pailg Ettegrai4 HARRISBURG, PA FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 41864 NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, A.brahani -1411.colny 01 Ilaerom. FOB VICEI PRESIDENT. Andrew. Johnson, OF Tzrrhms , Union County Convention. The loyal citizens of Dauphin county are Invited to meet in ' County Convention, for. the purpose of nominating candidates for minty officers, at the Court House in the city of Harrisburg, on Tuesday, the sixth, day . o f September; OK at 101 A. za. Meetings for the election of delegates will be held in the various townships of - the coun ty. at the usual planes of holding said elec tions, between the hours of five and seven r. IL, and the several wards and boroughs be tween the hours of seven and nine r, ar., on Saturday, Ssptember 3d, 1864. ' H. THOMAS; Chairman Union County Committee. S. S. Curt" Secretary. - The citizens of the ,Middle ward of the borough of MiddleMwn will meet in the sehool-room in Union Half; instead of the Connell room in said hall, the former place of meeting. H. THOMAS, Chairman. The Credit of the 'Nation we. The Sncees• of the Copperhead Candidates for Presi dent Log Vice. President. When Jeff. Davis and his associates in treason were arranging , their plans for' the precipitation •of rebellion, their first object seemed to be the destinettion of the credit and resources of the Government: Between the copperheads who assembled at Chicago to mature and harmonize their plans of action, and the rebels who first met at Montgomery, Ala., to develop their system of government in order to antagonize the national authorities, there is an amazing similarity. The first object of those in the NOrth who now Wag• onize the Government, is to ruin its credit. For a long time the Detnooratio leaders have succeeded' in concealing.their real intentions, but occasionally some of their blatantfollowers or associates will divulge the truth. For in- . stance,- at one of the'copperhead pOw-vows'n Chicago preliminary to the Convention, a Col. Stambaugh, of Ohio, said, in a loudly ap plauded speech, that,:‘When this war is over, he would not give a pinch of ,snuff for 'the fi-20s and the 10-40 s now hoarded by the rich:" In any other country, such kind'of talk about national securities would be called' the 'rank est kind of malignant treason: Hera it is only "freql• speech",and "Demoeratic ..opposi tien,"i. —This 'narrows the question . cloiVie to ~e proper oOmpase.. 'All over the led, the.eredit of the Government is as dear to the people as the national glory is saored'.. Hundreds of thoustirtdit of people have invested iheir harid earnings an-the securities of Government,the. 1 with the e and patriotic motive of :corn' tribating tt t t o; the` of the national ti \ ...ii authorities. w , ese investinenta were made to seonre comf for families in case ' of the ddith of their nat , 4 protectoral.-made , 'to. support old age, art to keep from pauperism those who 44:Pal id. their yonth in honest indusl4r. , Bat what saf the Deincioratic lecaders - Millt6se pointi? :Elect George, 8.., hi Qiellan Pr,2#i::-, the.dent—Letioe' Treasary in ,the - . control,; of. the DeMobraio Pilrty,` - iiitd:'the:-.nationafdebt will be rsialated, theliaticiA.9-i944,0 b 3 :o‘ rupted. and those who depend upcin its laotror rednoed to beggary. This is no Tinley 'picture, It is the truth extracted from-Ahationfessions of the more desperate eoppeiltelds; co' that any man who has a dollar invested in . the na tional securities, has a direct interest in the defeat of 'such plans of repudiatiort. What's the Differeame flomething of the old cunning of the Dem ooratio leaders showed itself at Chicago, in the nomination of George B. McClellan for the Presidency. For three years the pol icy of the ear-who contrcil thwriertherityritig of the Den4ratio party has been to oppose the war—to 'einbarrass the Government while• conducting it for victorious 'ends—and, by a systein secret organizations, to prevent en- , listmenta. The record shows that the ' ' great mobs which sent a thrill of horror through New TOrk a year ago, and which destroyed many innocent' men, and gave to the flames much valuable property, were the , o eation, di rectly; of the Demoinatio leaders, organized and led by their creatures, excited and in tensile& by the secret agents of the Davis government, aßtsdfiresied by:,GovemorSey mour as his friends. In fact, every organized movement to interfere, with,the L draft,and pre vent its operation, issued . , from the Demo cratic party. • The war forlhe Union was re garded as a'drusade against Demobracy, be cause the struggle involved the safety of a vital element of modern Deinoaraie Strength; slavery... Yet in, the face of these facts, the DerMicratie leaders exhibit their old cunning by