TILE TELEGRAPH IS PIRILZIOIXD MORNING AND EVENING, B y GEORGE BERONtER. ()FM'S MBA Br, NEAR YUEN= ',ERRS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE NUSSMIMON Tux Defulanostars is served to subscribers in the c ity at 12 conic per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged go 00 in advance. Those persons who neglect to p a y in advance will be charged $7 00: ViIiKELY 'TELEGRAM: - TLVOUPEr is also published weekly, and is furnished subscribers at the following cash rates Angle copies, weekly.... Three copies to one Pest Office Ten copies to one Post Office NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. When will Wonders CenSe 1 THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD McBRIDE'S ICING OF PAIN WILL cure any ache or pain in from one to sixty minutes ! It acts like magic upon the absorbant and glandular. systems, roduciug swellings and regulating the secretions mid excretions, It is of a diffusive, Penetrating 'nature, exerts its influence from the periphery to the centrit'cif, the nerrOU9 organism, thence by reflex action Its powr. ,s felt throughout the entire system, restoring the Men: Dta3g fluids and checking disease with invincible strength: THE KING OF PAIN IS. INFALLIBLEI No matter what the pain, apply the medicine and you mill find instant relief. it is an internal and external CVO. TEE KING OF • PAIN DINS Is!most instantaneously, Headache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Cadds, Bronchial-Affections, Dyspesia, Diarrheett, Dysentery or Bloody Flux, Lver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder lid Genital Organs, Cramp; °hello and- an spasmodic •,, , une, Fever and Ague, Burns, Bruises, - Cuts, Spraint and wounds of every description. It proves -itself the mastery, tlitt testimony of thousands prove its meritorious worth. wholesale and retail by S. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Sole Agents, • 118 Market street, HarrisbUrg. SOLDIERS READ! tat Wowing letter from a soldier, In.refereece to the eaicacy and powerful restorative qualitities of DR. MC BRITIE'S KING OF PAIN, speaks for itself : • NERNILLE, CUMBERLAND CoIXIT; Sept. 14, 1864.. . ,; Sevsrs. S. A. Mira& & Bra , druggists; Harritburg, GENTS :—.I. would inform you tram I ri c,erved the bottles. of Mcßride's Greet Pain Biller, and enclosed pleat° llnd. live dollais more, for which send Me five bottles addition al to-morrow. I leave for camp to-morrow. Let me know whether you can supply me with it in the army., I am iu Company R, 2024 i.egiment P. V. I have been in very had beak n for upwards of four years, and two of the one-dollar bottles have cured me completely, and have made me feel like a man. Besides, I have cured. a num ber of my comrades of various diseases incident, to E.alnp. life, and can recommend it to be the best ,inedigitte. the •' ' ' later can provide for himself. Yours respectfully, JOS. 4 .r All orders from a distance promptly attended,to b S. A. KUNKEL Si BRO. .y A HOME CERTIFICATE. The following certificate is from a well-known citizen or Harrisburg : Hansisstrao, Aug. 80, 1864.. To tux Punta gives me groat pleasure to recom: mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR.:J. J. SicBRIDE, which ho calls the "RING OF PAIN. I Was induced to use it as an external remedy fora bruise, *hick it rdlietted immediately, and subsequently cured entirely': Its success induced me to use it Internally for Diarrhcom," with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for nearly eighteen mouths, and to such an extent that . milidnejs• were seriously deranged. The medicine has .aufed.rale;.. and certainly that is saying a great deal in its favtdr, when I reflect how many other remedies I tried without expeii ening anything but temporary relief.. For my part, I shall always keep a supply of it in my house, believing as I do that it is a most invaluable family medicine. The unexampled sale of this medicihe proves it to be the most wonderful discovery of the ago to the medical art . . The undersigned are the sole agents for the State, and will supply it wholesale and retail.' • S. A. KUNKEL & 8R0.,. Druggists, • 118 Market street, Harrisburg. ME HENRY REGAN'S Steam Engine and Machine Shop % ST., BETWEEN WALNUT ANi MARKET. , (J. C. Moltz's Old Stand.) rpliE undersigned having taken the above Shop, respectfully solicits a share of the public pa tronage. Particular attention will be paid to repairing of Steam Ragines, and all kinds of machinery. All work will re ceive my personal attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. sepia dly THIS WAY FOB BARGACNS!! HOSIERY, GLOVES, HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES' HAIR NETS, and HEADDRESSES, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, FRENCH LABE, and TISSUE VEILS, ETC., AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICER. Everybody should call at once, and sOcure groat bar :,,,auta, at Mrs. MAYE,R'S, aug3 dtf No. 13 Market street. CRYk~TALIZEY~ CONCENTRATED. LEMONADE, I s a pleasant, healthy beverage. ' Very convenient and refreshing for invalids having' lever or great thirst. Its portability recommends it to travelers. Its convenience at pie-nice will be apreohtted. No sugar required; one table-spoonful simply dissolved in a glass of cold water and it is done. . _ KELLER'S DRUG AND If"ANOY GOOD STORE, Jen' No. 91; Market street. I) CANNED FRUITS OP EVERY rtgtso=- TION. SAUCES of all the celebratanuunattaiurerg, SARDINES, OLIVE OILS, 0 every description. Ala,, BROWN STOUT, FINE TEAS, COPTEIr,," SUGAR and SYRUP df all grades and prices, and the best selected sack outside of Philadelphia. All gOO4B guaranteed as represented. . • • : Particular attention paid to all orders from a distance: • Seeds carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the . City free of charge. SHISLER & FRAZER, Iny6 successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. • . LIQIIID RENNF,T. ' • - LIQUID RENNET - the; -ILI Most luscious of all deSO4 fiscl.b.4 table; the tight. est and most grateful 'diet' for , anti "eliddren. Uilk contains every element of the.bOdil7 , constadtic!ni wheu coagulated with rennet it IA airy tte kght and easy el digestion, and supports the systeM pi the least possible esciteruent, When still greater nntritive power isdesired cream and sugar may be added. A teaspoonful .nonverit quart sr milk into a firm curd. Prepared:marl:sold... wholesale and retail by S. A. ICU.N.A.R4 Jelkr 118 marketyktrAe4. PHOTOGRAPH ALE! MS. Photograph Albmns. Photograph Ammar. , ri Photograph .Alliurna'.` Photograph Alburux Tin largest, and cheapest variety Orillt TOGRAPR ALBUMS In the city are constantly kei at (mar= BERGNER'S CIESUP BOOKSTORE. VERY PINE, INDEED 2 TO our fine and extensive stook of . Phitito; graph Athena and .Photograph cent pi c t ures, ,we have added a BEAUTIFUL ENV.OPE for the reception U card pictures. They must be seen and will he admired Photographers supplied at the very lowest whole We price, and their darn printed Wu them for $1 thousand, wholesale and retail. at 50 Dozzz.t :ARS ENOUSErl'iditLES' comprising !loamy, Chow mow, Canblamer lased Fiala; Gerkine, Wants ead-nloasi—For - sale atkoleeale and retail by 'ZITTStr • V 1, -, TA. V.:•• • fro riTTERyP der 13 ETTEILL-tresh roll butter m Se county rewiagry week. Also DAM it seam. I —-- - - •••• ' - - ---.-..--•--- - ............e..... -- -- --.......• -.....+.-- • •••—• ....”.-- --, i ! :!.! 7 i,0. , - 7; ,-,, ' ..! 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WM. r :_mEllieja, •- 1 Ae , Cture W~'rrant di Dyspepsia has the following Symptoms: Ist A constant pain or Uneasiness at the pit of the steliftieh • ' ' • ' 2d. 1 Flabilen4gld Acidity. . • ad.' Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. • Alb. Gloom and Depreis . sion , ef ? Spirits. Diayrhcea, with OPing., 6 th. Pain in all Part, 4 . 4.: the ,System. Consuriaptive Symptom= and palpita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough,' with Thlegfri in the. Throat: 9th, .Nerv O lLS'A4Teetigui - nndvirant Of. Sleep at night ;.,. 10th...bbis of Appetite and Vomiting; 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. ; ' 12th. Headaehe and Snaggering in walking, dwith great weakness. ' •• Out of the thousands of cases 'of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not °ale of' them has failed of a p,erfeet_eure," . , We warrant'ature in every' 'case, no.matter if . of twenty years' standing: 4 Sold by all druggist's "eiterrrhere, and ap Dr. Wishrt's office, Nb. - lb N.' . Second - 13freee,. Philadelphia, rind con. trulta.tions free ofpelaange. - _ Send for a cirein; lay: Mee $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. ' ' DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA: •I, Erszenrrn BEext3444, ofsi Brandywine, Del., formerly, of Old Chester,„ Del.w An-sertify tied, for onifYear and aWI suffered every thing. but ,fromthatawful disease called- Dyspepsia. Ky . whole system was prostrated with wealaiessMid nervous debility; I could ".not: digest my food,; if I ate even a eraek:er or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in ,my bowelithat'l would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give vray. I had a dreadful horror . and'einl . I thosglit ever:y . 6 o o' hated; Mrkandl..hated everybody; could .not loCar my husband nor my oWn children; svery,- : ' thing ;appealed to be horror-stricken' to' me; Iliad, no ambition to do` anything; I lost all :my love; of family and home; I would'iairiblie attd. Wander from place to place, but could not cointented; I felt that II was doomed to hell, and that. there was rio- heaven for me, and was Often-Jempted to- commit suicide, So near was My whole nervous , system de stroyed, and also my, mind: from that awful complaint, ;Dyspepsia that my friends thought best tp haVe' me placed in Dr. Kirkbride's, hospital,' I remained there funiiiiieeks,,and thought I was a little' lietter;,.bstiti a feti*' •days my dreadful com pzui44 sh.t,c•titlot ,-a § , bad as evar,. Hearing of tlleweridflftnfenrei :performed, by Dr. Wis hart's' Great. American Dyspepsia. Pills and treatment :for Dyspepaa, My -husband calleds on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to, him. I He said he had no doubt he could cure me. • So in three days after I called and placed Myself under the. Doctor's treatment, and in tigOlv'eake I,begaff to digest my food, and felt that inytlineas&was last -giving 'th way,-and continued to recover for abotit rte.e months, and at the present time I enjoy . psfeto health of taidy and mind, and I Meat =merely return mytlumks to a merciful God axed Dr. Wis hlnt; and to his great Anierican Dyspepsia Pills and Pine , Tree , Tar Cordial diet saved me, from 011. Insane: Asylum and ,Prenu duke eav'e,, AltriersOna` stiffqing _with Dyeixipsia .are at ' liberty to Call - On me or write, asa am willing to'do :all the good I can for suffering htf, maniti. ulif7,AllETH BRANSON. . Erandywine, DeL; formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. Dn. Wismares Office, No. 10' North Second street, Philadelphia. • • • DANIEL E. WILT Ds.' l 4tenairr-1 have been a • conStent sufferer with DYBP O OSia for the last eighteen years, during which time I cannot say I ever enjoyed , a perfectly well day. , There were tithes when the symptoms were more aggravated than at others, ,and then it seemed it would be a great ,re lif to die. I had'at all times an nnpliermant feeligg in my, head, but latterly - my sufferings so much increased that . I became almost mintier business or any kind; my mind • was continually filled with gloomy, thoughts and for* Wino, and if I •attenipted to dotage their current by reading,: at once a sensation of icy coldness in ponnectiox with a dead weight, as it were,.4csted upon mribrain.;.: 3 1 also, a ibeling ofeickassawou*,qcdur thines% ' iinlig Stosillain t o mY - eYea. - atitifid - witiski Ad A . ; • illio': , oontintoil (calor , /rejng• my reason ,• r a rw- e ded great •Misitude, debility and nervousness, which _made*. .dinicaltito :walk by :day 0 i sleep at night I' Immune averse to society, and difiposed • only to seclusion, and having tried the skill of a 'adllatier of eminent pllysioilns of various schools, neatly cal:6o6'ole conclusion that, for this disease at my Presolt age lyeargethere wasno CUM in existence. ' But; through ta 'tuterfererice of Rivists ; Providence, to whom I devoutly : offer my thanks; I. at laSt: found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills' and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed al most ate last trace of my/ long list of _ . ailments and • bad realimm and in their 'plrAce health, pleasure and content ment are my everyday company's& .; , , ~ , . . JA6IES SAUDERS.• . No. 453 North 'Second street, Philadelphia n ' . yormerly of Woodbury, N. V. • , Dr Wishart4 OY,iee No 10 North-Second greet, PLila delphia.! • - MUSTARDS, . . . . , • A rgsnirsz CURE .7011 DYSPEPSIA.. • - WHAT Alt. .101 E H. BABCOCK SAY& • No. 1028 Oars STriawr,.- Philadelphia, January 22d, 1863. • Ds, is. with much Vulture that I am nowlaide telpform you that,.by the use of your great Amerisab. Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely oured:of that Mug/tatting equiplaritt, Dyspepsia.- had bet:in grieViortaly afflicted for Alm Nat. twenty-eight years, and )far ten- years of that time have not been free from its patlt.onc week at a time. Ilium° had it lulls went.form andldave dragged on a Atetroiserable oaistence—in pain day and night. Every kind of :feed. that late-filled me with wind and pain, it mattered not how: light, or bow small the quantity . A „continued belching was sure to follow. : I had no appetite for any kinds' of meats what ever and my diatoms wee so great for.several months fore I hemq.ef your . Anstr./ frequently wished for death. had taken nyarything t 1 had heardor for Ay E pe r i eilliOut receiving . ny. benefit ;. lout' on -Your Pills ! . I. 9B o BPasude4l .19; MOW one . who had , been. caned b ymete, A concluded to give them a' trial, ilthOugtr -I had-nq faith in them. _ , To ..my astonishment ; / fond ':ezkysgif getting better before I had taken one-forittli.Of ' boa, 4!ndi alter Milting half a box, I alt a weld man, and "wrest arrytAihg.j,wish, :told enjoy a hearty meal three .4tanatay:Withent - inoonvenitmce - from anything I eat. cli9l4k 'or If you think Pro Per .) you exe,atliberty to make Ltd e p e ib l io 04 4 .re y ,to .I.‘trklt.ebeerfully giTe all do- : hirable irifi*M call on me Yka4 liw Foi s sale at Dr' -s" Xedicat _Depot, No. la. North Second street,: ' Drina One Dollar per box. Sent ':Ortharge,-on receipt of price. • DYSPEPSIA i -DYSPE'PSIA► " Devon, have been a. OM sniltrei 'with Chronic pyspitstantii IntiamnsatiOn .Yur totil them yeama.. ll. o±E~NtUtrictortibitaFflo ; t206 1 ,.' ern' 9eirtpripstelaitint , PhDadelphkidediOUD~on Oce*Y q' p E c k-1 Tboyelidiailittraseetierienwhei 03 0 •; e e j e K7 , I awl ~ .ieostintl=itriair i pat rie9p mi = dis Crics,_ an d with constant - -fit,irinlOnid gni ibid.' oge e was *tag of man Yo• Wit ppossot upsosip3 ativAsiali'.atisT: was dn. • sedan. cull I °Mae, ' was •reticiirr mYAulreringiolin %afloat all hal* iitler e ele. w e t I , w * ' &Sant- j MAde it a subject of prayer to G o d th a t h e would direct 11/0 to MAO physhdan or madkine that wooSi Cue am I woo tol4 So rood tut odvestasoonos of BOOK !ME ''!.oltsl!,-:.EAP:.:S.: - :t:Ar:-]'.: -T ,; DYSPEPSIA:!'" DIOEWSLi'I ir4tiF2 ., - -- 64:1 6isi . --.:- , N.,-0*...,4-.,iT.::.0 .::-io iVE: Vial:A' HARRISBURG. PA. MEDICAL ... , :•,i5 , -.•;.-4:-", ,, , ,. :-....---. , - ,, r.--—vii--!&....,---••••• , - , - , ‘" , ,-1.e- , - , -r- - - -,. .-•.:.- Di. Wiithar'Sin the • Plillajkiillia Ledger, a e a great cure Made . upon Mr. John Pabei:oc6,.of,.loEBDliyee Street, Phila. 'Afilphia, by the great American DYispepirla 'Pill:3. 'I went to the Doctor's 001ce„ and placed myself under h treat ment, and told him if he failed to cure me, it: would be the 'lest effort I weritd make. , Illbastbeen six 'weeks jiince I conimericathe use othiemedichie, and I am now a well man, eree from all pain and distress, and can eat three hearty meals e.day with•ceinfort, and feel perfectly dell. 04 Wisll4A. I want ybu to,Publish-. my -..case, 112 r wait m`eeryt) oor - dyspeptic suffering as I was, to call on me, and I will ell them of the great cars I have received from yodel valuable medicine: SAMUEL D. HAVEN. Comer Venaugo au Lambert streets war Richmond street,!formerly froth.W . rightstown, Burlington; county, The Waive are a few...among the :thousands. Whioh- 'this great remedy hasnaved Iron; an untimely!grave. _• • ,`,...: We have4loll,Piri EtS of ieitqtiOel phyeieiNleatel ding, gists wtoliftve prencithednnd Old theTM•cordial;difying that they:havel'never used . oriold a medical which gave Audi tiltiveriad satisfaction. ~ .:. .:: . •• • • .•.. !.1 Prepared only by..tke.proprietor,‘ . ,_.,' _1„_: _ •, , . - 2' -' i . ' • DR:I,::Q, 0 WISFIA 4,T., ,i No. 10 North Second' street, Plitiathdpfilli,".*:' , Soldiby Draggling eviarroere . ,;tlBtrijylli-efidLdaw!' NEIV ADVXRTIS.EMINTS. U. IS: 7 , •30.;1140A1 1 4P.' 1. '"" I'y4E[E Secretarypf the . Wieast ,niygi*ekhtitke 1i that subscriptions Will be received. for q6n-: Ton TreaStlTY: XMAS, payable three yiti3Otrdin Angdt 16th, 1864, with' `serni-annnali at the rate of seven and three-tenths per tent. pei and-iptereitt both - to be paid' -lawfal money.. ' n • Those notes will be convertible at the option of ithe holder at' reuittlifty' six per i pent. Aord hearing.bonds, payable not less thiah five nor-niore than twenty years freiv their date, as thi Government rimy .They will be' , %issue in denornimitions of, $50,. $.1.00,•16500; $l,OOO and $5,004),-and-all subseriptioritennitt be foi fifty, dollars' or some innituiliy ,of ckalais. . . The notes will be transinitted to the•owners free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of. De.• posit as they can be prepared. " • As the notes draw interest from Augdst 15, -persons makin'g depositslsubsequent to. that *de must pay the interestiaccrueil froth date of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-fivelhonsand 'dol- Ise and upwards for Aese notes at any one 'tine will be allowed, a , oommission of one quarter of one per cent, 'which will be paid by,the Treasury Department sonthe receipt Of a , bill for the aXtilill4; 4tifted. ~ to by the officer with whom the,d4osit was , made. No • dedwitions for commissions, must be made trope the deposits..; . Omeeisil AdValli.t4g fr es - '01,03 Lidkal• q tr A NATIONAL SAVINGS BANg.,,offeri4 a, rate than any other, and - best security. vAny savings bank which pays its depositors: iit`l7.l S. Notes, oonsiders that it is paying., in iV the beeireulating medium of the country,- and:it. cannot payiu, anytAing, bett43r,;forAts own assets are either in government securities or, in totckor bonds payable .in government paper , It'd equally convenient as A, temporaryOr perinanent, inveetnmat. - The "notes' earV - ai Waysibe'• se:4l;fo;,.'wititin tiaolioiti: a their face and acolanatnated interestoteld are the best security,yr4kbatiks as collatetals fordis counts ~ Conveitibleldo per Cont 6-20 Gold Bond. In addition to' i'he very liberal inteiest the notes for throe years, this ,priiilege convetaion is now worth about three percent. per annum, for the current rate for 5-20 Bonds is notless tlutztninek4r'Ornt. Premiu*,, and b c e foie the war the premium on six per cent. 11: S.:itt:Mks wan .over twenty per cent. It wilt Am'imert that Ate - actual proftt on this loan,' at th&pMgea market rate, is not less than ten per cent. per :annum. . Its Exompriou from _Stow Or Kunicipal Taxation;: But aside froni all thsinctrantagen we have. enutherated, a special act of Congress exempts allbesids and Treasury mites fioia loadtaxation: On the average, this; exemption is worth about; two per cent. per annum, amording •lihe rate"of taxation in various arts of the cormlo. , , -It is believed that no sec Mies offer,',so' great inducements to lenders as. those issued by the, Government.. In all other forms; of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private partiee, or stock'companies, or sepazate com nOmities, only, is pledged for payment, while ,tbe whole property of the epunkry is held to Algoma the discharge of all the obligations of likie United States. • •ta,While the Government offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongegt i ,appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the•people, Sor.ecaumiansts' MILL as tack - Im. by the Treasurer of the Unitdd States, at' Wasidng tOn.. the several Assistant ? Treasurers- and designated Depositaries, and; by all the Na tional banks which are depositariewtf public 14 44t-tlYs and all respectable-bettketo tbrfiAinout the. etynntiti,WAll , ',Oive • further:in formatiOn and afford every tactility to sub scribers. ' (au/9-ditw:2n2 Volunteer kotiael • Captiims of - Companies . and Commanders of' U undertristu4 are prepared to secure T' all Voltmteens. fob liest'Local; - Cash and Government" .1 Bounties • Committees can be supplied With credits for their town,' Ship or county quotas. , . • gonEnlistmeut papera promptly made out, and men attended to until mustered in, clothed and equipped, by Pennsylvania Recruiting Agency. HEWES & CO. , Opine, Parke House, Hornet street, between !Third and ,Fourtn str4ets", Harrisburg. „ , Tipof the hilla hews COMMLE,BIOI7a- LC; *MA Htatenintrebellion. [aug2B.ldasslm : -e: Build ers 'otiee to Brld - vrt • • -[ e`. : • . - „t • Undersigueq, gult uifitortea -0 Philt county, Penn'nYlvanitt, will • reeekve _Sealed Pro , posals up to SepteMber the 21st, ,(Yfetinesday,),M two ceelock‘e. fOr eaperiritelpling.and furnishing all the materials a eerrloored*Hridge areas Arm strong creek, in,.lacksonlownship;'said county, east of e s Halifax, et,thite referred to by the late Reports of the Grand Inquest - of the counfy, somewhere south,, or nearly- so, of Flaheraville. Said bridge to be . forty feet span, on the Bertl Top Arch plan, and , to be as high as. what - the - bid-bridal) (now Standing) is ; north bide wing v rails tote l'otrteep' feet hip& and those nf the south sides ten feet king" •Propinsals; to , be', endorsed on She Spec aftattiona which may be - had ' t:,the oill6a of the County. Silomrals aleneys at Harrhaburg,'oh . splication by fetter .or Atha- • wise. blidndeiktl4. sa id h 4i ngEN J Y an neci c da r t o4.l . 4.Ru j e t ;.b west re .__ iu2s.da s i g id) •- ROBERT W. !a :q1.40R8 rEI I: ' - 1 120 Eli .Cider Viuegai 410 gne46l•riL „.‘ e ENGs.a 4 ASEritr,4o --4"!ust •Getied. oAllft caLeAt Ofita t jac VDavakttast T ImPf arrigi MUURiq " muCCellere to Wm. Do Wt. MAOKRIMITL, EBBING Ali P_SAL .0 MON ii Ewe BMA aNO FAS M= FRIDAY gvEw,,,qPIPEN.p,R; NEW urvkiivfiskrsTENTs. !~ :- j ~~, = #a ~~ , ~. . , 0,4 1 : rir APA; .A'N -, ;'" • , • , ; - .22 ; • 'WORTH . Sgee StßtEt. ' ' • '' • ••• ' -HARRIBBILRA=.I O .A.. •••• • ' • : • _ • •! . . . . 1 1'8141 'tuber attention is called to the celebrated concave- • colavex Crystal Speotaclek which are werranted - to istiengti ten add nreserve , the . eyes Of the '-iveater, and' to 'last frot n 10 to.l2 . yeitin Withoutchaftge, List s .1 pricetraent free to. etiy,direetion,; Conga vo and convex lenses, seffniteel frames, ss.- Conga re and convex crysialzleneesonet •in-hest steel frames,' g ; . Coos ~ andlfsurift.ryiltalilisef in Keel' ki I t Coe ie and convex cryatahlenses,set in Platina frames, $5. gi. t. $l5 to :Anti! CI T 8 14d i lenses, : set in • gold frames,. Inc r ibt , ring spectacles state how long glasses are used. Any rof glasses purchased, either here or sent to or ider; ea ; exechanipeditc not suited to Omen,. . Always en ihanclieitifge itgeortincisieldf,Aerinitatla 111- croscoples, Telescopes, Opera and Figid Oases, Thermom eters, 11aro m. eters, Compasses, Drawing Instruments, and Stereospop es, , with the latest views ; .• ; ! • tirge" Sen. E tamp for catifogati cinktainti - -prices, am:, Accri aul-d&wtf - - - PUBLIC -SALE .9T • , - UNC 'LAIN/MD GrOODS,v of the . • , HOWARD., AV meg, EXPREM CRIMPY. •: , i HE to tidep F dytkoribnd., the TEth schednit ~pricing been consigned to the - o .rd er, . . - ii4..: - Hope Rime* i Company, and the cOnSignees,lifiei c due' and legal nen ee; lint 'having taken them away; nor paid the costs and . expenses or carriage, Will be exposed to. public sale or outcry at the Market House, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1864. Tne solo to commencebtB O'clock in the forenem tr cif said Itny: • ' ' - " '' ; :.• 1 box, g_aliVk m Rutehtnsen Lbdle; nb name • : ' 1 box; B More *ale ",.:L' . l - k 11,pkgre,:, JOhnShulthouse tboxy Peter E'. Washer. , 1 pox, Elizabeth Wiginning 1 box, M Cong'"liliti --' • ' - Phlox, Mr SR T Brady 1 ,. c h44",e0 L Krider— I.4tottlfreChits Bucher epkge, Cat i rl c lVitrty „ „ .i t i ok i ,T.liciti J,Tomer LT • a T , 1 bdle; os ails *; Bbeolatt i . Chas , hebeketntiPir il i noti b ti 0 . •;" iiiii.l. box, 6WI Wpm ii .. .1.. Tar pi s, AL . Battles 1 pkge, _3l L McDonald r l box, name ' 1 pkge, Coo T Barkhort } 1 lox; ' G Wol f• - ~. • ~ i 1 boF,Clbuta_Titylor ~ • 1. litix, pt IV I , lirland 1 tmlikoP Wi Lk r •! . '1 box, Cleo BDa ily 1 trunk, R C Bally 1 pkg, R F Leis, :tiring 1 box, SD Fite 1 box, J!l , ,Koldt .r 4 . ~ 1 box; - ,prut Drehel, e . • 1 box, h P Mills k J. box, h N Mortc m. / lrge, J-Togle .4. o hag L _lW, 11 RA- 'PW , er ..2- reN I A J. irb in g'..;...` •I. ' ' 1 bdle, Henry lai,..,.ntlur i',.• : Al :arm Lk tiVii 6 sioyir ..7. 1 MtPit . t_ock . 1 pkge, Wm Morris ,-•.,-, PeePM. Rt smelt 1 pkge; W S King Xpinewleo Vogh -e . , - 1 p.kke George Betchtre ;11:kix, Motional trite,: , I..pke, John A Dantrich , . '1 60x,. pt LMB unitise 1 Doi, Petrie': Flanigan; 1 bos;.ft A Stever son 1 bottle, Jane Wider- 'A. pkge, ,Win BMa see - . i Pkge:nomainir.wo* , . i ..:. I 1 Pkge, P 0.4, J , V 7EeelteeTe ,/ IcALekli.G44 Rolm E :. 1 1. box,. A F Penny ,p acker ../ bolt., no sumo . . , 1 b ox , a i l Leek ; - . ' - I'p box; liaac.Roiringer j e 3 boxes GP Mr :dtvick • ;1. hexi ee borrie. -' 1 bOx,, apt JTio . . Ml' 1..., ; 3 - , • Ipkge,,, 0 Anthony ,-: • 1 box,..4isiah R I ;town •: , , .-1.1.1c13°1J - 4 ; . 1.„ . IK R II ... ' a. :1: box,' Robt F Cr. 'smart -/. ' No; - win ;• Winio . .. - . 1 " • I - box,Aoil3tirtg s ' 1 horn: John Beirtenne • 1b03f,,,T1E Spalding 1 box Mb, CapVl , J;Johimon 1 fkix,'Oapt J Del Rider„ .., _ I.pkga; David tepper .: ... 1,10 x,. A LBiyiu - kt..., •,-.) ', 1 .do 'Ethe r bala i . 1 brur,',..lohn WU, - opkins .' ' i. - 40 MOMIner . 1,b,0F, Idar) , ' , Rtitlr - tbangiic , :e -1 ~ ,d o Mrs .S 0 Nines' 1 p kge oil clOth, r to Mune I: rho'dy. ;Lords& Beater 1.: - - /..Pkti!, Pr, Dgook ,-: • iiii.i. d?.." - Aiglif.t-Sehleae Cl' ... - 2 .tkiaap and h IA • ,Id.tc a :de dimes Viet' iborn. -...- , .'' 1 pkse,WM Piv -trees° M.O - Adam WaAnger _,.. i Pkg.; iJoidiiir De;" Bohr • " . 'l. do" noL Min% •- - • a b.ba*, , no name a......-; ....1.740.1..Cari Jiver . T • f :',. • 1 Pkge, Limit R 13,,,i8a11if 1 do, , ,'Almo•ltouperheigt. lc bagq.Ed. D COD' tad . 1 - 4.7JotuiH - Beryhill 1 otag, , ,Capt PS V: Alps . ' 1 de' tHenry Bach' 1 B oat; no name -• , .r • ' ~ 1 '..'do John Dacasho , ; bale, GeoAlbt • - • • • " . . i os above ,artiollpSyri.o be expre4ed to public sale, as' aforessid,..acecrdin. g to I the provisions of, the first section • ;of the.abt. of Assets - . tbly of the' Carammortwealth of7din laylvaiste,aPProved the 16th day of March, A. D. I.Q$9 `, witfi eidatie requke !tnentsrof which.tho Howard and Mope: Express Company I tare in all respects complied. , Tho;abto of Assembly is as ft thews : 4 , CoMinission. nirlerthants and factors, and all common carriers, or othes:lrorsons having a lion loon goodsi wares. and merehandisb,,ll or or on account of the casts and 0X...• penes of carriagno r storage,, or any other charge arising' item the tfausPatts 1 . itkal,dreeptng„',.. or storage otratchlirci party?, in , 9tse tue.os „ . niers or: cnsigneesshell pot poy,or dik f 'charge to amount,: 9.ne for 'such dOsVq4 , elisc l 1 14,T t Ig9r , odrage,„ orotber obi • rgen ' hireirtbefore named, may,' ter the expiration of eir ',Ay* days - troth; the netice - hereinafter provided, proceed if ,i roll the shore; or (soli:etch thereof as , may teneoessafy tr , gisoltarge said lige,. at public emotion: Presidia, That toil ' oe . Of Sale shall' be.;g l Yon: as . required for Arai, fp' &eles - t , if iletkinal , prokerty; and that thirti doyenetwe.of.eald /: ton beat om torlieowner or conslg.tee of rho p,koperty, • ho . 0 3 1 4 y 0) ,•. be so, punk that the same *4 4 4 4 4 weeitly to, L'orne newspapF,Publlshed in.tho proper'cit V ,' o , t them,* tettet(the geode, wares' _ or inerdhanotselro tve l veimi•ettiy.4gnedidbl• four nOtiesoa, . Lire vievire beer°, th eisa jec 4,6e,rbetduffofirdenek,artfing: from - Such sale, aft ter,. . edeoting 70,7.5t8 sate to chargesiand stoma ; icio44..in*eldn, Ao isci.tioa:sub- . .feot to tkso Crier of thdotnerar emndri of santoiropert.Y.* , imsgch Isatalvgit4 Agelat% .sag2;-dts] - , I, E C r g rar4 igigt.tiol*Egigekte_ Company. Itktrbil - F.l `, DAIS I,II` _ilearvirk • 3111 1 1 • PIiffLADYALAELLA, r . Ott !oxen, IN lloy ShorksWilliantsport,'Mun. ay, Unionto wn, Watuntowni . Dian, tnwitburg: i-Nopikunberlaidi : 81 4 1 . '.• tHilb;kt4 Lykes ' - Daupluln, , ILARAISBITIKAt The Depot being centrally located, the drayage Will be at th e lowest rates. The Conductor goes through, with each tr nisi to attend to the Bale delivery of la goods intronegte Getaia delivered. at the - de.;: :pot of I WELLIAM• X. OMB, tin Market street, Philadelkohls, by aa' clock P. x., will be delivered in Her .r i s burg he next 1011111. IFrOlgitt. ink* iris Low as by Any Other Line. • • JDs. " MONTGOMERY' do co., • • • v - Philadelphia and Reading Depot, .• 00=4 1 i` Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. kklAr `w4/uoli -•- , • IEPORTANT TO . LANDLORDS AND zi 'onizEs- 7 Toe, ,unaeisisned Pirela a t witale6a44 l ig the klxide, achaickla . COI Vie - best Ism s ever brought fferrislirg, vbL: Pki '. ,sell Brisulai, 'Welland Gins, Scotek; Tinsla b biou s r, WA cal and Old Rye Wkisky; Foriegn and ;Winos, . such IS glikftWitdde, el="dt Odtatsbilk de.;.• liquors. era . mauled, AS ,rgage4ted. , LandlOrdS slid °Otero will dad 1 .t to their )kilypitOto tall'atid ei melee Alm mortises AI 'st the , itore, , on South' Second frsef tP ;:lwo doors belt sw aiestanv,r4„.., . m 7 1 16 * - . . • GEORGE NINZICIp . 701oxiBET BO Nil PURSES maTENONig r'nir 11E—L' MEW 13101i13 -Frecetvideit ' ,;11KRONIUM*00 1116 Mari: ki t r kt Lehi- z kEZI RAlMlUSMThellifamibr 11;T,"Acte at i ( aim Masa & MUM. QALMON.-11 no salt Salmon, at - I,j avid MUM di MX= —Webster. Mail 1321 29 ECII lEMEMM ',-' 1 r•-:::,,PRICE ,THREE;;xxisus.::::-„ E ENINg EDITION. V'r9m the 201st Regiment, CANt? GOUGH, NEAR. CHAMBERS/ WAG, /. Septembq 24 1864. Editor I'degraph. ,the gloriona news ,of Sheridan's lampoon fit tibal: - Early 's - forces at Bunker and;" Darhsville--the caliture ' of-2,ol) l qolnulies,' nine' battlezflags and five piecesret Artillery, was Proclaimed to the 201 et, in the shape of a dispatch from Gen. Couch to Col; Awl, at dress Parade histevening. The news electri fied 'us all, andi although we had to restraih our feelings while on duty, we gave vent:to wary in shouts and huzzas that almost rent , :the.3 it 'Onietitrning to el= quarters. 4 - d Early's' force been successful in the attempt to cross the Potomaeonce more, and 'again made their appearance in the CuM-. Berland.Valley, there would have been hot work for the '2olst'and 202 d regiMents 1 and many of the men now. "alive and kicking" in the Department of the Susquehanna would, in all probability, have had a ,chance. to .face death ,on ,the battle-field=to; win 'bright laureli for their brow""Oi t take a' journey to "that ~ .bourne from whence no traveler re tarot ", r; , . • ': ' " • _ -: Admitting that there are many good sot diets attached to the 201st regiment—some veterans - and others who served in the nine zeonthS' service—yet I take upon myself the respbrisibility to say, it iatar preferable that our particular fries:Li:El, the Johnnies did not pay us a flying ' visit 'at this for the sitnple-retwon that , thci(l'ortger they "let us alone,!! the better we shall be prepared to " pitch into them" when they do come ; ! And We canassuie our numerous friends at home that if, in 'the course of (in)human events, these =thieving d—ls show themselves again in our. Department, we will shout the watch:: 'word "up guards and at them!" and our bat tle-cry shall be not " Remember Paoli," but tlternember CilaMbersbity ' This, permit. me to asstrel'yoti t find feeling that pervades the entire regiment. • • noon,'Ate to-day, the Keystone 33atteri,' Captain _ Ilastirigs, was brought into Camp. Couch,wad•a salute of 36 grins, in honor of Sheridan's recent victory, was fired from the centre of our parade. ground. The guns of the battery' were worked with skill and ` precision, • .at intervals bf..'abbut ten seconds, and the firing . attracted, an im mense Crowd from both regiments to witness the creditable and efficient practice of Capt. Hastings' men. From pedestrians coming down the valley, afterwards, I learned that 'note few of the comers and..ethers west and sOntli - of this point,.. wns' heard the Sward, werelConSiderably frightened, and' no doubt imas.'edtlisit our forces here at Oamp Couch , were pitehing into the rebs,', - ,with might and TlM l l,tAthough there is no "enemy, known, to fuk;:n.t* of the POtomac. Tliereare - httl'W number of cases Of nese thhilititipital at CamplCkinch that le.; quire prempt:niedical attendance. ',Dr. , ,Weg miseller and his two assistants leave nqpidng undone, , far as , prompt medical . 'treatment and an' 4- etiensive experieiie is . concerned, to alleviate the = sufferings of their! patients. I noticed, to-day, seve ral 'Harrisburg ladies, of high xespecta bility; (Dire: Mts. CaPt.=snit Nara: W—,) like ministering angeli, in' the. hos pital tent, "whispering worcis; of Cheer," at tending,to the wants of sick: 4 . and making .theni,selves useful in a Ipuldreii ways. 21ese ladiea came here tO .visit their friends Int with - trite womanly' devotion, and heattii overflowing with sympathy for . thbse 11a . 00 no friend., or•relative„near, whose gentle, hinds shonW•press the fevered brow; or cool the parched lips-Lthey assumed the part - of true-hearted patriotic women;: and they will as " assuredly receive their reward, at some fu e'day—as they now receive the b essings of the sick to whom, =gel-like; they daily iffininister in many ways. - At the request of a friend, T 'state the' fact that, there are many things needed in the hos pital, for the sick, whiehatis utterly izapossi tile for the Surgeon to supply. Those of the good citizens of ; Harrisburg, who take an in terest in the welfare of the regiment, and who are willing'to aid the sick tute . aftlieted, 'with ,contributionsof ciriedifinit,jelliessurider-cloth 'ing such.as; drawers,. stockings, itc., and any :description of bed-clothing, pillows, spare niuslins, Sm., can leave them. with Mrs. C. Sliriver, east State street, Harrisburg, Pa.— 'Mrs. S. will pack and forward a box of hospi tal stores, .on Monday next, to beinunediately forwarded to Omnp:!ouch, for the exclusive use of the sick of the 201st regiment. Ihope 'this appeal: to, the christiam , patriotic , and ,i,lll- :mane . portion - of the -citizens 'of .blarrieburg andricutityis nOt made in vain. • " Company 13, Captain ille..Canoll, _left camp . (Lieut. Bell emximanding);h afternocm, - and proceeded to Chambersburg. 'They were. escorted to the 'public road by, the regimental band, to the tune of "Pop goes' the Weasel!" Whether they are to remsun atChambusburg, or are to go elsewhere, I am notatA to ;state. As there area number of. itif:}trAtts placed around camp, the wives of soldiers and others visiting, have quite a time to get to the neigh boring farm houses to quarter for the night. The men are obliged to_'.` ; Stodge" or "flank the pickets, as they term it, undone man, be longing to company I, said he stumbled through a corn-field for two hours last night, and always came round to thmstarting point. Finally, about midnight, he found the house, with many scratches on his person, caused; (in his words) by "breaking his neck over :fallen corn-stalks!" • Sergeants V • Martin, Samuel Ntuaeraaker, J. Corporal H. Swartz and a' aw others that own a fancy " shebang," kiiowte asi the "Hotel De Wax," request me to say to their Call-around to see us at' Any time you visit Clunp Couch—bill of fare-:-flard-; tack and Coffee for breakfast; soup, witlione bean to the pint,, for dipper ; and coffee and hard-tack fog: supper. , Occasionally • flitch, -sweet, potstoris and chicken, fried in one, pan. , •More anon The ,V. ate in YorkElCospita _ __ Sept. 2%. 'Editor 2ehytaphl DUB Pt* -4 4 . 1 1tfur publication of the. 'gob, . Tote .:it the ui- $ .. - ,Bbsibital here - is igeor., rect. ' The following is correct : " - :4- Whole w hmter: :For Liao obi . ; 12 , t0 1 4 or 21'0 lellau 368 Majority for Lincoln... 872 i- ST ',:A r.., lii I 6---,- - Ifiet-f 1111 'till • ' la ' ' I ~i y a i liTt ek e i n AII,T 221.Baitiit. ". TheXtittOwing are the rates Ay advertishgr, in the Tam- OWN. Those having adnetialag-00410-n4ll 005 It gan nets* for reference: . 4 -- ',A ,_,'" ~.._ ' . W Four lines or law cOnstilinte one-nau square Eight lines, or more than four, cgatpte s6q6hre. rot 5 aux seem*. • i .. I t ojrsitateasts• One dny...... ...... .$ 80 One k $ 60 Twoothye .. 50 -Tw o. s.: z ..... .. .: . 100 Three days 75 Three days_ t . ..... 1 2.5 One week 125 One vheek,.,....... - 2.25 One Month 800 One month 600 Teo ntonths. 4. 50 Taio.months 9 00 Th ree ! m o n ths__ _ 5 50 Three rathithec;:-. .. .. 11 00 Six. months.... ....... 800 Six m0nth,,.,„.; —l5 00 - - One year ” -, ' ' .:15 is. One year:... :. ... .:.25 dr ...,- ....Msaiiiistration Notices 2 75 Ramage Notices -- attatter's Notices Funeral Notices, each ins ' ' *II Business notices h lean; Marriages and -- .each ;amnion EINE ME 'IMPORTANT REPORT FROM GEORGIA, Goy. 'Brown and Vice Pr6sident Stephens AiL • an Interview with Sharman. A private dispatch from Cincibnati states that pews has been received theres that Gov ernor Brown, of Georgia, tutid - TioelPresident. Stephens have asked General Sherman to grant them an interview, aria that he has con sented. This is confirmatory of the following die patch, which appears in the Richmond papers of Sept. 114 cow, Sept. 17--Rumors are rife - to-day That General Sherman has sent an inforinal request to Governor. Brown,Nice President Stephens and IL V. Johnsen, to cora - to At-' tante and confer with hen on the subject of U. S. Gamow, HQBPITAL, CAMP DENnzson, Sept. 18, 1864. I will give you a list of votes caatin" tte cars on my trip out here from Harriliburg to Pittsburg, • In one car the vote - stoed:.as fol. lows : For Linc.n 32 Mcblellan 9 Scattering 6 Froni Pittsburg to Crestline, for Lincoln...lo# di di McClellan 49 " Freniont. 1 , . " " " Scattering, .. 4 From Crestliite to Columbus, for Lincoln.. 5.9 I " -r " " 50 " • ' " " " frpnicint.. 2 .. • 16 . Scattering 4 From Columbus to Qamp, for Lirictiltt.. 61 "• " Dicelellag•42 " " Fremont-. 3 GEORGE 111. ,RERR. .FOR RATS, MICR, ROACHES, ANTS RED=ReOR -FARAS, MOTHS IN FURS, WOOL&NSi MRCVS' .OH PLAIVTS, FOWLS, ANIMA 4s, etc. _ Sold by all Druggists everywhere. sat! l 1 Hawses I I. 1 of all worthless imitation. air" Costar's Depot, No. 482 Broadtray,,N;Y: , , , : girSold by - D. W. GKOSS k CO., . Wholesale tood - retail agents, And Ilion Druggists in Harrisburg, Psi EjelOitaistAn - TN:the Common 'Bois of Dauphin County .. Joseph Welker and Susanna, as Welker, 'I • ilia wife, now for 1128 of Daniel I • No. 17. -.Keiser. 1 August Term,,lBB4 Von .. Ex. f Solomon Londensiager. TWO undersigned, auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas ot Dauphin county, to dh.tribete , the money made by the Sheriff en xbeabeve Stated ensild to the duties of hig appointinept at hii'othce iii Harrisburg, on Friday, the a4th day of October neat. at 10 o'clock, A. S., when and. wham all .pariles interested are notified to appear. RALPH L MACLAY, • - fePl9-Staw2w] ; Auditor. • is ordered by the Court th , t all persons having claims, by lien : or otherwise, against any or the gums of money assessed a s" damages done by oPenirit the streets in the city of Harrisburg, or having adverse ' claims to the properly injured, make the same known by : petition or otherwise to the Court of Quarter Seeitiiias on or before the first day of next term, at which time the mousy, when the sasessitient is otherw%e legal, will be awarded lo the parties named in. the :rewiring:owners of the property. Aid, also, that all exceptions to the r port of the viewers be Sled on or before Pik . *s..t: day of Nevem -her next. By order : of the Court. , • sep2-dataw-4wl J.C. YOUNG, Clerk. A. H. Corpozal company I. _: ~::: ~ tea_.—... __ ~...a,.~ '• ' .. . . • in the Local Coitcpirs, pr MOOT CENTS PIA Lin for • Ydurs, • •, e . NEW ADV ERTLSE 4EZI COSTAR'S."" =I EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTDRlmpu'roilß EXTEMIRIATORS: "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. it "COSTAR'S" =TESMINATOES., EXTERMINATOR& "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTERRINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATOR& , -.COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. =TERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATOR& RITTERMMATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "'COSTAR'S" EX'TRREINATORS., EXTERMINATORS. "eoweirs” EITTERMINATORSI kne l it ilcaL MlN TOR& • "IXISTAR'S" ATORS:' . J 1311WAR'3 . VOICERMINATOBS. • EICTMEMPreiiB. EXTERMINATOR& MERIMENATORR, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S"' EXTERMINATORS." EXTERIONATORS. "COSTAR'S' "15 . years established In N. Y. air" . .. "Only infallible remedies known." . ,••• "Free Moir Polions. ,, • •-• • • • • •"Not dangerous to the Min= Iramity.." "Rats come ont of their.holes to die. " STREET DAI!Ci.SIMIS-NOTICE Brown's Baby, Tender. A' VERTICAL AND NOTsvmss SPRIN4 ;CAI CRADLE —vainly converted into a 4/44i HIGH-OHAIH i4UMPEA BABYHOMEORSB,:III.4IBY-WALSICH, i IRN .O R , HOBBY--H ' ' 4Mugs dmhgnetito relieve klothrts, Mlnfort and amuse :101 . 11, obviate the evils of rocking thew, and save the of a Nurse. Its maim:vie' tierfictil 'healthy and Ohatraing,. • Price $2O to $36.: Send for iilleateored circu lar. BROWN & CO., 483 Nrilitivniy; N. Y. itorr An enterprising Agent wanted for !Marbling. . . sinrs-lnigod . , . . .. . : NOTICE. . • .ETTERS TESTAMEIiTAIIX on the estate of John Allen; deed, late offitlrquehanita townikap, Datinhin county, Pennsylvania:, hating been granted to the undersigned, notice thereot is hereby given. All per sona having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent are requested to matte known the, same, without delay, and those who are indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate earnest ang23-dowaeto !Wilt STAHL, Administrator H;: C .- .4) Xi T.U.,'. i leacher of: ike Piano, AI 101aon„: Virdin.and Buying,- .. . . .. No. 15, THIRD 121TRIODF, DRUM MARKRT. p3-d6me ORISSE & BLAMMLL'S ENGLISH . 3 normas, - ram i iaFi a us( rette!ved and for isle by • .13111SLUretp: -- • (ruomosorolo POck, 4r, /UST ARRIVED!,A Bne lot of CAIMAD t, MORES and TQUATIna Also, gUriaNT. Plp APPLES . MEM PIRS, - '&O4 - just reeiftedAry 4 ' yu-der .711,11 N ad.m:root. sew' _ _ A. Mf- ESH SUpply-of Celebrated BMW Oared laid PrkidAktecii _ ) •• • 1 BoYER k gO ,ruoTctormfAis_,, . assort= t o taisig &Mend/ aid r iiiireMAP`at" dozen, it LBWK . nolifilet • r . mrrissu.tir, Diam murr of all kinds st BOTelli al =KW= 1 50