THE TELEGRAPH PIIMJAHNO • MORNING AND EVENING, Y GEORGE BERGN,IER. OFFICE TR27O ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERM'S OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE aCtBSCREPTION. Teo Deny Txtzeiters is served to subscribers in the city at 12 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $6 00In advance. Those persons who neglect to pay In advance will be charged $7 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH.- TED TILIMILAPH in also published weekly,and is furnished subscribers at the following cash rate's Single copies, weekly_ , Three copies to one Post Office Ten copies to one Post Office NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. When will Wonders Cease 'I THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD ! DR. McBRIDE'S KING OF PAIN WILL cure any ache or pain in from one to sixty minutes ! It acts like magic upon the absorbent and glandular systems, reduoing swellingsand regulating the secretions and excretion& It is of a diffusive, penetrating nature, exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre of the nervous organism, thence by reflex action its power is felt throughout the entire system, restoring the circu lating fluids and checking disease with invincible strength. THE KING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE! No matter what the pain, apply the medicine and you will find instant relief. It is an internal and external cure. THE KING OF PAIN Cures almost instantaneously, Headache, Earache, Nett ralgA, Deafness, Sore Throat, Colds, Bronchial Affections, Asthma, Drapes's, Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Bloody Flux, liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Genital Organs, Cramp, Chelic and all spasmodic guns, Fever and Ague, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains and wounds of every description. It proves itself the mastery, es the testimony of thousandsprova its meritoriousavorth. wholesale and retail, by S. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Sole Agents, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. SOLDIERS READ! The following letter from a toldier, in reference to the efficacy anti powerful restorative gualitities of DR: Mr- BRIDE'S RING OF PAIN, speaks for itself: NT:wrists, Conasmairo Couirry, Sept. 14, 1864. Messrs. S. 4. Kunkel it Bro., druggists, Harrisburg, Iv.: Gicns :—I would inform you that I received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pain Killer, and enclosed please find five dollars more, for which send me five bottles addition al tomorrow. I leave for camp to-morrow. Let one know whether you can supply me with it in the army. I am In Company H, 2026 regiment P. V. I have been In very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the' onadollor bottles have oured me completely, and have made mo feel like a man. Besides, I have cured a tulm-. ber of my comrades of various diseases incident to camp- Re, and can recommend it to be the best medicine the soldier can provide for himself. Yours r eepectfully, JOS. E. ward. air All orders from a distance promptly attended to by :i. A. KUNKEL & BRO. A ROME CERTIFICATE. The following certificate is from a woll-known citizen of Harrisburg : Hastustnmc, Aug. 30. 1864. ' To mu Punic :—lt gives me great pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared by DA. J. J. McBRIDE, which he calls the "KING OF PAIN:" I was induced to use it as an external remedy fora bruise . , which it relieved immediately, and subsequently cured entirely. Its success induced me to use it internally for Diarrhoea, with which I was aftticted in a chronic form for nearly eighteen months, and to such an extent that my kidneys were seriously deranged_ The medicine has cured me,' and certainly that is saying a great deal in its favor; when - I reflect how many other remedies I tried without expert- - encing anything but temporary relief, For my parri shalt always keep a supply of it in my house, believihg as do that it is a most invaluable family medicine. The unexampled sale of this medicin6 proves it to be the most wonderful discovery of the ago in the medical art. The undersigned aro the sole agents for the State, and will supply it wholesale and retail. S. A. 111INHEL & BRO., Druggists, 118 Market street, Harrishurg. Ql~] HENRY REGAN'S Steam Engine and Machine Shop, SIXTH ST., BETWEEN WALNUT AND MABW.ET. (,). C. Holtz's Old Stahel) THE undersigned having taken the above Shop, respectfully solicits a share of the public pa tronage. Particular attention will be paid to repairing of Steam Engines, and all kinds of machinery. All work will re ceive my personal attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. seplo dly THIS WAY FOB BARGAINS! , ! HOSIERY, GLOVES, HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES' HAIR NETS, sift READ DRESSES, PERFUMERY; TOILET ARTICLES, FRENCH LACE, and TISSUE VEILS, ETC., AT ASTONIMIINGLY LOW PRIMO. Everylaxly should call at once, and secure great bar. galas, at Mrs. MAYER'S, aug3 dtf No. 13 Market greet: CRYSTALIZED CONCENTRATED LEMON-ADE I g a pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing for invalids having fever or great thirst. Its portability recommends it to travelers. Its convenience at picnics will be.apreciateel,- No Sugar required; one table - spoonful simply dissolvedin a glass of cold water and it is done. SELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STOW-- Jel7 No. 91, Market street. CANNED T WITS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION . SAUCES of 11l tbe celebrated manufacturere SARDINES, OLIVE OIDS, MUSTARDS, o every description. . • . . Alm, BROWN STOUT, FINE TEAS, QO*.EE SUGAR and SYRUP of all grades and prices, and the best selected stock outside of Philadelphia. All goods guaranteed as represented. Particular attention paid to all orders from a distance. Goods carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the city tree of charge, SHISLER & FRAZER., mys successors to W. Dock, Jr., ar Go. • Listuip itglouriza. - LIQUID BENITET-3ields, with milk the must luscious of all deserts for the table; the light emt mill most grateful diet tor invalids and children. Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution; Whet coagulated with rennet it is.always light and easy of digestion, and supports the system with the least possible excitement. When still greater nutritive:power isdesired, cream and sugar may be added. A teaspooeul convent a quart of milk Into a firm curd. Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail by 8 A. KUNKEL, jelf,tf U 8 Market street. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph. Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. , Photograph Albu. THE largest and chew eat variety of .PHC TOGBAPII aI.BUMB the city are conetautly ker imarl2l BKRONER'S cHELP BOOKSTOR2. VERY FINE, INDEED! ourftnevid _extensive stock of Photo -L. ErltPk Abysm and Photoer_aph Card Pictures, we have added a lIZAMIFUL ENVELOPE for the reception of card plenum They must be seen and will be admiral sarphoovaphlns supplied at the very lowest 'whole ewe pricookmulteir card printed upon them for $1 thousand, wholesale and retail at DozmurAns mama nex us LlQ'tjutWw° l 2lfil V..°. l l l rwej , ,, wiaol,lis lag retail by. ail BUTTEIL-Fresh.. roil Mittel SAlder Gouty liming every week. Also " Na74l BOYER k HONAP/ER. ...----.......... . . , .., ' • ' . . (11,1 ._,_„.a....... . , I "'... ''' 11 ' '•. -''''.. 4 ." • . , . ... . . . • - :.14. ' '''• .--,, ' 4 '''.ll.••' • Oil ! - i . ---- • • .1 1 :• --- r,, , e; '''', -------' " - i• , I ~ . 4 . 1 4 • -.... i . . t .‘ • 7l , • ...W ..b. '...'• i 1 1 11 1'. ' I, ' • ,..7,• • , . • • . _ • . • ' , . ' '''-'. ' - • 44-21- , •'-..' ''''' ''‘.. ''. e ....' ~.Z i , ••• 4 • • • $1 50 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERMR. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 29 Practical and Scientific • No. r 9, NORTH SECOND STREEV., NNAR WALNLIT, HARRISBURG, • Particular-attention is called to The celebrated concave convex Crystal Spectacles, which are warranted to strengthen and preserve the eyes of the wearer, and to last from 10 to 12 years without change. List of prices sent free to ear direction. - Concave and convex lenses, set in steel frames, $2. Concave and convex crystal lenses, set in best steel frames, $3. Concave and convex crystal lenses, set in silver frames, 55. Concave and convex crystal lenses,set lapintim frames, $5. Ooneave and convex crystal lenses, set in gold frames,sls to $25. In ordering spectacles stator howlring glasses are used. Any pair of glasses purchased, either here or sent to or der, can be exchanged if - not suited Ip 'lthe eye. Always en band a large rissertment' cif &arming° Mi croscopes, Telescopes, Opera and Field Glasses, Thermom eters, Barometers, Compasses, Brewing Instruments, and Sterkoscopes, with the latest views. Aar-Send stamp for a catalogue containing prices, &c.; &c. aul-d&wtf PUBLIC SALE OF UNCLA2I GrOCiDS, of the. 110VARII & HOPE EXPRESS CORPANy., TEE articles described in the following schedule, having been consigned to the Howard ar. Hope Express Company, and the Cottsignt.vas after due and legal notice, nut having taken them away, nor paid the costs and expenses of carriage, will be exposed to public sale or outcry at the Market House, om SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1864. The sale to comun mceatB o'clock in the fOrenoon of said day : 1 box, Capt Jos Hutchinson 1 bdle, no natne , 1 box, .H Morelock 1 pkge, alaulatouse kbox, Peter 'Renshaw 1 itOx p :EDiati . . ..Wigluning box, MCoughltu . 1 box, W S R..T Brady c bag, Geo L &Met. 1 bottld, Chas. Bucher .1 pkge, Cita M'Carty 1 box', Thou J Tomer 1 eche, coat and boot stt 1 box, cuss nevexeheiser no name ,l ,box, G W Mapes 1 lot pipe, A L Battles I pkgo, ll'L ° McDonald 1 box, no name 1 pkge, Geo.T Barkbart 1 box, H G Wolf ,1 box, Chas Taylor I box, Capt W Harland I trunk, J W 1 box, Geo B Daily 1 trunk, R C Bony 1 pkg, R F Leiseming 1 I.lox, SD Fite 1 box, J P, Kohler 1 Nox, Wm probe' 1 box, L P Mills 1 box, Peter J Wartz 1 box, F N Morton 1 pkge, J Poe 1 c bag, W H 'Porter pkge, J Yoming 1 Mlle, Henry Lander 1 pkge, Lieut W S Boyer . 1 cast, R Pittock 1 pkge, Wm Morris 1 pkge, Geo H Russell 1 pkge, W S King 1 pkge, Geo Yoght 1 pkge, George Betchtre 1-box, B Rosencrantz '1 pke, John A Dantrich 1 box, Capt L MBemmell 1 box, Patrick Flanigan 1 box, M. A Stevenson 1 Mittle,, Jane Schuler 1 pkge, WmR Moser;pkge. no name 1 pkge, c o d, J .FKbersole 1 wheel, Capt Dodge 1 box, A F Pennepacker .1 box, no name 1 box, Leah Lees 1 p bccrjaaacHerriziger 3 boxes, G P Hardwick Ihos., no name . 1 box, Capt J Keim ' I.pkge, B Anthony 1 box, Josiah It Brown 1 pkge,4 A Nixon I box, Robt F Crisman ' 1 liox, Wm L Earle 1 box, Jos Burggs 1 horn, John Newcome I box, J E Spalding ' 1 box fob, Capt J J Johnson 1 box, Capt J Detwiler 1 pkge, David Pepper 'I box, A L Bryant ' 1 do Wm Carlisle 1 box, John W Hopkins 1 do Elber Mei/Liner 1 box, Mary Radabaugh 1 do. Mrs S C Jones • I pkge oil cloth, no name 1 Louisa Sexier 1 - pkge, W D Jack , , Aaron Schloss 11roap and h att, M,Kecir' 1 '.do' James Freeborn 1 pkge, Wm P Patterson 1 do Adam Wollinger 1 pkge, Josiah Di Boor 1 c bag, no name 1 do Carl Mayer 1 pkge, Lieut R B gaily 1 do Theo Youperherst lc bag, Ed D.Conrad I do Jobe/ H Beryhill 1 c bag, Capt P S Willa 1 do Henry Sachi 1 coat, no name 1 do John Dabasho 1 belle, Geo Hight DANIEL E. WILT The above taticlatwill he exposed to public sale, as aforesaid, according to the'provisions of the first section of the act of Aseantdrof the Commmonwealth of Penn sylvania, approval the 16th day of March, d. D. 1868; with all the requirements which the Howard and Hope. Express Company have In all respects complied. The act of numbly Is as follows : • "Commission merchants .and factors, and all common: carries, or other persons having a lien.upon goods, wares and merchandise, for or din, account of the costs and ex penses of carriage or storage, or anyother charge arising from the transportation, keeping; or storage of such pro perty, 'in case the ownensor consignees shall not pay or dis charge the amount due for such cost, expense, carriage, storage, or other charges hereinbeforo named, may, after the expiration of ninety days from the notice hereinafter provided, proceed to ea. the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary to dir:ahargesaid lien, at public auction: Provided, That notice of sale shall be given as required ror Sheriff 's Saki of: personal property, and that tAirty days' notice of said lien be given to the owner or consig..,ea of the property, if they, cannotbe so found, that the same shall be advertated weekly in some newspaper published in the proper city or county to which the goods, warts or merchandise have been consigned, for four coasecn. Live weeks before the sale, the residue of money arising from such Wie r after deducting costs of transportation,. charges and storage advertising, and sale, to be held sub: ject to the order of the owner or owners of such property.'.! GEO. BERGNER, Agent aug27-dts] Howard and Hope Express Company. PEIPIINICIS • DAILY LIDT.E lIETIATEN. N PuriagAiiira.Putuk, hock Wen; Jersey-Shore, Williamsport, Mna cy, Uniontown, Watsonton, 'Milton, Lewisburg, NortlitUnbeilpid, . Sun bury, Trevertoni Georgetown, Ilkenstospi,Millersburg y . • • Dkup.hin; •: • . • ; The .PitiladelPhiaLiDepcit _being.ceritoilir , located, the drayage will be atthedoweitratsa. The OondttetOr glee through with each train to attend to the' irate delivety.of all goods intrusted to thelins.. Geode delivered atthe pot of WILLIAM 'BURS; • 812 Market Area, Philadelphia, by 8 o'clock P. a., will be delivered in Her riaburg the next morning: . Ifrelight Always as Low as by Any oih!r Line. • JOB, .MONTOOKERT . . :: I:titpot,, oc . Fbot billitrket atretitY Vauisburg. TIEPORTANT--:TO LANDLORDS AND o , rjanci_LThe -iiiiidinsigned offers at wholesale, to the trade, a choice lot Or the bed liquors ever brought to Ebuvisbirre; -On French ' Brendle; Bottomd Gins, Scotch, Irish, Bourbon, Mast and. Old .Sys Whisky; Poriegn and Domestic Wines, mai. as ClamPagnap OinraSetatebe, ceo. All liquors warraiited, as represented. Landlords and others will tied it to their advantage to call and ex amine the MeOrtinent at the store, On • South Second street, two doors below obeetnet 4 ; my27-dem , OEOIOGIE WINTERS OCKET BOOKB„ L INIOJEKKIN PURSES P RaTEMON J *per, ad.. A na_ ylaigtgor pe. nlza. - 94:5 0 A:umr!.INIveirsi& - . :;;.1,--;'..VtionOtOttoo4,**ll trEs-4 VALMO ' salt lishalia,o4-1 kg AV gaglakilmorka JULIUS ROSENDALEI OPTICIAN", REMAINING IN THE WAREHOUSE gqoart.. THE UNION—NOW: AN'D FOREVER."— -Webster HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21. 1864. PRICE THREE CENTS. DYSPEPSIA.. A Cure WeLi'reinted. Dyspepsia has thefqllowing Symptoms: Ist. A constant pam,Or, uneasiness at the pit of the.stornach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Imes of Appetite. 4th. Gli:komand Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarilicea; with. griping. 6th. Pain in all parts Of' the System. • 7th. Qenstunptive Symptoms and Falpita lion of the Heart. 172111 Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night.. 10th. Loss of. Appetite imd Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. Ott of the thousands .of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every cake, no matter if •of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Wislaart's office, No. 1.0 .N., Second street, Philadelphia, Pa,. All exerainations and con sultations . free of charge. Send for a eircri 2 lar. Price $1 per bor. Sent by mail, free of charge, on -receipt; of money: DYSPEPSIA., DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA.. Basssoir, of BrandyWilte) DeL, fornierly of Old Chester, DeL, do certify tbat,"forone year and O. bid/ I suffered every thin'g hilt death. from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. :My whole system, was prostrated with, weeknessmitt nervous debility; I could not digest my "food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return . juin as I swallowed it; I became so epstive,in my bowels that I would not have a passage less than frOm four and often eight days; un der this , immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror add'evil: forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not boar my husband.nor my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; I had no ambition to do anyt 'rig; I lost, all my hove of :fatally and home; would.ramble and wander from placeto plaee„hut could not be contented; I felt that I: was doomed to hell, and that there was no., _heaven ,for me, and was often - tempted:to °.Commit"suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de stroyed, and also my Mind from that awful cdmplaint,Dyipepaia, that inyfiiends thought best to have me placed in Di% Eirkbride's hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and tliought I was a little better, but in a few days mY dreadful com plaint was raging Its btidas ever. Hearing of the wonderful cares performed by Dr. Wis harts Great American Dyspepsia Ma and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my ease to him. .He said he had no doubt he could cure Me. So in three days after,l called and - placed Myself under the Doctor's treatment, and , in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, and I most sincerely return uiy thanks to a merciful God and Dr. ,Wis ,hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to. call on me or write, as I am willing to do all; the good I can for suffering hu inanity. ELIZABETH BRANSON. 'Brandywine,-DeL, formerly of Old !Mester, Delaware county, Pa. • " • - Dii.Wismsarr's Of4ce, 150.-10 North Second street, hiladelphia. DYSPEPSIA! DICOEFSIA • Da. Wnirtarr---1 have been a constant sufferer with Dyspepsia for the,last eighteen years, during which time I cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day., There. were times when the eymptoms were' more aggravated ' than at others, and then seentediltwenid bait great re lief to die. I had at all thnelian.lMPletlashtfoeling MAY. 'head, but latterly my suffering* so much increased that 1 became almost unfit for business of any kind; my mind Was continually ffiled With, gloomy , thegghte and fore bodings, and if I attanipted to change their current by reading, at 'once a sensation of icYoolduess in connection with with a dead weight, as it' were, rested open hty brain • , also, a reeling Cl sickness would comet the stomach, and ' great pain to my eyes, accompanist; with which wet the continual fear of hieing my reason. I also experienced great lassitude, debility and nervonsiiess, which made It difficult to walk by • day 'or. sleep 'at .nlght." L became averse, to society, and disposed only to sechilion, and having tried the skill of i number of eminent physicians of various schools, thialjy came to the conclusion that, for this disease atmy presot age (terriers) there was no cure in existence. But, tMugh mu Interference of Divine Providence, to whom 1 devoutly offer my thanks, I at last 'found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed al- Joust the last trace of my, long list of ailments and bad reelingn, andjii their pla.ce healtd,-ipleasneci: and content, nient areloYevaryday companions. • • JAMES M. SAUNIII/RS, . ' No 4§3 North Second streetVbiladelphis, • , i • Formerly of oodbury, N. J. Dr Wishart's Office No. 10 North Second Street, Phila delphia. A POSiri iE CURE FOE DYSPEPSIA. HayaIrEATIOX .101D1 IL BABCOCK, UT& i Ne. 028 Omvs IiTHXST, , • ...rkilulelphia, January 224, 1863. J Ds. Wisuann,-7Sirlt is with much pleasure that .I am now able toinfOrmyou that, by the use of your great. American Dyspepoie. Pins, I have been entirely cured of that most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia. I had been grieviously afflicted-for the last twenty-eight years, and Or ten years of that time have not been free foam its path one week at a time. I have had it in its worst form and have dragged on a moat miserable existence--in pain • .day and night •• Every kind of food that I ate Ailed me With wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or how small-the quantity. A continued belching was sure to 'follow. I had noeppetite for any kinds of meats what ever and my distrers was so great for seveml months be fore I heard of , ou r s ; Pills , that : I. frequently wished for deeth. I had _taken . everything that I had, itetird of for El3orpopsia,' withelft,leceiving any benefit; "lint on your Pills being re Oriiiiienchleto me by one who had been cured by the ,I bencindealle give them a trial, althaugh I had no faint,intleM "'To „my' ditandslimiant, I found myself gettingletter before I bad taken one•fourth of a box, and after taking:half a box, I ass a wet/ Man, and can eat anything Ewalt, and enjoy a hearty meal three times a day, without inconvenience from anything I eat, or drink._ If you think prOper, you are at liberty to make this public and refer to me. 1 will cheerfully give , all de; airable information to any one whomay'call on me Yours, respectfully, JOHN H. BIU3OOO}L For side at Dr. Wishartn Medical Depot, No. 10 North Second street, Philatielphla, Pa. Price One Dollar per box. Sent by mall, free of. harge, on receipt of price. DYSPErE . IA!. DYSPEPSIA! as, Samuel D. Haven, have been a great mdibrer. with Chronic Dyspepsia and.itifionunation of the 8id478 for three years. I employed:three or four of the most em! oi ] . neat physicians of Philadelphia ; also of Burlington county N.J.. They did all for me they could," but ug to no rm . tose. •I was consMittly Illted , wlth awful pals and dia . rm., and with eoistant.teelohlair of wind ' and sour sold. my to ng u e was . ooniered with a White coating of . mace ilia it . created ire LOP farrmil m • and' was- dread:loy ' sore! Olfl VOrtUsiativishill for , di- to reliant me •n!YlnlebthZ fora bad -1014 all hope of ow* being iritil sydn. I •It a subittet- of pram to God ` that' he ovoid direct nu ' kV- some #l4ilesian or =Michas that would Gars me. Unis told to road ea advwdiiiiiist el , MEDICAL rJhi • Dr. Wishar's in the - Philaitelpbyt: ol'a great cure made upon Mr. John Bati6rtok,tolo2B Olive street, Phila delphia, by the great. AmeriffitraPysptuasia Pills. I went to the Doctor's Office, and placed royaelf under b treat- Men', and'told hint if he failed:Pi; care mu, it wouldhe the last effort I would male. It his been six week's since I commenced the use of his medicine, and I am now a well man, free from all pain and distress, and can eat three hearty meals a day with comfort, Mid' feel - perfectly well. Dr, Wishart, I want you to publish my case, as I want every poor dyspeptic suffering i was, to call on me, and I will tell them of the .great cure I have received.from , your invaluable medicine . SAMUEL D. RAVEN. Corner Venango and Lambert streets near Richmond N street, formerly from Wrightatown, Burlington county, J. aitutaciAL. The above are a few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from phykicians and drug giEds who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have nYcr , er used or sold a akeacaratich' gave such univentataatisfaction. Prepared Only bythe proprietqr, D.R. L Q. C WISHART, No. 10'North Second street,- Philadelphia., Pa. Sold by Druggleta everywhere Sirkjyl.B.eod-d&w" MMIEGOOigiMiI I/. S. 7-30 LOAN. mrap, , Seeretagof the TreaucuTgives notice L that subscriptions will be received for °cou pon Tres:mil I4TOteS, -payable three' gears from August 15th; 186f,,',with semi-annual interest at the rate of seven 'and- three-tenths per cent. peT annum—principal and interest, both to be paid in lawful money: These notes will be convertible at the option ofl, the holder at maturity into six per cent. gold beating bonds, payable 'not less than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as; the Government , may elect They will be issued in denominations of $59, -$lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000, and;all, subscriptions must be for fifty dollars, or Some multiple of fifty dollars. • The notes *gibe transmitted.o the, oVniers free of 'transportation charges as sooff t after the receipt of the original Gertifibateet of De pOsit a's they can be prepared. - the notes draw interest from August 16, persons making' deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. .• Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dol lars, and upwards for these notes at any one' time will be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent,. which will be paid by the Treasury Depariatent upon the receipt ef a bill for the amount, certified to by the 'officer with whom the deposit was made. No daductions for-commissions must be made frm the deposits.. • - '• • • • • Si spcjal Advantages Opklits Loan /S A Nauman Samos lSalqt, 'offering a higher rate, than any other, a n d'fiest - .depicrity. Any savings bank which pay depositors in* U. S. Notes; Considers that: it is paying in: best circulating medium of the country, and is cannot pay in anything better, for its own assets are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in government paper. t equally convenient ns i s temporary or permanent investment. The, - notes c,an al ways be sold for within .thiction of thar face and adcumulated 'interest, and are the best security with lianks" 'as .00raterals for dis counts. Convertibie into a 6 per Cent. 6-20 Getl4 Bond. In _ _ additionlo the yery.liberal• interest on the notes .for three years, this...privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent. per annum, 'for the currentratefor .5-20,/3oAds uinot less than nineper cent. premium, anti 1)0- fOre the war the premiurn qa six per ceg. S. stocks was over twatty per cant. It will be seen that the actual:profit cel,this 402, at :the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent., per annum. Exemptioif from • Mate or Muni cipal Taxation. . . . . . But asidO 'from all' the advantages we have enumbrated, a special net of Congress exempts aV,b i o s and Treasury notes from local taxation. M. e average , exemption is worth about two r cent. petyrinnurn, according to the rate taxation'in Various parts of the country: It is believed that no ' securities offer so great inducements to lenders as those issued I:it. ° GoYaragielit. In all other forms of ' de tedness, the faith or ability of, private part s, or stook companies, or separate com m,tafities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country is held to swam the discharge of all the obligations of the United States. While the _Government offers the most liberd terms for its loans, it believes that the el i st very trongest appeal will be to the loyalty and atriotism' of the People. B =mons wits, BE uscirivEn by the Tr rarer of the United States, at Washing , ton. the several < Assistant •Treasurers and desi;nated Depositaries, and by all the lift tioml banks which are depositaries of public moray, and all respectable banks and bankers throughout the country will give further in feanation 'and 'afford every facility to 'sub -80 , .• ere._ [aul9-d&w:ln , . . . , Volunteer , , Notice i Caiaing of Companies and Commanders of 1 Squads : . llTundessign o d are prepared to secure for Volunteent 1 The B.ighest local, Cash anti Government i Bounties ! .. urns:anises can be SuPelied with credits for their town shit or county !limas -• ,Er Enlistment papers promptly made out, and men attobeced to until mustered in clothed and equipped, by cminim Recruiting Agnicy. • ,lIEWES & CO., , Parke House, Marion. street, between Th ird and str,ets, Harrisburg. " • - . Two of the ara have commissions to recruit in S n rebellion. ' . [ausgS.d&wlm otiee to Bridge Builders ! • ~. . II undersigned, 000M3A11111: CHEWS of Dau phin county, Pennsylvania, will receive Sealed Pro . up to September the Elk,' (Wednesday,) at two o ock P. B(., for building,- superinterplhm and furnishing the materials for a .neii-roofed_rtridge across Arm ' lig creek, Jackson township, said .county, east of au, at the site referred to by the late Reports of the r . d Inquest of the county somewhere south, or nearly . of Fishensville. Said toridsk,to•he fortY feet alma ' on Burr Top Arch plan, and to be as high as what the bridgo (now standing) is ; north side wing walls to be • .11 feet long, and those of the south aide ten feet .g 'Proposals to be endorsed on the specifications inch may be had at the office of the County Commis onera at Harrisburg, on application by letter or other, • - Letting to , be on said day and to the lowest re ~.Mdble bidder: - . HENRY HARTMAN, JACOB J. IgILLEISET, • au2a4laraddi ROBERT W. M'OLIIIIH. IDES 'VINEGAR. —Pure Cider Vinegar -,... • ~. ....- L ' ..r. : I .:f: '.- , 1.. ' ' ,l ' " can be bought by the barrel or small q . • ty at NGLLSE "811,11kg1413T. TEA.:--Just re. • rived, e tee ett",ldapallitCAm. Do ibto i ! 3 [ftg 7,4 0. anoosirme to Wt : WIdAOHNIUML, ' . • • ma & NON 1$ (*7ll WINN a unit* MEDICAL: DYSPEPSIA, kND DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE 'LIVER D DIGESTIVE 'ORGANS, ARE arum BY (;) 0 F L A NIP'S, 'GERMAN --BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC, THESE Bitters have performed more cures; have and do give better satisfaction; have, more tea- Limon'; have more resPectable people' o youth for them Wan any other,artiele in the market.: ' , !! ire defy any one to contradict this assertion, and ,will pay $l,OOO to any one that will produce a Certificate pub , baited by us that is not genuine. Hotland;s German tern, wW Cure every case of Chronic' or Nervous Debility; Diseases:of the kidneys, and. diseases arising from a dill. ' ordered stomach. Observe the following symptoms, re- suiting trom..the disorders Sr the digestive origami: Con; stipation, Inward riles, Falb: mg - of Blood to the head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Fetal. Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or nuttering at the pit of.theatomach, Swimming of the head, Hurried and difficult - breathing, Fluttering at the heart; Choking or suffocating-Sensations when' in a lying posture, Diffiness of vision, Dots orwebs wore the sight, Foyer and dull pain in the head, Deficiency of pers.. Piration, Yelloteness of the skin aid eyes, Pain in the side, back; cheat, limbs; he., Sudden &ales of heat,' Burning In the deal; Constant imaginationSof evil, and great de ereglioi of ltemember that this Bitters Wawa alcoholic, contains no itte:draideky, and can't mdia , drunkards, but is the beat randa in the world. READ WHO SANS SO From the Rev.. Levi G. Beck, rester of the Baptist ; Church, Pernbertimi N. J., formerly of the North Baptist. Chuith, Philadelphia. * S . * * * * • Al , * * * . I have known Hoonand"s German Bitters favorably for a number of yeartt I have used them in my own fluidity'', • and haveheen so pleased with their effects that I was in duced to recommend them to many others Mid know that they have operated in a strikingly henencial manner. I take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this fast, mar &Ding the attention of those 01100 Stith the. _diseases for which they are recommended to these Bit. tors, .knowing froin erperieme - that my recommendatloa willhe sustained. I do this more cheerfully as: Hoof. 'Mani Inners la intended to benefit the afflicted,' and le "not a rum; drink." Yours truly. LEVI 6. BEVIL From Rev. J. Newton Brown, - D„ D. Editor of the En cyclopedia of•Relitious Enoidedgeind MEM= Chroni cle, Philatielphia, , • • althotighriot disposed to favori recommend Patent Eehicines in general, through distrust aft choir ingredients! and effects, I yet know of no sufficient .reesons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believeth himself- to have received from any simple preparation, in.-the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily In regard to Hoofiand's Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr. O. X Jackson, of this city because I was prejudiced against them for many years, ender the impression that they were 'chiefly an alcoholic mixture:, • I am indebted to my 5/leek .Rebert ker,,Ese., tor the removal of this prejudice by proper tests; and-for encouragement to trrthem when suffering' from great; guid long continued debility. The use of Mice bottles of these Bitters at the beginning of the present yew was followed brevident -relief and-restora tion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not for aix months before, and hal almoit despaired of. regaining. I thlireferistheniepoil sip i Myfriend 'for di recting me to Dia Una of Ithebri4"e • ` , . ..,_,Y. , NEWTON.;IIIIOEN , PMlada. From ReV.% Warren strandolph, Pastor of Baptist Church, Germantown, Penn. Dr. C. M Jackson:--Dear Sir:—Personal experience enables me . -to say that I regard the German Bittere y pre paredhy Yed as almost excellinWpt&liclue. In cases O. severe cold and general debility I have been greatly bone- fitted by the use of the Bitters. and doubt not they will produce similar effects en others. Fetus truly WARBEERANDOLKI, Germantown, Pa. From Rev. J. IL Turner, • Pastor of Redding 31. E Church, Philadelphia. ". Dr. C. IL Jackson r--Dear Sin—Raving used your Ger man Bitters in my family frequently I am prepared to say that it hal beerrof great service., F believe that in most cases of general debility of the system it is the safest and most valuable remedy of which PI have any knowledge. 'fours, respectfully I R. TURNER, No. 190 N. Nineteenth street. From the Rev. J, 1, Lyous, formerly. Pastor of the CoMmbes (N. 1.) and . Milebtown ( Pa:) Bapthrt, Churches, , tirrw a/Mom; N. F. Dr. C. IL Jacksent--Dear feint a pleasure thus, of my own accord, to bear testimony to the excellence of the German Bitters. Some years since being ,much of Rimed with Dyspepsia, I used theft with very , beneficial results I have Man recomotended tbetil , to , Pentorin feebled by that tormenting diserure,-and have-beard from them the most flattering teethnonialls as to their great value. In cases of general debility, I belioniit' to be fr tonic that cannot be surpassed. J. X LYONS... Prom the Rev Thomas Winter, Pastor of Roxborongh Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson:—Dear Sir :—I felt it due to your excel tent preparation, Hoodand German Bitte rs{ to add m y testimony to the deserved reputation ft has ' obtained. 'I have for year?, at times, been' troubled with' greatdieorder in my head. and nervous system - i was a dvised by a friend to try , a bottle of your German Bitters; did so, and have eneneneed great and unetpacted 'relief; my health has baeit very materiaily benellttixi. I confidently recom mend the article where I meet .with omit similar •to my foots(nu]; and have been assured by manyurs, of ; their. good ef. T. . . . Relplbily T. WENT y ERi ~ .:eiiborpeght p a . ""e f•-• From Rev. J. S. Herman,of the German Retornted • Church, Kutztown, Berke county. Pa. - Dr. O. M. Jackson:—Respected Sir have been troubled with Dylpepide nearly twenty years, and have never used any medicine that did me as witch geod•-as Soofland% Bitters. lam very muck improved in health, .after having taken live bottles. .. Yours with respect, J. B. BERILiN PRICE& Large Size (holding nearly 'double 'quantity, ) $l. 00 per bottle—half doe - . $6 00 Small Size-76 mute per bottle--futif flei - 4 00 BEWARE OF 'OOUNTERFFSTSI See that...the signature of . M. JACKSON , ' is on the 'MUTER of each, bottle, ShoulgyonT near* drugeffff sot , hive “the satiate; do not be put off by.nny of thaintOkicatini preparatiotut that iney,be offenei Witt plea, bat and map 1 4 1 4 _we will forward, eecnrely.packed i by, Priuelpal Offen arid Nanafactory, • , . . NO. 681 ANON NTREII7,. ' • IVANK;.•' , • ; filatamors.tit. a Ara /Porby Druggists sad .1. eyiowa .-r isommar.,. , galley Miff otiffiL7' WITEMBING BATES—DMA P .TSLICGRAPIL. , 4 gia hdlowhig are thei rates tot adiNatisintin %bit This- Unarm Those Having advertising to do wit' And 1.9 don ventent for ieferenee.: air rani lines or fess amstitute one-half square. icightilnek or more than fon; mmatituts 8.67 006 . 708 A SALT 9004118. ..- 708 .•8 aegARB. One - day $ so deb day — ' $ 60 Two clays . 50 Tk04128,... ....... 100 Thrio days 11 'Threo days' 125 , , Ono week 1 25' Ono vreek.l; ... .... 225 On month.... ..... . n 00 One manta 6 o _ o . Two months 4 50 Two months. ,9 00 Three. months 5 50 Three months . : 7 11 00 Six 'months 8 00 Six months 15 00 0114 year............ 19 09 One year 25 00 Atheinistnition Notices' Mgriage Notices - • Auditor's 'Notices Funeral Notices, each base Business notices in befOre Marriages and Dea each nsertioa. EVENING EDITION. Front the 201st Regiment. CAMP COUCH, NEAR CHAILIVENBUBG, September 20, 1861: Editor Telegraph: Heavy cannonading was distinctly heard by many of us here, during the fore part of Sast evening, and at intervals during the night.— About three o'clock this (Tuesday) morning, the guards say the 'firing was terrific far an hour's duration. A certain number of pick ets, from each of the six remaining compa nies were sent out, with three days ratitail this morning. The cannonading seems to be in the direction of some of the fords on the Po tomac, and reach our ears from a direction 'diieotly South of us. People who reside here say it is the same direction that cannonading wap heard before when the rebs crossed over the Potomac last summer. The Keystone Battery was run out from Chambersburg early yesterday evening, and encamped in the old cavalry ground directly across the pike from us. • • There is an unusual number ,of ladies from Harrisburg, in camp this morning; visiting their husbands, friends, &c. The morning is lovely, and "everybody and - his friends," are in good spirits. If anything - turns up before evening, I shall inform your readers promptly of the fact. .. For the present, good morning. A. H. 8..,, Corporal company The Late -General Russell. Brigadier-General David A. Russell, who fell •in the battle near Winchester, was a native of New York. He graduated at West Point, in 1845. He served in the Mexican war, and was brevetted " for gallant 'and meritorious conduct in sev eral affairs with guerrillas, at Paso Ove ja,s, National Bridge and Cerro Gordo." He has also served with distinction throughout the present war. His rank in the regular allay, at the time of his death, was that of Major of the Bth infantry. He was commis si+ned a Brigadier General of volunteers, Nov. 29, 1862. The Rebels Operating 'on Lake MM News has been received that a party of reb els from Canada ,have captured the little steamers Parsons and Island Queen near Base Island, on Lake Erie, yesterday after raion, and have gone down or across the'Lake, probably for reinforcements, guns and ammu nition. The capturing party numbered thirty men, armed with revolvers and bowie knives. No' other arms were noticed. The captors took at,/diddle Bass Island, wood enough to last two days.. • ' From San Fratirisco. •- SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 19. The steamer Serra Navadaluis arrivedtrom:. British Columbia, with over 000,000 Irt . . Gen. McDowell has returned from a tour of inspection among the defences on the Northern coast. The oVerland.mail service is forthwith to be resumed from this side. • The reports of the Indian troubles on the plains are greatly exageratect Markets by Telegraph. PHILADLPHIA, Sept..2U. Breadstuffs are dull and prices are drooping; and there is very little doing. The export de mand for is extremely limited, and only 1,500 barrels sold at $ll 50 for extras, and $12 , 00 for extra family. Receipts and stocka 'aro very light.. Rye flour is steady at $.lO 25 . q, $lO 50, and corn meal—white is scarce at $8 50. • Wheat is dull, and prices *ooping, small sides of red at $2 45(g2 55 for old and new. Red at $2 75 and 285 for white. Rye comes in slowly, and sells at $1 80. Corn is diai and yellow sells slowly $1 71. Oats are in fair request at 89ig 90c for new, and 92@ 02 for old. 100 hogsheads of bark sold at $4.6 00®48 50. In groceries and provisions sales are unimportant. Whisky is dull at $1 8401 85. Petroleum moves slowly, sales of crude at ' 43®45, refined in bond at 69q no, and free at 85®880. 1 . COSTAR'S,' VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERAIDIATOBS EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTER baNATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINA TORS. .4. ornirm, "COSTAR'S"s►Nog+i • 4 . _ “aw --- 047 e. ..i.qty'_l4 EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS.. ; EXTERMINATORS.. "COSTAR'S" ExTEßiacerorta • rt EXTERIAINA.TOIL% "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S , " EXTERMINATORS. ELTE,RbiItATORS. "COSTAR'S" ErpeßmAitais., EXTtRIMIATOW. "IXATAB'S ), ECTiRIEDTATOMI EATOR.9. AMS. "C(MTAR'S" ROIRMINATORB. "COSTAR'S" , EXTERMINATORS EXTERSEENATORS. ".COSTAR'S" EXTRREINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. FOR RATS, MICE ROACIIES, ANTS BED-BUGS FLEAS, MOTHS IN FURS, WOOLENS, INSECTS ON PLANTS, FOWLS, ANIMALS, etc. "15 years established In N. City." "Only Infallible remediesknosvh. "Free from Foloone. l / "Not dangerous to the Huninh - Family.l "Rats come out of their holes to We." Sold by all Druggists eiveiriheie girl 1 b liswArtz I I I of 131 worthlessilinitatiou. - Apr" Costar's Depot, No. 482 Broadway :N. ..82r8oId by • D. 'W. GROSkir& CO., • . _" Wholesale and retsilAgo,44, Arid bY.031 Druggists Harrisburg, Pa. Lipl.o-dau3sa pi. C. OATH, ha*. of the piano, Nektitoil;"Viprill god = We. 18, Tiumarkrisissr, Baton MAR I= n •") rl• , :u.s. a manonnalwoitmaribistr YL is rare artide tor tablact feD3Einginfoic , (maamema to Wm - jr, wash; E . EIII +. 150 in the Local Column, or Eakin Crurre PEP. 1a.:13 for BtI'PALO, Sept. 20