attempting to control trio their oivn use the prestige which the success of oar arms has cre ated for military uteri,. by* . nomination of a soldier for the Presidency. They first, in their platfOrm;denorince the great 'object of the war —averse the motives Of iliodeliklid On engaged in the conduct of the war-=and 'then,, on the heels of such unconcealed treason, • put up a , man for the highest office in the gift of the Americtus people, whose only znerit,is his pre sumed military popularity. covert deeds with an evil intention in view, the ex pose of the sioater objects of this trateiadfig ' m follows close on its passage of mischief. That platform denounces •the system of conscrip tion now in the,decionktmd ranks of the army, wit23ltt I,,fet§rd . pro leis,, that Xiesa-.George /14.)40010*. qizinol 4 4. 4 /' *Atli arifeehonl4liCenfiglietyf the 'Midst' of A* edeate d Vga l n?ja lla * 44i , Arbitrary sallootatos with which the semi C dare seektikr-stititte , Ike sostiosisiOna of the ignorant, But heri Man 44littliey 1 welt fault, and their platform of princiPbM'comes in direct conflict with the e43n4ieffons of theirieandidate for the Presi- Georgelloutaop. and put into-operation-tine'Rtery;• system ~insisting that it was imposaitge fob the mdrtary autbori ties twachtive ' , Access Unless those , who con trolledthe army were empowered to cope with all sorts of,enerties. Emancipation is char acterized as odiousVthe` great body of the American people. On this string the Demo cratic leaders hive to_aoltieve their main suc cess. -But here, again, - these demagogues are in a quandary. Befor4 the proclamation of emancipation was given-to the world, Mr., Lincoln watricandid enouglioand took the wise precaution to consult not '4lTiis civil advis 7 era,' but to submit the measure to thkues tary leaders whose duty it would become to enforce BA 'Major thiSieral George B. McClellan unequivocally and emphatically approved Of emancipation as a policy due to the sublime objects of the war, namely, the perpettuttion of i a free government and the safety of a Union originally organized for the advancement of freedom. These are histori cal facts. George B. McClellan is committed to the policy of Military arrests, The draft,' and eman c ipation--and while he thus stands .on' the record, he al4o oCcupies a place on a platform which is radically, averse to all these great measures. Between Mr. Lincoln and M'Clellazi there is no difference on these point's of vigorous'' policy to crush the rebetlion. But there is a difference be tween the two candidates as to the policy which they will enforce when in the exercise of Executive power. Mr. Lincoln will carry into operation, the convictions' of his soul and the dictates'of his r iatriotism. 111'dlellan is .pledged now to ignore.his own honest faith in what is right, to obey the behests of party and carry out the villainous schemes of the desperadoes who offer him as a reward tem porary civil power. We ash the freemen of the land to ponder these fact.: We ask all honest men, all who love their country and are solicitous for its permafjot and victorious peace,, to reflect that upon their votes the des tinies of the Union now depend. • X.lllll. it before the, people, that ?4r. 13enja 7 min, Jeff. Davis' Secretary of State, bas issued a circular, in which it is disthictly and offici ally declared that the Sclutitibrlisten to . no terms of peace not predicatedenSiparation„ This , has been asserted before,.but not offi cially; but now w,o have it,act forth in. a State document, that separation, ;independence, is the only condition on whicleilairiEi4: Co., will entertain the idea of pekoe. SIGINEFICANT. -It if; a, .fact 'of ..01%/71111117 significance that it was the traitor Vallanclig ham whp yOVed that the nomination of Mc- Olelhtn,be:niade, iniaiiimons:' • tritenlibig .1&- loweil•the neiniliatiint of Tertaletbn, diihaM's, right-hand man, 'and, if s u c h a:thing be possible, -a greater eneiny , of his, ocemtry., then tallaruligliani himself. This is san!ini , :.; portent faot'to he, htirne'ili duri4g",*" Tefegrapo. FROZIL WASHINGTON LATER FROM . ,GRANTS • ARMY. Silas Thrown ioto, ypiorsbixtby:tite' `Railroad Monster. . DISPATCH FROM ADMIRAL. FARRADUT, 15. • L.. The Capture of ort Morgan.. ,The Rebels Destroji Proierty atiefßale ' 'ago Desires to Make a COiditionalltorrender, kat it is NOS:4ted. • , WASEM:CrToN, Sept 2. Tim latest information front the Army oi the rotuumo test Wednesday passed wit/i -ota any ensuge to the ItibglVe pudltlo/1 Or the uppusulg smites wluch,cau be of any interest to tee, geliellil .I.4kider., • The niuustey lateen inch mortar, mounted on a railroad car, Luis recently beet: hieut, W.Ltt roao ukytt4ittitu Ackersiy, and a tew shinia 4.1110W1L by :4 .1100 the bay. The bbjeut at thus wag Lb dtati Lee mows from lirwg ou our picaets, taxd it seems to have bean partially Ti ivy Department to-day, received the tohuwmg uoin .a.cusural karragut. MIAMI/DX WEST (*MX BLOCS. . £DING istztraunoN, ' . Auguult; 25, 1.864.7. S/It : Iliad the honor in lay:dispatch No. 31, to ewe to the klspastateut sort klorgaw add surrendered en the 4ci ma?, to xlte . array. .nd navy, theugtrat tlie time:-that-dispute/4 was written anu.l2lalked the eereniony ot.sur render had net actually taken place.. The correspondence preliminary, to, th . at• event is herewith .tortVaraed and marked NOP , • 1,2, 3 and .4. • The Depart:ilea will perceive the terms of,: capitnlation were. the saMe as in case of Fert (lame& General Page endeavored to - obbsiii: more favorable terms, but without success.'.. I regret to state that after the assembling•Pli the revel officers at this appointed hour of a P. AL, lor the aura:ender, - outside of the fort, it was discovered, on examination of the rote- nor, that most thelpins were spiked. • Many of the gun carriages were wantonly_ injured, and the anns, ammunition and' pro visions, etc., destroyed, and there was rwon to believe that_ this had 'been done atMr the white flag had been raised. i It was also discoiered that Gen. Pagaandi several of his officers had no.swords to deliver tip, and further-that some which were Buren.: dered had been broken:- - Xxi the whole Condtict of the officers of For Gaines and Fort,lfFgon present a striking contrast in moral putoipla that I ,cannot faji, to r . iiriarkltOolvik" ,. -' . lw,;<l owliaeriori v id l OPAMM i iiiAti.4ll4lr4; :tpairikadatileat4a CP:isittion perfeKtly3piitpn--: : 4 bis: raid ififistunfiereat *„ numberT MV" toneCriFiEtio.AlLlllY, #4fpa ,ow,nour many' :144, todetannailwari-4.0 . 436 4 Erp fd l a fort wirabietatelyligi&iiVti, 1-1 0 this determination he was sup in .' I == . • . officers save one, but from the moment he, hoisted the w,hitallag he,•sernmilonsly kept everyting in „feet, antikliat condition de, livered it oveit;whilst Gen e. .and his Alpert, wihhibils)ctePitildbliiisi, destroyed the griz*W.tde tkt d. had sti thly would del , fend to'the laYt but hick they laVver defended at all, and threw mittypx biokg;those 74 ? bns whish they hadinofthe ..yltanliness to use against their enemies, for Fort Morgan never fired a gun after the commencement of the bombardment,. and the advance piAkels of our army were "actually on the gleam, afirbefort , stated. , The ceremony of surrender took place at nr., and-that- same•efternoon all-tho... gar risen were sent to New Orleans in the United States steamers Tennessee andßienvelle,where they arrived safely._ , , Very Respectfully, Your obedient servant. D. G. FARRAGIIT, `Rear Admiral Commanding WzG. B. S. Hon. Gmeott Wannes, Secretary of the Navy, A , Washington. Foal , MonoArt,,Ang. 23.---Rear Admiral G. G. FAmmovr, 11. S. A., and Major Gen eral•GoanoN (.IB6IIGETty U. S. A.—Gerukezert ' The further sacrifice of life being unneces sary, and my sick and wounded suffering, and biititesposed, humanity demands that I ask for terms of catipulation. Very retipeetfully, Ito., (Signed}' B 8. PAGE, Erig.' Gen. C. S. A. HELuotressans U. S. Fonoir.s, Moulin BAY, Aug. •23. I have notified Admiral Farragut of your desire to capitulate. Until his arrival hostil-* ities will be suspect ea,' 'when, your proposal will be duly considered. :.• • ggr respectthllyc..yoti,r bb't serv't, " '•" G. GRA \ GER, Maj, den. Cdmmanding. To Brig. Gen. R. S. PAos., Commanding Port , • Hn ngn.inr as U., S. BOAC/43, M. 033114, BAY, Aug. 23.' Voßrig. Gen. R. S.'Peas, Commanding Fort Morgaii.—Generak lii,reply to your.commu nicatiori of this date, received by Capt. Tay lor. asking for torma of capitulation, we have ; Ito say that .the only terms we can make are: Ist, the unconditional surrender of yourself and garrison Fort Morgan, with all of the public property within its limits; hid-in the same condition as it is now; 2d. The treatment which is in.abn formity with the custom of the most civilized nations towards prisoners of war; 3d. Private property, with the Viteeptions of arms, will be • respecited. ' • [Signed] • P. DRAYTON. Capt. U. S. N., on the part-pf Admiral Parra ' gut,; commanding the naval forces. ' . R. ARNOLD, Brig. Gen., if. S. A., on the part of Gan. Gran •ger,• commandingD.' S. land forces. , • - M.ORGAN. Ant 23. Captain DraytOn, S. N.; Brigadier ideraf Arnold, U.' S. A., on • the. part reSpeoti ively of Admiral Farragut and - Gerieral Granger: • , , Gentlemen:—Your eonditionain the con mu of to-day are accepted, but have still to request that the lerms asked re gard to my sick ' . ,.t,u3.t4, and inserted in thq capitulation. I will be prepared to gar-. kaider at 2 •o'clock and to, embark as. soon, as possible. Respectfully, Ao (Sigpe4) i , S.,PAGE, • d-O; ME =I Fk4ili Gf.Ai ! Sheri4an. , me, itiga g emept.o ot the Sixth Corps and the ,Ca_vaity: OM EARLY'S' MOVEMENT, UP 4RET-VAJAkt. Avaintes CATAX,ItY, IN Trox;Fxram, Aug.-30, 064. O,AILMONS T l O l SU= • ' , CORPS oii&ara..99sit. • ' the operations of keitdrday . w,dee,df a char aster tending more, toward xeueniinOlik34ncei than to a general offensive movement. t t ast nightrOtnierid-Avenl.l serieout's small .f4iCe o attaCk;tlie enemy's adVanced position iiii.the;Ge.ifirffsbAsin reticle Abcbmganyilig . 2 movement was Lieutenant Harrison, of neral kierilrastaX who-ivas taken prisoner bi:tha enenit- bid subSequently escaped. .01 GeneratOriter's movement. a,orossllA Opequan yeseertl4,`together with ; the ; attack by the Sixth' Cprps, yon no .doubt- will learn. from . the'Heratd'lwookiefspOndents with the afore Said oommande. :11101i-42111A13 ,4 ^=BEFUGRES ThiErmorning the sound of the-steam whys tae was once more heard in Martinsburg& Gen...! eral Kelleyha;Ving sent doWn 'tiren , :tilid`t to reopen communication from the Westward part el the railroad line to and with. General ei.verill's command. - • 3" Regular stage coach,conininnicat!on is again Open between Martintsiirg„arid Williainaport rid Hagerstown. The stage& woven filled with retugees. • • . THE ENEMY. On the Winohet3ter pike the 'enemy 'held' a position about Bye miles frOni this afternoon. So far t therorluntebeen general engagement in. this difeetion , to-day; yet we have been ftt.tnalcing the'enemy's ont. pots on several fOds; for, the purpose of feeling, not handling ; his positions. General Torbert's Medical'irector was shot yesterday by guerrillas. lisepttataraize, evasuz's CILVA.LBT, IN Talc From, Sept. I—P. I. , TER REBEL POROE TEAT ATTAOHXD AVEEU& - It was Rhodes' ogrps-of rebel infantry, gather with Vaughan's eavalri that attacked General Averill's'division at Diartinsburdles terday afternoon. They aprwently hoped to surprise Avenll, but signally failedin &mom pliAing their objeeet. . - TUE REBEL. 9_1410,14 . 4" BAB.L'4 Earlyiras at Wineheiterlast the hasty retreat of Ithodes:,oolps,.th, 4; morning, -indicates that the rithors,tare imiortint rea sons for moving uri the. willey:,.= The rebels lost both time and men by2thisAlast operation the value of which they ;Mit ligi,p4ahhid..]:to estimate in a day or two. •• GEFEEAL ATEBELL - ATrACES TUE 10MiELS. This morning Geateral Aveaillagain attacked ,the enemy with a portion of his cavalry, driv.: Ittg the rebels out of Martinsburg, occupying: the town, and continuing-the pm . a.nit IR a point four miles tOwird Wlnehester. FROM ARKANSAS. WHITE MEI ALIVE` WIT# CAPTURE OF AN ILLINOIS REGIMENT. CAlitO, Sept. Accounts from the vlite .- iivey,"gay . the cokimtry along there. is alive With guerrillas;, who fire into all boats whialrpassw - . gi - ,On the 23d, a partßtige...theitKErmkßri gifing attacked the forcekkoargiinA9a4444 lliepmen Duvall's Bl ' e.Rockpork& ooptured nearly all Of thetettklllinoisitegj.k Ment, occupyingirlMiVeltEd‘ .Mitchell is rec opo r i t sermisiromi aTkam4(.3 'Sikora& - exioba mid Mr =us. =I BEM e rehel General Buford is preparing for iknater , raid into West Kentcky. His ad saard has entered McCracken county. .General Rosecrans has issued orders to re ' PaWtheftoharleston „And Fulton railroad, in Missouri . , THE ,1-11D4Alt WAR. The OntrageS on the Plains Increasing. Our Force Inadequate to put an End to Them. 2,000. Persphs Massacred thus Far. ME THE TERRITORY SWARMING WITH REBELS ST. LOUTS, *Sept. 1. Late advices from Fort Riley say that the Indian outrages have increased for the past ten days. On the 19th ult., a train from Santa Fe, to Leavenworth was attacked at Cum:derail Springpi and abandoned. On the 21st two hundred Indians attacked several trains, including one belonging to the Gov ernment,i iiity 'miles west of Fort Leaven wcirth., One min was killed and nearly all the stock captured. Large bodies of Indians were congregating in the'neighborhood of Fort Lyon, and out rages Were of daily occurrence. .413 arty on corning in sight of the fort were pursued 17_11tajdf Wyukoop, and three or four Of them killed. Sifveral unprotected settlements between `Rut Lyon and the base of the mountains are nOterseeiving the attention of the Indians. • .Lient. Booth, of the 11th Kansas Regiment, who4asisent, to the relief of the people i. , . Clay &kinky, Nebraska, reports having found no Indicins.on the !bad; after a see` ut of` 100 miles. ; He is now encamped at Clay Centre, on , the ReVilican Fork. . The ,:sec 'OA 9f country travers•d - z. *the savages exteinlsTioria the Platte tdthe'Aikan; ses rive*, a distance of about 400 miles from east tofWest. Our present force is entirely inadeqinite for the work before it, and immedi ate reinforcements are absolutely necessary. Over two thousand persons have been mur dered On the Platte route, one hundred on the Arkanias head waters, at Smoky Hill, drc., and $300,000 worth of property captured or destroyed, besides three thousand horses, five 1000 miles, and two thousand oxen. Idehd and, Montana are said to swarm with disaffdcted men: It ite estimated that 20,000 men'xif , this class have gone there during 'the ,fiaStiiiir and a half. The Mexicans are very uneas !Co ng the entirokiintiuntain range. Tti e rebel ormon agents ate said to have been at 'work ong them. 411. ASK+ rAR New Postal Arrangement. WASHINGTON. Sep. 2. Anew plan of distributing mail matter is 'aboutqo be introduced into our postal system. 'ltZgill result in a decided gain to the public, by saving much of the •time now, occupied in assorting the mails after their arrival at the •officeS. ; The distributions now done at leading offices are to be done hereafter• in the cars by detaileiklor the purpose, so that the delaphitheito required for the work will be •obviated, and mail matter' can lie 'taken at a 'later period. Many letters and papers that now Miss the mail will then be in good time. Inoombig mails will he Already partly distri buted on arriving=thaf is, MAW either for city, delivery or for distributionit the boxes, , Or to ,Ve given out the "general delivery" .offm, will be clasOed; Andthe, time usually employed for the PtirpOse, sity,ed to the public. Be ides, matter now sent in_ bulk to central I;lffiees to be assorted and forwarded will not he - detained. Thus various delays will be ob 'tate:lli „ Ott - 6'of the cars intended for _this purpose -hatilielm fitted up at the expense of the Bal timore and Ohio itailroad. Company, after paid by Mr. Zevell,- Third Assistant Post,- 94a,tei General, and is now running between Washington and Baltimore to wear off its 'roughness. -It is 45 feet 5 inches in the clear. '9 feet 4 inches wide; with a height of 7 feet at theAtides, but of 9'f,eet in the centre, the car's , prinainle being that ,- ofi a " " double-decker." On either side are words.informing the public that it) is the „ through line between New Tork and Washingto; 2 There are also the usual apertures thrOingy 'w_hi oh letters may be conyemently dropped in for,mailing. In the initiffle are two casee; ' each -:containing two htmYred " pigeon holes," of rather larger size -than Ordinary, and: toify boxes; each one foot square, sotarranged,thatthe matter placed in ther4 saint be jostled out by the motion of the -ear." There is in front.of each case a narrow shelf for the accommodation of the clerks, with drawers beneath, and hooialfor mail pouches; while on the opposite side is a large table for "stamping purposes: There-are also closets :for clothes, sofas, Water- - Coolers, and every 'Coiprenience for those who shall travel with the bars; and it is fitted up with the most ap proved ventilating windows. • , As soon as the train 'starts the clerks as 'signed to Atityin this novel postoffice will Commence the distribution of matter into boxes for the Several localities to which the matter is directed. • The way mails wilt be made up fitist; Mid at each station inail matter _intended for the partimilarbcality will•be put off, and.matter for other points on the route received. The great advantage of this system is tht correspondents can mail their letters at the last moment, and even when the car may be moving of, yet with the assurane that all letters will reach their destination Safely and with minimal dispatch. Manifesto train Train. • - CHICAGO, Sept. 1. On the last day . of-the Ohioago Convention, Geo. Francis TranCerid All his Territoral ggations were ruled out. He immediately sent the following, which he calls a manifes to, td thp Amp& Suraompr Housr, IlieinueitriEss or Tics PIT, MONDAY, August 29. Outrage on the future! Toung Democrats, take notice. Chicago ignores the West.— Xeur mountains, gold mountains; two mil lions of square miles of laud—all thrown out by the great English Convention run the by the house of Rothschhild. Fifty-four dele gate!' slaughtered because they would not vote for McClellan. - ) mums or maarratums. -Nebissia 61 Arizona. 6 Col4ado • '6 New Mexico 6 Monlano .... . . ..-...6 -Dacotah 6 Ida ........'.!.......6 1 Nevada 6 Was 'ngton .1.. '.. .6 I Del atm • ' - - 54 L the young-men of thenation—our future. Sta iirien—vemertiber !that the packed Con ien on of politicians at Chicago refused to ack wledge the Democrats in nine great Te tones — yet, '-if Nevada, Nebraska, and Col - dolhad gone Republican this summer, . . Abolitioi7votee• Might have beaten the °Temente of a Blockade Runner. Foirriesslevees, Sept. 1. • Lhoonar(namennknown) ran the block tiiitirdity; •and ghtsafely into Smithfield. A mall .foree, was nut - - to o Smitbileld; flay, itllkirere - ptliit# to mate a reeon- Ade iYa• :Test d2rexent4d flconk einiA s e te, - 1419:YkikOkiiiitisgriysa , 43444, , ,0415iiii5ine gn**f•Esaiuifik - blt • w o * cm bi wani p m ,,,,„ • MARRIED. On the 26th of August, HU by Rev. E. F..{. Johnston; Rev. Busy Gaon to *so SARAI VA IOIISII- ; an of SSG risburg. NEW , ADVERTISEM ENT'S. SUBSTIT,IIVES FOR THREE YEARS can be bad by applylng . to the undersigned at ids °WON -1.11 rd street, below Pine, Harrisburg, Pa. sep2-It] TERM. C. IificDOWELT... WANTED, A GOOD COOK. Apply at [sep2-d26] LOST: AROLL of MONEY containing about $2OO —one $5O U. S. note, one $lO S. compound interest note, and the balatice nearly all in Government money. A liberal reward will be paid by leaving it at sopa 20] THIS OFFICE. NEW OF'ENING- FOR Fall and Winter Trade!. CLOAKS, CIRCULARS , ~ `i 7i . r-, c CLOAKS ! _, ' 4 ' :, . . B ROCHE 4 4.44 A... L AND MOURNING - - -- - 7 SH AW.LS ! BALMORALS AND' SCARFS.! FURS! FURS!! The Largest and beat Eelooted stock in thin city at the New Cloak Store, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, HARRISBURG, PA. LOAN OF 1881. PROPOSALS FOR LOAN TREASURY. DEPAETBLIENT, t August 30, 1864 SBALED OFFERS will be received at this Department, under the act of March 3, 1863, until noon of FuIDAY, the 9th of Sep tember, 1864, for bonds of the United States, to the amount of about thirty-one and a half million dollars, being the amount of unac cepted offers undisposed of under the notice of Proposals for Loan, dated 6th June last. The bonds will bear an annual interest of six per centum, payable semi-annually in coin on the first days of July and January of each.year, and redeemable after the 30th of June, 188 L Each offer must be for fifty or-one-hundred dollars, or some multiple of . ono' hinuired dol lars, and must state the sum, inclnding,pre mium, offered for each hundred dollars in in bonds, or for fifty, when the offeria for no more than fifty: .Two per cent. of the princi pal, excluding premium, of the whole amount offered must 'be deposited, - as guaranty for payment of subscription if accepted, with the Treasurer of the United States at Washington, or with the Assistant Treasurer at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or tit. Louis, or with the designated Depositary at Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, or. Buffalo; or with any National Banking A13800i4 ation authorized to receive deposits which niay consent to , transact the business' without charge. Duplicate certificates of deposit will be issued to depositors by the officer or asso ciation receivingthem ; the originals of which must be forwarded with the offers to the D; partment. All deposits should be made in time for advice of offers with certificates to reach Washington not later than the morning of September 9th. No offer not accompanied by its proper certificate of deposit will be'con sidered. The Coupon. and Registered :bonds issued will be of! tha denominations of $5O. $lOO. $5OO, and $l,OOO. Registered Bonds of $5,000 and $lO,OOO will also be issued if required: t • ' All offers received will be o_pened on Friday,. the 9th September. The awards will be made by the Secretary to the highest offerers, and notice of acceptance ordeolinationwill beim mediately - given to the respective offerers and, in case of acceptance, bonds of . the de scriptions and denominations' preferred will be sent to the subscribers at the cost of the department, on final payment of instalments. The original deposit of two per cent, will be reckoned in the' last instalinent paid by suc cessful offerers and will be immediately re turned to those whose offers znay.not be:ac cepted The amount of accepted offers must be de posited with the Treasurer or other officer or association authorized to act under this notice on advice of acceptance of offer, or as follows: One-third on or before the Atli one-third on or before the PAY; and the balance, includ ing the premium and original two per cant. deposit, on or before the 24th of September. Interest on bonds will begin with the date of deposit. Parties prefe.ring may pay the 'ac crued interest from date of bond, July 1, to date of depoSit in coin. Offers under this notice should be indorsed " Offer for Loan," and addressed to the Beare,- tary of the 7 reasury. The right to decline all offers not considered advantageous is reserved to the government W. P. FESSENDEN, Secretary of the Treisnry : The Bonds for this Loan are ready for un mediate delivery.. [sep2-tsep9 BeII,TIMOBE COMMISSION HOUSE. J. HENRY GIESE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 21 Sport' WMIf, BALTIMORE. Oir CASH ADVANCES made on CONSIGNMENTS AS soon as reeelped, if desired. - (1004i* ASSIGNEE'S ACCOUNT. HE account of Jonas C. Bringer, assignee T or John E . nager of Conowago toemahip be Nod in the tkitirtuf rommnn Picas of . Dauphin countr, and wid be oCattir od ou the 24th day of November,lB64, union cause he thown to the contrary. sep244l;wltj - J. O. YOUNG, 'Protbosetasy. CHARTER OF INCORPORATIOIj.,, NOTICE is given that application for the Iseorporwiou of the '! Fist Piave Baptist Church of ne.risleyg " has ben made to the Court tf Common Pleas of Dauphin county and Sled in the Ofite of the f m . thonotary, and that a Cherter will be grunted at the nee, regular term of *aid Court, unless cause be shown to the contrary. By order of the Court. , sep2-cl3toam] . J. C. YOUNG , Prothonoory. STREET RAALI.iGES-SO'APE. T is ordered by the Court th t all persons I having claims, by lien or otherwtte, against any of the BAILD4 of money assessed as damages done by opening the street= in the city:if Harriabisrs, or having adverse tlaims, to the property injured, mate the name known by petition or otherwise to the Court tof Quarter Sessions on or before the first Qty of next term, at Which time the money, when the amassment Is othetwirre legal, will be awarded io the parties named in the report as owners of the property. And, also, tint all exceptions tolho r port of the viewers be lied on'or before the first day of Novae. - ber neat. By order of the 'Cart. sep4•dStaw4wj J. C. YOUNG, Clerk. CHARTER OF INCORPORATIOF. IVOTICE is giveit that applicatienjoi the Inoorsaration of the "Calvary. Ellett/ill 'ltaiitirt ch urc h o f Harrisb u r g , hos bean snide to the Court of common Plenovf Dauphin count], and Shpit in the : taco 'of toe Prothonotary; and that a chastor will...lnitiehted at the nen regular tem of the,mid CNN woo smusli be shown to the centratyy, ityinlernt the Coati_ attatitheasr O. X. 011 4P . flithnnetort. a. • fr 0, I. I Arm% Apogfolk steitAtimard.w.„-Oit, 41.10 .1010: A.; 1- =',"ll l '2l , .44 , 14de.fta4 - 1 t. 14 I- 4. FOR coNGEAss. LENDER IV. OTT, Of Susquehanna. Township, awn3 , /kw . c* nanPlan. REGISTER. TOHN FOX, of this city, offers himself as a el candidate for REGI3TEB of Dauphin county, sub ject to the decision of the Union County Convention. Having had seventeen year's experience in the bussii-3 of the office, he pledges himself to give satisfaction if elected . aul6•dststc THIS OFFICE GEORGE MARK, of South Hanover town, ship, cogent himself as a candidate for the office of REGISTER, of Dauphin county. If elected, Mr. Mark pledges himself to perform the duties of said office with fidelity. jeD ddtwtc CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. ELARaguguto, NA. , June 9, 1881. undersigned respectfully offers himself 11 to the Republicans of the 14th Congressional Ds. trict of Pennsylvania, composed of toe counties of Daii plan, Juniata, Northumberland, Union and Snyder, for nomination by the several county conventions of the said District. Dellidtel JOSIAH 9-SPY. DIIDOLPH MILLER, of East Hanover .1.16 towoehtp, Obis himself as acandidate for the office of Register. If nominate/ and elected he p edges him self to fulfil the duties.of the office with fidelity. Je2s4l2wtiwtco RUDOLPH MILLER. GOVERNMENT SALES, &C. CONDEMNED HORSES Was Dsmask - tra - v, CAYALLINT Oman or, Omer QoasimustarEa. WABILINGTOA, D. 0., August 3, 1864. N;VILL be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the times and places named be low, via: Reading, Pennsylvania, Thursday, August 18, 1884. Altoona, Pennsylvania, Thursday, Augtist 35, 1864. Lab .non. Pennsylvania, Thursday, September 1, 1.864. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Thursday, September 8, 1864. TWO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry Horses at eacii place. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the Army. For road andlarin purposes many goad bargains may be had. Homes sold singly. TERMS: CASH in Malted states Currency. JAMBS A. SHIN. au&iltsa lA. CoL and C. Q. Y. Cavalry Bureau. NEI.* AD V ERTISEIVI EA Ts. Ananrrearr QuAttsicastterna's 71Aiousairan; Pawl., August SO, 1884 f SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this (dace until 12 o'clock, x.. Monday, oept, ma , r fp, 1.314 to furnish this department with (6W) Three Hundrair Tons of baled Timothy Hay, (2,000) two' thousand pounds per ton, all to be of the be-t merchantable quality, sub tO Such [Donee loh as I may Alrect. /1.4 y to-be delve ed at Barn bgrt. Pa. Proposals for any amount ov rASO) t ifty Tons of Hay on this contract, w Bo be received. . Each party obtaining a connact will be required to ea ter into bonds with approved surecieslbr its faithful ere anion. The depat4ment reserves to Itself the ight to reject my or all bids it not oeemed iwtisfactory. • Proposabr will be addreased to Captain F.. C. Reichen boob, Ascot Quartermaster Dols , Marrisliurg, Pa; mot will be endorsed "Proposals to t‘trnistr Hay." By order of CoL. G. JOHNS; ill', Chief Qr. Mr., D. p't Suronelranna. E.C. REICHEN BACH, Capt. and Arisit Qr. Mr. augBl4ltd Proposals for Corn and Oats. 0/IWII Ass•arnarr Queurinumaryk. u. S. A,,t ItlitalElßUito, August 30, 1564. ) SEALEDIPROPOSALS will be received at this Office until 12 &dock, MONDAY, September 6, 1864, to furnish this Department. wiih (16.000,) Fifteen thousand bushels Corn, and - (13,000) Fifteen thousind busheli Oats, to be delivered at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Cotai to be put up l good St.ollt sacks of about two bushels each. Oats to be put up in Him sacks of abeat three bushels each. The sacks to be furnished without extra charge to the aoveroment. Propesa for any amount, say (2,000) two thousand bushels and over will be rect-tved. Aroponds fur delivering Cora and Oats loose are also solicited. Fach party obtaining a contract will be rewired to enter into bonds with approved saretks for Its talihful execution The department reservist to itself the right to se j ect any or all bids IT not deemed antlers. tory. Proposals will be addressed to Capt E Reid:maim* ABM Quartermaster, Harrisburg, Pa., and will be en dorsed "Proposals for Po. age." By order of COL. J. G. JOHNSON, Chief Qr. 3ir. , Dept of die Su-quebanna. E. 0. REWHENBA.CH, Capt and A. Q M. atal dtd luiportant Correspondence. ITO PAYS FOR STAMPS ON RECEIPTS PELLADELPIPA AND Rean•XG RAILROAD COMPANY, OPPIOE 22T MOTH k OUR STRUT, Purtrinmems, August 9th INC JOSEPH J. LEWIS, Esq. U. a Clinnmiasioner !Memel liersemse, Magni/ton, D, C.: Sne :—Please state wlCch party must ply for the 11. 8. Stamp? The one who receives the money, being the maker of the receipt, or the par y paying the money Yours respectfully. JEiItitOPORD Tressarer. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ()PUGS OP INTERNAL Ramosmr, WASHINGTON, August 15th , 1864. Sin :—Vours.of the is 'received. Tee question as to who Buell pay the duty required on receipts on any sums of motley exceeding Ego, h dependent on the cir cumstances attending tile ease. UMW& ity at law no parson is bound to Diva a rsoetlerfor monappaid. The Jettipt is an hotrument or tv.rienew Realm only le the iereon to whom it is given. If he node a recriet - it it neceaaryfor him M furnish the stamp er to stamp the receipt rf r quo ea, le lore it iS eigatd Toe person who receives the n osey 54 sot °Nig , d to gips a red:aipt mikes the other party :or.ishes the properStaurp. IP a person gives a receipt' without 'aqui leg that the party to whom it la given shall I urohh the Stamp. the molter o - the receipt meat bicaself stamp the paper be fere he delver it. If he fails to St EV It b foe he de livers It, he is liable to the penalty provided by law fer the orgLiggion but the other party may Stamp it immedi ately upon Its beirig received. Very nom ctfu Iy, JWIEPII J. LEWIS Commlviense. lift, Philadelphia. [aug3l-d2w.w4t 13= Notice to Persona Wishing to Band! P AB,TIEB about to build houses. &c., will ilnd 14 to their advantage to call on or address b'. F Di H.INTLEIt s sox 307, Harrisburg, Pa. sr Residence on State street, nil door below Second. sepl-dtvr* PN or - about the 12th of August, 18610 a COLORED VOY, aped - 18 3 elm. by the vane or ALUM( H. GREEN. Had on when he IFlt home r blue pante, bine overalls white atom and a bine military eV ; me la aye teat and halt an irrh in hetAt ; U. of a edges br..wn coMptl , teL Any totordanoo of his wherauchal will be thanktunf received by hie mother, a. AR V ANN GREEN, Sept. 1, 1364—(sepl-d3l.* Se one street, Hartialtrg, Harrisburg Female seminary. MICE fall minims of this Institution will commence on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. au2441.5w2w1 Mrs S E. rozos, Principal. $lO WILL be paid for information of the whereabottut of any deserters glom the 11. S. service. All communications strictly 000lhlentlal. Address Box 15, Harrisburg, P. O. mode FOE SALE, A TER-HORSE power • steam angina and boiler, steam pipes, water pipes, pumps and be.ter sopiplete; oscillating =pm and cylinder boiler , manatee. tared by Joel Weidman, patent Improved oscillating en gine builder. May be mean at Canal sham foot of Walnut F Harrisinni. Fer Leroy, ltAs ingtdn at Canal office, Market street, near Veiled States Hotel. Einarsimso, July 23, Ee4 . . . YPthe wadersigned offer for sale, a lot with twe aesauremeed thereon, In i 3 thorough of 7181411_higi t Mkthe-84 of bepte nber. at Br . 3r. Tar:mile SU " ' '1 01 = 111 . 2 . —Weis sake- phoogni , tloo -.bone 04.0.- 114018. cLArkalloileod:Ssa , _ • - . WO - . CANDIDATES. FOR REGISTER. FOR REGISTER. AUCTION SALE or Proposals for Hay. LOST OR STOLEN! DESERTERS • PO* !LIE. --ZMW IIIa -43 =k 1* St. 1925-tf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers