Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, September 24, 1864, Image 2

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    pail g gelegrap4
Abraham : Lincoln,
Andrew Johnson,
A. Grand Rally for Liberty and Peace
The meeting in the Court House, to-night,
mast and will be one worthy of the great cause
in behalf of which it was called. It is for
justice and the right that we now contend—
for justice againt traitors and right for those
who peril their lives in a death straggle with
treason. To-night we-can send greeting to
Sheridan and his brave boys who are wining
victories, and dispersing bands of rebel as
sassins, as it were, at the very door of every
man's home in Dauphin county. We trust
that every man who kiVes his country, will
turn out to-night and testify to the fact by his
presence at the meeting in the Court House.
Army (elpers ptterfering with Elections
The copperhead organs of the' country
have repeatedly made •the charge that the
officers in the army are arranging certain
plans to interfere with the elections,' and the
same sheets assert that if the interference is
not desisted from, the "Democracy would
either have a free fight or a fair election."—
We are, now fully 'convinced . that the officerS
of the army not only interfere with the elec
tions being and to be held, but the disposi
tion thus to meddle with the civil rights and
franchises of the people begins to crop out
among the privates serving under Uncle
Sam's beautiful banner. •Of late, ono Phil
Sheridan, a Major. General in the national
army, leading several thousand sun-browned,
war-bruised but indomitable veterans, has
carried this interference to an extent
which imperils the prospects of every Dem
ocratie-treason sympathizing aspirant for
office in the country: The outrage will
not and cannot be borne any longer with
patience. It is unconstitutional. It imperils
State rights and .jeopardizes the divine
attributes and the •partriarchal, influence
of the institution of slavery. .Every drop
of rebel blood thus shed by the interfer
ence of army adders with the elections makes
at least a hundred;, votes: for Abe Lincoln.—
Hence the outrage—hence the grievous un
constitutionality of the entire proceedings.
In the name of slavery—sin—the devil—Val
landigham, Bill Bigler; Bill Miller and the
Black Coto, we protest against.this interference
on the part of the brave soldiers grappling
with traitors, in the elections.
The Lseneaster Intelligeneer—. , Please Ex
change." .
Vor a month past, we have been receiving
almost daily issues of a mi.' , candidate for
public favor—the Lancaster ktteiligencer—
marked "please exchange,7 .
,lcow, while we
are always willink to reciprocate the favors of
an exchange, and under no circumstances de
sire to violate the professional courtesies which
tend to relieve the cheerless onerous and . 1
some duties of editorial life, we must in all
candor confess that we cannot exchange with,
the daily Lancaster Intelligencer. We get the
weekly issue of that, sheet, and God, knows
one dose of its slanderous perversions of the
trnth, - ribtdd treason and utter disregard of,
all that is due to freedom and religion, is
sufficient We get the daily Ety'erting Ecipress
from Lancaster—a loyal sheet,--a splendid
newspaper in all its departinents--that is
sufficient for all the uses of an exchange.
Hence, we must respectfully 'decline en ex
change with the Infelifg,ener. - pro; _dose a
week of its treason- sympathy is as mneh as
we can stand. ,
Significant !anneal 'Changes
The copperhead organs of the country are
amusing their readers With romantic accounts
of the great changes which, aip daily working
in the public mind in favor. of Gunboat M'-
Clellan. While the cops are thlis energeti-:
cally engaged, the intelligent voter finds some.:
thing suggestive in the fact that the electoral
ticket for Mr. Lincoln is, ,headed by Edward
Everett, in Massachnsittoi Daniel S. Dickin
son, in New York; Thomas Cunnighani, in
Pennsylvania, and David Tod, in Ohio—all
respectable names, and all of them men who
opposed Mr. 1860, The noreina:
tion of these men was spontaneous—it sprung
from the people and not from the politicians,
and it shows the class of solid, thinking, pat;
riotio men whom they represent are in a 1)60
upon the side of the country and against 31' 7
Clellan. The fact that they are so is one of
the heart-cheering signs of the times.
Msu Nake.a, Chace
Gen. ISTOLannarT occupies one of two posi=
tions: If he accepts .the nomination for the
Presidency on the Chicago pletform, then he
is the Peace candidate. If he accepts the
nomination, and does not intend to carry ork
the principles of the party tendering it, as
enunciated in the'Chicago resolutions, then
he is a dishonest - candidate. Either - , he is a
candidate who believes that "immediate ef
forts should be made for a cessation of hos
tilities," or a candidate not to be trusted::
For and Against.
_"The Union xnust•be preserved.tiCan.hai
ards," says Gen. M'CiE•*•AF If these Sontii...'
em States cannot, he"cipliciier,says..' l 24.
p s smarroa, candidation the same
, t/ would signalize their departure bOokeas of
zw e i I would bi 4 theta farewell ei) . .enderlii theft
they would forever, he touched by ihe recollegion
Democracy and Taxation.
The Northern wing of the Breckinridge
Denuleraby is appealing again to the . people„
for their votes, and, as usual; has become
very solicitous for the welfare of ' the dear
people, especially on the subject of taxation.
, We remember that in the fall of 1862, the De
mocracy flooded the State with documents in
,which they asserted that the national debt at
that time was over three thousand millions of
dollars, when in reality it was less than one
third of that amount. They are now endeavor
ing to alarm the people again upon this subject,
by the same system of deception and misrepre
sentation. •They are promising the dear peo
ple, if they will only vote. their Aicket,; that
this war will be ' stepped, ind their taxes
reduced by their party as soon as they
get into power! And hew` do they propose
to do this ? Why, their platform, which they
adopted 'at Chicago, tells is how it is to be
done. They propose an "immediate armi
stice," and making a peace with the scoun
drels and traitors who are endeavoring to
break up the Government, and destroy our
glorious Union! But do they tell us onwhat
terms they will make peace with the trai-
tors? 7 Not a word on 'that' stibjeBt;for theY
dare not intimate to the people I this, terms on
which the traitors would make., a peace with
us. They know that if they :would dare to
intimate to the people such conditions, they
would be spurned with. contempt by every
loyal man! Now let us see what these South
ern traitors say upon this subject themselves.
Let us see what their conditions of peace will
be if the Democratic treason sympathizers
at the North should get into power, The
Richmond Examiner, in an article on this sub:
jeet some time since, said : "It is useless,
however, for our oppressors to talk of making
a peace with us ; and a union with them again en
any terms that would be efferea by the Lincoln ad
ministration ! We certainly vould accept nom
thing less thqn 'unconditional guarantee
that slavery should never be interfered with
by any act of Congres,sbr the Government in any I
form. That we should have an equal right to
settle in any of the TerrifOries, and no law should
deprive us of the rightto cart* 'cur slaves there.
GOVERNMENT, and all Southern property which
has been confieceted, to be returned or paid for at
its full value at the time of such c onfiscation.'' -
.Now we ask the
. fermers, mechanics and; all
tax Payers of Pennsyl4a . ilia; 'are you prepitkea
for such a dishonorable peace, and on such
ignominibuS terms aethese"? If you are, theil
1 1 vote the Democratic ticket ? Are you prepared
to assume and pay the milli* on millions
of confederate debt whiCh r these scoundrels
and traitors created in their treasonable at
tempt to overthroW the Goverinnerg-; If yon
are prepared to assume the •enOireims taxation
Which would be required to. pay tids vast
debt, then vote the Democratic ticket, for as
surely as that party, gets into 'power, just so
surely will we have tapay,that debt. And yet
this is the party which'hilks to you of making
peace and reducing your taxes. Why did not
this Dentocratic peace +arty, when it'-made
its nominations • and - platform at Chicago
tell us the terms on: 'which it propcibbk to
make a peace with tb:eSe traitors ? Because the
Democracy knew thatif they should even hint
at such terms as are proposed by the rebels,tha t
the people would spurn them with contempt.
There is but one way to make a peace with
these scoundrels; and that is to conquer it; and
thank God, Gaiarr and - SIIEEMAN
DAN f 41.11 01,11 other brave OM " t dein
19rs are
it. When we get a peace 'of that description, it
will be the right kind of peace, without ',any
such ignominious terms as paying thei r r:dclabi,:
catcliing their niggers, and in fact4aing their
slaves, as we have been the last thirty or forty.
A Military Failure as a .Political Trick
When Aunty play was a candidate Or the
Presidency, his brilliant reputation as a states
man, his lohg career of usefulness ; his purity
of character and invincibl6 patriotism, *ere
not proof against a most contemptible,, trans
parent and insignificant lie. The great
statesman was actually defeated by a -mean,
deliberate, infamous and dainnable lie At
that contest, as in the one in which we'are
now involved, the - Democratic leaders:wanted
power in order to increase and perpetuate
the political and social influences of the up
holders of slavery. The South then sought
the realization of what is still a darling object,
with the slave-holding traitors, namely, the
utter prostration of free labor. Henry Clay
was recognized as the great champion ,of the
cause of free labor—the ardent advocate of
its protection from the competition of - ' the
pauper labor of Europe. It w - as . ,necassari to
•break down Mr. Clay, and ruin_ him as a Pro
tective Tariffman. On the veryeve of the Pre
sidential, , election, this was effected so' thor
oughly, that Henry Clay was actually defeated
by the vote of States which .would have been
most benedtted by the policy he advocated.
We all remember the notorious Kane letter,
in which James- K. Polk, a conftrmed free
trader, a mere tool of the conspirators of the
South, was made to appear "abetter Tariff man.
than Henry Clay." That letter elected James
K. Polk--and during his administration was
inaugurated the policy which afterwards im
pelled the conspirators of the South and their
dough-face allies ,of ties North, to break up
and forever destroy free, government on this
continent. , BetWeen'the Polk-Kane letter on
the subject of the Tariff, and the M'Clellan-
Seymour letter:accePtifig - the - nomination of
the Chicago Convention, ',there is that ' fear 7
fal similarity, which at once proves that the.
-latter wawdictated fon,objects as infamous as
elicited the former;itamely,: the disgrace, if
'not' the utter destruction of alltlia;ro4 and
interests of free labor. : POli;r4ane:letter
Was ilie..andia cheat..HW.ho will dare say that
the ffi Clellan Se mour lett#A6e:k,4otiartake
of eien to a more in
famois.;s4d di t agerons degree. But thanks
::and .ieiperience of the
PdOPI6, caiitiotraisleaa
them by a miserable political trick.
,13t) Eefegrapti.
Viirther Particulars.
Grand Movements of our At
ticking Party.
Early's Army Thoroughly Routed
100 Great Guns to he Fired in
Honor of the Victory.
3,000 Prisoners Alteady at Winchester.
Whole Extent of the Captures
not Known. , •
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24.-10 A. El
To Major General Dix,'Neio York:
The following official dispatch,has just been
received from Gen. Sheridan,' &tailing some
of the particulars of the battle at Fisher's Hill:
Sept 23 1 .8 A. rp----To,Liiket.
ben. U. S. Grant; City Pomk—l cannot as yet
give any definite account of the results of the
battle, of .yesterday. Our loss will. be light.
Gen. Crook struck the left flank'cif the ene
my, doubled it up, advancing along their
lines. Ricketts' division of the Sixth Corps
swung in and joined Crook.
Getty's and Johnsore,s . divisiens taking up
the same movement, folloWed by the whole
line, - and attacking beautifully, carrying the
works of the enetity: l The rebels threw down
their arms ,arka,fied hA:the greatest conftision,
abandoning most of :'their artillery. It was
dark before the battle ended.
Sheridan's VietOry
The Rebels' Threw Down their Arms, and
•Fled in the Greatest Coninsion."
I pursued on after the rebels during the night
to this point with the Sixth and Nineteenth
corps, and have stopped here to rest the men
and issue rations: '
If Gen. Terbert has dashed 'down the LU.:
ray valley, according to my directions, he will
achieve results. I do not think that there
ever was an army so badly routed.
The Valley soldiers are hiding away and
going to their homes. I cannot at
give you any estimate of prisoner& •
I pushed on regardless of everything. The
number of pieces of artillery reported captured
is sixteen.
Major General
You are directed to cause a National salute
to be fired of one hundred great guns for the
Geu. Stevenson reports that 3,000 prison
ers from the field had reached Winchester
last- night. • -
Reinforcements and supplies have beet
forwarded to Gen. Sheridan.
[Signed,l , EDWIN M. STANTON,
' Secretary of War.
Army of, the Potomac
Recruits Should Leave Their
Money at Home.
Sharpshootex,s Fired. I.Tpon
• September 22, P. M.
The, firing between the pickets in front of
the right. of: the Third Division, Second:Corps,
still continues, and casualties, occur. daily.
To-day a private of the Ninety-third New
York'was killed, being shot throtigh the head.
A. sergeant of the 57th Pennsylvania lost a
leg this morning. Yesterday anew recruit,
only here three days, of the 29th Hass, Was
killed in front of the 9th corps, and isibli
ets rifled of ,450 dollars. It was said' he was
killed and .robbed' by rebel sharpshooters;
but many doubt the truth of the Statement.
Recruits; should not bring,such large
amounts of money with them ino the field.
As a general thing, they are never easy until
all they - have it either spent ' 'the. butlers,
gambled away or stoteii , from them. _One was
seen to offer $lOO for a canteen of whisky the
other day, but he failed to obtain it even at
that price.
'To-day the batteries of the 3d Division, 2d
Corps, were ordered to open fire on a barn
from which the rebel sharp-shooters have an
noyed our men for some time past. The fire
was so effectual as to make them decamp in
rather a hurried manner, from their hiding
place. • •
SEPTEMBEE 23, A. 4.—A1l is quiet this
morning. •
Another Fight Between the
French and Cortinas.
Rumored Departure of General flanks from
the Department,
ST. Louis, Sept. 23.
New Orleans advices of the 16th; viaCiiro,
have been received. , . . • -
There is nothing new fromMobAle- .
Some • additional particulars of the recent
capture of Brownsville, by Cortinas, ' have
come to hand, but they , embrace nothing im
portant beyond those already repOrted.
Colonel Day,, of the 91st Illinois, com
mands the Federal troops at Brazos Santiago.
The transport Alabama has just arrived
from Brazos with the irielligence that another
fight had oecurred at Bagdad between the
French said .Cortinas..
A private letter; written ten minutes before
the Alabama sailed, says: "A fight is now pro
gressing,. 'end artillery is used on both sides.
The. Brench marine ' s are good gunners, and
are entrenched. The result of the fight is
purely conjecture."
It is rumored in military circles here that
Gen. Banks leaves this department next week.
He is now more popular than ever with the
Free State party. .
... _ ,
Wa,hlsnigton !
smERW4N , ..S
,r!t, Winchester
Toth Sept 44.
Tlhe'Rfpublican - extra - makes • the fol10:wilig .
anrioune4ment: The Government' 'has re;
calved dispatches from Gen. Stevenson this
morning, dated at Harper's Ferry, announcing
that 2,000 Strasburg prisoners reached Win
°heater last night,
Re also states tl:tat 1,600 of the prisoner%
captured on the 19th inst., near Winchester,
arrived at Harper's Ferry this morning, and
that 1,600 more are yet to come. ---
A 'later dispatch received from Gen. Ste
venson this forenoon, announces that 1,000
more prisoners, captured at Strasburg on the
the 22d, reached Winchester this morning.
When last heard from Early's army was
flying . down the valley panic stricken. Sher
idan is in hot pursuit, and near Woodstock.
The II eception of Flags Taken
by Sheridan.
Resignaton of Postmaster Gene-
When the resolution of the late Baltimore
Convention declaring that' "they deemed it
essential to the general welfare that harmony
shall prevail in the National councils, and re
garding as worthy of public confidence and
official trust those only who cordially endorse
the principles proposed in the series of reso
lutions, and which should characterize the
administration of the Government," was
shortly after its passage read by Postmaster
General Blair, he at once verbally tendered
his resignation, which was not formally made
out and accepted until to-day, as will be seen
from the following correspondence.
It is understood that Governor Dennison
of Ohio, his successor:
IVAsninctiox Sept. 23 18Gi.
Hon Montgomery .Btoir - :
Ms Dsen'gra:—You have generously said to
me, more than once, that whenever your re
signation 'could be a relief to me it was at, my
disposal. ' •
• That' ime has comer .
You very well know that this proceeds from
no dissatisfaction of mine with you, person
ally or officially. Your uniform kindness has
been unsurpassed by that of any friend, and
while it is true that the war does not so
greatly add to the difficulties of your depart
ment asitiY•those of some others, it is yet
much to say, is I most truly can, that in the
three years and alalf during which you have
adniirasterea the General Post Office, I=re
member no single complaint against you in
connection therewith. Yours, as ever,
'" - A. LINCOLN.
MY DEAR - SIB - Ibave received your note
of this date referring to my offers to resign
whenever you should deem it- advisable for
the public interests that I should do so, and
stating that in your judgment that time hits
now come.
I now, therefore, 'formally tender my resig
nation of the office of Postmaster General.
I cannot take leave of- you without renew
ing the expression of my gratitude for the
uniform kindness , which has marked your
course towards
Yours; very truly,
Gold Down to 205.
Gold declined to-day to 205.
• . Nzw Yons, Sept. 21.
Gold, since the board, has declined to
Proclamation by the Governor
In the Name and by the ,Authority of .the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
WnEsrais, By the third section of the act
of, the General Assembly of this Common
wealth, passed the twenty-second day of April;
A. n. one theusand eight hundred and - fifty
eight, entitled "Ail act to establish a Sinking,
Fund for the payment of the Public Debt," it,
is made the duty of the Secretary of the:Co - m-'
monwealth, the Auditor General and ;State;
Treasurer, Commissioners of the Sinking
Fluid created by said act of the General. As
sembly, on the first Monday of September,
A..n. one thousand eight hiuidred and fifty
nine, and on the same day, annually there
after, to •report, and certify to the Governor
the amount received under the said act, the
amount of interest paid and the amount of
'the debt of the Commonwealth redeemed and
held by them; whereupon the Governor shall
direct the certifieates representing the same
to be cancelled, , and on such cancellation
issue his Proclamation stating • the fact and
the extinguis,hment and final discharge of so
much of the principal of said debt;
A/4 'whereas, Slifer, Isaac Slenker and
Henry, D. Moore, ex-officio Commissioners of
the Sinking Fund, in obedience to the regnire;
ments of law, report and certify to me that
thee. debt 'of the. Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, redeemed and held' by them from the
seventh day of September; A. D. one thousand
eight hundred and sixty-three, to the fifth day
of Septembrr, A. D. One thousand eight hun
dred and sixty-four, amounts to the • sum of
two hundred arid sixty-eight thousand five
hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty cents,
made up as follows, viz:
Five pbr cent. Loan of the Com- •
mouwealth, • $268,308 03
Interest,Certificates redeemed, • 261. 47
Total, $268; 569 50
Now, therefore, as required by the third
section of the act of Assembly first above
mentioned, I do hereby.issue this my procla
mation, declaring the payment, concellation,
extinguishment and . discharge of. • VvO
hundred and sixty-eight thousand five brol4
dred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty cents of
the principal. Ot the' debt of this COminon
wealth. ,
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
• the'State at Harrisburg, this twenty-second,
day of September, in the year of 'our Lord
one thousand eight hundred andsixty-four,
and of the Comnionwealth the eighty-ninth:
By the Goyernor: !
• . • ELI SNEER,
• Secretary of the Commonwealth.
OR the 24th Mak, M. Mar, wife of
William Say Ord, afters lingering ilMese. .„.
The friends of the family are invited to attend:hal' tu
ner-Mon -Monday-et-Weimer. next ; atthree-ololoek
. _
• FOR. SAf E.
71: as .npner qtde of EMT NORTH Street, gweityl,
Ty aint containsl2Weett t r ontoir.llo feet, in dopui
pallaildti Inquire of = ' e 7 : a ;
Attorney at Law.
ral Blair.
an °Mc* on the second floor of,Wieth's
canker of MARKET and SECOND Street!} oppoeite the
Toms Ho. .Ingaireat Wyeth's DrogStore. se2l,lt*
Three Blacksmithsi,:.
?daunt axe Factory, near LewistOwn. Blaekszattba
can realize from $2 50 to $3 00, and hollers from $2 00
to $2 50 per day. se24-Iw*
BORHOOD ; partof a house, by &gentleman and
Wife. Address "HOUSE " at this office. seat*
Real Estate - Sale.
the premises, late theßeal Estateof Heorge Hef
flebower, deceased, situated in West Pennsboro township,
Cumberland county, about ten nines FouthEastbr New
vine, near the Cumberland Valley Railroad and about
three-fourths of a saw north of the turnpike.; adjoining
lands of Brice Sterret,Oeci. Rea, Bantu* ~Heliebower,
John Myers, George G. Davidson' and limas .the heirs
of said decedent, a tract of
G-ocp4, Liin.eikone
containing =acres,. 13t. perches-88 acres of which are
cleared, andln al - o(4.state of cuititration, • the remain
der is covered . timber. Tbeto' erected
on the premises Fri ••. .• • .
a now and large BANK BARN, with alfthe'neeessary.Out
buildings to make a comfortable home. -Also.a. YOUNG
APPLE ORCHARD, with a .variety of other clteice • fruit
trees on the premise 3. Any person wishing to view the
property before the day of sate, will be shown the same
by calling on• Samuel Reillebower, residing thereon. •
*Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, st 4 „.on said 'day, when
terms will be made, known by
Agents for the heirs of saltildeoeitsaid.
A.'EW. . •
_...• •
Will commence,' in •
NEW YORK.: littßetTßY
- ow fil-411711.DAY; OOTOBIM"
' 1 : A Magnificent new Fictioni: entitled
The author of "Aurora Floy," "Lady Audley's Secret
"The Outcaet," &e,
This, the finest achievement in contemporary romance,
has been secured by Tim Nsw YORK. MERCURY'S London
Agent, at the unprecedented expense of nearly
Four Thousand Dollars!
- Simultaneous With the fßibliation of the tale in Arnett
ca, it will appear in. Paris. Leipzig, Brussels, and Berlin,
where the translators and. critics . pronounce it the best
serial novel iltf the century. . • '
The New York Mercury ednfaininy the Opening chapters
of this Great Story is now ready at. 'et newspaper agencies
in America, • [sepl3-dtor2t
sußsTrruTE. WANTkD Z
A . PPTAY to . :A. REEL
Foot oraecond street
Bep23-2t*] ,
ROOIIIS ia.tho Exchange, on Walnut street.
Apply to . . Mjtg.. BURSA on Bald street.
n thia.cßy L is offered at private Bald ;on accommodating
erms: Applk to: , , W. BUEHLER,
serP2l.-darwlini Harrisburg, Pa.
ALL PERSONS indebted. to the under
signed;•Will please call on ill Hower, Alderman
of the Fifth - wane. Harrisburg, and make settlement, as I
have placed my accounts hi his hands for collection.
sepls-d2awit] • , ISAAC F.,STROW
VAltiable Real Estaie.,
P 'I3L I C S
- . • -•
THE alitietaigadtl Qffer_at.p,riblio sale,
,at llrant'e the city of Ipgristntrg, on SAT
DRDAY, the Bth tiny or October, at 2 n'cldak, that valua
ble FAR/tor TRACT OF LAND, cohtalalng" 84 acres and
20 perches," eitnatcd in Susquehanna. township, Dauphin
county, adjoining said:city, , lands of C.F,,Haehnlen, Jacob
Fisler, ru Cotter and others; and frpnting on the Read
ing tuitpike, 'with" a pnblic road' 'tanning through the
whole tract, affording." convenient" ingress and egress to
allparts °fib° farm: "
The improvements are of the best anti most substan
tial character, and the bind is in the highest state of cul
This property - will be sold In one entire piece, or in four
several parts, as; may be,deemed moat advisable, as 1:01-
lows, viz
No. I—Contithine aeres' and 130 perches, more or
less, fronting on'the Turnpike Med. ' • • "
No. 2—Conlaining, 19 acres 5a13..130. perches, more or
less, adjoining No.l and landg of C. F. Haehnlen and lo
cated oolhe eastside of the patine road running through
the tract. ..1
No. 3—Cootainiog 16 acres , and ;140 perches, mere or
less, adjoining No.l and located on - ..ttteltiest side of; the
public road aforesaid, on which are erected .the various
buildings belonging to the farm.
No. 4—Containing 28 acres and 100 perches, more or,
less, asjoining No . 3 and lands, asp!, Meier, Wm. Col.;
der and the publie road on- the eaSt. , - , --
A corrected survey and draft of the said property can
be seen at any'time before the 'dny 05,34'al the office of
Jno. H .' Briggs
Timm of Purchase money to
be - paid at the tiMe, (to wit,'Afirlll.,, 1865,) when.`il deed'of
cetiVeyarienAlll be made to the purchaser' and possession
tqTeu, and.' be two-thirdk to be pard'jn,ftili equal annual
paymeMa thereafter, withititer'eg folabler i apinVitamallyi
' and securedby bonds and mortgage - dlitbe property; butt
there terms of payment will be. raddifid gult parobas
sep23:;4tilitth2srl Attorney for Iftgliary'k'Covorty.
Public Sale.
,Baturdag, - October . 1; 1864,
sibaciiber oifers.for side . o . n . ..tite , prera.
054 a VALUABLE TRACI OR LAND oontalning six
acres,' more or -iess r bounded by lands of L. Koenig, J.
Wenrich, A. Ntnenger,• and others, situated in Susquehan
na township, Dauphin. aunty, ..Pennsylvania, one half
toile from the city line. • • •
The improvements consist oft,
Frame barn, a large Carpenter-shop, Carriage-house, and
other necessary out buildings., The buildings are all
nearly new, having been built within a few years "; also, a
well of , eisellent never-failing water at the ,door, and a
stream of running viaterihrough theplace. The land is un
der good'onitiyation and good fencing. All kinds of choice
frUit--apples, peaches, pear's, plums, grapisii reap
berries. •
Persona deeiring to view the property previous to the
sale will please call dit the nntTersigned, residing on the
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p. x., when terms or sale
will be madeanown by JOSEPH SHEESLEY.
sep2l-dltra: -
Valuable- Real Estate
• AT
OilFainesday, October 19, 1864,
WILL be. sold at public vendee, or ,outcry;
at the public house of Raymond & KendieeltaA
rpad Hotel, Itiddletown Dauphin county, .Pennsylvania y
tbelollpUting nropeytt ; late the estate of pebigeFisher s
Reg. 'docealsed viz: •
In said borough of Middletown, containing : acres glut
03 perches, neat measure, bounded by the BWatara river,
and Lancaster, Elizabethtown, and Middletown,Tarapike ,
road, and Fry's Millroad, and out, lota of the said borough
of Middletown
The Pennsylvania railroad depot is within few yard,o
of the farm, and the Union canal passes through it. Along
the banks of said canal, for about half a• mile, there are
Iw:slings laid out ands rented for board, and,ooaLyazds,_
Thoth= land is of the attest quality, has reaentiY Oaen .
limed, 'ea a goodatate of cultivation, andnaa &sulfide*
quantity of timber growing titereumfor themes -Of thp
as. The glum will*so4kitaoji,,l it desired i.iiiikiolll4
AtSo,:a' ider.litit.lanal: milled - lineament Continued,
originally laid out in 1828, in lota, by George Flakier, Esq.
The Union canalsnd begin having been aubsequeitlY con
structed upon eundlproperty, the part now-offered•for sale
veleta and pardons 6Plets marked tk- , 7; 8., 9,10 i 11, 12,13,
14 and 18, andiithicti were not used by the' said canal
pang, and are IMW tenanted by Mile, Onmany $ Co., for
piling lumber,, and eireldjoining eir saw mill-property.
83.130, the following kits in the:gm:feral plan oFthe town
:Portamoutbi marked; With the Net.. 12,=•13 ) ..22;ti5g,
.66,112, , - 14; ms; 243, end 214:
' nixie latter loteere on
?enneylrenia cahatitrld
besteanklmare:rouently,bikiVed Jan Yet* E.N., Is
lb landing for Ocelandlurittlet.t , -* • • •
Trina of Bold Will be nifidelbloWn , by ; ". c.
c bit,7 i.'dt0111113:141481884,v
Surviving trustee of the widow and helmet George Fisher
Esq., deceased. IsePadSeNte leSt.
Arju Supplies.
HARRIEBERG, Pa., Sept. 22, 1.5.61,)
SEALED PROPOSALS (endorsed Propos
sale to supply Wood) will be received at. this office hp
toTRUBSDAY, 12 sr, September 29, Mt, to furnish the
.followinvarticles of supplies, to be delivered at the Camp
of the Pennsylvania State Guard. at Carlisle, Pennsylva
nia, in such quantity and at such time as maybe throcted
from this office:
The same to be inspected as provided for by act of As
sembly. Two good sureties f..r the faithfu , p.rformance
of contract will be required. Names to be g Yen in Pro
posal, and the right is reserved to 'reject all bids, If deem
ed for the interest of the State to do so.
5et:52245g . . Quartermaster Goal of Pennsylvania
friaDirectors of the Poor of Dauphin
nty will offer at public letting, an the premtses.
the MILL belonging to said county, on TUESDAY, the
th.of October next, foram Orin of one year, to commence
on the first day of'April, 1565,_0.1d letting to commence
at 1 o'clock P. st on said day, when attendance. viii bs
given and terms made known by -
Attest—Amos FIBLVE, Clerk.
Sept. 19th, .196.1--(sep22-d&wtd
. .
RETORTS.--M fwo volumes—with the acrorupaay
mg maps. Apply to :. F. BOAS, A tt'y at Law,
5ep21.4t 4 1 Third street. near Market. Batrisborg, Pa,
Great Attraction!
NO. 13 AHEAD!!
Hen just opened her new FALL STOCK of
And a fine assortment of
Constantly on band, besides everything .usually found in
the largest furnishing establishments in•the country.
Headquarters, Pennsylvania Militia
ridItRISRIIIIG, Sept. 19, 1861. f
The State Medical Board of Pennsylvania will meet in
Harrisburg, on the 28th day of September, 1864, and con
tinuo in session for three days, to examine candidates for
the post of Medical -Moore in ;Pennsylvania Reg;ments.
Physlclais of Pennsylvania, in good health, furnish
:mg satisfactory testimonials as to moral character, Arc.,
will be admitted to the examioation
. The room in which the examination will be held will
be indlcatedln the Harrisburg morning papers on the day
by racetinz. By order of the Governor,
Surgeon General Peunia.
Soldiers' Orphans.
TEE arrangements for the education and
maintenance of the destltute'piphans or the Soldiers
and Sailors of the htate, under the nel-ritating to the sub
ject, being now sufficiently completed to enable the un
dersigned to receive applications, notice is hereby given
that blank forms of application, vitt'• the necessary in
structions, have been deposited with the following gentle
men, from whom the . relatives or friends of the orphans
can obtain them.
' When the application and statement in each case shalt
be properly filled and sworn to, and certified by the Board
of Common School Directors of the district in which the
orphan resides, it is to be returned to ihe gentleman from
whom it was received, - or to some other member of the
county .truperintending committee, by whom it will be
forwarded to the undersigned.
In a short time after the receipt of the application by
the undersigned, if it be, in doe form, and the orphan be
entitled to the, benefits of the act, an ordtr , for the ode:ifs.
tdowto the proper, school; will be sent by mail to the
mother, or ether applying relative or friend, with neces
sary instructions
It is expected that the schools selected for these or
plums willbe ready for their reception during the month of
October. Their friends will therefore take. the necessary
steps and have them ready for admission by the Ist of
November at the latest..
The State will provide clothing, hoarding, washing,
mending,. iestruction bootie, &c, for,the orphans while in
the wheals provided for them, but the relatives or friends
are expected to send them thither, without cest to the
State, and also to send with them, in as good order as
possible, such clothing as they may then have, to be worn
till others can be provided for them.
The followidg is the list of gentlemen to whom ap plies
lions can be made :
Adems - empty,. George McClelland; Gettysburg
Allegheny Y -!` 'F R Brunet; Pittsbnrg
Armstrong " Col J B Finlay, Kittanning
Beaver " Michael Weyand, Beaver
Bedford " J W Lingenfelter, Bedford
Berke " Hon Wm M Heieter; Reading
Blair . " Hon Sam'l S Blair, Hollidaysburg
Bradford " BS Russel, Towanda' •
Backs " J D MenderthelL Doylestown
Butler ' ' John H Nesley, Bover
,Cambria . " • ; Edgard Shoemaker, Ebensburg
Carbon II M. Dimmick, Mauna Chunk ,
Common. " Edward Vosburg, Shippen
Centre " - Alan Same Linn, Bellefonte
Cheater. " „Addison May, West Chester
Clarion , 'Hen —.--Campbell, Clarion
,Clearlleld James 43 Graham, Clearfield
Clinton , " „L A Mackey, Lock Haven
Columbia . . " Robert F. Clark, Behreburg
Crawford, " John Reynolds, Meadville
Curelemiand. " •• Thomas Paxton, Carlisle
Dauphin . > Dr George Bailey, Harrisburg
Delaware " Isaac Haldeman, Cheater
Elk .• " Henry Soother, Ridgway
Erie • ' " Jonas Gunnison, Erie
Fayette " John K Ewieg, Uniontown
Forest' 6 . George W Rose ; Idarionvelle • = •
Franklin " Hon Ames Black. Chambersburg
Fulton " U Fdgar King, McCoanelsourg
Greene Prof 51 B Garrison, Waynesburg .
Huntington LL Wm B Orbison, Huntington
Indiana " Robert C Taylor, Indiana 6 .
Jefferson " Isaac G Gordon. Brookville
Juniata " Edwin Sutton, McAllisterville
Lancaster r. Daniel Heitsher, Lancaster
Lawrence ," D Morris, New• Castle
Lebanon George Atkins, Lebanon
Lehigh " 6 . E T Saeger, Allentown
Luzern Stewart Pearce, Wilkepharre
Lycdming r • Abraham UpdegraLT,Williameport
MoKein Hon Byron D Hamlin, Smetbport
Mercer " John R Hanna, Mercer
Miffiin .. Andrew Reed, Lewistown
• Monroe " Wm Davis, Stroudsburg
Montgomery " B M Boyer, Norristown ,
. Montour Gideon Shoop, Danville
Northampton " Rev John Vanderveer, Fasten
Northumberl'd " Wm J Greenough, Sunbury
Perry .. Hon B F Junkie, Bloorutleld
Pike Edivard Haliday, Milford
Potter .. John Di RaMiltoll, Coudersport
Schuylkill " Hon E 0 Parry, Pottsville
Snyder " Col Wm F Wagenseller, Selinsgrove
-Somerset -
Sullivan " Walter, Spencer, Laporte
Susequehattna L F Fitch, Montroee
TRIP " . Thomas Allen, Wellsboro'
Union " Caps John Owens. Levrisbur .
Venango " E E Lytle, Franklin
Warren " Hon Lewis Arnett
Washington " James C Acheson, Washington
Wayne B B Smith, Honesdale
Westmoreland " John Armstrong, Jr, Greensburg
Wyoming .u PSI Osterhout, Puotroaauock
York " Henry L Fisher, York
Philadelphia " Henry Hallowell, Secretary Board
at Controllers, Atheneum buildings.
Superintendentof SOldiers'' Orphans
Lancaster, Sept. 11, 11364..'-.-{depWiddcwot-
E., v. Gopi.x,
1 - AN Tiiil/WE It, AT LAW.
. , •
9FiFICf6 3t Tina) num; Anovis biABICET WREST.
.air.Acitu4laik. Pensions and Baak Pay OBecten at tega!
TO L.y.11.;
. • .
preinisea t en Front street, jn this city, adiondnE the
XPLWOPAL CHURCH, and now in the possession of
Charles Burd, Esq. The situation, in all respects, is oat
of the most desirable, lbs.& private residence, in the city.
Possession may be had on the let of October, ensuing.
Apply, to. the Trustees of the Old School Presbyterian.
Churcht.— • -CIitAROP.S C. RAWN,
• Tnsunireror the Church.
—nirriSpinglept. 17, 1664. [seß/7425c
. liobliers, Portroitoi:
A - 14- I Waisiesor tment,at
.2 Sold at Watdeitaleptyeteltetleye pteea.
FAMILY FLOUR an "i,;(101IN
xsAL alWaya on band, of the &
ERIC beetuailty, at