atik elegrap 11 NOTICE To ADVERTISERS.—AII Ativer ,isetnents, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, &C., to secure insertion in the must invariably be o.ccom prirojed srith the CASH. Advt. ctiiemerm Ie Ordered 1111 the reguls.r Zlll4.lqt Edition are inserted In lit. noru kiklition without extra charge. Et ARRI6B E, P • 4 • A , FRIDAY EVENING, NEYTEMBER 16; 1861. Freemen!! Arouse!!! =CO Dauphin County to the Rescue! Lincoln and JollllB9 Ratification - Meeting. Organize for the :success of the County and District Tickets. The Republican Union men of Dauphin county will assemble in the city of Harrisburg MONDAY EVENING, September 19th, for the purpose of ratifying the Union National, District and County nominations. HON-ISAAC N. ARNOLD, or THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, One of the most eloquent orators in the great West, will be present and address the people. Other distinguished and well.known gentle men will also speak on the occasion. ,fix" It is hoped that the loyal men of the different townships, boroughs and wards of Dauphin county, as well as the people in ad joining counties, will make arrangements to meet in Harrisburg on the occasion named above. e' 4f IV r AND COUNTRy. PERSONAL. —Capt. J. R. Frey, of Company 0. 77th Penn'a. VoL , recently wounded near Atlanta, is in town. Rm . . J. WALKER JACKSON ilddre.SSell all enthusiastic Union meeting in Fulton Hall, Lancaster city, last evening. Tug drug store of Capt. Miles, on Ridge Road, is offered for sale. The entire stock of goods, together with the fixtures, can be had on reasonable terms. 'Pus erection of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company's freight depot, at the foot of Third street, is progressing rapidly. It will be a very large building. I=l PEAcriEs.--Large quantities of peaches are yet offered for sale by our dealers and others. The prices, notwithstanding the abundance of fruit, continue high. KILLED ON THE Ranamn.—Valentine Rich ter, of Col. Gallopp's regiment, was killed on the railroad near llifillutown, on Tuesday, as the regiment was coming east from Pitts burg. AMONG the wounded iu the 79th Penn'.i. regiment, in the capture of Atlanta, we find the name of Lieut. Thomas B. Barrowes, son of the late Superintendent of Public Schools af this State. NEW COUNTELFEITS. —Twenty dollar green back counterfeits have made their appear ance in Philadelphia. The Detectors say they are an exact imitation of the genuine, and that a great many arc likely to be put into cir culation. THE recruiting business is becoming brisk again. No doubt some of the delinquent sub-districts are improving the "last chance" to fill their quotas. Recruits can be had without trouble when the greenbacks are forthcoming. =CO CHAMBERSBMIG is to be exempt from the draft in consequence of the recent destruc tion of property there, which deprived hun dreds of their accustomed employment, and beggared their families—making it impossi ble to raise the necessary bounty fund, and, in the event of a draft, leaving women and children without either a house or a protector. I=ll Itznnartou otr QuorAs.--In some districts of our county many enrolled men have enlist ed to the credit of other districts, leaving those behind them to stand the draft for the whole quota, based on the enrollment of these very men. In such cases we would advise the citizens to have lists of muster, &c., certified by the officers mustering them —prove that they are the same persons as are enrolled, and apply for some reduction of their quota, which, we have no doubt, will be made. It is not too late to do this if attended to at once. A GALLANT SOLDIER WOUNDED.—We regret to learn that 'Thomas Jordan (son of Mir. _Edward C. Jordan) of the Ninth Pennsylva nia Cavalry was very severely wounded, in the recent engagement of his regiment with the rebels, near Readyville, Tenu. One ball passed through his left arm, near the shoul der, and entered his breast; the second en tered his left side above the kidney, passing in close proximity to his bowels. lie is im proving, notwithstanding he very narrowly escaped death. H.(l has been a faithful sol dier, and even after receiving his wounds captured five prisoners and marched them several miles. =OEII SHOULD BE STOPPED.—The practice of j limp ing and hanging on the trains while in motion, by the boys which are in gip habit of congre gating around the railroadlrepot at the arrival of every train, is no less a great annoyance than it is very dangerous and might and will result in the maiming or killing of some of them, if it is not stopped. The other even ing a little chap in attempting to catch hold of a train, Missed and was pitched headlong along the track, however escaping injury. Lucky that time—the next time it may cost your head or one of your limbs. There should be a stop put to this practice at once, before some accident occurs. LOYALTY rs TES 'UNTIED PRESBYTERIAN Cauaca.—Pittsburg synod of the U. P. Church, (embracing all the churches in thi s its. meeting West of the Susquehanna,) held meeting in Pittsburg this week, and, adopted, among other resolutions, the following: Resolved, That we lament the distracted state of the country, and see with deepest concern the rapidly extending spirit of in subordination to the legitimate government, and of secret organizations which have for their object the maintenance of pro slavery measures, the embarrassment of the govern meat in this great national crisis, and per , ' hapa its overthrow, and warn our people against all sympathy and alliance with them. Resolved, That we also direct our ministers to be faithful in instructing the people,•pra dently and kindly, but firmly, in the duty of unreserved loyalty to the govermientvaini the sin. of sympathy, however remote, with open OT ROW, triNtao72. HAVE TIM gOLDtgllg E MED.--The friends of the soldiers in the field should see that they axe assessed at home, immediately, so that none of them may be deprived of the right to vote on election day. TE Union Conferees of the York, Cam beprand and Perry district did not make a nlimination for Congress. The contest will now be between Hon. Joseph Bally, War Democrat, and Adam Glossbernner, Copper. head. EAXTON ENGINE Honsa.—The new house of the Paxton Fire Company is in process of erection. The mason work is nearly com pleted. When finished this will be one of the prettiest houses belonging to our fire de partment. THE office of. Capt. Opdyke, Provost Mar shal, is indeed a place of business. During the month of August 682 men were received there. Of these 232 were deserters and 338 were stragglers; and of these two latter classes 522 were forwarded to their regiments. Forty eight rebel deserters were received and for warded to their respective destinations. LmERAL.—Ex-Sheriff Fisher, of Lebanon, Pa., has given five hundred dollars to the Theological Library at Mercersburg, Pa., in commemoration of his only son and child, Theodore D. Fisher. A. 8., a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College, who, while in the United States service as Paymaster's Clerk, was lost on the steamer Ruth, which was burnt below Cairo on the night of the 4th of August, 1863. • =OM OUR FIRE DEPARTMENT. —We are informed that owing to the enlistment of a large num ber, of ou;firemen, some of the companies are left without sufficient active material to run their apparatus. Would it not be well for our property holders and others to connect them selves with the different organizations during the absence of the old members, and thus render the services of thi fire department available in time of fire? The season of oon flagrations is approaching, and every one should prepare for them. TRUNK FOUND IN A CORN FrELD.--Bernrird Campbell, Chief of Police, found a trunk in a corn field near this city. It had been broken open, but still contains a quantity of clothing, etc., that may be of value to the owner. In the trunk were a number of cards marled " Andrew C. Montgomery, New Vernon, Mercer county, Pa." The owner can obtain his property by applying to Mr. Campbiell, describing the missing articles, and paring charges. No doubt the trunk was placed in the corn field by thieves, who had taken all the valuables out of it. IRELAND AS /T WAS—Lend me Five Shillings. The thrilliwg drama just named will form the opening piece at the theatre to-night; on which occasion the celebrated comedian, Mr. Fraaik Drew, will take his farewell benefit. He will appear as RAGGED Pit, in song and dance with Miss Fanny Denham. The whole Com bination Company will take part in this play, which will be followed by a laughable com edy entitled Lend me live Sh llings, with Frank Drew as Mr. Golightly. As the Hall will be filled at an early hour, we would ad vise our readers to secure they► seats dur ing the afternoon, at Bannvart's Drug Store. To-morrow night Mr. Drew will appear for the last time. How ex EDITOR Lrvas CHEAP. - The present prices of all the necessaries of life developes a vast amount of economical resources that have heretofore remained unknown. Choking a dog to death with butter is said not to be the only way in which he may be killed ; but those who desire to escape such a death may follow the plan of the editor of tho Kinder hook Rough Notes, who says : Our butter and milk, since we have reduced the thing to a system, only costs us 28 cents a week ! We use a pint of milk a day, for which we pay four cents. The milk is skimmed twice a day—the cream thus obtained is suffi cient to give two churnings a week. The but ter properly molded, is put on a plate, and every meal time a little pantomime is gone through with, representing the act of taking butter and spreading it. What butter is left over at the end of the week is taken to the tore and sold at 45 cents a pound. At Rome and Abroad. Jacob Hoover, an old and wealthy citizen of Hellam township, York county, was killed, last Saturday, by being thrown from his buggy. Delinquent sub-diztriek would fill Nacir quotas at once. Better "get out of the dratt" while an opportunity is afforded. Look out for tickets next week. The postmaster of Saxton, Bedford county, has been arrested and committed to answer a charge of opening a letter that passed through his office. John Thompson, of York, had his pocket picked, while at market, in this city, on Wed nesday morning last. James Emanuel, convicted of the murder of Mathew Taylor, which occured in Baltimore, in January last, was yesterday sentenced to be hanged. ho less than five "shows" are now in ope ration in this city. When you find a business man running a successful trade, look for his advertisements in the newspapers. Approaching—the season when snakes and all manner of venomous reptiles (=hiding Copperheads) will enter their winter quarsers and De forgotten. Ague prevails to a considerable extent in Chambersburg and vicinity. • A vote for President, taken in the U S. Hos pital at Pittsburg, on Wednesday, resulted as toliows: Lincoln, 577; M'Clellan, 10; Fre mont, 6. A few recruiting offices are still open in this city. Any quantity of men could be had yes terday, for v 450 each. There were thirty-three deaths in. Pittsburg, last week. The draft will commende on Monday next. Six pickpockets were last Monday convicted on a outage of robbing the cashier of the First National .bank ot Columbia. Threw were sen tenced to three years imprisonment, and the others to two years. Scipio Richardson, a colored man., died in New warden township, Chester county, a few dabs ago, at the advanced age of 104 years, 5 months and 22 days. Business dull—the business of the hack man. They propose to "wind up" to-mor row, A little child, ten years old, was drowned in a quarry hole near New Providence, Lancaster county, yesterday. its father was recently killed in the army. A woman who was arrested on a charge of theft, in Cleveland, swallowed $175 in green backs, when she found the officers aboint to take her. The Prairies of Illinois are on fire—the ire of patriotism blazing for Lincoln and John son—nothing worse. BUSINESS ITEMS. A A MtonlX-AGED .Larfr wishes a situation in - a respectable family. as seamstress or house keeper, n j ;iriy other capacity in which she lba,y, " :::earn a .small-oOmpen alwaonltne . • . Apply or address C. `He'l!tarm;iivroirietor Jones 'House, Market Square /5-8 t THE HOTEL AND BOARDING Bova R ai o Haumsauno CITY.—We confess. that it is beyond our conception to account fdt the ab sence of accommodation for strangers arriving in our city It was but last night that we were accosted by two men, gentlemen in ap pearance, having two ladies in oompauy, who, as they told us, had applied to all the hotels and could not get accommodated. Our friend Thompson, of the State Capitol Hotel, must hurry up the new addition to his hotel, and it would be well for Mx:Harry Thomas to have the Thomas House open. We are also in formed that Mr. Rice, of the Parke House, is doing a land office business. Mrs. M. C. Johns, in Locust street, can take a few perma nent boarders, and it would not be out of place to say that dry goods are changing hands with a rush under the cheap control of C. L. Bowman, at his store, No. 1, corner of Front and Market streets 1=1:=1=1 SVLTTNG off the entire stock of dry goods at Brownold's cheap corner, Second and Market, opposite Jones House. seplo-1* SPECIAL NOTICES. STOCKINGS ! STOCKINGS ! STOCKINGS ! ' WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM THE FACTORY, 50 doz of heavy white ribbed Cotton Stockings, 50 Ms 50 doz of white ribbed Cotton Stockings, 75 cts 35 doz blue, mixed and grey Woolen Stockings, 75c 50 doz of Woolen Stockings, all colors and prices White Cotton Stockings, good and heavy, all prices We have the largest assortment of Hosiery in Mani, burg, for Ladies' and Men's wear 10 pieces of Black Cloth for Cloaks, all prices 20 pieces of Black Silk, all prices. 1 piece of Extra heavy Black Silk, best quality 10 pieces of New Style Plaid Dress G ods 5 pieces of Back Bombazine. best quality 3 pieces of Black Freniti Merino 2 pieces of B ask Canton Cloth, finest quality Brack Alpaccas, all qual.ties and prices l'aramattks in brown, blue and purple. Paramaltas in b auk, stone color and green All Wool De Urines, in brown, halo and green AfarEeilks Quilts, Napkins au fine Linen Yellow, red and line white Flannel 5u pieces of Bleached Muslin, at 60 cts ; worth 75 cts. We have now in Store a Complete Assortment of ALL KINDS OF DRY' GOJDS, which we will close out at less than wholesa e press. ke+9l S. LEWY. DASH DYE! HAM DYE!! tratchelor's Celebrated Hair Dy.t IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The only Harness, True and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red., Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown without injuring the Hair or staining the ski; leaving the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of -tied Dyes. The genuine Is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH ELOR. Ail others are snore imitations, and should be .voided. Sold by all Druggists, &a Factory-81 BAB r/LA Y a Y. • ,1 .vr t7V-.I.ALt rod. KAM. 1e231y "A Slight Cold.' , Coughs. Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or 'satin COLD" in its first stage; that which in the be ginning would yield to a mild remedy, If nogleqed, 80012 attacks the limo. "Brown's Bronchial 2.roche,s" give sure and almost immediate relief Military Officers and Soldiers should have them, as they can be carried in the pocket and taken as occasion requires. anglo-dawlm SOLDIERS, 'FARE IT WITH YOU The greatest trouble to persons in the Army, especially in. this season. is Dysentery, which (by death or by disc. bi thy) weakens the service more titan the Rebels do. v. try many have found, upon trial, the DYSENTERY D. RD'S are among"•the very best preventatives and cures th it are to be IDA.. Every officer and eve y soldier shOrdri carry it with hm, and thereby reasonably insure bin iseliagoinst a great danger. It is prepared in Harris bur. t by MSS. L. BALL, at 27 Pine street, between Second and Front. Take a phial with you. Priv 25 cents. I;annvart's Troches. kter the cures of Hoarseness, Throat Die ,c6{!,,, are specially recommended to ministers, singers' and persons whose vocation calls them to speai% in public. Manufactured only by Bani..lFart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all Ora era should be addressed. gold by druggist ever, where. Bead the following kvtimohisis from some of our eminent clergym en: litninsan.`l o , Feb. Bth, 1869. C. A. BANNTABT—Dear /Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations or hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comp tison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most adunirable specific for intblic speakers' and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found then serving in time of need, most effectually. Tours truly, T. H. 110.13111SLiN, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian tlbtiroh. Or' agree with Mr. Robinson E.ta to the valve of lianovert' , + Tronhes. V. C. OATT.LI.LI6, Late - Pastor of 0.:3. i'rosbythrian Chum's. FIABBISBURG, Jan., 1864. To U.A. Btaniveur—Dear. Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expect° rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairin,g th effectiveness of the delivery of publio a- - dresses. Yours, Lice., JNO. WALKER JACKSON. , Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. BANNYABT—Dear Sir: Having neec your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommendiTv!, them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singibag. Yours, &0., G. G. RAKES `Y, Factor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT ATTORNEVS OFFICE, I 11ARRISBURG, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. BAbarvAra--...Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re 3ieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bens. at to all public speakers. A. J. HEBB A CARD TO TOR SUFFERING. ' SWaIIOW LW° or three hogsheads of "Buchu," "Tonic Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Aratidotes," ate., kc., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try one bin of OLD DOCTOR EUCHAN'S SNOLINd gig rjrssl—ond be fostered to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their eftects on the broken• ucrwn and ohaueredconstitution. Oki and young can take them with advantage. Imported and sold in the United States only by JAS. S. BUTLER, No. 427 Broadway, pa ow York. —Agent for the United States. P. B.—A Box of the, rills, securely packed, will be mailed to any address receipt of price, which is ONE DOLLAR, post-paid—money refunded by the Agent ii entire satisfaction is not given. jylb-d&w3m COLGATE'S JIMMY SOAP. INs celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal do mino,. is made from the choicest materials, is mild and eiNlillient in its nature, fragrantly scented, and our, (sly bene fi cial in its action upon the skin. For sale Druggista and Fancy Goods Dealers. jan2i4aNly • - - Military Business attended To. Bounty, POLIBIOI4 Back Pay, &Miaow@ and Military and War Claima, generally, made out and collected. Per sons residing at a distance can have their business trans acted by mall, by addressing BIIGENESITYDER, Attorney-at-Law, Third strain, Harrisburg. Pa el 7-89 DO YOU WISH TO RE CURED! DN. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS care, in leas than 80 days, the worst cams of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, bean. and all Urinary, EIVILWiI and Nem= 'Alfecilotts, no %latter Cron what erne - prod's:ed. , Pram, One Dollar per ho, • 312 iiisolit - P4 d, l'iy mall, on receipt• - of an order. Iker perreot the cure in moat mos. Address • ' JAMES S. BUTLER, iya",dawais General Ageat, 439 Broadway, N. T. • •i • , . - .A..rown , s Bronchial Trot es. i„have never changed my mind respecting them from the first, except to think yet better of that which I began thinking well of " Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHER. "The Troches are a staff of life to me." Pros. EDWARD NORTH, Pres. Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. "For Throat Trouille.i3 they are a specific." N. P. WILLIS. "Too favorably known to need commendation." Hon. CHAS. A. PHELPS, .Pros. Mass. Senate. "Contain no opium nor anything injurious." Dr. A A. HAYES, Chemist, Roston. "An elegant combination for coughs," Dr. G. F. BIGELONV, Boston. "I recommend their net to public speakers." Rev. E. H. CHAPIN "Most salutary rani: in Bronchitis." Rey. S. SEIGFRIED, Morristown, Ohio. "Very betioGoial when suffering from Colds." Rev. E. T. P. ANDERSON. St. Louis. "Almost instant relief in the distressinglabor of breath ing peculiar to Asthma." •Hey. A. C. EGLESTON, New York. "•Tuey have suited my case exactly, relieving my throat CO that I could sang with ease." Duca - Lunn, Chorister French Parish Church, Montreal As tuere are imitattear be sure to obtain the GENUINE. ;55•21 K.rotnels (uPham's Hair Dye 50 CENTS A BOX Boxes larger than Dyes that sell for $l. NATURAL, DURABLE, BEAUTIFUL. WARRANTED to please. This article has been thoroughly tested by Da CHILTON of New York, and Professors Bo , th and Garrett of Philadelphia, who pronounce it free from all poisonous ingredients, and the material com posing it will not injure the most delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers everywhere. JXO. J. KROMER, Sole Proprietor, 403 Chestnut - St., Philadelphia, Pa. Drunkenness The inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempting cup. Dr. Zane's antidote for strong drink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong drink, and can be administered without the knowledge of the patient. Descriptive circulars sent to any address. For sale by- all respectable druggists in the United States and Canadas. Price *1 per box, or packages of six boxes for $5. JNO. J. HAWKER, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Rand's Specfile,. The oldest and most reliable medicine for the cure of Spermaorlitea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Power, &c. This medicine has stood the test of over 'thirty years, and has always proved a success. Dr. RAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form of pills, made up entirely of substances that have a specifies effect upon the generative organs. Most persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills. The SvEcirth of Dr. Rand is not intended as an evacuating medicine. Its medicinal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs. The pills are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persons masticate them with impunity before swallowing them ; which plan we would al ways recommend, as affording the speediest way to get the effect of the remedy. Price 81 per box, or six boxes for 65. Sold by druggists, everywhere. J.Nti. J. KROM.ER, Wholesale Agent, 103 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. aug2s-dly EDITOR' 08 TELEGRAPH Dear Sir:—With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper shut lxvill ...tat by return mail, to all who wish it (Irce,fa Recipe, with NIL directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef fectually remove in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautifuL I will also mail free to those having Bald Reads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty days. All applications answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. GILLMAN, Chemist, 831 Broadway, New York. jyls-d&W.303 PURE VEOETABLE TONIC THE most healthy persons feel more or less weak this extreme warm weather, and lose their ap petite. They need a good strong Tonic—one that will strengthen the nervous system and stomach. This they can get at 50 cents per bottle, at Mrs. L. Ball's, No. 27, South Pine street, Harrisburg. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. augl W AD V JWICTISELYIEN TS. STREET DARAGES—NOTICE TT is ordered by the Court th,t all persons 1_ having claims, by lien or otherwise, against any of toe Stllll3 of money assessed as damages done by opening the areas In the city of Harrisburg, or having adverse claims to the property injured, make the same known by petition or otherwise to the Court of Quarter Sessions on or before the first day of next term, at which time tho money, when the assessment is otherwise legal, will be awarded to the partiesthamed in the report as owners of the property., also, that all exceptions to the r. port of the viewers be tiled on or bolero the first day of Novem ber neat. By order of the Court. sop2-d3taw-4w] J. O. YOUNG, Clerk. Bro*n 7 s Baby Tender. AVERTICAL AND NOISELESS SPRING CRADLE—easily convertod into a BABY-JUMPER, BABY-HORSE, BABY-WALSER, HIGH-CHAIR, OTTOMAN' OR HOBBY-HORSE ! The whole designed to relieve Mothers, comfort and amuse children, the evils of rocking them, and save the expense of a Nurse. Its motion is perfect:y healthy and charming. Price WO to $35, Send fur illustrated tires lan 'BROWN & CO O 483 Broadway, N. Y. An enterprising Agent wanted for Harrisburg. seps-luseod ASSESSDIENX OF DADIAGES. PIIRSUANT to an order of the Court of Quarter cessions of Dauphin county, notice is here. to given to the Commissioners of said county, and to the property-holders stung tee line or Front street, from Pals ton street to Hanna street, in the city of Harrisburg, that upon the petition of the President of Council of said city, Ulu Court has appointed six viewers to assess the damages caused by the opening of said street, and that they will proceed to assess said oamages on TUESDA P . , September Mk next, at la o'clock, s.. at., at which time all parties interested may appear upon the ground if they think proper. JOHN IV. BREAVN, City holicitor. sep7-10t] Millinery and Fancy Goods. Mk. J. HIBBS, at No. 8 Market Square, next door to Alls.'s Confectionery, keepsoonstard -1 hand the latest styles of Bonnets, Bata, Butte*, teluwera, tith bons, &0., together with a line assortment of uress Trimmings, Laces, Embroidenes, Collars, Culla, dandkerchiers, Bosiery, Gloves and Variety Goods in general_ all the latest Designs of Dress Patterns direct from the New York Haulm Dress and Cloak making neatly exe cuted. Thankful for the patronage bestowed since het opening, she trusts, by a strict aueutiun to business ana uer endeavors to give general satisfaction, to continue to receive a share of the public patronage, jy 1.-d3m Steam Weekly to Liverpool. TOUGHING at QUEENSTOWN, ( Cork Har bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, MTN York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in• tended to sail as follows: Edinburgh, Saturday, September 10 i • City of Wash• ington, oaturday , September ; C.ty of Manchester, bat, uruay, Septemoor 24, and every succeeding Saturday, at Soon, from Pier 44, North River. FATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABLY tiOLIN OR ITS NQUIVAIJOIT lY 00RK&.., 1. FIRST CAWS $BO 00STEERAGE .......$3O 00 do to Landon”.„ „86 00 1 do to London 84 00 do to Park. ' 96 00 do to Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg.. 90 00 1 do to Hamburg.... 67 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, ato., at equally low rake. Fares from Liverpool or Qneenetowu: let Cabin, $75, 496, $lO6. Steerage, $B6. more who wish to send for their Blends can bay tickets here at these rates. For farther information apply at the Ooroptinrs Offices JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, N. .or 0. 0 ZIMMERMAN. Rarrisburs, Im-a/Y PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that in rammance of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, =he drat day grJune, 1,839, thestookladdera of the Bank, of Washi4ion, Penna., will apply to the neat session of the Legislature for a renewal of its char s26olXt Ct ter with an Inquiet, of its cap Y. BEND ital from :President 000 to , WallaillGTON Pa, Jana 211, Je24 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. U PIT C IMED GOODS, of the HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS COMPANY. THE articles' described in the following schedule, having been consigned to the Howard et Hope Express Company, and the consignees, after due and legal notice, not having taken them away, nor paid the costs and expenses of carriage, will be exposed to public sale or outcry at the Market House, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1864. The sale to commcnceat 8 o'clock in the forenoon of said day : 1 box, Capt Jos Hutchinson 1 belle, no name 1 box, H Mo:elock 1 pkge, John Shnilhouse 1 box, Peter Henshaw 1 box, Elizabeth Wightning 1 box, kt•Coughlin . 1. box, Mr SR T Brady 1 0 bag, Geo L Kridrr 1 bottle, Chins Bother 1 pkge, Cato M'Carty 1 box, Tnos J Tomer 1 odle, coat and boot Mt 1 box, Chas Bebek.eheiser no name 1 box, G W Mapes 1 lot pipe, A L Battles 1 pkge, 14 L McDonald 1 box, no name 1 pkge, Geo T BatkllaTt 1 box, H G Wolf 1 box, Chas Taylor 1 box, Capt W Harland 1 trunk, J W 1 box, Geolt Daily 1 trunk, It C Bally 1 pkg, R F Leisenring 1 box, SD Fito 1 be; 5X Kohler 1 box, Wm Drebel 1 box, L P Mills 1 box, Peter J Wartz 1 box, F N Morton 1 pkgo, J Vogle 1 c bag, W II H Porter 1 pkge, J Yoming 1 bdle, Henry Lander 1 pkge, Lleut W S Boyer 1 cast, R Pittock 1 pkge, Wm Morris I. pkge, Geo H. Russell 1 pkgo, W S Ring 1 pkgo, Geo Yoght 1 pkge, Georgic Betchtre 1 box, B Rosencrantz 1 pke, John A Dantrich 1 box, Capt L M.Bummell 1 box, Patrick Flanigan 1 box, It A Stevenson 1 bottle, Jane Schuler 1 pkge, Wm R Moser 1 pkge. no name 1 pkgo, c o d, J F Ebersole 1 wheel, Capt Dodge 1 box, A F Pennepacker 1 box, no name 1 box, loth Lees 1 p box, Isaac Herringer 3 boxes, G P Hardwick 1 box, no name 1 box, Capt J Keim 1 pkgo, B Anthony 1 box, Josiah It Brown 1 pkge, J A Nixon 1 box, Robt F Crisman 1 box, Wm L Ea , le 1 box, Jos Burggs 1 horn, John Newcome 1 bux, J E Spalding 1 box tob, Capt J J Johnson 1 box, Capt J Detwiler 1 pkge, David Pepper 1 box, A L Bryant 1 do, Wm Carlisle 1 box, John W Hopkins 1 dot , Ether MeMiner 1 box, Mary Radabaugh Ido Mrs S C Jones 1 pkg, oil cloth, no name 1 do Louisa Bexler 1 pkge, W D Jack 1 do Aaron &blots 1 imp and h att, 11 Mealy 1 do Sant s Freeborn 1 pkge, Win P Patterson 1 do Adam Wolfinger 1 pkge, Josiah De Boor 1 do no name 1 c bag, no name 1 do Carl Mayer 1 pkg , Lieut R. B Bally 1 do Theo Youperherst Lo bag, Ed D Conrail 1 do John H Bepyhill ,Fc bag, Capt P 6 Willa 1 do Henry Slchi 1 coat, no name 1 'do John DiFeasho 1 hdle, Geo Hight Cured. The above articles will be exposed to public sale, as aforesaid, according to the provieions of the first section of the act of Assembly of the Commmonwearth of Penn sylvania, appr , ved the 16th day of March, A D. 1858 ; with ad the requirements of which the Howard and Hope Expnss Company have in all respects complied. The net of Assembly is as follows "Commission merchants and factors, and ail common carne , s, or other persons having a Hen upon goods, wares and merchandise, for or on account of the costs and ex penses of carriage or storage, or any other charge arising Item the transportation, keeping, or storage of such pro perty, in case tue owners or consignees shall not pay or dis charge the amount due for such cost, expense, carriage, storage, or other charges bereinbefore named, may, after the expiration of ninety days from the notice hereinafter pro:ided i proceed to sell tne same, or so much thereof as may be necessary to discharge said lien, at public auction: Provided, That notice of sale shall be gives as required for Sheri f f's Sales of personal property, and that thirty days' 91.0tke, of said lien be given to the owneror of the property, if they cannot be so found, that the same shall be advertised weekly in some newspaper published in the' proper city or county to which the goods, wan or merchandise have been consigned, for four conseca Live weeks before the sale, the residue of money arising from such sale, after deducting costs of transportation, charges and storage, advertising and sale, to be held sub ject to the order of the owner or owners of such property." GEO, kIEEGNER, Agent aug2l7-disi Howard and Hope Express Company. OFFICE IN Tanta EMMET, !...EOVII MAEKIr st/tairr. Mr Bounties, Pensions and Back Pay collected at lega rates. [sopa-dare H. C. ORTR, 7eaoher of the nano, Melodeon, Vklin and Singing, No. 15, TILLED BEAM, BELOW 34tsirr. sep3-d6mw C A.IE.STORE, IN D. W. GROSS' NSW nAorm - , Market Street, Harrisburg, 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES Of FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AND GIB 0 1 J I, A.RS FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will upeu on the let of April. [mar.2l—dly . , ME. S. A. ilinintm : Sir take pleasure in stating that your .I)I.A.R.R.HCEA. MIXTURE" exceeds anythintof the kind that I ever imagined. I was very much troubled with diarrhcea, and could find nothing to help mo in the least, until I took your MIXTURE.. I give you this certificate, hopiog that, it you bee proper to use it, it may be the means of extending a kuowledge of the matchless value of your medicine. Very respectfully yours, H. B. JEFFRIES. Fallen Timber, Cambria Co., Aug. 27, 1864.---fait3o-dtf ATEN -HORSE power steam engine and boiler, steam pipes, water pipe; pumps and heater complete ; oscillating engine and cylinder boiler, manufac tured by Joel Weidman, patent improved oscillating en gine builder. May be seen at Canal shops, foot of Walnut street, Harrisburg. For terms, &0., enquire at Canal office, Market street, near United States Hotel: HARRISBURG, July 28. 1864 SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY lAM happy to offer to the public a large and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactured by TOY W. FAIRCHILD. These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will give en tire satisfaction. PLEASE TRY THEM. SOHEFTER'S BOOK STORE, Second street, opposite Presbyterian pburch, Harrisburg Pa. ap23 IPRIVATE SALE.' THE undersigned offers for sale a HOUSE and LOr, situated on Front street, above Fine. In quire of [seplo-dlwv] Jog& A. TRULLINGEIt. NrSS BEEF and MESS PORK. —A choia anicle of Mess Beef and Pork at q l - 11 MISR & FRAZER ap9 (successors to WmDo.ek, jr.. SMOKED SALMON.- FIN* SALMON, just received at • • • SHISLIR` & FRAZER, reil3 Immommom to Wm. [lock. jr., k ( 0.1 D ICICLES ! PICKLES 11 By the barrel, halt barrel, Jar or dozen, at • 00251 BOYER KOERPER BEEF TON (MB& —Fitie large beet tongues, cured by J.H. idichener & Co., and for ante by SHISLEk & FRAZER ; ocessore to W. Dock, Jr., & t,o. CIDER VINEGAR.—Pure Cider Vinegar can be bought by the barrel sw or an gulp, at iYIB & It 1.1 1 - UI3T received, this morning, Michener & u Co., Fresh Smoked Rams, Beef and Tongues, at aug6 a nd t RAZER. NEw FISH .—New No. 1 and 2 Mackerel in Nordic, half barrels and SHISLER & kitta, and by the pound, the you A NEW SUPPLY of FRESH „DR. r HAMS, Just received this morning, at ai FBLZEit jel7 Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR and COb N MEAL always on hand, of the best quality, at 18 BOY & ILOESPER. XTRA lirrs WHEAT FLOCR.—Se lected White Wheat ranasy norm just remise ftn • sale at " Sai$LER ffi FEADEIE L I: MrS Successors to W. Doak J ll, &Co _ _ QUGARS, SYRUPS, T' • • e all grade's and pingo, at ,SZIEILNRVFIONE L Summon to :19, Llln.;tln. , llt co. . Dealers in FM I , y, Onnv lIL pus, SWEET ClPEE.received to-day'tit VMS 41; SERFSIM PUBLIC SALE OF ' REMAINING IN THE WAREHOUSE E. C. GOBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW =I FOR. SALE, ANTJSEDI_EINTS. BRANT'S RAIL. BRANT'S HALL TwENTYMOHTH NIGHT OF Souse's Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Rouses Star Combination Company, FRIDAY EVENING, .KEPT. 16, 1864 BENEFIT OF MR. PRANK DEEM Who will appear I.N TWO GREAT CHARACTERS On this out:oboe will be presented the thrilling drains_ IRELAND AS IT WAS! And the laughable Comedy, LEND ME FIVE SHILLINGS! THE WHOLE TROUPE WILL APPEAR! MISS FANNY DENHAM, In Song and Dance! To-morrow nigLt, last appearance of Kr. FRANK-DREW, 7For farther particulars sec programme augg-d se New National Theatre 1 . • New National Theatre COR. OF NORTH SECOND AND souirra Sole Lessee and dlansmer, - E. MARBLE. Stage Manager, - - HARRY GIIALMIIT. The Greatest Play Ever Produced ! THIRD AND LAST NIGHT I DUMB BOY OF MANCHESTER Go and see harry Gilbert In his great character TOM, THE PIIMB BOY! FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 16, 1364, The performance will commence with the groat drama in three acts, DUMB BOY OF MANCHESTER TOM, THE DUMB BOY, To conclude wlth THE BUZZARDS ! pip For furthearticalars, see programme. PRICES OF AD LIS-lON.—Perquette, 50 cents; Gal lery, 25 cents; Orchestra Chairs, $1 00; Private BOXOI3, 8.5 and $l.O Doors open at 7.31. Curtain rises at 8 o'cloall. 2 Box Office open from 10 illt 12 J. at., and from 2 till 4 e. at, when seats can be reverved without extra charge, and kept until end of first act. 4cii- The management have secured the services of MISS MAJOR PAULINE CUSHMAN Famous Union Spy and Scout Due notice will be given of her first appearance. au29-Iw* SANFORD'S HALL THIS compo.ny consists of the bc , ita .tar per formers, consisting of • INGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN CONEDIANO, GYMNASTS, dirk:. The managers takes pleasure in announcing that they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor Brux Poarmt, Business Agent. au29d CA.NTEMEMTII, - Y" WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. Proprietor Business Agent..... Stage Manager..... Leader of Orchoster c, PEN every night with a firat- mess corn- NJ , pally of male sad female artiatoa. The perform ance embraces every variety of legitimate amaaemeat, such as SINGING, DANtaht , PANTOMISIv-g, BURLESQUES, AND JESTS. Admission, 25 cents. Seats in private lames 60 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at S o'clodr. jylsdtf WANT.E.II, IMMEDIATELY -A GOOD COOK. Apply J_ at the STATES UNION' HOTEL, sepl4-dBt9 Sixth and Canal -streets. WantediMediately I A GOOD COOK, nt tile Restaurant under HerC_ 11, [sepe.-tt Hands Wanted. - CARPE I' "TEES, Cabinet Makers, Machin ists and Moulders wanted, at tho EAGLE WORKS. aug2o dlm*l • W. 0. RIA.KOK. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY ! )y23- t HOOP SLEETS, all styles, sizes, shapes id qualities. We pay pu ller attention to the very !st English Steel. We sp a large assortment con only on hand. Ow &dra wn is at No. 240 SECOND —.lsm, adjoining S. B. , Rooms, where we will sell very low, at Wholesale and Retail. Our Retail Depart ment is in charge of competent ladies. COHEN BROS. & CO., No. 24 Second street, Harrisburg. aul6-Im* FOR RENT, THT extensive and finely located HOTEL h A TAND, at the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and hoas street, Harrisburg. It la e ntirely new, and in the midst of the most thriving portion of the city, and fronts on both of the above natuti streets. It coati* sixty spare rooms and ah of the most improved rnoterthotel appliances—cooking-ranges, hot and rold water for baths, gas, &o. The basement is large, commodious, and one of the best in the city for a Restaurant. For information, uddrtss or apply to OLIVER EDWARDS, Agent, Sept. 3, 1864.--{sep3-Iml for GEO G. K17248.EL VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE rim subscriber offers for sale a 'valuable Tavern Stand, situate on the Lancaster Minpike„ is uie borough of Middletown, Consisting of a large two-story Brick Hotel, extensive stabling and all ether neoessary out-bnildinga. two adjoining lots, having erected ou each a two story frame dwelling. For further particulars apply to the undo:signed, on the the premises SBMUEL DETWaILEn. je2l-tuasatame QUEENS and GLASSWARE, EL welt se. lected assortment, just tecerred, of the latestntylea iYIB BOYER & KOREPER. Honey. ASMALL but superior lot of HONEY, just leeched, at FiLER & FRAZER'S. auglB IN ES P BOOK. 8.-TIEE SHOULD= DA144140119; Jens received .$ (delBl EICHEFFEWS BOOKSTORZ. liirESS- SHAD and -- FINE—NEW PIAOS 1311L EBEL, just rea3tved, as iY/8 ~; BoYNOAcIEOFRML. , 24 • For sale or .Ezehance : - - n.aORES of- ohoiee-Farnung F191%0 . 410 ‘.., LAND, fa Indiana, and 640 in Irg rotk API& so W. F. FAHN . .-Adlgailliklll64.-au2SAhne,...- -- - ---•,...4.-4941% _OTS for mile on the' corner . aVlllVa,fand j_ptrosd smog Enquire of WIL O. IiGa.A.DDIN MAW 2 HARRY GILBER4: THE J. H. DONNELL .. JOE MILLER NED WI A HARRY HESTAYER MUECICAL F.6:RO4t- COMIC OPERAS, NEGRO W ANTS. H E thidersiktted bace establiFhed a FAC "oitY at Harrisburg, Pa., 7 tbo purpose of manufae-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers