Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, September 03, 1864, Image 3

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    pi ‘l4 rcilegraptH
The Draft—Fourth Ward Meeting.
An adjourned meeting of the citizens of
ilarrisburg, exempts as well as non-exempts,
will be held at the hail of the Hope Fire com
pany at 7 o'clock this evening, for the pur
pose of hearing reports of committees, and
petitioning the Board of Election officers to
levy a tax to fill the quota of the ward. It is
important that every citizen of the ward
should be in attendance. MANY.
Sixth Ward Bleating.
The Union voters of the Sixth ward will
meet at Bailey's Mansell House this (Saturday)
even ing, Sept. 3d, at 7 o'clock, for the pur
pose of electing Delegates to the Union Comi
ty Convention. By order of Executive Corn
once. sepl-dtd
Third Ward Delegate Election.
The election of delegates to represent the
Third ward in the Union County Convention,
will be held at the Franklin House, this (Sat
zsday) evening, at the usual hour. By or
der of the Executive committee of the Third
ward. td
The citizena of the Middle ward of the
borough of Middletown will meet in the
sohool. room in Union Hall, instead of the
Council room in said hall, the former place of
meeting , H. THOMAS, Chairman.
Owing to the crowd of strangers at the Parke
Rouse, it has been mutually agreed upon to
bold the delegate election this evening at the
"Fruosuu Holm," and not at the Parke
House, as has heretofore ben stated.
Plc-nic !—the Last of the Season.
A picnic will be given in Hoffmnan's Woods,
ou Tuesday, Sept. 6th, 1864. Tickets 25
cents. Cars will leave the foot of Market
street at BA. M. and 2P. M. Tickets for the
round trip 25 cents. sep3•2t*
Own ca to the crowded state of our column,
we are unable to give our usual local
O. WM. H. Koorrrz has been nominated
for Congress, by the Union conferees of the
Franklin and Bedford districts.
BEING lisparann.—The crossings at Market
and Third streets are undergoing repairs,
which are highly Necessary.
WE learn that the public schools of the city
will open on Monday next. No doubt tb.e
lads and "lassies" will rejoice?
We learn that a soldier was killed in NI or
chard near Camp Curtin, on Thursday.. He
is said to have been shot by a person erigaged
to guard the orchard.
Wriztar liourssos, of Franklin 00 anty, had
his pocket picked yesterday, near 'the Depot,
while awaiting the arrival of tho Baltimore
train. Ms loss was upwards of sixty dollars.
Ws hare glorious news from Sherman to
day. Atlanta has been captured and the
rebels badly defeate a. Rebeldom is growing
~ Rmaller by deg:zees and beautifully less."
TEE soldiers stationed in Fort Washington
desire us to state that they were in no way
connected with the firing of the salute in
honor of McClellan's nomination, which took
place in the fort on Wednesday evening.
Some of the Copperheads in this city had a
oannon taken across the river, and did the
firing themselves.
TUB bush meeting of the colored people
commenced to-day, on the old camp ground
near Ilighspire. For the accommodation of
persons desiring to attend, boats will be run
from this city, leaving the Market street bridge
at 6 o'clock in the morning, also at noon and
in the afternoon. The public are invited to
attend the meeting.
Dm:ream Comm Psomovon.—Major Jacob
Rohrer, of Middletown, this county, has been
appointed Major of the 200th Regiment P.
F. A more sound appointment could not
have been made. He is both a gentleman
and every inch a soldier. He has proved his
patriotism during this rebellion, and his
bravery upon many a bloody battle-field.
entered the service of his country at the
breaking out of the war, as Captain of the
"J. D. Cameron Infantry," and participated
in the whole Peninsular campaign under
McClellan. He was compelled to resign some
time ago, in consequence of physical disabil
ity, and no sooner did he recover than we
again find him responding to his Government.
We prediot f r him a brilliant career.
Tin DELEGIATE &morass, to-night, through
out the county, must not be neglected by our
friends, as it is at such proceedings of the or
ganization of Union men, but the humblest
adherent of the party wields an influence
equal to the most prominent. What we want
at the coming State and national elections is
harmony. This can best be promoted at the
delegate elections, where every man can as
sure himself of the candidates to be nomi.
Jutted by the County Convention, as well as
contribute his share to the uomplete organiza
tion of the party for the coming great fall
contests. It does not look consistent for
those who claim to be Union men, objecting
to certain nominations, and at the same time
abstain from the exercise of the power with
which they are invested, to secure just the
candidates they want. If such men will not
attend the delegate elections, they should hold
their plum after nominations have been
—We would like to see as strong a Tote as
possible in all the wards, to-night, and at the
same time we earnestly hope that a spirit of
conciliation and harmony will prevail in con
sonance with the noble ends we, as a party
and a free people, have in view. The strug
gles of October and November are to be for
achievements rising above mere individual
AAOOe SS • Let this be understood at the dele
gate elections to-night, and the result will be
ell ekry te W eeneerned.
Evneisony should go and see Ned Wray's
great positonifine entitled "The Village School
Boy," to-night, at Canterbury Mush) Hall,
Walnut street. •
Gzantsx LoximsAN CIIIIRCEC. —Bev. Mr.
.Darmataetter, of Columbia, will preach in the
German Lutheran Church, to-morrow morning
and evening. •
Ray. W. C. atm=, D. D., former pastor,
will preach in the Old School Presbyterian
Church, to-morrow morning and evening at
the usual hours.
Rims= thatrami.—There will be service in
the Baptist Church, corner of Second and
Pine streets, on to-morrow morning at 10
o'clock, and in the evening at 71- o'clock.
The pulpit •will be filled by the Rev. A. I.
Rowland, of Rochester, N. T. The public
are invited to attend. •
TO -NIGHT, being the last of the present en
gagement of the great prince of minstrels, S.
S. Sanford, it has been set apart as the occa
sion of his benefit, at the Opera House.
There is a grand bill, consisting of comedy,
opera, tragedy and burlesque. A fine piece
entitled The Four lovers will be performed.
The full troupe of the Opera House will ap
pear. Sanford has hundreds of , friends who
will be present, and we would advise those
dashing seats, to go early. Remember San
ford's benefit!
Imams Ammo/nos !—Graad Saturday
Night Bill I —To-night there will be a magnifi
cent entertainment at Brant's AO. The
prograinme contains the beautiful play, en
titled Tm Dom .in ins Sxow, and the great
drama, JACK §HEPPAED. Miss Penalty Den
ham will appear as Jack Sheppard in the play
of that name, and as Mrs. Gimp in the other;
Mr. Ronse as Riaeskia, and Tommy Tiimetne;
Mr. Meeker in two great characters. Mr.
Rouse, the manager, defies competition, and,
determined to continue to please the people
and maintain the excellent reputation his
company has attained, he will continue to
place before our citizens the very best plays
in the catalogue. • The performance to-night
will be full of thrilling scenes and incidents
that cannot fail to interest every auditor. As
there is always an early rush to the hall, we
would advise persons who intend takini their
ladies, to go to Bannvart's during the day,
and secure seats that will be reserved until
the purchasers arrive at the halt
Dram Pars CIMED.—One of the worst die
eases to which the human family is liable, is
Dyspepsia. It not only • disqualifies man
from the pursuit of business or pleasure, but
it makes life itself a burden. Read the fol
lowing wonderful cure :
HAnsiseuso, dug. 15, 1864.
To whom it may concern :
Dyspepsia, in its most malignant form, had
almost reduced me to a living skeleton, and I
was one of the most misereible men that
walked the streets of Harriisburg. I. had
used all the known remedies, els well as pre
scriptions from the most eminent physicians,
without deriving any benefit. Happening to
pass the corner of Fifth and Market streets,
I saw Dr. M'Bride, awl after listeming to his
remarks, I concluded to give his RING OF
PAIN a fair triaL I have done so for the last
twelve days, and lam now able to work, can
eat almost anything the appetite craves, sleep
well, and UM a new man in every sense of the
word. .Every person afflicted with Dyspepsia
should give it a trial, for since it has wrought
such a quick cure upon me, there is no ques
tion but what others will find it a "Balm in
Gilead," to drive away disease.
P. S —On the 19th day of Sept ember, 1868,
I was exempted by the Surgeon of Board of
Enrollment. lam now received by the Sur
geon as in perfect condition to ber able to do
any kind of duty becoming a soldier.
Cray of Ilarrisburg, Pa., S. A.
Before me, an alderman of the cii:y of
risbnrg, Penna., personally appeared John
Weaver, who, after being sworn amording to
law, did depose and say that the matter set
forth in the above statement, to which he
had subscribed his signature, is striottly cor
rect and true.
City . Ilarrisbnrg 4 Penna., Aug. 24, 1864
OF Pans.—Read the Evidence.—Some three
years ago the small-pos broke out in Harris I
burg, and for many weeks I was in constant
attendance upon patients afflicted with this
most loathsome disease. The duties I was
compelled to perform impaired my Itealth
very seriously. My liver failed in its usual
functions, disease of the spine followed, and
•my kidneys were also affected. Add to -these
afflictions a constant constipation of the bow
els, attended by severe headache, and the
reader can judge of my situation. With such
a complication of diseases, I was still com
pelled to work, and was only enablied to do so
by the constant use of purgative medicine's,
which I have steadily taken . for fourteen
months, in the vain hope that they would
eventually bring my system to its normal
condition again. I heard of Dr. 11 1 13 ride per
forming miraculous cures with his "Sing ef
Pain," but I doubted its efficao y in my case.
Still, as "drowning men will oat oh at straws,"
I called upon him, and a fe•w minutes
after a single application my . he adache dis
appeared! Encouraged by such a marvel
lous cure, I used his Bing of fain inter
nally, and this 19th day of Aug not, in the
year of our Lord 1864, I' am again a sound
man. The kidneys, bowels And spine are
soundin every respect, as they war e ten years
ago, and lam able to do a fall •lay's work,
and sleep after it as well as the beslthiest day
I ever saw.
I reside in Oanalager's row, Na rth street,
Fifth ward, Harrisburg.
014 of Harrisburg. :
Befor• me, W. Kline, an aldettUnt of said
city, personally Game Jacob lager who,
being duly warn, says Unit the bete s et forth
aboire are 'just and true.
Sworn and intbecribed. Auguit 20, la al, bi•
fore W. KLINE, ,i4ernven.
Wlinawielga, Jen&
Gramm Ilsronmaro Crrunen.—Div n servi
ces to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock, ex... 1
the evening at 71. Preaching by Bev. Wm.
E. Krebs, of Waynesboro.
haTENVON is invited to the card of Prof.
H. C. Orth, who offers his services as a teacher
of music, both vocal and instrumental. Prof.
0. is a first-class musician. Those desiring
to be instructed should secure his services.
Wz think Dr. M'Bride is right in recom
mending his King of Pain to the soldiers. It
is certain to relieve them in less than five
minutes of any disease they are liable to have
in camp, more expressly the diarrhcea, bloody
flux or cramping pains in the bowels. To be
bad at the corner of Fifth and Market, at the
office of the State Capital Botel,or every day
at Camp Curtin.
Lost Boy.—Left his home on Wednesday
morning, a boy between 9 and 10 years old,
poorly dressed, named Josnam D'Eltht/T.
was sent from Susquehanna street to Market
street, with a basket, and has not since been
heard from. ' Any information concerning his
whereabouts will be gladly received by his
mother, Louisa D. Ermit, • who is seriously
ill, and greatly distressed on his account. She
resides in the upper end of Susquehanna
REJOICING - am> Motraursa.—One hundred
guns were fired from Capitol Hill this after
noon, in honor of the great victory achieved
in the capture of Atlanta, by Sherman's army.
The Copperheads have had the blues.—
They do not like Union thunder. They do
not believe that Atlanta has been captured.
The rebellion in the South and copperhead
ism in the North are tottering, and will meet
their doom. Let loyal people rejoice!
Itartoman.—We have had the pleasure
of a conversation with Major Charles
Kleckner, of the 184th Pa. Vole. The Major
was wounded at the grand fight of the Second
corps, at Reams' Station, on the 25th ult., but
we are pleased to learn is speedily recovering.
He represents everything in a most prosper
ous condition in the Array of the Potomac,
and the men in good spirits. They are all
confident of success, and only await the arri
val of reinforcements to complete the task
which was so auspiciously inaugurated. The
Major is a gallant after and we hope he
may speedily recover, to assist in the winding
up of " this cruel war."
SOLDLINS IN CAMP. —A military camp may
be under :the best sanitary regulation, and
still not be without sickness. The diseases
incident to camp, aside from epidemics and
fevers, are diarrhoea, dysentery, and consti
pation of the bowels, caused by a change of
diet, water, and general habits. Dr. M'Bride's
KING or Fels gives immediate relief, and in
all cases effects a cure, by regulating the bow
els, and restoring the deranged functions.
No soldier should be without a bottle.
For sale at the corner of Fifth and Market
streets—Camp Curtin every morning from 9
until 12 o'clock. The Doctor can be con
sulted at Room No. 7, State Capital Hotel,
morning, noon and evening.
To the Public .—lt gives me great pleasure
to recommend to the public the medicine pre
pared by Dr. J. J. M'Bride, which he calls
the "Sing of Pain." I was induced to uselt
as an external, remedy for a bruise, which it
relieved immediately and subsequently cured
entirely. Its success induced me to use it in
ternally for Diarrhoea, with which I was af
flicted in a chronic form for nearly eighteen
months, and to such an extent that my kid
neys were seriously deranged. The medicine
has cured me, and certainly that is saying a
great deal in its favor, when I reflect how
many other remedies I tried without experi
encing anything but temporary relief. For
my part, I shall always keep a supply of Win
my house, believing as I do that it is a most
invaluable family medicine. •
lowing letter speaks for itself:
HAREDDIVRG, Ang. 29, 1864.
Da. M'Ramn—Dear Sir:—After having been
twice rejected by a surgeon as unfit to per
form military duty, I have at last been ac
cepted, and am on the eve of marching to the
front. I cannot leave without returning you
my grateful alknowledgments, because your
KING OP PAIN has cured me of one of
the worst cases of Dyspepsia I o'er heard of.
I have taken some of the medicine with me,
as I think its merits entitle it be to be called
a friend in need, and every soldier should
have a bottle in his knapsack, and every ci
vilian one within his reach.
For sale at the corner of Fifth and Market
streets, and in Camp Curtin, and consultation
with the Doctor morning, noon and evening,
at Room No. 7, State Capitol Hotel.
Fon Szeisras..-We would again remind
the delegates to the Union ClOinty COvention,
that Henry Badabaugh is a candidate for the
nomination of Register. Mr. R. is Well quali
fied for the position, - and hating rendered
good and efficient service to the party, is cer.
tainlferititled tq the nomination; and if suc
cessful in securing the nomination pledges
himself to work faithfully and efrectually for
the entire county, State and National candi
dates. We trust, therefore, the contention
will nominate him.
The Roam Guiana are requested to .turn
out for drill on Saturday evening at 6 o'clock.
By order. pq G. PRINCE, Captain.
Lochiel Greys One Years Service.
A few more men wanted to $ll up this or
ganisation. $6OO local bounty paid, $lOO
uoyernmeat, making MO bounty. Men will
go to camp and draw uniforms as soon as
mustered in. Rally men, and avoid the com
ing draft. Headquarters, Walnut street be
tween Third and Poluth streets, Harrisburg,
Pa. W. A. DEAN, Cal*.
JACOB £001,01.R.
Lints. Ilteodors 411% Thomas, Rosruiting
(Mho% -4:
HARRISBURG, Aug. 30, 1864
Yours, respectfully,
All know the lurking na
ture of bilious, diseases.
,The _ -warnings , of
a sallow complexion, high colored urine, de4
pression of spirits, and -occasional- pain in
the side, should not pass unheeded. These
ailments are but notices to the sufferer that
there is a morbid agency at work within, un
dermining thesecret springs of life, sooner or
later to break out into open disease. OS
preventive and restorer for such affections.
Sold by all druggists and medicine dealeas.
Kromer'g (upham's) Hair Dye
Boxes larger than Dyes that sell for $l.
WARRANTED to please. - This article has been
thoroughly tested by Da thrum= of New
York, and Professors Booth and Garrett of
Philadelphia, who pronounce it free from all
poisonous ingredients, and the material com
posing it will not injure the most delicate
hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods
cyealers everywhere.
JNO. J. RROITER, Solo Proprietor,
403 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
DruUkenuess Cured.
The inebriate may now bid defiance to the
tempting cup. Dr. Zane's antidote for strong
drink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It
creates a dislike for strong drink, and can be
administered without the knowledge of the
Descriptive circulars sent to any address.
For sale by all respectable druggists in the
United States and Canadas. Puma z 1 per box,
or packages of six boxes for $5.
JNO. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent,
403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Dr. Rand's Speeffie.
The oldest and 'most reliable medicine for
the cure of Spermaorhces, Seminal Weakness,
Loss of Power, &o. This medicine has stood
the test of over thirty years, and has always
proved a success.
Dr. RAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the
form of pills, made up entirely of substances
that have a specitio effeot upon the generative
organs. Most persons associate the idea of
operations upon the bowels from taking any
laud of pills. Tne SPZOIFIO of Dr. Rand is
not intended as au evacuating me-tic ne. Its
medicinal virtues are expended entirely upon
the impaired regenerative organs. The pills
are not nppleasant to the taste, and many
persons masticate them with impunity before
swallowing them ; which plan we would al
ways recommend, as affording the speediest
way to get the effect of the remedy.
Price $1 per box, or six boxes for $5. Sold
by druggists everywhere.
aNtS. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent,
403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
“A Slight Cold.” Coughs.
Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough
or "13LITarCOLD" ill its drat stage; teat whith in the be
ginning would yield to a mild remedy, if n eoted, soon
attacks the lun,:s. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" give
sure and almost immediate relief Military Officers and
Soldiers should have them, as they can be carried in the
pocket and taken as oceasientrepiret. auglO.daswim
TEIE most healthy persons feel more or less
weak this extreme warm weather, and lose their ap•
petite. They need a good strong Tonic-one that will
strengthen the nervous system and stomach. This they
can get at 60 cents per bottle, at Mrs. L Ball's, No. 27,
South MO street, Barrhiburg. Orders from a distance
promptly attended to. augl
Bannvart's Troches.
For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis
eases,&c., are specially recommended to
ministers, singers and persons whose vocation
calls them to speak in public. Manufactured
only by O. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg,
Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed.
Sold by druggist every Where.
Read the folloWing testimonials from some
of our eminent clergymen:
i1a381581311% Feb. Bth, 1864.
C. L BAR - Nyasa—Dear Sir: I have used
Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges
and other preparations for hoarseness and
throat troubles, and in comparison with them
all, can cheerfully commend your own as a
most admirable specific for public speakers
and singers, in eases of hoarseness, coughs
and colds. I have found them serving in
time of need, most effectually.
Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON,
Pastor of N. 'S. Presbyterian Church.
Of I agrte n with Mr. Robinson as to the
value of Rik vart's Troches.
lAte Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church,
AAnikv4BITAG, Jan., 1864.
To O.A. Bannverr—Dear Sir: In 'the habit
of speaking very frequently, and in places
where the vocal organs are very much taxed,
I have found the need of some gentle expect°
rant, and that want has been supplied in your
excellent Troches.
I consider them very far superior to any
Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing
speedily that huskiness of the voice arising
from its too frequent use, and impairing tit
effectiveness of the delivery of public a -
dresses. Yours, &0.,
Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Ohn.roh.
To O. A. BezeivenT—Dear Sir: Having wet
your Troches; am free to say they an
the best I have ever tried and take great
pleasure in recommending them to all person
doted with sore throat or huskiness oi
voice arising from publio speaking or singing.
Yours, &a. G. RASE RAW,
Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church.
DISTRICT Anronancy's OFFICE, t
Ifszanntroict, Feb. 29, 1864. f
To 0. A. .Berrivicrer—Dacar I have
found your Troches to be invaluable in re
lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the
muscles of the throat. They impart clearness
to the voice, and are certainly of great bone
tit to all public speakers. A. X. HERB
Datehelorls Celebrated Hair Dye
Alta may HaTrue and arliabie Dye Shown.
This splendid Hairn U'yerfeet—ehanges Red, Rusty
er Gray Hair instantly to a Ging Black or Nab ,I.flroton
without injtiring , thellair or staining the Skin, leaving the
Elair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, frequendy
restoring Its pristine color, and rectifies the effects of
oad Dye& The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH
ELOR. All other are mere imitations, and should be.
avoided. Sold by ail; Druggists, AM Factory-81 BAR
amitimarm's saw rears CRUM 101 1112110Mte rite /41114
leatrou OF illtiOnartat
Dear Wan fine permission I wish to say to the
rea Mrs of your paperlhat. I will send, by return mail, to
al who wish It (free) a Recipe, with full directions for
=kin' and using a simple Vewstalme Balm, that will ef
fectually remove is ten days, Pimples ' Blotches, Tan
Freckles, and all Imuorities of the Bain, leaving the same
soft, Maar, smooth and beautiful.
I will also mall free to those having Bald Heads or Bart
Face/I.Blmph' dirtied 4n and Information that will enable
them to start a full grOwth i of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers,
or a lioaatache, in lei then thirty days.
Al applications lammed by return mail without
ohmic y yours
ib t.I._OHAPISIAN, 9:hamlet,.
p~ ~rr~Away ' ~ ~fnr Ywk,
IfilpaiWeak .4;
LOAN OF 1881.
August 30, 1884. f
SEALED OFFERS will be received at this
Department, under the act of March 3,
1863, until noon of Frt/DAY, the 9th of Sep
tember, 1864, for bon& of the United States,
to the amount of about thirty-one and a half
million dollars, being the amour) of unac
cepted offers undisposed of under the notice
of Proposals for Loan, dated 6th June last.
The bonds will bear an annual interest of six
per centum, payable semi-annually in coin on
the first days of July and January of each year,
and redeemable after the 30th of June, 188 L
Each offer must be for fifty or one hundred
dollars, or some multiple of one hundred dol
lars, and must state the sum, including pre
mium, offered for each hundred dollars in
in bonds, or for fifty, when the offer is for no
more than fifty. Two per cent. of the princi
pal, excluding premium, of the whole amount
offered must be deposited, as guaranty for
payment of subscription if accepted, with the
Treasurer of the United States at Washington,
or with the Assistant Treasurer at New York,
Boston. Philadelphia, or St. Louis, or with the
designated Depositary at Baltimore, Pittsburg,
Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, or
Buffalo; or with any National /tanking Associ
ation authorized to receive deposits which may
consent to transact the business without
charge. Duplicate certificates of deposit will
be issued to depositors by the officer or asso
ciation receiving them ; the originals of which
must be forwarded with the oilers to the De
partment. All deposits should be made in
time for advice of offers with certificates to
reach Washington not later than the morning
of September 9th. No offer not accompanied
by its proper certifioate of deposit will be con
The Coupon and Registered bonds issued
will be of the denominations of $5O, il.OO,
$5OO, and $l,OOO. Registered Bonds of $5,000
and $lO,OOO will also be issued if required.
All offers received will be opened on Friday,
the 9th beptember. The awards will be made
by the Secretary to the highest offerers, and
notice of acceptance or declination will be im
mediately given to the respective offerers ;
and, in case of acceptance, bonds of the de
scriptions and denominations preferred will
be sent to the subscribers at the cost of the
department, on final payment of instalments.
The original deposit of two per cent. will be
reckoned in the last instalment paid by sue
cessird offerers and will be immediately re
turned to those whose offers may not be ac
The amount of accepted offers must be de
posited with the Treasurer or other officer or
association authorized to act under this notice
on advice of acceptance of offer, or as follows:
One-third on or before the 14th ; one-third on
or before the 19th ; and the balance, includ
ing the premium and original two per cant.
deposit, on or before the t4th of September.
Interest on bonds will begin with the date of
deposit. Parties prefe ring may pay the ac
crued interest front date of bond, July 1, to
date of deposit in coin.
Offers under this notice should be indorsed
" Offer for Loan." and addressed to the Secre
tary of the i reasury. The right to decline all
offers not considered advantageous is reserved
to the government.
Secretary of the Tre •scary.
The Bonds for this Loan are ready for im
mediate delivery. [sep2-tsep9
"lI'LV be sold at public sale, on THURS.
LtY, SEPTaniBER 16,1861, at 8 o'clock r K., tt
Brat's Hall, in the ci y of Bernal:Porn, the beaming and
eaatr.ble country seat of Christian P. Baohnlen, in Su tine.
henna tcreitento, within a half mile of thellunta of the
c.ty of Haniaburn,
Cingaining about Thirty.five Acres,
(Inat:Kling about By, acres of Woodland,) adjoining lands
of the late Wm. Colder, Sr., andJoaeph Andy and others.
The ittiprevenumts of a neat and comfortable
DWELLING, with several beparata summer kitchens and
Spring House,
And other outbul dings—the entire plane in excellent oon•
(linen with new foamed. The place is particul.rly welt
inocsed with the choicest tquieneer of pears, peaches, ap.'
pies, cherries, grapes, sc., ac . A small stream of water
running through the middle of the place.
Conditions of sate made easy and accommodatingg.
Possession given April .1.80&
sepl-cits] C. F. HAERNLEN.
THE subscribers, agents for the heirs of
Frederick Wonderly, Sen.„late of Mechanicsburg,
ra.,deo'd, will sell on the premiss:sake folloWing valuable
real estate, viz:
A. tract of Limestona Land containing 67 acres and 68
perches, all clear, in a high state of cultivation and under
good fencing, located in silver opting township, Cumber-
Land county, Pa., two miles West of Mechanicsburg, near
Me road leading from that plaoe to Carlisle. The improve
ments area good
wagon shed, corn crib, and all other necessary outbuild
ings. There are also two walls of never-failing water on
the farm, one of which is near the door; an orchard of
choice unit, and a limekiln on the premises. The land
has been all limed. The proximity of this property to
the enterpriaing town of Meehaniesburg, always affording
an excailent market for the produme of the farm, renders
it hi e bfy desirable.
Ai toe same time and place, a trip* of Mountain Lend,
situated in Silver erinng township, Cumberland county,
containing 10 awes and 14 parches, easy of mesa
Persons desirin4 to view the property previous to the
sad., will please can on George Wouderiy, residing on the
larm, or W. H. Wenderly, rcalaing 1n Meobarnesbaug.
Sale to commence at 2 o'olook, r. ta. when terms will
be made known by Graßliz wuNased,r,
W. ti. WONDisaLY.
Agents for the heirs of J. P. Wonderty, deo'd.
APRACTICAL TANNER will find steady
employment, at good wages, by applying to we
eueeralgued in piteon or by letter. Ruat be a good
beauteous's, of tuber and indmartuna habits. None eater
nLegtapp.y. HENRY KURT&
Moon JoY, Loader Co., Pa. auBl4Lw
Hands Wanted.
CARPENTERS, Cabinet Makers, Machin
sae and Moualas wanted, at. the KaULZ WORKS.
itulau W RI. K.IK.
Stoneware Potters Wanted!
A TURNER of small ware, also a SETTER
oe KILN and BUItNIqt want-d, at The liarnsuarg
atuu.ware Pottery. Enquire of
augBo4l w) COWDEN & WILCOX.
[Daltimore Amnion copy for one week and send bill
to ttt4s nand, imenudi4ely, for eohuots.n i
Shoemaker Wanted t
TO work on a bench in a store where he will
be ids•asantly situated, and waged good, Avg yat
Lai Ewa Market bums, iLtrriabarg, Pa.
a.g23aw* JOHN KOSS&
Aotice to liridge Builders
undersigned, Uommissionera of Dan.
7 1 ; I T c o unty', undersig ned,
will receive Sealed Pro
posals up to September Um 21st, (Wednoulay,) at two
ois,sou p, N., for building, levertutleaug sad tundebbnp
all tae materiels for a now-soled Bridge eeross Am.
straw or Sit, In 'liaison township, said cannty, w, et
limits ;at the site referred to by the late Rapists o r the
iilnind Inquest of the open 7, sonwownoto /Guth, or used'
so, of Fishable/le. Said tin* le be luny lest span, on
the Barr Top Arch pits. and tO lie as hi ghas mutt the
old bridge (now standing) is) math side wing mils to be
.'touters-test,kusg r ana- times of the south alga Um feet
long Proposals to be endorsed on the evecitleatiOnSl
which way 'be had at aka otaoe of the Lteurhy (MOMS
stoners at Heritionng, on apoksidal by letter ur ottun ,
wile. t i! be Oa 'Mild day and to the /sweat re
apossible bidder. JUNKY HARMAN,
jooll4. Mg TOUCH, •
oon..endoi Ron= Ir. slum.
Roses Star Combination Company,
base's Star Combination Company,
Rottso's Star Combination Company,
Grand Bill ! ! !
Will be presented. for the brat time, the beauti
ful time-act play, entitled
Ale. the great Sensation Drama, •
la Two . haraotozsl
Apr The manager b ge n t easure of annuounciag that
he has 'recited an oto with the flumes ogn•dari,
Mr. Frank Drew
Who will shortly appear.
Mr-For further particulars see programme
ang94 tf
New National Theatre !
. 0 S. I . 4* • :7.
Managers and Sole rroprtetora....M xIiBLZ 8 WELYIER.
DitAlla will open on moNDA r Ersparra
fife, tt ith a new and augmented company, e ..braung
some of the first artists In the United States The melt
egos wish the pui , lic to understand that this Is to be eon
ducted art loWy as a Arse clam theatre, and not anything
before or behind the eurtain shall be allowed to offend
even the moat fastidious. And we would with the pubiln
to know that improper chant , rs will not be admitted in
any part of the bowie. This Is a rule that will be eirlagr
adhered to. On
The performance will commence with the Wanting 4Q.
mestle drama, in three sets, by b.ctward litteutt, SA., ea
The Duel in the Snows
With new Scenery, Co-tomes, Machinery, eta. tilts
play was performed at the 7' he ,bv Imbiotia to !ft.
aqua, hula, for upwards of tame hue .red eights, and at
the Princess t- ct al, l A ,riden. Per diamieuti-n of char
anion; bee prOgrantMe el the day.
Phi ESOP ADMIS lON.—Parnnette, 60 coots; Got
ta y, 26 cents; On:lmmix t.hairs, o 1 mai Private teams,
$6 and 61u
Dome epee at 7%. Curtain IVeS at 8 o'olook.
Box Vales open from 10 01112 A. x., and from 2 till
r Y. when same tan be reserved withAtt antra Shari..
• au29.1w5
The Fascinating Dancer, will appear for this night °WI
See bib or the day.
riI.HIS company consists of the best star pal
tormess, cosiEWimg of
The managers takes pleasure in announcing that they
Mend making this TEES Concert Bail of the city.
HARRY WELI4 & Oth, Proprietors.
BRAT FORM, Business Agent. set A
Sexiness Agent •
Stage Manager.
Leader of Orcheater..
OPEN every night with a first-eiaaa earn
patty of male and female artistes. The pertcam
ease embraces every variety of legitimate amusement,
each as
COMIC 0110.1188,
' .\` '1 '.li'l~G
Admission, 25 cents. Seats in private DMus 50 cent&
Dana open at 7. To commence at 8 o'clock. trladtr
FAME! fiLiMILEL'II 03710 a, 14th DOSTIXICT,
ILERILLSEUIin, Pa., August 15 Mei. )
the Provost Marshal's office are published for the In
struction and guidance of all persona interested, in order •
that, in future, the putnic 11001 not be in doubt as to
when, where and to whom to appl tar information on
mineers connected with this deparioient.
let The Board of linrollment cenveuee each day (9un:
days excepted) in the proper wont at 10 o'olocc a. it. It
busman requires it, toe morning session will continue
tilt I ' iyj o'o.ocz F. it.; the afternoon sessions cammelme
at 2yg o'clock and continue till tt o'clock r, x. In no
case will esmausatiotut ter disability be made attar day-
znd .1 .3. Weitzel, principal clerk to Bard of Enroll
ment, will at all mem Duman information proper to be
turoishmi from the recurua of the Board.
3rd A. F. law, adjutant and armlet deputy, will to
found iu the oltitie mai of the Provost !huhu... lie hue
a wawal camp, awl ma be appt,ad to in ad cotes.
414 The Outmhuent Departmetu m In charge of D. 3.
Bu no
bah A. E. Eyster superintends the mustering and re
entities department, and Uwe charge of the records and
rota connected therewith; also, with enlistments into the
-Veteran it serve Vorps."
Sth E. E. Caule his charge of the clothing depart.
Ito For information with referenee to homes and
property wised as the property of the Govern.: ant, ap
ply to John £ Halley in the Mustering andlteetnitwgDa
Bth For information with reference to Deserters and
p e rwi l i, gamed, apply to same deka. Uncut
Stn Joon thence hen charge of emu= ; record; he.
loth For lot,rtmittou upon any lellb,e9, net above spo
t:Away deiogn.t ou, apply to toe ri r, oet Manilla; or to
Minutia, A Y. Clapp.
Ilth. all olci kb it_d employees are regain d to he at
their post. Jar duty at 8 fev,locK a. W. the aloe %tit be
0086..1 to the public at 6 o'cor.a. P. Y.
12th (lei au mat employ sus arc r quired and direpted
to be polite, courteous and attentive Leap persons Coles'
busatem in the rrevost ILArami.e ulnae. It Is a unt.Y ani
*awry to tuft= and eerie tootle requiriug Mom nuttiest
or Service, mai any dett or employee
attention or proper courtesy, be %MIN moue diau h.i
Lim Limas and tunpl..yeal are notpertunteu turn MI
fee er reward fur services rendered. If they do is, the
penalty will be in:unwinds discharge. ..Xe h e
and to Mere it are faittally high nuedemisisera
11.0. /LAY CLiACNT,
Captain and Prevost hteranal
14th Omuta. Peas.
The members of the 2011111 of lihr,,unkent are j a w
gay Cantleat, Provost ltlanatud, Gaulle Q. /lawn, Coo-
at. T. tdiartten, Surgeon ; either of whet
7 be comes Med at eS times , during bammier-hems,
motels connected with the Onatoese of the want
The Provost Marshal's elute is in tow* sureen, op.
' 'te the 6011 tm
vrIGEOINiaIS azoslsior Um', of this - seat
ANA. wall Omni: JOSI 6 rionvoti duo fur aYln - oy • '
SHISLER, & F '.•
-MOllliwors to Wtn. Inkok . fr.. - k
. _
11.11 - lIOESTERS' BASSETS.-41Mer.* Frs.
.A4lll..ser mesrerate W. Doak, jr. o k Go, isneon hand
116 aofee Mean lembils, pa dam jai
.HABI YMlialtrit4t