Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, September 01, 1864, Image 3
ailg-ittlegraA ,:.; - , ----- p HARRISBURG, PA THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 1, 1854. ,NOTICE. 71 , 0 ADVERTISEILS—AII Adver- Lisementv, Easiness Notices, Marrifiges, Dox im, Sge., to secure insertion in the ,w,LEGIIAPI - 1, must invariably be accom panied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered im the regular avoiding Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Ed E 3 ten without extra charge. TOWN A*ll3 COUNTRY. 'las tax on matches went into effect to-day. Every box sold hereafter must have apne-cept revenue stamp attached. Arraoacimo completion—the market house in West Harrisburg. Workmen are putting o n the roof, and it is expected that the building will be completed ere long. CLrr. JOEL METZ advertises fora few more men to fill his company, and Offers $5OO local bounty. The Captain was a gallant soldier in the Mexican war, and will make an excellent dicer. Saxer Sonora.—The fall session of Mrs. Dixon's female seminary will commence on Wednesday next, Sept. 7th. Miss Sue F. Wilson will reopen her school on Monday next, sth inst. I=ll A. SALUTE FOB DLSIJNION. —The copperheads . fired a salute this morning, in honor of the uomination of M'Clellan and Pendleton; by the Disunion party. Who paid for the pow der? III=1:11 STRUCK BY LIGILTNINO. —On Tuesday even ing the barn of Mr. Gentzimer, near Bir mingham, Huntingdon county, was struck by lightning, and entirely destroyed. Loss be tween $2,000 and $3,000. I=l NATIONAL HALL—This place of amusement, located at the corner of Second and South streets, will be opened on Monday evening next, by Messrs. Marble & Welker, who bring with them a theatrical company. For particu lars see advertisement. =11:Z=1 JOHN C. LINDSAY, Esq., Prothonotary of Perry county, died at his residence in Bloom aeld on Thursday last. Robert A. Brangan, Esq., of Duncannon, has been appointed by Gov. Curtin, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. Lindsay. =I THE CELEBRATED SEW-SELLING CANS can now be had of George L. Black, corner of Third and Walnut streets. He has but a small lot on hand, and this will be the last of the season. Those in want of cans can find no better in the market. Call at once. I=l THE ExEMPTION BY COMMUTATION.—We have been shown a dispatch from the office of the Provost Marshal General, at Washington, received here last evening, which states that Gen, Fry has not yet decided that all persons who paid $3OO commutation are exempt from (trait under the late call for volunteers. I=l SANFORD continues to attract hundreds of visitors to the Opera House, which is contin ally crowded. The star minstrels performing there can,,,truly be styled "Ethiopian gun boats." Songs, dances, burlesques, laugha ble plays, and good music, constitute the bill of fare. To-night Miss Lizzie Lagrange hikes a benefit. Sanford appears. Ix Towx.—Ex-Gov. Morgan, of New York, and Gov. Morrill, of Maine, were in the city yesterday. They have been traversing the States to observe the progress of recruiting un der the new call, and report that while, several have already filled their quotas, nearly all the others have been carrying on reorniting to such an extent as will leave the number to be drafted comparatively small. =I A SOLDLEOeS 0113MONOF TEE SALUTE FOR licCrarmix's Nownwriox. —While the Copper heads were firing a national salute in honor at the nomination of McClellan for tht Pres idency, a soldier, who happened to be`-pass ing along the board walk, at the time, asked a bystander the object of the salute. When told, the soldier quaintly replied that Meelel= lan, ever since the war began, was responsi ble, either directly or indirectly, for the wast ing of powder ! Sensible, soldier—and oh, how gallant soldiers do love "Little Mac." . . Tns Smoot. TAX AND TEE SOLDTEMS.—One of our city tax collectors communicated to us yesterday, during a casual conversation, the gratifying fact that seven out of every ten of the soldiers who left this city, made it their business to pay their school tax before march ing hence. Many of those thus paying in deed called the collector, who gives us the gratifying intelligence, to the ranks, and then cheerfully paid their taxes. This is alike hon orable to the soldier and the great system of education which they thus cheerfully sup port. E XTENSION OF THE CA.FITOL.—As S001:1 as the Board of Commissioners can be convened,the contract for extending the Capitol will be let, and work immediately commenced. It is al most confidently predioted that the plan of Mr. Simon, an eminent architect of thietity i will be adopted, and that he will be charged with the erection of the extension. Tho other plans presented, proposed extending the building ever the open spaces respectively, between, the Capitol and the Executive department, on the one side, and the Land Office on the other. Under no circumstance can the Oonstnission ere be induced to accept such a pian. The Plan of Mr. Simon, as is well knowii, proposes to extend the building from the rear, with a front on State street, which will'add- to . the appearance of the whole building, and afford convenience ample for all the usee needed.-- It is hoped that work will be coragatteed•Ort this magnificent improvement so eel°. have it far advanoed before the inclemency of the winter season interferes with, the progress •of the work. izirmos belonging o' the 200th PeausigliraidWrobriteeiii,.fibiling to report Oli or before' thittit day of %Am:Aar, 1864, will be reported } ss deserters and pun ished : au2B-1w Fon RumsTna.--We would again remind the Union voters of the county of Dauphin, that Henry B,adabaugh is a candidata fpr nomination. Kr. Radabaugh having ren dered efficient service to the party, is certain ly entitled to a nomination. _..•. - Sirm WAND ' ELECTION. —The election . for member of Council, held in the Sixth ward, yesterday, resulted as follows : David Mumina, Esq., II John Stemler, C Mumma's majoritl A marmsx lady of this city, whose age is not a proper subject for discussion, has been warning young men that' the stamp tax on matclas would be enforced on the Ist of Sep tember, and it would be a saving of money to finish up engagements previously. We have not learned whether she succeeded - in effect ing an engagement. THIRD WARD DELEGATE Eialcrinc:—Aii elec tion for delegates to represent the Third ward in the Union County Convention, will be held at the usual place of holding such election, (at the Parke House, on Market street,) on Saturday evening next, at the usual time. HENRY THOMAS, dtd Chairman of County Committee A FIENDISH ACT —On Saturday night last some fiend in human form, het fire to the principal building in the Adams county Fair Ground, at Bendersville, and it was destroyed, together with many valuable boo,ks and papers; besides a stack of hay. Some of the build ings and the stalls ware saved. The loss is about $1,200. CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL, under the L'uan agement of Joe Miller, is still doing a good business. Joe endeavors to please his .pat rons with new and novel attractions. Mr. John Carroll, the Champion Clog Dancer of England, made his first appearance,- introduc ing the Top Boot Dance, a dance which has never been performed before in America. Everybody ,should - go to the Canterbury. Tan 202 D REGIACENT. —This regiment is fast *ng up. , CoL Chas. Albright, of Mauch Chunk, formerly of the 132 d P. V., will com mand it. A more patriotic or competent leader Could not be chosen. Only a few more com panies wanted to fill up. Commanders of companies and squads would do well to con nect themselves with this organization, by applying at Headquartars in Camp Curtin. • Su3o-2t • . =2E9I PAiEss fOund on two soldiers who were killed near Marysville, on Tuesday, by being struck by the fast line westward, on the Penn sylvania railroad, whilst they were standing on the track, show them to be J. K. Ayres, belonging to Company H, 136th Regiment Ohio volunteers, from Paulding county, Ohio, and W. C r Clarke of Capt. Thompson's Inde pendent Battery, from Crawford county, Ohio. Clark has relatives near Savannah , Ohio, and Plymouth,-Ohio. • EAST /I=2oo—This grand drains willbe re peated at the Theatre this evping, by partic ular request of a large number of our citiiens. There is an excellent cast of characters. All the members of the Star Company will appear in the piece, including Miss Fanny Denham, Miss Nellie Sprague, Mr. Rouse, Mr. :Meeker, and others. • There was a large audience last evening, to witness The _Honey Moon. Suc cess attends the efforts of the Mrsnage.r to please our eitizeng. We world advise ,the public to go to Bannvart's and-secure the 4 ir seats during the day. Tint Cotsen, sae xas Botany Queszton.— This morning Judge Pearson decided that, according to the terms of the city charter, the Mayor and Council have no authority to levy a tax upon our ditizens, or to borrow money for bounty purposes, (as provided in the recent ordinance passed,) as the charter expressly limits the amount that may be bor rowed to $200,000, and the greater portion of that sum has 'already been obtained by loan. This puts an end to the payment 'of bounties as far as the Council is concerned. It is, however, conceded that the election boards of the various wards have authority, by the State law, to levy taxes for bounty pur poses. A SHARP Dopas.—The copperheads, in or der to defeat the Union candidate for Council.. in the Sixth ward, resorted to a dodge which promised to result well, but signally failed. When the Union men nominated David Mum ma, Esq., the copperheads avowed their de termination to present no candidate, and to support Mr. M., inasmuch as Dr. Egle had been supported by both partied last spring. Yet, in the face of this avowal, 'they met in secret conclave, on Monday night, and nomi nated John Stimler for Council. Secresy was however, observed, and it wa s not until near noon of yesterday that the Union men dis covered that the opposition were not voting for Mr. Mumma. Every co pperhead was at the polls and voted. Yet, notwithstanding this piece of treachery, threy were defeated; and Mr. Mumma was triumphantly elected. As an act 'of meatmees this dodge of the Cops. is unparalleled, unless it he by the "Sons of Liberty" and other organized bands of the enemies of. the Administration. -- I Sernarnori,. Ctristuris op limmutz.v,uir.s. -1 am instructed by the commander-in-chief, not of the Army of the Potomac or of the Own berland, but O. L. Winm, of cheap dry goods, at No. 1, Southeast corner of Front and Marketetreets, to may that he will receive . to-day,bis . first supply of Fall • and Winter dry goods. , Iwill;also 'say that " - U i ffer an ab sence of fottr - NiftlekiAt?...tha army , lam pleased to infort943f: , fritn.o l # 2 43_acqua Intim:Ns that I SM now. at -1 h0m6,104., 11-66* respaftN4y4stliei them ta'aitaiiase'fiwt - '44 k a vra Ycs.triboaszaimpeo y, a 441 . it kAr: VA* ROAN., - 47 . 1"..Y171 .- 4 - 1 , 1 • " SECT= fl Titotan,m—T, &lotions of a Wcman who should be in the South, te Eh lur Friends.—The Hun" tingdon American gives an amusing amount of the troubles of a female Secesh, on her way from Bedford Springs, who stopped at one of the Huntingdon hotels to wait for the Eastward train. While at the hotel she used very treasonable language and behaved in a manner that indicated her pro clivities. The girls employed about the house were incensed at her, and retaliated by treat ing her to a concert of Union songs—among others singing in full chorus, "We'll hang Jeff. Davis on a sour apple tree," tto. This caused Secesh to rave, whereupon the girls struck up "Rally round the Flag." Secesh was rampant and declared that she would rather die than walk under that flag. To test her, the girls procured a large U. S. Flag, locked the door which opened on the street, and when the train was coming, hung the flag over the main entrance by which Secesh was compelled to make her exit. She soon made her appearance, saw the flag, and passed out under it, to the infinite merriment of the girls, who waved it over her head as she de parted, accompanying the action with • the chorus "Down with the traitor and up with the stars!" ~..,...10 [COMMUNICATED.] Our Next Congressman. ME. EDITOR :—Our County Convention for the nomination of a Union ticket, to be sup ported at the October election, will assemble in this city on Tuesday next. A Congress man is to be elected in this District. Who shall we nominate? This is a quesion im portant to the people. A number of candi dates are named in the several counties com posing the district. Dauphin oounty proposes three or four, among whom is Wm. d. Romig sox, of Dauphin. Mr. ROBINSON was the nominee of Dauphin county in 1862. Had he received the nomination of the district by the Conferees, he would most probably have been elected, and we should have been saved the mortification of a disastrous defeat, and the district would not have been misrepresented, as it is, by an unscrupulous and venomous Copperhead. I Mr. Robinson is a gentleman of fair abili ties, honest as steel, and can be relied on as faithful and true to the cause of the Union. His nomination would be very popular, and bis election certain. Mr. Patterson iss defeated in 1862, mainly on account of MS small vote polled. The election was peornitted to go by default. This will not be the case this fall. A fall vote will be polled, and a full vote in this district is a certain victory. Ia this hour of her peril, the country needs the services of true men. Let us take care that'we are not again shamefully misrepresented in the 14th Congressional District of Pennsylvania. DAUPHIN. LABT of TILE SEASON. —The grand Union Picnic to oome off at Hoffman's woods on on Thursday, September Ist. The woods is situated one half mile in the rear of Camp Curtin. Soldiers from oamp wishing to enjoy a day's sport, are respectfully invited to at tend. Tickets of admission to the woods 25 cents. aug3l-d3to Tho Union voters of the Sixth ward will meet at Bailey's Marseli House on Saturday evening, Sept. 3d, at 7 o'clock, for the par pbse of electing Delegates to the Union Coun ty Convention. By order of Executive Com mittee. sepl-dtd Third Wart Delegate Election. The eleotion of delegates to represent the Third ward in the Union County Convention, will be held at the Franklin House, on Satur day evening next, at the usual hour. By or der of the Executive committee of the Third ward. td IN - Health brightens ever} pros pect in Life.--The effect of a bilious condition of the system is most striking in its influence upon the mind. The common ob jects of pleasure and enjoyment,. become sources of weariness and disgust. AU nature wears a sombre aspect. A constant gloom hangs ovr the spirits ; a weight of despond ency crushes every elastic feeling of the heart. Such are the morbid influences of dis eased liver. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOLA GOMM, acting upon that organ, removes the burden and restores the mind to cheerfulnes* 'and health. Sold by all druggists and medicine dealers Lochiel Greys One Years Service. A few more men wanted to fill up this or tuization. $6OO local bounty paid, $lOO overnment, making. $6OO bounty. Men will go to camp and draw uniforms as soon as emu: Aorta in. Rally men, and avoid the com ing (haft. Headquarters, Walnut street be tween Third and Fourth streets, Harrisburg, ps W. A. DEAN, Capt. . . Lieu's. Theodore G. Thomas, Recruiting au9-tf Fon Seam—An elegant building lot, situat ed on Third street above North, 21 feet iron by 131 feet in depth, running to a 20 fee vide alley. For particulars enquire at an9-dif TM OFFICE. . SPECIAL NOTICES. SOLDIERS, TAKE IT WITH YOU: The greatest trouble to persons in the Army, especially hi this season, is Dysentery, which (by death or by dila. bility) weakens the service more than the Rebels do. Yery many have foond,.upon trial, the DYSENTERY DROPS are among the very best preventatives and cures ,that are to be had. Every officer and every soldier a L'Npuld carry it with him, and thereby reasonably insure hiLlself against a great danger. It is prepared in Barris burl.' by MRS. L. BALL, at 27 Pine street, between Second auctsront. Take a phial with you. Price 2 cents, DO/ lOU WISH TO BE CURED 2 DR. BO OHM'S }MOLISE SPSCIPIO PILLS cures In tow a im ;10 days, the worst” oases Of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay; Seminal Weakness, 'noon. ity, and sir Vrinary, Sand .and Nervous Affections, no ro ut er h orn what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per boa. Rent, p,estrpaid, by mail, on receipt of an %order. One Box will p arfect the ours in most cases. Address JAILO & BUTLER, jyls4l&wBm General.Atent, 429 Broadway, N. Yo El:dem ox buxom %?R Dear Sir:—With _Four pernlission I wish to say to the random of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all who wish it (freed Recipe, with full directions fot making and using a sin tpte Vegetable Balm, that will ef fectually remove in ton days, Pimples Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Inv /Grates of the Skin, 'leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Fazes, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a fall growth of Luxuriant Bair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less thi in thirty days. Al applications annwe red by return mall without fie, 'ally your, THCS . P. CHLAILAN, Chemist, lylIS-dkwSm 1181 Broadway, New York. SELLING of Summel• Goode at low prices, anca as Summer Dress Goods, Lino, Bon Umbrellas, LIMA %owls, and Sumner Stook We have silo 'on Linda very large eleorunent of Muslin; Calicos, Ging loons, Bunking; Bandkerehledli, Bleak Yield Bilks, White Cambria; Undressed hook Cambria; Whits and Colored Flannels, and ln teat assortment of dry goods net sareassed by.orny. To alt of which we invite those wish to gosedise; wad •prong* to sell at kW prices oin Toplaco tbourtbr Aa all kinds of dry an advancing mar dar, now is tkk thaie - Wis . . Sixth Ward Meeting. I=l FriukArzeiseiLF.- worm. - ! NEw ADVERTISEDIENiS. THE mosthealthy 'petit:waled more or less week this extreme warm weather, and lose their sp. petite. They need a good Wong Tonle—one that will strengthen the nervous system mood stedutoh. This they eaa get at Secants por bottle, at Mrs. L. Ball% No. 27, South Pine street, Harrisburg. Orders from a distance 'promptly attended to. augl COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal de mand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollientin its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. Per sale by all Druggists and Fancy GoodiDealers. ealfr.dawly Hill& DICE 1 HAIR DYE Batchelorls Celebrated Hair Die IS THE BEST JH THE WORLD. The only Hanaleu, True and Reliable Dye %mauves. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural-Brown without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyea The genuine is signed-WILLIAM A. 13ATCH ELOR. All others are mere imitation; and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggliffs, Viso Factory-81 RA_R -1.1.AY ST, N. Y. . . . OATOMILOR'S !raw TOIL= GRIME FOR DRESSING INS jel3ly . A CARD TO TILE SUFFERING. Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Rucku s " "Tonle Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Antidotes," to., &a, Sic., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BIICE ENGLISH SPECI FIC) PlLLS—and be restored to uealth and vigor in less than thirty days. They - are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and saintai7 in their effects on the broken down and stunterodconstitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Imported and sold in the United States only by JAS. S. BIITLE& No. 42T Broadway, New York. 43-Agent few the United States. P. S.—A Box of the Pills, securely packed, will be mailed to any address on receipt of price, which is ONE DOLLAR, post-paid—money refunded by the Agent if entire satisfaction is not given. jyls-d.kw3m WANTS. Hands Wanted. CARPENTERS, Cabinet Makers, Mad:Lin ists and Moulders wanted, at the EAGLE WORKS. aug2O W. 0. HILKOIL Stoneware Potters Wanted! AR TUNER of small ware, also a SETTER OF KILN and BURNER wanted, at the Hirnsburg Stoneware Pottery. Enquire of augffild twl COWDEN & IVELCOX [Baltimorb American .copy for one week and sand WI to this office, immediately, for collection.] Shoemaker Wanted! T 0 work on a beach in a store where he will be pleasantly situated, and wages good. Apply at 131 East Market street, Harrisburg, l'a aug23-d2w* Notiee to Bridge Builders ! THE undersigned, Commissioners of Dan phiu county, Pennsylvania, will receive Sealed Pro posals up to September the 21st, (Wednesday,) at two o'clock P . is., for building, superintending and furnishing all the materials for a new-roofed Bridge across Arm. strong creek, in Jackson township, said county, east 'of Halifax at thb site referred to by the late Reports of the Grandlnquest of the county, somewhere south, or nearly so, of Fishersville. Said bridge to be forty feet span, on the Burr Top Arch plan, and to be as high as what the old bridge (now standing) la ; north side wing walls to be fourteen feet long, and those of the south side ten feet long Proposals to be endorsed on the specifleationsa which may be had at the office of the County Commis sioners at Harrisburg, on application by letter or other wise. Lettinpto be on said day and to the lowest re sponsible bidder. HENRY HARTMAN, JACOB J. MILLEISEN, ROBERT W. If CLIMB. au29-d&wtd] NEW AND CHOICE SHEET MUSIC FOR THE PIANO FORTE. Toe Sword that my brave boy wore. 7. (}.Clark. 30 "They have sent me the sword that my brave boy wore On the deld of his young renown." I live for these who love me 7. G Clark. 30 We shall, be known above. Song and Cho. J. G. Clark. 30 /' "Under the 103 the waters run, Under the ice our spirits lie, The genial glow of the summer sun Will loosen their fetters by and by." . Do they prey for me at home. Song and Cho. Fiske. 30 Tenting on the old Camp Ground. As sung with great applause by the "liUtclenson Faintly." 30 Tony Pastorta Medley. Adapted to the popular Melody, "The Cottage by the :eat" ~.. 30 Menlo Store Window. A Medley Song and Cho. Frank Wilder. 30 Enrancipatlon . Song and Chorus. Dedicated to all Lov ers of Freedom. *3 The above new and popular sheet music sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. - OLIVA'S, DIMON it 00., Publishers, Boston. For sale by J. E. GOULD, Philadelphia. aug3o-dte BOA.RDIN cr. SIX or eight single persons can be sworn modated with boarding at _ MM. ELIZA SHANKLNI , S, State street, betw. Front and Seoend, Harrisburg. anSl-d2t Ms S. A . RUNPUIL Sir:-1 take pleasure in stating that your "DIARRECE A MIXTURE" exceeds anything of the kind that I ever imagined. 1 was very much troubled with diarrhoea, and could and nothing to help me in the least, until I took your •• mamas I give you this certificate, hoping that,.if you see proper to,use it, it may be the means of extending a knowledge of the matchless value of your medicine. Very respectfully Co . ,s,JEFFRIES. Fallen Timber, Cambria Co, Aug. 27, 1884 --(au3o-dtf • 1011IIBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that in purulence of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed the first day or June, 1830, theatockholders of the Franklin Bank, of Washington, Penna., will apply to the next session of the Legislature for a renewal of its char ter with an increase of ita capital from- $150,000 to $O,OOO. C, m . REED, President. waaavarrox, PA., June 24,1864, je27 DESERTERS. W LL $lO She whe lj res e Xu lid or lb sa r Y: i d W is o e rm rs at-i r o om n the ts U. 8. service. All communisations strictly confidentiaL Address Box 13 Harrisburg, P.O. aug4-dtt FOR SALE, ATEN.SORSE power steam engine and boiler, steam pipes, water pipes, pumps, and heater complete; oscillating engine and cylinder boiler, manufac tured by Joel Weidman, patent improved oscillating en gine builder. May be seen at Canal shopa, foot of Walnut street, Harrisburg. For terms, ale., enquire at Canal Mee, Market street, near United States Hotel. asmatimuno..July 28. 1804 jy2B-1 FOR BALE. 'll - T . E the undersigned offer for sale, a lot with y v two houses erected thereon, is the borough of Dauphin, on the 3d of September, at 3P. x. Terms to suit purchasers. Sale to take% place at the house of 0. Rhodes. A. & R. GEIGER. augls-deod:3wili • :. • . Honey. - ASMALL but superior lot of HONEY, jus aug n received, e 6. • 'SELMER As FRAZER'S. . . FINE FAMILY FLOUR. —43ELISLER FRAZER have made =Liniments with one of the best mills in the country to supply the families of Barris. 'burg with shake FLOUR. Wary barrel warranted, azd delivered to any part of the eity fine of charipa BRISLDE & FRAZEE. Dealers is Mt Rattily &delete; opposite the Court , . U. DOZEN JARS KNGT.istri PICKLES, comprising Bogie; Chow Chow, Cauliflower Mixed Melba, Elerldne, Widngla a Onion!. For ealie wholesale u 4 retail by 4111181.11 R tt aqi essossoii to W. Dr00k,T.3650 11. S. 7-30 LOAN. raSecretary of the Treasury gives notice t subscriptions will be received for Cou pon Treasury Notes, payable three years from August 15th, 1864, with semi-annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum—principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity into six per cent. gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the GtSvernment may elect. They will be issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000, and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some inultiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation chariges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of De posit as they can be prepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dol lars and upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed a commission •of one quarter of one per cent, which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions for commissions must be made from the deposits. Special Advantages of this Loan. IT is A NAT/ONAZ SAVDTC/S Bann, offering a higher rate than any other, and best security. Any savings bank which pays its depositors in U. S. Notes,Considers that it is paying in the best circu lating medium of the country, and it cannot pay in anything better, for its own assets are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in government paper. It is equally convenient as a. temporary or permanent investment. The notes can al ways be sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated interest, and are the best security with banks as collaterals for dis counts. Convertible into a 6 per Cent. 640 Geld Bond. In addition-to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent. per annum, for the current rate for 6-20 Bonds is not less than nine per what. premium, and be fore the war the premium on six per cent. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent. per annum. its Exemption from State or Municipal JOHN LOSER But aside from all the advantages we have enumerated, a special act of Congress exempts ali bonds and Treasury notes from /peal taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent. per annum, according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great inducements to lenders as those issued by the Government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate com - - mnnities, only, is pledged for, payment, while the whole property of the country is held to secure the discharge of all the obligations of the United States. While the Government offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL BB RECEIVED by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washing ton, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by all the Na tional banks which are depositaries of public money, and all respectable banks and bankers throughout the country will give further in formation and afford every facility to sub scribers. [anl9-dacw:2si SALES OF REAL ESTATE. Providence Farm AT PUBLIC HAVING} determined to relinquish bust non, the undersigned will offer for sale, on the premises, in Lower Allen Township, Cumberland county, Penesylvauia, on the SiMPsen road, one mile east of Me chanicsburg, and seven miles west of Harrisburg, the fol lowing valuable real estate : A TILLCT or LAND, well known as ,6 Providence Perm," containing 9034 acres—five of which are well covered with thriving timber, and the balance are in a high state of cul tivation and under good fencing. The improvements colusist, of a large new TWO-STORY BRICE DWELLING, Wash Hansa, Bank Barn, a Tenant House, with all neces sary outbuildings. There are also two wells of never. Sailing water, and two large cisterns near the buildings, with a fine young APPLE AND PEACH ORCHARD . on the premises ; besides a great variety of small Fruits, such as Grapes, Plums, Pears, Cherries, &c. The im provements on this property are entirely new, and of the most approved style. The land Is of superior quality, and its proximity to a flourishing town renders it one of the most desirable homes in Cumberland Valley. Persons desiring to view this property previous to the sale, wlil please call on the subscriber, residing on the premises. sir Sakai° commence at 1 o'clock P. X:, when terms will be made known by RENRY G. BUFF. aug2B-dtsepl ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th, 1864 - subscribers, agents for the heirs of ji..l7ederick Wonderly, Sen., late of Mechanicsburg, Pa deed, will sell on the premises the following valuable real estate, viz: A tract of Limestone Land containing 67 acres and 68 perches, all clear, in a high state of cultivation and under good fencing, located in Silver Spring township, Cumber land county, Pa., tyro miles West of Mechanicsburg, near the road leading froilz that place to Carlisle. The improve ments are a good Twasrußr HOUSE, A GOOD BASK BARN; wagon shed, corn crib, and all other necessary outbuild ings. There are also two wells of never-failing water on the farm, one of which is near the door; an orchard of choice fruit, and a limekiln on tho premises. The land has been all limed. The proximity of this property to the enterprising town of Mechanicsburg, always affording an excellent market for the products of the farm, renders it highly desirable. At the same time and plus, a trait of Mountain Land, situated in Silver Spring township, Cumberland county, containing 10 acres and 14 perches, easy of access. Persons desiring to view the property previous to the sale will please call on George Wonderly, residing on the farm, or W. H. Wonderly, residing in Mechanicsburg. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. m., when terms will be made known by GEORGE WORDEitLY, W. H. WONDERLY. Agents for the heirs of J. F. Wonderly; dec'd. auls4llsepa THE DAY & BUSHNELL MINING COMPANY 20 =sexes macs, NEW Your. TIM attention of the public is called to the advantages offered by this company for Profitable Investment._ \ The extent and value of its GI - OLs D DICINM t9i , coupled with its process for working them, make it the most desirable property ever offered to the public. Detailed information is regard to its extent tuld pro ,. peels can be had at the office of the , undersigned, agen t of the company, who will receive sabscriptioas to stock. JOHN W. #4l.a . Agt., . . Office Third street/near Wahmt. Herriatiarg, Pa. wegtodimewlm Harrisburg Female Saban% /111IDE fall 000 don of this lcustibatien will .1. CailLllloll.o el WEDNESDAY IGEPTE taws T. &law] 7iza & i. VITRA. FAMILY: FLOUR ilia OCIV AU NUL *Arm ogii MO, •C aka but itlitt_al la " 'SPY= ilk zemirlii. Taxation, SA L E On Pb day September 2. 1864. PUBLIC SALE AMYOEMEMeS. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL SISTESINTH NIGER' OS Souse's Star Combination Company, Roase's Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, THERSDAY EVENING, SEPT. Ist, 1864, Will be presorted, EAST LYNNE REISS FANNY DKNHAN, BLISS NELLII sriptellE, IN TWO GREAT ORARACTSRIP 3For further particulars tee programme ang9-dtf New National Theatre ! CORNER OF NORTH SECOND ISD SOUTH STREETS. Managers and sole Proprietors ....MARBLE &WELKER. BEAU lieuL TEMPLE OPs THE Ig DRAMA will open on MONDAY . BY7INING squ. 51k, with a new and 'augmented company, embracer% some of the first artists in the United States. The man. tigers wish the public to understand that this is to be cos ducted strictly as a Met-chum theatre, and not anything before or behind the curtain shall be allowed to paid even the most fastidious. And we would wish the public to know that Improper charaoters will not be admitted in any part of the house. This is a rule that will be strictly adhered to. On MONDAY EYWING, SEPTEMBHa 5,1861, The performance will commence wittelhe beauttfal do meth; drams, in duce acts, by Edward Fttaball, gat-, en titled CHRISTMAS EVE; OR, The Duel in the Snow, With new Scenery, Coetames, Machinery, do. Thia play was performed at the T hextre dnarig' ue de Ls Cost ive, Parts, for upwards of three hundred nights, and at the Princess Royal, London. For distrinnUon of char acters see programme of the day. PRICES OF ADsllS,llON.—Parquette, 50 cents; Oaf - lery, 25 cents; Orchestra Chairs, v. 00; Private Poxes, $5 and $lO Dears open at T.K. Curlew rises at S o'clock. Box Otilos open from 10111112 a_ at, and from 2 till 4 34.„ when sesta canbe reserved wlth•n,t extra charge. au29-Iw* SANFOELD'S TITURSDAT EVENING, SEPT. Ist, 1864, BENEFIT OF LIZZIE 1.../“...L.ANGE! Who will appear in on Dances, and the Character of ELIZA, in SANFORD'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN S. SANFORD, IN THREE CHARACTEFS See bills of the day. TBlScompany consists of the bed star pei formers, consisting of • SINGERS, DANCERS, • ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, AC. The managers takes pleasure In announcing that they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor Brum Pours, Business Agent. air2tid CANTEMBITILIC MALL. WALNUTSTREET, BELOW TIMID. Proprietor, BOBiLIES9 Agent Stage _Manager— ..... Leader of Ortheater... OPEN every night with a Scat-otaaa com pany of male awl female artistes. The perform ance emlantori every variety of legitimate amusement, such as DANCING, P.ANTOMIMBS, BURLESQUER., ' AND JESTS. Admission, 26 cents. Seats is private boxes 60 cents, Doors open at 7. To commence at Etotl , bleat MILITARY NOTICES. DR AFT!! PHILADELPHIA. GUARDS!! OOL. A. A. LHOELBS. 500 $ BOUNTY: o ~,,..i.y . 7„..?3 , 1 0 e i . ye .1 r' s . r i : y . and paid cash down $4OO. o..itile singly, or Is squads. Any person bringing 20 men will be commissioned a Second Lieutenant; 25 men a First Lieutenant; 40 men • Captain. The above will be executed to the letter. Apply to Col. A. A.. LECHLER, Headquarters, 011 Chestnut in., Pinta Ern Volunteer Notice ! Captains of Companies and Commanders of squads : HE undersigned are prepared to secure fez J_ • all Volunteers The Highest Local, Cash and Govn - ment Bounties ! Committees can be supplied with credits for their town ship or county quotas. W Enlistment papers promptly made out, and men attended to until mustered in, clothed and equipped, by Pennsylvania Reeruiting Agency. HEWES & Ca, .01lice, Parke House , Idarket street, between Third and Fourth streets, Harrisburg. , sar Two of the firm have commissions to recruit in States in rebellion. [aug23-d&wlm HEADQUARTERS FOR DRAFTED MEN, SUBSTITUTES, V• 0 LUNTEERS,r AT 115 South Seventh a, Second floor, Room No. 10 sar Drafted Men from the City or any part of the State will be furnished with substitutes M short nottee, and on liberal terms. yar Men Enlisting, either as Substitutes or Volunteer 4, will receive the largest Bounties, which- will be paid lb them in cash as soon as musterod in Arnie %eat be/away paid at this Office. W. D. HAVENS. • Philadelphia. $4O REWARD. STOLEN, on the Bth inst., fr om the livery stable of the subscribe; in Harrisburg, a ROAM MARE, 9 years old, 15X bands high, small star on face, black mane and tail; white mark on right hind pasture; shows the white of her eyes when working or moving hor head" always paces when under the saddle. Also, a BUGGY, painted black, striped white, letter FS, on brat side panels, Ess, l ta cetb mward er cush w io m u be an rei d re paid for the rein a rn " a t the Of Mare, Buggy and Harness, or for such information as will lead to their recovery, and the arrest of the thief. aug94ltf r. M. swum. NOTICE TO SKIPPERS By: PhiladelphiaAA Reading Railroad. accordance with the provisions of the _L Kew Internal Ravenna Law, all goods delivered et the above railroad for shipment, must-have a Twill oacd, Stamp affixed to the receipt demanded therefor, ladd stamp to be at the expense of the atlpper. For all receipts taken by the above COmpany, said stamps will be turnished and paid for by the Cowmen" JOHN J. OLYDS rnt. For Soloor ICsolasnip?! 24,, n AGMS of choicechoice Farming Velma LAND, lo Inagua, Boa &SO in IfiOIL. w. r. rmionagm. K. Apply VD ER VIIMEMIL—PIire Thifigar %1041 be bought ley the baring q amal euiraet .10M & • J. a D0N1771:- JOE NEILL. , NED WILL 2 ..HARRY ILE.iTA.Yeat. ..... U. BIDLEEt lILTSII7AL FABOES, COMM OPERAS, RE , 3:tO COMIOAL=%A., AND