BUSINESS CARDS. . RALPH L. 11AACLAY - 9 ATTORNET-AT-LAW: — Patriot and Union bondin g , Harrisburg. Strict attention paid to all legal bueineaa Military alai= collected. mylo-dem-eod Thomas C. MacDowell, Attorney-at-Law. OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. HARRISBURH, PA. A 1114 manner of Military Claims promptly loll,_ attended to, and claims Collected against the General or Sate Governments, either in Congress, the Court of Claims at Washington city, or at Harrisburg, without un- A. C. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, trAS removed hig Mee from Third to nut street, next to: the Prison. All business in trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION • STORE. BOYER It KOERPER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS GROCEItIES Queen's and Glass Ware ) AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, trAVE just opened a large and well selected 1.1. stock of goods at their stand, No. 3 Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the , orally. nolo-dly JONES HOUSE, Joiner of Market street and Market Square, HARRISBURG PENNA. CHAS. H. Proprietor. Aker STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS, 1111A.RRISBURG, PENN 9 A. 111EIE undersigned having purchased this well .1. known house bas enlarged and thoroughly renovated It. The rooms have been repaiu Mt and papered, and the entire estalishment elegantly re-furnished. Being plea santly and eligibly located, and provided with every con sentence, It offers to the public all the comforts and 'luxu ries of a first class hotel. Trusty and obliging servants always in attendance. A bar well stocked with choirs inmate. is attached to the establishment. 1e26-dly W. G. THOMPSON, Proprietor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA. D, H. HUTCHISON, Proprletor.i THIS well known EL - now in a condi tion to, ccommodate the traveling public, affording the moat ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit ted throughout, and now has accommodation's equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and lie close proximity•to all the public offices and business lo °Mates of the city. It has now all the conveniences of A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, and the Proprietor is determined to spare neither ex se, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully soli cited. jell-dtf MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SKEET MUSIC, VVIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, STRINGS, DRUMS FIFES, and all kinds of MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE , PICTURE FRAMES, LOOKING GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALBUMS, AMMO TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, &C., &C. Remember the place, SILAS WARD, No. 12 Third tree the largest Mimic Store this aide of the great cities. 8-dtf MELODEONS MID CABINET ORGAIsIS. TTY-811C FIRgT PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND Tall ONLY GOLD IidEDAL (ever won by instruments of this claw has been awarded to MASON & 'S INSTRUMENTo. A full assortment of these instruments always on hand et W. KNOCHE'S, Sale Agent, jest-21awly] 93 Market street. NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED ! BERGNER'S Book and Stationery Store. Embracing every new and improved style of POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORTMONNAIES, Szo, at prices to suit all circumstances. POCKET CUTLERY, consisting of a line assortment of irenholm's Supe Pocket Kniv GOLD PE R Promafewton's celebrated manufactory. Every Pee with a piaramtee. PORT FOLIOS, WRITING CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS, i k PAPETERIEIS, Spa Together with every article usually found in a first Book and Stationery establishment, at • ELM DANIEL A. MUENCH AGENT OE the Old Wallower Line, respectfully in forma the public that this Old Daily Transportation Line (the only Wallower Line now in existence in this city,{ in succeseM operation and prepared to carry height as low as any other individual line between Phil adelphia, Harrisburg Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Look ' Haven and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamsport and Elmira Railroad', DANIEL A. MUNCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Penn'a. Weds sent to the tarehonse of Messrs. Peacock, Zeil & Hlnchman, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above Bth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, r. at, will arrive at Harris burg, ready for delivery, nest morning. [ap3o-rdmyl • PIANOS. ALBRECHT, JURIES & SCHMIDT'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. BOLE AGENCY AT W. ENOOITE, OS Market street, Harrisburg. FOR RF. A SONS perfectly satisfactory to MYSELF I have taken the agency of the above moat excellent Pianos. The public is invited to come and ex amine for themselyea AFew Schomacker At Co's Pianos on hand yet will be dsoklow. . mar2s4l NOTICE TO WHIPPERS BY Illadelphia and Reading Railroad, TN accordance with the provisions of the X New Internal Revenue Law, all goods delivered at the above railroad for shipment must have a Two Cent Stamp antsed to the receipt demanded therefor, said stamp be at the expense of the Shipper Fo r receipts taken by the above I ompany, chid stamps will be furnished and paid for by ittellompacy. auglOdisep3o JOBN J. CLYDE ...scent. Fn FAMILYIL & FLOUR.-SELIEMER ER have made arrangements with one of the best nag in the country to supply the families bf Harris burg- with choice FLOUR. Every barrel warranted, and delivered to any part of the city free of charge. SEMLER & FRAZER, Dealers in Fine Family Groceries, opposite the Cpurt House. nun QPIOED OYSTERS.—Extra fine Baltimore Oysters, spiced, pig, received at 18 BOY&R & KOERPER. tTIIST RECEIVED-44 gallons pure currant wine, from a Lancaster county farmer; the fluent made domestic wine In this city. Price $3 00 per gallon. For sale at SEMLER & FRAZEE" lea Successors to Win. Dock, & 00. QPIOED OYSTERI3.—Extra Fine Baltimore 0 oysters, soloed, and for aale by the gallon, quart and por Mal wining. MIELE?. t FRAZER r . gammen to W. Dock, Jr, 0. lAMB I—A' fresh supply of Allah .L 1 eneke's Ausator Hams andbilEal Beer, at • budil BOYER & HOER'PER MO LLD= —lf yeti wish Op9d Lotto Pow, Involopolot, Roo, or rho orstiong Hu you rtgArreg r aoidliocot 114111 Norrlotrarg, RAILILOADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road ! ear EIPRnifG TIDIE TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAnly TO AND FOUR FROM 'MITA DEDELPILIA. CRf 41fD ATTER MONDAY, May 16th, 1864, THE Passenger Trains of the Permsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har risburg and Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 A. ar., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 A. sr. FAST LDNE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 6.00 A. is., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.10 A. N. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harrisburg at 7.20 A. N. connects at Lancaster with Lancaster accom modation train, and and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.25 P. N. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Harris. burg at 12.20 P. ar. ; Columbia 1.55 P. N. , and arrives at Lancaster 2.30 P. N. ; connecting with Fast Mail east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Philadel phia at 5.30 Pas. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 120 P. nc ; Lancaster at 2.47 P. w., and arrives at Wsst Philadelphia at 5.80 P. N HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colurn• bia, leaves Harrisburg at 5.25 P. N., and arrives at West Philadellphia at 10.50 WESTWARD BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.10 A. N. • Altoona, 7.35 A. Y., take breakfast, and arrives a Pittsburg at 12.80 P. m. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.10 A. ; Altoona at 8.20 A. m., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at LOO P. X MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.30 P. .a. ; Altoona at 7.15 r. a., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 11. FAST LENDleaVas Harrisburg at 3.50 r. at. ; Altoona at 8.35 P. K., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 A. Z. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Landaster at 9.30 A. L arrives at Harrisburg at ILIO A. N. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia at 2.46 P. X., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 P. N. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION No. 2, leaves Lanese. ter at 6.25 P. at., connecting there with Harrisburg Accom modation West, leaves Mount Joy at 7.00 P. N. and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. N. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, - Supt. Middle Div. Penn's B. B. Harrisburg, May 13, 1864.-dtf Northern Central Railway rR' ~.S - --------- ~ ,''~; mil ~~--~~~~ ' ...`.:::e:~ ._~ SUMTER TIME TABLE. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND MOAT BALTIMORE WASHINGTON CITY. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from, the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. ON and after MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive (at ,and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, vis: SOUTHWARD. • • MAIL MAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) —10.25 A. Y. 41 leaves Harrisburg.. ........ 1.20 P. X. Si arrives at Baltimore 6.40 P. N EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 11:45 " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) 2.50 A. N. " arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) . 7.00 A. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Har- ' burg 7.00 A. U. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun bury daily (except Sun day) at 7.90 A. it NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) • 9.20 A. X. leaves Harrisburg 1.36 P . " arrives at Sunbury 4.05 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily 9.90 P. . r. " arrives at Harrisburg ..... .. 1.80 A. as " leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) 8.16 A. x. . arrivesat Sunbury 5.53 A. m. HARRISBURG/ ACCOMMODATION leaves Bal timore daily (except Sun day) 8.00 r. X. ~ arrives at Harrisburg., , .7.50 p. it. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 00 P . M. For further information apply at the Office, in Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot. J. N. DuBARRY, Harrisburg, May 10, 1884.-dtt Gen. Supt. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. O N AND AFTER MONDAY, November 19th, 1864, the Passenger Trabas will leave the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz : EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE leaven Harrisburg at 3.00 p. at., on ar rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 10.00 A. 11. A sleeping ear Is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 7.30 A. N., arriving in New York at 4.40 P. ~ and Philadelphia at 12.50 p. N. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.45 P. arriving in Sew York at 9.00 p and Philadelphia at 7.00 P. N. HARRISBURG .ACCUMMODATION TRAIN to Reading leaves at 5.30 P. N. WESTWARD FAST LINE leaves New York at 9.00 A. N. and Phila delphia at 8.00 A. st.„ arriving at Harrisburg at 12.40 r. HAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at &BO r. x., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. N. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 p. ar riving at Harrisburg at /00 A. Y. and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car is also attached to this train. Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, dm Baggage checked through. Fare between New York and Harrisburg $5 15 ; between Harrisburg and Philader. plata, $3 115 in No. 1 oars, and $3 in No. / For tickets or other information apply to J: J. CLYDA General Agent. Engrianagg. I= CUMBERLAND VALLEY FEANKL I N RAIL ROADS. ORANGE OF HOURS.—On and after Mon day, April 4th, 1864, Passenger trains will rue daily, as F ollows, (Sundays excepted* FOR CIL4MBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG: is. F. ati Leave Hagereatowr a. 7.00 2.43 " ' Greencastle 7.37 3.84 Arrive at 8.17 4.20 • Ohanibereburg, - Leave at 8.30 12.05 Leave Shlppensciarg 9.00 1.28 " Gemnrine9.B2 2.00 A. M. . " Carlisle 555 10.10 2.42 .. Meoteuncsburg 625 10 42 5.12 Arrive at Harrisburg 655 11.15 1.40 FOR CHANBEESBURG AND HAWSES:7O WN: sr. r. NI. P. X. Leave Harrisburg a. 8.05 182 . 420 " Mechanicsburg 8.47 2:15 4.54 " 'Carlisle 9.27 2.55 5.29 64 Mayville - sc Shippensburg 10.83 10.22 • 4 .00 . 00 (Arrive at 11.00 4.80 C hamberdw g , 1 Leave at ..... 7r•.:.....11.10 4.40 Lave Gredbastle 11.55 5.80 Arrive at Hagerstown 12.85 6.10 sir Making Aerie connections at Harrisburg with trains. for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg ; and wft mina for all points. West. air The Trgn..leating Hitril 2 butt at 420 r. Bt., rang only as far-aa Palladia- G. N. LifiLy„, a.m. It. B. Office, Otßunterstqui, April 4, 1.13644. , : "- 7. .(131131= ehoioe new Crop Cheese; ju s t N.J rooolvot it EtEttilLiat & maim MT linoomearo to W. Dock, Jr., ir, Co RAILROADS. 1 - 1864. ` I3 F-r 6 1 - ----Ain ..,...- -1,!;--;')—c'i ,rl , l 414 k 1 %•.-Iniil,l,lnl4l* ..-i . JEL - W .11.7.111:.-Ar-'1.7211K7.1r- ~, Philadelphia and Erie Rai' - Road. TH'great line traverses the Northern at I Northirest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PinciErmvens RAILP.OAD Cog 'PAN"; and under their auspices is being rapidly oponol throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight humans from Harrisburg to St. Mary's (Mk miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles) on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISSURO Leave Eaetward. Mail Train Expresa Traki... Leave Northward. Mail Train... 135 p. E. Express Train - 3.15 A. m. Cars run through wrrnour CHANGE both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping cars on Express trains both ways be tween Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. Corner 11th and Market streets. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr. , corner 11th and Market streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie J. IL Drill, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore.. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Phit'a. LEWIS L. ROUPT, General Ticket Agent Phil's. JCRS. D. POTTS, my2o-dly] General Manager, Williamsport. READING RAILROAD SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. G REAT TRUNK LINE FROM TEE NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, F. Von &c. &o. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate stations, at 8.00 A. N., and 100 r. New York Express leaves Harrisburg at 6.80 A. X., arriving at New York at 1.45 the Caine day. A special Accommodation Passenger train leaves Read ng at 7.15 A. X. and returns from Harrisburg at Sr. a. Fares from Harrisburg: To New York, $5 15; to Phila delphia $3 35 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New York at 6 A. x. ,12 noon, and 7 r. x., (Pittsburg Express arriving at Harrisburg at 2 A. x.) Leave Philadelphia at 8 15e. is., and a.w P. ac Sleeping carg in the New York Express Trains, through LO end from Pittsburg without change. Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 A. Si,. and 2.10 r. N., for Philadelphia, New York. and all way points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 A. at., and 2.80 r. at., .or Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 1.004. N. and returns from Philadelphia at 5.09 r. m. sir All the above trains run daily, Sunday excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.80 A. Si., and Phil adelphia at 8.15 r. x. Commutation, Mileage, Season and Exoursion tickets at reduced rates to and from all points, 80 pounds baggage allowed to Each person. G. A. NI6OLLS, General Superintundant. 1./.. 0 . 11154.—.1.4.t• ELI=,. DR, WRIGHT'S REJu vhNATILsIG ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing noth lug Injurious to the moat Delicate. WThe Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn-out systems. Ala-This medicine has been tested by the most eminent medical mon of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age WOne bottle will cure General Debility. WA few doses cures Hysterics in females. O r One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart • WA few doses restores the organs of generation. WFrom one to three bottles restores the manliness and full vigor of youth. WA few doses restores the appetite. aa-Three bottles cures the worst case of Impotency. WA few doses cures tee low spirited. .One bottle restore mental power. ria-A few doses bring the rase to the chbek. This medicine restores to manly vigor and rebus health the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. SW-The listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked man business, the victim of a nervous depression, the in dividual suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a single organ, will all find immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. iiirPrice, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $6, and forwarded by express, on receipt of meney, to any ad- dress. afirSold by all druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. MERVIN r CO., Sole Proprietors, marll-eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. ogEB,OR - FF, PILLS. SUGAR-COATED MOAT R REGULATOR, HEALTH PRESERVER. CERTAIN AND SAFI!. /fir For the &menial of Obstructiohs and (he insurance of Regularity in the Recurrence of the • ..y . onthZy Periods. grif-Tlaey cure or obviate those7numerous dismay:a that spring from irregularity, by removing the irregularity itself. They cure Suppressed, Exceesive and Painful Men atniation. raj-They cure Green Sickness (Cklorosis.) rysi-They cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower . parts of the body, Heaviness?Fatigae on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirit; Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, kc., ku In a word, by removing the irregularity, they remove the cause, and with it a.m. the effects that spring from it .f Composed of simple vegetable extract; they con tain nothing deleterious to any constitution, however delicate, their function being 'to substitute strength for weakness, which, when properly used, they never fail to do. -They may be safely used at any age, and at any perioe, =cart' DURING THE =ST VIREE ROHM% during which the unfailing nature of their action would infallibly PREVENT pregnancy. letters seeking information or advice will be promptly, freely and discreetly answered. WFUII directions accompany each box. sgi-Price, $1 per be; or six boxes for $5. girSent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price. ifirSold by all respectable druggists. DR. W. R. IdERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors. marlleocily No. 59 Liberty street, New York. For sale in Harrisburg by S. A. KUNKEL & 13R0., 118 liarket street. SELLING OUT LOW ! OUR STOCK 01? LIQUORS WE intend to discontinue the sale of Li quors and offer our stock at a very small advancr from cost price. We have purchased all our Liquors be fore the last rise and have a large stack on hand for three or four years, which are guaranteed cannot be purchased now at any price from the import era Our stock consists of WIIISSIES • of all grades. A3We have parts of three barrels pure RYE, not colored, and lb degrees above proof, 2% years old. • WINES of all Grades, Domestic and Imported. BRANDIES, • We have part of % cask HIKHNESSBY BRANDT, to which we invite the particular attention of families Iror medihinal Purposes. The Brandy cannot be bought to - day, from importers, loss tlytia sls.partpdlon... We will sell it for $l2 per gal lon. SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES, , CHAMPAGNE WINES, CLARET.% &0.. Ws invite the inspection of Hotel keepers. and Liquor Merchants generally , , as we hatend to soli, without, re aerviN an our Liquors, and thaw), be a geed, oyipoitu- Oty tor bargains. =LER & FRAZSR. 1864 1.2 e P x 2.50 A. X MEDICAL. ELIXIR MEDICAL. DR. JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, HALT= r r ed o p e t s 3 in Tz W t oi le d rgin, speedy DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. RELIEF IN SIX TO TWELVE HOURS. NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Cure Warranted, or No Ch,arge, in from One to Two Days Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges , Impotency, General De bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—thosti . terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of 'Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of §yrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, dr.c., impossible. YOUNG MEN Especially, who have beCome the victims of Solitary Vice; that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MM M.llll Married persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, defor mities, Am, speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may re liglously confide in hie honor as a gentleman, and cm& deftly rely upon his skill as a Physician. Re FA (SAY, EfRII - - - - - rumediately cared, and full vigor restored. This dietressing affection—which readers life miserable and marriage impossible—ie the penalty paid by the vic tims of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the moat serious and de structive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomet deranged, the physical and mentri A:motions weakened, loss of procreative power, nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, Indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame, cough, con• gumption, decay and death. 037/011 No. 7, SOUTH FRXDINSOIL STRIPY, Left hand aide going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Dootarl Diplomas hang in his office. DR. JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad uate from one of the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most .astonishing cures that were over known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfillness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nor VOUS irritability, symptoms of consumption, &e. MENTALLY.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—loss of memory, confusion of ideas, de pression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, &a., are some of the evils produced. YOUNG MTN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at gaunt, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage moos Bible, and destroys both mind and body, ehoulda pplyi mmediately. Whata t hat a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit Such persons 10:38f, before contem plating MARRIAGE, Bailee tthat a amid mind and body are the most licenser, requisites to promote connubialhappinms. Indeed, with out these, the journey through life becomes a weary pil grimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be- comes blighted with our own. DISE dRE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, too often happens that an illtimed sense of shame or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who from education and respectability, can alone befriend him. He falls into the hands of ignorant and designing pretend ers, who, incapable of curing filch his pecuniary sub- Stance, keep him trifling month after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and !in despair leave him with ruined health to sigh over hisgalling disappointment, or, by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the constitutional symptom sof this terrible disease,such as of of the Head, ! liroat Nose, Skin, etc., progressing with frightful rapidity till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to that tmiliscoverel country from whence no traveler returns. INDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous important surgical operations performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters of the Sun, Clipper, and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and responsi bility, is a sufficient guarantee to the &Mote& SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. Ofilee No. 7 South Frederick Street. ap28.d17 "THERE IS NO SUCH 'WOW AS FAIL." TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CITBEBS Alta) COPAIBA. This preparation is particularly recommended to the HEDIeAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for the prompt andcertain cure of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KID NEYS, U...DIARY ORGANS, ETO. It may be relied on as the beet mode for the administra tion of these remedies in the large class of diseases of both sexes, to which they are applicable. It never interferes with the digestion, and by its concentration, the dose is much reduced. N. B.—Purchasers are advbsid to ask for TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CUBEI3S AND COPAIBA, and take nothing else, as imitations and worthless prepa rations, under similar names, are in the market. Price $1 00. Sent by express on receipt of price. Manufac tured only by; TARRANT & CO., No. 278 Greenwich street, corner of Warren street, New York, mad for sale Drugguts generally. oct22-dly For sale by S. A. KUNKLE & BRO., and by Draggled generally. Gray's Patent Molded Collars Are not simply gat pieces of paper out in the form of a collar, but are Xoided and 8 - kaped foitt the neck, having a perfect Curve free from arvia or breaks, which is ob tained by our patented prow* which also secures another advantage possessed by no other collar, viz : Space for the Cravat in the Turn-down style, the mama 07 WHIM Is PISUFECMLY moors Arra Jill mitom PINKER; making this collar, for ease, neatness, and durability, unequalled. They are made in Turn-down style in sizes from 12 to 17, and in Garrotte from 18 to 17 inches, and packed in neat blue boxes of 100 each; also, in smaller ones of 10 eaoh—the latter a very handy package for travelers, army and navy officers. sir EVERT COLLAR is stamped "Gray's Patent Molded Collar." i f Sold by all retail dealers in Men's Furnishing Goals. The trade supplied by VAN DEISEN, BOEITHER, & CO., lel-eodtim 837 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. OASES SPIOED OYSTERS, just re.r l iF felved at' SEMLER. & FBAZ Jag Successors lo W. Dock, it. , & Co. .HARSH—Michener's Excelsior. JLL. Jut enrol. Received and for Ede a rt mull ibmisom a W, Dook,Wo D. W. GROSS & CO. D. W. GROSS & CO., i DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET, 11.4 sizisa UR @, PA DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, S TORE. REEFERS ANL CONSUMERS. We are daily adding to our assortment or goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectrally call your attention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, 0!s, Varntsbee and Glues, Dye-8 nnra, Glaaa and Putty, Arkldes Colors and Tools, Biwalug Fluid and Alcoboi, Lard, Sperm and Pine ella Bottice, Vials and lamp Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, , &c., &c, &0., , With a gatattal variety at PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES selected from the best manufacturers and Perfumers o Europe and this country. Being very large dealere in PAINTS, WEITTE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ALETISPZ 42121.142%1 BRUSHES IN ILL THEIR VARIETIES, CIOLa6S AND BRONZES We reapectrally lnylte a call, feeling confident that we omt supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfao- tion. TEETH! TEETH ! ! JONFS' AND WHITE'S PORCELAIN 21E'ETR, PATRIF2' 4217 D Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors E 1• AND V/ Di , •a YI • Wholesale Agents Ibr Saponifier, which we sell as low as ft can be purchased in the cities. 2WArER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS. 00AL OIL 1 CARBON OIL I Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can offer In dUCOtneuts to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the moat improved patturna, very cheap, All kinds of Lampe changed to barn Coal Oil FA.RIEERS AND GRAZIERS. Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND OAT TLE POWDEBS a trial know not their supwfortty, and the advantage they are In keeping Homes and Cattle healthy and In a good condition. Thousandi can testify to the profit they have derived frOm the use of our Cattle Powders, by the tudreased quan ty and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and appearance of their cattle. Our long experience In the business gives us the edema. tags of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and one ar rangementa in the cities are such that we can, in a very short time, famish anything appertaining to our boldness, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PUBIC DRUGS at fair prices., and the desire to please all, to merit a con Lim:lance of the favor of a discriminating public. aple-dly MOTH SACHET POWDER, FOR PERFUMING LINEN AND PREVENTING MOTH TBPOWDER—a compound of valuable a j rttes for the destruction of insects—distributed among or dusted over Furs, WooIens,CRAWLS. Clothing, &m packed away for summer, will effectually prevent mom. ' Being also a delightful, diTasable perfume it will ka- Milnate clothing, &c, with a lasting andplearent odor. The finest fabric cannot be injured by its nee. Prepared and sold at KELLEN'S ap23 Drtig and Fancy Goode Store ; No. 91 /Casket Meet VINE TABLE OILS.-40 boxes :fine table by of the best importall2M, nixie and retail L by my* socceasors to W. Doolla,.Tho QMOKED BEEF , -2k &doe lot of Mich°. Li nor's Dried Beef, PA revihred at 4317 Qui:lMAgip t • t I '4: .0 0 oats amid) alumina NPFA DDEN'S MARBLE CORNER OF WALNUT AND ytrra 817mzta, Harrisburg, Pa. MHZ unclersigned having opened a M ar ta, 11 Yard in this city, beg leave to Inform their [neat and the public in general, that they are prepared to Au. nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 811011 AS Monuments, Tombs, Read Stones, . Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stone, Give na a call andwe will guarantee satisfaction. M'FADDES co . N . R_Lettering neatly none in English or Germaa . mar29-dly AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLE ,S OR POCKET BOOKS, PURSES AND POrt r i'DIONNAIF, EO4 LADIES AND GENTLEMI::I, AT KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. The beet Morocco TRAVELING SATLII ELS, And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, suithtk Presents, now on hand at KELLER'S Drug : ,, tore, marl9-tf No. 91 Market Etrui. PHOTOGRAPH ALBU Ms_ ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTNIEki OF Photograph A.lbutas. BOUND in FINE le10110CCO—peal:,, ; . gilt and mounted with two heavy gill els.a l le, ALBITALS • WITH SO Pictures for . 40 6 , ~ t o 44 Ll . t.l - ‘ together with vrrioue °the - , st 3 tes. binding, ISLIeS ,ca prices, which will be sold claaap. Soldier,s you cannot buy a pretti...r, mon; duran: at! cheaper album anywlazre. Cal land see at SCREFFER'S Buok=tbre, marl2-dtf Harrisburg, Pa Pars Ground Spices, THE FARMER BOY, and how he became Command er-in-Chier, THE PIONEER BOY, and how he become President, Fl TEE FERRY ROY, and the Financier, TEE PAINTER BOY, or how Ben. Franklin made his mark, • THE FARMER BOY, and how he became Lienten ant General. In press. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, from Fort Sumter to Roanoke; elegantly illuktret(li. $1 2:.; At BER.GSEE'S BOOK STORE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No 232 Walnut Street, South Side, Mut ot Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF ASSETS INCOPRORATND 1794, CARNAL— CHARTER PERPETUAL. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation In surance. iurrkad; G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES Purr, Secretary. WILLIAM BUEI - IL ER ) €entral Agent for Pennsylvania. Office Waling St., near Seeond,ilarristurg, Pa wrx4:9m JUST RECEIVED, COLORS, PAINT AND OP ALL KINDS. `: /. er. ~: ~:~~K~} ~sDDU ~E STUMBLING BLOCRS, by Gail Ham ilton. Price $1 HAUNTED HEARTS, by the author of the Lamp lighter. SEVEN STORIES, by 1k Marvel, author of "RercrieF of a Bachelor." $1 SPREE'S JOURNAL of the Discovery of the enure es of the Nile. $j f-Af THE WOMAN IN BLACK, by author of "Mall le Gray." gl *ro STORIES OF THE SEA, for boys; from Cooper writings. chi STORIES OF THE WOOD, for boys; from Cooper's writings St Gil XIL All new books received as soon as publisbixl at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, 51 Market sire a. -LJ -N LIM does not varnish, but po ltriTALTAFT) no e t HAF arrect A L . FIR .11 . U.KNIT, EW the original lustre. It does not discolor. It we d re ps e, with very little labor, every ftnished surface, e' dher or wood. All manufacturers and dealers l• a fun:at:it should use it for cleaning furnitute that ha , < b„,, bog, covered with dust A touch and rub tuere.a. will make it bright and fresh. For sale b.,- us S iar At ke K t U s lli e 'n' t, L H t u t b ßO ur ., g. Jtst-iltf INTLINTOCIi'S PECTORIL Srßup. THIS INVALUABLE SYRUP, which is en itrely vegetable in its composition . has been an Moped with wonderful success for many years to the cure of diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. For any form of the disease, such as COUGH, TICKLING of the TIEROAT,SPITTINGOF BLOOD, DIFFICULT BREATH - LNG, HOARShIII' *SS, LOSS OF VOICE and HECTIC FEVERS, its use will be attended with the happicet results. It is ace of the best and safest medicinal ter Eli forms of BR'JN CHRIS and CONSUMPTION. .No laudanum: Lee p r epara- Uon of Opium in any Map in.this syrup. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER'S Cheap Book Store. CLIME PECTORALS are useful to ac,ott, ILA Cough, allay Tickling In the Throat, ,- Hoarseneas, Catarrh, Sore Throat, kc. They Coltsfoo Horehound, Ipacticuanhe, &.uega coL'u" (the moat reliable expectorante knownj are thr Live constituents, so blended with Gum Ara)* chief tic that each lozenge contains a mild and very r and Saga!, Manufacturedsolely by aA. Kuanity .deasant lan27 Apothecaries, 118 Market Mier Harrunda, PHILADELPHIA cora - mr TOTE FOR YOUNG ban, - _r.LA.TE street. Rev. CHARLES A. shirrs 44 No. 1550 Ai n WITH, A. 11.., Principals. , D. D., E. CLAY.E.NC. Ninth Year. Three departni , and Collegiate. Full college r nits: Primary, Academic , manes, higher English and Anise in Classics, Madre itho graduate. Modern La , . Natural Science /C r °I I Elocution by the best Er -Iguages. Xusic, gpiuting and DLO Institute, or addrear Astera For ciiracilars aoplY Pa. BOX 2511 P. 0., Pluladelphai • ap2o4mo go TTISITING, V A ND AT , WEDDING, INVITATION with ono of the' AE Mina —By a special arrangemc 2 t . say desorippor seat engravers in the country, wade G. art, o m pr om , will be executed in the highest style 01 promptly, with the latest fashion, and Suppked erg in Nov .t lower prices than arahharged by the stage rail at York or Philadelphia. For samples and priee• BEirerntlys'itoox sionr. - ANEW invoice of Niche:Let's celebrated .A. Hama/ Just received thismorning at SHISLEat & F Whitt to W. Doak, Jr., 'MM BILSCELLAAEOUS. BIOGRAPBY FOR BOYS THIS MORNING, A FRESM. INVOICE OE IdICHENER & CO.'S CELEBRATED SUGAR CURED I-lA.DICS AND 131E11:10, BMBLER & PRA ZE.R'S my3l THE NEW _BOOKS DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT, by lira. 11.1tur6. $1 BO BARBARA'S BISTORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwards GO cent, THE SMALL HOUSE OF ALLINGIVS, Ly Trollop°. $1 25. PILL IX. - NOTES OF HOSPITAL LIF X. E, Nov.'6l to Aug. '63, $1 O
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers