iE TELEGRAPH as MUM= MORYJNO AND EVE272I 7 G, ' GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD RT., NEAR WALNUT. wt:lttilS OF SUBSCRIPTION 9INGL.r: SLTB.,:cRIPTITRi ilLaitia24 ll . hs sFrliad LO suhsoritai• iL to:: •.„ 7 at 12 cents per week.. Yearly subscribers will ht.. mrge j $6 00 In advance. Those persons who nsglectto -417 :a gal-Inca will be charged $7 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPh. tan tt .e u taesiaalsopublishedweeltlli , , t3rtiraMa...t h rblcribera at the following cash raps: 3.tigie copies, weekly ~,,,, $lOO Three c , pies to ono Post Mice, ie~corfk3 10 000 Post Office. ~,,, 10 00 MILITARY NOTICES. Volunteer Notice ! - a - ta ms of Companies and Commanders. of Squads fauderßigued are prepared to seettre for I all Volunteers The /Meat Local, Cass. and Goring:cm B , unties Committees can be supplied with credits for their town; :alp or county quota=. Enlistment papers promptly made out, and men ;needed to until mustered in, clothed and equipped, by Fmaybania Recruiting Apex. 2). HEWES CO. lithe& Parke House, Maritri street, between Third' and Dna' sin ev, Harrisburg. fk r Two a 'the farm bare eommis ,, ions to recruit in *isms in rtimmion. faug23-dit wlm LIE A CQUARTERS DRAFTED MEN, NUBSTITUTES, 1311 VO L,UN TEE RS, Ils,tity , th .•;pventh Bt., Second)lour. al2P,ro No. 10 .limited Men from the City or Rey purl of the State will be furnished with substitutes at :port notice, tad en liberal terms. or Men Enlisting, either as Substitutes or Volunteers, eta reael re the largest Bounties, which will be paid to them in cash as soon as mustered in, Agents will be liberally ,raid at Otis Office. W. li. HAVENS. ' EMS CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK AN AND • I. 0 Vie iu *) T RBI M. MAYER, NO. VI MARKET STREET,. BEING desirous of closing ber Summer Stock of Millinery Goods, offers for sale at greatly retuteol prime, such as SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, RATS AND FLArS, Zt.O. Oonstantly on band a splendid assortment of aTLES VELVETS, LACES itu&Es, EtOOP CORSETS, MOSLEM', Ralf DEERCRIEr*.e, GLOVES, COLLARS., CUFFS, • BELTS, NEN FANCY COOL'S, &C. Dealers witl do well to tail, as groat bargains can be rod at Ntbolesate. SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY lAM happy to offer to the public large A. and Splendid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactured by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. ntee Pens are well finished, elastic. wed is ill RM . ! en. Wm satisfaction, PLEASE TRY THEM. SOREFFER'S ROOK STORE, neouud,street, opposite PrestVerian Church, Harrisburg Pa. ap2l3 DANIEL A. MUENCH AGENT iThr the Old Wallower Line, respectfully in ky forms the public that this Old Daily Transpertation line (the only Wallower Line new in existence In this clty,) is in succeesful operation and prepared to carry freight as low as any other individual line between Phila delphia, Harrlaburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Look Haven and all other points cr. the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamsport and. Elmira Railroads. LAN EEL A. MCIMiCH, Agent, Harrisburg, Penn's.. tioods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs. Peacock, Zell yt Hinchman, Nos. 808 and 810 Market s treet, above Bth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, e. at., will arrive at Harris- burg, ready for delivery, next morning. (ap3o-rdmyl Drafts Draft SS Draft A LIENS end persons under or over the re xl gutted age, who have been enrolled in this ([4th) District ! or any other District in the State, can have their exemption papers made out at rates fixed by law. Now is the time to put in a substitute and avoid the draft. Persons who are not liable to draft, and who wish to enter the army as substitutes, can obtain the highest pre mium. Business transacted by mail at legal rates, sad cost of travel thereby avoided. Call at once, or address by mail, EUGENE SNYDER, .ttorriey at Law, 3d street, Harrisburg, Pa. v9-eod2mos. CRYSTALIZED CONCENTRATED LEPONADE, pa pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing for invatide having fever or great thirst. its portability recomuseads it fo traveler. Its convenience at plc-nics will be apreciated. No sugar required; one table-spoonful P imply dta,o(ve..l in a glass of cold water and it is done. SELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, No. 91, Itiarket street. NEW PHILADELPHIA LO A. K s. , IN D. W. GROS,S" NEW BLOCK, iliarket Street, Harrisburg, 1,000 DLFFRRFIIT STS;:. Of FASEIONABLF. UiAbaKS AND 0 I . EUti tuti ANL FINE SPRING SfiAcv - terA Win &pen on the ISt of April, PIANOS. ALBRECHT, RLEKES &SC iIJT'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. AVLA' AGENCY AT W. ICIVOCECEA In Market street, Harrisburg. FOR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to )1781.W` I have taken the agency of the above most moans Pirsoa The paint° la invited to come and ea- Mille for tremselvea A flaw Se,hosnaolsar As Co'a Pianos on hand yet. will be aol may2s-tt PHOTOGR AYR ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albania. Photograph Albums. Photogniph Amanita. PEE largest and cheapest variety of PM i t. 7= AltatlfZiNteatir coastantlyAe.p: 111)12N TONGUES. —Fine large beef tongues, Jar tore_ ey-J.R. wohener-a—ruk., Gar a. Aby • 'KLUWER i4.llllAnk • Cek.Xlol•4 to _ #. , ., i &zoo- - l ute Cider Vinegar col bolzaln ny the bickiz k im vittfutm . z BY GEORGE BERGNER. NEW ADVIMMAJMENICS. PUBLIC SALE UNCLAIMED 0-40.01303, REMAIN - MO IN TER WAREHOUSE of the INWARD & HOPE EXPRESS COMPANY, THE articles described in, the following schedule, having been consigned to the . Hew&ld; Ot Hope Express Company„and the. consignees.; a..ter doo and legal notice, n d having taken- them - away, nor pa(d. the costs and.. expenses of camiage, will be exposed to public sale or • outcry at the Market House, on SATURDAY, iSkPTEM BEI d 24; 186.1. "The sale to commence at o'clock in the forens con of said-day : 1 box, Capt ` Jim HurchinSon 1 bdle, no name 1 box-, H M (Retook 1 pkge, JohnShullhouse 1 box, Pens' Renshaw 1 vox, .F.lizahoth lYigihning / 'cox, M C k,ughlin 1 box, Mr 9 R T Brady 1 c bag, Caao L Kridsr / bottle, Chas Bucher 1 pkge, Ca In halarty I box, TOOR J Terrier 1 Odle, cost and boot Eat 1 box, Chas Bebekeiteiser no name, I box, G W Mapes' : 1 lot pipe, A L Battle': I. pkge, M L ltrcHonald. 1 box, no name 1 page, Gee T Bark.fiart 1 box, H (1 Wolf box,Vbas Taylbr 1 box, Capt W Harland 1 trunk, J W, 1 box, Geo B Daily • 1 freak., frO Bally pkg, - R Le/searing bet; fiFita • • 1 box, .1 Kohler 1 box, Wmbreltel - 1 box, L P 11111 s 1 box, Merl Warta . -- 1 box,. F N Morton - 1 pkge, J Yogis • • 1 c bag, W H H Porter 1 pkge, J Yoming 1 bdle, Henry Lander I page, Lieut. W S Boyer 1 cast, It Pittock 1 page, Wm Morris 1 page, Geo H Russell 1 pkge, W S King 1 pkge, Geo Voght I.pkge, George Betchtre 1 box, B Rosencrante , pica, Abu A Beattie/it 1 box, Capt L MBummeli 1 box, Patrick Flanigan 1 box, II A Stevenson 1 bottle, 'Jane Schuler 1 pkge, Wet It Mow 1 pkgo.'ste name'.. . 1 page, oe d, J F Ebersole 1 wheakCalit - Dodge 1 box, A F Pcnnepacker 1 box, no name 1 box, Leah Lees 1 p box, Isaac Herringer 3 boxes, G P Hardwick 1 box, no_ name 1 box, Capt J Reim 1 pkge, B Anthony 1 box, Josiah 11. Brown 1 pkge, 3 A Nixon . 1 box, Robt F Crisman 1 box, Wm Lamle 1 box, Jos Burgga 1 horn, John Newcome 1 box, J E Spalding 1 box tab, Capt Johnson 1 box, Capt J Detwiler 1 page, David Pepper 1 box, A L Bryant. 1 do Wm Carlisle 1 hox, John W Hopkins 1 do ElbereMeMlner 1 box, Mary Radabaugh 1 do Mrs 9 C Jones 1. pkge oil cloth, no name 1 do Louisa BeXter 1 pkge, WLi Jack 1 do Aaron Schloss 1 kuap and h alt, M Neely 1 do James Freeborn 1 pkge, Wm P Patterson 1 .do Adam Wolfinger 1 pkge, Xenon flo Boric . 1 do ,no name 1 c bag, no minim . 1 do Carl Mayer 1 pkg , Lieut. R B Bally 1 do Theo Youperherst c bag, Ed JD Conrad 1 do John H Beryhdi 1 c bag, Capt P d Willa 1 do Henry elechi - 1 coat, no name 1 do John OCcisho . . / idle, Geo Hight The above articles will be exposed to public aide, as aforesaid, according to the provisions of the first section of the act of Assembly of the Commmonwealth of Penn sylvania, apprqed the 16th day of March, a. v. 1858 ", with ad the requirements of which the Howard and Hope Expre as Company have in all respects complied. The act of Assembly is as follows : Commission merchants and factors, and all common carne. s, or other persons having a lien upon goods, wares and merchandise, for or on RCCOUSWor tine costs ant • ex-: pauses or carriage or storage, or any other charge arising trom the transportation, keeping, or storage of such pro party, in case tan owners or consignees shalt not, pay or dis charge Inc amount due Lor such cost, expense, carriage, storage, or other charges hereinbefore named, may, after the expiration of ninety days from the notice hereinafter pro• ided, proceed to sell toe same, or so muck thereof as may be necessary to discharge said lien, at public auction: Provided, That notice of sale shall be given as required for sheriff's Sales of personal property, and that thirty days' notice of said lien be given to the owneror consignee of the property, it they cannot be BO found, that the same shall be advertised weekly in some newspaper published In the proper city or county to which the goods, war. a or merchandise have been consigned, for four con.secu tive weeks before the sale, the residue of money arising fistn such sale, after deducting costs of transportation, charges and storage, advertising and sale, to be held sub ject to the order of the owner or owners of such property." GEO. HERGiNER, Agent aug2,74131 Howard and hope Express Company. Northern Central Railway. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the FREIGaT and BAGGAGE described in the follow ing list remains unclaimed in the Warehouse of the Northern Central Railway Company, at Harrisburg. Con signees are hereby notified to come forward, psych arges, and take their prepo. ty away, or the same will be sold according to law. J. N. DU BARRY, Gen't Sept. GfixseAL StrefiRDITESDENT% OFFICE, 1_ Ammer 16, 1861. No 1, Williamsport and Harrisburg check 146, one black trunk No 2, Elmira and Harrisburg check 20, one box, Lieut A Miller, Harrisburg No 3, Baltimoro and Harrisburg check 20, one box No 4, no check, one box, J Barratt, Lockport, Niagara Co, N'l No 6, no check, one box, Lieut A Scott, Harriet:Mrs' No G. no check, one box, no marks No 7, no check, one box, Jacob Weaver, Pittsburg No S, no check, one box, Reuben Farringer, Catta wiasa No 0, no dheck. fair leather trunk, do No 10, no check, one box, Copt Phillips, Harrisburg No 11, no cheek, black trunk, S S J, St Joseph's acade my, Phila No 12, no check, fair leather trunk, no marks No 13, no check, fair leather trunk, CaptLyMan„ . Har risburg , No 14, no check, black leather .taltlk; no marks _ No 16, no cheek, black leather trunk,lttommikir No 16, no.check, one box, Jno McGee, Harriebunt No 17, no check, one box, Geo • L Stephens, Harrisbrug. No 18, no check, one box, Newport station,.l' It No 10, no check, one box, Daniel Robison, Philadtdphla No 20, no check, black trunk, Jno Gemmel, Lewis town, Pa , No 21, Danville and Harrisburg check 512, fair leather trunk, Wm H. Barber, Milton, Pa No 22, no check, blank trunk, no marks No 23, no cheek, fair leather trunk, W S Scott, Hants. lle, Ohio No 24, no check, fair leather trunk, ghee McDaniel No 25, no check, black trunk, Sarah No 26. no check, black trunk, G S Angill, HMO:tamp. ton, N Y No 27, Williamsport and Harrisburg check 92, fair leather valise, no marks No 28, Baltimore and Harrisburg check 687, fair leather valise, no marks No 20, no check, fair tattier valise, no marks No 30, no check, black trunk, Jno E Monroe, Lancas ter Pa No 31, no check, one box, Michael Trump, Allentown No 32, no•cneck, one box, ' nomarks • No 33, Scranton and Hart isbnpacheck 259, one box No 34, no check; one , box, Mta. alai*, Prosperity, Pa No 35, no cheek, one box, Henry Will, Reading No 36, no check, one box,: noniarks No 37, no check, bag of saddles, no marks - No 38, no check, saddle, Ignatius Fawner, Portage station No 39, no check, black bag, no marks No 40, no ch. ck, black bag, Mary Foster, Harrisburg No 41, no cheek;blaole bag, no marks No 42, no check, black bag, no marks No 43, no check, black bag, no mark' . : No 44, no check, black bag, J Studley Jersey Shore, Pa N 045, Williamsport awl Harrisburg check 36, black g no marks . • , • No 46, no cheek, black bag, ituY, marks No 47, no check, black bag, no marks No 48, no check, carpet bag;no marks No 49, no check, saddle, no marks Hp 50, no chesty bag, no marks No 51, no Chitk, one box, no monks No 52, no check, one box, no nmrks No 53, no check, bat-lank no realm No 54. no check, fair Mather track, no marks J Fleming, one'bulldle thing A L Babcock, 1 bcile'rope, N Frazer, eleven barrels - nuts 1) Fisher, six corn-kinskep H Gilbert one barrel 1. nsolitors Nelson Biyne k Co, two; bones bitters 8/Milkier, otte_box.Lardlexe_.. H /tioriainefflxe...4"AtitsbM 4 Bt NiCtegaki 4 e.l l l - .; ' •• .. • Viat • Vie •'• No Nti 1 "4 IP IPVI votaime, oat Poo* 7144 Art• SIM" MCKIM "TILE UNION--NOW AND FOREVER."—Webste, HAIIRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 7 1864 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COSTAR'S” IM= 13 CXTERMINATOKS. “COSTAR'S” ENFERXINATOF* ' EXTERKLUTORS.' •'OOBTAR'S" EXTUMLIATORL RITMO_ "I,\O TAIVS" EXTREMIUMRS, EICTERMEMATORS. • VOSTAX , W , EXTERAINOMMI. EXTERITATOI9IS: • •CIST.A.R‘S" EXTERMINATOR. RIITi.M.MINATORR "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. • EXTERMINATORS; OORTARW EXTERMINATOR EXTERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EICTERIGNATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMLEATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTERSOKATORS EXTERMINATORS. OSTAR , S" EXTRRIEDNATORS, EITERMINATOft -vcaTARTe , EXTERNEM/Tani EXTERKIWORX COSTAR'S" Exuaattecuts.: EXTERILINSTORM "COSTAR'S" 'EXTERMINATORS; fiX'rERAIWILTGIREL .COSTAII'd" EXTERKWATOgitt EXTERKINEIfass. : 'COS'TAR'S'" EXTIMMINATORIit. EXTRRIGNATOES. Vein/ate. Nice, liteadtheit.-Ants, Bed Bugs, Blede. Meths in Furth Woolens, Insect/ dB Plants, Fowls, Animate. etc. • /.5 yam established In N. f. 'Only Infallible remedies known.' "Free from Polsimo,'" .... A - Not dangetotto Maio Human Famty.' "Rats come out of. IMO holes to die." • iii• Bold by all Druggists everywhere .06-1 I I Ilswkaa I I I of all worthies:li bnitadlosa. sar"Ctear,s Depot, No. 482 Broadway, N. T. Oir Sold by a Ir. oßoas & co., Wholesale and retell agerdst. And by 1111 Druggists In Harrisburg, Pa. jelO•daweat SELLING OUT LOW OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS 0 intend to discontinue the sale of Li quors and offer our stock at a very small &dram( from! cost.price. We have purchased all our Liquors be fore the Last rise and have a law stock on handier three or lint years, welch arg guaranteed cannot be purchased any pike from the importers. Our stook consists of WHISIEIMS of all grades. • sirWe Itave parte e dine barv.ela pure RYE, no colored, and 10 degrees above proof, 2)4 yeara WINES of all Grades, Noodle aad Imported 111tA.NDIMS. We have: part, of % cookfrialNESSEZ -BRANDY, to Which we ate theparrioularattentioa or families for o Broady twtnot;:im bought to-day, from importers., Witt= UP per gallon. We will sell It for $l2 per gel. I3CDTCH AND ENGLISH •S, • CHAMPAGNE WDTES. - - - OLARETS , , ers.inyiteihe faspect4oo:. of Hotel:Reeves* and Liquor Merchants generally, as• We intend to. witintat. re gory; ali our L4quore, and this 'will be a vied opinitta nity for bargains. . _ je2o " SMISLER dr MVP-- A. F. ZIMMERMAN, Practical Watelc - Itiaker, No. it Market Strut, Marriabaii, Pa. DEALER lA . FINE WATCHES eHLlNS ituies, SEW. OF JEWELRY. FINS SILVER WARE, PLLTEI) WARE TEA SEICVIOES, AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY Has constantly on band a well selected mud elegastly assorted stook or FINE WATON:%iNg A.N . D SETS. FINE SILVER WAXEN AMERICAN_ ENGLISH AND SWIM' wArameat Cam Alto, a Ilse assortment of _ LADLES' WATCH s Constantly 012 hand ♦ LASER TARIM OW EiriEGFA.NIC Of all detscriptionn; all of which wilt be 'cadet the LOWEST CASE PRICES. ,g- Call and examine the goods Particular attention paid to repairing of Ane Watches, such aa Chronometers, Duplex and other celebrated Watches, and all kinds or Jewelry neatly repaired. None but the most competent workmen employed,' and the whole matter under-my own personal supervision. d F. ZIMMERMAN, mar2s] No. 62 Market 'street, adjoining Branthi NEW AND CHOICE SHEET MUSIC OR THE PIANO FORTE: The !Sword that my brave boy. wore... J. G. Clark. 80 "They have sent me the sword that Iny brave boy wore On the field'of Ms young reniiieno/-' I live for those:W . lM love.iiie Clark. 30 • We shall be known above. Meg and Cho. J. G. Clark. 80 • . "tinder theicerhe waton , .rtin, Under the lee The genial glower the user 'Sup Will loosen their feiteraby end by." Do they pray for me at home. - 'Song and Cho. Fiske. 30 Tenting oh the Old Camp Ground. AS sung what great applause by the • 'llutchineon Family. "30 Tony Pastor's Medley. „Adapted to the poicl arMelod y "The Cottage by the Feat 30 Mete Store Window. A Medley Song laid Cho. Frank Wilder. 30 13roancipatiou. Song and Chorus. Dedicated to all Loy era of Freedom. - - so The above neeatid of sleet toosieseitt by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. • ourss, mr,,voir a co., plibushergoiook.. For tide by S. IL GOCID, Phieidelphie; ang3o ate Tiflis WAY BARGAINS:: HOSERRY, GLOyES, HOOP SHIRTS, LADLES• HAIR - MU, and HEAD DRESSES, PERFUMERY, ' TOILET ARTICLES, FRENCH LACE,. and TISSUE YEWS, - ETC., AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW P&WKL Everybody desk salt at onoe, and ware plat bar- NO. 11a Varketeapeet,. • . . 11x..ate: - - . :. • bitittiftWi alswelcAmsbuoicolv, h wi thilb aim aimmiimbAnisilit443o4 . Vocil4=EM.l . 4 ., theiVal *kis" _ . 444 - LZ) C,21i+t,15,14 aft • , V3141!1._, filkAit - • rigillja=Mll. FOR • • . 4 . ii,AJILROADS. 1864. 1864 Philadelphia and Erie Rail • . . T' great tine t raverses Me Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Jtrie, on Late Erie. - • • • • It bait been PraNz.:ILVASEL SAMROAD MX' PANT, Mg umiler their anspk:44 is being rapidly opened ihroutbont its entire lettXtb:.: It Le now in use Ibr Yemen - ger and Freight -business from Earrisbnrg to st..mairs(gle •miles) on the Eastern Division, and. how Stiefdeld 'to Er/e OS miles) on the Western Divialon. ' TIME OF PASSMGER TRA.DiS dl' ILAgftIBBOH(r. • Leave Eastward. Man Szpreas Train Leave Nerthalard. Mail Train • - 135 P. M. Egress Train 3.1.5 A. re. Ceram through wrreoOri OHANON both wage on these Wales between Philadelphia' Uxt, Lock Haven, and be tween Xteltttnore and.Losr. Karen; ' • Elegant igibtepitg Mire on — Eippsea trains both ways be tween (Willlamaport and Baltimofei arid Williamsport and For information, 46intettlig rawsneliqr),..l4Wnew apply " thes. R. Corner 1/th and kftwEsCetteete. - And for Freight business of the Co ' s Agents: a a frheprten,,lr.., corner 13th and 'Market streets, J. W. Reynolds, I. K. Drill, Agent N. ;0.12 . .'. It , Baltimole. S. SHOUSTON • eeeiinat%deiwya *feet, eali'd LLWIS L. HOUTT, , Gaseialticket Agent iltro. JOB. D. ?WM • n 1 12 5441 Keryeng Mower, Walliernspon. CU MBE BLAND VALLE FIIIA.NKIA 4N RAIL ROADS. G'CHANGE OE HOWIS.,---On and Atter iton- ARV. 404 PlAssbulifkr tralu 1 " nip daily; sa Ewa , pundayE except* IVR awnwararria AND n'ARIIIIIWI2Q: Leave Ragerestowx 7.00 2.45 " Greencastle 7:87 835 I Arrive at 3.17 4.20 fnaaabeastaem: : - • . - , Leave at '3.30 12.55 Leave Shippetteparg ' 9.00 1.29 " Newville - 9.82 2.00 Carpals 5.65 10.10 2.44 If6ohaniosbwrf 626•10 42 112 ArelTe at Harrleburg • 665 11.16 3.40 FOR ORAMBERSBUNG AND NAORRSFOWN +LAG , I'. Y. P. 3p, LawsHarrisbalti 4.:4.......... ... . . 8.05 , 1.32 4.20 " ; Nectuietie ' 8.4 T i 2.15 454 " -tiriisia.;: t .L' .' 4 ..• . ' . 9.24:155 ' 5.29 Nowvilli.; 10 22 3.29 -. " : Shippensbi t. rg.. . 10.33 400 ch a b a b eni b u ,„, 5 Arrive at , 11.00 4.80 _ , ~5 , 11444; eat. ' 11..10 4,40 . . Lem Gramma% ' '''' ' ' 11.56 5.80 Appel at Hagerstown - 12.85 6.10 *fpNAZI: 8 commas/lotus - at ,Harrisburg with trains . fbr •hilid f lb* York' and. Pittsburg ; and with, rain for all - poi tS•Wast. '• . ,The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4.2 A, P. at. runs only anew u Gartial .s 4 . . O. N. Z.,t11,L, 44 , - n. a occa, Cluutiblintbiirt Aivit1 . 4,,1864.1y , MEDICAL. - Dn. WRIGIIT'S ICEJUVEN4t)NG ELIXIR, OR, ERSDROR OP .1.117 r, Prepurcd trout sure Ve§Onblettliacte, containing not. Mg Injurious to the most Delicate, ifirThe. Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern diSooveiles is the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the irld and worn-out systems. *tends medicine has been tested by the most eminent medical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be 003 of the greatest medical discoveries of the age arOne bottle will :ettre General Debility. „ . feW 'doses coxes Rysterica in females ' .3 4 2 , the'bottle cures Palpitation of the-Heart. -A few doses restores the organs of generation. ilirFrom one to three bottles restore , ' the IMO !MOSS and Hill vigor of youth. WA few doses restores the appetite. ay- Three bottles mires the worst case or Impotency. ApirA few doses cures tee low spirited. AK. •OLI e bottle resters mental power. 'itirA few doses bring the rose - to the cheek. ApirThis medicine restores to manly vigor and robes health the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing dsvotee of sensual pleasure. irlerThe Hatless, enervated youth, the over-tasked man bushiest, the victim of a nervous depression, the in dividual suffering from general debility, or from weakness Ok a trinia organ, will all find immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. Sir Trice, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by express, on receipt of money, to any ad dress. IfirSold by all druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. MERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors, morn-eodly No. 69 Liberty street, New York. ONEROKEE Pis - sbravioaariaii PEWS REM:TUTOR, ITRATIM PRESERVER. ERTAI3 7 AND SAFI, larFor the Resnoval-qf Obstructions and as fasxrancs qf Replevity in #4.. Recinyvnce of As Irondery. ,'They mire or obviate those DeMMUS diseases that wring from irregularity, by removing the irregularity ltseli : . , They cure Suppressed,' Exceasive and Painfai hien atruatioa, illirgbey sure Green Sickness (Chleroale.i sir They cure Herrsua and Eitinal ,Affectiotik pews is the back and low& pane of Vie body, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exettien,ll4ltation of Mae liteart, Lowness of Sparita, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, hc., kc. In • vm!, by tetuovhing -the Irregularity, they remove the twin, md with it AIX; the effects that spring from It . sa-Composid.cif simple vegetable extracts, they con tain nothing deleterious to any constitution, however delicate, Chen' reaction being to substitute strength for d weakness, which, when properly aged, they never fail to They may be safely wand at any age, nth; A. any periee, EXCEPT DURING TRH PIiST TNR KON/101, during with& the unfailing nature of their action would infallibly mane pegnaney„ Sir Al l letters sedan inforniclioo or odriod wt i l be promptly, freely and discreetly answered. tarnin direct.tofui acorapsay each box. ifilrhico,,sl per box, or six boxes for $5. /Went by mil, !twig postage, on receipt or price. vo—riqr;..zeiD—u.idß::rtrfya-R=g4,sbm.gN6witt,:b.l.:uiroi..;4tdialrr°t&rr°EtFt"°i.r,lLl.lB - iroops.4,Tors.--onottianet twwilo ol . olPL AL I QMV /cud received as [dell] .1100 PRICE .THREE CENTS. • Penilsylvania Rail Road srutuiro Tame. TABLE,. FIVE TRAMS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PEOLADRDNLPHIA. MONDAY, ,Kay 1803,.1884, TttHE Passenger Trains of the Pemisylvani Railroad Company will depart frorn and arrive at Har risburK and Philadelphia as follows; • • EASTWARD.• _ THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves - Harrisburg daily at 2.46.. a. U. and arrives at West Philadelphiaut 8.65 A. Y. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except .Monday) 6.00 and arrives at West Philadelphia at-10.10 m: Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harr: thug at at., connects ut LannWer lath Lancaster accarn modatton train, and and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.26 P. m. 1.20 P. rd 2.80 A. xr COLUMBIA. ACCOMMODATIOIr TRAIN, [saves Harris burg at 1.2 20 P. X. ; Columbia 1.56 p. rt. , and arrives at Lancaster 2.30 P. X. • connecting with Past Mail east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Philadel phia at 5.30 p.x. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at L2O P. ; Lancaster at 2.47 P. ht, and arrivesat West Yhtledeiptda at 5.30 P. X HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 5.25 P. X., and arrives at West rtille4elphla at 10.50 ar. WF,STWAIID. • BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.10 a. at. ; Altoona, 7.35 a. at., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P. re. PHILAMELPHIA. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.10 A.m.; Altoona at 8.20 a. at., take broaktitac and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 r. m. MAIL TRAM leaves liamsburg at 130 P. xi ; Altoona: at Mb P. x., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at S. P. Y. ; Altoona at 8.35 P. X take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 MOUNT JOT AOCONMODATION leaves Lancaster at 9.30 A. M. arrives. at Harrisburg at 11.10 A. N. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia at 2.43 P. K u and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 MOUND JOY ACCOMMODATION No. 2, leaves Lancas ter at 6.25 P. M., connecting there with Harrisburg Accom modation West, leaves Mount Joy at 7.00 P. x. and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. M. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Middle Div. Penn's R R. Harrisburg, May 13, 1831.--dtf Northern Central Railway . SUMMER TINE %%MN. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND IDOM • BALTIMORE AVASI-I.IItIGTON CITY. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern Nevi York. ON and after MONDAY, BUY 16th, 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive ,at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) • 10.25 a, at • I " leaves Harrisburg • L2O P. X cc . aniveitat Ileitintore.. 6.40 P. X Emma TRAIN leaves Sunbury dail y (except Sunday) 1E46 P. m. leaves • Harri sburg (except Monday) ' 2.50 a. m " arrives at Baltimore daily (oxcept•Monday). . . £X. RARRLSBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Har-• ELIXIR. burg . 7.00 A. STINSURY ACCOMMODATION loaves Sun bury daily (except Sub. day) at " 30 A. 51 . NORTHWARD. MAIL TRACT leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday - 0.20 A. x. leaves Harr ) isburg 1.35 r. x. arrives at Sunbury 4.05' P. at EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily 9.30 r. arrives at Harrisburg 1.50 A. x .eaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) 315 A. at . ArrivesatSunbury 5.4:1 A a HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Bai• timore daily (except Sun -1a) , 3.00 r. m. " arrives at Harrisburg 7.50 P. X, SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 00 r • x. For further information apply at the Office, in Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot. J. N. DOBARRY, Harrisburg, May IS, 11154.4tf Gen: Supt. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. THREE TRAINS DAII.I WO NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA,. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, November 16th, 1866, the Paasenger,Traina will leave the Phißt delphia sad Reading Railroad Depot, at Harriahurg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz : =I"RE33 LLNIE leaves Harrisburg at 8.30 A. AL, on ae. rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving In New York at 1.46 A. IL A sleeping ear is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. HAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. at, arriving in New York at 5.80 r. N., and Philadelphia at 1.60 P. M. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 e, N. arriving in New York at 10.26 P and Philadelphia at 1.00 P. ar. WESTWARD FAST LINE leaves New York at aoo A. x. , and Phila delphia at 8.18 A. ac , arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 P. at. HAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at &SO P. K., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 . . EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 p. tr., ar• riving at liarrisbnrg at 2.00 A. at and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pitlehurg. A sleeping car is also attached to this train. Connections are made at Harrisburg with trsins on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, ' Baggage checked through. Fare between New York and Harrisburg, $6 16 ; between. Harrisburg and Philacte4 ph*, $3 86 in No. 1 04/T, and .13 in NO. 2. For tickets or ether Information apply to nol4-dtf READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE - NORTH and Northwestfor nuadelphla,New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, dm, &o. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate stations, at 8.00. A. a., mid 2.00 P. a. New York Express leaves Harrisburg at 8.80 It., arriving at New York at Ldli the same dliy. A special Accommodation Passenger train leaves Read nit at 7.15 a. m., and returns from Harrisburg at 6 P. re. Pares Irmo Harrisburg: To New York, $5 15; to pu s ; delphiasB 85 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New York at 6A. lr. t 12 noon, and ? 1 .. an., (mistral Espress mitring at Harrisburg at 2 a. IL) Leave Philadelphia at 8 16a.m., and 8.80 r. moil* cars in the New York Express Trains,through to and from Pittsburg without ... passengers by the Clittawitea Railroad leave 'Tamaqua a t &be s. ac, and. 2.10 r. m., for Philadelphb, New York, and all way points. Trains leave Pottsville at 8.15 e, m. and 1.50 p. IL Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Newyork. -- An AeoommodatlexPaasissar train leaves Reading it SAWA it., and returns from fladowq at r. at jogr thialboveSratna rat daily, Sunday exeepted. _ A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at LBO A . L and Pip. adelpnla , Cominaation, Kilearditeaaan arid Sissatains WWI at radacee iatteto and frenvipatata. :10-pottidit-61igniAloaranta ParlacUtio-;."- . - NV s, 160--e*WK RAILROADS. EASTWARD J. 3. CLYDE, 44.3 - aer4l Agent, liffrriabare 1 - 1-4&-01111-16 - - - . • spa xtr!s-440112 40 " --- cam. • • • vents/it • S- Eight liaergioreth a n tot tan 4 assn EZtir - aiir - .7 Ons daYi $ 30 Two days 5O Muse dsYs 75 One we •• • • ..... 26 Om month 3 00 Two months .. 450 Three Months.— 6 60' i Six months .. 8 00 One year....... ....:15 001 Administration Notices Marti ise Notices Auditor's Notices Funeral No • ices each taste Any. Business notices his before iages and P.- each - aeartion. EVENING EDITION. Ipater froni -Extrope. THE RAPTURE OF THE PIRATE GEORGIA THE SUCCESS AT MOBILE. Opinions of the .English Press. Nzw Yous, Sept. 6. The steamer Seotia has arrived with Liver pool dates to the 27th, via Queenstown on the 28th tat. •Thb steamers City of Manchester and Vir ginia arrived at Qaeenstown on the 27th, and the Africa arrived ont on the 28th. The U. S. steamer Iroquois left Havre, Aug. 29th, and proceeded towards Boulogne. ilth London lkiiise News and Morning cost both have editorials showing that the seizure of thh Georgia was legaL and that the BritMli GoVeimment cannot interfere, as a Confeder ate war vessel could not legally be sold In a British port. The London Times also editorially ques tions whether the Repu oilcans are any more inclined for recognition or reconciliation than they were a year ago. The French C Wier Due Ls, omush.e has been suspended for two months. "The weekly returns of the Bank of France show an increase in cash of 4,333,000 francs. The Liverpool Gburar editorially says that Mr. Bates did not purchase the Georgia. All the custom's authorities informed him that 'she should be regititered as a British vessel, and She was accordingly registered. It also publishes evidence that her charter for the service of the Portugese Government was bona fide. The Army and IN'avy tic?letie admits that a Federal success at Mobile e, en in its present proportions is considerable, and as regards peace it declares its belief that the existence of a peace party is mythical, and that as long as there is a ray of hope the North will maron onward to its end empire. Arrests continue to be made in Tyrol, owing to all illegal conspiracy to detach it:llia-a Ty rol from Austria. The funeral of eight persons, killed in the Geneva boats, passed off quietly without a renewal of the disturbance's. Front the Shenandoah Nader. H.A.RPEE'S FEU; Sept. 5. The übiquitous Mosby is around again,- An ambulance train of thirty-tive wagons which started from here yesterday were all except four captured by that guerrilla. These wagons had delivered their wounded and. were returning to the front, and it was known that it would have to pass through a country fora distance of thirty miles, all of which was infested by the enemy, yet strange to say no escort was offered or given them. This is not the first train that has been captured, and the enemy need feel no un easiness about either stock, supplies, wagons or ammunitions of war, if this thing is permanent. This same train froth the front with ita cargo of wounded, without any escort, de-: posited them and returned without reporting to General Stevenson. The 'latter hering•Of the guerillas' whereabouts ordered Captain , Blazer, with one hundred picked men, to pro ceed in search of Moseby and endeavor to - recapture our lost property. He met the. enemy, two.hruidred strong; and, after a gal lant contest, succeeded in retaking forty horses and pliant five - of IYloseby's followers. Major Kellocg, 123 d Ohio, and Dr. Shel ling, 36th Ohio, were captured. Our army i! it shot:Cur I-. but there was no news from . it to-day and there Was no fighting yesterday. The 61st Pennsylvania, commanded by Col. Smith, returned home yesterday. They numbered two hundred and eighteen officers and men. Captain Flagg Las relieved Caoain Gard ner as Post Quartermaster. From Fortress Monroe. Bammtwis, Sept. 6.—The steamer Geor gians arrived this morning from Fortress Monroe, but she brings no later news of im pbrtance. Her passengers speak of the cheerful feeling now perceptible in our army, and state that the news from. Sherman's array has been productive of the happiest results. A number of army and navy heroes came passengers in the Georgians. Markets by Telegraph. PartAnsrmite,, September 6. The attendance at the Corn exchange was • very slim, and trade in all department& con • envies much depressed. For flour there is no, export demand, and the sales are only in a small way to the trade, for home con-sump-. tion, at $lO 50 up to $l3 00 per barrel for superfine and extra family. In Rye flour and corn meal there is nothing doing. Wheat -is dull, and rather low, quote nominally at $2 50 (52 53 for old Pennsylvania, and *2 60@ 2 70 for New York. Pennsylvania and South ern white ranges from $2 80 to $3 00. Rye is steady at si 85@1 88. There is-but- a moderate demand for corn at $1 73 for yellow-- and $1 62 for Western mixed. Oats are held at .89c for new Southern • barley. Malt is scarce. Quercitra bark is quiet at $5l 00 per ton for No 1. But little is doing in seeds, clover is held at $l5 00®,16 00 pdr 74 pounds. Timothy $6 50, and flaxseed is steady' at $3 65. Provisions are Arm, prices have an upward tendency. Petroleum is dull,: crude :49(4500 refined, free 88(00c, do in bond 81 4860. Benzine is scarce, and held at 43®48c. Whisky is dull ; sales are only in a small way at $1 8501 86 for distilled, and prison, $1 88 for western. Rumnymn, Sept. 6. - s4ady. Wheat Anil and lower. White corn quiet st $1 88 01 89 - yellow $1 70. Whisky dull. Gro ceries heavy. Rio coffee 47®484c. FOIL *ALS . . TEN-ECORSE power! -stea m engine and A. boiler, steam pipes, water pipes,- puunce savi pater complete-, eseidatingengine and cyliniter.lx>ller;=raannfar, tared by "Joel Weidman, patent improved eseiiiating .en gLue builder. May be seen ai Canal shops; foot or Walnut street, Harrisburg. , For to sic., enquire at Canal aloe, Marke t near united States Hotel. . I n l 7 1864 SPOIt _ wi, the endereiviettetter fors ale.:a 146 %tit& Wit" ` thOjegilt,*si , • g --PAW ittitithito as. -the btiosaejr_ ' ktitAtar, ==zg U % , ,d4 W.. ep,ilr . =Mete ons-h r constitute a square. T V7O days...— -1 09 Three day* 1 2; Oha ;week 276 ;... 500 Two s~ouE~ 600. Three months 11 00 Six ruentbs 15 00 Oneyear 25 00 2 15 xsri a • 40 4 in the Local Ookcma, or Ennirr ChcaTs mot Las for
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers