M=C===l 4 11 .1(*.PAN , Xls- RAWPII TA: DIACLAY, • A TTORNET-AT-LAW.—Patriot and Union building, Harrisburg. Strict attention paid to all legal business. Military claim collected. mylo.,d6m•eod • Thomas C. Mac Dowel., Attorney-at-tea OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. HARRISBURG,-Pl. ALL manner of.hillitary Claims . promptly attended to, and ctiin3s peacted against the General or state Governments, either in Congress, the Court of Claims at Washington city, or at Harrisburg, without un necessary delay, and on moderate terms. ap2.3-116m A. V: SMITH, Al-T r raELNEIr -.ZLT . . HAS removed his Office from-Third to Wel nut street, next to the Prison. All business in trusted to him reoeide prompt and careful attention. _ _ . NEW GEO6EET IND PROVISION STORE. • BOYER & ROERPER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • 3 DEALERS ACV GII,OCERIES Queens and Glass Ware, . AND ALli KENDS OF 0 011317R'Y'PRODUCE, lIATE just opened a large and well selected stock of goods at their stand, No. S MarketSquare,' Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the peptic gbnerany. • nolo4ly JoNE.S ITOUSE '- Corner of Mar et' street and Market Spare gdIiBISRURG PRIVITA. CHAS. H. AIANN p oi3-air Proprlepji.. • STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, CORNER OF TIDED -AND wALN - Eri STREETS, HA. NIUSSITItei (TIRE undersigned having purchased this well j_ known house has enlarged and thoroughly renovated IL The rooms have been re-painted and papered ;slid the entire estallshment elegantly re-furnished. Being plea santly and eligibly located, and provided with everycon venial:ice, it offers to the public all the comforts and luxe nes of a first class hotel. Trusty and obliging servants always in attendance. A bar well stocked with chutes liquors is attanhed to the esblishment. AP26-dly W.G. TB.OAPSON, Proprietor. THE UNITED STITES HOTEL, . HAAAISIVEIRG- 1 PA. HUTCHISON, Proprietor. MS well known Hotel is now in a condi- T • non to accommodate the traveling public, affording the matt ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and thepermanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOT 1. has been entirely refit ted taroughowsne now has accommodations equal extent, comfort and luxury to , any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the beat in the State Capital, being in,easy access to all the raifroad depots, and is close proximity to all the public offices and business lo calities of the city. ...it has now all the conveniences of _ , A. FIRST CLASS HOT EL , and the Proprietor is determined to spare neither ex. pease, time or labor AO ensure the comfort of the gnesia. The patronage of OW traveling public is respectfully soli cited.' MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, BEET DIUSIC, VIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, STRINGS, DRUMS, FIFES, and all Rinds of MUM, GAL MERCHANDISE, PICTURE FRAIIES,. LOOKING GLASSES, PROTOGRAPII CARDS and ALBUMS, AM3RO- 1 TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, & C., &O. Remefoher the place, SILAS WARD, No. .12 Thlrd ',reek the largest,Musi44tete this side of the grearcities. isn2B'4ll AIELODEONS AND CABINET ORGAN b B. , CrENTY-p,IX FIRST PREMIUMS, ...,-ITWELVE SILVER MEDALS,: • AND T$H ONLY GOLD itYDAL (ever won by, )netrumentei of Elite been awarded to MASON it ILUILIN'S INSTRUMENTS. A full assortment - or these instrumentgalways on hand st . W. KNOCHE'S, Bele Agent, s4-2tawly] , 93 Market street. A. I I I ';TKUPSER, " • T E A GJEI E R, M.:1T5 1..0 ..r 9iercniArd.R.l)!S 7.4 M 7 , 0)?; Residence: Third - get, above North. dl5-t[ IPHE IR S .DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILA.DELPHIA Look Raven, lersey Shore, Williamsport; Oln ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Milton, Lowitbarg, - Northumtiorland, Sun bury, Premien, .Georgotowne.dw-4.... Lykenstown, Millersburg ; • - • 'Halifax, - Dauphin, AND fIARRISBORG; The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will be atyZhb towed. rates.- Tho Conductor .goes through with eitCh trait to attend to the cafe delivery of all goods intruated - to _ the MA' Gitiods delivered at the de pot of WILLIAM E. BURR, 812 Market 'street,. Philadelphia, by fi o'clock P. AL, will be delivered in Ear riaburg the next, morning. , /Freight Always as Lsiw as by Any Ilthei bine. eTQS. MONTGOMERY & CO., - Philadelphia ind Reading Depot, - pot2l-tf Foot of Market street, Harrisburg.. NEW .11.14U01t THPORTANT TO LANDLORDS AND OTGERS.—The undersigned offers at wholesale, to the trade, a choice lot of the best Liquors ever brought to Harrisburg, viz: French Brandies, ftodand Gins ' Scotch, Irish, Bourbon, Wheat and Old Rye' Whisky; Foriegn and Domestic Wines, suoh as Champagne, Claret, Catawba, do. • Alt liquors warranted, as represented. Landlords and others will find it to their advantage to call and ex amine the assortment at the store, 'on South Seeobd street, two doors below Chestnut. my2T-dem. GEORGE WINTERS PHOTOGRAPHS. • A LARGE' assortment of Photographs of lb Generaliand lancy pictures for sale CHEAP, at $1 per dozen, at SOREFFER , B BOOK STORE, moo • -• • Harrisburg, Pa IDuiIKET BOOKS. BUO.K.SIiLN PURSES PORTEMONNAIES, and a geneial variety of LEA. 'MR GOODS, just received et - BERONEWS ROOK STORE. ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA: --4ttet aeived, tr fine chest of English Breakfait Toe, at ' SHISLER ar, FRA2ER'S, • (Snenossorn to tirni: INtr.k? LEA a P.KRINE'S WORCESTER SA:MSS; the mestplisulur and the purest ever offeredlo'the public, just reeetsred and for sale by . - SHISLER & FRAZER, ' relit . , -,. (successors tO Wei: nook, Jr. 2+,7 ra% ~ CUP PLY - A NICE arisorthierit of 'Out Paper for - . 001 . . Inge, looking glosses; picture frames and,gas nipen, • . -.SCXENFFEWP BOOK STuitE, , • Harrisbutg, at. my2o FItIIIT JA.IIB " tlittliiteit Patent (Grif fin's Test. Patent,) Blot received and. for sale low at JAE _ BOYER ,4.K.OERPER.. Apple, :Nut= SAP SAGrb, English Daffy,. Pine meg aid Now York, State' Cheese. inst:meived SHTSI *.F R, ,auccessors to W Dork,ir,•& co, my& P tax ltpx-T-a81 . 1z2R43 - sirft„ if,D-ozen,,t• • sof A - sHISLER &-FRAZER?S i : .oticeesiors to Wirt Diick, Jr.. &.•CiA 12=1 FREES ,40.11411W1L )1 wi ne j3i s „ =Ma, Boman' piilk Bisouita,.- Boston.Butter_ auks, Boston Oystor tlnEkein,c-Binion Pdb2lo3 Cracker , Trenton Buttererekers, just received at . • 43=4 rtqapyßta mai* lc 7. 1 001(4.tiBikz.ACODYIS.E44,0f... , , ihe .oar 1, J britel SL George braitdi ;PM I,* anZ for saliifi7 nsu'exisraisT4 , o%tozw-1. I co : to r Pittaixos ,41fSbNiati LARozoirfic , bAv 4,;013 BOOKWORE, KS itorM il liarrotall at low prices. " ' • " 31 :grA CI VA4 ' - • ELECTRICITY. DES, WY4TH, VA. CRP A TWRII, 'Ecloatia . and Elitistroya SYSiolaeu, resPeotfullY offer their Pro feWqlial.:o OEM In the' asides!! branches of the professieclli o s treattnent'cif , all add!) and chronic - ~ftirros of disease. . ' The remedial means they employ, le the - treatment ditiease consist!Of Migneffsm,.Galvardspi, Electrolhqpiet, _ isin, the Swedish inethod.or Localized moisnientspire,:a - few -Eclectic medicines when deemed necessary; , and fact 'all the natural curative agents that may, successfully , be brought te, hear upon the: diseallet - • ' They do not With .to be utidenitood, as arrogating to' themselves any !superiority of, professional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ in the treatment of dis ease far superior to these generally employed byphyisiciaxis, from the fact that they act in perfect harmony with the laws governing and controlling the humen 'system. Ti' this, and the fact that they confine themselves to no - par. tinnier ray or system, they attribute thedr emcee controlling disease. The principal agent they employ In the treatment of disease, namely, Electricity, is an agent wonderfil in its. phenomena and powerful in its effects for good or • 111„ It - is an ever present, all-pervrffing principle, Roaming things, from rolling worlds down to the invisible pirtioles of gasssolls matter. We see it in the lightning's dash and hear the manifestations of its power in the muttering thunder. It is the cause of ail decomposition, reeonlPo - and transformation. It excited all motion. It is the exciting amuse of • life, growth, decay and death. It causes secretion, excretion, digestion. It lays hold of the crude food in the stomach, converts it. into astute of flu idity, transmutes it into arterial blood, and sends it on its important office of supplying nutriment according to the. . °°°°Bsl tioe of rho booY• It is the nerve vital amid, the peat eject through which the mind acts upon the bodys - It lathe cause of. all causes except the - first great cause. the Infinite Mind which created it and brought it into use . These may appear like mere assertions, bat they.ms. facts admitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is it then, to be wondered at that an agent sc. wonderful. IP its. momma, so powerful in its manifestations and so intimate,. lykonnected with all the operations of the human sys tem. should be almost absolute in its power of controlling disease certainly not. It is a natural sequence and follows as surely as day follows night. : Amopig the &Rages which are found to yield readily to Electricity,, in conjunction with proper adjunct treatment, may tie mentioned the following; Incipient Consumption, Paralysis, 1 Elpiliptib, Hysteric and Other Convulsions; Neuralgia, In its worst forms, Rhuomatism, inflammatory and chronic; all diseases of the nervous system; Dyspep sia cured in 'a few treatments; all diseases of the urinary end genital organs; Female Diseases Asthma, Piles and Prulapsus Vied; .Amaurosis and all kindred affections of the eye; Auretip3, Strictures, all skin didsmeeq, &c. Perilous calling will he told:whether they can be bone-. fitted and no ifweetaken where some relief cannot be af forded. Consuitalion free. Mice, South -Secoud street, beirow,ahestnut, Harrisburg, Pa. Office hours from 8 t . . 13 a.r.,1% to 6 and. 7 to 9 P. M. ALEX. R. WYETH, H. D. aplB - DR. J. ILELTON-oRRAI _ tit A KUNKEL'S BITTER, WINE OF IRON APURE - and powerful TONIC, Corrective and Alterative, or wonderful efficacy irvillaeasee of the STCitiACH,'LITER and BOWELS. • . , Cures spsi • . Liv er Complaints Headache, „Damns]. Debility, Nervousness, De . premien of Spirits, Constipation • Intermittent Fever, Acidity of. the Stomach, Nauss, Hearthum, Disgust for Food, Fellness or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or. Flattering at the Fit 'of the Stomach; Swimming.or the. Head ? Difficult -Breathing, nese of the Skin" and - EyeicFever and DulrpaiiisliCtlf Head, in The 1440,. soot, .43Infat land limb 4: ' burs every case of Nemo-- • Debiltly, Diseases of the - HitteyS and. Dinned .aTbnpg itOni : a ibmtora4 Stomach, Good - for F. Male • • or. Female,-.Old' or Yowl& KV The•iimist beneficial Medicine known; givektki t i f t i t fiction and cures more diseases than any other: — !;f tioriotered to therablid • Prepared solelY#: VV . KEL & 8R0.,1.18 lissiket street s Harrisbur • For sale iry.M.agglB and Dealers ever BEWARE .01; Silaz!.:Counterleits ArStufkeret-Bitter Wined' Iron la the only sure and effectual remedy in the known Okirld" for the - permanent cure of Dyipepsia, mad Debilfry;' , and as there are a number of Imitations offered to the . pnblic, we would caution the community to parchali none - bat the - tenable article, manufactured by bye S. .L Soak: Bao., and has their stamp on: the top Of the cork of ffery bottle. The very feet that ethers are attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proven its worth and speakevelinnes in its favor. The• Bitter Wine of Iron is put dp in T 6 cent and $1 00 hotline, and sold by all respeotdble•druggiata• throughout the country. Be particular that , every bottle :beRlll the 'se Amite of the proprietor's signature: This Wine includes the most , agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess; OitMle or Magnetic' Oxide cont: blued, witki the moat eserge,tio of vegetable tellies, - Yellow Tamotsu' bark. The effect ip many cases of 'debility,' lost of, appetite, and general prostmtiop; 'of 'an efficient Salt of Iron, combined with our valuable Nerve Tonle, is Most happy. It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, Who ormuseallor flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, and. gives a florid vigor to the countenance. GENERAL DEPOT, 118 MARKET STREET Foi rata by respectable dealers throughout the country. F I N •E qUO RS. Skisoler -& Ffttzer (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) HEALEES IN FINE FAMILY GECCET 1 RI ,oppoeite the Court Howse, have have ' on handadne selection of BRANDIBS, of aifferent vintages. 17NE AND COMMON MINNS, Of Ever. Dercrietion. WEaS.R.YS. OLD BOVEBON, • ; —MONONGAHMLA - FINN IRISH AND SCOTCH Whlskys. The beat ever Intnight to ttits 3awket. OLD WHEAT_ - EANILY NECTAR, And the isDletirs_tid CIECL'QTIT GROVE WMSKY. CHAMPAGNE(MBES.', SEGLOSS JOHANNESBURG, . • SCOTCH AND IRISH AL2B. LONDON DROWN ROM. *WILD (*EP PLSMIATIOM, ' TONIC arum With 4onplete stock of imirowsitAND AMERICAN EIcepLES And Con t dimerdalef every deeceipticeenow in the market, andat ./ • • TEE Loma? RA TES. - 02111 = I=ll DR. JOHN L. LYON'S FRISCH PEEIODICIL DROPS, FEMALE REGULATOR, Ate the only • known remedy that mill amazed:any and Invariably restore and regulatettereinalegyetern,yeniev ing alf irregularities, and producing healthi•Vigeind . etrength. Are a fluid preparation, the only . true one of _the kind ever diecovered in this country, and.acts directly on the parts . affected, whilst pills and powders dim`only reach them as they work throngh sYMpathy,Lbut,not- at all direct- and posltide.• • r aJ, c: , , egu- Are you suffering from a. constant Aaxisiy for, the lac returnof nature'wpresiiitied laws ? • -Give yourself no uneasineee, for Lyon's Perifidiaal:Drope; if.taken a day or two before ills expocted.period: OW, tively and taverna:oY regulate its mail%me comael follows can^ aan certain Ate daylight tollowAdiukniirr." Ara'yeti sl&, anfbebledliy Moue; Or titiable to besiiikin, labor and danger of Moran t LYON'S PERIODICAL+ DROPS 'I;" Come to you as a blaming, for innotprevintion better than oure, If regularly taken, it certain preventive, and will save you much and many hours orpurorht g . Have you been afflicted tiiirmany,yaws with complainti Incident to the aoh, - that have 'battled tlie spa; or phY a l:: Oise, and are hurrying you on toga eariEgrivlit e„ LYONS' PRAIODIOAL DROPS , * Are th e - most reliable regulator everlthown,,aad cure, like I ngiill time irr,OIIFROB that h!Te•ll6W? Will you wastcawity with suffering troueoirhtiai - Pkohpsuit, Dywnenorrhaw, and. a .Ihottwoad :Ober- &Raul ' gummed ap Jander_Ahe :name of soppretwed and o wears, whoa in invattatentwf onodollar, Lai; 7. LYON'S PERIODICAL. DROPS inirely nave u. • . Do - not use thedroops when forbidden in the directions, eoi - alihou g h a positive cure, and. harmless at all other Ltmes, they are so powerfid and finely , calculated to adjust 'end, goyern the functions of the sexual organism, that, if ;ki r at improper timer', they would produce milt& con to nature, spinet which all, partibululy nhomo who a 4 reproduce, *gold aretally guard. , . EMI Euesiptriza, Pa. Cannot baize tha most delicate constitution at any time; yet tne proprietors wish to guard ,•aag~aalipp sstt lia misuse: hoping that a thousand bottles , :era gP,PARnii poop where one is esed - foi an illegitim ate One: the never-W:01g lkensuils Revileok is .for • sale.. by every Dtuggist ha the City . aid co try, ould jr9p. Palps yo ur health and, wish for a rdiabld-inedicine, bur 84 _other.. Take - no other; but if the , Diiigitiut to whom you 'apply' has not sat it, mske,hitii;ijOiatictgetit for you. At Wit. 901 4 0. MEEKS TON, acur,Lo otiiirivEN, NM II •• , - _ i l / 41W4 N • 40 4 Id ; .44 ;tea . prramm4 MEDICAL: ..a.t.. , - E 3 =I iiiil In THE GREATi PERIODIO4I, DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DB°PB. LYON'S PERIODICAL- DROPS, C. G CL4I- PW.rtgL3M* * 2O -Hat CCON sa "W‘:$0101 er • . .• '•' ' • d o:, • . 1 .4 A 1414.14 .zelkik7 11 , *1> 110..u5, MEDICAL. ' ..." - JOHNSON,' • • •: • , • _ • *aIIMPIIIO - 0 LOcX 'AOSPITAL, - ETAActisobveted the most certain,' Veedy. AA_ and *Wet:Enid• reidfidgs iri themadd DISEASP3 OF INERUDENCE. 11M3Mr MEM TO TWELVE HOURa• NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DlitTOS. Cure Warranted,' or .No Charge, in from One Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General De bility, Nervousness, %spepsizi, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation Of the. Heart, Timidity. Tremblingri, Dimnem of Sight or Giddiness, Disease, of the Head, Throat,-Nose or Skin, ;Affections of the Li*er Lungs, Stomach .or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising fro the Solitary Habits of Youth=those secret and solitary practices more Mud to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes ' r anticipations, rendering marriage, „ &peelsSy, who have become the victims of Solitary Vico, that dreadful' and dedructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave .thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might othendee haveentranced listening Senates with the than• ders of eloquence or waked to °elegy the living lyre, may call with fun confidence. Marrimkpersons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of Pthysidi3 weakness, organic debility, defor mities, &d, speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may re Jigiously ecinticle in Ws honor as a gentlemen, end coed dently rely upon Ms skill as a Physician. O.ROANIO WE A KNESS tumediately cured and full vigor restored. . This distressing dffection—which readers life miserable and marrine impossible—is the penalty paid..by the VIC , time of-improper indulgence... Young persons are,too apt to commit °SMUG fl - Om not tieing aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by thoge falling Into in:Trope) babtts than by the prudent. Besidee being deprived the pleasures,of healthy offspring, the most serious and do. strustive > symptoms to both body. and mind arise. Tile systein becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, hies .of procreative power' nervom irritability, dyepepsiaalpitation of the heart y indigestion, constitutional debility,lit wasting of the frame, cough, con sumption; decny and deaitt. . =I Orrioo No. '7, SOUTH nUIDIP.IOI7. SUET; Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors fronillie caner. Fall hot to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang M. his aloe. • ' DR. JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College or Surgeona, , Loudon, grad uate from one of the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the:greater pin or Whose life has been spent In the hbipitals Loudon, Paris, Philadelphia and else wltere; has effected some of the most astonishing cures that wpm( many troubled with ringing in the head and :ears when asleep great nervousness, being alarmed fit, sudden' sounds, bathfulneas, withfret/amid blushing, Attended sometimes with .derangethent of mind were cured immediately. . . FAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE - - These are some 'the sad and melancholy effects ere. duced ;early habits of youth, vie : weakness of the back and: litabs& pains in the head, dimness of sight, 'loss of iatiscularippwer, palpitation ottlie heart, dyspepliaoter vow irrittibility,symptoins of, contsimption, Muttzum—,The fearful-effectson the mind are Mach to r be dreaded—lces, of memory „confusion of ideas, de- Vreshon of spirits, evil fekellodlngs, aversion'to society, 'stilt MUM, love of solitude, Untidily, irc.; are smite 'of „the evils Rroduced: XQUATG MEN' Who name' 'themselves- by a certain practice in dulged in Visn' s ,tilessin .•Ittbit 11:equently learned -from evil comoautons, Or at school, the effects of - Which are nightly felt; even when asleep, Slid if:not Oiled 'lenders •m*riageimpos Bible, and destroys both nand ,• and body, ahouldivoidyi nirnediately. ' • - -Whets hat ityounc3nati,the hopeof lits country, the darling, of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and-enjoyments of life„,by the consequence of deviating from the Rath of nature and indulging in a contain 'sec, rot habit. Boob 'persors //LIM, before contem plating • ' - EIMEI LABBIAGE Reflect that a sound nib:Maud toady; are thernoit necessary Jequisitei to preMotecoilluabialhapplass., Indbed; with out these; the journey through life becomes a weary pil -1 iiititage the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind tiernupashadayreil,with deapaie and,tillecLyith the Waal& lfreilectien that the happirtenti" of another be. ,ghted with our own. : . .. • DIP AAR .01' , 1114PRIMENCE. When the misguided and Imprudent votary. of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful dimes; too orient hf`iiiiini thaimi4 [Rimed .sense Or , shame or the Amid of discovery deters him fr om applying to those who Troni edncaflOn and teepin tibiliti, can alone befriend him. lie"falls into the bands: of ignorant-and deelgning pretend. errs' who, incapable of curing filch - hie pecuniary sib •atitame,lieep him trifling month after Intsith,•or as long as theirs alleet. fee .can be obtained, and Jn despair leave him With rained beeltlito sigh over hiaialling disappointment, In, by toe weld the deadly poisinvligercury, hasten the constitutional symptc ma of thia terrible diserise,euch ea Mks Lions of the Head, hroat, Nose, Skin, etc., progressing . F itn :frigntrul rapidity till ,death plita a period.to hie iitresidinl sufferings by sending hinfto that undiscovered country from whence go traveler Wpm. t • I ``:INDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS, • . The nanny thounuads cured at this institution year after peat, and the numerous important surgical litperationt performed by.. Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters the Bsin; ()Hoer and Many Other papers; notices of which have aPDattmlinlighl'and.attiall harcre. , the boaldet. his standing as a gentleman of character and responii• batty, itra - stifficient &incite@ to the elicited. DISRARR9 SPEEDILY CURED. Orbee No. V Sodth Frederick Sirset. "TEEM IS NO 811011 WORD AB FAIL.' T' ANT'S CO141:POOND EXTRACT OF CITBEBS AND COPAIBA. This,. preparation is, particularly recommended. to the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for tbo prompt Said certain cure of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, BED NEYS, URDIARY'ORGANS, ETC. It mitlY be relied on as the best mode for'the aihntinstre tio . i, ef these remedies imthe huge clss of diseases of both sat* td which' they are applicable." It never interferer with tha digestion, and by.ooncedirbtlen, tigt dote 11 ruchopre erg Jtdrieed Ens for TARRANTT 'COMPOUND • ErtßAcr OF CU AND • COPAIBA. and take nothing else, air imitations and worthless prepa rations, under 'ainllllar names, are In the market. Price $1 00. Sent by. express on receipt of price. litanufao _ tared only by. : TARELANI .& C0.,-No. 278 Greenwich :street, corner'of Warren street; New York, and for sale lirtsggiscs :llesler a 14 • oct22-dly ...For sale by S.' A. if.ENELE dr BRO., and by Draggle.: • • .Are 'not simply 'Hat pieces of paper cut in the form of * collar, 'but aro Molded and Shaped to fit theneck, having; sa :perfect curve free frrn angles OT Om*, which 18.0- 4ireithY COPittented wpm* which also sectirtts another triontwiosiessed hyno other 0e , 12dr,-;-ida - 8/xti;e for the &awe In' the Tura-down: style, the norm •OF Irmo ni filLOClag 4itl *KB nom, pei.malicing. " ' neatness, L and :durability, %pm/n*ll4_ They I R A Jnade lit„.V.t.pllown style iheires. from 12 to 'and, In ' :elitrrottS fom li3 ty 17 iiicftos, and - Oak - 4M' 4est„binf 'boxe,s 'Qf 100 Oil; also, in Mailer oneatif 10 . ,el:4lthe , ',littel• a very; handr paokise for travelers, lainty.and navy officers. aPlits; I's INE =I ViIp , AVFIFRY COLLAR i, Bismped4- - Pstiestkilioidedtotlackr , 1: 44 1 0 141'..1414;#41.034 401 Funaiddag Cicada: . 11.7 a ... - ,VB1 4 7 Dixacto. BO 1:I IhACO-rj&' .:144"40i11‘34 fi^• 'I vadi ---- I • Basoanaiii-o—W. )Two Days YOUNG MEN DIAILItLkGE. !'L:O3 D. W. GROSS.AgeO., •••,i,rvv• ~ , • , 3 41",- D. W. GROSS .*-CO., WHOLESI g mIMTVI,2 DRUGGISTS, - NO. 19 MARKET STREET, HASitlllllrl RO, Pe DR UGOBTB, PHYStOTAITS, , STO,6E- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS. We are daily adding to our amortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and' would reatiectfally call your attention to the paged and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CITEMIC'ALS AND PAINTS, Oi Vanilabee and Glues, DyeZtuffs, Mass and Patty, AAA's Colors mid Toole, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. THE FARMER . BOY, and how he becarneCommand or-in-Cfner, " $125 • TEEPIONEER BOY, and ho 7 hcbecame President, $1 25' Castile Soap Sponges and Cbrks, l ME FERRY BOY, andAe Finavier, Lard, Sperm and Pine Oils, Bottles, Vials and Lamp Globes, MI &a, Am, &e., &a, &C, Willi a general variety of PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best taanothedurere and Perromers of Europe and this country. Being fiery large dealers in PAINTS; WHITE LEAD, LIZLIESD OIL nomants, 1171117:POW OWN, ARrzsra A 3211,92 ,1 13RIMIIN4 • • ' IN .4.41. rEirin vAitigriss, ,t7OLOM A2YD BROARIZX We reapectitily invite a call, feeling confident tat Wet ma supply the MOM of all on terms to their astisfao. TEETH. ! TEETH !! JONES' AND wrzirir#:lN)Rcrez.insr P4TS2VT NEDIMAUi24,4IVI. CK all Enda, direct fronahe Propiletimi SAPONIFIER AND CONM=433LD LYE, Wheiewde•Agente for Saponifier; which we' sell es low as iican.be purchased in the utiles • TB,: TER MEDICAL; FLUID El.:midi COAL OW _CARBON 011 d Soing large inutobai3eall in these 011i, , are eau . offer: In- clnoementki to Cloliaimyeis.:ciiil Oil IlticapO 'ot'the,tLoot improvod pattaron, yorq elteap. AU Made of tamp' onanged.lo burn Coal OH, 7 Those of you who have sot gm our HORZ MID OAT- TLE POWDERS " yia , l.lcnow . not : their iligmforEy, endAq.l advantage they aie In keeping Ronne emit 'Cattle "heathy' and. in a 'good condition. Thousands Gan testily to the profit they have deriiied from the use of our Cattle Powdere, by the indremed ty and quality of milk, bivadea, improving the general health and appearance etkeir cattle. Ottr long experience in the Nathan gives tut the adrut- .tugs of a thorough knowledge of the tride,, and our ar- rangeriteata In the cities are Hach that we emr, In a very short bac, farida anything Kipeirtainins to our imadness, on the bist of *am Titankful for the liberal tialionegel bestowed on our wehope by strict attention to business, I, weld -selection of PURE D . RUOR at fair pekes, and the desire to please all, to merit a con annance of the favorofa discritninatingpablie - • SACHET CoViZiElit, POZ PRItiVeMINO zarivir ANl):rizrzionfro- rem lias POWDER—a eompotuul - of valuable T articles for the destmottotk.ofjimeotributed ampiwor deetett over luxe, Woolens; atroelly . _ 84% - ; p a cked : array for iinnutteVlttnifittetottlir #TT'Ub Clothing, ]3eing also a deli trd3.lk' ito;funto : lt,iiill" lot O rt4 g Otti Ockhlikite;with a / 1414 .11 # 0 * M AP d * The filletit falfrioatemibt blhOttlitit , ArektqedlatOeohkg J . , • grffir:lrlitift Drag and Irdaw tit#SAinyAg4 - 111.11arlet amt. '. • gl!ig TII3I7E—MM.-1;KoA0- -- tho boot I* •ifor „ BUPA DII.E.N IS - MARBLE YARD. • Celt Il54 . 0 1 ” 10171$ YinaSTIMICIA • ar ri 131m*, Pa. undersigned having opened a Marble Ward in thia 'ty, be g v lea to inform their Mende and theinitiso in general,thatiney . are , "prepared to nu- MARBLE WORK OF EVERY-_DERCRIPTION 11=1 —=n MonnmentlA Tombs, • Head Stones, . Mantles, • And House Work in Marble and Brown Stone, Give use eairandwe guarantee eatiaracoton. WFADDEN & CO. N. B. Lettering neatly none in English or German. mar29-41y _ AN ASSORTMENT OF ' OVER 100 STYLE S OF POCUT BOOKS PURSES r. co xs, "Jr El .0 IV":- NALE tS FOR LUTES AND dloximsits, AT t,. KELIAKR 9 g . - Drug and Fancy Goods Store, N0. ; ,91. 3furket street. 'The best. Morocco . TBAVE.LLNG - SITLE ELS, And a general variety or FANCY. GOODS, suitable for Presents, now on band at HELLER'S Drug Store, nserlo-tf _ • No. 111:31 6 arket street. Photograph Albums. 801314 D in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt cbpe. . _ 80 Mune for . $.3 00 • 40 it ~ 64 550 50se. si 400 . together With vrrious other styrea of bindini4,, sizes and pricea, which will be bold cheap. ifoldier,a you cannot buy a prettier,-more durable and cheaper album anywhere. • Cal land see as SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, marl2-dif Barrisburg,•Pa. Pure Ground Spleen, THE MINTER. BOY, or how Ben. Franklin ' made • his mark, . • . $.l 25. THE FARMER BOY, and hew ha becanid Lieuten ant Genital. In press. A YOU ' S HISTORY OF 'fRRRRBELLION, Item Fort , ter to Roanoke; lB elegantly illustrated. $1 25 At • Ex6rlEß'zi BOOR RTORR. `INSURACE COMPANY OF' NORTH AMERICA, No 232 ;Waisted Street, South Side, Knit of 'third Street, Phi la d e l p hi a. AMOUNT OF . .. ... 64666;668 60 IN,CO.PRORATED 1794,, CAPITAL; ...... .. „. .. ...... . . ..$5OOOO O • Matine,lpire and Inlana Transportation In swam*. ' • Aninnu - sa. COFFIN, President. GipiRIMITLATT, Secrete* - • . W iLLIANt BUEHLER, CeUtrui Agent-Liar Pensosylvatida. ofrie `.shut t; tear iterand,•Bartiglillig, j1716. 1 E BECEIV D, COLORS, PAINT 41W 07 .4ZZL *NAM HAIR murmurings, TIIE NEW' OTITEEBLING.-SLOCKS, - by: GatE utcui.. ; Fr,.. fa 6 muNiED , HEAATIS,' by. the •ftolltor. of 'the ,Lamp lighter. s2 00 REM REM I , grail STORIES, by Ik Marvel, author of "Reveries Of a Bichplor."s 1 50 . . BP.E.BN'SJOURN-20.. otthe Dizt*Cery AF the !souices of 4.kke i • • •. 1 EZ 60 THE WOMAN IN BLACK, ; by attkor of "Man in - Gray:" - - - ." $1 so immsarIiOSPITAI.LIFE, Nbv. 1 614; Aug. 'O3; 41 00 STORMS OF 12.1 kF4, for: boys; from ,Coopers - - $lOO STORMS OF .THE WOOD, for boys . ; from Coopees writings. • ' 06 TIN ItIVALLED Mir/LIMB, FiTSNITIJRZ 10' POLISH dOes not idlect the varnish, but 'restores. ine original lustre. It does nottliacolor. It will rester 0; witirvery . little labor, every finished surface tither metal or wood, All ununifictiireia and dealers ' in lurnitura should use for cleszfing lannture that hae hees &Imag ing, aitietwd with dust. A tooth AEA rub here are there will make it Bright turd'freali. For sale by A. Ii,UNHAL & BRO., 118 Market Arm% ilanisburg. rBIB:INVALITARTIESYRUP, &treks , trwiable uL net' outaposthore :Aloe. Lie u:vent paged with wonderful ocuxose for reueuy . y oath et, theme. Ofidiseemes for the AM P.ithrofil.4l±B auto`LUNGS. '...For sow farm of the disease, such Se COUGH, TICaLING of oho TlilittheT, thIPLING - td , BLOW, ialvicu LT •Bluxiaillia,. ituARBENLI&, Lu& OF WAX. and tiEtxtc Ytvat.s, ite. Use will be Mewled w,illt,tart.ltappielli kis 011,6 Ortile beet and SelbeL odicthea eor aU for A BAUM- giliff qt litaticlCONSUMPTlUN. ketzdanum or ireiptu'lF ttovi o:Xastin to any itayys inthis WV , - • F4T.C.VI !1 1,00 PE4 BOTTLE:; . us Sabi at tf.h.IiGNEY. , diem" 80 - oi. Store,. AriUM rEuTo itA I ati hie Waal ;Wl.Boothe . . UNchugh, - aihty Tickling in the Thrett. to_ relieve, Jiuteeseeas, Catarrh, Sore Throat y :, Am ITth w =l a w CONailetak; Renshoomla LiActig444 3 4",, Seatega- alkd §q.q ll , the mort;reliable expectorate's ateosno itro tue ew e r as tive emuuttneute, co Mewled with Gum Arabi.; and Sugar, that ellGii {14011166 G?1;414141 a mild am; eery psalm atom macelachared solely by s.' A. KUNKEL a ENO., 'mar Socalllearela.l.lB Diacicatt wart, Harrehoarg, ; piatx4D.E.Lllllll. COLLEGIATE •ThtsTl: TUTEjI;_.IrOVNG LAI/4W% ..tio. ;MK A r ch meet. 11ftv. A:811:11.13., CLARENCE SMITH. iikaigisitials: NLPth Tar. - Three flePallielente: Eriniary, Actulook, edathfs, -iinSeoileginte' Pan cotiegetodrie C law, Mather AlSber 1111 0 1 4 And ;Neural Science ibr. thaw Indi#lnek M axi Fn in =r4 1 4 ,40 ) r ajaun g: dunk 14 Elikuttop,o boat 4 (ix' anculats Ap j : zot : I *,S O IINraiRAC94I6II, arezipszkle. _ . 174 Ar t.. EV* ,WRPDING, DIV4ATteN: . ',..l, l oorimice cuumw_By- a Oxlaili:a ansuigement: witkene *Gust blip Otiverw4ii the; CO U*: Vardit br: Will be executed 1 1 2, the lughesStssyli 11C any "16 =104wit&. . -- ' im 'lt k. Genf - the dated and supp .., e sham are ,tiy dte 'apt& ' Or samples andpdcast , ' .10111101:51V8-DMICITOES.'" - . MISC'ELLANBOIJS. MICR AS PHOTOGRAPH Al4O Ums. ANOTHER. LARGE ASSORTMENT /LLBURS. WITH THIS' MOM:LNG, A FRS -a' 01Cg. MOURNER - A 00.'2 CELEBRATED SUGAR GIBED 1X.4304V , AND 111011ETIF, ~. ~,. BrOBLEE it_FRAZEW4 Eal DAMENZ.S . $ AND DA:YLIGB; /I.ol4ies. $1 14 IY` RAMA/Id - JO ,HISTORY; &novel, by' Amen% Edwards, ' • .60 cents _ , . THE SMALL HOUSE. OF ALLIHGTON . , Trollope. All new books receive4lBß Soon 'as published" at • ' BElttiliklit 7 b BOOR b4ORI, bl Market st,reet, ju4.4ltf IrCLUITOCK'S 'PECTORAL .Bllk .4. .4AUChellllTgloe3abadtbd ...aka:earning at duY4lYofi& FRAM% ta Dint, Jr, as Uo. (32/
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers