TT =TELEGRAPH SS PUBLIBIIED MORNING AHD EVENING, BY GEORGEBERNER. OFFICE TILLED ET., NEAR WALNUT. VERbitS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION Tns "Lucy TILYGRAPiI il3 served to subscribers in the city at 12 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $8 00 in advance.' Those persons who neglect to pay in advance Will be charged $1 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, Tint tiaxesara Is also published weekly, sod is furnished subscribers at the rollowiug cash rates: single copies, weekly Three copies to one Post Oftice . • .. Tea COpioE , to ME , Post.OfEce . IYIILITARY OTIC ES. Volunteer Notice ! Captains of Companies and Commanders of Squads rilHEundersigned are prepared to secure for all Volunteers The highest Local, Cash and Gaoetnrarne Raenries Committees can be supplied with credits fur their town 'ship or county quota?, la- Enlistment papers promptly made out, and men attend edlo until mustered in, clothed and equipped, by Pennsylvania Rscruitd Agency. HEWES R... CO., Mice, Parke House,'Nfarket street, between Thlit and. Fourth street:, Harrisburg. Two of . the firm have commissions. to recruit in States In rebellion. [aug23-dawlm HEADQUARTERS FOB DRAFTED MEN, sUBS'iIrUTES, MEI VO LUN TEE S, AT • 115 South Seventh St., Seem - Vow. Room No. 10 ixw. Drafted Melt from. the City or any part of the State will be furnished with substitutes at short notice, and on liberal terms. Enlisting, either as SubstAntes or Volunteers, will receive the largest Beam ies, which will he Paid to them in cash as soon us mustered in. Agents will be liberally paid at this Office. W. D. HAVES, Philadelphia. CHM CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AND B E w C D &41.,. MRS. M. MAYER, NO. 13 MARKET STREET, BEING desirous of closing her Summer Stock of tloods,..offers for sale at greatly reduced prices, such as SILK AND STRAW BONNET'S, HATS AND FLATS, &C Constantly an band a splendid assortment of SILKS VELVETS, LACES, HUGHES, HOOP SHIRTS, CORSETS, • HOSIERY, HANDIKERCITIRVs, GLOVES, COLLARS', CUFFS, BELTS, NETS, FANCY GOODS, &C. Dealers will do well to call, as great bargains cau be tad at wholesale. je14.15, SOLE AGENCY FOR Tills CITY lAM happy to offer to the public a large and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactured by • • LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will give en tire satisfaction. PLEASE TRY THEM. SCREFFER'S BOOK STORE, Second street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg Pa. ap23 DANIEL A. MUENCH AGENT OF the Old Wallower Line, .respectfully in forms the public that this Old Daily Transportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existence in this eity,) is in successful operation and prepared to carry *eight as low us any other individual line between Phila delphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Luck Haven and all other points on the Northern Central, l'hiladelphla and Eric and Williamsport and Itlutira Railroads. DAWEL A. MMCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Penn'a. Goods sent to-the Warehouse of Messrs. Peacock, Zell Hinclanan, Nos. 808 and 810 Market_street, above Bth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock., P. m. , will arrive at Harris burg, ready for delivery, next morning. [ap3o•rdmyl Drafts DraftSS Dratt 1.4 A LIENS and persons under or over the re quired age, who have been enrolled in this (14th) District, or any other District in the State, can have their exemption papers made out at rates fixed by law. draft. Now is the time to put in a substitute and avoid the Persons Who are not liable to draft, and who wish to enter the army as substitutes, can obtain the highest pre mium. Business transacted by mail at legal rates, and °oat of travel thereby avoided.. Call at once, or address by mail, ERTGENE SNYDER, Attorney at Law, 3d street, Harrisburg, IN. jy9-eod2mos. . C CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, Pa pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing for invali Is Laving fever or great thirst. Its portability recommends it , o travelers. Its convenience at picnics will be apreciated. No sugar required; one table-spoonful simply dissolved in a glass or cold water and it is done. _ _ . _ . . SELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, 9317 No. 91, Market street NEW PHIL A.DELPM.A. eLo.AK srroitu, IN D. W. OBOES' NEW BLOCK, Market Street ) Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STILES OR IeASHIONAIILS 0 140.3.11 S AND CIRO U L A RS AND WINE SPRING 811A1VLI7: Wilt open on the lot of April PIANOS. RIEKES & iIIIIIIIIDT'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLE AGENCY AT W. KNOWIES, Ss Market street, Harrisburg. 17i0R REASONS perfectly satisfactory to j: MYSELF I ban taken tue agency of the above moat excellent Pianos. The public is invited to coma and ex amine for themselves. A few Schomacker .k Co's Pianos on hand yet will be deal low. tuar2s-ti - PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. - Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. T HE largest and cheapest varietyLof-PHO 21 maw% ALBUMS in the city are constantiy top [imn] BERGNER'S CHEAP BOQ.ESTORE. B7'. EE VTONGUES.—.Filifdaigob4 . tiCiigiten, tined by J. Michener &.C., fwthate by.; • • siiistagls FRAZER,. . •• - • . opomora ui W. pAldwjji , ,,, ItCo. _ _ . . - . nIDER 'VlaingiAlt..-Pure Cider Vrnegat 'L/cask bOught by the barrel or smell q t ..018 BOYER E. SY • .. . . ... .._,- _... , _ . . . .. . - „ • . . . . - . - . . .. ... _ • , . . „_....:. . ._ • . . . .. ' ' •' . ' ''''..,,•:‘,,..:... h s 4 '. r k l Itll' r lii'' ' '... - i•.: ..- - •,..o...ftillit ir ..,; , . ; .', . ..,•• . . - :. :.. __ ~.. - , - . • ;: .. '' ...i.-..:: a .E.TJ ..- c . .. - :-__ . . ~ - •,.,..- , c.1_ , E.,,D.0.1 , .:,, . . _ .. •• : _ 1 . , a-.. till L '::. • . ~,,...„.. n .f., ......„.„, _.,.__ .. .. I D ::......__,,___,-„,„.,.... ,T, „ t n. .._:._ ~.. -. 4 t a1ir ...., •.. . ;,. . 1. ...... .pir, . c _..-..... ./ 4 ,....... $l) ,, al tIV .... ,:t , • , . . . ..., .. . - . ~ • '-: - . $1 60 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS PUBLIC SALE OF IJNCLAYMMD GOODS, REMAINING IN THE WAREHOUSE of the INWARD & HOPE EXPRESS CONANT TIIE articles described in the fallowing schedule, having been consigned to the Reward or Hope Express Company, and the consignees, after 'due and legal notice, nut having taken them away, nor paid the costs and expenses of carriage, will bd exposed to public sale or outcry at the Market House, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1864. The sale to oonimenceat,B o'clock in the forenoon of said day : 1 box, Capt Jos Hutchinson 1 bdle, no name 1 box, H Mel clock 1 pkge, John SlanDhouse 1 box, Peter Renshaw 1 cox, Elizabeth Wiginuing 1 box, LI Coughlin 1 box, 'Mr S RV Brady 1 c bag, Cleo L Krid , r 1 bottle, Chas Bucher 1 Pkge;Catn M'Carty I box, Tiles J Tomer 1 bale, cost and boat att. I box, Chas Bebekeheiser no name 1 box, G W Mapes 1 lot pipe, A L Itattle. 1 pkge, Id L McDonald 1 box, no name 1 pkge, Geo T Barkhart * 1 box, H G Wolf 1 box, Chas Taylor 1 box, Capt W Harland 1 trunk, J W 1 box, Geo B Daily 1 trunk, R C Bally 1 pkg, R F Leisenring 1 box, S D Fite 1 box, JP' Kohler 1 box, Wm Drehel 1 box, L P Mills I box, Peter J Warts 1 box, F N Morton 1 pkge, J Voglo 1 c bag, Wll II Po-ter . 1 pkge, J Yoming 1 Wile, Henry Lander 1 pkge, Lieut W S Boyar 1 cast, re Pittock 1 page, Wm Morris 1 pkge, Geo 11 Russell I pkge, W S King 1 pkge, Geo Voght - i pkge, George Betchtre 1 box, B Resencrautz 1 plco, John A Dantrich 1 box, Capt L M Barnwell t 1 tioxyPatrick Flanigan 1 box, Id A Stevenson 1 bottle, Jane Schuler I pkge, Win It. Moser I.pkge. no name 1 pkge, ce d, J F Ebersole 1 wheel, Capt Dodge 1 box, A F Pennepacker 1 box, no name 1 box, Leah Lees 1 p box, Isaac Herrioger 3 boxes, G P Hardwick 1 box, no name 1 box, Capt J Kahn 1 pkge, B Anthony 1 box, Josiah R. Brown 1 pkge, J A Nixon I box, Robt F Crisman. 1 box, Wm L Earle ' .1 box, Jos Burggs 1 horn, John Newcome 1 hi.; J E Spalding 1 box tob, Copt J J Johnson 1 box, Capt J Detwiler 1 page, David Pepper 1 box, A L Bryant 1 do Wm Carlisle 1 box, John W Hopkins 4 do - Ether Mchfiner 1 box, Mary Radabaugh 1 do Mrs S C Jones I pkg; oil cloth, no name 1 do Louisa Realer 1 pkge, W D Jack 1 do Aaron Schloss 1 hasp and h act, if Keely 1 do Jams Freeborn 1 pkge, Wm P Patterson 1 do Adam Wolfinger 1 pkge, Josiah Do Boor 1 do no name 1 c bag, no. name 1 do Carl Mayer l i 1 pkg ~ Lieut R B Bally 1 do Theo Youperherst I. c bag, Ed D Conrad I do John H Beryhill 1 c bag, Capt P 8 Willa 1 do Henry Sachi 1 coat, no name . -1, do John Discasho 1 bdle, Geo Hight The above articles will be exposed to public sale, as aforesaid, according to the provisions of the drat section of the act of Assembly of the Coitimmonwettith of Penn sylvania, approved the 16th day of March, A. ix 1858; with ad the requirements of which the Howard and Hope Express Company have in all respects complied. The act of Assembly Is as follows : i "Commission merchants and factors, and all common (riffle. e, or other persons having a lien upon goudo, wales and ute'renanotz. ) for or on or the costs and in mates of carriage or storage, or any other charge arising trout the. transportation, keeping, or sfdrage of such pro perty; in case the owners or consignees shall not pay or dis charge Me amount due for such cost, expense, carriage, storage,.or other charges hereinbefore named, may, after the expiration of ninety days from the notice hereinafter Pro , ided, proceed to sell tae same, or so much thereof as may be nece ss ary to discharge said lien, at public auction Provided, That notice of sale shall be give a as required for Sherif f 's Sake of personal property; and that thirty days' notice of said lien he given to the o wner or consig.,ep of the property, if they cannot ho so found, that the Barad shall bo advertised weekly in some newspaper published in the proper city or county to which the goods, war s or merchauoise hare been consigned, for four coasecu tire weeks before the sale, tee residua of money arising .from such sale, after deducting costs of tmnspurtation, charges and storage, advertising and sale, to be held sub ject to the order of the owner or owners of such property." GEO. BERGNER, Agent aug27-dtsi Howard and Hope Express Company. Northern Central Railway. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the FREIGHT and BAGGAGE described in the follow ing list remains unclaimed In the Warehouse of the Northern Central Railway Company, at Harrisburg. Con signees are hereby nutiticu to coaie forward, pay ch arges, and take their property away, or the sans will be sold according to law. J. N. DU BARRY, Gen'l Supt. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, } Actium 15, 1854. No 1, Williamsport and Harrisburg check 148, one black trunk No 2, Elmira and Harrisburg check 20, one box, Lieut A Miller, Harrisburg No 3, Baltimore and Harrisburg check 20, one box No 4, no check, one box, J Barratt, Lockport, Niagara Co, AT Y No 6,. no check, one tax, LiJut A Scott, Harrisburg No 8, no check, one box, no marks No 7, no check, ono,box, Jacob Weaver, Pittsburg No 8, no check, ono box, Reuben Farringer, Calla wissa No 9, no check, fair leather trunk, do No 10, no check, one box, Capt Phillips, Harrisburg No 11, no check, black trunk, S S J, St Joseph's acade my, Phila No 12, no check, fair leather trunk, no marks No 13, no check, fair leather trunk, Capt Lyman, Har risburg No 14, no check, black leather trunk, no marks No 15, no check, black leather trunk, no marks No 16, no chock, one box, Jno McGee, Harrisburg No 17, no check, one box, Geo L Stephens, Harrisburg No 18, no check, one box, Newport station, P No 19, no check, one box, Daniel Robison, Philadelphia No 20, no check, black trunk, Jno- Gemmel, Lewis town, Pa No 21, Danville and Harrisburg check 512, fair leather trunk, Win Barber, Milton, Pa No 22, no-check, black trunk, no marks No 23, no check, fair leather trunk, W S Scott, Hants lie, Ohio No 24, no check, fair leather trunk, rhos McDaniel No 25, no check, black trunk, Sarah No 26, no check, black trunk, G S Angill, Binghamp ton, N No 27, Williamsport and Harrisburg check 92, fair leather valise, no marks No 28, Baltimore and Harrisburg check 687, fair leather valise, no marks No 29, no chock,-fair leather valise, no marks No 80, no check, black trunk, Jno E Monroe, LaucaS• ter, Pa No 31, no check, one box, Michael Tromp, Allentown No 32, no check, one box, no marks No '33, Scranton and Harrisburg check 239, one box No 34, no check, one box, Mrs !Slack, Prosperity, Pa No 35, no check, one box, Henry Will, Reading No 86, no check, one box, iio marks No 87, no check, bag of saddles, no marks No 38, no check, saddle, Ignatius Floomer, Portage station No 39, no check, black bag, no marks No 40, no ch. ck, black bag, Mary Foster, Harrisburg No 41, no check, black bag, no marks No 42, no check, black bag, no marks No 43, no check, black bag, no marks ,No 44, no check, black bag, d Shadie, Jersey Shore, Pa No 45, Williamsport and Harrisburg chock 35, black g, no marks No 48, no check, black bag, no marks No 47, no check, black bag, no marks No 48, nb check, carpetbag, no marks No 49, no check, saddle, no marks No 60, no check, bag, no marks No 51, no check, one box, no marks No 52, no check, one box, no marks - No 63, no check, bat-box, no marks No 64. no check, fair leather trunk, no marks J Fleming, one bundle Chills A L BabcoCk, 1 belle rope N Fraser, eleven barrels nuts I) Fisher, six corn-huskers H Gilbert., one barrel insulatois Nelson Bryne & Co, two boxes bittern S Barkter, one box hardware H Hasidim, ono granite bloik Nieholis teff' One eandites_ J iddetictiwebc - arrel, - two bores - • ' Thos Hiokokiline box hardware _ • '",.` No consignee, 281 i brick, no milts .No constaidea, smell r l / 2 snark4 /1 8 conslguse 44 Weida ir • on, no marks No consignee, package indigo No consignee, one larnmstrotamdise, David Tihner, Has. Minn augie4w Nutt 'lt dty "THE UNION—NOW AND-FOREVER."— Webster HARRISBURG, PA.,, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 6;,;1864. ANEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' COSTAR'S” VERMIN • - • • • EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. • "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. • EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. -(XisTAR's" EXTERMINATORS EXTERsINATORS. •COSTAR'S" EXTERIRINAToRs. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. .EXTERMINATORS • "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. • "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATOR& EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERM/NATORS. • "COSTAR'S , EXTERMINATORS,: EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, • EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S"' EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS. . For Rats, Mitee . , Roaches, Ants, Bed Bags, Pleas, 41othe in Fars, Woolens, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. "15 yours established in N. Y. City.. "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Faintly." "Rats come out of their holes to die." sit-Sold by all Drugglata everywhere tart I I BRIVIMM I I I of all worthleas imitaLloba sa-c , Costar s Dena, No. 482 Broadway, Y. —Sold by D. W'. GROW . & Wholesale and reran agents, '- And by all Druggists in Harrisburg, Pa JeMtleiwilni SELLING 'OUT LOW ! OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS WE intend to discontinue the sale .'of Li .quors and offer our stock at a very small advance from cost price. We have purchased all our liquors be fore the last rise and have a large stock. on hand for three or four years, which are guaranteed cannot be pureduased now at any price from the importers. Our stock consists of W I-1 Si TAM S of all grades. ,ps-We have parts of three barrels pure RTC net colored, and 10 degrees above proof; 2,4 years old. WINES of all Rados, Domestic' aiid Imported.: We have part of x.; cask HENNESSEr BRANDT, to which we invlte the particular attention of families 'for Medicinal purposes. Tho Brandy cannot be bought to-day, from Importers, leas than $l5 per gallon. , We will sell it for $l2 per gal lon. SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES, CHAMPAGNE WINES, CLARETS, AC. • - We invite the inspection of Hotel Keepers and Liquor Merchants generally, as we intend. to sell, without - re serve, all our Liquors, and this will be a good opporeit- - nity for bargains. je2o SHISLER & FRAZER. A. F. ZIMMERMAN, Practical Watch Maker, No, 52 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. DEALER' IN FINE WATCHES, CHAINS, RINGS, SETS OF JIMMIE?. FINE SILVER WARE, • PLATED WARE, • TEA SERVICES, AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY. Has constantly on hand a - Nell selected and elegantly assorted stock of TINE WATCHES ' • RID, AND SETS: 'FINE SILVER WARM AMERICAN, ENGLISH AV' 11 1 SWISS WATCHES, Both in Gold and Silver Cason Also, a line assortment of LADINIS' WATCHES Constantly on band EIL;UG-AIN AI'fi gLOCIEES, Of all descriptions; all of which will be solder, the LOWEST CASH PEIOES. A aj- Call and examine the goods. Particular attention paid to repairing of line Watches, such as Chronometers, Duplex and other celebrated Watches, and all kinds of Jewelry neatly repelled. None but the most competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal qupervißiOn. A. F. ZIMMERMAN, mar23] No. 62 Market street, adjoining Brant's Belt NEW AND CHOICE SHEET - MUSIC FOR THE PIANO FORTE. • The Swom thai my brave boy wore-. J. G. Clark. lib "They lave sent me the sword that my brave boy wore On the field of his young renown." I live fbr those who love ma J. G Clark. ' 80 We shall be known above. Song and Cho. J. G. Clark. 30 "Under the ice the waters run, . Under the ice our spirits lie, The genial glow of the summer sun • Will loosen their fetters by and by." Do they pray for ma at home. Song and Cho. Fiske. 30 Tenting on the old Camp. Ground, As sung with great applause by the "Hutchinson Family." 30 Tony Pastor's Medley. Adapted to the popular Melody, "The Cottage by the Sea." . 30 Music Store Window. A Medley Song and Cho. FTank Wilder. 30 Emancipation. Song and Chorus. Dedicated to all Lov ers of Freedom. 30 The above nes and popular sheet music sent by post-pail, on receipt of price. OLITER, DIMON re GO, Publishers, Euston. For sale by J. E. GOULD, Philadelphia. aug3o ale THIS WAY FOB B A Vt A I N HOSIERY, GLOVES, HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES' HAIR NETS, and HEAD EarPASES, _ PERFUMERY, . TOILET ARTICLES, FRENCH LACE, and TISSUE VEILS, ETC., AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. syerywdy should oaf at once, and secure great bar gains, at KaYmrs, augB dtt • No. 13,Warket -Street Ifs. S. A. Kemos • Sir :—I take pleasure In *urn that your ',IMMO& MIXTURE" exceeds maylhleg of the hhtsl" that I ever isuistood. I was wristlet trembled' wititillierlitee; Could And uothieg ts,ltelpelest to the least, until your I glVe yes thie °entails, uoplogiludyltypuffle prekr,s 'to use It, it may be the means of estonuu4 ti knowledg, of the matchless value of your medicine. Very respectfully your; Ha ,lIFFIUI9L Failim /labor, Quntals Co., Aug. 97, 111111•41019.07 EVENING EDITION, From the 201st Reg., P. V. Correspondehee of the Telegraph:] CAN'T COUCH, Nun Cnitimmisainea, i SeptembLx 4th, /804. I Enrroa TELEGRAPH : —Since my last letter, companies A and B, Captains Barry A. Miles and Wm M'Carroll, have been temporarily detached from 'the regiment. These compa nies were sent from Camp Conch, under sealed orders, to perform some special duty, and left here, with, six days'cooked rations, on Friday afternoon last, and took up the pike towards M'Connellsburg. We were sorry to part com pany with• them so soon, and hope they may speedily return to camp, to increase our ."Happy Family" to its full extent once more. As additional regimental officers not before reported, I would mention the names of Dr. Wagonseller, of Snyder county, as Chief Sur geon, and Dr. James Henderson, (a well known and talented young physician, of Hum melstoirry: D auphin county,) and 1 )r. Brant, Assistant Surgeons. . , Washington' P:: Oglesby, of Harrisburg; as Hospital Steward. The health of the regiment is good, not more than fifteen ortwenty men being on the sick list. L: a ' • • • ' Intermittent fever and.a few cases of diar rhoea are the prevailing complaints. -Assistant Surgeon Henderson joined the re- 1 ailment on. Friday last, and has been very at- tentivelo the patients under his charge since his arrival. Dr. H. commanded a -company in the 127th :regiment. - He ism•prectising physician of nincliexperience. ' r We had a refreshing rain here, commencing _on Saturday evening and lasting (at intervals) all day Sunday. Many of us were sorry for this, as we had an invitation to attend Divine Worship, under the direction of our esteemed and worthy Chaplain, Rev. Rakestraw, which was to have been held in a groie contiguous = to camp. "Dress Parade" was also dispensed with for the same reason, which was another source of annoyance to, most of the men, for a true sol dier delights to see the regiment drawn up for inspection, to witness the film appearance the respective comparnes present:on the.occasion. The Harrishnrgem belonging, to:.the 201st have evidently all been accnbtomed, to good milt J 4 14414 4 .1 InFrt.Wki go outlo,"forage,” I as they term ; t k andreturn • .to campladen with I Poultry, corn, sweet potatoes, fruit, milk, dc., all of which they pay for., Our young Colonel issued an order that, no private property was ;to be triele.sttAt,apd the .out- is - otarietVa 4 - rearea Loa The rations ye get daily are fresh, ample and of the best quality. But "force of habit" is strong with many people, and they must have delicacies if menu can procure them. It is amusing to witness the railroad engi neer, the blacksmith, tailor, carpenter, clerk, liutcher and man of letters, sitting , around a Are of logs, toasting hard tack, frying chicken, stewing lamb and sweet potatoes, or anything else that their appetite craves. Many of them will be capital xooks. when - they . return to their hordes, and "adepts in the art and mys tery of gastronomy. There are many Harrisburgers attached to company I. The following is the muster-roll of' the Company: Vapt. G. W. Miles. Ist Lieut. A DfcCormick. 2d " S. O. McCurdy. • lst Sergeant A Binganian. 2d " D. Martin. • 3d " J. Bell. \ 4th " —.Miller. sth " S. Nunernaker. 1 Ist Corporal Wm. M. Floyd. j2d '' Kensey. id " H. Swartz. Ith " D. Black. • tlt " Lorimer, kh ~ Wilhelm. - ' nth " A. H. Baum. h " Silas J. Poulton. vates--Atticks, Bumgardner, Barclay, B l h al ore, Banker, Beck, Campbell, Cougher, Cr t, Conner, Gabriel Cover, G W Cover, Or: se, Dunkle, Deck, Eppley, Fory, Fow, Fo man, Fleming, Gamble, Green, Gilbert, T 4 i n ' Humes, Bartz, Houser, Hiller, Hoopy, Ha an Hayler, Kline, Kishell, Keyes, lie , Keener, LoW, Maulfair, McGowan, Matnes, lifarzolf Michael, Marzolf John, Melaffrey, Owings, Patterson, Powley, Retie Henry, Reigle Daniel, Rummel Roph, Richards, Rose, Smith, Stoner, Sting er, Inyiler, Schwenger, Schwar, Shafer, Stew art, pnyder, Tierrer Benry, Tieffer Levi, Tho mas, Trowbridge, Thumma, Trestle, Tyfer, Umbrger Benjamin, Umberger David, Upde grovv Weidle, Wolf, Wilson, Walzer,Walters, Walk Weistling, Young, Yake. Meicians—Bush J. W., Ehler G. W., Kride Frank L., Reese David C(4E—J. Rice. MOp at leisure. A. H. Corporal Company I Rolm of Capt. G. WASHING TON INN'S company, attached to the Two Hundid and First regiment of Pennsylvania Volumers, as Co. "0" (color company:) CAPint--G. WASHINGTON FENN. FirsLieutehant—Maas T. CASE. Secol Lieutenant—Warn= W. WErrzim. FirsiSirgeant—John R. Stoey. Bergints—David H. Hopkins, Loren A. Websti, Joseph J. Loyd, Samuel Forster. Co , pais—David Davis, John Hepford, 1 Volneypt. Vosburgh, Francis H. Hoy, John H. Hiple, William H. Morgan, Wilbur F. Blair, '.omas Forney. Druiror—Jacob A. Foist. - Fifer-Ishmael Stonesifer. Csispv aerk—Pierson B. Grabill. Prisat . --Albright, John; Aungst, Henry D; BeAtwood; Brechbill, George W ; Breitho 'chael; Burnes, George W ; Car- Il tra michel, eph; Cowden, Frederic H; Crum, George Dickey, G Calvin, • Dochterman, i Benjani Duncan,'Joseph M; Elser, Peter; m Evans, W; Forney, Jeremiah C; :For rest, Alle t, Foster, Martin A; Foss, Edgar; Gamber, , eter; Gross, William E; Grubb, Henry ?smarty, John; Hamilton, John It; Hawley, bert GI Hepford, George; Ripple, John; le, William A; Ricks, Amos A; Horne, C' thoi;Jones, Benjamin M; Jones, George Reel, Jacob; Kelley, Samuel; Ritoh, W am L; Lewis ? Lewis B; Limb, Ajohis C; Inman, George C; Mack, Reuberit: ?Mackey,' ea ; Kafir* 'David L; /41titin,' . ..Elissr . kli y; MartiiiiMillii,Bapeon : ;Moore, "M u / . R; wren Samuel; Moyer, Esaiii; Mop, in; Mareeley, Theopbilns; Neidle, ; Noecker, John H; Parmon, William; ' r, Daniel; Rank, =wad $; PRICE THREE CENTS. Reist, Henry. e; Righter, John M;.ltolierts, Joseph; Bossell, William R; Ritts, Joseph Sehuttler, John 0; Seiffert, Tempest M Shirk,. George; Shearer, Samuel; Shearer, Thomas; -Shope, Jacob W; Snyder, Andrew Spangler, Jerome C; Stadtler,Tilghman F Tobias, John; Unger, John Thomas; Wag ner, John H; Wollower, John H; Wirts, Cass' us C; Winia Lewis C; Wittell Jacob H; Wolf, Jacob. Total, 92 enlisted men, and Aommissioned officers, making an aggregate of 95 men Correspondence of the Teledraph..] OFFICE SS' HOSPITAL, MIDDLE DEPARTMENT, 'ANNAPOLIS, MD., Sept; 3 1864... • MR. BERGNER—Sir:—Permit me to inform the readers of the TELEGRAPH through you of the result of an election held on the 2d inst., for the different Presideniial candidates, which resulted as follows : Officers present. , 204 Lincoln received McClellan Fremont You can now see how McClellan stands in the army. • Little Mac is in the shade and in my opinion it is rather a stronger vote tharthe will get at the general election. I will try. and keep you posted in matters concerning the, present campaign. I remain yours. N. B.—These officers have all been wounded and every Corps, State and regiment has been represented,and all feel sanguine of Old Abe's. election. Little Mac's friends die very hard . VOTE OF SOLDIERS. Mammy. PURVEYOR'S OFFICE, BAETEMORE ' MD., Sept. 3, 1864. From the BultimoreAmerican.] • The following is the result of a vote taken to-day, for -President and Vice President among the clerks and employees (all soldiers) of the Medical Purveying Department of this city, under charge of Surgeon C. C. Cox, U. S. V. M. P.: Lincoln and- Johnson 23 McClellan and Pendleton Very,respeetfally your obedient servant, C. H. JEWETT, Hoi3pital Steivard` S: •A. UNITED STATES ARMY HOSPITAL, CAMDEN /, , Sr„ 13Ar7rrntora, Mn. ' Sept., 3. .Votes p o lled at this hospital'for candldates for the PraideriCY:•7 • Abraham Lincoln 250 B. McClellan Wctilliteby'aertiff tlatithe atiove.ita dor- , rect statement of the vote taken at Camden street Hospital. F. A. CIIMILINGS, _ _ PITT. A .IILTDI3ON. 33g ZefegrapQ. OUR VICTORIES. Thanksgiving and Prayer on Sunday Next RECOMMENDATION BY THE PRESIDENT. 10 OR :4xit•lt7o w ORIEWia.4:I ff-VOIkI(6,O3t*CA4 WASHINGTON Sept. 5-11 A. ar.-11faj. Gen, Dix :—The President has issued the following recommendations and orders in relation to the recent successes of the United Stites forces at Dtobile and Atlanta. • EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. EXECUTIVE MANSION, WASHINGTON Sept. 3, 1864. The signal success that Divine Providence ,hasa recently vouchsafed to the operations of ' the U. S. fleet and army in the harbor of. Mo bile, and the reduction of Fort Powell, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan, and the glorious a hievement of the army under Major Gene ral Sherman in the State of Georgia, resulting in the capture of the city of. Atlanta, call for devout acknowledgement to the Supreme Being in whose hands are the destinies of nations. It is therefore requested that on next Sunday, in all places of. pubic worship in the United States, thanksgiving be offered to Him for His mercy in preserving our na tional existence against the insurgent rebels who so long have been waging a cruel war against the. Government of the United States for its overthrow, and also that prayer be made for the Divine protection to our brave soldiers and their leaders in the field, who have-so often and so gallantly periled their lives in battling with the enemy, and for blessing and comfort from the Father of Mercies to the sick and wounded and prison ers, and to the orphans and widows of those who have fallen in the service of their coun try, arurthat he will continue to -uphold the Government of the United States against all the efforts of public enemies and 'secret foes. ABR A AS 441 . LINCOLN . THE NATIONAL THANES TO FARRAGO; CANR; GRANGER, AND THEIR FORCES Easel) iv. MANSION, Sept. 3.—The Nation al thanks ctre tendered by the President to Admiral Farragut and Major General Canby for the skill and harmvny with which the-re cent operations in Mobile habor and against Fort Powell, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan were planned and carried into execution. Also to Admiral Farragut and Major-General Granger, under whose immediate command they were conducted, and to the gallant com manders on sea and land, and to the sailors and soldiers engaged in the operations for their energy and courage which, under the blessing of Providence, have been crowned with brilliant success, and have won for them the applause and thanks of the nation ABRAHAM LINCOLN. THE NATIONAL THANKS TO MERMAN AND HIS rinu Ex_scr iv Mmisiori, Sept. 3, 1864.--The National thanks are tendered by the President to Major General Wm. T. Sherman and the gallant officers and soldiers -of his command before Atlanta, for the distinguishotability, courage and perseverance displayed in the campaign in Georgia, Which, under Divine, favor have resulted in,the capture of the city of Atlanta. The marches, battles,• sieges, and other nil/U. 11 7 operations,P 61 , 2 S /Aye $ 4 4 4 campaign, must reruler : it famous in the tui-. nals of war, and havoentitled those whq,tl4To participat4. tlkoreinLjo ,the - applausp And thanks ottho , jtmanitisi Uritiniptpi , , - -;g tmakrz - iwnivuotropiasa-nui vicrroirsAt Fa -IMO WA - V.14 MAMMON, WASHINGTON Sept. 3d, 1864. Ordered—Frear—That on Monday, the sth day of September, commencing at the i•, , . ' a:l.:a ' . B tt 8 r ~ --g . . ,Vt i1t i ,... 1 1 lige-101 lirtyrk, ‘ ) ow i _ ADirF,RTISMG RATES—DAILY TELEGRAM Mai - to/A(o4w areane-ratin OoagfirladataiTiaLli: !GRAM Those having , atlim 4 ng..]toidSrfla find is en , venient for reference: ' - '' Aar Fear lines or less ' Eight lines, or more than,* FDR A HALF SquARF. One day S -- DD Two days so Three days trg One weeir. .... ..... 1.25 One month 3 00 Two months. 4 60 Three. months.-- . 8 80 Six months 8 00 One year.. .... 15 08 Administration Notices ' !Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices-- . .... .. Funeral Notices, each Inserti 43-:Musinessnotleee I before Marriages and Des each nsertdon. hour of 12 o'clock noon, there• shill be.given a salute of.rone hundred guns at the Arsenal and Navy Yard at Washington, and on. Tues day, the 6th of September, or the day after this order, at each Arsenal and Navy Yard in the United States, -.for, tit's recent brilliant achievements of the fleet and land forces of the United States in the harbor of Mobile in the reduction of Fort Powell, Fort Gainsi and Fort Morgan. The Secretary of War and the Secretary-of the Navy will issue the necessary directions in their repective departments, for the execu tion of this order. • Second—That on Wednesday, the 7th day of t3eptember, commencing at' the hour of 12 O'clock, noon, there shall be fired a salute of one hundred guns at the Arsenal at Washing lon and at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Newport, Ky., and St. Louis and New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola, Hilton Head and Newbern the day after the receipt of this order, for the brilliantaehieve rnents of the army under command of Major General Sherman in the State of Georgia, and the capture of Atlanta. • , • • The Secretary of War will issue , ,dircetions for the execution of this order. 137 votes 32 ‘• 1 A•Battle Near Berryville, Va. BALTIMORE, Septa 5. The American publishes the following spe cial dispatch: HEADQUARTERS, MIDDLE MLLITARE DIVLSION, NEAR BERRYVILLE, SUNDAY Sept. 4, 7 A. M. — . General Torbettr.s cavalry corps, ;which was encamped at l4ippon's store, on the Charles town road and Berryville pike, left canip at 9P. BL on Friday, and 'proceeded to Berry- ville, reaching there at midnight, where they went into camp until daylight, when they moved out through Berryville on the Win chester pike, taking the road to the left about seven miles beyond Berryville, and were still. advancing when last heard from at 10 o'ciciek yesterday morning, meeting with little or - no opposition. The infantry, consisting of Crook's corn mend, the 6th and 19th corps, broke camp at 4a. m. yesterday, and moved in three parallel Columns towards Berryville. Crook's command was on the left, the 19th corps in the centre and the 6th corps on. the tight. * Crook's command reached l3erryville first, about noon, and rested in line of battle with arms stacked for a couple of hours, while pick ets were being posted on. - the different roads leading from Berr3rville. • The 23d Ohio was sent on. the Snicker's Ferry road, and the 36th Ohio on the Winchester pike, running to the right from Berryville. After the pickets were - established about a mile from Berryville, Crook's command went into camp, and had just finished pitching their tents, about four o'clock, when heavy skir mishing was heard on the picket line. The whole command was rapidly turned out and formed,'-and moved to the support OT-the pickets, who had been driven from behind some entrenchments which they, had occu pied. The 36th Ohio and 9th Virginia were foimed and charged the enemy, driving them back, out of the entrenchments. A desperate straggle now ensued, the rebels being determined, it possible, to regain. peg session of the entrenchments. With this object in view they massed - fiat two, divisions of their command, and hurled them with their accustomed ferocity against our gallant little band, who were supported by both Duval and Thoburn's divisions. .They were handsomely repulsed every time they charged, the conflict lasting long after the sun had set, and artillery firing being kept up until 9 o'clock. The whole arms has 'uetn engaged all night in digging entrenchments and throwing up breastworks, and now occupy a strAng po sition. The whole of the fighting so far has been done by Crook's command, who capillreod fifty prisoners and a stand of colors. • Our loss will be about 300 killed and wounded, whilst that of the enemy is at least one-third greater. The following are some of the casualties: Capt. Selby, 36th Ohio, wounded in the leg. Lieut. Phillips, 36th Ohio, wounded in ti,e thigh. Quart. Mast. Sergi. E. Haus° 2d Eastern Shore, Md., killed. Bergt. J. W. Morford, 2d Ea .tern Shore, Md., left arm amputated. Corp. 0. McCary, Co. A, and private rieni,y Webster, Co. A, 2d Eastern Shore, Md., slightly wounded. Heavy firing was heard yesterday in the vi cinity of Bunker Hill; this is supposed to in dicate that Gen. Aeorill is advancing. .FROM NEW ORLEANS. NEW YORK, Sept. 5. The steamship Cahawba, from New Orleans on the 28th tdt., arrived at this port o this morning. Among her passengers are General Bailey.. General Haln had reached New Orleans and was warmly welcomed. General Herron had returned from an, exPe dition to Redwood, seventeen miles from Ba ton Rouge on the Clinton road Where he had a fight with the enemy, inflicting a loss of one hundred and fifty men, besides destroying a . large amount of stores. 'Our loss was abmit thirty killed and wounded. An exchange of about 100. Prisoners recent ly took place near Baton Rouge. • Gen. Granger has issued an order of ac knowledgment to the tunny, for the part they took in the reduction of Forts Gaines and Morgan. There was not a single life lost by otir forces in the last attack on Fort Morgan. Arrest of Female Blockade Runners. • Be=Nam, Sept. C). Mrs. M. J. Clark, Ann Jones and a white servant woman of Mrs. Clark, were arrested by the military authorities upon tfie °large of being engaged in the blockade running business. They were arrested at Barnestown, near - the Cross Fords of Virginia, having in their-pos session three large tanks filled with various articles of merchandise cons i s ti ng i n 1:01 . t medicines of a costlytankracter. - Notwithstandi,m3 they denied their was in evidence that - they_ had passed, tie_ Union lines more-Ahan -once in- violation of the rtde...Theywerevaniniitted thicait.4' Lath-im • `e~aiciu art i'aisl~iugai sty- iWstaltioroir;Sefoi W ll -4.-citiaiterliKueifictit4 dred tons was Sired to-day, by order of th e the President, in honer of the victory at . At lanta. 0 empirnte . one-halt aquae. .. on:OW . lton stiwire. ~. _i69. ass 0001 , 9 d One . ' day... • • - • - •1' ;- ' 00 Twa days ....:.-.,... 100 Three' daYs... .' . ..' .. 1 Z One week . ...... ... 926 One mouth 6 00 Two months . 900 Three months `- :119 0 I Sik months ' ' '; 4 .'1540 One year 26 00 Eli 1 60 ion.. .. ... . 60 • d he:Me10:1=1j .. :4140.4 or • &GUT CISAT9 TSB Lois for m3RmzwwuuooLk: