paii g Eritvaph HAEI3I;II3IIRG, PA FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1864 P_l ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver sxements, Bsiness Noti insertion in the ces, Marriages, o,auk to • secure s, Ste., TeI..E.GIiAPH, must invariably be accent sse+ed with the CASH. u,-eri isements ordered in the regular o.43ning Edition are inserted in the Maim ing, Edilleu without extra charge. 1"99N AND COUNTRY. DR. 11Tomm may be consulted at room No 7, State Capitol Hotel. TEE Holum GUARDS are requested to turn out for dull on Saturday evening at 6 o'clock. gy order. [2t] G. PRINCE, Captain. DR. NITRIDE will describe your disease without asking questions. STILL THEY COME.—Enoh day brings seve ral hundred men to camp,. in obedience to Untie Samuel's• call for aid to crush the re bellion. The regiments to be organized will be the best ever sent from Pennsylvania, in point of physical strength, and-there is not the least doubt that when our armies are re inforced by them, the death-blow, to the re bellion will be speedily dealt, and then we shall rejoice at the early prospect of perma nent peace. DYSPF.PSU and Liver Complaint cured by the ICING OF PAIIi. DISTAESSING 0001710114N0E. —A distressing accident occurred in the military camp at Chambersburg, on Sunday afternoon last, by which Mr. William Gelwix, a young man be longing to Oapt. Stroud's company of one hundred days' men, lost his life. He was in the act of jumping a fence, when his pistol, which was loaded and in hie belt, was acci dentally discharged, the contents penetrating his abdomen. He lived but thirty minutes after the fatal occurrence. He was a son t ‘of Mr. Daniel Gelwix, of Upper Strasburg, Franklin county. TILE Krso or PAIN may be had at the corner of Fifth and Market streets. A NIGHT WITH SHAX,SPHA.HE I—Richard To-night the great Tragedy, Rroaann will be performed at the Theatre. .The play will be presented in magnificent style, with scenery pre flared expressly In the ex cellent east we find the following appointment of characters: Richard, Mr. Meeker; Ilenry, Mr. Crossen. ; Queen- Eiiaabefh, Miss Nellie Sprague ; Lady Anne, Miss Fanny Denham; Duchess of York, Mrs. Rainford, &o. This is one of the standard Tragedies, and. will at tract an immense audience. Go and spend *n evening profitably, in witnessing one of the greatest ofShakspeare's productions. Se cure your seat early, at Bannvart's. TEE KING OF PAM cares dysentery and diarrhoea in their worst form. SOLDLEB'S FUNERAL. —Yesterday afternoon the remains of Lieut. J. S. Royer, Ist U. S. Cavalry, were interred, with military honors, in the cemetery. There was a large concourse of citizens in attendance, besides a company of soldiers, and a number of officers of the army. The coffin was enveloped in the stars and stripes, and the funeral notes of the drum and fife imparted a solemnity to the occasion. Another brave soldier has been sacrificed— another has been added to the number of the slain, whose murder must be answered for by the instigators and leaders of the accursed rebellion. How can any one witness these sol emn scenes, and gill sympathize with those infamous traitors ? Yet we have such in our midst. THE KNIG or PAIN cures headache and tooth ache in five minutes, by external application. Tan Coen COMBINATION rs BA.urratons—The citizens of Baltimore recently held a meeting for the purpose of devising ways and means by which they might avoid the payment of the high rates demanded for coal by the deal ers of that city. A committee was appointed to visit the mines, and learn the prices at which coal can be obtained there. Yester day's Baltimore papers contain the report of the committee, from which we glean the fol lowing items : Soft coal similar to that of Lykens Valley, is sold at the mines at $6.50 per ton of 2240 pounds ; hard coal, at the mines, $5.50 per ton. The committee recom- mend the formation of a company, with a capital of $250,000, in shares of $5.00, each ; so that each citizen may have op opportuni ty to share the advantages to be gained by purchasing at the mines, as the dealers in that city have combined to advance the_ prices several dollars per ton. TEM KING OF rAIN IVA neuralgia 41.1 ita most acute form. 001,7 (1002e8 CATALPA' CONPiNDIUM, just pub lished by Lippincott k, Co., is a long needed book. It contains just the information a re cruit wants, together with that which• is re quired to make intelligent non-commissioned officers. hisciplino, diet, care of arias, duties of. sen tinels, sabre exercise, manual of the carbine and revolver, care of horses, and usages pre vailing in camp and field, form the substance Of the book, It states the soldier's rights as well as his duties, and gives much informa tion gleaned from cumbersome and expensive books, and more than can be learned only by practical experience, compressed in a small Portable volume. - The author, Major James A. Congdon, 12th Penna. Cavalry, is a soldier seasoned in the school of bard service—knows whereof he. vrites, emdhas a high faith in the eflicbtin99 of his arm of the service. The general 'use of his book would lighten the labor_ of-his' fellow officers. For sale at Bergner's. Price IS dollar. Warm at the State Printing Office, an ac tive, intelligent boy. One accustomed to reading manuscript will be preferred. Danw Comma !—This famous com edian has been engaged by Mr. Rouse, and will appear at Brant's Hall next week. Mr. D. is without a rival in his line of acting and will draw immensely. Morns, sores and old wounds successfully treated by the KENG or PAIN. Emit= SLEEPING Cess.—Several new and splendid sleeping cars have bean finished and placed upon the Pennsylvania Central . Rail road. These cars are built upon the most ap proved plans, the patents of Woodruff, Knight, Myer and others being used in their construc tion. Everything that art could suggest or taste dictate has been done to render them safe and pleasant. The cots are large and roomy, and so arranged that the sleeper can not by any possibility fall out., The rich curtains of brocade satin delain present a very attractive appearance, and are inkeeping with the other arrangements of the cars. Among the many improvements, we noticed several large berths, constructed with the view of accommodating families, which are as re tired as a chamber in a hoteL Parents trav eling with their children will appreciate this improvement The heating apparatus is very ingeniously contrived, the stove or furnace being under the car, the heated air passing through in pipes. The ventilation is also complete. We con.giStulate the traveling tub lie upon the introduction of these cars, and hope to see them upon all our roads in a short time. Many of the objections heretofore urged against sleeping cars have been remov ed by the numerous improvements now intro daced, and we have no doubt they will be patronized by those who are compelled, through business or pleasure, to tra•.rel during the night EC= . THE ICING OE PAIN corrects all tlAl 4.rregu arities of the system. Casa Passztrwrioic —The friends of Dri W. W. Robinson, in this city, presented that gentlethan, last evening, with a costly and substantial Cane, as a token of their regard for him as a physician, and as a mark of their confidence in him as a man. The presenta tion took place at the State, Capitol Hotel, last evening, and after doe speeches on the part of the donors and donee, the company partook of a supper prepared in the beat style by the host of the State Qapitol. The Cane is the most costly stick ever got ten up for presentation in this city. It is the best quality of ebony, finished in the highest style of Lee's workmansb ip, surmounted by a massive and elaborately carved head, bearing the following inscription: • Presented to Dr. W: W. Robinson, of Hick ory Grove, Northumberland county, by Capt. McCall, Frank H. Mcßeynolds and friends. The Fame friends who got up this costly staff, presented to the wife of Dr. Robinson a splendid silver Cas'or, which, as a piece of workmanship excels any article of the same kind we have ever seen. Lee, 69 Market, street, furnish d the Cane presented to Dr. Robinson. The stock of ''valuable Canes on hand at this establishment is very large, and those who design such an article for personal service or for presenta tion, should give Lee a call: IF TILE KING OF Peru does not perform all that is claimed for it, the money NOE be re turned. A EiRELSHCIBG HERO A.V.D sirs HARD FOUGHT Rwrrtars.—Among the gedlant your:lg.:men who first responded to the call for soldiers to de fend the honor and enforce the authority of the Government, was John K. Daman, of this city. He enlisted in, the three months' ser vice on the very day the call for troops was issued, and as soon as that term expired, he re-enlisted in CoL Sam. ]lack's regiment for three years, in which he served gallantly until the end of his time of enlistment, when he was honorably discharged. The following are the terms of his discharge: Lance Corporal John K. Damara is a good and honest soldier, and was engaged in the following battles: Yorktown, Hanover Court House, Mechanisms lle, Gaines' Hill, Malvern Hill, Fredericksburg, G:roveton, Antietam, Blackford's Ford, Chancelloraville, Gettys burg Rappa Station, Mine Run, Wilderness, Todd's Tavern, Bethesda Church, Spottsylva nia, Fetereburg, Vs., and Weldon Railroad. After serving in all these battles, after par ticipating in innumerable skirmishes, Lance Corporal Dumars returns to his home with out a scratch on his body, having passed through every fire unscathed. He has reason to be proud of his record, and his country men must be grateful for his services. , Such soldiers are worthy of our highest honors. We bid him thrice welcome to his home. Tuz ELM of Eux purifies the bleed The Draft—Fourth VDard Hooting. A meeting of the citizens, exempts as well as non-exempts, of the Fourth ward, will be held at the hall of the MIK> Fire company at 7i o'clock this evening, for the purpose of adopting measures to fill the quota of the ward. Since the last meeting circumstances have occurred which place the condition of the ward, with reference to the draft, in a much more favorable liesitiasx, and ii IL% con fidently expected that, with a' united effort now, the quota can readily be filled previous t o the actual drawing of conscripts. A full attendance is earnestly requested. MAN?. Tin Wenn EizzatoATE ELEcxxott.—An el ee tion for • delegates to represent the Thitrd ward in the Vnion County Convention, w ill be held at the usual place of holding suoh election, (at the Parke House, on Markot street,) on Saturday evening next, at the usual time. HENRY THOMAS, dtd Chairman of County Committee gitipkWnrd Meeting. The 'Union voters Of the Sixth ward will' meet at Bailey's Maroon Hops° on Aatordey . Avening, Sept. 3d, giel e!elock, for the par pose of deethig •Xtedqpttes to the Union Comp , ty motion Weider of Fasehtive Qom mittN. - zieplidtat, ;i4 - Lird. DYSPEPSIA. Conn.—One of tho VV: eases to which the human family is Wits; is Dyspepsia. It not only disqualifies man from the pursuit of business or pleasure, but it makes life itself a burden. lead the fol lowing wonderful cure : 11..musztuma, Aug. 15, 1864. To whom it may concern: Dyspepsia, in its most malignant form, had almost reduced me to a living skeleton, and I was one of the most miserable men that walked the streets of Harrisburg. I had used all the known remedies, as well as pre scriptions from the most eminent physicians, without deriving any benefit. Happening to pass the corner of Fifth and Market streets, I saw Dr. M'Bride, awl after listening to his remarks, I concluded to give his KING OF PAIN a fair trial. I have done so for the last twelve days, and lam now able to work, can eat almost anything the appetite craves, sleep well, and am a new man in every sense of the word. Every person afflicted with Dyspepsia should give it a trial, for since it has wrought such a quick cure upon me, there is no ques tion but what others will find it a "Balm in Gilead," to drive away disease. P. S.—On the 19th day of September, 1863, I was exempted by the Surgeon of Board of Enrollment. lam now received by the Sur geon as in perfect condition to be able to do any kind of duty becoming a soldier. City of llarrisbury, Pa., 8. A. Before me, an aldermah of the city of Har risburg, Penns, personally appeared John Weaver, who, after being sworn according to law, did depose and say that the matter set forth in the above statement, to which he had subscribed his signature, is strictly cor rect and true. HENRY PEPPER, Alderman. City Harrisburg, Penna., Aug. 24, 1864. A WONDERFUL CURE EFFECTED BY THFNEING OF PAlw.—Read the Evidence. —Some three years ago the small-pox broke out in Harris; burg, and foemany weeks I was in constant attendance upoff patients ,affiiotod With this most loathsome disease. The duties I was compelled to perform impaired my health Very seriously. iffy liver failed in its usual functions, disease of the spine followed, and my kidneys were also affected. Add to these afflictions a constant constipation of the bow els, attended by severe headache, and the reader can judge of my situation. With such a complication of diseases, I was still com pelled to work, and was only enabled to do so by the constant use of purgative medicines, which I have steadily taken for fourteen months, in the vain hope that they would eventually bring my system to its normal condition again. I heard of Dr. M'Bride per forming miraculous cures with his "King If .Pain," but I doubt‘d its efficacy in my ease. Still, as "drowning men will catch at straws," I called upon him, and a few minutes after a single application my headache dis appeared! Encouraged by such a marvel lous cure, I used his King of Pain inter nally, and this 19th day of August, in the year of our Lord 1864, I em again a sound man. The kidneys, bowels and spine are soundin every respect, as they were ten years ago, and I am able to do a fall day's work, and sleep after it as wdll as the healthiest day I ever saw. I reside in Oenslager's row, North street, Fifth ward, Harrisburg. Oily of Harrisburg, ss : Before me, W. Kline, an alderman of said city, personally came Jacob `larger, who, being duly sworn, says that the facts set forth above are just and true. Sworn and,subscribed, August 20, 1804, be fore W. ALINE, Alderman. Witness—U. J. Jouns. - frlnumunG, Aug. 30, 1864. To the Public.—lt gives me great pleasure to recommend to the public the medicine pre pared by Dr. J. J. If:Bride, which he calls the "King of Pain." I was induced to use it as an external remedy for a bruise, which it relieved immediately and subsequently cured entirely. Its success induced me to use it in ternally for Diarrhoea, with which I was af flicted in a chronic form for nearly eighteen months, and to such an extent that my kid neys were seriously deranged. The medicine has cured me, and certainly that is 'saying a great deal in its favor, when I reflect how many other remedies I tried without experi encing anything but temporary relief. For my part, I shall always keep a supply of it in my house, believing as I do that it is,a most invaluable family medicine. DANIEL E. WILT. Sonnorss nv - Ca,nr. —A military camp may be under the beat sanitary regulation, and still not be without sickness. The diseases incident to camp, aside from epidemics and fevers,- are diarrhoea, dysentery, filid consti pation of the bowels, caused by a change of diet, water, and general habits. Ds. N'Bride's Km or Pew gives immediate relief, and in all cases•effeota a cure, by regniStimt the bow els, and restoring the deranged functions. No soldier should be without a bottle. For sale at the corer of Fifth and Market streets--Camp Curtin every morning.from 9 until 12 o'clock. The Doctor can be con salted at Boom N0..7, State Capital Hotel, morning, noon and evening. WE think Dr. MBride is right in recom mending his Ring of Pain to the soldiers. It Is certain to relieve them in less than five minutes of any disease they are liable to have in camp, more expressly the diarrhcea, bloody flux or cramping pains in the bowels. To be had at the corner of Fifth and Market, at the cam of the State Capital Hotel, or every day at Camp Curtin. Lochiel Greys One Years Service. A few more men wanted to fill up this or ganization. $5OO local bounty o paid, $lOO Government, making WO bounty. Men will go to camp and draw uniforms as soon as mustered in. Rally men, and avoid the corn- Mg draft. Headquarters, Walnut street be twobn Third and fOlarth streets, Pa W. A. car._ liWits. Theodore Thomas* nocrunuig 5)/13" Fos Sams---An elegant , building lot,, situat ed on Third street above North, 21 feet front by 131 feet in depth, running to a 20 feet wide alley. Forpartionlars enquire at att9-dtf THI I S OFFICE. The election of delegates to represent the Third ward in the Union County Convention, will be held at the Franklin Hquse, on Satur day evening next, at the usual hour. By or der of the Executive committee of the Third ward. td SOLDIERS, TAKE IT WITH YOU! The greatest trouble to persons in the Army, espeoially In this aeaaoa, is Dysentery, which (by death or by disa bility) weakells the service more than the Rebels do. Very many have faced, upon trial, the DYSENTERY DROPS are among the very best preeentatiter and ewes that are to be Eve.y officer and eve y soldier should carry it With lien, and thereby reasonably insure hims - lf against a great danger. It is preparrd in Harris burg by MRS. L. BALL, at tr Fine street between Second and Front. Take a phial with you. ' Nino 26 cents. Kromer's (Uphads) Hair Dye 50 CENTS A BOX. Bova larger than Dyes that sell for $l. NATURAL, DURABLE, BEAUTIFUL. Wanmakrizo to please. This article has been thoroughly tested by Da CEIMTON of New York, and Professors Boofa and Garrett of Philadelphia, who pronounce it free from all poisonous ingredients, and the material com posing it will not injure the most delicate htir. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers everywhere. JNO. J. KROMER, Sole Proprietor, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. JOHN WEAVER The inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempting cup. Dr. Zane's antidote for strong drink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong drink, and can be administered without the knowledge of the patient. Descriptive circulars sent to any address. For sale by all respectable druggists in the United States and Canadas. Price $1 per box, or packages of six boxes for $5. • JNO. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. The oldest and most reliable medicine for the cure of Spenxiaorticea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Power, &o. This medicine has stood the test of over thirty years, and has always proved a success. Dr. RAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form of pills, made up entirely of substances that have a specific effect upon the generative organs. Most persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills. The SPEcIFIc of Dr. Rand is not intended as an evacuating medic us. Its medicinal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs. The pills are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persona masticate them with impunity before swallowing them ; which plan we would al ways recommend, as affording the speediest way to get the effect of the remedy. Price Si per box, or six boxes for $5. Sold by druggists everywhere. The. 1. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, , 403 Chestnut Et.,, Philadelphia, Pa. aug2s4lly DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIPIO PILLS cure, in less than 20 dam the wore& cases of NEHVOUUNSSS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal meekness, Insan ity, and all Urinary,. Sexual and Nervoua affections, no matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, postindoi by mall, an rem ipt of an order. One Box will perfect the cure in most cases. Address JAYA'S S. BMUS, iyl6-d&wBnt General Agent, 428 Broadway, N. Y. Bounty, PenalOn, Back Pay; Subsietence and Military and War Mime, generally, made out and collected. Per tain* realding at a distance can have their Madness trans sated by mall, by addreaelng BIIGENEBNYDEB, Attorney-tit-Law, el 7 dlr Third stress, Banishers Pa JACOB ZARGER. Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or "SLITHT COLD" In Its first stage; that which in tho'be• ginning would yield to a mild remedy i np acted; soon attacks the lungs. "Brown's Bronchia Trochee' give sate and almost Immediate relief Military Cyrwars and Soldiers should have them, as they can be awned *a the pocket and taken as occasion require/. auglo-dawlat THE most healthy persona feel more or less weak this extreme warm weather, and late their ap petite. They need • good nitrous Tonle—one that will strengthen the permit spasm tied atoatach. This they Can get at be cents per bottle, at Mrs. L Sell'; No. at, South Pate street, Harrisburg. Orders from a -distance promptly attended to. augl This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such univenad de mand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient in itt nature, fragrantly scented, and extramely beneficial in its action upon the skis. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers an2s-dawly The only Hondas, True and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—ohanges Red, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brawn without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality frequently restoring its prisgne color, and rectified; the ill effects of bad Dyes. Thellimuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH MOS. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, gro Factory—Si Bat- CLAY ST, N. Y. dATOEILoa's maw MIXT MAX POT DROWNS Tel mutt. Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Bache," "Tonic Bitten'," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Antidotes," &0., Ace., lea, and a ft er yon are satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECI FIC FlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor In less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable. pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effaces on ths broken down and shattered ooluctitetion. Old and young can take them with advantage. Imported and sold - in the united States only by JAR S. BUI'LRR, No. FIT Broadway, New York. WA,Vellt for the United States. P. 6.—" A Bon of the RUN IRlOule l 9 packed, 'be' Mailed to any address onveasipt of price, whi chis ONE DOLLAR, post-paid—mormy refended by the Agent if entire satisfaeflon is not given. jytfi-e&wam Norm me Tim um: Dear Sir: —Wit h pair penribmion I wish to say to the readeins et your paper that I will Bend, by return mail, to all who wish it (nee,) &Recipe, with tall directions air making and using a simple rateable Balm, that will ef fectasmY remove In ten diva, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Akin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beantifoL I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and lnformattoa that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in lees than thirty days. All applloation• answered dul by return mail without Bel charge. ly yours, 1708. F. OFLIPMAN, Chemist, 631 illreldWay, New York. Third Ward Delegate Election. SPECIAL NOTICES. Druuk.enne6s Cured. Dr. Rand's Specific. DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED! Military Business Attended To. "A Slight Cold? , Coughs. PURE vEGET. tLE TONIC. COLGATE'S HONEY:SOAP. HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE I I Bateheloes Celebrated Hair Dye IS TEE REST IN THE WORLD. A CARD To TRH SUFFARCNO. jyls-d&w3m SELLING of Summer Goods at low prices, each as Summer Drees Goods, fawn& San Umbrellas, Leal Shawls, and Summer Henna We have also on hand a very large assortment of Mug Una, Calicos, Ging ham, Stockings, Handkerchiefs, Black Mhos, Paid Silks, White Cambric*, Undressed ?ranee Cambric; White and Colored Flannels, and in fact an assortment of dry goods not surpassed by any' To all of which we Invite those who wish to purchase, sqd prothide Wean at Iwo prize than wnoan replace them for spirt es all kinds of ury goodnore advancing Drew day, new Is she time to buy. brie & LEWr. TUbT RECEIVED 4.1 gallons, pure currant lJ ,wlne, from a Laseeeter eon* the finest fkbenttie pint in thin city. , trioe ant . rhea sati(as It 4 Satiossiatic Doak, SALES OP REAL ESTATE. Public Sado. TN pursuance of• an Order of the Orphans' 1. Court of Dauphin county, will ba as t wod to tr il e , on ,SATUBLIAT, the 2-Ith slay of Septemtw, at the court House In the city of flanisbarg, tho following real estate' A VALUABLE BUILDING LOT, • Situate in the city of Harrisburg, fronting twenty-one feet eight inches on l bird street, extending beck on liftin kel alley One hundred and thirty feet, anti adleining lot or Melly. This property Is situated about one half square above North street, and is one Of the most desirable building lots in the city. Late the estate of David G. May, deceased. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. of said day, when attendance will be given and conditions of sale made known, by DANIEL, G. MAT, Administrator of said deceased. J 2.40. BLIGLAI.I - D, Clerk 0. C. Harrisburg, Sept. 2, 1861 [sep2-doaw2w PUBLIC SAL,E. LL be sold at public sale, on THURS DAY, SEPTEMBER 16,1864, at 2 o'clock r st Smut's Hall, in the el y of Harrisburg the beautiful and oestr.ble country creat or Christian P. Htiehnien, in Susque hanna township, within a half mite of the limits of the city of Harrisburg, Containing about Par ly.five Acre', (Including about OK acres of Woodland,' adjoining lands of the late Wm. Colder, Sr., and Joseph giddy and others. The improvemrnts consist of a neat and comfortable DWELLING, with several separate summer kitchens and Spring House, • A. LARGE NEW BARN, And other cutbufdings—the entire place in excellent con• dition with new fenoea The place is particularly well stocked with the choicest varieties of pears, peaches, ap ples, cherries, grapes, se.. 6 c A small stream of water sunning through the middle of the place Conditions or sale made easy and accommodating. Possession given April 1, 1865. awl-die] PUBLIC BALE. ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th, 1864, THE subscribers, agents for the heirs of Frederick Wonderly, Sen.,late of Mechanicsburg, Pa ,dec'd, wilt sell on the premises es the following valuable real estate, viz: A tract of Limestone Land containing 67 aores and eg perches, all clear, in a high state of cultivation and under good fencing, Waded in Silver Spring township, Cumber land county, Pa., two miles West of Mechanicsburg, near the road leading from that place to Carlisle. The improve ments are a good TWO-STORY HOUSE, A GOOD BANK BARN; wagon shed, corn crib, and all other necessary outbuild ings. There are also two wells of never-failing water on the farm, one of which is near the door: an orchard of choice fruit, and a limekiln on the premises. The land has been all limed. The proximity of this property to the enterprising town of Ifechanicsburgi always affording an excellent market for the products of the farm, renders it highly desirable. At the same time and place, a tract of Mountain Land, situated in Silver Spring township, Cumberland county, containing 10 acres and 14 perches, easy of acoess. Persona desiring to view the property previous to the sale will please call on George Wonderly, residing on the farm, or W. IL Wonderly, raiding in Mechanicsburg. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. et. when terms will beenade known by GEOR& WUNDkttLY, W. it. WONDSRLY. Agents for the heirs of J. F. Wonderly, dec'd. auls-dtsepo WANTS. TANNER WANTED. A. PRACTICAL TANNER will find steady employment, at good wages, by applying to the undersigned in p irson or by lawn Must be a good biuttnaman, or saber and industrious babits None other n. ed appyr FISNItY KURT MOUNT lA, Lancaster Co., Pa. au3l4llw Hands Wantad. CARPENTERS, Cabinet Makers, Machin lets end Moulders wanted, at the EAGLE WORKA aug2L. dltul W. 0 At KOK. Stoneware Potters Wanted! A TURNER of small ware, also a SETTER A OP' KILN and BURNER, want A, at Um Harrisburg stoneware Pottery. Enquire of aug3o4 w] COWDEN & WILCOX. [Baltimore American copy for one week and send bill to th.s Odic°, immedLtely, for coliect - am J Shoemaker 'Wanted! To work on a bench in a store where he will be p 4 mainly situated, and waged good. App yat ISt East Market, WINS Harrisburg, Pa. fogfig3-o2w* JOHN KOBER Notice to Bridge Builders qin - F. undersigned, Commissioners of Dan; 'plan ocenty, Pennsylvaa a. will receive Sealed Pro posals up to September the 21st, (Wednesday,) at two o'cLoeit P. at., for building, superintending and tarnishing all the materials for a new-roofed Bridge across Arm strong cr.elt, in Jackson township, said county, east of Hadfas„ at the site referred to by tne late Reports of the Grand inquest of the coon y, somewhere south, or nearly SO, of Fisheravtle. Said bridge to be forty feet span, on the Barr Top Arch plan, and to be as high as what the OM bridge (now standing) Is ; north aide wing walls to be fourteen feet long, an.s those of the south side ten to-t long Proposals to be endorsed OIL the srAteltleationsi which may be bad at the °nice of the Conn.y Commis sioners at Harris , urg, on apelleation by letter or other wise. ' Letting to be on said day and to the lowest re spoosible bidder. HENRY. HARTMAN, JAUOII J. ALLLEIdSN, att29.4l.hwtil HOBERT W. GLUM. NEW AND CHOICE SHEET MUSIC FOR THE PLOD FORTE, lue Sword that my bravo boy wore. J. G. Clark. E 0 "They have sent me tha mold that my brave boy wore On the tied of hie pang renown." I live for those who love me. J. G Clark. • 30 We shall be known above. Song and Chci. J: G. Clark. 30 "Under the in the waters ran, Under the toe our spirits tie, The genial glow of the summer ma Viol loosen their fetters by and by." Do they pray for mo at home. Song and Ciao. Fiske. 30 Tenting on the tht Camp Ground. as sung with great applause by the '‘Ebuoialnson Family." so Tony Pastor's Ned.ey. 44a,,,tett to the popular Melody, "The Cottage by the tea." 80 Music oters Wind Ow. ht Medley Song and Cho. Frank Wilder. 80 Emu/ciliation. Song and Chmns. Dedicated to all Lov ers of Freedom. so The above nee and popular Sheet music sent by mail, poet-pail, on receipt of pnce. WIVES, DIMON' tt CO, Pahlsbere, Boston. For sale by J. E. GOULD, Philadelphia Rugg° etc • THE DAY eiBUSHPIELL MINING COMPANY 20 =mutes Katz Ns's , Tom THE a tt en ti - 0 - u of the public is called to the advantages offered by this oosipsy - for Prolitable , lnvestment. The extent and value of its GOLD 311.14"M5, coupled with its process for working them, make it the moat desirable property ever offered to the publls: Detailed information in regard to its extent and pros pects can he had at the office of the undersigned, agent of the company, who will - receive enbecriptions to stock. MDT W. SAM, agt.„ Office Third street, near Wahmt,•llairieburg, Pa. augb-dimawlm YR & A. Beam teke pentsure thaiyour "DI AWOL& XiXIURE" exceeds anyklibg of the Inid thji, T 'ever Imagined. I was %en' much Miatil.4l with Manton, and could OM teething to help , use Li the hest, Mtn I took your ••MIXTURE." 'Aire R4ste..hopitjth ait 128 e Ic it may be, the means argaadial.".. a Pq w lii i g e of the tnatithhilledni of your at - • itTeri ralteetteuy yourA :ill. amcw, Finn %.4 6 0:. .11‘42Pumlif AMUSEMENTS. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL. Rouse's Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Souse's Star Combination Company, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. aa, not, Will be presented, for the first Gme, SHARESPEERS GREAT RISTGRICAL TRAGEDY), NEW SCENERY I NEW SCENERY ! AKR- The manager has the pleasure of annnounctag that he has effected an engagement with the famous Comedian, For farther particulars see programme augttri tf New National Theatre ! CORNER OF NORTH SECOND AND EZYGTH STREET& Managers and sole Proprietors ....MARBLE &WELKER. rriErBEAUTIFUL TEMPLE OF THE Ame will open on MONDAr STRIVING sezpi. sth, with a now and augmented company, a..bratang some of the first artists In the United States. The teen agers wish the public to understand that this is to be con ducted 341 icily as a Snidest theatre, and not anything before or behind the outtalk shall be allowed to offend even the most fastidious. And we would wleh the public to know that improper charectt rs will Rot be admitted in any part of the house. This is a rule that Will be 'strictly adhered to. On C..F. HAEBNLEN. MONDAY EVENING, NHPIEMBNE 8, 18114, • The performanoe will commence with the beautiful do =still drains, ue three acts, by Reward Inaba, 114., on titled With new Scenery, Cs:Acmes, Machinery, etc. This play was performed at the .7 he/tre Antbignse de la few nue, Paris, for upwards or three hutter4 night; and at the Princess boyal , London. For disirtinchat of char— acters age programme of the day. Phislild OF AD31.1.3-lON.—Parquette, 50 cents; y, 25 cents; Orcheetrn . atairs, 41 00; Private Boxes, $6 end $lO Doom epon at 1)4. Curtain Wes at 8 o'Clock. Box (Alice open tram 10 till 12 a_ YL, and Prow 2 till r lc, when 8048 can be reaerrad wlrk,nat excreta:Large. au.2o-Itra . . SAINIFOitD'S THURSDAY EVENING, SEPT. Ist, 1864. BENI I 4FIT OF . LIZZIE LAGRANGE! Who all appear to Soup Dances, and the CharaCter of S.LIZA, in SANFORD'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN ! See bills of the day. iffis company corollate of the best star psi - 1 turmoil, oonsistiag or SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, OYALNASTS, &Q. The uuresgera takes pleasure in mosauasing that they Wend making this THE Contort Hall et' the atty. BARRY WELL& & 00.; Proprietor Buns POILTIR, BUSllleills Agent. astil4 CAN HOB LTIVir HALL. WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. Prowlater'. Business Agent • . - Stage if Anwar Leader ur Orchester OPEN every night with a firet-wasti (Jon/- palsy of male end female artistes. The perform ance =brazes every variety of lortamato amusement, 'matins SitiCtlNG, DANCING, PANTOMIMES, BURLESQUES, AND JESTS. Admission, 25 cants. SINUS in private boxes 03 Cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at lio , cloalt. Jyißdcf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 4J.LATION S OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE, Pitovose Massa-tr.'s Oremit, 14th Durnuee,l Mutrusainta, Pa., August 15, 1864. j THE FOLLOWING REGULATIOS OF the Provost Marshal's Office are published for the in struction and guidance of all persons interested, in order that, in future, the pfunic need. not be in doubt as to when, where and to whom to apply for information on matters connected with this department. let The Board of Enrollment convenes each day (Sun days excepted) in the proper room at 10 o'clock J. a. If business requires it, the morning session will continue till 12% We Mx P. at.; the afternoon sessions commence at 2% o'clock and continue till 6 o'clock e. a. In no case will ocamivations for disability be made atter day. light. 2nd J. J. Weitzel, principal clerk to Board of Enroll: meat, will at all times furnish information proper to be furnishes from the records of the Board. 3rd A. F. Clapp, adjutant and special deputy, will be found to the office room of the Provos& Mama.. Re has a generalonarge and can be applied to in all cases. 4tn The Enrollment Department, in in charge or D. S. Burns. 6th A. E. Eyster superintends the mustering arid re cruiting department, and has charge or the records and reds connected therewith; also, with enlistments Into the "Veteran It serve Corps. ' 6th R. E. Ostde has charge of the clothing depart ment. 7th For information with reference to horses and property seized as the property of the Governs eta, ap• ply to John E Heller, in the Mustering and necruitteg De.=, partment. SW For information with reference to Deserters and persons arrested, apply to same depastaaent Bth John Charters has charge of accorm a, records, Ste. 10th Fur infurmation upon any eub,ect not above eye. cifoally design& ed, apply to the Provost Marshal, or to Adjutant .t. Clapp. 114 2 , Ali clerks and employees are required to be at their posts for duty'at 8 o'clock A. M. the office win be olosee to the public at 6 &Nock P. K. 19th Limits and employees are required and directed to be polite, courteous and attentive wall persona doing bususees in the kluvost Alanhara office. It is a duty and pleurae to inform and serve those requiring info , Mation. or sorra:p r oud if any clink or employee tads in prompt attention or proper courtesy, he will be atones discharged 18th Clerks and etripi.iyees are not permitted tore° ire . fee or reward for services rendered. If they du so, the penalty will be immediate discharge. To onbr smut fee and to receive it are equally high misdemeautu s JNO. KAY CLKKENT, Capella and Provost Mamba! 14th District Pena. The members of tbe Board of Enrollment are Jelin /Coy Clement, ?royals Marshal, Chalks G. Hawn, Com missioner, S. T. Charlton, Surgeon ; either of whom, may be consulted at ail tames, during boa. - oesc b on , is, tia matters connected with the batatia6l3 of she board. The Provost Marshal's office to in Fourth streeL, op. polite the Government Bakery, . augie.,fra A Cavalry Horses Wanted, Asaterear QUARTERmusrmies threwat, U S A.,1 Hamm(no, Piewm, July 26th, lift ) TTNTIL further orders, one hundred "and - ' U (1a) damper head will be paid Ilt delivered at the Gamernment stables at Ha tubing, Pa. Said horses to be sound in all particulars, not less than (6) Ave siiir Wore thah (9) nine years old ; tom leg co 111 hlanA, Willy _lrdl , Reslitd, onnysoily ball; bridle what sod ot sins • i.nnlateel, for cavalry purposes. , ' 1 not tritlollbloss tout k adhered to dad TWA/ . .x/ twaryparxxitar. strie4 ..... Atimagaim o d...4olPrery-0f474 x. -saven be. i if! . .. 201111 4 or • ilimPecum dun i x- to 9 P-..Molne 11 de- Wiwi I ,leNie argout and an immettne_tesp . untie ill z ): . 7 ..r e v 9 Chtft. "XI . , 4/Itr- laftr as Entitled, RICHARD 3 III! 27te Whole 07mpaury in o 4 Pleas t Dir. Frank Drew ?, who Will shortly appear• N'ESV NOVELTIES IN PREPARATION/ CHRISTMAS EVE ; OR, The Duel in the Snowy S. S. SA.NFORD, IN THEE CHARACTERS WHAM' ..;../LARBV MillaTATNa• ....... ....L ci. RULE rt. Dit'ZIEAL FARCE 3, COMM OPERAS, NEGRO call/barna% Cavalry . llorsess, 1532 Eli J. a DONNt ....Mg MILL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers