gia4 grirgraph iIARRESBURG, PA BRUM EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9. 1864. NOTICE. TO ADVERTISEVI.S.—AU Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, D ea ths, dm., to secure Insertion in the .BELE GRAPH, must invariably be &mom. iduoed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular ravening Edition are Inserted in the iiiorn. ing Edition without extra charge. • 'FOWN• Ai.) couNT it v. Meeting of Union County Cona- mittee, The members of the Dauphin County Union Committee are requested to meet at the Frank lin House, in the city of Harrisburg, on Thursday, September 15th, at 2 o'clock, r. A full attendance is requested. By order of J. J. SHOEMAKER, Chairman. i. M. WLESVLING, Secretary. [IV AFFOLNTNENT. —Mr. J. P. Lyter has been appointed postmaster at Enders, this oounty l vim Lorenzo D. Patterson, resigned. Empiric ions Guns!—Persons having guns which were issued . during the recent emer gency are requested to return them at once. See notice of Rev. J. Walker Jackson, in these columns. =CCM THE cry of "Mad Dog!" Wit. 9 raised in the Second ward, last evening, caused by a crowd of nen and boys pursuing a dog through Sev eral of the alleys. We did not loam n whether he was captured. A noon of Washington's hair was sold at the l'hilluielphia fair for $2O. It, is said that Garibaldi exhausted two mattresses, in send ing locks of his hair to fair applicants, while he was in England re,ently. =CCM= THE Congressional Conferees of the Union party of York, Cumberland and Perry coun ties, ;rill meet at Bridgeport, opposite this city, on Monday next, 12th inst., to place in nomination a candidate for Congress. ATTENTION.—The emergency having passed that required the issue of arms and accoutre ments, on, the order of the Committee of Peb'ic Safety, they will be returned to the keeper of the State Arsenal without delay. JOAN WALKER TACKSON, Sec'y. &Lamm's OPERA Housz.—Great Bill To- Right.—The Lone Sister appears in three beau tiful dances, Pass de Actions, &c. Don't for get this is the last night but one of S. S. Sanford. He opens with his new troupe at Lancaster, on Monday el - ening next ; thence to Oil City, to locate an Opera House. THE. HACKNEY BUSINESS OF HARRISBURG. Some Ida+ of the immense business of our city, may be formed on the fact that there arenow 48 licensed hacks running to and from various points in the city and suburbs, Those in charge of these vehicles are reaping rich harvests. YESTERDAY an error accidentally etene into our columns, in which it was asserted that the discussions of hortic;ultural societies, fruit growers' associations, &c., at fairs, are not beneficial. It Should have read; ( !they are not only beneficial, but add much to the in terest of the fair." A gentleman t iutorms us that such discu,sions have been of great value to him, as he gained information that saved him hundreds of dollars. FRAN& Dimly takes a benefit at Drant'S . Hall this evening, on which occasion he wi 1 ap pear in four great characters Three sterling comedies are on the bills, viz: Two of the B'hoys; The Irish Drag on; and Robert Ma ca,re. Miss Fanny Denham will appear as the Goddess of Liberty, and sing "The Flag of our Union.". This is a rich bill. .Do not fail to secure seats, as the hall is packed. every evening, long before the curtain rises. • It cannot be denied that the best company that ever appeared in Harrisburg, is now at Brant's Hall. That is the only place to see suet' stars as Frank Drew. Everybody goes there, except improper characters, weose pa tronage is not wanted. A RIGHTEOUS SENTIENCE.:—Major Shearer, the notorious rebel leader who was captured in Hagerstown, which place he entered with a small squad of cavalry, some two months ago, has been sentenced to fifteen years im- - prisonment at hard labor in Fort Delaware, for distinguishing himself as a rebel guerrilla. Shearer formerly lived in the neighborhood of Mechanicsburg. He was brought to this city after his capture, previous to being sent to the Fort, and his presence here caused eensidera, ble excitement at the time. Guises. or PROPRIETORS. —The States Union Hotel, located near the depot, has pa sed into the hands of John W. Taylor, Esq., late prd prietor of the Indian Queen Hotel, at Chain bersburg. He is well known as a hotetkeep er, and in his hands the States Union - cannot fail to have an extensive run of custom. Ur. Taylor has suffered Severely at lhe hands , the rebels ; they robbed him 1# a valuable drove of o the and several thousand. dollars, a few months ago, and his hotel was destroyed bylhe recent fire in Cliambersbnrg: He is deserving of public patronage. "Gotta TO TIM WARS 1 . - - Two splendid re giments left here this morning. :They were the 200th, commanded by Col. Divan, and the 202 d, commanded by Col. 'Albright. Both re giments are lull, and composed of able-bodied men, and, under efficient officers, cannot fail to do good service. The streets were lined with citizens as the noble braves marched forth, with drums beating and colors flying, Many were the good wishes expressed for their safety, and early return. As regiment after regiment of patriots pass through our streets, to defend their country, a looker on cannot help feeding that the rebehion will bOspoiedily crushei out, and that then—itad only then-w can peace be restored to outlfsia Copprrv.l.rsi LASIDDLETCT 7. The Knights of ihelio'iden - tlii;le4g 4 e. :for thapatei days made 43116i:wive preparations to have a grand - Outiaburiiiig - Of - the fratlifurartliat plane; on Saturday evening next Pan - atom) AGCMENT.—On Thursday, Josepll Snyder, of Marietta, was instantly killed by the mail train westward on Thursday at noon. He was walking on the railroad near the bridge over the Conestoga. about a mile and a halt east of Lancaster. The deceased has for some time lived in Marietta, and was engaged at working in an ore mine. The car pastkediiV r e'r both his legs, mangling them badly. • CONTEUENCE MEET /7AG. —The Pennsylvania Annual Conference of Free Baptist churches convenes •in our city to-day. This body is composed of ministerial and ltzr delegates from the 'Westmoreland, Somerset and Har risburg Quarterly Conferences; and represents a number of churches in the middle and southwestern counties of the State. The open ing sermon will be delivered in the First church, corner of State and Fourth streets, this evening, by Rev. J. M. Springer, of Bellevernon. , SWOJID PEESENTATION.—This morning the Two Hundredth regiment marched through town. It was halted in Market street, and a magnificent sword, sash and belt, valued at $2OO, were presented to Captain Zechariah Orem, of Company C. .The articles had been purchased by the company, in whose behalf they were presented by J. M. Wiestling, Esq. in a few very appropriate remarks. Mr, W., was followed by Rev. Mr. Hays, Chaplain of the regiment, who received the vahaable gift in behalf of Captain Orena, in a brief but in teresting address, returning thanks for the ursent A valuable sword was also presented to Lieutenant Stout, of the same company. It was purchased by the members as a mark , of their respect for him as an officer and a sol dier • AMILITAL OF A 'YOUNG HAIMISBECIIG Sormisa. —Sergeant Simon Snyder, (the youngest son of Charles A. Snyder, Esq., of this city,) of Co. E, 107th regiment,, arrived in .this city yesterday. Sergeant Snyder was a member of the Yerbeke Rifles, in the three months' service, and was the youngest soldier in Penn sylvania's quota of troops furnished at that time. On his return he entered the 107th regiment, in which he has served ever since, and participated in all the principal battles from Cedar Mountain down to the late oper ations before Petersburg. He was captured at Gettysburg, but immediately afterwards exchanged. His company is now reduced to tour men. His regiment brought only forty. one men out of the battle of the Weldon rail road. He lEt now detailed for draft duty, to conduct recnits to the Army of the Potontac. IMPORTANT TO NON-EXEMPTS.—Those per sons who are subject to the, draft, should bear in Mind the following facts: The draft will begin first in those places which, are making the least efforts to raise volunteers, so as to give the places which are trying t • fill their quotas without a draft as much time as possible to do so. The payment of bounties to recruits, authorized by the act of July last, did not cease on the sth instant, but are still continued as they were before that day, and volunteers will be counted op, the quotas up to the latest possible moment. BUSINESS ITE DIS. Tai Hoi Guittos are requested to return their arms and accoutrements. To meet at the arsenal on Monday evening, Sept. 12, at 4 o'clock. By order. d2t G. PRINCE, Captain. ATTENTION, RELKUTE MEN-.—The Quarter master General has made a requisition for the arms issued during the emergency. There are yet altout thirty guns that have not been returned. It is necessary that they should be left at the DAILY TELEGEAPELOffiiCe, at once, or the names of the parties hording thrm'svilL be handed to the proper department. sept9-2t W. W. GIBSON, Capt. C.trazasuai Music 114.1.. Walnut Street Between , Seccmd a' d. success and all credit is due Mr. Miller, the enterprising manager, winch is acknowledged by over flowing houses and the unanimous voiie of the people. The array of talent cannot be excelled in this city. The management an nounces the engagement of Miss Victoria Howard, vocalist, who will appear on Monday evening next. Fr cus AND ACCGE.--As this is the season when many are suffering with the Chills and raver, we would earnestly advise all such to get dile box of )Dr. Ifparr's Spiritttal Fills, as the .doctor is in honest believer, as he says, in the truths of spirit manifestations, and relates many very astounding cures, per through the aid of spirits. Those afflicted with the Fever and Ague will lose nothing by giv ing the spirit fills a trial : as his terms are no cure, 7to pay. bee his advertisement in another column of this paper. NEW NATIOMI, TicEATEE.—Another great sensation play from the pen of Tom. Taylor, Esq., was performed last evening at the mauve temple of the Drama, before as fashionable an audience as iseeidom seen within the walls of a theatre in our city. The plays were admirably performed, and brought forth applause upon applause. The play of Itetribuuon was ad mirably cast. lie history runs thus: Rodefphe De Mows, under the : assainucl name of Count Friuli, (Mr. Marble,) is wronged by Oscar De, Beaune (Mr. Ferns) in the seduction of hit: wife, during two years absence on the Pacific: coast. Be returns to find his wite 'dying of a broken heart. At her death-bed Friuli swears. to have revenge. He follows this De Beaune through all the gay saloons of Parrs is intfo 7 . duced and passes for his friend.. lie (Friuli) finds De- Beaune's . 'wife young, beautiful and innocent. lie endeavors to ruin her, and at last relents. Madame De ?Beaune (Miss Day) talis in love with Frill ii. Victor lie Auntie, (Mr. Freeman,) Bodolplie's brother, loved Madame De Beaune beitore she was married, and knowing his broth er's intentions, calls to see her to place her on her gtuteit tie is found upon his knees to De Iseaufre's wife by , the husband, a challenge ensues, and Victor is wounded; I.)e Beaufro comes to the house of his friend Priuli for pr oteetion, when he (De Beaufre) discovers m Priuli the husband of his victim; the satisfaction is offered; the duelist (De Beaufre) dies, and the curtain de scends upon a magnificent tableau. The piece is fill of startli g effects and stirring nun dents. We would advise the Rtiblio, if they wish to Bee'a really good play and ft good iontimulYs - . 115 4 . to fail a call at t he - New National. We otol assure them of being fully - satisfied WOO; sus a upleudit -41 ° 1114 : 110 0 " good Mtg. . _ Third Wart. liscridtitiji..Co!Matte:, at the Third ward .at the chairman on Monday evening, September 12th; at 7i o'cloatt. - to - inakeirhal - settlement of the busin.esa eittrinted them. The collect ing committeef are - reqifested •to make their final reports and hand over their subscription books at or before that time. Citizens who have not yet paid their subscriptions are .no titled to pay the amount due from them with out farther delay. • J.:M.. , WIESTLING; Chairman of Recruiting Committee. Ksow ALL Itim. BY Tunas Pitsaarers—That I, Dr. J. J. Mcßride, have this seventh day of September, 1884; •appointed S: A: Kunkel & Bro., of Harrisburg, Pa., (Druggists) my sole agents, for the sale-of my Great Remedy, the KING OF PAIN, for the State of Penn sylvania. I guarantee to the public that the medicine offered by said S. A. Kunkel & Bro. is my preparation—the true and original KING OF. PAIN, and would recommend my . patrons and those having used my medicines to pur chase from none other but them or their duly authorized agents. jOHN J. M!BRIDE. sepB-1w Dn. J. J. M'Brozon's Kiria OF PArs.—Having been appointed,the sole agents-for. the State of Pennsylvania for the sale of Dr. .1. J. DX- Bride's great remedy, the KING OF PAIN, Would respectfully inform the public that we -will continue the sale of it at the corner of Fifth and Market streets, also at our Drug Store, No. 118 Market street, Harrisburg, All orders from a distance promptly attended to. For information apply at the Drug Store of febB-]w S. A. KUNKEL & BRO. PAIITPEBISIL VS. OBTAINING GOODS 'I:INDUS FAL= Parrnimu.—An acquaintance of a brief period related to me the following incident: Business -tin last Sunday a week compelled him to•take a horse back ride -to. the classic borough of Afiddleto*n. On his return he came home by the way of the Poor Rouse. Being addicted to the use of tobacco and segars, and out of the former, he stopped at the Poor Rouse and asked one of the inmates for jt light. He, the inmate, said if my acquitint-. once would give him a segar, he wouldlight it. It was done. Re went, and in a few mo ments returned puffing the segar with all the airs of a first class dandy. We now., ask legal advice. Was the sager obtained : under false pretence? And in conclusion, as the'rich and poor must be clothed, it is of importance to know where dry goods are sold cheap. We say at C. L. Bowman's, No. I, corner of Front and Market streets. SPECIAL NOTICES. STOCKINGS ! STOCKINGS ! STOCKINGS ! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM THE FACTORY, 50 doz of heavy white *bed Cotton Stockings, 50 cts 50 doz of white ribbed t; tton Stockings, 75 cts • 25 doz blue,' mixed and grey Woolen Stockings, 75c 50 doz of Woolen Stockings, all colors and prices White Cottos, Stookinge, good and heavy, all prices We have the li,.rge t assortment of lio.derYin RarTiri- burg, for Ladies , a d Monis wear 10 pieces of Black Cloth for Cloaks, all prices 2,0 pieces of Bic k Silx, all prices. 1 piece of Ext a heavy Bl .ok silk, beet quality 10 pieces of New Style Plaid Dress G ode' 5 pieces of Black Bombazine best quailty 3 pieces of Black French Merino 2 pieces of B ack Canton Cloth, finest quality Back Alpacess, all qual ties and prices Plsin.Paramattas in:brown, blue and purple, • ?adman as in back, stone color and.ween All Wool De Leine; in brown, b•uennd green' afarseill, s Quilts, Napkins an. fine Linen Y,llow, red and fine white Flannel ... 00 pieces of Bleached duelle r at 60 cis ; worth t 5 eta. We have row in Store a Complete Assortment of ALL KINDS OF DRY GOJDS, Wh.ek we will close out at less than wholesam pr.ces. (eep9j ' S. LEWY. A CARD TO THE SIMPERING., . . Swallow two or. three Wanda" eada ' , Bac:ha "Tonic pitter,ot he., and after you. are satisfied with the result, then try one box or OLD - DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH eILLS--and be restored to health end vigor In tees than thirty days. They are purely vagetatilo, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effecta on tne broken oown and shatteradconstitution. Obi and young can take them with advantage. Ilhporled and sold in the United States only by JAS.. 8. BUTLER, No: 427 Broadway , New lork. i-Agent tor the United State& P. f3.—A Box or the Pills, securely packed, wilt be mailed to any address on receipt of prioe, whit& Is ONE DOLLAR, post-paid—money refunded by . the . .agene if entire satisfaction is not given. • iyl6-d&wain DO 'YOU WISH. TO BE CURED: DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIPIC`PILIS mire, hi less than 30 days, the worst ems of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Ptomain'', Decay; Seminal Weaknekt Insan ity, aucl all Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Alfootfons, no matter - from wharcause prodder& Price, One Dollar per 'box . Sent, post-plid, by mall, on receipt of an order. Sae Box wdi lierrect the core In most caeos. 'Address JA BAS .BUTLER, jylls,dtw3to . General Agent, 429 Broadway, N. Y. 'lzzaaßAra Dearar.7— With your permission I wish to say to; the reauers of your paper thatwill send, by retura mail, to all who wish it (free,) a Fte6ipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetabie Balm, that will ef fectually remora in ten days Pimples; Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of Ski; leaving the Sable soft, Clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable 'them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or p Moustache; in less than thirty days. All applications answered by return malt without charge: Respectfully yours, THOS. .F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, , 881 Broadway, New .York- • jyls-d&w3m PURE VEGETABLE TOPITC, THE most healthy persons feel more or less weak this extreme warm weather, and lose their ap petite. They need a 'good strong Tonic—one that will strengthen the nervous system and stomach. This they can get at SO coots per botchy at - gre. L. Bali's, bro. 27, South Pine street, Harrisburg. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. . age. “A Slight .Cold.” Coughs. Few are aware of the importance of ctienking a Cough or “SLITIiT COLD" in its that stage; that which* the be ginning would -yield to a mild remedy 12 , if neglected, soon attacks the lungs . "Brown's Bronchial Trod' es” give sure and almost - immediate relief Military Officers and Soldiers should have them, as they can be carried iei tie pocket and taken as occasion requires. auglo.6lwl.m HAIR DIM! HAIR DY.WA Batchelor's Celebrated' Hair Dye, IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. • •The only Harmless, True and Reliable Dye Knout. This splendid Hair Dye is perfeot—cbsinges Red, Busty or Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Back or 'Natural Brown without injuring tho Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hairmon and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its priStine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Ds lll, Thlaina44ited , WlLlAß *am of are . iiCshcald be avoided. Sold: ell:.101001e; dta lraotptyl4l BAR- GlarMli: Y. 1. • . 4."1 i• C .. WORLOWS liii****rtifiWali lea HAIL • LtiU--::;r'1,71..,102141Y . , - - • • —. , . = ...!TENAVAtSktio*ink-kes6l4 • engine - and tioiler, - StelMiifriea;- - wateritnekfartapannd hotter complete ;.oscillating engine and cylinder boiler, manufac tured by. Joel Weinman,. patent improved oscillating en gine builder. May be seed at Canal shops, foot of Walnut street, "Eitirrieburg. For tames, lac.; enquire at Canal office, Market street, near United States Hotel. Haaarasmin,'July 23, 1864 1y2114f FOR SALE. WE the undersigned offer for sale, a lot with two houses erected thereon, in the borough of I.)auphin, on the 3d of September, at 3 r. Terms to suit purchasers. Sate to take place at tho house of C. Rhodos. A St. B. GEIGER. augls-dsod:3w* HORSE FOR SALE. ASTYLISH BAY HORSE seven years old, suitable for saddle br ban :teas, w 11 be sold ckkap for wolf. of" use. Apply to r.ep7-d3tl. J , R EBY. • 10t UTTER, BUTTER —Fresh butter .LA from . ityder county received every win_ Also eggs - at' (my 4) - NOTE& &ICULAPEIt. - - , TOSZroceirod, this morning, lificherier &, ticayllo, #I29LIIPXI*IMS, Beef end Twos - - "WWWifMl,4= NEW-ADVERTISEMENTS. -"NlElligr-OrIPIMNIrNtSt , . Fall .and Winter Trade i. , CLOAKS, CIRCULARS ' 1 CLOAKS ! B ROCHE 4, tia ____ AND MOURNING __ a _---- SHAWLS I. BALMORALS AND SCARFS! TT 'Et S: FUI S The Largest and Best at r a t t e ad stock in this city New Cloak Store, IN D. W. GROSS' ,NEW BLOCK, - HAMBIBBITRG, PA.. sep2•tf Propaitgals for Flour. OFFICE CHIEF COMMISSARY SUBSISTENCE,. DEPARTMENT SUSQUEISANNA, HARRISBURffR., SCptelllbt MI, 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS, duplicate, will be received by the undervigme 4 !,ml/ MONDAY, Sep iembex 12, 1864, for furoishin.f. the U. S. Subrlstenee De partment, delivered in IMF city, with 1000 BARRELS FRESH GROUND EXTRA. FLOUR. Brands must bo stated ; both heads to be well lined. Fiat-hooped and machine-made harre s will be rejected. To be delivered at the rate of 109 b 'lire's per day, com mencing within five days of acceptance of bid. Samples must accompany every proposal. Each bid mustcontain in It the guarantee of two responsible persors for the hillillraent of the agreement, who will give bonds If required. In ease of failure th deliver the Flour, the United States reserves the right to purchase elsewhere to make up the deficiency, charging the advance price to the party falling to deliver. Proposals must not be enclosed with samples. but de livered separate. Ad flour to be carefully inspected and. compared. with retalued samples. All bids must comply strictly with the ,terms. of this advertisement. No proposals will be considered wh •n either of the parties interested is amember of Congress, agent, or employee of the Government, or is not knuwn to be loyal to it. 'Blank forms: for, proPosals, containing. the form of guarantee, may lie had on applicat en at this office. Payment will be made in ouch funds as may be forward ed by the United btates for the purpose. Proposals must be accompanied by a printed copy of this advertisement, indorsed, "Proposals for Floor," and directed to BROWNELL GRANGER, Captain and Chief Commissary Subsistence, sep6•dtsepl2j • Department Susquehanna. UARTERIAASTER GENERAL'S OF FIGS.. ' ' " ' FIRST Unman:, .1 WAsintiarow Cry, September 2, 1864. I Will bo sold at Public auction. to the highest bidder, at the time and places named below, viz : York, Pa., Thursday, Sept. 16 1864. ;411toono, Pa., Tliniorday, Sept. 22, 1864. • • Lebanon, Pa., Thursday, ,dept. 29, 1864. TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES AT EACH PLACE. Tbeoe Homes have been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service of the army. For road and farm purposes, many good bargains may be had. Horses sold singly. • . TareteCash, in United States - currency. JAIIES A. ERIN, • Colonel First Division, 8°0480281 Quartermaster General's Moe. Puovotrr. Messner2s Osman, • 14ra MITE= ox PENNSTLVJUnd, HANSISHOSG, September 3, 1864. The following notice is published for the information of all interested : T()ITOLUN TErItS. • • , voitit4ers walla luzlipted. and counted en the quotas of the Present,call, up to the' listifiractiCal moment before the drafted raelkare accept:cid and acid to" .the nmilezvous. Townships aed;sub-districtsyntich have not filled their qaotasike t urged to do so nt ,onect. . All time that can possibly bo.given, will be allowed, but the draft will commence as soon after the sth of Sep tember as practicable. Cresilits will be given, and Government bounty paid to volunteers, ntil further orders, By order of Capt. RICHARD 1. DODGE, A. A. E. IL General WILLLAX SCHEEFLE6, • Captain - and A. A A. General. JOHN KAY CLEM - ENT, , Cainain and Provost Hershel 14th District or Penna. Harrisburg, August 31, 1864. sops -5 . Weekly .to Liverpool. .„ . rretrlMEatsitt at QUEENSIOWN, (Cork Har- A_ bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to mil as follows: Edinburgh, Saturday, September 10 ; City of Wash ington, baturday, September 17 ; C ty or Manchester. bat urday, September 24, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYARLI IN UOLD, OR 111 RIZIOIVALINT IS DURREED3I% FIRST CABIN • $BO 00 STEERAGE ...... .. $3O 00 do to London • 85 00 do to L0nd0n...... 84 00 do to Paris . 95 00 do to Faris 40 00 do to Hamburg... 90 00 do to Hamburg • 37 CO Paasengers also fOrward to Havre, Bremen, Rotter .dim, Antwerp, ke.., at equally low rates. Fares from Ur:spool or. Queenstown: let . Cabin, $75, $B5, $1.05. Steerage, $35. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Company's Offices JOAN G. DALE, Agent,ls Broadway, N. Y. or C. 0 KIHMERMAN. Harrisburg. (123-dly $4O REWARD. • STOLEN, on the Bth inst., from the livery stable of the subscriber, in Harrisburg, a ROAN MARE, 9 years old lb% hands high, small star on face, black mane and tail; white mark on right hind pasture; shows the white of. her eyes when working or moving her head; always paces. when under the saddle: Also, a BEGOT; painted black, striped white, letter S, on both side peels, leather cushion and top. Also, a set. of HARNESS. $4O reward will be paid for the rehire of the Hare, Soggy and Harness, or for such information as will lead to their-recovery', and the arrest of the thief. aug9 dtf F. K. SWARTZ. MED FRUITS OF EVERY DUMP . SAUCES of all dieceletritedmanufaotureris. BARDININ, OLIVE 0113, o every description. Also, BROWN STOAT, FINE TEAS, COFFEE, SCGAD and SYRUP of all grades and price; and the best selected stock outside of Philadelphia. • All goods guaranteed as represented. Particular attention paid to all orders from a distance. Goods carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. • SHISLER & FRAZER, rave successors to W. Deck, Jr., & n. • LIQUID RENNET. LIQUID lI,EMIET yields with milk the most luscious of all deserts for the table; the light est and most, for invalids and children. Milk contains every element•of the bodily constitution; when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy of digestion, and supporta the system with the Issist possible excitement. When still greater nutritive povrdf is desired, cream and sugar may be added. A teaspoonful converts a quart of milk into a firm curd. Prepared eau sold. wholesale and retail by S. A. StfNIERL, Jels-tf 118 Market street. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS BY - Philadelphia aid Reading Railroad. is accordance with the k_provisions of the New Internal Reveille Law, all goods clelivereclot the ire railroad tor shipment must hwe a Two Cent Stamp affixed to the receipt demanded therefor, said stem tote at the =peen of the Weyer For sh reemptsilakso by the above comptalY, add stamps willbeiturnishcl4 and paid for by usotampaink A LL kinds of hauling With wagons or Oasts la- will be pr".i:tillt4ollo bI'IVOrBaNNEB, XII SO* OtiPcal. Owl a" 014 " 4111 NEW A_D-VERTISFAENTS..- _LOAN- OF ' ,- -kSB Xp prvoro,AAT.,,§, p9m,,,k9AN T7MASIIRY Drzturam, August 30, 1864. SEALED 01 1 '1!'i 11Syrill be reeeiyed at this Department, under the act . cif lu rc h 3 , 1863, until noon of FIiIDAY, the;'.oth of Sep tember, 1864, for bonds of thellJnited States, to the amount of about thirty Tone and a half million - dollars, being- the ainonnt of unac cepted offers undisposed of under the notice of Proposals for Loan, dated 6th Jll2lO last. The bonds will bear an annual interest of six per centum, payabldcoin on the first days of July and January °teach year, and redeemable after the , 30th: of June, 1881. Bach offer must be for fifty or one:hundred dollars, or some multiple of onehundied dol lars, and must state the sum, - including pre mium, offered for each hudred , dollars in in bonds, or for fifty, when the offer is for no more than fifty. Two per cent. of the princi pal, excluding premium, of the whole amount offered must be deposited, as guaranty for payment of subscription if accepted, with the Treasurer of the United States at Washington, or with the Assistant Treasurer at Nett York, Boston, Philadelphia, or St. Louis, or with the designated Depositary at Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, or Buffalo; or with any National Banlzhig Associ ation authorized to receive deposits which may consent to transact the business without charge. Duplicate certificates of deposit Will be issued to depositors brthe officer or asso ciation receiving them ; tivioriginzas of which must be forwarded with the offers to the.,De pertinent. All deposits .shatild be made in time for advice of offers with certificates to reach Washington not later than the miq ring of September 9th, No offer not accompanied by its pi:Ter certificate of deposit will be con sidered. The " Coupon and Registered bonds issued will be ,of the denominations of $5O, *lOO, $5OO, and $l,OOO. Registered Bonds of $5,000 and $lO,OOO will also be issued if required. All offers received will be opened on Friday, the 9th ,September. The awards will be made by the Secretary to, the highest offerers, and notice of acceptance or declination will beim mediately giyen to the - respective offerers; and, in case of- acceptance, bonds of the de scriptions and denominations preferred will be sent to the subscribers at the cost of the department, on final payment of instalments. The original deposit of two per cent. will be reckoned in the last instalment paid by suc cessful offerors and will be immediately re turned to those whose offers may not be ac cepted.' The amount of accepted offers must be de posited with the Treasurer or other officer or association authorized to act under this notice on advice of acceptance of offer, or as follows: One-third on or before the 14th ; one-third on or before the 19th ; and the balance, includ ing the premium and original two per cant. deposit, on or before the 24th of September. Interest on bonds will begin with the date of deposit. Parties prefeiring may pay the ac crued interest from date of bond, July 1, to date of deposit in coin. Offers under this notice shoidd be indorsed " Offer for Loan," and addressed to the Secre tary of the Treasury. The right to decline all offers not considered advantageous is reserved to the government W. F. FESSENDEN, . Secretary of the Treasury. The Bends for this 'Loan am ready for im mediate delivery. [sep2-tsep9 SALES OF REAL ESTATE. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Real Estate Oa Satuiday," &mptantho 17; 1864 WILLbe offered at public sale, on _the preniises, the following valuable Tavern Stand ZOQICS UNION' HOUSE, (Now kept by A. B. Stone,) situated in Shepherdstown, Cumberland county, ra,,, Along' the Slate road leading from Gettysburg to Harrisburg, about eight miles south west from Harraburg,.and, two and a half miles south of Mechanicsburg. . The Landl.eionging to the above_ property dontains acne., on winch is erected the HOTEL, a splendid brick building, just now, sixty feet Bent. forty,etght feet deop, and three stories high—the third story baring a very cons , modious hall, capable of seating 300 . persons. There are enough rooms in the bnactin— to contain dna) , beds. On tho top of the hotel is an * Observatory, commanding a beautiful and extemico view of the surrounding cow try. There is also a largo kitchen attached to the building' an i a LARGE STORE-RuGht Under the same roof A largo stable, suitable to the hou.e : a well of never-millng near the door, a large cistern in the yard, smoke house, hog-pen, and, every improvement that is necermry to make it One of the be Tay, rn. Stnridt in the County y ! /pr. Pets na wishing to examine said property before the sale, can call on the subscriber, or A. B. Stone. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock' P. tc. Te , ma made known by A. W. Z .OK. A 0. BROUOILME, Auctioneer. [reps-dlwr* PUBLIC SALE. LL be sold at public sale, on THURS DAY, SEPTaMBER 15,,1864. at 2 o'clock r m.,14 Sr -nt's Hall, in the ci y of Harrisburg, the beautiful and nesir able country sent of Christian f. Haehnlan, in Susque hanna township, within a half mile of the limits of the city of Err. rtsbarg, amtaining about Thirty. five Axes, (Inaludiaeabout 6% acres of Woodland,) acti °Ming lands of the late Wm. Colder,*, andJosepti Rudy and others. Tha iinprovernditi consist of a neat and comfortable DWELLING, with several separate summer kitchens and Spring Douse, A. LARGE NEW BARN, And other outburdings—the entire place in excellent con dition with new fences The place is particularly well stocked with the choicest varieties of pears, peaches, ap ples cherries, grapes, &e., A. C. A small stream of water running through the middle of the place Conditions in sale made easy and accommodating. Possession given April 1, IBM sep/-dts] Wanted Immediately I A 000 D COOK, at the Restaurant under A Horr's Hotel. (sepB-tf WANTED, ABOY TO ATTEND A BAR. Apply a the BANJO SALOON, a. pBdet • Corner of Pine and Second streets. MUSTARDS, Chambermaid Wanted. A GOOD CHAMBERMAID—must be well L 1 recommended. Inquire at NW. PHILIP DOUGHERTY'S. Second street. sep7-Bt] Wanted to Rent, AHOUSE, with four or five rooms, for a small family. Rent paid in advance up to Ist of April neat, if required. Address GEORGE W., FRY, sepB-d4VI Soldiers' Rest. Hands Wanted. CARPENTERS, Cabinet Makers, Machin lots and Moulders wanted, at the EAGLE WORKS. aug2o dime] W.O..RD KoK, C. GOBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE IN TWO STILMT, AucrrE KULKET BMW. zir Bounties, Pensions and Back Pay collected at legal rates.. [sop343m* H. C. 0 T kacker eif the Pizzo, Molocloon, Vtvlirs and An 90.9, No- 15 1 TAAD.lipeay, mow Kamer- - For Niue Or ligio*assii° 2 410 40 w A LAND C43.I TALInditinN f 414°11111467842 2 airacra tr in - W.F. P • 'AIEVOSQI / 1 4t•VAiww•L'r mtyl =2 11733311 ,VPIIISEDIESTS. i;iumamLLAlmE's I.4ifiv4 l lourr' OF Soso% star Combination Company, lionie's Star Combination Company, Roaso's Star Combination Company, N E V- Mr. Drew FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 9th, DOA, The performance Hill conueence with the Burietta, TWO OF THE B'HOYO 1 To be followed by the COmedy of THE IRISH DRAGOONA The evening's eatertattiment will (=elude with ROBERT M.A.CA.IRE.: -For further partienlsze see programme &egg-4 tf New National Theatre ! New National Theatre ! CDR. OF NORTH SECOND ♦ND WIDTH MS. Sole Lessee and Massager, - E. BULAIIMigL, Stage Massager, - - MARRY GILLEIrMT. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 9, 1864, ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD! STEPHEN PLITIN, TOAT TWINKLE, COMIC SONG, OBLIGE BENSON noreEß scwa-Dow, Nr, - HARRY CAT.BEAT SS" For farther particulars, tee programme. PRICES OF •ADMIS-lON.—Parcinette, 60 cents; Gal lery, 25 cents; Orcheetra Chaira, $1 00; Private Bakes, $5 and $lO. Doors open at 7%. Curtain rises at 8 o'clock: Box Office open from 10 till 12 A. at., and from 2OD 4 P. a., when seats.can be reserved , without extra charge, and kept until end of first act. sir The Manager takes great pleasure in announcing that he has effected en enLagement with the Beautiful Actress, Bella Golden. Who will shortly appear. . au29-Iw* SANFORD'S HALL THURSDAY EVENING, SEPT. Bth, :64, THE DUEL IN THE SNOW 1 . • This eves. See bills of the de f y. consists of the beet star pea - 18 formete, company conetstiog of SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, AC. The managers takes pleasure in annonneing that; they intend making thin THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS' e CO., Proprietor Suer Pommy, Business Agent. auWd. CANTERBURY HALL. • WALNUT STREET, BELOW TEIBD. Proprietor...... Business Agent' • Stage Manager..... .. Leader of Oreheater.. Treasurer IHEI OPEN every . night with a first-case com pany of male and female Whites. The perform ance embacea every wring ,. of legitimate amusement, each as ;SINGING, DANCDIG, * PANTOMFMIZ`i, BiItREESQUffi, AND JEST& A.dmission, 25 ceuta. Beats in private Ivrea w cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at Sotiock. jylSdtr RIVERS d►: niguicous) COIBI•NA:TION CIRCUS; ONE DAY ONLY Aftanoon and-Evening! WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1411% 1864. firlg til l - RNITME AND ORIGINAL RE AFt A. 13 Tx::Yu-Pm Connected with RIVERS AND DERIOUS' CIRCUS, Wilt perform together in the battle . 7a7iiron, Afternoon and Keening. These WONDERFUL CRIL.Plirc for ; ME DEeRET (1.3 in number) are untrersal,y uomeatsi to be • THE MOST A2ICONLSHING LEADERS! MARVELOUS WONDERS 1 UNAPPROACHABLE - PYRAMIDLSTS ! And are, undeniably, the 4liroUtia%4Miteqilaitintilf34lolll34 Among the Attractive Features In RIVERS Er, DERIOUS' CIRCUS, are THE DELAVANTE BROTHERS. FERDINAND TOIJRNAIRE, BLONDEL THE YOUNGER. Eddie Rivers, the Infantile Artist, Clow", JOHN FOSTR,R, PHILO NATHANS, RICHARD RIVERS, E. DERIOUS, E. WINNIE, L. KLINE. MADAME OLEVILLE, JULIE LA. COSTE, 3I T LLIE• CARNOT, LA. =UNE MARE Leader of the Superb Band, Mr. FERRI, Late Leader of Raster's Philadelphia zauavea. Sir The ARAB THOM will appear in the Proceeric• into town, in their Native Genuine, =hut in the cent Dragon Chariot. Admission, 50 ets ; Children, t 5 eta. rapt-dlw frHAT extensive and finely located HOTEL STAND, at the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and boas street, Harrisburg. It is entirely new, and in the midst of the most thriving portion of the city, and fronts on both of the above n . imed streets. It contains sixty spare rooms and all of the most improved meows hotel appliancas—cooking-ranges, hot and cold water for baths., gas, &c. 'the basement is large, commodious, and one of the best in the city for a .Iteatagromt. For information, ddrtss or apply t o 7- r.'s OLIVER EDWARDS., Agent. Sept.lBol.-4ieriani2 for Gm G. SCXESL. 'VERY FINE, IiIiDIETELE rPO our fine and extensive stock of Photo -11 AJtaune and Photograph Card Pictures, we have added a BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPE for the reception of card pictures. They mast be seenand will be admired sa-Photograpbers supplied at the very linveat whole wde price, and their wire printed upon &calor $r thousand, wholesale and retail. at may% • IiONEFFER'S BOOKSTORis. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. subscriber Ceara for We a valuable maE .raveru Stand, innate on the Lancaster turnpike, in elaborate* 51_ Middletown, mandating of a large tau-story Brick note, entoneivo: itatirrog *al all other necessary out-building& . Also, two atioining lota, having emoted on each a tan: stem &ma dirtelluir. Vorturtbw.parikaalani web , to tkoWO M I ZI the Ibveramtsta. - - MEM jettenientanie ILL'Maid Zeta Beer 614 M o tt "c n i a i ont WNW) ilktialWati Oa) Eli J lURRV =REM. JOHN COLLINS. J. H. DONNELL MILUCH . NED WRAY HARRY MF,STATER ....S. G. HIDLER 3fUSICAL FARO! t 002410 OPKE.AB, NEGRO COMIatiMMEe'. ode