,. the scene of the past month ? Of • course, -I do not apprehend any such thing at this moment, but you do not suppose that - this.army will be here till the war is over. I cannot discuss this subject with you fairly, because I cannot imparts to you what I 'propose to do, but I assert that my military plans make it necessary for the in habitants to go away, and I can only renew my, offer of services to make their exodus in any direction as easy and comfortable as pos sible. Yon cannot qualify war in harsher term than I will War is cruelty,, and you cannot refute it; and-tliose 'who brought war on our eountry deserve all the curses and maledictions a peo ple can pour out. Ilmow I had no hand in making this waF, and I know I will make more sacittleei tovday Then. any of you to se cure peace.'.:yon cannothave peace and a dialonn_enibouritrjr;t If the:United States snlami4o to a cliviaton now, u aFS act stop, but Wall go on till we reap the : n faterof Mexico, iihielLis eternal war; The tf4teatiites does and' assert its alithbritY.wllezaver - it has tioAltitl.it relaxes. one bit to. pressure; it is sn4jtadwthAt saghlsaPt thaPatienal. feeling. _ 'This feeling assumes val.:ions shapes, but alwaysi domes back-to tha. of- Union. 'Once 'adroit the Union, once,Mpre acknowl edge the authority of .the liationatGovern nrent, and instead of devoting our houses and streets and roads to the dread uses.of War, I; and, this array, become at . once your protectors and supporters, shielding you from danger, let it come, from-what quarter it may. I. know that a few individuals, offimot ; resist a torrent of error and rpassien-suck as has swept the South into- rebellion; but you can point out,'. so that We,anay a know, those who desire a Government and those who insist on WO and desolation. , • You.might as well, appeal, against the , thun derstorm as against these terrible hardships of, war. They' re inevstahie, .and the only way the peOple of Atlanta - can hope once more to live in peace ancliirciet - at home is to .stop the war, which can alone be clone, by Admit ting that it beganin error and is perPetual in , pride. I'Ve, d'on't ; Fent, yPTrt negroes, or your houses Or your,lands, or,anything you have; but ye do want. and will have a just obedience to the laws of the 'United States. That we will have, and if :it involves the der titmctlcin of your improvements, we cannot help it. You have heretofore read public sen timent in your newspapers, Abat live by false hoodand excitement, and the quicker you seek for truth in other quarters the better for I repeat, then; that, by the originai com pact"of governinent, the United States had certain rights in Georgia which have never been relinqUished, and never, will be ; that the South began warty seizinglorts, arsenals, mints; ,custom houses, ac.,. &c., long before Kr. Lincoln was installed, and before the South hid one jot or tittle of provocation: I myself 4"41*.e01l in XissPUri, h;entuokrY, Tea netssee,„ andXississippi, hundreds and then. 1 4,ds of women and"-AlArePAleeing from your .armies and, dePPOP,s4olShungry and with bleeding feet. Meraphis c , Vicksburg, and Mississippi.we fed thousands, iip,on:thousands of 'UM families of Rebel soldiers left on ow bands, Anitwhom we could not see Starve. Now •tlmt war comes home to you, you feel yery . ..differen4 you: depreeMe its horrors, but did not feel them when:you sent, carloads of soldiers and ammunition, and moulded shell and. shot to carry war into Kentucky and Ten iyesee, and desolate the homes of- hundreds and thousands of good people, who only asked to live in peace at their old homes, and under the Government of their inheritance. But these "comparisons are idle. .I Want peace, and believe it can only be :reached through Unkei and war, and I will ever ciinduet war purely with a view to Perfect and early sue ., ceatt. But, my dear sirs, when that peace does come, you may call on Me .for anYthing.,-- Then will I share with you the last cracker, and watch with you to shield our homes and families against danger from every quarter.-- Now, you must go and take With .you the old and feeble; feed and: nurse thein, and build for them inznore,quiet places proper habitations shield against the weather, until the mad Passions of men cool down, and allow theTiniciii and peace once More toseale on your tddliiimes at Atlanta. Yours, in;laste, NV, T. BIEEKRX4N,Atid.:Oeii. CONOV,ATIILAMPAF OADII6 TO €4ll IC TIPP-MPCX,CT T EX ! " 413E 1 M. HILIKCABTERS DEPARTMENT AND ARMY OF vas Tmouratouri EAST POINT, Ga., Sept. 9, 864.—General Field Orders, No. 16.—1 t is PRICE THREE. WM. ~~ i STikultilTlNG . , ADVERTISING RATES—DAILY TELEGRApa The following are the rata for advertising in the TELE GRAPH. These having advertiaing• to do - will find it con venient for reference: • 'i. • . gar Four linos or leas constitute one-half squats Eight lines, or more than four,.censtitute a square. POE • KALB SQUARE,. , :'.Hint ONE welts, One day $--30 ne day_L Two days 50 Two day 5,..... 1 00 Three daYs 76 Three days.. 26 One week ..... 1 25 One week ..... . .. 224 One month 300 One month • 600 Two months. • 450 -Two months 909 Three months, S6O Three months— .41 00 8 00 Ski.' A.S 00 One year 15 00 Ono year 25 00 Administration Notices 2 75 Marriage Notices . ......... . 75 Auditor's Notioes Funeral Notlees, each insertion, _ _ la- Business notices inserted in _the iced" Column, or before Marriages and Deaths, Eiauy CENTS PSR LIKE for each mail= with pride, gratification, and a sense .of Di vine favor, congratulate this noble army upon the successful termination of the campaign. Your officers claim for you a wonderful rec ord—for example, a march of four hundred (400) miles, thirteen (13) distinct - engage ments, four thousand (4,000) prisoners, and twenty (20) stands of colors captured, and three thousand (3,000) of the enemy's dead buried in your front. • •• .. Your movements Upon the enemy's , flank have been bold and successful ; first upbn Resaca, second upon Dallas, thirdupon - Eene • saw, fourth upon Nickajack, fifth, via Ros well, upon the Augusta railroad;' sixth npon "Ezra Church," to the southwest of Atlanta, and seventh Upon Jonesboro and the Macon railroad. Atlanta was evacuated while you were fighting at Jonesboro. The country may never know with what patience, labor and exposure you have tugged away at every natural • and artificial obstacle that an enterprising and confident enemy could interpose. The terrific battles you have fought may never be realized or oredited;, still 'a glad acclaim is already greeting . you from the Government and the people, in view of the results you have helped to gain, and I believe a sense of the magnitude 'of the achieve ments of the last hundred days will not abate, but increase with time and history. Our rejoicing is tempered, as it alw'ays must be, by the soldier's sorrow at the loss of his corupanions 7 in-arms. On every hillside, in every valley throughout your long and circuit ous route, from Dalton to Jonesboro, you have buried them. • Your trusted and beloved commander fell in your midst; his name, the name of M'Pher son, carries with,it a peculiar feeling of sor row. I trust the impress of his character is upon you all, to incite - you to generous actions and noble deeds. To mourning friends, and to all disabled in battle, you extend a soldier's sympathy. Myfirst intimate acquaintance with you dates from the 28th of July. I never beheld fiercer assaults than the enemy then made, and I never saw troops more steady and self possessed in action than your divisions which were then engaged. I have learned that for cheerfulness, Obedi ence, rapidity of movement and confidence in battle, the Army of the Tennessee is not to be surpassed, and it shall be my study that your fair record shall continue, and my purpose to assist you to move steadily for ward and plant the old flag in every proud city of the Rebellion. (Signed,) 0. 0. HOWARD, Maj.-Gen. Official: Saanma L. TAGGART, Assistant Adjutant-General. PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN Lock Haven, Jersey. Shore, Nitliamsport, Nun.; ey, • Uniontown, Watsontown,;-Milton, Lewisburg, Northumbuland,Atm- Treverton, Ceorgetostv - . Lykenstown,lilloisbur~, :_ Halifax, .Dauphiny- • AND ILARBISBURG.' The Philadelphia Depot being' centrally: located, the ara.rage will be at the; lowest rates. The Conductor goes through with each train to attend - to the safe delivery of all goods intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the de pot of WILLIAM E. BURK, 812 'Market - ttieet, Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock r. x., will be delivered in Eat risburg the next morning. : Freight Always ma' Low nal liy Ala 'O hoe Lino. . - JOS. MONTGOMERY &CO., . Philadelphia and Reading Depot. , Foot of Market street; Harrisburg: =1 NEW LIQUOR STORE TAIPORTANT TO LANDLOILDS Alai) OTHERS —The undersigned •uffere et -wiejteicile; t. the trade. boire lot of the hest liouov , :ver bcppglA.k. Harrisbuig, viz: French Brandies ' - Hoadrid Lint, Achich Irish, Bourbon, Wheat and Old Rye Whisky; and Domestic Wines, such as Champagne, ,araret, Catawba, Ali 'liquors warranted, as represented. ' Landlords and others will find it to their advantage to call and ex amine the assortment at the, store, on South Second street, two doombeloar Chestnut, • • my24-46m GEORGS WINTABS • CANNED FRUITS OF.MVERIE DESORIT TLON. SAUCES of all the c*brated maiumfacturerE SARDINES; omrz caT o Ovary description. ' `- Also, BROWN SIOUX, FINE MAN, COFFEE, SUGAR and SYRUP of all grades and prices, and the best selected stock outside of Philadelphia. . All goods guaranteed as represented. Particular attention paid to all orders from a distance. Goods carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. - SHISLER & FRAZER myS -successors to W. Dock, „fr., &Co. RENNET. LIQUID RENNET yields with milk the most luscious of all deserts for the table; the light est and most gratehil diet for invalids "and, Children - Milk contains every element of the beidity r rctitstitution when coagulated With rennet it is always light and easy of digestion, anti supports the system with the least possible excitement. Whewstill greater nutritive power is desireet cream and sugar may be added. A teaspoonful convert: a quart of milk into s firm Cud. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by- S. A. KUNKEL, jels4f 118 Market street. 11. C. OILTII, 7ectc,her of the Piano, Melodeon, Violin and Singing, N 0.15, THIRD STEER; }DRAW. MARKET SepS-d6m* LOUR ! FLOUR ! Fine Faniily. Flour !--- .12 100 barrels of the best brand.of itourin,tbis city. Every barrel warranted or money retorne.d,and delivered to all parts of the city free of cbatge: For gale at KHMER kFRAZERia C . ROSSE tt BIACKWELLS ENGLISH PICKLES, a rare article for table use, just renewed and for sale by - SHLSLER & PRAZEii, fabl (succesaora to VOL: Dock, jr., &Co.) JUST ARRIVED! , --A fine lot of CANNED PEACHES and TOMATOES. Also, surERRIR PINE APPLES, FRESH PEAS, &c., just reueiyed by mvl4-dtt IF11:01 ftrePt: , fear W.lllllt. PHOTOGRAPHS; • ~,• A LAR GE assortment of Photograp et Generals and fancy pictures foi sale CHEAP , ay $1 per dozen, at SCHEFFER'S BOOR STORE, my2o Harrisburg, Pa DOCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES PORMIONNAIES, end Iktrelleral virietk of LEA THEE GOODE, just received it r. - - BERGNER'S BOOS ,3TORigs BuTT.E.R, BUTTER: Fresh roll butter • from Snyder counWrer.eind every:week. Also eggs at.. - BOY FR - Sr KOERPRR_ . . 50 DOME JARS EILWILISH 330111 its aniprising licalilly, Chow lehew. l / 4 teuilKlower lifted Pickles, parkin; Walnuts and Ordosls. Pas- sale wholesale and retail by SIaSIAR k.4ltAtte,' nlO . 'successors to W. Docl Az, = um BEEP: AND_: TONGUES r ildli:esit H nice at . Evil": .9urcr,Fg ArZWPAS-1, SAIMOV—Fine salt .Salmon:, at ~,t4 nnag SHISLF.R k FitAiLF.ll_ DRIED FRUIT of all kinds at 181341 BOYAR at KOERPRIE 1 50 11US:1!#RDS,