riTE TELEGRAPH V 3 V1D31.03 113 ED MOR.Z AND EVEZTENG, GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WAL.N772'. TERAIS OF SUBSCRIPTION EMIL SUBSCRIPTION Ins Mum , TXLIGRAPLE is served to subscribers he the . civy at 12 cente per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $8 00 in advance, Those persons who hesitate nay in advance will be charged $7 00. WEEKLY TKLE4RAPEL Tax fli.EilltAPHißalsopublished weekly, and le furnished subscribers at the followbag sash rates 6iny,le copies, weekly Three copies to one Post Office Ten e01 , 1..5 to one Post Office NEW AD V EIRTESEIVI4,_;NTS. PUBLIC SALE OF UNCLAIMED GOODS. REMAINING TS . THE WAREHOUSE of the HOWARD & ROPE EXPRESS COMPANY. THE articles described in the following i schedule, having been consigned to the Howard & Hope Express Company, and the consignees, Wier due sad legal notice, n it having taken them away, nor paid the cots and expeus,s of carriage, will be exposed to public sale or outcry at the Market House, on SATURDAY, Skt'Ts.lli3Eß 24 1864. Tbe sale to commenceatS o'clock is the toranoon of said day : I. box, Capt Jos Hutchinson 1 belle, no name 1 box, H Mo elock 1 pkge, John Shulthouse I box, Peter Heusbaw 1 • ox, Elizabeth Wiginning I bux, 11 Ciaighlin ' 1 box, Mr 8R T Brady i c bag, Geo L grid - r 1 bottle, OWLS Bucher t pkge, Cato ill'Garty 1 box, Taos J Tomer I vale, coat end boot att / box, Chas Bebekeheisee nu name 1 bus, G W Mapes I lit pipe, A L Battle; 1 pkge, M. L McDonald 1 box, no name 1 pkge, Geo T Barkharl 1 box, HG Wolf 1 hos, ag Taylor 1 box, Cara, W Harland 1 trunk, J /V 1 box, Geo B Daily 1 trunk, R C Bally 1 peg, R F Leisenriog 1 box, SD Fite 1 box, J l K. hler 1 box, Wm Drebel 1 box, L P Mills 1 box, Peter J Warty 1 box, F N Menton 1 pkgo, J Vogle 1 c bag, W H LI Porter 1 pkge, .1 Yoming 1 bale, Henry Lander 1 pkge, Limit W 8 Boyer least li. PiLLuCk 1 tigge, Wm Morris 1 pkge, Geo H. Russell 1 pi.ge, W S Ring I pkge, Geo Voght I imp, George Betclitre 1 box, B Rogionerantz 1 pk , John A Dantrich 1 box Capt LM. Between 1 sox, Patrick Flanigan 1 box, It A Stevenson 1 bottle, Jane Schuler I pkge, Wm It Moser 1 pkgo, no name 1 pgge, cod, J F Ebersole 1 wheel, Capt Dodge 1 box, A F Pennepacker 1 box, no name 1 box, Leah Lees 1 p box, Isaac Herriogcr ii boxes, G P Hardwick 1 box, no name I box Copt J Kean 1 pkge, B Anthony I box, Jr Mall It Blown 1 pkge, J A Nixon • 1 box, it.bt 1 , Crisman 1 box, Wm L Ea le 1 box, Jos Suggs 1 born, John Newcome 1 b ix, J E Spalding 1 box teb, t apt iT J .1011116 - 66 1 box, (apt J i etwiler 1 pgge, David Pepper I box, A L Bryant 1 do Wm Carlisle I box, John W Hopkins I. do Elbcr kteMiner 1 iios, Mary Radubaugh 1 do Mrs S C Jones 1 peg oil cloth no name 1 do Louisa Beater 1 pkge, w D Jack . 1 do Aaron e'Chlour 1 katip owl h art, AI Keely 1 do Jam 6 Freeborn 1 pkge, Wm P Patterson 1 do Aoaro Wolfinger I pk o e, Joo,an De Door 1 do no name 1 o oak, no name 1 do Cad Mayer 1p- g , Lieu K B Daily 1 do Theo Youperherst 1 c bag, Ea D Conrad 1 do John H Beryhdl 1 c bag, Capt P-, Willa Ido Reury Itch' 1 COul, no Udine I do John Diacasho 1 belle, ueo Hight The abo,,ye articles will be exposed to public sale, as afdresaid, according to the pruet lone of the ti st section of the act of Assembly of the t_ ommmonweafth of Penn sylvania, appr ved ihe ltito day of March, A. P. ISIS ; with a 1 ihe req arteuenta of which the Howard and Hope Ex p r so comp,my nave in ail respects , orni , ded• The “el vr ........bt) Es ..,s ICaluts, I . - "Commission merchants and factors, and all common Caine 5, or other pers. us having a lieu upon goods, wares and merctiandste, for or ou account of the coots and ex pauses of carris or storage, or any ocher charge arising Pram the transportition, keeping, or stor .ge of such pro perty, In ease ice owners or cousigneesshall not pay or dis charge tee amount d :e for such cost, expense, carriage, storage, or otter chur,.es hereinbefore named, may, after the expiration of ninety days from the notice hereinafter pro hied, p. et:cud to cell toe same, or so much thereof as may be necessary to discharge said don, at publ c auction• Avoided, That notice of sale en 41 be giveo us required for ,sheriff's balm of personal property, and that thirty days' notice of acid lien b. given to the owneeoreoosig .ee of the pr Tony, If they cannot be so found, that the same shalt be advertised weekly in some newspaper published in the proper city or county to which the pude, war or merchaueise have been consigned, for four cocsecn Live weeks before the sale, the residue of money arising in such sale, after deducting, costs of transpos tatitib, charges and storage, aiveruSing and sale, to be held sub ject to the (mkr of the owner or owners of such property." GEO, BERGNER, Agent aug:ll-dtsl Howard and Hope Express Company Northern Central Railway. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given. that the FrtElGriT and BAGGAGE deacribed in the follow ing list remains unclaimed in the Warehouse of the Northern Central Railway Company, at Harrisburg. Con signees arehereby nutitied to come forward, pay charges, and take their property away, or the same . will be sold according to law. J. N. DU BARRY, Gen'l Supt. Gaalavu, Sr. eaum'asolt.NT's OFFICE, 1 Autisar 15, 1864.. J No 1, Williamsport and Harrisburg check 146, one black trunk No 2, Elmira and Harrisburg check 20, one box, Lieut A Miller, Harrisburg No 3, Baltimore and Harrisburg check 20, one box No 4, no check, one box, J Barrett, Lockport, Niagara Co NY '7o 6, no check, one hox, Limit A Scott, Harrisburg No 6. no check, one box, no marks No 7, no check, one box, Jacob Weaver, Pittsburg No 8, no check, one box, steuben Porringer. Calla wissa No 9, no check. fair leather trunk, do - No 10, no clock, one box, Copt Phillips, Harrisburg No 11, no check, black mink, S S J, St Joseph's acade my, Philo No 12, no check, fair leather trunk, no marks No 13, no check, fair leather trunk, Copt Lyman, Har risburg No 14, no check, black leather trunk, no marks No 1.6, no check, black leateer trunk. no marks • No 16, no check, one box, Jno McGee r Efarrisburg No 17, no check, one box, Geo L Stephens, liarrisburg No 15, no check, ono box, Newport station, P K 11 No 19, no check, ono box, Daniel Robison, Philadelphia No 20, no cheek, black trunk, Jno Gemmel, Lewis town, Pa No 21, Danville and Harrisburg check 512, fair leather trunk, Wm El Barber, Milton, Pa No 32, no cheek, black trnk, no marks No 23, no elicit. lair leather trunk, W S Scott, Hunts. lie, Ohio ^ No 24, no check, fair leather trunk, lhos McDanirn No 25, no cli ck, black trunk, Sarah • No 26, no check, black trunk, G 4 Abgill, Binghamp. ton, N Y No 27, Williamsport and Harrisburg check 92, fair leather valise, no marks No 28, Baltimore and Harrisburg check 687, fail leather valise, no marks No 29, no chock, fair leather valise; no marks No 30, no check, black trunk, Jno E Monroe, Lancas ter Pa No 31, no check, one box, Michael Trump, Allentown No 32, nu cued; one box, no marks No 33, Scranton and, Bar isbarg check 259, one box No 34, no cheek, one box, Mra "lack, Prosperity, Pa No 35. no oheek,-one box, Henry Will, Reading Nu 36, ncecheck, one box, horealks No 37, no chaos, begot saddles, no marks No 38, no check, saddle, Ignatius Floomter, Portage station No 39, no check, black bag, no Mark/ 7 • Nu 40, no ch. ck, black Airy Foster, Harrisburg No 41, no check, black nag t. nomarks No 42, no check, black bag, no marks No 43, no chock, biack big, no;Marks No 44, no check, black bag, J Ghadle, Jersey ,Shore, Pa No 45, Williamsport mad Thumbing check 36, blank g, marks No 46, no check, black bag, no marks No 47, no co ck, Mack bug, no marks No 48, no m cb,cit, morn bag, no marks • • No 49, oo saactle, no marks Nu Si,, no chock, bag, no marks No 61, no chink, one box., ao marks No 52. no check, one hi, no marks No 63, no cheek, hauboa, no marks No 54 • no check, fair loather trunk, no marks • ' N J Fleming, one bond a thilh7 A 1. Babcock, / bdlo rope IC Frazer, eleven barrels , nets • D Fisher, six norn•botkors • • 11 Gilbert, one barrel' bisultnOrs Nelson Bryne & Co,:tWo boxes bittern S &rifler, one box 'hardware • H Hawkins, one emitui block Nicholas & B, one box , arniries J Albs tt, one Mitre!, two bares Tbod Hickok, ckrocs. balsware • • No consigner 42134 brick, no marks Magnirnee• iasau • 0 , 0 marks Nop 4 il w 4.1111,100 a, oo marks 440 CoxigNommo. ' MO S 2, Z t ° Oso -114tiisa NI TFJltrs • -- . . . ____,....... . --- - -..-- -.----:---- ------ --- - ---.7:7777, - .„ - ._:7 - -- 1: -- 7 •----- — 7, -- 7, — = ,•,::,-- ----"'"""" -.. • :.: ....;.-.'.' I.". f ''. .1. -•:::. . ' i . :1:' ' ' . ''' i ''-' ' - -•-' - ' t " .` " ' A 1yt,,,, 4 , : :,, -...,_....-..,, :•:-. . ;;;- ..... - .:, -__ ,:_.. :::- - .......... . . .. ..- -'. - ::',- -, ....t ---, ..," .;.: ~ . .7- ... .5 , VV1P;,/, ' <-... ...- • . , .„.. , - 1 , ... 41 • . , .......- 1..-IC•c ii ii . . - -- . 5 - ._::-... ..-:- . . , ! I ,I , & j?.17 R ,Z 1- , . -. 0,,A '41. 4 .•‘ ,...',, 1 gam^• 4 . •, A :.-; •, t 41 , - -=-.,,,--r.4 . * --•— 5.,...i. , • . ', ', .." 2..:C j.f.i.l" .. , _.., . . $1 60 . 400 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road r r,r 7 # , reTRI4 SPRING TIME TABLE. lel vi TRAIN'S DAILY TO AND FOUR panomeummoonorlvnici MONDAY, May 16th, 1864, THE Passenger Trains of the Penssylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har risburg and Philadelphia as follcrim: •EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN loaves Harrisburg at 2.45 a, m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55.&,/a.' FAST LINE leaves Harrisbur# daily (except Mondny) at 8.00 , and arrives at West hiladelptda at 10.10 A . M. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harrislitirg at 7.20 A. at., connects at Lancaster with Lancaster aecom ma:l%ton train, and and arrives at West Philadelphia; at -12.25 r. a. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Harris burg at 12 20 P. m. ; Columbia 1.55 r. , and arrives at Lancaster 2.30 P. a.; connecting with Fast Mail east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Plailadel• phia at 5.30 P.N. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 P. X. ; Lancaster at 2.47 e at, and arrives at Ws.st Philadelphia at 5.30 P. X HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colural; bia, leaves Harrisbterg at 5.25 F. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.60 r. at t,. WESTVARD BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.10 A. M. ; Altoona, 7.35 A. take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P. AL PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves' .Harrisburg daily at 3.10 A.m..; Altoona at; 8.9 D A. take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 e. a. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harnsburg at 1.30 e, ; Altoona at 7.15 P. at., Lake supper' and arrives at Pittsburg at. 12.30 A. M. FAST LINE leaves litarilsbarg at 3.60 P. M. ; Altoona at 8.86 P. M., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at LOO A. M. 3[OIINT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Lancaster at 9.80 a. arrives at Harrisburg at 11.10 a. tr. . . HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia at 2.46 P. x., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 P. M. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION No. 2, leaves Lancas ter at 6.25 P. at., connecting there with Harrisburg Accom modation West, leaves Mount joy at 7.00 P. if. and arrives at Harrisburg at &20 P. at. a SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Middle Div. Penn'a R. R. Harrisburg, May la, 1.864.--dtf Northern Central .Railway SUMMER TIME TABLE. TRREE TRAINS DAILY TO aND IT.Oht BALTIMORE ' AND • WASHINGTON CITY. Connebtiona made with trains on Pennsylvaniallailroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. ~ THREE TRAINS DAILY ta....d at...-worth and. West Branch susquebanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New. York. ON and after MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864, the Passenger Twine of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, viz: SOUTHWARD. HAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 10.25 A. X. leaves Harrisburg.. ........ 1.20 r. a. arrives at Baltimore 6,40 r. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 11.46 r. a. leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) 2.50 A it, ar ( rives at Baltimore Monday daily ext ) . HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Har- 7.00 A. burg . 7.00 A. a. S.UNBURY ACCOMMODATION Leaves Sun. bury daily (except Sun day) at 7.30 A. X NORTHWARD. • MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except. Sunday) . 9.20 A. a. leaves Harrisburg 1.36 P. a. arrives at Sunbury 405 P. X. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily...—. 9.30 P. X. cc arrives at Harrisburg......, 1.50 a. •• leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) 3.1.5 A. a. arrives at Sunbury 5.63 A. HARRISBI7IIO ACCOMMODATION leaves Bal timore daily (eveept Sun day) 3. MI P. X arrives at Harrisburg.. —7.60 P.• a. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris. burg daily (except Sunday) at • 400 F. a. For further information apply at the Mee, in Pommy!. Vania Railroad Depot, J. N. DuBARRY, Harrisburg, May 16, 1864.-clif Gen: Supt. NEW AIR LINE RouT.E. 4s►;sc~~►w~csrar sa,' P *;~ AND PRILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, November 16th, 1888, the Passenger Trains willleave the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follow; viz : EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE leavei Harrisburg at 6.20 d t , on ar- rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Trail:lft= the West, arriving in New York at L 46 a. it. A tdeeping oar is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Halrisburg at 8.00 a. st.,l arriving in New York &BO r. ' and Philadelphia at 1.00 P. 11. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 P. it, arriving in New York at 10.25 . P IL, and Philadelphia at 7.00 r. x. •• . WESTWARD. NASTIENS leaves New York at 0.00 A.- 1m; and Phila delphia at 8.15 A. a.; arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 P. a. NAIL, TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at 3.30 P. at, arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. It. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 r. x, ar• riving at Harrisburg at 2.00 A. at, and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car le also attached to this train. Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennaylyania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown,Easton, &o. Baggage checked • through. ••Fare between .New York and Harrisburg, $5 15 ; between Harrisburg and Thiladel. phle; $3 85 in• No. 1 cora, and $3 in No. 2. For ticketil or other information apply to J. CLYDE, .014,Atf turnayal Agent FbuTishurs. READING}. RAILROAD. SUMMERARRANGEMENT. aBEAT TRIMS LINE FROM THE ejl NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Raston,&c., Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, 'Pottsville and all interthediate stations, at 8.00 a. JL ,Bad 2.00 p. New York tress leaves Harrisburg at 6.80 A. arriving at New York at 1.46 the same dat. • A *whit : Accommodation Passenger train leaves Read returns from Harrisburg at 5 P. h. • "Pirtle from Harrisburg: To New York, $6 16; to Plana •-•deippa sit 86 and $2 80. Baggage checked , through. • ' Itehirning, leave New York at 6 a. st. ,12 noon, and 7 0. (pittslittrylfipma arriving at Harrisburg at 2 a. K.) Philadelphia at' 6 164 a., and 8.80 r. a. Sleeping ears in the New York Slimness Trains ,through to and from Pittsburg without change. • Passengers by the Catawba& Railroad • leave Tamaqua , suer* 10 P. aG, for Philadelphia; New York, and all way point,. • • • Van= leave Potteville - at 11., and 9.80 P. x,, for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An Accotamodation Passenger trans leaves Reading at 3.00 a. and returns from Philadelphia at 5.00 e. it. • egyfAll the above indite run "daily, Sunday excepted, Sunday traiwleaves Pottevillest 1,50 a; at., and Mt adelpkis at 8.0 P. m. • , • CbOupktittoz4 Illicem Bessayeactittairsiou tlaktiii at. ifi lmw ito.Me g =rwArt4 ll ; - ; , gr e e • . -.! itay " THE N:aii4rO W AND FOREVER ."