Tom:TELEGS . .itORNING ANI) "EV.M2f6; ' - HY GEORGE BtRGNER. OFFICB THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. IERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION sgrGLE SMr.CRIPTION' laaflen.r TELSGRAPa is served to subscribers in tin) City at 12 cents per week. Yearly stabs gibers will be cdarged $8 001 n advance. Those personswbO negleetto Pay in advance will be charged $7 00. WIEERLY TYLECt. Puy IlliX3ll,l2lllsillelOpublisiiedWOekly - r uu4 to rartilltied subzertbers at the felleigring cash rates single copies weekly.... Three copies to one POSE Office Teo to One Post Office NEW AD V EETNEMENTS. PUBLIC SALE OF UNCL All GOODS, REItAININO IN THE WAREHOUSE of tilt+ 110 WARD &. HOPE EXPRESS COMPANY. THE articles described in the following schedule, having, been consigned to the Howard ai Sops Express Company, and the consignees, a ter due and I-gal notice, n t having taken thenPaway, nor paid the costs and expens a of coinage, will be exposed to public sale or outcry at the Market House, on SATURDAY, ss.PTRItIetER 24 1884. no sale to commebce at 3 o'clock iu the forenoon of said day : . . 1 box, Capt Jos Hutchinson 1 bdle, no name I box, B Mo Mock 1 pkge, JohnShuP6ouse 1 box, meter Renshaw 1 ox, EltrabettilVitharting 1 box, il Coughlin 1 box, Mr S H T Brady'. 1 c bag, Geo L Kt id - r 1 bottle, Chas Bucher 1 pkge, Cate ll'Oarty 1 box, Taos J. Tomer i sale, cost and boot ati 1 box, Chas Bebekehetser no name I box, G W Mapes 1. lot pipe, A L Battles 1 pkge, M. L McDonald I box, no name 1 pkge, Geo T Barkhart 1 box, H G Wolf 1 box, Chas Taylor 1 box. Capt W Harland 1 trunk, .1 W 1 box, tit 0 B Daily 1 trunk, R U Belly 1 peg, R F Lefsenriog 1 box, SD Fite 1 box, J P K hler 1 box, Wm Drebel 1 box, L P dials 1 box, .peter J . Warts 1 box, I' N Mutton 1 pkge, I Vogle 1 e bag, W H H Poiter 1 pkge, J Yoming 1 bale, Henry' binder 1 pkge, Lieut W S Boyer . 1 cast It Pittock 1 t0..g0, Win Ilorri 1 pegs, Geo H Russell 1 pt.. ge, W S King 1 pkge, Geo Vogbt 1 peg George Betchtre 1 box, B Ro-encrants 1 pko, John A. Damn& 1 box. Copt L H Rummell 1 sox, Patrick. Flanigan 1 box, it A Stevenson 1 bottle, Jane Schuler 1 pkge, Win It Moser 1 pkgo, no name 1 pegs, a o d, J F. Ebersole 1 wheel, Capt Dodge 1 box, A F Psnnepacker 1 box, no name 1 box, Leah Lees 1 p box, Isaac Herringar 8 boxes, G k' Elirdwier 1 box, no name r box Capt J Keim 1 pkge, B Anthony 1 box, Ji slab R known 1 pkge, J A Nixon 1 box, Kola E Crisman 1 box, Wm L Ea le I box, Jos Burggs 1 born, John Newcome 1 b ix, J E Spaluind 1 box P.b, t apt J J Johnson 1 box, Cart J toiwtier 1 psge, David Pepper 1 box, A L Bryant 1 do Win Carlisle 160 x, John W Hookins 1 no Ritter bleldiner I box, Mary Radabaugh 1 'do Mrs S C Jones 1 peg oil ekith no name 1 do Louisa Sexier 1 pkge, W 0 Jack 1 do Aeon Schloss 1 kbap ant h ail, H Keely 1 do lam 8 Freeborn 1 pkge, Wm P Patterson / do Aoam Wolfinger 1 pk,e, Jostau De Boor 1 do no name 1a pug, no name . 1 do Cad Mayer 1 p g , Lient fi 13 Bally I do Theo Youperherst 1 c bog, Ea D Conrad 1 do John 11 Be:until 10 bag, Capt P - 3 {Vida I do Henry Silent • - 1 at, no name 1 do John IhTeastio 1 bile, deo blight _ The above articles will be exposed to public sale, as aforesaid, according to the provi.ions of the ii st `section of the act of As:embly of the Lommmonweadh of Penn sylvania, appr vtd the 16th day of March, A. D. 1858 ; With a 1 the me dremeuts of which the Howard and Hope Expr. as Company have in all respects complied. The act of Asiiernbly is d.SIOIIOW3 ''Commission merchants and factors, and all - coruinon carries, or other peit, no having a hen upon goiids Wares and merchandise, ler or on account of the costs and ex penses of cartia4e or storage, or any oilier charge ; arising tram the transport.ition, keeping, or stor,.ge of such pro perty, in case tee owners or COtie..Bl3o‘.'S shalt not pay or dis charge toe amount due for such cost, expense, carriage, storage, or cdoerchanes hereinbefore named, may, after the expiration of ninety days from the notice hereinafter pro ided, proceed co .ell tie same, or so much thereof as may be necessary to discharge said lien, at public auction: Provided, That notice of sale ml,ll be give - , as' required for &ken:fps bales of personal property, and that thirty days' notice of said lien b • given to the owner or of the pr pony, if they cannot be eo found, that the same shall be advertised weekly in some newepaper published in the proper city or county to which the goods, war .s or merchare ise have been consigned, forlbur coi.seca tire crones before the sale, tne residue of, naoneynrising from such sale, after deaucting costs of iransportatise, charges aced storage, advertisin 6 and sale, to ho held sub ject to the order of the owner or owners of suoh property." GEO, nERGNER, Agent • aus2T-Mel, Halyard and Hope Eaprma Company Northern • Central Railway. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the FREIGGT and BAGOAGP. described .in the follow dog list remains unclaimed in the Warehouse of the Northern Central Railway' Company, at Harrisburg. Con gignetst are hereby notated to come forward, pay charge; and take their property away, or the same will be sold. according to law. J, N. DEJ WARY, Gail Supt. GENNIAL SUPERINTENDENT'S 02110;1 Acor6r 15, 186-I. No 1, Williamsport and Harrisburg• check 166, ohe black trunk No 2, Elmira and Harrisburg check 20, one box, ; Lient A Miller, Harrisburg b' No, Baltimore and Harrisburg cheek 20 one box ' No 4, no check, one box, J Barrett, Lockport, Niagara Co, N No 5, no check, one box, Lieut A Scott, Harrisburg No 6. no cheek, one box, no marks No 7, no check, one box, Jacob Weaver, Pittsbrirg No 8, no check, one box, Reuben- Farriogor, Catia wissa No 9, no check, fair leather trunk, do • No 10, no check, one Box, Copt Pnillips. Harrisburg No 11, no check, black trunk, S S J, St Joseph's needs-- my, Philo ' •• - - No 12, no check, fair leather trunk, no marks No 13, no check, fair leather trunk, Cupt Lyman, Har risburg No 14, no chock, black lealior trunk, no marks No lb, no check, black lost: cc trunk. no marks No 16, no check, one box, Jno McGee, Harrisburg No 17, no check, one box. Geo L Stephens, Harrisburg No 18, no cried:, one box, Newport button, P tr. No 19, no check, one box, Daniel Robison, Philadelphia No 20, no check, black trunk, Joe Gemmel, Lewis town, Pa NO 21 Danville and Harrisburg check 512, fair leather trunk, Wm H Barber, Milton, Pa No 22, no cheek, blank trunk, no marks No 211,. no check, thir leather/co S Scott, Hunts. lle, 'Ohm No 114, no check, fair leather tru Thos McDaniel No '25, no ch: sk, black trunk; Sat' - No 26. no check, black trunk, G S.Angill, Binghamp ton, N No 2%. Williamsport and Harrisburg chock 92, fair leather valise, no marks No 28, Baltimore and Harrisburg check 687,ttit leather valise, no marks . No 29, no ,hock, fair loather valise, no, marks No 30, no check, black trunk., Jno E Monroe, Lanc e ter, Pa - . s o 31, no check„.one box, Michael-Trump, Allontown No 32. no-cneck r onie box, no marks No 33, Scrantort and Bar tsbarg check 259, one box No 24, no Check, one box, Mrs :dock, Prosperity, Pa No 05, no check; one box, Henry Will, Beading No 10, noPcbcck, onebox, itomtuks No 17, no check, bag of saddles, no marks No 38., no maeck, Saddle, Ignatius Floomr.r, Portage station No 59, no check, black bag, no marks - N u 40, no oh ck, black b.ig, Mary Foster, Harirshuth No 41, no check, black bog, no marks No 42, no check, black bag, no marks No 43, no check, black big, no marks No 44, no check, black bug, J Shad]; Jersey Shore, Pa No 45, Williamsport and liarri4turg check 36, black g, no marks No 46, no check, black bag no, mark s No 47, no en ck, back bag,no marks No 48, no chi ck, carpet bag, no marks No 49, no check, saddle, no marks No 60, no check, hog, no marks No 51, no chick, our box, HO marks No 52, no check, one box, no marks No sg, no check, bat-box, no atiok.s No a no check, fair barber trunk, no marks' F. J Fleming, one band e thilis A L Babcock, 1 bale rope N Frazer, eleven barrels nuts -1) Fisher, six corn-huskers • H. Gilbert, one barrel insulators Nelson Brpne & Co, two boxes bitters S Balkier, one box hardware H Hawkins, one granite block Nicholas B, one box .andries J Alb rt, one barrel; ticc(thAfea Tnos Hickok, one o!)x brtipirnre No consignee, 204 brick, nci rks" ' „-• consignee. IMO bay, ' "No consignee, 44 enema Iron,' marina " No consagnee, package indlgo No cougars% One brill raerChandiso, David Tilcaey, Bar -104d4W . .;.;;.....-• '.::•-•.-• , -•-•.: , .-.- ,7 ._. ..... ~,.. __,.. __ . - ---- -,- -- 7 .. 7---•••••- ._.„. -..,--• -- - -- - - ,- ~ . .. . ...------ ______ ~...........: t t .. •• ~ • I --..p.-) • ~,-, ~,, e ~:, ,- - , , ~,,,. ..,-,7it , .",.. - ' :C^ ': ' , , i . ' ' - I.' .:, , ,i . '..... ,:',..., % ''' -, -'. ' ' ' ...-' ..'•' ". ', , ‘" -'".. ''l . :i '', Al ' -- '. lie,C.C7. -- C --- ..'7' . r• .:-. , ....." 1- -X , ICC3 • C. ''..::: ..c..1.1.... - ~....-. - .. -. . : ....: ; --.,. 4 - - .. , .. - - . ,-:- ~. -.-- • .• . - --,• . 8 till PR ~11y10 0,410!,,, 4. . , - • : l.` , '4A - #.4 , :- • .1. , :' >. ' lrf _ . ..1 ._ .. -"7 ' 7 . .: • . ' . i - '.'- ,- s ' ' ' - • '-' - ' •- ' •.•...1 .• • :' ,-..- .1. - . - .. .. A 4 -o,‘ '•••' .1r it. , >`.4; ' ,. •:: " -: . ' f..'t- •-• -:' ''• .- -':' ''' : '' : . • -,,,. . . . .:''.-. . . . : I . : '''' . ' ..;.. '-',.! t r! *, :r :',;.'' 'I •, •-" tie '" ' " .' 7' ''' ' "'''' . - • .• .„ ~ . . . .. ..... . ..;,., ..'!. .' - • •::,..-.. ~ :- ; :t fr:;:s .)' , 77 .. : ' , .....1 - •': " • A.,..' \- ' ''' ' . 4°--.4- :'' -:- ' '''' 1... . .. • '''' . b ias $4ner --linee--or-less-coasattate c .. aP - ....., . .PR i . r _ :. .._ . xr ..... _ ~, ~.- r _ 4 . 4 , , ,,,,,, :r . H ..,,, : ,...,, _.. ~.„ • ...:.• • :•••-: .•._ •-. ....,. ::•1.- ..,. ._,..„.„. ....,..: It ~.::. i :_..., ~. _. ~..,..,T7 4r ow " --i m ir, I.s:rnst u rizoia te o-84.,.. 00., - . ...,.-...„ ._ ..i.i : one day :,.., . :. $ 30 -One dar $ 60 - - .... . 100 o ,-....-- - . , ....„?. ..:'." • 1 - . ' '--. A 2. ._ "•-•:_-'7"--' , ...,♦( ' 'PZ:'...' -.....-... ~.;! . '7..• /Ct 17 r .":., :Three day s ' " 111. 4) 3 C ra412,13.,.. .. ... .1 25 , , ... ,".:- _ "two nays .... ..... • 1. - 25 One-Weety:... - ..... 2 6 r: ' ' ._ . , . . 4 '•- , -,•-•' -- *"-= ' -' :':.• .. 2.1, , '. - --... - .7 ... .. , , •- • - ~., .: - J ....„.2. ,; •;,i - i.-__ .._. _:.......„......:;. . .. . Two maths. 4.50. Two.moiathe g.. 10 • . . , . ' • 550 Throe ' ' . :he- -al 00 . .. _ . .... $1 SO 4.00 10 00 BY GEORGE BEUGNER. RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road ! Arr _ , .111.'4JE-11',J1101--.11 . SPRING TIME TABLE. Fin TRAINS DAILY - TO AND FOUR FROM. PEELADEDELPIELL 349NDAY, 'may 16th, 1864, THE Passenger Trains of the .Pentisylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har risburg mid Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 .. m. and arrina at West Philadelphia at 6.65 A. sc. FAST USE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday). 6.00 6 ar.., and arrives at'West•Pinlculelptda at 'A.0.10.4. m. Paasengers take breakfast at Lancaster. , . MOUNT JOy ACCOMMODATION, teaves Harrisburg at 7.20 a M., cennects at Lancaster with Lancaster accom modation train, and and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1,2,26 P. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Harris burg at: 12 20 P. at ; Columbia 155 P. is., and . arrives at Lancaster 2.30 P. id, • connecting with Fast Mail east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Philadel phia at 6.20 , MAIL TRAIN leaves liarrlebarg at 1.20 r. at.; Lancasfer at 2.47 r oL and arrives at Wag kitfladaiphia at 6.30 P. tr HAR,RLSBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, Imam Haplabial , at 6.26 P. M., and suture at West Philadelphia at 10.66 P.. WESTWARD. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (eacept Monday) at /10 A. L ; Altoona, 7.35 .i.. x., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at d 2.80 P. IL PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.10 eat ; Altoona at 8.20 A. sr., take breakfaut, and arrives at Pittsburg at LOO P. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.30 r. x. ; Altoona at 7.15 P. take:Supper,. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 .L /L FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.50 P. rl. ; Altoona at 8.35 P. M., take supiler t mid arrives at Pittsburg at• 1,00 st. _-• MOUNT- JOT- ACCOMMODATION leavea Lancaster at, 9.30 se, arrives at Harrisburg at 11.10 A. M. . ILIRNISHURG ACOOMMODATION.TRALN leaves West , ' FAiladeiphia at 2.45. r, at. and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10, MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION No. 2, leaves Lancas.:: ter at 6.25 P. M., connecting therewith Harrisburg Accoln. modation West,,leaves Mount Joy at 4.00 P. IL and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 r. nr. • SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. .sficiffie Div. Pens'a R. R. ilarrieburg, May 13. 1.864.-dif • Northern Central Railway SUMMER IMEE TABLik. THREE TRAINS 'DAILY TO AND ISOM BALTIIIIORE WA'SHIN - GTON CITY Connections made with trains onPeansylvanla Railroad; to did from Pittsburg and the West. TultEE TRAINR DAILY to and from the North and West armieh Saaqueltantat, Elmira, and, all of Northam Q r , anda MONDAY, ONDAY, M A.Y . I.6th; .4'8'64; • flit, Passenger . Trains of the Northern Oentral arrive at and depart frore-Heirrieitit3 alintlliOrb as follons;vis SOUTHWAR-D. BAIL TRAIN leaven Sunbury. daily (except - Sunday) - 1040 4. K. leaves Harrisburg ' r. x. " arrives at Baltimore 540 P. It IMPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunlituy daily (except . • . Sunday) " leaves Harrisburg (excipt Moaday)' IL .‘ Arrives at Baltimore daily 416 A. ..(exceptlifonday) , 7,00 A. X. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Her burg7.ol A. X. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun- • • • ' bury daily (except Sun day) at . . . • .... 7,00 ; A, Ai NORTHWARD.. MAIL TRAIN leaves. Baltimore daily. eicept Sunday) ' 9.20 L. Y. leaves Harrisburg - 2.36 P. sr. di arrives at Sunbury '" 4.05 x. Jr. 3X.PRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily.— 9.30 P. 11. di arrives at Harrisburg ' 3.50 1. X leaves Harrisburg daily (ea eept Monday) ' B.IVA. x. • 4, arrivesatSumbury 5.63 A. it. HARALSDITHO AQr.701 , 134 - 01)ATTON" leavkx,SJl - Lavine deity (exoept Sua- - :'.8:00-p. M. day) " arrives at Harriaburt.........7.50 r. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaven Harris- .. burg daily (exceptSuagay) at. .... .. 4;00 P. X. Fpr further information . applyat th4i OfCCOO,, in Pennsyl- vania Retread Depot. N. DuBARRY, HasrLsburg, gay 16, 1884.-dtt • Gen, Supt.; NEW AIR LINE ROUTR. 71 , 11 RUE rana,ins DAILY TO NSW YORK AND. PHILADELPHIA. (IN .AND AFTER DAONDAY, Novenqtber N-1 16th, 1863, the Paarenger Trams wilileave Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Depot, at I Wri4purg, for New York. and Philadelphia, an-follows, viz : E A S TIV EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 A; X., on .ttr rival of the Pennsylvaairt Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New - Yorkist L 45 4. ix A sleeping ear is attached to the train through Trom Pittsburg. without . Ohmage. - • MAIL TRAIN leaven Ilarrisbnrg at 8.00 arriving in New York at 6.{to P. M., add Philadelphia at 1.50 P. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 P. M. arriving in New York at 10.25 r sr., and Philadelphia atl.eil P. H. WESTWARD FAST LINE leaves New York at 6.00 a. x., and Phila. delphia at 8.16 A. M. arriving at Itarriabrirg at Ll 6 P. N. VA, I TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at 6.30 P. X., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 'Sae EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 p, a., az , riving at Ilarrisburi, at 2.00 a. at., and connecting with.the Pennsylvania Express Trails for Pittsburg.. A sleeping car Is also attached to this train. Connections are made at Harrisburg with. trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley railroads, and at goading for Penman% Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, .&o. Baggage checked through. Fare between New York and Harnsburg,_ss 15 ; between Harrisburg Rd Phlbidel- Ali, $8 85 tri"No. 1 oara i and $3 in No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to nol4,itt READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. LINE FROM . THE I„.A NORTH and Northwestfor Philadelphla,New. York, Reading, Pottsvine, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton,sm., dm. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia; New York, Reuling, Pottsville and all Intermediate stationa, at .8.00 t and 2.00 r. u. New York Express. leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 a x., arriving at New York at 1.45 the same day. special Accommodation Passenger train leaves Read ug.,01 • :15 A, a., and returns from Harrisburg atB r. x. Parte 'from Harriaburg: To New York, $5.15; to Phila delphia $3 88 and $2 80. Baggage eheeked:through. Returning, leave New York at 6 a._ ar. 12 ,neen, and 7 u.,,ipittatinrg.Expietei arrlying - atHarrishurg at 2 A. x.) Leaveladenibia at 816 a at.; and 8.80 r. X. Sleeping caxxitthe New York Express Trains, through to and fropi Pittsburg hout change. . . Passengershy the Catawiesta Railroad leave Tamaqua at 440 a, a., and s.minit.ol:ir Pilllwilelphla, New York, - way ndite. ' Valid 'leave Potlayillitat9ls a. x., ins 2.80 r. x., for Z1X0144.1P40,-garralburgAnd New York. An Accommodation Passenger train teat* Readiog at .1104, sad returns !Yelp PkiladelPtifria 7B . oo r. x. uiL the slave Indus rat titian Sanday excepted. PlasandeOltalMlNANllo.lll7o o f A. / 0'. 1 4.0 121 1 0,04 P 4110arrndi: -- tize- , >"110 ..hrtdats . . Cleastal xe I. Air 9, isei—airatt, _‘.T 44. •U>l L - G1NN..,.0.,.1V:.A,N.D . - F 0 g:A,Y::EA.," a. a. CLYDE, Omani Aeent. livilohnra M= FRIDAI EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1864 RAI.LJEUJAitS. 1804. Philadelpitia anti Erie Rail . . Rpad. • THIS great line . traverses the Northern and 1 Northwest " counties of Penitsy , traniii , to the eity of Erie, on Lake Erie. • • It has been leased by the Pszonivr.valwa itslimoo don• resnr, and ender their auspices is hetig, repidir °Feud throughout its entire length. ' It is now in use for Passenger and• Freight business Prom Harrisburg to St. Ihiry's.(2l6 on the Eamon 'Division; and from Sheffield to :Eric (78 miles) on the %Mem Division.. ; " TIME OF PASDENGEILTEATEE AT. ILLRENDURD. Leave Eastward. Mail Trajn. 1.20. r. a. Express Train ' 2 60 .a.. at. Leave Nortb.Fard. Mail Train., 1 , , , - 35 r , ' . at. ExpressTrMn 316 a. x. Otratnis through ISTRRoureluircom,both.waya On these trains bei.wpen . _Philadelphia. and ; Milk Haven, and ,be tween Bidtimore Mid Lick Haven.. .. , , EleganeSieeping care on Exprewr.transa tooth way/ire. tees Williamsport:and Baltimore t and Williainapertanti, Philadelphia. . For information respecting Passenger business apply al the S. r...corner lull izca guitetiikeeo. • • And for Freight basineesi of the oamistnrs Agents: & B. 'Kingston, Jr. intoner 18th and 'Market streets, Fbiladelphla. , J. W. Reynolds, Erie J. M. Drat, Agent N. 0. ft. it Baltimore. 11. , Hr HOUSTON,:. - tamer Prst'ah tAgent LEWIS L.L. .1106P;, 1 • General Mixt Agent Pkra. • • Jos. D. pan% •- - • 'rey2B-dlij • Generat.Manager,..Waliaessport. CUMBERLAND VALLEY El FRANKIA RAIL Ro4:lLt)*. (SANG B OF HOURS -=-0n and aftei Mou-1 4..1 • day, April. 4tb, .18J34,' riaierigar ,Lridua will rul daily, as followa,lStadarreacaptedA ' • ' FOR CHAMBErtSIAETAGI ADD '.Ol - 412RISBURGI: Leave Hagerestown - 7:00 2.45 " Greendistle 7.37 3.34 Arrive at EOT 4.24 Chambersburg, • • Leave Shipp3ilDeag St 9.3 1368 ' 1 0 4 :0 a 0 " Newville 242 • 209 . . . ....-, mu1t;•42.4 ••••• ~ claiLitsl4g - • 6.22; 10 4.2 2:1 Arrive alb:m . lB99yr - 666 . 11.1.6 a. . POR , OHAJIBEREIBuRa, AND HAGERSTOW;V: Leave Harrisburg 8.06 1.32 4 31. " , liviesbun 8.47 2.1.5 4.53 " Newville 10.22 a 29 —., " Sliippenstwg . 10.33 400 1100 4.30 40 .. 1.6 Arrive Etr'Eragerticeolin *1? . .;: f; Jur vabiLlamiDy 4 : • " Ofikte telvtag, • •mammarg- giv...kaw,_ _P. X, ruISB xinAratiihr as LuLLO9•IO. e 3: Its:" Mei; Ohamberaburgi,lipril , i; 18U-1y . • . GLAD NEWS FOR THE 1311F0F,TUbLiTt THE LONG-SQUONC-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee _Remedy, - 43BEEROKBE .INJEOTION cOMPOUNDED FRom,sooTs; BABES AND .LPsill7E4S. CHEIROKKEE;REMEDA thegreat /*tient Diuretic, cures cateliseaseaotthemivargliffgams, suck as /neon& nenae of the Urine, 1701tunitustron of the Ba44fer, inftain mann; of tha *doer, ..Ftarte,in the Bladder, .7lrictufe, Gitivei,Wket,'Wsnichea, 'and is egliegiattr:rocorUinin - dfa in.those caw of Thor Aka (or Whites in females) arhpi all Me &Inatome meitic4nea have 'Wet Aar It la prepared hi a concentrated fonn, the dose only being from one to tiro tinmperonfula three times Par day sss- It is diuretic and alterative in its action; parifylbg and deanaing the blood, causing it to' flow in all 'stilts Original purity and vigor; thus removing from the aystent allpetnielOrla causeawhieh have induced disease. . CHEROKEE.II4.IBOISOdis intendrd as axially or assist ant to the OREROKER - REMEDY and should boused in denial:Lotion with that medicine in all cases a(nt.4 .6rizet, Fulor. ,Afbus or 'Whited. Its 'etioots asp ~hatlinft. ropthin.4: and demulcent;:. removing all scalding, , heap": .iterdhe ; and pain, infanta:Of the burning and 1 0= 1 0 endurable pain that is experienced with nearly all tit' cheap giant Ififectionr. • i• By the use of the • .C.ICBMOIQE REMEDY Inta OHEROKEEtkIatTiOIi•-th.e two Medicines at the size time all imProper discharges are removed; nil theweak eared organs are speedily veered •to full vigor and strength. t. oar For full particulars', `get-out paitiphlet from any . rug store in the countr y; or write fs and we will Mail free, to any address, a full treatise. in- - Prioe, CHEROBEF, REMEDY, $2 per bottle, .or three bottles ipr $6. p; Price CHEROin: tbintITION, $2 per battle, or three bottles for $ 5. si„,Sant by express' to any address on receipt of price., sl6Sold by all druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. KERWIN & CO., • Sole Proprietors, , marls-eodly No. 59 Liberty street,•New . York. CEMORPN, CURE THE. .GREAT INDIAN ;MEDICINE, .9934 4 ")!WeR, PROM• ROOTS, RMiS AND WAVES dsa tatfatTing cure' ro s i,;4perwhatoirhsa,4notinid Weak . nest, Arodurnal Bfflaissions, and all diseares caused by self pollution; such as Lemof Atones y Universal Lassitude Pains in the :qack,-Diethoss of f r ision,, Premature Old 40 Weak Nereee; Difficulty of Rivaling; Trembling, Wake nessdfroptiora on the Pace, Pale Covettenance, Coraturiptitin;ansi all the Direful complstints caused bp do parting from the pit of nature. SfirThis medicine is a simple vegetableextracty Haden n which all can rely, as it has boon used in our. practice for many years, and with thousands . treated, "It has not failed in a single instance. Its curative powers have been sufficient to gain victory ever the most stubborn:case. so-TO ,tease whdhave trifled with their , otnuitittdatost until t ) ley uunk ihettaelves beyond. the reach of =diem id, we would say, papa& net t the Otnotestut Oa= will restores yoli to health and vigbr, and after Wl' quack doe tors have tailed I . • WFor lull particulinA n o t a araar, ~- front rt aP w i o Rrqs_ St2re in theptclang IF...:l 7l _,,,A l KlyPritt2 trause 7; mail Min - to uty , MO , ale e a r nN a tall .1, r el., Pamrtillet-ft":1 1: or " th liti-iittles for s 6 i 'aid gorw 4i risec fribea tizAppo Per 'Ll to parte di the world. llirlip,„ ~,...odueuvi , - „ `..t.......r • Nola rianneteak asilatiodly Mk 69 Men/ 01 1 4 0 1 NoW 'MA EVENING EDITION. 1864 From the •Two Hundred and First Regiment. Correspontleneetf Te/egraph.] . EDITOR TELEGBAPIE :--This has been indeed . a gala day in Camp Couch—a lovely morn atter a succession of rainy' days and hts since Friday evening—a cool delight- Jul autumn afternoon, that brought many t visitors to camp from our native city—a • • splendid "dress parade," and less than two sword presentations by our worthy, patriotic and gifted Cliaphtin--render.ed this one of the most inilx?rtant days,that an ali-wise Provi dence has'permitted us to enjoy since our departure from Camp Curtin. Among the Harrisburgers in camp to-day, who came here to visittheir friends, I noticed Messrs. Chambers Dubbs, Wm. Bostick, Jr., G. W. Basbore ,. Mr. - MaY," -Mr. Nunemaker, (father of. Our:typo:sergeant. Samuel, QUarter master-Seargent - ConaPanYl(aaae,) as they drb:otir crowd,) besides a number of Halrisburg Thia afternolm„ before conclusion of "dress parade," thaiegiment was drawn tip in proper position tO Witness' the "interesting ceremony of a sword presentation. Major'John T. Mor gan, a KentlemanlY and courteous officer of. this regiment, was the recipient of a magnifi cent sw rd; belt and sash, , from his numerous friends and admirers;Of West Fairview, Com herland.. county. The sword was played in charge of Rev. Mr. rkarpastraw, our obliging . and worthy Chaplain, andlareeented to Malou Blinimmar by his Rev erence, in the followbag words': AWOR VORGAN — ii am happy to be the me din& thiOngh - which your personal friends of .West Fairview have been pleased to present • te.pau this token of their esteem and love for you as . a man and a soldier, coming as it does froin your perional friends, who are repre .sented hero by yonr townsman, Mr. May. It 560t11a give to you the assurance that those whom you love and haie lett - behind, will be protected and eared for in,your absence, It reinarked to me on receiving this sword and sash, "That theY had biiught you this sword for service!'" We believe that their confidence in you will not be misplaced, and to their prayers and good wishes I ask our own. ,ifay .God liless the hand that wields this trii -- ord; hot only in the preservation of your own life , but the' preservation of this the gieedes county which - ( ca ever gave to any peo ptis.°,.:Trilreit,.nnd may Crod: bless-the donors!" 6illfortin replied': REvzinnua Si—"i. I amcmat aeons med to public speaking; yet I oannbt refrain frOm 'expressing my sincere ttiiiiika to my friends of -West Fairview, for t is olren of tXFO* esteem and anna win. I lialgileyetherri my word and sacred honor, thait f With a hand 'and strong arm, should occasion rel . itlireo it." Three cheers and a "tiger"were then given, by !the' whole ' regiment,.. for: Major John Morgan; after *hick the most interesting dress parades we have: hadsinee our acquaint amae,with Camp Couch was dismissed. After gripper, another pleasant affair. came. off the_shape. of a swordpreSentatioii. The members,of company K; Captain-Landis,.pre sented to Second Lieutenant J. H. Snow, of that fine looking company, a beautiful sword and fixtures, through -our obliging Qhaplain, Rev. Bakestraw. Captain L. drew his com pany tip intne, when Chaplain R. said: "Lrsum. Sizow times of peace the pre sentation ota sword simply meant something to hang up as :a memorial of holiday soldiers ; but in times like this 'it means something more—it means war! Coming as it did, from the men:of company K, it is a memorial of great - respect; and should your 'gallant cap tain fall on the battle-field, it would become Toni dtity to, take his place; and, should oc casienrequire it, we feel confident' that you will not 'disgrace this ofrering at their hands." Second Lieutenant John H. Snow, replied': ," That he hoped he might mover disgrace the sword his' comrades in .arms presented to him —that he should ever be willing and ready to raise it in defence of his country and his country's noble flag. He thnulred them for their kind offering, . and, said he was unable to command language to express his heartfelt flristitaqe." i. 6 .6I „lAA, ‘ 101.6 -4 ' Time:cheers were then proposed, and rang out upoyx the air, from a hundred pa- -, ',During. the afternoon a beautiful flag staff was raised in front of Colonel Awl's quarters, aid by to-morrow, I vresume, the . fl--Star spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave !" 4 10 / 1 1 doubtless; we shall have another pleas * little episode of - military life in Camp (buck to record. It was remarked by strangers and . others visiting here yesterday, .that the reghnent ;Tea under splendid discipline`; and there cer- Umly is great credit dire „the officers of the regiment for their untiring' efforts to instruct 'Me men under their charge ; for be it under- ItocA that a large propertion of the Soldiers ~{iever had the least knowledge of even the fOimentit of military tactics. ' The health of the regiment is, thank Prov ence, remarkabty good: Only a few more ad 'tional eases of sickness of a slight nature, ave been reported--and others, since I last wrote you, have again reported for duty.-- Thanks to the prompt treatment and skill of Dr. Wagonseller and his assistants. I took a trip, a few days ago, to Chambers 'plug; and while there making a variety of purchases for my feliow-Roldiers of company I(saac,) I was enabled to learn from'prominent business men much of the doings of M'Caus land's "Virginia Robbers" . (as the Chambers burgers term them) during their twenty four hours operations in July last. Three hundred and sixty odd dwelling houses, stores and public buildings were de stroyed by the "chivalry," . (nay, fiends of hell is a better term I) and their blackened walls stand there, like so many skeletons, demnad ing. the vengeance of a just and righteous God upon the heads o fthe drunken, piratical, infidel horde that wrought this uncalled for, unchristian and diabolical piece of mischief. A respectable and intelligent shoe dealer informed me: "I had a large store--employed Of:teen to twenty journeymen, made a good liviiiig.fnd accumulated "a snug little amount. a tree hours afterjhe rebels came here I I pot-oveiCatablt 7 lnga a mid' fork call yincli.i. •.NoVratiztornitiief3'elitge basimibasement Elstore,withwithcar — tatekotalMeg, bought ~to . to .itnnpaniW3oo - kifirk - 11'.20Cis ng . initiviixt' only. Ontidtiadi` Of abort' ihiron the same fate. The loam, Mr. Sutton In CAMP COUCH, NEAR CHAMDEUSBURG, Septer r 7, 1864. --Webster. Par, TRIO formed. me, .willreach.fowting244l In manyinetanees the propel yof `destroyed after . the “chivalry' . .' hier4tated all the ready money that the basely outraged afterwards, could comnitii i it There are„Also mane 4.l B Pancei , r recorded. Mk. Nin.,43.rgose r forpc 'pay "Clip; tain of an amthilancejorps, fight, Wa a "reb" near Chamberaburg skinakeihere,lMA" placed .him hors .0,6 *Oat :On examination, Mr. B. found some _4900411.13 S. and quite a large amount of rebel trash (grey-backs included !) on_ his dehtnet car case! . The statement about Dr. Miller burnmg two Johnnies, in, the otlice•of his drugstore,. is correct f He floored them, some then looked.them in, when they met;:t4e' flito they so richly deserved! Among the ruins of, one prirtioular house;' we noticed a cooking stove that kaa4± 9 oo down in the cellar, with all the cooling .t rw• paratug yet setting upon it, as if in prepara tion for breakfast, coffee pots, pans, kettlei, A . e., still in proper place. The citizens say that if they had made any respectable show etdefenee,or had had any au thority to do so, they could have protected the place, and they attribute their sad misfor tune, alone, to red tape-ism. ' I have much more to communicate, but muse "halt" for a more letter. Rote anon, A:" IL Se** Corporal Company L Letter from the 148th Regiinent. CAMP I.B4TEL Rim r. P. V., ne risorrr or t - FErmissurio, VA., Sept. 5, 1864. To the Editor if the Harrisburg Telegraph. The following is.a list of the officers of the the 184th. Regiment P. V., now in d:Ewald corps, under General Hancock. There areordi seven companies now in the field. The °thee three companies we expect on soon, with our Colonel, John H. Stover : Major—Charles Kleckner, commanding, wounded. Adjutant—Sydney T. Mu.ffiy, prisoner Chaplain—Joseph A. Bowman. Surgeon—Wm. B. Brinton. • First Assistant Sfirgeon—T. G. Morris. • Second AssistantSurgeon—B. C. Marshal. • NOLf•COMADDSIONF.D STAPP. Acting Sergeant Major—Wilson Ploughman. Company Sergeant--Charles Crotzer. Que.rtermaster.Sergeant—john W. Young- Drum Major--Enumuel Wise. COMPANY A. Captiiin—N. C. Evans, prisoner.- First Lieutenant—M. B.litimson, sink. Second LieutenitiahA. B. Carne,.sick. commix a. Captain—J. p. Gearheart, discharged. First Lieutenant—A. H. Brown. Second Lieutenant--S. H. Norman, died. cabman' o. Captain—lL A. Haines prisoner. First'Lieutenant--0. inhn, prisoner. Sexortelleiententinv—lit . 11 ..Staveranisonet c _ , . • ois*Axtv D. - • Captain—lL B. Huff, prisoner... First Lienterian, C. -Dy_efud,„ ,pounded. Second. Lietitenant-r-. J.-. IL Tiryan, prisoner. Captaizi-z-McKage,- prisoner. First Lientenant,,A. V. Miller, wounded. Second Lientenant•L-D. M.. Reynolds, wounded. .••• - 1 - company F. Captain—H. K. Hitter,- woundcd. First Lieutenant—W. D. Wilihungi, wolinded Second Lieutenant—L. F. Brahm,wounded. - I COMPANY O. Captain—J. L. Jenkins. First Lienteriant--W. S. Johnson. • Second Lieutenant---W. R. Bell. Y. O. K. Q7,ereorttpQ. Movements of a Pirate. NARROW ESCAPE OF THE FRANCONIA Tie - rAvAx, Sept.. 8 About 2 o'clook yesterday afternoon' the steamer Franconia, when about 10 macs southeast of Cape Sable, sighted a suSpicions looking steamer, apparently under 'canvass, which soon got,nnder steam and endeavoied to head. the Franconia 0ff.... The-latter, hOw ever,' succeeded in getting within proper limits of the shore. The privateer Ant lioist ed British colors and afterwards others which those on the Franconia were unable to make out: The supposed_ pirate was bargue rigged, with fore,an.d main spencer, long lot ter masts and one snioke stack. 'She was painted lead color. SPLENDID AFVATIVIN MOBILE BAY Destruition_ of th e. Rebel Steamer , _ _ • Nashville. Pintta.nmaque„ Sept. 8. Private letters just received in this city from Mobile Bay, state that on the 25th ult., Captain Jouett, of the U.' S. steamer Meta comet, sncceded in blowing up the rebel goat Nashville. The expedition went into the harbor in the night, and by the use of one hundred pounds of powder, some nine inch shell, oil, turpentine, faggots, &c., they de stroyed the forward casements which were to mount six guns. The Nashville lei at the time within two hundred yards of two rebel iron-clads. But so well planned was the ex pedition, that it was an entire success. The Metacomet, Captain Jouett command.. big, in the - late engagement in Mobile Bay, engaged the three rebel gunboats, Morgan, Games and Selma, at onetime, capturing the latter and crippling the two former Sothat the Captain of the Gaines ran her under the.forts and destroyed her. The Metacomet mounts but six guns, while the three rebel boats mounted 24 guns in all.. The engageMent hefted just an hour. New York: Stock Bilirkets. Naw Yaws, Sept. 8 . New York stooks lower ; Margo Egolplook Island, 1084 ;.111ifiois = ()antral,egarchi -124 l.?Avuthette IA 43 , Newyork. 128 128 1 1 114- 4 Y lll axellirtin V;ENie; 4074. ;444 . tap '31F134#1111, oite44Bkaeabfortfilk threatty-4 - o***Aticp ott Gold atm the Wind has Six months - 8 W ... I Six-months. 15 00 cate year. ... ..-. ' 15.00 One year 25 00 AdminiBtration ItioVices . .. 2 75 Marriage Notices... .- ' Auditor's Notices 160 Funeral Notices. each insertion. ' tiO 7 sa- Rtugstess notices tuseeted in the Local (lalestit, or Ipefore Marriages ;spell:1114w staire lasers run Lois for tad, nsertlos. . kM2 The returns of-the-election on Tuesday come in slowly;lll44rgy wein,chwing. The indications are that. ihe orl on majority *ill be about 22 / 960, or - iMBrly's;ooo over last year —and - an" increase of 5;000 -Vermont is equal to 75,000 in Nevi. - York. The &mate is entirely Union, =dam:House will not have 'over twenty Qopperheads. We append the votes of a few towns. - 1863. 1864. Smith,' Redfield, Smith, Redfield, Towns. tn. Cop. Un. EAo Burlington. 481 11)8 .684 328 'Windsor ....159 55 227 47 !Springfield.. 350 45 . 455 57 ;Randolph ...314. 52 324 .87 • St. Albans ..367 - 81 412 121 Montpelier-318 67 298 97 1,989 08 2,400 Union maj .1,451 McClellan Accepts the Nanki*a... lion of the Chicago Conven tion. • The dress says that the Committee ap pointed by the Chicago Convention,. .presen ted to General McClellan a copy - trf-the pro ceedings of the Convention, and 'a hitter in forming him of his nomination. He accepted the nomination, and a letter to that effect will probably be pre-Tented to the Committee this evening. Markets by Telegraph. PHILADELPIIIA, Sep. 8. The only demand for flour to-day, is for lower_erades, superfine . and extra at $ll 00 per barrel firmer, and- $ll 50®12 00 fot ex tra. Saes to the trade range from' our - lowest quotations up to $l3 00 for fancy lots '-The operations in wheat to-day are limited, the millers being mostly supplied, we quote_ at $1 50(42 55 for old, $2 60(2 65 for new, and $2 80@3 00 for white. Rye is scarce, at $1 80@1 88. Oorn is firm with sales of western mixed at $1 72. Yellow is held at $1 73. Oats are in demand, at 90c. Bask is dull at $571 per ton for quercitron. Small sales of -clover seed at $l3 50®14. 00;- and timothy at $6 00(4.6 50. Provisions are firin but we have no sales to report. Whisky is dull, at 1$185(® 86 for refilled and Prison barrels', $1 87®1 88 for western. Flour dull; sales of 500 bbl at $l3-forllow ard superfine. • Wheat steady; sales of : 3000 bush of• Kentucky whitest $2 85®2 88. Corn quiet at $1 8841 89. Whisky dultat $l - 85. Provisions dull. MILITARY NOTICES. volll)4eer NOtiee Captains et Comluaties stud reminders of Squads : lugrOltdet'refriggned are prepared to secure for The BOW Local, Cash and Government 114auas f Committees can be supplied with creel/W(lm their town ship orcounty quotas. tyly. Enlistment papers promptly mode out, and oleo attended to until Mustered in, clothed and equipped, by PairmAnaviia RAirmitittg Agency. HERTS . * CO, ...Office, Parke-House, M.aritet street, between Thin and ?earth etr.-ebi,'Herrisburg. gip Two of the firm have ootruzilanons lu. rcortitt to States in rebellion. wliet HEADQUARTERS FOB DRAFTED MEN, SUBSTITUTES, BAD VOLUNTEERS, 115 South Seventh St., Secondfloor, linont No. 10 gar Drafted Men from the City or any part of the State - will be furnished with dubstiintes at short notice, and on liberal Wm:, Aar Men Enlisting, either as Substitutes or Volunteers, will receive the largest Bounties, which will be paid to themin cash as soon as mustered in. Agents will beltZeralty paid cif tAis W. Lk RAVENS, Philadelphia . finl34f SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY lAM happy to offer to the public a large and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR G-01.1) PENS, mmeractored by LIMY W. EADIOIEU.M. Those Pena are well finished, otaatio, and will give so. tire satisfaction, PLUM TRY THEM. RORRITZRE BOOS STORK, Second atreci, opposite Presbiteiiin Mara, Rarristaug Pa. sip= DANIEL A, MUEN:CH AGENT OE the Old Wallower Liao, respectfully hi forms the public that Oda Old Daily Transportation lAne (the only Wallower Line now in existence in this city, ia in successful operation and prepared to carry (tag tas low as any other individual line betweenPhila delphla Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Wil li amsport, Jersey Shore, lock Haven and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and &le and Williamsport and lilmlra Railroads. . . DANIEL A. MQPsNCH , Agent. Harrisbarg, Penn'a. tivxis meat Lk) WILIVIIOIIM of Messrs. Peacock., Zell piinchman, Noe. SOB and 810 Market street, above sts Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. as., will arrive at Harris two, sgs ay (or delivery, Reit mortdag. (sp3o-rdm 1 CI:CYST A 3 ArAE.I:O CONCENTRATED . LEMONADE, i s a pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing . for invalids taring fever or great thirst. Ile portability recommends it to travelers. Its convenience at plc-nice will be appreciated. No sugar required; one :table•spoonlhl simply dissolved in a glass of cold water and it is done. RRLIER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, No. 91, Market street, C LO A S s qr n E, IN D. w. own , NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Haartiburg. 1,000 DIFIMIEUMT ,137114/18 ow wismumuzwa CLOAKS ANT/ OrRIIIILABS. 12ID' FINE SPRING SHAWL& - inn open oligie - Ist, of ApriL ' [marn-ay PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. PklteglMPllt. Aibusai. Pilo pk- Albu p. , InWpirtajWAsblixiis. :41"a = • * Num i 16 1 t4 FIR at [marl* HMENZIM I , • , rlermont. NEW Yonki Sept 8 BMCIMOBE, IME3EI NEW PHILADELPHIA De 1,663