Pik Et** HARRISBURG,Pa TUESDAY EVENENG,SEPTEBEg 6051i4. NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, Abraham Lincoln, OF iittNoze. Fait VICE PRESIDENT. Aitdrolv Johnson, $ • or 'IMNMOSEE. Which the is Sectional ParlYl It.' hais alWays been a capital m'y with the Democratic leaders to charge their opponents with'sectional6rn.. Because those who did. not believe that slavery was divine and supe rior to freedom in its relations to the prosper ity of the country, they were charged as being *motional fanatics. Lot us now ace hoW this charge will bear analysis so far as relates to the nominations of the two parties in question. free State and a Slate scarcely rescued from the thraldom of Slavery, were honored' with distinction is the Union National Convention> while the Democratic Convention, that boast ed Convocation of the haters of sectionalism, those consistent patrioti, have selected both their candidates from States lying north of Mason and Di-xon's In view of this, we conjure Xr..Fillmore, who acts with this sec.: tional party,. to ri,be:,rae his Albany Speech, and again call upon the South. to rebel, if this Chicago ticket which has been made sectional, by selecting both candidates from the N. ors'!. should la , elected. The present position of the. so-called. Democratic :party affords the best possible cotninoutary upon it: , zut,cerity and consistency. lint' one consideration should restrain ',qr. Yillinore now from rais ing his warning voice to his Southern Broth. reit against this sectionalism, and that proba bly will—there is not the remotest chance of the success of this sectional ticket. Keep it Itetere the Peepltl That the Chicago Convention could not find time or heart IN ANY RESOLUTION OR SPEECH, TO UTTER ONE WORD AGAINST THE SOUTHERN REBELLION! Let our brave soldiers in the field, our mothers and sisters in homes made desolate by rebel bullets--by our starving countrymen in rebel prisons, and our overburthened tax payers to sustain a war pushed upon the country by rebellion---reinember that Democ racy has no rebuke for Treason and Rebellion, and hence is entitled to the support only of traitors and rebels. Friends of the Union and and haters of Rebellion in the Democratic party--break ranks. and come out from such a cabal of treason. It 1 . : 1 no place for yon. THE COPPERHEAD NATIONAL CONVENTION, after it made its nominations and erected a platform, instead of adjourning sine die, as is the custom of all such bodies, adjourned to meet again when it should be deemed neces sary by its officers. This action is designed to work as a covert threat that, if the copper heads are defeated at the polls in November, they intend to assemble and organise a re sistance to the decision of the majority. It is a repetition of the old game of "brag" so often played by the same men, and we have a clear notion that the Cops will have au , op portunity to test their courage in resisting the re-inauguration of Abraham Lncoln as Presi dent of the United States. A blatant copper head who loves to hear himself talk, declared the other dty tlwt e• Lieeele ted, there would nate a Democratic; (fungi ussman to resume his seat at Pe opening of Congress in December. Ho was retorted on by a man p•esent tfaat it wonitl be a blessing to the country if a Democrat never again was al lowed to vete or tall: on the. floor of either branch of Congress. Tux PiLsoz DElttocracr have a happy way of their own in seeking to establish their prin ciples. About the time the Government is becoming successful in putting a final end to rebellion, an about the time also, that the traitors are approaching their ; just doom of destruction, the peace Democracy are de teoted in their secret armed movements, to do what ? Not to oppose the rebellion—not to assist our armies in conquering the traitor foes—but to out the throats of .bolitionists and ii.e undefended-towns as Gho.mbersbnig was given to the flames of the invaders. Such are the Peace Democracy. They are ready to inaugurate war in the loyal States that treason may become triumphant inthe revolted States, Snsii. THE Govimain.vr represented by Abraham Lincoln, or the hierarchy of Jeff. Davis & Co., survive the result of the election in "November? From the treasonable demon strations at Chicago it is now made most clear what is "the drift" of the Deinocratio party, and into what abyss its success would precip-. itate the country. It matters not as to the nominee, or what the platform laid down, the proceedings at Chicago demonstrate one thing, vis: that the election next fall will really be be tween Lincoln on one side and J. ft. Davie on the other. hi , cratra w s s oi nszas.e.socxxvirres.—When General M'Clellan was made Commander-in. Chief of the Union armies, the Richmond papers charged that he had offered his ser vices to the Southern Confederacy when the war began, and the General has ne”er denied the drove. All these circumstances, in connec tion with the favorable results to the Confed eracy of his generalship, may account for the great respect with which to South has al ways spo)Len of the American Napoleon. Ail immense Lincoln and Johnson meeting was held at New Orleans on the 13th instant.' It via held la a public_ square, w hi c h was nrOwdea with people, and finely illuminated with Imps, transparencies, and arches of seaVilst. The e,thnsbnun re! intense. Democrat4B Consistency. T e. emocratsrenounce' Mr. Lincoln for fighting in a war which members of their own party—Jeff. Davis, John B. Floyd &Co., with thehelp of James Buchanan--commenced. After denouncing Mr. Lincoln for prose cuting the war at all, they next denounce him for .I'lo haying prosecuted it . more - rigorously and 'successfully. They denounce Mr. Lincoln for the "delay" with which the war his proceeded, while their own candidate for President, M'Clellan, "the I unready," is more responsible for that, delay than anybody else. They denounce Mr. Lincoln for permitting "arbitrary arrests," and have nominated a man who wanted a whole Legislature ar- rested. They say they desire peace, and yet com plain of Mr. Lincoln because he won't let hem have all the arms they want They say they are opposed to the draft, and yet hurrah for the man who has urged a draft more strongly than anybody else. They abuse Mr. Lincoln, because, as Presi dent through the will of the people, he prose cutes the war in execution of his official oath, and at the same time say they will vote for a man as Mr. Lincoln's successor, who helped to prosecute the war, under Mr. Lincoln as a volunteer. The say they are opposed to the war, and yet support a candidate whose only recom mendation is that he has helped to conduct it. They claim to be loyal, and yet while de nouncing Mr. Lincoln, have nothing to say against Jeff• Davis. • ==l 'know of THE pArsionc FIRKNZSB of Andrew. Jackson, and then think of the politicians of to-day, who, while pretending to venerate his name and to respect his principles, are now demanding that the Government of the United Sates shall get on its knees to a parcel of t•ai tors and rebels, and beg terms of peace of them ! "By the Eternal !" this is not Jackso nian Democracy, which was a stranger tl craven-heartedness, cowardice or self-humilia tion. DEMOCRACY cries lustily for peace, but offers obstructions to every 19gical and practical plan to establish such a state of affairs. The people declare that the only peace which can be lasting is that whioh must be conquered• If the South is in earnest for peace, let her traitors lay down their arms. Mobile and Atlanta, and not Chicago, point the way to lasting peace. J3l) Zelenrapti. Later from Sherman Rebel Loss 3,000 Killed and Wounde WO THOUSAND PRISONERS CAPTUR: Nasuvuz.z, Sept. 5. News from Gen. Sherman's army to-day reports the enemy's loss at 3,000 killed and wounded. We Captured 2,000 prisoners. Among them is a Brigadier General. A large amount of material wks capture& The army is in full possession of Atlanta. The river is four feet and rising. Army of the Potomac THE REBS BECOMING FRIENDLY. The Don't . Believe that Atlanta has Fallen. Temporary Change of Conunanders in the 18th Corps The Kobel& Saluted by Our Onus in Honor of the Fall of Atlanta • HEADQUARTERS Matt OF POTOBILC, September 4—Evening. The rebel pickets refuse to believe that At lanta has fallen, and have become very friendly, approaching close to our lines with passes from their officers, for the purpose of trading, (apparently,) but all having Jeff Davis' proolamation of foreign protection and safe conduct to deserters. They hope to largely reduce our ranks by the new move. They purchase all the edibles they can get from our men, giving greenbacks or tobacco in exchange, of which articles they seem to have large supplies. General Gibbon has been temporarily as signed to the command of the Eighteenth corps. Colonel Smith, of the First division, a brave and capable officer; is in command of Gibbon's division'of the Second corps. Sarraansaren sTH.—Last night about 11 o'clock our batteries along the entrenchments opened and saluted the enemy with a terrific fire for an hour in honor of the fall of Atlanta. The enemy's guns replied sharply, and the air was filled with bursting shells. This morning not a shot is heard. (Signed) W. D. McGREGOR. War in Tennessee. eirprist .and third of John Morgan's Norm 3i OItG. A. N KILLED Ills STAFF CAPTURED ARGE NUMBER OF PRISONERS CAPTURED CINCINNATI, Sept. 6, 1864. The Conidnercial publishes the following dispatches KNOITTLLE, Sept. s.—The following official telegram from General Gillem was read early this evening Bur.a.'s GAP, .Tunn. Sept. 6. Gan. Tuaraon—l surprised, defeated and killed John Morgan at Greenville this morn- rag. The killed are scattered for miles and have not yet been counted. They probably num ber 50 or 100. About 75 prisoners were cap tured, and among them were Morgan's staff, also ono pieee:of artillery and a caisson. The euenly's force outnumbered mine, but the surprise was complete. sips, ORAN C. GIigLEM. ItrX,Bsl6-;,... , :,---N---V4::.W::Se ~ BATTLE FOUGHT AT ATLANTA. Nothing Deeisi - ve Known. ROCLAMATION BY GOVERNOR VANCE, The Chicago Nominaticitm Rebel Support to Gen. M9Clella WASEUNGTON, Sept. 6.—The Richmond Sen tinel of Saturday says, a heavy battle is re ported to have been begun at Atlanta on the evening of Wednesday and resumed on Thurs day morning. Gen. Hardee,with S. D. Lee and Ooleburne, is said to have begun the fight , end gained some advantage at first, but subsequently lost it. Generals Patten, Anden.on . and Cum mings are reported to have been wounded. Official advices from Gen. Forrest to the Ist inst., have 'been received. lie reports the enemy to have evacuated the Memphis and Charleston railroad up to Memphis, and that the Yankee troops are moving up the Missis sippi river en route to Virginia and Missouri. Governor Vance, of North Carolina, has is sued a proclamation, offering a free pardon to the many deserters who are lurking in the woods and mountains, threatening the ex treme penalties of the law to those caught, as well as against their alders and abettors. -They are to be hunted town like galley felons. The Sentinel, of Saturday, commenting on. the Chicago nomination, says : Of the can didates, McClellan, who was formerly a de cided war man, is represented to have greatly modified, if not, indeed, abandoned, his bel ligerent sentiments. The support given him by the many decided peace men, lends strong `confirmation to the report, and nothing Would be easier than for McClellan to -recon cile a declaration for peace in the present state of the question, due, as one may sup pose, to Lincoln's management of the war. • Of Mr. Pandleton's position there is no un certainty. He is an ardent peace man. The fact that such a man was nominated is a strong proof that M'Clellan's position cannot be widely variant. The contest which now commences will be brief, but it will be violent. Two months will clear it, and will decide which shall rule, Lincoln or M'Clellan. Per- haps there are no two public men in the United States separated by a greater animos ity than exists between Lincoln and lan and their respective partizans. There is robably no one by whom Lincoln would not prefer to be beaten. This will add to the ri valry. WHEELER'S RAID A FAILURE His Forces in Retreat General Rousseau telegraphed from Spring- Hill late on Saturday n ght, that Wheeler's force was aoross Duck river, and had join d Roddy, and both were retreating towards Florence, Alabama. Gen. Rousseau pro nounces the raid a complete failure. Gen. Keller is reported to have been more tally wounded, and to have died at Franklin, yesterday. Gen. Haskill is also reported to have been killed in a skirmish. • Considerable damage has been atmelu tha.,..4.1.....04,11....4-....10, 14 0 form is employed in repairing it, and they will soon have it in running order again. The damage done by the rebels to the Chat tanooga railroad is being rapidly repaired. One bridge only has been destroyed, that over Steviart's creek; it is- 50 feet . long. Dr. Spaulding was not captured as reported; he is safe with his command. Capt. Price, of the 10th Tennessee, 'was killed on Friday. From Europe. Arrival of the Belgian and (Iffy o Washington. tizure of the Pirate Georgia by the Friga Niagara. THE PRIZE ON THE WAY TO NEW YORK The Florida Heard From NEW YORK, Sept. 6. , The steamer City of Washington, froA Liverpool, with dates to the 26th, arrived this port this morning The following is the latest dispatch t.e • graphed to Queenstown : LONDON, Aug. 26.—The frigate Niago seized the rebel pirate steamer Georgia two ty miles off Lisbon, put a prize crew on bo . , and sent her to New York. The . Niag. a landed the captain and crew of the Georgield Dover. The Georgia when.seized, was unier the British lag. Her captain entered a - test against the seizure. The event has - cited much controversy. It is rumored that the capture was effectd under consent of the British Govenimut. There is much difference of opinion as to ie legality of the capture, b,ut general satis...e don is expressed. FARTHER POINT, L. C., Sept. s.—?he steamer Belgiamhas passed this point,Tith Liverpool advioes of August 25, via Lonhn deny, August 26. The steamer St. David arrived at Lotion derry on the 25th, and the City of Cor at Queenstown on the 24th. LONDON, August 26.—N0 political new of importance has transpired since the sailig of the City of Washington the 25th. The capture of the pseudo pirate thrgia by the United States frigate Niagara crated no excitement whatever. The pirate Florida sailed from Santa ruz, Teneriffe, on the 4th of August en a erase. Department of the Soutl) NOTHING IMPORTANT FROM CILLULES'Ir. Nzv You, Sep 6 The steamer Arago has arrived, with tilton Head advices to the let instant. The tptain and mate of the steamer Crescent hal! been sentenced to be reprimanded, and th mate has been fined $lOO for neglect of dui. The Palraftto Herald of the Ist is *ived, but contains no news except that ttl rebel officers will soot be placed under fLre:,Three had attempted to escape, but were rec kited. Department of the G . Nzw YOBS, The rebel commander, Jack Scott headquarters at Clinton, La. He about 3,000 cavalry. and is supporte batteries—two of four guns and oriel He has also one 20-pound Parrott. $ W. D. Mann has been nominate gress by the Free State Union As:. Baton Rouge. About four tbortand volumes o works belonging to the State library recovered from the place where. tb orated. i ,- I FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC Rebel Reports of th 6 Battle in Georgia. Defeat and the Loss of Three General Officers WASECINCPXON, Sept. 5. "There is no news of importance from the rof the Potomas. Deserters from the rebel army report that Atlanta is in our possession, with a large num ber of prisoners; that Richmond papers con tain accounts of a battle there on the 31st of August, and that our troops were at first re pulsed, but finally drove the enemy back with heavy loss, including three Generals, viz: Anderson, Petten and Hardee. • The rebel deserters further state that their loss in the fight with the second corps on the Weldon railroad was very severe, but that they took a large number of prisoners. General Roseeranz, being satisfied that the citizens of Boone county have been co-oper ating with and encouraging bands of bush whackers and other outlaws, and that Thomas Watterman, the only support of a widowed mother and two sisters, was recently shot while on a steamer lying at a wharf at that town, by a gang of those villains, has ordered an assessment of $lO,OOO on the disloyal citi zens of said town for the benefit of the mother and sisters of said Wattermau. Wonted to Rent, AHOUSE, with four or five rooms, for a small family. Rent paid in advance up to 'lst. of April next, If required. Address GEORGE W. FRY, sepe-d4VI Soldiers' Rost. Wanted Immeidiately A GOOD COOK, ant( an OYSTER A "saooloca." Apply at the SALOON under Herr's [sepg-erf am AUDITOR'S NOTICE -7 The Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Dauphin county to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Abraham Grubb. Trustee to sell the real estate of Mary Hawk late of Liverpool, Perry county, deceased, will it for that purpose at his office in the city of Harrisburg on THURSDAY, the 29th, day of September, 1861, at 10 o'clock a. st, at which time and place parties interested are hereby notified to be present. septl-do:, 3w* OFFICE CRISP COMMIS:4IRT Sossismics, DEPARTMENT SOSQPELIANNA, • HARRISBERG, Pa., September 6th, 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will be retielved by the undersigned until MONDAY, Sep tember 12, 1884, for furnishint the U. S. Sub4lstence De partment, delivered In this city, with 1000 BARRELS FRESH GROUND EXTRA FLOUR. Brands must be stated;.both heads to be we'l lined. Fiat-hooped and mxchinernade bare a will be rejected. To be delivered at the rate of 100 b -rre's per day, com mencing within firs days of acceptance of bid. , Samples must accompany every proposal, Each bid must contain in 'Etna guarantee of two responsible peraore for the fulfillment of the agreement, who will give bonds if required. In case of failure to deliver the Flour, the United States reserves the right to purchase el-matters to tusks up the deficiency, charging the advance prce to the party falling to deliver. NASHVILLE, Sept, 5 tt. 5. as his mands three, three. r Con tion at . he hest v been. ere se- . Admitted. A Righteous Order. ST. LOUIE., Sept. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Proposals for Flour. Proposals must not be enclosed with Eampleß, but de livered separate. All tour to be carefully inspected and compared with retained samples. All bids must comply strictly with the terms of this advertisement. No proposals will be considered wh either of the parties interested is a member of Congress, agent,- or employee orrneowrorametlr t be loyal to it. Blank forms for proposals, containing,. the form of guarantee, may be had on applicaten at ttit Payment will be made In such funds as may be forward ed by the United btates far the purpose. Proposals must be accompanied by a printed copy of this adcertisem.mt, or Indorsed, "Proposals for Flour," and directed to BROWNELL GRANGER, Captain and Chief Commissary Subsistence, sep6-dtsepql Depaitment Susquebanna. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF FLOE, FMST Divisros, . - Weannitrrox Cur, September 2, 1864.7 Will be sold at Public Auction to the highest bidder, at the time and placei named below, viz York, Pa., Thursday, Sept. 15 1864. Altoona, Pa., Thursday, Sept. 22, 1864. Lebanon, Pa., Thursday; Sept. 29, 1864. TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY` HORSES AT EACH PLACE. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service Ville army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses sold singly. Tame—Cash, in fruited &otos currency. JAMES A. EKIN, • Colonel First Division, Quartermaster General's Office. , eps4se2Bl PROVOST MARSILLL'S OFFICE, 1 I.4TS DISTRICT OF DRZISSTLTARTS, EIAAILLSIIGHG, September 3, 1864. The following notice is published for the information o all interested : TO VOLUNTEERS Volunteers win be accepted and counted on the quotas Of the present call, up to the last practical moment before the drafted men are accepted and scut to the rendezvous. Townships and sub-districts which have not filled their quotas a, 0 urged to do so at once. All time that can possibly be given, will be allowed, but the draft will commence as soon after the sth of Sep tember as practicable. Credits will ha given, and Government bounty paid to volunteers until further order; By order or Capt. RICHARD L DODGE, A. A. P. M General WILLIAM SCHEFFLE Captain and A. A A. General. JOHN KAY CLEMENT, . . Captain mud Provost Mamba' 14th District of Penna. Harrisburg, August 31, 1864_ sept 5 IMEARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF i c e, NICE, FIRST DIVISION, 18r4suuMoie City, August 31,1664. f HORSES! HORSES! HORSES! Horses suitab'a for Cavalry and Artillery service will be purchased at Gicsboro Depot, in open market, till October 1, 1864.' Horses will be delivered to Captain L. Lowry Moore A. Q. M., and be subjected to the usual Goverment inspec don before being accepted. Price of Cavalry Horses, $175 each. Price of Arti lery Horses, $lBO each. Payment will be made for six (6) and more. JAId.ES A. E1f.157, Colonel First Division, Quartermaster General's Office. beps-tdj E. C. GOBIN, ATTORNEY •AT LAW OFFICE IX TKERD NTREET, ABOVE MA84.1.' STILEST. gar Bounties, Pensions and Pack Pay collected at legal rates. [sepS-d3rn* R, C. ORTH, 7eazher of the Film), Melodeon, Rain and Singing, No. lb, THIRD STREET, 1381.0 , ff MARE= 803-dem* STOLEN! ON Saturday night, a CHECKfor $5OO on the First National Bank of Newville, drawn in favor of the subscriber, and signed by David Fulton. Ad per sons are cautioned against purchasing the same as pay ment has been stopped. SAMUEL LONG, Camp Curtin, Sept. s.—Deps 2t* FOB. SALE. AVERY desirable private DWELLING offered at private sale, situated in the upper part of the city. Fneuire of MRS. C. BOMGARDNER, eep34llw) North'street. ALL kinds of hauling with wagons or carts will be promptlydone by calling on JACOB BRENNER, corner of Second street and Meadow Lane. EMI , Ear Sale or Exchange t a4OAAORES of choice Farming ( prairie a LAND, Indiana, and 040 in Wm._ • • 4pplty to W. F. FAIWESTOCH., aoratscrs64,,,su2o-4.lx* • NEW-.,:ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLIC SALE Valuable Real Estate ! Oa Saturday, Anzptember 17, 1864. WILL be offered at public sale, on the premises, the following valuable Taverd Slam% ZOOK'S I."A lON' BOWE, (Noce kept by A_ B. Stone,) situated in Shepherdstown, Cumberland county, Pa., along the State road leading from Gettysburg to Harrisburg, about eight miles south west from Harrsburg, and two and a half miles south of Mechanicsburg The Land belonging to the above property contains two acres, on which is erected the HOTEL, a splendid brick building, just new, sixty feet front forty-eight feet deep, and three stories high—the third story being a very com• modious hall, capable of seating 300 persons. There are enough rooms in the building to contain HMV' beds. On the top of the hotel is an Observatory, commanding a beautiful and extensive View of the surrouneing.cont try. There is also a large kitchen attached to the building' and a LARGE STORE-ROOM under the same roof A largostable, suitable to the house ; a well of never-tailing water near the door, a large cistern in the yartismoke house, hog-pen, and every improvement that is nocesoary to make it ••i One or the beet Tavirn Stands in the COUPIiI y rasic- Persons wishing to examine said property before the sale, can call on the subscriber, or A. B. Stone. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock r. x. Terms -made known by A. W. 7.uOK. A. 0. 13socongs, Auctioneer. [sopa-A1:0 U. S. 7-30 LOAN. THE Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that subscriptions will be received for Cou pon Treasnry Notes, payable three years from August 15th, 1864, with semi-annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum—principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity into six per cent. gold bearing , bonds, pa,yable not less than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. They will be iasued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000, and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of, the original Certificates of De posit as they eau be prepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dol lars and upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions for commissions must be made from the deposits. Special Advantages of this Loan. IT IS a NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK, offering a highsx,rate than any other, and b st security. Any savings bank which pays its depositors in U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the country, and it cannot pay,in: anything better, for its own assets are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in government paper. .I.t is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent investment. The notes can al ways be sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated interest, and are the best security with banks as collaterals for dis counts. Convertibleinto a 6 per Cent. 15-20 Gold Bond. ri A ,Baditton to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent.. per annum, for the current rate for 5-20 Bonds is not less than nine per cent. premium, and be fore the war the premium on six per cent. U. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent. per annum. Exemption from State or Municipal Taxation. But aside from all the advantages we have enumerated, a special act of Congress exempts all bonds and T‘ easury notes from local taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent. per annum, according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great inducements to lenders as those issued by the Government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate com munities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country is held to secure the discharge of all the obligations of the United States., While the Government offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people Sessmurrross wriz BB nEcr.rmo by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washing ton. the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by all the Na tional banks which are depositaries of public money, and all respectable banks and bankers throughout the country will give further in formation and afford every facility to sub scribers. taul9-414kw:2zu Important Correspondence WRO PAYS - FOR STAMPS ON RECEIPTS ? PEULADELPItf A AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, °FEICK 22T : ODTH VW:MR STEMS; Ptru..anairms, August. 9th 1864. JOSEPH J. LEWIS, Esq.. U. S Commissioner Internal Revenue, Washiav3ton, I), C.: Sit :—Please suite which party must pey for the U. S. Stamp? The one who twelves the money, being the maker of the receipt, or the par y paying tile money? Yours respectfully. B. BRADFORD, Treasurer. MILLBURY DEP/BYRE:a. INTERVAL RhraNvl3, WASTUNtrrON, August 15th, IDA. Sis :—Yours of the 9th inst. is received. The question as to who stud' pay the duty required on receipts on any sums of money exceeding $2O, is dependent on the cir cumstances attending the case. Ordinwily at law no person is bound to give a receipt for money paid. The receipt is an instrument of evidence usefut only to th vrson to whom it is given. If be nerds a receipt 12 is teary for hiss to furnish Ore stamp or to stamp the receipt, if nquned, before it is signed. The porEOU who receives the mosey it not obliged to give a receipt unless the other party mraishte the proper Stamp If a. person gives a receipt without requblog that the party to whom it Is given shad Wettish the Stamp, the maker et , the receipt mast himself Stamp the paper be fore he daimons it. If he fails to Stamp it befe she de livers it, be is liable to the penalty provided by law fnr the omission. bat the other party may Stamp it immedi ately upon its being received. Very respectleily, JuSEPII J. LEWIS, Comminiceer. S. Sturwmte, Esq., Philadelphia. [aug31.41.2w-w4t Notice to Bridge Buil4ers undersigned, Commissioners of Dau phin county, Penasylvana, will receive Sealed Pro posals up to September the 21st, (Wednesday,) at two o'clock P. x., for building, superintending and furnishing all the materials for a nett-roofed Bridge across Ana strong melt., in Jackson township, said county, east of Halifax at the site referred to by the late Reports of the Grand Inquest of the corm y, somewhere south, or nearly so, of Irishers-ville. Said bridge to be forty feet span, on the Burr Top Arch plan, and to he as high as what the etc bridge (now standing) is ; north side wing walls to be fourteen met long, and those of the south ads ten feet long Proposals to be endorsed on the specifications which may be had at the office of the County Commis- Bloom at Harrienurg, on application by letter or other wise. Letting to be on said day and to the lowest re aponsible bidder. YEW? 11,93rsisN 14008 J. ratuarisbl au-datwtd] • Bomar W. WILSIRe. QUM= Kamm.-- FLO MN= u SALMON, neturived at a, maim A*,B onmeiorMoi*, al la ) NEW ADVEHTLSEMENTS. LOAN OF 1881. PROPOSALS FOR LOAN . ' Tanssuar DEPAIMMT., August 30, 1864. SEALED OFFERS will be received at this Department, wider the act of March 3, 1863, until noon of FRIDAY, the 9th of Sep tember, 1864. for bondrof the United States, to the amount of about thirty-one and a bah million dollars, being the amount of ai m _ cepted offers indisposed of wider the notice Proposals for Loan, dated 6th June last, 'lke bonds will bear an annual interest of six per centum, payable semi-annually in coin on the first days of July and January of each year, and redeemable after the 30th of June, 1881. Each offer must be for fifty or one hundred dollars, or some multiple of one hundred ddl lars, and must state he sum, including pre mium, offered for each hundred dollars in in bonds, or for fifty, when the offer is for no more than fifty. Two per cent. of the princi pal, excluding premium, of the whole amount offered must be deposited, as guaranty for payment of subscription if accepted, with th e Treasurer of the United states at Washington, or with the Assistant Treasurer at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or St. Louis, or with the designated Depositary at Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, or Buffalo; or with any National Banking Associ ation authorized to receive deposits which may consent to transact the business without charge. Duplicate certifiglips of deposit will be issued to depositors by officer or asse t ciation receiving them ; the originals of which must be forwarded with the offers to the De partment. All deposits should be made in time for advice of offers with certificates to reach Washington not later than the morning of Septembei 9th. No offer not accompanied by its proper certificate of deposit will he con , sidered. The Coupon and Registered bonds issued will be of the denominations of $5O, .$lOO, $5OO, and $l,OOO. Registered Bonds of $5,000 and $lO,OOO will also be issued if required. All offers received will be opened on Friday, the 9th September. The awards will be made by the Secretary to the highest offerers, and notice of acceptance or declination will be im mediately given to the respective offerers and, in case of acceptance, bonds of the de scriptions and denominations preferred will be sent to the subscribers at the cost of the department, on final payment of instalments. The original deposit of two per cent. will be reckoned in the last instalment paid by suc cessful, offerers and will be immediately re turned to those whose offers may not be no. cepted The amount of accepted offers must be de posited with the Treasurer or other officer or association authorized to act under this notice on advice of acceptance of offer, or as follows. One-third on or before the 14th ; one-third on or before the 19th ; and the balance, includ ing the premium and original two per cent. deposit, on or before the 24th of September. Interest on bonds will begin with the date of deposit. Parties prefe ring may pay the ac crued interest from date of bond, duly 1, to date of deposit in coin. Offers under this notice should be indorsed " Offer for Loan," andaddressed to the Secre tary of the "freasnry. The right to decline all offers not considered advantageous is reserved to the government W. P. FESSENDER; Secretary of the Tre .sury. The Bonds for this Loan are ready for ins mediate delivery. [sep2-tsep9 SALES OF REAL ESTATE. PUBLIC SALE. NMbe sold at public sale, on THEM , SEPT eltatElt 16, lase, at 2 o'clock i xc, at Bran's Hall, In the of y of Harrisburg, the beautiful neslr.ble country seat of Christian F Haehnlett. is Stullue llama& townsitio, within a half mile Or the Units of oily of Haribintrg, amtaitang about Acre, (Including about, ag acres of Wcodland,) adjoining Made of the late Wm. Colder, and Joseph nudy and otbera. The improcenk nts consist of a neat and comfortable DWELLING, with sixeral separatd summer kitchens and Spring Hunan, ' A LARGE NEW BARN, And other outburdings—the entire place in excellent con dition with new fences. The place L particul..rly welt stocked with the choicest vedettes of pears, peaches, ap ples, cherries, grapes, am, , S o. A small stream of water ionizing through the middle of the place Conditions of sale made easy and ikcommodatiug. Possession given April 1, ISO. sepl-ats] C. F. HAEHNLEN. PUBLIC SALE. OH FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER sth, 1864, rrasubscribers, agents for the heirs of derick Wonderly, Sen., late o$ Mechanicsburg, Pa ,dec'tt, will sell on the premises the following valuable real estate, viz: A tract of Limestone Land containing c acres and 68 perches, all clear, in a high state of cultivation and under good fencing. located in Silver Sprin g township. Cumber land county', Pa., two miles West of Mechanicsburg, near the road leading from that place to Carlisle. The improve ments are a good TWO-SToRY HOUSE, A GOOD BANK BARN, wagon abed, corn crib, and all other necessary outbuild• lugs. There are also two wells of never-failing water on the farm, one of which is near the door; an orchard of choice fruit, and a limekiln on the premises. The land has been all limed. The proximity of this property to the enterprising town of Mechanicsburg, always affording an excellent market for the products of the farm, renders it highly dean - able. • At the same time and place, a Viet of Mountain Land, situated in Silver Spring township, Cumberland county, containing 10 acres and 14 perches; easy of access. Persons desiring to view the property previous to the sale will please call on George Wonderly, residing on the farm, or W. H Wonderly, residing in Mechanicsburg. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, r. xr.., when terms will be made known by GEORGE WONDRIcLY, W. 11. WONDIIRLY. Agents . for the heirs of J. R. Wonderly, dec'd aulSlitsep9 W ANTh. Hands Wanted. CARpENTEM, Cabinet Makers,--Machin tats and moulders wanted, at the EAGLE WORKS. sag2u W. 0 BD KOK. • Shoemaker Wanted: 13TO work on a bench in a store where he will be pleasantly situated , and wages good. Apply at East Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. aug23-d2w* G-0 VERN MEN T SALES, &O. - ---- - AUCTION SALE or CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR DKPARTIIII3II . ; Ovum: Ittrasatr, Omen OD CUM , Qe WASMITIGTON, a a, engua. be sold. at public auction, to the W i ltiestbiddea, at the times and plaeee named be• low, viz: llametn, Peataylviuda, Thursday, September 8, 1864. TWO lIIINDRIED (200) Cavalry Horses at each Om These Horne• have been condemned as mitt for the Cavalry service of the Army. For road sad farm purposes many good kraal= may be bad. Hones sold aistaly. TEM: C& Tialted States Currency. JAMES A. MUCK &IMAMS lA. Col. and 0. Q M. Cavalry Bureau. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS BY Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. TN Room:laws with the provisions of the 1 New Internal Revenue Law, all marls delivered at the above railroad ter shipment meat b , ve a Tew Mo. Bump eased mu dm rerelle demanded *dam wed Weary to be re the avian et the Woof - • Far all receipts Mee by the awe* Company said 4 Jon stamps will be renAßed and paid for triAtcores. maglOdtsepao J. %IMF, t JOHN KOBEL