r==MMI . e + . . n . ...%. z-zt. ,r-,, 7—:—.,—.,—,';'— , . li• 00 - „., 17: H B B FA WEDNEgiIitY EVENINi,ItER, 7, 1864 NATO4I I IA,L.VX - 10 - X4, FOR PRESIDENT , Li bira:-.olittPlll.l. 110111EME41CFAIDENR-- 44,Mi?mi Sl= 7_7 _ _ 'COUNT Y — TICKET: - dciNGREss, -- OoL A. J. HERFt,, of Dauphin County, (Subject to th. decision of the District am.fer.enrp..l LESSALBLY, Col. H. C. ALLEMAN, Harrisbtu DANIEL KAISER, Wiconise_o. PROTHOTANIC, JOSIAH - o."YOUNG,'Hatrisburg: GEOWIE MAEKS, Union Deposit corNIK cOMltikfiiiMEM, HENRY HAlTliiii.N,:=W:liffl:dirgtW,:7 c -s -r.,- ALPREAr-i9.-EANTZ,TritrritAtsurg.: '~Tt t% elnnt ` !FlCAret: The Union men of Dauphin county yi,ster: ;lay nominated &county tiehet, and paanecie series Oft iititand emphatic resohitionB feiteEr4 sting the determination of the royal Men . ofthe county to stand by the Government; in its o' l forts to crush rebellion, .ard to give , to. the national c:i T iulidatts . Prnident and , ' ViCe PresiLleni. 1 4e the County... Convention, for.. local offices oiid for Congregs,-kic eiarvc more tlum a-passing not; tics, as.,*ell. for: the ability" ... #lth which etteh man has son . , od,in the,. rant ':of .11.1q,O.Tty, as for the zeal with which they have all devoted themselves to the cause of the country. A. J: . Herr, of Harrisburg, wits nominated for .1 Congrem,,idbjee tz, the cOnfirniatiOn •Orthe confereesofthe District ldr. Herr has, been so, long before the people of the - county, iiDa post-, tion where his worth and ability haVe•both been: tested:and, establi l lied, almost necessary for us to refer to his pecnia fit- ness for the position with which his--name. is. now 'so' favOiiibly etinnedted. '.4 We doubt • if there is a man in this Districeb'etter qUalifted to represent its vast interests Congress; and we question,._too,, whether- we have a man in our orgardzation possessing_in ft larger de gree thelfaillitits of•personalpiopularity,•tlran Col. ife4"," tinished keed,' sagacious and - ,tlnorotig.haores3...4WJ:oro knowledge- of -the politics- 4.4 • the- canary., which"few:inen• tiff -ardently •ilevoted• to •his prole:4ll:4:o4e s tine o g . aty•#, anti vy'llieg lie could wield to admindie.acdnunt of Congress. It Col. Tim .kige the good. for, tune to'recei've the nomination of the District Confeienee, he will repay the cOnfidenod thith reposeein him, by a campaign which cannot_ fail of results other than his own personal tri nmph, l ,andly a 'service _in 'Congress .which wilt bi.4.04":,b-Pri9OWIS:PY e_ very man iu the District• . gamy . ' O. Apeman and Daniel Kaiderp the Represeititittifes: of the county in the lust - Legistatiire: were beit; unanimously , re nom instal', -Aside ,iron Usage which sane timed-Book a '1.6-non/Motion, each of these gentliditen had made ether . and higher alairug to this extension of the confidence of 'their friends, by an earnest it6l`otion to the inter-1 eats of thfir coustitll; ut,;:,t 1 11:1 tuAagging heretteo to the, .greafeause of the botinty. S% congrifidate.-.thein .on their re -nomination, and do not doubt but that they will be e 7 elected by an increased vote. . . . . :•••• „ Josiah C. Young, the Present • effidient • and popular Prothonotary, was re-nominated by acclamation: Mr. Wang deserved this•compli mentat the hands of tits delegates as wellforthe faitliftanels with lie Ise diseharged. his . official duties aefor the, coriscientiOlis with. which ho•has aeknowlidged, his penimal and political obligations. The greater proia`-• .hence pohCict l par .wean give t"o sui~a = view and the larger the confidence peopic ppeso, in them, the better for the reputation of par tizanship ap.4 theintopsts, ofeendillmitics. Georgellisrk.s, the gandidaie fo; Register, was nominated, mvtlieskond.ballat,..an...evicitace alike of iiis-persottil , popularity-• , amd- the dim-- mdify:'Wldot. m ksd thlf pr de - d , dit*s of the Cottle.atigi• , who- know him" quaajfied fot IlegisWr; aild ire Inite-no-doubt that-in The , diseliarge of tl(6 dittieS• of the•pol4tfo'n Ifs - 1;1# with that , office.- • - • • ' • •• Henry 'Hartman, 'tar Cor_nty Commi7liOrter ; PhilO t toyef, Director todr, acd :'red...glentz,_ for Antlitor,-wvili umninaLions utemituously made. - 3 01`4 , 0etthemitily endorse eat h :of these; bscause - Itht rmddate • s conic frpii.the7fareig 4Ona 3l ,ric Of the oommunity,.an.d..were _nominated as. we& Cor their personal integrikv Citis for their busi laNit( irktificaVon. ' , = Talon as, a Azae::t ll e 11 ._.'1g4 11LeL :pt Dauphin. -w county ere..l:Levu asked ,iCt support a 'tatter tiVise nonituationec are a credit to the Convention in Villa tht•-• %mid uric, and Nfill give uisigliett4dfullitenceto`the ofgenization ilryFise thq, ar‘; before the people.. = ,n... 4.. Chairman of tine - Conntp Committee. ':;Witt deehi 6 I4YE;; thethihn of any Of thOse, whose:lamas were einiteerted qpu F ty Committee, we must , 00ngratutate• the ()multi COrivention 'oi i 8446.,fig, thigiiinsitiolL Few maim the_OuLttr,,*e so pool:ilia' rly,pa4ote4l4l4 . the labors of tk o rt ippsi!ite k XFOSAtoAthellsW.. irkt-e0e441-fam, 4•T laik-putr;444;ti es mile ` rues herd-workin e s. mono, wattle to reader biro Peararty OA t o , - -- - set ae the Chairman of the County V. - Intnittee. We feel confident that he will ;OW Ze the e..'ff,. paigna of October and No zYMber so a4 f to., , ing out the full forns.of our ; - Crififfaa, an. 1 • ;-. .., t. 4 es . ' iCh Nri -m' 'e 'Old-limp.' .co -.) t-, . , w g.l.ory- '' • 1... ._.... --: : ' 1 .: ......-Asats Deserting all inking Ship. 1.,1 vi. , I - AVii . are credibly informed that John Cessna, 1 r of :Bedford, Judge Shannon, of Pittsburg, '46_ ,. ifoh Bailey, Congressman from Perry, and ' other equally illustrious and disinterested I "War . Democrats," -have all expressed their .detiiiimination to vote for M'Clellan.—Derno •crrtfic Btandarit.:t - - 2':- -2.._ -r. . ...z.,:.:::: , . ~... EEC BM is the character of 'the falsehoods in w}iich the copperheadsinterid deal miring liandeirls:Relude Thigfollowersinte sulyportiiig it'Clellan. John - Nona, of teaford, decfaied inltii"Vali'east s eY -imesch, delivered some weeks since, that he was in favor E-of _crushing out the rebellionzb7- full /711 - Enli;il. l aPx .7„ of the, Government r and therefore—caunot be. in favor of M'Clellanfor the Presideney. . Judge Shannon will strunii the State An: support .of the re-election. of Abraham- Lincoln, because he believes such a re-eleation essential to a full vindication.pf the National aultitOrity, and be cause also, he is too pure ft patriot to-act con" ix* to his convictions - of: , Df Mr. position at this..time; vte'are not able to.v4te, buttiromOur knowledge of-the- man, `We fepi certain he WilLniverinpPOitany..ci;m-. 'cUdate for, the . Presidencr o:ecUWTig- a place. • on a platform-of contradi.ctions, :dogmas and nonsense such as compose the Chicago mom: . dialion: of faith. The Democracy must' menu facture slies -.to -be circulated in . this _region la oilier material. "War Democrats'' ,, like those named in this case, are too well known to 'stern d the lying nianipulationS Re*oluccl, That the sympathy, of We Dera- eicratic party is heartily and eirneatl3r extend 'ed to the soldiery of numy who are and - have; been in the, fi t. army eld tinder the' flag of our . 'eonntry, and in: thee. event. °Coin attaining power, they will receive all the oare,protection, regard and.kiudness that tike bra' soldiers of tho'rePnblia have"scinoblferirnett. --'Delao`eratic i.e.s'obation at Chicago. This' is the . ehaff with whieh the demented .demagogues at the head of the Deutoeratic party• . . hope to catch and 101.11coixp• bravo pica. "rho:soldier has ntiffortittett. that -every• De mocratic leader in Pennsylvania, with every .county'ebminittee, filithe organs and the Dern • oenitio State Central Committee, .opposed 'airionding..the Constit'ut_ion so as to extend, the : eleetrive franehise to those who were willing to leave their home's and-kindred and business to peril ,their lives in defence ,of . the 'perpetuity and tha authority. of the; nation. Further than this, ill many of- the districts, whire Alp licfaocrettia i lpfluences - previiled, an e i l rah f to soldiers' families was stoutly resisted by the Democratic County _Commission ers dal aprfropriations only , ankle after the ~ ~ psi le literally :rose ea,misee,...lo . /Orce:. thek .s Etri s tsr . tii Bitch abts'bejuSti66. ' rind' still 4-ur her, in a large majority of military AS:I 'tti ti;MALI'III.9 ;Deinocreer'e f re in-,the :as dant politically, the legal authorities re, I fused to pay bounties, ,. or, when' they made a I , shciw of such liberality, theY.W.are , suie to put it in :4 . 4142 e, as in this eityl - Vila would be i Illegal and certain tottail.:Ot'feing beneficial i to the soldier and iil4:fitici.O.:.24Etd. yet these are the partizans. who efcer ‘'Sympathy " to the soldier..Bahl -Brave ,menare not to be deluded by Well kiitiyiSN'tri&k,S::: . Copperhead s , :sympa.thy,•". nnfortruaatelv - does not lead ;them far enough le: lendef:t4SOldiers either 'reinforcements or - thepriyilege of voting. However, the.actiialiiiinpaillyl43 probably mu - trtal.: Iyhei soldiers have 'about as much real .syMpathrfor the, .Copperheads as-the Cop . perliecis have for:the icildterS: " . Had the Chicago Convention taken occasion to•express its sympathY, With. the rebels, it dciubtless would' haV'e 'found - more expessive language. , ' At leash the-rob:4s. have a great deal more sympathy Withtlietemocracy than oli. loyal soldiers have.- . i TRE'COPPERILEAD ORGANS, ill apologizing f the Chicago platform and its failure to of f a word of denunciation of 'the rebellibn; claim that it is'not necessary for the Democ- - racy to "scohnthe Smithinnrdertp establish "their'devotfen, ii - AptVicioir.::;',. l . ll4ro , ls. some, Itting nnfortniate -hr. this plea. ! Af . ,he - 31 A. Mocracy insistiluit :theYncOd' ittiOllceold 'din *uth" to fix their Itlyalry, itdoes' seem that 'they_ must ale ndnr. all who , ars - maiged. in con, tendittgWith:-tmite'ra, biotdir_i6 thlTili 6, e't.A . rOcls of the South that the copperheads_of the - North'are : their fast- friends. Jibbni,nll that - ois oopperWsi not.; do is 16.1"5i0ir1f1"4 1 46 Civil national authorities P 4, delm-lciaie the hrilliacat resnits:-of the .national army .aud Secrton..ct orb Nor.—:We understand that dome -good Tlemolyats are zonsiderablidtai gered-ht Ilia seettonsiehitraeter•Ait ticket—the Demooratie,TartihaNitig - linreto'- fore.insisted that a . Presidntial tie'ket BLiuuld be divided between, the- 'N:ortli. = 044 .. South. pialares'not-oertairi, howeiter c that the Koala lan and Pendleton tiekiiio, - V.Y-alt. ii. 4 . 1 41 14; for while 'these gentlemen are Northern in rearderie - tc - they are doubtics•s both Southern in feelinglaid'ininciplee Their bodiesbare in he_Northy who , wilLeg that their hearts are not iiilsixie ? At !Gait, 'ik;c,liitgiut' ilia 's:Meet is Of the Sonthern section. . State of-Illinois 'has been requited to .Brtribide'l97,Atrinen . to ihe Urdon under .11 the drafts, including the present, whereof !she had, before the let inst., supplied 181,.: irTs; leaving 1 . 6,112 still to - be raised. There jwill probably be drafts in some loeslittp - s, but • not iu roost of MECep.liutie§, ~_ • , THE BEST BYMISNOE OF TEth, I.fiTigiNgSS foi..the ti:edilieuey is the fact that the leadi i ngiiiien of the great business and a4D ll 4WieriOtieP, if; WA - 4AM: ke,alliAceoinmerciat journals, all Til os & :eleetion...-:..This..as... a ihea#l23, ihe 0-TECIMIDS thiP , loo2l,laci havtwOripeltltertetireilOtii-S jrni e aralidWtosaidniklualill soon be similarly sat-! Views of a Secession eracie—rzxonr4er ekr_ Senator Aercrees ' of nish speech at fackson, M' ' on I ) te 'tie the esp y sk ( ' rni lied , a cd/respo en , 4fterhtomet ematks upon ra,. eral, the finances, &a., the speaks to the most important portion of and that was, as to the prospect so great was the anxiety of the audience upon the subject that there was: an. involuntary move nearer to him as quick as the word peace was mentioned, and...breathless- anxiefa- pre vailed thremghnilt fl:t..eittet every word.- commenced" by frankly oordissing bi) titieis: pie that the confederatipthorities had aban doned all hopes of any- assistance. Min' the governments cif:Enraps,:ortthrough the occupation of Mexioo- by the. French... Our 1-hopes for an early peace were dependent en-, ' tirely on the sueeess of the Democratic party 1 at the Ntrth in. the approaching Presidential •tlection. The whole population of 'fat.. rth, the rich as well as the:pale, were now lied to face the war witliAllAte.horrors; and I he believed , that ttiaywuulsblot.pubm# tethe.. draft ordered for the sth of Septeniergextr . ;. that they would resist by` - force of aims-finisj that the - Peace - party - would continnelotgrervre and be successful in the approaeffitig - diniVe - ss; President--Lincoln had alread7:taken afariri: at the eiturior - drtheveopW Of-the North 'fors : pence, and their condemnation of his - e r mine 1 for refusing to treat with Messrs. _Cley . ;"&f. combe and Sanders, and.the cOnsiguent dis .aster he "had" brought, upon his prospect fur " , :relelection, and it was actually he who sent 1 1.1essrs, Jaques and Kirke to Richmond, to cObtaiti President Davis' declaration that _mit: aovoOment wionia-not, treat_ttitli z tlfe. enemy.: except upon the basis of:theteco&ition...if:= our independence. .Stiehaiiill4,4l•_ll:TiAelt-' 'to the North by Mr. Lincohi :' s agents at the same time, however,acknowledelfeli.i that !President DayiS: 2 infOriOd . _thoui, - that:, :We' Were not--figtitin g :10i. tRiTiiiANSA4I2, of •Slavery, but for our righis as sover eign I States, and the inalienable riglitz 'of self-government. The honorgli ltpteater 'dwelt at length upon these . %has, sida he did I not desire to excite any un e: ,- ixpeetiltions of alarm, that everything defeat:A rip= . Sher man ibeing routed from Atlariiik, That Rich m.on WBl3 -safe r -and-Atlanta.-would be the... Brea battle-field of this war. "Everything in dice d that the enemy were concentrating all theiravailable forces there; our Government was oing the same. Mississippi would have to t. ke care of herself foil the Present, forthe . fall 'of Atlanta would establish a, Trans- Chattahoochee Department, cut off from Richmond, and entail upon us the same dif6.nities which new exiSted with regard to the Trans-Mississippi enable Lincoln to enfdiCiS hfiiTiliracft ripen:the s"th 6f Sep ember next; secure the re-election ; sth black-hearted monster and , prolong the ava.r. to' an indefinite period of time. - RC, however, hoped for the better; he believed he coulTbee a,glimmer of peace in the distance; in. feet ;I:LC.4CH fully convinced of it. lahnse g , but he repeated again, that everything'de pended upon the rout or retreat of Sherman and the simpe4 of the Peace party nt the North: - HeatdvAiid.cv.qrY one to • 4 9.1R - 0.14 e Jew ue, and it would be well. - I • : 2: .". . ir. 1 I . , ...... - ef:.,... •t.... 01 .... .• . o ..•• .. . eau 7 , 2 0:••••! GO - - ' . • 081 twAs.loll-4igi -- • • ........ - 116 . NESSEE UNION STATE OON ' .1.414 4.13 , el AttaCkatolltpULtOZglittliltit' :l)el Loss Before Atlanta 5,000, Be- sides Guns and Camp Equipage. erman Ntianta on &nudity. f, - - - NASHVISX, Sept. 6. _ he Union State Convention,assembled.at th Capitol yesterday, and -.elected . . Samuel P. Milligan President. After passing a series of resolutions they adjourned till 10-day. ' hree thousand rebel cayalrY, Ander Wil li ms and Robertson,withAree,pieces of ar til ery, near litirfreesboro,' On Scittintilradrii; in , were attaeked by General Milroy, and ft bpsk fight took place listirk all -day. Dir Sdnday the rebels retreated towards "Tritinc,4 followed by Idilroy's fermi, which made seve-o rill attacks during the day. The •Federal loss' was 10 killed and wounded, including Col,- Erfurt, of the 2d Kentucky, killed. 'the r,lbel loss is thought to be larger than ours.: General Milroy, having exhausted his ammo=: -nition,joinecl Rousseates force,near Frankliri.: 'Wheeler's main • force was on- Stinday_s i ix lea Southwest of Columbia, and - Williannr tachinent is reported to hai4 'joined hirti„ 'Rousseau closely following. •.•• ' ' _ 1 The damage done to the _railroad. WaS yea. sight,_ no bridges or trestle'worklaving been destroyed. '— - „- ••- • • - A later - 'disputa. frtoin - Mih'ey ' reports . 11 rpbels to 'have been captured, killed or. w0unded......... ~: , - ~s , . ' , Dispatches received - this siffla Rousseau is pursuing Wheeler. South of Duek river, and in a eharge u ii"O ponrthe rebels, w had, 01,sreounted2;.:to fight, we captured 500 horses - i Official dispatch** r.eseived_at Nashville, - announced th - ift: lA' ftiorlaterithir before At lanta, the rebels lost %000-killed and wound d,e and 2,000 prisonerstinoluding a Brigadier Gen'l, ten guns; eautalarge•iinionnt,of camp equipage, cOur lops was triging, The rebels are retreating* great haste- '' 1 Official information from the' fant'dife , Sunday, twenty seven &tali . , 6616* Atlanta, represents Genefe,t'liciingfi as . pushing southward' of Atititira. '"" '- -' - -- -- -,-..- _YAK Florida Heard Prom. wasanidiToN, sdi,c A letter from_,Tenerlfdated the lith - et Angust, says the stegil.ier `Florida Whited' the day,liefore_ 0.•;16 6 0. 4 front - sh e was permitted - to tr e . on boar wad'*hat !visions she iei hire 1, arielitled Ilitrnsit=ds.y . Igoiniilto the . §odtli: burnig•htifetif - sho - rbettred • none-etthe icourteq "e'xibllttedlo•ViresSel . of vary that port. ' •it -alit 'reportett'- that -ishe -went 'there - fromtheveoast•of New Finglankwhere• she took'and• destroyed , mathy , hig steameriaths.tvaktahle , -eargo,wldchtla pirates reoret that they had not awed, and. I run herthrotiah 'fhe"Filiteklitld into - a - idotalt. ern. port., -4• P-oz . It is suripinreil tlat i tlii - aoggel'i'as . theglet4 trio Spark.. One of her otlicers—andi tweref her crew left thellotidtrittl'interiffea ft Heavy li - otAfel i vflit . lArierliel feb. ' ' "'' `'' Sirli'l l , 'Pa t .; Stiiii. V Judie lailia'ereita lit-tl q allere, 'Avlsten tered 105t,,1143 , .,K* 1 01 1 Ar ' ' 0 4),1 , b sl y ll ' tents, antountutg,ticK! I 1 I 9,,,q1.4..,„ A largelnutiber .of sirodwiflxol..notui , tea 4 x ,., stolen. The • were chiefly given. .11,..Seletn :7 ; • billiKikal frofttfteu $lOO Government notes, also aof and42o tinterearpaying bills and $2% Alma vz , 144.4,.1 WasurNorox. Sept. 0-8:10 P. diatiatah , from General Grant, just re ceived, gives a statement from the Richmond Eratitiner of this morning that-John 11 - organ svaa, suryrisp4p4..killpd, 2,04. his. SAP: at "nstelllo47:' „ ,ofrwiai _dispati\l/,,received this mornilg . from Lexington; states that General Cdilem had officiallYT*Mtleig - tiltptiMandalefeat of Morgan at:Greenville; that. John, -Morgan. was killed and hisslaff capturec/4 .fr,oin 50 to 400.1ebels killed, 70 orisoners-tak.en, and, one recaptured. This repoit - bering confirmed by the Richmond Exatainer, - th - ere-is no room to doubt its truth. - Itrhonor of the capture of Atlanta, General 'rant yesterday orcleres - t_a stklpte to be fired witit shotted guniArcpyfew,tiattery - bearing • ri - On the enemy..r..-zi - q:1'!:-11.-.s;f : r...: _ _ `.Nothing has bialV.Astire -- Ay the DeNtrt , int from Atlanta - haxte„%t .I%.inst., nor any 'tang • south of Waiittvilli ttqi... -- Ticcount of the U to . gement ofr,e t r,ttoafnes Ihe.pre ...Wling storms. " - Nomovementstxsts,hn z iia have taken place, in the SheiitlamtiClN.W. - .T.EfRITOL - ..%TANTON, - ---AeOtary of -War. . - i, ItTuioifi Vi iiiCiif,lllll,',V, ,el'lllomt. -- ?: - .::litliil`r„ Sept. 0. '''.. - The result artiir';i l 4* - -,14# this town is: tSinith, (Union, );tiki Go:vnis.l.,:i ,4„ -74.0 ; Redfield, !'-(Dem.,) 371 ; liiiiiin::s* . AirlikT, 369. Union 'gq,in from last yi - AkliCt, .::-':''' - j12.: - ' S. M. Dorr (iliitgni - Wpied to the LegiS- Jlature by a largE?*lol.l447 , :tiiiiihe largest - vote 1 over cast in thiatow.a.:.l-T.T-. 1 'BURLINGTON, vp wt.:: o,' , Z , = , ;:the largest vote ever polled her6.-..04 - 4q4,W,4 ;the election to day. ' L. Barnes, Union candidate for Town Representative, was elected_by 209 majority. li'coy ISinvirrhoil tliervote stood.: Smite, ( - Cik.. ion,) 684; Redfidieftkin.;l`lBB. l'Uniort-ina jority, 356. MONTPELIER, Sept. •,6. 7 —The vote is small, though somewhat taller thaillast ytk., . - _,Only partial returns arc received; but :enough is known to indicatillie"eldetibteiforllrtitire.an &dates by considerably lar g er majorities than last year. We have the..lepresentatiye vote from forty towns,. andn'lLvetarn Uniatn.,,,men ...but two. ~ :_.,, `,-,, ::' ,.- ..,:i• e N:Qteci:l64.4l:k6r4p_i.,is.about one-seventh ' 'of the State. - Tina year; Smith 5,935 - Red 'field, 1,945. - Lastyear;'Smith 4,-654 ; Redfield, 1,551. The,earresponding_increase through out the State will swell Smith's'_ majority . to 3,0c9 over last year. The Union men are kibilatlt ey,ent.b.e 5uicg0.94,91.0-daY. , EARLS IN roactl , l o, oPropmt Rui7Tßoa:A . B4f. ' The American's special dispatch, dated Berryville, Virginia, to-day, says: The enemy are still in Sheridan's front_and, as far as ybUrWriiSapendekit `lest!: :.see, , the '.. i l y 'are no indications of Early's retreat up the 'vs ey at present. The cavalry. force , whieh lei Ripon's store - on Friday night have re tut ed, having. ascertained that the e'hemy - we einArssig t 00 . 9, pepu t a ,Ope cgtV,;,.. „ 11 - 1 eernits and eonvalescen'ts from tAqq-IP`giti,:: ! . ta are arriving in great numbenc'tklmoot. ow ''afiy; , artaire.beineripidiyivent , uxttu3 tiro t. 'I We have hadreckeavy Rip stfliFra since last 1 ,ni 'ht, whickstacontinnes, maltnig the roads ve y,ditetat l for o transportation of supplies to th front. :at was expected tkui.e;4eraLlwould. ha eattoked nwireour.position -ataientistaii: Ye4torday, and preparations were .'made-lbr th+ reception of•one . thousand wounded, but we were dlnappp . intedi and' your correspond en holds to tititilipitildif that the enemy have n , idea of-assuming. the offensive, but will be perfectly, 4ontAnt. for the:present with acting on: the defenlive and Sold,itigltlic blre,f. - `‘The prisoners captured in the fight on Saturday number some seventy. -. r lip to the time of writing this dispatch, - there has been no fighting since Saturday, and, with the exception of little, picket skir mishing, everything is perfectir (I nlet." Election in Wilmington 1).01„ . ; W/LXLINGTON, DEL.t.8612.41 At the municipal election to-daylhe Union men carried the city by four-hundred and fifty msjprity, ejecting :awry candidate in every Nvfkrtt Salute io ifolior of Our.TxcfOries. ~-;WAsnals•gro, Sept. 7. At noonlarsainte-ol.'lloo-gans...Avas. ed. a tip arsenal f4 - ..40 achievement- of Cl' en. Sherman's army_•4l.llwesiviiiie; of At lanta. • . • •-•-• ;ffio - iteirngi v -in: Bal. timoke, • I Thality,kyip:with flags in honor of our "ctitifie'cand-0.:.=3.1=t-salutrine*Yl6lllg -- ad. 4.4.04W1 i 3: l• TifJ 7041 0 11 4 C-14 1 • On thirlitli inst.,-Orpey: Jackson , n cirri n OLIN ant Mrs. ELENORIiT_ trarribditvgi" - 4 - v - EW A LiVERTisi*AN-14 Chambs;iniiiiik ,W*604,, , j A - GOOD CIEEAMBERRAED I Iiiiiiiifie weal Teoonimended._ bypure at IY,OI.IDEMWITI. fißip7-3t] ; & awl :street:: 1 :..--: HORSE P0 . 1.:".1„Aika11,. - . :::-•:::: I A L i -.' STYLISH BAY HORSEI 1384eilreitii'irld,' ,Ent.toNtzi9T_Woje or haniera, will be sold clicsOltes rat of use. Apply to "[Sep - I.bin - J 7 - It, 1d1tY.„... - . ___ _...... ... : •"' '-' -'' N'istitte id- das:Vtinotrieltm - . -: - - ' - ' A LL .conetnmens . of,u,-..,silxii.liiiiisizt.oe - :303t LM.paid;ttitiikillii i oii:reituisted - to do so ett et:beface the 10th inst. as all inapahrbilla will be shut offifterjhat ii a to - . - By on or of aio - Coropany sep7-da3 2 ,1. . .., r: -.1.1 ' THE filbsikibeooit4iiiititivataaleitt of 180 acres 10 StirtiOallill township, Janiati county, Pennsylvania, friar mileurfrem the IN nnsyivarqa Rail road at Perryville, and seven miles from mittiftlawiFAhV I county mat. Thelmprovements are a;;„;, • WIGS FpAyrte,,,ww„ Of woriovie, pa /474, vtaattLpplayrd d, frame•Wason House Hog pon; Sp tug trouVe ci;sift. - 'it 'never-failing spring orati law oatereosau; the state. There is an orchard of grafted fruit; also, pears, peaches, p1uvi4,31:41,944014ie5, Oae hundred and forty acres of the above c eared ;-- Hie remainder well .61fabiiiidd ellsose: - .7winbing to view the above will apPly to the undersigned on the farm, or by letter at Pero fl*.jF,PistOffo4 - I.llffitata county, Pennsyl. volts,* l'Oce iii6r l * ift . Flo easy. sop-7wdw:dlt ' . - JNO. F. G. LONG. , ' 4 A , •1k . ' ~ .- . 1 pick Sic -,;' : .. TZ__ ' .. o ti ... I . Ant . ' „...... UntrOSOMpto an order . of the (CO:4LO .11..'trriiit*Maibria'ef Dauphin county, not:we-Wore by given to thea - Commiesioners of said- couja*fiiiid'as.fae P;l9.;;,ff ' lapiaprs alma tam line of F'rcrotaithiseV,ZEitliL r:la r ie .' -4Cte n :. ' OK qbecitrOf . iislbat mi t • • . • 4, :', • •, I .: , , k "tr.! "' 2 : . ... tat ' 0.1 . c ,/, .. . •• , . .' ;, '...1.;,,, :nnwill Nciglitto maw z:;:d • •• • • elfin ... ~.- : ,:i_:: .. , -... . pisc uz i tas ~ 4 ',. .14.f.1131161 1 PA 4itift 0".1 . ." .- ~- , • ':. . .mwe: :A! ... wri-t .;:i.a***.W. ~ tfyito I azette it 02 the Death A 1 a I s IT 1 lI'S —, :k:d:a y~~~~► MARRIED. :; iGSAY, Supt. Priviite NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , tptiL J - reeelved by the undersigned until MONDAY; Sep amber 12, 1884, for furnishing the LI S. SubAstence De _paa_metil, delivered in this city, with LAQQ.O.EARRELS FRESH GROUND EXTRA . Brands must be stated both heads' to be well lined. rElErhooped and ..Tst, lie delivered at the rate - of - 1001s .rre's perday, cone -mencing withigAwawdrwapfiridtpappia.---: .4arnlies mua-aeam/4141/1f..,PUTL10D56'4,.,..1icti bid must contain in It the guarantee of two-responsire perscies for the fulfillment of Nib agreerrri3nt,'whe wig! glee-bonds if required. In case of failure to deliver the Flciut, the United States reserves the right to purchase elsewhere to make up the deficiency, charging the advance pr!culo the party falling to deliver. Proposals must riot - Eliclosed - wElf samples, hut-de livered separate. All flour to be carefully inspected and compared with retained samples. " All bids must comply strictly with the terms of this advertisement. No proposals will be Considered wh n either Of the paAles interested is„alnerober of congTosg, agent, or employee of the Government, or is not known to be loyal to it. . Blank 7fottE"fOr proposals, etnit.ainine .the form.' of guarantee, ! may be had orfadpficaterrat thin °trim: • Pdyttidnt will be infidolli sateltfundasts maybe forward ed by thernitblestata forthbputposp. " •' PropotitibliAy be accothpanted • by a printect;copy of this advettiketileni. indorsed,-" Proposals for 'Flour,'. and' directed to -BROWNELL GRANGER.; • Captain end Chief commissary SubsiKetlee, . • F.1,6-dtsepl2l , Depattment Busonehanna.„ QUARTEXAA.STriIc. .GrENERAT2 . S'I , ; OV FICE. • . . REST DIM-9.105, Omr,,Septembeg Will be sold at Pubtic4,,uction...to the highest bidder, al, the tuneund placcu.namedhelqw, viz York, Pa., Thoredayi Sept. 4 z. 1.864. Altoona, Pa., Thursday-,Sept. 22, 1564. Lebanon, Pa. Thursday. $ept...29, 1864. TWO EUNDRED'pAygi, BY TIORSES• EACH.ETACE. These Horses have Mega .cOadomned as unfit rat• the, cavalry service of the army, For:road and farm, 4turposea Many good bargibisTmay be had. Hottes sold singly, - : - .4T5.761 - I?—eash, Shliciiijcurreney. rte , First DlvEdon, sepfilse2Bl.,, Q,uarterpaster fleueraPs Office. • . 4 1:ROYOST 'MARSHAL'S . Of4iCE,. I.tra.lliariketCnO. - PENNSYLVOU; • ( HA,VaihntrACC-3eptembei''RclB64. ) . The ; following noticu4nubl*lrt for Ilie' , infanindon of all interested - TOViOLUIITEERS. \b4itnteers be , anceptixinatid counted onAhof quotas th present call; Nfy tothe laSt pinchcakmoment Defore Lie Mufted inetrindacdeVed strof sent to the rendezvoas, Townships aid•sub-ctintriete which.: have not Mind :their quotas m e urgeclth doSio at blict All time tharean'=nlohathly be given, will be 4111)1'1 , 4 1 , but the draft wilthiclnie actsoan after. the.sol 8 0 1 1 ' tember as pranthlibk.:......- • .Credits will bhAtiVerf,•and Government.bounly_haid. to volutneers uritif.:ROtlfer:Amient, : .BF, order ... - ..vapE,»RICHARD L El - 0114C, r' • IA. A- - P..l)l, 4( . 4 eheratl _2. WILLIAM 31311E17F1A !Ai • 9..ptain and A_ A. A. 4ehtlath 1 51.g1N KAY CLEMENT:.; aptairtelntißrbvalst%larsbat 14th Distrlchclt nisburg, Allopt 84.44384. h • slIP.t.:O QUARTERMASTER u GENERAL'S,--Or= FLOE, ... .„ .. , : ...-, ....„.„ dt') ,:..,'_, • Flgsr Div;mos', i i ..v.,.: '. ,7 :. ,whAiiiilt:64o!k, 4 , uPbv.gilc.i:l -, 1 EfpIIRSRS.r•SORSES I- HORSES i 14 g rWeil Vel , ' fiireOv'eltly' el* Aililiely serviee'uill. be: 'lie liaii , a•at (lioNtli;•Deriat',-FoOpen market, till October 1, 64, BO ,q-es Till be delivered to Cayiniir L:. Leeery , Moore:Ad Q. M:;iii#,Oci siipitiCtic,l.6oteLttmef GOrtifereeet.tcopee- Ale : tiOler'e bettlitficeptf,(l.7-- .• - _ ' -, 'N.3).fla4.irittOr.rs,S sl.76 , eaehe, -.- •., —....,...._- ,_ , t • ieli.:„Of - rtPlerr. Ifortes,llo , 6li.. ' '-. -'. ',.',.:::•• -- .. ' tliihiii' . .tli tg . , lilnith - fdr Ri7.6loPAild'lfiert . 6:-. , ' r-- 3 : -• • ,u r? - ~......an : ::1 ~ . ....„rAso2.,A.xmcnoi .. • ;, 1. , ...e , :,:... .......1 ~» ...-..-.-. ....,:.. ~ 1 . r, .i.O o loi l l ictim.Divia s , ll , .. : . ' *- "s 14, ..; '2'•' ..- ' l ' ''''-':''''''- 171;i1;k4 , 1'reeder 4Zieicerel 7 elXdoe..... - :: , x , :': , ..: IC,- :C r _... , 131-. 013 JEN- , •, • .:: 2, .. :I " .r tM N . t t '. • A 4 1':' LAW-'..: .. ' uNS..I4 Hip 'ln.'„[:tt . . .203413:4 4 T Jittnnudes..,li'ensione alkci.BaCia4 1 7 , ekollfat iek4 PeP 3 444 1 3,* • - . V.g4r;. 6 i.:: 1" - 1' ri-* l5 ; TT! BELOW MAREXT. • FOR SALE. VERY. , 'desirable • private , . DWELLING offered at private sale. situated in no upper part of city . Fuquire or MRS. O ROMGARDNER, eR3.4 1 51„., , : „, i; .North area: • . • I - mery and, alley. oo 5... EfEBBS; •kt NO: Market Square; itezt door o F'slif.'sConfectilitteif, tfeepsc'onstant type hand the latest style.. c}' roomy , . Hats, 'Rachel,' Flpwers, Ribbons. Sm., Minikes with a fine Sznortment of Ness 'Trimmings, Lades, "Einbictithilier, Collars, Cott, Handk - erchlefs, Roddy, Globes Said Variety Goods in gr u ral. the latest Designs of Dress Patterns direct frtim the N w York Bazaars. Drees and Cloak making neatly axe , c ed. I:tiantrini for the patronage- bestowed' since her o ming, she t'iiisti,"by weal.* to tasbusas and , -heir endeavors to give general satisfaction, to centimes to - iye a share of the public patronage, jyl.-dike • $lO WILL' be 'paid for haf °relation of the whereabouts of any deserters frolu the US. service. All comisierabgAiene Strictly . confidential. Apress-Box...r.4llaqi4blirg, P.. . . epvl $4O REWARD. 4 TOLE); _on, thq:Sth inst, from the ..livery 11 stable of tho subscriber, in Ilarrisbnrg, a ROAR • ARE, 9 years old, 1534 hand high, small star on fauo b ask mane esid•tail; mark on right hhad.pasture; sows the whiterit her4yes wjaen:tiorinag or reeving her *ad; alwals peeps- 'when. under , the • saddle. Also,. a BUGGY; pankted- blank; -11 riped white, letter B,nn. both de 2mein, :leather , ettetiion. and top. Also, a set of &NESS.. $4O reward will be paid for the return. of the It: re, Bugey and Hamess, or for suchlnformation is will lbad to their recovery, and the arrest of the thief. atign-dtf - - F. R. SWAR'IE. AIMED, FRUITS. (51` E'V ' ERY moue, TION. AIMED, of aU theCelOratedbannfaeltliera. 4ARDMSt ours ons i 3 6 Ver Y a d ' irlO.i o ii: Al a. a ' ' * • .'. . , kp,.DRQWN STOUT, FINE TRAS, DOWER, BU G S d SYRUP of all and prices, an,d the best Woofed Stupkup„taidli ofTeiladelphia. I AR goods 6:3.i:edit:dot its - represetted. I Particular attention paid to all orders fron a distance.: Goods carefoßii packed and delivered to altparts of the ity tree of attire , . - SHISISR & ntAzER, • ' 1 inyp , ;11:MLR; NOTACE:S4:hiiiOS , gitpn, Wit ixt slneenunee.eflhe - Actstr AMWAY . o i.rene47 l vtutht, 'passed the tirst,:day..Of .Tnee;lBB9,;tateeteahohiere of the ;FranklieteWer Wishtugten,..E.Une.,. will:apply:to the ;next session of the 140Ihnuire foi HEAR , jter, With •un et its espt . tg "Oen% _1460,900 ter IE2OOOO. ' • ' REID; Presidont.:_ WASIIIINGTON. PA., June 24, IM4. jert - MIQ, 4 IITD: ELENNIAT: IQIIID RENNET siittdiC . Nttith ttie moat huscioun'of 'est and most gratCtul diet - tot 'iltriAde. ottildren• billroontaiorne+ry,thmtltht,iit 'the- vonetiotion ; iniottosth tient:wt. it itralwaytthghtrand easy of digestion, and supports the system with the Iciest-pm/we excitement. When Jolt greater nittaitiveyetver isdoalred cream and anger may he added:' -atleiniktkooful conceit; a quart et mirk lute- tr. 'prrti! -- tiatitly - Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail her: 7. ' "es if:ITNIOZ,4 . : jelb-tt r" . :^ - - -118-Aerite“ • VEILIMLPINIC,-ENEKGEpi - ' T° our Tinaand. axtimbie, stook ;pi _rub,. graph /Shama 111:4,21totagrapil - Car 4 riatilveklee have added s BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPS forth° reception of card pictures. They mast be seenAild win be adMired Mir Photographers supplied, ei..Baeiroey...leviesaLleheie sale price, arid their cera palatal). cpfefor..sl. theiusand, wholeaudeiuul MA. At. may 24 alarjrnirinieskati ,, . it i ttlf.:46lfigAft . FINE FA LILY . ' witL, meat the beat mills FRAnit "" mad4"l""i straimiii sikatlkailOrNexr btntuugg with o in ticrool , • 1 3 , : tiated_ denrcett to ar/ Detail in rinecant<:j"7: -. 41 01 011Wf fhtle. NEW -ADVERTAOPIENTS. FU B.LIC 4 2 . 4111 E ir al uable Real Estate ti 0 a Naturday, Snag enbe7-17, 1864. V Lbe offered et pr!blie sale, ob tbz prarais,.the TiVf',ll ZOOK'S UNION -HOUSE, (NOW kept by A. B. Stotte,) situated-in Shepbez&tz,i,... Cumberland county ' Pa., along the State road leaditi . from Gettysburg to Harrisburg, alxurt eight milel'routb west from Harr sburg, and two and a half miles south or' Mechanicsburg. Tho Land belonging, to the above property contains' it.; acres, on which to erected the ROTEL, a„spteiffild brief= building, just new, sixty feet front forte-eiglidefeetd4ap , l'arfii three .stories higtarake thirrl - ptsky - tog a crrc corn _ . rpodious hall, capable of seating 300 pereous. arF enough rooms in the huildihg tot ontain entity beds.' On the top of the hotel- is-an Observattity r tionta-andin a , beautiful and extensive vt ot the surrouniiing There is also a large kitchen attached to the tmidint and a LARGE SToRE-ROOM under the same roof z, large stable, suitable to the bonne ; 'Well of _ever-taft, Waier near the door, a Large cistern .the yard. smoke house hog-pen, and every improvement that raieei , zrry to make it One or the Lest Tay. rn Stands in the toi,;.ht.v Per.vme wishing to examine said prop.. Try besot, the sale, can call on the subscriber, or A. B. stelae. . Sale to commence at 'I o'cinetz P. in,- Teem; me-i - known by a A. W. Z. OK A- O. BROLGEER, Auctioneer. feer.s-diva U. S. 7 -. 30 LOAN. Secretaty'of the Treasury givesnotie' AL that subscriptions will be received fa:G:7l - Treasury Notes. payable three years from August 1501,1864,- With semi-annual interest a:Ctlie rate of seven and three-tenths p'r cent par annum—principal and hits:rest both to paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at th,. , option Of the holder at maturity iA six per emt gold bearing bonds, payable not less than f,v, nor more than twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. They will be issued in denominations of $5O, *lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000, and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the free of transportation charges as soon after thrt'receipt of the original Ceitific.ites of De as they can be prepared_ ...AS the notes , draw interest from August i 5 persons making deposits subsequentcto t that - date must payrthtYinterest ae:crift , d tionr - date :Of note to data of deposit. ...;Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dot 'Jars and- upwards for these Luau, at, any. one `time wilt be 'saw - Wed a corliniis4ion: -oeone' .gnarter of one per cent., which will be paid -by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of -a bill for the amount.. certified to by the 'crfficer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions for commissions must be made ham the deposits. Special Advantages of this Loan. is A NATIONAL SAVINGS Rum, offering a -lAgher rate than any other, and b sf sec rift'" -Any savings -bank which pays its depositors WS. Notes.' considers that it is- paying - :int& best circulating medium of the country; and it cannot pay in anything lietter",. for =its ,own assets are either in government securities* of in notes or boll& payable in government paper. • it is equally convenient as a temporary or_ permanent investment. The notes can al 'ways be sold for within a fraction of. their face and accumulated interest, and—are the best security with banks as ccaapfirals fordis counts. . _ :Convertible into a 6 periCent. 5-20 Gold Bond. L.. In addition to the A 67 liberal interest oa the notes for three -- years, this p r ivil eg e of conversion is now worth about three per cent pet annum, for the'current rate for 5-'2O Bonds is. not less than nine per cent. premiatiii_anckbe-_, - fdre the war tha premium on six per - nent. - Ei - B, stocks 'was over twenty per cent. It will, be aeanthat the 'actual profit -on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less _than, ten per cent per annum.... Is Exemption from Stale or IlattlitOal Taxation. -: - : But aside from all the advantages' we have enumerated, a special act of Congress ivremptS" all bonds and Ti Easury notes front local taxation. On the average; tlaii exemption is worth about tab per •cent. per annum, according to the rarof taxation in various parts of the country. is believed that •no Scot/titles offer so great indncernents to lenders as' thoSe isaued tb3t the 'abrerrumint. In all other 'forms of Indebtedness, the faith or ability of_ private parties, or stock companies, •or separate com munities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the conotty is held to secure the discharge of all tlt, obligations of the United States. ;While the Government offers the mosi liberal terms for its loans, it belieres that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty aid patriotism of the people • SUBSCRIPTIONS , WELL BE EF.C . ,EfI'ED _by the Treasurer of the Baited States, at. Washing ton. the several -Assistant Treamiers and designated Depositaries, and by all the Na tional banks which are depesitaries of public money, and all respectable banks and ballkdrA throughout the country will give further in fOrmatiOn and afford every facility. to sub scribers. • [aul9-d&w/rn Important Correspondence. WHO PAYS FOR STAMPS ON RECEIPTS PEILLIIIE‘PRIA,. - AND READING. RAnateen-CnineaNs - , OFFICE 227 r'Orrit COM II STKEET, _ ;• , Mat .10SEPH J. LEWIS; Esq. V. 8 -Counnirsismer &Minn , I Reverme, Washington; D, ' '• -" - Sm t—Please state which party ninst psy for the U. „S Stamp? • The one who receives the money, being. toe maker of the receipt, or the par y paying tho mon e y Yours respectfully, S. BRADFORD; Tresr. TREAS 9 Y DEEART, OFFICE Or INI'ABSAL . 11. T NELN WAJININGTON, Sts :—•:Yours. of the inking. is received. The question as to who snail pay the-duty required-oe-receipts on iltY sums of money' ekceerling $2O; iedependent-on the dr eumatahees attetettog the case. . °retell , tiy at law me pa - soils bonitil to . give is 7 recalt fir Money paid. The - receipt .is - an instrument rya:Lena , useful only to the ferrsomto whom itie given...At hempole a res.tpt ft 4,leavytyylcs him , to furnish the stamp a to stamp thereeapt, r. queen, &lard is *led. Tee person who receives-the ii , aae y Obi igt ti to give a receipt unless the ether party .uroishes the.pmfier.Stamil, If a person gives a receipt without requiitng that the parry to whom it is given shall furnish the Stamp, the maker o the receipt must bloMelf Stamp' iber paper be fore he deLvere it. If he fade SO. 41.01 p It h. fo a. he de livers it, he Is liable to the penalty provided - Nfliarlin the omission but the other mutyirrigy Stamp it inimmt atelv upon its beteg received. • Very resp•otflulyi - Ab2EPli--J WISA Coaliistemer_ S. BramemY, Philadelithta,... rater7l-41.2w-wOz Notice to Bridge, tin m 810 ert;-of - deiaTght6il, Coin 'iit: :DaV • phin county, Pennsllwirilt,,wilf-jeoolve Snide* Fro , posals up to September the 21st, fleethognikt,pat vie WOW& P at „for building, supertnteniline; anet funtishist all the matelials for a new-ro fed ffeldge - adress Aral stronger, ek, in Jackson township, said county, east of Halifax, at the site referred to by the late Reports of the Grand boned of the cotitryjscolnediere'south; fahieirlY so, of Fisheravitle. Bankviiikds% tp be-fort y feet span, 011 the Burr Top Arch p_h% slid to he as' Realm- the Wit bridge (now stetittindis ;Mirth side ~Walls to be fourteen , test , ibag r and , those et the 4stith side ten feet long , trtePOlials Ack. be . Jorge re)3 the specifications Webs,,Pad et the °nice of the County Commis si atrisiitug, by , leger !ot tither , wlia-,,'Ve=„l44le?:en st4st to.the 4 leorast tc 5 P+4 5 0 14 i. turWskN . JAOOB MT % • • Liam S-JlCar FOR--FINE 1311101060,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers