Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, September 06, 1864, Image 3

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pail k EtkgaA
F OIE KING of PAIN purifies the blood
COL. EEEN advertises sales of condemned
horses to take place at Yorli, Altoona and Le
banon. See advertisement.
ROUSE presents a grand comedy pill at
Brant's Hall to-night,
THEEE will be a sale of two hundred con
demned Government horses, in this city, on
Thursday next, Bth inst. They will be sold
singly. Good bargains may he had,
Ds. M'Bnion will describe your disease
without asking questions?
A VERY valuable hotel property is offered for
rent. It is entirely new, commodious, and
fitted up in fine style. For particulars apply
to Oliver Edwards, Esq., at
,the Mayor's of
FRANK DREW appears in two great charac
ters, at Brant's Hall, this evening.
POSTPONED Pte-NlE.—The.pie-uie announced
to take place at goffman's woods, on Tuesday,
has been postponed, owing to the inclemency
of the weather. It will take place on Thurs
day, of this week. Tickets 26 cents..: Omni
buses will leave Third and llarket during
the day, to convey persons tr, the giound.
DE. M'BiulE may be consulted at room No
7, State Capitol Hotel.
NEW NATIONAL ThEATRE. —Notwithstanding
die inclemency of the weather there was a
tine house to witness the opening .night of the
new theatre. The new company were well
received. To-night the Duel in the Snow will
be repeated for the last time, and the glorious
farce of Mile; Boy. Attend early, and avoid
the rush.
Go arm SEE FRANK Dam the great come
dian, this evening, at Brant's Efall.
Tztoutsarmo AND PIUYEE.--The President
recommends that thanksgiving be offered in
all the churches on Sunday next, for the re
cent victories of our armies, and that prayer
be Made for continued success, and the pro
tection of our soldiers, and blessings upon
the orphans and widows of those who have
fallen. The pastors of the various churches
should give this request of the President their
DIBPEPS/A . and Liver Complaint cured by
'dip XING or PAIN.
SANFORD'S HALL.—Mr. W. Porter presents
his claims' to the, public for their patronage
this evening, the proceeds being devoted to
his benefit. • Porter presents a strong (Por
ter) bill, including the p incipals of the Can
terbury, who will, in connection with the great
force of the Opera House also take parts. San
ford appears; also a new serio tragedy, written
by Mr. S., will be performed for the first time.
It is a burlesque on Christmas Eve, entitled a
Dnel in the. Snow,presenting some well known
scenes in this vicinity. Go to Porter's benefit
by all means if you wish to laugh.
Loot( out for a splendid entertainment at
Brant's Hall, tonight.
SONG or , rua HA.cs.m.Am.—"This way for
clamp;" "Bight away for camp;" "Bight-along'"
—this way for camp;" Right out to Camp,
now," and a hundred other expressions of a
similar character, greet the ears of passers-by
at the corner_
, of Third and Market streets,
where a score of hackman can be found at all
hours of the day. Some thirty-five hacks are
now running between this city and Camp
Curtin, and all are doing a "land office" busi
ness.- All are crowded, and as the fare is 25 .
cents each way, the proprietors of the vehicles
are reaping a handsome profit.
THE KING or PAIN may be had at the corner
of Fifth and Market streets.
Dtsrarssiso ACCIDENT. —Dr. Kitzmiller,
highly-esteemed citizen of Pinegrove, and a
coal operator well-known throughout Schuyl
kill county, was accidentally killed on Wednes
day last, in a shocking manner. The circum
stances, according to the statement of the
Tamaqua Journal, are as follows: He had
been to his mines at Lorberry, about four
miles from Pinegrove, driving one horse in a
buggy. In returning, he leaned out over the
front of the buggy, with one foot on the axle,
to adjust something about the harness. la.
doing this, he fell ; and was caught in soma of
the gearing, the horse started and ran rap l .dly
about a mile and a half and the unfortrinate
gentleman was dragged to death. He leaves
bat one child, a • daughter, and a for'..nne of
about a quarter of a million. He wars a good
man, and his loss is universally deplored.
Tur. Rem CIF PAIN cures ilyeentery and
diarrhrea in their wont form.
A Lase Office Busisess.--)Casterday we
stopped for thirty minutes at the siiind where
Dr..ll'Bride disposes of his KING OF Rau.
During that time, he examined some twenty
men, described their diseases with the most
Skillful accuracy without asking any ques
tions, sold some forty bottles, and did any
amount of talking. we subsequently learned
that he disposed of upwards of a hundred
bottles daring the two hours he remained at
the stand. Astonishing as it may seem, he
has frequently sold as many bottles of the .
Xing of Pain in a single day as would over
balance the gross receipts of any other pre
paration for a Aar in this si'Y and it is
susceptible of proof that he has sold in one
month more of his medicine than all the pat
ent medicine venders put together have sold
in twelve months! This is the great test of
the extraordinary merits possessed by by the
Ring of A : WA. It stands unrivalled, as
who use it will most willingly testify.
Ma. Roma and Mice Panny panham in
great chexaeters, this evening: .
REMEMEES Miss Mary Florence's benefit at
the Canterbury to.night. ,
BMA' Poarza takes spbenefit at Sanford's
Opera Howe, this evening. All his Mends
will be there. A grand performance will be
IF TEE Bras OF PAIN does not perform all
that is claimed for it, the money will be re
A STATA ' ALE.E.T/NO of the Paxton Fire com
pany will be held at their room this (Tuesday)
evening at 7i o'clock. Punctual attendance
is desired. B J. SHOOP, Secretary.
THE KiNG OF PAIN corrects all the irregu
larities of the system.
LECTURE. —By special request, Rev. Wm-
D. Johnson will repeat his lectttre in Bethel
Church, on Short street. this evening at 8
o'clock. Subject—A Work: for the Mmes. Ati.-
mission, 15 cents.
BRUISES, sores and old wounds sueecessfully
treated by the Krsn- or Pers.
GONE—The Two Hundred and Fifth Penn
sylvania regiment, commanded by Col. Mat
thews, left camp yesterday morning, en route
for a new location. The regiment is composed
of robust men, who will make good soldiers•
We hope to hear from them when they reach
their' destination.
THE KING OF PLR: cures neuralgia its
most acute form.
POSTAL MONEY ORDEBE.—Sums of $1 to $3O,
under the new postal act, can be sent by mail
without risk, at the'- following fees :—One to
ten dollars, ten cents; over ten and not over
twenty, fifteen cents; over twenty dollars,
twenty cents. Articles of clothing being
manufactured' of wool, cotton, or linen, and
comprised in a package not exceeding two
pounds in weight, addressed to any non-com
missioned officer or private, serving in the
armies of the United States, may be trans
mitted in the mails of the United States, at
the rate of eight cents for every four ounces
or any fraction thereof, to be prepaid in all
cases subject to such regulatilorss as the Post
master General may prescribe.
THE Kum or P.m; cures headache and
toothache in Axe minutes, by est ternal appli
you see and now you don't. —ln making a re
port of the proceedings of the copperhead
ratification meeting on Saturday es rening last,
we stated that our facilities were inadequate .
to our desires for furnishing the full proceed
ings of that assemblage. Hence we gladly
accept any facts for refence which passed us
unobsersoul or unheard, and which oar friends
may furnish for our consideration. It ap
pears that in the course of Larnbertoa's ha
rangue, he rejoiced hugely and with exceeding
great joy, over the fall of Atlanta, and then
imperiously and with pouting lips peculiar to
Bobby's bursts of indignation, resumed
the burden of his speech by denouncing the
Administration for "having SOP 3mplished
nothing." Of Course Bob will clan a that the
Administration had nothing to do • with the
victory at Atlanta. It suits his purpose zuid
the objects of his partisans to indulge such
denials: The victory at Atlanta belongs to
the-soldiers, Bobby will insist, because, by so
doing, he may possibly rob the authorities of
their well earned share of the transactiaon—
and yet while Lamberton thris robs Peter to
pay Paul, he is of a class who:worked secret
ly and wondrously to deprive just such men
as won the triumph at Atlanta,. of a freeman's
right to participate in the control of a Gov
ernment won from destruction at the peril. of
their lives. Such are the inconsistend i es of
Democracy when demagogues and 'la t inren
seek the perversion of its sacred atte,butes,
Go TO Brant's Hall to-night, 'and see the'
best company in the city.
We, the undersigned, citis ens of Harris
burg, having noticed the nu igic influence of
Dr. M'BRIDE'S " IrING 'OF PAIN," can
cheerfully recommend it to, strangers or cit
izens in the city, as Wpb think it NO HUM
BUG, and worthy the patronage of all afflict
ed persons whe, are diseatied or in pain: •
Jacob Zarger, corner Third and North
George swans, Market; street. -
Wink.= G. Zollinger, No. 119 k Market
G. A. Perrington, No. 113 Market street.
Merman Frisch, International House.
. J. H. House, corner Market and 'Fifth. •
John M'Cord, grocery store, corner of Fifth
and Market.
Thomas Roy, grocery store comer of Fifth
and Market.
Isaac Parsons, grocery store, corner of Fifth
and Market.
P, H. Dougherty, confectioner, City Hotel,
Luther Reese, clothier, Market street.
S. A. Kunkel, druggist, Market street, be
tween Fourth and Filth.
B. 0. Whitcomb, Market street.
Wm. T. Jones, corner of Fifth and Market
George Albert., corner Third and Walnut.
H. R. M'CaUister, near the Round House.
Joseph J. Shaffer, Fifth and Markel streets.
Daniel E. Wilt, Market street, between
Fourth and Fifth.
F. F. Kunkel, druggist, Market. street.
H. B. Painter, Market street, - near Canal
W. H. Manger, corner Filbert and South
E. Louis Breininger, State Capitol Hot6l.
John Hammier, Birchler House.
• Sergt. Alexander Ives, P. R. C.
George W. Richards, Mechanicsburg.
Jacob Sipe, York county, Pa.
J. B. Stewart.
John Feist, Mary alley.
John Weaver, Filbert street, bet weep State
and North.
Joseph Lawrence, Market strei )t, between
Fourth and Fifth.
C. J. Jones. North street.
C. B. Franklin, United States A atective.
Liettt. Benj. 0. Cook: comma ding 50tH
Reg. P. R. 0.
thoott Wert,Ctuilberland county,, Pa.
R. L. BreSren---
FeKtidtk _
The mediae caw ballad at tho corner of
Fifth and lifeiXit *eats, et at ti ie otitee of
the State Oar4t9././444
Union Count 7 Convention.
The delegates to the 'Union County Conven
tion met on Tuesday morning, nt half-past
ten o'clock, in the Court House.
On motion of G. L. Black, ISAAC Minx-
MA, Esq., was elected President. H. J. Kelley
and George Keiser were . elected Secretaries.
The list of delegates was then called, sad
it appeared that the following gentlemen were
delegates, viz:
First ward—A. Koser, George Dunn.
Second ward-:-W. H. H. Sieg, Levi Gray.
Third ward—John Zinn, B. J. Harris.
Fourth ward—George L. Black, John Mil
ler. Jr.
I,llth ward—Chambers Dubbs,Jaeob Shoop
Sixth ward--G. B. Cole, Elias Mumma.
Susquehanna—Peter Reed, Henry Herr.
Swatara—Jacob J. Nshop, J. B.ltutherford.
South ward, Middletown—E. M'Creary,
Henry Shutter.
Millie ward—H. J. Melly, W. D. Hendrick
Nor* ward—Jaoob Nissley, John Hendrick
Londonderry—John D. Singer, John Longe
West Londonderry—Frederick It. Wagner,
Jacob S. Kendig.
Conewago—Daniel Miller,Michael L.Sbenk.
Derry—Christian Nissitey, Adam Bein
hower. .
South Hanover--Henry Hollingavrorth, Pe
ter Hoerner.
East Hanover—John T. Garverich, David
West Hanover—George W. Kreamer, John
Lower Paxton—Dr. W. C. Smith, Daniel
Lower Swatare—lsaac Mumina, Isaac Eber
Middle Paxton--L. W. Clemson, Elias E
Dauphin—W. Clark, J. W. Griffith.
Halifax—Joseph Meetch, P. J. Riland.
Millersburg--Jersmiah Gilbert, Jacob Rod
, Upper Paxton--Isaac Miller, Henry B. Hoff
Miffiin Josiah Weaver, Preston Miller. "
Gratz—W. H. Showers, Jonas Kaiser.
Lykens—H. B. Schreiner, J. D. Geist.
Washington—Philip Le o; Josiah Buffing
Jackson—Dr.Thos. AUGuire, John A. Nate
Jefferson—Hiram banker, Sol. Buffington;
Wiconisco—Philip Hawk, Jacob A. Harper
Reod—Samuel Boiler, Christian Efeikel.
There being a contest for delegates in West
Hanover • township, a committee of \ five was
appointed, consisting of John Zinn, Jacob
Bishop, George L. Black, David Care and
Christian Nissley, were appointed a Committee
to examine the matter in controversy, who re
ported that Messrs. Kremer and Fitting were
entitled to their seats. The report was ac
Mr. Zinn moved that the Convention pro.
ceed to the nomination of a candidate for
Congress, which was agreed to, and the fol.;
lowing gentlemen were nominated:
A. J. Herr, Geo. Smuller,' W. J. - Robinson,
L. N. Ott, Josiah Espy, Dr. Geo. Bailey.
The Convention then proceeded to nomi
nate a candidate for Congress; which resulted
as follows, vitt,
. First. Second. Third
. . 4 3 • 6.
Geo. Sinnller
29 33 43
r 3 14 10
A. J. Herr
W. J. Robinson .
L. N. Ott 17 16 8
Josiah E5py...... 1 withdrawn.
Dr. Geo. 8ai1ey...... 2 withdrawn.
A. J. Herr, Esq., was duly declared the can
didate for Congress.
Mr. John Zinn offered the following, which
was unanimously adopted, viz:
.1:?* solved, The nomination of A. J. Herr is
hereby declared to be unanimous, and he is
,hereby empowered to select his own conferees.
0. ALLZMAN and Dam mm Xersza were
eon unanimously nominated for Assembly.
Mr. B. J. Ilkaars offered the following
which was unanimously adopted:
liesOved, That Josiah C. Young be the
unanimous nominee of this convention for
the office of Prothonotary of Dauphin county
Messrs. John Fos, James Ferree, Henry
Raclabangh, Geo. Mark and A. H. Boyer were
nominated as oandidates for Register. A bal
lot was bad as follows
First Ballot. Sceffid Ballot
J,stb.o Fox
6,10. Mark. 27
H. Hadabaugh 6
James Ferree. 12
A. B. 80yer.... ..10
Mr. Geo. Mark was declared the nominee,
and the nomination was made unanimous.
HERAT HARTMAN, Esq., was unanimously
nominated the candidate for County Commis
Palm Mosza was unanimously nominated
as a candidate for ;Director of the Poor.
.A.LErum Sworn was unanimously nominated
tli,e candidate for Auditor.
Considerable conversation was had about
the mode of appointing the Chairman of the
County Committee. It was finally agreed
that the Convention should designate the gen
tleman, and a voto . was had on the same, with
the l 'ollowing result, viz :
John Shoemaker received 35 votes.
Jacob p. Haman received 26
Alex. B. oser received 2
Mr. Sh vemaker was declared the Chairman
of the Co linty Committee for the ensuing
Mr. Ztnn offered the following resolutions,
which were Li.nanimously adopted, viz:
Besolv.d, T. hat we recognize in the achieve
ments of our a. =lies and navies a speedy end
of the rebellio. and the inauguration of a
peace established' or? the everlasting founda
tions of a free peokp.le't; ability to maintain a
free Government.
Besolved, That t in tiiunivph of our arms at
Mobile ancrAtlanta. deserves our lasting grati
tude and unmeasured praise, as vindicating
the valor of the I federal soldierg and sailor,
and as sustaining the majesty of ,the Federal
authority: Those' victories point t.. 9 the .trt
umphant end of. the struggle for Nliglo7 l ,
eivilization, natio malty and ireedom. ' They
constitute a blo w of overwhelming dcotrac
tion to treason ir the South, and serve a* a
response of with i firing rebuke to treason syx. , -
pathy in the Nor ith.. -
Resolved, That 'we reiterate our endorsement
of the policy of t be National .i.dadniettrat:Nsi
a policy which I iss its highest leeegageF,e'
:the faith of the people and the prosperity kn
the country ; tliat ure heartily and enthusiasti
cally endorse , the re-nomination• of Abraham
Lincoln, as being due to the integrity and
stability of the Union, and that we will lea
no mealy or honorable effort untried to secure
his re-election.
Re;Dived, That we pledge ourseivis to the
fair and full support of the ticket nominated
to-day, because it is formed of honest and
capable men, and believing that on/ local tri
umph will contribute to a glorious national
The following gentlemen were selected as
the County Committee for the ensuing year,
viz :
A. Koser, George Bergner, B. J. Harris,
.John Miller, A. Ores, H. Radabaugh, S. Duey,
John Peifter, J...E. Witherow,. J. P. Carmony,
3. H. Nissley, Win. Seidler, F. It. Wagner,
J.. NI. Shenk, Jer. B.lsbach, H. Hollings
worth, David Care, Wm Allen, L. G./ Care,
Isaac Ebersole, John Freeland, Geo. Kinter,
James Freeland, S. S. Bow - man, D. Seal, J. W.
Moyer, W. H.. Showers; H. B. Schreiner, Jo
siah Buffington, Dr. Thomas M'Guire, P.
Hoffman, Philip Hawk, Christian Hetzel.
.RousE, of Brant's Hall, is the only manager
in the city that engages the gretit dramatic
stars of the country. Go and see Frank Drew
Is Tows.—This morning we received a call
from D. A. Keys, Esq., agent of Rivers' and
Derius' Circus and the Bedouin Arab Troupe.
He states that they will give two grand per
formanceS in this city on Wednesday of next
week, Sept. 14th.
GRVITD SUCCESS—Cheat Enthusiasm.—The
appearance of Frank Drew, last night, at
tracted to Brant's Hall the largest audience
that was ever crowded into that spacio
building. Every seat, every aisle, every V •
dew, every oorner, was jammed with human
b9ings, and hundreds were turned away from
the door, unable to gain admission. AU who
could see the performance were delighted, and
are loud in' their praise of Drew, Rouse, and
the Combination troupe. We would suggest
that the sale of tickets be closed earlier here
after, as it is impossible for persons occupy
ing the pews to see or hoar What going on
when the aisles are crowded.
This is the week of fun at Brant's Hall.
The most laugfiable and side-splitting plays
are nightly presented—the greatest comedian
of the age, Mr. Frank Drew, personating the
principal characters. Rouse has had a con
tinuous run of success ever since his advent
in our city, and the applaudits of the public
and the press pronounce him the only theat
rical manager who has received the counte
nance of our most refined citizens. This
evening the drama entitled Tan Ursa Falz
on= will be performed, with Frank Drew
as O'Bryan; also, the laughable farce, More
Blunders than One, with Mr. D. as "Larry
O'Hoolagan." ' Miss Fanny Denham will ap
pear in two characters. Go to Brant's 'Hall
63-night, and " drive dull care away." Re
member that Mr. Rouse defies competition,
and is the only manager who his 'engaged the
most k elebrated stars in the country.
figr - Never known to fail. Are you
a Offerer from Fever and Ague? Are you af
flicted with the periodical return of that cold
and formal visitor, the chili, followed by its
faithitft attendants, the burning fever and
dienching perspiration ? Lose no time, then,
in procuring a bottle of .OSOOOD'S INDIA
CROLA.GOGIIE. You will haie but one chill
after you commence it; and probably none at
all Your neighbor who has used the medi
cine will assure you of this. It is but the
promise of a result which thousands have
already realized, and which your own experi
ence will most fully.prove. If you have been
disappointed in other medkines, and are
doubtful of all, obtain the Cholagogue and
you will doubt no longer.
Sold by all druggists and medicine dealers.
•"Thou mightier than Manoah's son, whence
is thy great strength,
And wherein the secret of thy craft, 0, charmbr
charming wisely?
For thou art strong in weakness, and in art
lessness well skilled,
Constant in the multitudes of change, and
simple amidst intricate complexity;
Folly's shallow lip can ask the deepest ques
And many wise in many words should an
swer, what is - beauty;
Who shall separate the hues that flicker on a
dying dolphin,
Or analyze the jeweled lights that deck the
peacock's train,
Or shrewdly mix upon a palette the tint, of
an indecent spar,
Or set in rank the wandering shades about a
watered silk ?"
Beauty, in our opinion, can be found even
in the manufacturing of dry 'goods in the
United States of America at this time, when
speculation (without a Sherman or a Grant)
has run wild in gold. Would it not be better
to confine ourselves to the purchasing of goods
manufactured at home? We do not pretend to
say that domestic goods are not influenced, or
to some extent do not sympathize with the
prices of foreign goods, but we do say that
all kinds of domestic goods are cheaper than
imported goods. To illustrate what has been
said abOve, please calk at the store. of C. L.
.13ownian, where dry goods are sold at the very
smallest profit for cash, and examine his large
stook of Fall and Winter goods—particularly
woolen goods, as they are cheaper than cotton,
and the winter is - coming on. Store corner of
Front and Market streets.
Lochiel Greys One Years Service.
A. few more men wanted to fill up this or
ganization. $5OO local bounty. paid, $lOO
Government, making $6OO bounty. Men will
go to oanip and draw uniforms as soon as
mustered in. Rally men, and avoid the com
ing draft. Headquarters, Walnut street be
tween Third and Vourth streets, Harrisburg,
Pa. _ W. A. DEAN, 'apt.
' gents. Theodore G. Thomas, Recruiting
Officers. auO-tf
Swallow two or three hogsheada of ' , Bache," "Tonic
Bitters? "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Antidotes? Be., &c.,
Be., and after you am satisfied with the result, then try
FIC PlLLS—and be restored to.nealth and vigor in loss
than thirty daya. They are purely vegetable. pleasant to
take, prompt and salutary in their effects on tee broken
own and shatteredeonstitution. Old and young can take
them with advantage. Imported and sold in the United
States only by - XX& 8. BUTLER,
No. 427 Broadway, New York.
mist.lipialt - for the United Staten
P. a—A Box of the Pith, seoureir waked: will 'he
Mailed to any address on receipt of price, which is ONE
I , LLAE,Ftwit-Paid—money refanded by the Agent If
entire eatilladlon is not eat. • jybrkderWane
Kromer's (UPlianeß) Hair Iye
Boxes larger than Dyes that sell for L
Wasisexprzu to please. This article has been
thoroughly tested by Ds Cnoxtrorr of Frew
York, and Professors Booth and -Garrett of
Philadelphia, who pronounce it free from all
poisonous ingredients, and the material com
posing it will not injure the most delicate
hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods
dealers everywhere.
NO. J. KE0113 . 11, Sole Proprietor,
403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Druakenness Cured.
The inebriate may now bid defiance to the
tempting cup. Dr. Zen's antidote for strong
drink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It
creates a dislike for strong drink, and can 'be
administered without the knowledge of the
Descriptive circulars sent to any address.
For sale by all respectable druggists in the
United Staths and Canadas. Price $1 per box,
or packages of six boxes for $5.
;INQ. J. SII,OMER., Wholesale Agent,
403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Dr. Rand's Specific.
The oldest and most reliable medicine for
the cure of Spermaorhcea, Seminal Weakness,
Loss of Power, &c. This medicine has stood
the test of over thirty years, and has always
proved a success.
Dr. RAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the
form of pills, made up entirely of substances
that have a specific effect upon the generative
organs. Most persons associate the idea of
operations upon the bowels from taking any
kind of pills. The SPECIFIC of Dr. Rand is
not intended as an evacuating medicine. Its
medicinal virtues are expended entirely upon
.e impaired regenerative. organs. The pills
)re not unpleasant to the taste, and many
iersons masticate them with impunity before
swallowing them ; which plan we would al
ways recommend, as affording the speediest
way to get the effect of the remedy.
Price. $.l per box, or six boxes for $5. Sold
by druggists everywhere.
JNO. J. KRONER, Wholesale .Agent,
403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Bannvart7s Troches.
For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis
eases .&c., are specially recommended to
ministers, singers and persons whose rotation
calls them to speak in public. Manufactured
only by C. 4. Bamfvart & Co., Harrisburg,
Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed.
sold by druggist every where.
Bead the following testimonials from some
of our eminer4 clergymen:
litaummuna, Feb. Bth, 1864..
C. A. Bitorvans—Dear Sir: I have used
Brown's Bronohial Troches, Wistafe Lozenges
and other preparations for hoarseness and
throat troubles, and in comparison with them
all, can cheerfully commend your own as a
most admirable speoific for public speakers
and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs
and colds. I have found thorn serving in
time of need, most effectually.
Yours truly, T. IL ROBINSON,
Pastor of N. S. kkesbytezian Church.
Ir-I agree with Mr. Robinson es to the
value of Banuvart's Troches.
Late Pastor of 0. 8. Presbyterian Church.
HAnanurcao, Jan., 1864.
To O.A. BANNveur--Dear Sir: In the habit
of speaking very frequently,• and in places
where the vocal organs are very much taxed,
I have found the need of some gentle expeoto
rant, and that want has been supplied in your
excellent Troches.
I consider. them very far superior to any
Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing
speedily that huskiness of the voice arising
from its too frequent use, and impairing th
effectiveness of the delivery of public ac•
dresses. Yours, &0.,
Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church.
To 0. A. Itummurr--Dear Sir: Haviuguilec‘
our Troches I am free to say they are
e best 1 h ave ever tried and take great
easare in recommending them ta all persona
afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of
voice arising from public spealdng or singing.
Yours, &c., G. G. RASESTRAW,
Pastor of Bidge Avenue Methodist Church.
METBICIT Arroutorr's Omoz,
IlAnardstrao, Peb. 29, 1864.
To C. A. Itsrurvanr—Dear Sir: I have
found your Troches to be invaluable in re
lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the
muscles of the throat. They impart clearness
to the voice, and.are certainly of great bene
fit to all public speakers. A. J. Mon,
Babaualarls Celebrated Hair nye
fhe only Harmless,' True and Reliable Dye Snows.
This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty
or Gray Hair Instantly to a Glossy /Back or Nature/Brown
without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the
Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, frequently
restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of
tad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLL92,I.A. BATCH
ELOR. All others are mere imitation!, and should be
avoided. Sold by all Druggists, dto Factory-51 BAB
HATO:MOIL'S NBW mutt' ca_i sou 1?5,E. , .."-MIG rue tuts.
jet ly
The greatest trouble to persons in the Army, especially
in this season, is Dysentery, whioh (by death or by disa
bllity) weakens the service more then the Rebuts do.
Very many have found, upon trial, the DYSENTERY
DROPS am among the very best preventatives and cures
that are to be M-d. Eve, y Mauer and eveuy soldier
should carry it with hm, and thereby reasonably insure
himself against a great danger. It is prepared in Harris
burg by MRS. L. BALL, at 2 Pine street, between Second
and Front. Take a phial with you. Price 25 cents.
celebrated Toilet Soap, in mum universal de
mand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild
and emollient in its nature, fragrantly scented.,
and extremely beneficial in be notion upon the akin.
For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Nelms
SELLING of Summer roods at low vices,
such as Summer Dress Goods, lamas, Sun timbreilea,
Lace dnawle, and Bummer ntlawla We nave also Cu
hand a very imp assortment bf Muslims, Calicos, Ging
hams, Stockings, Bandkerchlefs, Black e , dxs,. Plaid Bake,
White atrobrica, Undressed Frmon Cambria; White and
Colored Flannels, and in fact an usornsient of dry goods
not surpassed by any. To all of which we invitcr those
who wish to purchase, and promise to sell at leas prices
than we can replace Warn for again. ds ell kinds of dry
goods are advancing every day, now is the time to buy.
jyl6 S. LEWY.
"A Slight C01d.37 Coughs.
Few aro aware of the importance of chootang a Cough
or "aura? cow" in 147.: diet. stage; teat. which the
ginning would yield to a mild remedy if neglected, so=
attacks the lunea "Brouro • Track & 10,,
sure and almost Immediate relief .dfilaans Officers and
Soldiers should have them, as they 0371 be =Tied in The
pocket and taken as occasion requires. auglo-dewlm
Military Business Attended To.
Bounty Penton, Back Pay, anbanstence and mina
and War 47aima geriondly, made out and collected. Pik ,
now residing at a distance can bare their bnelneas trans
acted by mail, by ad
• MIGENligr., Attorneyot-Lair,
altdly +- • Third sues!, narriebars P.
" PURE - irldelfeTAilLJO ,
TExcist,healtby I:mnsons feel more or less
weak this unease warm weather, and lase tbeirep
ilenteL 2hey need a .good strasg Ttontsw. that will
strengtitadshe asivons systems and IMMIX Tiiii-ther
eas getakdOssiens, bottle, at lint L Ball's „ Dio 47,;
fknltak Else WritHm7sbUr& Orden: from a ginfalAnt
PromPPY fittWititto. 0ug4.:1
.I.l7ENT=Trit 2•1/.no. 'QF•
Roues Star Combinatlea Caatiaah
Santa Star Combination Company,
• tiona's Star Cambinatfoa Company',
Second night of L engagement e
Mr. prank Drew I
Bfore Blunders Than. One!
Mr. Frank Drew
'O'BRIEN" and “LARRY 4711001,Afifile:"
Ax " Tom Etsbolltac."
Fur farther particulars see programme
New National Theatre !
New National Theaye I
Managers, - ,
Stage Manager,
Second Night ot' the New Company, pronounced by the
public one of the finest Companies In the oteunryt Sec
and Night, by universal request, and the Mat time , this
season of Edward Fitzball's beautiful play, in three ante,
and Ono Tableaux,
To conclude wilt the rearing Farce,
ags- For further particulars, see prograinate.
PRICKS OF ADMlSSlON.—Parquette, 50 mils; Gal
lery, 25 cents; Orchestra Chaim, 51 00; Private Bosse,
$5 and $lO.
Doors open at 7,4,;. Curium lists at 8 o'clock.
Sox Moe open from 10 till 12 A. st., awl from 2,1441 4
P. K, when soata can be reserved without extra charge,
and kept until end of first act.
mertchearsah- the celebrated French play, =EA'S
(. God Save tun Union and the Ceantry
On which occasion the following ladies and gentlontert of
the CANTERBURY BALL vrilf appear :
Together with the King , f EittoPlit.
This evening
Sea Ms of
_the day.
MMeconsists of the best Aar psi -
em, consisting of
The managers takes pleasure In atihnuncing that Oier
Intend making this THE Concert Hail attic" city. •
BARRY WELLS & CO., Penoctikkr
BILLY PORTER, Business Agent..
Proprietor-- .......
Busbies; Agent
Stage aget
Lead lana
OPEN Oary night with a ilsat44oas com
pany of male and. female artistes. The perSzas
alumak embraces every variety of legltioutta mauseiment,
so so
00141 C OPERAS,
Admission, 26 cents t3eats in private bozos 60 amis.
Doors open at 4. rib commence atBo'clootc.#l2tF
pamo R-7 , 1.'s Ormcz, 3.4 th Dumlicr,
lialidacato, pa s Anna lb, 11184:
ERvvest Maisharg Office are published fbr the in
struction skid guidance of all persons Interested, In order
that, in future, the publio need not be in doabt as to
when, where and to whom to apply for information on
matters connected with this department.
Ist The Board of Enrollment convenes each day (Sun
days excepted) in the proper room at 10 o'clock A. K. ii
business requires it , the morning session will continue
till 12 ,ti o'ciock P. K.; the afternoon sessions commence
at, 2,46, o'clock and continue till 0 o'clock P. K. Inn&
caw will examinations for disability be made after day
light .
2nd J. J. Weitzel, principal clerk to Board of Enroll
ment, will at all Limos furnish lnformatioa proper to be
furnished hem the records of the Board.
3rd A. F. Clapp, adjutant and special deputy, will be
found in the aloe room of the Provost Marsha,. He has
a general charge, and 01111 be applied to in all cases.
4tri The Enrollment Department is in charge a( D. S.
sth A. E. Eyster superintends the neutering and re
cruiting department; and has charge or the records and
rolls connected therewith; also, with enlistments into the
"Veteran &serve Corps."
tith R. E. Cable has charge of the clothing depnat
7th for information with reference to hems and
property seized as the property of the Government, ap-
ply to John Z Holler, in the Mfttering and RucraitingD..
Bth For information with reference to beseatetes and
persons arrested. apply to same department
9th John CharterS has charge of accoonis, reserds, he.
10th Fur information upon any subject not above spe
r t
A. dealgutped, apply to the Provost Marshal, or to
A wanV.
AU clerks and employees are required to be at
their posts for duty at 8 o'clock a. at lbe office will be
closed to the pulke at, 6 o'clock p. al
12th Clerks end employees are required and directed
to be polite, courteous and attentive-malt persona doing
btmwotniu the Provost liamhaPs office. Ills a duty and
pleasure to inform and MVO those requiring iniorMabOtt
or servien:ind if any clerk or employee sous in prompt.
;Mention or proper courtesy, he will be atomic disorgett.
....13th Clerics and empb,yees are not pen:Bitten as Mabee
fee or reward for services rendered. if they do so, - the
penalty will be hairnediate discharge. To Oiller such-fee
and to receito It are equally high misdemeanors -
JN. AY . C/AtkiENT,
Captain O and Provost Marsitai
14th District Penn.
The weathers of the Board of Itarollinent are Jebp
Kay Clement, Provost Marshal, Charles C. Hawn, Com
missioner, S. T. Charlton, Surgeon ; either of whom
may be consulted at all timer , dam business boors, in
matters oennecsini with the business of the Board.
. . .
The Provost Marshal's Moe Is in Fourth street, op
posite the Government Bakery. -'
rm. • RENT,
T i g the V co e rner 4 or HOTEL
P el on y nsy loC4ted aviue s 4
Boas street , Harrisburg. It is ..ntirely new, and in tar •
midst or the meet thriving rah= °rise city, and frO
on both of the tame tome! streets. It contalut -.-
stare looms and al. of the most improved am I. mfieVal • •
appitumm - & - upolanraugactistaind" cold nutteMr7lWl,.."
Pak O.
The ississmat is is , -Ixosuskisiss. =lsm lhe ettr prim*
la ftire: G - " Tot ett renuktilfe,
%VW to s OMER. spiremok' g .
NA. St 1964.•^[N0P 3 4 11 0 . .&X 4 1 50 . ak • "