9a4 Etitgrapl2 lIARRIriBURG, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 23, 18tiL NO COMPROMISE, BUT SUBMISSION For justice and the Riaht AGAINST TRAITORS TO .LAW AND ORDER The loyal men of the city of Harrisbulgilin r daunted in the presence of the common enemy, and ready always to raise their voices or their arms in defence of a common country, will a ;soluble in GRAND MASS MEETING, UN SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1864, At. the Court House for the purpose of organizing still further for the protection of the national honor, the preservation of the National Union, and the perpetuation of the National Government, in A GLORIOUS TRIUMPH AT THE POLLS BY THE ELECTION OF LINCOLN AND JOHNSON. The Farmers, Mechanics, Merchants and' Laboring men of Dauphin county, are re-; ; quested to be present, in their might, and tes tify thair allegiance to the national authority,. anti by their presence, also, evidence their ABHORRENCE OF TREASON. The Committee have the best assurance to !mow that several eminent and distinguished speakers from abroad, and . . among them, the nom John Cessna, will be present to address the meeting. Hon. John C. Kunkel, and others of our fellow-citizens at home will also speak on the occasion. By order of the County Committee.. . JOHN J. SHOEMAIs.E.R, Chairman. J. H. Wresrnrigo, Secretary. ''OWN AND COUNTRY-; • •ft Dual or LOCKJAW. — David D. Eshelnitiii, Union candidate for. Surveyor in Huntingdon county, died on Tuesday, of tetanus, catiged• by having one of his hands crashed 13y.4. threshing machine on Thursday previons.• CC= KILLED. —On Wednesday last, while the workmen at the Pennsylvania Iron Works itt Chester, were endeavoring to raise a large iron flask, used iu the moulding deparment, it slipped from their hands, and coming down upon the body of Robert Williarus,on, be was almost instantly killed. • THERE will be a Union Mass Meeting al the Court House in this city, to-morrow evening. Hon. John Cessna, one of the most eloquent speakers in the State, will be present and ad dress the meeting. Should the weather prove favorable no doubt there will be a large attend ance from the country. Every loyal man should be present. SWORD PRESENTATION.—On the 19th inst., as Coal, 201st Pennsylvania regiment, was (mita way from this city to York, the Captain, B. P. Ashenfelter, was made the recipient of eland some sword. The presentation was made in the cars. Mr. Dougherty tendered the valua ble gift, in a few appropriate remarks, to which the Captain responded briefly, returning his thanks for the weapon, and for the•respedt shown him by those under his command. • FARMERS, take care of your orchards .and. your fruit trees. All the fruit that falls and you do not pick up and carry away from under your trees are filled with insects, which are destined to destroy the next year's crop. Go to your trees in the morning and take all the good and sound fruit, then let your pigs in during the day, and thousands, yea, tens of thousands of insects are destroyed every day. Try the experiment, and don't almost dog the pig to death that is doing you good when. by accident it gets into your orchard, ARRESTED. —Capt. Geo. Bates, of the Ist New York Artillery, was arrested yesterday by. officer Lowe, charged with committing an ag gravated assault upon the person of Joseph Bowman. There being much excitement man ifested by the citizens against Capt. 8., he . waived a hearing, and entered bail for his appearance on Wednesday morning at 10, o'clock, when the matter will be fully inves . tigated.—Pittsburg Commercial. Capt. Bates above alluded to was recently in command at Fort Washington, opposite this city. We know nothing concerning the offence alleged to have been committed in Pittsburg, but must say that while here Capt. Bates acted the part of a perfect gentleman, and was highly esteemed by our citizens and and all who knew him. EXCITING CHASE AFTER A LOCOMOTITE.--OR Saturday, the 10th inst., says the Indiana American, an engine on the Pennsylvania Railroad, which had been supplied with fuel and water preparatory to taking a train west; got loose from the hostler, and ran up the, south track like a streak, snorting and:. pant ing as if, giving challenge for a race. Engl..' neer Black, with the engineer of the fast line, Was despatched at once on the north track in pursuit of the fugitive, and, she being a faster animal, caught up with the runaway at Ath eusville, and running alongside, the engineer stepped over and reined in the flying steed. The precaution was taken to telegnaph ;to: White Hall and have the switch turned so as to throw her off the track in case she reached that point. ACCIDENT TO DETECTIVE FRANKLIN.--Last night as officer Franklin and a soldier were com ing up the pike from Middletown, when near Lochiel (owned by Gen. Cameron,) they came across a deserter. The soldier who was with Franklin jumped out of the buggy, (leaving the detective in charge of the team,) and put= sued the deserter a considerable distance, firing at him several times. From some cause the soldier fell, and the fugitive • escaped. The pursuer then returned to where, - 4e left the team, and found that the' iMitiic:anta buggy, together with Sergeant Franklir; 'bad fallen down an embankment into a 'deee re- vine. Franklin was insensible, and appar ently in a dying condition, but subsequently rallied sufficiently to be removed to the resi dence at Lochiel, where he was kindly cared for, and is now lying in a critical condition; and but little hope is entertained of his re covery. -.The only information that could be obtained from him, in regard to the accident, is that in jumping _from the buggy his; feet were caught in the lines, causing the horse to turn suddenly, and fall down the enbankment, taking the buggy and officer with him. Sergeant Franklin has been a very efficient officer, always succeeding in accomplishing his work of arresting deserters. Ile was a gentleman in every sense of the word, and his numerous friends in this city will deeply regret , to hear of the accident that htus befallen him. It is hoped that he may survive his injuries, and be spared to continue his wards daeo tive. RAJ "Wlntra c"' refiKlhe eminentroi ator of this eity,‘isitlifitilhtMqo adds the loyal people otfifiltbn - thltriSYSliiii '" • RELoszotrs Asseuro.7--Two..soldiers, named . George'W. Roberts ana William Bassett, were arrested yesterday, charged with committing tt l felonious assault upon one of our saloon keepers. A pistol and a crutch were used by the parties. The Mayor committed them to prison to aria-if the Chargq ) at court: AN INDEPENDENT COXPANT of volunteers for the U. S. service is now being recruited by Capt. .I4D4wilgr . kwhe Captain is art Old; soldisrMvikg elibientlyserved 2rie•ebuntry. Thede who desire to escape the draft that will Surely take place in delinquent sub-districts, would do well to connect themselves with this independent organigation. I=l ROBBERY OP A SPRING HousE.—The spring , house of Mr. DUO* Rudy, in the vicinity, of this city, Was recently entered by a 'party of thieves, and a tub of butter, a lot of chickens, etc., were stolen. Yesterday three darkies, named Eli Gibson, Thomas Dochens and James Robinson; of this 'city, were arrested, 'charged with the theft. The tub was found at the house of Robinson. They were com mitted to answer at court. To Oun COUNTRY EXCHANGES. —Country edi tors are respectfully requested to examine the advertisement of Thos.,H. Burrowes, relative to the education of soldiers' orphans, (pub lished in our columns,) and notice briefly the particulars contained therein, together With the names of' tbe parties to whom appli cation can be made in the respective counties. They wofild Thus greatly aid the cause of thS orphans of the brave men who have laid down theirlives in their country's service. d&w. JUST DT SPASM —Mrs. M. Mayer, of No. 13 Market street, has already received her new stock of goods for the fall market. Visitors 46 Mrs.. Mayer's store pronounce the assort ment of bonnets, hats, flowers, feathers, trim mings, &e., the most complete in the city, and comprising the most fashionable articles that are to be found in the Market. Persons wanting anything in the millineryline would do well to give Mrs. Mayer a call, as the prides are ,low, and the stock of goods com plete: Rethember the place—No. 13 Market street. 1=1:==1 RECEUITING AGENT ABEESTED, --Evan Damp- Min, a recruiting agent from Philadelphia, who has been operating in this city, was ar rested yesterday; at the instance of two men named Burns and Jones., It appears that Dampman offered librikar lib - unties for men to be credited to Philadelphia, and succeeded in obtaining Mims for the 9th ward, and Jones for the 10th ward of said city. Their ,_signa turese were obtained to the necessary docu ments, thus securing the men, but the bounty money fa,iled to be forthcoming, and Damp man was arrested on a charge of obtaining the signatures under false pretences. The Mayor committed him to prison to answer the charge. 'BITSINESS AT THE PROVOST MAIGEETAL'S OFFICE. --The public have but a slight idea of the amount of business transacted at the office of the District Provost Marshal, or of the num ber of men examined and disposed of. The records in the office of :Gen.. Clement show that during the.first ten days of this month sixty-three desertrs . were arrested and re turned to that • office, -And from that time to the,2oth inst., fifty-five more were disposed of. During the month of August, rive hun dred and seventy-five 80 /4iers._worP :mustered in there, a majority of whom were accredited to this district. 'the Ist of January, 1864, two thousand seven hundred and eigh teen 'menhiivetesen mustered into the service through the ',office of Gen. Clement. We dOubt whether any other Provost Marshal in the State'cala Show a better record. A mAkiNIVICEN:r _bill has been prepared for this evening, the- occasion of the benefit of Miss Bella Golden, whose performances have created the greatest enthusiasm during the present week.'" To-night she will appear as a French lancer, an. Arab boy and French lady, in the romantic military drama of THE FRENCH SPv.' -l iillso;n's Laura in the new come dietta of THE : I=LE REBEL. She will, in the first piece, dance the wild Arab dance, and fight ,a broad-sword combat with Mohammed, a -.Wild Arab. •Iti: the latter character Mr. Martin Golden, a &eat actor, will make his first appearance in this city. Mr. D. L. Morris will deliver his 'stump oration on The Times. •We would advise all play-goers to attend the benefit of Miss Golden, and witness a magnificent entertainment. such as is only given at Rouse's Theatre. Go to Baunvart's drug store and secure a seat—then go to Brant's Hall. , „ A RUSE SLANDER OF THE LADIES ENGAGED IN TEE DEPARTMENTS AT WASBINGTON.—The Gov ernment has seen - 9t to employ a large num ber of ladies in, various capacities in the De partments at WaShington city. These are mostly the wives ; -daughters and sisters of sol diers. In allusion to this fact, Senator Wal lace, during the delivery of his studied tirade of treason on Tuesday evening last, in the Court House is this city, deliberately and em ',Phatioally declared that 'such employees were all women of douhtful characters, whose pres ence in the Department might be regarded as a mere assiliFati9n, for the accommodation of Lincoln's hiieling—or words to. this effect. The gentleman who communicated this fact, listdned carefully to Senator Wallace's speech, •and he is certain that the Clearfield copP6r 'head intended deliberately thus to impugn the character of the ladies in the employ of the Government at Washington. 'SINGITLAE CASE OF ROBBEEY.—A MOStSiUgli lar case of robbery, in which the filets are al most beyond belief, has just been brought to lig4t, by the arrest of one.of the parties, and an investigation which took place yesterday, at the Mayor's office. Margaret Lee a col ' ored woman , has been living in the ~f amily of Mr:Houck, about a mile - from 'this city, but Was previously employed in the house of Mr. William Trullinger, some five miles from town. From the confession of Margaret, atthe May or's office, it appears that Mrs. Houck had for some time been endeavoring to persuade her to go to Mr. Trullinger's residence for the purpose of stealing certain articles, but did not succeed until Friday last, on the evening ? of which day Margaret (the colored girl) and" Mrs. Houck's little daughter, aged about thir teen, were disguised in male attire, and in duced to . ge a distance 'of four miles, to Trill lingprs'o. When there Margaret : entered the house, which she effected without difficulty, owing to her familiarity with thepremisee. Two havo c *, a lot of dishes, knives, forks, ladles, PaPPoirhWei . .ete. , were stolen, and taken to A. portion of a ham found' there was identified by Mr. Trallinger as having been his property:. The dishes, Sse., were, subsequentlY lbronght to this city by Marga ret; ,and weregesterday.-taken to the Mayor's offic.; :It , seerasAtiereclible that a mother could encourage, licit 'daughter, an innocent child scarcely:in:ll4 temp, to assist in com mitting a theft, but from the evidence, it semisgirlL:corroborates the statementk%Ulitgaret. The clatter was com mitted for trial: in default of bail, and Mrs. Hotek, who'hactii, hearbiglirit evening, has been 414 torieoltrt.. We trust:there .jrnay lie tollike extenuating , circumstances - . connected with,tb.e cargrwilAch . wit telleVe respectable fungi , ir* -- sulottimation with the ease. Pe4 of Wiii'staarrals.—An order; ' ::n: the Post Office Department,_ under ...date of. September 13, 1564 gifee the folloWing as the compensation .of poitmasters, by the act ap proved July list, 1864: • - Philadelphia, $4,006.; Pittsburg, $4,000; Harrisburg, West Chester and Reading, $2,- 700; Allegheny and Williamsport, $2,600; Lancaster, $2,500; Easton, Erie and Potts villa, $2,400; "Carlisle, Chambersburg, Mead= villa and Sai'antarl, $2,300; Allentown and York, $2 200. Chester and Norristown,s2,lo6; , Johnstown, Altoona, Wilkesbarre an Titus villa, $2,000; Lock Haven and Danville, $l,- 900; Bethlehem, $1,800; Pittston and Leba .l/011, $l, 700; Washington, Lewistown and Gettysburg, $1,600; Lewisburg, Huntingdon, Honesdale and Columbia, $1,500; Ashland, Mauch Chunk and Oil City, $1,400; Tamaqua. Franklin and Phoenixville, $1,300; Bellefon te, Towanda, Montrose and Millersville, $1,200; Kittanning, Uniontown, New 'Brighton, Mil ton, Mechanicsburg and Poittstown, $1,100; St. Clair, Warren, Shippensburg, Greensburg, Hollidaysburg, Newcastle, Bedford, Buchanan and Carbondale, $l,OOO. Heinsuu - so, Sept. 22, 1864. A Meeting of the citizens of the Sixth Ward was held at the new Market House, for the purpose of raising an independent com pany of volunteers foe the U. S. service, as surance having been had that such a company would be acceptable to the Government. The meeting was organiz ed by electing Wm. K. Verbeke Chairman, az id George B. Cole Secretary. The object of the meeting was very ably set forth by our patriotic Chairman. Col. Alleman was then called upon, who addressed the meeting in one (.1 those soul-stirring, earnest, patriotic and practical strains that is so characteristic of the man. On motion, it wrs agreed to organize the company by electing Captain J. Det yeller teMporary com mander. On motion, it was unanimously agreed to call the company the Alleman Fen cibles. On motion, adjpurned bo meet again at the same place on the. evening of the 23d inst. to make a permanent organization by electing company office r&.. Three rousing cheers were given for Vezrl,teke. Alleman, Det weiler and the Alleman. GEO: B. COLE, Secretary. At Home and Abroad. Nest Tuesday the State Agricultural Fair will commence, at Easton. Dan Rice, the showman, ARS been nomina ted for State Senator by the Copperheads of the Erie district. Should he 'ibe eiected, Dan the ring at our Stale Capital next Winter. A Grand Union Mass Meeting will held at Huntingdon on Friday, Sopt. 30. Hons. John Cessna, Morton M'Michael, James Pol lock and Dan Daugherty, are announceki as the speakers. Gen. McClellan is now styled "The Greet American Hesitator." =I At Fort Jackson, on the Mississippi River, below New Orleans, c n the 26th of August, 1864, Lewis J. Frey, itiergeant-Major of the Bth Regiment, U. 8. Heavy Artillery. The colored populatiou of B l ending bears an enviable character for :honesty and sobrie ty, and as a consequence ig greatly respected. Of its younger members no one was better or more widely known • than 'was Lewis J. Frey, and no one was more honored"than he for C the possession of all the goo qualities which adorn and dignify the character of a man in his sphere of life. He was a pattern of indus try, of integrity, of intelligence, such as are rarely met with—his temper was-of the kind est and most genial sort—his truthfulness was never for an instant to be doubted. They, whom he served, felt for him a real affection. It seems almost superfluous to say of such a man that he was one of the best of sons and brothers—he could not have been anything else. From the beginning of the rebellion he felt that he owed the duty of military service to the country, and, long before colored troops were enrolled, he with some of his associates were taking steps for their mutual improve ment in military matters. In the latter part of August, 1863, he volunteered into the 14th Rhode Island, Colored *Vieel, and was soon after made Sergeant of his company, in-which position he exhibited such excellent qualities of attention to duty, of fidelity to every trust, of strict obedience to and enforcement of the alI orders, that'upon the final organization of the rgiinent, he was promoted to be its Ser geantiMajor, the highest promotion a colored man tan reach. The service being Heavy Artillery, his regiment was in garison at va rious forts .on the coast of Texas and upon the Mississippi river in Louisiana, a malarions region, for which it was 'supposed. the colored regiments were peculiarly fitted, a mistake which has caused this .good and true man, with hundreds of others, his life: Letters from his comraaes bespeak the es teem in which he waS held by them and most touchingly express their sorrow for his loss. The death of such a man is, however, rightly regarded, not only a lossle those who survive him—to his friends, to his family, to his fel low soldiers. Few of these ever forget such an exemplar of good conduct, and though he is dead he will still live in that menory and be fruitful of good works in them. BUSINESS ITEMS. . Miss Munn PAULINE CI7SIIMAN will takcs a benefit at the New National Theatre, to-night. Her Mends will be there. HiGTELY LISPORTANT.—CIean, sound teeth are essential •to health as well as the personal ap pearance of any one. If you wish to enjoy this luxury, use the World's Sovereign Balm. S. Rogers, the proprietor, will remain a few days longer at the White Hall Hotel. Circulars free. The Greatest Invention of the Age Is the Pearl Cement, manufactured by S. Rogers, 608 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.— It is truly wonderful. Mr. Rogers is now in our city, and will remain a few days at the White Hall Hotel. Our citizens should avail them selves of this - oportunity to carom him and procure a supply of it. (Circulars free.) To z , ,nz Prrsmc.—C. L. Bowman, No.. 11., corner of Front and Market streets, :respect fully announces to citizens and strangers, that he will open on Saturday of this weok, and Monday of next week, a large assortment of new, style dress goods, with a general. six3ck of fall and winter dry goods. Cotton and lo.reign goods have not declined, though thore has been some abatement in the premium ongold. The cheapest class of goods now in the mar ket, and the most useful at this season. of the year is domestic woolen goods. Our risotto is small profits, and a dispositionto pleasie those who patronize AlB. • ° • Dn. iinninx's King of Pain should be kept in every. family. Will cure Eleadache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Dia srhceo, Bloody Flux, pain in the Back and Side,: bittern /nation of the Kidneys and Liver Con tplaint and Palpitation of the He art. Sole agent for the State, S. A. AlrigKEL & BEG 118 Market street; Harristn arg. All orders fanurit di stance promptly att , ended to.. . sept 2 0-tf VISHI FISH I NOEL 1 AND 2 MAO] IEI4 £L, In all Wee nackagegr , jest received and ft tr sale BROILER dG FRA'a . - Kromer's (uphanfo Hair Dye Boxes larger than Dyes that sell for $l. NATURAL, DURABLE, BEAUTIFUL. Wenasiviso to please. This article 'has been thoroughly tested by Da Onnirem of - New York, and Professors Booth and Garrett of Philadelphia, who pronoimce it free from all poisonous ingredients, and the material com posing it will not injure the most delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Ooods dealers everywhere. JNO. J. EROXIdES, Sole :PrOPrietor, 403 Chestnut St., Phifadelphia, Pa Drunkemies' CUred. The inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempting cup. Dr. Zane's antidote for strong drink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong think, and can be administered without the knowledge of the patient. • Descriptive - circulars Sent to any address. For sale by all respectablddruggists in the United States and Canada& Price $1 per box, or packages of six boxes for $5. JNO. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. hand's Specific. The oldest and most reliable medicine for the cure of Spermaorhcea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Power, &c. This medicine has stood the test of over thirty yeara,cancl has always proved a success. Dr. RAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form of pills, made up entirely of substances that have a specific effect upon the generative . organs. Most persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills. The SPECIFIC of Dr. Rand is not intended as an evacuating medicine. Its medicinal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs. The pills are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persons masticate them with impunity before swallowing them ; which plan we would al, ways recommend, as affording - the speediest way to get the effectof the4emedy. Price $1 per box, or six boxes for $5., :Sold by druggists everywhere. JNO. d. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. aug2s-dly . PUREE VEGETABLE TON/10- THE znost healthy persons feel more or less weak this extreme warm weather, and lose their ap petite. They need a good stroag Tonle—Mie that will strengthen the nervous system and stomach. This they cat' get at 50 cents per bottle, at Mrs, L Ball's, No. 27, South Pine street, Harrisburg. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. augl IfAXE DYE. t HAIR DYE t 2 Batchelor's CeLebrated Hair Dye IS TEE BBBT IN THE WORLD. The only Harmiess,.rrne. and Rs liabk Dye Known.. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a 6/oary Akira or Natural Brown without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Etalreoft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, frequently vstoring its pristine color, and reclitles the ill effects of b. 'id Dye a The genuine is sigried.WILLIAII A. BATCH RI43R. All others are more imitations, and should be av, nded. Sold by all Druggists, &a 'Factory-31 MB, qL. NY GT, br. Y. SATO 1111 L'A' ,4 %Oil= vu . 0164 4 11 g 0 Val IMP. sea ayiERl3,: TrAittc ' WITH YOU . ! ThEi gn A t e ot trouble to persons in: the Araty, especially in this so asondi DyßentArY, which- (by death or by Nis zakens !.he service more than the Rebels do. Very ma ny have 'found, upon trial, the DYSENTERY DROPS a re among i.lte.very hest preventatives and aura that are to be had. Every officer and every soldier should ear ':.ry it with hisa, and thereby reasonably insure himself al ;ainst a great danger, It is prepared in Harris•' burg by N RS. L. BALL, at 27 Pine street, between Second and Front . Take a phial with you. Price 26 cents. Mill tary Business attended To 8013321 y, Pension , : Back :- Pay, Subsistence and Military and War laime, generally, made out and cellected.. Per sons roeldi ag at a distance can have their blueness trans acted by n mil, by addressing - - • SUGENESNYDEM, Attomeymt , Late, . *17413 Third areal Harrlabarli Pa C 'OLGATE , S HONEY SOAP. This eels: brined Toilet Soap, in such universal de mand, is in ode from the choicest materials, Is mild and smolt tientin its nature, fragrantly scented, and estrem Ay beneficial in its action upon an skis. For Sale by all Druggists and Plincy Goods Eftlers. , jan2s-das STOCKINI,3B ! ' STOCKINGS! -STOCKINGS ! WE HAY: E JUST ziEcErvkil FROM THE FACTORY, 50 dos of hei tvy white ribbedCottqn Stockings, 50 Ms 60 .doz of wb ite ribbed Cotton Stockings, 75 Ms 25 dos'blue, mixed and grey Woolen Stockings, 75e 50 dos of We • .oleo Stocking; all colors and prices White Cotton &bents, good and heavy all prices We have th e largest assoihrusnt. of Hosiery in Harris burg, for I. 'adles' s and Men's wear 10 pieces of I Slack Cloth for Cloaks, all prices. , 20 pieces of F clack Silk, all prices • 1 piece of Ex Ira heavy best.quality 10 'deeps of N "ew Style Plaid Dress Goods 5 pieces of BI ack Bombazine, best quality 3 pieces of St ack French Merino 2.pievis of 111 ack Canton Cloth, finest quality Black Alpaca, is, all qualities and prlcus Plain Parsons •ttas intrown, blue and purple. . Paramattas ile . black, stone color and All Wool De) balnes, in brovin,blue and ireen Marseilles Qa Ills, Napkins analhie Linen Yellow, red ai ad tine white manned , • • . 