Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, September 05, 1864, Image 3

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    gaup. Ettegrapt
H &BR 1613131i,G, PA
sisements, Business Notices, Marriages,
Deaths!, 435 c., to - secure insertion in the
'LIV,LEGIIAPH, must in - variably be accom
paried with the CilSll.
Advertisements -okdered in the regular.
Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn
ing Edition without extra charge.
Hams ANDS' and the Dutcman's Ghost at
Rouse's Theatre to-night. • .
"GONE Up"—The Daily Reporter, the cop
perhead paper recently started in Reading.
ROUSE presents 'a grand comedy bill at
Brant's Ball, to-night:
-Jr is expected that the 202 d Penna. regi
ment will be organized, at Camp Curtin, to-
FRANK DREW appears in two great charac
ters, at Brant's Hall, this evening.
A STATED meeting of the Friendship Fire
Company will be held this evening at the
usual hour. Punctual attendance is requested.
LOOK out for a splendid entertainment at
Brant's Hall, to :night.
SALE OF A Ilo,TEL.—The Union Hotel, on
Market street, has been purchased by the
present occupant, Benj. Buck, Esq., for
Go elm saa, Faernt DREW, the great come
dian, this evening, at Brant's Hal).
WE are informed that the camp of the 201st
Penna. regiment has been moved from its re
cent location, four miles from Cliambersburg,
and that the boys have pitched their tents in
the neighborhood of Burnt Cabins.
Go AND SEE the Dutchman's Ghost, at
Brant's Hall, this evening.
advertises for horses for the cavalry and ar
tillery service, to be delivered at Giesboro
Depot. $175 each will be paid for cavalry
hOrses and $lBO for artillery horses. See ad
vertisement for further particulars.
Fararx Damtv appears as Hans Barth, in - the
Dutchman's Ghost, et Brant's Hall, to-night.
Reny.—We have been favored with an abun
dance of rain. It commenced to fall on Sat
arday evening, and continued most of the
time .until this morning. The ground is
thoroughly saturated. - At the time of this
writing there is a prospect of more rain.
POSTPONED Pic-rim—The pic-nic announced
to take place at Hoffman's woods, on Tuesday,
leas been postponed, owing to the inclemency
of the weather. It will take place on Thurs
day, of this week. Tickets 25. cents. Omni
buses will leave Third and Market during
the day, to convey persons to the ground.
septs td
Mn. noun and Miss Fanny Denham in
great characters, this evening.
friends across the river have placed in nom
ination the following excellent ticket : As
sembly—James Kelso, of Shippensbnrg; Sher
iff—E. P. Zinn, of Mechanicsburg; Commis
sioner—Geo. W. Criswell,of East Pennsboro';
Director of the Poor—John W. Craighead, of
South Middleton; Auditor—David Fogleson
ger, of HopewelL
'Go To Bra t's Hall to-night, and see the
best company in the city,,,
Dziaawry. ELECTION. —The election for
delegates was held through Out this county on .
Saturday last, with the following result, as far
as heard from:
• 'First ward—A. Koser, George Dunn. '
Second ward—W. H. H. Sieg, Levi Graz,: '
Third ward—John Zinn, B. J. Harris.
Fourth ward—George „Black, John Mil
ler. Jr.
Fifth ward—Chambers Dubbs.
Sixth ward--G. B. Cole, Elias Mumma.
Susquehanna—Peter Reed, David Herr.
Swatara—Jacob Bishop, J. B. Rutherford.
Trim Daerr.—We learn that the draft for
this district will not take place ler several
daps—until the credits are completed and all
masters fully squared up, in order that all
delay and trouble may be avoided after the
drawing takes place. In the meantime no ef
fort should be left untried to have the quotas
of the various sub-districts filled. The draft
will positively take place, and all delinquent
townships, towns and wards, will have, to
"oonie up to the mark."
pleasure of meeting, on Saturday last, Col.
James H. Coates, of the 11th Illinois regiment,
who is on east for the purpose of 'visiting his
old friends.' He is a native of Norristown,
Montgomery county, and is among the many
gallant young men who left X'ennsylvenia
Tears ego to, seely, a home in the west, and who
WO now rendering good service to the coun
tiy. The Keystone State is proud of her chil_
dren regardless of the State with which they are
identified, so that they fight beneath the stars
and stripes.
COMEDY NlORT.—First .44pparance of Frank
Drew !—This evening our people are to he fa
vored with two of the most, laughable plays
ever put upon the boards here On this oc
casion Mr. Prank Drew, the great comedian
and vocalist, will make his first appearance
at Brant's Hall, in connection 'with - House's
Combination Company, and will assume the
leading character in Randy Andy and. 'at
Dutchman's Ghost. All who desire to drive
the blues away, should go to Brant's Hall to
night and see the best company that ever ap
peared in garriaburg.
TELICQUILT Hours —Saturday Euening Giuen,
to Foul Misrepresentation and Unmanly False
hoods. —One facilities for obtaining a just re
port of the proceedings of the copperhead
ratification meeting in the Gourt House, on
Saturday evening last, were none of the best,
and therefore we must omit any statement as
to the details of the organization of that gath
ering, passing over the names of the presiding
officers, and forego a fall description of
the meeting, to devote what room we have to
sketching the speeches made on the occasion. '
The first speaker was Mr.. Hamilton Alricks.
In his opening remarks, he indulged the faith
ful with a lesson in geography, stating cor_
rectly the location of Chicago, and then suc
cinctly setting forth the vastness,the glory and
the might of the great West. After this dis
play of what he had seen in the West, the
speaker attempted a history of his "steward
ship" as a servant of tee Democratic party.
Those who know Mr. Alricks are aware that
he is not the most polished orator in the land,
and that he shows a great contempt in his
style of utterance for elocution and the rules
of polished composition. Still he managed to
smear over the disgraceful features in the prof
ceedings of the Chicago Convention, apolo.
giving for the expressions of Harris of Mary
land, who had borcUy charged George B. M'-
Clellan with being military despot as unre-s
lenting and as black-hearted as any of the
tyrants of the old world. Mr. Alricks desired
his hearers to understand that Mr. Harris,
when he made these remark, was indulging
in hyperbole. There was nothing remarkable
in Mr. A's speech, beyond the 'geographical
knowledge which the speaker displayed of the
western country. He became poetical in his
allusions to Chicago as the gem of the Lakes
—and we heard more than one of his audi
tors ask whether it was possible that the wily'
attorney had, any town lots for sale in Chicago,
his flattering:allusions to the Queen city of the
Weet creating the impression that he was after
a speculation. When Mr. Alricks had con
cluded the account of his "stewardship"'as a
representative, of the "Democratic" party,
Lamberton was called upon to address
the faithinl. Mr. L. at once launched forth
into the terrible. He immediately had a vision.
Lo ! he beheld twenty-five loyal women, re
presenting the beauty and virtue of Kentucky,
lying stretched on straw, the victi ms of the
Lincoln despotism. Here was a spectacle for,
the contemplation of the nervous Bob. He
groaned and shook his red locks, as he
screamed at the top of his voice, " for this
act of deliberate tyranny Lincolu must be
hurled from his seat." [Loud applause.]
But while dwelling on this point, Mr Lamber
ton forgot to state that the *omen thus im
prisoned, deserved each of them a bolter for
the deveish persistimcy with which they had
acted as spies for the rebels, giving the trai
tors information on which they had. Idestroyed
millions of dollars worth of public, and pri
vate property. It would not have served Mr.
Lamberton's' honorable. object ol bringing
reproach to the Government thus to
state the truth-----and as in rery citi
zen of Harrisburg knows the it .Bobert
is an honorable man, he will be pa rottsned for
having thus concealed the truth, to , serve his
party. The other statements of. Mr. Lansber
ton's speech were of a kind with the alluskion
to the arrest and detention of the tw enty-kiwa
women alluded to. He indulged his (melt' and
the ignorance- of his hearers, by the vilest
assaults on the men Who represent the Gov
ernment, without delivering a amigo hard
word in reference to the traitors. Bto imper
tinently claimed that the fall of At'lanta was
the result of the nomination of MsoClellan—a
sentiment somewhat in" consonan .oe with his
declaration in 1863, that the election of
George W. Woodward Governor eaf Pennsyl
vania would sand a thrill of joy through all
the slave States. After he had: 'concluded,
we heard a good Democrat swear as he de
clared : " Well, if ii did not know that I was
in a loyal city, I would conclude that Joff.
Davis had
_captured Pennsylvania and Bosb
Lamberton had been talking for a pierce in the
gift of the traitor chief."
:--So far as the speakers were - op ncerned,
the " Democratic ratification meeting," held
in Harrisburg on Saturday evening, was a -fair
response to the treason 'eminciattel. at the
Chicago Convention. But there we re present
those honest Democrats who left the Court
House perfectly disgusted and satisf and that. to
act longer with the Democratic party as it is
now controlled, would be direc'tly to, give
aid and comfort to traitors.
CHANGE or SEASON. an Aden change
in the weather, from a heated atmosphere to
one chilly enough to require a change of
clothing, aggravates old dise 11 8011, and often
lays the germ of new ones, if the greatest care
is not exercised. A gradual transition
from Summer to Fall is bene6 dial to some
complaints—especially those arising from
enervation, morbid action of the brain, or
relaxed muscles ; but some ailments receive
no benefit by a change of sear ton, and not a
few are positively aggravate d. Coniplaints
arising from aoderanged state of the liver and
kidneys are very little affected by any kind
of a change of weather, 'but rheumatism,
neuralgia, and kindred di sasses are. Cold
weather is a feeder for therm, and their pains
arelnever so acute as when there is a change
from warm to cold. Diarrhoea, Dysentery
and Dyspepsia, like Death, have all seasons
for their own. Al/ % of these diseases can be
mastered, and in nearly every case a radical
and permanent cure effected by the use of
Dr. Mcßride's KING OF PAIN. If yon are
suffering from any disease, sell upon the
Doctor. He will tell you what is the matter
with you without asking questions. If he
cannot cure you he will tell you so frankly,
but if he undertakes to Cure you„ he will do
so, or the experiment will not cost you a cent, ,
, as his rule invariably is to refund the money
in ease of failure,
The .Doctor may be consulted at roonz
7, State Capitol Hotel, and his medicine can
be bitil at the corner of Fifth aid Market
Ram. of Brant's Hall, is the 0n1y ,, ”7 ,, :; , ..r
in the city that engages the great dra.zaatio
stars of the country. Go and see Pisa Drew
Tmo public schools were re-opened this
morning. We noticed scores of little folks
wending their way towards the school rooms.
Some were cheerful, and eager to resume their
studies, while others wore gloomy countenan
ces, and regretted that their play4lays were
at an end.
persons who have received tickets to sell for
this company's late pic-nics, and have not
yet settled for them, are requested to call on
the chairman of the Committee of, Arrange
ments (George F. Weaver, Sr.) immediately,
and -square. up.
Neisr. Casprrs.---Major Dodge and Major
Todd have just completed an examination of
the various Naval enlistments in this State,
and report the following credits, viz:
Total credit to towns and cities. 2,714
Credits to State at large 4,398
Of this number the Third ward in this city
is credited with two and the Fourth ward
with two. ,
.110BBERT AT CrAM CIIRTIII.-A. check on the
First National Banks of Newville, and $5 in
money, were stolen , from Samuel. Long. of
Capt. J. P. Waggoner's company, in Camp
Curtin, on Saturday night, while Mr. L. was
sleeping in his tent. He cautions the public
against purchasing the cheek, as payment has
been stopped. See advertisement.
A stated meeting of the Citizen Fire Engine
and Hose Company will be held at their. Hall
this (Monday) evening, Sept. 5, at 7i o'clock.
Tun BABY-TENDER—The Lest of all inven
tions for lessening the labor and anxiety of
mothers, and promoting the health and hap
piness of her offspring. We do notspeak from
hearsay when we aver that, of all labor-saving,
health-preserving, sleep-persuading, quiet
restoring contrivances for mothers 444 child
ren, Brown's Patent Baby-Tender stands un
rivalled. For more than two years we have
witnessed in our own family its praetical ad ,
vantages, and we feel that we are doing many
of our readers a favor by calling their atten
tion to the advertisement to be tound in an
other column.
The Baby-Tender ought to be in every house
where there is a baby. —N. Y. Independent.
never cease. Go early if you wish to secure
good 'seats. The only truly legitimate com
pany that ever visited Harrisburg make their
first bow to-night, at the above beautiful tem
ple of dramatic art, in the sublime play 'by
Edward Fitzball, Esq.: 6 hristmas Eve; or,
The Duel in the Snow, abounding with beau
tiful Tableaux, thrilling incidents, and put
upon the stage in a magnificent style. Among
the artists who appear in' the above play are
the following : Miss Minnie Lehman, the
beautiful and accomplished actress, whose
name, in the histrionic art, as a lady and an
actress, stands without a parallel on the Ame
rican stage. Mrs. W. L. Agley and Miss Effie
Warren—words would be useless to _speak of
their high merit. Mrs. Minnie Day, the
accomplished tragedienne. Mr. Harry, Gil
bert, the celebrated comedian, from the New
York theatres, who for the last fifteen years
has been classed in our larger cities as a le
gitimate comedian. Mr. Charles Ferris, the
leading gentleman of this com pany, is an ar
tist of- rare talent, of whom the encomi
ums of the press have spoken in the, highest
praise, and the remaining members—sixteen
M all—making one of the finest companies
that has ever appeared in our city. The man
agers intend that the public shall have a first
class theatre to visit, where refinement and
morality shall be acted; not preached. Nov
elties will be produced in rapid succession,
and no pains nor expense shall be spared to
render this a place worthy of the public sup
port. Remember—go early, to avoid the
rush. it*
Shaman, who we thought was to leave us
on Saturday evening, we see has been engaged
for six nights more.
Aye i aye, 'tis well,
For all the land
.Now takes Sanford by the hand,,
To oni.,v hears, bat really does befriend him,
And they
~ iustly can commend him.
Follo w y ou :. own business and desire, for every
man halt business and desire, 'such as it
We will not f l uffier pusrne Hamlet's words,
but say,Sanford ) you are welcome another week
and another week, for your presence is a cure
to all ills that flesh ,is heir to. Let him or her
who doubts this drop in at Sanford's Hall, and
we will be praised for 80 recommending.
Oa Bastrry— •
"Thou mightier than lEwioales son, whence
is thy great strength,
And wherein the secret of thy craft; 0, charmer
charming wisely ?
For thou art strong in weaunees, atl d in 10-
lessness well skilled,
Constant in the multitudes of chazige, gird
simple ardfdit intricate complexityi, -
Folly's shallow lip can ask the deepest 'lanes •
And many wise in many' words shottl 'an
swer, shat is hgrauty;
Who shall separate•ihe hues tbat flicker on a
dying dolphih,
Or analyze the jeweled lights that desk the
peacock's train,
Or shrewdly mix upon a palette the tints of
an indecent spar,
Or set in rank the wandering shades about a
-watered silk ?"
Beauty, in our opinion, can be found even
in the manufacturing of dry goods in the
United States of America at this time, when
speculation (with out a Sherman or a Grant)
has run wild in gold. Would it not be better
to confine ourselves to the purchasing of goods
manniact nod at home? We do not pretend to
say that domestic goods are not influenced, or
to some extent do not sympathize with the
prices of foreign goods, but we do say that
all kinds of domestic goods are cheaper than
imported goods. To illustrate what has been
mid above, please call at the store sof C. it.
Bowman, where dry goods are sold at the very
smallest profit for cash, and examine Miaow
stock of "EaMand Wintergoode—partitl4ll7
=Men goods, as they are cheaper than ciotton,
and the winter is coming on. Store cols 'ler if
Front and Marketittreetck
~~ , r.•:5-;ak:+s:.e•n.~~fiktll'e l3~le:a .:
m u , sokleyt Public Sale, at the late
resignee of -dm Wm. McFadden, dec'd,
on State street, near Filbert, on Tuesday, 6th,
(tomorrow,) a valuable lot of Household and
Kitchen Furniture, all in good condition, and
will be sold without reserve.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock. Terms
made known by
W. BARR, Auctioneer
The Draft—Fourth Word Ideetiog.
An adjourned meeting of the citizens of the
Fourth ward will e held at the hall of the
Hope fire corppany, at .7 o'clock this evening,
to petition the 80 - ard of Election officers to
le'vy a tax to• fill the quota of the ward...
Cloammitray Music HALL. - --Grand compli
mentary benefit to Miss Mary Florence, to...mor
row' (Tuesday) evening, September 6th, on
which occasion Miss Lucy Clinetop, Dan
suese, late of the Western Theatres, has kindly
volunteered, and Billy Porter, Ethiopian
comedian, in conjunction with the ' regular
Star company.
Kromer's (Upham's) Hair Dye
, Boxes lager than Dyes that sell for $l.
Wannarrrinrto pleas'. This article has been
thoroughly tested by Du CurumN of New
York, and 'PrOfessors Booth and Garrett of
Philadelphia, 'who pronounce it free from all
poisonous ingredients, and the material com
posing it will not injure the most delicate
hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods
dealers everywhere..
J: KRONER:, Sole Proprietor,
_ _
403 Chestnut St., Philsdelphifi, Pa
iirtinlietiness Cured.
The inebriate may now bid defiance to the
tempting cup. Dr. Zane's antidote for . strong
drink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It
creates a dislike for :strong drink, and can be
administered without the knowledge of the
Descriptive circulars sent, to any address.
Per sire by WI iespiritable druggists in the
United States and Canticles. Price vlper box,
or paCkages of six boxes for $5.
<TNO. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent,
403 , Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pa
Dr. Rand's Speak,.
The oldest and most reliable medicine for
the owe of Spermaorhcea, Seminal Weakness,
Loss of Power, &c. This medicine has stood
the testrof,over thirty, years, and has always
proirMA stfo'desi:
Dr. RAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the
form of pills, made up entirely of substances
that have a specific effect upon,t4c . ffliAerative
organs. Idost persons associate the idea 01
operations upon the bowels from taking any ,
kind of -pills. -The SPECIFIC of Dr. Rand
not intended_ as,
sq. ,evacuating medic am. Its
Medicinal 'Virtues are expended entirely upon
the impaired regenerative organs. The pills_
are not pleasant to the ,'taste,':and many
persons masticate them with,impunity before
swallowing them . ;, which plan-we would al
ways recommend, as , afforcling the speediest
way to get the effect of the remedy.
Price $1 per box, or six boxes for $5. Sold
by druggists everywhere.
JNIO. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent,
403 Chestnut St.,, Philadelphia, Pa,
autg2s43lir •" '
Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Duchy' "Tonle
13ittees," ' Sarsaparilla ," "Nervous. Antidotes,' &a, Sc.,
&b.:, and lifter You are satisfied with the result,.then try
0g 3 r4...? , OLD I: I (DCTOA,IEtTIeIitAN .ENGLISH SPEC'.
eau be restored to health and vigor in less
than thirty days. They are purely Vegetable, pleasant to
take, putrifitand salutary in. their .effeete on the .broken
down and,ShAtteredeonittlthtloi. ,Old and young can take
Me& with' StiVantage. ' reported and sold in the United
States only by_ . JAS. S. BUTLF:II,
. No. 427 Broadway, New tort
.*iy-Agent for the United States.
P. B.—A Box of the Pills, securely packed, will be
mailed to any address do receipt, of price, which is ONE
DOL#A4, postpaidr-monyy left/tided by the Agent ii
entire fultisfacfuM in na 'even. • jyls-d&wBm
I.4Stba . .
Military Business Attended To.
Bounty, Pension, Back Tay, Subsistence and Military
arid War Claims, generally, made out and collected. Per
SOU nodding sit a distance can 'their buairkera Vane
'deed riruseil, by eiddiessing
EUGIGNEDITDER, Attorney-nt-Law,
eIT4I, Thirittitmoy,./Isirrisbara Ps
. .
SELLINGof gaminer Goods at low prices,
such as Bummer Dress Goods, Lawns, Sun Umbrellas,
Lace Shawls, and Summer Shawls. We have also on
hand a very large assortment of Huslins, Calicos, Gin g
hams, Stockings, Handkerchiefs, Black miss, Plaid Silks.
White Cambric; Undressed French Catubries, White and
Colored flannels, and in fact an assortment of dry goods
not surpassed by any. To all of which we invite those
who wish to purchase, and promise to sell at less prices
than we lsn replace them ter again. As all Binds of dry
goods are advancing every day, now is the time to buy.
Of Susquehanna Township,
Dauphin County. c*
JOHN FOX, of this city, offers himself as a
candidate for REGISTER of Dauphin county, sub
ject to the decision of the Union County Convention.
Having had seventeen yeses experience in the burititeSS
of the office, he
,pledges himself to give satisfaction it
elected. , , auls-danric
iFou. :.a.F.Gis*R, a.
GEORGE MARK, of South Han Over town--
ship, oaers himself as a candidate for theaffice of
if.WISTER, of Dauphin county. If elected, Mr. Mark
pledges himself to peirforrn the duties oriald office with
fidelity. je29 d& wto
Rassaunmo, YA., June 9,1864.
MET. undersigned respectfully offers himself
to the Rept&Roans of the I.4Uktelmressimed Dis
met of Pennlylvafila, composed of tae'counties or Lieu.
pkm, Juniata,- Northumberland, Union and Snyder, 'fa
nomination by the several county conventions of the min
Mamie& .00941 tel A 4 JosiAn
..tztrpoLpg MIT.I.P,E, of East - Hanover
totenship, offers himself as a candidate for the Mlle
of kegsster. tf nominated and elected be p.edges him
dell to INlllthi ditties of the office with fidelity.
ie2s-d2i,newte * „ . RUDOLPH 1411..LER.
CAvArarr Bintaam,
Owes ov CHIRP' Qtraumsatuarss,
W41 . 1"1:043T0N, D. C., August 3, 18C4.'
NVUbe sol d' "at publics auction, to the the times and places narned be
low, ma:
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Thursday, September 6 ,
TWO HUNDRED (29e) Offalry Horses at eacn place :
These Horses have been — condemned as unfit for tie
Cavalry service of thorarmTr;
be Dad. .
For real and farm pearges many good burr may
,- ,
Horses told jingly.. ' -1
- i
TERNS: CASH in RAGA States Currency.
ane.dtes r.t . M. and C. Q. U. Cavalry Bureau.
QAI+ISON: S a lmon, at m a FRAZEE.
. um
041 l r •
LOAN OF 1881.
TREASURY Dizeasruntrr, t
August 30, 1864.
SEALED OFFERS will be received at this
Department, tinder the act of March 3,
1863, until noon of FItIDAY, the 9th of Sep
tember, 1864, for-bonds of the United States,
to the amount of about thirty-one and a half
million dbllers, being, the amount of unac-
Septed offers undisposed of under the notice
of Proposals for Loan, dated '6 th June last.
The bonds will bear an annual interest of six
per centum, payable semi-annually in coin on
the first days of July and January of each year,
and redeemable after the 30th of June, 1881.
Each Offer must be for fifty or one hundred
dollars, or some multiple of one hundred dol
lars, and must state the sum, including pre=
mium, offered for' each hundred dollars in
in bonds, or for fifty, when the offer is for no
more than fifty. Two•per cent. of the princi
pal, excluding premium, of the whole amount
offered must be deposited, as guaranty for
payment of subscription if accepted, with the
Treasurer of the United States at Washington,
or with the Assistant Treasurer at New York,
Boston, Philadelphia, or St. Louis, or with the
designated Depositary at Baltimore, Pittsburg,
Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, or
Buffalo; or with any National Banking Associ
ation authorized to receive deposits which may
consent to transact the business without
charge. Duplicate certificates of deposit will
be issued to depositors by the officer or asso
ciation receiving them.; the Originals of which
must be forwarded with the offers to the De
partment. 411 deposits should ,be made in
time for advice of offers with certificates to
reach Washington not later than the morning
of September 9th. No offer not accompanied
by its proper certificate of deposit will be con
The Coupon and Registered bonds issued
will be of the denominations—of 550, *lOO,
$5OO, end $l,OOO. Registered Bonds of $5,000
and $lO,OOO will also be issued if required.
All offers received will be opened on Friday,
the 9th heptember. The aWarde will be made
by the Secretary to the highest offerers, and
notice of acceptance or declination will be im
mediately given to the respective offerers ;
and, in case of acceptance, bonds of the de
scriptions and, denominations preferred will
be sent to the'kubscribers at the cost of the
department, on fund payment of instalments.
the original deposit of two per cent. will be
reckoned in the last instalment paid by suc
cessful offerers-.and will be immediately re
turned to those whose offers may not be ac
The amount of accepted offers must be de
posited with th'e Treasurer or other officer or
association authorized to act under this notice
On advice of acceptance of offer, or as follows:
One-third on or before the 14th ; one-third on
or before the 19th ; and the balance, includ
ing the premiuin and original two per cant.
deposit, on or before the 24th of September.
Interest on bonds will begin with the date of
deposit. Parties prefe ring may pay the ac
crued interest tioni date of bond, July 1, to
date of deposit in coin.
011brs,under this notice should be indorsed
''Offer for Loan,"•anda4dressed to the Secre
tary of the t reasury. The right to decline all
Offers not considered advantageous is reserved
to the government
Secretary of the Tre sury.
The Bonds for this Loan are ready for im
mediate delivery. [sep2-tsep9
WILL be sold at public sale, on THIIitE
DAY, SErrahIBER 15,18 4 , a 6 2 o'clock.r Y, ac
kli . ..nt'e Hail , In the ci y of Ilarnsburg, the beautiful and
:teelr_ble country seat of Chrisuau kbuituden, ua Sinque
hanne ICIIFLISCIM within a halt mile of the limits of the
c.ty ilanlebutg,
.Cutdai,ang about rhirish o ive Acre', •
(Including aboartlk acres of WcodLai:M t ) adjoining lands
of the late Wm. Colder, er,, andJosepu study aid others.
The improl,emmts Comsat or a neat and comfortable
DWELLANO, with several aeparat'a summer kitchens and
Spring Homo,
And other outbui dings—the eatire Plae!a in excellent con
dition With sew fences Ike place is particulorly we l
awned with tha choicest vailetiea of pears, peaches, ap
ples, cherries, grapes, etc., c. A small stream of water
.umeng through thembidle of the place
Cenuitions o, sale made easy and meommodating.
Yotisession given April 1, ltios.
sepl-uts] O. F. HAEHNIAN.
T ' subscribers, agents for the heirs of
Frederick Wonderly, Sen., late of Mechanicsburg,
ea.„decki, will sell on the premises the following valuable
real estate, vtz:
A tract of Limestone Land containing 67 acres and 68
perches, all clear, in a high state of cultivation and under
good fencing, located in advor ,epring township, Cumber
land county Pa., two miles West oft Mechanicsburg, near
the road leading from that place to Carlisle. The improve
meats area good '
wagon eked, corn crib, and all other necessary
ings. There are also two wells of never-failing water on
the farm, one of which is near the door; an orchard of
choice Unit, and a limekiln on tlie premise& The land
has been all limed. The proximity of this 'propertyto
the enterprising town of Mechanicsburg, always affording
an excellent market for the products of the farm, renders
it highly desirable.
At the same time and place, a ire.* d Mountain Land,
situated in Silver Spring township, Cumberland county,
containing 10 acres and 14 perches, easy of access.
Persons desiring to view the property previous to the
sale will-please cat on George Wonderly, residing on the
farm; or W. K Wonderly, raiding in Mechanicsburg.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, r. u. , when terms will
be made known by SEORtiE
Agents for the heirs of J. F. Wonderly, dee'd.
APRACTICAL TANNER will find steady
employment, at good wages, by applying to the
undersigned in p snail or by' letter. Must bo a good
neatustuan, of suber and_industrious habits. None other
'hod apply. HOMY KURTZ.
Moon JOT, Lancaster Co., Pa atol-dltr
Han*" Wanted.
", Cabinet Makers, Machin
lets and Moulders wanted, at the EAGLE WORKS,
aturlu dhu9 W. 0 HI- KinC.
Stoneware Potters Wanted!
A TURNER of small ware, also a SETTER
Or KILN and BOHNER want,d, at the liarnsuurg
z 140110.711113 Pottery. Enquire of
aug3o•d vr] " COWDEN k WILCOX.
[Baltimore American copy for one week and send bill
to thin office, immediately, for collection
Shoemaker Wanted!
TO work on a bench in a store where he will
be plostantly situated, and waged good. App yat
1:51 East Harket-aueut, Harrisburg, Pa. •
a..g23-d2w* JOHN KOBER.'
iNotiee to Bridge .Builderst
THE undersighed, Commissioners of Dau
phin county, Pennsylvan a, will reuelve Sealed Pio
pestle up to September the 21st, (Wednesday ) at two
o'cLock P. M., for building, suvermtenaind and turnishin•
all the matetiala for a netvvoited Bridge across Arm
strong Orteic in iiluckSori - _LOwilatip, said county, east of
Halifax, at the site referred to by tae late Reports of the
Gland Inquest of the coon y, somewhere south, or nearly
eo, of Fisitereviht., *Abridge to be foray feet span, on
site Barr Top Arch Vain, and to be as high as wnst the
da bridde (now *Landing) Is; aerikatd* trim walla to be
(bonsai feet khair. and UM, of the With Skis t en 1 . 4
long PERIKMIIII to be endorsed tat to.4l,ecificatiois
_,w/ 1 "_.„. 111 / 1 Afie , ,botditt thitonlee of the Chun y Commts
conaMit PWCI . S.Urt, on apglcetion by letter or Other
wise. tatting to be on and (ay and to the lowest re
Vowel* bidder, - HENRY ELLRYDLIN,
JACOB. J.milaandati
gi2;4410.41' Rcuisal'MAtilialtd.;
Rouse's Star Combination Company,
Souse's Star . Combination Company,
Rouses Staf Coniblifittidir Company,
First Night of the engageornt of the Ceielnated
Comedian-am Vocalist,
Mr. Prank brew !
Will be performed the stile-splitting Comic Dawn,
from Louver's great work, entitled
The Eveting's Entertainment will coneltutb with
Mr. Frank Drew
Will appear In his beat parfOrmanees nightly.
V-For further particultus see progrspme
artg94} tf
New National Theatre !
r0u4.3301P M - 10:1c1'{t.:IXII , Ant;11 - 1= 7 .. lq v!
Managers and solo Proprietors ....MAMMIX
'MAMA will open on MONDAY ilniAtaTe Sgpt .
51k with a new and augmented . company, la übraciag
some of the Seat artists in the United States. The man
agers wish the patine to understand that this la tote 00R
ducted ate icily as a flrat class theatre, and net anything
before or behind the eurtain shall be Clewed to offend
even the most fastidious. And we weuld.wiebuise public
le know that improper charachrs will not be aidioittod in
any part of the house. This is a rare that will be atritaly
adhered to. On
The performance will commence with, tip lenantlrtil do
mastic drama, in three acre, by &Ward. Fitztle‘Rgi •
The Duel bathe Slow,
With new Scenery, Costumes, Machinery,. eta. WS
play was performed at the T Active Antbimee 41a OM.
tow, Paris, for upwards of .firee kindred- nights, end. et
the Princess Royal, London. For dlittiontya of Ihar—
acters see programme of the day.
Plfklik OF AmtlSlON.—Parettette, 50 cents; Cal
hp y,,15 cents; Orchestra Chaim, $1 00; Private terms,
$5 and Ste
Doom open at TH. Coital risme at 8 o'clock.
Box Office open from-10 till 12 J., et., and from 9 tiD 4
P M. when seals can be.reseriedi IFfithuut eztranbargs.
au29-Iw* •
Third Week of the enmeroeut of
. .
By the ladiess ppigentlemen corwaini
*Star Wroupe
See bills of the day. •
91111$ company consists of the; s
(Lemma, consisting of
The managers *takes pleasure in innounclntatiliat they
intend making !Aid TILE Concert Hall or theellt •
BAttBY WXIdIS & 01;Pkinletor
MAZY PORT BUSlE*o e g e a t .airtikt
Su%e Manager
Leaser of Or tApar .
Treasurer .....
~ ,. .f..1031C MILL
. 4
OPEN every night with a first{. A
We coin
pany.of male and female artlkee. The perform
ance embraces every variety of legiUmsde smaseracia,
Baca as
• N.
Admisaion, 25 cents. Sege by pivots boxes 50 cent&
Dom a open at 7. To COILIMenue at Et o'clock. jylikttf
081108, 4 14 t h Dmaroe , t
Hansassoma, Pa., August l6, 16134. f
J. the Provost Marshal's Whoa are pnbilehed for the In.
struction and guidance of all perisenainterested, in'order
that, in future, the public need not be in doubt as to
when, where and .to whom to app.y for information on
matters connected with this department.
Ist The Board of Enrollment convenes each day (Sun
days exceptedyin the proper room at 10 o'clock A.
business requires* the morning session will continue
tilt 12% o'c.ock P. N. ; the afternoon &miens commence
at 2% o'clock and continue till 6 o'clock r. )t. in no
case will examinations- for Meability be made after day
2nd J. J. Weitzel, principal clerk to Board of Biwoll
men; will at all tunes furnish information proper to be
furnishea from the moms of the Board. - - •
3rd A. F. Clapp, adjutant and special deputy, will be
found iu the oWuu ruom of the Provuet.Mannuo. He has
a general charge, and can be applied to in all cases.
4tn Tim inrollment Department is in charge of D. S
fat A. E. Eyster superintends the mustering imd.
traiting department, and has dame by the records and
rods connected therewith; " also, with - en l istme nts into the
"Vetetan R servo Corps. '
6th R. E. Cable has charge of the claming 'depart
7th For information with reference to horses and
property seized as the property of the Govenair,; ap
ply to John K Heller, in the Mustering andße
Sth For information with reference to Bewiters and
pereons arrested. apply to same department
9th John tharteti, has charge of acetaitt — sp records, to.
10th Fur intarmatiou upon any sula,siov teat moon ape.
cifically dosigna ed, apply to the Ptovolit klarettit, - -os to
Adjutant A 8 . . Clapp.
11th. All clerics au.d employees are required lo be at
their post. for duty at 8 o'cloca a. x. The omen will he
closed to the public at tt o'mocir, p
Illth &lathe and employees are required - anddirtied
to be polite, courteous and attentive toalt , persona uig
busmets in the rrutrost Maraud's Linke. It is a duty rad
plrature to tuform endgame those requiring informative
or service, Ali it any clerk or employe .aas in prompt
attention or proper courtesy, he wid be armee dial/rage&
18th auras and employeesani Leukemia dee to abo ive
fee or reward for services rendered. if Mal do fig,the
penalty will be immediate discharge. To outer audit- fee
and to receive it are equally high nusdemeauoi
Jr.°. KAY cLailtrarr -
Captain and Provost_Maw'it/4
. 14th Deetrict .
The members of the Board of hnr.lllneat Era !John
Kay GAMOW, Provost Marabal, Gimlet tiltWll,;6llul
- S. T. Chariton, Silligeoll ekg.lwr
may be consulted at it/1 cum.', &pug, Suwon' 1 10 (
matters connected with the hutuuess of the troaid.
The Provost *mead's omen in in Fourth sweat, tiy
posits the Government eatery. - anelt4 t in
altrricit TO'NktipArghn4 eof f
philadtipltia and Reading, Railroad.
TN aeo9rdanoe With . the provisions. of the
L New Internal Revenue Law, all - geode delivered t a w s
above railroad tor shipmenti must have . 11 'WO
Sump allied to the receipt, demanded:: Ve Min :ileid
Many to be at the expense or the slits:pet, '-' „,- , '
handl reeeirs , talus by the above COMpe*, mad
stamp/ will be pardoned and mild lbw by,the
ang/OdtaanitO Alio a=-
„. , .
listrisbarg Female emlitarf,.. ,
. .
• - -
SA session. of th is
~- --
valWtliw 2 wi ; KiviAit *Wm% pcwir,