giaik Ettwpt NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. —All Adver rsements, Blll.9ftleSS Notices, Marriages, Deaths, 44m., to secure insertion in the 'BLEGRAPH, must invariably be accom panied with the DASD.. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the niorn ing Edition without extra charge. _ il IR '3 I - 4 ' 2 t. A iIDNESUAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1864, ToNVN AND COFNTRY. Meeting of Union County Com- mittee, The members of the Dauphin County Vnion Committee are requested to meet at the Frank lin House, in the city of Harrisburg, on Thursday, September 15th, at 2 o'clock, P. It. A full attendance is requested. By order of J. J. SHOEMAKER, Chairman. . M. Wrzsruico, Secretary. [w SEE card of Prof. Senmacher, pianist, who offers his services as musical instructor. CANTERBURY Mum Hit is well filled each evening. A fine variety bill is presented at each entertainment. KILLED. —A boy whose name we have not !carped was killed near Exeter, on the Read ing Railroad, a few nights ago, by a train of in considerable numbers, continue to navigate the "raging canawl," yet appeal ances indicate a falling off in business within a few weeks past. I=l DEAIII or A CLERGYMAX.—RCP. Robert F. Chambers, pastor of Emory Chapel (Metho dist) at Carlisle, died on Friday last. His Aga was about forty years. ARTILLEP.I" HOICSMS WANTED. —Capt. E. C. Iteielienbach, A. Q. Id.. advertises for artillery horses. He will pay $175 per head for so oepted animals delivered in this city. TIME was the usual attendance at market, this morning. Produce and provisions were abundant, at about the usual figures. Fresh Ish were offered in considerable quantities. Tar= will be a sale of two hundred con demned cavalry horses, at York, on Thursday nest 15th inst. One hundred and fifty will he sold at Giesboro, D. C., on the same day. I= AFI company is performing at Sanford's Opera House. A great variety can be seen there at one price of admission. Wells it, Co., the proprietors, are having a profitable sea son. RAILWAY POST OFFICES. —The iailway post office will go into operation this week between New York and Washington. If the plan works well, the post office cars will be introduced on all the principal railroads in the country. for furnishing the Subsistence department of the "Department of the Sus guebanna" good fresh beet, will be received by Capt. Granger, at hie office, in this city, until'Tuesday next. Those interested would do well to refer to the advertisement in another column. WILLLutf H. GEI2I3I2ICL, of the 15th lowa V. L, now at Dayton, Ohio desires information as to the residence of his parents, Jacob and Mary Gerbrick, whom he has not seen nor heard from since 1846 ; then they were in Pittabing, Pa. They have lived in Somerset and York counties, Pa. Any information re specting them will be thankfully received. Pennsylvania and other papers please copy. Us the second Tuesday of November the voters of Dauphin °minty will elect the follow ing officers : Two Assemblymen, a Prothono tary, Register, Commissioner, Director of the Poor, and Auditor. A Representative to. Congress will also be voted for. flow import ant that good men should be selected to fill these positions. Every Union man should be at the polls. Rzonnikrr after regiment continue to march forth to join the Union hosts in the field. The Two Hundred and Eighth Pennsylvania left here yesterday, and its members expect to be "in at the death of the rebellion. The great final crushing blow will qhortly fall upon the secession monster, and ofir boys desire to share in the glory attending the triumph of Right. Pennsylvania is sending forth her best men. All honor to the Keystone State ! WE CALL EsPSCIAL attention to the card of Prof. Senmacher, who proposes to locate him himself in Harrisburg as a teacher of the Piano Forte. We learn that Prof. S. comes highly recommended as a thoroughly educated musician. An opportunity is al forded our citizens of securing the services of a really first class teacher of the Piano, which they will not fail to accept. We understand Prof. S. proposes to appear in public in a Grand Concert, assisted by emi nent artists from neighboring cities, of which due notice will be given. I= Kru.ko.—On last Saturday an accident oc curred to Mr. Jacob Hoover, an old and esti mable citizen of York county, residing near Wrightsville. Mr. Hoover was in a carriage with another gentleman whom he was taking from the furnace over to a point on the Wrightsville railroad, and while turning off to make room for another vehicle, got too near the edge of the embankment, and, the carriage upsetting, he was thrown down and sustained such injuries on the head that he lived but a short Lime thereafter. The other geatleman escaped by jumping out. Mr. Hoover was aged about 60 years. I=l A Mum. wirn Mouns.—To-night we are to have two sterling comedies at Brant's Hall, 'viz: BANDY Aran, and THE WIDOW'S VICTIM, both of whieh will be played fur the last time. In the latter piece Alr. Frank Drew, the great est comedian of the age, will appear in three oharatters, Re will also appear as Handy Andy, with songs. This line Intl will attract an immense auctlence. Mr. "louse and Miss Fanny Denham wilt be on hand, together with all the members of the star Combination Company. The most respectable classes 1111 Brant's Hall. Improper characters are not admitted if known to he such. Secure seats at Bannvart's. • A PItECOCIOUS RASCAL. —A lad of fifteen years, named David B. Greenly, was commit ted to jail in Lancaster a day or two since for opening the switch at the station near Rothe villa, on the Reading and Columbia railroad. Had not the engineer of the passenger train, whioh passed over the track shortly after, dis covereu that the switch was open, the conse quences might have been serious. The, boy flues nut sewn to realize the enormity of the act. tie acknowledges that he broke the lock of the, and when asked his motives of doing it, said he did it for "devilment." HAL parente are dead, and he has been for some tune 2vitoring about that neighborhood. Brvtas da Dsnrous' Grams was detained on (the railroad until four o'clock this afternoon, in consequence of whioh daylight perform ance could not be given. The whole circus company and the Arab troupe will perform • this evening, near the cotton factory. So look out for the great show this evening, and look out for a terrible jam. Elvers &Derions always draw. THE Copperheads held their County Con vention yesterday and nominated the follow ing ticket• . . Assanz6ly—J T. Wesley Awl, Charles Zeigler. Register—George L. Mytinger. Commissioner—Abram Bowman. Director of the Poor—John J, Wallace. Auditor—Stiles Duncan. Prothonotary—Henry Techtmoyer. All right. That ticket can be as easily beaten as any other. I=l No Excuse/cos TICKETS. —A. new rule has been inaugurated by the Pennsyluania Rail road Company. Heretofore it has been the custom of the company to issue excursion tickets to parties where a certain number were guaranteed to be taken. In an official notice just issued, Enoch Lewis, the General Su perintendent, says : Owing to the heavy demand upon our passenger equipment, and to our liability to be called upon to move large bodies of troops, the company has determin ed not to issue excursion tickets to any politi cal assemblage during the year." 204TH PEN 'Si. VOLS.—Fifth Reavg Artillery. —This • splendid Pennsylvania organization passed over the Northern Central Railroad, southward, for the seat of war, this afternoon. The following are the field officers: Col.-- Geo. S. Gallopp; Lt. Col.--Joseph Brown; Ist Maj.--Morton; 2d do.—Bear; 3d do.-- Geo. M. Irvine; Adjt.—Robert S. Hare. The Fifth Artillery is composed of eighteen hun dred men, two-thirds of whom are veteran troops recruited principally in Pittsburg and Allegheny county. Col. Gallopp was Colonel of the sth Penna. Reserves, in which position he greatly distinguished himself for the strict discipline and gallantry of his bearing. Maj. Geo. hi, Irvine, of the Fifth Artillery, is la son of Gen. W. W. Irvine, Commissary General of the State. He is a young officer, of fine education and splendid martial ap pearance, and has the qualities to make's, good soldier. ACC/DENT ON THE CLlLBErmilip VALLEY RAILROAD. —One of the Slaippensburg papers gives the following account of an accident that occurred near that town : On Friday evening last, John C. Martin of this place, sell or was thrown from the plat form of one of the passenger cars on the Cumberland Valley 'Road, about three miles east of town. The engineer and conductor knew nothing of the accident until the train reached town, whereupon they immediately started the train back and found Mr. Martin lying in an almost insensible condition, about ten ieet ftom the track. He was severely out about the face and head, and it was feared he had suffered some internal injuries which would prove fatal. He was brought to Esquire Harris office, where medical attendance was immediately secured. The injuries he re• ceived are not of so serious a character as was at first imagined, and it is thought he will soon be about again. I=l ARREST ON A CHASOF, OF D.ESERTION. —A few nights ago, sergeant Franklin, U. S. dated arrested, in kliddleto wn, a man named Whitney, who was pointed out to the officer us a deserter. lie had in his possession seve ral hundred dollars in money, railroad tickets, three skeleton, keys, which sergeant Franklin took charge of. Whitney was brought to this city and handed over to the Provost Marshal, who subsequently transferred him to the civil authorities, as the charge of de sertion was not sustained. lie acknowledged to the detective that he was a professional burglar, and offered him $l5O to release hue, but officer Franklin could not be bribed, and Mr. Burglar was brought to "the Captain's office," lie has since been. discharged' oy the civil authorities, received his money, and leis for parts unknown. An effort was made to create an impression in our midst, by certain parties, that officer Franklin had wronged the prisoner, by retaining his money, but the charge is of no avail, as Sergeant F. is too well known by our citizens to admit of such a foul imputation being entertained against his character. How TIM i+J AI:et:ALS OF ZHU COPRZERSADS.—We are co.usirsinecl to declare, in all candor, that the most imperti nent of all blatant politicians, is the full grown and full blown copperhead. As an evi dence of this, we observed a little incident last evening, in connection with the march of the 208th Regiment Y. V., through the city on its way to the depot for transportation to the "seat of war." As the rear of the regi ment was passing Market Square, a thick skulled copperhead, who is only known for his intemperate opposition to the soldier, and who stood at the polls all day opposing the Constitutional amendments to enfranchise the soldier, vociferated, "Hurrah far M'Clellan;" "Little Mac is the Boy;" ".Kurrala for .M'Clel lan," "Hurrah for Little Mac, he's launkey." These cries of the copperhead, however, elici ted no response from the soldiers—the col umn moving on steadill, its serried lines echoing back only the tramp of brave men marching to the glorious duty of destroying traitors. Still the blatant copperhead con tinued to shout for '.'M'Clellan;" but as the last man of the 208th reached,he cop, the soldier stepped aside only for a second, and uttered such a mighty "huzza for Old Abe," as fairly made the cop jump. The incident was a good one, as illustrating how mile the soldiers care for the appeals of the copperheads, and how truly they are devoted to the Government and those who faithfully uphold its cause. THE.NVAY THE ORGANS Or Drittocaicir TREAT DAZIOGRATTG FIGHTING MAN.—The soldiers in Uamp Curtin, citizens of the 15th Congres sional knolls' district, recently nominated non. Joseph Malty as the war candidate for Con gress in that district, in opposition to Gloss urenner, the peace secessiuni-sympathizer can dictate. The proceed/rigs •of the meeting 01 these soldiers were'presented to a Copperhead organ is this vicinity, for publication, but were refused on the ground twit the action of the soldier, might impair th, a prospects of the —regular Democratic candi dat."ro show die inconsistency of this prop leading, the UoP perhead county convention olr Laupain nomi nated Lieutenant Colonel Wesley Awl for toe Assembly, solely on the grout ad because he is a soldier In lull sympathy wit huhe politicians now opposing the Utivernmei it. Awl will be supported by, the Copperheads, en account of his military position, while Itisify is bitterly opposed by the same party becalm° he is the war candidate of the soldiers. By just such dirty tricks as these the Copperhead politi cians hope to succeed at - the polls. Lieuten ant Colonel Awl enlistedi for one year, and Lefore he has drawn Ids; maiden " sword as Liautenant.Colonel, its the thee o f an enemy, the enemies of the couhtcy seek to Owe him in a position where half his term as a soldier may be devoted to thts corsuptirentallerAllt ar the Ctipperli;ead leaders bars to rusi him. Did Lie:pm - iv It Colonel Awl for uhis boisdnition, , of , ithid he go the army to fight ? • Ins - Carrot - Gacittim:—This grog In tilIA beautiful summer retreat was seared Itisd wilt ed by the drought in July sad August, but the recent refreshing rains have caused it to revive, and the , grounds surrounding the State House now present an appearance almost as inviting as they did earlier in the season. At Home and Abroad. Henry Wise, a prominent citizen of Hagers town, died suddenly on Sunday last. Dr. James Hamilton and Mr. John P. Cul bertson, of Chambersbuzg, have arrived at home, after a year's captivity in rebeldom. They were capthred in Hagerstown by the "rebels when they were retreating from Gettys burg. George Frosh committed suicide at the York county almshouse. on Saturday last, by cutting his wrists and ankles. Dr. J. N. Smith died, suddenly, at hi% resi deuce, in Butler township, Adams county, re cently. What has become of the rooster, who, in days gone by, was wont to crow over the " news from Maine ?" • The Reading pickpockets robbed a Mr. Henderson, of Altoona, of $l,lOO, a few days ago, while he was in Reading. A man namedJamas Mockey was killed on the railroad, near Hamburg, Berks county, the other day. • A large sale of prize cotton. took place in Philadelphia on Monday. It sold at from $1 50 to $1 75 per pound. The following Pennsylvania soldiers were buried at Washington on Monday: John Moore, Company M, 13th cavalry ; Ashbal Frost, A, 187th regiment. Dysentery is making fearful ravages in Quakertown, Bucks county. Hon. Tom Corwin is about to stump Ohio for Lincoln and Johnson. The shoe store of Mr. Ranney, in Bedford, Pa., was broken into on Friday night, and money and property to the amount of '31,100 stolen. A severe hail storm recently passed over Altoona, injuring the corn, fruit and garden "truck" generally. Oblivious—Our business men, to the great decline in gold. They always seem to notice an advance. Washington . county is erecting a handsome monument to the memory of its deceased sol diers. Right. A monster masa meeting of Union men will be held at Christiana. Lancaster county, on Saturday next. The cool weather is causing stoves and thick clothes to emerge from their hiding places. Rejoicing—the boot-blacks, at the prospect of rain. Mud brings grain to their mill. The Cumberland Valley Railroad Company should have more ears Accommodations are rather slim on that road. A grand grape and wine show will com mence at Cleveland on the 26th inst. Eighty premiums are offered. J. D. Lacier, editor of the Mauch Chunk Gazette, is a chaplain in the 202 d Pennsylva nia regiment. The publication of the German Reformed Af.ssenger (late of Chambersburg) has been resumed. It is now issued from Philadelphia. The Bank of Montgomery county intends issuing bills of the denomination of one dol lar. The bill will contain the likeness of dreneral Hancock, Hartranft and Slemmer, and Col. Schell, and•will be put in circulation about the let of December. BUSINESS ITEMS. Card to the Public In reply to the f Ilse and malicious card of those honorable genilemen,the Messrs Marden I ask the honorable gentlemen's pardon—Marble & Welker. I will a plain unvarnished tale re late. On last Friday evening my agent ar rived in this city, and presented to the hat orahle managers, the pieces in which I wished to open. They replied that they could not. cast them. (Tile pieces were "Margot" and the "Young Actress, " two of the easiestpieces I play, to put upon, the stage, l and that they had already selected "Camille." To me the piece was acceptable enough, but when. I teamed that they could not play the piece without a shameful doubling of parts, I ob jected. My agent and Mr Golden waited on the State Manager, and asked him to cast some of my pieces, but he - was nn able to do so in consequence of the ineffi ciency of the company and a most lamentable want of scenery, therebeing only three scenes in the establishment. On Sunday afternoon the honorable Marden—again I have to ask the gentleman's pardon--Marble and his stage manager waited on me, and tried, with much persuasiveness, to prevail on me to aid them in cheating the public by presenting for their patronage an inferior entertainment. This I declined to do. I then and there notified them that I would not appear at the New Na tional Theatre. As to outside influence, it was a thought worthy only the augean mind of the writer. With this statement of facts .I dismiss the subject, intending` to take no further notice of aught that may emanate from such canaille. I remain the public's obedient servant, BELLA GOLDEN Fou S,u,r.—A four-seated carriage, in ex cellent condition. Also a set of good harness JOSEPH SirFORD, Walnut street Apply to sepl3-30 WANTED IMMEDIATELY —Two reliable men to sell Dr. Mcßride's Great Remedy, the King of Pain. Good salaries given to competent salesmen and fully qualified for the business. None others need apply. S. A. KUNKEL it; BRO., Sole Agents. No. 118, Market st., Harrisburg. sepl2-3t Da. J. J. M'B&na's Kum OF PAIR.--Having been appointed the sole agents for the State of Pennsylvania for the sale of Dr. J. J. M'- Bride's great remedy, the RING OF PAIN, would respectfully inform the public that we will continue the sale of it at the corner of Fifth and Market struts, also at our Drug Store, No. 118 Market street, Narrisburg, Pa. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. For information apply at the Drug Store . of febB-1* S. A. KUNKEJi Jr, BRO. <A - so off the entire stook of•dry goods at Brownold's cheap corner, Second and Market, opposite Jones House. seplo-1w KNow era, MEN sr Tunsa Pazsm.-Ts—That I, Dr. J. J. Mcßride, have this seventh day of September, 1864. appointed S. A. Kunkel & Bro., of Harrisburg, Pa., (Druggists) my bole agents, for the sale of my Great Remedy, the KING OF PAIN, for the State of Penn sylvania. I guarantee to the public that the medicine offered by said S. A. Kunkel 4:k Bro. is my preparation—the true and original KING OF PAIN, and would recommend my patrons and those having used my medicines to pur chase from none other but them or their duly authorized agents. JOHN J. M'BBIDE. sepB-lw SPEU4II. NOTICES. PURE VEGETABLE TONIC. ep. most healthy persona feel more or lefts Tweak this ammo warm 'weather, aa4 low th - dr sp. so. They need a good Oren Ischs—.oaa that arm, trengthen the nervouseYearn and Momsch. Tithi Mar Flaa got IN Oneida her MOM, at Nes. L. Nall's, No. 37, Mask Flha lareottaarflaorg. Ordain from ath Monaca aws promptly te. augl 13anitvart's Tiockes. For the ours of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, Itm., are specially recommended to ministers, Bingen end persons whose vocation calls them to spett , in public. Mannisctured only bv C. A. Banavart & Cu., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials two.: some of our eminent clergymen: 11101BISB1TAG, Bth, 1864. C. A. BANNT,Lar—Dear 81r. I have u.sed. Brown's Bronchial 'Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoap , ..eness and throat troubles, and in comparison with Ltioru all, oan cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I haw found them sercing time of need, most t ffectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Ohurcti. ulagree with. Mir, H0i121.12021 xv to too value of Baunvae'? Trochee. W. C. C1A.11.e,L1.,, Late Vut;tor or U. S. freabyteriark Chula h. Ilve.amßußu, To (J.A. 11.,traitiaT---Dm - in the habit of speaking very -frequl,tiy, and in places where the vocal orgtv_s are very much taxed, I have found the 12./0 of some gentle expecto rant, and that wait has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public a 4 - dresses. Years, ikda., JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To U. A. Bartuvairr—bear Sir: Having mei. your Troches, I am free to say they' are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arisisg from public speaking or singing. Yours, &c.. G. G. RAKESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Qhnrcb. Darmoz Arraslmies OFF/OE, flAwaspino, Feb. 29, 1864,- To C. A. BArorvairr--Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to 211 public speakers. A. J. HERB STOCKINGS ! STOCKINGS t STOCKINGS ! WE RAVE •JITST RECEIVED FROM THE FACTORY, 50 doz of heavy white ribbed Cotton Stockings, 50 cis 50 doz of white ribbed C tton Stockings, 75 eta 25 dos blue, mixed and grey Woolen Stockings, 75c 50 dos of Woolen Stockings, all colors and prices White Cotton Stockings, good and heavy, all prices We have the largezt assortment of Bosiety In burg, for Ladies' and Mon's weer 10 pieces of Black. Cloth for Cloaks, all prices 20 pieces of Blade. Silk, all prices. 1 piooo of Ext.a heavy silk, host quality 10 pieces of New Style Plaid Dress G ods 5 pieces of Back Bombazine best quality 3 pieces of Black French Merino 2 pieces of Back Canton Cloth, finest quality Black Alpaccas, all qualdies and o ppees Plain Paramatas in brown, blue and purple. Paramattas in back, stone color and green All Wool De Lalnes, in brown, blue and green Marseilles Quilts, Napkins an flue Linen Yellow, red and this white Flannel 50 pieces of Bleached Muslin, at. 60 ets ; worth 75 ets. We have now in Store a Complete Assortment of ALL KINDS OF DRY GO.MS, which we will close out at less than wholcaa!e paces. [sep9l S. LEWY. HAM DYE Z HAIR DYE! 2 Batchelor's Celebrated Flair Dye IN THE REST IN THE WORLD. The only Harmless, True and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Gray Hair Instantly to a Messy Black or Natural Brown without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH ELOR. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Bold by ail Druggists, Aie rect.ry—ill BAR. guy ST, N. Y. EATOIII.OIOII KkW u:12.911( 11441. Dcareacau Till HAIL jeialy SOLDIERS. TARE IT i,VITII YOU The greatest trouble to persons in the Army, especially in this season, is Dysentery, which (by death or by dies billy) weakens the service more than the Repels do. Very many have found, upon trial, the DYSENTERY DROPS are among the very bestpreventatives and cores that are to be had. Every officer and eve.) , soldier should carry it with him, and thereby reasonably insure himself against a great danger. It is prepared in Barris burg by MRS. L. BALL, at 27 Pine street, between Second and Front. Take a phial with you, Price 25 cents. NEW ADVERTIMUIENTS. Steam Weekly to Liverpool. TOTMEING at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Har bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to sail as follows: Edinburgh, Saturday, September 10 ' • City of Wash ington, Saturday, September 1.7 ; City of Manchester. Sat urday, September 04, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pler 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABLE DI QOLD, on ITO ZQUIVALIMIT tF OCRIVINCY. FIRST CABIN $BO 001 STEERAGE $3O 00 do to LondonB6 00 do to London.-- 34 00 do to Paris ' 96 00 do to Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg.... 90 00 do to Hamburg... 37 00 Passengers also forward to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, ho., at equally low rates. Faroe from Liverpool or Queenstown: lst Cabin, $76, $B5, $lO5. Steerage, $35. Those who wish to send for 'their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For further Information apply at the Company's Otaea JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, N. Y. or V. 0 EIMHERHAN, Harrisburg. (1;2'3-dry E. C. GOBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW OPTION IN THUD STREET, ABOVE MAR 'LET sTREET. Sar Bounties, Pensions and Back Pay collected at legal rate& 150p3413m. • H. C. OATH, Teacher of the Mow, Melodeon, TrioYn and N 0.15, THERM STREET, BELOW ILssarr. sepB-d6m* _ _ _ ZIIDUA;01157:11 0 )3ri:ouri C LO A. S STORE, LOT D. W. GROW 11 SW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OP PAORIONABLZ CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS, AND ENE SPRING SHAWLS Will open on the let of April XL B. A. iirsizeL Sir take pleasure in stating that your t'DIARRHIEA MIXTURE" exceeds anything of the kind that I ever imagined. I was very much troubled with dlarrhma, and could rind nothing to help me In the least, until I took your " MIXTURE." I give you this oertificate, hoping that, if you see proper to use it, it may be the means of extending a knowledge of the matchless value of your medicine. Very respectfutly sours, . H. B. JEFFRIEF Palen Timber, Cambria Co , leg, 27, 1864.-4 iu:3o-.11( FOR SALE, A TEN-HORSE power steam engine atid boiler. steam pipes, Water pipes, pumps and “, Lter complete; 061 - dilating engine and cylinder boiler, manufac- tured by Joel Weidman, patent improved oscillating en gine builder. May be seen at Canal shops, foot of Walnut street, Harrisburg. For terms, ac., enquire at Canal office, Market street, near United States Hotel. Reenmerreo, July 23, 1861 iy22-tf EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR and COrN HEAL always on Imnd, of the best quality, at 18 Earslit A; KAllEttP EXTRA WHITE WHEAT FLOUR.-Se looted White Wheat Fonnly Flour, just mceivo and for sale at 8111SLER Ss FRAZERzto iY I 3 Simonton to W. Dock, Jr., & SUGARS, SIMMS; MIS, et)Fp'EE, o. sit grades and prineCat ,SEELSLEIR & i ilsoceeiror a to W. T.ock, Fi t i n t 0. Or Dealers 14 Tine raWy Groceries IIIirSIEMENTP BRANT'S iIALL. BRANT'S HALL. 1"\ - ViasTY sEVEth'EL NIGRI OF Rouses Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, WEDNESDAY EVENTING, SEPT. 14, 1861, Will be prevented- the s l e il iitting, comic drama, HAN e DY ANDV!, .sad the mughabie piece, emitied ?HE WIDOW'S VICTIM! Mr. "Prank Drew FOUR GREAT CHARACTERS MISS FANNY DENHAM, MR. ROUSE APPEARS IN BOTH PIECES P - For further prtniculars see programme aug9-c1 tf New National Theatre ! New National Theatre ! Uott. OF NORTH SECOND AND SODTTD STS. Sole Lessee and Manager, - E.MARBI.I.I Stage Manager, - - HARRY GILBERT Look at this Bill ! ! ! DTJMB BOY OF MANCHESTER !. TO - NIGHT ,DUMB BOY OF MANCHESTER ! rlarry Gilbert. AS TOM. THE DUMB BOY, TO-NIGHT 'WEDNESDAY EVENING, strT. 14, 1861, DUMB BOY OF MANCHESTER! JANE WILTON, EDWARD WILTON, To conclude with MISCHIEVO US DARK. EY: TOM, - - J. coGram air For further partisplars see programme. PRICES' OF .ADMISSION.—Parqueue, 50 cents; Gal lery, 2Scents; Orchestra Chairs, $1 00; Private holes, $.5 and $lO. Doors open at Ty-% Curtain rises at 8 o'clock. Box Office open from 10 till 12 a. at., and from 2 till 4 r. tr., when seats can be reserved without extra charge, and kept until end of first act. au29-Iws SANFORD'S HALL MITTS company consists of the best ctsx formers, consisting , a SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, &C. The managers takes pleasure in announcing that they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS Ai CO., Proprietor- BILLY PORTER, Business Agent. ' an29d CANTERBURY WALNUT .r.PR . MT, BELOW Proprietor Business Agent Stage Manager Leader of Orchester HARRY MEsTAIER OPEN every night with a first-class com pany of male and female artistes. The perform ance embraces every variety of lef,titimats amusement, such as SINGING, MUSICAL FAltetrS, DANCING, PANTOMIMES, BURLESQUES, AND JESTS. Admission, 25 cents. Seats in private boxes 50 cents. Doors open at 7, To commence at 8 o'clock. jylBdtf SALES OF REAL ESTATE. PUBLIC SALE. IXTILL be sold at public sale, on THURS DAY, SEPTEMBER Li 1864, at 2 o'clock P. at Br.nt's flail, in tho city of Harrisburg, the beautiful and aesintble country seat of Christian F. Haa:den, in Susque hanna township, within a half miler of the limit: or the city of Harrisburg, Containing about Vhirty. fiat Acres, (Including about 6?u acres of Woodland,) adjoining lauds of the late Wm. Colder, Sr, and Joseph Study and others. The improvements consist of a neat and comfortable DWELLING, with several separate summer kitchone and Spring lionse, 411 A LARGE NEW BARN, And oilier outbui!dings—liv2 entire place in exci-1:,,,t0,m -ditiou, with new fences. The place :s particul..rly well stocked with the choicest varieties of pears, peaches, ap ple; cherries, grapes, tic., 6.e. A. small stream of water running through the middle of the place. Conditions of sale made easy and aceoennioilatlag. Possession given April 1, 1805. sepl-dts) C. F. HAEHNLEN. Wanted Immediately : AGOOD COOK, at the Restaurant under Herr's Hotel. tseo4l' CIARPENTERS, Cabinet &rakers, Malin. ista and Moulders wanted, at the EAGLE WORKS. aug2G dlmfl W.O. HIUKOK. TIIAT extensive and finely located HOTEL TAND, at the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and boas street, Harrisburg. It is entirely new, and in the midst of the most thriving portion of the city, and fronts on both of the 'above n.imod streets. It contains sixty spare rooms and ale of tho most improved mo.iern hotel appllances—cookinglanges, hot and cold wirier for baths, gas, ¢c. The basement is large, commodious, and one of the best in the city for a itestaurant, For Information, bLicircE's or appLy to OLIVER EPWARIAS, agent, Sept. 3, 1864 .—{sep3-Iml for Geo G. Scasst imar2l-dly VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE, THE subscriber offers for sale a valuable Tavern Stand, eituate on the Lancaster turnpike, in we borough of Middletown, consisting of a large two-awry Brick Hotel, extensive stabling and all other necessary out-buildings. Also, two adjoining lots, having erected on each a tiw story Name For further particulare apply to the undersigned, on the the premisee. SAMUEL BETWEILER. je2l-tuasat3m* TuST RECEIVED-44 gallons pure currant ej wine, from a Lancaster county fanner; the finest made domestic wine in this city. Price $S 00 par gallon. for sale at SEMLER & MAMA jet) Successors to Wm. Dock, jr., Ps Li 4 4 11110 ED UYSTEAS.—Estra Eine Baltunore 1„,, Oysters, Weed, and for sale byy the Baikal, WV and quit, or lent qmantit,p. 8 a IYB elleCoviorat to W. Dock, Jr., & Lo. Q UEENS and ciLASSWARE, a well se wn' leated satiortanent, just received, of the latest styles 1918 BOYER* RolixtP„Eft. QuatoN.--Fine salt 881=4 at KJ a* SEMLER & FELIZMI. With Songs. TO - NIGHT: Ml 9 MINNIE LEEMAN EDWIN MARBLE J. IL DON-NELL .JOE MILLER NED WRAY' COlUe OPERAS NEGRO CORICALITIE:S. ANI"6. Hands Wanted. FOR RENT, i iEDICAL. DYSPETgrA. A Cure Warrarrtecl.. Dyspepsia has the foNoieng Symptoms: Ist. A constant pain or.uneasiness at. tige. pit of the stomach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 2d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirftft .- . sth. Diarrhcea, with griping. 6th. Pain in ail parts of the System. • 7th. Consumptivelymptoras and PralrtF tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. e 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Slee- - r at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking., with great weakness. Out of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' standing Sold by all druggists, everywhere, and at Dr Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and con. ; sultations free of charge. Send for a circa , ' lar. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free - oT charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA I, ET:mil:Ern Br.ArisoN, of Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, DeL, do certify that, for one year and a halt I suffered every thing but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my foga; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amoplat t of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband norm) , own children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to9ne; I had no ambition to do anything; I lost all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I felt that I was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for me. and was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de stroyed, and also my mind from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me placed in Dr. Kirkbride's hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, but in a few days my dreadful com plaint was raging as bad as ever. Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wis hart's. Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his' treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to him. He said he had no doubt he could cure me. So in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, and I most sincerely return my thanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wis hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing to do all the good I can for suffering hu manity. ELIZABETH BRANSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. Da. Wismurr's Office, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia. " • DYSPEPSIA I DYSPEPSLi The. WIANART-1. have been a constant sulleror—gettly Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during which time I caunot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly wen day. Thera were times when the symptoms were more •aggravated titan at others, and then it seemed it would be a, greutra, lief to die. I had at all times an unpleasant feeling itiMY head, but latterly my sufferings so much increased that I became almost uuntfor business of any kind; iny : ltawl was continually filled With gloomy thoughts and tbre ticatings, and if 1 attempted to change . Lea current by reading, at once a sensation of icy coldness In connectiu., with a dead weight, as it were, rested 114•012 my brain; also, a dieting ut sickness would occur at the stomach, no great pain is my eyes, accompanied with wt.ich was the hominoid fear of losing my raisis. I also.experiencea great lassitude, debility and /I.olVOtLiiivai, which made is aillicult to walk by day tr sleep at night. I becaine averse to society, and disposed only to seclusion. sad liming tried the sails of a nilln ter or eminent pi* of various schools, tlea , ly ea,e Ii tLeouxiciiqcni 'Ltd?, .•..t o Y . k in exietence. liue , do-ough the IL.L.erciace of Divine Providence, to whom i devoutly offer my thanks, I at lasi found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pas and . Tar Cordial, which suers to have effectually removed al most the last trace or my long lint of ailments and bad feelings, and is their place health, pleasure and content merit are my everyday companions. JAMES hi. SAVNDERS, Nu. 4.53 North Second street, Philadelphil, Formerly of Woodbury, N.. 1. Dr Wiettart's ()thee No. 10 North Second street, l'h•'s delphia. A.POSITIY.E CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA HEAR WHAT KR. JOHN H. BROOCH BATS. • NO. 1028 OLIVE 6TREHT, Philadelphia, January 22d, 1%1. I /le. -—lt is with much pleasure that am now able to inform you- that, by the use of your greai American Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cored or that most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia. 1 had beet, gritviously afflicted for the teal twenty-eight years, and for ten years of that time have not been free from its path one week at a time. I have had it in its worst fern, and have dragged on a most miserable extetenee--in pain day and night. Every kind of food that I ate filled me with wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or how small the quantity . A continued belching was sure to follow. I had no appetite for any kinds of meats what ever and my dietrers was so great for several months be fore I heard of your Pills, that I frequently wished for death. / had taken everything that 1 had heard of tor Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit; but on your Pills being recommended 'to me by one who had 64%1 cured by them, I concluded to give them a triad, although I had no faith in them. To my astoniehrneut, I found myself getting better before I hail taken one fourth of a cox, m. and after taking half a box, I a a well ma; ana cans eat anything ./ and enjoy a hearty meal three times a day, without inconvenience from anything I eat or drink. if you think proper, you are at liberty to make this public and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all de. sirable information to any ono who may eau o n me Yours, respectfully, JOHN H. BABCOCK. For sale at Dr. Withart-s Medical Depot, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price One Dollar per b eg. Sent by mall, free of charge, on receipt of price. DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA I, Samuel D. Haven, have been a great sufferer with Chrome Dysperrela and Inflammation of the Kianeys for three years. 1 employed three or four of the most snit nen t physicians of rhhadelphia, also cot Burlington county N. J. They did all for me they meld, but ad to no per- - pose. I was constantly filled with awful pain and dia. tress, and. with constant belching of wind aim sour acid. My tongue was covered with a whits coating of mucus until it cracked in large furrows, and was dreadfully sore! Ohl I ofttimea wished for death to relieve me oi my sufferings, for I bad lost all hope of ever being well again. I made it a subject of prayer to God that he_ would direct me to some physcian or medicine that ad iv v e e s7rect m , GI F:ila 01 ; would cure me. I was told to o rea no d 2ti tm oi Dr. Wistiar's in the Philadelphia Ledger. of a great core d m a a p d e t u‘ u a, pe b ; air. grea john t Ba ana b" erictul l4 Dyspepsia "Pills: I went to the Doctor's Unice. and Placed myself un d er creat„ , ment, and told him if he faded to cure me, itwoulil bethe. last effort I went! make. It has been FIX weeks *Trice I comme nced the use of his medicine, and lam now a well • man, free from all pain and distress, and can eat three learty meals a day with comfort, and feet perfectly well_ Wisbart, 1 want you to publish my ease,* I every poor dltapeptic suifenng as I was, to call Mime., and I will tell them of the great cure I have received l'roie your InValUabla medicine , aaIIUEL D. HAVEzt, Corner Veruingo and Lambert streets near Richmond sweet, formerly from Wrightstown, Burlington county, ICJ. The above are a few wag thethouran' tis great remedy has raved from an untimely grave. We have thottaandaotsichug - gists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, ascligy that they have never used or sold a Medical which. gate SaChtlid4al3lll.llWAllaCtiOn. . Prepared, only by the PrKoritetor, Ncittititriand street, Sold by DruggletS everywhere. 81.00184(4118-w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers