Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, September 17, 1864, Image 1

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SINGLE arsl3,qaurnoN.
THE DAILY TELEGRAM is served to subscribers in the
city at 12 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be
cl7arged $6 00 In advance. Those persons who neglectto
pay in advance will be charged $7 00.
TEM TELEGRAPH LS also published weekly, and is furnished
subscribers at the following cash rates
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Ten conies to one Post Office
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DIIRSUANT to an act of the General As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en
titled "An Act relating to Elections in this Common
wealth," approved the 2cl day of July, A. D.. one thou
sand eight hundred and thirty-nine, I, W. W. JENNINGS,
Sheriff of the county of Dauphin, Pennsylvania, do here
by make known and give notice to the electors of the
county aforesaid, that an election will be held in the said
county of Dauphin, ON THE SECOND TUESDAY OF
OOTOSER, A. D.. 1864, (being the 11th day of October.)
at which time District and Coutity Officers, as follow;
an , to be elected, to wit :
One person to represent the counties of Dauphin,
Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Juniata, composing
the 14th Congressional District, in the Congress of the
United States.
Two persons to represent the county of Dauphin in the
liouse of Representatives.
One person as Prothonotary for the countyof Dauphin
One person as Register for the county of Dauphin.
One person or fbuntv CommisFiouer
One Orson for Director of the Poor and:Rouse of Em
One person for county Auditor.
that the places of holding the aforesaid general election
in the several wards, boroughs, ni9tricts and townships
within the county or Dauphin, are as follows, to wit :
T:.,e election for the First .Ward in the City of Harris
burg, shall be held at the Public School House, at toe
corner of Mary's alley and Front street,.
The election in the Second Ward, shall be held at the
School House at the corner or Dewberry alley and
Chestnut street
The election for the Third Ward, shall be bold at the
School House in Walton street, becwk en Second and
Front 51.r00113.
. .
The elOction 6T the Fourth Ward, eha CI be held at tho
Public School House in State street, bet, veer, Seeond and
Third streets.
The election for the Fifth Ward, sha'L be hel.: at the
house belonging to General John Forster. on he State road
leading from the reservoir grounds to tl ie Pennsylvania
State Lunatic Hospital.
The election in the Sixth Ward, s gall be held at the
Market House in West Harrisburg..
For the township of Suzquebanna, at Miller's (now Nis
ley's) sohool house.
For the township of Lower Swatara, r the school house
No:1, in Highspire.
For the townshohip of Swatara, at th a Locust Grove Inn
For the borough of Middletown, it the Brick School
house, in Pine street, in said borough .
For the township of Londonderry, at the Public noose
of Joseph Kehler, in said township.
For the township of West Londom i urry, at the housed!
Christian Neff, in said township.
For the township of Conewago, erected out of parts of
the townships of Londonderry and Derry, at the house of
Christian Foltz, (now Juo, S. Foltz,) in said township. '
For the township of Derry, at the public house of Dan
iel Baum, in Hummelstown, in said township.
For the township of South Hanover, at the public house
of George Hooker, in said township.
For the township of East Hanover at the public holies
of Maj. Shell, (now Boyeris,) In said township.
For the township of West Hanover, at the public house
of Jacob Rudy, (now Buck's,) In said township.
For the township of Lower Paxton, at the public hduse
of Robert Gilchrist, (now SweigarPs,) in said. township.
For the township of Middle Paxton, at the public house
of Joseph Cockley, in said township.
For the township of Rush, at the house belonging to
the estate of the lath John McAllister, decid, now occupied
by David Rineal, in said township.
For the township of Jefferson, at the house of Christian
Hoffman. in said township.
For the township of Jac aEtn, at the house now-occu
pied by John Bixier, at Rixier's mill, in said township.
For the township or Halifax, at the, North Ward School
House, in the town of Halifax.
For the township of Recd, at the new School House on
Duncan's island, in said township.
For the borough of Millersburg, at the window next to
. the north-east corner on the east side of the new School
house, situate on Middle street, in the borough of Mil
levibure, in the county of Dauphin.
For the township of Upper Paxton, at the window next
to the north-west corner on the west side of the New
&hod!. House, situate on Middle street, in the Borough
of Millersburg, in the county of Dauphin.
For the borough of Uniontown, at the public house of
Jacob Hoffman,
For the townshjp of Mifflin, at the public house of Mi:
about Enterline, (now Benj. Bordner,) in Berrysburg, in
said township.
For the township of Washington, at the public house
now occupied by Matilda Wingert, in said township.
For the township of Lykens, at the public house of Sol
omon Loudenslager, (now Keiser,) in the borough of Gratz.
For the borough of Gratz, at the public house of Solo
mon Loudeuslager, (now Keiser,) in said borough.
For the township of Wiconisco, at the School House No.
5, in said township.
I also, for the i tiformation of the electors of the county
of Dauphin, publish the fotlewteg sections of acts of the
General Assembly, enacted during the session of 1853, to
also. sections 1 :in.' pre 101 , pamphlet laws,.ap
proved the 18th day of March,lBs7, viz:—"That the Mil
zens of the township of Londonderry, in the county of
Dauphin, formerly embraced in the Portsniouth election
district, together with such other citizens of said town
ship residing west of the public road leading from Port
Royal to Nissley's mill, in said township; shall hereafter
hold their general and spedial elections' at the house of
Christian Neff, in said township."
Ssc. 3. That said district shall hereafter be known as
West Londonderry election district.
RUSH TOWNSHIP—PIace of .E2ocizon.
Whereas the place of holding the elections in the town
ship of Rush, Daupbi• county,was by law at School }louse
somber three in said township: And whereas, there is
no such School house, therefore—Section 1. Be it enacted
by the .Senate. and Hav,se of Representatives of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is
hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the
general and township elections of Rush Township, Dauphin
County, shall be held at the house belonging to the estate
of the late John McAllister, deceased,. now occepled by
David Rineal. Page 83 pamphlet lawn, 1858.
I also make known and give notice, as to and by the
Ills section of the aforesaid act I am directed, "that
every person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall
hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the
government of the United States, or of this State, or any
city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned of
ficer or otherwise, a subordinate officer, or agent, who is
or shall be employed under the legislative, judiciary, or
executive department of this State or the United States, or
of any city or incorporated district, and also, that every
member of Congress and the State Legislature, and of the
select and common council of any city, commissioners of
any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding
or exercising at the same time the office or appointment
of judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this 'Cons
monwealth, and that no inspector or judge, or other offi
cer of any such election, shall be eligible to any office
then to be voted for."
Also, that in the fourth section of the act of Assembly,
entitled "An Act relating to executions, and for other
purposes," approved April 16, 1346; it is enacted that the
aforesaid 13th section "shall not be so construed as to
prevent any militia officer or borough officer from serv
ing as judge, inspector or clerk at any general or special
election in this Commortwealthi,_,
Also, that iu the 61st section of said act, It is enacted,
that every general and special elections shall be opened
between the hours of eight and ten In the forenoon, and'
stall continue without interruption or adjourmeut until
seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall he
No person shall be permitted to vote at the election,
as aforesaid, but a white freeman of tho age of twenty
one years or more, who shall have resided in this State
at least one year, and, in the election, district where he
offers to rote at least ten days immediately preceding
such election, and within two years paid a state or county
tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days be
fore the election. but a citizen of the United States who
has previously been a qualified voter of this State and re
moved therefrom and returned, and who shall have re
sided in the eleCtion district and paid taxes as aforesaid,
shall be entitled to vote after residing in this State six
months : Provided, That the white freemen, citizens of
the United States, between the ages of 21 and 22 years,
and have resided in the election district ten days, as
aforesaid, shall be entitled to vete, although they shall
not have paid taxes. -
The general electionshall be held, and conducted by the
inspectors and Judges elected as aforesaid, and by clerks
appomted as hereinafter prOvided.
"No person shall be admitted to vote whose name Is
not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants furnished
by the commissioners, unless; First,:he produces a receipt
for the payment within two years, of a state or county
tax, assessed agreeably to the conentution, and give setts
factory evidence, either on his own oath or affirmation, or
the oath or affirmation of, another,that he has laid such
a tax, 9r on, failure to.produee a receipt, shall make oath
of the Payment thaw or, Z oooo d, it he claim a vote by
behavuxelector_balweenthet.ageenf 21 and-22 years
shall depose a n Gatii or attirmillionilutt he has resided din
the State at least One year before his apt:oh:lake, and 'bake
such proof of his roddanoe in the district as is required
4ir tills sot , and at Ii Ow verily beltave_frosa Us it
counts given him that ho is of Me age aforesaid, and give
seen other evidence as is required by this act, whereupdu
the name of the person so admitted to vote, shall be inser
ted in the alphabetical list by the inspectors and a nole
made opposite thereto by writing the word 'lax,' if he
shall be admitted to vote by reason of having paid tax ,or
the word 'age,' if he shall be admitted to vote tly 'reason
of such age, and shall be called out to who the clerks,:
shall make the like notes in the list of voters kept by them.
In all cases where the name et' the person claiming to
vote is not found on the list furnished by the commission
ers and assessor, or his right to vote; whether found
thereon or not, is objected to by any, qualified citizen, it
shall be the duty of the inspectors to examine such per
son on oath as to its qualifications, and if he claims to
have resided within the State-for one year or more his
oath will be sufficient proof thereof, but shall make proof
by 'at least one competent witness, who shall be a quali
fied elector, that he has resided Within the district for
more then ten days next immediately preceding said
election, and shall also himself swear that his bona fide
residence in pursuance of his laWful calling is within the
district, and that he did not remove into said district for
the purpose of voting therein.
"Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall
make due proof, If required, of his residence and pay
ment of taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote in
the township, ward,or district in which he shall reside.
If any person shall prevent, or attempt to prevent
any officer of any election under thisact from holding suck
election, or use or threaten any violence to any such offi
cer, or shall interrupt or improperly Interfere with him
in the execution of his duty, or shall block up the win
dow or avenue to any window where the same may be
bolding, or shall riotously disturb the peace at such elec
tion, or shall use or practice intimidating threats, force or
violence, with a design to influence unduly or overawe
any elector, or to prevent him from voting, or to restrain
the freedom of choice, such a person, on conviction, shall
be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars,
and imprisoned for any time not less than one month nor
more than twelve months, and if it shall be shown to the
Court where the trial of such offence shall be had, that
the person so offending was not a resident of the city,
ward, or district, or township where the said offence was
committed, and not entitled to veto therein then, on con
viction, ho shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not lesS
than one hundred dollars or more than one thousand dol
lars, and be imprisoned not less than six months or more
than two years.
" In case the person who shall have received the second
highest number ef votes for inspector shall not attend on
the day of election, then the person who shall have re
ceived the nexelfighest number of votes for judge at the
spring election Stall not as inspector in his place.-•
And in case the person who shall have received the high.
eat number of votes for inspector shall not attend, the
person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his
place, and in case the persori elected shall not•attend, then
the inspector who received the highest number of votes
shall appoint a judge labia place, or if any vacancy shall
continue in the board for the space of one hour after the
time fixed by law for . tho opening of the election, the
qualified voters of the township, ward., or district for
which said officer shall have been elected, present at the
place of election, shall select one of their number to fill
such vacancy. •
" It shall be the duty of the several assessors, respec
tively to attend at the place of holding every general,
special or township election, during the time said election
is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the
inspectors and Ai:4es when called on, in relation to the
right of any person assessed by them to vote at such
elections, or such other matters in relation to the assess
ment of voters as the said inspectors, or either of them .
shall from time to time require. '
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the ifith section
of the act aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid dis-
tricts shall respectively take charge of the certificate or
return of the election of their respective districts, and
produce them at a meeting of one judge from each dis
trict, :at the city of HaiTisburg, • ' thi, third day,
after the day of the election, being FRIDAY, the 14th day
ut October, then and there to:do :and perform the deties
required by law of said judges. .
Also, that where a judge by sickness or unavoidable ac
cident, is unable to attend such- Meeting of judges, then
the certificate or return aforesaid shall be taken charge
of by one of, otho, inspectors or clerks of the election of
said district, who shall do and perform the duties required
of said judges unable to attend.
The following is the bill allowing the soldiers to vote
AN ACT to regulate elections by soldiers in actual miltary
. .
Sarney 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bey
' resentatives of the CWllononwealblof Pennsyinania in Gen
eral Assembly met, and it is hereby enactedby the authardy'
of the same, That whenever any of the qualified electors of
this Commonwealth shall be in any actual milittayservice,
under a requisition from the President of the United
States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, auctns
such, absent from their place of residence, on the days
appointed by law for holding the general or Presidential
elections within this State, or on the days for holding
special elections, to fill vacancies, such electors shall be
entitled, at such times, to exercise the right of suffrage„
as fully as if they were Present at their usual places of
elections, in the manner hereinafter prescribed, and
whether at the time of voting, such electors shall be
within the limits of this State er not ; and the right of
oting shall not be affected, in any manner, by the fact of
the voter having been credited to any other locality than
the place of his actual residence, by reason of the payment
to him of local bounty by such other locality.
SEC. 2. A poll shall be opened in each company, com
posed, in whole or in part, of Pennsylvania soldiers, at the
quarters of the captain, or other officer thereof and all
electors, belonging to such company, who shall be within
one mile of such quarters, on the day of elect ion, and not
prevented by order of their commanders, or proximity of
the enemy, front returning to their company quarters,
shall vote at such poll, and at no other place ; officers,
other than those of a company, and other voters, detached
and absent from their companies, or in any military or
naval hospital, or in any vessel, or navy yard, may vote
at such other polls as may be most convenient for them,
and when there shall be ten, or more, voters at any place,
who shall be unable to attend any company poll, or their
proper place of election, as aforesaid, the electors present
may open a poll, at such place as they may select, and
certify in the poll-book, which shall he a record of the
proceedings at said election, substantially, in manner and
'form, as hereinafter directed.
Sac. 3. The polls shall be opened as early as practicable
on said daY, and remain open at least three holm, and, if
necessary, in the opinion of the judges of the election, in
order to receive the votes of all the electors, they may
keep the polls open until seven o'clock in the afternoon of
said day ; proclamation thereof shall be made at, or be
fore, the opening °Min polls, and one hour before closing
SEa. 4. Before opening the poll, on the day of election,
the electors present, at each of the places aforesaid, shall
elect, viva voce, three persons, present at the time, and
having the qualifications of electors, for the judges of
said election, and the judges so elected shall then appoint
two of thepersons present, who shall be qualified, to act
as clerks of said' election ; and the jfidges shall prepare
boxes, or other suitable receptacles, for the ballots.
Sac. 5. Before any votes shall .be received, said judges
and clerks shall each take an oath, or affirmation, that he
will perform the duties oflndgo, ovelerk, (as the case may
be,) of said election, according to law, and to the best of
his abilities, and that he will studiously en.deavor to pre
vent fraud, deceit, or abuse In condnoting the same, which
oath, or affirmation, any of the said judges, or clerks, so
elected, or appointed, may administer to each other ; and
the same shall be in writing, or partly written and partly
printed, and signed by said judges and clerks, and certified
to by the party administering the same, and attached to,
or entered upon, the poll-book, and:there signed and cer
tified, as aforesaid,
SEC. 6. All elections shall be by ballot, and the judges
of electione may, and upon challenge of any voter, shall
examine, under oath, or affirmation, the applicant to vote,
(which oath, or affirmation, any of said judges may ad
minister,) in respect to his right to vote, and his qualifica
tions to vote in the particular ward, precinct, city, bo
rough, township, or county of this State, in whicli he
claims residence . ; and before receiving any vote, the
judges, or a majority of them, shall be satisfied, that sueh
applicant is a qualified voter of such place.
SEC. 7. Separate poll-books shall be kept, and separate
returns made for the voters of each city, or county ; the
poll-books shall name the cpmpany and regiment, and the
place, post, or hospital, In whieh such election is held ;
the county and township, city, borough, ward, precinct,.
or election district of each voter shall be endorsed oppo
site his name on the poll-books; etch clerk shall keep ono
of said poll-books, so that there stay be a double list of
voters. •
SEC. 8. Each ticket shall have written, or printed, or
partly written and partly printed thereon, the names of
all the officers which may properly be voted for, at said
election, for which the said elector desires to vote.
SEC. 9. That the judges, to whom any ticket shall be de
livered, shall, upon the receipt thereof, pronounce with an
audible voice, tne name of the elector, and if no objection
is made to hlm, and the judges are satisfied that said
elector is a citizen of the United States, and legally entitled
according to the constitution and laws of this state, to
vote at said election, shall immediately put said ticket in.
the box, or other receptacle therefor, without inspecting
the names of persona'voted for and the clerks shall en
ter the name of the elector on the poll-book of his county,
ward, precinct, city, borough or township,-and county of .
his residence, substantially, in pursuance of • the form
hereinafter given.
BEO.IO, At the close of the polle, the =tither of voters shall
De eoulited and set down at the foot of the lint of irotorsi
and certified and signed by the judges, and attested by
the clerks.
Sec.l.l. After the poll-books are signed, the ballot-box
shall be opened, and the tickets, therein contained, shall
be takeirout,.one at a time, by ono of the judges, who
shall read distinctly, while the'ticket remana in his hand,'
the name, or lames, thereinccontained, for, the several
officers voted for;and then deliver it to the second judge,
who shall examine the same, and pros it to the third
judge, who shall string the vote for cash county, upon a
:separate thread, and carefully pre - - re the same; the same
method shall be pursued, as to each taken out, until all
the votes aro counted.
SE:J.I2. Whenever two or more tickets shall be found,
deceitfully folded, or rolled together, neither of such
tickets shall be counted ; and if a ticket shall contain
more than the proper number of names, for the same
effice, it shall be considered fraudulent, as to all of the
names designated for that office, but no further.
Sac. 13, As a check in counting, each clerk shall keep
a tally list for each county, from which votes shall have
been received, which tally list shall constitute a part of
the poll-book.
SEC. 14. After the examination of the tickets shall be
completed, the number of votes for each person, in the
county poll-books as aforesaid, Shall be enumerated under
the inspectimiof the judges, and set down as hereinafter
provided, in the form of the poll-book.
Sac. 15. The following shall be substantially the form
of the poll-books, to be kept by the judges and clerks of
the election, filling in the blanks carefully :
Poll-book of the election, held on the second Tuesday
of October, one thousand eight hundred and . (or
other election day, as the case may be.) by the qualified
electors of county, (or city,) State of Pennsylvania,
in company, of the regiment of Pennsylvania
volunteers, (or as the case maybe,) held at (naming the
Place, poet, or hospital,) AB, C D and E F, being duly
elected as judges of said-election, and .7 R. and L Di, being
duly appointed as clerks of said election, were severally
sworn, or affirmed, as per certificates herewith returned.
Number and names of the electors voting, and their
county, city, borough, township, ward, or precinct, of resi
dence :
No. I, A B, county of , township of
No. 2, 0 D, county of , township of
It is hereby certified that the number ..of electors for
county, Pennsylvania, voting at this election,
amounts to
Attest—J K,
•.LM, Clerks,
Form of certificate of oath of judges and clerks .
We, A B, C D and E F, judges of this election, and J K
and L If, clerks thbreof, do each severally swear, (or
affirm,) that we. will duly perform the duties of judges
and clerks of said election, severally acting as above set
forth, according to law, and to the best of our abiliticsi
and that we wilt studiously endeavor to prevent fraud;
deceit, or abuse, in conducting the same.
E F, Judges.
L 14', Clerks. .
therebycertify, that :CD, judges, and J H and
L .11, clerics, were, before proceeding to , any votes at
said election, first duly sworn, or affirmed, as aforesaid.
Witness my hand this day of Anno
Domini one thousand eight hundred and
, A B t Judge of election.
I,e:edify that AB, judge aforesaid; vias also so sworn
(or affirnied) by one.
Witness my hand, the date before written.
J K, Clerk of election.
16. A return, in writing, shall' be made in each
poll-book, setting forth in wcirds, at length, the whole
number of ballots cast for each office, (except ballots re
jected,) the name of each person voted for, and the num
her of votes given to each person, for each different office;
which return shall be correct, signed by the
judges, and-attested by the clerks ; such return shall be
substantially as follows :
• At an election held by the electors of company
of the regiment of Pennsylvania soldiers, at (nam
ing the place where the election is held) there were (nam
ing the number in words, at length) votes cast for
the office of governor, of which A B had votes,
C D had votes ; for Senator, votes were
cast, of whidh E F had votes, G H had
votes; for'RepreSentatives, • ' votes were cast, of
which 'J K had .. ' votes, LTf had , votes; and in
the same manner as to any other officers voted for.;
At.the end of the return,the judges shall certify, in
siffistance, as follows, giving, if officers, their rank and
number of their regiment, if privates, the number of their
'regiment and company, viz:
A true return of the election, held as aforesaid, on the
day of , Anno Domini .one thousand eight
. .
B, Captain company A, one hundredrind thirty-drat regt
ment, Pennsylvania volunteers ..!
C D, company A; one hundred and thirty-first regiment
Pennsylvania volunteers
E F, company A, one hundred and thirty-first regiment,
Pennsylvania volunteers.
Judge of election.
Attest-4 I{,
L 31`, Clerks.
Sac. 17. After canvassing the votes,. in Manner—afore
said, the judges shall put, in an enveliffie, One of tab poll.
books, with its tally list, and return oFeach city,
• or coun
ty, together with the tickets, and., transmit the same,
properly sealed up, and directed, through the nearest post
office, or by express, as soon as possible thereafter, to the
prothonotary of the court of - common, pleas, of the city,
or county, in which suck electors would have - voted, if
not in the military service aforesaid, (being the city or
county for which the poll.bdok was kept;) and the other
poll-book, of said city, or county, enclosed in an envelope,
and sealed as aforesaid, and properly directed, shall be
delivered to one of the commissioners, hereinafter pro
vided for, if such commissioner calls for the same in ten
days, and not so called for, the same shall be transmit
ted by mail, or by express, as soon as passible thereafter,
to the Secretary of the Commonwealth; who, shall care
fully preserve the same, and 'on demand of the proper
prothonotary, deli - Vei to said prothonotary, under his hand
and official seal, a certified copy of the return of votes, so
transmitted to, and received by, him, for said, city, or
county, of which the demandant is prothonotary.
Sect 18. It shall be the duty of the prothonotary of the
county, to whom such returns shall be made, to deliver,
to the return judges of the same county, a copy, certified
under his hand and MI, of the return of votes, so trans
mitted to him by thb judges of the election, asuforesaid,
or as officially certified by the Secretary of the Common
wealth, as aforesaid, to said prothonotary.
SEC. 19. The return judges, of the several counties, shaft
adjourn to meet at the places, now directed by law, on the
third Friday, after any general or Presidential election,
for the purpose of counting the soldiers' vote ; and when
two or more counties are connected in the election, the
meeting of the judges, from each county, shah be post-.
poned, in such case, untlEthe Friday following.
Site. 20. The return judges, so met, shall include, in
their enumeration, the votes no returned, and thereupon
shall proceed, in all respects, in the like manner as is pro
vided by law, in eases where all the votes shall have been
given at the usual place of election : • Provided, That the
several courts of this Commonwealth shall have the same
power and authority to investigate, and determine, all
questions of fraud or illegality, in relation to the voting of
the soldiers, as are now vested in said courts, with regard
to questious of fraud and illegality, arising tram the voting
of persons not in military service, under the present laws
relating thereto.
SEM . 2L In elections for, electors of President and Vice
President of the United, States, it shall be the duty of the
Secretary of the Commonicalth, to lay before the Gov
all returns, received by him, from any election, as
aforesaid, who shall compare the same with the county
returns, and add thereto all such returns as shall appear,
on such comparison, not to be contained in said county
returns, in every case, where said military returns, for
such counties,hhall have been received by said secretary,
at a period too late for transmitting them to the proper
prothonotary, in time for the action of the judges of the
said counties.
Sao. 22. All said elictions shall be subject to 'contest,
in the same manner as is now provided by law; and in
all cases of contested elections, all legal return; whigh
shall have been bona fide forwarded by said judges, in the
manner hereinbefore prescribed, shall be counted and es
timated, although the same 'may not have arrived, or
been received by the proper officers, to be counted and
estimated, in the manner hereinbefore directed, before
issuing the certificates of election, to the persons appear
ing to have a majority of the votes then rcoeived, aha
the said returns shall be subject to all such objections - as
other returns are liable to, when received in due time.
Sac. 23. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the
Commonwealth to cause to be printed a sufficient number
of copies of this act, withiltioh extracts from the general
election law, as shall ne deemed important to accompany
the saMe, and blank forms of poll-books, with tally lists
and returns, as prescribed In .this act, which, with the
necessary postage stamps, to defray expenses and postage
on return; shall, in sufficient time, before any such ejec
tion, be forwarded, by eald secretary, at the expense of
the Commonwealth, by connidesionent, or otherwlie, as
shall be deemed most certain to insure delivery thereof,
to the captain, or commanding officer of each company,
or in case of detached voters, to the officer having charge
of the post, par !hospital, who shall retain the eturffnentil
the day of election, and than deliver the Barnet° the judges
elected, as provided in this act: Provided, That no elec
tion shall be invalidated, by reason of the, neglect, or
thilure, of the said secretary to cause the delivery of said
poll•trooka to the proper persons, as aforesaid.
Sse. 24. That for the purpose of more effectually ear
-1 eying out the provisions of this act, the Governor shall
have power to appoint and commission, under the great
,seal of the Commonwealth, such number of commission
ers, having the qualifications of an elector, in this State,
as he shall deem necessary, not exceeding oar to each
regiment of Pennsylvania, soldiers, in the service of this
State, or of the United States, and shall apportion the
work among the commissioners, and supply such vacan
cies as may occur in their number. Such commissioners,
before they act, shall take and subscribe an oath or affir
mation, and cause the same lb be filed with the Secretary
of the Commonwealth, to the following; "1
appointed commissioner, under the act to`regulate elec
tions by soldiers in actual military service, do solemnly
swear, (or affirm,) that I will support the Constitution of
the United States, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, and impartially, fully and without reference to polite
caepreferenees, or results, perform, to the best of my
knowledge and ability, the duties imposed on me by the
said act, and that I will studiously endeavor to prevent
fraud, deceit and abuse, not only, in the elections to be
held, under the same, but in the returns thereof.". And
if any commissioner, appointed by, or under this act,
shall knowingly violate his duty, or knowingly omit, or
fail, to do his duty, under this act, or violate any part of
his oath, or affirmation, he shall be liable to indictment
for perjury, in the proper county, and, upon conviction,
shall be punished by a tine, not exceeding one thousand
dollars, or imprisonment in the penitentiary, at Leber, not
exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of tho
SEC. 25. It shall be the duty of such commissioners to
deliver, as far as practicable, at least' four of the copies
of this act, and other extracts of laws, published as here
inbefore directed, and at least two blank forms of poll
books, tally lists and returns, entrusted to them, as men
tioned in the twenty-third section of this act, to the com
manding officers of every company, or part of company,
of Pennsylvania soldiers, in the actual military, or naval
service of the United States, or of this State; and to
make suitable arrangementsand provision for the open
ing of polls, under this. act; it shall also ho thoduty of
said commissioners, as soon as practicable, after the day
of election, to call upon the judges of the election, and
procure one poll-book, containing the returns of the elec
tion, and safely to preserve the same; not only from dose,
but from alteration, and deliver the same, without delay,
to the Secretary of the Commonwealrh.
SEC. 26. Said commissioners shall receive, in full com
pensation for their services under this act, ten cents per
mile, in going to and returning from their respective regi
ments, estimating the distance of travel by.the usually
traveled route; and it is' hereby made the duty of the
Auditor General and State Treasurer to audit and pay the
accounts therefor, in the same manner as other claims
are now audited and paid, by law; all commanding and
other officers are requested- to aid the commissioners,
herein appointed, and to ; give them all proper facilities,
to enable them to carry out the design and intention of
this act.
SEC. 27. No mere informality in the manner of carry
ing out, or executing, any of .the provisions of this act,
shall invalidate any election held under the same, or au
thorize the return thereof, to be rejected or set aside epee
shall any failure, - on the part of the commissioner;, to
reach or visit any regiment or company, or part of com
pany, or the failure of any company, or part of compa
ny, to vote, invalidate any elcotion which may be held
under this act.
Sac. 28. The several officers, authorized to conduct
such election, shall have the like powers, and they, as
well as other persons, who may attend, vote, or oiler to
vote, at such election, shall be subject to the like penal
ties and restrictions as are declared or provided in the
case of elections, by the citizens, at their usual places of
election; and all of the provisions of the general election
laws of tide State, so fax as applicable, and not inconsist
ent with the provisions of this act, nor supplied thereby,
shall apply to all elections held under this act.
Sec. 29. No compensation shall be allowed to any
judge or clerk, under this act-
Sac. 30. When the sheriff of any city or county shall
issue his proclamation for an election, for a presidential,
congressional, district, city, county or Stat e' election, un
der the laws of this State, he shall transmit, immediately,
copies thereof, to the field officers and senior captains in
the service, aforesaid, from said city or county. .
Sac. 31. The sum of fifteen thousand dollarsoer so
much thereof as may be necessary, is 'hereby appropria
ted from the general revenue, to be paid upon the order
of the Secretary or the Commonwealth, to carry this law
into effect.
Sac. 32. When any of the electors, mentioned in the
first section of this act, less than ten in number, shall be
members or companies of another State or Territory, or,
for any sufficient and legal cause, shall be separated from
their proper company, or shall e in any hospital, navy
yard, vessel, or on recruiting, provost, or other duty,
whether within or without this State, ruder such termini
stances as shall render it probable that he, or they, will
he unable to rejoin their proper company, or to be pre
sent at his proper place of election, on or before the day
of the elections, therein mentioned, said elector, or elec
tors, shall have a right to vote in the following manner.
SEC. 38. The voter, aforesaid, is hereby authorized, be
fore the day of election, to deposit his, ballot, or ballots,
properly fold - id, as required by the general election laws
of this State, or otherwise, as the voter may choose ; in a
seated envelope, together With a written or printed, or
partly written and partly printed, statement, containing
-the name of the voter, the county, township, borough or
ward, of which: he is a resident, and a written or prieteel
authority, to some qUablied voter in the election dietrect,
of which said voter is q resideut, to cast the ballots, con- i
tanned in said envelope, for him, oa the day of said elec
nom Said-statement and be signed by the
said voter, and attestetL by the commanding, or same
commissioned, officer of the company, of which he is a
member, in the case of a private, and of some cointnis
stoned officer of the regiment, in the case of an officer, if
any of such officers are conveniently accessible, and if
otherwise, theri by some other ' witness; and them shall
also accompany said ballots, an affidavit of said voter,
taken before some one of the officers aforesaid, and in
the absence of such officer:, before some other person
duly authorized to administer oaths, by any law of this
State, that he is a qualitted voter in the election oistrict
in which he proposes to vote, that he is in the actual
military service of the United States, or of tins State,
describing the orgarlizaiion to which. he belongs, that he
has not sent his ballets to any other person or persons,
than the one in such alithority mentioned, that he will
not offer to vote at any poll, which may be opened on
said election-day, at any place whatsoever, and that he is
not a deserter, and has not been dishonorably dismissed
from the servile, and that he is now stationed at
! in the State of Said sealed envelope, containing
the ballots, statement, authority and affidavit its afore
said, to be sent to the peoper person, by mail or other
wise, having written or printed on the Outside, across the
sealed part thereof, the words, "soldier's_ ballot for
township, (borough or ward,) in the couny-ea eft
Sac. 34. The elector, to waom suchibahlot shall be sent,
shall, on the day of elections and NVilliSt the polls of the
proper district are open, deliver the envelope, as re
ceived, unopened, to the proper election officer, whoehali
open the same, in the presence of the election beard, and
deposit the ballots therein contained, together with the
envelope, and accompanying papers, as, other ballots are
deposited, and said board shall coont and canvass the
same, in the same manner as other votes cast at said elec
tion ; and the person delivering the same may, on-the
demand of any elector, be compelled to testify, ou oath,
that the envelope e so delivered by him,- is in thesme
state as wheu received by him, and that the same Las not
been opened, or the contents thereof 'changed, or. altered,
in any way, by lum, or any other pereen e . .
SEC. 35. The right of any person, Wits Offering to vote,
at any such election, may be challenged; for tne same
causes, that it could be chaelenged,eif he were personally
present, and for no other reason or muse,
See. 36. Any officer of any general, or special, election,
in this State, who shall refuse to receive any such envel
ope, and deposit such ballets, or to count and canvass the
mine, and any elector who shall receive such envelope,
and neglect or refuse to present the same, to the officers
of the election district, endorsed on the said envelope,
shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction
'thereof, Shall be punished by imprisonment in the State
prison, not exceeding one year, and by fine not exceeding
Live hundred dollars, or either, or both, in the discretion
of the court.
SEC. 37. Any person, who shall wilfully and corruptly
melee and subscribe any false affidavit, or make any false
oath, touching any matter or thing provided in this act,
shall be deemed guilty of wilful and corrupt Perjury, and
upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by-imprison
ment, in the State penitentiary, not exceeding five year.,
line not exeeeding, one thousand dollars, or by
or both, in the discretion of
d am t d he b r y
}p and
court. .
Sea 38. That It shall be the duty of the Secretary of
the Commonwealth to prepare the neceelkattleank forms,
to carry out the provisionseof this act, and to ee. furnish the
same for the use Of en persona so engitigediri the military
service aforesaid.
sec. 39. In case any qualified elector, in military ser
vice aforesaid, may be in any - ltheplal, military or naval,
or In any vessel, or navy yard, the - statements and affi
davits, In this act mentioned, may be witnessed by, and
Made before, any officer of the vessel, navy yard, or
other pla6e; in which said voter le, Tor the time:teeing, en
A .131 Judges
C of,
P, election
Sao. 40. It shall be the duty of every assessor;within
this Commonwealth, annnally r to - assess and return, in
the manner now required , bylawea .county tax, of ten
cents upon each and evefy - MA:commiagloned officer and
private, and the usual taXCEIJ 1701 r Ciref*COMMIESIOIIed
amoer, known by .theer , tinhe la the military service of
the United States or of this State, in the army; and when
any =lesion shall occur, the omitted names Shall be
P ll /1:' 'faiiKfidiNAlor..lcal'katgAMP(o-iA4:4
MO following are the rates for advertising In the TELE
GRAPH. Those having advertising to do wHI find it con
venient for reference:
lkif" Four lines or less constitute one-half square.
Eight lines, or more than four, constitute a square.
One day.... .$ 30 r One day .. ...... —• • $ 60
Two days 5O I Two days. ... ..... . 1 00
Three days ...... .... 75 Three days 125
One week 125 One week.......... 2 25
One month 3 00 One mouth 6 00
Two months. 4 50 Two months 9 00
Three m0nth5....... 5 50 Three months 11 00
Six months 8 00 Six months 15 00
One year 15 08 One year 25 00
Administration Notices 2 75
Marriage Notices
Auditor's Notices 1 CO
Funeral Notices, each insertion 50
gar. Business notices inserted in the Local Column, or
before Marriages and Deaths, &oar CENTS PER LINE for
each nsertion.
added, by such assessors, to the assessments and lists of
voters, on the application of any citizen of the election
district, or precinct, wherein such soldier might, or
would, have a right to vote, if not in such service, as
aforesaid; and such non-commissioned officers, and r pri•
vales, shalt be exempt from all other personal taxes, dur
ing their continuance in such service,• and said assessors
shall, in each and every case, of such assessed soldier',
or officers, without fee,..or reward, therefor, give a certifi
cate of such regular, or additional assessment, to any
citizen of the election district, or precinct, who may, at
at any time, demand the same; and upon the presenta
tion thereof, to the tax collector of said district, or the
treasurer of the said county, it shall be the duty of
such officer to receive said assessed tax, of. and from,
any person offering to pay the same, for the soldier, or
officer, therein named, and to endorse, upon such certifi
cate, a receipt therefor; and it shall also be the duty of
said collector or county treasurer, to receive said assessed
tax, from any person who may offer to pay the same, for
any of said officers, or soldiers, without requiring a cer
tificate of assessment, when the name of such persons
shall have been duly entered upon the assessment books,
and tax duplicates, and give a receipt therefor, to such
person, specially stating, thereto, the name of the soldier,
or officer, whose tax is thus paid, the year for which it
was assessed, and the date of the payment thereof; which
said certificate and receipt, or receipt, only, shall be pri
mafaeie evidence, to any election board, provided for by
this act, before which the same may be offered, of the
due assessment of said tax, against, and the payment
thereof by, the soldier, or officer, therein named, offering
the same, as aforesaid, but said election board shall not
be thereby precluded from requiring other proof, of the
right to vote, as specified by this act, or the general elec
tion laws of this Commonwealth; and if any of ssid
assessors, collectors, or treasurers, shall neglect, or re.
fuse, to comply with the provisions of this section,
or to
perform any of the duties therein enjoined upon them,
or either of them, he, or they, so offending, shall be con
sidered and adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor in office,
and shall, on conviction, be fined, in any sum not less
than twenty, nor more than two hundred dollars: Pro
vided; That the additional assessments, required to be
made by the above section, in the city of Philadelphia,
shall be made, on application of any citizen of the elec
tion district, or precinct, thereof, upon oath, or affirma
tion, of such citizen, to be administered by the assessor,
that such absent. soldier is a citizen of the election dis
trict, or precinct, wherein such assessment is required,
by such citizen, to be made.
Sac. 41.. This act shall not apply to the 'election of
members of council, or to ward and division officers, in
the city of Philadelphia.
Speaker of the House of Representative:.
Syeaker of the Senate.
APPIZOVED--The twenty-fin day of August, Anne
Dontint one thousand eight hundred and Fixty-four.
Given imder my hand, in my office in Harrisburg, the
thirteenth day of September, A. D. 1884.
Sheriff of Dauphin county.
`Harrjsburg, Pa., September 13, 18641
From the Army of the Potomac.
BEFORE PETERSBURG, Sept. 14.—Yesterday
three soldiers of the Fifth Corps were pre
sented each with a medal of honor for captur
ing battle-flags from the enemy. General
Meade presented the medals to the men in a
graceful manner, paying a high compliment
to the rank and file of this army. At the close
General Warren rose and proposed three
cheers for the Commander of the Potomac
Army, which were accorded with so much en
thusiasm that the very welkin rang. The
army is in excellent condition, and confidence
of success is stamped on every face, Our
military and naval successes have had a won
derful effect, even on the most habitual grum
bler. The weather is cool and dry.
The following General Orders have just
been issued :
READQUAZIESS STH Al= Corps, Sept.l2.
General Orders No. 35—Extract.—By author
ity from Headquarters Army of the Potomac,
the following reorganization of the Corps is
ordered and will be carried into eilect imme
diately :
First—The 4th Division, sth .4rmy Corps,
is discontinued.
• Second—The follouiug regiments belong
ing originally to the old Ist Army Corps, and
now serving with the Ist and 2d Divisions,
are transferred to the 3d Division: 121st Penn
sylvania, 142 d Pennsylvania, 143 d Pennsyl
vania, 149th Pennsylvania, 150th Pennsyl
vania, 56th Pennsylvania, 76th New York,
95th New York, 147th New York.
Third—The 190th and 191st Regiments
Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers are trans
ferred to the 2d Division.
Fourth—The prospect of filling up the
corps renders it desiruble to retain the or
ganizations of three Brigades to a Division,
and. each Division commander will arrange
his Brigades as he may think best.
By command of Major General Warren.
(Signed) FRED. T. LOCKE,
Assistant Adjutant General.
Ex-Secretary Chase on the Po
litical Situation.
Ex.-Secretary Chase has returned to Wash
ington, from his tour through the New Eng
land States, and says that that portion of the
Union will give for President Lincoln a
much larger majority than it did in 1860.
From Annapolis.
ANNAPOLIS, Sept, 16.
The returned paroled braves, now invalids
here, inform me that Lieut. B. F. Lathbury,
183 d Pa., died June 26th, and Lieut. David
J. Buxton, Ist Pa. cavalry, on July 3d. The
condition of those returned is somewhat im
proved to-day.
Markets by Telegraph.
Breadstuffs are dull and prices of all kinds
are drooping; 500 bbls extra sold at sll@,
$ll 50, and 500 bbls extra family at $l2. Re-.
eeipts and stocks light. No change in rye
flour or corn meaL Wheat is very quiet;
small sales of red at $2 55®2 GO and white
$2 750,2 85. Rye is steady at $1 80@1 8/
Corn has declined, and 2,000 bus yellow sold
at $1 72 and mixed western at $1 70®1 71.
Oats are steady at 90 cents. Provisions move
slowly at former rates. Coffee, sugar' and
molasses are dull. Petroleum is rather firmer;
we quote crude at 43@45, refined in bond at
73075 and free at 80®86. Whisky sells
slowly at $1 84e1 86.
NEW YORE, Sept. 16.
Flour is steady; sales of 9,000 bbls at $lO CO
011 for State, sll®l3 for Ohio and Sll 25
014 25 for southern. Wheat firm, with un
important sales. Corn dull; sales unimport
ant. Beef quiet. Pork unchanged at $42 50
043 for mess. Lard steady. Whisky steady.
Flour drill. Wheat active; - sales - of 3,000
bush Southern white at , $1 80@1 'B5. (Torn
active at an advance of I®2c. Whisky steady
at $1 80. Provisions quiet. Mess pork, to
arrive, $42.