Busugsw,_c,,ml34, AM:PH L. MACLAY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.—Patriot and Union building, Harrisburg. Strict attention paid to all legal business. Military claims collected. utylo-.36m-eod Thorns".ls C. Mac.D9weii, A. ttorn e v-a a oymE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. - - • HARRISBURG, PA. A 04 manner of Military Claimit promptly .1411.. attended te, and claims colleatedagainst theGeueral or State Uovernments, either in Congress, the Court of Claims at Washington city, or at Harrisburg, without un• names. delay, and on moderate terms. ap29-dtlm A. C. SMII'H, ATTORNEY LAW, j AS removed his Office-from Third to Wal -11 street, next to the Prison. All business in trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. ap4 tiEW GROCIiki 011 PILOVISION 3fillitt BOYER &.KOERPER, WHOLES'ALE AND RETAIL f/E.A.LE11.9 ..., GROCERIES' Queen's and bands Ware, AN.1.1 aLL kallos or C . OUNTHY PRODUCE, EIIA.VE just opened a large rand well selected stuck of h tsodu at their stand, N 0.3 51arketSquare, • rrisburg, Pa., to wit;3ll they invite the attention of the DWIr em.rallV. nolo-ny JuAES 1101i$,E, Corner of Market street and Market square BABRISBURO PENNA. CHAS. IL MANN, Pro - prietor. nog.= . STATE. CAPITAL HOTEL, cum= OF THIRD AND WALNUT riTBEETB, RAURasta QTtB4, NEN WA. 'IP HE undersignori having purchased this well JIL keuwn house hus enlarged and thoroughly renovated It. The rooms have been re•lciiulad and papered , clad the entare'estallshment elegantly re-farnisbcd. Being plea santly and eligibly located, and provided with every cou valiance, It offers to the public all the ceintorts and luxu ries of a first class hotel.. Trusty and obliging servants always in attendance. A bar well stocked dance liquors is attached to the establishment. de2C-dly W. G. THOSB"SON Pro,ri,dor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL HARRISBURG, PA. .1.) ; H. Prorriettw r HIS well known Hotel is now in a condi tion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirz-ir twit ted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort and litcnry to any hotel between phla and Pittsbnrß. Its location is the ben in the State tlapital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and. iu closeproximity to all the public offices anti business lo calities of the city. It has now all the conveniences of A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, and the Proprietor is determined to spare neither ex pense, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully soli cited. feil•dtf • MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SKEET MUSIC, VIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, STRINGS, DRUMS FIFES, and all kinds of MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE, PICTURE FRAMES, LOOKING GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALBUMS, AM IMO. TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS., , PICTURES, &C., &C. Remember the place SU Ai WARD, No. 12 Third treat, the largest blasic'Store this side of the great cities. jan2B-dtt MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. ITENTY-SIX. FIRST. PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND ONIY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by instruments of this class) has been awarded to MASON & HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS. A fall assortment of these instruments always on hand W. KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent, 93 Market street. je4-2tawlyl PEIPHEIt's VAiL Y LIINE BETWEEN . PII.ILLADE 1...9 ERA, Leek Haven, Jersey Shore, WWianisport, Nutl ey, Uniontown, Wittsontown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun- Intry, Trevurtun, Georgetown, Lykenstown, illillersbarg, Halifax, Dauphin, AND. HARRISBURG. The Phibidaptua Depot oenag centrally located, the drayage Ault oe at the lowest rates Tue Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all pods ltilrusted to the flee Goddi delivered at the de pot of WILLIAAI E. BrEIE, Aarket street, Folks:WO:us, uy soli pa delivered in fisr rtaburg the next morning. b`robgba. Always* as Low as by Any Othos Lino. JOE. MON'EGOMERY Zt CO., Phdiadelptua and Reading Depot, oetala FOOL Or %lancet street, Harrisburg. Alda4U Ott S'l'llOttk.lll. rueu PAN 1:0 LANDLORDS AND —rau undersigned oilers in aelaiesale, to tna idade, . dhOIDO lot of tae bat //Samos ever brought HArnsJurg, viz: French flrarplice, flatland airs , Scotch, Bearnon, vrtear and •Jki Ryc Whisky, Foriagn ant Jooseak. Wino, mica as Champagne, Cla ret, Catawba, M liquor, warranted, as ropresthaod. Landlords dint dtders will dud it to ineir advantage to mil and ex auutn • the aaaurtment nt Lae mom On SOLLibt SOCORO etraat, two dourd below Chestnut, myrt-aim GEORGE WINTERS PITOTOGRAPEIS. ALARGE, dasortmem ui rautographs of tieuersis snd fancy pictures for sale UREA?, at In per dozen, at SOINSFER'n•BO,OIi STORE, mesa Harrisburg, Pa utAkti.l isuuno, tstJCnanlN VlJitak.S and a general variety of LEA• TELER GOMA lust received at ifEllOt.vat'fi EWA' 6TORE. Ailo BERNER'S excelsior hams, of this gee.• awe* tatting. JUIBt rEluelveu aim 10t emir by SHISLER & FRAZER, • ,pimemitni in Wm Onnk it 'Ar Co. o£ll VNCILLSH BREAKFAST TEA. -Just re cisvisi, a dm chest of Eugitsh Breakfast Tea, at BEILSLER R FRAZER:B,' eincsessors to Wm flank Sr 1 LEA t YEktINE'S WORCESTEII SAUCES, the ram popubtr suu Ltln purest ever offered to the poen°, just received end for axle by tiaISLER & FRAZER, febl (suemsers to Wu, Hoek, it & no, ITUOKSTERS' BASKETS.—ShisIex gel'. .4ucceorp to W. Duck, here on hand . °zee' hickory bn-kola. Price 60 per dozes. TO TRIIIT JARS, of the latest Patent (Grif tin's Test Patent,) just received and for salet.low at jylB BUYER k KOEittPER. ^1 AP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut : meg and New York State Cheese, just received at ..:...SHLRLER a FRAZER, mys stsicemiiis to W Dock, Jr., & Do. PICKLES! PICKLES! I—By the Barrel, Salfßarrel, Jar or Dozen, at SffiSLER & FRAZER'S, (Successors to Win Dock,. Jr., k 0.0.) OM FRESH CRACKERS.---Boston Wine Bis- J.: colts, Boman Milk Biscuits, Boston Butter Bis cuts, Boston Oyster Crackers, Boston "Pic-nic Crackers, Trenton Butter Brokers, just received at 1110 I.IOOOLBS. CODFISH, of the Dale brated St. George brand, just reeeivefi aria for We by SEMLER & FRAZER, feel (aneewsoq toVin. Dock, jr. & Co.) Soldiers' Portfolios. A LARGE assortment BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE ; rang Rnidi a! Wh?l.oafr,a . r.r.inii .1 tn., 110 YOU wlgh.l% : ood old rte. At; lme; J • ,a11 . .r . grlFfin • g flonleatmo, lt.o44iber-a; r :, 5 : 5 a ..4:kf ! . • • ' ., - new (mop Cheese, just 111 ; WM. & ROWEL ELECTRICITY. DRS, IV lIITH and CREAMER, Eclectic and Electrupathlc physicians, respectfully offer-) their professional services in all the vaciuus branches of theprofession, for.the treatment of all acute and chronic forms of disease. The, remedial means they employ in the treatment of disease orfindst or Mire Galvanism, Electra-Magnet- WM ; the Swedish met od'of Localised movement cure, a few Mesta =divined when deemed necessary, and in f ac t all the natural curative agents that may slieesssfollv be brought to best spun the disease. They de not wish to be understood m arrogating Ls themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ in the treatment of dis ease far superior to those generally employed byphysicians, [Tom the fact that they act in perfect harmony with the !awe governing and controlling „Lite human system. To this, and the fact that they confine themselves to no par twain pate or gams, they attribute their success .entrolling disease. The principal agent they employ in the treatment of disease, camel' Electricity, is an agent wonderful in its phenumenmand powerful in its effects for good or ill. It is an ever present, all-pervrding principle, governing all smogs, from roiling worida down to the invisible particles mf gasseous matter. We see !tin the lightning's Wish and awn' the manifestations its power, in the muttering thunder.. It, is. he cause of all decouiposaion, recompo ration and transtOrmatma eiroltee all motion. It is the sainting cams of fife, growth, decay and death. It ceases mcretitm, exaction, digestion. It lays hold of the ...rude food in the stomarals, converts it Into a antis of flu assuanstatia It into arterial blued, and sends it Oh ite -mportant wilco of supplying nutriment pomading to the meessalee of the body. It is the nerve vital bad, the gissat agent through which the mind acts open the borlys It is the cause of all causes except the first great cause. the Infinite Kind which orested it and Drought Uinta e Mess. may spires' like mere am-slums, but they as. aims admitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is it then, to be wondered at that an agent so wonderful in its Om unmans, so powerful in its manifestations and so intinutte iy connected wan, all the operations of the human sys tem, should be almost absolute is Its power of coutrolling diadem P Certainly not. It is a \cultural sequence and follows as surely as day iollews night. • Among the dioceses which are found to yield readily to Electricity, ib conjunction with proper adjunct treatment, may be mentioned the following; Incipient Consumption, Pismlysis, Elpdiptic, Hysteric and other Convulsions; Neuralgia, lit ita worst forms, Hhuematsm, inflammatory and chronic; all diseases of the nervous system; Dyapep sin cured in a few treatments; all diseases of the urinary. and genital organs; Female MUSEUM!! Asthma, Piles end Prolapsu.a Ani; minsurowe and all kindred affections of the eye; Auretun, otaimures, all skin diseases, hr. Persons ceiling will be told whether they can be hem fitted and no case taken where seine relief cannot be af forded. Consultation frm Office, Smith Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa. Otrwe hours from Bto A. .11., .1% to sod ito 9 P.IL ALEX. R. WYETH, N. D., aplli DR. J. MILTON CREAM:at. _ KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. APURE and powerful TONIC, Corrective and Alterative, of wonderful efficacy in diseases of the STOMACH, LIFER and BOWELS. Sinking or Fluttering at Cie Pit of the StomaCh, Swimming of the Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Fever and Dull paills in the Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest and Limbs, will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys and Diseases arising from a disordered Stomach, Good for Male or Female, Old or Young, . _ The most beneficial medicine known; gives better setts faction and cares more diseases than any other prepare Lion offered to the Public,. Prepared solely by S. A. NUN NEL & BRD., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. .For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere, • BEWARE O} W 6 Counterfeits eil)r As BunkePs Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dysi4sta wad Debility, and as there are a number of imitations offered to the pnblic, we would caution the community to purchase none but the genuine article, manufactured by S. A. KaNiusa. & Ban., and has their stamp ou the top of the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others are attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves Its worth and speaks volumes In its,favor. The Bitter Wineor Iron is put - up in i 6 coat and $1 00 bottles, and sold by all respectable druggists. throughout the country. Be particular that evory bottle Dears thr ac 'haat of the. proprietor's signature. This Wine Includes the most agreeable and CfnCIODI ifilt of [run we peones, Citrate of Magnetic Oxide cow tuned, with the most energetic of vegetable tonics, Yenta , . 'ornvian bark. The effect in many cases of debility, lost of appetite, and general prostration, of an efficient Salt in 'rim, combined with our valuable Nerve Tonle, is most happy. It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, tabs off musculor flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, and gives adorid vigor to the countenance. For sale by all ra,speciable dealers throughout tlu. Guidry. FINE LIQUORS. • shissier Sz - , Frazer, (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., Az Co.) RS IN FINE , FAREELY GROCE selection D ' NEN opposite the Court 11011E0, have on hands tine of BRANDIES, , f different vintages. FMB AND COMMON' W7NE9, .Every IVRISK.YS. OLD BOURBON, NONONGARELA FINE IRISH AND SVOTOR Whiskye, The best ever brought to this market. OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated CHESTNUT GROVE WHL9RY. CRADIPAGNE WINES. StILOSS JOHANNESBURG, tnAANET SCOTCH AND IRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN STOUT, WPLD MERRY, PLANTATION WIGWAM' TONIC urrerso . With a complete stock of ENGLISH MID AMERICAN PICKLES And Condiments of every description now in the market, and at THELOWEST IZATAW • NIS RCIVRR do IMERPER. 1710 LADIES.-If YOU wish good Lett° 1,-Papee--Envelopee,llah, Peps, or any.thingelmta the l amb:meg hne, at Rs. Plieg-.IIO3ItANO -SHERRY, ins t il itat. Wonwitecthe Finat Shan? eln this W V an IWO Ong= 4 baaimioni to Wu Dock, jr nEDICAJLO I~' H O Cures. Dyspepsia. Liver Complaints Headache, General Debility, Nervousness, De pression of Spirits, Constipation Intermittent Fever, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight. in the Stomach, GENERAL DEPOT, 118 MARKET STREET Eteitzursursa, P. DIEDICA_L. BEI RIM -Kt rJO Q 'XI 4 czv D s• !MIN LYOYF FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS, ATIE GREAT 'EMALE REGULATOR, Are the only known remedy - that wilt nuccesetun, and invariably restore and roguLatethelemalesystena, remov ing an irregularities, and producing health, vigor sad strength. PERIODIOAIi DEars Are a fluid preparation, the only true one of the kind i•ver discovered in this country, and acts directly on the parts affected, whilst pills and powders can only roach them as they wet through sympathy, but not at all direct and positive. . Are you suffering from a constant anxiety for the regu lar return of nature's prescribed laws Give yourself no uneashaese, for Lyons Periodical Drops, it taken a day or two before the expected period, will posi tively and Invariably regulate Its coming, as sure as effect follows cause, as certain as daylight follows darkness. Are you sick, imitated by disease, or astable to boar the labor sad danger of Increase ? LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Come to you as El blaming, for is not prevention better than cure ? If regularly taken, it Is a certain preventive, and will save you much peril and many hours of suffering. Have you been afflicted for many years with co.mplaints incident to the sea, that have haled the skill of physi cians, and are hurrying you on to au early grave? LYONS PERIODICAL DROPS Are the most reliable regulator ever known, and cure, like magic, all those irregularities that have della the doctor's skill. Will . you waste away with eaffiering from Lencorrhcea, Prolapses, Dysmenorrhaia, and a thousand other difficul ties, all summed up under the name of suppressed and obstructed naturey when an investment of one dollar in LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS will surely save you. Do not use the drops when forbidden in the directions, ter although a positive cure, and harmless at all other 41111013, they are so powerful and finely calculated to adjust ind govern the functiona of the sexual organism, that,4l .aken at improper times, they would produpe results con rary to nature, against which all, particularly litcee whu would reproduce, should carefully guard. LYON'S PERIODIOAL DROPS cannot harm the most delicate constitution at any time; Jet the prOprietoin wish to guard against its nnenee, loping that a thousand bottles will be used for a good par. area where one is used, for an illegitimate one. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, the never-failing Female Regulator, is for sale by every Druggist, in the city and country, and do not, If you slam our health and wish for a reliable medicine, buy any other. Take no other, but if the Druggist to whom you tpply has not got It, mike him send and get it for you. C. 0 CLARK & CO„ exopmmzs, At Wholesale, by • JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & OOWDEN, 23 North MTh Street, eiphia, pa tcl 0 iC IC° fa 11. o . 1, DR. JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, liAllt.e7:,riti,thr!,:nt:egL:eatn Speedy A- Cure Warranted, or /To Marge, in from One Weaknms of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder ,Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General Do bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Pakitation of the Heart, Timidity Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddinesa, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those • terrible disordere arising from the S3litar — y Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their viotime than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting thek most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rend ei ing marriage, &e,, impossible. IMME Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Via, that &milli.' and destructive habit which annually sweep to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced Listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre, may call with Mt confidence, E 23 Married persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being Inure of physica.scenknest, organic debility, defor mities, &c., speedily cued. Ile who rdaces himself under tha care of Dr. J. may re ligionsir confide in his honor es a gentlemen, end cold dently rely upon his skill as a Physician ORGANIC WEAKNESS minediately cured, and full vigor restored. This distre.ing olfaction—which renders life noises:lbis and marriage impossible--is the penalty paid by the vie Una of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy . offspring, the most serious and der structive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, lobs of procreative power, nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame, cough, °on• sumption, decay and death. Left hand side going from Baltimore 6treet, a few doors from the corner. Fall not to observe name and number. - - . Letters must be paid and contain a stamp, The Doctor's Diplomas baag in his office. DR. JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, _London, grad uate from one of the most eminent colleges in tire United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spem In the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing Mee that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the bead and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind werecured immediately. • TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the back and limbs, pains in tho head, dimness of sight„ loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, ner vons irritability, symptoms of consumption, &o. klimmem.v.The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—loss of memory, confusion of ideas, de pression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, &c., are some of the evils produced. YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and it not cured renders marriage mopes sable and destroys both mind and body, !Maids ?pip. immediately. Whets that a young man, the hope of his coal:try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoymenls of life, by the consequence el deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons =FT, before contain. plating MARRIAGE, Reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promoteconnubialhappinese indeed, with out these, the journey through life becomes a weary pil. grimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. comes blighted with our own. DISEASE OF EEFIPRUDENOE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure Ands ho has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, too often happens that an Mimed sense of shame or the dread of discovery deters hinefrom applying to those who from education and respectability, can alone befriend him He falls into the hands of ignorant and designing pretend era, who, incapable of curing, filch Ids sub stance, keep him trifling month after month, or aslong the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair leave him with ruined health to sigh over hisgalling disappointment or, by tne use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten tht 001listitullOnalsymptunISOf thißtOrribledißeBßo,BUell 82 afrec time of the Head, ! hroat, Nose, Skin, etc., progreeaim with frightful rapidity till death puts a period to hir dreadful suffering; by sending him to that undiscovered country from whence no traveler returns. Tho many thousands cured at this institution year idle year, and the numerous Important surgical eperatiom peribrmed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters in the Sun, aipper, and many otherpapora, notices of whici tutve appearW again and again before the public, beside" ale standing as a gentleman of character and responai• ullity, Is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. "TIiRRE IS NO SUOH WORD AS FAIL ' TARRANTS COMPOUND EXTRACT OF This prepaistion 19 parthmlarly recommended to the tfEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for the prompt ind certain cure of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, RID YEYS, lIRDZART ORGAES, ETC. It may be relied on as the best mode for the admirdstra Won of these remedies in the large class of diseasesof both gnol3, to which they me spoilable. It never interferes with the digestion, and by Its oostoemiration, the dose it much redhead, N. R —Perelman are advised to ask for TARRANTI4 COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CUBKI3B AND COPAIBA and take nothing else, as imitations and worthless preps rations, under similar names, are in the market. print aOl Sent by express on receipt of price. tdannfae tared only by TARRANT At CO., No. 278 Greenwied . .3 trod, corner of Warren street, New York, and for sale Druggist' a generally. 0d.22-dly For sale by 8. A. KUNKLE Ii SRO., and by Draggistz generally. Gray's Patent Molded Collars New Haven, Con Are not simply flat pieces of paper On ID the form of a collar, but are Molded and Shaped loft fAe neck, having a perfect curve free from angles or breaks, which is ob tained by our patented process, whichalso Secures another advantage possessed by no other collar,—NlZ SPace for Use Cravat in the Turndown style, the mama OF wawa rs PERFECTLY SMOOTH AND PREZ FROM PITOKRES, making this collar, for me, neatness, and durability, unequalled. They are made in Turn-down style in sizes from 12 to 17, and in Garrotte from 13 to 17 inches, and packed in neat blue boxes of 100 each; also, in smaller ones of 10. each—the latter a very handy package for travelers, army and navy officers. *lir EVERY COLLAR is stamped " Gray's Patent Molded. Collar." Sold by all retail dealers in Men's Furnishing Goods. The trade supplied by , TAN DEUSEN NOMMEN, & CO., . 627 CHENITUTT St., Plaids'. his. rezm,__CASPAS SP/QED OYSIERS.,Pat ° lliVed at SEOLFS & FBAne,o: boooeworo to W . & Co. PPSs! oe or. cued Boicelied Apr sale.at REMO a max , . aolgoolon so w. wodo, Jr., Ow MEDICAL. DISEASES OP IMPRUDENCE RELIEF IN SIX TO TWELVE BOUM NO XXIWURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS to Two Days. YOUNG PLIF.,.N MARRIAGE. (VOWS No. Y, Nootii Fitkottorox Or 109 511z,v1;0:4m*,01 MTh - IMMriMrFMM Mies No. 7 Swath IPrvliorick Street. ap26-41.9 CUBEBS AND COPAIRA. D. Ww GRONta -CCL- D. W. GROSS - & WELOLIALE AND REII'AIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET, HASRISBU'Re, PA DRUGGIST'S, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND 002UUMERS. We are daily adding to our assortment of gomis nU Men articles as are desirable, and would respeatfany can. your attention to the largest and beet 'selected Mock la Chia dry, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, 01Is, Vern%Melted Glues, Dye-Stufbi Glaga =4 Putty, Arkiatte Colors mod 'Mg; Burnt*g Fluid and 11,,,otiat, tied, Sperm and The Otte, dottaes, Vials sad lamp Wawa; MOW Boap, BPogigea aad Corks, dut., mO., , Witn a general variety or PERFUME/a" AND 170114.611: ARTIOLIES, selentdd ream the bat manufacturari and Perinmera of Europe and this coontry. Being very large dalara EkOTTE, WHITE LEAD, LINSIND OIL, VARBISSBB, WINVOW GLASS, AISTIST'S ABIZESIVI BRUSHES TN AU VIVO rABIETIEN, COLOBY AND BRONZY We respect rally Invite a call, feeling confident that we Oan atipply the wants sl an on tome to thou aatlaiib TEETH ! TEETH ! ! JONES" AND wsnws PORCELAIN 77111 TE, PATENT MEDIC7.IO7OI, AND tX all kind', direct from the Proprietors SIPONIFDIR AND CONMMAM LYE. Wholesale Agents for Sap Unifier, which we sell es low as It an be purchased lc the cities. THA TER 'S MEDICAL F'LIeIU PXTRilerff. COAL OIL I CARBON OIL ! Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can oiler in- lineements to dose bagels. Coat On Lamps of the meet improvad pattercs, verb claw. Ar bads Or lamps litinge+.l to burn Coal Oil I . 7,MTM-"77171 Those of you mho have sot gtveu our NOM AND CAT- ri POW=III3 *kW know not their sorillodfc smiths sthsutage tbey are In keepb Roma and Was Maltby sad Ina good coadttlon. Thousands Can testify to Ma prod& they lava delved Prom the use or our Cattle Powders, by the tedressei guns ty ead quality of milk, besides, Improving the mad naafi and appearance of *tail cello Ord long experience In the bushy= gives ax the advaa rage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our If eangemente in the cities era such that we eau, in a very short time %nisei anything aptieirinining to ow !Nahum, on the best or tar= Thankful for the Eboral patronage bestowal on our house, we hope by Strict attention to butneni, a carethl seleatiou of PURE D.OUGN at fair price?, and the deals to plow all, to meat a Con tinuarice of the favor of a dtserizainating aple4ly MOTH SAC! JET POWDER, YOB PERIPTIMINO . LINEN ANIrPREVENT'INE MOM riIIiPOWDER—a compound of uable tles ear qui destrantion compoun d of Among or dish 3d over Duo, Woolens, MeV= Givihis t moth packed amity for intrower, will effect / Proven Being also a dellettfal, diffneatde perfume It will Im pregnate clothdrg, ike, with a lasting andpleasant odor. me Linen 4 kibue cannel be iaJared by lialUM Prepanidaani. wild at HELLEN 'lnk and !fancy Goods Store, NO el magma atreet. eto2B .table FINE TABLE OILS.-40 boxes an _ onto of ti tie bee 'airmail:a u ' )1 1 t. *, JI - 7 - seemeseritoir. - 110* QMOKED, BEIM-.4.0109e Jot of Miobe. Li! neespd edßeslialognitar ..... _ tt. hg7 -7 -- '' ':.'- ' ' ' W ~ b Co. DI, 4 sorsa 6 11 9 FADDEPPS MARBLE YARD, CORNER Or WALNUT AND irmanuan‘ Harrisburg, Pa. TEE underaigned having opened a Marble Yard In this city, beg leave to Inform their Moue and Ma public in general, that they are prepana to tor oh* MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Titozuvrte,u4, Bead Stones, Manilas, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stone, Give us rill outlaw will gursavao moloradtan. WFADDIES & CO. N. 8.--Lettering neatly none In English or Garman. torus-dly AN ABBORThLENT OF OVER 100 STYLES POUTDIONN.A.IL FOB LAMS AND GENT-LEM, The beet Morocco TRAVELING SATt-M And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, enitable for Presents, now on Wog at KELLER'S DM Store, merl94,l* No. 91 Monet attic, Photograph .Allbaraigi: BOUND inFII4I3 MORoooo—pannilad glit and mounted with twa heavy el. aapa al nutcase ler Si: 8,) z 40 ti, 60 La , 469 Icalr with vnions other y.k-i: u 00 - t .. btu:l,w . ethe, aim and whlch will be sold amp. Boler,a you amnia buy s prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere. Gal land see at suatilatif ran Umuut Voss, THE FARMER BOY, aud how he berame Command • $4 THE PIONEER ROI", und LlOrf Prt THE FILRRY BOY, Rad the Finn.,ler, TIE PRINTER BOY, or Low Ben. Franklin nada hie mark, $l. TM FARMER BOY, and how he became Neaten ant GeaeraL ID pews. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF TIM RRBELLIOF, Shan Fort Sumter to Roanoke ,•elegaritly illustrated. $.l At BElturiEß'o BOOK STORK INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No 23S Walnut Street, South Side, East of Third Street, Philadelphia. •MOUNT OF ASSETS WOOPRORATED 1.794, CAPITAL CHARTER PERPETUAL. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation In• COLORS, PAINT AND 'entail Agent for Pennsylvania. KW Walnut St, near Mend, Harrisburg, Pa , otra-Om OP ,ALL Klima JUST RECEIVED, RA azaraturzrzs, QTIIIIBLING BLOCKS, by Gail Hato• 1.7 atm. Price $l6 • HAUNTED ILEARTES, by the author of the Lamp fighter. $2 00 SWIM STORIES, by Ik Marvel, author of "Rev of a Bachelor." 1711. WEBS'S JOURNAL of the Discovory of the sources at the Nile. $8 60 (rayTWA WOMAN IN BLACK, by au: .r of "Man in ' $1 GO IX. NOTES OP HOSPITAL LIFE, Nov.'Bl to Aug. 'O3, $1 00 X. STORIES OF THE SEA, for boys; from Cooper's writings $1 00 NTOIIII3 OF TIER WOOD, for boys: from Cooper's Winne. $1 OP UNRIVALLED ORAFALER FITRNITEME POLHILL dove not enact the varnish, but restores toei original furze. h does not discolor. It wilt =gait with very little labor, every fished surface, tither metal or wood. An manuracturers and timers in lumina% should use it for cleaning furniture that has'been stud log, covered with dui. A touch and rub here and there will mike It bright and fresh. For side hy S. A. K1M.'.103, & HR4I, US Market street, Harrisburg. irgIaINVALUABLE SYRUP, which is en , y vegetable in its coMposition, ban been em played with wonderfat meets for many y ears in of diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. For any form of the dissent, such as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT SPITTING OF BLOOD DIFFICULT BREATHLWO, HOARSENIMII , LOS 3 OF' VOIC E and HECTIC EWERS, Its use will be attended with the happiest reunite. It is one of the test and safest medicines for all foram (4' .EtwoN_ OTITIS and CONSUMPTION. Ao Ir -her tan or gaspara- Mon of Opines in any shape intids syrup. kW i t PEOTURALIS are useful to soothe a toe" allay Tickling in the Throat. to relieve EOB/110111211, Catarrh, Sore Throat. They contain COMMA. gerelM 2 d, IPlC"Ualthal ffenega and &PA (the most reliable expectorants known,) are the chief ac. Live conathaenin eo Wended with Gum Arabic and Sugar, that each lamer contains a mild and vety_ pleasant dose. Manufasaueaseiely by .8. A. KUNKEL & lantrl APotharavielk lls Market Meek - Harriaburi P.IBitiLDELPHIA COLLEGIATE .nusn- WTI FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 Ant street, Iiev.OIIARLIZA. SMITH, D. D., K. CLARENCE alum A. K. bineipala. Ninth Teat Three departments: Primary, Academic, and Collegiate, Fall college course in Classics, Mathe matics, higher English and Natural Science for those who graduate. Modern Langliam m u d s , ?wi l ting and Elocallon by the best mutters. - Poe mircalars the Initiltute, or address BOX 2611 F. 0., hie liP*6ol* VISIONG. WEDDING, INVITATION ass AT NEMECIARDS.—By a special arraagement with sae at the beet miniver' in the country, . wade of arty dantription will be executed in the hmitest style of art, mehmashio with the latest fashion, and wagwßial praniptly; at tower picas Man are owned_ _?_ttb!: o o 2l- en MM. York affiliadeffale- vor io° sl "w=" calk GI BERGNER'S BOW ANEW involos of liflohopedo Emus just reashred tidiasSia& • • Swum $0 irDoekingno misczia.ANif.lous. wort OA POCKET BOOKS, PURSES KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. PHOTOGRAPH AL B MS ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT ALBUMS WITH ERiEMEM BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. .14 ARTHUR El. COFFIN, Free Want CNARLFS PUTT, Secretary. WILLIAM BUEHLER., THIS MOILNLNO, A FRESH INVOICE OF ICHENER & CELEARATED SUGAR CUBED /1A21t51 AND • 81118LER & PBAZER'S. =EI THE _NEW BOOKS. DAIUDTIMS AND DAYLIGHT, by We. Ho'met $1 150 IV. BARBARA'S HISTORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwarde 60 nem. THE SHALL HOUSE Or AIJdNiI fug, t , y • Trollope. $1 25 EEG AR new Imola reeeiled le soon as pubtlaned at BERGNER'S BOOK &MBE, fa Market attall CM ralffliTOCß'S PECTORAL SYRUP. PRICE SLOU PER BOTTLE For sale at MAGNUM Cheap Book Store. 10 . EI3 $1,660,663 60 6500,000