50 pieces of B leached Muslin, at BO els ; wora 75 cis. We have no wln Stord a Complete Assortment of ALL RINDS, OF I) .RY GOODS, which we will close out at less than wholesal e prices. Dap] LEWY. raDITOIL; OF 'lllll .KORAPH Dear:Sir:— With your permission I wish to say, to the readers of you .r paper that I will send, by return mail, to all who wish i t (free,) a Recipe, with full 'directions' for making and w ring a simple Vegetable .Balni, that will ef fectually rem, rive in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and ; ill Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, sroa loth and beautiful I will also Eat ail free to those having Bald Heads or Aire b'aces, simple t lirections and information that will enable thorn to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty days. - All . applicatlo ns answered , by return mail without charge •. a es = ll . ll 4: truplax, Chemist, jylB-4dcw3nr 831 Broadway, New York. Take no nte we unpleasant and unsafe . Medicines For 'snpleasai it and dangerous diseases, use HELL BOLD'S EYTRA BUCHU, which has received the en dorscsient of tb .e most paculltimir PHYSICIANS IN THE 11. S. ir, now effete dto afflicted humanity as a certain cure for the follow* diseases and syraptoms originatingfrom diseases and ate see of the Urinary and Sexual Organs; General Bahia y, Mental and Physical Depression, Imbe dlity, Deterrednation of Blood to the Head, Confused Ideas, Bysterk "t, General Irritability, Restlessness and Sleeplessness a. t Night, Absence of Muscular Efficiency, Lees of Appetite Emaciation, Low Spirits, Disorganiza tion or Paralysis of the Organs of Generation, Palpitation of tles eart,,an i I, in fact, all the concomitants of a ner: voas and debilitat 'ed state of the system. To insure the 'muffle, cut this a ut. . Ask for WAMBOLD'S. Take no other; Cures gue wartteed. See advertisement in seethes augHtflut • -column. 5ep22 7 30 Stf*la l eeisly to Liver Pool. frotoraNG at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Hare Lbor.) The wel I known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Phi ladelphia Steamship Compsny, are in tended to sail se to City of Manchester, Saturday, September 24; City or London, Saturday, October 1; City of Baltimore, Satur dey, October 8; an id every succeeding Saturday, at Nobn, from Pier 44, Non h River. / tATES OF RABBAG*, . PAYABLE LI Goy ti, OR rill 711.171VALINT alf OVICERNOT. arde l FIRST CA81N.... .. $BO 00 STEERAGE $BO 00 do to London.... „.85 00 do to Loadon.., .. 84 00 do to Parts .... -..: ... 95 00 do to Paris.... . . ... 40 00 do to Hamburg.. .... 90 00 .do to Hamburg— 37 00 Passengers ain fore to Havre, Bremen:Hotter dam, Antwerp, ho. ,at equal li s o u r m rateri ~ i ' Pares from Live spool or : let Cahill, 5 71 , $B5, $lO6. Steers ge, $B5. wbo wish to send ft r their friends can bt ty Ueketli here it there uteri - For further infor motion apply at the Company's Mae .JO AN .0. CALA Agent, th woidwey, N.- . Y.gr C. 0 . . , UAW n Family Flour MO barrels of „,-; tit° best bread of ticmrin- this livery barrel warra , Atelier money reamed, andliellverea to aII Para of the t ; .43 , free of. ohorge. For ado at' ; alliilLEß as FRAZER'S. • ~.t• . . SPECUiL, NQTVCEP. 50 CENTS A BOX. IBM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Public Sale. On Tuesday, September 27th, 1864, Trgsubscriber will sell on the 'pretrdiies, in per Allen township;Comherlasta-coluity, Pa., on the road leading from Mechanicsburg to "Dillaburg, one and a half miles southwest of the , former place, the tollow hag valuable real estate : No. I—A tract of land, well.; known as the Reserve Farm, containing 77 acres, allinAbighstateof cultivation, having recently been limed, and under good fencing. The improvements consist of a large TWO-STORY. BRICK - HOUSE, , . . With kitchen imd wash-house, Is Bank-barn, of modern style, anti all necessary butbuildfuge.. Tho buildings.,are all nearly new, having been built ,within a few years. There is a well of excellent water, and two cisterns—one at the barn and one at the 'House. There is also a splen did young Apple Orchard, la fine bearing cOndition, - with peaohes, pears,' plums and grapes, in great Variety, on the This is in every respect a superior , brOptirty, and its nearness•to Mechanicsburg, with all its oth'er acilitiea renders it one of the most desirable homaapn Cumbrland Palley:;_: r _ • No. 2-4 tract of limb-stone land, adjoining,the above, containing 24 acres, of excellent quality, hnd under good fencing. The improvements are a TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE; With kitchen, Wash-house, Bank-barn, and other neces sary outbuildings, all newly erected.. This' property is suitable for a retired farmer, who wishes theconveniencee of a farm on a small compass. Itenearness krthoi above 77 acres, will enable the owner to offer it is a'separate home, or an entire tract of 101 acres, it it is found to'suit the purchaser. It will be offered - in bath Ways, Persons desiring to view the property previous to the sale, will please call on, the undersigned, residing in Me- Salo to commence at 1 o'clock r., r., when - terttis will be made known by, P. 11.. , L0NG. 5ep15.1.2t NEW OPENING FOR Fall and Winter Trade! CILOXIO4,, CIRCULARS CLOAKS • BROOHE „ L "r AND MOURNING SHAWLS ! - - BALMORALS AND SCARFS! u.xt s • The Lamest aril bed. Bekaad stock in this city ! • New Cloak Store, IN D. W . GROSS' NEW BLOCK, HARRLSBURG, PA. sep2-tf QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF FICE, FIRST Drvnareor, WAMUNGTO3I CITY, September 2 t 1861.} Will be sold at PON, Auction, to theffighest bidder, at the time and places naffied below viz : York, Pa., Thursday, Sept. 15, 1 1864. ' Altoona, Pa., Thursday, Sept. 22, 1884. - Lebanon, Pa., Thursday, dept. 29, 1864. TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES AT EACH PLACE. These Horses have been condemned as unlit for the cavalry service of the army. For road and farm purpOses many good bargains may be had. Horses sold • singly. • • Tnams—Cash, in United States currency. JAMES A.' EKES, Colonel First Division, seps-tse2B] Quartermaster General's Office. Paovon MABSRA.VEI °SEIM; DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, • ' HARRISBURG,' IterabST 3, 1864. The following notice is published or information of all interested : TO VOLUNTEER4 i ,, Volunteers will be accepted and counted on the quotas of - the present call, up to the last practical moment before the drafted men are accepted and sent to the rendezvous, Townships and sub-districts•whlch have not filled their quotas are urged to do so at once. All time that can possibly be glven; wll be allowed, but the draft will commence asuon after the sth of Sep . • Lember as practicable. Credits will be 'given, and 'Government , bounty paid: to volunteers until father Ondera; By obi* Of. - ' ' Caps. RICHARD L BODGE, • • - • - A.A. P. DG General *ILIUM SCHEMER, " Captain and A:4 A. General. , • " JogsurAy CLEMENT, -Captain and Provost Marshal.l4lh., Dist Act of Penna. Harrteburg, August3l, 1864. . , . . • • sept 5 Fever and Ague! RAYING now on hand. a large supply of 11, my SPIRITUAL PILLS—a certain Cure for. the Fe ver and Ague—l oiler them to the publics either wholesale er retail. They are perfectly simple and safn—free from poisons, and will in all Canes effect a cure, or the money refunded. Diptheria • *GOLDEN ELECTRIC OlL—a certain and effective ' Ourr,for Diptkeria, Sore Throat, (Ea How many precious lives might have been saved by the use of my ELECTRIC OIL.' • I will guarantee to cure the worst cases of Dipthe- Thl:' THE GREATEST FAMILY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD I The Poor cured without-charge. Jar &wrens noticing the Golden Oil, 1 will send them a bottle free by...express. W. BARR, Next - door to First National Bank; Harrisburg. sep94l2w*, The Trumpet of Freedom! j i COLLECTION OF NATIONAL AND XI. PATRIOTIC SONGS, Duets, Trios and Quartettes, _comprising RALLYING. SONGS, CAMP SONGS, CAVALRY. SONGS, BUMMING SONGS, BATTLE SONGS, • . " HOME SONGS„;.dtc., Being- as s• whole, the. • BEST COLLECTION OF WAR SONGS' PUBLINFIED, FOR SOLDEKRO ANDTRIOR PREENFIS AT HOYE. • , The pabliedaers issue • • An immense edition to meet a demand - tinpiecatented by the sale of any 'similar too* - Price 40 cents, on receipt of whichlt will be mailed, `postpaid, to any address. Jost published by OLIVER, DIVEON c 6 CO., Publishers, 277 Washiniton St., Boston. For sale by _ _ E. GOULD, Philadelphia. sepl3-the. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF . F 4 IPST Dmios, 'WASH:Miff= CliyaktlgOSt __ . HORSES! fIORSES! Horses suitable for Cavalxy and Artillery service:Will be -purchased at Giesboro Depot, in open marketo.till October 1864, Horses will be delivered to Captain L. Lowry Moore d. Q. IL', and be subjected to the usual Government Malice, . • tion before being accepted. ' Price of : Cavalry Horse; $175 each. Price of Artillery Horses, $lBO each. . •• „ Payment will be made for six. (6) and more . JAMD3 ERIN, Colonel First Division, sops -td] Quartermaster General's Office. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed the first day of June, 1839, thestockholders of the Franklin Bank, of Washington, Penna., will apply to the next session of the Legislature for a renewal of ita char• ter with an increase of its capital from $150,000 to $260,000. • C. M. REED, President WARINGTON, PA, June 24,-1884. 7e27 T Jr, _X& PERINt'S WOROE' STER SAUCES, ...la the most popular andthe pared ever eared to the public, just received and for sale by . . febl fauccesaorsto. lICILSTERS' BASSETS.—ShiaIer &FrEW 11 zor, successors te W. Dook Jr., &Go., have mimed 35.4cesin hickory baskets. Price $& 50, per dozen. ;je9 RUIT MRS, of the latest. Patent (Grit'. F fin's Test Patent,) Just melved.alwlifor sale low at iY IB BOYER* E.OERPER. CLAP SAGO, English ' PineAppie, Nat o oseg and New York State Just at B:itztaN: PIOKTAZ B 1 EICKLEEI I I—By the Banal! EMMA:TeI; Jar or—Dosat nt no2o (tilocoes ' orii to Wm. Dock, &-Cu.) 0 OUS: 1V1)218R' • -of ... the MP - VIA - braildr "344 andet ( for isle* . PRA' . I% uo triocogign, tONIEL • DOOkiin ' BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S itfiLL, THIRTY-THIRD NIGHT OP gooses Star Combination_Compauy, Romer, Star Combination Company, ROMA Star Combination CompaltY, THMISDAY EVENING, SEPT.' 22, 186 . Will be performed, for the first time in this city, TO Taylor's great play, in fire acts, A ' THE KING'S RIVA:Ik' r • OR, The Court and the Stage.: To conclude With the SUCCCOMII64/inie A Grandfather's Ghost MR. D. L. MORRIS, The great delineator of German characters! THE WHOLE COMPANY WILL APPEAR' Dr-For further particulars see programme. augO-dtr New National Theatre ! New National Thu:4re:: COR. OF NORTH SECOND AND SMYTH . Sole Lessee and Manager, - B. MARBLE. Stage Manager, - - BARRY GILBERT:- MR. J. M. WARD! On which occasion she will relate her thrilling adventurer while in the secret service of the United States. THIS FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1854 .1523 - For farther particulars, see programme. PRICES OF ADMlSSlON.—Parquette, 50 cents; W.:- lery, 26 cents; Orchestra Chairs, $1 00; Private Bolo =. $5 and 210. Doors open at 7%. Curtain rises at 8 &cloak. , Boa Office open from 10 till 12 A. at and froadVitEri r. if, when seats can be reserved without extra, - .A`ge, and kept until end of first act. • au29-Iw* SANFORD'S HALL. .r][llllB company ommists of the beat atar'pb, A. formers, consisting of SINGFAS; • • DANCRILS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, iC7. The managers takes pleasure in announcing thatMey intend making this THE Concert Hall of the , city.,' HARRY WELLS & CO., ProprieMi . • ihr.tor PORTI/R, Business Agent. SugSkt., CA.NT-E4ILISTJILN WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. 'Proprietor......... Business Agent.... Stage Manager..... Leader of Orcheater OPEN every night with a first-iaaaa cam party of male and female artistes. " The perform ance embraces every variety of legitimate amusement, such us SINGING, DANCING, BURLESQUES, AND JESTS. Admission, 26 cents. Seats in private boxes 50.canta. Doors open at 7. To commence at So , clock.' WSW' Millinery and Fancy Goods. MRS. J. HII3IIS, at No. 8 Market Square, next door to Relix'sConfautionery, keepseonstint ly on hand the latest styles of Bonnets, Hats, Ruches, Flowers, Ribbons, Re., together with a due assortment of Dress Trimmings,. Laces, Embroideries Collars, Himdkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves and V ariety Goods in general. All the latest Designs of Diets rrit.toros 41reot from the New York Bazaars. Dress and Cloak making neatly exe cuted. Thankful for the patronage bestowed since her opening, she trusts, by a strict attention to businesAgd_ her endeavors to givogeneral satlaiketion, to ixiathrue- - receives. share of the piablie patronage.. ißlAtiat MHAT extensive vad finely located HOTEL STAND, at the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and. Boas street, ELarrisburg. It is entirely new, and In the midst of the most thriving portion of the city, and fronts on both of the above named streets. It contains slaty spare rooms and all of the most improved modem hot& appliances--cooking-ranges, hound cold water for baths, gas, Ac. i • The basement Is large, commodious, and one of the best In the city for a Restaurant. For information, address or apply to OLIVER EDWARDS, Agent, Sept. 8, 1884 .—[sepS-Im] fur Geo G. 'Cotton.. MX S. A. KUNKEL :- Sir take pleasure in stating that your "DIARRHCR MIXTURE" exceeds anything of the Lind that I ever imagined. 1 was eery much Llolibi,U with dainty:ea, and could find nothing to help me in the least, until 1 took your . 4 IiELSTURE." I give you this certificate, hoping that, if you see proper to use it, it may be the means of extending a knowledge of the matchless value of your medicine. • ' Very respectfully yours, H. B. JEFFRIES. Fallen Timber, Cambria Co., Aug. 27, 1884.—fau30-dif QtrEENS and GLASSWARE, , . a well e lected assortment, just received, of tticlatest styles , jylB DOM & BONSPER. Honey. ASMALL but superior lot ofIIONEY, just received, at SEMLER* MAZES'S. auglB XEWBOO H a-TICE SHOULDEIL STRAP'S DAYS O 1 SHOW: Just received st rdaltil SCHEYFPLR'S Boonr.(0111C OAP SAGO CPI4EBE—A small but freish lot ij or choice SAP SAGO CHEESE, just received thus morning, at SEMLER is FR4ZER'S. FElsiE GROCERIES of all kinds, at reduced prices, at ! SEMLER it..FRAZER'S GROCERY, opposite the,Gotlyt Hoass it/rEBI3 SHAD . and FINE NEW 'MACK-. F,REL, just received, at jylll r 'SOSBES VRESEI OBACKEES.—Boston Wine 'Fint y. cults, Boston Milk Biscaita, Boston BalkenJtia, calk; Boston Oystor Crackers, Boston Pic-nic creiliters, Trenton Batter Crakers, just received at iYIII BOTBR & %meg& Aid OTS for sale on the corner of Third an 4 -Li/Broad streets. Enquire of WM. O. Me - FADDEN , , PURE SWEET CEDER received to-dars4 • BOYRIC & =MR I'L.NE ROMANO SHERRY, imported - 1848. WuTented the Finest Sherry Wine 4 muntry. Tor tale at 8133111X.,it it FRAM; rah* (I. , telselthenwi to ic. it .4 el 190 ASSO-B,T E D BEREA GRIND= STONES for role. A. S. FARNESTOOfC. a14241aw n ir ". l4 E- - Cheiee new crop Chew, just reateiWed at LIT IM 1 , 1071 M Je, KOIRRPER pIOKLESt PICKY "FSII By the barrel, half barrel, Jar or draw,' at • a 02.5) MYER & RoXRpt4t. EXTRA 111. Th; WHEAT FLO - MI.-At leered White 'Wheat Family Flour, Jut receive . and for sale at BRISLER FRAZER,I: jyS BIICCOSSOIS tO W. Dock, &Go 17GARS, SYRUP 43, TEAS, ce.FFEF„ of all grades and prices, at SHEIRLEir& FRAZITIN , soooolooro tow. Deck. & Ca t jelir ' , Dealers Fine Fatal) , Jr.drckerirn}. LL kinds of hauling with wagons or oarts /3. will On prOinptiplone by main on JACOB BaBLIBIEB, 514Atsrilgtiart E , 60 . NOM!' MESS SILAD.---We received -*- fresh 1401, thispondp& at • eeplis Law.- - Insty notig 1114 Mae rendered LARD; tit tile by the Arkittot pound, u E t eceivitit at WWI BOYER & KORRPNR Amus.rmErrrs. MISS BELLA GOLDEN Bervfit and last appearance but one, of MISS MAJOR PAIRINE CUSIIYAN and A . great bill H. DONNELL NED WRA P ..HARRY MESTAYKR tT/SIOAL FAiWEes COMIC OPERAS, NEGRO GOIECALITIN4:4 FOR RENT. 130YER & KO comer of Iletood JOE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers