MV: BIISINESS - CAltDe. _ . .A. , LPH L. DIACLAin ATTOINET-AT-LAW. — Patria land. Tinian building, Harrisburg. Strict attentiou paid to id) legal business Eilitaxy claims collected. " mylo-dem-eod Thumais C. MaCnow ell, A.ttorney ,•at-Law. OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. HARRISHCPA PA. A LL mariner of Military Claims promptly attended to, and claims collected agtdnet theeneuerai or State Giotroma3Ul4l; elthwin Congress, the Court of Chime aoWaabingtork pity,-pr at Harrisburg; without tur necessary • and on moderate terms. ap29-d6m , A.rturici"iqkir"-AT u . es removed hiallffioe from Third to Wal- Jia44 . ia taveetcnext to the Prison.. A ll business in trusted te him will receive prompt and careful attention. aP4 NEW GROCERY AND PROVINION STORE. BOI'IEIV - &IIKOERPER, W H O'L E AND RETAIL DEALERS Az, G 0 CJE I E S Queen's and . Glass Ware, AND AU i •J NOS OF COUNTRY „P.RODITCE, ;DAVE just opened a lax& and well selected ate& of geode at their stand, No :3 HarketSivare, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the public generally. nolo-dly JONES HOUSE,- Corner of Market street and Market Square HARRISBURG PENNA. UHAS. H. MANN., _ Proprietor. .no64tr b.II:A 4.)A1 4 11,4.1. 110 rEL CORNER OF THIRD 61111 , VISAING? STRIETS, TEM wadersigued havitigpoeAnifie.d well irdlOwu Mouse hue ealatged ctn;runglity renuvatee It. rite rooma have been re-painted and 'papered, and the nature entalishotent elegantly re-furnished. Being plea. [tautly and eligibly toasted, and provided with every con vardenee, it offers to the public till the comforts and luxu ries of a first class hoteL Trusty and obligiug servants always in attendance. A bar well stocked with choice /ignore is attached te,thenatablishmetit. denfiAlly " 'W. G. THOSIPSON, Proprietor.. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, H.444.ics.A3u.alta, PA. D o H. MITCFLISOVI, Proprietor. THIS well known Hotel is now in a eondi lion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit ted throughout, and now has accommodatiOns equal `in extent, conifortand luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State Capital, being in easy - access to all the railroad depots, and la close proximity to all the public offices and business lo calities of the city. It has now all the conveniences of. d.FIRRT and the Proprietor is determined 'to spare neither ex pense, time or labor to ensure the oonifort of the guerits. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully soli cited. • jell-dtf MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET MIT, VIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, STRINGS,..DRUMS, FIFES, and all kinds of MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE, PICTURE FR/MIES, LOOKING GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALBuits, AMSRO TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, &C., &O. Remember the place, SILAS WAR& No. 12 Third treet, the largest Music Store this side IR' the great cities. Jan2B-dtf MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, , ,• AND TIEN • ONLY IiED.AL (ever won by' instruments of this class) has been awarded to MASON . INSTRUMENTS. T A fell assortment ot- these instruments always'on'hand W. KNOCHE'S, Sale Agent, je4-2tawly] ..PE Market street. PEIPHER , S GAIL• I( LINE BETWEEN' PHILADELPHIA; Lock Wen, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, ba g; Uniontown, Watlontowt, -Milton, , . Lewisbarg,, Northumberland,. bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, Willa, llau.Phin, AND 11A4IRISBURG. The Philadolphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will oe at the lowest. ratea The Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods littrusted to the line Goods delivered at the de pot. of .wit„Ltax I:, BURK, 812 .Itarket street, Philadelphia; by 6 o'clock r. x., will be delivered in Har rlsbtut the nektitothiat. !Preflight Always as Low as by Any Other Whs. JOS. MONTGOMERY & CO., :Philadelptua and Reading Depot, oot2l-tf Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. • NEW Lll4Uali, STORE. TNlPOR'rear TO LANDLORDS AND 0 fIiBBS —The undersigned ulfera. at wholesale, to the trade, choice lot of the best liquors over brought to Harrisourg, via: french' Brandies, Holland Gins,. Scotch, Irish, Bourbon, Wheat an Old Rye Whisky; Foriegn sal HeViesik Wines, such as Champagne, Claret, Catawba, ttio. Li liquors warranted, as represented. Landlords and others will dud it to their advantage to eall and cx. main: the assortment at the store; on South Second harem, two doors below Chestnut. my 2745 m GEORGE, WINVER.S PHOTOGRAPHS. ALARGE, ddriorts.utut of Pnotographs of Generale and Enroll 'neutron for solo t.IIIEAP in. $1 per dozen, et bIaIEFFER'B BON{ STuRE, RYA Harrisaurg, Po "lop ut.aiET 13CluKb, EIjU rtitt.s.E.9 POWL'EMONNALES, and a geuerai vanety of LEA THER HOODS.' lust received at liEkiliNtat'S BOOK STORK. MICHENER'S exoeleioi haws, of this sea. MHOS daring. Just ICKVIVUIL 4114 for sale by SHISLER rt FRAZER, f pwww,stra kr Wn, i Igutit no. !Ma 1 1. 4 1 NtiLt611 BitEMik'AST Eta. --Jut3t. ie- L came, et iine attest of Eugiteb StrAeraat Tea, at SEIISLER sr. FRAZER'S, 01ume.10.1•4 rio Wel flock Jr LEA Lt. i'E.EINE'SWO.ItUESTER SAUCES, the most popular and the purest ever. offered to ill publie, just received and for sale by SHISLER & FRAZEA fob' (successors to Wm Dore. it ttr rnO.II.STE.RB' BASKETl3.—bhisier kra ja ger, aueceseorato W. Dock, ,jr, &Co., have on hand 36 oZen hickory 11/1^ k eLq. Price $5 50 ocr dozen. .e 0 FRIIIT JARS, oft:the latest Patent (Grlf fin's Test PatenyjnAt received and for sale low at jylß _ fIOYEIt & IictERPER. SAP SAGO, English• Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut meg and New York Stale Cheers, just received at SIESLER a FRAZER, mys - teoceitors to W Dock, Jr., & Co. DIVKLESI PIOKT NS 1 !—By the. Barrel, I_ Ralf Barrel, Jar or iheaen at & FRAZER'S, Mniaaiaiora to Wm Dock, & 00.1 CM . _ .._... . . , B oston . OBACKERS. Wine Bis- F' llt ot t is, l4 Bottin—Milk . 'Biscuits, Beaton -Butter Bis- Calte,.Beeten Oyster Crackers, Bohlen ricain .praokers, Trenton Batter Crekers, jest !received - at JllB ROYER A irPICRPTCR. 17000 1S° p lrgH, of ce tiedS eoe, In t rcei r a ma for We by 2, HIBI.4,II.drirRAZE. lueoessors to Wm..:Dookoi: h Co.) _ . , Soldiers' Portions*. • • wcwinienti ery • • lirig4 - 10143 i t:1041.6R4 4 :l94 .. .issoisciessilfnirore JO • • Gild Pend , _llrn,N' , ' RmkstriPs. ligterlßbiirf. ` innye MaW new crop %peas, just il WA NOM & IMPEL DIEDICA_L. - ,ELECTRICITY. - 1 - IBBd:WYETIE and CILE,KKEft, Ecl,2ctic. et, ..entEleetropattdo physidians, respectfully offer titalegaElatiletarylerfl Ms In MI the rations branches- of thep esiticogifcrttrlr„. mtment till a:Atte nnd'chronic forms . 7 • . The;rentedliCsoaans „they employ the treatment of disease man of Magni:dim , Galvanism, =Wm-Magnet+ I ism, the Haggai method of Localized mover:aura care, a 1 few Eclectic Maifleihes whed deemed necessary, and in fact "all thematnial (=the agents:that may successfully be brought to bear upon the disease. They do _not wish to , be mulerstood ss arrogatirig to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies.they employ in the treatment of die ease far importer to those generallY eMployed byphysiciane, from the fact that they act in perfect:harmony with the lawn governing and controlling the human syetem. To MIL; antithe DIM that they confine themselves to no par ornate% they. attribute their enemas l The ooTLeg principal agent they employ In the treatment of disease, namely, Iliectricity, an agent wonderful in its phenomena and pOserful !nits Worm for, good or 111. It is an ever present, allpervaling principle, governing all things,: from tolling:worlds down to the invisible particles of gasseoue matter. We see itin the lightning's Hash and I hear the menifeetationa of its power in the muttering thunder. It is the`cause of all decomposition, recompu. intim and transformation. It caches all motion. It is thi, excithir cause of life, growth, decay and death. ' It causes semetion, excretion, digestion. It lays hold of the crude food in the stomach, converts it Into a state of flu idity, transmatee it Into arterial blood, and sends it on its important plaice of Supplying nutriment according to the necessities of.the body. It is the nerve vital fluid, the petscagent through " which the mind nets upon thebodya ft is the caused' all Causes except the lust great muse. the Infinite:Mind. which.created it and brought it into u...e These may appear like mere assertirms, but ttiey as facts admitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is it then, to he wonderol at that en agent so wonderllil in its phe nomena, so powerful Mita manifestations andso intimate. ly connected with: all the OPOraWI 6 of the human al'a tern. shonid be Almon absolute in. its power of controlling dtseasef = Cenairdi lot It is a natural sequence and follows as surely'as day follows night. Among the ditteetea which are round to yield readily to Electricity, in menunction with proper adjunct , treatment, may be mentioned Meridiem:4; Incipient Cousumption, Paralysis, Elpiliptic, Hysteric and timer Convubdons, Neuralgia, in its worst forma, Rhuematiam, nitlanunatury and chronic; all diseases of the nervous system; Llyspep ela cured in a few treatments, all diseases of the urinary ,uol genital organs , Female Diseases, Asthma, Piles and Prolamine AM; Antanrosis and all kindred allectlone of the eye, Attratut, strictures, all skin diseases, &c. Persona calling will hr told whether ;hay can be bone fitted and no case taken where some relief cannot be af forded. Cotisultation free.. OM). ' South Second street, beiges Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa, 01lice hours front Bto 12 A. n., llg to 5 and tI r. w. ALEX. R. WYETH., aplB DR. J. MILTON GREA.W.3.. • KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. A- MEE and powerful TONIC, Corrective .1011. end dltenuive, of wonderful efficacy In diseases of the STOMACH, LITER and BOWT,I.S. Cures • Dyspepsia, .: LiverCrimplaints Headache, General • Nervousness, De pression d Spirits, Constipation Intermittent Fever, Acidity of . the - -Mtomach,-14ausee, Heartburn, Disgustfor Food, Ftdiness or Weight In the Stomach, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellow ness of the Sirld. and Eyes, Fever and Dull pains In the Reek Pala in the - Side, Back, Ghost and Limbs, will cure every - case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases •of the Kidneys and Diebanea arising from a disordered Eltet4ek Good - for Male • ' of • Fernlike, Old ... • or "allng• • . - The most beneficial medicine known; gives better satis faction and cures more amuses than any other prepara tion oared to the Public. -Prepared eollly by S. A. KIN SBL & BRO., 118 'Market etreet,"Harriaburg. For sale by Drugging! and Dealers everywhere. BEWARE 011 1 Counterfeits .101( As KunkePs Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure ;and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure.of Dyspepsia, and Debility, and as there are a number of hiltations offered to the publics, we would caution the community to purchase acme but the genuine article, manufactured by B. A. Bonsai. & Bao., and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others are attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in itajavor. The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent and $1 00 bottles, and sold by all respectable druggists throughout the country. Be particular that every bottle bears the ac simile of the proprietor , ' signature. This Wine includes the' most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we poetess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide com bitted, with the moat energetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow -truvian bark. The erect in many oases of debility, low of appetite and general prostration, of an efficient Salt ei Iron, combined with oar valuable Nerre Tonic, is most happy. It augments the appetite, nine the pular, takes off masculor flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the countenance. GENERAL DEPOT, likurc.l;}:444-11C4:4:'ri For sale by att respectable dealers Itmoughoat the country. 1" 1 N , E LIQUORS. Shissler & Frazer, (Successors to W m. Dock, Jr., & Co.) D RAT.RB IN FINE FAMILY GROCE aelection R= opposite the Court House, have on bandanna or , BRANDIES ) sf different vintages. FINE AND COMMON WINE.% Of Eftry Description WIERSKYS. • . OLE BOURBON, MONONGAHELA, FINE IRISH A.M3 SCOTCH Whiskyi The boat ever brought to this market. OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated CHREITNIIT GROVE WHISKY: . , • CHAMPAGNE WINES. HLOa3 JOHANNESBURG, mega SCOTCH AND IRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN BiOtrt WILD MERRY, - PLANTATIoN, WIGWAM TONIO BITTERN With a complete stook of ANOMIE( AND ABICIMICAN PICKLES And Condiments of every description now in the market, and at ---raz-zowafir RAT • irow - wißli-good Letts pi.' -ieldbaelliV'PeiiNimanrtailgebseplita iitabreon g : = 4.aas. t EBI8 Na. 7- BOMAN() ;r1; ; hap or t e d Westanted the Tha i ret i n this oouVy. Tin Mk at hb2 (asessobn to k.Thi DR. JOHN L. LYONS FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS, FEMALE REGULATOR, Are fife only known remedy that will ancoesettaiy and invariably restore and regulatetheferoalestent, rawly; in all inegularittes, and produohig hegth, vigor and streingt.k. Are a glad preparation, Alle only true one of the kind ever discovered in thla countrn andante directly on the parts affected, whilst Nile andkpowdenr can only reach them as they work through sympathy, but not at all direct and positive. Are you eafrorhur, frame constant anxiety for the regu lar return of icsttire'tf•pkeitcribed laWi f hive yourself 110111teellinellk-for Lyon's Periodical Drop; if taken's day or twii before Iliweirpeoted' period, will posi tively and Invariably its coming, as SUM RS effect follows cause, ea certain. as daylight Tam'. darkness Are you sick, enfeebled by disease, or unable to bear the tabor and denim. of Morass ? Come to yen in a blowing, for is not preVeneon better qlllll cure If regularly taken, it le a certain preventive, and twill nave you much peril and many-hmeAsuinpring. • Have you been 'Stated for uenitic: with:complainte incident to the sex, fi at hays big se of phytel- . tans, and are hurrying you jive ? • V., At LYON'S PERlOiliOliiiwipias Are the moat reliable regulator. ever. Mime, aadmire,like magic; ail them irregularities that have defied the soeter's aklll. • , Will Pou Waste away with suffering from Leucorrhaga, Prolapses, Dyamenorrhtea, and a thousand other 'difficul ties; all summed up under the name of rummaged and obstructed nature, when an investment - of one day in will surely save you. _ Do not use the drops when forbidden in the directio'ne, for although a positive cure, and harnaleil at, all other times, they Are so powerfhl and dimly calculated to adjust .And govern the finunionnof the setuel organism, that, it taken at improper times, they would madam resalta:con wary to nature, eganist which all, partioulssly thaw who "old reproofs" should sarotally (Card, , , Ilwairicause, PL Gannet harm thd mold delicate constitution at any 4tme; ret tee proprletore with to guard agairat tta mime, hoping that a thousand bottle' will be used for a good pro pose where one is mad for as illegitimate owl. the never-failing Female Regulator, ie for sale, by every greggist„ in the city and country, and do not, nryeu vaint your health and slab for a reliable medicine, buy and other. Take no other, but if the Druggist to whom you Apply tom not got It, make him send and get It ihr you. . • se Wholesale, by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY a OOWDEN, D. CAL: El 4-zi GM 0 P O =V tL , I '4 t= P ;. ;i•• c-• *TO THE GREAT LYONS PERIODIOAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL _PROPS LYON'S PEIUODIOAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, C. G 'CLARK & CO.) hionairroas, New Haves, Coen. 28 North NAZI Week dphiq Ps 0 .. ,a lel di k#lO A a-6a -IP-* a :iarMr~Y.~.{MIN D& - - - jOHNS(VV, BALTIMORE, LOCK HOSPITAL, _ VI - AS discovered the moat certain, spe e dy 1-1. end eabotual remedies is the world for DISEASES OF IMPEUDEN'OE REMar IN SiX TO TWELVE ELOI3Ra NO NISRoURY OR NOXIOUS MUGS. A awe Warranted, or No Marge, in from One Weakness or , the Back, Affections of- the-Kidneys and Bladder Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General Be bility, Nervousness, Dspepsia, Languor, - Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity Tremblings,.Thmness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nom or Skin, Affections of the Liver Lungs,- Stomach or Bowels—those terrible disorders arildrig from-the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and•solitary practices more fatal to their victims titan the song of Syrenit tit the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, iftet, Impossible. Especially ; *tar have become. the victtms of Solitary Vela, that draft and.dersructive habit which annually sweep* to an untirirely grave thousands of Young lien of tht most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced,listerting Senates with the than. darn of eloquence or waked to ectaey the living lyre, may call with fell confidence. Married Persona, or Young bleh contemplatmg marriage, being aware of p4O. cal weakness, organic debility, dolor initieepria(L, Weft cured. . • lie wheTiacea himself ander the care of Dr. J. may re llgior ely oonilde in cis honor as a gentleman, and cone dent!) , re!) , goon We as a Physician. • , :OW:SANKT WM A ITNFaSS •. - - , mbiediately hared; and full vigor restored. • This distlessing affemion—wldch readers life miserahle and siarriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the time of improper indulgence. Young persona are too ap: t4:l, Commit enema from not being aware of the dreinifu. oogsequences that may ensue. Now, who that ander Mends the subject will pretend to deny that Um power 01 procreation in lest sooner by those . falling into improper habits' than - 4 the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleamiros of healthy ottlpring, the most serioue and de. atruCtive symptoms to both body and mind arise :The trystem becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened,;hise of procreative power, nervow dyiteAs„ palpitation of the heart, indigestion, oonititutlonal debility, a wasting of the frame, sough, 000• immptlon, decay and death. Chios No:. 7, SOUTH FIZIDIRION. STREIT, Loft band alde going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the cornen ; Fall-not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor% DiplOaaf hung in his °Moe. • DR. JOHNSON, )(ember of the Be e ial,Oollege of Surgeons, London, grad ludo from one et e most eminent colleges in the Unites States, iunithe gr ar part of whew life has , been spent In the hospitals of Landon, Parks Philadelphia and else where, has effected ,some of the DIM astonishing cures that wore ever known., many troubled with ringing in the bead and ears when aaleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sadden , sounds, buddlthaeaa, with frequent blushing,, attended soinetimea with derangement of mind were cured immediately. • TAKE' EARNICULAH NOTICE. These are same 'of-the tad and. melancholy. effects, pro duced by early habits of youth, viz.: Weakness of back and limits, pains In the bead, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, .palpitation of the . heart,. dyspepsia Mir vows irritability, symptoms of :consumption, ' Minrstrzy.The.fearful effects on the mind . are much to be dreaded—lose of memory confusion of ideas, de pression of.spirits, evil forebodlngs ji aversion to society, self distrust ,, love of solitude, that ty, ace., are seine. of the evils produced. YOUNG ILEN . . 'Who have injured themselves by a certain practice in .didged in when alone, a habit frequently learned frOm wit! companions,* at school, the effects of which art nightly felt, even *ken . asleep, and if not cured renders marriage repos sible; and destroys both Mind and body, should% oplyL inmediately, !Mats 0t.?...t that a t gotmg man, the. hope of his conntri. thsaaruitt'oLhis parents; ohould" be snatched from all prtuspec . ; ts ant enjoyments of. life, by the consequence of deviating' from the path' of nature and Indulging in s certain - secret ' habit, Stich persons near, before content. plating MAB,BLIGE, Reflect that a; sound mind and body are the moat neceeeary requisites to promoteconnnbialhappiness. Indeed, with elAtheser the journey through life becomes a weary Pll. grimage.•;theprospeot hourly darkens to the view ; the, .mind be comes shadowed With despair and tilled with the melancholy reflectienk that the lumpiness of another be. mimes blighted with bur own. DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided'end Imprudent votary of pleasure On& he7lies imbibed.the seeds of this psiaal disease, too oftetthappens that an illtimed sense of shame or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to them who frons . eduoation and respectability, can alone befriend him. He falls Into fnto the hands of ignorant and designing pretend era, who, incapable of curing, filch his .pecuniary sub stance, keep him trilling month after month, or as long at the smallest fee van be obtained, and In despair leave hin with rained health to sigh over Masoning disappointment or, by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten , nu constitutional syraptt, m sof this terrible disease, affix dons of . the Head, hroat, Nose, Shin, etc., progressim with frightful rapidity till death puts a' period to dreadfhl sufferings by sending him to that undisooveree country from whence no Wavelet Yetalini INDORSEMENT OF THE PEEN. The 'many thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous important surgical eperationc performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters o , the Sun, Olippec, and many other papers, notices of whin) have appeared again and again before the publics, bes4da- Ms standing as a gentleman of character and response ollity, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. SKIN DISBASES SPEEDILY CUBED. One* Me. 7..iknatii Frederick Street. ep26-dly ;THEM IS NO sport wow AS ifem TARRANis COMPOUND EXTRACT o}' CUBEBS AND, COPAIBA. • Mill preparation la 'particularly recommended to thi tEDIII4LPROYLSBION. and the PUBLIC for the promp, :AndLiertain ante of 'DISEASES OF THE BLADDER., KM, • whom, ETC. Ati, roar* relied on as the best mode for the admirdstra ito . pi„of theta remedies in the large class of diseasesof boil mges, tOltioh they are apphcable. It never interfere. sick ta 4a p digestion, and by Its concentration, the dose 1. with reduced. , . N. B. —Purduwers are advised to ask for TARRANT': •XIMPOUND EXTRACT OF CURERS AND COPAIBA and take nothing else, as imitations and worthless preps ations, ander similar names, are in the market Frio 81 00. Rent by express on receipt of price. Mannfar !aired' only by TARRANT & CO., No. 278 Greenwici Anna, garner of Warren street, New York, and for gas Or appisr. nenersity. • 0ct.22-dIY FOr saleby.a XONELE & BRO., and by Dragghtle Generally.. Gray's Patent Molded Collars Are not simply Bat pIOOM of paper GUS is the form of a collar, but are Molded and 17iapat to fit Ow neck, having a perfect curve free from angles or breaks, whielvis ob. tamed by our patented process, which alacsecures another advantage porseasal, by no other col2ar,--vis : apace forte Cbwvel in the Turn-down style, the rams or wawa re rearm . = WOO= AND max YPOM PVOIOIB, making this collar, for ease, neatnees, and durability, unequalled. They are made in Turn-down style in since from 12 to 17, and in Garrotte from 18 to 17 inches, and packed in neat blue boxes of 100 each; also, in meaner ones of 10 each—the latter a very handy package for travelers, army and navy officers. age-RTRRY COLLAR is stamped . " Gray's Patent Melded Collar." Sold by all retail dealers in Ken's ilumishing Goode. . -Tb:ettiß, ` TAN DICTIBEN, BOBAKKEI,A , CO., ,14404141 in 617 OEFSZINTIT St., t. him N-00/18—EIMEI) eYSTlßSiniat*, EIU ielved SMILER A n n. iddecosiso . '`lll4U3ll-: Mitthenefid or : ffla, Jmtoaro& &edam end valetat 10 w, .. ;, J w U. ~iW to fto--Days. YOUNG - BIEN MARRIAGE D.- W. ORDINAL ADP A DUBIN'S MARBLE YARD. comER trlimursisp rwrikirrama, Harrisburg, Pa. D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALV, AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKgT STREET, EASRISBU.R6 I , PA DRUGGISTS, PHYSIatLES, STORE• KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS. We are daily ridding to our assortment of goode ail snett 4rtleles as are desirable, and would respectfs y call your .ttentlon to the largest and best selected stock In this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, Oils, Varnishes and Glues, Dye-Stulb, Glass and Putty, ArtleVe 13010113 sad Tolle, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm sad Pine Oils, Bottles, Vial and Lamp Glohaa, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, &a, &a, &c., &C., With a general variety of PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the beet unaufacturers and Perfumers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers In PAINTS, WHITE LEAD; LINSEED OIL VARNISHER WINDOW GLASS, 4RT7SX'S A112782'S BRLSHES IN ALZ, THEIR vAargrize, outes,sr AND BRONZES We reepeetadly Milto a call, feeling confident that we can Replay the wants of all 'ork terms to their satlsfas- tion. TEETH TEETH 10IVE8' 410 WHITEW PORCELAIN TEEM PATENT NEDDILNIMI, AND MAID RESTONAT/V7/8, Or all kinds, direct from the Proprietors i SAMMIE= AND CONMMUTED LYE. Wholesale Agents Per Saponifier, which we sell u low an it - can be purchased In the cities* raarsalf MEDICAL FLUID EZTEACTS. COAL OIL I CARBON OIL Being large parehasers in these Oils, we'&en oiler in Mnemonic to close buyitre: Coal'Oil lamps of the molt improved pattern, Irony cheap. All. kinds, of Lamps ,hanged to burn Coal OiL I it. u'lMVtpi 1 Those of yon vrho have not given our HOBIIN AND OAT CLE POWDERS s tried know not their noperiortkr, and the advantage they In in keeping Horses and Cattle Itedthy • and In a good condition. Thonwide Csu testily to the Feat they have derived data the UM of our Cattle Powders, try-the Intireased quail ty end quality of milk, beeiden Improving the Faecal aealth tied appearance of their cattle. Our long experience in the blueness eves oethe adein- sage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our ar nuagemente In the cities are such that we can, - In a very abort time ; tarn & anything opportotolog to our bushiest, on the beet of terms. Thankfni for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to bustnewe, .a careful dolt:Woo of .PURE DEV6B • at fair prime, and the desire. to Vaasa ail, to merit a con Orniance of the favor of a ditaaindnating •plB-dly MOTH ISACI-IVIE POWDER, PMRI7IMINGWIVIIN -AND PREVENTING MOTH TUELS POWDER-4 compound of valuable aL u t attea for the deetnollion of Omeoto—diatributed pr dustak over Amer; CarPetA_Gct= iza, puked away for mum ' elmovimv 'P moth, • . -Being show delighltal, diffusible perfume. it will int Pregkge olOthing &o, with s lasting andphismuit odor. The Aneet fabric cannot be injured by its use. • Pd/Otrartit sold at - KlElf T.V1113 VriltiorGlaiioy Goode atom,- No. illiarket street. 141INkl TABLE 0.118.--40 ,boxes-line table ens attle beat imvic!rtitkins err We, WhOWILIII "511 811181.1 1 2 k Z-57-) D°G , 110r :* V ° Zlic o ßED... l3 4tet:47.lioOLOakAitinehe. ww..-124.4tei tee ' s to W. Zr. tiPswas • ; - Wetmac wna6 4 MS THE undersigned having opened a Marble Yard in this city, tea leave to inform their Meade and the public in general, that they are prepared to raj, Watt MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION liontunent prombi, Read Stones, Mantles, And Rouse Work in Marble and BroFn Stone, Give ass call sadwe will guarantee aatiatietton. WEIDDEN & co. N. B.—Lettering neatly none in English or German. frial.2o-417 AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER. 10 0 STYLES OP• POCKET BOOKS, PURSES • AND P It 7L I 31 0 N'N A TE: FOR LADLES AND GENTLEMEN, AT KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. The beat Morocco TRAVELING SArk_li ELS, And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable for Primate, now on tawid at KELLER'S Drug Store, marlo-tf No. 91 Market great PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Photograph A.lburak.i. BOUND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two hoary gilt clasps. ALBUMS WITH 30 Pictures for $3 Go . 360 60 a . u . 400 together with vrrions other styles or ba,trkg, sizes and which will be sold cheap. Pl ittier t a you cannot buy a prettier, more durable cheaper album anywhere. Cal ;and see at SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, marl2-dtf Banishing, Pt Pure Ground Epos, THE FARMER BOY, and haw he became Commaud evin-Ohief, $1 tb !SE PIONEER BOY, and how he beeemePreeident, R THE FERRY ROY, and the Financier, THE PRINTER BOY, or how Ben. Franklin made his mark, $1 kb THE FARILER BOY, and bow be became Licuten ant General. In press. A YOUTH'S. HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, from Port Sumter to Roanoke., elegantly ilhat t rated. $I ga At BEkGNER'..a BOOK SIOBK INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No 3132 i Walnut Street, South Side, East ot Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF ASSETS $1,666,663 is) INCOPRORLTED 1794, OAPTTAL CHARTER' PERPETUAL.' Marino, Fire and Inland Transported= 1311TatiCa. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President MARL/13 PLATT, Secretary. WILLIAM BUEHLER, Sentra). Agent for Pennsylvania. Office Walnut St., near Second, Mairisburg, ra my2l-em J 11i3T RECEIVED, COLORS 7 PAINT AND OF ALL KIND& my3l QTUMBLENG BLOCKS, by Gail Hani S,JI ikon. Price $1 5 HAUNTED HEARTS, by the author of the Lamp lighter._ $2 00 DARICNBSS AND DATLIORT, by btra Hokum $t Se IV. BARBARA'S HISTORY, a novel, by Ameba Edwords. 6e Mkt& SEVER STORIES, by 1k Marvel, author of "Reveries of a Bachelor." $1 60 SPESE'S JOURNAL of the Discovery of the sources of the Ntle. $3 150 TBE WOMAN IN BLACK., by author of }'Nan in Gray!" $1 su STORIES OF THE SEA, for toys; from Cooper's $1 00 writings. STORIES OF THE WOOS, for boys; from Cooper's writings. ti ee TjNUL VA ti-Vn CHAFALER FURNITURE PULLSki dm; not street the varnish, but reSteM the engine! Wals It dens not do:color. It will restore , with very iltUe labor. every foliated surface, tither Arui or weed. All naanufatturerre anu deaters in turniten should use it tor eleannig [erratum that has been stand big, covered with cum A tench and rsb here and there will make it bright and fresh. For sale by 8. A. MMus:EL & 880, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. 111,11.111TUrrti I'EUTORAL Sklar. irriaki INVALUABLE SYRUP, which is A;en tirely vegetable to its . ouru.punauh. has been ern gioyed with wonderful suntan for Maury yearsin thecure of diseases for the Alit PAW:LASES ono LIi NUS. For any form of the disease, such as laM.dill, T1C1111,.% of tic naMtl _ ,AT aFTFUNGOF BLOOD,DIFFICULT BREATHING, AMER% ME, Lthia OF VOICE and HECTIC FEVEBa, is use wilt be amended with the happiest rescue. It is cia of the beat and safest medicines tbr all forms of BRUN CHITS and CONSUMPTION. Do taudanuat Or prypara Mon tyr' at in any sit/vein Chit syrup. I / IDE $l.OO FEE .BOTTLE Fors tIFAVNEV *I . 3 iettp Houk Stare. 2.0 M L'ELYIVILELLS are esettil to soothe a 1 4 A- bough, allay Twitlutr, in the Throat, w rebew linasseneen, Catarrh, Sore Throe; go, They w awa Gogettait„ Horehound, Ipacacuanha, Senega and 4L- 4 (the most reliable ezpeetonuue known,) are the due eve consenienuy so blended with Gum Arabic itna SuiV. that each lozenge contains a mild and very plait...La due ibumfacturedsolely by 8. A. KUNKEL s 8r.)., m em Apatheeariett 118 Market street, RSTSIWIL UHILADJILL - ILLA 4JOLLEGIATI.I RUTS FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 arcb HUM. Bin.OHARLYS A. SMITH, D. X IILARES C dam, A. IL, Principals,. Ninth Year Three departnients: Primary, Acaderge , and Oollegiate . Full - College course in Claissicb, MAL L& MAIM, Aligher Su A& and Natural Science for dose who graduate. Modern Languages, Mame, Nimbi, Bkicration by the beat masters. For carmine appar the Institute, or Maio BOX 2EII P 0., phibudelpo Pa. al2O-6m*__ •VISWEDDING, INVITATION ITINGI Aso AT ROME eilina—By a ispeeiltl arranSem en ! with one of %behest envavera in the coniatry , cards cc , ) any .will be executed , * tiro biggest style ._; art, conformable with the latest fashion. and supPir prozaptly,. lei:lower prime than are chargWV - Ibe Buono OS in New York or Modal. Vito, For roOrPlop sad P ri ,'" ? ' 2 as Oa liBliahTEWS Brigs. STOltb, A NEW" invoice - of iteehenevebrate d Ja. Rana , Pia roceee tica ti mat lese sactmors to W."-Daot,nrrto WWI la BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. THIS MORNEND, A FREat INVOWE 111.0HENER ds CO.'S CELBBRATED SUGAR CURED 11.A.M.5. AN .13 I3E F, SHLSLER & FRAZER'S THE DiEW BOOKS. THE SMALL HOUSE OF ALLINGTON, TroHope. $l. 25 VIIL IX. NOTES OF HOSPITAL LIFE, Nov.'6l to iLiag. $1 00 X. _ . 8.11 AlI new bookB received as soon as published at BEIttiNEWb DUOII. 'STORE, id Market btreet. Iva4tr D $1 16