---Webster. HARRISBURG, _ TIJiSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1864 1864. 1864 Philadelphia and Erie Rqil ~l~i[~ll_l - ~1 Lru.eiu.~nn.. T ins great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties or Pennsylvania 'to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It 'has been leased by the PEMBIZTAN/A RI/LIKIAD,COII - and under their auspices Is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to St. Mary's (2aemiles) on the Eastern Division, and front Sheffield to . 'Stie ( rs miles) on .the Western Division. TINE OF I S ASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG • Leave. Eastward. Mail Train Expreen Train - •i - • • *********** Leave Northward. • Mail Train , • 13&1'. Rlpreas Trial ' • • . Cara run through:wain= unantt - bothWaYa.on 0,6341 .trains between Philadelphia and _Lock Karen, and be tween Baltimore Mid Lbujc.ffaven. . I - 'Elegant Sleeping dire' on ExPrees trains lioth.waya be tiveen Williamaport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. • For information respecting Pasant, .4,gerlnsineuu.imply at the S. E. Corner and Harket'aireets: ; And for Freight tanthmes_ofFthe Company's .e,genta: S. B. Kingaton, Jr. ,corner. 13th and. Harrel. street; Philadelphia. S. W. Reynolds, Erna , J. It. DeW, Agent N. C. R. R.-Baltimore. K HOUSTON, General "ivied Agent, LEWIS. 1,,„ HOUPT, General Ticket ..40.nir Ffill'et JOS. B. POTTS, • mrd'i.dlyj _ :G eras Manager, Williamsport. CUMBERLAND 'VALLEY F R A_ N KY. I N fiErANGE OF 110IIRS.:--On and a ft er Mon day, April dtb., 1854, Passenger trains will run daily, as Mows, (Sundays excepted :) FOR COAMBERSiIaRG AND HARRISBURG Leave Efaiiieiton " Greencastle . lA rr iv a at Chambersht?rg,_ i o n ve at Leave Shippewieutg " Newvillo M. I " Carlisle 8 6r, 10.14 2.42 " Arrive at Harrisburg 55 11.1# 2..410 FOR CELARBERSB CMG AND FIAGRESTOW-11P Leave Harrisburg , meetaniesburg " Carlisle NewviUe siainTriakiirg.. • • •-•f '''' oho , •••••••bura, tLealirrivvea4 Leave Greecastle Arrive at Hagerstown 12.86 6.10 /Or &Lasing apse connections at Harrisburg with trains for Ptilladelphia,•.. New. York : ands Pittsburg ; and with rains for all•paints West. .• - • , Apat-Thel`nlin 'Harristaug' fct 20?. at., tuna only as tar as Oarilale - •0: t -LULL, Hupt. R. R. Office, Chamberabarg, April 4,-.1884.1p GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFOlertail ATE Cherokee Remedy, AND CHEROKEE .INJECTIONI COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CHEROKEE& REMEDY, the great Indian itiurstic, cures all diseases of rive urinary organs, such as ifiscisti- Hence of the Urine, inflammation of the Bladderi inflam mation of tin Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, Glad, GonUothees, and is especially recoMmented in those eases* of Fluor alb= (or Whites in females), where oistnauseous medicines have failed. Nip It is prepared in a highly concentrated farm, the dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three tines Per . day. W It is diureLio and alterative In Its action; Purifyk and cleansing the blood, causing it to flow in all of its original prity and vigor; thus motoring from the system all pernicious causes which haye induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or wit ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjunction with that medicine in all rases of Conorrhsts, Gleet, Pular Atka or Whiten Its effects are healing, soothing and demulcent ; removing all scalding, heat, chordee and pain, instead of the burning and almost un endurable pain that. is experienced with - nearly all the cheap quack lnjectionr..• J ta. By the use of the. CHEROKEE REMEDY atO CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medinines at the minis time—all improper discharges are removed, and the weal ened organs are speedily restored to full vigor ant strength. • . ' • ga-For fall Particulars, got our pamphlet from an rug store in the:country, or write us, and we will mail free, to any address, a full treatise. tm Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. 101:4116i) QBEROKEt INJECTION, $2 per bottle, of three 6ottlis for $5. Ilei..Sett , elpress to any address on receipt o price. yea,. t.Sold•by all druggpsts everywhere. DR.•IV. R. MERWIN & CD., Sole Proprietors, No. 59 Liberty street, New. York. marlo-eodly ROOTS, BAltli§ AND LEAVES zatte j An unfaaing cure for Siierniatorrlosa, &mind W MSS, Nocturnal Emissions, and al/ diseases caused by pollution; such as Loss of Memory, Universal • AWN in at AZCA:DheMedf of Vision , Premature Old Ag Weak braces, Difficulty of Breathing, Trembling, W new, Emptiest: on the Face, Fide Genntensm.w, Znansityl Consumption, and all the Dircild complaints caused by dd parting from the path qf nature. sir This medicine Is a simple vegetable eatmcts andon n which all can rely, as it has been used in our Practice for many years, and With thousands, treated, it has nor failed in a single instance.. Its curative pOwyre have beep sufficient to gain victory over the most stubborn case. 4a-To those who have trifled with thip li caniditution, until they think Dormlvei beyond the rat* of medical Id, we would say, Impair not 1 the emotomni Cu= will restore - you to health and vigor, and after all gawk doe tom have failed dirFor fell yartioularr, gat a Circular tram any DIVE Stare In third:may, or write the Psophlior, who will wed deo to say GOO derldat 8REQ411,4111111 trablee b Mapttletibrur:— Efirbiwiddit per bale, or three • „for =5, and forwarded by =mato all pada of the • „. Addr'Bold 6y &II ratmtaAlle - • • •i - • " DB. W. FL • 1.4 , & ....! viusioriadi - 19 Morro% ✓ IMO , RAII.ItOA.IIB. Road. RAIL ROADS. "N: 8.06 /82 420 ... 8.47 /16 4.64 ~.. 9.27 2651 . 6.29 ..10.22 2/-4-: ...:78.33 4.00 1 4.80 ' 11.66 6.;0. ittNIPtUA L. TH LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST. OHEROKBE CURE THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE a , A , :% , I I MIPPM PROM EVENING EDITION. MEETING OF SOLDIERS IN CAMP. Hon. Joseith Bally Nominated At a meeting held in GAT!) Curtin on Mon day forenoon, September 12th, Captain B. F. Miller, of the 208th regiment, was appointed chairman, and J. E. .k"alm and Lieut. S. T. Buck, secretaries. The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: L2B P. M. 2.b0 L. N. Wakams, We, four htuidred citizens of Perry county, now organized into four volun teer companies, at Camp Curtin, city of liar-, risburg, and about to march to -the front to. hazard out lives in defence of our country and institutions, against the attempt of armed rebels to - destroy our unity and and subvert our Federal Oonstitation, feeling the necessity of the cordial support of our friends at home and of our representative in Congress; And ithereas, A portion of the citizens of the 15th Congressiphiti District have put in nomi nation, as representative in Congress, Adam J. Gloisbretiner, of York county, a -man whose associations and antecedents war rant us in distrusting his friendahip for the soldier, to question his desire to preserve the integrity of the Union, and, therefore, to censider him unworthy the support, of eithersoldiers or civilians who lovo the Union and are determined to- restore it • Abd toile, eas, Tho Hon. Joseph liaily, our present representative,dnring the whole of his terra in the 37th and 38th Congress, did, iu his °Moist capacity, and by his person 1 at tention to the soldiers in and out of the hos pitals, and by various acts of generosity and benevolence, Show himself to be the ardent supporter of the cause of the Union, and the warm, sincere and devoted friend of the sol dier ; A. IL P. It 7.00 2.45 7.87 8.88 8.17 420 Therefore we, the follow-citizens; neigh. bore and friends of the Hon. Joseph (without distinction of party,) now composing tour volunteer companies, .trom Vorry county —one of the counties in the Said 15th Con gressional Distact—attached to the Otipti regiMent, do nominate and Present the !Hon. Joseph lsaily to the citizens and soldiers Of the said district as a candidate for Congress in opposition to the said-Adam J. dlossoren ner. . 8.3 Q 1266 9.00 L2B 832 2.00 Ivc.(l, That we present the Bon. Joseph . 8414 , to - the,qualilied ;voters of the district agenthmaktiworthyOl.their support; as a *l:tte Who' uas never awervedrn. the truce oracy, and never betrayed a trust reposed in him ; As a public servant who has proved himself, in perilous times, in favor of the in tegrity of the Union at any price ; the friend of the, soldier and of his whole country, and the advocate of peace as soon as it can be 0.0- tamed upon honoralile terms, which shall in clude-the restoration of tile Union, and make us again one nation ; but in favor of war, also, if only by war such lasting, peace arid Union can be attained; and. we call upon every friend of the soldier, and upon oar rela tives, friends and acquaintances, of all par ties, in the 15th Congressional District, to support by their influence, their exertions and votes, the lion: Joseph Baily, as the true Democratic and Union candidate for Con gress, and as a man who can be relied upon in all emergencies to support the honor, dig nity and interests of the nation—of the peo pie, at home and the soldiers in the field. Resottli, That the officers of this meeting be a committee to inform the Hon. 'Joseph Baily of his nomination, and solicit his ac ceptance of the same. [resolved, That we, as soldiers engaged in the cause of our country; request all the pa pers in the 15th District, - the t'atriot and, Union and the TEnsamtim, Harrisburg, the Press and Inquirer, l'halacielphia, and the Chronicle, Washington city, to puvlish these proceed ings. LETTER. OE ACCEPTANCE FZOBI Mil. BALLY. 7b Captain B. F. Miller and others, Comoiliee. GENTrxm - rx :—Your note informing me of my nomination for Representative in Congress ITOICI the Fifteenth Congressional District, by the four volunteer companies frcina Perry county, now in Camp Chitin, has been receiv ed a • ttld considered ' . I tank you,- :gentlemen, and the gallant Men, associated with you in those four compa nies, 'tor this act Of partiality, - evincing the truest friendship and most: generous confi dence, and accept the - omination in the spirit in which it is tendered. If the nomination which you have made should prove acceptable to the•voters of the District, and it should be my fortune to be re-elected to Congress, I shall endeavor to re tain the good opinion you hams been 'pleased to express of me by performing in the future, as I have endeavored to do in the past, my whole duty to our common country, to your selves and • fent,* soldiers, to my constituents in civil lite and to the people at large. In the past--and my term Of service in Con gress has been a time of great peril to the coun try, and great responsibility to every man in official position—l. have hied to perform my whole duty, as I understood - it, conscientious ly. If I have erred, or at any tune fallen short of what fidelity to my oath and duty to my country required, my judgment and not my heart was at fault, and I can with confi fidence appeal to Heaven for the rectitude of my intentions. Bat, however good his in tentions, no public man can expect to escape censure. My course has, been aspersed by, men who profess to be Democrats and to speak for the Dem ocratic party. I think they do me wrong who thus assail me. They misconceive my Motives, and either misrepresent my action entirely, or place it before • the public in a light m which it can be but partially, and therefore unfairly viewed. Every vote I have given on important national questions was given After mature reflection and Under the mllest conViatioit - of its rectitude. If it had -been otherviso,Af I had, in violation of my oath and duty, knowingly cast a , vote or spoken a word inconsistent with my professed principles and detrimental to the intesests of the Union, there would have been no need of assaults from my enemies to injure me in the estimation of my constituents; dor I should have stood before them self-corulemned. my own conscience being the aecus4r. As it is , unless voting as judgment. and patriotism dietated r bow ai m , I h ave eaanaitted none_ andrazu toad". ,do join ism whir oppo nehtaiiiion laysefAokil =or& Judged fairly by that, I so wain to storicVorle t lll, as the N. 1 PRICE TAW :CENTS. intelligent home votera'nrid'the . ettizen-sol dieta ofthe -15th rriateatatiadeteiznine. toretterly; gentleman, that I am ; emoerat • of the Jackson solionl; and -permit -tee add that - I: itareasver been true ' tia'the'isitlil - professed. - My_ first vote was cast for that great isoldier, patriotiand states man; hisriYelitinient—"The.linerlotin 'Union, it shag be' preaervell"has bitten my motto during berigressicinal career, and will be to the end: off my life. To you; soldier§ of the Republic, who' have left your pleasant homes-and all the comforts and eedearments of domestic life, to breast and turn back the tide ofirripionii rebellion, the gratitude of . your country and the services 'of your representatives in Congress are espe cially due. It is; perhaps, -but a.-poor reward for the hard services you wilt.' he called upon to perform, and 'the many Una terrible risks of life and limb,. Of captivity andqMpriseinment, of hunger-and thirst, of sicloteith and suffering you will have to encounter. But let the knowl edge that you are in the line of dray, that you have come forkard at the call of your country to sustain the Union, the Constitution and the laws, cheer imd sustain you in the darkest hours and amid the greatest dangers. Re member that the "Lord tempers the wind to the, shorn lamb;" call mien. him to lie your "shield and buckler;" put yotfr trust in his protecting providence, and cherish a living faith. that the same Almighty area that deliv ered Daniel unharmed from the den of lions, and led the childronof Israel in safety through the Red Sea, will guard and protect you. Knowing your worth as citizens of my own county, appreciating fully the patriotism which led you into the army, and the courage and determination which will sustain you in actual conflict and carry you on from victory to victory, I shall take a deep interest in your future movements and actions, in einry thing that affects you as individuals or in your capacity as organized companies. May that benign Providence who governs the fate of men and nations, and beneath whose all seeing eye not even a sparrow can fall unno ticed, guide and protect you in the path of honor and danger you are about to tread, and soon restore you to 'your hometcwith the sun of peace smiling upon your habitations and the whole country rejoicing over a restored Union, strengthened by the mighty perils through which it has passed. Here I might close; but the deep' interest I feel in the, great struggle, now impending between constitutional gifovertunent and de spotic sway, impels me to proceed. If we would continue to enjoy the liberties Which the blood of our fathers won for us, and which are secured to us by the Constitn tion -which they framed and the laws erected under.* that Constitution and, those; laws must bd 6 1 - 03 : urbantiv enatained ag,ainst the erinecrlaosts in rebellion a e ,..inet teem. . As I remarked upon a former occasion, in my place in Congress, the Government of the United States is the trustee of the rights of man throughout the world, and mankind have a right to bold it to a faithful execution of that trust. Bat to be enabled to execute it, the Government must be sustained in its ef forts to crush the wicked and formideble re bellion which threatens the Overthrow of our Republican'institutions. If' it is not so sus tained by the American people, the voice of the world will heap scorn upon them for their incompetence to guard the liberties entrusted to their protection, or curse the faithlessness ' through which they a ere lost. Impressed.with this opinion I have hereto fore, in my official capacity, voted men and money to prbelcute the war against rebel lion vigorously, in order that it might be • speedily and successfully terminated by the I suppression of armed resistance, and all the States brought again harmoniously together under the Federal Constitutionnrid the glo rious banner of the Union. My future course shall be the same, as I am convinced that our liberties will live or , perish as the Govern ment shall succeed or fail; and the Govern ment can only succeed while its different branches act in unity, and all are supported by the people. There can be no peace—in fact there must be interminable war, in at, y settlement of our difficulties which does not include a restora tion of the Union, bringing the seceded States again in subjection to the Constitution and the ants of Congress consistent with it' pro visions. I am happy in this respect to agree with Gen. PtrOlellan. That , distinguished soldier and gentleman, o.nce ,Gonimander-in-chief of the.armies of the Ui/igni and now the candi date of the Democratie, party fOr the Presi dency,' in his letter of acceptance, says: "The existence of More than one govern ment over the region which once owned our flag, is incompatible with the puce, the power rod the happiness of The people." And again: "I could not look in the face of my gallant comrades of the army and navy, who have survived so many.battles and tell them that their labors and the sacr ifice! of so many of our slain and . Worinded brethren had been in vain--that we had abandoned that Union for which we have so often periled our lives." No, my friends, whatever sacridoss may be required to restore it, the 'Union Must not be abandoned. It was bought by the blood of our fathers--it is the ark of our safety and liberty—and it must not be permitted to fall beneath the blows of i traitorsnrrayed in armed rebellion against it. If we are wise, if we are just to ourselves and 'to posterity, if we consult the future grandeur, prosperity 'and. happiness of our country—in short, if we obey the promptings Of pure patriotism, and are true to liberty and honor, we will neither make nor receive over tures for reconciliation which do not make a return of the rebellions States to their allegi ance to the Constitution a condition precedent to negotiation. Weinust look upon this rebellion, and treat it as it actually is, the most flagitious and damn able rebellion that has ever occurred since Satan and his - legions made war in Heaven, and aspired to the throne , of the Most High. All prior rebellions of which I have read, have had their origin in arbitrary acts of gov ernment. In such cases the people have risen to resist the oppression of their rulers to cur tail the prertigatives of power,and maintain or enlarge their own liberties. The!Senehere re bellion had no such origin.: Frani the Gov ernraent-the South had reaeiVed 'lasi wrong; on the contrary, it had been. Idghly favored. It was conceived., planned- d.eonsnmmated by a few beldnien •talent:add 'wealth, whose soiNfiPliplited for , *monger and more splendid W?erraneitt,:or* - ido Utoy would be t "- PallgAXTer. Ork of a heart- 143 .8 1 4 1 , ariatberti4,.. grown tired A.•ReZtbliean simpliety x • • • ,theides maii'm**filfty for _ .• • Itudmed. mewau m o re rti r . ';and'riottlin Si Ilffilll4l - 1 Oil L 41 12 ttr" may tt d ait coo wiled %theoretic*: s "••••••"' ' • • sta- Pouf - lines or less Commute one-haft. squire. Med line 0,-or more than-four r conattate asgaaro. FOE • iIAL2 - 801JARE. - - One day $ 30 Two days .. 50 Three days 75 One week .... ..... - .1 25 One month .- 3 00 Two 111001113. 4 50 Three months 5 50 Six months 800 One year.. ..... ... —l5 00 adminlstraticor Notices.... Marriage lsotices Auditor's N0tice5.......... Funeral No”ces each rose oar RukinessllOUC Eo 3 lUSI3 before Marna' gee and: Dea • each nsertion. with hereditary succession. In short, the sole purpose of the leaders of the Southern rebel lion was in the beginning and is now to curtail poppies liberty, and concentrate all power in the hands *of the few comprising the lailded aristocracy. If we, then, adopting the views, or acting upon the advice of ultra peace men, should permit a permanent division of the Union, such would be the form of Government estab lished in the South. With institutions so different from our own, with the ambitious and reckless men who miginated, and con ducted the rebellion at the head of public affairs, their hearts rankling with hatred of the North and jealousy of its wealth and power—who is silly enough to beliete that the peace bought at so great a price would he more than temporary ? Let ns indulge in no idle dream of, peace purchased at the expense of Union. The utterance of such a sentiment should be con sidered treasonable. The moment a line of separation is permanently drawn between the North and the South, that moment tha ques. tion of disintegratien will be agitated, and ere long we shall see the Northern States divided into several republics, and in the course of years as many independent governments as there are States, and these always wrangling, ono with the other, and all the prey (as the case with the South American Republics) to constantly recurring'war. May the Almighty give wisdom to Govern ment and people, and avert from this nation se terrible a calamity. Death of a Well Known Minis ter. CARLIL- - LE, Pa., Sept. 13 Rev. Robert D. Chambers, a prominent minister of the Methodist Episcpal Church, and well known for the fearless advocacy of Union sentiments, died here on Friday last. Decline in Gold. PHILADELPFILA., Sept. 13. Gold, at one o'clock this afternoon, had fallen to 213. E. At two o'clock it was quoted at 215. NEW 41) VERTISEIVIENTS. THIS WAY BAH “ HOMER], • GLOVES, HOOP SKIMS, LADIES' HAIR NETS, altd. HEAD DRESSES raRF:u wats, TOILET ARTICLES, - FRENCH LACE, and TISSUE VEILS, ETC. AT ASTONISHINGLY LOGY PRICES. Everybody should call nt ,ace, and secure great ua•. gains, at Mrs. IfATEikli, augB dtf No. 13 Market FtroPt. cu,lrtspA.L,xzEms CONCENTRATED -- tIMONADE, I S a pleasant, healthy bevera.ge. Very convenient and refreshing lot invalids bay fever or great thirst. ' Its portability recommends it to traveler., Its convenience at pio•nics will be apreciataL • No sugar requited; one table-spoontal simply thsseiv....4 in a glass of cold water and it is done. KNLLF.R'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE.; jell No. 914 Market street . CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DEISCRLP SAUCES of WI the octal:waned manufacturers. SARDINES, . _ OLIVE OILS. o every de.,copt.e.o. Also, BROWN STOUT, FINE TEAS, ‘ , tieWEE, and SYRUP of all grades andprices, and the best selected stock outside of Philadelphia. All goods guaranteed as represented. Patticular attention paid - to all orders from a distance. Goods oirefully packed and delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. SHISLER & FRAZER, mys successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Ca LIQUID RENNET. LIQUID RENNET yields with milk tikt, most luscious of all deserts for thejable the light est and most grateful diet for invalids and children. Milk contains every element of the .boitily -constitution when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy of digestion, and supports the system with - theleast possible excitement. When still greater nutritiVAPOWer isdetired cream endanger may be added. A teaspoonful conver t a quart of milk into a thin curd. Thspared and sold wholesale and retail by .S. A. KUNKEL jels-tf US Market street. . PIIOTOGRAPII ALBUMS Photograph Albums. Photograph Alb Miss. Photograph Albums. Photograph Album quiz largest and cheapest variety of PH( TOGRAPH AID in the City - aie consta S ntly ke at fraarl2l RHRGNER'S OREAP.BOORTORR. VERY VINE, INDEEDI TO our fine and extensive stock of Photo. graph Albums and Photograph Card Pictures, we have added a BEAU lii UL ENVELOPE for the reception of card picturps. They meat be seen and will be admired Ai-Photographers supplied at the very lowest whole sale price, and their card printed upon thomfor thousand, wholesale and retail. at , may 24 SCHEME'S BOOK STt 50 DOZEN JARS ENGLISB:PICRI comprising Pica Chow Chow, Cauliflower Mixed pinkies, Corkin; Walnuts and Onions. For Eat wholma" to and retail by SWBPRIP...b..FRA2ER, lays 812Mmasniv to 417; Donk, Jr., & Co BUTTER, BUTTE R. 'roll batter from Snyder county received - every week. Afro eggs at [my 4 ]] BOYER KoERPER. trAlihS, BEES AND TONGUES—a frees AA. invoice at taxa) sth9LEit FRAZER'S. CIIRP,SE--Cioiee new - crop . Cheese, just received at SHISIAR-dc FRAZER, Jon Sticomorit to W. Dock, Jr., .tz PILED OYSTERS.--Mdra &le BaltimoreS Oysters, spiced, just reoefvettat jylB BOYER& KOERPER, L.OT,S tor sale on - the corner of Third and I.ABroad streets. Enquire of WM. - 0: - Ifear.ADDEN eiar4 CEOSSB BILACKWELVS ENGL[sg PICKLES,' a rare article for table lie, just received and for sale by SHISLTR*AeI.42ER., red isuceesaore•to WS: lar, ir. . & Co. 190 '.4l)Mail i ,-!. P: Li .taE 9 .11 FINEDTreenD. MESS SHAD .—Ffne Mess Shad of the see eon, In half barrehi snif Vita iagt 'native , / at ,BR ,& FRaZER, Jr_ dc co ,re - to W. M FLSH. —New Ro I e sz 4 - 2 Ma c kerel i - 4 -NlAbstrak bar bar:rebindll*k and-by ate patuia, at N u m, ; L A FRAZER, IWAMIStz-1111111S0-4APfrosh.ii of Mich JA-LvElece, igiegMl4ll , at fiza Wank • • - - INII REMUS/ BAR ONE SQUABS. Otte day.. ..........$ 6D Two day 5........... I oo Three.days 1 tr 3 On& Week ' 226 One month 6 00 Two months 9 00 Three months.- 1:1 00 Six months 16 00 One 'seer • • 26 00 2 7.5 ........ ......... 75 • 1 60 on 60 in the Local Warm, or EIGHT CrasTß ?Ea Lr for JOSEPH BAILY N S I=
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