THE TELEGRAPH: ..31 - O.pNINEI AND EMITING, t 3 Y GEORGE BERGNER OFF7CE THIRD .17:, NEAR WALNUT TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION STNCLF. SUBSCRIPTION rail, .11,Y TZLICM.VPIT s s. to nutierinittb 21 the GS a carrox per ,7 - z-za - ves.rly embscrlbsrs will be 69 ,rra gE 00 in advance, Irnaae pentO3lsßilo neglwttc, •5? adV.IPM will be cbargiNd kh , ,l,v Pia ihrLds - 13-4P1113 also published weekly, an • 11.: tarei.Abz.,l setHeribers at the followicg cash rates cidgic copies, . . . Thrcu , : ogles ID one Post Office . Ten copies to one Pdst Office MILITARY NOTICES. Volunteer Notice 1 Ordains of Companies and CollllllalidErß cif Squads undersigned are prepared i e for all Voltuasem The Lotal, Orixh, and GovivnmEnf B unties I t„ - immitte es can be nupplied with credita far their trarn .it or county quota-. Eilllitinent paper;' proniptly made out, end men ;,;tended to until mustered in, clothed and equipped, by , cinFylvania Recrbriling Agenev HEWES CO. Office. Parke Rouse, Markel ntreet, between Thud and nth str et:, Harrisburg. Too of the drat Kara e4riurni. - t-ions to reTritit ;7 rebellion [anir2il d& - e - ltst fIE A flit t; A ItT ERS ()RAFTED VEEN, ECM VO LUN T,E,L lI '; ,';(Wth HP 7:P7t,'J 81.. Seconaft,:ry,.. Itc.”7 A - r.., ID Drafted Men from the Cit; or any pan of the will be furnhed with .. 4 1:bstituteF nt short i.otice, .711 on liberal terms. ,c - z- Men EnLi2tinz., either us Substitute or Vollialeer , . re-rnivo the Imgen 13ounCe.7, which tr:!! hr peie to ,z ,, -rn in reqt O soon ns mustered in. ,1 . 71:7!.? be 1 i:.eriqfy paid at this Office. W. 1). LEAVES S. ISE CLOSING OFT SUMMER STOCK AI :tNI) 31E LOW COST AIRS, M, MATER, NO: 1 MiREET STREET, BEING desirous of closing her Summer Stock of Millinery Coods, °Rev for salo at greatly reduced prices, such as SILK AND STRAW BaNNETS, HATS AND FLATS. M. coutabtly on hall .l A F;lot.1;,1 assortment of VELVETS. LACES, HITCHES, 1100? SKIRTS, CORSETS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES. COLLARS. • CUFFs, BELTS, NETS, FANCY coons. &C. Dealora wdi do wed to cell, no great bargatna can be Lai at Wit(*TRIP. jel4-ly SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY lAM happy to offer to the public a large and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, tareafaetured by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. These Peas are well llnished, elastic, and will give en tire satizfaction, PLEASE TRY THEM. SOREFF.KIPS BOOK STORE, Secand street, oppopitc Preshyteram Church, HarrLsburg Pa. ap23 DANIEL A. MUENCII AGENT Or the Old Wallower Line, respectfully in forms the public that this Old Daily Transportation Linegthe only Wallower Line now in existence in this city,) is in successful operation and prepared to carry freight as low as any other individual line Lett`-eenFhiia delphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport, 'Tetley Shore. Lock Haven and all other points on the Northern Contra;. l'!'tattOpli , ,a and Eric and Wflrun'Avv-t and Elmira :e. DANIEL A. MUNCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Penn'a. floods sect to the Warehouse of Messrs. Peacock, Zell dr. Hindman, Nes. 808 and 610 Market street, above Sth, Ple.ladotplita, by 4 o'clock, r. re., Itt arrive at Harris burg, ready for delivery, next morning. [apZO-rdmyl Draftf Draft:l Draft, ZS! ALIEN and persons under or over the re quued age, who have been enrolled in this (14th) /Ascent, or any other District in the State, can have their exemption papers made out at rates fixed by lacy. Now is the tune to put in a substitute and avaid the draft. Persona who are not liable to ilraft, and wbc wish to eater the army no ealailitotes, eat the highN3 pro. raium. Business transacted by um!! at leg i rater. and coat of travel thereby avoided. ORA at once, er adilveFz by mail, EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney nt Law, lid rtre. - -i, Earrisbnrf.r., Pa. 0.c0ik2r.v..? CONCENTRATED 'LEMONADE, i s a pleasealt, healthy loc.verap, Very convenient toad let le , bin7 fov j ug :ever Or great thirst. its pornitollity reconilllCL4P, it lel 118 convenience at plc-nlcs will be aprecistc,l. No sugar required; ono table-sponnlitt eimpl .t.tuelec.l in a glass of mid water and it Is done. KELLER'S DRUG AND FA KCY c DOD STORK No. 91, Martet street. NEW PriTTADELpHIA AU L. 0 A le 0 I, IN D. W. GROSS" lai'ff - BLOCK, Ntarket Street, iflarrisbtartt. 1,000 DIFFERENT STETS 07 FARITIOXSZLE UIOAIC,t4 AND 0711 ()11 1, Alt • Ati2) PINE SPRING SHAWLS. win open on tho let of Avrel. _ PIANOS. RIERES gCI4IIII)T'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLE AGENCY . AT Ti' KNO CHKS; 03 Market street, Harrisburg. FOR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to MYSELF I have taken the agency of the above most exoellent Plante. The public is invited to come ned ex amine for themselves. A few Schomaoker S Co's Pianos on hand yet will ho deal low. mar26-tf PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Plargest and cheapest variety of PHO T : OGRAPH ALBUMS in the city are constantly kept at Onarl2l BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. "REEF TONGITES.---Finoa.rgel?eefongnea, .1.0 omit tvy J.H . Micheuer Oo ; and for We •by SaIsLER 4 FRAZER & {1 4 Z2." ,TERIDGA.R. —Pure aidar Vinegar lt BO BQER ceu be eeeitttl , by the barrel or emu & quety fraßat • AYER - . t - I . .- - 41rgEZIMEING . EATE4D/ s, W, - . 4. - ...._-.....:-,::: ~. ~, , o p,g / 0 4 - _-_....- -, . , . , .' 1 211 1 21 :1 r n ' '-' 1 • P TI ' ' •- k . N., Art ilti Filtr. - ea ot c le t sio comet& : z e '----7 -; ~."----.----•._ de . :.. : . ..,t:. • 'ye • -:4' , 9 ., __:___•_,_:_ ~ , ___- • , _,....... ..—:-, ,_. ~.e.._...,.„..;, 1p , • *a , t..,: - . , 0.: :, , ...., . ,/,. , ...,., ~.z ..i. , .. ,,.. . i., r .14. 03:31tro r4 1.10i.tdya :_ i juts. , *m sw ore us tbau . i consty r i $ f.lO One 50 , . , , .:,.. ~ . 980 'week ... .... 1. 115 '.5 ' -Ir the' bref' e - . _ . . 40c0)*Ientli --: 1711 4:46,' i '''...---,...-- - C.:. -... ",,'" .."'", at - . ra - I' ir ;.; - ,...0> .. " , -----. - -,,,-- - -- f . ,:. , :*-- . 11 7 " ,-, . Y ) ''''' -,_" _....-rZ,.• ,- .:. - . 0- -, Arginaintth3. - 4 00: -11'10 - / . AU .. - - 'ramie amain 5 50 Three • r 8/..t months 800 Sft rr ---.---- ----"'‘—..------- ---- - i 4ne1e:er..,.........1 5 oe one $1 v 0 4 00 10 00 UNCL AIMED Gi-OODNit; of tlik. HOWARD & EWE EXPRESS COMPANY, MEE articles described in the following A. schedule, having been consigned to the. Howard ta Hops RA:press COmpany, and the consignees, alter due and legal notice, not having taken them away, nor yuid the costs and expenses of carnage, will be exposed to public'sale or outcry nt the Market louse, on SATURDAY, SN.PTRITBER 24, 1864. The sale to commence atit o'clock in the forenoon of said day : 1 box, Capt Joe Hutchitemn 1 belie, nonarno 1 box, It Mc', clock 1 pkge, John Shulthotr-;e 1 box, Peter Henshaw 1 nos, Elludieth Wiglnntng 1 box, Al Conghlin I box, S E 'T Brady 1 e hag, Geo L Ender I bottle t Chas Bucher 1 pkge, Cata MtCarty 1 box, /nos J Tomer 1 idle, coat and boot an i Flax, Chao Behekeheicne no name 1 box, (I W Mapes I lot pipe. A I. Baitls- 1 pkge, AI L McDonald 1 hex, no name 1 pkge, Geo T Barkhert 1 box, H C Wolf I box, Class Taylor 1 box, Capt W Ilardio.i I trunk, J W 1 box, Gis, B Daily 1 trnuk, R C Bally 1 pkg It F Leisearing 1 [Sox , SD Fite 1 box, .1 1! Kohler 1 box, Win Bethel 1 box, I. P Mills I box. Peter J Warts 1 box, F N Morton ‘ 1-pkge, 3 Vogle 1 e bag, W It H'Porter 1 pkge, 3 Yoming 1 belle, Henry Lander 1 pkge, Limit W S Royar I east, R Fittock 1 pkge, Wm Morris 1 page, Geo H Russell. 1 pkge, W S King I pkgo, Geo Voght 1 pkge, George Betchtre 1 box. B Rosencruntz 1 pke, John A Dmitri& 1 box, Copt L M Bumutell 1 box, Patrick Flanigan 1 box, AI A nievenson 1 bottle, Jane Schuler 1 pkge, Win It Moser I pkgo. no name 1 pkgo, c o d, J F Ebersole 1 wheel, Capt DOtip 1 box, A F Ponnepatket 1 bek, no name 1 box, Leah Lees 1 p box, Isaac Bert:lnger ii boxes, G P Hardwick 1 box, no name 1 hex, Capt .J Kelm 1 pkge, Et Anthony 1 box, Josiah It Brown 1 pkge, J A Nixon 1 box, Robt F Cr:LS:roan 1 box, Wm L Earle 1 box, Jos Burge 1 horn, John Newconto 1 box„T E Spalding 1 box tob, Capt J J Johnson 1 box, Capt J Detwiler 1 pkge David Pepper 1 bor., A L Bryant 1 do 'Wm Carlisle 1 box, John W Hopkius 1 do Fiber Mcbltner 1 box, Mary Radabaugh 1 do Mrs S C Jones 1 pkgs oil cloth, no name 1 do LOuiaa Bender 1 pkge, W D Jack 1 do Aaron Schloss; 1 la,ap and h act, El ECPIT 1 do JIM, s Freeborn 1 pkge, Wm P Patterson 1 do Ad&M Wolfinger 1 pkge, Josiah De. Boor 1 do no name 1 e bag, no name 1 do Carl Mayer 1 peg , Lieut it B Bally 1 do Theo Youperiterst I c hag, Ed D Conrad 1 do John 11 Beryhill 1 c bag, Capt P 5 Willa 1 do Henry ;chi 1 coat, no name 1 do John Ht.:costae 1 bile, tiro Hight The above articles will be exposed to public stile, ua afotwaid, according to the provitiotut of the first section of the act of Assembly of the Commmonwealth of Penn sylvania, appr.ved the 16th day of March, A. D. 1858 ; with all lhe requirements of which the Howard and Hope Express Company hare in all respects complied. The act of Assembly Ls as follows : Std3STITUTES, "Commission merchants and factors, and all common Carrie's, or other porstAis having a Lien upon goods, wares and merchandise, for or on account of the costs ands ex penses of carriage or storage, or any other charge arising troth the transportation, keeping, or storage of such' pro perty, in casetue owners or consignees shall not pay or dis charge tae amount due for such cost, expense, carriage, storage, or ottierctiargets hereinbofore named, may, after the expiration of ninety days from the nonce hereinafter pro ided, procoeti to sell Ins same, or so much thereof as may be necessary to discharge said lien, at public auction: I'srorided, That notice of sale shall be gives as required or sheriff's Sales of personal property, and that thirty days' notice of said lien be given to the of the property, If they cannot be so found, that the same shall be advertised weekly In some newspaper published in the proper city or county to which the goods, war a or merchauaise have been consigned, for four conseen tire weeks before the sale, Um residue of money arising from such sale, after deducting costs of transportation, charges and storage, advertising and sate, to be held sub ject to the order of the owner or owners of such property." GEO. BERGNER, Agent aug2.7-cit - 1 Howard end Rope Express Company. Northern Central Railway. DUBLIC NOTICE is herebyzirea that the FREIG ST and BAGGAGE described in the follow ing list remains . unclaimed ih the Warehouse of the Northern Central Railway Company, at Harrisburg. Con signees are hereby notified to come forward, pay charges, ar.d' take their property away, or the same will be sold aceordinv, to law. . DC. HARRY, Sop! • GENERAL SUPERINTEND/al - 9 OFFIOX,I Anatisr 15, 1864. ) • No 1, Williamsport and Harrisburg check 149, one black trunk No 2, Elmira and Harrisburg check 20, one box, Lteut A Stiller, Harrisburg No 3, Baltimore and Harrisburg cheek ne, one box No 4, no check, one box, J Barrett, Lockport, Niagara Co, 14 'l' No 5, no cheek ' ono box, Lien! A Scott, Harrisburg No 6, no check, one box, no marks No 7, no cbook. - box, Jacob Weaver, Pittsburg No 8, an check, one box, Reuben Porringer, Celia- No 9, no cheek. fair leather trunk, do No 10, no cheek, one box, Capt Phillips, Harrisbut,g No 11, on cheek, black trunk. S S J St Joseph's twaile roy, Philo no 12, no cheek, fair leather trunk, no marks No 13, no chock, fair leather trunk, Capt Lyman, Bar% risburg . marks Nol4, no cheek, black leather trunk, no No Ir,, no check, black leather trunk, no marks No 16, no check, one box„Ino McGee, Harrisburg No 17, no check, one box, Geo L Stephens, Harrisburg No is, no cheek, one box, Newport station, P R R No 10, no cheek, one box, Daniel Robison, Philadelphia No 20, no cheek, black trunk, duo Gemme, Lewis town, Pa No 21, Danville and Harrisburg check lair leather trunk, Wm 11 Herber. Milton, Pa No 22, no cheek, black trunk, no marks No 21. no cheek. fair leather trunk. Vi 8 Scott, lie, Ohio No 24, no check, fair leather trunk, Rhos McDaniel No 23, no cheek, black trunk, Sarah So 2t, no check, black trunk, G S Anglif y Blltgbarap• ton, N No 27, Williamsport and Harrisburg check 92, fair leather valise, no marks No 28, Baltimore and Harrisburg check 687, fait leather valise, no marks No 20, no check, fair leather valise, no marks No 30, no check, black trunk, Jno E Monroe, Lancas• ter, Pa No 31, no check, one box, Michael Trump, Allentown No 42, no check, one box, no marks No 3 3,Scranton and Harrisbureacheek 239, one box 7tio no check, one box, Mrs Black, Prosperity, Pa Ni' :15, no check, oue box, Henry Will, Reading No 36, no check, one box, no marks No 47, no check, - bag of saddles, no marks No 43, no check, saddle, Ignatius Floosie; Portage station No :49, no check, black bag, no marks No 40, no check, black bag, Mary Foster, Harrisburg No 41, no check, black bag, no marks No 42, no Check, black bag, no marks No 43, no check, black bag, no marks No 44, no check, black bag, J Shadle, Jersey Shore, Pa N 045, Williamsport. and Harrisburg check 36, black g, no marks No 46, no check, black bag, no marks No 47, no chock, black bag, no marks No 48, no cbeck, carpet bag, no marks • No 49, no check, saddle, no mark's No 50, no check, bag, no marks No 51, no check, one box, so marks No 52, no oheck, one boa, no marks No 1; no check, hat-box, no marks No 54. no check, fair leather trunk, no marks J Fleming, one bundle thilis ' A L Babcock, 1 bdlo rope N Frazer, eleven barrels nuts D Fisher, six corn-hawkers H Gilbert, one barrel insulatOrit Nelson Bryne & Co, two boxes Mere S Barkler, one box hardware H Hawkins, one granite block NicholaS & BF. ,WrbFi lP athdries J Albert,. eneiolOsekbwo bores Tho=oisibOX - I,tardware No •161t 3 tsioltAni mrks N0 , 00n.1001. 4 240.:t0arke - No ccuttgose, asp: 4 no saris No coning:we, ma" No amsloisti otostiot - so, WM l .6ilmw„lfitt -4104w BY GEORGE BERGNER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLIC SALE REISAINDTG I i TER WARE4L-5."E: "THE UNION-NOW AND FOREVER." HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1864. RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road ! SPRING WIVE ..1-.ABIX. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FI'OUR FROM PHIMADEDELPRIL ON AND ♦TT£B MONDAY, May 161110364 MBE Passengez Trains of the Pennsylvania I X. Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har- I ristatrg sad Philadelphia as follows: . EASTWARD. ... _ . rintoimin mizrktss TRAIN /mires Harrisburg. daily at 2.45 A. N. evict arrives at West. Ph il adelphia at 6.55 A. N. / FAST MlR : leaves Barriaburg daily(ekcept .Monday) at 6.00 A. at, and arrives at West• Philadelphia at 10.10 A. N. 1 Passengera take breakil - istat-Lancaster. MOUNT JOY ACCQxmonows; IMv .es Harrisburg at 1.20 A. N., connects at Lancaster with Lancaster accom modation train, and and arrives at• West Philadelphia at 12.25 P. N. COLUMBIA ACCOIIIIODATiQN TRAIN, leavea Barra burg at 12.20 e. IC ; Columbia 1,65. P. N. and arrives at Laneaster 2.20 P. N. ; connecting with Fast Mail east at I Lancaster for Philadelphia r atal arrives at West Philadel , phis at 5.80 P.M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 120 a at. ; Lancaster at 2.47 P. ar., and arriVes at West Philadelphia at 5.20 P. N BARRISIMIRG . ACCOMMODATiON TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 5.25 e. st., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 a at WESTWARD ItA_LTIIdORE EXTIPEISS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Holiday) at 210 a Y. ; Altoona, T. 35 A. xi, take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsb urg at 12.30 P. M. PHELADELPHIA. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.10. Am.; Altoona at 8.20 A. m. , take breakSast,- and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 P. at. .HAIL TRAM leaves Harrisburg at 1.30 P. at. ; Altoona at '1.15 r. at., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburgat 12.00 A. M. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.50 P. at.; Altoona -at. 0.35 r. M., take ewer, and arrives at l'ittsburg at 1.00 MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Lancaster at 9.80 A. at., =lves at Harrisburg at 11..10 A. M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Pailadelphia at SI, 45 P. X., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 P. X. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION No. 2, leaves Lama. ter at 6.26 P. M., connocting there with Harrisburg Accom modation West, leaves Mount Joy at 7.00 P. rt, and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 r. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Met. MiddZ Div. Penn's R. R. Harrisburg, May 13, 1881.-dtf .No - rthern Central Railway SUMMER TIME TABLE. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO A.Nts ram BALTIMORE ;WASHING.TON CITY.. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Rallroadi to and from Pittsburg and the Wait... - THREE TRAINS DAILY to, and trout the Noith and, West Branch Susquiehanna, Elmira, and 41 of Northam NW York. - ON find after MONDIS:T„ MAY 'l.6Ni; 1864,- the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central: Railway Will arrive ,at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as Mows, viz: SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) _10.25 A. X. leaves Harrisburg 1.20 r. m, arrives at Baltimore 5.40 P. m EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 11.45 P. leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) 2.60 A. " arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) 7.00 A. X. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Har bin .. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun bury daily (except Sur, • day) at 7.80 A. X NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) 9.20 A. X. leaves Harrisburg 1.55 r. H. arrives at Sunbury 1 4.05 P. at. EXPRESS TRAlNleares Baltimore daily 9.30.5. N. o arrives AS : Harrisburg.......l.6o a. H " leaves Harrisburg daily (ex. cept Monday) 3.15 A. x. arrives at Sunbury 6.58 A. at lIABIUSBPRG ACCOMMODATION leaves Bal timore daily; except Sun day) ' 3.00 e. x. " arrives at Harriabbrg.... . . . —7.60 P. X. SITNItiITW ACCOMMODATION leaVes Harris. burg doily (except Sunday) at 4 00 r For farther initirstiattOa apply at the Mee, in Pennsyl vania Hatiread DetioSi S. N. DeBARRY, Harrisburg, May 16, 1664..-dti Hen. Supt, NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. 4+i4lc :~1 ~L~:i.~l:{.'3V.~tl►'ii~[ti:i:~i"iY~~~~p~ AND PHILADELPHIA. / IN AND AFTER MONDAY, November V../ lath, UM, the PassengerTralna wllllrave the delphia told .Readh; Railroad Depot, at itarrisburg, for New York and Madelphla, as follow; vie : EAST W AR D. =PRESS 10:Weaves Harrieburgsefi.3o A. at., on ar rival of the Petattsyirania iltxpPeal Train from the West, treeing lee New York at 1.45 hr. A sleeping car Le attached to the "train through from Pittsburg without change. j . MAIL TRAIN leavesßarrkirarg at 8.00 yM. arriving In New York at 5.30 P. x.,'and Philadelphia at 1.40. r. x. FAST LINN lams Ilarrisburtat 2.00 r. x., arriving in New York at 10.25 r x., and Philadelphia at 7.00 P. X. WESTWARD. PAST LINE leaves New VertSt C00.A,. Y., and Phila delphia at 13.15 a. w., arriving at Uairlaburg at 1.1.5 r. a... MAIL TRAIN loaves' New York AVIAOD noon. and Philadelphia at 3.80 P. Y., arriving atiltirri..'.ibmg at 5.20 2. m. EXPRESS TRAIN loaves New York at 7.00 r. at, ar riving at Harrisburg at 2.00 a. at., and corinectinglvith the Pennsylvania Esprom Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car is also attached to this train. • Connections are made at Harrhburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Contra' and Cumberland Palley railroads, and. at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkasbarre, Allentown, Easton, &c. checked through. Pare between New York and Ei g triaburg, $5 15 ; between Harrisburg and Philadel. , phis, $3 85 in No. 1 cars, and $3 in No. 2. Tor tickola or other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, nol4.dtf *metal Agent. Hanieburit READING RAILROAD. SU AIMER ABRANGSMENT. GREAT 'SKUNK. LINE FROM TB/. NORTH aid Northwest for Philadelphia,New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Radon, &a. o ho. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate stations, at 8.00 a, re., and 2.00 r. as New York Express leaves Harrisburg at 6.50 a. arriving at New York at 1.45 the same day. A special Accomniedation Passenger train loaves Read ng at 7.16 a. at., and returns fromHarrlsburg at 5 r. at. Fares from Harrisburg: To New York, $5 15; to Phila. dolphin $8 85 and SS 80. Baggage checked through. Rethrning, leave New York at 8 a. a., 12 noon, and 7 a. a.,(Pittsburg Express arriving at Harrisburg at 2 a. a.) Leave Philadelphia at 816 a. it., and 3.30 P. IL Sleeping cars in the New York Express Tralint,throngh to and from Pittsburg without change. Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad leave TILMILVIII at 8.60 A. N., and 110 r. at., for Philadelphia, New York, and all way points. Trains leave Pottaillic at 9.15 A. N., and 2.30 r. a., for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An 4coommodation Passenger train leaves Retains at 4.00 A. tt., and returns from Philadelphia at 5.00 r. /will the above trains run daily, Sunday Runder train leaves Pettaville at 7.80 a ? ?I= 4 11h adelptda at 11.15 Commutation, lelmp,Beason and Excursion tickets at Waded rates to aad fromallpointa. • 90 panda tagmallolllBoo eondtperson. 0811fallkplalktelidiat My 14 11114-41nrd. - • AIM EVENING EDITION. The Bounty Question In Tierkrisburg• It will he remembered the City Council some days ago passed an ordinance which :wag approved by the Mayor, appropriating VA 000 for volunteers, in relief of the First, FoUrth, Fifth and Sixth T, ,utis; from the draft; the Second and !Mira wards having furnished their quota by voluntarysubscriptions. This gavo rise to proceedings at law, J. C. Kunkel, Esq., in behalf of the minority of Council, who denied the right of the city to increase its debt beyond $200,000, and the right to tax the Secoud and Third wards for bounty pur poses, and R. A. Lamberton, Esq., on behalf of the majority of councils, who had passed the ordinance, submitted a case stated for the judgment of the Court, which they folly ar gued, whereupon his Honor, Judge. Pearson, delivered the following opinion: Wilt and others, I In the nature of a vs. case stated in chan- The City of Harrisburg. ) eery. This case presents some very.important and difficult legal questions, which it it is of con sequence to the - citizens of Harrisburg to have early and correctly decided. The first point raised turns on the implied repeal, or suspen sion of a portion of the charter law creating the city, by the provisions of the supplement to the act for raising bounties to be paid to volunteers, passed on the 25th day of August, 1864. The 27th section of the act of the 10th ofMarch, 1860, incorporating the city of Har- . risburg, after authorizmg the councils to raise money, and fixing the method of laying the taxes, c., and making-the debts of the bor ough obligatory on the city, declares, in clear and explicit terms, "that the debt of said city shall at 710 time exceedithe sum of two hundred thousand dollars." The supplement to the bounty law already cited provides, "That in alt cases where,. by the provisions of the orig buil act, the county commissioners are au thorized to contract loans for paying bounties to volunteers, and to levy taxes for the re-pay ment of such loans, but neglect or refuse so to do, the respective cities, townships, wards and borbughs of such county, by their author ities, or board of election officers in said act named, shall have fall power to contract loans to pay bounties io volunteers, and to levy ,taxes for the re-payment of such loans, as f4lly to all intents and purposes as the county commissioners might or could have done un -der the provisions of said act." :The 4th sectiotiof the-.supplement empowL ers - the authorities nanied, to collect any tax not exceeding two per centum, or on the last adjusted valuation for State and county pur poses in any one year. Does the act recited empower the Mayor and councils to increase the debt of the city Of- Harrisburg, to over three-hundied thousand dollars, for the pur pose of paying bounties? In other words, does it repeal so much of the charter law, as linaits the cityliabilitY to two hundred thou sand dollars? It must be conceded as a gen eral.. principle, that , prior laws are abrogated by subsequent ones, which are inconsistent with their pro Visions. If the two cannot stand together, the earlier must give way to the letter, as being the last expression of the leg islative will. This even applies to inconsist ent provisions in the same statute. On the other hand, it is clearly settled that the partic ular provisions of a former act will not be re pealed by a subsequent gelleral statute without negative words, unless the two are irrecon cilably inconsistent. And the reason of the rule is that when the mind of the legislator has been turned to the details of a subject, and has acted upon it, a subsequent statute in general terms, or treating of the subject in a general manner, and not expressly contradict mg or repealing the original act, shall not be considered as intended to affect the more particular or positive previous provisions, un less it is absolutely necessary to give the lat ter act such constriction in order that its words shall have any meaning at all. Sedg wick on statutory law, 123. Laws relating to particular subjects cannot be construed to be abrogated by any constrained construction of a general law. 11 Coke's rep. 63; Dyer 347; Dwarris, vol 2, 533. It has often been held in this State that re peas by implication are not favored, and one act of Assembly shall not be held to repeal another, except in cases of very strong repug nancy, or irreconcilable inconsistency. 10 Barr 442 ' • C. W. and S. 209 ;9. Harris .43. It is said in the last cited case, “that a genre at statute, without negative words, cannot re peal a previous statute which is particular, even though the provisions of the one be dif ferent from the other"---see 6 Co. rep. 19—and it is against reason to suppose that the Le.gis lature, in framing a general system for the State, intended to repeal a special act required for the circumstances of a particular county. 9 Harris 43. The same doctrine is clearly settled in New York. 5 Hill 221. Courts are bound to maintain the prior law, if the two may exist together. 2 Barber, S. C. 316. Repeals by implication are never favored in Massachusetts. 6. Cushing 465, or in Mary land, 4 Gill. &John., 1. To apply these prin ciples to the present. case: The charter law of the city of Harrisburg, supposed to be passed with deliberation, and to suit the cir cumstances of the citizens, and intended to protect them from pecuniary obligations, de clares that the debt of the city shall never ex ceed two hundred thousand dollars. This charter, it is contended, is altered and re pealed by a general law applicable to the State at large, which provides that where the commissioners of a county neglect or refuse to contract loans to pay bounties to volun teers, the respective cities, townships, wards .and: boroughs of such county may do it by their respective corporate authorities, and levy and collect the tax for the re-payment of said loans. This we treat as an enabling act, ap plicable to all such municipal corporations as have no other restraint, by the terms of their charters, than an inability to apply the corpo rate Roney to such purposes as are named in the statute, but not intended to abrogate or change an important charter provision, by which the corporation is restrained from in curring debts beyond a particular amount. It will apply to all cities not restrained by their charters which are to some extent in the nature of private contracts with the State, but would not enable one so restrained by law, unless that part of the charter was re pealed in terms, or .by clear implication, as where the charter law was expressly referred to, or the city n amed in the statute. Had a lawfbeen passed authorizing the city of Har rialmlig la mite this loan for the purpose —Webslei PRICE THREE CENTS. stated, it would have been an ;implied ; repeal of the charter, as it would be inconsistent With . its provisions; but where it is a Mere general : authority to cities, it must lie spelled to-thoige. not laboring under. legal restraints 'by their. charters; for we have no .doubt of. the.powe'r of the Legislature to change the eliattcrs' of municipal corporations. This is no stronger than the ease of Wilson vs. Pistabard, 4. Term, It 2,,whete an. act : of Parliament provided that if certain persons made improvements, of a character described on the river Thames, their land fronting thereon should be free fromtaxation,andit was" held that this land was not taxed by , ts subse quent law, declaring that all theland within the kingdom should be subject .to a certeitt, tax. The special wa.s. not.. repealed- by the general act, because there was nothing in it showing that it was intended to have• that Operation. We. can discover nothing in 'the act of the 25th of August,. showing that it was. intended to repeal, supercede, or abrogate the charter of the city of Harrisb , rg in any par ticular; and there are abundance of cases thronghout the State, in the various cities situated within counfries, on which these words may operate without applying them to this city, or so construing them as to abolish a portion of its charter protection, or 'repeal its provisions. We are therefore.of the. opinion, that as the ordinance of the. city authorities passed on the 26th of August, instant, cannot .be carried into effect without violating the charter law, the ordinance is void and of none effect. Should this decision subject any citizen to the military draft, who could otherwise have been relieved, we shall sincerely regret it; but our official duty requires us to declare the law as wo believe it to exist, without re gard to consequences, and it is the right nt the individuals or moneyed institutions who are expected to advance the funds to carry out the ordinance, to know that their money is secured by the law of the lama, and that the city authorities have not exceeded their power. We must have no contest hereafter as to the validity of city loans, or the legality of the taxes assessed to pay them. The citizens of the four wards referred to in the case stated, are by no means left without the power-to raise money for the payment of bounties.— Certain authorities in each ward are enabled by law to fix and establish the sum to be paid volunteers, to borrow money to make pay ment, and assess taxes to reimburse the loans. Although the city corporation is limited in the amount of its indebtedness, such is not the case as to the respective wards. Each may, in its corporate capacity, contract such del?ts as are authorized by the act relating to the payment of bounties to volunteers, and its supplement. This may,in my opinion,.he done through either the school directors or the election officers. It is ma& part of 'this case, that the same school board represent the First and Second wards. That the, quota of the latter has been filled whilst the former is deficient. It would be highly unjust and probably illegal to impose a tax on citizens of a ward which has complied with its obliga tions to the Government, in order to miler's one which has failed, and it is contended that the school board must impose taxes co-exten sive with the school district. Such is doubt ful the case in regard to the ordinary school tax, but it is not so as to the one under con sideration. This is a special loan for a spe cific purpose, and to be repaid by a particular system of taxation. The objects to be as sessed and those exempt, are _ different from the ordinary subjects—the rate per cent, is different, and there is no authority or propri ety in blending it with • the school tax. It must be laid specifically.on each ward which is in arrear. I have no doubt of the power of these two school boards to make the loans and assess the taxes severally for each of the de linquent wards,. apportioning the amount of each according to its necessities; but if this power is doubted, and does not exist, there can be no cliffiently in the election offi cers of each ward performing the duty, pro vided they conform to the acts of Assembly in all things prescribed. This can readily be done, and there is yet ample time to effect it if attended to with diligence. The opinion already expressed as to the want of power in the city authorities to increase the debtbe yond the sum limited in the charter, renders it unnecessary to determine 'whether any taxes can or cannot be imposed on the two wards which have fulfilled the requisitions of the law—a subject by no meauf clear of diffi culty. The Court is of the opinion that the Mayor and town council have no power to in crease the debt of the city of Harrisburg, be yond the 'um' of two , hundred thousand dol lars, and that an injunction must issue to re strain them from borrowing the money named in the ordinance for the purpose stated, and a decree is directed to be drawn up in confor mity with this opinion . JNO. J. PEArSON, President 'Judge. 33g ZefegraA. Rejoicing at Tyrone. Special_ Dispatch to the Pennsy/vania, Telegraph, TYRONE, Pa., Sept. 7, 10 p. x. The citizens of Tyrone fired one hundred guns, rung the bells, and had a time of re joicing to-night, in honor of the recent victo ries of our army. J. B. From Cairo and CAno, Sept. 4. The steamer Belle from below, has arrived with 2:50 bales of cotton for St. Louis. The Memphis papers of the 30th state that the weather was excessively hot in that city, and numerous fatal cases of sunstroke had iv= marred, including six soldiers. The Union men along the river below New Orleans'had organized and armed themselves under Granville Flays. They have already had several fights with tlie guerrillas, Wing a considerable number of them. At the request of the War Department the 139th Illinois regiment (hundred days' men) have consented to extend their time - of service 75 days beyond their regular term or enlist ment. Brigadier General E. Mower has been pro moted to a Major GeneraL General Paine has issued an order prohibit ing trade between this city and Kentucky until further orders. New York Litton Convention. • STAttoPtr4titt , Theltepitblicalk.atatormolkulitigttfage. a . ' 4 9 012131 .1 1411P4 by . 61 0 - 44 04. Ica A.` EL mailey, as o - ltitutinistratiott NoticeB Marriage Notice: Auditor's -Notices— Funeral Notieua each talattlan.. /fi- Business notices Insetedin the Lorna Cabman, or before Marriages and Deaths Dialer ecars rr.a La - s - for each martian. From the Stamix doah BERSTAILLE, Va., Sept. Lust Saturday iiislit....a4dpa_rt_ of Sep t. was spent in -streggtivaning our entrench tappts, which •are•now'deemed impregnable general Averill has pnittedi.hia forces an beyond Bunker Hill, and had a &nab with the enemy. Martinsburg is slit in our possession, and the telegraph in working -through to Cumber land from Fia.lp . er's Ferry. The weather is cold; the WAS bad and the mud deep, reeking our condition anythin but enviable. Hon. Thaddeus Steyeus Ressouti- 1112=11 LaticavrEn, Sept. 7 At the meeting of the Union county Conven - ,tion, to-day, Hon.: Thaddens 'Stevens wa. nominated for Costgresay.aeolarruition, • :Markets by Telegraph, PEILLADFI.PM&, Sep. ..T. The markets to-day are decidedly deli; for Breadetuffs there is little or no demand, antic for shipment the sales amount to only a few hundred barrels extra family, on terms not made public. ,Small sales are maltjAigto the trade at 510 50G11 for superfine, $3.1 50@12 for extra, and $12e13 for extra fainkfand fancy brands. No transactions in eitEer Eye flour or Corn meal. There is no dera'and for Wheat, and without hearing of any sales we quote at $2 50®2 53 for old. t:10(di30 for new, $2 75E3 for white. liye is quiet at $2 85e2 88. Nothing is doing in Corn: white held at $1 73, for yellow $1 72. Oats steady at 89000. Quercitron bark is quiet At F,51 per ton. Nothing, doing in seCaii and price , are nominal. Petroleum continues dull, erode 49012,50 e, refined in bond. 82®83e, and free 85®68c. Whisky very dull, with a feao small sales at $1 851 89 for refilled and prisoxs barrels. $1 57(5-1. 8$ for western. NEW ions, Sept. 7. Viour firm, sales of 1,325 barrfls at $9 60®10 far State, slllo®l3 25 for Ohio, and *lt Di ,14.25•. for Southern. Wheat dull; 32,0 W bushels sold at $2 22®2 33 for Chicago spring, $2 37@,1 41 for western. Corn advanced lc; sales of 42,000 bushels at $1 00(41 62. Beef dull. Pork firm; sales of 1400 1, arrels .at $42 7i. Lard firm at 23®24:',e. BALT/HOBE, Sept 7. Flour quiet. Wheat active at an advance of Sc; sales 0,000 buill new red V. 07@,2 70. Corn steady; sales 3,000 bush at 70c for yellow. Whisky steady at $1 . 84k41. $5. Provisions steady and advancing,. New York Stook Market* Stocks higher ; Chicago and Rock Island. 1094; Cumberland.prefd, 61: Illinois Central, 161; Michigan Southern, 81i; New York Cen tral, 128 k ; Reading, 1331 ; Hudson .River, 123;i; Canton Company, 231, Missouri sires, 654; Erie, 1081; Gold, 2421; One year cer tificates, 931; Treasury 7:3-10s, 1091; Ten forty's, 97; Registered, 107 ; Five-twenty coupons, 111 k ; Registered. 1094 : Connecti cut 6's 100; Csrolinas, 61. Philadelphia . Stock Markets PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 3. Stocks firm; Penna. 5s 9Th; Reading Rail road Cl6';',; Morris Canal 102; Long Island 47; Penna. Railroad 70; Gold not quoted; or change on New York par. • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COSTAR'S" VERMUS EXTERMINAT4 ME ME F.X.TERMLSATORs. "COSTAR'S - FITERMENATORS. EXTERMINATORS. -COSTAR , S - EXTESMINATORS. EXTERMETATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMTNATOP2 EXtREMINATORS, "COSTAR'S"? I..S.g6RRINATOR= EXIIMMTNATOR , .=. , •011STARS - EXTERMINATOR.. ExTERiarTAToI. -COSTAR':' EXTERMINATORS. EXTERNEM:MY/CS. "COSTAR'S" SHTFRNINATOILS. ESTIMATORS. "COST WS" EXTERBIEENATOW;. EXTERMINATCW, -LW L'A we." MERMINATOM4 rATEßmwriints. -COSTAR'S' EXTERMLNATOR. EXTERMINATOR'''. "OOSTAR'S" LICTEREDIIKATORS. EXTERMIRATORs, "COSTAR'S" , EXTICEMLNATORS. J=TELIMIEATORS. 0 00STAR 1 S" EXTERNMATOW, EXTERIITIEATOES. "COMR's ., EXTERMINATOR . , , '. EMPAIINATORrs. zrfsumrxxiw.s. EXTERWMAMS. War Itato # Mime, itosehes, ants, Is. a ata ft ., Pleas, Moths In Furs, "Woolens, Insott. on Planta, Pow's', Anlinali, etv. "16 years established 4a N. Y. t.',1.y." "Only infallible remeGie2 known.' . "Free from ?Girona." "Not dangerous to the Human Rata Came out of their boles to Ole. Sir Sold by KM Dracisis every - where aram I ! BEIrAZIS ! ! I of all woreidese lashatione. Ur" Coogar i s Pepor, 43:1Broadway, lerSold by D. W. (ißtko3 & Wholesale and retail agS4ie .. Arid by all Drugras is Harrisburg, Pa jelO.dswEte A. F. ZIMMERMAN, Practical Watch Makel-. No, ffarket Street, lorrisbort, DEALER' TF Vi'ATCl56 m. NS ilSoit, sue fll . 1E lA' KUL Y FINE SILVER WAR PLATED WARE, TEA SERVICES, ant ALL ELND,i oi• AwßlAty Nas constantly cra hand a Well selected and eleganuy snorted stook of fin WATCNIES. MAINS, RINK • AND MTS. FINE KUM WARES, AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SHISSIVdiVRES, Both in Gold and' Silver Cases. Moo, • fine sosortmoat of L &DIMS' W ATCII,E Oonsoinuy on hind A LAROI VARIETY 07 - EIMGEA.Per CLONDIEI3, or all dowriPAlNAgi oil of which will.b4 lola at the LOWs9' WIZ PRIM. OW Cal vat taiingue the goodo. • -- P05tk0r,... ,.... .....4411126ta - _PoVI.MPIPMC ItcP 914.1.4 111144 laid or &ISeholsbte " " • mama] No. 69 3 0 1 8 1 44 1 41. 1 0 14 / 9 "; ' new. r attt ' 'FP itica one: +nate a square- day • $ d u g_ • - days We... .. •- • 26 mozitti. ES IX, ae eA , months / 5 ep ... 2u 00 a so 50 ME NEW Yont, Sept. 7 MEM