.r t gi.T'.; 4 q , ~.. . ' : : ":. , , . ~ aABRISB P A. BMW EVENING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1864 NATIOi' Al USION TICKET. FOR PREMMT, Abraham Lincoln, Op ttliNolB. ~ .. : FOR VICE PRIE4MENT. Andrew Johnson, et =madam COUNTY TICKET.' CONGREI3S, Qsil, A. J. BEER, of Daupliin County, [A*O to the dee/seen of the Dishiot Cbnferente •] MISEAEBLY, . 001. HC. ALLE HAN, Harrisburg., DANIRL KAISER, Wieonisoo:. PROTHOTAST, JOSIAH C. YOUNG, Harrisbtug REGFISTIOA, GEORGE MARKS, Union Deposit. COUNTY - commtsiroasn, HENRY HARTMAN, Washington, • DIRECTOR OF TEE POOR, PHILIP MOYER, Upper Paxton. AUDITOR, ALFRED SLENTZ, Harrisburg. Gratitude to God for Victory Over Treason. The recommendation of the President, that to-morrow be observed as a day of thanksgiv ing and praiskto Almighty God, for the sig nal victories of Zur armies and navy, will, we trust, elicit a proper and a fervent response: Without a firm reliance in the approval and assistance of the God of battles, our victories will become fruitless of real good. The na den, however noble" its cause and, just the objects-of its struggles, which foigeta God, cannot hope to triumph. In the fight for the Union, there has not been mingled with our ardent love of country, that beautiful reliance in a Higher Power which leads as well, to earthly glory asto future salvation. Hence - , niirott* Pie whole. people will meet to morrow Aid renew, their covenant with the Disposer of nations and the Ruler of worlds. Let turnot only show our gratitude for past benefits, but let us prove by our present se tiorts7and. professions, that we are entitled .to' future higher rewards. When the American nation does this, it will have indeed become, as we believe it is destined to be, God's chosen people. The Penal/V:l , unit" Slats Guard. Some thirty or forty authorizations have been issued to officers to recruit men for the regiments to constitute the Pennsylvania State (Gard—or rather to make np the first five regiments which were to be immediately called oat for service on the border. But in the preeentcondition of the military affairs of the Commonwealth, wheti the different mtlikefir'ilisfeicts are striving to make up their qtiotaxio avoid the draft, and when large botnties.are behig offered, Id indace men to *.sce U.S. service; it wwe to b 6 erpeeted that aa.....-euted be had to fill np regi ments; tg be orgakkized by the State authori ties. As soon as the impending draft has been made, and the quotas deManded by the War'Department hive been famished by the varjOria,guli-districts, it is contemplated that °parade= will commence for the speedy fill ing:n.ol4 the first five regiments of the State Geikied.' In the call of the Governor for these traps, it is stated that unless they are raised within thirty days of the requisition, a draft will be made to secure the force required. Under the present condition of affairs, it 1 8 not likely that this State draft will be en forced, but the quota of troops secured by veAtittiesiring. Such at least is the opinion of mfiltarY, men. —We understand from semi-official author ity, that the camp for the organization, in struction and discipline of the recruits for the State Guard, will be located somewhere west of the Susquehanna, perhaps in the vi cinity of Carlisle. The object of this is to avoid any possible conflict with- the opera tions of the U. S. military authorities in the camps-now located in the vicinity of Harris burg, and to'bring the troops thus to be or ganized immediately as near the field of their duty as practicable. As these arrangements are matured and carried into effect, we shall keep our readers advised in full. The Three Carllinal Pointy of the Chi °ago Platform. It is not difficult to understand the three cardinal points sought to be established by the traitors who nontinated McClellan at Chica go. They can be briefly stated as follows: Ar bitrary Arrests—Thy Draft --.Emancipation. Bat in seeking to make these points, the lead• era of the copperheads unwittingly fell into a trap, as they aro all disposed of by their Pre sidential nominee. McClellan, without con suaatinn with his superiors, established the first of these precedents in the arrest of the Maryland Legislature. In 1861 he strenu ously besought the President to fill the armies by a draft ; and finally he insisted upon the principle of seizing and using the negroes of rebel enemies whenever and wherever they could be found. Now,. however, to serve a low party motive, McClellan ignores these great meairores, and ettbscribes to doctrines immediately underlying the heresies of trea son. What people would confide a govern meat Which was established niter many sacri fices; and which is now being defended at Feat cost of life, to such" an aspirant for power? A not Pur.A—Somebody advertises in the Wow York Herald that he wants to buy a small dog for his big one to play with. Aim e d any of the copperhead newspaper offices in New URA or this State. could furnish the e d vel ,„ Surer with the . 1- pup" required., Tan KmA. John Wentworth is the Union 46648 for Oceitiess'frons-the Chicago of Lliirupis, iff 'wag thi imam 4/ 0 4 . ot to oss.- Who Began the War. :The men who are now urging that the Got ernment should humble itself to the traitors in arms, and sue for peace on any terms which jeff. Davis & Co. may dictate, charie that the Administration . of Abraham Linceln began the war. The traitors in the North or loyal States; who hate the men now represent , nig the national authority, have poisoned the :Minds of a large ram of men in the free withestates, the impression that the War is 'one of aggression, waged to exterminate a portion of the people of ,the Union and pushed, to every bloody extremity that the triumph of Northern fanaticism may prevail ,over the -domestic-institutions: And States' rights of therpeople of the South. •• By the liberal use of suchatatements - the - Democratic leaders have mattagedio distrait/people who, if left to their own common sense ideas, would be true to the thiveniment and its'cause.— But in order to show 'Who did inaugurate the war which has cost the Government so many valuable lives and Wasted such incalonable treasure, we submit the following historical statement of facts: December 30, 1860.—Capture of Fort Moul trie and Castle Pinckey by the South Carolina troops. January 8, 1861.—Capture of Fort Pulaski by the Savannah troops. Jan. 8. —The United States Arsenal at Mount Vernon, ALL; l,with 200,000 stand of arms seized by the Alabama troops. ' Jan. 4. Fort Morgan in. Mobile Bay taken . by Alabama troops. • Jan. 9. - The United States steamer star of the Wst was fired into and driven off by the rebel batteries on Morris Island when attempt ing to furnish Fort Sumter with supplies. Jan. 9. —Mississippi seceded ; vote of the Convention, 85 and 36. Jan. 10.— Fort Jackson, Fort Phillip and Pike, near New Orleans, captured by the Louisiana troops. Jan. 11.—Alabama seceded ; vote of Con vention, 62 and 29. Jan. 11.—Florida seceded. Jan. 14.—Capture of Pensacola navy yard and Fort Mcßae by Alabama troops. fan. 18.—Surrender of Baton Rouge arse nal to Louisiana troops. Jan. 19. Georgia soceded ; vote of Con vention, 203 to 81. • Jan. 26. - Louisiana seceded ; vote of Con vention, 113 to 19. New Orleans Mint and Custom House taken. Feb. 1. - Texas seceded ; vote of donven- tion, 166 to 7. Subm t.ed to a vote of the people February 23, and took effect 2d Of. ittarch. t Feb. 2. Seizure of Little ROA 'arsenal by Arkansas troops. Feb. 4. Surrender of the'revenue cutter as le to the Alabama authorities. ; Feb'. 5. The. Southern Congress met - at Montgomery, Alahama. Feb. 8. —The provisional constitution adopted. . • .. . - kw:). 9.- Jeff. Davis and Stephens were elected President and Viue President oi what they called the Southern Ponfederacy. Feb. 17. Twiggs transferred. "the United States proper y in texas to the reblci. Feb. ltf. —Jeff. Davis was inatigurated President of the conspirators. March 2. The United States revenue cut ter was seized by the rebels in Texas. These events ad transpir d under a Demo cratic Administration. The. Secretary of War, during Buchanan's , Administration, abetted the stealing of munitions -- of war: . then . in the possession of the iloveinnient, - , and al lowed the removal of immense amounts of mill- lip property to looalitlo-_ would fall 4.,r0 txo winds 'of the .traitors. When John B. Floyd had accomplished his work, he re tired from Mr. Bnchiman's Cabinet, The Secretary of the Navy, during the Buehanau Administration, ordered 'every-ship of war on distant cruises, with the deliberate under standing that such war vessels would be ,-be yond the use of tho.authorities when the trai tors precipitated rebellion. When Mr. Toney had accomplished his sharo of the villain ous work, he resigned the navy portfolio. All this infamous work wait accomplished tin der a Democratic Administration, and yet the wicked leaders of that party insist that the free masses of the North provoked the war. The same leaders now ask that the victorious freemen of the loyal States, who have so nobly defended the Union and the Govern ment, should give up the fight, and on their knees sue for peace. This is the record, and we want the people to study it thoroughly.. • A WAG or A POLITIMAN, rind who has in variably, up to this time, supported Demo cratic candidates, thus kilns up McClellan's military and civil capacity. His martial resources and sagacity he briefly states as fol lows : Watching a Jew map's Logs, shaped so as to represent cannon, all winte: Rrefusing to follow, up a defeated enemy, and deliver to him a death blow. Quarreling 'Leh older men and better soldiers than himself, in order to exhibit hismere personal distincti,n and authority. And still briefer than even these est mates of his military genius, is the reality of his civil capacity, namely:, Writing a 1 tier in favor of an avowed and uncompromising secmsionist and traitor sympa thizer for Governor of Pennsylvania. Walt DON'T HE ?—ln the proceedings of the Chicago Cpnvention, we read that, after the nomination, a banner on which was painted a portrait of General M'Clellanond bearing as a motto, • 'lf I can't have command of my own men, let me share their fate on the field of battle," was run up behind the President's platform. Well, when he lost the command of his own mat, why did he not share their fate on the field of battle? Nobody prove him. But the truth is, that Pit'Clellan pre ferred the association of the demagogues who are plotting to betray the army try an armis tioe, into the hands of the butchers of the South. He has turned his back upon his old companions-iu-arms,and allowed himself to be used by a party which contends that a soldier in the geld is entitled to none of the civil rights of a citizen, and occupies a position little above that of the slave. Tim *onion OF VIE Cmcwo, PLaTroem. It is , well understoOd ths , Y4lantligham wrote the Chicago - plot:ram. Bat.:it islaot so well Imo6,'that ; the testa' of that 4 iifanioue w e re The prestrotthe Wept, elm* iyuktau..l4o -cu m tiati &Cie the: ihiapoitry. - It is, al leged that Vallandigham has been and is yet in correspondence with-Jeff Davis`;42it lie', submitted a draft of Meager 0148i•in - tiS" Jeff Davis for approval ; - that after amending? it, so as to present its present shape, c e re n turned the draft; and that the confeSsion of iaith now endorsed:by M'Olellan and echoed: by every semi-traitor in the land, is netkiiilg more or less than Jeff Davis' idea of Democ, racy. . . The Peace Party. The - Democratic leaders now are confessedly the representatives 'of a peace policy, which proposes to make every . sacrifice to stop the war between the traitors who are battling to destroy, and the people who are struggling to preserve the Union and the Government. The platform erected at Ohicage, recognizes this policy of peace, and it is now declared by all who blindly support McClellan, that his triumph at the polls will produce results which his efforts in the field could not estab lish, namely, restore the land to peace., The. rebels certainly depend upon the success of M'Clellan at the polls to give them all that they cannot get from the Administration 'now in power ; and to show literally what the traitors expect,we quote from the Bichmond Examiner : "Save on our own terms, we can, accept' no peace whatever, and must Right till dooms day rather than yield one iota, to them"— The North must yield all—the South noth- Ang." "We shall make no peace till 'we are in a position not only to demand and exact, but also to enforce and collect treasures for our. own reimbursement out of the wealthy cities of the North. In other words, we shall make no peace till we have destroyed and scattered _their armies and naor.sw VP THEIR GOVERN mENT. When we have .done that,' ve ought not only to extort from the North our own full terms, and ample acknowledgment of their wrong, but also full indemnity for the trouble and expense caused •to ..us by their. crime." "Once more we say, it is rill or noth ing. This Confederaoy or the Yankee nation, one or the other must go dowp—down to per dition. One or the other mast forfeit it na tional existence, and lie at the mercy of ifs mortal enemy." "As surely as We triumph, so ittiely will we make the North pay our war debt, though we wring it out ottheir- hearts:" Irdefentafil). FROM WASHINGTON ESTRUCTION OF REBEL S'Aii WORK'S. IW' AND GRIST 01111% 'DESTROYED. Jeff Davis' Sugar Mill.,Bltiven lip. WASHINGTON, Sept 10: Capt. Thos. Green, comiliandink the Best Gulf Blockading Squ adron, commumcatea'to the .Navy Department the particuLars of 'tieve- . rat saci:esstui boat expeditions frotu. fTieLLt S: bark, J. L. Davis, Acting Master A : N. Grua. weld, commandin on the station at Tampa Bay. The first was made on the 11th of 'July; and resultedin the destruction of soMp:salt works belonging to strong secessionists.. of I.sampit, Messis. Hazard & Carter . . Tim second was made on the:l6th of July to the factory of another_stroneCiefi.a- --- --idea •;•••'' , /on-cly which- -w. ALIO destroyed. The third expedition was made on the 2d, 3d and 9th of August, by the tender schooner Stone- Wall attached to the bark Davis, and com niaudeg by Acting Master Henry B. Carter, with the gig's crew of six men, proceeding up the Mambo river to the town • of_ the same name, and a large grist and saw mill, with its. steam engine and fixtures, was completely de i.roytd. Learning here that .about three miles up the iver was a sugar 'mill belonging to Jeft Davis, th party ascended the river and found an estalgisliment which made last year over 150 hogsheads of sugar, of which th two-thirds WAS sold to . the -rebel commitsary department. After breaking as much of the machinery .as "possible, loaded shell were placed in various parts or the, engine, an d the building was fired and soon totally de stroyed. The expedition, without loss of life or limb, shOws a very commendable spirit on the`part.- of the officers and men. The conduct - :of Acting Master Carter is particularly spoken of as highly creditable and pleasing. From the Army of the Potomac. HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF. TELE POTOMAC, t Sept. 8--Evening. The past two days hal& been ominously quiet. Hours have passed without- a single gun being heard. The enemy were , reported massing on our left with - the intention' of at tacking us if they fotindthe lines' penetrable, but have evidently given up the enterprise, which they would have found to be a costly one. At the centre of the Line the... pickets have been very friendly of late, but within a few days strict orders have been given against in tercourse. - - A battery ou the Jerusalem road opened on a working party of the rebels this afternoon at about 5 o'clock, and quite an interchange of iron compliments took place, but without much harm to either party. 'The enemy sent us a Whitworth shot yesterdaywc]gluag 13 pounds, beautifully pobsheidand steel pointed. It landed in rather close proximity , to oin quarters, and had traveled a distance of a mile and three quarters. The following dispatch appears in the Riot mond .E , ga rer: lim&uQuimmos Anarr OF TEM I.FasiNESSIA Sept 6.—Gen. B. Bragg:—Shermext has con tinued his retreat beyond Jonesboro. (Signed,) .T. 1.8. HOOD, Maj. Gen. The Charleston Mercury chronicles the loss of the new blockade" running +steamer, Mary Bowers, which ran on an obstruction near Long Island, on Thursday week, proving a total loss. The officers and crew were saved. Sept. 10, 9 A. e.—A number of contrabands came into our lines last night from Chester county. They report that trains are running on the Weldon railroad as tar as Stony creek, where the supplies are loaded in wagons and hauled to Petersburg via Diuwiddie Court House. Between 500 and 600 wagons are en gaged constantly in the bminess. They.also state that all the corn in that country is being, pressed by confederate officers, and fed to the animals, leaving the farmers none for near season, excepting just enough to justify them in saying that they did not take all.A. BlPCleUanls Nomination Repu diated. NEW Yor.s, Sept. 10. The Daily 2fitaq, of this __city, repudiates the nomination. of Gen. _ - Gold :Market._, 745101.,4e* dold Was quotaa s - AKirguirat *vie butoziitelhelokionye4o4 4 4ltq 2r Prom Washington. WAsuncerox, Sept. 10. A. sucossarrm scour. , e .t, or Ludlow, with a detatchment of the , E,i4l,thipihoisr - Cavelry, returned to Muddy 'Bran Ni y6sterilig, ',lifter z'a ' successfuli scout thioligh LottilthiValley,:by way of Leesburg, . havingprodOded as far up's . as , priidelivine. i:44,35. 1 1,!.6f no force of the enemy ni Lou' 1 101Taltry; except Mosby's men. Major LudloirbfOlight in four prisoners and nine 1 horses captured in Leesburg. These prison ' ers were rundoWn while attempting to escape, and one of them was severelY injured by his . horse falling upoi him. FORDED DRAFTS IN 01RC111.4. - TION Forged drafts, purporting to be signed. by Hon. James Harlan,. Aeasurer of the Union Congresaibiral COininittee, are being presented to Postmasters in the West by some swindler, who claims to be duly authorized to collect for the comfaittee. ffo draft has been drawn on any,POstonaster, and no agent emploYed to collect from them by Senator Harlan. NO NATAL ENLISTMENTS _ . FOE 7.FSSTIiAN TWO EiMI! The Navy Department,to-day issued orders hat site r the 10th inst. no person shall be en isted in the naval service for a less period han two 3rears. OEN. GRANTS NEW NA.ll.lioil3 Passengers from. City Point say the work on the railroad to - the point occupied by our troops on the Weldon railroad is being rapidly pushed forward, and it is expected that the road will be in running order on Sunday next. Later From New Orleans Naw Yong, Sept.,lo., Advices from Now Orleans to the 3d , itist., have been received by the arrival - Of theErveri ing Star. Thappears that our forces occupied Clinton only two days and two flights. The rebels had made a - demonstration .on, Berwick city, but accomplished nothing: They are reported to be preparing a formidable expedition to at tack Brashear city, or some other point. Gen. Banks will come north probably on the steamer of the 15th. The captured rebel gunboat Selma and ram Tennessee attract much attention in the port of New-Orleans. The steamer Creole, on her last trip to-New Orleans, was • chased by a pirate. A letter from Fort Gaines of the . 2d, states that Gen. Granger has not yet returned from New Or leans, and there will be no military operations until he does. In the, meantime preparations for work are going on. Markets by Telegraph. PHILApEIMHIA, Sept. 10 The decline in price of gold has materially unsettled the markets, and breadstuffs are decidedly dull, and in the advance of sales of flour of any importance, we quote nominally 'at $ll for superfine, which is scarce; $ll 50® 11 75 for extra; and $12@13 for extra family, and fancy b ands ; rye flour and corn meal unchanged. Wheat is dull at $148(1 54 for old; $2 58®2 60 for new, $2 80@2 90 for white. Barley and malt scarce. There is nothing doin g in bark, which is unchanged. Provi sions firm but quiet ; sale of bagged'hams made at 241:c, and salt shoulders at 180. Petrolum dull and lower ; crude 48@50. re fined in bond 80@82, free 87090. Bensine scarce at 45®50. Residum taken at slo® 50.• WhiskY quiet; at $1 85®1 87 for refilled and western bbls. NEW Yos.s.,. Sept. 10. Flour dull; kties of 6,500 bbls at $9 soaio 15 for State; $ll 95a13 for Ohio, and ®l4 for Southern. Wheat declined 30,4 c; safes unimportant.' Voru nnsettled;'l9,ooo bushels sold at $1 614. Beef doll. 'Fork quiet Whis -17 dull. Receipts °flour. 95.000 bbls- Wheat w>ooo - - _Dora. 50,000 ditto. • Bar natant; Sept: ;10. . Wheat has a declining tendency, caused by decline in gold. . Cala firm for white, which is scarce; yellow heavy. Flour very dull— decline 12/. Whisky - dull and nominal at 185. Provisions steady; 1,500 bbls. mess pork taken by the Government at t 47 53® 54.8 25; 750 tierces sugar cured hams at 524 40@24 73; 100 hhds. sides uncovered at $23 40423 42. New York Stock Markets. NEW Your., Sept. 10. Chicago and Rock Island 108 i; Cumberland preferred, Central, 128; Michigan Southern, 82i; Michigan guaranteed,l4s; New York Central, 128; Pennsylvania coal, 95; Reading 1314; Hudson river 119; Canton Co. 34; Erie, 1074; One year certificates, 94; Trea sury 7 3.10, 112; 10-40, 97; Coupon 6's, 109. DIED. On the Bth inst., of consumption, Mrs. HESTER Fun- SUN, aged 49 yeira, 3 months and 28 days. The friends and relatives are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral, to take place on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, from her late residence, third door above Fox tavern, on S, cond streot. NEW ADVERTISEM ENTS. • P.FtIV ATE SALE. rilißE,undersigned - offers for sa'e a ITOITSE and LOT, situated on Front street, above Vine In quire of Depin.dlw*] JOHN A. TRULLINGEH. New and Good Sheet Mask. “ I am Leaving Thee, my Motile , ' Dear,” "Tolima of my Darling Boy "—mother's reply to "Just before the battle " Blue•Ey• d Jennie," " Uncle Sam's Funeral ". aftcr the Rattle."' Ana many others, Just received at MUSVAL HEAD QUARTERS, WARD'S, Third street, Direct and sole agent for all publications of DIM'S & ,Co. poplo-1t HENRY REGAN'S Steam Engine. and Machine Shop, :MTH ST., BETWEEN WALNUT AND MARKET (J c„ldoltz's Old Stand.) THE undersigned having taken the above Shop, respectfully s .liclts a share of the pub:io pa tron,ge Part ruler attention will be paid to repa'ring of Steam Engines, and all kinds of machinery. All work will re• ceive my personal attention, and eatiefaction guaranteed seplo dly AUCTION SALE OP CONDEMNED HORSES QUARTERMABZXR. anIiiiRATAS 01 , 710 E, Finn Division, W.VELNOTON Crri, September 18, 1861.) WILL be sold at priblie• auction, 'to th. vv hipbeirt, bidder. et Giesboro, D. C., on TIMM- D I", September. 16. 1864, . ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY CAVALRY • HORSES. - • These Horses have been Condemned as milt for the Cavalry service of the Army, • For road and farming , purposes many gcod bargains ma. be bad. Horses sold singly.- Sale to mum:Conte at 10 o'clock Tw.sMS: (ASH in United States Currency.. By order of the QUEIMITIIIIIE!,er Ge j p reelo4ti - Colonel in charge F ovt Divkion Q, H. G. 0. LOST S A'POINTER PEP— liver -eolOred ; point of tea. white: - Hai ot a leather col gr.. The Seder mil be anttebly'rewsidAd by returning him to • J OWENS Nortklktme , ts.o9Ve ngrd. .9epl4lltts . . TllS'rfil§iiivA Alija morning; Michener it 439.,zolgtmickikkaame, Bee end To at • • • *MUM & ILI DV:01 IPA 51 N ii tz.J ma I Fever and Ague! HAVING now on hand a large supply of my SPIRITUAL PILLS—ct artein Care fbr eat 'ner and Arae—l offer tbem to the public eltuer wholesale or retail. 'Nay are perfectly simple and astfe--ftee from poison. and will in 011 mos effect a cure, or the money rotunda • • Diptheria! My GOLDEN ELECTRIC OlL—a certain and effective Cure for Diptheria, Sore Throat eh. Ron musty recluse lives zight have been saved hrthieuse of inyIiCLNOTRIO OIL. I will guanntee id care the worst cases of Mothe rs'. THE GREATEST FAMILY MEDICINE IN TELE WORLD I The Poor cured without charge. Fntroas noticing the Golden Oil, I wit send than a bottle fre- by express. W -BARR, Next door to Mist National Bank, Earriaburg. FOR SALE. THE undersigned offers for sale his interest in the LIVEKY and SALE STABLE, corner of Pine and Sec , nd streets. For particulars, enquire of eepB-(3l] S. S. DAVIS, at the Stable. FUR A WELL-BRED BAY HORSE Hat speed: kin/ in Ititrtus - without-hitching, fearless, and` a line saddle antient. Also, A SHIFTING-TOP LIGHT WAGON, by one of,thebest east ern makers ; used but ashen time. Weight 290 Itts com plete. Inquire at. Tser-Sit] THI-t OFFICE. ASSFASDIENT OF DAJILdi.OBS. DIIRSUANT to an order of the Court of Quarter cessions of Dauphin ciatin'y; notice is here by given to het ornmissioners of raid county. and to the property-holders along ti e line of Proat street, from Pas ion street to Hanna street in the rlity.of Harrisburg, that upon the peti ion of the President of Council of said city. the Court has appointed six viewers tea-sass the damages caused b' the opening of said street, and that they will proceed to asress said ilamages on 7 CIESDA Y, September 20th next, at 10 o'clock, a. u, at which time all parties interested may appear upon the.-ground if their ink proper. JOHN W. BatiWN, City kolicitor. sep7-10t1 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF FICA FIRST Drumm, WASHINGTON City, August 81,1884, HORSES ! ,H ORSES ! HORSES ! ' Horses suitatie for Cavalry and Artillery setvh•e will be purchased at Giesbord Depot, oped market s till uotaber I, 1864.. Horses will be dPlivilied. to Captain Is Lowry Moore A. Q. M., and be subjected to the usual Government inspec dell before being a; cepted Price of Cavalry. Horses, $175 mirk. ?rice of Art/ lery Hawes, $lBO each. PaFment will be made for six (6J and more. JAMES A. ERIN, Colonel First Division, Quartermaster General's Moe._ 4 COSTAR'S" scps.4l] VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EI'TERMJNATOSS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. i fio EXTERMIN . RS. "COSTAR'S" FxrEithux RS EXTER , .LNA RS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS, , "COSTAR'S;' EXTEILMINATOrai EXTERMINATORS. "COSTARS , " EXTERmINATORS. ExTzwinalATotts. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. . EXTERMINATORS. !tOSTAIVS?. EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. rETTERS TESTA.BIENTABY on the estate AA or Joun ektger, Esq., of the et y of liantateirg, c.unty, having been grmted to Me un devalued, name Meted* is Hereby g.ven All ',mews tutve.g Chtitiui or cleisMods egainet the estate of the said de Went are requested t. make 6:ll4oArt the came without delay, and those who a a indented to 'said oblate are re quested to make ittuneolate payment augli-do at L. I .GRAM, kxecutrix. EXTERMINATO4 A UDITOR'S NOTICE. "COSTAR'S' EXTERMINATORS. . _ . FRTKRMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERIKINATO“& IXTERMINATORR. "COSTAR'S" fOCIRRMINATORS. F_XTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTRRMINATORS. EXTERILINATOM "COSTA.E.'S"' EXTr.RMINATOKS. EATEgICINATORS. FOR RATS. RICA ROACHES,-ANTS RED-BUDS FLEAS, MOTlis IN kURS, W(/0141 1 44, INSECT'S ON PLAMS, FOWLS, etc. "15 years established in N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from. Poisonm." "Not dangerous w tree Rumen Tam Lip. "Rata come out of their holes to die." ,tom-Sold by all Druggiatneverywhere. awl t Etswourn I I of all worthless Imltatiortl *r" Costar's Depot, No. 482 Bioadway, N. Y. girSold by D. W. GAUSS ft CO., Wholesale and ret.il age, ta, And by all Druggists in Harrisburg, Pa. rielananam NEW - PITILA DELPHLA. C L 0 A ME T 0 E E, IN D. W. GROSS" NNW BLOM, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES or FASHION/13LS CLOAKS A IiND C IRO II L LES 103:1 FIN SPRING SHAWLS. Will ;nem eo the let of April Onar2l--dly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Photograph Albums. - Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph. Album THE largest and cheapest variety of PH( TOGRAPH AI,BICG/B in the city are constantly ke et lmart2l VERGHER'S caw BOOKSTORE VERY FINE, INDEED! TO our tine and extensive stock of Photo graph" Minims and Photograph Card Pictures, we have added a BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPE for the reception of card pictures They mast be seen and will be admired ,pr -Photographers supplied at the very lowest whole sale price; and their curd printed upon themfor $1 thousand, wholean!e and retail. at may 24 WHETTER'S 1300E517'0n ITALNIITS, CREAMNUTS, FILBERTS For sale wholesale at SHISLER & FRAZEE, my 6 successors to. W. Dock, Jr, & Co MIL S. A. Ktrfaver. Sir take pleasure irt staling•that your "DIARREKKA MIX IRE" exceeds anything of the Lind th‘t I ever Imagined. I was very much troubled with dlarrheea, and could find nothing to help me in the least, until I took your MIXTURE." 1 give you this certificate. hoplog that, if you see proper to use it, it may be the means of extending a knowledge of the matehlem value of your medicine. Very resp-etfirly yours, H. R. JEFFRIES. Iraliei3 Timber, Cambria Co , Aug. 27, 1864 —fauBo4liif FOR SALR, ATEN-HOESE power steam engine and boiler, steam pipes, water pipes, pumps and hater complete; oscillating engine and cylmder boiler, mansfae Lured by Joel Weinman, patent improved oscillating en gine builder. May be seen at Canal abopti, foot of Walnut street, Harrisburg. For terms, tic., enquire at Canal office, Market street, near United States Hotel. HAumentotro. Jnlr 23 1564 UtYrl'Eß, BUTTER.i—Freeh roll butter lj from Snyder county received every week. Also eats at Iray4l BOYER & KOERPER„ TZAR% BEEF AND TONGUES—a fresh LI Invoice at (mill SHLSLAR at FRAZER'S. C HEESE—Choice naw crop Cheese, jus received at 81118Lait & FRAZER,ad7 Beeeeteetra to W. Dock, Jr.. & CoG SPICED OYSTERS.—Extra fine Baltimore Oysters, sploe4, pat reoetvad at 19 16 ' ROYER & ROMPER. LOTS for sale on - the corner of Third and Broad envois., Reoiaire of Inf. Q MCFADDEN 190 A STONFB!sat E D AB S . 'kelt GRIND- au-2i•ew MESS BRAD:—Fine liaise Skied of the sea m; In half bunts *Ad =ld received st, )6 Ft ' 27aAARAR0e. to W L Onnk Jr. . . k l`rt VIM Fit3B, New Na 1 sued 2 /I m barre4b4dt ft fiatit4o4l4A .13 - 41311iit ' — Oll l ll BoTikaf-AW NEW - ADVERTISEMENTS. A TIDITOkt,'S NOTIOE. The undersigned Auditor, appoint-d by the GrAisme Court of Dauphin county to wake dlstribetion or the balance in the haedm of Hen , y Gingtien, Executor of the last will and teztanent of John Gingrich, dec dined, among the heirS of said deceased, wia attend to hit dales as said Auditor, on Thursday, the 226 day of September 1864, at his office in Harrhbu• g, at ten o'clock, e sr , of said day, when and wuere ail parties interested are noti fied to appear. J. W. SIMONTON, Sept 5, 1861.—d 'aw3w Attaitor. A UDITOR'SNOTICE. Tne undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Dauphin county to make distribution among creditors of the balance in the hands of Damel liet.ar, administrator of the estato of Marks D. Wilma°, late of Wicoulsco township, deceased, will attend to the ditties of Bald apptdntment on Friday, the 234 day of Stptem ber, 1864, at 2 o'clock, P. Id of said day, when and where all panks interested are notified to attend. Sept. 6,1861.-idoaNOlir AUDITOR'S NOTICE The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Cou t of Dauphin county to make distr button among . creditors of ale balance in tlft hind; of Slifer, AA-' mini, of John Ott Ilockafe low, late of the city ti Harrisburg, deceased, will att nd to the duties of said ap pointment at h s office in Harrisburg. on Soturi.ay, the 24111 day of Septhmba, 1864, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and where all parties Interested ate notitle I to a , tend. J. W. SIMONTON, Auditor. September 5,1864.—d0aw3w • CHEILIATEIL Olt •1.4 i CORPORATION. NOTICE is given that application for the litteorpora iou of the '‘ First F ea Baptist Chun h of a' risbu g ' Ilas be a made to the Court t Common Pleas of Dauphin county, and flied in the office, 1' the tro• Monetary, and that a Charter will be grared at the next regulir torm of raid C..ttrt, unless cause be shown to the cont , ary. By order cf the Coin t. sep2-datoawl J. C. YOUNG, Protheael CHARTER OF INCORPORATION. NOTICE is given that application for the Incorparation of the -' Calvary Freewill Bainrt churon of Harrisburg, ea.,' has been made to the Court (.4' Crinmun Pleas of Dauphin county, and filed .tr the oatee of we twitooo.ary, and that a uhrrrter will be gram ti at the next regular te. or of toe said Court, magas catr. be shown to the contrary. By order of the Court. a4.02-03toawi . .1. 1.. YuU-G, Proth.rmotary. PUblie sale. TN pursuance of an Order of the Orphans' .j„, Court of Dauphin county, will be os, clerk to sate, on 4.4I.TUI€DAT, Me 24th day tbf September, at the court *MOO is the city of Harrisburg, the following mat mute A VALUABLE BUILDiNG LO P, Situate in the city of Harrisburg, fronting twenty-one feet eight inohes on • hie. street, extending WOK on tt•Wi kel alley and hundred and thirty feet, and adjoining lot of lhls property is situated about one half square above North street, add is one of the most desirable buildlnglots in tho city. Late the estate of David G. may, deceased. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock r. a. of said day, when attendance will' lie given. and conditions of saw wade known, by DANIEL G. MAY, Administrator er said deceased. JNia. Itraor.sair, Clerk ir. . G. Harrisburg, :rept. 2, 1.88 Isep2-dormatv LETTERS TESTIOIF NTAB.Y on the estate or Jahn Aden, deeid, late of Susquehat.n. townehif, ok.ephiu oounty. Younsylvania, having been grantee to the undeaigned, nuticc the, tot .s he eby All 1 er hulls Hating claims of demands aga.nst toe estate of the said decedent ate requested to make known the Same withou, delay, and these who are tudetned to mi.. muse are requested to maim immediate pay.. eat. St.4 - 44-doWaet.* ,Tail, Administrator Loo Audi or apnolntoi by the orphans' Court of Dauphin wonky w dlstnoute the [penance remaining in the Lands of Abr ham Gruott, r übtoe to a... 11 the /tear estate in racy Mora, late of Live. poo , Perry county, dee,otted, wilt eft for that purpose at his office in the CAY THLaaDA r, Me 29th aay ctrrePithattr. 1,864, lo• o a', at %TM n. Lim, a..d mace k arthe intetetifed are hereby notified to be p esent. Wt.r..LLA.M. MITCHELL, Auditor. sepd-dottwaw* NT/LE E'V DAD/1A.0E6-N 01 ICE TT is ordered by the Court th t all persons bev.ng claims by Tienor othernize, anent% any of &Lao SUM Looney' a-eesaol as aonag.ea dome by opeang the Waste in the city of narrinbur„ or having adverse jade .0 the property tajureo, =Lae .ho same kaolin by petition L.r uthzielee to wo Cowt of Qua ter nem:teas on or before the Jim thy of neat term, et %hien time the money, when the aabeSSlLleut is othe.wi,e legal, will be fiorooktt owe verde. named in the r,port owners of tee property. A also, that all ,xcaputoststd the r port o f t h e flied oa or tn.ore the Ilfzh, day et ro..o..in ber neat. kly ceaeir of the Court. - seym-d'Ulsta4wi J C. YOUNG, Clerk. Broivn 7 s Baby Tender. AVERTICAL AND NGISELEsS SPRING CRADLE— caavertea Imo a 443.141:1111•Elt„ BABY-Huicgg, BABY-WALKER, 021'0 'eta WI Thu whole designed to telieve Motaers, comfort and amuse obvi to the evils of tuctzmg tuem. 55.1 save the expense of a Nurse. Its motto's is pe. feet y beat by and tilattraunbt. en i.O *2O to $35. send f.r it ustriaact area- BktuVlitii & CU., 433 Br al:lm.y, /S. Y. sir An enterprising Age.lit Wanted tor ttierrisbuxg. seps-lmeod Important Correspondence. WHO PAYS FOR STAMPS ON RECEIPTS ! PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COXPANT, OFFICX :La7 cOUTH c OCK.EI OMEST, anADEL.Piae, 91.12 1E64 JOSEPH T. LEWIS, E. U. Y Commissioner Interred *eve.ue, Washington, U, C.: bra SLatt, wmca party must pry for the U. S. Stamp? The one who receives Lim money, being alle , maker of the receipt, or the par y paying the mural ? /LOUIS ICSextltllly, ti nark FORD, Treasurer. TREASURY DEPARTIMIT. OFFICE OF LYTERNAL RUSSET, nAoIuNGToN, August Sot :—Yours of the 9ttati.t. is rtceived. Tu. qamOon RS to Into ihodl pay the duty req,ormi ou receipts on any sums of money excecning *2O, io dereo ut oh the cir enmetances aurnumg toe epee. Ordiva i y at !aw no person is bound to aim a receipt for money "mut the teetno. is en itutn.u.Lont of trmautto 'Janina only to the p r.ou to %snow it is gi.en. If Loam& Tes•ipt. it is necessary for him to turnirA the stamp ar to stamp tee receipt, dr. qa ee, bt tote it is 5ig....41 The who no.olve. the u.c4.ey i, not uutig.(l give a remtp , unless the oiler party .urliiskteo the proper stamp. Ii apa sun givee a mtelpt without tequi kg that ute party to allow It le given shall turubsti tue Stamp, the u.eker o the teceipt mitt Lim - sell Stamp the paper be fo.ts he delvers t 6 If he !age to St nip it btoe he de livens it, he is liable to We penalty provided. by law [or we omission, but the other patty may Stamp it Mame& ately upon Its beteg fecal,. ed. Very revipAnruJy, Judk.Pii J. LEWIS, Commi=sioner. S. BRiD7OItD, Esq., Pluladeivbla. [aug3l-d2w-w4t Notice to Bridge Builders io EM undersigned, Uummissioners of Dau phin county, rean4 , virri a, will receive Sealed Yro 1162,,a tip to sopieunier toe 21.dt, (Wednesday,) at iwo o'ciuckr. 31., fur Intimluig, se. enutelpultig alga rungatitog all we neuter* fur a uew-ro feu Tnriage acroea drm dtrons cr In JaCirJam Lux WALLA said county, east of lialifa.s, at we Bile reierrod to by we late *perk. of the Grand hatueat of the court y, some.% hew south, or nearly Se, of Flatierevi.le. !SBA bridge to be ion> , led span, on the Buir lop Jtieb plan, sou ,o id high ais wain the din bridge (now euuidnag) Ia ; north _ids wing wens to to loartecn ieet Lung, an. muse of the eunth nide ten 'trot toug prop:woo to no endorsed on we sob:Mumma winch way tie had at the Wilco of the libun.p Gontinte , dui/eras at Barna tag, on ap, lication by letter or outer wide. Letting to be on said day and to the lowed re , eponsible bawler. hE.NSY RAKTeL&N, JAMB J. itoLLYbireli, ittlitlaßT W. ht Jy2litf an29-azwtd) FE FAMILY FLOUR,. —SHISLER SUMER have made arrangements with one of the be =Me in the Country to flnpply tue families of Haat burg with choice FLOUR. Every barrel warranted, and delivered to may part of the city free of charge. • • !MISLED & FiLMER,;" • Dealers In Fine Family Ehocerhn, opposite the Conn Rouse. . • shin-. NEW SUPPLY of FRESit 13X051, 4 HAMA Jos received tat monerte, 4# 6 WSW' to W. Ref. A.Ak.O:_ MEI SALIaC)X-F*o WA Salmon, at. • .",jugo -- MIS= -kaki; J. W. SIMON'TON, Auditor NOTICE. NOTICE